RSS Suggestions Based on Similarity - SuggestRSS
RSS suggests vous propose des flux RSS à lire en fonction de ceux qui sont déjà dans votre fichier OPML.
(bigtime) - Is your content being duplicated, copied or plagiarized?
Mitkriegen, wenn andere das selbe (ab)schreiben. Nicht, dass das angesichts von CC wirklich wichtig wäre.Official Google Reader Blog: Google Reader for Beginners
Have you ever had a friend or family member who you know would love using Google Reader? Have you ever had trouble explaining to that same friend or family member just how using Reader could make their lives easier (and more fun)? We sure have, so if you're anything like us then we have some useful tools in store for you.
Learn how to use Google Reader for keeping track of and reading articles from your favorite websites.
Have you ever had a friend or family member who you know would love using Google Reader? Have you ever had trouble explaining to that same friend or family member just how using Reader could make their lives easier (and more fun)? We sure have, so if you're anything like us then we have some useful tools in store for you.How to Create an RSS-Enabled, Micro-Blog with Twitter | Think Vitamin
Have you ever wanted to create a simple multi-person blog, but didn’t want to bother setting up an entire WordPress installation? If so then we’ve got just the answer. By combining Twitter Search, Atom feeds, hash-tags and PHP, you can create an RSS-enabled, micro-blog using Twitter and be up and running in less than 10 minutes.feedscrub :: keep your feeds squeaky clean!
RSS filter.
Feedscrub filters your feeds based on your preferences. Subscribe to all your favorite feeds, then tell Feedscrub which posts you do and don't like. Feedscrub will learn your preferences and begin filtering out posts that don't interest you.
"Feedscrub acts as a spam filter for your RSS feeds..."
Keep your feeds squeaky cleanLegiStyles™
Stiles for NetNewsWire, very beautyfull
If you’re in to this sort of thing: “Much attention has been paid to the design and typography of the styles to improve legibility and readability, and to enhance the overall reading experience.”
netnewswire rss styles layouts css von kai heuser » Blog Archive » more notes on Presence - how to stay in contact when you’re everywhere
Your personal tracker on the Web for the things you care about
They provide a simple way of tracking anything on the web, from product prices to insider trading, medical research to crime in your neighborhood, or hip-hop albums on iTunes to apartment listings on craigslist.
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RSS tracking service with alerts.
Might be an interesting follow up to our call yesterday Marsh...Crap, I missed it! - Home
emails your favourite events and releases私はGoogleリーダーを使ってこんな風に情報を集めています*二十歳街道まっしぐら
おぉ、かなりわかりやすい。やるかどうかわかりませんけど・・。Official Google Reader Blog: Square is the new round.
تغییرات در ظاهر گوگل ریدر
from mace conference
On the Reader team, we know that the old adage "change is good" isn't always true. Sometimes, change is just change. In this case, we hope that these decisions both improve your Reader experience today,
Google Reader intro
THis is for the MACE sessionWowbrary - Newest Books, Movies, and Music at your Library
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Free service using RSS or email that issues weekly updates on a nearby library's new acquisitions.
Subscribe via e-mail or RSS to new arrivals at your local library.
A nonprofit service that sends the public free weekly emails and RSS feeds about their local library’s most recent 30 Different Uses for RSS
the itunes one looks awesomeRSS Hits the Big Time (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought) RSS Hits the Big Time (Aaron Swartz's Raw
Via David: Obama segna un punto per la trasparenza. Il pacchetto stimulus richiede alle agenzie governative di produrre un feed con le elargizioni di denaro. Gov meshup, here we come.
The US Government are requiring agencies to publish funding information through RSS feeds. "For each of the near term reporting requirements (major communications, formula block grant allocations, weekly reports) agencies are required to provide a feed (preferred: Atom 1.0, acceptable: RSS) of the information so that content can be delivered via subscription."
the new stimulus bill’s implementation instructions require that each government agency report the money it gives out in RSS: For each of the near term reporting requirements (major communications, formula block grant allocations, weekly reports) agencies are required to provide a feed (preferred: Atom 1.0, acceptable: RSS) of the information so that content can be delivered via subscription.
"the new stimulus bill’s implementation instructions require that each government agency report the money it gives out in RSS:"
As chaunceyt pointed out, the new stimulus bill’s implementation instructions require that each government agency report the money it gives out in RSS
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"For each of the near term reporting requirements (major communications, formula block grant allocations, weekly reports) agencies are required to provide a feed (preferred: Atom 1.0, acceptable: RSS) of the information so that content can be delivered via subscription." --- Now, someone needs to figure out where each of these feeds is (will be?) published, and write an aggregator so that there's a one-stop-shopping end-point.
