Pages tagged social:

How Not to be a Key Online Influencer | David Henderson - author, journalist

by David Henderson - author, journalist - Story of Andrew James and a tweet that was misinterpreted by his client, FedEx
use of social media
A friend initially shared this story with me recently, and I have delayed posting it until confirmation. It’s a story about a PR account executive/vice president named James Andrews from Ketchum in Atlanta who flew to Memphis to visit FedEx, one of the agency’s biggest clients. Andrews’ mission was to — now, this is important — talk with the corporate communications people at FedEx about social media. Upon landing in Memphis, Andrews posted this message on the popular social media, mini-blogging service, Twitter, that’s widely followed by business people worldwide: James Andrews“True confession but I’m in one of those towns where I scratch my head and say, ‘I would die if I had to live here.’”
It’s a story about a PR account executive/vice president named James Andrews from Ketchum in Atlanta who flew to Memphis to visit FedEx, one of the agency’s biggest clients. Andrews’ mission was to — now, this is important — talk with the corporate communications people at FedEx about social media.
unthinking use of twitter comes back to haunt someone
he top executives at the FedEx front office, and the company’s corporate communications staff. At that point, a person in the FedEx corporate communications staff apparently took umbrage to the post by Andrews and responded with this personal message to Mr. “KeyInfluencer:”
The Future Of Social Search (Or Why Google Should Buy Facebook)
Will Google buy....
30+ Apps for Doing Business on Facebook
30 facebook apps for businesses
Here are over 30 Facebook applications to help promote, network, communicate, collaborate and accomplish more with your business.
Tweepler (
Tweepler is a Twitter application that allows you to organize followers
Tweepler is a Twitter application that allows you to organize followers.
Who to follow on Twitter
20+ Great Greasemonkey Scripts for Improving Your Facebook Experience
Here are over 20 great greasemonkey scripts for Facebook that will let you customize your Facebook page, remove ads, automate functions and much more.
Make your Facebook work the way you've always dreamed it would.
HOW TO Sell Social Media to Cynics, Skeptics & Luddites - Tips, Resources & Advice
HOW TO Sell Social Media to Cynics, Skeptics & Luddites - Tips, Resources & Advice » Blog Archive » Social Media “Experts” are the Cancer of Twitter (and Must Be Stopped)
"Like drugs, social media can be a good thing in the right hands. But there are too many people out there who don’t know what they’re doing and just get carried away. Sadly most people just lack the good old fashioned discipline to keep their worse instincts in check." (Via Danny Sanchez)
Os especialistas em mídias sociais são zumbis. E estão estragando o twitter. Porém, eles só falam com eles mesmos. Acho que vou apagar uns feeds, unfollow algumas pessoas, e ganhar tempo este ano.
There is something deely ironic about this, possibly the fact that he is a Dr Who / Battlestar Galactica fan - however, despite me being an "SEO" bloke - I would say he might have a point ?
Nearly a day goes by on Twitter without yet another social media “expert” choosing to stalk me. At first it started innocently — back in the day (about a year ago) various techie friends started to declare themselves social media gurus because they decided to hang out on Twitter and Facebook all day.
Horribly true and I'm one of the people it targets...
Sometimes the social media and SEO zombies can mate to produce a marketing strategy monster:
This is quite funny. But sadly true.
RT @JesseNewhart: Why 'Social Media Experts' are The Cancer of Twitter and Need to Be Stopped:
Worldwide Inauguration via Twitter
amazing viz
"At noon EST, Barack H. Obama became the 44th president of the United States of America. Watch as the (Twitter) world watched. Below are the tweets worldwide that included inauguration with a "positive attitude." " - Flowing Data
SitePoint » 10 Ways to Spy on Your Competitors
Check out our list of 10 ways to watch your competitors below, and share other methods or tools that you use in the comments.
