Complete Backup and Restore Using “tar” Command |
We've all made mistakes during our configuration and at some point wish we could go back in time before the mistake. Now that you have the ultimate setup that
How to create a back up in linux using .tar command.Lifehacker - Five Best Free System Restore Tools - Disk image
Free software to clone/image your hard driveASCOMP Software GmbH - Data backup with BackUp Maker
Backup Maker 5.5 Windows - freeware - 5,5 MB Met dit progje kan je back-ups maken. En ja, we weten het , dat is geen leuke bezigheid, maar het is wel levensnoodzakelijk! Het progje bevat een wizard die je begeleid bij het instellen van regelmatige backups.(Bron: Review:
Internetseiten der ASCOMP Software GmbH, dem Hersteller der Produkte BackUp Maker, ByteReducer, CD StartUp, DevAdmin, LinkDesktop, Secure Eraser u.v.m.
менеджер резервного копирования данныхLifehacker - Best Free System Restore Tool: Clonezilla - Hive Five
When it comes to creating a perfect copy of a system disk for future restoration, Lifehacker readers love the open source and versatile Clonezilla. It can't do real-time mirroring like the second and third-place winners DriveImageXML and Macrium Reflect Free, but it's powerful, versatile, and can easily grow with you as your disk imaging and backup needs expand.
Best Free System Restore Tool: Clonezilla - Hive Five[DIY] Restoring an Iphone ( Front and Back) - Mac Forums