"[T]he new stimulus bill’s implementation instructions require that each government agency report the money it gives out in RSS… The document is very clear that the items in the feed can’t simply be unstructured text, but have to be reusable data… Pretty amazing to see a government so tech-savvy."RSSフィードを全文配信で読むなら まるごとRSS
將 摘要feed --> 全文feed
RSS feed 摘要输出轻松全文 - Create your own personalized RSS feeds
Interesting way to condense feeds, use keywords, etc. Helpful tool.
What is Feedweaver? Feedweaver allows you to create your own personalized RSS feeds. You can create your own feeds by combining source feeds from your favorite websites, and use filters to choose what you want in it! Combine mutiple feeds You can combine multiple RSS feeds into one. For instance, you can combine the RSS feed from, and into one RSS feed, which later on can be customized by yourself. Customize your feed Customize your combined feeds by using keyword filters. For example, you can extract all the news about "iPod" from your feeds with just one click. Share your feeds You can easily share your feeds with friends by giving them the feed's URL, and they don't need to login to view the actual feed, as all the feeds are available to everyone who knows the address.
Create your own RSS feed by combining RSS feeds from your favorite websites, and use filters to choose what you want in it!18 WordPress Plugins for RSS Management & Tweaks
Here are 18 WordPress plugins to help you manage your blog's RSS feed, track subscribers, and much more.
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) enables site owners to automatically syndicate their content to readers in an easily digestible format. There are a number of WordPressWordPress reviewsWordPress reviews plugins to help you manage your blog’s RSS feed, track subscribers, and much more.MeeHive: Your Personalized Newspaper
Henkilökohtainen sanomalehti. Tilaa artikkelit, uutiset, blogitekstit ja videot valitsemistasi kiinnostuksen kohteista omalle henkilökohtaiselle "sanomalehtisivullesi".Yahoo Pipes: getting started with custom RSS feeds - Ars Technica
News scrollerHow to Create a Lifestream of Your Online Activities
topic focused search engine for blog feeds, news feeds, social media feeds, microblog feeds, podcasts, photocasts, and videocasts
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You love your friends and enjoy your acquaintances, but their Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/MySpace activity is killing your productivity.
How to Filter and Manage Your Online Social Life7 Ways to Create Your Own Social Start Page
Interesting perspective on RSS feeds and the future of information gathering.Times Wire - The New York Times
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theTwitter to Facebook: 5 Ways to Post to Both
There once was a time when our Facebook (Facebook reviews) friends wanted nothing to do with our Twitter (Twitter reviews) updates. Now that Twitter is growing at an astounding rate and rounding the mainstream bend, more of our Facebook friends have developed a fancy for Twitter themselves, and it’s becoming commonplace to highlight our tweets on our Facebook walls.
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I've been asked about why/how I'm active in many socialmedia at once. here are 5 tools that expedite distribution across your socialnets.showRSS — all your tv shows, one feed, their torrent
showRSS is a web service that allows you to keep track of your favorite TV shows from a website or from a RSS reader
What's that? showRSS is a web service that allows you to keep track of your favorite TV shows from a website or from a RSS reader. After registering (and logging in!), you'll have to select what are the TV shows that you want to track and then you'll just have to subscribe to your feed with any RSS reader (Google Reader, your browser...) or even with your torrent client (for example, µtorrent supports RSS feeds for automatic downloads). You can also browse latest torrents for your TV shows from this website, instead of using the RSS feed, or you can use both as well.
showRSS is a web service that allows you to keep track of your favorite TV shows from a website or from a RSS reader. After registering (and logging in!), you'll have to select what are the TV shows that you want to track and then you'll just have to subscribe to your feed with any RSS reader (Google Reader, your browser...) or even with your torrent client (for example, µtorrent supports RSS feeds for automatic downloads). You can also browse latest torrents for your TV shows from this website, instead of using the RSS feed, or you can use both as well.snackfeed - feeding you good web video
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best videos and web shows from around the web updated dailyCreate your own printable magazines and eBooks |
Create your own printable magazines and ebooks
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Create your own printable magazine from any online content.Fever° Red hot. Well read.
Shaun's new RSS reader looks sweet (and smart).
"Fever takes the temperature of your slice of the web and shows you what's hot."
