» Blog Archive » Social Media “Experts” are the Cancer of Twitter (and Must Be Stopped)
"Like drugs, social media can be a good thing in the right hands. But there are too many people out there who don’t know what they’re doing and just get carried away. Sadly most people just lack the good old fashioned discipline to keep their worse instincts in check." (Via Danny Sanchez)
Os especialistas em mídias sociais são zumbis. E estão estragando o twitter. Porém, eles só falam com eles mesmos. Acho que vou apagar uns feeds, unfollow algumas pessoas, e ganhar tempo este ano.
There is something deely ironic about this, possibly the fact that he is a Dr Who / Battlestar Galactica fan - however, despite me being an "SEO" bloke - I would say he might have a point ?
Nearly a day goes by on Twitter without yet another social media “expert” choosing to stalk me. At first it started innocently — back in the day (about a year ago) various techie friends started to declare themselves social media gurus because they decided to hang out on Twitter and Facebook all day.
Horribly true and I'm one of the people it targets...
Sometimes the social media and SEO zombies can mate to produce a marketing strategy monster:
This is quite funny. But sadly true.
RT @JesseNewhart: Why 'Social Media Experts' are The Cancer of Twitter and Need to Be Stopped: » 10 Ways to Spy on Your Competitors
Check out our list of 10 ways to watch your competitors below, and share other methods or tools that you use in the comments.
10 Ways to Spy on Your Competitors
Check out our list of 10 ways to watch your competitors below, and share other methods or tools that you use in the comments. - » 10 Ways to Spy on Your CompetitorsGoogle’s New Search-Based Keyword Tool Tells You What Keywords You’re Missing
Google released a new keyword tool tonight, named the Search-Based Keyword Tool. This tool goes beyond what the other Google tools provide and tells you what keywords you are currently missing out on based on search query data from your site’s content.
Google released a new keyword tool tonight, named the Search-Based Keyword Tool. This tool goes beyond what the other Google tools provide and tells you what keywords you are currently missing out on based on search query data from your site’s content.Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: A new Google Sitemap Generator for your website
Our new open-source Google Sitemap Generator finds new and modified URLs based on your webserver's traffic, its log files, or the files found on the server. By combining these methods, Google Sitemap Generator can be very fast in finding these URLs and calculating relevant metadata, thereby making your Sitemap files as effective as possible. Once Google Sitemap Generator has collected the URLs, it can create the following Sitemap files for you.ユーザーインサイト : どんな読者が、どうサイトを見たかが分かる Web マーケティングツール
「どんなユーザーが」「どう見ているか」を低コストに調べることができる、まったく新しい Web アクセス解析ツール
「なかのひと」企業版。モバイル SEO への取り組み - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
モバイル SEO への取り組み - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
モバイル SEO への取り組みredswish - a web design blog » 10 SEO elements all websites should have
Keyword research is crucial as it acts like a compass for your website or blog. A proper keyword research reveals the supply and demand trends in your industries thus giving general idea on which keyword you should focus on.Startup Game » Practical Tips for Google SEO
An eye tracking study from Google. However, please note that none of the searches are overly commercial in nature (no top position ads). In almost all G heatmap studies, they only show mostly information searches. Interesting data, but don't assume your ad will not get nice visibility for more commercial based searches.Stuntdubl Business Search Marketing Consulting » 9 Reasons You Need Social Media Marketing in 2009
You can have the most beautiful website in the world, and without traffic, it might as well be a billboard in the middle of a cornfield in Iowa.
Social marketing is the new search engine optimization. Reciprocal voting is the new reciprocal linking. It offers a fairly low barrier to entry, and the opportunity to drive a TON of traffic in a short period of time. Even more importantly, social media has become a cornerstone of the strategy for launching sites, or improving their link popularity.Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Specify your canonical
Google's way of allowing sites to specify a normalized URL form for their pages. This allows google to treat various forms of the same URL as one URL for search purposes.
Carpe diem on any duplicate content worries: we now support a format that allows you to publicly specify your preferred version of a URL. If your site has identical or vastly similar content that's accessible through multiple URLs, this format provides you with more control over the URL returned in search results. It also helps to make sure that properties such as link popularity are consolidated to your preferred version.
webmaster central検索エンジン3社、正しいサイトURLを認識させるcanonical属性を導入(URLの正規化) :: SEM R
HTML に、<link rel="canonical" href=""/> を加える、と。
ページネーション使ってるページとかにも使っていいのかな。10 Writing Tips for Web Designers | Webdesigner Depot
Writing for the web is a skill set of its own. Website text, or copy, needs to be written in a different tone for the web than a brochure. It needs to beThe Missing Google Analytics Manual | FutureNow's GrokDotCom / Marketing Optimization Blog
"Get the most out of your Google Analytics with this collection of links to implement, configure and get insights from Google Analytics."Google, Yahoo & Microsoft Unite On “Canonical Tag” To Reduce Duplicate Content Clutter
If tags conflict (such as pages point to each other as canonical, the URL specified as canonical redirects to a non-canonical version, or the page specified as canonical doesn’t exist), search engines will sort things out just as they do now, and will determine which URL they think is the best canonical version.
Specify the canonical version using a tag in the head section of the page as follows: <link rel="canonical" href=""/> That’s it!
Canonical explanation.SEO Primer: Improve Your Business Website's Ranking - ReadWriteWeb
Yahoo Local & More |
See how your business is listed at Google, Yahoo, and other top local search enginesOfficial Google Blog: Stop bouncing: tips for website success
This is the first post in a series on The Power of Measurement. In this economic climate, these posts are designed to cover ways to make your website as successful as possible. Over the course of the next few weeks, our in-house Analytics guru, Avinash Kaushik, and others will demystify the world of website analytics and offer tips for getting the most out of your metrics. -Ed.Learn about the Canonical Link Element in 5 minutes
Last week Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft announced support for a new link element to clean up duplicate urls on sites. The syntax is pretty simple: An ugly url such as can specify in the HEAD part of the document the following: <link rel="canonical" href=""/>ウェブサイトでやってしまいがちなユーザビリティのミス | コリス
ウェブサイトでやってしまいがちなユーザビリティのミスCommon Sense SEO Checklist
Great collection of tips for optimizing a site. No snake oil
Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)HOW TO: Take Control of Your Google Search Results
Google is the dominant search engine, with over 63% market share. Aside from it being a place to discover product reviews and corporate information, it is the personal brand destination of choice.
some great links to social networks for major newspaper sites50 Press Release Submission Websites
Released Submission Websitesweb開発者なら知っておきたい HTTPステータスコード - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
よく使うステータスコード一覧とtipsGoogle's New Search Engine Rankings Place Heavy Emphasis on Branding : SEO
Google Analytics IQ Lessons7 Essential SEO Cheat Sheets
効果的なSEOのポイントをまとめたものや、ユーザビリティのチェックポイント、検索エンジンのクエリ、Apacheのmod_rewrite、htaccessなどのチートシート。How I make 15K a month at AdSense - Black Hat Forum
Recently I made a post on BHW with this adsense screenshot and lots of people wanted to know how it's done. here's how it's done: I start with keyword lists from adsenseheaven dot com which guesstimates the most expensive keywords to bid on in the PPC AdWords side of the Google ad world. I generally ignore the top 1000, as they are very competitive and saturated. I am not concerned with the top payouts. I store this data every month in a mySQL database with the previous months data, and over time I am able to see which phrases are consistently in the lists and unlikely to disappear. I call them long term performers. I cross check each phrase with the number of pages currently indexed in google, to see how much competition there is for a each key phrase. It's usually easier to land a top 10 first page SERP position if there is less competition for the phrase. I also cross check each phrase with google trends data which has an RSS feed which is also collected and stored in a30+ Google Analytics Tools, Goals, Segments, Filters, Hacks & Resources | SEOptimise
Google Analytics is used by most of us search marketers with the exception of the paranoid and even a growing number of top 500 websites. This free web analytics suite is just too tempting not be used.100% Google AdSense: Tools, Tips and Resources | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
AdSenseSitePoint » More than 10 “Must Have” WordPress Plugins
What makes WordPress so beautiful? The plugins developed by the many WP enthusiasts. These plugins help you transform a blog into a genuine rich-media experience by adding to your site interactive elements that appeal to your community.
mobile version of your site that is only active on mobile devices is a snap wi20 of the Best SEO Plugins for WordPress
With more than 120 million blogs in existence, how do people find YOUR content on the Internet? The key starts with great search engine optimization (SEO), which is an art and a science that helps search engines discover your content and understand how relevant it is to specific search queriesOfficial Google Blog: Make sense of your site: tips for webpage design
6 Fool-Proof Steps to Make More Money With Your Website
Every website has a bunch of web pages which get more search traffic than others. These pages are constantly visited daily by new visitors, people who have never seen the site in question before. I call these ‘money pages’ because they are a reliable source of immediate and future income. But they’re not just ‘money’ because they bring in revenue: they are one of the easiest ways to grow your audience without much work. If you learn how to optimize these money pages (its not hard to do), you’ll really improve your website in so many ways. More revenue, more members, more influence and authority. Doesn’t that sound good?Link to a specific part of a YouTube video
interesting tool!SitePoint » How Google Really Wants You to Optimize Your Site
by Mihaela Lica "Please note that the “Googlers are delighted” when sites are optimized for search. The moral: know your SEO!"
Optimize Your Site
Does Google care for SEO? Yes, it does: from Google’s SEO Starter Guide (pdf) to help provided in the Google Webmaster Help Forum, the search engine is pretty transparent when it comes to how it prefers you to optimize your site for inclusion. We’ll be discussing URL structure, TrustRank and duplicate content issues. - » How Google Really Wants You to Optimize Your | 6 Ways how I let Twitter work for me
saveAdobe - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Technology Center
Ensuring that search engines can crawl and index your rich Internet applications (RIAs)—so that your content can be found by others—is of critical importance to building and maintaining an online presence. While Adobe and the leading search engines are making significant strides in making SWF content more searchable, you can take additional steps now to improve your search ranking positions further. The SEO Technology Center helps explain what the challenges are and provides practical steps, examples, and best practices that you can follow to overcome them.
Search Engine Optimization Technology Centerあなたのブログやサイト作りに、タダで使える10の方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Optimising for Twitter search
consigli seo per twitte
I think this article means "How to optimize your tweets for search results"Analysis: Which URL Shortening Service Should You Use?
Interesting analysis on URL shortening services. Good recommendations.
Which is the best to use, when so many are offered and new ones seem to appear each day?Social Media ROI - Zygote @ Egg Co.
How can we measure success and returns from social media campaigns?
teen sex analogy
Solid presentation on how to approach social media marketing from a quantitative perspective. Most interesting are the examples of different types of social media campaigns to drive different business goals. There is no one-size-fits all social media marketing campaign.WordPress › Redirection « WordPress Plugins
URL-Redirecting, 404 Tracking, 301 Weiterleitungen, ... -- Scheint ein sehr mächtiges Plugin zu sein.
If you are moving from an existing website into WordPress, your URLs will probably be different. This plugin is useful for adding 301 redirects to make sure that users can end up in the right place.
Redirection is a WordPress plugin to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have. This is particularly useful if you are migrating pages from an old website, or are changing the directory of your WordPress installation.Google's Love For Newspapers & How Little They Appreciate It
It was a hostile audience. It was June 2007, at a conference center in London, where newspaper and magazine publishers were hearing how a new industry-backed search engine rights standard called ACAP was coming along. The day ended with an "issues" oriented panel. The audience didn't seem that pleased with me telling them they were full of shit about how important they thought they were and how awful they thought they had it from Google in particular. I didn't phrase it like that, but that was the essence of my attitude. I'd rarely encountered so many people in one place with such a sense of entitlement. Worse, these were supposedly my own people. Newspaper folks, where I got my start in journalism. What an embarrassment. I'm not talking the rank-and-file of newspapers, however -- the reporters and editors doing the grunt work. This crowd was full of publishers or editors of a different type, not wordsmithing and story assignment but looking out for the business issues.
I also explained that unlike virtually all other publishers on the internet, newspapers were given extraordinary special status with Google. They were among the very select few to be admitted into Google News and receive the huge amounts of traffic it could send their ways. That many small blogs with excellent content struggle for admittance that these other publishers just got handed to them on a silver platter.
/via Perttu) Search Engine Land -verkkojulkaisun päätoimittaja sanomalehdille: Stop looking to blame Google for your failings. Figure out a better business model rather than blowing hot air about the privileged positions you occupy.
Dave, you might find this one interesting10 papers you need to read | Science for SEO
This is a list of my top 10 freely available papers on the topic of information retrieval. You will notice that they are rather old, but the techniques used described and the findings are not always dated. Those that dated are important nonetheless because they provide a good foundation to understanding why things are as they are in information retrieval these days.Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips - Gabriel Weinberg's Blog
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips
"tagged seo"How to Grow Your Google Authority @
If you look over the above list you will see the main things your site needs to convey is: Natural, organic growth based on sound promotion behavior Valuable and unique content tailored towards people rather than search A solid foundation and human-centered design
What matters to Google.
Good for google infoアフィリエイトサイトやニッチキーワードサイトを作成してアクセスを集めるためにやるべき事のリスト…というかほぼマニュアル - 海外のSEO対策・SEOツールをわかりやすく解説するブログ
これは自分自身のためのTo-DOリストとして作成しました。 ぼくがアフィリエイトサイトを作ったり、ネットショップのサテライトサイトを作ったりする場合に行っている事です。つまりぼくがやっていることはここに書いた程度のことです。ノウハウ的にはたいしたことありません。みなさんの参考になればと思いアップします。 アフィリエイトサイトを作ったり、ネットショップのサテライトサイトを作ったりする場合には、ニッチキーワードをメインキーワードとしてサイトを作成SEOmoz | 21 Tips to Earn Links and Tweets to Your Blog Post
It's been a long time since I've covered blogging strategies, and my recent panel with one of the world's foremost authorities got me thinking that given our success, both with the SEOmoz blog and with blogs for clients, it's time to share a bit more. Today, I'd like to cover how to make that single post you're composing more likely to earn the attention it deserves. Let's dive into the list:
blogging tips,good one
Från SeoMozSEOmoz | How Google's Rankings Algorithm Has Changed Over Time
Now more than ever, company marketers are charged with improving performance with fewer resources and shifting marketing budgets from traditional to digital tactics like SEO and social media. There are significant benefits from combining search engine optimization and social media marketing tactics ranging from increased social network discovery via search to the ability to attract links for improved SEO.The Best Niche Social Media News Sites Right Now | 10e20 Blog
The following 35 sites are broken down into 8 different categories and each site has an active community and can help you get exposure. These sites aren’t going to send you 50,000 visitors but they will send you targeted traffic & links (if you’re content is good).
