Six Ways to Get People to Say “Yes” — Copyblogger
Getting people to say yes is the goal for any sales message. It's what psychologists call “compliance. However, my ...Bonanzle :: Buy and sell unique items with the friendliest community online.
An etsy-like page.
ようするにオンライン・ガレージセール これはアリだEtsy :: The Storque :: How-To :: The Etsy Seller Handbook: All Our How-Tos about Selling
Dear Sellers! Below you'll find a handy index of all the useful How-Tos about Selling on Etsy. We're calling it the Seller Handbook. We'll be adding all new how-tos for sellers to this index. You can also search the Storque tags for "Seller Handbook"...5 Sites Where You Can Sell Your Photos - Stepcase Lifehack
as the name says, wonder if i will be able to even get a dollar
"Photography is a hard business to break into, especially the upper brackets. But the internet does make it possible to earn a few dollars off of your photos — especially if you’ve found some great shots. More and more people have what amount to high-quality digital cameras these days and, if you’re one of them, at least a few of your photos may be able to make you a little money as stock photos. There are many sites that will allow you to upload your photos and sell them as stock photography."Designing to Sell
In this post we’re going to look at a simple template you can follow if you need to create a design that “sells” - that is, creating a website landing page that intends to turn a viewer / user into a customer.The 10 Secrets of Selling Online
for online business
The 10 Secrets of Selling Online
We're often asked, what is the secret of selling online? We're happy to tell you. We make tools that help you sell online. So we don't want these secrets to stay secret. We want you to succeed.8 Sales Questions You Can't Live (and Sell) Without! - EVERYTHING IS SELLING...
Your challenge is to find's April 2009 Trend Briefing covering SELLSUMERS
to read
A recession-induced need for cash, and an ever-growing infrastructure enabling individuals to act as (part-time) entrepreneurs, are fueling concepts that help ordinary consumers make money instead of just spending it.
Ads | While Google AdWords still brings in the money for bloggers, Magpie now inserts adverts into SELLSUMERS' Twitter feeds.The Gentleman Grafter: Entertainment & Culture:
By night, Joe Ades dines with his fourth wife at exclusive restaurants, sips Veuve Clicquot at the Pierre, and goes home to a three-bedroom Park Avenue apartment. By day, he is something else altogether. At 72, the “peeler guy” in the Turnbull & Asser shirts is a New York legend.
ohno! Joe Ades, the peeler salesman of Manhattan has died. RIP.
great article.12 Tips for “Psychological Selling” | Copyblogger
Many copywriting and marketing gurus teach simplistic ideas about psychology. They insist that people can be fully understood and manipulated ...
People are highly complex and often mysterious, so we all struggle to understand our fellow humans. However, now that you’ve gotten over being afraid to sell, here are a few basic psychological tidbits that can help you write compelling copy.How To Sell Agile To Fixed Bid Contract Clients
e] I have many successfulSeth's Blog: The rational marketer (and the irrational customer)
The opportunity, then, is not to insist that your customers get more rational, but instead to embrace just how irrational they are. Give them what they need. Help them satisfy their needs at the same time they get the measurable, rational results your product can give them in the long run.
"The opportunity, then, is not to insist that your customers get more rational, but instead to embrace just how irrational they are."
The problem is that your prospect doesn't care about any of those things. He cares about his boss or the story you're telling or the risk or the hassle of making a change. He cares about who you know and what other people will think when he tells them what he's done after he buys from you.
The problem is that your prospect doesn't care about any of those things. He cares about his boss or the story you're telling or the risk or the hassle of making a change. He cares about who you know and what other people will think when he tells them what he's done after he buys from you. The opportunity, then, is not to insist that your customers get more rational, but instead to embrace just how irrational they are. Give them what they need. Help them satisfy their needs at the same time they get the measurable, rational results your product can give them in the long run.
Note to self: Never forget - people buy emotionally and justify rationally