Your current feed reader is full of unread items. You’re hesitant to subscribe to any more feeds because you can't keep up with your existing subs. Maybe you've even abandoned feeds altogether. Fever takes the temperature of your slice of the web and shows you what's hot.
shaun inman. dear god, shaun inman. i want to cry. that said, i've become very used to not having to install things that look like web applications. still. crying.
rss readerHow to Syndicate Content Without Utilizing a News Feed - Nettuts+
Many websites offer syndication formats such as RSS, JSON, or XML based services to allow for easy content delivery. How do you syndicate content from a website that doesn’t offer a news feed? This is what I set out to solve.
php経由で他ドメインのページをロード タイトルを見てページをパースし前回のアクセスと比較して更新箇所を抽出するのかと驚いたら、単なる丸ごとロードだった jqueryGrow Bigger Ears in 10 Minutes |
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MyAlltop lets you easily create and share your own page of feeds from the best websites and blogs.
MyAlltop let's you easily create and share your own page of feeds from the best websites and blogs.
RT @mayhemstudios: RT @GuyKawasaki: Conversion to Rackspace complete. Can handle MyAlltop traffic. Try out. [from]
great links to some creative folks alltop custom pagesHow to build a personal mashup page with jQuery - The EZPZ Way
jQuery and an RSS Feed. könnte man verwenden um bei easy rec client seitig die rss feeds zu holen
How to build a personal mashup page with jQuery
After finding out about GitHub pages, I decided to put mine to good use by building a mashup for my online content. Since we don’t have any control on the server side, we’re going to use only javascript to make it dynamic. This tutorial will show you how to use jQuery and JSONP to pull data from Twitter, GitHub, and an RSS Feed (without any server side magic). The techniques here can easily be used to interact with any other API.250 RSS Feeds For Every Graphic, Web Designers And Bloggers To Subscribe At | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Web Designers And BloggersRSS to PDF Newspaper |
RSS to PDF Newspaper
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Create printable PDFs from content found on the web
Generer pdf-filer i avis layout ud fra rss. Velegnet til print.
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RSS Aggregator50 Social Service and Bookmarking Icon Sets for Bloggers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Social Service and Bookmarking Icon Sets
There are many elements of blogging that are essential, the most important is the ability to share your posts and information with a wider audience, and we accomplish this via the many social bookmarking services (digg, delicious, twitter…) that are available. Finding a bookmarking iconset that fits into your theme can be difficult or maybe you don’t want the boring or the bland, but you want an iconset that has been designed by a high quality designer and has something distinctive and original. Below you will find such iconsets.The Pushbutton Web: Realtime Becomes Real - Anil Dash
Pushbutton is a name for what I believe will be an upgrade for the web, where any site or application can deliver realtime messages to a web-scale audience, using free and open technologies at low cost and without relying on any single company like Twitter or Facebook. The pieces of this platform have just come together to enable a whole set of new features and applications that would have been nearly impossible for an average web developer to build in the past. July 24 2009
Anil Dash of Six Apart weaves together several ideas, some very old, some relatively new, and spins a story of the web to come. This is a great read, rich with informative links. Web developers should read it twice and argue about for hours.Alex Payne — Fever and the Future of Feed Readers
Fine writing from al3x on the role of feed readers, inexplicably intermixed with a review of Fever.
Feed readers need more intelligence, for certain. The "editorial" aspect, whether it be professional editors or your friends, still carries more weight than computers.
Is this ever exactly the post I needed to read right now as I survey my intimidatingly overstuffed Google Reader page. (I currently subscribe to around a hundred feeds, but some of them are very high volume.)
Today, at least in the web-tech echo chamber, feed reading is quickly falling out of fashion. Too many sites producing too many feeds of dubious quality means information overload, and a creeping sense of obligation to keep up with a torrent of questionably relevant content. Some have gone back to checking a handful of bookmarked sites, as we did in the early days of the web. Others rely on social aggregation sites like Reddit, Digg, and Hacker News to show them what’s worth reading. Both strategies are highly manual and, to me, distressingly unoptimized.
Today, at least in the web-tech echo chamber, feed reading is quickly falling out of fashion. Too many sites producing too many feeds of dubious quality means information overload, and a creeping sense of obligation to keep up with a torrent of questionably relevant content.ezRSS - Life made easy
Suscribirse a programas de tv por torrent
EZRSS is a rss feed for eztv. You can use it to have your bittorrent client download your favourite shows from eztv as they get released, rather than having to stay up all night waiting for them - completely automatically. For more information about what rss is and how you can use it, see the faq.9 Strategies for Finding Incredible Content
articulo intersante
REcherche de contenus pertinents
Finding great content online from a social media and search marketer’s standpoint is a very vital aspect to building out ...
