Pages tagged shopping:

Spending Diary | Track Spending

in these dire times it's good to know on what you spend so damn much money!
Craigslist: The Definitive Craigslist Guide for the Recession
To paraphrase one shopping expert, nearly everyone wants better deals on everything these days. Craigslist is a great place to get those deals, and you don't have to be a jerk to get them.
To paraphrase one shopping expert, nearly everyone wants better deals on everything these days. Craigslist is a great place to get those deals, and you don't have to be a jerk to get them.
Bonanzle :: Buy and sell unique items with the friendliest community online.
An etsy-like page.
ようするにオンライン・ガレージセール これはアリだ
Office of the Tooth Fairy
cutey pie webpage. tablez
Free Electronic Samples
Did you know that some manufactures and suppliers will give away some free samples of their produces to customers and engineers to test them on their projects?
Did you know that some manufactures and suppliers will give away some free samples of their produces to customers and engineers to test them on their projects? They are some rules you should know before you start getting free samples from the companies: * You should never ask for more than you need, because you are not going to use the extra parts you are given, that means don't be greedy. * Taking free samples from the companies and selling them on places like ebay to make your self an profit is an absolute no-no (unless the company says you can do it). Those parts are meant to be used for your projects, NOT for resale. * Just to be fair to the companies where you got your samples from, buy some of their products.
TrackThis: Track UPS/Fedex/USPS/DHL Packages by Email, SMS, Twitter or Facebook
Track Your Packages Over Email, Text message, Facebook or Twitter No more refreshing pages. No more wondering if packages have arrived yet. With TrackThis, we'll send you near instant updates via Email, SMS messaging, RSS feeds, Facebook, or Twitter. We track UPS, Fedex, USPS, DHL and several other carriers.
Ashes & Milk
boutique arts and crafts, individual pieces made with skill
eclectic mix of handmade materials
Mimo Monitors - Welcome
USB monitor System
Want. Horrible website though.
Neat, but kind of small
710 Model (IN STOCK - SHIPPING NOW) price $129.99 + FREE SHIPPING! 7" screen : 800 x 480 pixels detachable stand allows portrait or landscape mode >> learn more
How To: Save Bundles of Cash by Buying Eyeglasses Online
25+ Inspirational E-Commerce Website Designs - Part Two | Vandelay Design Blog
Good for ideas
How to Buy Domain Names Like a Pro: 10 Tips from the Founder of
great resources here. thanks tim. love the random generation and then checker
A rose is a rose is rose... but not with domain names. (Photo: nickwheeleroz) I am James Siminoff. I’m an ...
Auto Parts Comparison Shopping | Compare Prices at Frugal Mechanic
ECサイトのメディア事業戦略の資料を作った | smashmedia
EC 参考サイト。
* リスティング広告はやがてパフォーマンスに限界が来る* アフィリエイト経由の売上構成比が高まると原価率を圧迫する* 専門メディアの価値が高まり、ECサイト自ら運営するケースも増える
JournalEngraver, Personally Engraved Notebooks and Pens
Engraved moleskin notebooks
A site that lets you upload images to be laser engraved on journals.
:: SteamLine Luggage :: Designer luggage - inspired by travel & exploration :: Tel. +353-1-4295006 ::
Freehands | Welcome
jetzt völlig bescheuert oder was?
Another one of my business ideas that I wont get to do.
Freehands gloves feature fold-back index finger and thumb tips to let you use your iPhone, Blackberry, MP3 player or camera in the cold. They're even great for just getting in to your wallet on an icy winter day.
Foundem - Search and Compare Prices for Electronics, Flights, Hotels, Property, Jobs, and more
Search and Compare Prices for Electronics, Flights, Hotels, Property, Jobs, and more
Discount yahooyahooyahoo yahoo financeyahoo
Factory 20 : Factory 20
You want some vintage furniture? This place looks amazing.
love their furniture
old factory things made into furniture $$$$$
antiques dealer... changing inventory
37 Shopping Cart Options for Developers | Vandelay Design Blog
37 Shopping Cart Options for Developers
Seat Karma - Concert, Theater and Sports Tickets
Seat Karma is the ultimate live entertainment search engine. We have a simple goal
Best Digital Camera: Experts recommend the best digital cameras
Tickets at FanSnap | Ticket Search
Gazaro : Create Your Own Personalized Sales Flyer
SuperMagnetMan Magnets
Best Music Albums Ever - Top Album List with Covers - Esquire
...according to Esquire. Not such a bad list, actually; and surprisingly well-rounded and eclectic.
Kick off's Music Week with our unranked, incomplete, yet highly tasteful and informative list of the records your music collection requires. How many have you listened to?
Top album list... hope to own them all one day
FramesDirect FrameFinder Virtual Tryon - Upload Your Image
try on eyeglasses, sun glasses, contact lenses online.
The Sound Advice Project
Ei side hvor du kan spille inn et lydsignal, og få omgjort bølgeforma fra lydsignalet til et armbånd. En fin gave fra noen som er opptatt av lyd!
Sound waves are converted into wearable bracelets
The Sound Advice Project. Don't just talk to your kids about drugs. Make sure your words stay with them.
The Sound Advice Project
Nice web2 Business
Foodoro - Discover Great Food
Discover Great Food.
an online marketplace marketplace where people can buy specialty food directly from artisanal foodmakers. Foodoro aims to be an online e-commerce site for artisanal food makers, exposing these vendors to a greater audience of food aficionados than they would get from their own sites or selling solely to specialty food stores.
How to find free stuff | Yahoo! Green;_ylt=AtuVPQEacOrjouMp7Hrm9vwazJV4
Want free furniture, a place to stay, or even a bike? Thanks to the Internet, it's fairly easy to find a wide variety of free products and services.
referência de como oferecer produtos gratuitos.
LaCie - LaCie iamaKey USB Flash Drive
Fatwallet Online Coupons Search
Online Coupons Search
Coupon Search
Amazanian - Search Amazon for Prime eligible items - Amazon Prime only search engine
Nifty use of the Amazon API to create an alternative search interface. I like.
Search Amazon for Prime eligible items - Amazon Prime only search engine - Amazon. Prime. Results. - Quickly find products eligible for free shipping » 20 Unusual and Creative Ice Cube Trays - Design, Inspiration and Technology Blog
Cool :D
10 Tips to Design Usable Shopping Carts | Webdesigner Depot
ThinkGeek :: Tauntaun Sleeping Bag
# eat for playing pretend "Save Luke from the Wampa" games # Teach your children about the best Star Wars movie ever
* Classic Star Wars sleeping bag simulates the warmth of a Tauntaun carcass * Built-in embroidered Tauntaun head pillow * Glowing Lightsaber zipper pull * Great for playing pretend "Save Luke from the Wampa" games * Teach your children about the best Star Wars movie ever * Fully Licensed Lucasfilm™ Collectable * Fits children (and small adults) * 100% Polyester construction, Machine washable * Exterior Dimensions - 32" x 60"
April Fool's Day prank
インテリア・雑貨を紹介しているステキなブログまとめ│雑貨ノート - オシャレな雑貨とインテリア
インテリア・雑貨を紹介しているステキなブログまとめ│雑貨ノート - オシャレな雑貨とインテリア
Nerd Boyfriend
for those who have nerd boyfriends
massa, ropas foda
Find a Filler to Qualify for's Free Shipping!
checks for items to add up to $25.01
jCart - Free Ajax/PHP shopping cart
jCart is a free Ajax shopping cart that’s easy to install and customize. Based on jQuery and PHP, jCart handles visitor input without reloading the page and is fully functional even without javascript.
