Official Google Reader Blog: Google Reader for Beginners
Have you ever had a friend or family member who you know would love using Google Reader? Have you ever had trouble explaining to that same friend or family member just how using Reader could make their lives easier (and more fun)? We sure have, so if you're anything like us then we have some useful tools in store for you.
Learn how to use Google Reader for keeping track of and reading articles from your favorite websites.
Have you ever had a friend or family member who you know would love using Google Reader? Have you ever had trouble explaining to that same friend or family member just how using Reader could make their lives easier (and more fun)? We sure have, so if you're anything like us then we have some useful tools in store for you.feedscrub :: keep your feeds squeaky clean!
RSS filter.
Feedscrub filters your feeds based on your preferences. Subscribe to all your favorite feeds, then tell Feedscrub which posts you do and don't like. Feedscrub will learn your preferences and begin filtering out posts that don't interest you.
"Feedscrub acts as a spam filter for your RSS feeds..."
Keep your feeds squeaky - Get a Free Software PDF reader!
Get a Free Software PDF reader that respects your freedoms and your privacyCraigsList Reader - Free tool to search craigslist
Amazing-looking craigslist search and reader toolFoxit eSlick
Be eSlick. Take your documents on the go. View all your PDF files as well as convert any printable document to PDF which can be viewed on the eSlick. Foxits eSlick comes with free software: Foxit Reader Pro Pack and Foxit PDF Creator. Pre-order with just a $50 deposit and lock in the introductory price of $259.99 plus shipping and applicable taxes Note: The first set of eSlicks have sold out and the next set will ship out around middle to late April. If you have preordered before February, your eSlick will ship around late February or early March. Please click here to check out countries that Foxit eSlick will be shipped to. Foxit may ship to other countries later. We will release shipping costs soon.
Be eSlick. Take your documents on the go. View all your PDF files as well as convert any printable document to PDF which can be viewed on the eSlick. Foxits eSlick comes with free software: Foxit Reader Pro Pack and Foxit PDF Creator. Pre-order with just a $50 deposit and lock in the introductory price of $259.99 plus shipping and applicable taxes Note: The first set of eSlicks have sold out and the next set will ship out around middle to late April. If you have preordered before February, your eSlick will ship around late February or early March. Please click here to check out countries that Foxit eSlick will be shipped to. Foxit may ship to other countries later. We will release shipping costs soon. Pre-Order Privacy | ©2009 Foxit Software Company,LLC.All Rights Reserved.私はGoogleリーダーを使ってこんな風に情報を集めています*二十歳街道まっしぐら
おぉ、かなりわかりやすい。やるかどうかわかりませんけど・・。Official Google Reader Blog: Square is the new round.
تغییرات در ظاهر گوگل ریدر
from mace conference
On the Reader team, we know that the old adage "change is good" isn't always true. Sometimes, change is just change. In this case, we hope that these decisions both improve your Reader experience today,
Google Reader intro
THis is for the MACE sessionKindle 2 Usability Review (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
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Summary: good for linear material, such as novels, not good for non-linear material such as journals, newspapers, encyclopaedias and recipe books
Summary: Amazon's new e-book reader offers print-level readability and shines for reading fiction, but it has awkward interaction design and poor support for non-linear content.
Jakob Nielsen's review of the Kindle 2. "Amazon's new e-book reader offers print-level readability and shines for reading fiction, but it has awkward interaction design and poor support for non-linear content."Griffin Technology: Simplifi
Simplifi Charge/Sync dock, media card reader, and USB hub De-clutter the top of your desk and simplify your digital life with Simplifi ... one compact unit that handles your iPhone, iPod, USB connections, and all kinds of media cards. Simplifi charges USB-rechargeable iPod models as they sync with your computer through the included USB mini cable. Use Simplifi's USB ports to plug in keyboards, printers, cameras, flash drives, scanners, external hard drives, anything USB 2.0-compatible. Simplifi ships with an AC adapter for those USB devices that need a powered port. Features Charge/sync dock for iPhone and iPod Reads and writes the most popular digital media cards, including Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, SD, SDHC, xD and CF (CompactFlash). 2-port powered USB hub, using included AC adapter A simple, versatile way to de-clutter your desktop
I need one of these.
elegante ed economico supporto con connessione per vari tipi di Apple iPod / iPhone con cardreader e hub USB incorporato
Because we all could do with fewer cables.Eucalyptus: The Library, to go – on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
Eucalyptus: The Library, to go – on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
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MyAlltop lets you easily create and share your own page of feeds from the best websites and blogs.
