turn off the lights - SGA FIC: A Boyfriend For Christmas (Part 1 of 2)
He took a breath and added, "This is Dr. Rodney McKay. I wouldn't want to be confused with the legions of other employees who hate you." / He snapped his phone closed, feeling marginally better. / Radek made a worried face. "I really do not think you should have done that." / Rodney snorted a laugh. "What's he going to do? Fire me?"
Rodney tells Santa what he wants for Christmas. Twenty years later, he finally gets it.
"A boyfriend. He doesn't have to be as smart as me, because who is really, but not some stupid oaf, either. I'd like him to be cute, of course. And he should appreciate what a good catch I am. That's the most important part."
John is Rodney's 20 year late Christmas present.
Summary: Rodney tells Santa what he wants for Christmas. Twenty years later, he finally gets it.
"So what would you like Santa to bring you, young man?" the old pervert inquired. Rodney darted a glance over at Brett, who was still guffawing with the morons. He lowered his voice and dared to ask Santa for what he really wanted, "A boyfriend. He doesn't have to be as smart as me, because who is really, but not some stupid oaf, either. I'd like him to be cute, of course. And he should appreciate what a good catch I am. That's the most important part." Santa gave him a speculative look. "I'll need some time." Rodney frowned. Was Santa supposed to negotiate? "How much time?" "One boyfriend," Santa promised. "Delivered on or before Christmas 2008."
Rodney asks Santa for a boyfriend for Christmas, and twenty years later he gets John. Very sweet, Christmas fic.Sheppard's Law
"Murphy's law," John blurted. He knew he should be afraid, but he just felt numb. "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong: they're just waiting for something to kill me."
"Weird? You don't know what weird is. Weird is being in a-- with the-- and the crazy alien--" He stopped, incoherent, hands flailing. "And then your best friend is twelve, and you're his piano teacher. That--now, you're talking weird!"
John Sheppard, January 5, 1967—December 20, 1973, Beloved Son
"Weird? You don't know what weird is. Weird is being in a-- with the-- and the crazy alien--" He stopped, incoherent, hands flailing. "And then your best friend is twelve, and you're his piano teacher. That--now, you're talking weird!" [SGA, McKay/Sheppard, 34,472 words]
I almost missed this!
Quantum Leap, SGA style: When aliens punish John by disrupting his timeline, Rodney has to travel back in time (over and over) in order to save his life (over and over). Forty years of John in 40,000 words.
Author's Note: This is the story of...John Sheppard's whole life, and it takes about forty years to tell. *facepalm* No, seriously; I apparently need to keep building John up from scratch. This was actually really hard to write, and I wouldn't have gotten through it without lim and astolat and julad and Terri. (Actual beta convo: julad: OH MY GOD WHY DO YOU HAVE TO WRITE SUCH COMPLICATED STORIES) Anyway, I hope you like it. John & Rodney, ILU. P.S.: This is my formal apology to Pru for totally failing at underaged sex. :::: "What?! Oh, yes, they're dead, because that's what I do, I run around killing people, I--wait, no, no, no, no, no," the man said, waving his phaser wildly as John skittered another few steps back. "I was being ironic! Oh my God, you're five, you don't know what irony is! Irony is like--kidding for adults!" John zeroed in on the important point. "I'm ten," he corrected
Author's Note: This is the story of...John Sheppard's whole life, and it takes about forty years to tell.
"No, but--" Rodney protested, "if you're you, and you've always been you, you're the human equivalent of a quantum superposition! We're back to Schrödinger's cat; inside the box, anything's possible: it's only outside that things settle back into rational, measurable determinacy. So inside the box, the cat is gay and not gay at the same time--"Crys in Space - Fic: "Last Resort" 1/2
How cute is this? I love oblivious!Rodney. Oh, and this is so what I think is really happening in the SGA world. Ten hot alien babes.