10 Ways to Spy on Your Competitors
Check out our list of 10 ways to watch your competitors below, and share other methods or tools that you use in the comments. - » 10 Ways to Spy on Your Competitors
42 kostenlose eBooks über Social Media Marketing | Webdesign | News | Rock 'n' Roll
I Am Here: One Man's Experiment With the Location-Aware Lifestyle
Simply put, location changes everything. This one input—our coordinates—has the potential to change all the outputs. Where we shop, who we talk to, what we read, what we search for, where we go—they all change once we merge location and the Web.
Interesting Wired article on Geotagging and photographs. Shows the potentially creepy side of stalking throught the net using geotagged flickr photos!
location, location, location location awareness needn't be invasive or creepy. But it can be isolating.
To test whether I was being paranoid, I ran a little experiment. On a sunny Saturday, I spotted a woman in Golden Gate Park taking a photo with a 3G iPhone. Because iPhones embed geodata into photos that users upload to Flickr or Picasa, iPhone shots can be automatically placed on a map. At home I searched the Flickr map, and score—a shot from today. I clicked through to the user's photostream and determined it was the woman I had seen earlier. After adjusting the settings so that only her shots appeared on the map, I saw a cluster of images in one location. Clicking on them revealed photos of an apartment interior—a bedroom, a kitchen, a filthy living room. Now I know where she lives.
new way of search for target chat
Social Media Statistics: Welcome to Social Media Statistics
as it says!
Wiki-esque stats for major socnets, including demographic info
Wiki de estatísticas de mídias sociais
Top 10 Online Tools to Connect With the Obama Administration
Herramientas que pone el estado Americano para contactar con la administración Publica
"So please, take my advice, as I go into other concentrated endeavors. Fuck the Cloud. Fuck it right in the ear. Trust it like you would trust a guy pulling up in a van offering a sweet deal on electronics. Maybe you’ll make out, maybe you won’t. But he ain’t necessarily going to be there tomorrow."
Centralization is not the future.
And even
Trust it like you would trust a guy pulling up in a van offering a sweet deal on electronics.
"By the cloud, of course, I mean this idea that you have a local machine, a box running some OS, and a vital, distinct part of what you do and what you’re about or what you consider important to you is on other machines that you don’t run, don’t control, don’t buy, don’t administrate, and don’t really understand."
Hive Five: Five Best People-Search Engines
Kevin Rose: 10 Ways To Increase Your Twitter Followers
30 Amazingly Creative Social Bookmarks Icon Sets : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
The Unforeseen Consequences of the Social Web - ReadWriteWeb
The social Web has given users great power: the ability to create and share content with people around the world - easily and quickly. The problem of course, ...
what you do on social media leaves traces and cannot be easily removed from the Web. Information can fairly easily be tracked back to you and what you say and do will be public for a long time. Whether you believe in monitoring yourself online or not, don't forget the point of the social Web
Zappos Blogs: CEO and COO Blog: How Twitter Can Make You A Better (and Happier) Person
excellent post on power of twitter and transparency
Noovo - Welcome!
Looking at: "Noovo - Welcome!" ( )
Social Network User Demographics - eMarketer
Social Network User Demographics JANUARY 27, 2009 Adults constitute the bulk of social networkers, but use still skews young. The share of adult Internet users who have a profile on an online social network site has more than quadrupled since 2005, from 8% to 35%, according to a November–December 2008 Pew Internet & American Life Project survey.
The 100 Most Popular Twitter applications | blending the mix
Ok, so the title is a little sensationalist, but I had to get you here somehow so you could see the most bookmarked web-based Twitter applications of the
5 Steps to Going Viral on Twitter — Copyblogger
Good short read; success strategies
Good info from copyblogger
10 Ways Social Media Will Change in 2009 - ReadWriteWeb
Social Media is Evolving Social media is morphing into a holistic experience that speaks to people's social needs in new ways. If you are a CEO of a startup who is focusing on the next generation of social media, here are 10 areas you'll need to take into consideration in the coming year:
"Social media" was the term du jour in 2008. Consumers, companies, and marketers were all talking about it. We have social media gurus, social media startups, social media books, and social media firms.
