Pages tagged reviews:

The Big Eat SF: 100 Things to Try Before You Die | 7x7

60. The Brass Monkey at Little Star Pizza
L’Osteria del Forno
San Francisco.
AppBeacon - iPhone & iPod Touch Apps Discovery Made Easy
AppBeacon is your personal App discovery engine for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
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7 Websites You Should Go To For iPhone Apps Reviews |
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Goodrec is the easiest way to make and find recommendations
Goodrec is the easiest way to get recommendations from friends for restaurants, books, movies and more. You can make and find recs from any mobile phone!
140-character reviews including restaurants including iPhone app
good site for ratings and information about anything
Musebin | 1 line music news and reviews
Playing The Beatles Backwards: The Ultimate Countdown | JamsBio Magazine
reviews of every beatles song, from worst to best. i really like this.
185 Beatles Songs, in order, from worst to best.
Best Digital Camera: Experts recommend the best digital cameras
3 Buck Bites | Cheap Eats for Food Lovers!
Website met eten tot 3.99 dollar.
The Bygone Bureau — A Journal of Modern Thought
The Bygone Bureau is a journal of modern thought, specializing in travel writing and cultural criticism. We launched on June 25, 2007 and update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
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HostMonk - Compare hosting packages - Dedicated hosting, VPS hosting, Shared hosting
HostMonk - Compare hosting packages - Dedicated hosting, VPS hosting, Shared hosting
Not Again: 24 Great Films Too Painful To Watch Twice | Film | A.V. Club,2048/
Home - BookArmy
Literary social networking
QUESTRADE COUPONS (incl. $1,000 Offer) - All coupons, discounts, promo ...
I Love Mac Apps | Reviews of the latest Apple Mac OS X Applications for Leopard & Tiger
Mac applications blog
What Is Wrong with GTD? | WHAKATE
Key Takeaways * GTD is a complex system that requires a lot of customisation. * Many users still find it useful and many others now offer their own customised version. * A new book by author David Allen promises to expand the concept to address work and life harmony. Beyond GTD: Why Thousands of GTD Fans Are Looking for More The most effective information workers in today’s competitive global marketplace are those who can master their time and their focus, producing both quality and quantity of output. » Get the PDF or MP3 audio “What is Wrong with GTD” from the Club library. At the online book-giant, the same book tops the search list of 170,000 plus titles on productivity and over 70,000 on time management. It’s called “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity,” and was written by David Allen, a mild-mannered time-management superman disguised as a Californian management consultant. First published in 2001, Allen’s 250-plus page how-to book
Lifehacker - Five Best Netbooks - NetBooks
Lifehacker's top 5 Netbooks.
Web applications directory, reviews, and ratings | AppUseful
Social Directory for Useful Web Applications and Websites.
io9 - Michael Bay Finally Made An Art Movie - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
This review is better than the movie.
"a brilliant art movie about the illusory nature of plot."
So you have a movie that tries to reassure men that they can actually be masters of their reality — but then turns around and says that actually, reality is not real. There's no such thing as the "real world," and the only thing that's left for men to dominate is a nebulous domain of blurred shapes, which occasionally blurt nonsensical swear-words and slang from ethnic groups that have never existed. If you're drowning in an Olympic swimming pool full of hot chewing gum fondue, do you still care if Megan Fox likes you?
Shit, I may have to go and see this movie, if only to determine if this review is the touch of genius I suspect it is.
iPhone App Reviews by the Experts at Macworld | Macworld
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard: the Ars Technica review - Ars Technica
An extremely in-depth review of what's new in SL.
Iphone apps directory - Gizmodo
Gizmodo's essential iphone apps director
[en] Appolicious is designed with you in mind – a site where you can quickly find mobile apps you’ll love.
"Appolicious is designed with you in mind – a site where you can quickly find mobile apps you’ll love."
Skinni Popcorn
Skinni Popcorn is a no fuss movie buzz site. See what people are saying about movies right now! Skinni Popcorn uses Twitter and New York Times movie reviews to help you choose what to watch when you’re in the cinema queue!
