Pages tagged rescue: :: Clone your Ubuntu installation onto a new hard disk

Clone your Ubuntu installation onto a new hard disk
use gddrescue to clone disk: ddrescue -v /dev/olddisk /dev/newdisk
Hive Five: Five Best Live CDs
The following tools are unique compared to many of our software Hive Fives in that they are entirely independent of the main operating system installed on the computer. Live CDs load into the memory and allow you to use operating systems and accompanying tools without having to perform a permanent installation on the machine
AVG Antivirus and Security Software - AVG Rescue CD
A powerful toolset for rescue & repair of infected machines.
The AVG Rescue CD is a powerful must-have toolkit for the rescue and repair of infected machines. It provides essential utilities for system administrators and other IT professionals and includes the following features: * Comprehensive administration toolkit * System recovery from virus and spyware infections * Suitable for recovering MS Windows and Linux operating systems (FAT32 and NTFS file systems) * Ability to perform a clean boot from CD or USB stick * Free support and service for paid license holders of any AVG product * FAQ and Free Forum self-help support for AVG Free users
Datenrettung mit Knoppix, Themen-Special im heise Software-Verzeichnis
Erste Hilfe bei verlorenen Daten oder zerstörten Dateisystemen
Themen-Special: Datenrettung mit Knoppix: Die Gründe für Datenverluste sind vielseitig: Festplatten-Crashs, Abstürze, unbedarfte Anwender oder einfach nur Tippfehler des Administrators zerstören binnen Sekunden ganze Dateisysteme oder lassen wertvolle Daten verschwinden. Bootet das Betriebssystem nicht mehr, kann das als Live-DVD ohne Installation lauffähige Knoppix bei der Reparatur und Datenrettung helfen. Systemsoftware > Dateimanagement > Datenrettung
datenrettung knoppix