Twitter To Go: How one local coffee shop used Twitter to double their clientele. What’s YOUR story? | Blog of Mr. Tweet
HOW TO: Survive a Social Media Revolt
Muhammad Saleem discusses the recent Hulu crisis and how to survive a social media revolt.
Easy come, easy go - that is how these 2.0 services should be perceived.
The End of Solitude -
That's Not Cool
Being with someone isn't easy. When there's a problem, how do you handle it? See how your choices play out.
Includes videos, callout cards, talk it out, and need help features. Good use with MYP environments and teacher homerooms/health
short videos on teen topics
Top FriendFeed Tips for Twitter Users
good tips
Friendfeed and twitter tips
How to Friend Mom, Dad, and the Boss on Facebook...Safely - ReadWriteWeb
Oh no! Your mom just joined Facebook and what's even worse, she wants to be your friend. More and more people are finding themselves in this situation today and unsure of what to do. Friending mom and dad, the boss, or other work colleagues opens up the details of your private life for the whole world to see - and you might not be entirely comfortable with that. What's to be done?
Guide til friendlists
Find ‘Em On Twitter: 15 Twitter Directories Compared
Searching for people or applications on Twitter? Good luck with that. Since Twitter offers little in the way of people search features (though they now have a suggestion tool), your search for interesting and dynamic people to follow and applications to use could be a giant time suck. Thankfully there are more than a few third-party resources that you can turn to for finding new people to follow, and new tools to help you do what Twitter won’t let you. We’ll shed a little light on these 15 directories by separating them into four categories: applications, people, politics, and strictly business.
Facebook Page Statistics
Name # of Fans Daily Growth Rate Weekly Growth Rate 1. Barack Obama 4,798,664 1.56% 18.82% 2. Coca-Cola 2,372,474 1.23% 9.18% 3. Homer J Simpson 2,230,644 0.00% 0.00%
Mr Bean marginally less popular than pizza
If you want to track the most popular fan pages on Facebook, AllFacebook pushed out a new Facebook Pages Tracker last night that keeps stats on 611,213 fan pages on the social network. Only about 57,000 of those pages have more than 1,000 fans.
Facebook stats
The Top 10 Social Networks for Generation-Y
Dan Schawbel is the author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success, and owner of the award winning Personal Branding Blog. With thousands
Image Spark
A Social Image Upload website, how new :)
The Top 20 Social Networks of 2008
Now, we’ve finally got the final numbers from 2008, and with them, a look at the rankings and trends within the top 20 social networks, according to Nielsen Online. Here are the highlights: - Facebook nearly caught MySpace in traffic. MySpace had 58.4 million unique visitors in December, Facebook had 55.2 million. - Facebook passed MySpace in time per person: 2 hours, 7 minutes to 1 hour, 40 minutes. - The fastest growing sites were Twitter (664%), Tagged (421%), and Ning (303%) - Of the sites in the top 20, three saw traffic declines in 2008: Meetup (-7%), Flixster (-6%), and MySpace (-3%) - Time spent on social networks decreased for 14 of the 20 sites on the list.
Artists, Bands and Musicians on Twitter - Google Docs
アカウント 有名人 ミュージシャン
Is it real people?!
10 Tools to Make Your Blog Smarter, Faster, Better | Hack Your Life | Fast Company
Blogging tips
Blog smarter, not harder
Turn Bookmarks Into Daily Posts
10 herramientas para blogear mejor
10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know
TwTip - Latest tip tweets around the world
Buscar tips en twitter
I discovered awesome tips on ?
Networking site cashes in on friends - Telegraph
At the conference, Facebook asked a range of questions to its users around the world, before feeding the answers back to delegates within minutes. It selectively-targeted users in Palestine and then Israel with the same question about global peace, before debating the results at a discussion forum. It also asked 120,000 US members whether US President Barack Obama's economic stimulus package would be enough to save the US economy. Almost 60pc said it would not.
