Pages tagged remote:

RPyC: Unbounded Computing

dynamic nature, to overcome the physical boundaries between processes and computers, so that remote objects can be manipulated as if they were local.
An RPC for python to build cloud and distributed systems
remote procedure calls in python, build a simple distributed computing platform
How-to: USB remote control receiver - Hack a Day
Clever idea to control computer with the use of a USB remote control
10 Tips for Working With Clients Remotely: Part 1 | Webdesigner Depot
Collaborating with clients you never meet face-to-face has become normal for most web workers. Ours is an industry where working remotely poses very few real
10 Tips for Working With Clients Remotely: Part 1
Remote Linking
Gizmodo - How To: Remote Control Your Home Computer From Anywhere With VNC - Vnc guide
How To: Remote Control Your Home Computer From Anywhere
Rands In Repose: The Pond
Working remotely long-term
Avoiding failure involves asking four questions before they leave: 1. Do they have the personality? 2. Do they have the right job? 3. Does the culture support it? 4. Do you have a remote friction detection and resolution policy?
But I’m still freaked because my first thought when anyone asks to work remote is, “This fine person is a year away from either quitting or being fired.” Why? Because they’re asking to leave the Pond.
Loop11 - Home
On-line UI testing tool
Git'n Your Shared Host On // RailsTips by John Nunemaker
GitHub is awesome, really awesome for open source projects and for projects with multiple people. In fact, if you use your own git setup for an open source project, you are most likely hindering your project’s progress and wasting your time. On the other side of the coin, if you are a lone shark and you don’t need GitHub’s awesome social features, I have news for you: you can host your own git repositories really easily and on the cheap side. Remote Setup If you are like me, you probably have a DreamHost, TextDrive or some other cheap shared hosting account with ssh access. What you might not know is that is all you need to host your own private git repositories. ssh mkdir -p ~/git/yourproject.git cd ~/git/yourproject.git git --bare init That is it. Your git repository is now setup. Not too hard eh? You could put that anywhere but a folder named git makes sense to me. Local Setup So your remote server is now setup, but how do you use it? Glad you asked.
that was easy
Download CrossLoop
free download... pay for tech support
remote acess
Remote control your PC or MAC with CrossLoop.
GLADINET - Download Gladinet Cloud Desktop Beta
GLADINET delivers web applications, online storages and remote folders to your desktop.
Annotated link
Gladinet Cloud Desktop 很强大,将 Windows Live Skydrive,Google Docs,Picasaweb 以及 Amazon S3 服务映射到本地硬盘,可以直接浏览或者编辑
Login Graphically to A Computer in a Remote Location « bigbrovar
Rowmote: Remote Control for Mac and Apple TV. Works with iPhone/iPod Touch
Replace the Apple remote with your iPod Touch or iPhone over wifi.
TweetMyPC - Home
"TweetMyPC lets you shutdown/restart/LogOff your windows PC remotely."
nstallation and Usage: Download the setup file and Install. Go to and create a new Twitter account for your PC (This is optional as TweetMyPC only responds for updates). This account will be used by TweetMyPC to monitor for new tweets. Start TweetMyPC and then fill in the login details. Wait for some time for the application to verify your login details.
Master the Art of Working Remotely - Gina Trapani -
But working with people in different cities and time zones with minimal face time presents a whole new set of challenges. While the tools available for working remotely are better than ever, it's how you use them that really counts. Constant and clear communication is the key to a good remote working relationship.
Over the past five years I've worked off-site and online for employers across the country using email, chat, and web-based collaboration apps. My work life has been the envy of my traditional nine-to-five friends. While they suit up in an office-appropriate outfit, grab the briefcase, and brave a commute every weekday, I get to work from home (and my employers get to save money on office space).
neatx - Google Code
Neatx is an Open Source NX server, similar to the commercial NX server from NoMachine.
Wow, Google just launched an opensource alternative to the proprietary NX server and the FreeNX opensource server that has been bitrotting for a while now. NX is awesome by the way.
10 Tips for Working With Clients Remotely: Part 2 | Webdesigner Depot
When you’re working with clients remotely it can sometimes be difficult to keep everyone happy and your project on track. Without the benefit of face-to-face meetings, it’s easy for a client to feel neglected or out of the loop. The key to successful remote work relationships is frequent and honest communication and trust between both parties. The tips below will help improve your everyday interactions with clients, no matter how far away they may be.
TweetMyMac lets you get screenshots, iSight snapshots, and your IP address from your Mac just by sending a direct message to your specially setup Mac controlling account. You can start torrents remotely, shutdown your Mac and more.
Use Twitter to control a Mac remotely
TweetMyMac lets you get screen shots, iSight snapshots, your IP address, and more from your Mac just by sending a direct message to a Twitter account you create specifically for this purpose.
Iced Cocoa » Keymote
iPhone App to remotely control the Mac
iPhone remote for any Mac OS X app.
Remote Pair Programming with Screen and Vim
We used this pretty effectively at Reevoo, and I'm sure I'll use it again.
