Resume: Six Words You Should Drop from Your Resume
squawkfox » 6 Words That Make Your Resume Suck
via squakfoxHow To: Jump to a New Career with a Killer Resume and Plan
A bad reason to switch careers: You want to meet new people. (Try going to a bar, or Club Med. What you really want is to get a life. Pick up a hobby.) Lol ^^Career Couch - Don’t Neglect to Send a Cover Letter When Applying for a Job - Interview -
Good advice on applying for jobs electronically.
Great Study in Style, Tone, Content and Energy of a Cover Letter
Cover letters are still necessary, and in a competitive market they can give you a serious edge.Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Landing a Better Job
ingle resume and CV into a giant, OCR-scanned database; others merely search out candidates on job sites using specific word criteria. Either way, having the right words on your resume prevents being cut in the first round like some warbly-voiced would-be Idol contestant. On the other hand, the humans who actually read through your cover letter, resume, and apHow to Find a Job Online | Personal Finance Blog, Online Money Management, Budget Planner and Financial Planning -
listed on popular bkmarksHow to Change the World: Guest Post: Memo from Kafka's Castle and What Employers Want to See on Your Resume
Dumb Little Man shares ideas to make the everyday person more productive in life. Expect to read tips on finance, saving money, business, and some DIY for the house.squawkfox » Series: How to Write a Resume (that gets job interviews)
Good tips withinresume-infographic.jpg (JPEG Image, 1200x927 pixels)
Visual representation of a resume
Pretty cool and makes sense to me.squawkfox » 6 Action Words That Make Your Resume Rock
Creating the perfect resume is not easy. Luckily, there are a number of online resources dedicated to helping you create outstanding resumes.
"Here are 10 great social sites with unique features that let you create your own resume-like profile, edit your resume online, get it reviewed by experts, print it, share it on social networks, and much more."resume_comic.png (PNG Image, 1000x1853 pixels)
Ha ha ha, so true!How To Create A Great Web Design CV and Résumé? | How-To | Smashing Magazine
interesting ;)twtjobs :: a simple career manager Twitter app.
Herramienta para postear ofertas de empleo y buscar candidatos vía twitter
Create your Twitter Resume. Post a Job Opening!Hi, I’m Jason.
Kickass example of a coverletter / portfolio website. this is how these things should be done. personalized. you put your heart into it and hope you don't fail.Top 5 Free Resume Hosting Websites |
I like these sites. It's important to stay current on latest job seeking and resume writing sites.Forget the resume, kill on the cover letter - (37signals)
esse barra servirá para salvamos sites de nosso interrese. está lá em cimaLifehacker - Know the Answers to These Questions Before Your Job Interview - Interview Skills
If you've gone on more than one job interview, you know you can count on hearing many of the same questions at each. Make sure you've got these 10 answers down pat before you head out the door to your next interview.Flickr Photo Download: Resume infographic
resume guidelinesAce the Interview - David Silverman -
What not to do when applying for library jobs.Avoid These Phrases to Keep Your Resume Relevant - Job search - Lifehacker
With the bio in full bloom right now, it pays to take some time to write yours in a way that that reflects how you want to be perceived. Perhaps you want to show a sense of humor or wit. Maybe you want to show your technical prowess by delivering your bio in a video format. And while you're at it, why not let your bio accomplish some personal branding for you.JobSpice
JobSpice is an easy, yet powerful online resume builder.
helps you build a resume etc.Barney Stinson's Video Resume
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JobSpice is an easy, yet powerful online resume builder.
Resume builderFive Signs Your Resume Is Passe - DivineCaroline
The workplace is not what it was five years ago. Neither is the job hunt. The most successful candidates are those who are ready and...
Up to the minute resume suggestions.CeeVee - quick & painless résumé management
-tips-for-creating-a-great-portfolio-site.htmlMaster the "Why Hire Me" Story to Land a Job - Job search - Lifehacker
From LifeHacker dated 22 Sep 2009
So you've finally landed that job interview. Now it's time to seal the deal with a killer interview. How? For one, try mastering your "Why hire me" story.Advice: After Years With an Employer, Jumping Back Into the Interview Process - Laid Off And Looking - WSJ
This is good to have a look before we go to an actual interview.30 Artistic and Creative Résumés | Webdesigner Depot
In this article, we’ll take a look at 30 creative resumes that can inspire you to think outside the box when designing your own resume.The Best Cover Letter I Ever Received - David Silverman -
comments as well
There are really only a few times to use a cover letter: 1. When you know the name of the person hiring 2. When you know something about the job requirement 3. When you've been personally referred (which might include 1 and 2) Under those conditions, you can help your cause by doing some of the résumé analysis for your potential new boss. To illustrate, here's the best cover letter I ever received: Dear David: I am writing in response to the opening for xxxx, which I believe may report to you. I can offer you seven years of experience managing communications for top-tier xxxx firms, excellent project-management skills, and a great eye for detail, all of which should make me an ideal candidate for this opening. I have attached my résumé for your review and would welcome the chance to speak with you sometime. Best regards, Here's what I like about this cover letter: It's short. It sums up the résumé as it relates to the job. It asks for the job.
