Pages tagged resolutions:

Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Sticking to Your New Year's Resolutions

I will employ these to make my goals happen - especially the one about making goals SMART
Top 10 Mind Hacks for Making Your Resolutions Stick - Mind Hacks - Lifehacker
The Definitive Guide to Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions
Joko petit uudenvuodenlupauksesi? Yritä uudelleen: The Definitive Guide to Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions
The 6 Changes Method So what are we to do? We only focus on one habit change at a time, so our focus and energies aren’t spread thinly. We implement the habit changes gradually, so we don’t run out of steam. We start out really, really easily, so it isn’t intimidating. We focus on enjoyable activities, so we don’t need “discipline”. We have two months to do the habit change, so if something comes up, it’s but a small bump in the road. And because we’re publicly committed, we’re going to get back on track. We have a very specific plan with actions built in, using proven habit change techniques.
6 Changes methodology applied to new year's resolutions