Pages tagged resumes:

The Savvy Networker

resume guidelines
10-resume-red-flags: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
45 Creative Resumes to Sieze Attention | Inspiration
Creative Resumes
Are you one of those job seekers who have been sending far too many resumes and been hit with far too many disappointment? The problem may not lie with your qualification or skills set. Employer filters tons of resumes on daily basis, only the outstanding ones get noticed. creative resumes A creative resume is fairly important. Not only it resembles your personality, it also speaks your capability and creativity. Putting more effort and thoughts into creating an impressive resume is definitely worthwhile, as it is usually the first thing any employer sees before flipping through your entire portfolio. Today we want to bring to your attention a collective of 45 creative and beautiful resumes that will definitely impress an employer. Let’s not take any chances to let your dream job slip away (again). Full list after jump. Curriculum Vitae by Jonny-Rocket A CV that probably laid the author the job and great at attracting attention among several hundred applicants. Curriculum_Vitae-by
70+ Most Artistic and Creative Resumes Of All Time
When it comes to job hunting, the first thing which comes to our mind is a resume. And when we think of creating a resume, we mostly think of something that is clean and contains every bit of information to impress the employers.
most are bunk but look thru
3 Useful Websites for Free Downloadable Resume Templates
There are a lot of people out there looking for work nowadays. With the economy the way it is, people who are out of work are having a hard time finding new work and kids out of college are having a really hard time starting out. So, you can use all the help you can get. I am going to show you a few sites where you can grab free downloadable resume templates. Some of the templates are in PDF format and some of them are in Word format. The first thing you should do is grab an old copy of your resumé or a list of your past jobs and accomplishments. That will help you immensely when you need to replace the generic information with your own. The first site I found has very generic templates that will allow you to totally customize the resumé. This is just for the formatting, there is little to no content that you will be able to use. These are called Blank Resumé Templates and can be found here: They offer thr
25 Examples of Super Creative Resume Design | WorkAwesome
10 phrases you should ban from your resume - Yahoo! Finance
10 phrases you should ban from your resume - Yahoo! Finance