Pages tagged screencasting:

GoView™ Beta : Home

"Capture your computer screen and audio with GoView, then instantly share your recording online."
Capture your computer screen and audio with GoView™, then instantly share your recording online
Un outil de capture d'écran vidéo son et de partage en ligne, très simple d'utilisation
ScreenCastle | One Click Screencasting
ScreenCastle is a One Click Screencast Recorder and Hoster. You can record and share a screencast directly from your browser without the need to install software or register anywhere.
Para grabar lo que aparece en tu monitor. Online. Permite descargar el vídeo.
ScreenCastle: launch the screencast recorder and record a screencast directly from you browser, please click the button on the right.
Lifehacker - ScreenCastle Records Your Screencast without Software - Screencasts
If you need to create a simple screencast but don't want the hassle of installing and configuring software, ScreenCastle gets the job done from any Java-enabled web browser.
無料のスクリーンキャスト録画ツール『BB FlashBack Express』が最強な件! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Via.IDEA * IDEA なにげなく試してみたBB FlashBackなるツールがかなり良かったのでご紹介(ひょっとして定番?)。いわゆるスクリーンキャストのための録画ツールです。画面上の動作をキャプチャーして動画つくったり、とかですね。
10 Free Screen Recording Softwares For Creating Attractive Screencasts
10 gratis værktøjer til at optage, hvad der foregår på skærmen.
TuxArena: 3 Ways to Record Your Linux Desktop
Screenjelly - Home
This service allows you to tweet screencasts.
Permite capturar lo que sucede en la pantalla.
Screenjelly records your screen activity with your voice so you can spread it as a video via Twitter or email. Use it to quickly share cool apps or software tips, report a bug, or just show stuff you like.
Make The Perfect Screencast With These 6 Great Tips
tips voor een perfecte screencast - je weet wel zo'n video van je computerscherm waarin je bijvoorbeeld een programma uitlegt.
Over the years screencasting, also known as video tutorials have became very popular on the internet. The reason that they have became so popular is because it lets a user record their screen and share it with others to show them how to do something on a computer.
Screenr - Create screencasts and screen recordings the easy way
How to Create Screencasts You Can Be Proud Of » The Rapid eLearning Blog
real-world tips for e-learning success
Five Best Screencasting Tools - Screencast - Lifehacker
Thanks to broadband and some excellent screencasting applications, you don't need to limit yourself to mere static images when you're trying to show someone how to do something on your computer. Record video, audio, and do even more with these screencasting tools.
Free and Easy Screencasting to Build Your Website Demo
screencast (online tool)
Totally Web-based free screencasting tool, ScreenToaster.
Screencasting Setup - CSS-Tricks
Otherwise, Amazon S3 has pretty cheap hosting. I have a tutorial on setting up and hosting a file on S3.
Downloads: Screen2Exe Saves Screencasts to Executable Files
How to Make a Screencast for Your Website | Webdesigner Depot
Having a video on your website can vastly improve your conversion rate. Whether the goal is for users to sign up for your web application or simply to get users to contact you via a web form, a video improves the likelihood of this happening. You need only go to the home page of any new Internet-based startup, and you’ll see an embedded video with a very large call to action beckoning you to play its two- or three-minute video introduction. Videos that demonstrate web applications or web-based services are often called screencasts because they usually capture events on the company’s website. These screencasts can sum up in just two minutes what might otherwise take up many pages to explain, so they make for powerful additions to websites. Is it easy to make a screencast? How much does it cost, and what tools are required? Let’s answer these questions.
Cómo realizar un screencast para tu sitio.
wonderful stuff
How to Create a Screencast Like A Pro with These 6 Free Online Tools
A list of screencasting tools #screencast #screencast2.0 #bm