Pages tagged s3:

“すべてクラウド”も間近!? 「ZumoDrive」を使ってみた - @IT

zumo driveを詳しく。これはデータ利用についての概念が変わりそうだ。大容量を使わないのであれば、便利さを手軽に手に入れられそう。HDDほどめったに利用しない音楽や写真を置く必要はないし。
“すべてクラウド”も間近!? 「ZumoDrive」を使ってみた - @IT
DropBoxみたいなサービス の説明|データはweb上にあって、ローカルには置かない と
Negatendo.Net » Blog Archive » HOWTO Use Amazon EC2 for Bittorrent
HowTo: EC2 for Poets
The goal is to make cloud computing less mysterious by helping people through the process of setting up a server on Amazon EC2.
Amazon Elastic MapReduce
There's a growing trend to provide some pretty awesome IT services over the internet. Seems to me that's the way it will mostly be in a decade's time - or less.
Amazon Elastic MapReduce is a web service that enables businesses, researchers, data analysts, and developers to easily and cost-effectively process vast amounts of data. It utilizes a hosted Hadoop framework running on the web-scale infrastructure of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
Who needs infrastructure? Keep your data somewhere else. Process your data somewhere else. You can now run your small data business out of your garage. Just photoshop a nice office for the investors.
Good Advice on Keeping Your Database Simple and Fast. - All Things Distributed
Keeping your database simple and fast is often difficult if you use higher level frameworks such as ActiveRecords in Ruby or Java object persistence technologies such as Hibernate. There is a lot of magic that is happening out of sight that you have no control over. If you then have to scale your application it is often the relational database that these technologies require that becomes the performance and scaling bottleneck. Often requiring complex custom implementations of partitioning and sharding to make it work. The AWS services Amazon S3 and Amazon SimpleDB were designed to handle the dominant storage usage patterns within Amazon and they greatly reduced our need to rely on relational storage for scaling our systems. But it is almost never the case that a single storage technique is used in applications and services that need to operate at enterprise scale. For example it is a common pattern that objects stored in S3 using a primary key, have a collection of secondary keys (e.g Database DatabaseSimpleandFast
PHP and the Cloud - techPortal
Cloud computing refers to the utilization of shared, elastic resources and processing power accessed via the Internet. In some ways, it hails the reversion to the golden age of time-sharing but with significant improvements to the distribution philosophies underlying the delivery infrastructure. So, analogously, we now have the shared wonders of Hyde Park, where everyone and anyone can chill on the bench, throw some Frisbee, instead of having to financially pool money to buy a private park to shoot rabbits. What is a cloud? Developers today can avoid scalability and availability worries in case their site turns into the next big thing by developing upon the cloud. Traditionally, a typical web application stack will look like that on the left below: image1 Cloud-based development involves in some sense, the outsourcing, of various parts of the application out of the server and into the cloud. So instead of storing images, videos and other objects in the file system, they are store
Amazon Web Services Developer Community : Introduction to AWS for PHP Developers
php amazon aws tutorial s3
While Amazon Web Services (AWS) may seem like an unusual service for an online retailer, AWS is actually a natural progression for a company as seasoned at providing rock-solid internet applications as Amazon. Over the years, Amazon has cultivated a tremendous amount of knowledge around what it takes to build and maintain a successful, highly scalable web application. Fortunately for the rest of us, they've made this knowledge available to all developers via AWS.
So Amazon will be in the web services business for the foreseeable future. Now that we've established that learning more about AWS is not a risky investment of time, let's focus on Amazon's Infrastructure Services -- EC2, Amazon S3, SQS, SDB and EBS -- that make up the core of what some within AWS refer to as "undifferentiated heavy lifting." All of these services are available via both REST and SOAP interfaces. (We'll touch on both in this article, but we'll concentrate on the REST and REST-like Query approaches. ) A growing number of language specific toolkits are available for these services, so you can feel comfortable basing an architecture on AWS given its language-agnostic foundation. The knowledge that you can ramp up 200 servers in five minutes if you need them may be a liberating experience for you -- in the days before AWS, system architects had to worry about handling rapid scale with "hot spares" and other expensive on-hand capacity that often sat idle until the day...
Time Warp
Cloud Hosting/Storage Toolbox: Options & Tools
Free Web Resources Everyday - WebResourcesDepot
Amazon Web Services Blog: Don't Forget: You Can Use Amazon SimpleDB For Free!
Supercharge Website Performance With AWS S3 and CloudFront - Nettuts+
In this tutorial I'll show you how to setup and use Amazon's Web Services S3 and CloudFront to decrease website load time as well as show the performance differences.
Django with Mysql and Apache on EC2 — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Django with Mysql and Apache
Shrub / Amazon S3 Proxy
using AWS
Easy web interface to public Amazon S3 buckets. Handy if you want to share files with people.
AmazonS3上のファイルを国内でも高速配信可能なAmazon CloudFrontリリース : Media Technology Labs (MTL) : メディアテクノロジーラボ ブログ
Amazon CloudFront
AWS Import/Export
is this supposed to be a joke -
How the Amazon Web Services deal with importing and exporting large volumes of data to/from the cloud.
Import large data sets via snail mail into Amazon S3 storage.
Jollat - AWS made easy
Jollat is a cross-platform graphical client for Amazon Web Services (AWS). It let's you manage Simple Storage Service (S3) and Elastic Compute Clouds (EC2) on the Mac, Windows or Linux. The services are integrated into an easy-to-use GUI, enabling you to do complicated tasks with the simple click of a button. All this for less than the monthly fee of a small instance!
Amazon Web Services Blog: Distribute Your Content With Amazon CloudFront
A few months ago I talked about our plans to create and offer a service for content delivery. That service is called Amazon CloudFront and it is ready now!Like all of our other services, CloudFront was designed with ease of...
A few months ago I talked about our plans to create and offer a service for content delivery. That service is called Amazon CloudFront and it is ready now!
content delivery network
A few months ago I talked about our plans to create and offer a service for content delivery. That service is called Amazon CloudFront and it is ready now! Like all of our other services, CloudFront was designed with ease of use in mind from the very beginning. There are no minimum usage commitments, no monthly fees, and no need to even talk to us.
Google Storage for Developers - Google Code
Got the Google Store invite: - Need to find time to play with it...
Google Storage for Developers is a RESTful service for storing and accessing your data on Google's infrastructure. The service combines the performance and scalability of Google's cloud with advanced security and sharing capabilities. Highlights include:
Home - Transloadit
File uploading, resizing, encoding, thumbnailing and storage. Has a jQuery plugin for a progress bar
"Let us do the processing"
Fantastic file uploading for your web application
Home - Transloadit
File uploading, resizing, encoding, thumbnailing and storage. Has a jQuery plugin for a progress bar
"Let us do the processing"
Fantastic file uploading for your web application