2009 Horizon Report
This is always a good reference source for latest info on technology in higher education.Google の面接を受けてみた - 科学と非科学の迷宮
どの面接もとてもうまDepartment for Culture Media and Sport - digital britain - interim report
mmmmm, what´s this?!
Government outlines plans for UK’s digital transition.
digital britain - interim report Government outlines plans for UK’s digital transition.PIP_Generations_2009.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Statistiques 2009 très intéressantes sur le comportement des gens sur Internet selon les groupes d'âge. Vous pourriez être surpris! À lire et conserver (PDF).Journalism.org- The State of the News Media 2009
The State of the News Media 2009, An Annual Report on American Journalism - Presented by Journalism.org
popular site
A fascinating, exhaustive look at the various media and where they are/where they're going. "The State of the News Media 2009 is the sixth edition of our annual report on the health and status of American journalism."
Insane amount of infoSocial Media Marketing Industry Report
very thorough cutting edge report, all 170+ pages...
analysis and future of digital marketing applications including tv, mobile, and social
Onderzoek met vooruitzichten ontwikkeling media en internet in 2009 van Razorfish (US)
Razorfish outlook on the digital space - version 09おそらくはそれさえも平凡な日々: Akamaiが想像以上に鬼畜だった件 in Akamai勉強会
ネントの裏企業Akamaiについて。世界のwebトラフィックの15%をさばく、ビジネス特許で独禁法回避、ISPにサーバ4万台、動的コンテンツキャッシュ->ユーザ行動監視。怖すぎwwwJournalism.org- The State of the News Media 2009
The State of the News Media 2009, An Annual Report on American Journalism - Presented by Journalism.org
The State of the News Media 2009 is the sixth edition of our annual report on the health and status of American journalism.
Le dernier rapport sur la presse américaine est disponible. A quand de tels rapports disponibles pour la presse française ?開発チームが明かす、Google Waveの実装概要 - @IT
Waveはリアルタイム/同期通信だけか? まず、「リアルタイム」という点。ミリ秒単位の遅延しか感じられないチャットやゲームをHTMLページで行うというデモンストレーションに驚かされたために、レポート記事ではこの点を強調しすぎたようだ。Waveが「リアルタイム通信、同期通信だけのもの」という印象を受けた人もいた。それは誤解 Waveではメール同様の非同期通信も可能だ。つまり、あなたが新規にWaveを作り、誰かに宛てたWave(メッセージ)を書けば、それはまずサーバに送られる。受信側(Wave参加者)は、その時点でオンラインでもオフラインでも構わない。オンラインであれば、すぐにそのWaveを開いて読むことができるが、オフラインであれば、メールのインボックスのように(おそらく最終更新時刻の時間順で)、自分が関与しているWave一覧が表示
レポート記事(【詳報】Google Waveとは何なのか?)への反響を見ると、さまざまな疑問を感じている人がいる。そこでここでは、直接Waveのプロジェクトリーダーに話を聞いたり、別セッションで開発チームが行った説明、およびオンラインドキュメントから読み取れたことなど、いくつか追加情報をまとめたい。Scientology: The truth rundown | Tampabay.com St. Petersburg Times
Scientology leader David Miscavige is the focus of this special report from the St. Petersburg Times. Former executives of the Church of Scientology, including two of the former top lieutenants to Miscavige, have come forward to describe a culture of intimidation and violence under David Miscavige. These former Scientology leaders served for years with Miscavige.360i Social Marketing Playbook
Reports engine for Python
Geraldo is a reports engine for Python or Django applications. It uses the power of ReportLab and PIL to generate reports with page header and footer, child bands, report begin and summary bands, agreggation and graphic elements, etc
"Geraldo is a reports engine for Python or Django applications. It uses the power of ReportLab and PIL to generate reports with page header and footer, child bands, report begin and summary bands, agreggation and graphic elements, etc."Fluent: The Razorfish Social Influence Marketing Report Fluent: The Razorfish Social Influence Marketing Report
Social Influence Marketing is about employing social media and social influencers to achieve the marketing and business needs of an organization.グーグルの最新のデータセンターは非常識なほど進化している - Blog on Publickey
それは「月を追いかける(follow the moon)データセンター」というコンセプトです。 夜間は外気温も低く、また電気料金も安くなっています。そこで、世界中のデータセンターのうち、夜になっている地域のデータセンターだけを稼働させれば、低い外気温を活用でき、しかも夜間の安い電気料金を利用できます。これはクラウド技術者のあいだで議論されている構想ですが、グローバルにデータセンターを展開し、その負荷をダイナミックに切り替えられるグーグルであればそれを実現可能かもしれない、とこの記事「Google's Chiller-less Data Center 」では解説されています。
[cloud]The Influentials : Web Ecology Project
New Approaches for Analyzing Influence on Twitter