Skinni Popcorn Now Showing Top Box Office The Final Destination RETWEET WATCH TRAILER YAHOO! MOVIES Synopsis On what should have been a fun-filled day at the races, Nick O'Bannon has a horrific premonition in which a bizarre sequence of events causes multiple race cars to crash, sending flaming debris into the stands, brutally killing his friends and causing the upper deck of the stands to collapse on him. When he comes out of this grisly nightmare Nick panics, persuading his girlfriend, Lori, and their friends, Janet and Hunt, to leave... escaping seconds before Nick's frightening vision becomes a terrible reality. Thinking they've cheated death, the group has a new lease on life, but unfortunately for Nick and Lori, it is only the beginning. As his premonitions continue and the crash survivors begin to die one-by-one--in increasingly gruesome ways--Nick must figure out how to cheat death once and for all before he, too, reaches his final destination. New York Times review “The Fina
Connosr - The Whisky Social Network (Beta) - Discover, Review and Share Single Malt Whisky
Discover, review and share Single Malt Whisky with Connosr - the Whisky Social Network
Apple - iPhone - Apps for Everything
Get a closer look at iPhone games and applications you can download from iTunes.
Once you discover the App Store, you’ll see how applications can make your iPhone do just about anything. There are thousands of iPhone apps to choose from. Here are a few that will help you get the most out your iPhone, wherever you go.
Drupal Sucks
a hot discussion about Drupal
Are you choosing a Content Management System for your next site? Allow me to throw in my two cents against Drupal. In theory, Drupal is a CMS that lets you control your site out of the box. In practice, it’s a nightmare to configure and maintain.
Artigo de Mariya Lysenkova sobre os pontos fracos do Drupal como gerenciador de conteúdos.
Kid activities, family friendly hotels, travel reviews-Trekaroo
can do reviews and earn gift card
Head-to-Head: Parallels Desktop for Mac vs. VMware Fusion
So which virtualization product do you choose? Which solution is faster? Should you run Windows XP or Vista? 32-bit or 64-bit? One virtual processor or more? In short, there are different answers for different people. It all depends on your needs.
App of the Day - Find the best iPhone and iPod touch Apps and Games
There are too many iPhone apps to sift through, and neither iTunes nor the iPhone App Store interface make it easy to find the best stuff. App of the Day blogs and Twitters one member-voted app per day. It's a simple idea, but it's a good start at sifting through the more than 85,000 applications available to iPhone and iPod touch users. Registered users of App of the Day can nominate one application per day, and the most nominated applications are showcased plainly on the site's front page, with screenshots, short descriptions, a direct iTunes link, and comments from those nominating. The site supports Gravatars, so signing up shouldn't be that tough if you've already commented on WordPress or other Gravatar-supporting blogs.
Find the best iPhone and iPod touch apps including games, utilities, productivity, social media, and news.
Software Design Review - The Essential Blog for the Discriminating Drinker
"The Essential Blog for the Discriminating Drinker"
Reviews of Cheap Products | Cheapism
Top 5 Must-Read Social Media Books
So you want to get up to speed fast on the latest social media thinking. Maybe give your colleague, boss or friend a dose of new social strategies. But where to start? Amazon nicely suggests 44,444 titles that they would be delighted to overnight direct to your bookshelf. Ummm, no thanks. Fortunately, you’ve got your own social media fairy right here. (Hi!) We’ve already done the hard part for you, and have narrowed down those 44,444 titles to 5 killer must-reads that can get you on the road to social media stardom. Abracadabra!
A mudança de Comunicação nas Empresas. Esta história é magicamente formatado para 2 tipos de pessoas: os leitores e espectadores. Olhe para cima para o vídeo, ou desloque-se para o texto. Magic. Você vai aprender porque confiança é a nova moeda, de Chris Brogan Smith e Julien, como a revolução da mídia social "tem transformado o megafone em torno" de Tara Hunt, os dois pilares do sucesso de mídia social de Mitch Joel, porque você precisa trabalhar o seu rosto largo de Gary Vaynerchuk e, por último, os detalhes de algumas das ferramentas mais eficazes para fora lá para crescer seu negócio e marca pessoal com Tamar Weinberg. Essas idéias são 5 (quase!) Tudo que você precisa para criar e executar um poderoso jogo de meios de comunicação social-plano. Let's go
read social book must
Travel - Guides and Deals for Hotels, Restaurants and Vacations - The New York Times
Lists more than 1,000 destinations worldwide. Select a destination and read articles about your destination. Find local attractions, hotels and restaurants.