Based on jQuery and PHP, jCart handles visitor input without reloading the page and is fully functional even without javascript. Free - Songs: MP3 Downloads
Free music from
Directory of phone numbers for customer service and customer support
Looking for a customer service number? will get you there FAST!
Directory of phone numbers for customer service and customer support
TapeSwell, purveyors of decorative packing tape
Decorative tape. The new site is stocked with stylish sticky products. Taping up boxes with birds, mod patterns, and lace adds a bit of pleasantry to moving. Snowflakes, trees, and tinsel spruce up boring old cardboard around the holidays. And rolls of cheery mailing labels and envelope wraparounds make trips to the post office less of a chore. The cute stuff doubles as a decorative touch to craft projects (picture frames, headbands) and baked goods (jam jars, cookie tins).
twitshirt this!
Lifehacker - Top 10 Money-Saving Guides for Common Purchases - Buying Guide : search craigslist like a madman
coolest craigslist search ever! : search craigslist like a madman
Amazonで閲覧中の商品に価格comから最低価格を取ってきて付加するGreasemonkeyスクリプト書いた - 5.1さらうどん
mophie - iPhone Battery, iPod Cases, iPhone accessories and more! - Juice Pack air - iPhone 3G (Pre-order)
The juice pack air™ is a rechargeable external battery concealed inside of a protective form-fitting case for the iPhone 3G. It offers you the full protection of a hard-shell case while providing virtually twice the battery life of the iPhone alone; all in an ultra-thin, light-weight, low-profile design.
Ekstra batteri til phonen
MEAT CARDS: Business Cards Made From MEAT AND LASERS
new and hot bookmarks
I saw these and thought of @shanebarrington. Via @TIFR
happy tape — japanese masking tape, now in the U.S.
Categories * All * pretty singles * pretty pairs * pretty mulit-paks * pretty jumbo paks Info * hello. * blog * contact
such lovely colors!
WOO washi tape
TRUECAR - The Authority on New Car Pricing
What is TrueCar? TrueCar is the fresh voice in new car pricing. We bring truth and transparency to the sales process by aggregating data from many different sources to show car buyers and dealers how much people actually paid for a particular car in their geographic area. We are a data-driven company, processing thousands of real transactions nationwide on a daily basis to generate objective and irrefutable Price Reports. TrueCar is offered online, all free of charge. Our hope is that consumers no longer walk into the dealership only partially informed and fully suspicious. Instead, they show up with our Price Report in hand and know how to strike a fair deal. Dealers offer the same buyers a TrueCar Price Report: car buyers who understand the dealer cost and price structure will know when to stop negotiating and buy with confidence. With TrueCar, buyer and seller both get a better deal. Team Management Scott Painter, CEO Philip Inghelbrecht, President Rob Taylor, COO Chris Lichti,
SWEET, TRANSPARENCY ON CAR PRICING (one of the worst rackets out there)
Figure out what you should really pay for your new car based on what others have paid.
Price of a car -- what is a good deal and what is not.
almofadas adobe
Marcas Blancas » home
Wiki de marcas blancas
Marcas Blancas
Buyer's Guide (time-ordered) - Mac Guides
This page provides a product summary for each Apple model, ordered by the amount of time that has past since its last update, relative to the average amount of time that has passed between previous updates to that model, historically. The intent is to clearly indicate which products are most likely to see updates in the coming weeks and months.
which products are most likely to see updates in the coming weeks and months
Griffin Technology: Simplifi
Simplifi Charge/Sync dock, media card reader, and USB hub De-clutter the top of your desk and simplify your digital life with Simplifi ... one compact unit that handles your iPhone, iPod, USB connections, and all kinds of media cards. Simplifi charges USB-rechargeable iPod models as they sync with your computer through the included USB mini cable. Use Simplifi's USB ports to plug in keyboards, printers, cameras, flash drives, scanners, external hard drives, anything USB 2.0-compatible. Simplifi ships with an AC adapter for those USB devices that need a powered port. Features Charge/sync dock for iPhone and iPod Reads and writes the most popular digital media cards, including Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, SD, SDHC, xD and CF (CompactFlash). 2-port powered USB hub, using included AC adapter A simple, versatile way to de-clutter your desktop
I need one of these.
elegante ed economico supporto con connessione per vari tipi di Apple iPod / iPhone con cardreader e hub USB incorporato
Because we all could do with fewer cables.
camisetas con status
T-shirts with your Twitter favorites status quotes.
Camisetas a la medida, con tus propios tweets
HyperMac External MacBook Power
HyperMac is the world's first and only external battery and car charger solution that works universally with all MacBook, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air models. PRESS RELEASE Power your MacBook for up to 32 hours HyperMac External Battery for MacBook comes in 4 different sizes (60/100/150/222Wh). In comparison, the MacBook Air internal battery is only 37Wh. You can power your MacBook continuously for more than a day or recharge your iPhone 52 times. HyperMac External Batteries for MacBook HyperMac Car Charger is proven to be the better way to power and recharge your MacBook on the road. Unlike DC-to-AC auto inverters, HyperMac Pure DC Only Car Charger does not produce dangerous high AC voltages. It is also twice as efficient, more compact and produces a cleaner power signal important for high fidelity performance. HyperMac Car Charger Power your MacBook and any USB device simultaneously HyperMac External Battery comes with a USB 5V/1A Power Port so you can power any USB de
If you've ever run out of power while hacking in a cafe, then this battery will pay for itself in one session.
50+ Cool Laptop Sleeves and Bags You Can Actually Buy | Inspiration
The Simple Dollar » A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a Deal-Finding Homepage
Using a number of easy-to-use online tools, I built a single webpage that shows me the best deals from tons of different online sources all in one place, customized to show me just the deals I want. Better yet, I can access this page from any computer.
Von Roxy | Designer Wear for the Graphic Design Community
Your Rights: How To Report Merchants For Requiring A Minimum Purchase Or Making You Show ID
Stores are violating their contract with the credit card companies if they set minimum or maximum charges, or force you to show ID in addition to your credit card (with the obvious exception being for age-limited purchases). Depending on your state and your card issuer, surcharges or "convenience fees" may be banned as well. The best way to straighten these guys out is to report them to the credit card company. [US Info]
So awesome.
ant must not require, or post signs indicating that it requires, a minimum or maximum transaction ammount to accept a
Apparently it's against Visa's policy to require ID.
Journal: VPS Comparison between Slicehost and Prgmr
Two weeks ago I came across a mention of another Xen based VPS provider called Prgmr. What intrigued me was that I could get a 1GB instance for the $20/month I was paying Slicehost for a 256MB slice. 4 times the memory, more than double disk capacity, and 60% more bandwidth. Was this too good to be true?