MyAlltop let's you easily create and share your own page of feeds from the best websites and blogs.
RT @mayhemstudios: RT @GuyKawasaki: Conversion to Rackspace complete. Can handle MyAlltop traffic. Try out. [from]
great links to some creative folks alltop custom pagesDownload Your Google Reader Stories as PDF & other 'Send To' Hacks
A nifty page that shows how to create some custom Google Reader 'Send To' items.
Learn how to download Google Reader stories as PDF files using the new Send To menu. You can also email web pages, share them on Twitter or Facebook via Google Reader.
Saving GR items to delicious, to my blog, to PDF.How To: Backup And Search All Your Friends' Tweets In Google Reader
Archive the Tweets of everyone else you find of interest, and make them searchable.
How To: Backup And Search All Your Friends' Tweets In Google Reader [from]Supercharge Google Reader with Send To Links - Google Reader - Lifehacker
Google Reader recently added custom "Send To" controls to its feature list, and we've been looking for the most useful links to feed it. Here are 11 excellent send-to tools you can add to Reader, with more on the way. "More on the way" because, despite trying to keep our eyes and feed readers in as many places as possible, we're guessing there are a lot of other great URL-friendly webapps that can be hooked into Reader, as these crowd-sourced examples have already proven.Lazyfeed
This Mac-based front end to your Google Reader account integrates with Twitter and other Google services. In beta, but looks promising.
Gruml allows you to view and manage your feed subscriptions of your Google Reader account on Mac OS X. Read your newsfeeds, manage them in folders, tag them, and much more – all in sync with your Google Reader account.Google Reader - Featured Reading Lists
Server based RSS feed engine.Google Reader - Featured Reading Lists
Explore and subscribe to their favorite sites in Google Reader, where keeping up with news and blogs is as easy as checking your email.
general excellen
powerreaders Want to know what journalists, foodies, and tech bloggers read? Explore and subscribe to their favorite sites in Google Reader, where keeping up with news and blogs is as easy as checking your email.Free online Barcode decoder
Free online Barcode Reader. Decodes UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code39, Code128, QR Code, Data Matrix, PDF 417 and ITF
With this free online tool you can decode various barcode formats. At the moment we support UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 39, Code 128, QR Code, Data Matrix, PDF 417 and ITF.
Online декодер штрих кода, загружается изображение такового.
条形码阅读 解码WikiReader | Home
I like the idea of this device. Free content & free updates.
They stole my idea. Lame. Yet, theirs is slightly different. I envisioned a device that also contained all the images. Well done, overall.
"WikiReader is an electronic encyclopedia giving physical form to Wikipedia. Now you can take it with you wherever you go."Evernote Blogcast » Blog Archive » How to Send Blog Posts from Google Reader to Evernote
Google Reader now lets you send blog posts directly into Evernote. When you send a post to Evernote, we go out to the source page and clip the whole thing –that way you get everything, not just the bit that you see in Reader. Why I love this feature A lot of my web life can be broadly classified as research: recipes, drool-worthy gadgets, lifehacking ideas, articles to read, etc. Much of that stuff enter my consciousness through Google Reader. The usual workflow is something like–see an interesting post, go to the blog, clip it into Evernote for later, return to Reader. Now, I can do everything without leaving Reader. Awesome.
Totally awesome. I didn't even realize the send to function existed. Hooking it to evernote is pretty rad.
Google Reader now lets you send blog posts directly into Evernote. When you send a post to Evernote, we go out to the source page and clip the whole thing –that way you get everything, not just the bit that you see in Reader.Home /
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s WiFi a j touch displejom13 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader | ThinkWasabi
Molt Bo
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Trucos muy utiles para sacar el maximo provecho a Google Reader como lector de feedsThe New York Times - Times Reader 2.0
Adobe Air based news reader from the New York Times.
Welcome to the future. Your newspaper is here.
Lector online de The New York Times para Adobe AirBlio eReader
The FREE Blio eReader software is the new touchstone for the presentation of electronic books & magazines. Stunning, full-color pages come alive in brilliant 3D. Even image-rich books are now at your digital fingertips — because Blio preserves a book’s original layout, fonts, and graphics.
Books, the way they were intended. Highlighting, underlining, and annotating help emphasize information in your mind. insert text, drawing, voice, image or video notes directly into your content. read-aloud featurePerfect PDF Reader - freeware for reading, displaying and printing PDF documents
tiene una interfaz similar a la de Office 2007 (como les comentamos anteriormente) y aunque no es la opción más popular, sigue siendo una buena alternativa para los que solo necesite un lector de PDF.
