Pages tagged signup:

Design Decisions: The new Highrise signup chart - (37signals)

A couple weeks ago we launched the new Highrise marketing site. We’re still iterating that design post-launch, and we have a big post brewing about that design process, but today I wanted to share some of the iterations we explored for the new signup chart.
A couple weeks ago we launched the new Highrise marketing site. We’re still iterating that design post-launch, and we have a big post brewing about that design process, but today I wanted to share some of the iterations we explored for the new signup chart.
Walks through a few iterations of the Highrise conversion page, with interesting discussion illustrating some of the design decisions made.
Как и почему сделали новую версию.
12 Excellent Examples of “Lazy Registration”
Lazy registration systems allow site visitors to build a profile and register without filling out a signup form right away (or some at all).
25 Inspiring Examples of Sign-Up Pages | Webdesigner Depot
Great ideas for packages.
Designing for Social Traction (slide deck) - Bokardo
great presentation slides.. very valuable!
Presentation by Joshua Porter. "each part focusing on a specific problem in software. Each problem is a major hurdle in what I call the usage lifecycle, or the stages people go through as they use and adopt software over time."
Social Web Design by Joshua Porter
How to Code a Signup Form with Email Confirmation - Nettuts+
Form di registrazione al sito
Beta Blog: Kill Your Signup Form with Rails
Even though the gradual engagement meme has been around for a while, and everyone just hates signup forms, they just seem to keep popping up like a bad habit.
Tips for eliminating the signup process - other ways to discourage spam bots, and track users without passwords.
Even though the gradual engagement meme has been around for a while, and everyone just hates signup forms, they just seem to keep popping up like a bad habit. My site, was one of the guilty parties. We saw users coming back to the site repeatedly, but not signing up. The percentage that looked at the signup form and then bolted was uncomfortably high. It was time to kill the signup form. This blog post documents how we implemented gradual engagement using Ruby on Rails and restful authentication.
How to Achieve Painless Registration
Ways to increase sales on ecommerce sites and increase sign-ups on service sites,
Read it. Do it. Awesome advice from Tog.
I'm about to give you a number of ways to increase sales on ecommerce sites and increase sign-ups on service sites, but first, raise your hand if you personally, when surfing the web, enjoy registering to use a site.
Log in or sign up? - Leah Culver's Blog
clever signup/login ui
For one of my side projects, Leafy Chat, we have just added the concept of user accounts. This includes the need for registration and log in (as well as log out and forgot password and so on). Leafy Chat only requires an email address and a password for both registration and log in, so it would be great to have some clever way to have both forms on the homepage.
Designing login/signup for a web server
Very smart. Stealing this idea for a current project
Interesting thoughts, but I don't like the end result. People have been trained over the years on how to do login/signup. Putting them both on the same page seems like the right idea, but there's something wrong with this implementation--it looks different from most forms.
"So after probably far too much research, I've come up with the following single register/log in form for Leafy Chat. Log in Sign up The form updates via JavaScript when the user selects a radio button. For the log in form, notice that the submit button says "Log in" and there is a link to retrieve a forgotten password. For the sign up form, the label for the password field prompts the user to "Choose a password" and "Sign up!" while also accepting the terms of service. I like this design because a user can either log in or sign up directly from the homepage and the radio buttons stand out and make the options clear to the user. I love that the page dynamically updates to provide relevant help for the chosen form. Also, the user can easily correct any errors without re-entering their email/password. What do you think?
Interface Design Inspiration | 30 Impressive Ways to Design Sign-Up Page/Form | Dzine Blog
In most online business the revenue of the site solely depends on the registered and active users and Making the visitor of your site to sign up isn’t easy, nobody likes to fill in forms .
Inspirational Design Sign-Up Page/Form
Design Decisions: New signup form - (37signals)
Improving a sign up form; case study with 'before' and 'after' designs by 37signals
Review of the new 37signals signup pages.
Shorter, friendlier, "more" secure, clearer
Sign Up form design - best practices & design review | Unmatched Style
Boas praticas de design
a new post just doesn’t seem so simple a process to me. I ha
LukeW | Gradual Engagement Boosts Twitter Sign-Ups by 29%
agenda2 signup
Rediseño de registro en twitter implicando más al usuario= aumento de nuevos usuarios
Gutes Praxisbeispiel für die Optimierung von Registrierungs-Prozessen. Besonders wichtig: Nutzer müssen so früh wie möglich einen Mehrwert für sich sehen, dann erst Daten eingeben. Twitter hat jetzt zwar mehr Formularschritte und längere Registrierungsdauer aber bessere Conversion
Twitter signup process walkthrough
13 Sexy Sign-up Forms - Web Design Blog –
When it comes to online strategies you should never overlook the design of your sign up page.  Some of the given examples are sites than many of you I'm sure are familiar with, although, I feel there are some growing gems among the group.  Take a look around! Gist
13 Sexy Sign-up Forms - [via:] – Stylesheet (stylesheet)