Every Episode of 'House' Ever | Cracked.com
Have you ever wanted to write award-winning television, don't own a computer, typewriter, or pen, and yet are somehow reading this? Well, you're in luck! Just follow this simple guide, selecting
opskrift på hvordan man skruer et afsnit af House MD sammenFrank Miller's Charlie Brown
Schulz City: That Yellow Shirted Such-and-such
When your style is this inflexible, it's time to hang it up or stock up on the heavy drugs and have either a creative breakthrough or a good medical reason for staying in your rut.Barack Obama's Teleprompter's Blog
Evaluation: Students will be graded on the RBBEAW* system, developed to assess and score students based on their own relative merit. A+ = 100–90 A = 89–80 A- = 79–70 A-- = 69–60 A--- = 59–50 A---- = 49–0
marvelous syllaubs for the post-print age.
ENG 371WR: Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era M-W-F: 11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Instructor: Robert Lanham
As print takes its place alongside smoke signals, cuneiform, and hollering, there has emerged a new literary age, one in which writers no longer need to feel encumbered by the paper cuts, reading, and excessive use of words traditionally associated with the writing trade. Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era focuses on the creation of short-form prose that is not intended to be reproduced on pulp fibers. Instant messaging. Twittering. Facebook updates. These 21st-century literary genres are defining a new "Lost Generation" of minimalists who would much rather watch Lost on their iPhones than toil over long-winded articles and short stories. Students will acquire the tools needed to make their tweets glimmer with a complete lack of forethought, their Facebook updates ring with self-importance, and their blog entries shimmer with literary pithiness.
"ENG 371WR: Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era"
ENG 371WR: Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era100 days of Barack Obama's Facebook news feed. - By Christopher Beam and Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine
Joe Biden created the group "I Love ‘I Love You, Man,' Man.".
News organizations have done an admirable job of recapping the first 100 days of the Obama administration. But rarely do we stumble across a primary source like Barack Obama's own Facebook feed. Scroll down for the full story.
Barack Obama Sent Somali Pirates a Trio of Snipers
Ha ha ha ha ha!But If We Started Dating It Would Ruin Our Friendship Where I Ask You To Do Things And You Do Them | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
I really like you. I do. You're so nice, and sweet, and you listen to all my problems and respond with the appropriate compliments. But, well, I...God is Imaginary - 50 simple proofs
God is ImaginaryWenn Unternehmen twittern | TRENDOPFER
Betreff: Tweet #1 Freitag, 10:01 Uhr Lieber F., bezugnehmend auf unsere Besprechung von Montag letzter Woche,...Startseite - politiker-stopp.de
Immer wieder befassen sich Politiker mit dem Internet, ohne wirklich etwas davon zu verstehen. Heraus kommen Gesetze, bei denen Netzbürger nicht wissen, ob sie lachen oder weinen sollen. Die aktuelle Zensuraktion von Ministerin von der Leyen ist ein Beispiel.
Immer wieder befassen sich Politiker mit dem Internet, ohne wirklich etwas davon zu verstehen. Heraus kommen Gesetze, bei denen Netzbürger nicht wissen, ob sie lachen oder weinen sollen. Die aktuelle Zensuraktion von Ministerin von der Leyen ist ein Beispiel. Doch jetzt gibt es DIE LÖSUNG. Wie jeder weiß, können Politiker Computer nicht bedienen. Deswegen bekommen sie Internetseiten immer nur als Ausdruck ihrer Bediensteten zu Gesicht. Man spricht deshalb auch von den sogenannten Internet-Ausdruckern. Nun machen wir es ganz einfach. Mit einem minimalen Schnippsel CSS-Code schützen wir alle Seiten vor dem Ausdrucken. Und schwupps - kein Politiker wird jemals wieder eine Internet-Seite zu Gesicht bekommen.
So eine schöne Druckvorschau
Wie jeder weiß, können Politiker Computer nicht bedienen. Deswegen bekommen sie Internetseiten immer nur als Ausdruck ihrer Bediensteten zu Gesicht. Man spricht deshalb auch von den sogenannten Internet-Ausdruckern. Nun machen wir es ganz einfach. Mit einem minimalen Schnippsel CSS-Code schützen wir alle Seiten vor dem Ausdrucken. Und schwupps - kein Politiker wird jemals wieder eine Internet-Seite zu Gesicht bekommen.Home Page
hilarious - but I wonder how much money they have collected.
You've committed your life to Jesus. You know you're saved. But when the Rapture comes what's to become of your loving pets who are left behind? Eternal Earth-Bound Pets takes that burden off your mind. We are a group of dedicated animal lovers, and atheists. Each Eternal Earth-Bound Pet representative is a confirmed atheist, and as such will still be here on Earth after you've received your reward. Our network of animal activists are committed to step in when you step up to Jesus.