Finding great content online from a social media and search marketer’s standpoint is a very vital aspect to building out social accounts, writing blog posts, researching target markets, link acquisition, and blogger outreach. The following 9 sites and mashups are ways to help facilitate the discovery of great content.Download Your Google Reader Stories as PDF & other 'Send To' Hacks
A nifty page that shows how to create some custom Google Reader 'Send To' items.
Learn how to download Google Reader stories as PDF files using the new Send To menu. You can also email web pages, share them on Twitter or Facebook via Google Reader.
Saving GR items to delicious, to my blog, to PDF.How To: Backup And Search All Your Friends' Tweets In Google Reader
Archive the Tweets of everyone else you find of interest, and make them searchable.
How To: Backup And Search All Your Friends' Tweets In Google Reader [from]Supercharge Google Reader with Send To Links - Google Reader - Lifehacker
Google Reader recently added custom "Send To" controls to its feature list, and we've been looking for the most useful links to feed it. Here are 11 excellent send-to tools you can add to Reader, with more on the way. "More on the way" because, despite trying to keep our eyes and feed readers in as many places as possible, we're guessing there are a lot of other great URL-friendly webapps that can be hooked into Reader, as these crowd-sourced examples have already proven.ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: PubSubHubbubとは
分かりやすい日本語の解説。Welcome to HootSuite, the ultimate Twitter toolbox -...
Desktop App
I upgraded to #HootSuite 2.0 because I want to see how it compares to using CoTweet and [from]
I upgraded to #HootSuite 2.0 because i wanted check it,& dont know how to avoid this stupid spammy msg.sorry. [from]
Twitter client for organizations I upgraded to #HootSuite 2.0 because of a slew of new features (ex: track stats)Lazyfeed
This Mac-based front end to your Google Reader account integrates with Twitter and other Google services. In beta, but looks promising.
Gruml allows you to view and manage your feed subscriptions of your Google Reader account on Mac OS X. Read your newsfeeds, manage them in folders, tag them, and much more – all in sync with your Google Reader account.Google Reader - Featured Reading Lists
Server based RSS feed engine.Google Reader - Featured Reading Lists
Explore and subscribe to their favorite sites in Google Reader, where keeping up with news and blogs is as easy as checking your email.
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powerreaders Want to know what journalists, foodies, and tech bloggers read? Explore and subscribe to their favorite sites in Google Reader, where keeping up with news and blogs is as easy as checking your email.Pubwich — Open-source online data aggregation PHP application
Good way to do the homepage mashupWordPress Just Made Millions of Blogs Real-Time With RSSCloud
All blogs on the platform and any blogs that opt-in (using this plug-in) will now make instant updates available to any RSS readers subscribed to a new feature called RSSCloud. There is currently only one RSS aggregator that supports RSSCloud, Dave Winer's brand-new reader River2. That will probably change very soon. Update: Within hours another RSS reader called LazyFeed has announced that it will support RSSCloud as well.RSSCloud Vs. PubSubHubbub: Why The Fat Pings Win
Both PuSH and rssCloud address a fundamental flaw in the way web applications work today. Currently, getting updates on the web requires constant polling. Subscribers are forced to act like nagging children asking, “Are we there yet?” Subscribers must constantly ping the publisher to ask if there are new updates even if the answer is “no” 99% of the time. This is terribly inefficient, wastes resources, and makes it incredibly hard to find new content in as soon as it appears. Both protocols flip the current model on its head so that updates are event driven rather than request driven. By that I mean that both protocols eliminate the need for polling by essentially telling subscribers, “Don’t ask us if there’s anything new. We’ll tell you.”Archive Binge
At Archive Binge you can create a custom RSS news feed for a webcomic, which will take you through the archive, at a rate faster than the new comics update.
Brilliant. The kind of thing where one wonders why no one thought of it before. Subscribe to webcomic RSS feeds from the beginning, but at a faster rate than they're published. Eventually, you catch up.
Awesome idea! You can create a feed so that back issues of your favorite comic are delivered at a rate faster than the comic updates so you can catch up.