East Bay Express | News | Yelp and the Business of Extortion 2.0
Nt sure if it is true bt if yes then Yelp better hv an explanation.. [from]
...interviews with dozens of business owners over a span of several months, six people told this newspaper that Yelp sales representatives promised to move or remove negative reviews if their business would advertise
Several business owners likened Yelp to the Mafia, and one said she feared its retaliation. "Every time I had a sales person call me and I said, 'Sorry, it doesn't make sense for me to do this,' ... then all of a sudden reviews start disappearing." To these mom-and-pop business owners, Yelp's sales tactics are coercive, unethical, and, possibly, illegal.
♺ @themartorana Turns out, YELP is evil. Corroborated by a local Philly establishment. I feel lied to by YELP. [from]
Yelp and the Business of Extortion 2.0 Local business owners say Yelp offers to hide negative customer reviews of their businesses on its web site ... for a price.
Website Reviews and Complaints by Consumers – SiteJabber
SiteJabber is a consumer protection site that lets people research and review online businesses and websites. Search for reviews or complaints on any website.
Consumers review online businesses and websites -- most loved, most hated, and most useful. Save money and avoid rip-offs.
keyword searchable database
Southern Regional Education Board
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Things to Look Forward to in Windows 7
Top 10 Things to Look Forward to in Windows 7
Top 5 Content Management Systems for eCommerce | Web Design Ledger
December 2009
Watch This: 70-Minute Video Review of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace | /Film
The best movie review I've ever seen.
film criticism of Phantom Menace
Phantom Menace Review
Snow Leopard review
Apple's Leopard gets an upgrade with Snow Leopard. Although this is not an all-changing thing, there are tons of new, little upgrades. These include some app changes, a few new and upgraded features, and even a slight performance boost.
Apple's new Snow Leopard user friendly, easy to upload, and does not require much attention. The new snow leopard is on the prowl with amazing features that make it better than windows 7. Find out in the review why the Snow Leopard is so good.
features of new Snow Leopard for the Mac
This is a review about the new Mac software
Snow Leopard. Even the name seems to underpromise -- it's the first "big cat" OS X codename to reference the previous version of the OS, and the list of big-ticket new features is seemingly pretty short for a version-number jump. Maybe that's why Apple's priced the 10.6 upgrade disc at just $29 -- appearances and expectations matter, and there's simply not enough glitz on this kitty to warrant the usual $129.
Engadget SL review
Compare Digital Cameras.
Selection of CocoaTouch Apps is a painstakingly curated presentation of the best produced and designed iPhone applications that are available for download via the App Store.
Nice collection of applications and games with excellent UI for iPod touch and iPhone
The 10 Best American Movies - Stanley Fish Blog -
r La Motta, rage is the defau
shane + groundhog day...
I'm intrigued by these choices from Stanley Fish, mostly because the only one I've seen is Vertigo.
8 Things That Suck About the iPad - apple ipad - Gizmodo
My favorite: The Name iPad - Get ready for Maxi pad jokes, and lots of 'em! 10 Top New Web Services of 2008 and Their 2009 Forecast
2008 has been both an exciting year and a very trying year for the world of Web innovation. When the year kicked off, we were still in the middle of Web 2.0 fever. We were just two months removed from Microsoft having invested $240 million in Facebook at a stratospheric $15 billion. In the first week of January, Yahoo! CEO Jerry Yang made his first appearance at CES and promised the company was "ready and excited". By mid-month, Pownce launched to the public to offer an alternative to Twitter. And by the end of January, Twitter crashed hard - for the first time.
You'll note two major themes regarding hot services in 2008: RSS and friends. Finding out what your friends were reading and sharing were key facets of most of the new products that gained my attention this year. Toluu, developed by Caleb Elston, offers a site where you can upload the OPML file of feeds you read, mark your favorites, and see how compatible you are with other users of the site, helping find new feeds, and new people. Over time, the service enabled me to see new blogs my friends were subscribing to, and you could even notify Twitter if you had added a new blog to your reading list.