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シューズ&バッグ通販 靴、バッグ、財布のお買い物サイト
Japanwoodworker - Home - The Japan Woodworker Catalog
Widest selection of quality woodworking tools, woodworking accessories, cutlery and garden tools at The Japan Woodworker.
Woodworking and cooking, but also tools for carving printing blocks. I want the three-section pole saw!
Medtipster - Search
Medtipster will help you compare prices on prescription drugs in your area. It will also help you find suitable generics and alternative therapies. You'll need to talk to your doctor about these, of course. The comparison tool is enough to qualify Medtipster as a Cool Site. But it does so much more than that. It will also help you find mini clinics, immunizations and health screenings!
find deals acroos multiple websites
Stop comparing prices and let Woya find deals for you! Receive alerts when deals appear on Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, CNet, Shopzilla, Yahoo Shopping, PriceGrabber, and more! Woya is one of the best comparison shopping sites online.
DealWaiter - Serving hot and fresh deal alerts
Black socks - Buy socks in the definitely correct colour for men.
Social Designer — Welcome!
we should send some stuff into this - most of it is a little rough
"Social designer curates and creates smart products that tune into the greater good. You can join the cause by submitting designs for our competitions, weighing in with your opinion, purchasing goods or just simply talking about them. After all, every good idea (and every good cause) starts with a conversation – the more, the merrier."
Bluelounge - CableDrop
Cable clips
Anywhere in fact where you wish to have cables temporarily held yet easily removeable or extended. CableDrop gently grasps your power and peripheral cords so they do not fall off your desk every time you unplug your laptop.
cable directors. see also cablebox
Lifehacker - Five Best Netbooks - NetBooks
Lifehacker's top 5 Netbooks.
TRUECAR - The Authority on New Car Pricing
Nice way to display recent prices on sold cars.
Find the price people are paying for cars.
100% Custom Shower Curtains? - Photo Shower Curtains
Custom Shower Curtains made from your photo or design! Fully imaged - 100% custom! Unique shower curtains not available anywhere else!
100% Custom Shower Curtains
Order one of these important bathroom items featuring an image of your choice. Kind of steep price-wise, but they do look pretty cool.
How to buy a men's suit online -
Coupon Codes and Discounts from the Twitter Community /
Love coupons!
Coupon Codes and Discounts from the Twitter Community
Social Media Venn Diagram Tee
Ganz weit vorn!!! Endlich eine Grafik, die myspacefacebooktweettwitter logisch erklären kann!
According to this T-Shirt, ADHD+Narcissism+Stalking=Twitter [from]
camiseta com diagrama sobre mídias sociais
Social Media: Unlocking the Power of Behavioral Disorders
The Top 10 Grocery Coupon Websites for Cheapskates
Top 10 Grocery Coupon Websites for Cheapskates
groceries food
lots of nice prints
vintage design and fashion books - often out of print
80 Creative Ways to Customize Your MacBook | Webdesigner Depot
this bookmark brought from the home.
The MacBook and MacBook Pro are stunning examples of minimalist design. Their sleek lines, simple shapes, and uncomplicated designs are pinnacles of modern
Bluelounge - StudioDesk
Travel Web Sites: A Click-On Showdown - Frugal Traveler Blog -
This could come in handy for many trips!
grocery list or shopping list - Make a printable grocery list and take your shopping list to the store as a grocery list template. Also find coupons
Build and Print Grocery List Also see
grocery list or shopping list - Make a printable grocery list and take your shopping list to the store as a grocery list template. Also find coupons
Food Shoping
:: Paperwink ::
Alice is a service that provides you a cost effective way to manage all of your household essentials online. You tell Alice what you buy—choosing from great deals on 1000’s of products—and we go to work. We organize all of your products, find coupons and deals for you, remind you when you might be running low, and help you order just the items you need so you can avoid the chore of household shopping. And all this convenience comes direct to your door with free shipping included.
As profiled in the Wisconsin State Journal on June 23, 2009
CartFrenzy | Gallery of the Best E-Commerce Website Designs
galeria de tiendas online - e-commerce - teso
CartFrenzy - Gallery of Ecommerce Websites
VIP, the exlusive site. Free Overnight Shipping on shoes, boots, bags, accessories, etc. Brands such as UGGs, Nike, New Balance, MBT, Hellys.
Car Dealer Tricks to Watch For - Buyers Info/Features/Classic Cars/High Performance/Hot Lists/Reviews/Car and Driver - Car And Driver
shopping automotive
What to be wary of when you’re negotiating your next new-car purchase.
Flippa: The #1 Marketplace for Buying and Selling Web Sites
Milo - Shop Local Stores
find out what's in stock
Shop Local Stores
The New Social Engagement: A Visit to Zappos
e-business becoming social, new trend in marketing, web 2.0 marketing
Most Mashable readers have probably heard of the online retail company, Zappos. You may have learned of them via TwitterTwitterTwitter and count yourself among the 400,000+ people that follow the CEO, Tony Hsieh (pronounced Shay but who people refer to as Tony), or from a friend after she had one of the best customer experiences in her life. No matter how you heard of them, we wager to guess that you did so through word-of-mouth. And word about Zappos has been spreading. . . . They did $3 million dollars in gross sales the day before our recent visit, and surpassed $1 billion last year. They are one of the companies forging a new era of business that emphasizes, in their words, “making personal and emotional connections.”
Worth checking out -- they TRAIN their employees in Twitter?
Cocoon - Cocoon
The Most Versatile Organization System Available * Ideal for iPod, iPhone, BlackBerry and other digital devices * Endless configurations * Designed to hold items
Cocoon - Cocoon -
To Run Better, Start by Ditching Your Nikes | Wired Science |
Cool! ditch the shoes
OK this is funny! If you wear flipflops it's less likely you will injure your foot!
To Run Better, Start by Ditching Your Nikes
Top 10 Travel Gadgets Under $50 - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Top 10 Travel Gadgets Under $50
Seat Belt Camera Straps at the Photojojo Store!
sweet seatbelt straps for your camera!
TicketFlow - Your Preference. Your Price. Your Ticket.
E-Commerce Web Design Toolbox
How to Buy a Mattress * Get Rich Slowly
tips from someone in the mattress business
35 Inspirational Shopping Cart Page Designs | Noupe
Shopping Cart | Site de Venda
e-commerce design
good for shopping cart layout ... shopping online
15 Resources for Setting Up an E-Commerce Site with WordPress
Set up a shop with a shopping cart with wordpress
個人店等がWebサイトを使って収益を上げる為に行うブランディングTips - かちびと.net
グTips - かちびと.net
1・サイトマップ送信 2・本来の相互リンク 3・無料ブログを使って人柄をアピール 4・Yahoo!のサービスを利用する
HOW TO: Use the Web for Socially Responsible Shopping
9 sites that offer information for the conscious consumer about the companies and products we buy every day.