At Archive Binge you can create a custom RSS news feed for a webcomic, which will take you through the archive, at a rate faster than the new comics update. This lets you get up to date on comics with large archives, without spending hours or days trawling the archive in one go. Rather than spend a whole day or more bingeing on a comic archive, set up an Archive Binge feed. You can start from the beginning, or wherever you're up to. You can set your custom feed to deliver a strip every day, 4 strips every weekday, or whatever you want, up to 10 strips a day. Anyone can read 10 strips a day! If you get a spare hour and read the next 50 strips, you can update your position in your feed. You can even pause your feed if you go on vacation, and turn it on again when you get back.
catch up on webcomics a bit at a time
Doles out a few comics, in order, from an archive, to catch you up slowlyRSS never blocks you or goes down: why social networks need to be decentralized - O'Reilly Radar
Recurring outages on major networking sites such as Twitter and LinkedIn, along with incidents where Twitter members were mysteriously dropped for days at a time, have led many people to challenge the centralized control exerted by companies running social networks
y this is a felt need that's spreading across the Net. Interestingly, they approach the questions from a list of what information needs to be shared and how it needs to be transmitted; I come from the angle of what people want from each other and how their needs can be met. The two approaches converge, though. See the comments for other interesting related blogs.800+ Most Wanted Free RSS Icons for Bloggers | Naldz Graphics
800+ Most Wanted Free RSS Icons for Bloggers | Naldz Graphics -
800+RSS IconsHow To Build The Ultimate Job Finding Dashboard with iGoogle | FreelanceFolder
This tutorial will show you how to build the ultimate, customizable, job finding dashboard using iGoogle. Integrate job boards, twitter searches, and more.Beginner Illustrator Tutorial - Create a Vector RSS Icon
TUTORIAL CREAR BUTONS 2.0 amb ILLUSTRATORStreams, Walls, and Feeds: Distributing Content Through Social Networks and RSS (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
AlertBox gives insight to how users interact with corporate streams. like Facebook, Twitter, and RSS.
According to a study of social networking postings, users like the simplicity of messages that pass into oblivion over time, but were frequently frustrated by unscannable writing, overly frequent postings, and their inability to locate companies on social networks.
Summary: Users like the simplicity of messages that pass into oblivion over time, but were frequently frustrated by unscannable writing, overly frequent postings, and their inability to locate companies on social networks.10 secrets to staying informed about web design « Boagworld
Google Reader now lets you send blog posts directly into Evernote. When you send a post to Evernote, we go out to the source page and clip the whole thing –that way you get everything, not just the bit that you see in Reader. Why I love this feature A lot of my web life can be broadly classified as research: recipes, drool-worthy gadgets, lifehacking ideas, articles to read, etc. Much of that stuff enter my consciousness through Google Reader. The usual workflow is something like–see an interesting post, go to the blog, clip it into Evernote for later, return to Reader. Now, I can do everything without leaving Reader. Awesome.
Totally awesome. I didn't even realize the send to function existed. Hooking it to evernote is pretty rad.
Google Reader now lets you send blog posts directly into Evernote. When you send a post to Evernote, we go out to the source page and clip the whole thing –that way you get everything, not just the bit that you see in Reader.Home /
画像だけをいろんなところから検索してくれるサービス すげえMozilla Labs » Raindrop » Blog Archive » Introducing Raindrop
Today we’re introducing Raindrop, an exploration in messaging innovation being led by the team responsible for Thunderbird, to explore new ways to use Open Web technologies to create useful, compelling messaging experiences. We hope to lead and spur the development of extensible applications that help users easily and enjoyably manage their conversations, notifications, and messages across a variety of online services. A central principle behind Raindrop is that messaging should be personal — we want Raindrop to be people-centric both in how we process messages, and in how we can help give people control over their personal data and experiences.
Today we’re introducing Raindrop, an exploration in messaging innovation being led by the team responsible for Thunderbird, to explore new ways to use Open Web technologies to create useful, compelling messaging experiences. We hope to lead and spur the development of extensible applications that help users easily and enjoyably manage their conversations, notifications, and messages across a variety of online services. A central principle behind Raindrop is that messaging should be personal — we want Raindrop to be people-centric both in how we process messages, and in how we can help give people control over their personal data and experiences. When a friend’s link from YouTube or flickr arrives, your messaging client should be able to show the video or photos near or as part of the message, rather than rudely kicking you over to a separate browser tab. Notifications from computers and mailing lists should be organized for you.200+ Free Exclusive RSS Icons: “Supra” | Webdesigner Depot
feed ícones iconsFeeds 101 - Nettuts+
by @Nettuts
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Really good description of RSS
Feeds. RSS. Atom. Syndication. Subscribers. These are some of the keywords floating around the web and have gained notorious prominence over the years. In this guide, we'll take a look at a number of things including what feeds are, why you need to have a feed for your site, how to set up one and then publish it.Real-Time Web Protocol PubSubHubbub Explained
Real-Time Web Protocol PubSubHubbub Explained [from]
Mer om realtidswebben och pubsubhubbub-protokollet.Twitter Lists To RSS
Twitter Lists 2 RSS
list を rss 化。
A service that will convert a twitter list into rss.
