Pages tagged sinatra:

Twibot: A microframework for Twitter bots in Ruby / Ruby -

Twibot 0.1.1 hit the RubyForge gem server today. Inside is a microframework for writing Twitter bots in Ruby, using a DSL heavily inspired by Sinatra.
Bigcurl: Running Sinatra apps on Google AppEngine (Java)
Monk is a glue framework for web development in Ruby. It’s truly modular by relying on the best tool for each job. It’s also pretty fast thanks to Rack and Sinatra.
Sinatra is a tiny and flexible tool. It can be used to write super simple web applications like an API or a fully-fledged, highly interactive website. As you develop more applications using Sinatra, you will start to find some patterns: You apply a similar structure to all of your projects (where to put your routes, whether to use classic or modular style, etc.) You also find some other common bits you need to set up a logger, configure reloading on development mode, and more. You need to hook up your persistence layer of choice. Wiring in your desired testing suite. It’s easy to see how time-consuming this can be when you want to start a new project with the minimum amount of work. That’s why we wrote a tool that could enable us to get started on a new project in no time. The result is a command line tool that lets you create a new project out of an existing skeleton. The default skeleton we ship does all the work for you, and you can just dive into your code.
Glue for Rack + Sinatra
A probarlo, via maxwell
21 Rack Middlewares To Turbocharge Your Ruby Webapps
collection of rack middleware
If you've worked with Web apps using Ruby, you might know of Rack, an interface that sits between Ruby applications and HTTP-speaking Web servers. All of the major Ruby frameworks and server setups use it now, including Rails. Middleware (in Rack) is code that manipulates data going back and forth between your Ruby apps and the HTTP server. You can use middleware to intercept requests, change data in mid-flow, etc. Ryan Bates has a great screencast tutorial if you're new to the concept and want to build your own.
Rubyの軽量Webフレームワーク「Sinatra」がステキ - 医者を志す妻を応援する夫の日記
フレームワーク Sinatra の解説
sinatra スライドがわかりやすい
breily's juno at master - GitHub
ligthweight REST framework for python - Juno violates some usual principles of good design (don't use global variables, don't do things implicitly, etc.) for the sake of fast development and less boilerplate code
like Ruby's Sinatra, but for Python
Sinatra for Python
無料かつ(おそらく)最速であなたのWebアプリケーションを世界に公開する方法 - スタジオズブリ
Google App EngineでRubyのSinatraをとりあえず動かすチュートリアル。DBはどうすんのかな。
Sinatra Book
About this Blog | Free PeepCode Blog
individually designed blog post
good ideas and tools for a blog with a style per page.
Express - Node.js Web Development Framework
High performance, high class web development for Node.js
Fast (and small) server-side JavaScript web development framework built on node.js and the V8 JavaScript engine.
The Elegant Ruby Web Framework - Padrino Ruby Web Framework
Padrino Admin is a quick way to manage your backend!
Sinatra style framework with admin panel
A ruby web framework based on Sinatra - seems to have some kind of auto-admin feature.
A Rails 3 competitor
Testing Rails with Rack::Test - Ruby on Rails
Rethinking Rails 3 Controllers and Routes | Free PeepCode Blog
Improving URL routing for web apps.