When Agile Projects Go Bad - CIO.com - Business Technology Leadership
agileMF Bliki: FlaccidScrum
What's happened is that they haven't paid enough attention to the internal quality of their software. If you make that mistake you'll soon find your productivity dragged down because it's much harder to add new features than you'd like. You've taken on a crippling TechnicalDebt and your scrum has gone weak at the knees. (And if you've been in a real scrum, you'll know that's a Bad Thing.)
"XPers often joke, with some justification, that Scrum is just XP without the technical practices that make it work."
Individuals and Interactions are more valuable than Processes and ToolsThe Agile Disease « Luke Halliwell’s Weblog
The games industry is rushing headlong to Agile development methodologies just now; it’s a great source of excitement for some, with conference sessions and magazine articles left, right and centre, and “evangelists” spreading the word. I’m sick of it. I can’t wait for the day when everyone realises how much of a fad-diet, religious-cult-inspired, money-making exercise it is for a group of consultants.
Agile doesn't mean no planning or allowing to reject any kind of "older" approarches, which are actually necessary to do the things.
All methodologies imply a prescribed approach, a single-minded, fixed set of processes that removes flexibility and rationality.How To Sell Agile To Fixed Bid Contract Clients
e] I have many successfulGwaredd Space: Game Development in a Post-Agile World
this is a great articleBringing User Centered Design to the Agile Environment - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
"UCD can be too documentation-heavy, isolated and risky but Agile needs help with defining requirements and concept development. How can Agile and user centric principles work together?"Naresh Jain » Agile FAQs Blog » Managed Chaos » Agile (as practiced today) is the new Waterfall
In this presentation I give some examples of heavy weight methods and their implications on your project. Then I give a quick overview of Agile methods, the rationale behind it, its origin, its values and principles. I move on to
This is supposed to be an introductory presentation on Agile. In this presentation I give some examples of heavy weight methods and their implications on your project. Then I give a quick overview of Agile methods, the rationale behind it, its origin, its values and principles. I move on to describe that what I see happening today in the industry is really waterfall in the name of Agile. I give some reasons why this is happening and then I give some pointers to move away from this flawed thinking. Bottom line, Agile is not a Silver Bullet and don’t fall pray to marketing gimmicks. Question dogmatic claims. Adapt Agile to your needs and take baby steps.openXprocess.com
Paseaba un día un jefe de proyectos por el campo. Tras años de rayos catódicos era su primer paseo por el páramo castellano en mucho tiempo. Lo necesitaba. La ocasión merecía los pantalones y las botas que estrenaba, recién compradas en la tienda de Timberland del aeropuerto. Iba pensando en lo bucólico del paisaje y la paz que se respiraba y lo lejos que estaba ahora de las reuniones 'tressesenta' , cuando vio, en la lejanía, para un informático 350 metros son la lejanía, un pastor de ovejas con rebaño de discreto tamaño. No más de cincuenta recursos eran los que el pastor gestionaba.
Los porques que explican que un pastor es mejor que un gestor super MBA en Gestión Total
Proyecto de Desarrollo
verdaderaMF Bliki: TeamRoom
Agilists favor a open team room as it promotes lots of informal and deep communication between people on the team.
Team room is great but open space isn't, and you readit carefully you'll find the reason in the text: "(..) It isn't comparable to an open-plan office where everyone is doing something different".
Thoughts about how to create and organize a team room
common thing you find in agile projects is that the development team sits in a single open team roomScrum Kompakt - Scrum Kompakt
Kostenloses Online-Buch für die Entwicklung mit Scrum
Scrum ist ein Framework für die Abwicklung von Projekten, das auf den Rahmengrundsätzen der agilen Softwareentwicklung aufbaut. »Scrum Kompakt« führt ein in die Grundlagen des Projektmanagements, bietet eine Einführung in Scrum und zeigt eine Variante, wie in Scrum Anforderungsanalyse mit hoher Qualität betrieben werden kann.
Scrum Kompakt bietet eine Einführung in Scrum und führt ein in die Grundlagen des Projektmanagements.