ents on the Web. Especially compared to other social networks, Twitter simplifies most of the eBest Open Source Reporting Tools | Open Source Applications
Un elenco con i migliori sistemi di reportistica e dataminingtrendwatching.com's December 2009 Trend Briefing covering "10 CRUCIAL CONSUMER TRENDS FOR 2010"
More detail on Mobile than the Oct 09 Internet Report.
Our global technology and telecom analysts set out to do a deep dive into the rapidly changing mobile Internet market. We wanted to create a data-rich, theme-based framework for thinking about how the market may develop. We intend to expand and edit the framework as the market evolves. A lot has changed since we published “The Internet Report” in 1995 on the web. We decided to create The Mobile Internet Report largely in PowerPoint and publish it on the web, expecting that bits and pieces of it will be cut / pasted / redistributed and debated / dismissed / lauded. Our goal is to get our thoughts and data into the conversation about what may be the biggest technology trend ever, one that may help make us all more informed in ways that are unique to the web circa 2009, and beyond.
The Mobile Internet Report December 2009Introducing the ReadWriteWeb Guide to Online Community Management - ReadWriteWeb
@marshallk: ".@clarkkaren our Guide to Online Community Management was well received http://bit.ly/tv1fZ" (from http://twitter.com/marshallk/status/5453618012)
Publication américaine sur le management d'une communauté Mai 2009 299dollars
does Josh have this?Department for Culture Media and Sport - final report
final report Digital Britain: The Final Report - 16 June 2009
The Digital Britain Report is the Government's strategic vision for ensuring that the UK is at the leading edge of the global digital economy. It is an example of industrial activism in a crucial growth sector. The report contains actions and recommendations to ensure first rate digital and communications infrastructure to promote and protect talent and innovation in our creative industries, to modernize TV and radio frameworks, and support local news, and it introduces policies to maximize the social and economic benefits from digital technologies.
Department for Culture Media and Sport - final reportBerkman Publication Series - Media Re:public - Home
The transformation of the media world is well underway, facilitated by the spread of digital tools. A myriad of innovative new media organizations have sprung up to take advantage of the opportunities that stem from low-cost distribution networks. Meanwhile the economic base of many of the large media companies continues to erode.
a series of papers exploring the potential and the challenges of the emerging networked digital media environment
Transformation of the media into the digital world.
The transformation of the media world is well underway, facilitated by the spread of digital tools. A myriad of innovative new media organizations have sprung up to take advantage of the opportunities that stem from low-cost distribution networks. Meanwhile the economic base of many of the large media companies continues to erode. Despite the demonstrated success of many new media enterprises, the euphoria over the rise of participatory media has been tempered by concerns over the quality and credibility of online media, the possible fragmentation of audiences, a decline in editorial standards and the persistent challenge of effectively reporting the news. Over the past year, researchers at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society have reached out to a broad range of media experts to help in this assessment of the changes in new media over the past several years and to take a sober look at the successes and ongoing challenges.まつもとゆきひろ氏が語る「ビューティフルコード」セミナーに行って来た - Slow Dance
前述の通り、コードは工業製品ではなく、一品ものの「作品」。つまり、「プログラマ = アーティスト」。作品を作っているんだというこの自覚を持つことがまず重要。決してプログラマは作業員ではない。win-at-the-credit-scoring-game.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Winning at the Credit Score GameNicholas Felton | Feltron.com
A grapical poster representation of personal relations.