Chris Winfield - Niche sites that will send traffic with good content
Last week I gave a presentation at SES NY and included a list of 35 niche social media sites that we participate in regularly. Lots of people have asked me for
Last week I gave a presentation at SES NY and included a list of 35 niche social media sites that we participate in regularly. Lots of people have asked me for this list so I decided to put it here. The following 35 sites are broken down into 8 different categories and each site has an active community and can help you get exposure. These sites aren’t going to send you 50,000 visitors but they will send you targeted traffic & links (if you’re content is good).Google Services for Websites
Custom Search, Webmaster tools, etc.
Serviços do Google para websites6 Twitter Search Services Compared
With developers rushing like wild dogs to build and launch applications to make your Twitter (Twitter reviews) experience more productive, how can you choose which is the best tool to use if you’re running queries on your company name and competitor’s product line, or references on small-town bakeries or Red Sox pitchers? Thankfully, there is no shortage of search applications. But how different are their interfaces, how similar are their results, and what options do they offer? Let’s see.Short URL Auto-Discovery (wiki)
Short URL auto-discovery is a simple way to link a long URL with a short URL
Twitter clients and other consumers would load the URL that the user is embedding during posting time and check for the <link rel="shorturl" href="..." /> tag. If it exists the application should honor the href value and use it in place of the original URL.Desktop Reporting for Google Analytics
snyggtWEBプロデュースに役立つ10の無料ツール | I AM BLOGGING NOW.
かなり釣りエントリーっぽいタイトルですが、企画を作る際に使っているツールについて...Official Google Blog: Two new improvements to Google results pages
Today we're rolling out two new improvements to Google search. The first offers an expanded list of useful related searches and the second is the addition of longer search result descriptions -- both of which help guide users more effectively to the information they need.
3/24/2009 07:18:00 AM Today we're rolling out two new improvements to Google search. The first offers an expanded list of useful related searches and the second is the addition of longer search result descriptions -- both of which help guide users more effectively to the information they need.
Semantics in searchingDo more with less
With the right approach and resources, a downturn can actually provide real opportunities for a savvy marketer. We've compiled a list of recommended strategies and Google tools that can help you reveal opportunity and achieve your marketing goals. Even better? Many of these tools are free, so they can also help you do more with less.
us無料の携帯アクセス解析「うごくひと2」: 商用利用可
アクセス解析(サイト単体のみ) : ユーザー属性解析(年齢・性別・地域) / ユニークユーザー分析 / 商用利用可 / 頻度 / 日時週間 / 端末解析 / 足跡 / 滞在時間分析 / CSVダウンロード
携帯端末用ウェブサイト向けアクセス解析サービス 商用利用向けにバナーを非表示にしても無料費用をかけずにウェブページを最適化 Googleウェブサイトオプティマイザー活用術:MarkeZine(マーケジン)
Googleが提供する「ウェブサイトオプティマイザー」を使って、複数の仮説から最適解を導き出し、最大の効果を獲得する方法をご案内する。25 Free Social Media Marketing & SEO Ebooks, White Papers + Other Downloads | SEOptimise
seo, social networking, online marketing resources
Great set of resources on social media!SEOmoz | 12 Easy Mistakes that Plague Newcomers to the SEO Field
I've been working with a lot of newcomers to SEO lately thanks to our PRO membership Q+A (BTW - sorry for the delays, the volume's tripled in the last 3 weeks, so we're a bit overwhelmed). It's been a great learning experience and I've gotten to see many of the struggles and misconceptions that affect entrants to the subject.What Social Media Means for Search - Advertising Age - Digital
The three kinds of online connections. Marketers need to be aware of the different types of personal networks emerging through social media.
It's Not Just What's on a Page or Who Links to It; It's How It Relates to Users' Personal NetworksThe 10 Commandments of PageRank Sculpting
Fix website 404 errors with Errorlytics Errorlytics is an easy to use service that centralizes reporting and handling of 404 "Page Not Found" errors for your websites. Errorlytics gives you the tools to transparently fix the problems quickly and easily so they never happen again. No more regex writing, no more messing with your .htaccess file for search engine friendly redirects. Errorlytics handles it all, effortlessly. The end results are better user experiences and higher search engine rankings for your websites. What Does Errorlytics Do? * Tracks your websites' 404 Page Not Found errors. * Transparently redirects users and clients away from 404 Not Found pages. * Increases your websites' SEO (and users' happiness!) by eliminating 404 errors. How Does It Work? How Errorlytics Works 1. A user browses to your website, and encounters a Page Not Found. 2. The Errorlytics Client Script, installed on your website, captures the 404 and sends the details to the Error
track and redirect 404 errors seamlessly
transformer les 404 en mine d'or, php java ruby19 Reasons You Should Blog And Not Just Tweet
The search giant has started offering marketers ad units that stream their five most recent "tweets" across the Google AdSense network. The first marketer to use the ad units is Intuit, whose TurboTax brand is trying to boost its Twitter followers. Intuit used several of the measures available for any AdSense campaign to target the ads, which are running on sites such as Bebo, Facebook, Hi5, MySpace and Alltop.
NEW YORK ( -- Twitter may still be tweaking its own business model, but Google has found a way to use the popular microblogging service to sell ads. When a user clicks on an ad from Google, it takes them to TurboTax's Twitter page. When a user clicks on an ad from Google, it takes them to TurboTax's Twitter page. The search giant has started offering marketers ad units that stream their five most recent "tweets" across the Google AdSense network. The first marketer to use the ad units is Intuit, whose TurboTax brand is trying to boost its Twitter followers. Intuit used several of the measures available for any AdSense campaign to target the ads, which are running on sites such as Bebo, Facebook, Hi5, MySpace and Alltop.
Google has started offering marketers ad units that stream their five most recent Twitter "tweets" across the Google AdSense network.
"After all, while Twitter is growing and had about 7 million unique visitors in February, Nielsen NetView pegs the active digital media universe as 167 million people."Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFa - O'Reilly Radar
Good news for microformats, support of google can make a large difference
Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFa - O'Reilly Radar Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFaby Timothy M. O'Brien| comments: 8On Tuesday, Google introduced a feature called Rich Snippets which provides users with a convenient summary of a ... はてなブックマーク - Google Announces Support for Microformats and RDFa - O'Reilly Radar はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann rdf
Breakdown on Google Microformats
An explanation of RDFa and the impending Google support for the markup.Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Introducing Rich Snippets
Now, time for some Q&A with the team: If I mark up my pages, does that guarantee I'll get Rich Snippets? No. We will be rolling this out gradually, and as always we will use our own algorithms and policies to determine relevant snippets for users' queries. We will use structured data when we are able to determine that it helps users find answers sooner. And because you're providing the data on your pages, you should anticipate that other websites and other tools (browsers, phones) might use this data as well. You can let us know that you're interested in participating by filling out this form. What about other existing microformats? Will you support other types of information besides reviews and people? Not every microformat corresponds to data that's useful to show in a search result, but we do plan to support more of the existing microformats and define RDFa equivalents. What's next?Markup Hierarchy - Advantages in SEO
Un ejemplo interesante, a tener en cuenta, para el diseño de páginas webVanity Metrics vs. Actionable Metrics - Guest Post by Eric Ries
A reminder to use to the good old A/B split testing with a control group to not be fooled so easily by numbers and variation.
"The only metrics that entrepreneurs should invest energy in collecting are those that help them make decisions."Eye tracking study reveals 12 website tactics
'While this is just one eye tracking study focused on a particular type of site, I think there are instructive nuggets here for any informational website.'
Some surprising results from eyetracking studies
Eye tracking studies have revealed valuable information about how people read and interact with websites. One study, Eyetrack III, published a summary of their eye tracking results for news sites. While this is just one eye tracking study focused on a particular type of site, I think there are instructive nuggets here for any informational website.50+ Google and Yahoo Search Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
This post is intended as a comprehensive guide to Google and Yahoo search shortcuts providing a cheat sheet of over 50 shortcuts and comparing the two search engines.
Awesome Google and Yahoo Cheat sheets!Yahoo!アクセス解析
Yahoo! アクセス解析
無料で使えるリアルタイム解析。Yahoo!アクセス解析が、あなたのサイト効率化を高機能でサポートします。Webサイトを作ったらまずやるべきことチェックリスト | Web担当者Forum
Web サイトを作った後に行うこと. Web サイトをより多くの人に見てもらうための工夫.5 Essential Steps to Make Your Site Search & Social Media Friendly
The popularity of the social web is growing rapidly and has already changed the way we discover, consume and share information online. Consumers and businesses alike will continue to publish digital media that can be searched on, giving marketers opportunities to make it easier for search engines and consumers to discover and interact with content. The challenge is to figure out where social media and SEO fit within an overall online marketing and content strategy and implementing a plan that aligns realistic tactics with business goals.
5 Essential Steps to Make Your Site Search & Social Media Friendly
The increasing demand for fresh, live web content as well as the expectation of consumers to interact with what they find in the search results requires that website owners and content publishers make their websites both search and social media friendly.10 Wordpress Plugins That Will Increase Your Search Engine Ranking
Matt Cutts blog
I just gave a talk at WordCamp San Francisco 2009. Thanks to Matt Mullenweg and the Automattic folks for a great time! I think there will be a video up soon, but if you want to browse the slides in the mean time, here they are: You can also download the talk in PowerPoint format.
WhatYouNeedtoKnowIIS Search Engine Optimization Toolkit - ScottGu's Blog
ke a look at how we can use the Site Analysis tool to quickly
SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the important considerations that any Internet web-site needs to design with in mind. A non-trivial percentage of Internet traffic to sites is driven by search engines, and good SEO techniques can help increase site traffic even further. Likewise, small mistakes can significantly impact the search relevance of your site’s content and cause you to miss out on the traffic that you should be receiving. Some of these mistakes include: multiple URLs on a site leading to the same content, broken links from a page, poorly chosen titles, descriptions, and keywords, large amounts of viewstate, invalid markup, etc. These mistakes are often easy to fix - the challenge is how to discover and pinpoint them within a site.
Tool to optimize searches of your site.55 Best Ways To Track Your Website Daily Traffic | Tools | instantShift
Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. Historically, , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.
Daily TrafficGoogle Ad Planner(アドプランナー)で“あのサイトのPVやUU”を調べてみよう! | Web担当者Forum
Google Ad Plannerは、広告主が出稿先を検討するツール。URLを指定すると、そのサイトのページビュー(PV)、ユニークユーザー(UU)などの数や、そのサイトを見ているユーザーの性別・年代・学歴・年収などの属性が表示されるもの。
Google Ad Planner(アドプランナー)で“あのサイトのPVやUU”を調べてみよう! | Web担当者ForumHow Google produces relevant search results | News | TechRadar UK
A link to the paper about the google pagerank 20 page thesis from Stanford by Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page
How Google produces relevant search results: Indexing and PageRank explained [from]The Complete Google Analytics Power User Guide - VKI Studios Blog
google analytics power user guide
Excellent how-to for Google Analytics. Suggest this along with Google's Conversion University YouTube videos.
The Complete Google Analytics Power User Guide.Inbound Marketing & the Next Phase of Marketing on the Web
Inbound Marketing & the Next Phase of Marketing on the Web
From Hubspot Blog
blog article from May 2008 HubSpot materialsThe Online Reputation Management Guide
RT @LilianMahoukou: Online reputation management guide: (via @Adgenius) [from]
The following Online Reputation Management Guide will show small businesses how to assess, build, track and monitor their online reputation. In most cases, you can follow these simple steps to easily grow your personal brand and/or small business. If you’d prefer, you can also download the ORM Guide as a PDF.SEOmoz | Learn SEO in 30 Minutes a Day
Great read on conversation
Integrate and improve SEO and website usability (using web analytics) and create a synergy that will improve the conversion rates of websites.アイトラッキングの実験からわかった12のWeb戦略 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
アイトラッキングシステム。それを使った実験結果のまとめ。Search Engine Optimization Toolkit : The Official Microsoft IIS Site
SEO outils optimisation fournit par - Drive More Traffic with Your Short URLs! is the only URL shortener that also helps your content get discovered! Every URL exposes your content to StumbleUpon's nearly 8 million users!
Discover your web with StumbleUpon. It's the best way to discover the things you like on the web.
U: ramenboyjoe30+ Advanced SEO Tactics, Techniques and Resources (55+ Links) | SEOptimise
People think about PageRank in lots of different ways. People have compared PageRank to a “random surfer” model in which PageRank is the probability that a random surfer clicking on links lands on a page. Other people think of the web as an link matrix in which the value at position (i,j) indicates the presence of links from page i to page j. In that case, PageRank corresponds to the principal eigenvector of that normalized link matrix.Google Analyitcsをもっと便利に | DesignWalker
みなさんGoogle Analyitcsでアクセス解析をされている方が多いのではないでしょうか? 無料で使えて、高機能なGoogle Analyticsは、先日APIも正式に公開され、今後様々なツールが公開されていく事だと思います。 そのままでも、十分いろいろな解析ができて便利なツールなのですが、今回はGoogle Analyticsをさらに便利に使えるツールや設定方法、コードなどをご紹介します。The Ultimate Wordpress 2.8 Optimization Guide
Having a blog that’s snappy & responsive is just one of the many factors that makes a great blog. Even with the best content in the world, a slow blog will frustrate readers & potentially force them elsewhere. In this post we’ll focus on optimising Wordpress, a popular free open source blogging platform that runs on PHP.
Guia de optimizacion de WordPress 2.8
Having a blog that’s snappy & responsive is just one of the many factors that makes a great blog. Even with the best content in the world, a slow blog will frustrate readers & potentially force them elsewhere. In this post we’ll focus on optimising Wordpress, a popular free open source blogging platform that runs on PHP.Marking up structured data - Webmasters/Site owners Help
more than 75 tools, resources, and articles that can help you in various aspects of web analyticsA List Apart: Articles: Introduction to RDFa
Twitter search patterns explained,
Twitter Search is just amazing because it can give you real-time feedback about pretty much everything. That is, if you know how to look for it. Here is how: Before we start I need to point out that both TweetDeck and Seesmic (my two favorite Twitter apps - with Seesmic being the #1) allows you to open special search panels, allowing you to “follow” a search term, instead of a person.