After the Rapture
You've committed your life to Jesus. You know you're saved. But when the Rapture comes what's to become of your loving pets who are left behind? Eternal Earth-Bound Pets takes that burden off your mind.Stormtroopers' 9/11 - CollegeHumor video
デススター壊滅陰謀論RetteDeineFreiheit.de - Rette deine Freiheit
By http://www.couponbote.de
"RetteDeineFreiheit" ist eine Antwort auf die nicht nachvollziehbare Politik der Bundesregierung in Bezug auf die Internetsperren.Protect Insurance Companies PSA from FOD Team, Will Ferrell, Jon Hamm, Olivia Wilde, Thomas Lennon, Donald Faison, Linda Cardellini, Masi Oka, Ben Garant, Jordana Spiro, lauren, Drew, and chad_carter - Video
Satirical video related to the health insurance debate. A funny take on one of the stakeholders.
video to watch
Hollywood speaks out to help insurance companies ... Watch videos about Will Ferrell, Jon Hamm, Olivia Wilde, Thomas Lennon, Robert Ben Garant, Masi Oka, Jordana Spiro, Linda Cardellini, Donald Faison, PSA, insurance, health care, obama, bill, coverage, executives, money, democrats, republicans, congress on FunnyOrDie.comShouts & Murmurs: Subject: Our Marketing Plan : The New Yorker
funny cos it's true
The New YorkerKenyan Birth Certificate Generator - Make your own! Invalidating legitimate presidencies since 2009!
We see what we want to see, we hear what we want to hear. "conservatives were more likely to report that Colbert only pretends to be joking and genuinely meant what he said while liberals were more likely to report that Colbert used satire and was not serious when offering political statements. "
Last week, Stephen Colbert revisited a segment he had done on Florida Representative Bill Posey, who sponsored a bill that "would require future presidential candidates to provide a copy of their original birth certificate," in order to put insane rumors of President Barack Obama's birthplace to bed. Colbert thought a similar measure should be taken to end the whisperings that Posey was a human-alligator hybrid. Posey, in response to Colbert, said, "I expected there would be some civil debate about it, but it wasn't civil...There is no reason to say that I'm the illegitimate grandson of an alligator." And one wondered, "Does Posey not realize that Colbert is not speaking in earnest? His reaction seems uniquely stupid!" Stupid, yes. But apparently it's not unique at all, according to a study from The Ohio State University, which proves, with math and stuff, that lots of conservatives seem to not understand the intrinsic, underlying joke of The Colbert Report:MADATOMS - POPULAR RELIGIONS REFERENCE MANUAL by Tim Saccardo - Artist: Edwin Servaas
'This sentence contains a provocative statement that attracts the readers’ attention, but really only has very little to do with the topic of the blog post. This sentence claims to follow logically from the first sentence, though the connection is actually rather tenuous. This sentence claims that very few people are willing to admit the obvious inference of the last two sentences, with an implication that the reader is not one of those very few people. This sentence expresses the unwillingness of the writer to be silenced despite going against the popular wisdom. This sentence is a sort of drum roll, preparing the reader for the shocking truth to be contained in the next sentence. This sentence contains the thesis of the blog post, a trite and obvious statement cast as a dazzling and controversial insight.'
Writing and photography from the Mojave Desert and elsewhere by Chris Clarke
"This sentence contains the thesis of the blog post, a trite and obvious statement cast as a dazzling and controversial insight."
Hilarious meta-parody!
Great sendup of the typical blog post via @andrewsullivan http://j.mp/aQRD4HDina Goldstein's Fallen Princesses
This really doesn't pertain to class discussions or my cultural analysis, but this is a Canadian artist and I think her work is quite honest and appropriate for a gender class. This artist has appropriated the bright colours of the famous Disney princesses to the lives of real women. She juxtaposes these easily recognizable characters (Belle, Cinderella, Ariel, Snow White, etc.) with modern issues (War, cosmetic surgery, captivity, and motherhood) to have quite startling results. I think her message is quite simple: There's more to life for women than "happily ever after". Some of these images are horrific and incredibly disheartening. --Jami McFarland
cuentosMaking Light: The true history of the Bush years
in hyperlinks
all articles from "the onion" relating to bush & bush administration.
In a Herculean feat of linkage, Teresa Nielsen Hayden offers us the Bush years through the watering eyes of Onion readers. As she says "Other histories of the Bush years will doubtless be more factual, but none will ever be truer."bigthree.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x691 pixels)
One year ago nostalgia :-)
PDF at http://buffalobeast.com/133/BIG3.ad.from.BEAST133.pdf . Just brilliant.