"It's actually kind of surprising that this hasn't happened to us before. I mean, not the part where you didn't get the girl, obviously, just, you know, we've stayed in a lot of strange places together and a lot of them didn't have private rooms. And I'm not saying I don't have any self control, but I certainly have a healthy libido, and—"
Oh, so hilariously earnest and selectively oblivious Rodney gets jealous of John's "flirting" and is jerking off and John walks in on him and well, things happen. Which Rodney wants to happen *again,* but he's totally missing any signals from John, and then there are wacky misunderstandings and hijinks and they finally get their act together and it's hot and happy and SO HAPPY. HAPPY. That.
A semi-drunken fumbling leads Rodney to asking John if they could make it a semi-regular thing. For some reason, this upsets John, but Rodney will be damned if he isn't going to be having sex.
In which Rodney wants a sex contingency plan, and John just can't help himself (also featuring super-oblivious fantasizing)
And leave it to John to invent the chaos theory of sex, where no single action made sense, but the aggregate moved inevitably toward its predetermined conclusion.linabean: Poetry! (All around us!)
I'm trying to find a fic and it's annoying me to no end that I cannot find it. I thought it was on Wraithbait but I couldn't find it.
And thus was born the mad idea to randomly select sgastoryfinders posts, cull lines from them, and see what kind of poem I can find thereby.
poetry from the sga ficfinder comm.
The sgastoryfinders poems.
I need help finding a story... What little I remember is, I'm looking for a story I am looking for a fic
Storyfinders poetry
sga storyfinders found poetry
I think John was actually busy being a mathemetician and not a soldier.
Hilarious poetry constructed from 'I'm looking for a fic ...' requests on the lj community, sga storyfinders. -- "I am, of course, searching for a fic. I remember trapped under some rubble trapped under a lot of debris Sheppard and McKay are captured Rodney and John are hurt"
"I need help finding a story... What little I remember is," Poetry constructed from ficfinder comm posts.
<3 <3 Found poetry from sgastoryfinders. I don't even read SGA fic but this felt so true and awesome anyway.
The important thing is: they have sex. *** OMG. OMG. OMG. This shouldn't be read in public places. It demonstrates clearly the utter ridiculousness of my favourite fandom and of people in general. OMG. Delicious supplied "recycle" for recommended tags. Who am I to go against the tide?Waiting For My Real Life To Begin « toomuchplor’s fanfiction
the one where they find the zpms but hide them...
It had changed so gradually with Jennifer, was the thing. Rodney couldn’t pick a moment when he’d felt the balance shift from “this is fucking awesome” to “wow, I’m really middle-aged”.
toomuchplor : Waiting For My Real Life To Begin Rodney’s fortieth birthday had come and gone without much fanfare, either from his colleagues or, thankfully, from his own psyche.
Rodney’s fortieth birthday had come and gone without much fanfare, either from his colleagues or, thankfully, from his own psyche.
By toomuchplor. Rodney/Jennifer and then Rodney/John. In which Jennifer is adorably insatiable, and John is in the closet, and eventually there are ZPMs and awesomeness and Rodney exercises his veto power. :-)
McKay and Keller are dating, he starts feeling middle-aged, there are some mid-life crises around and McKay ends up with SheppardI never make stupid mistakes. - Destiny Revisited (Merlin/Arthur, McKay/Sheppard, PG-13)
It takes Merlin one thousand, three hundred and fifty-seven years to find Arthur. The shock of seeing him again almost makes him forget the cold, dozens of metres beneath the ice; the giddiness makes him light-headed. His name's not Merlin in this incarnation, of course. It's Rodney – at least, Merlin says it's Rodney, because that's better than the other one – and he's not a sorcerer as much as… well, a magician perhaps. Because these days, science is magic, and Merlin has learned so much that of all the people on Earth, he's still among the most powerful.
SGA/Merlin fusion; They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behaviour – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears.
They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behavior – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears.
They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behaviour – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears.
It takes Merlin one thousand, three hundred and fifty-seven years to find Arthur. The shock of seeing him again almost makes him forget the cold, dozens of metres beneath the ice; the giddiness makes him light-headed.
