Pages tagged self_publishing:

6 Ways to Publish Your Own Book

how to make your own book
Here are six great sites that will help you publish your work, guaranteeing you a published book that can be sold via different outlets, such as Amazon.
6 Ways to Publish Your Own Book
The Game Crafter - Your game REALIZED - Home
FastPencil / Connect, Write, Self-Publish and Promote Your Book - all in one place.
/ Connect, Write, Self-Publish and Promote Your Book - all in one place.
FastPencil is a free service Here's what you can do on FastPencil FREE: •Write and organize your book •Collaborate and share with friends •Format and layout the inside content •Generate a beautiful color cover •Publish to the FastPencil Marketplace •Sell your book on your profile page How do we make money? When you buy and sell published books. We also make money when you purchase additional services like publishing packages, multi-channel distribution or editing. For example, using our free platform you can write, edit and publish a beautiful 100 page paperback book, get one copy printed and delivered to your doorstep for under $10 bucks.
Book Marketing
Has a manifesto on how to build a platform for a best-selling book
<p>This online book marketing manifesto is being offered to you as a vehicle to:</p><p>Open your eyes to the massive change that’s happening in the world of book marketing<br />Bust a lot of myths, expose scams and stop you from throwing thousands of dollars away<br />Help you understand how to get the biggest advance possible or self-publish and [...]</p>
mostly applicable to domain specific tech books but interesting to think how this would apply to fiction and non-fiction authorsaik
<p>It’s an amazing dream…<br />You wake up at 2:00am with an idea. A story, a vision for a book. You’ve been writing, journaling, maybe even blogging for years. Pen to paper, fingers to keys…it’s in your blood. You’re genetically compelled to craft literary magic. But, now. Oh now. You’ve finally got the big idea!<br />The one that’s [...]</p>
Tim Ferriss and Ramit Sethi on Blogging Techniques and Self-Publishing vs. Big Publishers
Lifehacker - MagCloud Makes it Easy to Run Your Own Magazine - Printing
Publishing a short run magazine used to be a rather pricey and labor-intensive process. MagCloud is an inexpensive way to bring your specialty magazine to press without hefty upfront fees.
MediaShift . 5 Great Services for Self-Publishing Your Book | PBS