Tips on refining and enhancing Twitter SearchesThe Top 10 Twitter SEO Tips
Era al top de dlicious.. i sembla interessant.43 Do-it-Yourself Marketing Ideas To Start Today
Marketing ideasOfficial Google Webmaster Central Blog: Flash indexing with external resource loading
If a client came to you with $1 million to invest in a single Internet marketing channel, which one would you choose? Obviously, the question is a bit ridiculous (given that there's no additional detail provided), but it's designed to elicit an "off-the-cuff" response to a challenging scenario. The answer, of course, is "it depends" - and therein lies the rub. On what does it depend? Well... That's what I hope to answer with this blog post. My goal is not to solve the issue for an individual campaign, but from a very strategic level - asking questions like "where is the company today and where does it want to get to?" then applying those answers to the selection of marketing opportunities. Let's start by defining the macro-level channels themselves, then examine how we'd reach the right conclusions.In the Woods - 50 Ways to Get Your Site Noticed
This article aims to show you how to attract users and make them hungry for more. Who is this post for? Anyone with a web site. Not all of the items listed below will apply to you and your business, but they are, at the very least, a source for inspiration.Stop Counting Clicks | UX Booth
The 3-click-rule is the Freddy Kreuger of web design advice. You think it’s finally dead and then it comes back and starts slashing up sensible debate about usable design. I’m hoping to convince you to stop talking about the 3-click rule. I don’t mean substituting it with the 4-click rule or the 5-click rule. You should stop counting clicks as a measure of usability altogether.SEO Blogger
Whether you blog about business, politics or the hot topic of the moment, SEO Blogger allows you to find the most sought-after keywords for your subject without ever leaving your blog editing screen. The tool sits alongside whatever blog publishing software you're using so you can do keyword research and optimize your posts as you write. Then, simply hit "Publish" – and you're done!サイト立ち上げ後2週間でやった基本的(?)な7つのSEO対策 | Kousyoublog
6月17日にKnotWorking.Bizというサイトをオープンしてから2週間、SEO関連でやったことについて、たぶん目新しいことは何もなくてオーソドックスなことだと思いますが、とりあえずメモ的にまとめておきます。タイトルはかなりおおげさ。12 Tools To Check Your Site’s Accessibility
website accessibility toolsSEO(検索エンジン最適化)に役立つ日本語対応のツール集 | コリス
GoogleやYahoo!などの検索エンジン用にウェブサイト(ページ)を最適化する際に役立つ、日本語対応の無料ツールを紹介します。Perform Better With AdSense: The Ultimate Round-Up | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Please notice that we published the first part of the Google AdSense round-up a couple of months ago (100% Google AdSense); this post presents further useful resources that can help you maximize your ads revenue.
useful resources that can help you maximize your ads revenueOn-page SEO - The Google Way
Tips on SEO and link to PDF of Google's SEO guide.5 Essential Google Cheat Sheets Which Surely Will Come in Handy | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
Cheat sheet is a reference tool that provides simple, brief instructions for accomplishing a specific task. here is a collection of essential Google Cheat sheets which will surely come in handy.
Cheat Sheets
Cheat sheet is a reference tool that provides simple, brief instructions for accomplishing a specific task. I have collected a bunch of essential Google Cheat sheets which will surely come in handy.Top 10 search engine optimization tips for online news start-ups
Before you begin tuning your specific key words and phrases, you need to discover what key words and phrases Internet readers are using in search engines to find content like yours'. Google's various keyword tools can help you do that. The AdWords tool will show you the approximate number of searches conducted on Google for words and phrases that you enter, or for phrases associated with a URL of your choosing.
Danny Sullivan, the editor of Search Engine Land and blogger at, speaks on the importance of SEO to any boot-strapped online start-up.
With few resources to draw readers to a new website, SEO provides start-ups a low-cost opportunity to get their site's links in front of an interested audience. The only cost is the time to learn these tips, and the effort required to implement them. Effective SEO not only causes your website's pages to rise in the search engine's results pages, it can help you make money, as SEO can help search engines tailor better targeted and more lucrative ads on your pages, should you participate in their advertising syndicates, such as Google AdSense.Les 103 conseils que j’aurais aimé qu’on me donne quand j’ai débuté sur Internet…
A lire avant de lancer son business sur internet
RT @Altaide_JF: RT @sebmaster: Les 103 conseils que j’aurais aimé qu’on me donne quand j’ai débuté sur Internet… [from]A List Apart: Articles: Introduction to RDFa II
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO is the process of structuring your web page so that search engines can reach, read and index your page in a higher ranking and finally bring more organic traffic to you. So, who should perform SEO for our websites, the web designers or the bloggers? Obviously, SEO should be done by web designers as well as the bloggers. Why i said so? Web designers should design the page structure so that the page can easily be read and indexed by search engine while the bloggers should make sure the articles contain keywords that can really generate traffic.
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO is the process of structuring your web page so that search engines can reach, read and index your page in a higher ranking and finally bring more organic traffic to you.101 Killer Wordpress Plugins to Meet Anyone’s Needs - Webitect
Sommario di plugin importanti in ambiente WP
Wordpress is easily the best and most robust blogging platform available today. Part of the reason for the success and “staple” status of Wordpress is due to the availability of thousands of plugins that can take your blogging experience from novice to pro overnight.A Guide to Google Analytics and Useful Tools | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Google Analytics is undoubtedly the most widely used web analytics application. Emerged from and based upon the analytics-package developed by Urchin Software Corporation (which wasほとんど情報がないモバイルSEOのまとめ | 携帯サイトをつくろう。
モバイルSEOとは携帯サイトのSEO、検索エンジン最適化することを言います。 実際PCのSEOに関する情報は、結構色々あるのですが、 モバイルSEOに関する情報はまだそこまで多くないのが現状です。The Time Has Come To Regulate Search Engine Marketing And SEO
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
The following post was written by a well known executive at one of the largest sites on the Internet. The author has requested to remain anonymous - not for dramatic effect, but because of the backlash he would receive from the SEO industry and possibly Google itself. He also doesn’t want his company associated with the post.A Guide to Google Analytics and Useful Tools « Tech7.Net
websiteTop Twitter WordPress Plugin Roundup | Chicago Web Design
Some keyword research is surface-level, fire and forget type stuff. If you just need to see relative volume levels, then a basic keyword research tool is all you need. If, however, you want to really dive deep and get the full skinny on your keywords, I'd recommend having each of these data points.
Hi Rand, Great article very informative, I will work through and some times try JürgenCarsonified » How to Increase Sign-ups by 200%
He believes it’s because people are afraid if they click a link that says “Free Trial” then they’ll somehow automatically signup for something and be trapped. However, “See Plans and Pricing” encouraged them to explore, without the fear of commitment.
See Plans and Pricing
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
「施策を考えたらすぐに実施してしまいたい気持ちはわかりますが (また、経験者の方にとっては当たり前のことかもしれませんが)、その施策がただの作業・自己満足で終わってしまわないよう、急がば回れで現状の数値を把握してみてください。」
このチェックリストに沿っていくつかのコンテンツを複合的に施策を行ったところ、検索流入・検索順位ともに結果は非常に良好でした。 そして、ひとつひとつご覧になればわかるかも知れませんが、チェックリストといっても何か特別な (秘密の) 施策が書かれているわけではありません。SEOに興味のある方なら知っているようなことばかりです。 しかし、チェックリストなしに漏れなく項目をチェックするのは難しいと思います。ひとつひとつは当たり前のことでも10を超えると何かが抜けたり、忘れるからです。このようにチェックリスト化することにより、担当ディレクターのSEOリテラシーを高め、致命的な抜け漏れやスパム行為を未然に防ぐことで、コンテンツの価値をそのまま検索エンジンに伝えられると考えています。 ライブドアではモバイルSEOに強いディレクターを募集しています。MeeCSS - CSS Galleries submission helper
Una gran lista de sitios diseñados con CSS, muy bueno para inspiracion8 Dimensions Of Excellent Landing Pages
Landing Page Wonderwheel
Are your landing pages feeling tired? Is your conversion rate stagnant? Not quite sure what to try next? To re-energize your post-click marketing, it can help to step back and evaluate your approach from several different perspectives. Here’s a quick exercise, the Landing Page Wonder Wheel—as in, “I wonder how to improve my landing pages?”—that can give you fresh inspiration.
The Landing Page Wonder Wheel consists of eight dimensions on which you rate your current landing page creative and management capabilities, on a scale of 1 to 10. A 1 means you’re not doing very well there, while a 10 means you may be the best in the world at it.La grande liste des trucs et astuces Google Analytics
La grande liste des trucs et astuces Google Analytics
Grâce à sa gratuité et ses nombreuses fonctionnalités, Google Analytics est de plus en plus utilisé. En plus des articles sur GA et des discussions sur le forum, j'ai constaté avec mon centre de formation Ranking Metrics un intérêt croissant pour les web analytics. Nous expliquons comment il permet de mieux comprendre les visiteurs d'un site afin d'optimiser sa structure, ses contenus et toutes les actions marketing associées. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore pu venir, voici une liste d'astuces et d'outils qui vont vous aider à mieux exploiter le potentiel de Google Analytics…
Des outils pour google analyticsFree SEO Tools
Excerpt: "Fortunately, just as you can DIY and create a website, you can also DIY and craft your own SEO strategy. To help you get your website to the top of the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), we take a look at 101 Free SEO tools, techniques and resources (available for either download or online usage)"
Nowadays, anyone can build a website. Free online services make it easy for even the non-technical user to create one. But, what do you do after building and launching a website? How do you get it noticed? How do you distinguish your site from another?
ehhhhhhh some of these look redundant/dead/not useful. Still it is a list of seo resources.個人店等がWebサイトを使って収益を上げる為に行うブランディングTips - かちびと.net
グTips - かちびと.net
1・サイトマップ送信 2・本来の相互リンク 3・無料ブログを使って人柄をアピール 4・Yahoo!のサービスを利用する
個人店等がWebサイトを使って収益を上げる為に行うブランディングTipsThe 30 Free SEO Tools You Must Know | SEOptimise
Domain tools become almost a daily tools for most website developers and designer. Hunting for the perfect domain name became a hard work, since most of the
Domain tools become almost a daily tools for most website developers and designers. Hunting for the perfect domain name is hard work since most of the catchy, usable and easily remembered domains names are already used. Thankfully - there are many tools which can make this task easier or do the work for us. You can instantly search, create and register custom domain names, take care of domain name typo variants, all that in just a few moments with these amazing domain tools.The Ultimate List of Basic SEO Resources for a Kick-Ass Start
The Ultimate List of Basic SEO Resources for a Kick-Ass Start
I have plenty of people contacting me to ask to refer to some SEO basics tutorials and guides. So I ...SEOmoz | Top 10 Things the Microsoft/Yahoo! Deal Changes for SEO
Nice article by Rand Fishkin about how the SEO landscape may change with the new Bing/Yahoo deal.
The search landscape is changing significantly this morning, and SEOs of all stripes need to pay close attention. I'm going to do my best to summarize the impact of these changes based on what we already know and interpret what's going to change for the field of search engine optimization and what we, as representatives of our clients and our companies, need to know and do.9 Strategies for Finding Incredible Content
articulo intersante
REcherche de contenus pertinents
Finding great content online from a social media and search marketer’s standpoint is a very vital aspect to building out ...
Finding great content online from a social media and search marketer’s standpoint is a very vital aspect to building out social accounts, writing blog posts, researching target markets, link acquisition, and blogger outreach. The following 9 sites and mashups are ways to help facilitate the discovery of great content.Social Media Optimization: 16 Rules Revisited - Online Marketing Blog
16 Rules For Social Media Optimization Revisited: Good piece that stands out from the noise. [from]
"Guidelines for marketing with social media aren’t all that new. In 2006 five members of the digital marketing community collaborated on 16 rules for “social media optimization”. Fast forward to nearly 2010 and social media has begun to take a more significant role in the marketing mix."
16 Rules For Social Media Optimization RevisitedComment référencer un site Internet : les techniques efficaces de 2009
Vous avez envie d'améliorer votre référencement avec les techniques qui fonctionnent bien en 2009 sur Google et les autres moteurs ? Voici un guide constitué de conseils pour référencer son site et de nombreux liens. Il pourra aider certains débutants en référencement ainsi que ceux qui ont laissé tomber le référencement un peu trop longtemps et qui cherchent un bon résumé pour 2009.14 Tips To Drive Traffic To Your New Design Blog | The Design Cubicle
Hvordan øke trafikken på bloggen dinSEOmoz | 4 Essential SEO Infographics
I've been doodling a lot lately (see, for example, the whiteboard illustrations I turned into a slide deck for a presentation this Wednesday) and thought it would be fun to share a set of infographics - some humorous, some serious - about the field of search engine optimization. If you're uninspired by these...
#1 - Pie Chart of SEO Time Expenditure #2 - Hat Color vs. Value Scatterplot of SEO Tactics #3 - Flowchart of SEO-Friendliness #4 - Venn Diagram of Internet Marketing Professions2 steps to improve your website load time by 50% « Boxed Ice Blog
One aspect of web development that is many times overlooked is search engine optimization. In this list, I’ll show you some basic SEO techniques that will help you make friends with Google, and increase your page rank!SEOmoz | 10 Things You Must Check When You Re-launch Your Website
seoThe 60 Minute SEO Site Audit - Search Engine Watch (SEW)
Site audits are one of the most important tasks for an SEO professional, and sometimes you need to do one quickly. Here's how you can complete an SEO audit for your web site in one hour or less.Google Website Optimizer Case Study: Daily Burn, 20%+ Improvement
Google Website Optimizer
very good article on testing web page design, etc. using google analytics and google web optimizerThe manual Excerpt in WordPress. What, why, how, tips and plugins -
WordPress excerpts, which are not excerpts in the common sense of the word, make a WordPress site easier to browse and its content easier to discover. When also used as META descriptions, good excerpts bring more and better traffic from search engines.
Tutorial on excerpts in wordpress電通とGoogleの間で交わされた、ジョークのような本当のような交渉 - Feel Like A Fallinstar
何億あるかしらないキーワードごとのリスティング広告の1位に全部広告を出すつもりだったんでしょうか、電通さん。 でも、これこそがネットと総合の食い違いの象徴なのかも
電通はセカンドライフだけもちあげていればよいものを...SEOmoz | Perfecting Keyword Targeting & On-Page Optimization
good general on-page optimization article.
