Pages tagged sexuality:

Stephen Fry's letter to his 16-year-old self | Media | The Guardian

Stephen Fry's letter to himself: Dearest absurd childJust who was the young, arrogant and confused man to whom Stephen Fry recently felt compelled to write a long and heartfelt letter? Himself, 35 years ago
You went on to affirm that if ever you dared in later life to repudiate, deny or mock your 16-year-old self it would be a lie, a traducing, treasonable lie, a crime against adolescence. "This is who I am," you wrote. "Each day that passes I grow away from my true self. Every inch I take towards adulthood is a betrayal."
i am so charmed by old men writing wise letters to young men- rilke's, 'open letter to a young man', hofstadter writing to his young self, and now this one too
Stephen Fry: You wrote in 1973 a letter to your future self and it is high time your future self had the decency to write back
oh Stephen!
How hetero? - Stockholm Pride 2009
As part of the celebrations for Stolkholm Pride 2009, this cool website gives you your very own "heterosexual" rating through the evaluation of keywords found in your Twitter posts. Very amusing and easy to use.
How hetero are you?
This site analyzes Twitter feeds to determine how the percentage hetero of the tweeter. It's meant to make users think about heterosexual norms and how they affect the gay and lesbian community.
Wealthy men give women more orgasms - Times Online
Study on 5000 people across China. “Women’s orgasm frequency increases with the income of their partner,” said Dr Thomas Pollet, the Newcastle University psychologist behind the research. [...] The study is certain to prove controversial, suggesting that women are inherently programmed to be gold-diggers." Replicated in Germany and USA.
gest lifestyle studies. The Chinese Health and Family Life Survey targeted 5,000 people across China for in-depth interviews about their personal lives, including questions about their sex lives, income and other factors. Among these were 1,534 women with male partne
Scientists have found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s bank balance.
Hilarious! Now I understand why my wife has a constant smile :-)
g abo
Dept. of Disputation: Red Sex, Blue Sex: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Teen pregnancy. October/November 2008.
Why do so many evangelical teen-agers become pregnant?
Social liberals in the country’s “blue states” tend to support sex education and are not particularly troubled by the idea that many teen-agers have sex before marriage, but would regard a teen-age daughter’s pregnancy as devastating news. And the social conservatives in “red states” generally advocate abstinence-only education and denounce sex before marriage, but are relatively unruffled if a teen-ager becomes pregnant, as long as she doesn’t choose to have an abortion.
forwardOn: Virginity rates among students by major
Virginity rates among students by major
I have no idea the source or validity of this, but I somehow found it randomly amusing, so I feel like keeping track of it.
The Best Thing I've Read All Year
This is an excellent takedown of family-values homophobia.
RT @stephenfry: The best letter I've read for a long time. Not ashamed to say it made ...
A great empathetic responce to the religious morality police attacks on homosexuals
Many letters have been sent to the Valley News concerning the homosexual menace in Vermont. I am the mother of a gay son and I've taken enough from you good people. I'm tired of your foolish rhetoric about the "homosexual agenda" and your allegations that accepting homosexuality is the same thing as advocating sex with children. You are cruel and ignorant. You have been robbing me of the joys of motherhood ever since my children were tiny. My firstborn son started suffering at the hands of the moral little thugs from your moral, upright families from the time he was in the first grade. He was physically and verbally abused from first grade straight through high school because he was perceived to be gay. He never professed to be gay or had any association with anything gay, but he had the misfortune not to walk or have gestures like the other boys. He was called "fag" incessantly, starting when he was 6.
What turns women on - Times Online
Meredith Chivers is a 36-year-old psychology professor at Queen’s University in the small city of Kingston, Ontario.
Bering in Mind: One reason why humans are special and unique: We masturbate. A lot.
Does anyone know if Gilbert Van Tassel Hamilton's studies were published into a coffee table book? If they were, then my gift shopping for the year just got a whole lot easier.
There must be something in the water here in Lanesboro, Minnesota, because last night I dreamt of an encounter with a very muscular African-American centaur, an orgiastic experience with – gasp – drunken members of the opposite sex and (as if