"You wouldn't buy our shitty cars, so we're taking your money anyway."bailoutyk2.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x691 pixels)
shitty carsI'm Sorry Rush - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
http://www.dccc.org/content/sorry via @addthis [from http://twitter.com/eaton3000/statuses/1579283995]
by Democratic Congressional Campaign CommitteeI'm Not One Of Those 'Love Thy Neighbor' Christians | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
We're not all "Jesus Freaks" who run around screaming about how everyone should "Judge not lest ye be judged," whine "Blessed are the meek" all the time, or drone on and on about how we're all equal in the eyes of God! Some of us are just trying to be good, honest folks who believe the unbaptized will roam the Earth for ages without the comfort of God's love when Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior returns on Judgment Day to whisk the righteous off to heaven.
Everybody has this image of "crazy Christians" based on what they hear in the media, but it's just not true. Most Christians are normal, decent folks. We don't all blindly follow a bunch of outdated biblical tenets or go all fanatical about every bit of dogma. What I'm trying to say is, don't let the actions of a vocal few color your perceptions about what the majority of us are like.End Times | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Böse böse ... böseböse ...
"Jason Jones visits the the New York Times' offices to find out why the last of a dying breed prefers aged news to real news. "
'aged news'
The Daily Show's segment on the decline of the New York Times ("reporting the news, making stuff up, getting us into war") is fantastic - and reaches its peak when Jason Jones asks an editor to describe the appeal of "aged news," and when the editor asks him to explain, he challenges the editor to find a single thing in the paper that happened that day.
»What, a landline phone?«Guten Abend, meine Damen und Herren, Sie sehen die Abendnachrichten. | Hanno’s Blog | Hanno Zulla, Hamburg, Germany
Leider nicht wirklich eine Satire.
Satirische Artikel über den Medienwahn nach dem Amoklauf in Winnenden
“Oh, es war schrecklich. Hier ein paar weinende Mitschüler, die ich vor die Kamera gezerrt habe. Und hier spreche ich mit geschockten Eltern. Und jetzt ein Straßeninterview mit verschiedenen Anwohnern, die nichts zum Fall sagen können, aber alle sehr betroffen sind.”Truthful TV Title Cards — Glark
If television were honest...
Very succinct, very clever. I don't really get The Amazing Race one though.Debate Training - Biden learns what makes girls cry (WITH HOT PICS!) - 236.com - News
hilarious slideshow...
joe "six pack" biden trains for the debateFritinancy: Ms. Dowd Interviews the Inventor of the Telephone
Fritinancy: Ms. Dowd Interviews the Inventor of the Telephone http://bit.ly/TFDAI #feedly [from http://twitter.com/eaton3000/statuses/1600465574]
Fritinancy: Ms. Dowd Interviews the Inventor of the Telephone http://bit.ly/TFDAI Great spoof on the Twitter founder interview. [from http://twitter.com/JEBworks/statuses/1608813581]
Parody of her interview of the founders of Twitter
This is how I describe *any* new technology to folks - like a new version of the telephone
parody of Maureen Dowd's Twitter interview - great!
"I sat down with Mr. Bell, 39, and his assistant Thomas Watson, 22, and asked them to explain why they shouldn't be condemned to a slow, painful death. ME: The telephone seems like letter-writing without the paper and pen. Is there any message that can't wait for a passenger pigeon? BELL: Possibly the message I'd like to deliver to you right now. ME: Did you know you were designing a toy for bored housewives and the indolent rich? BELL: Actually, I was trying to help deaf people."
"ME: I would rather be flayed alive and gradually guillotined than use a telephone."Ian Bogost - Cow Clicker
The making of cow clicker, and a look at the trend of social games
In which he describes the hows and whys.
Une excellente crique et analyse sur les "jeux" sociaux.
Compulsion explains the feeling of struggling to return to something in spite of ourselves. Its flipside involves the disrespect of time that we might otherwise spend doing more valuable things—or even just pondering the thoughtful and unexpected ideas that an asynchronous game might raise. Social games so covet our time that they abuse us while we are away from them, through obligation, worry, and dread over missed opportunities.
"You get a cow. You can click on it. In six hours, you can click it again. Clicking earns you clicks. You can buy custom "premium" cows through micropayments (the Cow Clicker currency is called "mooney"), and you can buy your way out of the time delay by spending it. You can publish feed stories about clicking your cow, and you can click friends' cow clicks in their feed stories. Cow Clicker is Facebook games distilled to their essence." -- Reminds me of the game where you do the dishes.
The dialectic between theory and practice often collapses into a call and response panegyric. This in mind, I thought it might be productive to make an example that would act as its own theory.