SEO 101 at it's finest.Don’t Do These 12 Things When Writing Headlines | Copyblogger
Don't miss these guys at Copyblogger. It's a gold mine!
from Copyblogger
Interesting article with links to related info
August 19, 2009: Copyblogger writing a great blog post is like running a relay race. Your headline starts the race, but then it passes the baton to your opening paragraph, and its job is done. Sure, it’s important to start the race well, but if the next guy falls on his face, then how well the first guy did doesn’t much matter, does it? Every piece has to do its part.
how to write headlines that get attentionSEOmoz | My Startup Experience: VC, Entrepreneurship, Self-Analysis & The Road Ahead
a must read. useful tool. includes link to paper
Since launching Google Trends and Google Insights for Search, we've been providing daily insight into what the world is searching for. An understanding of search trends can be useful for advertisers, marketers, economists, scholars, and anyone else interested in knowing more about their world and what's currently top-of-mind.
An interesting look at the predictability of google searches. Annotated link Your Web Analytics Actionable in 5 DIY Steps | FutureNow's GrokDotCom / Marketing Optimization Blog
はてブと Twitter を使って、1ヶ月で約3万 PV を稼いだ顛末
俺もTwitterで更新通知しよっかなあ20 Most Commonly Used Plugins on Wordpress Blogs
If you want to have high performing web pages make sure that you: 1. Have a clear understanding of what the purpose of that page is and 2a. a clearer understanding of what drove customers to the page and 2b. what they want to accomplish to ensure that 3. #1 and #2 are in alignment. Glory will be yours!
A very detailed article with links to all relevant tools for finding out how to improve conversions, what people are looking for on a website, where do they click etc
@newsycombinator: "Fixing high bounce / low conversion web pages" (from
Six Tips For Improving High Bounce / Low Conversion Web Pages (via @vousa) [from]Ultimate Guide To Web Optimization (Tips & Best Practices) | How-To
Optimization of website performance.Google SEO - Learn Search Engine Optimisation Basics at Hobo UK
Useful tips on Search Engine Optimisation
What Is SEO? Learn Google Search Engine Optimisation Basics at Hobo UK.
Introduction - Search engine optimisation is many things, it's an art and it's a a science. SEO is creative and it's technical. It's logical, parasitic and opportunistic. The aim of seo is to maximise targeted types of valuable traffic to a website from search engines by improving the visibility of said website in Google organic or unpaid SERPS. T
Found about from OzDomainerブログを作ったらやるべき12のSEOテクニック » 【パシのSEOブログ】
Search EngineOfficial Google Webmaster Central Blog: Help test some next-generation infrastructure Google se booste à la Caféine. Plus de résultats ? Une solution face aux orientations de recherches (à la Bing) ? [from]
To build a great web search engine, you need to: 1. Crawl a large chunk of the web. 2. Index the resulting pages and compute how reputable those pages are. 3. Rank and return the most relevant pages for users' queries as quickly as possible. For the last several months, a large team of Googlers has been working on a secret project: a next-generation architecture for Google's web search. It's the first step in a process that will let us push the envelope on size, indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness and other dimensions. The new infrastructure sits "under the hood" of Google's search engine, which means that most users won't notice a difference in search results. But web developers and power searchers might notice a few differences, so we're opening up a web developer preview to collect feedback.
Help test some next-generation infrastructure Monday, August 10, 2009 at 4:14 PMThe Definitive Guide to About Me Pages | Web Design Ledger
One of the most important and least used aspects of any website is the “About Me” page. It’s not enough to have an interesting site and great product if your visitor can’t find a way to relate to you. Never under-estimate the power of personality. The internet isn’t a cold, sterile environment. As a matter of fact, within the last 15 years, it’s developed into a community addicted to interactivity, and communication. If you don’t believe me, check out Twitter. Twitter is a good example of why “About Me” pages are crucial. If you can amass a group of followers based on 140 characters of random biographical chatter, it’s a safe bet that those readers would also like to know a bit more about you.Study Shows Small Businesses That Blog Get 55% More Website Visitors
Information about how blogging can affect your business
Companies that blog have far better marketing results. Specifically, the average company that blogs has: * 55% more visitors * 97% more inbound links * 434% more indexed pages
The data was crystal clear: Companies that blog have far better marketing results. Specifically, the average company that blogs has: 55% more visitors 97% more inbound links 434% more indexed pages
If you blog, you know that it's good for your business. But how -- and how much? To answer to those questions, I looked at data from 1,531 HubSpot customers (mostly small- and medium-sized businesses). 795 of the businesses in my sample blogged, 736 didn't.
blogging increases visitors.. write about this for VAnetworking. say it on John Jantzch's blog.
"Companies that blog have far better marketing results."
Companies that blog have far better marketing resultsHOW TO: Use Twitter Hashtags for Business
If you’ve used Twitter (Twitter) for more than a couple of hours, you’ve probably already seen a tweet or two containing a word with the hash symbol (”#”) attached to it. That’s what Twitter users call a “hashtag,” and at any given time at least one of them can usually be found among the trending topics on Twitter. But what exactly is a hashtag? Hashtags are essentially a simple way to catalog and connect tweets about a specific topic. They make it easier for users to find additional tweets on a particular subject, while filtering out the incidental tweets that may just coincidentally contain the same keyword. Hashtags are also often used by conference and event organizers as a method of keeping all tweets about the event in a single stream, and they’ve even been used to coordinate updates during emergencies. In fact, hashtags were first popularized during the 2007 San Diego wildfire, when the tag #sandiegofires was used to identify tweets about the natural disaster.
twitter hastags explained
Great HashTag ArticleTop 160 Wordpress Plugin
Top 160 Wordpress PluginOfficial Google Webmaster Central Blog: Optimize your crawling & indexing
SEO for WordPress blogs is more focused on the technical infrastructure of your site
"One of the most important part of setting up a blog is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO for a WordPress blog is different than SEO for static websites, mainly because of the social nature of blogging technology."
One of the most important part of setting up a blog is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO for a WordPress blog is different than SEO for static websites, mainly because of the social nature of blogging technology. It is less about buying links or tricking inadequate search technology. SEO for WordPress blogs is more focused on the technical infrastructure of your site, and your ability to write creative articles that are noteworthy for others to read and link to. This SEO guide should be your reference point for all WordPress blogs because in here we will mention some of the tips that has been proven to work. These techniques does not require heavy investment except for few bits of your time. Don’t make this to do list a chore, you can do these trick one per day and not feel stressed out about it. Why bother with SEO? If you want to get more exposure for your blog, Search Engine Optimization can make a huge difference.Search engine optimization for Flash | Adobe Developer Connection
Search engine optimization for Flash | Adobe Developer Connection
Search engine optimization for Flash
This article contains excerpts from Search Engine Optimization for Flash, which dispels the myth that SWF-based websites won't show up in a web search by demonstrating exactly what you can do to make your site fully searchable. You'll learn best practices for using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—as well as SWFObject—for building sites with SWF content that will stand tall in search rankings. HTML, video, and images are indexed by search engines and stored so you can easily find them in a web search. Last year Adobe announced that some search engines (namely Google and Yahoo!) were given a special version of Adobe Flash Player that allows them to search through and index textual information found in SWF-based content.SEOmoz | 17 Ways Search Engines Judge the Value of a Link
How search engines determine the value of a link.Search Engine Optimization 101 - Nettuts+
by Sidarth. clearly written
Your website may be top notch but what's the use of an online presence if no one can find it? In this quick start guide to search engine optimization we'll10 SEO Tips For Maximizing Facebook Visibility
All of this has potentially massive repercussions for how marketers view Facebook chatter. By really digging deep into how Facebook is searching internal content, you’ll be tapping into the next level of the web’s development, uncovering a gold mine of data about what people are talking about, what they like and dislike, and how they are influencing the opinions of others. This is clearly an important search frontier.15 Incredible Wordpress Plugins You Need
I regularly receive questions about the plugins that I use on the Wordpress installation here at Site Sketch 101.A Deeper Look at mod_rewrite for Apache - Nettuts+
Some may require advanced features of WordPress70 Do Follow Social Media Sites | Design And Marketing Blog
As social media has grown and evolved over the past few years, it has become a new avenue for marketers and webmasters to execute link building campaigns. This blog post is an attempt to list the social media sites that allow “do follow” links; which should have the potential to contribute to the search rank of the page being linked.12 Web Design Directories To Improve Your SEO | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated Posts10 Ways How To Track Site Traffic, Popularity, StatisticsPopular Firefox Extensions for SEO mastersWhat Screen Resolution We Should [...]5 Ways to Get Your Blog Indexed by Google in 24 Hours
love… the traffic and the money will follow suit. While that’s partially true, there is also things that you can do to: * Index your newly launched blog fast by major Search Engines * Increase traffic to your blog * Improve your SERPs (Search Engine Result Positions) Why wait right? Content can be king but waiting around for traffic to come by itself is not a good way to start blogging. So let’s start… Getting Indexed Let’s say you launched a blog today and want it on Google’s results tomorrow. Can this bGoogle Launches New Ad Marketplace; Display Ads Will Never Be the Same
google acquisisce DOUBLE CLICK e mo cambia tuttoOfficial Google Webmaster Central Blog: Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking
seo and meta tag's100+ Search Engine Marketing Resources - Online Marketing Blog
100+ Search Marketing Resources to Learn SEO & PPCMeta tags - Webmasters/Site owners Help
Meta tags are a great way for webmasters to provide search engines with information about their sites. Meta tags can be used to provide information to all sorts of clients, and each system processes o
google seo tips
Meta tags - Webmasters/Site owners Help
Google meta tag use informationHow to stop Google Analytics from tracking your own visits - instant fundas
If your net connection has a static IP, you can filter out that IP from being tracked. But if you are on a dynamic IP, like most of us are, you will need a different solution.
stop Google Analytics from tracking your own visitsGoogle Caffeine: A Detailed Test of the New Google
Did you hear? Google’s launching a new, upgraded version of its search engine soon. And just as important, the search giant released the developer’s preview of it today. Google (Google) promises that the new search tool (codename “Caffeine”) will improve the speed, accuracy, size, and comprehensiveness of Google search.Wordpress Web Optimization: 15 Tips And Plugins To Monitor, Speed Up And Optimize Your Wordpress Blog
Optimize and monitor your Wordpress blog is necessary so that you can reduce the load time, bandwidth and server usage. This article discuss 15 tips and plugins to preform Wordpress web optimization.
unnecessary plugins can also remove the unwanted hooks. Hooks are provided by Wordpress to allow the plugi21 Untapped Traffic Sources
your site is chosen, it will be featured on the homepage and announced to their email list of over 150,000 subscribers.SU - 10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines & Smashing Magazine
すごい!!!!!The Only SEO Tools You’ll Ever Need - Nettuts+
Search Engine Optimization is a rather complex and never ending process. You have to analyze a lot of things including what keywords people are searching for,6 Websites to Track A Website’s Traffic
Quarkbase est dedans ??69 Free (or low cost) Tools to Improve Your Website
Great collection of links
1. has built a large panel of users who will record their on-screen actions and voice as they use your website. For each user’s test session, you get a video and their written summary. It costs $29 and is typicWhat Is Real Time Search? Definitions & Players
real time search explained
(3rd screen-shot down)Google’s Matt Cutts Video Presentation On SEO
I have seen Matt Cutts of Google speak dozens of times, I have seen dozens of videos of SEO tips from Matt, I have read hundreds of blog posts from Matt - but
I have seen Matt Cutts of Google speak dozens of times, I have seen dozens of videos of SEO tips from Matt, I have read hundreds of blog posts from Matt - but nothing compares to his presentation given at WordCamp. Lucky, the presentation was recorded and is available for everyone to watch.How To Measure The Value Of A Fan Or Follower In Social Media
It’s hard to justify the time spent on social media account management. But there are ways to measure the real value (monetary or otherwise) of fans on Facebook and followers on Twitter.Scribnia - A rating and discovery engine for bloggers and columnists
A rating and discovery engine for bloggers and columnists. Find better writers online
Scribnia is a blog directory that's all about writers. We aim to be the definitive source for people's opinions about bloggers, columnists, reporters, and other writers whose work is available online. Come on in and add your blog to our blog directory!
Bloggers add yourself to the site. Readers review them.Google CEO Eric Schmidt On Newspapers & Journalism
Google Has A “Moral Responsibility” To Help The Press
Is Google a newspaper killer? Not by a long shot, says Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Nor does he want it to be. In a long interview about his company's
Is Google a newspaper killer? Not by a long shot, says Google CEO Eric Schmidt.43 High Quality Tutorial Sites to Start Learning Web Design « Natcoll Design Technology
learn to program with these sites
Tutoriales para diseño web.
Learn web design and development from scratch with essential HTML, CSS, Photoshop, PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX and Flash tutorials.SEOmoz | SEO Cheat Sheet: Anatomy of A URL
SEO topline
One topic that seems simple but that generates a ton of questions here on SEOmoz is URLs. I've created a 1-page sheet all about the URL and how to optimize it.
URLs: How to construct them, how to optimize them, what the pieces are, etc. In the spirit of great SEOmoz cheat sheets like Danny's web developer cheat sheet, I've decided to put together a 1-page guide to all things URL
Anatomy of A URL [from]Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: A proposal for making AJAX crawlable
Today we're excited to propose a new standard for making AJAX-based websites crawlable. This will benefit webmasters and users by making content from rich and interactive AJAX-based websites universally accessible through search results on any search engine that chooses to take part. We believe that making this content available for crawling and indexing could significantly improve the web.
A proposal for making AJAX crawlable Wednesday, October 07, 2009 at 10:51 AM Webmaster level: Advanced
GR: A proposal for making AJAX crawlable [from]High Scalability - High Scalability - 10 Ways to Take your Site from One to One Million Users by Kevin Rose
"There are four basic components to a successful web page design: Research; Design; Copy and Testing and Modification."8 Tips For Getting Your Fan Page Found In Facebook Search
8 consigli su come rendere visibile la tua pagina su facebook
Have a Facebook page or creating a new one? Do yourself a favor and be proactive in setting your page up, so users can find you when they are looking. Too
Whether you are setting up your first page, or tweaking an old one, the following tips can help you rise to the top of the search results.
