Microsoft SDKs
Links to many of Microsoft's SDKsReject Database for iPhone Developer
iPhoneアプリの開発方法iPhone SDK Examples
FB App Canvas Pages: I Think I’d Use IFramesAtrexis Blog: iPhone - Interface Builder Tutorial
Atrexis Systems Limited, Rich Internet and Mobile Application Development: iPhone - Interface Builder TutorialiPhone Dev 101: Introduction - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
NimbleKit is the fastest way to create applications for iPhone and iPod touch. You don't need to know Objective-C or iPhone SDK. All you need is to know how to write an HTML page with Javascript code.43 iPhone Development Resources
from theappleblog.comAdWhirl: Mobile Advertising | iPhone | Monetize Traffic | AdRollo
アフェリエイト広告iPhone Dev 101: The "Hello World!" app
iphone app development infoWelcome to webOSdev - Palm
The following pages should give you answers regarding Palm® webOS™ platform development that you could not find anywhere else on this site. Just jump into the section(s) that interest you.Bowline – A Ruby GUI framework | Lead Thinking
Recently I've been working on a Ruby GUI framework called Bowline. In a nutshell, Bowline lets you build cross platform desktop applications with Ruby, HTMLiPhoneSDK他 開発メモのまとめと言うか目次 2009.08.17版 - iPhoneSDK他 開発メモ
主に自分用に色々なiPhoneSDK開発テクニックや電子工作や色々な開発関連のメモを書いてます。 他にもゲームや便利アプリ等の紹介や、iPhoneOS以外の話題も書いていきたいと思います。
iphone 開発まとめiPhone開発。まずはサンプルを動かしてみよう - @IT
iPhone開発。まずはサンプルを動かしてみようFacebook SDK Overview
微軟釋出Facebook SDK
Microsoft Toolkit to enable .NET developers to quickly and easily leverage the various features of the Facebook Platform.
This toolkit is provided as a Facebook Client Library similar to Facebook's PHP Client Library or Facebook's JavaScript library. The goal is to enable .NET developers to quickly and easily leverage the various features of the Facebook Platform. This toolkit has evolved over time with input from the community and from Microsoft. The latest release (v3.0) includes new architectural improvements and provides an asynchronous interface for using the toolkit from Silverlight and from WPF. The main entry point is the API (Facebook.Rest.Api) class in the Facebook.dll assembly. This class wraps the Facebook REST API and provides an easy to use interface for calling the different methods currently available in the Facebook API. We've also provided samples and tools for helping develop Facebook applications in the various .NET platforms including: ASP.NET, Silverlight, WPF and WinForms. Additionally, we've provided all the source code for the API, components, controls, and samples for you to expTry Android 2.1 on Windows
phone os
Android is the most talked and popular platform these days. A lot of phones and netbooks featuring Andriod are coming...Apple - iPhone - iPhone OS 3.0 Preview
iPhone OS 4.0: 後でチェック ✓ "Apple - iPhone - iPhone OS 4 Preview"
RT @01net: #iPhone OS 4 : le site US d'Apple mis à jour
@hansdezwart In OS 4.0 is het probleem waar we het vandaag opgelost dmv folders. – Rob de Rijke (robderijke)
RT @dankando: For more information on iPhone OS 4:
RT @Top_iPhone_Apps: Offizielle Vorschauseite zum iPhone OS 4 von Apple:
"iPhone OS 4 will work with iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and the second- and third-generation iPod touch"
#Apple updated Website for #iPhone OS 4. to iPhone SDK Development | Mobiletuts+
Good set of first steps for iPhone DEV...App Engine JavaScript SDK
用 JavaScript 寫 GAE 程式How To: Try Android Froyo On Your Computer
How to set up an Android 2.2 emulator. Kinda geeky, but could be useful.
canGetting Started with the iPhone SDK
you'll probably never need this, but it's good to have bookmarked...How To Enable the Android Market in the Google Android Emulator - How-To Geek
Would you like to try out apps from the Android Market on your PC? We recently showed you how to run Android in an emulator on your PC, so here’s how you can install apps from the Android Market in the emulator.How To Enable the Android Market in the Google Android Emulator - How-To Geek
Would you like to try out apps from the Android Market on your PC? We recently showed you how to run Android in an emulator on your PC, so here’s how you can install apps from the Android Market in the emulator.