Enter the URL of a twitter list belowjParse - jQuery XML Parse Plugin
jParse is a jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly and easily parse - Filter your embedded Twitter feed and block Twitter spam
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The smarter way to filter out the spam and clutter you don’t want!
TidyTweet helps keep your Twitter feed free from inappropriate language, users, and content. Keep an eye on your conversations 24/7 and decide for yourself what stays and what goes.13 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader | ThinkWasabi
Molt Bo
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Trucos muy utiles para sacar el maximo provecho a Google Reader como lector de feedsShrub / Amazon S3 Proxy
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Easy web interface to public Amazon S3 buckets. Handy if you want to share files with people.Google, Facebook, MySpace and More Meet to Talk Activity Streams - ReadWriteWeb
how to handle media files in activity feed streams
People from Google, MySpace, Facebook, Yahoo!, Nokia, Comcast" and startups met on January 8, 2009, to "discuss proposed standards for the future of 'activity streams'." Marshall Kirkpatrick analogizes standards to the railroads' standardization on gauge track.FairShare -- Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used.
Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used.
* Home * Feedback * Help * Sign in Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used. To get started, please enter the feed URL containing your work.
Ferramenta que permite rastrear o conteúdo de seu blog pela web e saber como e por quem ele está sendo utilizado. O lançamento é uma parceria da empresa de monitoramento Attributor com a Creative Commons, que oferece licenças mais brandas de direitos autorais. Depois de cadastrar o RSS de seu blog, você recebe um outro RSS, que disponibiliza links de sites que estão utilizando o seu conteúdo.
FairShare is a free service that enables you to claim your work, watch how it spreads and learn how it is used across the Web.Atomisator – Trac
Atomisator is a data aggregator framework. Its purpose is to provide an engine to build any kind of data by merging several sources of data.
Atomisator – Trac; homepage for book and Atomisator project; September 2008 ISBN 184719494X; This book is an authoritative exploration of Python best practices and applications of agile methodologies to Python, illustrated with practical, real-world examples.:: AppMakr
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Builds iPhone apps for you out of feeds from websites. 199 price tag, but wow.PubSubHubbubでRSSもTwitter並にリアルタイムに - @IT
「PubSubHubbub」(パブサブハブバブ)という奇妙な名前のプロトコルが注目だ。2009年8月5日にグーグルはRSSリーダーサービスのGoogle ReaderでPubSubHubbub対応を明らかにしたほか、国内ではライブドアが、同じくRSSリーダー「livedoor Reader」とブログサービスの「livedoor Blog」でPubSubHubbubに初対応したことを8月18日に発表している。まだ対応サービスは少なく、その“効能”も「ブログの更新がRSSリーダーに反映されるのが、ほぼリアルタイムになりました」というだけで小さく見えるかもしれない。しかしPubSubHubbubは、ネット全体のリアルタイムコミュニケーションプラットフォーム化を促す重要なキーとなるかもしれない。BitTorrent: FeedMyTorrents Offers TV Torrent Feeds without Duplicates
Web site FeedMyTorrents publishes RSS feeds of torrents for popular TV shows. Just subscribe to your favorite show and let your BitTorrent client automatically download new episodes as soon as they're available.How To Publish Your Favourite Bookmarks To Twitter
Twitterfeed to send out Delicious bookmarks as tweets
A special tag from Delicious to Twitter - through Twitterfeed
The more I talk to people about how they use Twitter the more I find that nobody really uses Twitter in the same way. Today Matthew Lang (follow him at
How To Publish Your Favourite Bookmarks To TwitterTop Tools For Tracking Topics on the Web
Tracking topics on the Web can be a painful process, due to the amount of noise and difficulty of filtering it. So to help you out, we've selected and categorized the leading topic-tracking tools. This is based on the discussion that arose from our earlier post about topic feeds, which are RSS feeds for keywords or phrases. During the process of analyzing these topic tracking tools, we discovered - to our surprise - that not many of these services output results as RSS. Some of the leading apps in this field require users to visit their service. With that in mind, here is our full list and analysis.
