Snow Leopard Build 10A421 Seeded to Developers: Download The New Desktop Pictures Full Resolution
Snow Leopard Compatibility: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Compatibility List
Snow Leopard Compatibility: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Compatibility List
a list of applications and their compatibilty status with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Below is a list of applications and their compatibilty status with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, the most recent operating system from Apple. Please collaborate by sharing your experiences using each application and by adding applications not already listed. Simply click EDIT at the bottom of the page to contribute.Prep Your Mac for Snow Leopard - Snow leopard - Lifehacker
more than the title impliesHow-To: Upgrade To Snow Leopard — The Right Way | Cult of Mac
Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard is designed to protect your Mac from certain incompatible software that can quit unexpectedly or cause other issues in Mac OS X v10.6. When you install Snow Leopard or migrate to Snow Leopard, known-incompatible software is moved to a folder named Incompatible Software on your hard drive. Snow Leopard also prevents known-incompatible software from opening. If you see an "Incompatible software" message, contact the software's vendor or visit their website for a later, compatible version.
"During installation, Snow Leopard moves known-incompatible software to a folder named Incompatible Software at the root level of the hard drive. If you see this folder on your Mac, use the table below to check with the software vendor to see if any Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard-compatible updates are available."Snow Leopardにアップデートした後に気をつけること 主にMacPortsとrubygemsについて - mizchi log
Here is a quick rundown of common tasks you might have to do to migrate properly.Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard: the Ars Technica review - Ars Technica
An extremely in-depth review of what's new in SL.Mac OS X Automation: Services Downloads
Services DownloadsHow to Build a Hackintosh with Snow Leopard, Start to Finish - Feature - Lifehacker
Two years ago, I detailed how to build a Hackintosh for under $800—then covered how to do the same with less hacking. Now that Snow Leopard's out, we're revisiting the Hackintosh, building a Hack Pro from scratch for roughly $900.
Off to the Apple store...Mac OS X Snow Leopard: The Complete Guide - Snow Leopard Guide - Gizmodo
Though you might mistake Snow Leopard for plain old Leopard when you first boot it up, there's a lot of subtle stuff happening on screen and under the hood. Here's our guide to everything new in the latest Mac OS.
Might want to *read* this and not skim it. Lol.Mac OS X Automation: Services
Appleの「サービス」に関する説明。サンプルのサービスもダウンロードできる。Hivelogic - Compiling Ruby, RubyGems, and Rails on Snow Leopard
These are instructions for compiling and installing 64-bit Ruby, Rubygems, and Ruby on Rails on Mac OS X 10.6, Snow Leopard.
sudo gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-dir=/usr/local/mysql
Snow Leopard compatible instructions for compiling rubySnow Leopard desktop pictures | creativebits
links to Windows 7 desktop pics too, which are also really The Ultimate OS X Snow Leopard Stack For Rails Development - x86_64, MacPorts, Ruby 1.8/1.9, SQL Server, SQLite3, MySQL & More
ダイアログボックスで開こうとしているファイルを選んだ状態でスペースキーを押せば、Quick Look機能でその書類の中身が大写しで表示される。Macbook (with Snow Leopard) 買った後にやったことまとめ - IT戦記
超参考になる!Migrating to Snow Leopard for Rails Development – A Definitive Guide « A Fresh Cup
Article about how to migrate to snow leopard.TidBITS Macs & Mac OS X: Revealing Mac OS X's Hidden Single-Application Mode
This is absolutely brilliant. I've just enabled it on my work Mac, which generally has 10+ apps running. (Browser, Mail, IDE, chat client, iCal, spreadsheet, DB client, RSS reader, terminal, iTunes, PDF reader, various others), and suddenly my level of visual clutter is down to near zero.
Having returned from an archeological dig into the dark history of Mac OS X, I've unearthed a feature that could change the way you interact with your applications, enabling you to focus on one or two more easily than in the past. Back in 1999, when Steve Jobs first showed off the new Finder in Mac OS X, it ran in a single-application mode, where switching from one application to another caused the first application to minimize (this was the original demo of the Genie effect1). This was intended to be the default behavior, but it was so widely reviled that Apple quickly changed the default to the familiar multi-application mode that shows multiple applications on the screen at the same time. Mac OS X's multi-application mode differed from how previous versions of the Mac OS worked in that it interleaved all open windows without regard to which application they belonged to, a feature that annoyed a lot of long-time Mac users.Top 15 Terminal Commands for Hidden Settings in Snow Leopard | Terminal, Finder, Dock/Exposé/Dashboard, iTunes + iPod | Mac OS X Tips
defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean yes69 Awesomely Free Snow Leopard Compatible Apps | Mac|Life
Excelente lista con 69 aplicaciones esenciales gratuitas para Snow LeopardApple - Mac OS X Snow Leopard - Enhancements and Refinements
Snow Leopard offers over 75 improvements that will make using your Mac easier, more reliable, and more responsive.
Mac OS X Snow Leopard includes refinements, both big and small, to a wide range of applications, processes, and interface elements.
Mac OS X Snow Leopard includes refinements, both big and small, to a wide range of applications, processes, and interface elements.
Botarlle un ollo ó Wake-on-demandSnow Leopard Ruby Development Environment Checklist / Gotchas | Ric Roberts: Ruby on Rails developer, Manchester, UK
with100 Snow Leopard Tips, Tricks, and Features | Mac|Life
If you're a Web designer, expect your CSS colors & your untagged/unmanaged images to look darker on Snow Leopard than on previous versions of the Mac OS. You'll also see less of a visible color shift when going from Photoshop to Flash or other unmanaged environments (e.g. Internet Explorer).Snow Leopard review
Apple's Leopard gets an upgrade with Snow Leopard. Although this is not an all-changing thing, there are tons of new, little upgrades. These include some app changes, a few new and upgraded features, and even a slight performance boost.
Apple's new Snow Leopard user friendly, easy to upload, and does not require much attention. The new snow leopard is on the prowl with amazing features that make it better than windows 7. Find out in the review why the Snow Leopard is so good.
features of new Snow Leopard for the Mac
This is a review about the new Mac software
Snow Leopard. Even the name seems to underpromise -- it's the first "big cat" OS X codename to reference the previous version of the OS, and the list of big-ticket new features is seemingly pretty short for a version-number jump. Maybe that's why Apple's priced the 10.6 upgrade disc at just $29 -- appearances and expectations matter, and there's simply not enough glitz on this kitty to warrant the usual $129.
Engadget SL reviewBashFlash - A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard
A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard.
A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard. Safari only
That's where BashFlash comes into play. BashFlash lets you stop the Flash plug-in dead in its tracks, letting your new-fangled Mac cool down, use less power, and give you more time to do whatever it is you do. Probably blog or tweet or something.
Kill Safari external Flash process when it uses too much CPU.
BashFlash lets you stop the Flash plug-in dead in its tracks, letting your new-fangled Mac cool down, use less power, and give you more time to do whatever it is you do.
On 64-bit Macs running Snow Leopard, Safari pushes the Flash plug-in off into its own process. BashFlash lives as a tiny menu app, monitoring this process and warns you (by turning red) if Flash is using a relatively significant amount of processor cycles. You can then use its menu to kill the Flash plug-in. That's hot. Any running Flash content is replaced with the broken plugin icon. Want to get Flash working again? Simply reload the page, or go to a new one. The next time Flash is needed, it'll come back to life.