Home - Chef - Opscode Open Source Wiki
Chef is a systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure. With Chef, you can: * Manage your servers by writing code, not by running commands. (via Cookbooks) * Integrate tightly with your applications, databases, LDAP directories, and more. (via Libraries) * Easily configure applications that require knowledge about your entire infrastructure ("What systems are running my application?" "What is the current master database server?")
Chef is a systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure. With Chef, you can: * Manage your servers by writing code, not by running commands. (via Cookbooks) * Integrate tightly with your applications, databases, LDAP directories, and more. (via Libraries) * Easily configure applications that require knowledge about your entire infrastructure ("What systems are running my application?" "What is the current master database server?")
Chef is a systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure. With Chef, you can: * Manage your servers by writing code, not by running commands. (via Cookbooks) * Integrate tightly with your applications, databases, LDAP directories, and more. (via Libraries) * Easily configure applications that require knowledge about your entire infrastructure ("What systems are running my application?" "What is the current master database server?")Killer open source monitoring tools | InfoWorld | Analysis | 2008-11-24 | By Paul Venezia
info world network management
Fortunately, there are a plethora of good tools, both commercial and open source that can shine much-needed light into your environment. Because good and free always beats good and costly, I've compiled a list of my favorite open source tools that prove their worth day in and day out in networks of any size. From network and server monitoring to trending, graphing, and even switch and router configuration backups, these utilities will see you through.Multi-staging environment for Rails using Capistrano and mod_rails / Rails - cjohansen.no
「無言語化: 機能を言葉で説明しない」これ、素敵
* 質を高める ユーザに狙った価値を提供できているのかテストするためのもの ユーザテストのときには質問には答えない、質問が出るインターフェースは失敗 顔マーケティング ライバルに勝てる「ウリ」SourceForge.net: Scribe
Scribe is a server for aggregating log data streamed in real time from a large number of servers. It is designed to be scalable, extensible without client-side modification, and robust to failure of the network or any specific machine.
Facebookのログ収集ソフトウェアHTTPの通信状況をデバッグしてボトルネックを発見できる「HttpWatch Basic Edition」 - GIGAZINE
HTTPの通信状況をデバッグ$100 Linux wall-wart launches
"Marvell Semiconductor is shipping a hardware/software development kit suitable for always-on home automation devices and service gateways. Resembling a "wall-wart" power adapter, the SheevaPlug draws 5 Watts, comes with Linux, and boasts completely open hardware and software designs, Marvell says."
power found in the servers of only a decade ago.crafterm's sprinkle at master — GitHub
prinkle is a software provisioning tool you can use to build remote servers with, after the base operating system has been installed. For example, to install a Rails or Merb stack on a brand new slice directly after its been created. Properties of packages such as their name, type, dependencies, etc, and what packages apply to what machines is described via a domain specific language that Sprinkle executes.
Sprinkle is a software provisioning tool you can use to build remote servers with. eg. to install a Rails or Merb stack on a brand new slice directly after its been created
Ruby provisioning tool for automating builds and deployments
Sprinkle is a software provisioning tool you can use to build remote servers with, after the base operating system has been installed. For example, to install a Rails or Merb stack on a brand new slice directly after its been created. Properties of packages such as their name, type, dependencies, etc, and what packages apply to what machines is described via a domain specific language that Sprinkle executes (in fact one of the aims of Sprinkle is to define as concisely as possible a language for installing software).ke-tai.org > Blog Archive > ケータイ大規模サービスの開発・運用に関する資料のまとめ
ケータイ大規模サービスの開発・運用に関する資料のまとめMarvell: SheevaPlug Development Kit
The SheevaPlug is a development platform, targeted for use as a plug computer, and designed to run network-based software services. It features a Kirkwood Series SoC with an embedded Marvell Sheeva™ CPU core running at 1.2 GHz. This device connects to the network using GbE, offers desktop class performance, and can be used to replace a PC-based home server for many applications. Peripherals connect using the included USB 2.0 port. The development kit is enclosed in a plastic case that also contains a universal power supply. For developers a USB-based debug connection is included to enable simple debugging and reprogramming. Development kit cost (QTY 1) is $99.
The SheevaPlug is a development platform, targeted for use as a plug computer, and designed to run network-based software services. It features a Kirkwood Series SoC with an embedded Marvell Sheeva™ CPU core running at 1.2 GHz. This device connects to the network using GbE, offers desktop class performance, and can be used to replace a PC-based home server for many applications. Peripherals connect using the included USB 2.0 port.
SheevaPlug Development KitMarvell: Plug Computing
A Better Way to Deliver Value Added Services With the rise in broadband users, people continue to consume and share increasing amounts of digital content each year. The time and money invested in personal photos, home movies and in content purchased digitally is significant and continues to grow. Network connected consumer electronics devices, smart phones and social websites have emerged to help consumers share and access their personal content in the home and over the Internet. With the growth in digital content, there is a need for services to secure, manage and share content simply and reliably. Today digital home services such as media servers, file sharing and backup software all need to be installed on a PC. A plug computer is a small, powerful computer that connects to an existing network using Gigabit Ethernet. This type of device eliminates the need for an always-on PC in the digital home to access these services.
Un PC en un enchufe
A plug computer is a small, powerful computer that connects to an existing network using Gigabit Ethernet.
Designed from the ground up to simplify the management of digital media assets, the Marvell plug computer is designed to be left plugged into a wall socket at all times. The plug uses low power to conserve energy and draws on average, less than five watts under normal operation compared to 25-100 watts for a PC being used as a home server.Hive Five: Best Home Server Software
昨日のの邦訳web開発者なら知っておきたい HTTPステータスコード - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
よく使うステータスコード一覧とtipsEnhancing Your Ubuntu Server - NETTUTS
A few weeks ago, I showed you how to setup your very own linux server. Now, I'm going to show you how to add even more functionality.Cheap SSL Certificates - RapidSSL, Geotrust, Verisign
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$19.99 a year for SSL certsApacheのログ出力に追加しておいたほうがいい(かもしれない)設定
%D リクエストを処理するのにかかった時間、マイクロ秒単位
Apacheのマニュアル読めってことPostpostmodern » A Smarter MAMP
Amazon EC2 running Microsoft Windows Server® 2003 is a fast and dependable environment for deploying applications using the Microsoft Web Platform, including ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight™, and Internet Information Server (IIS). Amazon EC2 enables you to run any compatible Windows-based solution on AWS’ high-performance, reliable, cost-effective, cloud computing platform. Common Windows use cases include website and web-service hosting, high-performance computing (HPC) and data processing, media transcoding, distributed testing, ASP.NET application hosting, and any other application requiring Windows software. Amazon EC2 also now supports the SQL Server® Express and SQL Server Standard databases, and makes those offerings available to customers on an hourly basis.
amazon web servicesConcurrence — Concurrence Framework v0.3 documentation
Concurrence is a framework for creating massively concurrent network applications in Python.
Concurrence is a framework for creating massively concurrent network applications in Python. It takes a Lightweight-tasks-with-message-passing approach to concurrency. The goal of Concurrence is to provide an easier programming model for writing high performance network applications than existing solutions (Multi-threading, Twisted, asyncore etc).