毎年カッチョイイビジュアライゼーション芸が楽しいNicholas Feltonさんの自分レポート2009年度版。
[img]http://feltron.com/images/uploads/ar09_01.jpg[/img]2010-Horizon-Report.pdf (application/pdf Object)
The annual Horizon Report describes the continuing work of the New Media Consortiums Horizon Project, a qualitative research project established in 2002 that identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact on teaching, learning, or creative inquiry on college and university campuses within the next five years. The 2010 Horizon Report is the seventh in the series and is produced as part of an ongoing collaboration between the New Media Consortium (NMC) and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), an EDUCAUSE program.
Horizon Report, six emerging technologies or practices are described that are likely to enter mainstream use on campuses within three adoption horizons spread over the next one to five years.Announcing the June 2009 State of the Twittersphere Report
RT @acarvin: rt @danzarrella: Just released a new State of the Twittersphere report: http://bit.ly/SOTblog0609 [from http://twitter.com/pabaker55/statuses/2102959075]
RT: @pabaker55 @acarvin @danzarrella: Just released a new State of the Twittersphere report: http://bit.ly/SOTblog0609 [from http://twitter.com/CircleReader/statuses/2103146004]The Future of the Internet IV | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
A survey of nearly 900 Internet stakeholders reveals fascinating new perspectives on the way the Internet is affecting human intelligence and the ways that information is being shared and rendered.
Experts and stakeholders discuss predictions about the future of the internet. Update: <a href="http://pewinternet.org/Reports/2010/Future-of-the-Internet-IV.aspx">Correction</a>.
In this report, PEW researchers cover experts' thoughts on the following issues: Will Google make us stupid? Will the internet enhance or detract from reading, writing, and rendering of knowledge? Is the next wave of innovation in technology, gadgets, and applications pretty clear now, or will the most interesting developments between now and 2020 come “out of the blue”? Will the end-to-end principle of the internet still prevail in 10 years, or will there be more control of access to information? Will it be possible to be anonymous online or not by the end of the decade?The Formula for Effective Facebook Ads [REPORT]
The Formula for Effective Facebook Ads [REPORT] http://bit.ly/96nOt6教授からのメッセージ
http://riywo.tumblr.com/post/71955065村上春樹: 常に卵の側に
今年からは、不況なのだから、もうけを一度忘れて『雨読』の時間を増やそう」と語り、これを前述の20%ルールに当てはめ、「晴耕:雨読=20%:80%」の比率が今年からは重要であると説いた。Education Week: March 26, 2009
Education Week posts Technology Counts 2009: Breaking Away From Tradition http://tinyurl.com/dkbjrs [from http://twitter.com/pabaker55/statuses/1388211470]2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report | Social Media Examiner
La rapport de Razorfish, 100 pages d'infos intéressantes.
Digital outlook report for 2010
Advertising typology: basis for newspaper website audit instrumentThe future of social relations | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
The future of social relations | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project http://bit.ly/aFbc5a #gwws
Pew research
Overview The social benefits of internet use will far outweigh the negatives over the next decade, according to experts who responded to a survey about the future of the internet. They say this is because email, social networks, and other online tools offer ‘low-friction’ opportunities to create, enhance, and rediscover social ties that make a difference in people’s lives. The internet lowers traditional communications constraints of cost, geography, and time; and it supports the type of open information sharing that brings people together.
"Report: Future of the Internet, Social Networking, Communities The future of social relations " -- Pew
2010 research report on the ways in which social media are expected to enhance relationships. Positives outweigh negatives.Mobile Access 2010 | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
Current (July 2010) stats on mobile use and how we are communicating, sharing pictures, email, vids and more... good stats for presentations and/or instruction.
Stats on mobile access and use in 2010