The Uncollected Stories of JD Salinger
Aside from his Nine Stories, JD Salinger published twenty-two stories in various magazines which remain uncollected. Several attempts have been made to compile these stories together but have met stiff resistance by the author. Spanning his literary career between the years 1940-1965, these stories display changes in both the author's style and message. While some are plainly of commercial quality, most are serious works containing an expansive gift of enlightenment and self-examination: that very-satisfying "Salinger moment".
JD Salinger Uncollected StoriesPostscript: J. D. Salinger: Back Issues : The New Yorker
Short stories by J. D. Salinger published in The New Yorker
Salinger in the New Yorker.
links to all Salinger stories published in The New Yorker