Pages tagged raw:

Flickr: Discussing Presetting Lightroom's 180+ Free Presets Collection in Presetting Lightroom

Flickr ist die wahrscheinlich beste Online-Fotoplattform der Welt. Präsentieren Sie der ganzen Welt Ihre Lieblingsfotos, zeigen Sie sicher und privat Ihren Freunden und Familienmitgliedern Fotos, oder bloggen Sie die Fotos und Videos, die Sie mit dem Handy aufgenommen haben.
Fast Picture Viewer | WIC RAW Codec Pack for Windows 7, Vista and XP
Fast Picture Viewer | WIC RAW Codec Pack for Windows 7, Vista and XP
Adobe Photoshop Tutorials | High Dynamic Range | Adobe Camera Raw | Layers Magazine
Exposure Blending in Photoshop
Creating an HDR-like Image From a Single RAW File in Lightroom
If you have been anywhere near the photography world in the past couple years, I am sure you have heard of HDR by now as there have been countless tutorials floating around on how to create HDR images using 3 bracketed exposures in programs like Photomatix and Photoshop. However what if you don’t have your tripod or if you are shooting a scene with moving subjects, yet you still want to create an HDR type shot? Well, good news, it is possible.
Creating an HDR-like Image From a Single RAW File in Lightroom