Tracking topics on the Web can be a painful process, due to the amount of noise and difficulty of filtering it. So to help you out, we've selected and categorized the leading topic-tracking tools. This is based on the discussion that arose from our earlier post about topic feeds, which are RSS feeds for keywords or phrases. During the process of analyzing these topic tracking tools, we discovered - to our surprise - that not many of these services output results as RSS. Some of the leading apps in this field require users to visit their service. With that in mind, here is our full list and analysis.
Top Tools For Tracking Topics on the WebOfficial Google Reader Blog: Follow changes to any website
Click "create a feed", and Reader will periodically visit the page and publish any significant changes it finds as items in a custom feed created just for that page.14 Free Tools To Validate Your HTML, CSS & RSS Feeds
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers【速報】 Google Readerであらゆるページを購読可能に ~ 自動RSSフィード生成機能が追加:in the looop:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ
「仕組みとしては,Googleがクローリングしているサイト情報を元に,そのページに変更があった場合に差分からフィードを自動生成していると推測されます。」Evernoteに記憶を自動保存する方法 - RyoAnna’s iPhone Blog
Windowsクライアントの日本語検索。このネックさえ解決されれば最強なんだけど。[PHP]知っていると便利な、カテゴリ別のPHPのライブラリ集 | コリス
google reader
13 trucos para exprimir al máximo Google Reader
Interesante a ver si consigo sacarle partido a deliciousLifestream - lvtrii
"xstriim" is currently an alpha lifestreaming class, which intends to make it easy for people with virtually no PHP knowledge to set up their own lifestream on their website
Un script de lifestream à tester !
javascript lifestreaming class library僕が購読しているMac系ブログリスト | Macの手書き説明書
Mac系ブログリストTimes Widgets - Build Your Own Times Widget - The New York Times
Sección de widgets para permitir que otras páginas distribuyan sus contenidosTop 25 (Non-Obvious) Ways RSS Can Make Your Life Easier
f you’re looking for ways to more fully incorporate RSS into your technology repertoire, here are 25 applications, sites and ideas that can help you make the most of RSS. There are tons of little ways you can use RSS feeds to help you make your daily tasks, errands and life in general a little easier.Five Things You Can Do With This New Facebook RSS App - ReadWriteWeb
Five Things You Can Do With This New Facebook RSS App (app that turns newsfeeds into rss feeds, use cases) [from]Google Reader - Play
Twitter is killing RSS. Twitter gets people through to the website and can get conversions and will be trackable via analytics. RSS is not!
twitter and rss
polling sucks
reading "Is Twitter killing RSS?" [from]Lifehacker - Use Yahoo Pipes to Grab TV Show Feeds - TV
FeedMyTorrents is defunct, is in a coma of indefinite length—where does one go to get custom download feeds for favorite shows? You can use this handy Yahoo Pipes feed to scrub David, a fellow Lifehacker reader, was as dismayed by the vanishing of those feed sites as the next person who relies on magic of peer-to-peer to fill their television-on-demand queue. Not content to hunt and peck through the large offerings at EZTV, he wrote a Pipe to scrub the EZTV site and return all the shows. If this is your first time hearing about Yahoo Pipes, definitely take a moment to check out our guide to using and creating your own pipes. Once you're up to speed, you'll need a free Yahoo account to continue.8 Google Reader Extensions for Firefox 3 - Mashable
ctly in your reader, as well as letting you group feeds by rank. Also allows you to add your own thoughts on e
8 Google Reader Extensions for Firefox 3 -
Firefox is one of the most popular browsers out there. Google Reader, on the other hand, is the most popular subscription reader available. Tie the two together with these great extensions, compiled by Mashable.
Why does there have to be so much choice?! *sigh*
Here are 8 Google Reader extensions for Firefox 3 that notify you when you have unread items, let you comment back to the original blog, and : deliver your content to the social web.
sync rss to publish twitter, facebook and more.
Use for blog to social network aggregation
Outil de (re)publication automatique de flux RSS sur Twitter, Facebook et LinkedIn
Service that takes an RSS feed URL and delivers updates to social media aggregators such as FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.WebWorkerDaily » Archive More Efficient RSS Reading «
There will always be more interesting content than I can ever read in a lifetime. Good Point!