Facebook is planning to exploit the vast amount of personal information it holds on its 150m members by creating one of the world's largest market research databases. In an attempt to finally monetise the social networking site... it will soon allow multinational companies to selectively target its members in order to research the appeal of new products. Companies will be able to pose questions to specially selected members based on such intimate details as whether they are single or married and even whether they are gay or straight.
Market research company eMarketer recently cut its estimate of advertising spending on the social networking sites, including Facebook, MySpace and Bebo, this year by £351m to £912m. It said US advertising spending on Facebook will fall by 20pc to £147m
...und bitte warum regt sich darüber keiner auf?
8 Useful Tips To Become Successful With Twitter | How-To | Smashing Magazine
how to become successful with twitter
mas recomendaciones utiles sobre twitter
SocialWhois » Home Page
While the names of some new followers I get on Twitter or Friendfeed immediately ring a bell, with others, I have no idea who the person might be. Typically, I can make a “re-follow decision” within a few seconds by checking out their profile and clicking thru to whatever links they provide, but for those looking for another layer of detail, Socialwhois is a new service you might find somewhat useful. Much like a domain name whois, Socialwhois provides additional data for a username on Friendfeed or Twitter. By default, this appears to be done by trying to cross-reference the two sites – for example, before signing up, Socialwhois seemed to associate my Twitter username with several other accounts that are listed on my FriendFeed profile.
Managing Social Media with a system | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
Social media professional John Jantsch goes through what his daily routine is. It's more intense than you'd think.
At a recent social media workshop a participant asked me to reveal my social media routine - how I track, converse, communicate and otherwise curate all my
More Adults Than Ever on Social Networks - ReadWriteWeb
adults, like teens, are there to socialize with their friends and people they already know. Nearly nine in ten social network users (89%) say they use the networks to stay in touch with friends, and 57% say they use it to make plans with friends. Under half (49%) use the sites to make new friends.
35% of US adults (Pew) now have profiles on social media sites
An article discussing adult usage of social networks.
ReadWriteWeb story on LinkedIn
Social Media Mini Iconpack · Komodo Media
Google Latitude
See your friends' locations and status messages and share yours with them.
* * * * Fred wants to hang out with his friends, and checks to see where they are. My wife is on her way back from work. I'd better start preparing dinner now. Change your status message or photo. Check what your friends are up to from their status. Maintain complete control of your privacy. Learn more about Google Latitude Watch a video See where your friends are in real time! Enjoy Google Latitude on your phone, computer, or both. Start using it on your phone See your friends' locations and status messages and share yours with them.
Facebook Demographic Statistics
Facebook News, Facebook Games and analysis of Facebook.
k and have developed the following tool to make it easier for you to find interesting demographic data and sh
Social Media Metrics Superlist: Measurement, ROI, & Key Statistics Resources
Twitter’s Massive 2008: 752 Percent Growth
There’s little doubt that Twitter was one of the most talked about startups over the past year. But just how much did it grow in 2008? The final numbers are
» The Evolution of Search ChunkIt!: TigerLogic ChunkIt!
Evolution of Search
A look at the History, Vision, Innovators, and Future of Information Accessibility
Clive Thompson on How YouTube Changes the Way We Think
Marshall McLuhan pointed out that whenever we get our hands on a new medium we tend to use it like older ones. Early TV broadcasts consisted of guys sitting around reading radio scripts because nobody had realized yet that TV could tell stories differently. It's the same with much of today's webcam video; most people still try to emulate TV and film. Only weirdos like MadV are really exploring its potential. A bigger leap will occur when we get better tools for archiving and searching video. Then we'll start using it the way we use paper or word processing: to take notes or mull over a problem, like Tom Cruise flipping through scenes at the beginning of Minority Report. We think of video as a way to communicate with others—but it's becoming a way to communicate with ourselves.
Article connecting YouTube with participatory culture.
"So here's my question: What exactly is this? What do you call MadV's project? It isn't quite a documentary; it isn't exactly a conversation or a commentary, either. It's some curious mongrel form. And it would have been inconceivable before the Internet and cheap webcams—prohibitively expensive and difficult to pull off."