Sustituto para Acrobat ReaderOfficial Google Reader Blog: Follow changes to any website
Click "create a feed", and Reader will periodically visit the page and publish any significant changes it finds as items in a custom feed created just for that page.【速報】 Google Readerであらゆるページを購読可能に ~ 自動RSSフィード生成機能が追加:in the looop:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ
「仕組みとしては,Googleがクローリングしているサイト情報を元に,そのページに変更があった場合に差分からフィードを自動生成していると推測されます。」13 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader | ThinkWasabi
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13 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader
Interesante a ver si consigo sacarle partido a deliciousGoogle Reader - Play
Uh, do I really need this? It's ok but...
「Google Reader」のお手軽版Welcome | Ibis Reader ™
First ebook app modified for iPad. Uses HTML58 Google Reader Extensions for Firefox 3 - Mashable
ctly in your reader, as well as letting you group feeds by rank. Also allows you to add your own thoughts on e
8 Google Reader Extensions for Firefox 3 -
Firefox is one of the most popular browsers out there. Google Reader, on the other hand, is the most popular subscription reader available. Tie the two together with these great extensions, compiled by Mashable.
Why does there have to be so much choice?! *sigh*
Here are 8 Google Reader extensions for Firefox 3 that notify you when you have unread items, let you comment back to the original blog, and more.4 Really Light Alternatives to Adobe Reader
Here are some light alternatives to the hefty Adobe ReaderTwitteReader
scroll through your Twitter messages and star your favorites for reference as if you were using Google Reader
TwitteReader lets you see latest tweets as feed items a la Google Reader, clicking expands full text.
Mark Twitter messages as read and unread Keep track of what you have already read from who you followDownloads: CraigsList Reader Searches the Depths of Craigslist
30+ Web 2.0 RSS Applications & SitesTwitteReader
Get Twitter with a Google Reader feel. PHP Install.
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Mark Twitter messages as read and unread. Keep track of what you have already read from who you follow with this Twitter Reader
install twitter reader on localhost or any server; looks like google readerFree Software Turns the iPhone Into an E-Book Reader | Gadget Lab from
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StanzaWelcome to provides USB peripherals, parts, accessories and some interesting USB stuff for users.
SATA HDD Multi-Media Player AdapterNitro PDF Reader — The PDF Reader, Reimagined
pdf software freeware windows free ;Create PDF files, comment and review, save PDF forms, extract text and images, type text directly onto the page, and more.Start working with PDF files the way you always wanted. - "Windows: Want to create PDF files from plain documents, annotate and fill in existing PDFs, extract images, and leave notes for any PDF reader? Nitro PDF Reader does all that, and it's a free download. Offered by the same team that brought us the very cool, previously featured PDF-to-Word Converter web tool, Nitro PDF Reader does a good job of displaying and paging through PDF documents, even a few very large documents (200+ pages) I tried it out on. The real appeal over standard viewers, though, are the annotation and conversion tools. Nitro's tools handle Word-to-PDF and other document conversions very smoothly, in a way that doesn't leave many noticeable artifacts. Not all the features of the paid Nitro Pro are included, of course, but this release is a nice alternative offering for frequent PDF users looking to try something new. Nitro PDF Reader is a free download for Windows systems only."
Get the only free PDF reader to create, annotate, save forms, and sign PDF files!Today's Guardian
This site shows all the articles from today’s issue of the Guardian or, on Sundays, Observer newspapers. It is run by Phil Gyford and uses the Guardian Open Platform.
Spännande artikelbläddring byggd på Guardians Open Platform
nice guardina interfaceGood Noows
the best alternative to Google Reader. The sleek online RSS reader offers a lot of the features you can find in Google Reader, and adds a few extra interesting gems that we haven’t seen elsewhere. Good Noows is a Google Reader alternative that gives you more control over the layout, with enough choices that everyone is bound to find something that appeals to them. It enables the sharing of links and stories easily on major social media sites, and it’s all presented in a sleek and streamlined manner. With the overwhelming amount of information that is thrown at us online everyday, from every possible source, Good Noows give its users a pleasant way to keep up with the latest stories from their favourite websites.
Change the way you read the news.
Good Noows Is a Newspaper-Styled and Socially-Oriented Feed ReaderIf you'd like your feed reader to have a little more style and flash to it than you've found elsewhere, Good Noows is a polished feed reader with an emphasis on presentation and social networking.