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(bigtime) Beta5 Problems of Recommender Systems - ReadWriteWeb
Earlier this week we posted a Guide to Recommender Systems, as part of our series on recommendation technologies. In this post we look at some of the challenges ...
Earlier this week we posted a Guide to Recommender Systems, as part of our series on recommendation technologies. In this post we look at some of the challenges in building or deploying a recommender system. And yes, Napoleon Dynamite is one of them.
5 punkter som er kritiske succesfaktorer for anbefalingssystemerA Guide to Recommender Systems - ReadWriteWeb
Various methods for doing user recommendations.
fully understand recommendation engines is there any brand application?
Le RWW inaugure une série de billets sur les systèmes de recommandations, leurs fonctionnements, les différents types de systèmes existants dans différents domaines.Goodrec
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Goodrec is the easiest way to make and find recommendations
Goodrec is the easiest way to get recommendations from friends for restaurants, books, movies and more. You can make and find recs from any mobile phone!
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Now let us find you a movie!Elements of a Good LinkedIn Recommendation |
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Empfehlungs-Engine a ala AmazonNetflix prize tribute: Recommendation algorithm in Python | This Number Crunching Life
Quick implementation of the Netflix recommendation algorithm (probablistic matrix factorization) in Python.
probabalistic matrix factorisation
I test my code using synthetic data, where I first make up latent vectors for users and items, then I generate some training set ratings by multiplying some latent user vectors by latent item vectors then adding some noise. I then discard the latent vectors and just give the model the synthetic ratings.ThisIsLike.Com - The Associative Knowledge Network.
explore the world through associative thinkingData Sets | GroupLens Research
um nova tecnica para recomendação: Aplicar tecnicas especificas e juntar os resultadosSpotibot - Spotify Playlist Generator
Automatically builds Spotify playlists based on an artist name and the databaseIEEE Spectrum: The Million Dollar Programming Prize
year-old Netflix Prize competition, offers a grand prize of US $1 million for an algorithm that’s 10 percent more accurate than the one Netflix uses to predict customers’ movie preferences.
Netflix's bounty for improving its movie-recommendation software is almost in the bag. Here is one team's account
Bell Labs explains their strategy for solving Netflix's collaborative filtering problem.What Movie Should I Watch Next? |
Satnam Alag is the author of Collective Intelligence In Action, a book about how to program for recommendation engines and other collective intelligence methods in web apps.
In a recent post, we looked at recommendation systems, briefly reviewing how Amazon and Google have implemented their own systems for recommending products and content to their users. ...
Interview with "Collective Intelligence in Action" author
analysisFour Approaches to Music Recommendations: Pandora, Mufin, Lala, and eMusic - ReadWriteWeb
Four Approaches to Music Recommendations: Pandora, Mufin, Lala, and eMusic - ReadWriteWeb The Fuck Should I Make For Dinner?
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Of use if I ever teach or do any readers advisory again.