From Web Worker Daily: The harsh reality is that there are only so many hours in the day one can spend reading and learning. Here are some tips for using your RSS reader more productively.Newsrooms Can Grow Twitter Followers By Using Twitter For Link Journalism - Publishing 2.0
Twitterfeed grows readerships.
A post about not just using RSS feeds on your social network site. Making it personal and sharing links and information from other places.
Many newsrooms are doing this through “live Tweeting” everything from ball games to trials. Tweeting while watching is certainty a popular use of Twitter, so this is promising.Boxoh universal package tracking: UPS, FedEx, USPS, and DHL with RSS and Maps
Buscador de paquetes y su hubicacion
universal package tracking: UPS, FedEx, USPS, and DHL with RSS and - read a Twitter stream as a daily newspaper
read a Twitter stream as a daily newspaper Twitter as newspaper
Cliente de Twitter que convierte tu canal informativo en un periódico electrónico. El periódico se divide en secciones variadas, fotos, vídeos y anuncios. En las sessciones se incluyen las publicacines de tus contactos.The Photography Post
The Photography Post delivers the most current discussions on the state of photography.Paul Dix Explains Nothing: Feedzirra - A Ruby feed library built for speed
another ruby feed library. might not suck.もうアンテナ低いなんて言わせない!? 情報収集11のテクニック :教えて君.net
まあ一応。30+ Web 2.0 RSS Applications & Sites | Showcases |
30+ Web 2.0 RSS Applications & SitesOutlook 2007: Use Google Reader from Within Outlook
Helpful hints from Lifehacker...
Use Google Reader from Within Outlook: #rss #reader #google #outlook [from]
Reader David writes in with a useful tip for consolidating windows—he embeds Google Reader into Outlook as a replacement for the built-in RSS support.TwitteReader
Get Twitter with a Google Reader feel. PHP Install.
google reader like twitter app
Mark Twitter messages as read and unread. Keep track of what you have already read from who you follow with this Twitter Reader
install twitter reader on localhost or any server; looks like google reader10 façons d'intégrer Twitter dans son blog | Presse-Citron
10 façons détaillées d'intégrer Twitter dans son blog ou dans un site web
tres façons d’intégrer Twitter dans un site ou un blog : si vous en connaissez certaines vraiment intéressantes et peu répandues, hop un petit commentaire.AP: The Modern Newsroom Looks Like a Little RSS Reader - ReadWriteWeb
RWW Network ReadWriteWeb ReadWriteTalk Last100 AltSearchEngines Jobs About Subscribe Contact Advertise RSS RWW Daily by Email RSS RWW Weekly Wrap-up Home Products Trends Company Index Predictions Best of RWW Archives Enterprise AP: The Modern Newsroom Looks Like a Little RSS Reader Written by Marshall Kirkpatrick / September 29, 2008 10:43 AM / 4 Comments « Prior Post Next Post » The 20th century news and stock ticker used to be one of the most archetypal images of newsrooms all around the world. It was timely and exciting, if a bit impersonal, for editors to watch the wires for breaking news from the big news syndicates and select stories to run in the local paper. That ticker doesn't print everything out any more, though, and a constant stream of news is something that millions of consumers now see for themselves inside their RSS feed readers. How are newspapers adapting to digital syndication? Today the Associated Press announced that more than 500 newspapers are using thei
Interesting short piece on new search, delivery, and syndication tool to help fuel AP stories in local papers.Good Noows
the best alternative to Google Reader. The sleek online RSS reader offers a lot of the features you can find in Google Reader, and adds a few extra interesting gems that we haven’t seen elsewhere. Good Noows is a Google Reader alternative that gives you more control over the layout, with enough choices that everyone is bound to find something that appeals to them. It enables the sharing of links and stories easily on major social media sites, and it’s all presented in a sleek and streamlined manner. With the overwhelming amount of information that is thrown at us online everyday, from every possible source, Good Noows give its users a pleasant way to keep up with the latest stories from their favourite websites.
Change the way you read the news.
Good Noows Is a Newspaper-Styled and Socially-Oriented Feed ReaderIf you'd like your feed reader to have a little more style and flash to it than you've found elsewhere, Good Noows is a polished feed reader with an emphasis on presentation and social networking.Iphone Tutorial: Creating a RSS Feed Reader
*Iphone Tutorial: Creating a RSS Feed Reader