Concurrence is a framework for creating massively concurrent network applications in Python. It takes a Lightweight-tasks-with-message-passing approach to concurrency.
Super duper thingyHow-To Setup a Linux Server for Ruby on Rails - with Phusion Passenger and GitHub - Hack'd
ssh_options[:compression] = false
ServerName slicenameHowTo: EC2 for Poets
The goal is to make cloud computing less mysterious by helping people through the process of setting up a server on Amazon EC2.Got an Hour? Create a Server in the Cloud - ReadWriteWeb
Got an Hour? Create a Server in the Cloud漢(オトコ)のコンピュータ道: さらにMySQLを高速化する7つの方法
おまけ: Sharding
さらにMySQLを高速化する7つの方法HostMonk - Compare hosting packages - Dedicated hosting, VPS hosting, Shared hosting
HostMonk - Compare hosting packages - Dedicated hosting, VPS hosting, Shared hostingGoogle uncloaks once-secret server | Business Tech - CNET News
Who'd have thought it.. Google runs of thousands of 12-volt batteries :o) Each Google server has its own 12-volt battery to supply power if there's a problem with the main source of electricity. The company also revealed for the first time that since 2005, its data centers have been composed of standard shipping containers--each with 1,160 servers and a power consumption that can reach 250 kilowatts. ... Most people buy computers one at a time, but Google thinks on a very different scale. The cores of the company's data centers are composed of standard 1AAA shipping containers packed with 1,160 servers each, with many containers in each data center.Google uncloaks once-secret server | Business Tech - CNET News
Google's big surprise: each server has its own 12-volt battery to supply power if there's a problem with the main source of electricity. The company also revealed for the first time that since 2005, its data centers have been composed of standard shipping containers--each with 1,160 servers and a power consumption that can reach 250 kilowatts.
Google muestra por primera vez sus servidores, de diseño propio.
I love the approach and the the fact it's unconventional and better - google servers revealedLifehacker - Roll Your Own Streaming Media Server with Subsonic - Streaming Media
Media Server - OpenSource
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Windows/Mac/Linux: Is having your entire media collection on tap, ready to stream wherever you may be, too much to ask? Not if you're using Subsonic. Subsonic can be installed on everything from a...Build Your Own Openfire Chat Server on Debian Linux (Page 1) | ClassHelper.org
Setting up an Openfire chat server on Debian Linux 5 (page 1).おそらくはそれさえも平凡な日々: Akamaiが想像以上に鬼畜だった件 in Akamai勉強会
ネントの裏企業Akamaiについて。世界のwebトラフィックの15%をさばく、ビジネス特許で独禁法回避、ISPにサーバ4万台、動的コンテンツキャッシュ->ユーザ行動監視。怖すぎwww9 Steps To A Happy Relationship With Your Hosting Provider | How-To | Smashing Magazine
How to recover your project if git hub goes down.
Thanks! I am going to cancel my github account so this will be useful
git instaweb --httpd=webrick FTW.NGINX + PHP-FPM + APC = Awesome
Nginx + php.グーグル、自社設計のサーバを初公開--データセンターに見る効率化へのこだわり:スペシャルレポート - CNET Japan
Googleサーバで非常に驚くのは、サーバ1台1台が、それぞれ12Vのバッテリを備えていて、メイン電源に問題がある場合には電力を供給することだ。Googleはまた、2005年以来、同社のデータセンターが標準規格の運送用コンテナで構成されていることを初めて明らかにした。1つのコンテナには1160台のサーバが搭載され、その電力消費は250KWに達する。Using XAMPP for Local WordPress Theme Development
Bookmark this one, it's an excellent step by step guide to installing xampp for when you start working with Wordpress :-)
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install and configure XAMPP for the desktop. Once that’s out of the way, we’ll install WordPress so that you can have your very own professional, light-weight PHP and WordPress development environment.
install and configure XAMPP for the desktop. Once that’s out of the way, we’ll install WordPress so that you can have your very own professional, light-weight PHP and WordPress development environment
Nice tutorial for win & mac installationDevelopment virtual machines on OS X using VMWare and Ubuntu — intranation.com
Particularly useful for the step-by-step on getting vmware tools and file sharing up and running
How to setup a virtual machine (linux) on Mac OS X using the mac folders.
Great instructions for setting up a minimal Ubuntu VM on a Mac
Setup a development environment using VMWare Fusion on OSXSecuring a Web server
from ibm developerworksBuild an inexpensive Ikea NAS
NAS: Network Attached Storage Ikea: Purveyors of neat, inexpensive things. Ikea NAS: Way-Cool, Low-Power, High-Capacity...How to Setup a Dedicated Web Server for Free - NETTUTS
All great websites have a great server behind them. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to set up a dedicated web server (with Apache, MySQL, and PHP) using that old computer you have lying around the house and some free software.The Ultimate Guide to .htaccess Files - Nettuts+
Minden, amit tudni szerettél volna a .htaccess-ről, de sosem merted megkérdezniLifehacker - Web-Based Tracks Keeps Your GTD System in Order - Getting Things Done
Something to look into, maybe
Windows/Mac/Linux: Tracks is a flexible, web-based Getting Things Done server app that installs easily on your system and keeps your work flow accessible anywhere. We've featured BitNami before, as they have a slew of handy installers for a variety of server applications. Now they've taken the fantastic Getting Things Done tool Tracks and rolled their own installation package, making it a breeze to install. If you've come across Tracks before and been put off by all the things you'd need to install and configure, the BitNami installer removes the hassle. Although the installation is entirely automated, it does take a chunk of time—on our test machine it took a good 20 minutes to fully unpack and install. Not a big deal if, but worth noting. Once installed, there is a brief setup where you create a user name and login and then you're on your way. The interface is easy to use and very polished. A significant amount of thought has been put into making entering and managing your tasks as
Tracks is a flexible, web-based Getting Things Done server app that installs easily on your system and keeps your work flow accessible anywhere.EasyWP Install (Beta)
Traditionally to install WordPress you would have to download the archive, extract it to your computer, upload over 600 files to your website, and then set up your databases, etc.あなたのLinuxマシンをセキュアにするために知っておくべきiptablesのルール10選 - IT業界を - ZDNet Japan
- IT業界を - ZDNet JapanLamson: Lamson The Python SMTP Server
Lamson’s goal is to put an end to the hell that is “e-mail application development”. Rather than stay suck in the 1970’s, Lamson adopts modern web application framework design and uses a proven scripting language (Python).
"Pipes and aliases are so 1970. -- Lamson’s goal is to put an end to the hell that is “e-mail application development”. Rather than stay suck in the 1970’s, Lamson adopts modern web application framework design and uses a proven scripting language (Python)."
Lamson The Python SMTP Server窓の杜 - 【REVIEW】フォルダを同期させるMS純正の高機能コマンド“robocopy”をGUIで「RichCopy」
stackoverflow, but for sysadmin
A system administration Q&A community created by the same guy as Stack Overflow (Jeff Atwood).
