Pages tagged readwriteweb:

10 More Semantic Apps to Watch - ReadWriteWeb

In November 2007, we listed 10 Semantic apps to watch and yesterday we published an update on what each had achieved over the past year. All of them ...
Now we're going to list 10 more Semantic apps to watch. These are all apps that have gotten onto our radar over 2008. We've reviewed all but one of them, so click through to the individual reviews for more detail. It should go without saying, but this is by no means an exhaustive list - so if we haven't mentioned your favorite, please add it in the comments.
Seven Must-Have Offline Apps For Your iPhone/iPod Touch - ReadWriteWeb
Despite Recession, More Than 50% of Marketers Increase Spending on Social Media - ReadWriteWeb
Important: worldwide scope.
Interesting take on social media marketing spend in downturn
Troys: One Twitter Script to Rule Them All - ReadWriteWeb
4 Over the past year, all the major tech blogs have done round-up articles of great Greasemonkey scripts to use with Twitter (including us). What this says about Twitter's ...
Un script Greasemonkey pour améliorer la page Twitter
One Twitter Script to Rule Them All
RT @cofiem: Troy's twitter script - replies! RT! settings galore! [from]
Skype May Be The Biggest Winner From The Web 2.0 Era - ReadWriteWeb
Skype does not get the respect it deserves, because eBay not only publicly admitted to overpaying for it but is making a mess of its core business. Another reason may be that Skype flies in the face of conventional Valley wisdom that says it has to be all about social media. Or maybe the fact that Skype came from Europe, and we all know that Europeans are just lunch-eating dilettantes. Whatever the reason, a company that has $500 million in revenue, is profitable and growing, and has a shot at becoming the largest player in what is now a $2 trillion (yes, "t" for trillion) market, should get more respect.
10 Resons why Skype is here to stay.
Whatever the reason, a company that has $500 million in revenue, is profitable and growing, and has a shot at becoming the largest player in what is now a $2 trillion, should get more respect.
Make Google Real-Time With Twitter Search Add-on - ReadWriteWeb
Google Wave: Our First Hands-On Impressions
have a play with it when possible?
Groups: The Secret Weapon of the Social Web - ReadWriteWeb
true. I have been very lazy about grouping on the various social services that I use.
Social interaction online is not very sophisticated. The news feed model of conversation has taken over the social web, from Facebook to Twitter to FriendFeed to MySpace, but by itself it doesn't serve us very well.
Groups: The Secret Weapon of the Social Web [from]
@vindugoel on folowing thousands of people but getting value from it: [from]
Various services have different ways for users to separate their "friends" into different groups, viewable by topic, category or type of connection. By better understanding the value that groups can deliver, we can better strategise our creation of groups.
10 Twitter Lists You Should Follow
Anyone who's worked with OPML files before is likely to find Twitter lists frustrating so far. // Twitter Lists are exciting because curation of dynamic sources is exciting. This is a particularly accessible way to do what syndication geeks have been thrilled by for years. // We've said before that groups are the secret weapon of the social web and we're excited to see this feature go live. Hopefully it will become more awesome with time.
excellent info to be found among these lists for Writing for the Web
10 Twitter Lists You Should Follow
Introducing the ReadWriteWeb Guide to Online Community Management - ReadWriteWeb
@marshallk: ".@clarkkaren our Guide to Online Community Management was well received" (from
Publication américaine sur le management d'une communauté Mai 2009 299dollars
does Josh have this?
Top 10 Enterprise Web Products of 2008 - ReadWriteWeb
Enterprise adoption of cloud computing, SaaS, and social media (whatever you want to call it) is accelerating. This is a healthy market, in which vendors are doing well in a tough economy. As we near the end of a year that will go down in history with the words "meltdown," "panic," "crisis," and "depression" attached, it is time to celebrate the winners in this market, enterprise-focused web products that are already doing well and poised for even greater success in 2009. And if these products excite you, we invite you to subscribe to the ReadWriteWeb Enterprise
Entrepreneurship Επιχειρηματικότητα
top 10 best for enterprise web product
Nice to see that AWS and LinkedIn both made this list...
enterprise-focused web products that are already doing well and poised for even greater success in 2009.
Delicious Reborn as Real-Time News Tracker
The new front page is focused on political and tech news instead of the most popular topic on Delicious, web design. There also appears to be some smart filtering of the Twitter messages being counted, as the numbers are far lower than other services' counts and seem to exclude the spammy retweeting bots that pump up big news sources in other retweet counting services.
Yahoo's social bookmarking service Delicious launched a new home page this morning, combining recent tagging activity and cross-referenced links on Twitter to deliver what it calls the hottest news from around the web in real time. While the exact formula behind the front page remains unclear, its contents are clearly changing minute by minute.
RT@Philobiblos: RT @rww Delicious Reborn as Real Time News Tracker [from]
Delicious has some new features that bring in news feeds and twitter feeds to the front page.
Yahoo's social bookmarking service Delicious launched a new home page this morning, combining recent tagging activity and cross-referenced links on Twitter to deliver what it calls the hottest news from around the web in real time. While the exact formula behind the front page remains unclear, its contents are clearly changing minute by minute. It is something the site probably should have done a while ago and if done correctly could make other services, like Digg, look all the more behind the times. The move could also help Delicious survive the coming Yahoo Search purge at the hands of Bing. The new front page is focused on political and tech news instead of the most popular topic on Delicious, web design. There also appears to be some smart filtering of the Twitter messages being counted, as the numbers are far lower than other services' counts and seem to exclude the spammy retweeting bots that pump up big news sources in other retweet counting services.
The Dam Just Broke: Facebook Opens Up to OpenID - ReadWriteWeb
The Dam Just Broke: Facebook Opens Up to OpenID - [from]
RT @rww Facebook Opens Up to OpenID; (via @tweetmeme) [from]
RT: @rww: The Dam Just Broke: Facebook Opens Up to OpenID [from]
In a few minutes Facebook will become the biggest example of a social network that allows users to log-in with OpenID credentials granted to them by other companies' websites. Major networks have said for months that their ID could be used as OpenID, but becoming "relying parties" that accepted OpenID from elsewhere was the step everyone was waiting for. The dam has broken.
5/18/09 In a few minutes Facebook will become the biggest example of a social network that allows users to log-in with OpenID credentials granted to them by other companies' websites.
Social Networking Now More Popular Than Email, Report Finds - ReadWriteWeb
Nielsen Online, an analytics firm that tracks time spent online at various websites, has issued a report finding that throughout 2008 social networking sites and blogs saw more time spent by users than personal email. While not shocking, the finding does mark an important point in the history of the web.
Social Networking Now More Popular Than Email, Report Finds (corrected link) [from]
Nielsen Online has issued a report finding that throughout 2008 social networking sites and blogs saw more time spent by users than personal email.
Facebooks growth in audience numbers - stats
Five Things You Can Do With This New Facebook RSS App - ReadWriteWeb
Five Things You Can Do With This New Facebook RSS App (app that turns newsfeeds into rss feeds, use cases) [from]
Everything You Wanted to Know About Semantic Technology, But Were Afraid to Ask (at SemTech 09)
To decribe about what semantic technology is in search engine technology
Participants in the 2009 Semantic Technology Conference walked away considering fundamental questions about what is and isn't semantic technology. The relevance of this post's title will hopefully become clear by the end to those of you mischievous readers who may have stumbled upon it with other ideas. The conference was a great and well-organized affair in San Jose, California. One of the highlights was the Semantic Search Keynote panel, with all of the major players on stage (Ask, Bing, Google, Hakia, TrueKnowledge, and Yahoo!), as seen in the picture below.