passe_simple: Don't cut your hair (Do you think it's gonna make him change?) 1/4
R hiatus breaks with weddings and babies! i like that this seems so very real. lots of fear and desire to not change anything, because it's new and scary. i like that.
[40,000 words // R ] Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him.
Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him.
Title: Don't cut your hair (Do you think it's gonna make him change?) Panic at the Disco, Spencer/Brendon (Ryan/Keltie, Jon/Cassie) 40,000 words, R. Summary: Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him.
Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him. Four parts linked.
Set a little while in the future. The band takes a break and Brendon gets bored. Spencer goes with him. Spencer/Brendon (Ryan/Keltie, Jon/Cassie) 40,000 words
"I mean, it’s Brendon. Can you really imagine him getting all Justin Timberlake without us?" Ryan threw himself down on the couch. "Yes," he said miserably. "Since the first time I heard him sing in your garage I’ve been able to imagine exactly that."
Brendon/Spencer. R. Futurefic. Ryan gets married, Jon has a kid, and the band is on hiatus. I really enjoy the dynamic between all the guys and girls here. In particular, the way this handles the various reactions to Brendon's new material is excellent, and then as the story progresses, I like that it really takes the time to explore how Spencer and Brendon navigate this new relationship. It feels very honest, very convincing, and also all completely necessary. It's been a while since a fic has left me feeling truly satisfied by the end and not wondering what happened to one or two loose ends.battleofhydaspe: the sun smells too loud, part 1
Summary: College AU. Spencer catches up with his bi-curiousness, Cassie and Brendon are BFFs since kindergarten, Ryan makes people watch French movies and Jon smokes up during work hours. |__| [eh. good, but not amazing. kind of forgettable.]
Spencer meets Brendon through Cassie. He's an International Relations major with a minor in Music which is maybe kind of an odd combination but hey, Spencer's seen weirder things. Like, say, any given vest Ryan insisted on wearing last year. Spencer is really glad Ryan's over that, it's easier to show in public with him now.
College AU. Spencer catches up with his bi-curiousness, Cassie and Brendon are BFFs since kindergarten, Ryan makes people watch French movies and Jon smokes up during work hours.
the sun smells too loud (Brendon/Spencer, nc-17, 19,000 words) College AU. Spencer catches up with his bi-curiousness, Cassie and Brendon are BFFs since kindergarten, Ryan makes people watch French movies and Jon smokes up during work hours.
(Brendon/Spencer, nc-17, 19,000 words) College AU. Spencer catches up with his bi-curiousness, Cassie and Brendon are BFFs since kindergarten, Ryan makes people watch French movies and Jon smokes up during work hours.
Spencer catches up with his bi-curiousness, Cassie and Brendon are BFFs since kindergarten, Ryan makes people watch French movies and Jon smokes up during work hours.