Might be useful in helping Holly get known
A list of 8 tips for optimizing one's Facebook Fan Page for Facebook Search. As featured on Search Engine Land.Geek to Live: Have a say in what Google says about you - Geek to Live - Lifehacker
Someone out there's trying to find information about you right now, whether it's a potential employer, date or a long lost friend. What happens when they Google you? A recent poll here on Lifehacker shows that for about half of you, information about someone else with the same name or a web site you don't control gets returned in search results for your name. Today we'll go over the ins and outs of setting up a nameplate web site that makes you Googleable with a web page whose content YOU control.10 Important Tips to Optimize Wordpress for Search Engines | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated Posts20 New, Useful And Promising Wordpress Plugins33 Wordpress Plugins To Power Up Your Comment SectionHow To Create Your [...]浅析豆瓣的 Google Analytics 应用
useful and useless ;)
top 10 plugins for wordpress.SEOmoz | How to Start an Internet Company That Will Be Noticed: The Proposal and Outline
This post is a little different than what you might be used to. Instead of talking at you, I would like to talk with you. I would like to propose a blogging outline, not actually blog on the given subject (yet!). First, allow me to explain myself. I have been under-utilizing my blogging privileges the last three months and I would like to try to make this up to you. I have made the ...25 things I wish I’d known when I started blogging
should have / will follow some of these tips
This post summarises what I feel Ive learned in those years and how you can apply the things Ive learned to your own site and strategy to succeed.
Blogging tipsOfficial Google Blog: RT @google: Tweets and updates and search, oh my!
Google & Bing adding Tweets to search results; [from]
Google to index Twitter
Googleがtwitter内検索に対応する事になるってWeb Conferences Roundup: Events from Around the Globe « Smashing Magazine
Note, at the end of article you’ll find also several non-SEO tools, but still which can be used seriously to optimize your site, help to choose right keywords and understand niche you are optimizing your site to! I suggest you at least visit all of these sites, so you pick your favorite tool because really all tools differentiate a little bit from each other. Enjoy this article and remember there are several more series to come soon, where I will try to explain how I do my SEO as well as link you to several more useful resources and articles you really should read!Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Social Search: I finally found my friend's New York blog!
Your friends and contacts are a key part of your life online. Most people on the web today make social connections and publish web content in many different ways, including blogs, status updates and tweets. This translates to a public social web of content that has special relevance to each person. Unfortunately, that information isn't always very easy to find in one simple place. That's why today we're rolling out a new experiment on Google Labs called Google Social Search that helps you find more relevant public content from your broader social circle. It should be available for everyone to try by the end of the day, so be sure to check back.30+ Very Useful Twitter Tools You Must Be Aware Of | SEOptimise
We see at least a dozen new Twiter tools every other day. So I selected just 30+ Twitter tools that are most useful right now. Some of these tools have been around for a few months some have sprung up just recently. They have one thing in common: You must be aware of these tools in case you’re serious about Twitter participation.
more twitter toolsGoogle Analytics Mega-Post: 23 Google Analytics Tips and Tweaks | Search Engine People | Toronto
Sur ce sujet riche et varié, il existe de nombreux blogs et sites, qui, de l’ergonomie éditoriale à l’approche sémantique en passant par les conseils en rédaction web, constituent de solides ressources dont vous pouvez vous inspirer pour améliorer la qualité rédactionnelle de votre blog. J’ai sélectionné pour vous les meilleurs parmi ceux que je connais (mais je ne les connais peut-être pas tous)
Sur ce sujet riche et varié, il existe de nombreux blogs et sites, qui, de l’ergonomie éditoriale à l’approche sémantique en passant par les conseils en rédaction web, constituent de solides ressources dont vous pouvez vous inspirer pour améliorer la qualité rédactionnelle de votre blog. J’ai sélectionné pour vous les meilleurs parmi ceux que je connais (mais je ne les connais peut-être pas tous) :
15 sites incontournables sur l’écriture pour le web et les blogsNavigation Markup After Content
I am not an SEO expert. I said not long ago that I believe it's mostly just a matter of common sense. However, I do find the subject interesting. Being the #1
I am not an SEO expert. I said not long ago that I believe it’s mostly just a matter of common sense. However, I do find the subject interesting. Being the #1 result for a search term is a big deal. It can mean big bucks. For those of us with clients, they desire this and look to us to help. So if there are reasonable steps we can take to help with this, I think we should. One of the SEO principals that really seems to make sense to me, is having the most important content on the page as close to the top of the HTML markup as possible.Top 10 Site Search Options
Posted using BDeliciousHow To Easily Create Your Own URL Shortener With WordPress
This morning I set Outspoken Media up with it’s own URL “shortening service” so to speak and Lisa thought you guys might want to know how I did it. With all the talk of Tweet-Jacking and concerns regarding the branding you’re doing for URL shortening services instead of yourself, it only makes sense to create your own internal URL shortening service if at all possible.
url shortener to use own linkSEOmoz | 30 SEO Problems & the Tools to Solve Them (Part 1 of 2)
Promoting a new blog can be quite daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. As you might expect, breaking down blog promotion into small, actionable tasks eliminates the mental road block you’ve probably experienced when trying to wrap you head around how to get people’s attention. You don’t have to do everything in this list, and some items will have a greater effect then others, but every tactic will at least drive some traffic, and any traffic is better than no traffic.The Link Builder’s Guide To Analyzing SERP Dominators For Link Opportunities
This article walks you through the tools, processes and strategies for identifying the most powerful players in your keyword space and then analyzing their link sources and link building tactics.
handy tools to helpPractical Guide to 404 Error Pages: What WordPress is Missing - Yoast - Tweaking Websites
Practical Guide to 404 Error Pages: What WordPress is Missing - Yoast - Tweaking Websites -
This post will provide you with everything you need to make your "404 - File not found" page a starting point instead of a dead end street.
I make mistakes. You make mistakes. We all do. And some of these mistakes end up providing our readers with a 404 page. Chances are that page says "Error 404: file not found". How does that help your visitor? Instead of just identifying the problHow To Track Google Keyword Rankings In Google Analytics
Awesome link track Organic Hits.
$A1 (position: $B2)WordPressでWebサイトを構築するまでの手順リスト - かちびと.net
まぁ、そのまま使えるわけじゃないだろうけど。How to promote a new small business website | Small Business Trends
This article outlines how to promote and market a newly launched small-business website, in 3 months.
针对小企业的优化推广10 common mistakes using robots.txt on your website | Houston Web Designer & SEO - Tips on Website Development & Website Marketing tips and Strategies
URLs Relate to Search Engine Optimization
The Online Portfolio of Shay Howe10 Useful Tools for Finding the Perfect Domain Name | Web Design Ledger
Finding the right domain name is an important step in creating a successful website. Luckily there are tools out there to help you in this process by not only helping you find available domain names, but also helping you in the creative aspect by giving you suggestions. Here are 10 of these tools to help you find that perfect domain name.
Finding the right domain name is an important step in creating a successful website. Luckily there are tools out there to help you in this process by not onlyUseful Tips Every Web Designer Should Know About SEO –
Explain SEO in just a post is impossible, so I made a list of tips, tools and suggestion for a good optimization of a web page , that every one can do although is not a SEO.
In the process of developing a web site, there are many professional profile that work on it, one of this is the SEO profile (Search Engine Optimization). If you are working in a web agency, usually there’s a professional profile that works only on search engine optimization, giving you the freedom to work with image editing, (x)html and css. But if you are a freelance, then you should spare money and do this your self.
"Useful Tips Every Web Designer Should Know About SEO" Link Builders Share Advanced Link Building Queries
This blog entry shows you how to create automatic captions for you YouTube videos.
"In addition to automatic captions, we’re also launching automatic caption timing, or auto-timing, to make it significantly easier to create captions manually. With auto-timing, you no longer need to have special expertise to create your own captions in YouTube. [...]"
"To help address this challenge, we've combined Google's automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology with the YouTube caption system to offer automatic captions, or auto-caps for short. Auto-caps use the same voice recognition algorithms in Google Voice to automatically generate captions for video. The captions will not always be perfect (check out the video below for an amusing example), but even when they're off, they can still be helpful—and the technology will continue to improve with time."
YouTube now does automatic captioning in some cases and automatic timing in all cases. Automatic timing lets you upload a transcript with a video and YouTube will do speech to text and figure out when the various parts of the transcript need to be displayed.Useful WordPress Plugins for Statistics |
携帯New WordPress plugin: WP-Clickmap | Roger Stringer's Blog
This little plugin will store each click made on pages of your site in a database, and from there, you’ll be able to go to your blog’s admin section and view the various pages. See what is popular with your visitors and what’s not.
Find out how folks are using your new theme and be able to determine what types of tweaks might need to be made to it with this extremely useful plugin.
This little plugin will store each click made on pages of your site in a database, and from there, you'll be able to go to your blog's admin section and view the various pages. See what is popular with your visitors and what's not. It's had some interesting results on the sites I've run it on so far, and wanted to share it here for people to download and play around with.Google I/O: New Advances In The Searchability of JavaScript and Flash, But Is It Enough?
This week at Google I/O, Google talked a lot about the evolution of the technological capabilities of the web. HTML 5 is ushering in new era of browser-based
Great, comprehensive article
Talking about AJAX and Flash searchability
Google is working on it The Google Webmaster Central team has been providing a wealth of education around these issues to help developers build search-friendly web sites. For instance: * Search-friendly AJAX * Canonicalization * Site moves At Maile’s Search-Friendly Development session at Google I/O, Google announced two advances in their ability to crawl and index RIAs. While both of these advances are great efforts, they were driven entirely by the search team. And unfortunately, they don’t solve the issues with the Google Code APIs. Wouldn’t it be great if the new Web Elements they just announced were search-engine friendly by default?The Big List Of Search Engines & Their Employees On Twitters
Yesterday, Google joined Twitter with a company account. We twittered a few search engine-related addresses as part of our post about that, but we wanted to doブログを成功させる攻略まとめ2009*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
<a href=" portfolio.html" title="Some artwork of the artist">Portfolio</a>Google Analytics Blog: More Enterprise-Class Features Added To Google Analytics
Google Gadgets
Today at the eMetrics Summit in Washington, D.C., after months of development and testing, Avinash Kaushik, our Analytics Evangelist, unveiled the new functionalities that represent a major upgrade to Google Analytics. With these features, gradually being released in beta in all accounts, you'll gain much richer insights into your website traffic, and it'll be even easier to discover, create, and access the metrics important to you. They are (with more details below): Advanced Segmentation, Custom Reports, a data export API (private beta), integrated reporting for AdSense publishers (private beta), multi-dimensional data visualizations called "Motion Charts," and an updated user and administrative interface.検索エンジンが順位を決定する要因ランキング2009年版が完成! | Web担当者Forum
順位決定の要因トップ5 1.外部リンクのアンカーテキスト 2.titleタグでのキーワードの使用 3.生のリンクポピュラリティ 4.リンク元ドメイン名の多様性 5.ルートドメイン名でのキーワードの使用Google Now Personalizes Everyone’s Search Results
Beginning today, Google will now personalize the search results of anyone who uses its search engine, regardless of whether they’ve opted-in to a previously existing personalization feature. Searchers will have the ability to opt-out completely, and there are various protections designed to safeguard privacy. However, being opt-out rather than opt-in will likely raise some concerns. The company has an announcement here. Below, a deeper look. The short story is this. By watching what you click on in search results, Google can learn that you favor particular sites. For example, if you often search and click on links from Amazon that appear in Google’s results, over time, Google learns that you really like Amazon. In reaction, it gives Amazon a ranking boost. That means you start seeing more Amazon listings, perhaps for searches where Amazon wasn’t showing up before.
In particular, we now have two “flavors” of personalized search, or “Web History” as is the official Google name for it. There’s Signed-Out Web History and Signed-In Web History.[N] 「Google Analytics完全解説」著者から聞いた知らないと損しそうな5つのTips!
Practical Tips for Government Web Sites (And Everyone Else!) To Improve Their Findability in Searchlink rel="canonical"によるURL正規化タグ——SEOにとって非常に重要な進歩(前編) | Web担当者Forum
……(他のhead要素)…… これは、ヤフー、MSN、グーグルに対し、そのページを「」というURLのコピーとして扱うべきだということと、検索エンジンが適用するリンクとコンテンツの指標はすべてこのURLに還元すべきだということを伝えるものだ。Optimizing WordPress for Search Engines
ASP.NET, Visual Studio, ASP.NET 2.0, .NETA journalist’s guide to SEO | Blog | Econsultancy
Last week the BBC announced it was to start optimising its headlines in an attempt to gain greater visibility in the search engine results pages, so I thought I’d take a look at journalism and the web. Over recent years, many online news providers have had to adopt search engine optimisation (SEO) best practice into their articles in order to maintain their audience figures. Yet I often see journalists and even some bloggers bemoaning the need to optimise their work, as though it means all the quality has been drained out of the article and replaced with Google-appeasing nonsense. That’s why the first of my points is perhaps the most important. As long as it’s done well, SEO will not make your articles unreadable. SEO is not the enemy of good writing Believe it or not, the purpose of SEO is not to destroy your writing’s artistic integrity, it’s to make sure people can actually find your work to appreciate its genius. I think that SEO is often misunderstood by profe
That’s why the first of my points is perhaps the most important. As long as it’s done well, SEO will not make your articles unreadable.
How to get your online stuff noticed7 Tools To Optimize The Speed of Your Website
So you just built the next great web app, the launch day has finally come and .... silence. Crickets chirping. You anxiously check your Google Analytics stats
Early Adopters: 5 Ways To Get Users To Your New WebsiteAverage Twitter user has 126 followers, and only 20% of users go via website | Technology |
RT @mikecane: Average Twitter user has 126 followers, and only 20% of users go via website [from]
RT @suryasnair: RT @JesseNewhart: Average Twitter user has 126 followers, and only 20% of users go via website [from]
Sono decisamente sopra la media (165)SEO for Lead Generation Kit
good talking points for small businessesGoogle’s Personalized Results: The “New Normal” That Deserves Extraordinary Attention
What are the results you get back for a search on the US health care debate? Fox News might be all set to lambaste Google for giving a liberal site top billing, only to find that CNN reports that it’s a conservative site that’s number one — and both stations might be wrong. That’s because the results each reports on will be only what their particular reporters at each station saw. Their viewers may see different results. In fact, each one of their viewers may see results different from one another.