Social Music: Top 5 Music Recommendation Services
need to understand this espeically for underlying web2.0 concepts
Facebook: 25 Things I Didn't Want to Know About You - TIME,8599,1877187,00.html
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've finally found something more stupid than Twitter.
Presenting: 10 of the Smartest Big Brands in Social Media
As we battle a global recession, corporations are looking for new ways to sell their products and engage their consumers. Many have turned to the Internet, with Social Media in particular, to market their goods. Let’s take a look at 10 companies that have done a phenomenal job of taking advantage of social media platforms.
Tweets to Go: 35+ More Twitter Resources for Your Phone
Twitter tools for cell phones.
Phone apps
Blackbird - Twitter client for the BlackBerry. Here’s the over-the-air installation file. TinyTwitter - Actually works not just on BlackBerries but also Windows Mobile devices and any Java-enabled mobile device. TwitterBerry - The most popular Twitter client for CrackBerries. I used this one for a while on different BlackBerry models.""
Despite Debate, Brands Find Value on Twitter - ClickZ
Brands on Twitter. @TheHomeDepot mentioned
Twitter, as used by some big brands. Marketing? Relation building? Who cares.
another good roundup of brands on twitter
Stuntdubl Business Search Marketing Consulting » 9 Reasons You Need Social Media Marketing in 2009
You can have the most beautiful website in the world, and without traffic, it might as well be a billboard in the middle of a cornfield in Iowa.
Social marketing is the new search engine optimization. Reciprocal voting is the new reciprocal linking. It offers a fairly low barrier to entry, and the opportunity to drive a TON of traffic in a short period of time. Even more importantly, social media has become a cornerstone of the strategy for launching sites, or improving their link popularity.
MediaShift . Warning: Dependence on Facebook, Twitter Could Be Hazardous to Your Business | PBS
Using caution when depending on Facebook or Twitter for business.
You've probably heard how much the micro-blogging service Twitter can help your business, or that being on social networking site Facebook can boost your company's profile. But what you might not have considered is the potential danger in over-relying on these startups that could go out of business, get bought out, or close your account if you aren't familiar with their Terms of Service.
Don't rely on third-party venture-funded companies to build a business model on. That's just stupid. (But fun!)
A Guide to Recommender Systems - ReadWriteWeb
Various methods for doing user recommendations.
fully understand recommendation engines is there any brand application?
Le RWW inaugure une série de billets sur les systèmes de recommandations, leurs fonctionnements, les différents types de systèmes existants dans différents domaines.
Dating 101: Five Things Super-Happy Couples Do Every Day -- Yahoo! Personals
Success in a relationship involves five daily habits that'll keey you and your mate satisfied. Rekindle love with dating tips from the experts and couples who have salvaged relationships on the rocks.
twtQpon :: create twitter coupons for your business.
Create Twitter Coupons! Enhance your social media marketing by offering discounted coupons to the Twitter-sphere!
Enhance your social media marketing by offering discounted coupons to the Twitter-sphere
create twitter coupons for your business
matrix-social_media_examples.jpg (image)
For Entrepreneurial skills
Google Next Victim Of Creative Destruction? (GOOG)
The web has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to evolve and leave embedded franchises struggling or in the dirt. Prodigy, AOL were early candidates. Today Yahoo and Ebay are struggling, and I think Google is tipping down the same path. This cycle of creative destruction — more recently framed as the innovators dilemma — is both fascinating and hugely dislocating for businesses. To see this immense franchises melt before your very eyes — is hard to say the least.
A madlib exercise
The Ten Commandments of Twitter | James R. Dickey
why twitter
These Twitter commandments will help you live a long, happy and successful Twitter life if you follow them exactly. Just kidding. These are only
TED Interview: Tribes Author Says People, Not Ads, Build Social Networks | Epicenter from
"The third idea, the one that I think is really available to a large number of people now without a lot of resources, is this idea of finding and connecting like-minded people and leading them to a place they want to go"
You can't have insiders unless you have outsiders. All tribes have outsiders. That's what makes them a tribe. If everyone is a member, it's not a tribe anymore.... So I don't think there's any problem at all for Apple with people saying they're elitist.