Garage Sales, Yard & Estate Sales by Map |
Find garage sales, yard sales and estate sales in your area by viewing a map. Plan your next weekend bargain hunting trip on" /><link rel="shortcut icon" href="" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="" title="master-black" /><style type="text/css
Find garage sales, yard sales and estate sales in your area by viewing a map. Plan your next weekend bargain hunting trip on
Garage Sales in your Area google maps mashup
Auctions for Free Stuff -
very user gets free credits. Earn more by selling stuff you don't need. Use credits to bid on the things you want!
Every user gets free credits. Earn more by selling stuff you don't need. Use credits to bid on the things you want!
23 Excellent Examples of How to Design Online Stores - Inspect Element
10-Step Guide to Buying a Used Laptop That Works : Sustainablog
Buying second-hand products is always green, but it’s easy to be discouraged by the stories of broken laptops from eBay or Craigslist. To quell these fears, here is a 10-step checklist on how to find a used laptop that isn’t just a high-tech lemon.
JANE4girls $800 Annual Budget For A Family of 4
RESPECT - Crowd Powered Shopping
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Full-screen I #justbought 46" longboard from in Dallas US
Ferramenta usando Google Maps para shopping local
simpleCart(js) - Javascript Shopping Cart by The Wojo Group
No databases, no programming, no headaches. A simple javascript shopping cart in under 20kb that you can setup in minutes. It's lightweight, fast, simple to use, and completely customizable. All you need to know is basic HTML.
This is really a cool tool for adding shopping cart to your website. But also checkout the navigation system on documentation section.
Official Google Docs Blog: Use Google Docs & Google Checkout to Sell Online
I suspect I'm late to the party, but this is pretty cool: GDocs Spreadsheet + GCheckout = Easy Online Store [from]
mypressi TWIST: The perfectly portable espresso maker
The mypressi TWIST is the world's first truly portable espresso machine. It produces quality espresso rivaling traditional machines while giving espresso lovers unparalleled convenience and portability. The TWIST's unique pneumatic engine also ensures you can enjoy incredible coffee even where there is no external power. Just add hot water and get ready to forever change how—and where—you enjoy quality coffee.
Espresso portátil.
portable mini espresso
What’s in your Cart? 30+ High-Quality Shopping Cart Templates | Noupe
ecommerce templates
e-commerce shopping carts
What's in your Cart? Finding the right theme can be a long and arduous process – a process that becomes more important when we’re talking about Shopping
Backpack - Backpack - Twelve South
could one of these be made for a dell stand?
BackPack is a sturdy, sleek looking shelf designed exclusively to attach to the back of iMac and Apple Cinema Displays.
“BackPack is a sturdy, sleek looking shelf designed exclusively to attach to the back of iMac and Apple Cinema Displays.”
A shelve for behind a cinema display or iMac. Very clever.
HEYCRAIG! - Simple craigslist search notification
Welcome to HEYCRAIG, the simplest way to find the stuff you want on craigslist. Give us a keyword, an email and a location. We'll email you when stuff you want is available. It's seriously that simple.
Simple craigslist search notification
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JAPAN onlineshopping
factoryはファッションとインテリアの融合を目指して、mahna mahna グループがオープンしたインテリアのレンタルショップです。
Hu2 stickers - wall design
Removable wall stickers
chalkboard vinyl!
$40 for $75 Worth of Services at The Circle Salon | Groupon Chicago
Collective Buying Power - Daily Deals
A&P Mechanics Cable Key Ring
also watchbands, kevlar thread, tiny pen, etc
A&P Key Rings, They Do So Much. On A Visit To Our Local Airport We Noticed All The A&P (Airframe & Powerplant) Mechanics Were Sporting These Nifty Rings To Keep Their Keys And Small Tools Organized. We Thought They were So Cool We Had Some Made For Us. They Are Made From Stainless Aviation Cable With Brass Screws And Barrels. 6 Inch Cable 12 Inch Cable
Loja Online de Artigos de Papelaria
Awesome office supplies with style.
Photojojo » 20 Photographers Whose Work You Can Actually Afford
Comprar fotografía
Craftsquatch on Etsy - Craftsquatch- Geeky Pillows and More!
Your one-stop shop for Geeky Pillows.
Welcome to Craftsquatch! Your one-stop shop for Geeky Pillows. All items are 100% handmade with care. Check out the new Social Pillows just posted! and keep an ...
Craiglook: Craigslist Search
Wow. Very nice.
Search all Craigslist. Search Craigslist by City/Zip and Radius. Picture Previews
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5 Tips and Tricks For An Effective eCommerce Site With 10 Brilliant Examples | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
This post covers the unique core aspects of e-commerce sites that make online shopping possible. Customers appreciate the convenience of ordering online, but if a site is cumbersome, they leave.
Playgrounder - The Buyers Guide for Kids and Parents
This is going to be a very dangerous place for me.
SR: Kids stuff is fancier now than I remember....
Playgrounder is a web magazine helping parents and kids find the very best stuff. Our team digs up the best toys, games, gear, clothes, DVDs and more. New items are posted daily
101 T-Shirts for Scientists, Science Geeks and Nerds! | Unique Scoop
Simply Complicated Apparel
Freezly - What's free on the Internet?
Find out what you can get for free from companies posting promotions on Twitter
Top 10 Sites For Online Coupons & Promotional Codes
Home - Kitchen Monki
We built Kitchen Monki to be a hard-core productivity tool. Use it to organize your own recipes. Use it to share recipes among your friends. Or our favorite, use it to automate grocery list preparation.
fabulous-freebies-2009.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Personal Finance, banking-budgeting
Showcase of Fresh and Well-Designed Online Shops | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
10 New Sites for Socially Responsible Shopping
Do you know the environmental or social policies of the places you shop? Do you know where your products come from? These 10 sites will help you find out.
35 Inspirational Fashion Website Designs | Webdesigner Depot
fashing sites
How to Buy Software Online for a Discount - Find the Lowest Price with a Little Research
ショッピングサイトをデザインする際に使えるサイトまとめ | DesignWalker
tshirts with exploded diagrams of technological artifacts.
store with t-shirts of exploded boomboxes stereos retro electronics
Find Great Deals, Bargain Prices and Sales at Yahoo! Deals
Yahoo's portal to find deals, coupons, and even cheap gas
Find Great Deals, Bargain Prices & Sales - Yahoo
Find exclusive deals, bargain prices, coupons and store wide sales at Yahoo! Deals.
BBC NEWS | Magazine | Five consumer laws you really ought to know
Helpful summary of consumer protections in the UK. Plenty more to know, but this bare-bones summary is a great start.
IMshopping - Human assisted shopping, questions and answers
Preguntás, usando Twitter, sobre algo que quieras comprar, como: ¿cuál es el GPS con mejor relación costo beneficio?. Te responden los expertos y/o la comunidad. No creo que sirva apra Arg aún :(
Shopping help is only a question away with IMshopping human assisted shopping. Ask questions, get unbiased answers and reviews from our shopping guides.
Redbeacon Homepage
Redbeacon isn't like typical local search directories that simply return local business listings with ratings and reviews, leaving you to sort through dozens of entries. Instead, we notify businesses and professionals in your area that we believe can serve you best, and invite them to submit a price quote for your job.
