Pages tagged simple:

Timothy van Sas - Simple slideshow with jQuery

this code is very basic, but the result looks quite good (and styleable), and looks easy to implement without hassle pretty much anywhere.
slideshow with jQuery
You want to show your visitors the most recent work you’ve created? You want to pimp your potfolio with a slideshow which has only a few lines of code? You came to the right place… not convinced yet?
mayumi torio
Keep It Simple, Stupid
K-I-S-S: Keep It Simple, Stupid. It’s a mantra that always pops into my head when I’m looking at new startups. A lot of them seem to want to do a million different things because other companies have been successful at one of those things in the past. But that’s a bad idea. Way too many new products and services are too complicated. And I would suggest, often fail as a direct result of that.
A great article on simple design and how it
is that it was so much neater, cleaner — yes, simpler. But with an explosion in growth, came an explosion in features. And, in turn, an explosion in complexity.
K-I-S-S: Keep It Simple, Stupid. It’s a mantra that always pops into my head when I’m looking at new startups
I liked this article -- particularly the part about Google Labs (so true about how to add new features)
great minimal website inspiration gallery
siiimple is a minimalist design gallery - for simple lover’s of design
siiimple is a minimalist design gallery - for simple lover’s of design. some guy named einstein said once: “everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler.” not sure exactly what that means, but it seems like it makes sense…
web design
The Simple Dollar » Some Thoughts on the Tightwad Gazette’s “Flexible Casserole Recipe”
Mystery Casserole proportions
framework for a simple, quick casserole
Batteries Feel Included: 309
Easy Solutions #1 So, you're in love with one of your friends, but she has a boyfriend and probably wouldn't have sex with you anyway. What you will need: 1 x knife, 1 x ring, access to a sunbed, the ability to grow a beard.
So, you're in love with one of your friends, but she has a boyfriend and probably wouldn't have sex with you anyway.
Step Nine: Upon hearing the year say the words 'It worked.' Pretend to lose consciousness again for a few seconds, implying that whatever it is that has worked took a great effort.
So, you're in love with one of your friends, but she has a boyfriend and probably wouldn't have sex with you anyway. (
Zimplit - Easiest Content Management System
Zimplit - Easiest Content Management System -
Welcome - Perch - A Really Little Content Management System (CMS)
ur own server and there are no ongoing monthly costs.
CMS.txt | What it is
php cms in 6k
CMS.txt is a free, open-source, 6kb content management system which allows you to easily manage web pages.
GetSimple CMS | GetSimple CMS
GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't
GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't.
GetSimple is an open source CMS that utilizes the speed and convenience of XML, a best-in-class UI and the easiest learning curve of any simple Content Manageme
The Simplest Content Management System EVER. GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't REQUIREMENTS * Unix/Linux host with PHP 5.1.3+ * No MySQL Database * 6 minutes to spare FEATURE LIST * XML based data storage * Best-in-Class User Interface * 'Undo' protection & backups * Easy to theme * Great documentation
10 Super-Simple Web Designs | Web Design Blog by Union Room Web Design
nice pictures
curated photography blog
Themed photoblog
Simplicity in Good Web Design : Advantages & How -to « Noupe
Simplicity in Good Web Design
Provided some examples of simple website designs.
Simplicity in website design doesn't necessarily equate with a minimalist design aesthetic. Simple sites just remove all unnecessary elements from the design,
Henrique C. Alves - Keeping simple with Django
Some good tips
After working for more than a year with Django, I collected here some tips about avoiding copy ‘n paste everywhere on your codebase
Stuff you shouldn't be doing when implemeting django applications. Good article
タイポグラフィ 3D
grid, layout, typography
Simple Desktops
Fonds d'écran minimalistes.
Simplest jQuery Slideshow -
Simple, timed slideshow. Easy
Simple version
NERROT - Instant Torrent Downloader
13 Simple CMS Options –
While there are a lot of powerful and feature-rich content management systems available to choose from, designers often have the need to work on small sites for clients that may only have use for a fraction of the features offered by the CMS. In theses cases the ideal solution is to use a simple CMS that may offer limited features, but will be easier for clients to use.
13 cms simple d'utilisations
A Showcase of Clean White Web Designs | Web Design Ledger
Public Choices - most recent | Minimal Sites
a site after my own heart
SimpleFolio: A Free Clean Portfolio WordPress Theme - Smashing Magazine
SimpleFolio: A Free Clean Portfolio WordPress Theme
10 Simple and Light Weight CMS Solutions | Tools
10 Simple and Light Weight CMS Solutions
cms solutions
シンプル、ミニマルなサイトを作りたい時に役立ちそうなアイコンやフォント、ギャラリーなどのまとめ - かちびと.net
Why Twitter is underhyped and is probably worth five to 10 billion dollars - scobleizer's posterous
Chris Brogan's Trust Agents or Shel Israel's Twitterville.
...saying that Twitter is winning. Is winning big. Bigger than any of the tech blogs have admitted to yet. My new price for Twitter? $5 billion.
Trust Agents
Robert Scoble/Scobleizer, Aug. 30, 2009.
this might be the most important blog post on the internet right now. A Super-Simple jQuery Slideshow Plugin
Simple jQuery Slideshow Plugin
Pulse CMS - Home
Pulse CMS is a simple content management system for small websites.
cms free ใสกิ้ง ใช้ง่าย #marui
ฟรี CMS เบาหวิวสำหรับเว็บ Static ใช้ง่าย ทำง่ายมาก ไม่ต้องแตะฐานข้อมูล!
CSS Reset – a simpler option | Max Design
A quick presentation on CSS Reset including a basic explanation, an outline of some of the advantages and disadvantages, as well as a simpler reset option.The
A quick presentation on CSS Reset including a basic explanation, an outline of some of the advantages and disadvantages, as well as a simpler reset option.
a simpler css reset page
5 Incredibly Simple, Yet Useful Web Sites
it really doesn’t get any simpler than this.
5 sites simples e úteis
Kyle Meyer / Portfolio
Interactive designer with a passion for simplicity
Really nice one-page portfolio website.
Cowboy Programming » Programming Poker AI
I recently programmed the AI for the World Series of Poker, developed by Left Field Productions and published by Activision. I started out thinking it would be an easy task. But it proved a lot more complex than I initially thought.
I recently programmed the AI for the World Series of Poker, developed by Left Field Productions and published by Activision. I started out thinking it would be an easy task. But it proved a lot more complex than I initially thought. This article for the budding poker AI programmer provides a foundation for a simple implementation of No-Limit Texas Holdem Poker AI, covering the basics of hand strength evaluation and betting. By following the recipe set out here, you will quickly become able to implement a reasonably strong poker AI, and have a solid foundation on which to build. I assume you are familiar with the basic terminology of poker.
Cowboy Programming » Programming Poker AI
I recently programmed the AI for the World Series of Poker, developed by Left Field Productions and published by Activision. I started out thinking it would be an easy task. But it proved a lot more complex than I initially thought.