Mundial 2010 en
HOW TO - Watch FIFA World Cup 2010 Online
Leyendo cómo ver el Mundial
Melhores canais da copa mundial
Collection of best websites to watch FIFA World Cup 2010 Online for free. Surely a treat for all FIFA World Cup fans out there.Twitter / World Cup 2010 - What’s happening?
Le système mis en place par Twitter pour la Coupe du Monde est impressionnant #soccer
Watching the World Cup unfold on Twitter at #fb
do you want to know what’s happening in the world cup 2010? Twitter is here again. #twitter #worldcup
RT @twitter_es: Países hispanohablantes en la Copa Mundial: #arg #mex #esp #chi #par #uru #hon Página de Mashable para estar al tanto de los partidos que se juegan, en el mundial Sudáfrica 2010.
Watching the World Cup unfold on Twitter at Pretty slick idea. Nicely done.YouTube - NIKE WRITE THE FUTURE - FULL LENGTH VERSION
The time has come for players to carve their name in history. One touch, tackle or free kick could crush a nation's hopes or cause them to build a statue in your honour. Drogba, Rooney and Ronaldo are ready to Write The Future.Vuvuzela-Filter
wenn ihr das spiel nachher zuhause guckt, vergesst den #vuvuzela-filter nicht: to Watch World Cup Soccer Streaming Live
atdhe.netFootyFire - Watch FIFA World Cup 2010 Live, World Cup 2010 Live Streaming | World Cup 2010 | FIFA World Cup Live | Watch World Cup 2010 Live |
World Cup 2010: Ghana v Australia, June 19 (10:00 AM) Watch It Live Here! World Cup 2010: Cameroon v Denmark, June 19 (2:30 PM) Watch It Live Here! Please Check all Channels to find best for you: We Fix Channels, Check Again! Bookmark and SharePartidos en VIVO GRATIS del Mundial Sudáfrica 2010 | Univision Fútbol
Mira aquí la transmisión por Internet gratis de todos los partidos en VIVO de la Copa Mundial Sudáfrica 2010 de la FIFA por Univision Fútbol.The Evolution of the World Cup Ball - Interactive -
cool infographic on world cup ball
A look at game balls from 1930 to 2010.Opening weekend - 2010 World Cup - The Big Picture -
The Big Picture - News Stories in Photographs from the Boston Globe
Schöne Bilder der laufenden WM
RT @AnswersDotCom: Stunning World Cup Snapshots: More on the World Cup: World Cup – The Ultimate Graphic and Data Resources Guide | Inspired Magazine
2010 World Cup – The Ultimate Graphic and Data Resources Guide | Inspired Magazine
The Ultimate Graphic and Data Resources Guide | Inspired Magazine
월드컵 관련 Infograhics모음
RT @inspiredmag Copa Mundial 2010 - el último gráfico y Guía de Recursos de Datos
2010 World Cup – The Ultimate Graphic and Data Resources Guide Media 誠:岡田武史氏が語る、日本代表監督の仕事とは (1/7)
これを(生物学者の)村上和雄先生なんかは「遺伝子にスイッチが入る」とよく言います。我々は氷河期や飢餓期というものを超えてきた強い遺伝子をご先祖様から受け継いでいるんですよ。ところが、こんな便利で快適で安全な、のほほんとした社会で暮らしていると、その遺伝子にスイッチが入らないんです。強さが出てこないんですよね。ところがどん底に行った時に、ポーンとスイッチが入るんですよ。 僕は1997年のフランスW杯予選の時にスイッチが入りました。当時は今なんかと比べ物にならないくらい、日本中がちょっと気が狂っていたかのようにWorld Cup 2010: Brick-by-brick fussball - England 1-1 USA | Video | Football |
Lego #worldcup fever! This. Is. Awesome.: (h/t @dabeard) [from]
An animated recreation of England's first match against the USA
soccer with Lego. That is so cool.
