Stand Up While You Read This! - Opinionator Blog -
Your chair is your enemy. It doesn’t matter if you go running every morning, or you’re a regular at the gym. If you spend most of the rest of the day sitting — in your car, your office chair, on your sofa at home — you are putting yourself at increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, a variety of cancers and an early death. In other words, irrespective of whether you exercise vigorously, sitting for long periods is bad for you.
Conversely, a study of people who sit for many hours found that those who took frequent small breaks — standing up to stretch or walk down the corridor — had smaller waists and better profiles for sugar and fat metabolism than those who did their sitting in long, uninterrupted chunks.
Man, I need to try a standing deskYour Office Chair Is Killing You - BusinessWeek
Well I am screwed...
"Much of the perception about what makes for healthy and comfortable sitting has come from the chair industry." / "Chaise longues are good options."
Meet public enemy No. 1 in today's workplace.