Pages tagged seed:

SEED - The Universe in '09

In 2009, we are celebrating curiosity and creativity with a dynamic look at the very best ideas that give us reason for optimism. Rethink your assumptions and pose better questions about the future: Welcome to The Universe in 2009.
The home page for SEED Magazine is inviting, making me want to click around and read a couple of articles.
The Seed on Vimeo
A two-minute animated voyage through nature's life cycle, following the trials and tribulations of a humble apple seed.
Life cycle of a seed
A two-minute animated voyage through nature's life cycle, following the trials and tribulations of a humble apple seed. The film was kindly funded by Adobe, made using their CS4 range of software. It was produced at Nexus Productions and features a soundtrack by Jape. It was made using a mixture of stop motion papercraft and 2D drawn animation.
SEED.COM - Where Your Content Flourishes
Seed本质上是一个内容管理系统,其运作模式和威客比较类似,也有不同之处。用户在Seed上注册后(目前仅限于美国境内的用户注册),可以查看目前 AOL所需要的各类文章或者原创图片、音频和视频内容等,以及相应的报酬。用户可以接单和提交作品,一旦你的文章或相片被AOL选用,你就会得到相应的报酬。同时,用户还可以像AOL推荐自己的原创作品,同样当AOL选用后,也会得到相应的报酬。
Seed is AOL's open content submission platform where professional writers, photographers and other can submit their content for publication on AOL's leading network of websites.