Social site for Sys Admins to ask questions
Server Fault is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for system administrators and IT professionals – regardless of platform. It's 100% free, no registration required.PlugComputer Community
Marvell Linux wall wart using ARM
PlugComputer - Plug Computing CommunityPython Package Index : python-daemon 1.4.5
A library implementing PEP 3143 for creating well-behaved Unix daemon processes
This library implements the well-behaved daemon specification of PEP 3143, "Standard daemon process library". A well-behaved Unix daemon process is tricky to get right, but the required steps are much the same for every daemon program. A DaemonContext instance holds the behaviour and configured process environment for the program; use the instance as a context manager to enter a daemon state.
Nice framework for building daemons in pythonGlobalScale Technlogies - SheevaPlug Dev Kit
Server as a wallwartGitHub Firewall Install
"GitHub Firewall Install is a version of the GitHub web application that you install within your own corporate firewall. With your own internal GitHub you can combine the best aspects of social code management with the security of your private network."16 great .htaccess Tricks and Hacks « PHP Twitter
htaccess tips
Address for the
The .htaccess files (Hypertext Access file) is a very powerful configuration tool on Apache web server. The Apache web server has a number of configuration options that are available to the server administrator. The .htaccess is a simple ASCII text file placed in your website root directory. You can create and edit an .htaccess file using a text editor like notepad. Here in this post I have come up with useful 16 tips and hacks to configure your web server. As a configuration file .htaccess if a very powerful and a slight syntax error can result in a severe malfunction of your server. So to avoid that always try to keep a backup copies of all your files from the server before working with the .htaccess file.12 Excellent Free Tools for Monitoring Your Site’s Uptime
It's essential that your sites and web apps are constantly accessible to your users. In this article, you will find free and useful monitoring tools to help you know when your website or web application becomes unavailable.
very timelyOpera Unite
Nouveau service du navigateur Internet Opera pour partager facilement des données comme on le fait actuellement sur le web en passant par des services tiers ou en configurant différents serveurs. Pour l'instant, on peut partager des documents, des photos, des notes ou encore de la musique en streaming. On peut également faire un salon de chat privé ou même publier un site Internet. De l'extérieur, chaque service peut être accédé publiquement à partir de n'importe quel navigateur ou avec une protection par mot de passe. Pour les développeurs, il est possible de créer ses propres services de partage pour Opera et on a donc avec Opera Unite une solution intéressante pour partager rapidement des données.
Welcome to Opera Unite
Opera’s big announcement: a developer preview (“labs release”) of their new web-server-in-your-browser feature, Unite. Includes an Opera-hosted proxy to help break through your firewall. The web server can be customised using server-side JavaScript running in an Opera Widget.メンテナンス中画面を出す正しい作法と.htaccessの書き方 | Web担当者Forum
うTaking the Web into our own hands, one computer at a time
OperaUnite - Web browser and Webserver into one?
this seems to be a very nice feature: http://labs.opera.com/news/2009/06/16/
UGeekなぺーじ : みんなが知らずに使ってるAkamai
Akamaiについて全般的な話。おもしろい。有名どころ・ユーザが多いサービス=トラフィックが多いってことでよく知られる企業が多く利用しているのね。 細かいことだけど「(インターネットは)冗長性を実現するために信頼性を犠牲にしています。」がちょっと気になった。その後に書いてある速度の話は信頼性に分類されるのかな。
みんなが知らずに使ってるAkamaiTurn Your Home Computer into a Web Server; Host Websites and Files for Free
Go to labs.opera.com, download the Opera Unite software and install it. Congratulations, you are now running a web server on your machine and just need another minute to configure local file folders that you want to share with others over the internet.Slowloris HTTP DoS
perl -MCPAN -e 'install IO::Socket::INET'『Linuxサーバー構築標準教科書』開発プロジェクト - LPI-Japan - エルピーアイジャパン
した。 この「Linuxサーバー構築標準教科書(Ver1.0.1)」は、多くの教育機関から、Linuxによるサーバーの構築を「基礎」から学習するための教材や学習環境の整備に対するご要望があり、開発したものです。 本教科書の目的は、LPICレベル2の201試験と202試験の学習範囲An introduction to Opera Unite - Opera Developer Community
An introduction to Opera Unite
In a nutshell, Opera Unite is a collaborative technology that uses a compact server inside the Opera desktop browser to share data and services. You can write applications — in the form of Opera Unite Services — that use this server to serve content to other Web users.» セキュアなサーバを作るために最低限やっておくこと: エスキュービズム ラボ Blog
クラウドコンピューティングの問題点の一つに、レイテンシ(通信遅延)の問題があると言われます。これは光ファイバを通じる光の伝搬速度は一定なので、距離が遠ければ遠いほど遅くなり、海の向こうのサーバがある以上は、SSHでのターミナル画面の文字入力は相応に遅延します。10 things you should do to a new Linux PC before exposing it to the Internet - Program - Linux - Builder AU
When you are embarking on the Linux experience for your initial time, there's a few things you should know.
Linux Mantainance
10 things you should do to a new Linux PC before exposing it to the Internetneatx - Google Code
Neatx is an Open Source NX server, similar to the commercial NX server from NoMachine.
Wow, Google just launched an opensource alternative to the proprietary NX server and the FreeNX opensource server that has been bitrotting for a while now. NX is awesome by the way.Carsonified » Get Started with DNS
Good DNS tutorial for students or anyone wanting to understand DNS basics.How to get a night's sleep without shit happening (Software Engineering Tips)
Most website owners have been there: Your old-style monitoring system shows nothing but green lights, yet the website is not functioning the way it should: Traditional web monitoring services do not dig deep enough to detect glitches in the application code, and database or find that problems arise with bugs in Ajax, Flash or Silverlight front-end applets. The solution: AlertFox is a revolutionary new self-service website transaction monitoring service that is capable of keeping tabs on the functioning and performance of all websites, even sites that use AJAX, Flash and Silverlight.グーグルの最新のデータセンターは非常識なほど進化している - Blog on Publickey
それは「月を追いかける(follow the moon)データセンター」というコンセプトです。 夜間は外気温も低く、また電気料金も安くなっています。そこで、世界中のデータセンターのうち、夜になっている地域のデータセンターだけを稼働させれば、低い外気温を活用でき、しかも夜間の安い電気料金を利用できます。これはクラウド技術者のあいだで議論されている構想ですが、グローバルにデータセンターを展開し、その負荷をダイナミックに切り替えられるグーグルであればそれを実現可能かもしれない、とこの記事「Google's Chiller-less Data Center 」では解説されています。
[cloud]has_many :bugs, :through => :rails: Ruby on Rack #1 - Hello Rack!
Intro to Rack, with a slight rails focus.5 Fun and Practical Htaccess Solutions - Nettuts+
Fun and Practical Htaccess Solution
Htaccess files are plain-text configuration files used by the Apache HTTP web server. They allow users to set directory level options without requiring access to the httpd.conf file. As such it is required that your server uses Apache, and a web host that allows htaccess files (the most popular hosts do). I assume a basic working knowledge of htaccess, but if you need to freshen up check out this article by Joseph Pecoraro
redazione.iolavoro@regione.liguria.itlibcloud python library - a unified interface cloud server providers
Une librairie pour gérer différents fournisseurs de cloud
Scripting the World Wide Computer is getting easier and more standardized.pygowave-server - Google Code
@newsycombinator: "Open Source, compliant Google Wave Server http://bit.ly/mWrUE" (from http://twitter.com/newsycombinator/status/2856052364)
googlewave independent server implementation
The Python Google Wave Server.narwhal
jack + , package manager, virtualenv風?