An interesting article on social networking and viral marketing concepts.
Social Music: Top 5 Sites to Build a Playlist
Reviews of playlist sites
Steven Levy on the Burden of Twitter
I get this: "The more I upload the details of my existence, even in the form of random observations and casual location updates, the more I worry about giving away too much. It's one thing to share intimacies person-to-person. But with a community? Creepy."
Wired magazine article ... another in the line of stories about social media burnout and why/if it is really worthwhile.
twibs : find the businesses on twitter - 3,528 businesses and counting!
Twibs is an index of businesses on twitter. You can search and browse businesses on twitter, both by alphabetical and tags for businesses using twitter. If you are a business on twitter, add your business to twibs today!
Listing of all businesses on Twitter!
Social Web Blog
While it's easy to add social features to your site with Google Friend Connect, you may have been wondering where to put all of the great gadgets. You need your users to sign in, to interact with your site, and to find those like-minded strangers... but pixels are precious, and you're not sure how to make more space alongside the wonderful content that brought people to your site in the first place.
diddit - Welcome - You are what you do!
Browse through more than 300,000 experiences in over 20 interest channels!
diddit is a fun and easy way to discover new stuff to do and meet people like you.
14 Tools of Highly Effective Twitter Users - Kenny Hyder
A collection of the most useful twitter tools for twitter power users!
A collection of the 14 best tools available to help you manage and maximize twitter in alphabetical order!
Mainly ways to get statistics and added value out of Twitter.
Tracking Twitter Links: Twitter Analytics Tools & More | Get Elastic
Everybody enjoys things @
try this?
Good Site.
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Goodrec is the easiest way to make and find recommendations
Goodrec is the easiest way to get recommendations from friends for restaurants, books, movies and more. You can make and find recs from any mobile phone!
140-character reviews including restaurants including iPhone app
good site for ratings and information about anything
Pew Internet: Twitter and status updating
As of December 2008, 11% of online American adults said they used a service like Twitter or another service that allowed them to share updates about themselves or to see the updates of others. The use of Twitter is highly intertwined with the use of other social media; both blogging and social network use increase the likelihood than an individual also uses Twitter. Twitter users and status updaters are also a mobile bunch; as a group they are much more likely to be using wireless technologies -- laptops, handhelds and cell phones -- for internet access, or cell phones for text messaging.
Look who is Twittering now...
In the past three years, developments in social networking and internet applications have begun providing internet users with more opportunities for sharing short updates about themselves, their lives, and their whereabouts online. Users may post messages about their status, their moods, their location and other tidbits on social networks and blogging sites, or on applications for sending out short messages to networks of friends like Twitter, Yammer and others.
Personal Branding 102: How to Communicate & Maintain Your Brand
Business Resource
Personal Branding 102: How to Communicate & Maintain Your Brand Personal Branding PersonalBranding brand brandbrand
Personal Branding 102
Put on your personal PR hat and start to promote your materials. Before you go crazy with self-promotion, realize that the most successful people are able and trained to promote the work of others as well. Here are some proven personal PR tactics:
Twitter Etiquette: Five Dos and Don'ts - - Business Technology Leadership
Twitter beginners need to understand the rules of etiquette for the service. So before you stick a foot measuring 140-characters-or-less in your mouth, check out our advice on how to follow and un-follow, share politely, direct message appropriately, and more.
Google's First Real Threat? Twitter. - beyond 140 for @lewmoorman
Google used to get 100% of my queries. Today, I bet Twitter is getting at least 10% of them. There are some things Twitter is just flat out better at for getting information than Google.
Annotated link
Author noted he does almost all searching in firefox search bar. Recently noticed that am changing the settings there frequently. Google used to get 100% of my queries. Today, bet Twitter is getting at least 10% of them.