On Friday afternoon, Google made the biggest change that has ever happened in search engines, and the world largely yawned. Maybe Google timed itsHow To Research, Create And Distribute Highly-Linkable Content
Without an ordered approach, careful research and custom tools it can be difficult for link builders, writers and content strategists to know what content will attract links in a target market. This article provides a process and tools for developing and distributing linkable content based on the content that's proven to attract links in your target keyword space.SEOmoz | 8 Predictions for SEO in 2010
First off, apologies for my absence from the blog these past few days. It's been an incredibly busy time, trying to wrap things up before I leave for San Diego over the holidays. So much for a December lull... In this post, I'm going to try tackling a lot of the recent trends we've been observing from the engines and talk about my personal perception of what's to come over the next 12 months.
"In this post, I'm going to try tackling a lot of the recent trends we've been observing from the engines and talk about my personal perception of what's to come over the next 12 months."Move From Blogger to WordPress Without Losing Google Rank - Blogger - Lifehacker
Lifehacker articleSEOmoz | Blog Launch Check List
How to Rank Well in Google Products Search & a Big List of Places to Get Reviews
Provides a list of ranking factors for Merchant Center. By far the most important is having reviews. Provides a list of 3rd party review sites, but the one with the most weight for ranking are Google Checkout reviews.
SEOmoz post that breaks down how to get the best rankings in Google Shopping (Google Base, Google Product Search).Diving deep into user behavior with Google Analytics, Event Tracking, and jQuery
by @briancray
In a default Google Analytics setup, the information you have about your users’ navigation behaviors and preferences is limited to which pages they viewed and where they came from. But what does that really tell you about how your users behave inside your web pages? Not much, and that’s where all the juicy behavioral insight comes from.Free Online Resources for the Digital Enterprise - WebMama
Barbara Coll, founder of recommends these tools, blogs, and sites for your SEO, SEM, Internet and pay per click marketing strategies. Keep up to date on the dynamic SEM world.Getting Links AND Content From Flickr
Ideas on how to use Flickr to attract links and really great content. As featured on Search Engine Land.
Using Flickr to build content isn't so hard once you get inspiration from this article which features a case study and suggested scenarios that you can use Flickr with to help.10 Things You Can Do To Optimize for Image Search
saved by avinash
Things that can be done to optimize images for search.Online Marketing Effectiveness - eMarketer
What is the best way to generate sales online? While the answer may vary slightly depending on the size of the ad budget, a Forbes study says marketers of all sizes should start with search. Forty-e
Forty-eight percent of marketers said that search engine optimization (SEO) was the best method for generating conversions online. More than one-half of marketers with budgets over $1 million agreed.10 htaccess Hacks Every SEO Should Know |
ero NO afecta exclusivamente al tráfico que llega desde Google sino a cualquier sistema taggeado. Es decir, afecta a SEO, SEM pero también a cualquier click en un link externo, en yahoo search, en tu newsletter (si la taggeas), etc. Lo que hace es que el tráfico directo no lo cuenta como directo si en los últimos 30 días has accedido a la misma web por algún otro medio no directo y asigna las visitas directas (y conversiones) al último canal NO directo por el que llegaste. Esa duración de 30 días de la cookie de GA es53 Promotional Websites To Gain Traffic Quick And Easy | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated Posts40 Promotional Sites Where To Submit Your Design Related Links10 Ways How To Track Site Traffic, Popularity, Statistics1st [...]
It started very long time ago (to be exact December 27, 2008), when I created my first promotional article with 40 promotional links in it.SEOの順位を上げるためのWordPressプラグイン10 | CREAMU
Google XML Sitemaps Generator
WebDesignBoothというサイトで、SEOの順位を上げるためのWordPressプラグインが紹介されています。Let’s Try to Find All 200 Parameters in Google Algorithm | Search Engine Journal
Muy buen articulo sobre SEO
I am sure Googlers should be enjoying this: hardly can they say a word, there follows a wealth of guessed and speculations. This time Matt Cutts is said to haveHow to Promote Your Facebook Fan Page & Get Lots of Fans | Search Engine Journal
Website optimization
Just about every aspect of a website can be split-tested. Split testing involves a single element of a page being changed at one time. A different type of split testing is sometimes used to achieve faster improvements with a shorter number of tests; multivariate testing. In this type of testing, multiple variables are changed within a single web page. So, rather than having multiple versions of the same page, multivariate testing rotates different elements on the same page, for example, the headline, the call-to-action, the image and the opening paragraph. The advantage with multivariate testing is that you can find the optimum combination of website elements in a shorter space of time and achieve significant improvements in the website’s performance; the disadvantage is that it takes a considerable amount of traffic to get accurate results. For most websites, A/B split testing will be the optimum method of improving a website’s conversion rate over time.Getting Links from the Top 50 Domains
Without further ado, I now present to you the best internet marketing posts of 2009
Find incredibly valuable articles on the subject of Internet Marketing in social media, search engine optimization, PPC, web design, small business, and more.
Social Media, SEO, PPC, Small Business, Web Design, and More.
Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009The Little Known Secret to Getting Page 1 Google Rankings : Marketing :: American Express OPEN Forum
Tips N Tricks for creating a PR1 site. The trick in this case is SEO Video.
How to rise to the top in Google
"1. Create some great video for your site. Note: Research indicates that if you have video on your homepage, up to 80% of your visitors will click that first, so it better be good! 2. Post it prominently throughout your site. 3. SEO it and submit it. Here’s the trick, and it is two-fold. First, you must optimize the video for search engines. That means key words and phrases must be used in the file name, in the captions, etc. Second, once posted on your site, you must then submit the video itself using XML tools to Google and the other search engines."アクセス解析を使ってサイトの課題を発見する12のステップ - リアルアクセス解析
tWebmaster Central 日本版 公式ブログ: Google のインデックスやランク付けなどに関する、10 の誤解
「PageRank は...ランク付けを行ううえで用いる 200 以上の技術のひとつに過ぎません」
サーチクオリティチームの John Mueller が紹介した、「Google のインデックスやランク付けに関する、10 の誤解 」というプレゼンテーションを元に、これらの誤解について、解説したいと思います。Marshall Kirkpatrick’s Site About How to Use the New Internet » Add One Line To Your Blog or Twitter Could Become Your Primary Identity
So the long and short of this story is that if you want to make sure that Google understands your blog to be your primary beacon on the web, then you should add the words rel=”me” to a relevant link on your blog. I’ve added that tag to the link on my sidebar that goes to my feedback page, because that’s a good page for me. It’s as simple as making the link text read a href=”” rel=”me”.WordPress Plugins: 15 Incredible Wordpress Plugins For 2010
Internet marketing secrets for bloggers
Search as it works now. Michael Campbell is a true guru with longevity and offers good solid material to implement.
this is actually a very sound usefull technique for ranking well for a specific search term, well worth a read.
Pretty cool stuff!Open Site Explorer Link Analysis
links analysis toolThe Google Analytics Cheatsheet | Internet Marketing Strategy: Conversation Marketing
I'm an idiot. Last week, someone commented on a post I wrote for SEOMOZ's YouMOZ service that they'd like a Google Analytics Cheatsheet. I wrote back "OK, I'll do it." Guess what? Google Analytics has a ton of features. And even more tricks and hacks that folks have developed over the years. So this 2-page cheat sheet, which took 3 days and nights to pull together, is a tiny sliver of the whole system. But it does cover the stuff that I'd want my staff to use. You can download it for free, no strings attached: Version with links: The Google Analytics Cheatsheet Printer-friendly version: The Google Analytics Cheatsheet, Printer FriendlyWooRank | Website analysis tool
eines per optimització SEO. Molt bo.
Get personalized marketing tips to improve your website and drive more traffic.
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Web que te analiza tu página webHOW TO: Optimize a Pre-Existing Google AdWords Account
tips on how to restart an existing adwords campaign or campaigns
Shimon Sandler is a search marketing professional. He authors a blog at In this bad economy when many advertisers are slashing their online「このサイトについてもっと知りたい!」と思ったときに使えるツールまとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
各種ソーシャルメディアでどれぐらい有名かを表示。 どんな技術を使って作られているかを表示。
「The Best Online Tools To Help You Know Everything About Web Sites」なる記事があったのでご紹介。「あのサイトについてもっと知りたい!」というときのためのツールいろいろですね。
ドメイン、サーバー、SNSでの知名度、どんな技術を使ってるか、Pingして応答を見る。など。Strategic SEO for Startups: MicroISV on a Shoestring
This guy works for aaron wall >>>>> One way I’ve found to cut down on support requests is to make sure I write publicly about any issue that keeps coming up for my customers. Other small companies contact me for advice fairly frequently, and that also tends to retread the same issues, so I’m going to blog it in depth once rather than giving fifteen people 30% of my thoughts on the same issue. One common issue is “How do I improve our SEO?”
Lots of good tips on marketing ISV and other stuff.Some SEO Advice For Bill Gates
Consigli a zio Bill
If I ever have a blog I want to be searchable
What do you get for Bill Gates, the richest person in the world? How about a little free SEO advice for his new blog? It could use some. Bill, I went lookingSeven sensational SEO tips for ecommerce sites | Blog | Econsultancy
the keyword-rich anchor text link isn't counted by Google because the first link is the image. You can use the brilliant First Link Checker tool to find out quickly and easily if this is a problem for your sit
For the first of my guest posts for Econsultancy I wanted to take a step beyond the generic, oft-rehashed ‘SEO tips’ (you know, things like “include keywords in your page titles” and “create great content”) and contribute something based on my experience of working across a number of e-commerce sites.110+ CSS Gallery To Submit Your Web Design, Part 1
1、「SEO業者なのに、どうして営業電話してらっしゃるんですか?」と聞くGoogle is changing and it will affect your site « Boagworld
Some of the changes at Google are more visible than others, and some more useful than others, but it goes to show that Google aren’t quite ready to let things stagnate just yet after the launch of Microsoft’s Bing. Realtime results OK, so maybe you have to be using another search engine to miss it, but a list of recent search result changes would be incomplete without mentioning this big one. For some search terms Google are now displaying realtime results: effectively results from Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks. Undoubtedly this will have an effect on search engine optimisation, but whether that means more up to date (and more relevant) results are being returned or simply people will spam Twitter to be featured at the top of Google’s search results remains to be seen.Unleashing the Power of Website Analytics
Uma aula sobre análise de relatórios de acesso (Bounce Rate, Conversion Rate, etc)
Med hjälp av statistik går det att bevisa vadsomhelst brukar man ju säga, men faktum är att statistik för din webbsida också kan hjälpa dig att förbättra den. Det förutsätter att du vet hur du ska tolka statistiken och hur du ska ta till dig av den. I den här artikeln får du hjälp med tips på olika statistikverktyg att använda dig av och hur du genom statistiken kan analysera vad du ska förbättra på din sajt för att
AnalyticsWhere To Find Social Media Power Users
Where To Find Social Media Power Users -
technical tools
While having great content and an appropriate message are crucial for success on social media news sites, having a quality user help with promotion is essential to build momentumSEOmoz | A Bad Day for Search Engines: How News of Michael Jackson's Death Traveled Across the Web
A timeline of who got the Jacko story when, from X17 to TMZ to CNN tweeting it to MSNBC officially reporting it to Google crashing.EyeView - increasing conversion through rich-media
For one — it’s an extra click to get into your content. Worse is when you don’t give a “skip intro” option or set of links into your main site content — because you’re essentially forcing your visitors to sit through the full animation. If you’re lucky, this will only annoy them… if not — they’ll just leave without giving your main web site a shot. And without an html link pointing into your site, the search engines have no way to continue either (unless you made use of a sitemap.xml file — but still…)
RT @imjustcreative 10 SEO Techniques All Top Web Sites Should Use | Freelance Folder ( [from]I made $622,322.96 in 2009 from affiliate marketing. AMA. : IAmA
We all work hard at the SEO process - analyzing sites, gathering data, researching potential problems and identifying the solutions. Today's post is on how to work smarter and faster using bookmarklets for SEO. No matter your browser, these plug-and-play links will let you get your job done faster and easier, and look like a pro in front of bosses and clients.
e all work hard at the SEO process - analyzing sites, gathering data, researching potential problems and identifying the solutions. Today's post is on how to work smarter and faster using bookmarklets for SEO. No matter your browser, these plug-and-play links will let you get your job done faster and easier, and look like a pro in front of bosses and clients.Setting Up Wordpress for SEO | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Setting Up Wordpress for SEOFacebook directs more online users than Google
According to Web measurement firm Compete Inc., Facebook has passed search-engine giant Google to become the top source for traffic to major portals like Yahoo and MSN, and is among the leaders for other types of sites.
Is social media becoming more important than search engine ?Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web | Magazine
Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter.
Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web
Excellent in-depth look at how Google's constantly-improving algorithms make it superior.SEOmoz | SEO for Startups: Top 7 Lessons + A Trip to YCombinator
SEO for Startups: Top 7 Lessons + A Trip to YCombinator
Next, since it's hard to do any slide deck justice with just the slides, a list of top advice and recommendations, not just from the slide deck, but from many years of interactions, consulting and Q+A help for startups:Multivariate testing, A/B split testing and landing page optimization software reviews | Which Multivariate?
Here's what to do: Discover how multivariate testing can increase your profits...then compare software tools using the comparison chart below. Be warned, though: this chart doesn't tell the whole story. Find out the reality of what the software is like, by reading the descriptions and user reviews of it. And, once you've used the software yourself, please come back to submit a review of it.
