• Community-powered gem compatibility for ruby 1.9
great way to determine gem compatibility
“The Ruby community needs your help. Install Ruby 1.9.1 then try out your favourite gems and provide feedback here”
Is it Ruby 1.9? Listing Ruby Gems and showing their Ruby 1.9 compatibility23 Useful Ruby 1.9 Links and Resources
It's approaching two weeks now since Ruby 1.9.1 was released, bringing with it not only a whole stack of extra performance and a new VM, but also a lot of compatibility issues. No pain, no gain! Thankfully, the Ruby community in its typical way has got to blogging, writing scripts, and what not, resulting in a flurry of useful links and resources for those brave enough to test the Ruby 1.9.1 waters. So here come 23 useful Ruby 1.9.1 links and resources! If you have any others you wish to add, please leave a comment as people will be checking those out too.Relevance Blog : Working With Multiple Ruby Versions Has Never Been This Easy
echo "source ~/" >> .bash_profile
ruby_switcher 여러 버전의 루비를 명령하나로 바꿔가면서 사용할 수 있다
Nice post and accompanying bash script to manage multiple versions of ruby.Ruby Version Manager: Easily Use Multiple Ruby Versions At Once
During the last year I've ported a number of gems and Rails apps to Ruby 1.9. I feel it's important we as a community get the transition from 1.8 done and over with as soon as possible so we can get back to doing real work. I suspect that many of you have installed a Ruby 1.9 and that it lingers somewhere on your harddrive without much use. Maybe you're even one of those performance trolls, childishly happy reading articles like The Great Ruby Shootout and then goes back to coding in yesterdays Ruby like it's '99. ;)Ruby Fibers: 8 Useful Reads On Ruby’s New Concurrency Feature