"An animated recreation of England's first match against the USA. "
Lego animation of the England v USA World Cup game!
RT @macnzMark: Lego recreations of UK vs USA in world cup soccer - tis funny!YouTube - NIKE WRITE THE FUTURE - FULL LENGTH VERSION
Get the song, Hocus Pocus by Focus, at The time has come for players to carve their name in history. One touch, tackle or free kick could crush a nation's hopes or cause them to build a statue in your honour. Drogba, Rooney and Ronaldo are ready to Write The Future.
@KarlNova I was wow-d by the Nike advert ---> [from]
Additional content available after clicking the "like" button on Facebook!/nikefootball?v=app_10442206389 "Footballers can then use this creative to build their own Facebook campaign to get noticed and selected for ""The Chance"" ?an elite Nike Academy football camp in partnership with the Barclays Premier League in England that allows players to get scouted and get noticed at the highest level of the game." See full article here:
Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu zine zuzendari mexikarrak egin duen Nikeren spot-a:YouTube - NIKE WRITE THE FUTURE - FULL LENGTH VERSION
Get the song, Hocus Pocus by Focus, at The time has come for players to carve their name in history. One touch, tackle or free kick could crush a nation's hopes or cause them to build a statue in your honour. Drogba, Rooney and Ronaldo are ready to Write The Future.
@KarlNova I was wow-d by the Nike advert ---> [from]
Additional content available after clicking the "like" button on Facebook!/nikefootball?v=app_10442206389 "Footballers can then use this creative to build their own Facebook campaign to get noticed and selected for ""The Chance"" ?an elite Nike Academy football camp in partnership with the Barclays Premier League in England that allows players to get scouted and get noticed at the highest level of the game." See full article here:
Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu zine zuzendari mexikarrak egin duen Nikeren spot-a:YouTube - NIKE WRITE THE FUTURE - FULL LENGTH VERSION
Get the song, Hocus Pocus by Focus, at The time has come for players to carve their name in history. One touch, tackle or free kick could crush a nation's hopes or cause them to build a statue in your honour. Drogba, Rooney and Ronaldo are ready to Write The Future.
@KarlNova I was wow-d by the Nike advert ---> [from]
Additional content available after clicking the "like" button on Facebook!/nikefootball?v=app_10442206389 "Footballers can then use this creative to build their own Facebook campaign to get noticed and selected for ""The Chance"" ?an elite Nike Academy football camp in partnership with the Barclays Premier League in England that allows players to get scouted and get noticed at the highest level of the game." See full article here:
Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu zine zuzendari mexikarrak egin duen Nikeren spot-a:Top World Cup Players on Facebook, Day by Day - Interactive Graphic -
Top World Cup Players on Facebook, Day by Day Millions of people around the world have been actively supporting – or complaining about – their favorite teams and players. Below, players are sized according to the number of mentions on Facebook during each day of the World Cup.Top World Cup Players on Facebook, Day by Day - Interactive Graphic -
Top World Cup Players on Facebook, Day by Day Millions of people around the world have been actively supporting – or complaining about – their favorite teams and players. Below, players are sized according to the number of mentions on Facebook during each day of the World Cup.adidas Football
real time meta tagging
An interesting interface for tracking and charting soccer matches.n+1: World Cup Preview
"It is tempting to describe the Australian team as a bigger, better version of the New Zealand team. I am going to succumb to that temptation."
Ghana Ghana was the only African team to make it out of the group stage at the last World Cup, and expectations are high this time around. Unfortunately, their best player, Michael Essien, is hurt and will not play, but the team has talent, and they seem to be free of the organizational difficulties that plague other African teams—i.e., they have not fired their coach in favor of a Swede.