By Missing Google Analytics Manual
Google has done a fabulous job putting together learning materials for their Google Analytics IQ Lessons – where you can follow the lessons in order to pass their GA IQ individual certification test. But the following will help you get the most out of your Google Analytics with this collection of links to implement, configure and get insights from Google Analytics. Initial Setup of Google Analytics Google Analytics Setup Checklist Google Analytics IQ Lessons from Google’s Conversion University with videos A Video Tutorial to Google Analytics Setup Google’s Support Installation Guide How to speed up your website when using Google Analytics 8 Stupid Things Webmasters Do To Mess Up Their Analytics Google Analytics Custom Variables Overview How to Link Google Analytics to your AdWords Account Video: How to Setup Google Analytics with Flash Google Analytics within Flex/Flash Applications Tools to Be Sure Your Website Is Tagged Properly SiteScan for Google Analytics Web AnalyticExclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web | Magazine
Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter. This year, Google will introduce 550 or so improvements to its fabled algorithm, and each will be determined at a gathering just like this one. The decisions made at the weekly Search Quality Launch Meeting will wind up affecting the results you get when you use Google’s search engine to look for anything — “Samsung SF-755p printer,” “Ed Hardy MySpace layouts,” or maybe even “capital Burkina Faso,” which just happens to share its name with this conference room. Udi Manber, Google’s head of search since 2006, leads the proceedings. One by one, potential modifications are introduced, along with the results of months of testing in vari
Filosofisk (?) artikel om googles algoritmer
Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter. This year, Google will introduce 550 or so improvements to its fabled algorithm, and each will be determined at a gathering just like this one. The decisions made at the weekly Search Quality Launch Meeting will wind up affecting the results you get when you use Google’s search engine to look for anythingHow Facebook is Gunning for Google (And Killing SEO) | Copyblogger
How Facebook is Gunning for Google (And Killing SEO) [from]
How to handle Facebook's impact on SEO
RT @DavidAKennedy: Is Facebook killing SEO? [from]6 Critical WordPress Plugins You Should Have Installed
Lisäominaisuuksia WordPress-blogiin.Link Development Training: How Link Building for SEO is Like Picking Up a Girl | Search and Social Media Marketing Consultant
re important and the basic criteria for estab
Gettin' hit by traffic...not cars. Information on internet marketing tools, search marketing news. Commentary, tips and tutorials on pay-per-click, search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, and recent industry events with a little bit of humor and sarcasm.
gadzooks this is excellent... sweet!
Link development is tough. Not everyone can create amazing linkbait, as easy as the experts make it sound. It’s not an easy proposition to get people to link to your website if you’re a local realtor, mortgage broker, or holistic doctor for that matter. It is POSSIBLE though with the right approach to actually solicit and develop links that will help your search engine rankings. From LOTS of trial and error, here’s the process I’ve developed for training link developers to become true link ninjas that will hunt and pursue links that actually make a site rank high for targeted terms.Handy Tools and Tips for E-Commerce Websites - Smashing Magazine
รวม 10 อุปกรร์ ทำ Analytics
10 Useful Website Analytics Tools
10 (เว็บ)เครื่องมือออนไลน์ไว้เช็กสถิติ-Analytics เว็บAdd Custom Search to any site in two minutes
No need to register, sign up for anything, get a user ID, or anything like that. You can see the result on the right-hand sidebar of my blog.Using Analytics To Measure SEO Success
I’ve previously discussed why rankings are a poor measure of success, but only touched upon how to instead use web analytics to measure SEO success. My hope is that once you have a good grasp of what to review and how to use that info, you’ll be more inclined to wean yourself (and your clients) off rankings reports once and for all!How to Increase Conversions on any Website in 45 Minutes
read thisGoogle Analytics in Depth: Goals and Funnels
Social media marketing is expected to dominate this year -- but the growing list of online social media sites makes choosing the right route complicated. From Facebook to YouTube to Digg and beyond, which media outlets will net the most bang for the buck in terms of customer communication, brand exposure, traffic, and search engine optimization (SEO)? Includes a downloadable PDF version of a chart on leveraging social media optionsGoogle Analyticsを導入したらやっておきたい簡単で便利な設定集 | ウェブ力学
Google Analytics6 Powerful LinkedIn Marketing Tips for Small Businesses | Social Media Examiner
how can we use linked in to help us connect to people in our industryWordPress SEO Video - Yoast - Tweaking Websites
I spoke at A4UExpo London last year and will be speaking at the upcoming A4UExpo Amsterdam. One of the sessions I had in the last A4UExpo was the session on WordPress SEO & Optimisation strategies. That entire session was taped, and the A4UExpo guys have been kind enough to allow me to embed it here and show it to all of you, so, please, enjoy!8 Important SEO Techniques To Kickstart Your Website « DivitoDesign
8 خطوات هامة جدا لتحسين المواقع واستمثالها مع محرات البحث المختلفةBuilding SEO optimised Django web applications — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Using Django's built in tools for performing SEO. Including pinging Google when site content has changed.How we made $1 million for SEOmoz—with one landing page and a few emails | Conversion Rate Experts
As most search engine optimization (SEO) experts are aware, getting a first-page Google result is harder than ever. Not only do Google’s search and indexing algorithms continue to evolve in complexity, but Google has given over more and more of its search results real estate to “blended” search results, displaying vid
Editor’s note: In the following guest post, Fliqz CEO Benjamin Wayne reveals some of the secrets of using video to help boost the search results rankings of your website. Fliqz is an online video platform.
In fact, Forrester Research found that videos were 53 times more likely than traditional web pages to receive an organic first-page ranking.Scribe: SEO Copywriting Made Simple
"SEO Copywriting Made Simple"SEOmoz | Pagination: Best Practices for SEO & User Experience
We've been getting a lot of questions in Q+A and on the road at events like last week's Miva Merchant conference, Online Marketing Summit and the YCombinator conference about h...SEOをある程度勉強して、初級から中級になりかけた頃に知りたくなる8つのQ&A - 海外のSEO対策・SEOツールをわかりやすく解説するブログ
Search Engine Land に Jill Whalen さんによる、「The Answer To All Your SEO Questions!」という投稿がありました。 記事タイトルを訳すと「SEOに関する全ての質問に対する答え」となります。ポイントは「questions」が複数形であるのに対して、「answer」が単数でしかも「The answer」となっていること。 これは、SEOに関する全ての質問に対する答えは「一つの答え」
タイトルタグ変更などGoogleのSEOスターターガイドの翻訳 - ソーシャルメディアマーケティング
RT @redesocialesweb: #delicious_hoslist GoogleのSEOスターターガイドの翻訳 - ソーシャルメディアマーケティング the 10 blue links: how search engines are getting smarter | News | TechRadar UK
How search engines are getting smarter Google and Microsoft reveal how search is evolving : TechRadar UK
Google and Microsoft reveal how search is evolvingJason Putorti - How Acquired 1.5M+ Users - How Acquired 1.5M+ Users
Viral isn't everything after all... interesting. - How Acquired 1.5M+ Users
Bra beskrivning av hur Mint lyckades locka 1,5 miljoner användarePapers on PageRank you should read | Science for SEO
PageRank is a standard and much discussed topic in SEO and while it is relevant, the methods and techniques discussed are often not. There is a lot of
SEO optimization articlesA Makeover for Your Google Results -
m. Google rates Web sites, in part, by how many lin
For years, I winced at what popped up when I Googled my name. The top result of a search on "Julia Angwin" was an article I wrote for The Wall Street Journal in 2005 after I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby was indicted for making false statements, perjuring himself and obstructing justice by lying about how and when he learned the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame. I hated seeing the story at the top of the list for a number of reasons: It was not a topic I normally wrote about; it had an underwhelming headline, "Novak's Role is Still Largely Unknown"; and -- most horrifyingly -- the story contained an error and had a correction appended to it. Mysteriously, this article had become my hallmark online, showing up in my top-five search results for years.検索数予測チェック - 無料SEOツール |
検索順位別に検索数を調べることができる、キーワード検索数調査・予測ツールGoogle Analytics以上の超強力なリアルタイムアクセス解析ができる「Woopra」を試しに使ってみました - GIGAZINE
通常のアクセス解析はある程度時間が経過してからでないとその結果がわからないため、「まさに今!このページがヒットしている!」というのがわかりにくいのですが、この「Woopra」というアクセス解析サービスはとんでもないリアルタイム性がウリとなっており、誰かが訪問しに来たら即座にわかるようになっています。 リアルタイムアクセス解析を最大限活用するため、ブラウザ経由での利用だけでなく、Javaをベースとして作られたWindows・Mac・Linux対応の専用ソフトがあり、来訪者にタグ付けして個別に追跡、IPアドレスなどあらゆる条件で絞り込めるクイックフィルタ、誰がどこから来たのかすぐにわかるマップ、特定の条件のユーザーが来たらポップアップしたり音を鳴らして知らせてくれる機能などなどを搭載。そのすべてがリアルタイムに刻一刻と変化して最新の情報を教えてくれます。Google Analyticsで実現している機能はほぼすべて網羅しており、情報も非常に見やすく詳細、なおかつ使い勝手もよく、複数サイトへの設置もカンタンです。 というわけで、実際に「Woopra」のリアルタイムアクセス解析の威力がどれほどのモノなのかがよくわかるムービーや使い方の徹底解説などは以下から。
Woopraのお試しTons of Tips for Ranking in 5 Other Google Engines | WebProNews
References to the blog by sources other than blogsExclusive First Look: SU.PR - Stumble Upon’s New Traffic Builder
Hello @twfeed. This @tferriss post & my comment in it explain why we need support in #TwitterFeed [from]
Tim Ferriss, who worked on su.pr10 Simple Google Search Tricks
My boss showed me about this by using a client example a few months back. After dealing with the page sculpting first hand, this post made a lot more sense.6 Tools to Find that Killer Domain |
What’s in a domain? When building your new website or blog - having the best possible domain is a key factor that adds to your success.Jason Nazar’s Blog » Blog Archive » The 7 Ways to Get Traffic on the Web
un articulo sobre SEO
Search Engine Optimization tips made simple.SEO習得のためのチェックリスト(初心者編) | Web担当者Forum
RT @jaybaer: "Brands Must be Social Media Selfish" What are you doing to protect your social media brand? [from]
Jason Baer
Here are my 22 tips for dominating Linkedin. I put this presentation together for my good friends at Off Madison Ave in Arizona. Slides are available below via SlideSharあなたは何を作る?Google Analytics APIが遂にリリース! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
なんか怖いような気がしなくもない。うーん。Top 10 Useful .htaccess rewrites, Mod_Rewrite Tricks and Tips - Techwawwe's posterous
"Top 10 Useful .htaccess rewrites, Mod_Rewrite Tricks and Tips" via @cti97 #htaccess #webdeveloperOfficial Google Webmaster Central Blog: Using site speed in web search ranking
You may have heard that here at Google we're obsessed with speed, in our products and on the web. As part of that effort, today we're including a new signal in our search ranking algorithms: site speed. Site speed reflects how quickly a website responds to web requests.
@dworni Danke fürs Kompliment! Dieses Merkmal gewinnt an Gewicht, wenn man Google's Ranking Algorithmus betrachtet: – cmsbox (cmsbox) Top 15 Google Products for People Who Build Websites
Yesterday I moderated a panel on SEO and Social Media Marketing at the Thin Air Summit in Denver. Panel went great, the folks on the panel were fantastic. Jeremiah Oywang has a great run down of the panel and the advice given, so I wont rehash it her Web Design SEO Tips for Web Masters - Daily SEO blog
Very important for any designer to remember, or be reminded of. As I finally get closer to starting the redesign of my blog, this is great info to have aroundHOW TO: Boost Your SEO with a YouTube Channel
VIDEO tags how to make your videos seen
HOW TO: Boost Your SEO with a YouTube Channel Come incrementare la propria SEO con un canale YouTubeGetting Started - Making AJAX Applications Crawlable - Google Code
Increase you conversion rates with Invesp optimization service.
Top 10 Most influential marketers of 2008
Chris HughesはてなブックマークのやりすぎちゃったかもしれないSEO - ぼくはまちちゃん!(Hatena)
良いクローキング?36 SEO Myths That Won’t Die But Need To
when has that made
A list of common SEO myths that are still around today. As featured on Search Engine Land.SEOmoz | 30 SEO Problems & the Tools to Solve Them (Part 2 of 2)
Last November, I authored a popular post on SEOmoz detailing 15 SEO Problems and the Tools to Solve Them. It focused on a number of free tools and SEOmoz PRO tools. Today, I'm finishing up that project with a stab at another set of thorny issues that continually confound SEOs and how some new ...Who has the best SEO/SEM info? Post URLs here: - Robert Scoble - FriendFeed
Scoble SEO/SEM resources
Good source for SEO info
Post URLs here: - Robert Scoble - FriendFeedFrom 0 to (maybe) Forbes in under a week. - kyro // blog
easy practical social marcomGoogle SEO、10のウソ » 海外SEO情報ブログ・メルマガ
「お願いだから、コンテンツにキーワードを詰め込まないでくれ」 ワロタwGTmetrix | Website Speed and Performance Optimization
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GTmetrix can help you develop a faster, more efficient, and all-around improved website experience for your users.What’s The Best Way To Handle Page Titles?
Qual'è il modo migliore di gestire i titoli di pagina?
Cual es la mejor manera de poner los titulos de las paginas?CSS Gallery Submission Made Easy
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Automatic CSS Gallery Submission for webmasterRobots.txt vs Rel=Nofollow vs Meta Robots Nofollow : SEO
Aug 6, 2008 - Aaron Wall's chart comparing elements
SEO hard to understand
I was just fixing up our Robots.txt tutorial today, and figured that I should blog this as well. From Eric Enge's interview of Matt Cutts I created the following chart. Please note that Matt did not say they are more likely to ban you for using rel=nofollow, but they have on multiple occasions stated that they treat issues differently if they think it was an accident done by an ignorant person or a malicious attempt to spam their search engine by a known SEO (in language that is more rosy than what I just wrote)."Conversion-killing" mistakes | Conversion Rate Experts
I liked this article - particularly as Rob and I were looking at the washington post site for other reasons earlier
Send examples of links and buttons that interrupt a website visitor's ability to take an action, specifically "nuke" buttons that kill conversions. Post the URL in the comments area of this blog, or send a screen shot by email to For instance, why would a "Clear Form" button be next to a "Place Order" button? Does the website owner want visitors to cancel the order accidentally? Or how about buttons with drop down menus that get in the way when a visitor is trying to fill in a search box? Does the website owner want visitors to click away from that page by accident instead of searching the site? Let's see a collection of these bloopers.33 Free Trend Tracking Tools | Traffikd
RSSmeme RSSmeme shows popular blog posts that have been shared.
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Trend Tools!!11 Essential WordPress Plugins To Get Your Blog In Motion | Social Media Examiner
Where does blogging fit into your social media mix? Many people I encounter still haven’t taken the time to start a blog for their business. I’ve heard many different reasons for not having a business blog—from not having enough time to insecurity about writing style. Blogging should be one of the cores of your business. It should be right in the middle of your social media mix—the bulls-eye, the main target. It’s important to note that your blog is the hub into which all of your social media networks feed for optimal exposure. Some people feel overwhelmed by the notion of starting and maintaining a blog, so below I discuss 11 essential WordPress plugins to get your blog off to a racing start.