Compare prices and book an appointment for any local service!
""this is good""
Nike - Home
Dirt cheap student copy of windows 7
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If you believe that content has been posted without permission, or contains inappropriate or illegal elements, please notify us at We will review the content in question and take the appropriate steps necessary in accordance with our Privacy Guidelines and Terms of Use. Please include a picture of the photo or video that you would like us to remove.
Stat Key Designer Keys
keys in animal shapes
An AJAX Based Shopping Cart with PHP, CSS & jQuery – Tutorialzine
An AJAX Based Shopping Cart with PHP, CSS & jQuery
An AJAX Based Shopping Cart with PHP, CSS & jQuery – Tutorialzine -
iPhone Design Template Sketchbook | App Sketchbook
iPhone sketchbooks.
Sketchbook with templates for iPhone screens.
Kids.Woot : One Day, You’ll Understand (SM)
Miscellaneous daily deals, for the kids.
Kids.Woot sells stuff for kids. By “stuff” we mean everything from carseats to apparel to educational toys & games to non-educational toys & games.
+$5 shipping. I have this carseat and it's wonderful!! The Kids Woot for 9/3/2009. - The Official Online Store of Warner Bros. Studios: Warner Archive,default,sc.html - The Official Online Store of Warner Bros. Studios
Hard to find films from WB back catalogue
Warner Bros. new on demand archive of movies, many of which have never made it to VHS, not to mention DVD.
Warner catalog stuff on DVD
dvd's on demand
Rare DVDs on demand
The Official Online Store of Warner Bros. Studios: Warner Archive Premiumdesign zu Fabrikpreisen
günstige, hochwertige Möbel
dy/dan » Blog Archive » What I Would Do With This: Groceries
"The express lane isn't faster. The manager backed me up on this one. You attract more people holding fewer total items, but as the data shows above, when you add one person to the line, you're adding 48 extra seconds to the line length (that's "tender time" added to "other time") without even considering the items in her cart. Meanwhile, an extra item only costs you an extra 2.8 seconds. Therefore, you'd rather add 17 more items to the line than one extra person! I can't believe I'm dropping exclamation points in an essay on grocery shopping but that's how this stuff makes me feel."
less helpful
All other things being equal, which lane is the fastest?
82 Clever and Creative Fred & Friends Products | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
List of funny gift items. Clever and useful
cool and fun gifts
Decorati | Access to Interior Design & Home Decorating Advice, Services and Products
Interior design online. Browse designer portfolios, get design advice from professionals, shop trade products from Schumacher, Duralee, Robert Allen, and many more.
Home - Envelop
Online store for illustrated cotton basics
Online store for illustrated cotton basics. Looking for unique, very personal designed textiles? Browse our shop. Visit the shop Are you a designer? Design your own textiles and sell them on
Furniture Shopping Secrets: How to Tell Superior from Shoddy * Get Rich Slowly
Online magazine
Sandwich Price Calculator
Open Source E-Commerce Shopping Carts – Best Of | Tools
The best of e-commerce shopping carts
Cute as Hell Pet Community - Quite Possibly the Cutest Place on Earth
Cute as Hell is a community and shopping site made exclusively for pet people. Enter your pet in cute pet contests, build a detailed pet profile page with photos, Twitter status updates, pet commenting, and more!
Trunk Club
Great Idea ! Notice the video for advertising
An Analysis of the Amazon Shopping Experience | Webdesigner Depot
ניתוח מצויין של חווית הקניה באמאזון: [from]
Análise da página da Amazon. Bom roteiro para projetar uma loja virtual
Similar concept to ffffound but for shopping/finding products.
Svpply is a new retail bookmarking and recommendation service, basically fffffound but for retail items. It’s only been up for a month and in order to control the growth and quality of the site, Svpply members are typically added by invitation only.
Dyson Air Multiplier™ fan |
The Dyson Air Multiplier™ fan works very differently to conventional fans. It uses Air Multiplier™ technology to draw in air and amplify it 15 times, producing an uninterrupted stream of smooth air. With no blades or grill, it’s safe, easy to clean and doesn’t cause unpleasant buffeting.
ventilador sem abas!
VueZone | Personal Video Network
Wireless live video camera for security or whatever
Vue is a network of small, battery operated wireless cameras that stream video directly to the internet.
Designing Obama
A book representing the art & design from the campaign for change.
Fake Receipts | False Receipts | - the website for design, print and delivery of forged store receipts and fake sales receipts
This will come in handy.
Apparently for NOVELTY USE ONLY - you supply info and this site prints an authentic-looking fake receipt on a thermal receipt printer. Mail fraud?
Ecwid: E-Commerce Widgets
Plataforma gratuita y sencilla de compras online con Ajax
We help you find the perfect gadget | Measy
Helps you find the perfect gadget.
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Apple - Magic Mouse - The world’s first Multi-Touch mouse.
apple's new 'touch mouse', sounds great, but what about the tactile responses our fingers like to receive: [from]
apple going back to no-wheel mouse: [from]
checking out Apple Magic Mouse and we think it is a pretty cool mouse (even though it sounds like a Disney creature) [from]
I like it! Check out the new "magic mouse" from Apple... [from]
Money Saving Tools: 190 Resources For Saving Money
Over 190 of the most useful money saving websites, online guides, and tools that help you expertly manage your personal finances. There are budgeting tools, job and career resources, rate comparison sites for bank accounts, credit cards and phone bills, budget travel websites, money resources for students, and lots of deals & coupons!
Great list of resources for the penny-wise
Here's the ultimate guide to 190 of the best budgeting tools, deals & coupon sites, rate comparison engines, and personal finance resources online. This list has everything you need to start saving money immediately.
Opening Times
opening times for businesses in UK (open source, open data)
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Enter a UK town or postcode to find out when nearby shops are open
Opening times for UK shops in a given area
When are local shops open ? (simply enter postcode)
Funny T Shirts | YouTube™ Inspired T Shirts | Shirts Taste Good
Hits do YouTube viram camisetas nos EUA - ^RADIOLA [from]
BustedTees - Bucky Balls
Bucky Balls
New Soap, Old Bottle sells brand new liquid soap packaged in old plastic soda bottles, plastic water bottles, and glass beer bottles — all of this aimed at keeping our environment healthy.
Company sells cleaning products and things packaged in sanitized reused soda bottles.
NewerTech® - Voyager Q “Quad Interface” FireWire® 800/400/USB 2.0/eSATA - SATA I/II Hard Drive Docking Solution
Recommended by James Andrewes.
FireWire 400/800 USB 2.0 eSATA dock for SATA I & II internal hard drives
Hard drive dock sata usb firewire 400 800
FireWire SATA dock from the same folks that make the miniStack.
Just insert any standard 2.5" or 3.5" SATA I/II hard drive with up to 2.0TB capacity into the compact docking base and select one of the four interfaces supported by your Mac® or PC for the fastest data transfer performance. Then, start reading and/or writing data to the docked hard drive. There’s nothing else to install or configure!
