29 business models for games « Lightspeed Venture Partners Blog
Pretty good list of options for burgeoning game developers.Just How Much Money Can Free iPhone Apps Make? Quite A Bit
advertising revenue from free iPhone apps, not bad.
Cool!Do music artists fare better in a world with illegal file-sharing? — Times Labs Blog
The most immediate revelation, of course, is that at some point next year revenues from gigs payable to artists will for the first time overtake revenues accrued by labels from sales of recorded music.
Experiments in web journalism * Home * About Times LabsTimes Labs Blog Do music artists fare better in a world with illegal file-sharing? This is the graph the record industry doesn’t want you to see. It shows the fate of the three main pillars of music industry revenue - recorded music, live music, and PRS revenues (royalties collected on behalf of artists when their music is played in public) over the last 5 years.
Do music artists fare better in a world with illegal file-sharingThe Wounded U.S. Newspaper Industry Lost $7.5 Billion in Advertising Revenues Last Year
$37.85 billion in 2009
2008 newspaper advertising revenues down 16.6% to $37.85 billion according to Newspaper Assoc. of America
US Newspaper industry lost $7.5 BILLION in advertising last year http://bit.ly/F9hfu [from http://twitter.com/r1tz/statuses/1417985578]The benefits of a monthly recurring revenue model in tough economic times - (37signals)
Very nice
Upside of software as serviceGamasutra - Where's The Cash For Flash?
A really good article outlining possible ways to generate revenue with your Flash games.
we've ever had on our site have been sold. At a minimum, developers selling their first game ever -- if it falls into the 'good-to-great' category -- make about $500-and-up." At "the high end," a not-so-typical example of how lucrative Flash development can get is Auckland, New Zealand-based studio NinjaKiwi, the developer of the Bloons games, says Hughes. "They have created an entire game-specific site -- Bloonsworld," he notes, "which enables them to make $30,000 a month or more by leveraging their IP in various ways, including creating an online community around their games, in-game ads, banner ads on their site, and various licenses on their games. And that, in fact, is what developers need to do to make their work lucrative -- maximize the number of revenue streams they create." For instance, developers can allow specific branding in thei
Going to want to read this one. its about making money building Flash gamesLet's Be Serious: Online Display Ads Will Fall Sharply In 2009
from Blodget. How will 2009 fare for online ads?
"Online display-ad spending will fall in 2009, probably sharply. It will probably fall again in 2010. Hundreds of startups counting on advertising as a business model will be flattened. Yahoo, CNET, AOL, and other big display-ad properties will get hammered."MySpace, Auditude, And MTV Have Just Figured Out How To Monetize Online Video
MySpace will be implementing the system with initial support for content from MTV Networks, with shows including The Colbert Report, Punk’d, and Sarah Silverman. So every time you post a clip of Jon Stewart ripping on the presidential candidates, someone is going to get paid, and users won’t have to deal with the often-clunky proprietary video players offered by each network. And instead of trying to prevent these clips from making it onto MySpace in the first place, content owners will want users to upload as many as possibl
MySpace has implemented an exciting new ad platform called Auditude that willautomatically identify any uploaded video clips from a number of shows produced by MTV Networks and will display an overlay when the clip is played that shows which episode the clip originally came from, its original air-date, and links to online stores where users can buy the entire episode.
Since YouTube heralded the era of user-uploaded videos, media corporations have been fighting a hopeless battle to regain control of their content, sending out endless waves of DMCA notices in a vain attempt to take down countless clips scattered across the web. In the last year sites like Hulu have made progress - it’s finally possible to legally embed a clip of The Office in your blog, but publishers continue to lose out on millions of video clips that were uploaded without permission.
Yep, there’s a proliferation of unlicensed video content out there. Media co’s have tried, largely in vain, to track and act on the zillions of daily infractions. Whole companies have popped up to try to help them in the tracking. Well another company has popped up that might make those companies, and the problem, go away. MySpace is testing a service provided by Auditude which intercepts video uploads, compares segments to its last-4-year, 250M video catalog and, if found to be a copy, tags the video w/ header information, overlays ads and/or provides links to full, pay versions. This is a game-changer, these guys are smart.