A general purpose JavaScript platform
serverside javascript
server-side javascript framework
A general purpose JavaScript platform - JS without browser, with standardized modules to access system resources, can be used for a server-side application, or a desktop scripting.「モバゲータウン」のつくりかた - TechTargetジャパン
1日6億PVを6人のインフラ担当で支えられる理由A Django deployment guide for Ubuntu | Ventanazul
libapache2-mod-wsgiSet Up Your Server Right, Part 1 « Envy Labs
how to setup ubuntu server "right" really good guide on basics of setting up server
I am going to go through a series of blog posts explaining a lot of tips, tricks, and best practices for setting up a single server and the general small infrastructures. Today we are going to hit the basics — what I consider to be the bare minimum necessary to get an Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server ready to go and serving your rails applicationMilton Home
API javaTorqueBox: Home
TorqueBox is a new kind of Ruby application platform that integrates popular technologies such as Ruby-on-Rails, while extending the footprint of Ruby applications to include support for Job Scheduling, Task Queues, SOAP Handling, and Telecom. TorqueBox provides an all-in-one environment, built upon the latest, most powerful JBoss AS Java application server. Functionality such as clustering and cloud deployment is included right out-of-the-box.
TorqueBoxCarsonified » Five Things That Will Kill Your Site
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
deathCloud Hosting/Storage Toolbox: Options & Tools
Free Web Resources Everyday - WebResourcesDepotPlugging In $40 Computers - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com
Build your own custom Backblaze Storage Pods: 67 terabyte 4U servers for $7,867.Ten Things You Didn’t Know Apache (2.2) Could Do | Linux Magazine
Illustrated instructions for setting up a LAMP server using ubuntu.The technology behind Tornado, FriendFeed's web server - Bret Taylor's blog
I'm sure IIS is just as good. Right?
Blog post announcing the release of the Tornado web server, based on Python and epoll, providing an asynchronous programming model for web apps. Comes with a web-app framework supporting 3rd-party authentication via Facebook Connect, Twitter, Google, FF, OAuth, and OpenID.Tornado Web Server
"open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and and tools that power FriendFeed"
Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed. The FriendFeed application is written using a web framework that looks a bit like web.py or Google's webapp, but with additional tools and optimizations to take advantage of the underlying non-blocking infrastructure.
Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed.A Deeper Look at mod_rewrite for Apache - Nettuts+
SMTP server for testing that does not forward e-mail but displays it in a GUI
Papercut is a simplified SMTP serverHadoopで、かんたん分散処理 (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog)
一定規模以上のWebサイトを運営しているエンジニアの方、業務時間外の障害対応ってどういう風にやっていますか? ルールとか体制とかを中心に教えてほしいです。How to turn a spare Linux machine into a media server | News | TechRadar UK
Linux is brilliant at serving files. It's this ability that keeps the enterprise world turning to Linux for its heavy lifting jobs and that keeps the world Googling 24/7. But it's just as good at serving files from a computer tucked away under the stairs or stuck in the loft, and a server in your house is now becoming an essential accessory.File: README [Unicorn: Rack HTTP server for Unix and fast clients]
Eric Wong’s mostly pure-Ruby HTTP backend, Unicorn, is an inspiration. I've studied this file for a couple of days now and it’s undoubtedly one of the best, most densely packed examples of Unix programming in Ruby I've come across.
"Eric Wong’s mostly pure-Ruby HTTP backend, Unicorn, is an inspiration. I've studied this file for a couple of days now and it’s undoubtedly one of the best, most densely packed examples of Unix programming in Ruby I've come across."
ruby + unix, know your history
Unicorn is basically Mongrel (including the fast Ragel/C HTTP parser), minus the threads, and with teh Unix turned up to 11. That means processes. And all the tricks and idioms required to use them reliably.SVN Server Admin Issue: Fix It! « Smashing Magazine
Serious problems like this aren’t supposed to exist nowadays. Every serious or visible exploit is found and fixed quickly. But here we will show you something simple and ordinary yet quite dangerous.Python is Unix
Simple preforking echo server in Python. Python port of http://tomayko.com/writings/unicorn-is-unix.How to Build a Kick-Ass Windows Home Server - Page 1 | Maximum PC
Your PC’s hard drive is probably packed to the platter’s edge with hundreds of ripped DVD videos, gigabytes of digital photos from your camera, and tens of thousands of songs. And that’s not even counting the high-definition digital video from your last family vacation that you’re still planning to unload. But with terabytes of media just gathering dust on your desktop PC, you risk losing years of aggregated files when your hard drive inevitably gives out (don’t even think about backing it all up to the cloud). Our solution: Keep all your data backed up on a Windows Home Sever. More than just a generic NAS box, Windows Home Server maintains backups, streams media files, and works as a file share across your home network. And the best part is that you can build one yourself—we’ll show you how!Tornado Web Server Documentation
Era un po' che non mi emozionava una tecnologia...
"FriendFeed's web server is a relatively simple, non-blocking web server written in Python. [...] Tornado is an open source version of this web server and some of the tools we use most often at FriendFeed." can handle 8000 reqs/s
interesanteFacebookが大規模スケーラビリティへの挑戦で学んだこと(前編)~800億枚の写真データとPHPのスケーラビリティ問題 - Publickey
とても勉強になる。Nginx & Comet: Low Latency Server Push - igvita.com
Coined by Alex Russell in early 2006, the term Comet is an umbrella term for technologies which take advantage of persistent connections initiated by the client and kept open until data is available (long polling), or kept open indefinitely as the data is pushed to the client (streaming) in chunks. The immediate advantage of both techniques is that the client and server can communicate with minimal latency. For this reason, Comet is widely deployed in chat applications (Facebook, Google, Meebo, etc), and is also commonly used as a firehose delivery mechanism.Build Your Own Dev Server with VirtualBox
Sun’s VirtualBox is ideal for testing different desktop environments (for example, browser testing), but I’ve discovered it’s also great for running a test server environment. Instead of setting up Apache, PHP, and MySQL right on your desktop machine, you can place them in a virtual Linux server. That way there’s no interference with your desktop, and you can ensure that your development environment is as close as possible to your eventual deployment environment.レプリケーションしてるMySQLで、マスタやスレーブが障害停止した場合のリカバリプラン - (ひ)メモ
mysqlのレプリケーションを用いた構成について書いたblog記事。まだきちんと読んでいない。 フェールオーバー時のデータの完全性を保証しない構成。 想定する運用フローが書いてあるので、自分で考えるときの参考にするApacheの設定を変更し、単一IPアドレス上で複数のSSLサイトを運用する - builder by ZDNet Japan
へえ。できるんだmemcache-top - Project Hosting on Google Code
I wanted a simple command-line tool to be able to grab real-time stats from memcache (memcached, I know, I know), and output it in a view something like top. I couldn't find anything like it, so I wrote one myself in perl. When writing it, I tried to keep it simple, portable, and lightweight. (No memcached perl modules required! I tried to keep it to modules I thought would be preinstalled on almost any modern system. It's also fairly polite - non-critical modules get checked, and if they aren't installed, the functionality is disabled without spewing errors or dying.) I realize it's not written well. But, hey, at least it exists, right? Until the day I released it, there wasn't any comparable tool like it for memcached. It gives you the basic stats, and not too much else. (You can specify thresholds, for instance, and it'll change color to red if you exceed the thresholds. You can also choose the refresh/ sleep time, and whether to show immediate (per second) stats, or lifetime stats.20 Linux Server Hardening Security Tips
Bra backup lösning.10 Free Server & Network Monitoring Tools that Kick Ass
Node's goal is to provide an easy way to build scalable network programs. In the above example,
Evented I/O for V8 javascriptnginx_http_push_module - Comet For The People
Comet For The People実録、ほぼ無停止なMySQLのフェイルオーバ (動画もあるよ) - (ひ)メモ
keepalived --vrrp で、マルチマスターフェイルオーバーするNode.js is genuinely exciting
this recursively is probably a bad idea since it will eventually blow the browser’s JavaScript stack, but it works OK for the demo. The more interesting part is the server-side /wait URL which is being polled. Here’s the relevant Node
http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=957266Manoj: on the Open Source world: Tips for Using Tomcat in Production
Manoj Maniraj on the opensource worldGoing evented with Node.js - Naked JavaScript
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uWSGI is a fast (pure C), self-healing, developer-friendly WSGI server, aimed for professional python webapps deployment and development.Cocoa with Love: A simple, extensible HTTP server in Cocoa
HTTP is one of the simpler protocols to implement for communication between computers. On the iPhone, since there are no APIs for data synchronization or file sharing, embedding an HTTP server is one of the best ways to transfer data from your iPhone application to a computer. In this post I'll show you how to write your own simple but extensible HTTP server. The server classes will also work on Mac OS X (Cocoa un-Touched).