Suggested by John Able and John Stevens
Never Pay Retail Again
daily updates on sales
Reviews of Cheap Products | Cheapism
Google Commerce Search
While Google may have its Google Checkout payment platform, it’s not really a player in the ecommerce space. Considering the billions of dollars being exchanged on thousands of retail websites every year, that’s a big market that Google isn’t monetizing. Perhaps that’s why we’re surprised that it took them this long to launch Google Commerce Search, a new search engine that online retailers can install on their websites to provide Google-style speed and efficiency for customers when they search for products.
Google Commerce Search is a powerful search solution designed specifically with online retail enterprises in mind.
New! Google Commerce Search is a powerful search solution designed specifically with online retail enterprises in mind. Improve your shopping experience with fast, intuitive Google search technology.
18 Great Shopping Carts to Power Your Online Store
The Choosy Beggar
for men!
@umairh try ttp://, or for NYC [from]
A frank shopping guide to all the sales, deals, and trends fit for New York Men
sales - menswear - ny
A Better Way To Find Art - Print Society
80+ Creative Geek T-Shirts You Can Buy Online | Inspiration
Freaking awesome GEEK T-Shirts!
looks good!
Hands-down one of the best puzzle games I have ever played.
Hopefully they do a Linux port soon.
35 Excellent Ecommerce User Interface Designs | Vandelay Design Blog
Great ideas for e-commerce sites
Web Design and Development Blog
While user experience is important on all types of websites, it is especially critical for ecommerce websites where visitors will be making purchases. A poor user experience will result in visitors having difficulty finding what they want, frustration during shopping, and many lost sales. In this post we will showcase the design of 35 e-commerce websites for your own UI design inspiration. The sites that are showcased in this post have also been featured at CartFrenzy, our gallery of the best ecommerce web design.
ThinkGeek :: Fly Stick Van de Graaff Levitation Wand
Fly Stick Van de Graaff Levitation Wand - Wand with built-in battery powered Van de Graaff generator allows you to control and levitate the included mylar shapes
21 Awesome T-Shirts for Photographers
I'm a big fan of Threadless and the seemingly infinite stream of hilarious t-shirts designs that are constantly being created by its dedicated community. However, I haven't been able to find many shirts designed specifically for photographers on the
The Big Showcase Of Online T-Shirt Stores - Smashing Magazine
T-shirts, as you’ll surely agree, play a big part in the design world. Sometimes, we designers don’t get the kinds of projects we want, and so we are left to apply our creativity in some other way, many of us opting to submit graphics in t-shirt competitions or printing them ourselves and selling them through shopping cart systems such as BigCartel. In this post, we bring you a showcase of online t-shirt store Web designs, all of which serves as a great source of inspiration for Web designers, graphic designers and even illustrators.
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Finest Tees | T-Shirt Design Gallery
Finest Tees | T-Shirt Design Gallery
T-Shirt Design Gallery
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Deals.Woot : One Community, Every Deal (SM)
【PC Watch】 意外に安い? ボリュームライセンスでWindows 7を導入する
Free High-Quality Magento Theme: Sigyn SM | Smashing Magazine
We love our readers. We respect the hard work of designers and developers across the globe. And we do our best to make the web design community stronger and the Web a...
Rifle Paper Co. - Home
Cute cards
Hot Computer & Electronics Deals. Track Prices & Discover Amazing Sales at
Website Reviews and Complaints by Consumers – SiteJabber
SiteJabber is a consumer protection site that lets people research and review online businesses and websites. Search for reviews or complaints on any website.
Consumers review online businesses and websites -- most loved, most hated, and most useful. Save money and avoid rip-offs.
Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea
The Gentlemen Purveyors of Andrews & Dunham Damnably Superior Herbal Remedies announce their intention to present, in person and for a fair price, a contest of strength and stamina between JACKEE MUNTZ & THOMAS SAMPSON.
Start accepting payment cards immediately with Square. No contracts, monthly fees, or hidden costs. Effortlessly manage all the money you take with an easy and intuitive interface. Read payment cards from any device with an audio input jack, including your mobile phone.
Start accepting payment cards immediately with Square. No contracts, monthly fees, or hidden costs. Effortlessly manage all the money you take with an easy and intuitive interface.
No credit card machine needed: Read payment cards from any device with an audio input jack, including your mobile phone.
Company started by Jack Dorsey, who also founded Twitter.買い方まとめ - トップページ
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Element Bars - Custom Protein and Energy Bars
mass customized energy bars
If you haven't tried SilentEar, you haven't tried the best.
SilentEar (NRR 32) is the Highest Rated Reusable Ear Plug currently made anywhere in the world! - Snoring Relief Ear Plugs
recommended by four day work week
100 Notable Books of 2009 - The New York Times
14 Best Times to Make Major Purchases
When it comes to major purchases - like cars, computers, airline tickets - simply buying them whenever rarely get you the best deal.
14 Items All Design Geeks Must Have! / eightyone design / graphic design blog
Glyde: Simply buy and sell your DVDs, CDs, video games, and books
Simply buy and sell your dvds, cds, games, and books
TruePower UCS Power Outlet With Built in USB Ports - TruePower UCS Power Outlet With Built in USB Ports
TruePower power outlet solution includes two Universal Serial Bus (USB) charge ports in addition to the two standard three prong power outlet ports. Perfect for charging any USB powered device.
Our custom TruePower power outlet solution includes two Universal Serial Bus (USB) charge ports in addition to the two standard three prong power outlet ports.
TuneChecker - Compare Cheap MP3 Single and Album Prices
Top 10 Travel Gadgets Under $50 - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Gadgets can be both useful and cheap — they can help even budget travelers make the most of their adventures. Here is a list of the 10 gadgets, all under $50, that I either own or have been lusting after.
From iPods to noise-canceling headphones, from digital cameras to GPS trackers, they take up space, can consume electricity and distract us from actually enjoying the trip. Gadgets also tend to be expensive, small and easy-to-lose. But gadgets can be both useful and cheap — they can help even budget travelers make the most of their adventures. Here is a list of the 10 gadgets, all under $50, that I either own or have been lusting after. Accelerate your car search
a search engine of car
similar to
Giz Explains: What Everyone Should Know About Cameras - Camera guide - Gizmodo
Going Deep for the Cheap in New York - Frugal Traveler Blog -
Referred to from Shirley Chong's Twitter post.
Interesting stuff here if we end up going to NYC for New Years.
Shopping Cart Design: Responsiveness and Improved User Interaction Lead To Conversions
Baby Soda Bottles - Giant Test Tubes at Steve Spangler Science
Recommended by Mike Morreti for yeast storage.
good for TSA too!
Free Shipping Day - Thursday December 18, 2008
Thursday, December 17, 2009
How to Build a Shopping Cart using CodeIgniter and jQuery - Nettuts+
CodeIgniter is an open source PHP web application framework with a lot of features. Recently, thanks to the latest update, a new feature was added to this
Gifts for User Experience Geeks 2009 | Blog | Nick Finck | UX/IA Pro, Speaker, and Community Cultivator.
gifts for UX geeks like Information Architects, Usability Specialists, Interaction Designers, and even Web Designers. - I want the Konigi Wireframe Sketch Book!
