PhotoPeach: Social Slideshow Sharing
Automatically make your own social slide show in seconds. Pick music, zoom to the best parts, add comments in the show, and more! - Live performance with your photos: PhotoPeach helps you share your memories in a lively and vivid way by moving your photos like a video with your choice of background music, captions on each photo, fun effects, and more. To keep your memories alive forever― start using PhotoPeach today for free!. Excelente!!!How-To: One iTunes Library With Multiple Computers | The Apple Blog
Useful tutorial for setting up a iTunes library with multiple computers accessing it.
iTunes Library With Multiple ComputersHow To Share A Printer Over The Internet |
The gotcha is that it prints an ad on the coversheet
How To Share A Printer Over The Internet | MakeUseOf.comiBegin Share - Share + Spread your Content
Make it Easy to Share and Spread your Content
Somewhat limited version of addthisbutton. Only has wordpress plugin.CopyTaste | CopyPaste has never been so tasty!
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CopyTaste enables you to create your own private URL with the data you wish to share with your friends or colleagues
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CopyPaste has never been so tasty!JetBytes — free file exchange service
JetBytes is an experimental file transfer service which works without storing files during the transfer and allows to download it immediately.
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Jetbytes is an experimental file transfer service which works without storing files during the transfer and allows to download it immediately. Just choose a
Converte files in pagine web e permette di condividerle.
Può uploadare files per poi poterli condividere, fino a 15Mb
Convert any file into a web site
Convert any file into a webpage. Distrubute information to many people fast.TBUZZ | An Arc90 Project
An Arc90 Project
Tweet and track the buzz on any Web page with Twitter.
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tweet the page you visitTop 5 Ways to Share Videos on Twitter
Video sharing on Twitter.6 (More) Free File Hosting Websites That Would Be Useful @ SmashingApps
That Would Be Useful
File Transfer OptionsFileTwt - Share Files On Twitter | Sharing Files on Twitter
Enables file transfers using Twitter, from presentations and rich text documents to ebooks and music files.
FileTwt brings file sharing to twitter. With FileTwt you can now easily upload and tweet about your files for free.
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mais um site para enviar arquivos pelo twitter10 Ways to Share Music on Twitter
There are plenty of ways to share tunes on Twitter. Below are ten of the best ways to tweet about the music you're listening to.
there are plenty of ways to share tunes on Twitter130+ Enormous Twitter Toolbox | Twitter Tools | Tools
comprehensive Twitter
Open this website on your iPhone to configure the phone for alternate carriers (MMS, tethering)
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Easily share your favorite selection of iPhone apps with anyone.5 Dead-Easy Websites to Share Files Without Signing Up |
Share Files Online Without Signing Up
Online file sharing websites. There are dozens. Here is a selection of the most convenient ones.
You turn to online file sharing websites. There are dozens. Here is a selection of the most convenient ones. They don’t require signing up for an account and provide different options.15 Great Free Online File Sharing Alternatives | Tools
15 Great Free Online File Sharing Alternatives
Today's technology and machines (whether it's PC or Mac) are certainly capable of processing large original files like .PSD (Photoshop) and .AICreate a Digg-style post sharing tool with jQuery | Queness
I was surfing website and searching for inspirations and I stumbled upon I discovered a small utility on every single post, the share link. Yes, I want to implement that, it looks cool, practical and useful! So, this tute, we are going to make a digg-style post sharing toolbox. It's all pretty straight forward and need a little bit of planning. The way it works is different with digg's. If you view the html source code of Digg's, it has the sharebox html code in every single post. But, in this tutorial we have only one sharebox, and all the links are sharing the same template.巨大ファイルを簡単に共有できるウェブアプリ、16種類徹底比較
Formato de estándar abierto para manejar y compartir grupos de usuarios de Twitter
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TweepML is an extensible, open standard format that allows you to manage and share groups of Twitter users.
share a list of twitter usersCreate fancy share box with CSS and jQuery
Tutorial para drag and drop
We’ve all seen the brilliant functionality on Mashable where news stories and interesting articles can be shared to social networking sites; the functionality is driven by the images accompanying the articles; you click and hold on an image and can then drag it into a toolbar to share it. It’s brilliant and intuitive, and in this article I’m going to show you how we can replicate this behavior with jQuery and jQuery UI.RGhost — файлообменник
Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used.
* Home * Feedback * Help * Sign in Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used. To get started, please enter the feed URL containing your work.
Ferramenta que permite rastrear o conteúdo de seu blog pela web e saber como e por quem ele está sendo utilizado. O lançamento é uma parceria da empresa de monitoramento Attributor com a Creative Commons, que oferece licenças mais brandas de direitos autorais. Depois de cadastrar o RSS de seu blog, você recebe um outro RSS, que disponibiliza links de sites que estão utilizando o seu conteúdo.
FairShare is a free service that enables you to claim your work, watch how it spreads and learn how it is used across the Web.A new way to share photos :: Divvyshot
It ia an attractive presentation of sites as thumbnails.A user can click on a thumbnail to open the site, after which the navigation bar at the top of the page allows single-page viewing. From there, a viewer can use the navigation tools at the top of the page to continue to the next page or revisit previous pages -- or return to the thumbnail overview of all pages.A single page views do not open sites in a new window, so the URL remains fixed to Weblist's URL. Users can browse the pages within the spotlighted webpage, but they cannot jump to sites outside of Weblist.
Visual list of linksare you colorized? @ — is useful method of sharing the programming code with your friends and colleagues. Every dump automatically highlighted with respect to choosen language. — это удобный способ поделиться фрагментами кода с вашими друзьями и коллегами. Каждый дамп автоматически раскрашивается в соответствии с выбранным языком.リアルタイムで共同編集できるテキストエディタ『EtherPad』 | 100SHIKI.COM
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quick tool for writing notes and uploading attachments is a dead simple application that allows you to share text between computers and in the cloud. I really focused on ease of use with this app – there are hardly any elements on the page and the only action required by the user is to start typing. There is no need to “save” as its all done automatically.
Save files to the cloud
Share text and files
quick tool for writing notes and uploading attachments is a dead simple application that allows you to share text between computers and in the cloud. I really focused on ease of use with this app – there are hardly any elements on the page and the only action required by the user is to start typing. There is no need to “save” as its all done automatically.
Save files to the cloud