Pages tagged regular:

Crucial Concepts Behind Advanced Regular Expressions | How-To | Smashing Magazine

XRegExp: JavaScript regex library
XRegExp is an open source (MIT license) JavaScript library that provides an augmented, extensible, cross-browser implementation of regular expressions, including support for additional syntax, flags, and methods. XRegExp is fully compliant with the regular expression flavor specified in ECMA-262 Edition 3 (ES3), and has been tested with Internet Explorer 5.5–8, Firefox 2–3.5, Safari 3–4, Chrome 1–2, and Opera 9. XRegExp uses feature detection—no browser sniffing.
txt2re: headache relief for programmers :: regular expression generator
"headache relief for programmers :: regular expression generator"
wow i've needed this so much
Breaking It Down: Regular Expressions -
Nice regex recap
15 PHP regular expressions for web developers
In the Woods - Regular Expressions for Dummies
8 Regular Expressions You Should Know - Nettuts+
Regular expressions are a language of their own. When you learn a new programming language, they're this little sub-language that makes no sense at first glance. Many times you have to read another tutorial, article, or book just to understand the "simple" pattern described. Today, we'll review eight regular expressions that you should know for your next coding project.
Massive Regular Expressions Toolbox | tripwire magazine
regular expression tutorial
I hate regular expressions almost as much as I rely on them. If you're a noob (or a seasoned, scarred victim like me), there's much to find useful here.
Regular expressions (”regex’s” for short) are sets of symbols and syntactic elements used to match patterns of text and they are pretty powerful. Regular expressions have been around for a very long time (in computer industry scale) and was first introduced as part of the powerful UNIX search tool grep.
Getting Started with PHP Regular Expressions
Getting Started with PHP Regular Expressions
37 Tested PHP, Perl, and JavaScript Regular Expressions
10 Java Regular Expression Examples You Should Know | Regular Expressions
Regular expression is an art of the programing, it’s hard to debug , learn and understand, but the powerful features are still attract many developers to code regular expression. Let’s explore the following 10 practical regular expression
txt2re: headache relief for programmers :: regular expression generator!%22&
regular expression generator. Because sometimes it's just not fun to come up with them from scratch ;-)
You Don’t Know Anything About Regular Expressions: A Complete Guide - Nettuts+
Regular expressions can be scary...really scary. Fortunately, once you memorize what each symbol represents, the fear quickly subsides. If you fit the title
You Don’t Know Anything About Regular Expressions: A Complete Guide - Nettuts+
Learn regular expressions once and for all
a detailed overview of regex
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CheatSheet de expresiones regulares
Rejex: the JavaScript regular expression editor
form feed
live regex tester
Advanced Regular Expression Tips and Techniques | Nettuts+
Regular Expressions are the Swiss Army knife for searching through information for certain patterns. They have a wide arsenal of tools, some of which often go undiscovered or underutilized. Today I will show you some advanced tips for working with regular expressions.
HiFi Regex Tester - Live JavaScript Regular Expression Tester
HiFi Regex Tester - Live JavaScript Regular Expression Tester – Javascript News (del_javascript)