In my last post I talked about how to make your résumé more likely to catch the attention of a hiring manager. As a follow up, I'd like to discuss cover letters. Here's my basic philosophy on them: don't bother.Stack Overflow Careers
Stack Overflow careers!Magntize | Beautiful websites that introduce you to the world.
Beautiful, professionally designed websites for you and your personal brand in a matter of minutes.
online VisitenkarteAsk reddit: What LaTeX resume template do you use? : programming
So you just found out that you have a job interview tomorrow and unfortunately procrastination is a weaknesses you haven’t yet conquered. Here are the down and dirty tips to pull it together at the last minute.Carsonified » Five Tips for Kicking Ass at an Interview
Job interview tipsプログラマは履歴書をどう見るか
プログラマは履歴書をどう見るか5 Examples of Beautiful Resume/CV Templates | Nettuts+
Awesome Resume/CV Templates!!!!How To Design a Clean and Professional Resume / CV Website | Voosh Themes
Earlier in the week I released a new HTML template called Jamba which is a single page resume and CV template. In this post I'd like to show you how I designed the template in Photoshop (check out the Jamba features page and the live demo). Befo
How to design a resume. (for future referrence)
Earlier in the week I released a new HTML template called Jamba which is a single page resume and CV template. In this post I’d like to show you how I designed the template in Photoshop (check out the Jamba features page and the live demo). Before we get started though, let’s quickly cover what needs to be included in an online resume and CV design. There are a number of details that are obviously required such as your name, contact details (email and contact number), and ideally a warm and friendly photo of yourself. It’s also important to include other key areas such as the work experience you have, your academic background, any specific skills you’ve developed, and details of any other related achievements. You may want to include other things as well, but most resumes and CVs will include these sorts of details. Given that potential employers are likely to be very busy they’ll probably only have time to scan the page – so, to avoid irritating them, it’s important that the essentstone: Leonardo da Vinci's Resume
read this, should be a goodieEugene Hsu
Dude did his resume in Paint.
"I mean, it's pretty unlikely that you'd want to steal any of this, but just in case."10-resume-red-flags: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
experienceGive Your Resume A Creative Boost | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
give your resume a creative boost
What if one day you decide that it’s time to have a change, and want to try for another creative job? What if you are a student, looking for a design internship? What if you are a fresh graduate, hoping to apply for your first job at a design agency? You could be any one of the above. No matter what your situation is, it is always prudent to have a well crafted resume to call upon when needed. It is your ticket to new job opportunities and clients. Give Your Resume A Creative Boost Image from: hellotkt Your resume's not just a list of achievements and your education history, it is also the first and the most crucial step to opening the door of communication with the company you are applying to. Your resume represents who you are and what you know, but most importantly, it must be able to communicate that effectively. Therefore it is definitely worth investing your time to give special attention to its design and content. There are plenty of resume writing resources on the web, b40 Single Page Mini Templates
Simple, modern, well documentated mini templates for online resumes, business cards and under construction pages.45 Creative Resumes to Sieze Attention | Inspiration
Creative Resumes
Are you one of those job seekers who have been sending far too many resumes and been hit with far too many disappointment? The problem may not lie with your qualification or skills set. Employer filters tons of resumes on daily basis, only the outstanding ones get noticed. creative resumes A creative resume is fairly important. Not only it resembles your personality, it also speaks your capability and creativity. Putting more effort and thoughts into creating an impressive resume is definitely worthwhile, as it is usually the first thing any employer sees before flipping through your entire portfolio. Today we want to bring to your attention a collective of 45 creative and beautiful resumes that will definitely impress an employer. Let’s not take any chances to let your dream job slip away (again). Full list after jump. Curriculum Vitae by Jonny-Rocket A CV that probably laid the author the job and great at attracting attention among several hundred applicants. Curriculum_Vitae-byThe Savvy Networker
h the state of ease that lets an "f-bomb" escape your lips, you've gone too far.
It's a rather sad state of affairs that a list like this has to even exist.