UX product picks for 2009
KeyRingThing Cards
Just one club card - combine them all into one card.
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Core77's 3rd Annual giftguide category
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We can promote our coupons through this channel.
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Discover Literary Oddities in the Weird Book Room on AbeBooks
Weird Book Room
i own one of these!
The Best Times to Buy Anything, All Year Round - Buying - Lifehacker
You're always hearing about off-season, post-peak times to save money on purchases and food, but it always arrives too late. We've compiled a timeline and lots of best-time-to-buy suggestions into one post to help you plan a more frugal 2010.
shopping, purchasing, discounts, sales, year
10-things-not-to-buy-in-2010: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Interesting, I wonder if these predictions will come true?
10 yrs. ago, most homes relied on dial-up connections to get to the web and iPods, cool flat-screen televisions and the Nintendo Wii didn't exist.
Home - Uncommon
Uncommon is the first company to create truly customizable mobile phone cases, bringing together exceptional products, talented artists, and self-expression.
Custom iPhone/iPod cases. Use your own artwork or theirs.
Uncommon is the first company to create truly customizable mobile phone cases, bringing together exceptional products, talented artists, and self-expression. Our vision is to create a brand that supports artists and exposes the public to their artwork. We will continue creating more collections of premium blank canvas products and partnering with the world’s greatest artists and designers, inspiring millions of people.
Performance / Price for CPUs
AMD Phenom 9750 Quad-Core is the most bang for the buck, according to Paul's analysis (nice!)
Les processeurs classés par leur rapport performances / prix. Qui est en tête ? AMD !
CPU Comparisons wrt price and performance
from Sthlm – Independent Swedish design
9 Fantastic Facebook Pages for Fashion
fashion retail
About 5 months ago Alison Driscoll Comments 9 Fantastic Facebook Pages for Fashion 146Share email share facebook logoAlison Driscoll is an interactive copywriter and social media consultant who specializes in Facebook. She authors a blog at The Internet has revolutionized the fashion world, making trends more accessible and affordable for everyone, and expanding where and when we can shop. Social media has taken fashion a step further, encouraging discourse on designers and providing real-time feedback on the looks that work, and the ones that don’t. Facebook (Facebook)’s extensive list of features lets users comment on, post and share their favorite outfits and accessories with just a few clicks, anytime, from virtually anywhere. This social network has proved itself to be popular with savvy social shoppers for its fashion-forward Facebook Pages; here are 9 that use photos, apps and fan discussions for maximum impact. For Deals 1. Rue La La Rue La La is one
Practical Traveler - 10 Ways to Cut Your Travel Costs In 2010 -
travel planning
tips and websites - See tips 7, 8, and 9 for hotel options, and discounts if willing to pay first. To find best rate, and provide advice and tips from travelers on how to navigate the system. tells the hotel and price before booking, even lower rate through call center if willing to pay for the room before finding out. Rentals:, and Some specialize in specific regions like for Europe or for the Caribbean. 6 to 12 % fee, connects budget travelers with locals. It's a cross between and vacation rentals section of Craigslist
Consumer Action Handbook - View Handbook
A site for consumer protection and with links to government agencies and resources for the consumer.
Consumer Action Handbook, including the consumer topics, the directory listings, the sample complaint letter, and the index.
buying car/home, identity theft, credit, consumer complaints
We Are Organized Chaos - An Interactive Marketing and Advertising Blog » Blog Archive » Zugara Launches Online Shopping App Utilizing Augmented Reality And Motion Capture
Voorbeeld van Augmented Reality in combinatie met een webshop
ビギナーにオススメのロードバイクを20台選んでみた - 自転車で遠くへ行きたい。
Nuanced, Ambivalent, or Guarded Stickers: Products: Store
Nuanced, Ambivalent, or Guarded Stickers
Nuanced, Ambivalent, or Guarded Stickers: Products:
We search the internet's top rewards programs to help you save money and earn rewards every time you shop.
One search, every reward.
Buying Health Insurance on Your Own -
Design*Sponge » Blog Archive » diy project: kate’s grocery planner
i thought it would be fun to make a personalized grocery planner that i will always want to use because it is specific to my needs
wow, super smart. Wonder if I could stick with it.
materials: 1. clipboard 2. magnetic pen box (available at office supply stores, or you can make one out of a tin soup can or tin spice box, etc.) 3. pretty paper (mine is from the paper source) 4. spray adhesive 5. exacto knife 6. scissors 7. adhesive magnet tape (these come in dots and rolls, i recommend the roll that you can cut)
Compare Digital Cameras.
Why Rechargeable Batteries Are Rarely Cost Effective
Why Rechargeable Batteries Are Rarely Cost Effective September 15th, 2009 I was standing in line at a local electronics store the other day when I struck up a conversation with the guy ahead of me who had a basket full of battery chargers and AA rechargeable batteries. It turns out he had decided to replace all of the batteries in his house with the rechargeable kind. Between the batteries and the chargers this guy plunked down over a hundred bucks!
Rechargeables are best for frequently-used, high-current-draw devices (cellphone, for example). Anything with infrequent battery changes (clocks etc), will take practically forever to reach break-even on costs using rechargeables.
It makes more sense to use alkaline batteries for low-draw devices like wall clocks because they lose power at a much slower rate than rechargeable batteries.
I realize many people want to convert to rechargeable batteries for environmental reasons, which is fair enough. But the truth of the matter is this: when cost is the primary discriminator, low current-draw devices simply don’t warrant the extra expense of rechargeable batteries. That’s because the batteries of low current-draw devices are typically changed so infrequently that the payback period for equivalent rechargeable batteries would be too far long to justify the investment!
Textbook Price Comparison
Search by ISBN, Author, Title, Keywords.
Amazon Buying Tricks: Find the web giant’s secret bargain basement...
There’s a hidden rulebook for giant web-store Amazon. This guide zips you through the techniques inc. special links to 75% off bargains, tools to track price reductions & more.
Bookbook - Bookbook - Twelve South
Make your Macbook look like a book with BookBook!
Annotated link
Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede
best. black friday. ever.
A Wal-Mart worker died early Friday after an "out-of-control" mob of frenzied shoppers smashed through the Long Island store's front doors and trampled him, police said.
The Wondermark Goodsery - Greeting Cards.
I have found next year's Christmas cards
Japón Shop | Tienda Online de Alimentación Japonesa
Tienda Online de Alimentación Japonesa, envíos a toda España.
The 10-Ingredient Shopping Trip - Well Blog -
a five-day menu using ten ingredients, by Mark Bittman
see bottom of article
Career Evolution Store, a Work for Food project
Love this. Home of the Career Evolution in Advertising
software programs and wokr heirarchy
Mozilla Community Store
"cool mozilla t-shirts"
mozilla community - zazzle store
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wordpress ecommerce plugin and framework
The free bolt on e-Commerce Plugin is WordPress framework designed to help you sell online. We make setting up shop incredibly easy. Plus we've had over 500,000 downloads!