They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behaviour – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears. [~2,600]
SGA/Merlin crossover of amazing WIN.
Summary: They're both less innocent than they were a thousand years ago; less trusting, more broken. This time, Merlin is the one who gets called on his behaviour – and it's true, he thinks ruefully, he'd stopped bothering to learn the names of those around him long ago – and Arthur is the one who refuses to leave anyone behind. This time, Merlin is the one saying words like "idiot" and "moron," and Arthur has the stupid ears. **||** [2.610 words] This doesn't work perfectly, but it works well enough to be intriguing.sga_flashfic: .-.- --- -. -. . .-.- - .. --- -. by Mad Maudlin (Wish Fulfillment challenge)
Awesome Atlantis fanfic.
Gen, in which Rodney is left temporarily blind and deaf by an accident on a mission; his friends watch out for him. John & Rodney focused, but I like Radek in this, too.
Rodney didn't know what hit him, literally. One minute they were trying to flush some looters armed with suspiciously Genii-looking firearms from the ruins of an Ancient lab, and Teyla was covering for him while he ran for a pillar with a better firing position, and something went pop--! And the next minute he was blind.
An accident offworld leaves Rodney feeling disconnected from the world around him. Luckily John and his friends are there.
some alien tech they encounter leaves Rodney blind and death for a while until they figure out how to solve it
Summary: An accident offworld leaves Rodney feeling disconnected from the world around him. Luckily John and his friends are there.And Hope - Sihaya Black - Stargate Atlantis [Archive of Our Own]
While on a mission, John Sheppard discovers a device, but he doesn't expect what's inside.
The one where Rodney is a genie of sorts and Ford is back in Atlantis.
While on a mission, John Sheppard discovers a device, but he doesn't expect what's inside
"Shit!" He jumps up, dropping the shaking oval onto the bed. "What the--" His voice stops when the lines encircling the oval glow blue, and then, in a shimmer of light, like sunlit reflections on the ocean surface when viewed from below, a figure appears in front of him. "Oh, God, not again," it -- he -- mutters. Dressed in grey tunic and trousers, he's almost as tall as John but broader, with brown hair and a hairline that's heading north. His generous mouth slants down at one corner and he blinks rapidly, glancing around the room. "Where the hell . . . ." he begins, then his gaze locks on John and his mouth snaps shut. He closes his eyes, lashes brushing his cheeks, and sighs. His eyes open again, as brilliant a blue as the glow from the oval. "My name is Rodney, Master. How may I serve you?"
The one where Rodney's a genie.
Rodney's a slave trapped in an ancient device, and John wants to free him.
Sihaya Black : While on a mission, John Sheppard discovers a device, but he doesn't expect what's inside.oxoniensis: Star Trek fic: a fucking space opera (or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise)
oxoniensis's Star Trek crossover story.
(or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise)
Crazy random crossover fic ftw! Featuring Star Trek: Reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter (but that last one is kind of a stretch)
Fandoms: Star Trek: reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter Characters: James T. Kirk, ensemble, Arthur Pendragon, Rodney McKay, Cameron Phillips, Sam and Dean Winchester, and Vanessa.
Jim's been taking fencing lessons from Sulu for over a month when Arthur Pendragon comes on board.
self-explanatory! (guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter)
or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise
Title: a fucking space opera (or Six Characters Who Didn't Board the USS Enterprise) Fandoms: Star Trek: reboot, plus guests from Merlin, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Supernatural, and Harry Potter Characters: James T. Kirk, ensemble, Arthur Pendragon, Rodney McKay, Cameron Phillips, Sam and Dean Winchester, and Vanessa. Rating: PG-13 Word count: 3,169 words Beta: Thanks to the wonderful [info]littledrop for encouraging and being my Trek expert. Notes: For [info]such_heights and [info]undeny, even though I abused their prompts horribly.~ xt3 ~ Möbius ~
Sequel to "Fair Trade." John has his surgery, Rodney gets a call from Sam Carter, and the name for the perfect coffee blend gets debated.