BitTorrent: Start BitTorrent Downloads at Home from Any Computer with Dropbox
Blogger Guillermo Esteves loves his BitTorrent, so when he's away from his home computer, he still wants to start up any download at a moment's notice. His solution: Use file-syncing application Dropbox to sync torrents between computers.
Start BitTorrent downloads remotely with Dropbox – Guillermo Esteves
Start BitTorrent downloads remotely with Dropbox Here’s a quick way to start BitTorrent downloads remotely, if you’re using Dropbox. First, make sure Dropbox is installed in the computer where you regularly download your torrents, probably your main computer at home. For those not using Dropbox, you can get an account here. You’ll have to download a small application, which creates a “Dropbox” folder in your “My Documents” folder in Windows or in your “Home” folder in OS X. Dropbox keeps that folder synchronized across all the computers where you have installed it, so that if you move a file into that folder, it will show up on all the other computers. You can also access and upload files via Dropbox’s web interface.
"Now as long as you keep Dropbox and BitTorrent running, you can start torrents remotely. All you have to do is upload .torrent files to the Dropbox folder from wherever you are, using the web interface, and it should start downloading almost immediately on the other computer. I started doing this at the office, and it's worked for me without a hitch; by the time I get home, my downloads are usually ready. Give it a shot, and let me know what you think."
PHP: Remote Kill Switch - Make Sure You Get Paid » Ready Fire Aim
Web Developers: Have you ever gotten to the end of a project, and had a client withhold the last of your fee to exact additional changes or features that were not in the original plan? Perhaps a client that decided your work “wasn’t what we expected” and tried to withhold payment? Well worry no more. Put the power back in your hands with a Remote Kill Switch. The idea is this: you build into their website a small function that checks with a server you control to make sure the client’s account is in good standing. If it is, the site loads as normal. If not, their site doesn’t load, and they get a message asking for payment.
see[Mike]code - Conduct a short coding interview, remotely
Website to set up your own brief coding interviews, to augment telephone interviews with a practical aspect.
Debug Java applications remotely with Eclipse
You don't need to debug Java applications on just your local desktop. Learn how to spread around your debugging using different connection types that make up remote debugging. This article outlines the features and examples that show how to set up remote application debugging.
Remote Debugging of JAVA Applications
Top 10 Remote Control and Streaming Tools - Remote Control - Lifehacker
Top 10 Remote Control and Streaming Tools - Remote Control - Lifehacker
Enterprise Java Community: Remote Lazy Loading in Hibernate
LazyProxyFactory :: iPhone applications for the Linux user
Aplicativos para o iPhone ou iPod Touch , pra quem usa Linux
Coding Horror: On Working Remotely
What we did last week What we're planning to do this week Anything that is blocking us or we are concerned about
Lifehacker - Simulate Office Presence with Skype and VNC - remote working
I set up a webcam there along with speakers. I have second cam at home, and I simply Skype in to my own cube at work. Skype can be configured to auto-answer, if desired, so my ‘cube' Skype simply picks up when I dial in. I also pipe my home desktop onto my cube's monitor (using VNC).
Former cubicle jockey Jonathon Wilson now works from home, but it's almost exactly as if he's at his desk at the office. In the comments of my recent article on working remotely, Jonathon explains his unconventional setup:
DreamMount » Mount your DreamHost users/domains as a filesystem
DreamMount is a Mac OS X application that allows you to mount DreamHost domains or users to a networked filesystem, allowing you to access it using any application.
Mount your DreamHost users/domains as a filesystem
Update to Putty
Downloads: Synergy-Plus Controls Multiple Systems from a Single Keyboard & Mouse
Windows only: We took a strong liking to controlling multiple computers with a single keyboard and mouse nearly two years ago, and the concept's still cool, but the software hasn't updated. Synergy-Plus keeps the multi-control party going.
Synergy plus (windows)
software fernsteuerung remote keyboard 02/09
なめらかな高速描画とファイル転送が可能なフリーのリモートコントロールソフト「UltraVNC」 - GIGAZINE
Featured IPhone Download: VLC Remote Adds iPhone Control to Our Favorite Media App
iPhone/iPod touch only: VLC Remote Free lets you play, pause, and skip tracks on the mighty VLC Media Player on any computer from your iPhone or iPod touch.
VLC Remote Free lets you play, pause, and skip tracks on the mighty VLC Media Player on any computer from your iPhone or iPod touch.
A List Apart: Articles: Quick and Dirty Remote User Testing
Quick and Dirty Remote User Testing (via @AListApart): (via @Loop11)
How to Troubleshoot Your Friends’ Computers From Far Away - Tech Support - Lifehacker
phpvirtualbox - Project Hosting on Google Code
web-interface für virtualbox
A virtualbox web admin interface written in PHP
An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP.
An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP. As a modern web interface, it allows you to access and control remote VirtualBox instances. Much of its verbage and some of its code is based on the (inactive) vboxweb project. phpVirtualBox was created for people (like me) who prefer not to have to log in to their headless VirtualBox host to administer their virtual machines.
phpvirtualbox - Project Hosting on Google Code
virtualbox berbasis php
web-interface für virtualbox
A virtualbox web admin interface written in PHP