Kinekt Design
cool gear ring
LumaLabs - Welcome
Camera strap
The Loop is a camera sling, an adaptation of the kinds of slings that infantry soldiers have long used to carry their rifles. It's not the first camera sling on the market. Our implementation, however, offers a minimal design that emphasizes comfort and flexibility within a minimal aesthetic. Nothing is included that isn't essential.
Nice product, nice product website.
Slick camera strap from Luma Labs.
Luma Loop camera strap (like a y-strap only it looks better made)
Identify Your Foot Type Before Choosing Running Shoes - Running - Lifehacker
Knowing your foot type is useful for purchasing the proper running shoes, among other things. Using the "wet test" can help clue you in on whether you have normal, flat, or high-arched feet.
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Netbook Buyers Guide
The netbook form factor offers consumers a low-cost ultraportable notebook in a market segment where notebooks used to cost $1,500 and up. With most netbooks costing less than $400, they are cheap enough to buy one in addition to your full-size notebook. With the vast majority offering Intel Atom processors, these portable computers can handle most daily tasks with ease. In this buying guide we compare the different models we have reviewed to help you find the best netbook to fit your needs.
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Amazon Filler Item Finder. Find Cheap Filler Items for FREE Shipping
Limited edition design and typography products for refined tastes – Ligature, Loop & Stem
1. Typographic terminology and letterform characteristics. 2. Creators and curators of fine typography-related products. Ligature, Loop & Stem offers limited edition products created to delight those who love typography and design. Use them for inspiration or reference as you work… or play. LL&S products are original, exclusive and crafted for you with precision and care by fellow designers: the chaps at ButterLabel, of Toronto and California. As each collection sells out, LL&S will release new original work. Consider this first batch a tease to, erm… stroke your serif.
Limited edition design and typography products for refined tastes
Ligature, Loop & Stem is a curator of artisan quality typographic products for designers.
Harmony House Foods, Inc. -- HOME PAGE
freeze dried fruit,dried vegetables,dehydrated vegetables,tvp
Purveyor of dehydrated fruits and vegetables.
SeatGeek | Ticket price forecasts and the best ticket deals
Could be a great ticket Scalping tool
At SeatGeek you can search by your favorite team, performing artist, or venue/city if you're open to taking in anything. SeatGeek renders a map of the venue, charts out where the seats are located, and dishes the dirt on the overall state of pricing at the venue as well as individual tickets. The price forecast tells you if you should buy now or wait based on prior data for the team/artist and the venue in question.
SeatGeek forecasts the price of sports and concert tickets, enabling you to buy tickets when they are cheapest.
Kinekt Design
Manufacturers of the Gear Ring, a ring that is a miniature machine made of gears and wheels.
Gear Ring
25 Creative E-Commerce Website Designs | Vandelay Design Blog
E-Commerce sites are often considered to be boring and unattractive, however, that is not always the case. This post showcases 25 e-commerce sites that demonstrate creativity in the design. It may be the layout, graphics, design style or site structure, but all of them break the mould of the typical e-commerce site.
E-Commerce Design Resources: The Ultimate Round-Up | Graphics
P-based, open-source shopping cart tha
Arriva's Ipod shuffle headphones, comfortable, lightweight, cordless shuffle headphones
Could be good for H?
Welcome - Warby Parker
Free shipping on glasses. Can try 5 pairs and send 4 back for free.
For when I eventually need glasses, because I probably will.
Study: Social Media Transforming Our Influences on What to Buy - Mashable
The most recent report interviewed 17,000 people in 29 countries and is called “When did we start trusting strangers.” It conclusively proves that as we thought, social media is now directly impacting the way we buy products and services. The publishing of billions of thoughts, opinions and experiences online in the form of blog posts, videos, ratings, reviews and photos is fundamentally changing the way everybody online sources opinions on products, brands and services when they buy something.
Tom Smith, Head of Consumer Futures at Universal McCann, discusses how social media is transforming our influences on what to buy.
Mashable article on Universal McCann study tracking social media use among 17,000 Internet users, September 2008. Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt, Available in Various Sizes: Apparel
This is hilarious. Awesome hilarious. Via @notjustahatrack: Behold, Three Wolf Moon: Read the comments. [from]
hilarious reviews of stupid tshirt
Power Slider for iPhone 3G : Incase Product
A rather large iPhone 3G case with an integrated battery.
The Power Slider for iPhone™ 3G is the first accessory of its kind to offer protection, expanded battery life and integrated sync and charge capabilities.
Islands in the Stream: Our "Walking Tour of New York's Independent Bookstores," Revised and Expanded - The Millions
Map and walking tour of indie bookstores in NUC
Aa map for a walking tour of NYC's independent book stores.
The Millions has a walking tour of independent bookstores left in nYc. I love the list, but sad that it's so small.
Despite the vagaries of the business, independent bookstores continue to open, and to serve as hubs for communities real and imagined.
Walking Tour of New York's Independent Bookstores
It would be belaboring the obvious to say the last two years have been tough times for the bookmen and bookwomen. And yet, despite the vagaries of the business, independent bookstores continue to open, and to serve as hubs for communities real and imagined. I'll spare you the exegesis on why I think this matters - we've covered that ground in the original post, and elsewhere. Instead, I'd like to offer you a new and improved edition of the Walking Tour. You can still find brief descriptions of many of the stops in our first "Islands in the Stream Post," but the route we've charted has changed, and we've added new stops, with new descriptions below. In addition, through the magic of modern technology, we've created an information-rich online map of the tour.
Dark Roasted Blend: Vending Machines Craze in Japan
Bosley's recommendations (for coffee!) from Tokyo
Vending machines in Japan are as commonplace as temples, bicycles, and karaoke booths. It's not uncommon to see a street lined with a dozen or more machines selling products ranging from cold and hot drinks to flowers or rice. And almost none of these vending machines are vandalized or non-functional. According to the Vending Machine Manufacturers Association, Japan has one vending machine for every 23 people.
Executive Bomb
telephone / email loopup
"Welcome to, start your Executive Email Carpet Bombs here!"
To avoid sabotage by a company submitting mis-leading or false details, entries to the database are added on top of those already within the database. The most recent entries will be displayed first, but ALL entries will be displayed. Entries will only be removed if they are confirmed to be so far outdated that they are little use to anyone. If you are 100% sure that information in the database is incorrect then you can email us using the address on the contact page. This ensures that any falsely submitted details (we can't confirm them all) will not overwrite any other details about the same company.
Enter a company name and get executive email addresses
PHOSPHOR - E Ink Ana-Digi Watch, Digital Hour Watch & Digital Calendar Watch
Welcome to the Watches webpage of PHOSPHOR Watches by Art Technology Limited, creator of the world's first E Ink Ana-Digi Watch.
i'm buying one
where is my milk from?
RT @dogfishbeer:Thanks to @beerwars and @foodinc care about beer & food; now find out where milk in you fridge is from!
You'd be surprised. Did you know different brands of milk often come from the same dairy - and the same cows? Often, the same dairy provides milk for store and brand names, only differentiating them by their label! Most dairy products, especially milk have a state and plant code. Go get the milk out of your fridge and, and find out which dairy it comes from.
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