Cocoa with Love: “On the iPhone, since there are no APIs for data synchronization or file sharing, embedding an HTTP server is one of the best ways to transfer data from your iPhone application to a computer. In this post I'll show you how to write your own simple but extensible HTTP server.”
embedding an HTTP server is one of the best ways to transfer data from your iPhone application to a computer. In this post I'll show you how to write your own simple but extensible HTTP server. The server classes will also work on Mac OS X (Cocoa un-Touched).CommonJS effort sets JavaScript on path for world domination
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via /.Cheap and NASty - How to Build an Open Source FreeNAS Server | Maximum PC
Motherboard: Asus M4A78 Pro $110, www.asus.com Processor: AMD Athlon X2 240 $55, www.amd.com RAM: 2GB Corsair DDR2 $40, www.corsair.com Storage: (2) 2TB Western Digital Caviar Green $280, www.wdc.com Power Supply: Rosewill RP550-2 $55, www.rosewill.com We used the same hardware as for our Windows Home Server build. Briefly, that’s an Asus M4A78 Pro motherboard, AMD Athlon X2 240 CPU, 2GB Corsair DDR2 RAM, two 2TB Western Digital Caviar Green drives, and a Rosewill 550W PSU. We installed the OS with a USB CD-ROM drive we had lying around, since we’re not going to need an optical drive on the server once it’s built. To ensure compatibility with FreeNAS, you should check your hardware against the FreeBSD hardware compatibility list.
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MaximumPC.com is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about Cheap and NASty - How to Build an Open Source FreeNAS Server.Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Public DNS
When you type www.wikipedia.org into your browser's address bar, you expect nothing less than to be taken to Wikipedia. Chances are you're not giving much thought to the work being done in the background by the Domain Name System, or DNS.
Today, as part of our ongoing effort to make the web faster, we're launching our own public DNS resolver called Google Public DNS, and we invite you to try it out.Linux用の優れたバックアップツール10選 - builder by ZDNet Japan
2年に1回起きる可能性があるわけで、確かに何か対策した方がよいですね。 しかしケーブルや機材を取り替えて推奨値以上の環境を用意すれば2000万年に1回。10GbEthernetでも200万年に1回の確率ですね・・・それでも対策しないよりも対策した方がよいですが・・・ Okunoさんはバイナリログがネットワークによって化けた経験がおありなんですよね?
"1. マルチマスターレプリケーションを利用しない 非常によくある誤解なのだが、HAにしたいからといってマルチマスター構成にしているユーザをたまに見かける。マルチマスターとは2台のMySQLサーバで構成するトポロジのことで、2つのサーバが互いに相手のマスターかつスレーブとなりレプリケーションを行う。マルチマスターは両方のホストで更新が可能なのだが、片方のサーバ行われた更新は非同期でもう一方のサーバへ適用されるため、更新を行っている方のサーバがクラッシュした場合には更新が失われる可能性がある。"Development to Deployment in Django @ Irrational Exuberance
In my quest to find the ultimate deployment methodology for Django, this is one of the better ones I've found.
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it different, but I find that it saves a few precious moments of thinking to just keep a standardized project template somewhere (instead of using djangoadmin startproject to create new projects).Big Sky :: ReverseHttpで誰よりも速く「はてなブックマーク」に反応するツール書いた。
ersehttp.net/ ただ勘違いされやすいのが「何がReverseなの」という部分。通常ブラウザからリクエストが送信され、それに対する応答がサーバから返されます。ReverseHttpはサーバで何かアクションが起きた場合に、ブラウザ側がその通知を受信する...なんて事が出来るプロトコルです。仕組みはcometというlong pollに似た仕組みで、サイトのdemoを観るとなんなく理解出来るかと思います。 例えば何が出来るのか...
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ethtool しらなかった.How to obtain and install an SSL/TLS certificate, for free
This also shows that for massively concurrent problems, such as lots of parallel comet connections, the GIL in Python is a non-issue as we handle the concurrent connections in a single thread. In this post i am going to look at a selection of asynchronous servers implemented in Python.* is Unix
Ryan’s I like Unicorn because it’s Unix appears to have started a mini-meme of folks writing simple forking network servers in their language of choice. I’m really enjoying reading ‘em — they’re a sort of Rosetta Stone of network code — so I’m going to keep a running list of links here. Tell me about any I’ve missed (via email, comments, or twitter) and I’ll add ‘em to the list.
a . . . of Rosetta Stone of network codeReturn Boolean True: Eye Fi Standalone Server
よくある構成っちゃ、よくある構成。MySQL ClusterとかMySQL Proxyとかの完成度があがっていくとこの部分の構成がもっとシンプルかつ強いシステムになっていくのかも
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large images, multiple pieces of Javascript, and hefty CSS files. All of these can contribute to a website that is less than optimized and may run slower and become irritating to the end user.PHProxy | Get PHProxy at SourceForge.net
PHProxy is a web HTTP proxy programmed in PHP meant to bypass firewalls and access otherwise inaccessible resources (i.e. blocked websites). If the server this script is run on can access a resource, so can you!
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Very funky looking PHP web application to get around browsing restrictions. Like it, should really put this on dmesg.xmoovStream
The xmoovStream Server (formerly known as xmoov-php) is a centralized http streaming server written in PHP. It sits between your files and the world giving you control over many aspects of how your content is accessed. You can manage different kinds of content from different urls under a single installation.
Esquema em PHP para servidor de streaming.