Utilize these WordPress plugins to optimize your blog!Twitter’s Biz Stone: Thoughts On Repositioning Twitter, Search Ads, The Twitter Ecosystem & More
Interesting Q&A w/Twitter's Biz Stone: Repositioning, Search ads, Twitter ecosystem, more: [from]
I talked with Twitter cofounder Biz Stone on a variety of issues about Twitter but especially focused around search. In the interview, he discussed: how Twitter may redesign its home page to better reposition itself as a sharing and discovery service; how discovery might be enhanced by perhaps by allowing people to share “groups” of friends with each other; how the Twitter ecosystem of third-party software and services have helped people have “patience” with the service by adding features it couldn’t yet develop; the importance of SMS and more.
RT @problogger: Reading: Twitter’s Biz Stone: Thoughts On Repositioning Twitter, Search Ads, The Twitter Ecosystem [from]How To Track Ajax And Flash Pageviews In Google Analytics?
now track ajax & flash pageviews with Google analytics! [from]
pageTracker._trackPageview("/pagefilename1" );
Blog de tecnologia. Esse link se refere a um post sobre flash e analytics.
How To Track Ajax And Flash Pageviews In Google Analytics?サイト公開前に役立つ25のユーザビリティチェックリスト:phpspot開発日誌
サイト公開前に。。。Google Analytics API Now In Public Beta, Desktop Reporting Takes Stats Offline
[object Object]
analytics API betaXMLサイトマップを検索エンジンに送信するとクロールがどう変わるのかテストしてみた | Web担当者Forum
SEOmozアイコン [海外特選サイト翻訳] SEOmoz 検索マーケティングのニュース&テクニック XMLサイトマップって本当にサイトの役に立っているんだろうか? 以前に(2007年)、SEOmozでは「XMLサイトマップは検索エンジンに送信しないほうがいい」という記事を出していた。さて、XMLサイトマップを送信するのとしないのとでは、現在はどんな違いが出るのだろうか。実証データで調べてみた。
XMLサイトマップを検索エンジンに送信するとクロールがどう変わるのかテストしてみたWant Success on Digg? Think Choc Chip Cookies - ReadWriteWeb
Weird analogy but some useful points.
pretty decent article on how to win the internets.
hip cookies. "Much like social media, choc chip cookies are made up of five key ingredients," he e
Some of us know what hitting the front page of Digg can do: send 20,000 - 200,000+ clicks through to a site. Some of us have even felt the blessing (or curse, depending on how you look at it) of the Digg Effect. But how much do you know about integrating social media, specifically Digg, into your site, and what the benefits of doing so can bring to publishers?
1. Sharing: If you love something, set it free 2. Integration: Don’t try to do everything yourself 3. People: People who know: ROFLCopter, LMAO, PWND, Noob 4. Platform: One to one is now one to many 5. Authenticity: Stay true to your core competencySome Big Sites Are Using Google Trends To Direct Editorial
Here’s how it works: Blogs and mainstream media sites are indexed by Google very frequently. Many times per day, in fact. And those sites often have great Page Rank already. Combine that regular indexing and Page Rank with Google’s recent policy of ranking news type results higher than older, evergreen stuff, and you have a system ripe for abuse. Let’s say I run a popular political or celebrity gossip site (two topics that pop up a lot on Google Trends). I look for hot queries that people are typing in right now, for whatever reason. Then I write a blog post, making sure to use the query term in the title of the post (which weights heavier for matching content to specific queries). The content of the article itself is mostly irrelevant, as long as your normal readers don’t gag on it. Within a few minutes that content is indexed by Google, and the high Page Rank of the site along with the newness of the content pushes it up towards to top of the first page of results. Possibly all thGoogleウェブサイトオプティマイザーで効果的なデザインを提供する方法 | DesignWalker
GoogleウェブサイトオプティマイザーでABテストをやってみた記事Top 1000 sites - DoubleClick Ad Planner
The 1000 most-visited sites on the web
You can see a list of the largest 1000 sites worldwide, based on Unique Visitors (users), as measured by Ad Planner. This list is updated monthly as new Ad Planner datasets are released. The list defines sites as top-level domains.
danh sach 500 website duoc truy cap nhieu nhat(google)
Stats: Interesting assortment: Top 1000 most-visited sites on the web /Via @dkasrelOfficial Google Blog: Our new search index: Caffeine
Today, we're announcing the completion of a new web indexing system called Caffeine. Caffeine provides 50 percent fresher results for web searches than our last index, and it's the largest collection of web content we've offered. Whether it's a news story, a blog or a forum post, you can now find links to relevant content much sooner after it is published than was possible ever before.
RT @ALA_TechSource: Google's new search engine, Caffeine, provides 50% fresher results. Pages That Convert | Chance Barnett
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND QUITE A SITE!!!!16 Tips for Successful Online Video Marketing | Social Media Examiner
16 Tips for Successful Online Video Marketing שיווק וידאו
Interesting blog on the use of video marketing.
Social Media Examiner / 29.04.10
Video marketing tutorial to connect with your audience and get better search engine results with videos.
Online video marketing tips.How To Make The Right Keyword Analysis For Your Website
If you have ever heard about the SEO you might have also heard that one of the basics of successful SEO is the Keyword analysis and that’s exactly what I’m going to speak about today. The keywords are the words that web surfers use in the search engines to look for the product/service/information needed. This is the “WordPress beginners guide” that you type when you’re looking for the info how and where to start with WordPress and “website design studio” when you’re looking for a company to create a website for you.Effective Search Engine Optimization for Web Designers | Vandelay Design Blog
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success story story of routinefor Leo Kaytes FordBeginner’s Guide to SEO: Best Practices – Part 1/3 | Web 2.0
New to SEO? Need to polish up your knowledge? The Beginner's Guide to SEO has been read over 1 million times and provides comprehensive information you need to get on the road to professional quality SEO.SEOmoz | All Links are Not Created Equal: 10 Illustrations on Search Engines' Valuation of Links
In this post, I'm going to walk through ten principles of link valuation that can be observed, tested and, in some cases, have been patented.
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10 reasons why Bruce Willis is an idiot滅べばいいのにと思うSEOの10の迷信(都市伝説) | Web担当者Forum
滅べばいいのにと思うSEOの10の迷信(都市伝説) | Web担当者Forum» SEOmoz - 検索マーケティングのニュース&テクニック のバックナンバーを見る[海外情報] SEOmoz 検索マーケティングのニュース&テクニック検索エンジンは網羅的なガイドラインを提示するわけではない(それどころかSEOを正しく行うのに必要な要素の十分の一すら出さない)。この記事では、SEO業界にはびこる間違った情報、それも正しいSEOの妨げとなる情報につSEOmoz | Overcome the Google Analytics Learning Curve in 20 Minutes
Que ver en analyticsHow Does Google Work?
Remember when mom always told you to eat your vegetables? Little did you know she was giving you fantastic advice for managing your Web strategy. In these days of Twitter, Facebook, forums, blogs and more, it can be tempting to skip over the basics and dive headfirst into an oh-so-tempting dish of social media or SEO "tricks." Businesses of all sizes are pigging out on social media without putting an equal amount of effort into forging a solid foundation built on a user-friendly Web experience and great content. To deliver a site that gives users the experience they are looking for, we need to set it upon a solid foundation of content, usable navigation, and strong SEO practices. With this in mind, let’s take a look at what I call the "The Web Strategy Pyramid" (a tip of the hat to the FDA’s Food Pyramid for the inspiration).
Jason Schubring
Let's take a look at what I call the The Web Strategy Pyramid.Social Media Strategy from A to Z » Techipedia | Tamar Weinberg
Social Media Strategy from A to ZIs it time to reconsider Google Buzz vs Facebook or Twitter? — Scobleizer
Buzz 101 - Good vs Bad
RT @maxgrinev: Is it time to reconsider Google Buzz vs Facebook or Twitter? To Make The Right Keyword Analysis For Your Website (Part-2)
title of the page is the second characteristics Google will see when indexing your page after its name.The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking | Social Media Examiner
From Social Media Examiner
How to use blog to increase your SEO
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking - via @smexaminer – Ben Cotton (BenCotton)
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking - via @smexaminerOver 50 Free SEO Tools and Much, Much More about Using SEO Techniques | FreelanceFolder
SEO - Otimização para motores de busca
SEO resources
SEO tools are something that every freelancer with a website or blog can use. A proper understanding of SEO techniques can provide greater exposure for yourEverything You Already Know About SEO
Ideally, each page on your site should compete well on a couple of keyphrases that are descriptive of the content on your site, have reasonable search volume, and on which you stand some chance of competing.
July 13, 2010 -
Great guide to SEO. Covers all the basics.Everything You Already Know About SEO
Facebook’s search strategy, the company has confirmed with us that “all Open Graph-enabled web pages will show up in search when a user likes them”. Earlier this week we published about the new Facebook SEO that’s possible via the Open Graph, but now it’s clear that this is the beginning of Facebook’s internet search strategy. The race is now on for publishers to optimize their sites for Facebook’s search engine.
Facebook Unleashes Open Graph Search Engine, Declares War On Google [from]
While there was a lot of speculation about Facebook’s search strategy, the company has confirmed with us that “all Open Graph-enabled web pages will show up in search when a user likes them”. Earlier this week we published about the new Facebook SEO that’s possible via the Open Graph, but now it’s clear that this is the beginning of Facebook’s internet search strategy. The race is now on for publishers to optimize their sites for Facebook’s search engine.
While there was a lot of speculation about Facebook's search strategy, the company has confirmed with ...Facebook Unleashes Open Graph Search Engine, Declares War On Google
Facebook’s search strategy, the company has confirmed with us that “all Open Graph-enabled web pages will show up in search when a user likes them”. Earlier this week we published about the new Facebook SEO that’s possible via the Open Graph, but now it’s clear that this is the beginning of Facebook’s internet search strategy. The race is now on for publishers to optimize their sites for Facebook’s search engine.
Facebook Unleashes Open Graph Search Engine, Declares War On Google [from]
While there was a lot of speculation about Facebook’s search strategy, the company has confirmed with us that “all Open Graph-enabled web pages will show up in search when a user likes them”. Earlier this week we published about the new Facebook SEO that’s possible via the Open Graph, but now it’s clear that this is the beginning of Facebook’s internet search strategy. The race is now on for publishers to optimize their sites for Facebook’s search engine.
While there was a lot of speculation about Facebook's search strategy, the company has confirmed with ...Complete Beginner’s Guide to Web Analytics and Measurement | UX Booth
Complete Beginner’s Guide5 Web Files That Will Improve Your Website
Dublin.rdf is worth trying10 SEO Tips to Remember When Building Your Site
Whether you're starting a blog or deploying an e-commerce solution for your clients, it's a good idea to keep in mind some good web development practices that will enhance your chances in search rankings. Let us assume that, just like everyone else, you are building a website–after all, the Web is where it is all happening now. As soon as your website goes live–and especially while you are still in the design and development phase–you need to make sure your site’s content will be found through search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing where many people go to look for information. Whether you’re starting a blog or deploying an e-commerce solution for your clients, it’s a good idea to keep in mind some good web development practices that will enhance your chances in search rankings. This article follows up on a previous Six Revisions post called 9 Ways To Improve the SEO of Every Website You Design, sharing with you a few more tips for improving the search engine optimization, sGoogle Analyticsの意外と知られていない便利な裏技5選 | Web担当者Forum
1. 解析の対象とする期間を簡単に指定する 2. 一目でわかる比較レポート 3. 正規表現の活用 4. 500行以上のデータを参照する 5. レポートのメール送信スケジュールを設定する
AnalyticsGuía de Community Managers en Facebook
!!!100602 Rand talks about the concepts discussed in Robert Cialdini's book, Influence: Science & Practice
From SEOmoz
Great overviewSEOmoz | An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Influence & Persuasion
Conversion rate optmization - the practice of improving the quantity of visitors who take a desired action on your site - has been a hot topic this year. There's both an art and a science to the process of turning browsers into buyers and drive-by readers into email subscribers, Facebook fans and Twitter followers. In my opinion, no marketer should be engaging in this work without having read R...
!!!100602 Rand talks about the concepts discussed in Robert Cialdini's book, Influence: Science & PracticeSEOmoz | An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Influence & Persuasion
Conversion rate optmization - the practice of improving the quantity of visitors who take a desired action on your site - has been a hot topic this year. There's both an art and a science to the process of turning browsers into buyers and drive-by readers into email subscribers, Facebook fans and Twitter followers. In my opinion, no marketer should be engaging in this work without having read R...SEOmoz | An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Influence & Persuasion
Conversion rate optmization - the practice of improving the quantity of visitors who take a desired action on your site - has been a hot topic this year. There's both an art and a science to the process of turning browsers into buyers and drive-by readers into email subscribers, Facebook fans and Twitter followers. In my opinion, no marketer should be engaging in this work without having read R...Search Analysis with Google Analytics
Tracking and studying searches on your site is a valuable part of site analytics, but many site owners underestimate the benefit of it. Website search analytics can provide advantageous insights into what people are looking for on your site and also what your site looks like in search engine results.
In this guide, we'll go over the fundamentals of search analytics, using Google Analytics as our tool.Beginner’s Guide to SEO: Best Practices – Part 3/3
SEO guide series
Three part seriesGoogle Confirms “Mayday” Update Impacts Long Tail Traffic
Google Confirms “Mayday” Update Impacts Long Tail Traffic
This change seems to have primarily impacted very large sites with “item” pages that don’t have many individual links into them, might be several clicks from the home page, and may not have substantial unique and value-added content on them. For instance, ecommerce sites often have this structure. The individual product pages are unlikely to attract external links and the majority of the content may be imported from a manufacturer databaseBEST OF: 22 Free SEO / Search Engine Tools For Webmasters
How to Picot a Ranking Report by time and SE
On the "So You Want to Test SEO?" panel at this year's SMX Advanced Seattle, Branko Rihtman from SEO Scientist presented some spiffy looking ranking charts, measuring positioning by keyword, over time. A few people asked me how exactly you make a chart like that. Being something of an Excel fan, I was instantly inspired to share the approach with my fellow SEOmozzers. Here's a step by step on how to create a rankings chart using Excel.SEO業界の専門用語 - 知っておかないと会話できない基本編 | Web担当者Forum