Sequel to Fair Trade
sequel to "Fair Trade"
sequel to Fair Trade.
John runs a coffee roastery; Rodney designs science museum exhibits.
Coffee Shop AU sequel to Fair trade. John gets over his accident and Rodney helps in the coffee shop
Sequel to Fair Trade...
33,800 words // John has his surgery.
Followup to the "Sheppard is a vet with a coffeeshop" story. :Dwe have to stop meeting like this - SGA fic: "You Might", Part 1/2
"Let's see what else you've named in the Pegasus galaxy," John said and fired up the engines.
Wherein the team encountered an alternative universe where Sheppard never joined SGC/SGA and as a result, operates on a different time schedule. During their brief interaction, Rodney advises AU!Rodney to find Sheppard and once AU!Atlantis saves the galaxy, AU!Rodney gates back to Earth and starts on a quest to find this John Sheppard and recruit him for the Atlantis Expedition. | Excerpt: "Find John Sheppard. Convince him to join. You need him. You really, really need him."
"Yes. We had some trouble with the Ancient gene." "Or the lack thereof," the alternate Rodney added. "They wouldn't let us embark without a gene carrier with a certain level of control over the Ancient technology." Rodney frowned. They'd had a carrier served to them on a silver platter in their universe. "So you haven't met John Sheppard, ATA wonderboy, then?" "Don't you listen? We've never heard of him." Sheppard had gone disturbingly quiet. Rodney could relate. He had difficulty imagining an Atlantis without Sheppard, too. The tablet in Rodney's hand beeped.
Rodney pored over the files he'd printed out. With every page he turned, this trip felt less and less like a sensible idea. Rodney had no trouble imagining the response he would get when he walked up to Sheppard, a millionaire, and suggested, 'Hey, how about you drop everything, leave your business and your huge mansion, and come with us to another galaxy, where you're probably going to die within a month or two? Are you in?"
Daedalus Variations
Tag to Daedalus Variations. When canon!Rodney sees another puddlejumper, he tells his alternate self to find John Sheppard and make sure he is involved in the Stargate program at all costs. What Rodney discovers is a millionaire Sheppard - how is he to convince this man to join a ragtag group in outer space? ;)
Find John Sheppard. Convince him to join. You need him. You really, really need him."
A Rodney from the Daedalus Variations goes looking for a Sheppard, who turns out to be a businessman.
When Rodney, in his endless ingenuity, figured out a way to get the Daedalus back to their own reality, it didn't seem enough to just announce this to the team over the radio. He made his way to the bridge, tablet in hand.Brainstormed - Kass,Sihaya Black - Stargate Atlantis [Archive of Our Own]
John's mind was already made up, but he couldn't resist yanking Rodney's chain a little bit. "Hmm," he said. "A room full of physicists; a long-winded presentation I probably won't understand. Yeah, it doesn't really sound like fun."
Rodney takes John to a conference for a first date. Bad science, petty colleagues, and potentially the end of the world follow.
nc-17 mcshep brainstorm au with john in place of keller. :)
AU of Brain Storm. john goes with Rodney.
Brainstorm- McShep style.
episodeAU Rodney and John go earthside to a science conference- chaos ensues
That was more like it. "You don't have to make such a big deal out of it," John pointed out. "You could just ask me out on a date." / Rodney's deer-in-the-headlights look was pretty funny. "Hey, I didn't want to. . . I mean. . . I know. . . you. . ." / "I'll probably say yes," John said, breezily. Rodney stared.
The episode Brainstorm, except with John instead of Keller. The way it's supposed to be.
John's mind was already made up, but he couldn't resist yanking Rodney's chain a little bit. "Hmm," he said. "A room full of physicists; a long-winded presentation I probably won't understand. Yeah, it doesn't really sound like fun." - Brainstorm AU where John, not Jennifer, goes to the conference with Rodney
the way the episode SHOULD have gone.