PHPで書かれたストリーミングシステム。動画およびMP3のプレーヤ付き。無料で使えるPHPホスティングサービス5選 | CREAMU
無料のサーバを探している。 そんなときにおすすめなのが、『5 Awesome free PHP web hosting services』。無料で使えるPHPホスティングサービス5選だ。
そんなときにおすすめなのが、『5 Awesome free PHP web hosting services』。無料で使えるPHPホスティングサービス5選だ。 以下にご紹介。 » 000WebHost 容量500MB。広告なし » Zymic.com 容量5GB。広告なし » 110MB Hosting 容量5GB。広告なし » Sitesfree 容量500MB。広告なし » YourFreeHosting.net 容量5GB。広告なしモバツイッターがEC2に移転したその後の話を聞いてきた(Amazon EC2 ナイトセミナ 第2回) - RX-7乗りの適当な日々
EC2 事例。コストや特徴など。20+ .htaccess Hacks Every Web Developer Should Know About | DevMoose
Apache's .htaccess(hypertext access) configuration file can be a very powerful tool in a web developer's toolkit if used properly. It can be found in the
Apache's .htaccess(hypertext access) configuration file can be a very powerful tool in a web developer's toolkit if used properly. It can be found in the webroot of your server and can be easily edited using any text editor. In this article I'm going to show you 20 .htaccess hacks and how to use them.データセンターが「落ちる」ことを想定したグーグルのアーキテクチャ - Blog on Publickey
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各種ソーシャルメディアでどれぐらい有名かを表示。 どんな技術を使って作られているかを表示。
「The Best Online Tools To Help You Know Everything About Web Sites」なる記事があったのでご紹介。「あのサイトについてもっと知りたい!」というときのためのツールいろいろですね。
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Monitors your websites every 5 minutes, totally free.APE (Ajax Push Engine) :: Comet server :: Real time data streaming
An open source Comet Server for Push AJAX Developmentsuicaは実はたまに落ちている - 紅茶屋くいっぱのあれこれ日記
で、お聞きしたのが分散自立システム。 スイカのサーバーって単純に二重化とかしているんじゃないんですって。 えっと、俺人に説明するのがへたくそなので、また下手な喩え方をしちゃうけど、俺の理解ではDNSみたいのにちかいかも。 マスターがあるP2Pとか? マスターノードみたいのがあって、駅ノードがあって、クライアント(改札機)があって、クライアントでチェックを行うと。多分無ければセンターにいくんだろうね。 プルとプッシュのタイミングが結構工夫されてるのかもしれない。 こっから先は多分だけど、駅ノードのレベルで横の連携があるので、マスターは最悪3日ぐらい停止していても実際に影響はなかなか出ないのかな。 もしこれが、センター問い合わせ系だったらもっとお金が掛かった上に、安定性がなかったことだろうとのこと。 やっぱり、これはちょっとしたインターネットの世界ですよ。うん。
suicaのサーバーはみんなの知らないところで、実はたまに落ちているそうだ。 だがシステムが止まることはない、計算上センターは3日ぐらいは止まっていても大丈夫だそうだ。 だからサーバーが落ちたなどとニュース沙汰になることは殆ど無い。How to Set Up a Local PHP/MySQL Development Sandbox for Windows and OS X | Build Internet!
Nice post on how to install a local server for testing purposes.
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Cloud computing means that the applications are running somewhere in the “cloud” (whether an internal network or the Internet). We, as users, don’t know and don’t care. Done right, cloud computing allows developers to develop, deploy and run applications that can easily grow in capacity (scalability), work rapidly (performance), and never – or at least rarely – fail (reliability), all without any concern as to the nature and location of the underlying infrastructure.
Cloud computing providersEveryone can build a website, but not not everyone can build a good and popular website. If you can pull it off, you can enjoy benefits like building something people are using, recognition and – sometimes – money. It can be a good business, even your full time job. But bad things can happen, and you should be prepared for it. One of those things (well, actually this is not a bad thing!) is to have spikes in traffic… maybe as a result of getting on Digg.com, Reddit.com, Google News, or another major media outlet frontpage… or getting reviewed by Techcrunch or another major technology blog.Jabber/XMPP Server List
Gute Liste mit Servern und Transportsデータベースを用いたセッションデータ管理について - Slow Dance
Web アプリケーションとは切っても切れないセッション機構。DB ベースでセッション管理を行なって得られた知見と、それを元に考察した結果をまとめてみます。簡単にVPNを構築できるツール、tinc - SourceForge.JP Magazine
<blockquote> <cite><img src="http://favicon.hatena.ne.jp/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.jp%2Fmagazine%2F09%2F01%2F29%2F015235" alt="" /> <a href="http://sourceforge.jp/magazine/09/01/29/015235">VPNtinc - SourceForge.JP Magazine</a></cite> <p>tinc Virtual Private NetworkVPNVPN2tincPCWi-FiLANWPA2...</p> <p><a href="http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/http://sourceforge.jp/magazine/09/01/29/015235"><img src="http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/image/http://sourceforge.jp/magazine/09/01/29/015235" alt=" - VPNtinc - SourceForge.JP Magazine" title=" - VPNtinc - SourceForge.JP Magazine" border="0" /></a> <a href="http://b.hatena.ne.jp/append?http://sourceforge.jp/magazine/09/01/29/015235"><img src="http://b.hatena.ne.jp/images/append.gif" border="0" alt="" title="" /></a></p> </blockquote>How to Setup Your Own Web Proxy Server For Free with Google App Engine [Video Tutorial]
... use a Google account to set up a proxy server that runs off the Google Apps Engine and allows you to browse via proxy independent of your home network and without having to trust a sketchy third-party proxy... http://lifehacker.com/5484934/run-your-own-free-proxy-through-the-google-app-engineTop 20 Nginx WebServer Best Security Practices
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1Uラックマウント可能なサーバを自作する はてなでは以前から自社製サーバを使用しているのですが、今年の春に、新たに自社製1Uハーフサーバを開発しました。
かっこええ。Chef: Suck on my chocolate salty balls
"chef"Nicholas Piël » Benchmark of Python Web Servers
Benchmarks super intéressant de quasi tout les webservers python (de mod_wsgi à Twisted en passant par CherryPy). Je ne les connaissais pas tous et certains semblent vraiment fort intéressant (je pense notamment à uWsgi).使わなくなったPCをマイホームサーバにできるソフト『Amahi』 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
: ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
『Amahi』は、 Fedora Linux systemにインストールすると、データ保管庫にもなるのですが、自分だけのホームデータサーバのような使い方もできるのです。自分のネットワークからアクセスできるWEBインターフェースを使えば、映画や音楽を聞いたり(iTunes や他のプレイヤーでストリーミング再生も可能)、写真を見たり、カレンダーやOutlookにもアクセスできます 自分のネットワークのVPN設定をすることもできるので、VPNの設定なんてしたこと無い、という人でも、サーバのデータにリモートアクセスすることもできます。 『Amahi』は、『Fedora 10』が入っていて、CPUが1.0 GHz以上、RAMが256MB以上のパソコンであれば、十分動作
良いんだけど、別に簡単にしてもらわなくても作れるしw。fedoraで良いよ。っていうか、CentOS。livedoor プロバイダ - 上級者向け格安プロバイダ
固定IP無料Firefoxからsshのダイナミック転送を使って非公開サーバへアクセスする - 射撃しつつ前転
Firefoxからsshのダイナミック転送を使って非公開サーバへアクセスする - 射撃しつつ前転 sshにはダイナミック転送という機能がある。この機能を使うと、sshはアプリケーション側にはSOCKSプロクシとして振る舞うが、そこからsshの接続先までは暗号化された状態で通信が行われる。 これだけだと通常のトンネリングとどう違うのかよくわからないかもしれないが、ダイナミック転送の場合は転送ポートを指定する必要がない。ここがダイナミックと表現される所以だろう。 例えば、オフィスAにある開発サーバ... はてなブックマーク - Firefoxからsshのダイナミック転送を使って非公開サーバへアクセスする - 射撃しつつ前転 はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann ssh, firefoxTG Daily - Marvell's Plug Computer: A tiny, discrete, fully functional 5 watt Linux server
Windows/Mac/Linux: If you're interested in the idea of cloud computing and remote access to your files but a bit paranoid about putting your data on some third party server, Tonido is a great compromise. Tonido brings cloud computing home by using your computer as the storage server and host for the applications. Once you've installed Tonido, the only function the Tonido servers themselves perform is keeping track of your IP to make remote logins easier for you. Tonido has a juke box for remote media streaming, a photo organizer, a blog-like personal journal that has support for web clippings and Twitter integration, easy file sharing with Webshare folder management, and a workspace with calendar, notes, and task lists.高速ファイルコピーツールまとめ | IDEA*IDEA
なんでデータコピーごときに,こんなに気を使わなければならないのだ.本来はOSの仕事だろうにね.The iPhone Becomes a Web Server - ReadWriteWeb
A new iPhone application which just debuted in Japan's App Store transforms the handheld into a full-blown web server.
