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Wordle Ideas
Top 10 Social Media Presentations | Digital Buzz Blog
There would be 100+ Social Media Presentations on SlideShare but this is just about the Top 10 Presentations you’d actually want to spend the time reading! Some of the social media presentations loose their punch with out the speaker actually talking you through it, but I’m sure you’ll all find every side valuable. Note: Some are a little basic while others are much more advanced so there is something for everyone here!
I’m addicted to slideshare and after reading a bunch of re-tweets about the Top 10 Social Media Presentations I thought it might be useful to post them on Digital Buzz! There would be 100+ Social Media Presentations on SlideShare but this is just about the Top 10 Presentations you’d actually want to spend the time reading!
Case Study: The Barack Obama Strategy
The Barack Obama Strategy
What the F**K is Social Media: One Year Later
Zappos - SXSW - 3-14-09
I'm into Tony now.
Great presentation about brand values, customer service, and motivation. Audio is available too in a link provided in the comments section
A Teacher's Guide To Web 2.0 at School
Several presentations on Slideshare including one by Diig. And Sacha Chua writing on slides w inkscape
Tap Into The World Of Comics
presentation on how to use comics in the classroom
20 uses for comics in the classroom
Twenty ways to use comics in your classroom
Using comics in the classroom.
Top 10 Best Social Media Presentations –
10 Things CEOs Need to Know About Design
RT @draenews: Del 10 Things CEOs Need to Know About Design:
10 Things CEOs Need to Know About Design
1. Design can change businesses 2. Design is more than pretty pictures 3. Talks benefits not features 4. Thinks in flows not screens 5. Doesn’t make the user think 6. Starts with a great story 7. Uses design as a lever 8. Gets out of the office 9. Has a bible 10. Repeats & refines