Some of these really left me speechless - I cannot believe that people actually do them in an interview situation. Worth a read, though - especially if you're having a tough time job hunting.What Makes A Great Cover Letter, According To Companies? - Smashing Magazine
Ah, the dreaded cover letter. Boring to write, difficult to get right, and you’re usually preoccupied by other things (such as the portfolio and resume, which are also really important). Unfortunately, your cover letter is a company’s first exposure to you, and it determines whether your application is trashed or fast-tracked to the company’s to-hire list.70+ Most Artistic and Creative Resumes Of All Time
When it comes to job hunting, the first thing which comes to our mind is a resume. And when we think of creating a resume, we mostly think of something that is clean and contains every bit of information to impress the employers.
most are bunk but look thruInterview Questions Every Developer should ask an Employer
Focused on C#, ASP but still a good readLifehacker - Create a Log to Keep Track of Your Job Search - Downloads
If you've submitted more resumes to more places than you can possibly remember, it's time to start keeping a log of where and when you've applied to each job.Job Search: Write a Resume that Lands an Interview
I spent several years behind a desk at an employment agency. The first thing we would ask any client was how recently they had updated their resume. TheThe Savvy Networker- Yahoo! HotJobs
10 phrases that kill a resumeWeb 2.0 Tactics for Successful Job-Hunting - Business Center - PC World
With unemployment at a 14-year high and 240,000 workers laid off in October alone, many Americans are scrambling to update their resumes and turning to job boards and networking sites. Some are panicking as they try to devise new ways to get in front of employers. But even in trying times like these, prospective employees shouldn't completely reinvent their job-seeking styles. Indeed, much of the tried-and-true career advice we've all heard is relevant in your next job search. To outshine your competitors and win the gig in today's economy , here's a secret to success: Don't abandon the steadfast career tips passed down from generations, but rather, refine them -- with a keen eye for the value in Web 2.0 tools like social networking. Whether you're one of many IT professionals out of work or among the few making career leaps despite rocky economic times, consider these five ways to express your candidacy with flair.100 Web Tools to Help You Boost Your Resume and Reputation During the Recession | Best Universities
Boost Your Resume and Reputation During the Recession | Best Universities
good list of useful 3rd party apps10 Free Professional HTML and CSS CV/Resume Templates - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Speckyboy Design Magazine3 Useful Websites for Free Downloadable Resume Templates
There are a lot of people out there looking for work nowadays. With the economy the way it is, people who are out of work are having a hard time finding new work and kids out of college are having a really hard time starting out. So, you can use all the help you can get. I am going to show you a few sites where you can grab free downloadable resume templates. Some of the templates are in PDF format and some of them are in Word format. The first thing you should do is grab an old copy of your resumé or a list of your past jobs and accomplishments. That will help you immensely when you need to replace the generic information with your own. The first site I found has very generic templates that will allow you to totally customize the resumé. This is just for the formatting, there is little to no content that you will be able to use. These are called Blank Resumé Templates and can be found here: They offer thrHere’s Why You Need an E-Learning Portfolio - The Rapid eLearning Blog
e-Learning portfolio considerations article
guias de Tom Khulman sobre como hacer un portfolio25 Examples of Super Creative Resume Design | WorkAwesome
Great job advice article!Never Read Another Resume
hiring people
BEFORE HIRING: 1. Hire late -- alleviate pain 2. Skip over the perfect catch if we don't have any open positions 3. Operate at the limits of your organization -- get more done with fewer resources 4. Smaller team keeps you focused -- focus on things you have to do 5. Need someone? Have you already tried to do the job yourself? HIRING: 1. Ignore resumes 2. Cover letters say it all (this job or any job? who can write?) 3. Always hire the better writer 4. We look for effort (custom website) 5. Ask questions. Ask why questions. Avoid How questions. 6. Test-drive people for a week, $1,500. 7. Never let geography get in the way.
I'd like to share a bit about how we go about hiring at 37signals. Hiring is something we rarely do -- we're intentionally small at 20 people -- but we've developed a method that has worked very well for us. It allows us to find the right people and keep them happy. In 11 years, only two people have left the company -- and one recently returned after working elsewhere for seven years. (Welcome back, Scott!)
"First, we hire late. We hire after it hurts. We hire to alleviate pain, not for pleasure. Who hires for pleasure? Any company that hires people before it needs them is hiring for pleasure. I've run into a lot of companies that invent positions for great people just so they don't get away. But hiring people when you don't have real work for them is insulting to them and hurtful to you. Great people want to work on things that matter. How do you know if you really need someone? A good rule of thumb is this: Have you already tried to do the job yourself? If you haven't done the job, you don't really understand the job. Without that fundamental understanding, it's hard to judge what constitutes a job well done. What we do look at are cover letters. Cover letters say it all. They immediately tell you if someone wants this job or just any job. And cover letters make something else very clear: They tell you who can and who can't write."How to get hired | Derek Sivers