When those Apple advertisements toutВведение в nginx, часть 1 | GreenMice
так же, Почему Apache — плохо?A Comparison of Dedicated Servers By Company
Infographie: Google posséderait 2% des serveurs mondiaux http://bit.ly/bhG54C
A Comparison of Dedicated Servers By Company
The biggest tech names require a lot of server power to keep up with their customers. Here's a breakdown of just how much server power some are packing.
Google has a lot more servers than any other company. (Of course, counting by NUMBER of servers is a bit unreasonable: Google uses large banks of cheap servers and others buy big expensive ones.)ZSFA -- Son Of Sam Email Server
At its core SoS is just a Python based SMTP server that can receive emails, process them using handlers based on routing regex, and then relay results out again using templates. All of this is done without using alias files, m4 macros, pipes, weird protocols, or duplicate processing of the emails. SoS just works like a flexible scripting language SMTP should operate.
Zed's nice and simple little Python-based SMTP server that dispatches to handlers much like a modern web framework, and uses Mako templates. Can relay to postfix and the like for big volume.
programmable python mail server
A Python based SMTP server that can receive emails, process them using handlers based on routing regex, and then relay results out again using templates.
This looks very exciting! I love email based services b/c it is such a great interface for users, so this seems like it could prove to reinvigorate email as a platform, which seems like the future.High-Performance DNS for The Cloud - igvita.com
DNS is a great example of a service that couldn't possibly work on paper, but performs spectacularly in practice, even with a hodge-podge of implementations all over the Internet.
DNS is a great example of a service that couldn't possibly work on paper, but performs spectacularly in practice, even with a hodge-podge of implementations all over the Internet. First, the authoritative DNS servers responds with a Time To Live (TTL) timestamp for every record (which you should keep fairly low in a virtual deployment environment), then the upstream DNS servers cache that same data, albeit usually with different policies (determined by the ISP). And finally, your router, OS, and the browser all have their own and independent DNS caches. (Firefox 2/3 caches all DNS records for a 1 minute, IE 5/6/7 for 15 minutes). Talk about a mess!
Good tips on using DNS in the cloud, and in particular using a staging environment that is switched over (via DNS) to a production environment.秒間120万つぶやきを処理、Twitterシステムの“今” - @IT
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TwitterのDB構成WordPress Optimization: How I Reduced Page Load Time by 75%
RT @kadavy WordPress Optimization: How I Reduced Page Load Time by 75% http://bit.ly/d2Gfgaライブドアデータホテルパトロール 無料サーバ・ネットワーク監視サービス
2008年9月8日 データホテルパトロール OPEN データセンターを運営しているライブドアが、無償のサーバ監視サービスを開始 特別なソフトウェアのインストールが必要ないので、今すぐ簡単にサーバ監視が始められます。AWS "sucks the air out of the room." Cuts EC2 costs by 50% [Article] « elc technologies
Good discussion of the advantages and trade-offsCoding Horror: Beyond RAID
"RAID" is now used as an umbrella term for computer data storage schemes that can divide and replicate data among multiple hard disk drives. The different schemes/architectures are named by the word RAID followed by a number, as in RAID 0, RAID 1, etc. RAID's various designs all involve two key design goals: increased data reliability or increased input/output performance. When multiple physical disks are set up to use RAID technology, they are said to be in a RAID array. This array distributes data across multiple disks, but the array is seen by the computer user and operating system as one single disk.github.comでphp-users.jpを管理するまでの作業ログ | IDEA*IDEA
これはgithubでサイト作成したい人にはいいかも。俺はgit自体を管理してるサーバ作っちゃってる。Passenger-Stack: Quickly Install a full Ruby and Passenger Stack
installing a full Ruby, Apache and Passenger-based stack almost a one-line task. It'll take almost any UNWSGI middleware is awesome, and Django should use it more - Eric Florenzano's Website
how to debug runaway django apps, amongst other things, using WSGI middleware from repoze.Subsonic » Free Music Streamer
* Listen to your music wherever you are. Share your collection with family and friends. * Browse and manage your music collection with the user-friendly web interface, or use the AIR desktop app. * Stream music to iPhone or Android. * Convert and stream lossless music on the fly. * Manage 100,000+ files in your music collection without hassle. * Download and listen to Podcasts. * Get cover art, lyrics, reviews and other album info from Discogs, Chartlyrics, allmusic, Wikipedia and Google Music. * Plus much more...
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"以下「プロトコル処理」と「メッセージ処理」を分けて扱っているが、この差が顕著に出るのは全文検索エンジンや非同期ジョブサーバーなど、小さなメッセージで重い処理をするタイプ。ストリーム指向のプロトコルの場合は「プロトコル処理」を「ストリーム処理」に置き換えるといいかもしれない。"KOF 2008 の発表資料 - naoyaのはてなダイアリー
"memcachedの特徴は、データをキャッシュするメモリーとして、通常のPCサーバーの物理メモリーを利用すること。大容量データを複数のPCサーバーのメモリーに分散しておくために、「キー・バリュー型データストア」と呼ぶ方法を採用している。データをいったん非正規化し、「キー」とそれに対応する「値(バリュー)」にしてから保存する。データをキーと値の組み合わせにすることで、複数のサーバーに分散しておける。"10 iptables rules to help secure your Linux box | 10 Things | TechRepublic.com
allow you to actually work normally on your desktop. All network traffic going out of your machine will be allowed out, but all TCP/IP traffic coming into your m
Mastering iptables could take a while, but if you have a few rules to cover the basic security needs, you’ll be well on your way to protecting your Linux system. Jack Wallen explains some key rules to get you started.携帯対応、負荷分散環境で最適な、SSL証明書選び:Goodpic
日本語サポートが必要な場合は、サーバの台数が多ければSECOM、携帯対応を重視する場合はジオトラストがよいのかも。Opera Unite reinvents the Web
From Opera's Site Opera Unite reinvents the Web Cloud computing and Web-based applications will never be the same June 16, 2009 — Oslo, Norway Opera today unveiled Opera Unite, a new technology that shakes up the old client-server computing model of the Web. Opera Unite turns any computer into both a client and a server, allowing it to interact with and serve content to other computers directly across the Web, without the need for third-party servers. Opera Unite makes serving data as simple and easy as browsing the Web. For consumers, Opera Unite services give greater control of private data and make it easy to share data with any device equipped with a modern Web browser. For Web developers, Opera Unite services are based on the same open Web standards as Web sites today. This dramatically simplifies the complexity of authoring cutting-edge Web services. With Opera Unite, creating a full Web service is now as easy as coding a Web page.
