Helen Bradley - Pro Photoshop and Photography: Understanding the basics of Sharpening in Photoshop
Sharpening is one of those everyday tasks that most photos can benefit from. In this post I'll explain what sharpening is, when you should perform it and how to do it. The information here, although it is explained using Photoshop, is relevant to all photo editing programs. Sharpening does as its name suggests and sharpens the image making it look crisper and making the edges in the image more distinct.Lifehacker - A Beginner's Guide to Image Sharpening - Unsharp Mask
Fixing blurOut of Gamut: (Almost) Everything You Wanted to Know about Sharpening in Photoshop but Were Afraid to Ask | CreativePro.com
It's a sad but undeniable fact of life: Whether you scan, shoot, or capture, the process of digitizing images introduces softness, and to get great-looking results, you'll need to sharpen the great majority of digital images. This column is usually about color management, but for every screed that's been written on tone and color correction or color management, there's precious little about sharpening. This time around, I'll outline some of my favorite sharpening techniques for Photoshop 5, 5.5, and 6.
плюс сайтPhotoshop Tutorial: The Best Way to Sharpen Photos | Best Design Options
RT @delicious50: How to Sharpen Photos: An Introduction http://bit.ly/7ZY7SDKnife Skills: How to Sharpen a Knife | Serious Eats
"There is nothing more frustrating in the kitchen than a dull knife. Not only does it make prep work a chore and your finished product less attractive, it's also downright dangerous. A dull blade requires more pressure to cut into a food, and can easily slip off of a tough onion skin and into your finger. Ouch. Most home cooks should sharpen their knives at least twice a year, and much more frequently if they use their knives every day. There are three ways to go about it. Read more: http://www.seriouseats.com/2010/04/knife-skills-how-to-sharpen-a-knife.html#ixzz0oABPW4yn"