"Argentina has world’s best player in Messi & lots of other talent...legendary Maradona, who is bat-shit crazy...recently had stomach stapled because after he quit using coke he got super-fat. When Argentina qualified for World Cup, he held perhaps greatest press conference in history of sport...repeatedly told Argentine press "Que la chupen y sigan chupando" day apologized to all women in world who heard him say these things, especially his mother, but pointedly not to journalists he had repeatedly insulted. He recently had two luxury bidets installed in hotel room" "England has won World Cup before, but when hosting in 1966, & host countries always do well. That said, they weren’t a fascist country. Fascist host countries do really well; witness Italy in 1934 & Argentina in 1978. Apparently creating a hostile & frightening atmosphere for opposing nations, & being able to threaten your players &/or the referees with horrible fates, helps your chances considerably."
Watching the Swiss play is almost as painful and degrading as being an immigrant living in Switzerland. Will they lose in a dull, cowardly manner in the first round, or will they lose in a dull, cowardly manner in the second round? The world awaits the answer.adidas Football
real time meta tagging
An interesting interface for tracking and charting soccer matches.n+1: World Cup Preview
"It is tempting to describe the Australian team as a bigger, better version of the New Zealand team. I am going to succumb to that temptation."
Ghana Ghana was the only African team to make it out of the group stage at the last World Cup, and expectations are high this time around. Unfortunately, their best player, Michael Essien, is hurt and will not play, but the team has talent, and they seem to be free of the organizational difficulties that plague other African teams—i.e., they have not fired their coach in favor of a Swede.
"Argentina has world’s best player in Messi & lots of other talent...legendary Maradona, who is bat-shit crazy...recently had stomach stapled because after he quit using coke he got super-fat. When Argentina qualified for World Cup, he held perhaps greatest press conference in history of sport...repeatedly told Argentine press "Que la chupen y sigan chupando" day apologized to all women in world who heard him say these things, especially his mother, but pointedly not to journalists he had repeatedly insulted. He recently had two luxury bidets installed in hotel room" "England has won World Cup before, but when hosting in 1966, & host countries always do well. That said, they weren’t a fascist country. Fascist host countries do really well; witness Italy in 1934 & Argentina in 1978. Apparently creating a hostile & frightening atmosphere for opposing nations, & being able to threaten your players &/or the referees with horrible fates, helps your chances considerably."
Watching the Swiss play is almost as painful and degrading as being an immigrant living in Switzerland. Will they lose in a dull, cowardly manner in the first round, or will they lose in a dull, cowardly manner in the second round? The world awaits the - The matches of 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa
for once I'm in a country where I don't need to convert times for the world cup :-) #denmark [from]adidas Football
real time meta tagging
An interesting interface for tracking and charting soccer matches.n+1: World Cup Preview
"It is tempting to describe the Australian team as a bigger, better version of the New Zealand team. I am going to succumb to that temptation."
Ghana Ghana was the only African team to make it out of the group stage at the last World Cup, and expectations are high this time around. Unfortunately, their best player, Michael Essien, is hurt and will not play, but the team has talent, and they seem to be free of the organizational difficulties that plague other African teams—i.e., they have not fired their coach in favor of a Swede.
"Argentina has world’s best player in Messi & lots of other talent...legendary Maradona, who is bat-shit crazy...recently had stomach stapled because after he quit using coke he got super-fat. When Argentina qualified for World Cup, he held perhaps greatest press conference in history of sport...repeatedly told Argentine press "Que la chupen y sigan chupando" day apologized to all women in world who heard him say these things, especially his mother, but pointedly not to journalists he had repeatedly insulted. He recently had two luxury bidets installed in hotel room" "England has won World Cup before, but when hosting in 1966, & host countries always do well. That said, they weren’t a fascist country. Fascist host countries do really well; witness Italy in 1934 & Argentina in 1978. Apparently creating a hostile & frightening atmosphere for opposing nations, & being able to threaten your players &/or the referees with horrible fates, helps your chances considerably."
Watching the Swiss play is almost as painful and degrading as being an immigrant living in Switzerland. Will they lose in a dull, cowardly manner in the first round, or will they lose in a dull, cowardly manner in the second round? The world awaits the answer.