30 commercial games released for FREE | GamesRadar
Fallout, King's Quest, Bonk, and more. Download the best titles that companies gave away
The 8 Best Book Review Sites
Netbook Buyers Guide
The netbook form factor offers consumers a low-cost ultraportable notebook in a market segment where notebooks used to cost $1,500 and up. With most netbooks costing less than $400, they are cheap enough to buy one in addition to your full-size notebook. With the vast majority offering Intel Atom processors, these portable computers can handle most daily tasks with ease. In this buying guide we compare the different models we have reviewed to help you find the best netbook to fit your needs.
Twelve Hours Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old: the best parenting book I've read - Boing Boing
After our daughter Poesy was born, we were inundated with parenting advice and books -- big, thick, 900-page bricks that purported to tell us everything we needed to know to raise a newborn into a productive member of society. Of course, we had neither the attention nor the time to devote to following any of this advice.
Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old: A Step-by-Step Plan for Baby Sleep Success, a very short book that does exactly what it says on the cover: it's a simple prescription for teaching your baby to sleep through the whole night by 12 weeks. It takes about an hour to read and does not involve doing anything horrible to your kid like letting her cry all night. Basic method: for the first 8 weeks, keep track of when the kid feeds and sleeps. At 8 weeks, use this to come up with a sleep and feed schedule that more or less fits the rhythm she's falling into. Gently encourage her to stick to it (e.g., if she's hungry before mealtime, see if you can distract her for a few minutes [the first day], then a few minutes more [the next].)
Image Quality Database
DxO Labs’ Image Quality Database (IQ Database) allows you to access a large set of image quality measurements that DxO Labs has performed on more than 30 commercial digital cameras.
DxO Labs’ Image Quality Database (IQ Database) allows you to access a large set of image quality measurements that DxO Labs has performed on more than 30 commercial digital cameras. (We will regularly update this section with additional performance data for other commercial products as they become available.) The DxOMark Sensor scale and its three constituent metrics shown in the DxOMark section aggregate the full set of measurement data from the IQ Database. Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt, Available in Various Sizes: Apparel
This is hilarious. Awesome hilarious. Via @notjustahatrack: Behold, Three Wolf Moon: Read the comments. [from]
hilarious reviews of stupid tshirt
What Movie Should I Watch Next? |
Quentin Tarantino's top 20 movies
The Insider
List is bound to be a bit odd, but well worth working your way through.
The 10 best indie movies of 2008 - Beyond the Multiplex -
Map based view of NYC restaurant listings
A map of 4000 restaurants and bars in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and beyond
"Displaying information from the restaurant and bar sections of"
NYC Food Map! Displaying information from the restaurant and bar sections of
10 Very Useful Comparison Sites You Have To Bookmark
RT @draenews 10 Very Useful Comparison Sites You Have To Bookmark:
NYC Mugged | Exploring all the Best Coffee in New York City
a blog about coffee and coffeeshops in NYC
Go Marshall! woop woop
BlackBerry Storm review - Engadget
East Bay Express | News | Yelp and the Business of Extortion 2.0
Yelp - is it extortion?
I guess this was the first in the series of articles detailing Yelp's shiesty biddness practices...
part 1 of 2, this is the one that got picked up by the WSJ et al. The phone calls came almost daily. It started to get creepy. "Hi, this is Mike from Yelp," the voice would say. "You've had three hundred visitors to your site this month. You've had a really good response. But you have a few bad ones at the top. I could do something about those."
Local business owners say Yelp offers to hide negative customer reviews
io9 - Michael Bay Finally Made An Art Movie - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Una critica excelente sobre las pelis de Michael Bay.
I love this review of T:RotF(L). It's mostly how I felt about the first one. I don't understand how people who claim to care about the Transformers aren't outside Bay's house, pitchforks-and-torches angry about this tragic wasted opportunity.
Im reading awesomely funny transformer 2 reviews here and here [from]
this review is amazing:
This is the greatest film review I have ever read.
The greatest movie review ever.
