Pages tagged scheduling:

Deferred Sender

Deferred Sender is a free service that allows you to schedule emails from any email application or website to be sent in the future. Send reminders, notifications and more! لجدولة رسائل البريد في أوقات لاحقة
Dead simple task scheduling in Rails - Intridea Company Blog
Rufus scheduler
javan's whenever at master - GitHub
provides a really easy way to write tasks that must be done repeatedly or at a certain time in a simple Ruby DSL. It can even write out crontab files for you based on the commands and times that you give it.
Create group plans // Which Date Works //
Create group plans // Which Date Works // -
Onyaka - Staff Scheduling Software | Roster Software | Employee Scheduling
Online staff time planning software
Schedules for workers.
Onyaka is an online staff time planning software service that take all the pain out of staff scheduling! Onyaka provides you with easy to use staff scheduling software, with NO downloads, NO expensive licence fees, and NO installation hassle!
Online Scheduling and Appointment Software - BookFresh
BookFresh works like an online appointment book. It lets new and existing clients schedule with your business online.
Online Scheduling and Appointment Software
BookFresh helps your business take online appointments and much more: Easy online appointment scheduling Advertises your services locally Reminds clients of their appointments Notifies you by SMS text and email Connects to your website
Top 10 Apps for Scheduling a Meeting Online - ReadWriteEnterprise
"Just as wikis solved the distributed document collaboration problem (that we used to use email for), this class of online tools solves our scheduling problem. Here's our rundown of the ten best scheduling apps to be found, in order of preference. Most of them operate on a freemium basis or are fairly cheap."
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Organize parties with your friends! - Atomeet
Organize parties with your friends! - Atomeet
Organize parties with your friends!
Atomeet is a free web service that helps you organize parties and events! Just fill in the form on the right to create your event homepage, then invite all of your friends!
inslead of sending out invites you can do it online
CalendarFly is the next generation free scheduling solution. CalendarFly is uniquely suited for school systems, sports teams, families, and any other organization because it automatically maintains and updates the schedules of teachers, administrators, coaches, parents, and students--making it easy for all of them to connect in real time and real places.
Marxio Timer - powerfull computer timer, countdown clock, reminder, alarm clock, stopwatch, freeware
powerfull computer timer, countdown clock, reminder, alarm clock, stopwatch
A Swiss Army knife-like portable multifunction timer
5 Free Services for Pre-Scheduling Your Twitter Updates
Twitter’s very real-time functionality is obviously the main attraction of the service. But it can also be a downside — if you want to send a tweet at a specific time, you usually have to be poised over a keyboard or phone. But there are some great solutions. The ability to post-date a tweet is useful for event promotion (where you may be busy at said event), to reach an audience in a different time zone, to space out your messages, or to keep your account nice and lively while you are away. While some popular Twitter clients offer scheduling options built-in, others don’t. For those in need, here are five great, free online services you can use to queue up tweets for future broadcasting. To narrow down the vast number of services out there, criteria for this list includes: 1) That it’s free; 2) That it offers OAuth “sign in with Twitter” access, or OpenID sign-in; and 3) That it does what it says on the proverbial packaging. These five hand-picked options are our favorites, but as
Online Registration - for Events, Workshops, Classes, and Courses
ระบบ Booking, Registration สำหรับงาน Event, Workshop