Cloud computing and Web-based applications will never be the same June 16, 2009 — Oslo, Norway Opera today unveiled Opera Unite, a new technology that shakes up the old client-server computing model of the Web. Opera Unite turns any computer into both a client and a server, allowing it to interact with and serve content to other computers directly across the Web, without the need for third-party servers. Opera Unite makes serving data as simple and easy as browsing the Web. For consumers, Opera Unite services give greater control of private data and make it easy to share data with any device equipped with a modern Web browser.
jm: bridging your desktop to the cloud (UPDATE) Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.opera.com%2Fpress%2Freleases%2F2009%2F06%2F16blog.TBODA.com | 5 Useful SQL Server Scripts
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The Web Developer's Resource
Your web server should be compressing your files before serving them to your users. Why? There is no reason not to, 99% of browsers know how to decompress them and if you're serious about hosting a professional web site, you should know every second it takes to get your content from your web server to your user counts.はてなでの仮想化技術の使い方@AMDセミナー - とあるはてな社員の日記
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なんか楽しそう。Alecco Locco: A Gazillion-user Comet Server With libevent, Part 0
A test with 200,000 sockets (note it's 100,000 pairs) showed a process size of 2MB, so far so good10分で作る、Subversionレポジトリ - Unix的なアレ
キー・バリュー型データストア(またはキー・バリュー型データベース)は、大量のユーザーとデータを抱え、データベースのパフォーマンス問題とコスト高に頭を悩ませるWeb企業が注目する技術である。ネットワーク側から見たヨドバシカメラ問題 - なぷさく
ヨドバシの問題はネットワーク側でなく、やはり CMS の問題みたい
先日CMS導入でトラぶったヨドバシカメラの外側から見た感じA HTTP Proxy Server in 20 Lines of node.js Code - good coders code, great reuse
muy bueno
"This is just amazing. In 20 lines of node.js code and 10 minutes of time I was able to write a HTTP proxy. And it scales well, too. It's not a blocking HTTP proxy, it's event driven and asynchronous, meaning hundreds of people can use simultaneously and it will work well."
This is just amazing. In 20 lines of node.js code and 10 minutes of time I was able to write a HTTP proxy. And it scales well, too. It's not a blocking HTTP proxy, it's event driven and asynchronous, meaning hundreds of people can use simultaneously and it will work well.Snap: A Haskell Web Framework: Home
Snap Framework: a web framework for Haskell
Snap is a simple web development framework for unix systems, written in the Haskell programming language. A fast HTTP server library with an optional high-concurrency backend using the libev event loop library A sensible and clean monad for web programming An XML-based templating system for generating HTML
What is Snap? Snap is a simple web development framework for unix systems, written in the Haskell programming language. Snap is well-documented and has a test suite with a high level of code coverage, but it is early-stage software with still-evolving interfaces. Snap is therefore likely to be most appropriate for early adopters and potential contributors.SeaMicro drops an atom bomb on the server industry | VentureBeat
Coming out of stealth, SeaMicro is dispelling the Silicon Valley myth that you can’t innovate in hardware anymore. The startup is announcing today it has created a server with 512 Intel Atom chips that gets supercomputer performance but uses 75 percent less power and space than current servers.
New 512-core servers http://venturebeat.com/2010/06/13/seamicro-drops-an-atom-bomb-on-the-server-industry
(private) cloud in a box? http://bit.ly/dBXVTr
@LarsBoeNielsen speaking of going crazy, check out this http://bit.ly/9uxBNh Server V.Next? and yes, i want the new XBox!Mailinator(tm) Blog: How I sped up my server by a factor of 6
Interesting post about java and concurrency problems, with some nice comments too: http://bit.ly/dtzUL1 – Sergio Bossa (sbtourist) http://twitter.com/sbtourist/statuses/15701705927
270,000Top 10 Web Hosting Companies In the World
Web Hosting Domination The top Web host is Wildwestdomains.com, with a market share of 35.8187 percent. Wild West Domains is part of the Go Daddy Group, providing an easy platform for turnkey domain registrars to become an operation and use the Go Daddy system for registration and support. Wildwestdomains.com hosts 25,373,796 domains. The number two Web host is enom.com, with a market share of 4.8069 percent. It hosts 3,405,217 domains. Number three is networksolutions.com which has a market share of 4.0572 percent. It hosts 2,874,123. Number four is oneandone.com, with a market share of 3.6870 percent. The number five Web hosting company is Yahoo.com, with a market share of 2.9401 percent. Yahoo hosts 2,082,750 domains. The sixth-largest Web hosting company in the world is dsdirection.com. It has a market share of 2.4442 percent. It hosts 1,731,437 domains. The number seven Web hosting company is registrar.com. It hosts 1,483,786 domains and has a 2.0946 percent market share. The e
Top 10 Web Hosting Companies In the World | http://bit.ly/cN8Rrl
Fifty-nine percent of the web hosting market share is owned by ten companies. Here are those companies, as well as a look at web hosting around the world.サイトを公開する際に最低限抑えておきたい Apache の設定 | バシャログ。
httpd.conf view source print? 01 # 持続的接続を有効化 02 KeepAlive On 03 # IE は除外 04 SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \ 05 nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \ 06 downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0 07 # HTTP ヘッダの表示を抑制 08 ServerTokens Prod 09 # エラーページの表示を抑制 10 ServerSignature Off 11 # TRACE メソッドを無効化 12 TraceEnable Off php.ini view source print? 1 ; HTTP ヘッダの表示を抑制 2 expose_php = OffRingoJS
JavaScript independent execution environment.
Compact JavaScript runtime environment based on Mozilla Rhino. It adds to Rhino a module system compatible with the CommonJS Modules/1.1 specification. Module library implemented in JavaScript, covering basic functionality such as extensions to the built-in objects, file I/O, logging, persistence, unit testing, client and server-side HTTP support and web framework.
This is the home of RingoJS, the CommonJS-compliant JavaScript platform formerly known as Helma NG.WatchOCR
. Based on Knoppix, WatchOCR uses
WatchOCR is an open source OCR server that creates searchable pdfs from images in a watched folder.
Free OCR server for PDFs9 Things You Should Be Doing With Your Server, But Probably Aren't - RoundHouse Managed Server Support