Daring Fireball: The iPad
"The iPad becomes the app you’re using. That’s part of the magic. The hardware is so understated - it’s just a screen, really - and because you manipulate objects and interface elements so smoothly and directly on the screen, the fact that you’re using an iPad falls away. You’re using the app, whatever it may be, and while you’re doing so, the iPad is that app. Switch to another app and the iPad becomes that app. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is."
A must review by a definite iPad fan. The notes on syncing are a good wake-up call to Apple though
Netbooks and Mini-Laptops Buyer's Guide | Register Hardware
netbook - check for prices on ebuyer, dabs, laptopsdirect, amazon, and googleshopping - Consider: a) if battery life is an issue - the Acer Aspire One barely manages 2hrs, but the EEE901 does 8hrs - the average for most is 3-4hrs. b) do you want the familiarity and ~£20 cost of Windows XP, or can you handle having Linux and essentially being able to install nothing beyond what's already installed (web, email, docs, photos, vids) without delving into geek territory, and if you need to hook into other machines on a home (wireless) network it isn't going to be easy with Linux.
Maniacal Rage: Reading post
The tumblelog of Garrett Murray.
"This kind of thing continually reinforces something I’ve thought about a lot since the App store was released, which sounds horrible to say but it might be true: Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps… it just feels hostile to me. While I have plenty of great customers who have been raving about the app, all it takes is one little issue and it all comes crashing down."
Bad reviews in appstore and no way to respond
A piece on how the approval process stops developers from being responsive to users, by delaying necessary fixes and cutting the lines of communication.
when Apple ties my hands behind my back and lets users punch me publicly in the face without allowing me to at least respond back, it’s hard to get excited about building an app
Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps
This kind of thing continually reinforces something I’ve thought about a lot since the App store was released, which sounds horrible to say but it might be true: Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps… it just feels hostile to me. While I have plenty of great customers who have been raving about the app, all it takes is one little issue and it all comes crashing down.
"Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps… it just feels hostile to me. While I have plenty of great customers who have been raving about the app, all it takes is one little issue and it all comes crashing down." Sad, really.
Remembering Gene - Roger Ebert's Journal
Gene died ten years ago on February 20, 1999. He is in my mind almost every day. I don't want to rehearse the old stories about how we had a love/hate relationship, and how we dealt with television, and how we were both so scared the first time we went on Johnny Carson that, backstage, we couldn't think of the name of a single movie, although that story is absolutely true. Those stories have been told. I want to write about our friendship. The public image was that we were in a state of permanent feud, but nothing we felt had anything to do with image. We both knew the buttons to push on the other one, and we both made little effort to hide our feelings, warm or cold. In 1977 we were on a talk show with Buddy Rogers, once Mary Pickford's husband, and he said, "You guys have a sibling rivalry, but you both think you're the older brother."
Gene Siskel and I were like tuning forks. Strike one, and the other would pick up the same frequency. When we were in a group together, we were always intensely aware of one another. Sometimes this took the form of camaraderie, sometimes shared opinions, sometimes hostility. But we were aware. If something happened that we both thought was funny but weren't supposed to, God help us if one caught the other's eye. We almost always thought the same things were funny. That may be the best sign of intellectual communion.
Roger remembers Gene Siskel; a moving article.
Black Friday Deals: 5 Gadgets You Can't Skimp On (And How to Save Money Buying Them)
list of things you can't afford to cheap out on, because doing so will bite you in the ass later. Still, since we like you, we're also sharing how to save a bit of money in the process, so the whole not-cheaping-out thing doesn't hurt as much.
Will You See All The HDTV Resolution You Expected? 125 2008 Model Test Results- HD GURU Exclusive » HDGURU.Com
* o November 2008 o October 2008 o September 2008 o August 2008 o July 2008 o June 2008 o May 2008 o April 2008 o March 2008 o February 2008 o January 2008 o December 2007 o November 2007 o October 2007 o September 2007 o August 2007 o July 2007 o May 2007 o April 2007 o February 2007 o January 2007 o December 2006 o November 2006 o October 2006 * Categories o Blu-ray Players o Blu-ray Titles o DVD Players o DVR o HD DVD Players o HD DVD Titles o Laser HDTV o LCD Flat Panel o Microdisplay Rear Projection o OLED o Plasma o Reference Materials o Review o Satellite TV o Uncategorized Will
Written and produced by Gary Merson, the nation's leading expert on high definition television, provides everything you need to know about HDTV including news, reviews, the best viewing distance, choosing the right hdtv, learning how to connect. Learn more about high definition broadcasts, cable, satellite, Blu-ray, HD DVD and all the new technologies.
Android: A Hands-on First Look at Google Android
google android
Deep inside the Windows 7 Public Beta: an in-depth tour: Page 1
Let's just cut to the chase here: Windows 7 is built on top of Windows Vista. It doesn't roll back the major changes that Vista made; it doesn't reduce system requirements
Interesting article on thevarious major changes in the Windows 7 UI. I have to agree that most of it is for the better.
Game Damage :: A new show featuring Yahtzee, Yug and Matt
Game Damage, a new gaming TV show written and presented by an unholy trinity of Yahtzee Croshaw (of the Escapist's Zero Punctuation), Guy 'Yug' Blomberg (of Australian Gamer) and Matt Burgess (of Australian Gamer also). It's new, it's (hopefully) entertaining, and it needs your help.
The Question That Makes Amazon $2.7 Billion Of Revenue
Since its release in 2007, the last volume of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, has garnered 3,286 reviews from customers. While response has been overwhelmingly positive for the book, several hundred Amazon customers rated the book as mediocre or worse. Because of a very subtle yet clever feature, Amazon makes the best of both the positive and negative reviews easy to find. And that feature, based on our calculations, is responsible for more than $2,700,000,000 of new revenue for Amazon every year. Not bad for what is essentially a simple question: "Was this review helpful to you?"
eCommerce UI design principles for shopping features
Análise do sistema de qualidade dos reviews de produtos da Amazon, como foi usado para dar maior destaque às melhores reviews, sem influência editorial, de maneira auto-gerenciada.
"Because of a very subtle yet clever feature, Amazon makes the best of both the positive and negative reviews easy to find. And that feature, based on our calculations, is responsible for more than $2,700,000,000 of new revenue for Amazon every year. Not bad for what is essentially a simple question: "Was this review helpful to you?""
Was this review useful to you?
Because of a very subtle yet clever feature, Amazon makes the best of both the positive and negative reviews easy to find. And that feature, based on our calculations, is responsible for more than $2,700,000,000 of new revenue for Amazon every year. Not bad for what is essentially a simple question: "Was this review helpful to you?"
MacBook and MacBook Pro review - Engadget
Windows in 1983
How To Engage Customers In Your E-Commerce Website - Smashing Magazine
Burkas and Birkins by Lindy West - Film - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper
Funny review of SATC2
SATC2 review
the BEST SATC2 review EVAR [thanks @doclorraine @doctorcdf @BangsandaBun]
sex and the city review
A delightfully snakry and scathing review of the latest entry into Carrie Bradshaw's episodic stretch-mark-ridden monster series...
Kermode on SATC2 The Stranger piece and VC for good measure
YourNextRead: Book Recommendations (USA)
RT @draenews: Del YourNextRead: Book Recommendations (USA):
YourNextRead recommends your next book. YourNextRead provides a book recommendation system showing aggregated book reviews, updated by real peoples opinions, in a simple visual map, helping you to decide 'What Should I Read Next?'. Perfect for both bookworms and casual readers!
10 of the best free games you should play today | News | TechRadar UK
10 of the best free games you should play today Releases new and old from every genre : TechRadar UK
Overbooked: a resource for readers
Overbooked is a website for ravenous and omnivorous readers... Overbooked originals include annotated lists of nonfiction, fiction and mystery books which received starred reviews, themed booklists, featured titles lists and hot lists of US fiction releases and notable books. This site contains large files.
Reader's advisory - reviews, best lists, themed lists
Overbooked is a website for ravenous and omnivorous readers... Overbooked originals include annotated lists of nonfiction, fiction and mystery books which received starred reviews, themed booklists, featured titles lists and hot lists of US fiction releases and notable books. This site contains large files.
Doctor Finder
Five Best Book Recommendation Services
Five Best Book Recommendation Services
Of use if I ever teach or do any readers advisory again.