Clever. "Twitter is building a human powered search indexing engine. It is an engine that will build better results than any rules based index and has gotten millions of people super motivated to contribute for free every day (even though they don’t know it)."
The article's overall argument is a huge exaggeration, but the notion that searching across Twitter is better than searching across the entire Web for certain types of information has some truth to it. Especially for product reviews, the search space on Twitter is much less clogged with manufacturers and third-party distributors trying to sell shit -- basically, because of the social culture of Twitter, mentions of any product you might search for will be described and discussed from a personal and social point of view. However, this only works insofar as people treat Twitter as a personal messaging and status update service. I'm sure the Internet was great for product reviews too before companies started making their own websites. So if Twitter monetizes by building platforms for corporations, then it will become far less useful for product information. I don't buy the other advantage (evaluating readership through links) at all, because Google does the same thing with PageRank.
Facebook Connect Plugin Directory - Facebook Developers Wiki
RPX supports Facebook Connect, MySpace, OpenID and other logins
Best and Worst Practices Social Media Marketing | Online Marketing Blog
Social media is hot, just take a look at Google Trends and to see the comparison between topics like search marketing being eclipsed by social media in
Good guide to corporate social media marketing Do's and Don'ts
8 Useful Tips To Become Successful With Twitter. What are YOUR tips? | Blog of Mr. Tweet
More of Twitter.
Evolution and Facebook's "25 Random Things About Me" craze. - By Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine
an outline, with graphs, about the 25 random things that spread across facebook
It's all evolution...
25 Things, Analyzed as an Infectious Disease
Facebook's New Terms Of Service: "We Can Do Anything We Want With Your Content. Forever."
Not a big Facebook fan. Glad I haven't used it for content sharing. I've got to believe my photos have a much better home in Flickr.
FB changed it's TOS to include rights to your content even AFTER you've closed your account.
Facebook's New Terms Of Service: "We Can Do Anything We Want With Your Content. Forever."
Mining The Thought Stream
Why Facebook Is for Old Fogies - TIME,9171,1879169,00.html
Twitter Professors: 18 People to Follow for a Real Time Education
he adds in his bio, as if it’s a minor thing” “Oh, and am the Science Advisor to the Project on Emerging Nanotech.” Super smart guy on Twitter alert.
Never before in history has it been easier to glean from the knowledge of others who will give it away to you for free. It’s equivalent to getting higher education. I’m talking about Masters level stuff. And it’s all available right there on Twitter. I call the people I follow who contribute above and beyond the basic answer to “what are you doing?” my professors of Twitter.
Facebook: All Your Stuff Is Ours, Even If You Quit
Change in Facebook's Terms of Service: In short, all of the content you’ve ever uploaded on Facebook can be used, modified or even sublicensed by Facebook in every possible way - even if you quit the service.
why i don't use facebook - Create a free chatroom
TinyChat is about as simple as a build your own web chat page could be. You just click a button to create a room and then enter the room or copy the link to share with others.
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"With TinyChat you can create your own chatroom and invite people through one simple link. Try it."
Top 10 Twitter Tips for Beginners - Solutions by PC Magazine,2817,2341095,00.asp
Ready to jump into Twitter, but don't know how to get started? Follow these 10 tips and you'll fit right in.
Ultimate How-To: Social Media Buttons, Tools and Badges Resource | 10e20 Blog
Ultimate How-To: Social Media Buttons, Tools and Badges Resource
15 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started My First Blog
Business Card Scanning and Contact Manager - CloudContacts
CloudContacts takes your business cards and puts them to work for you. Instead of storing your business cards in a pile on your desk or in one physical location, CloudContacts allows you to access your contacts at any time. You can import your business cards into many email applications and connect on most business social networks. Connect your contacts today with CloudContacts!
Dig through the clutter: 40 must-reads for extraordinary bloggers - Blog tips from Dutch Problogger Ernst-Jan Pfauth
I’ve dug through the clutter and selected 36 posts that can help you become an original and all-round problogger. And because vanity is a blogger’s right, I’ve also included four articles by my own hand. Themes are Development & Design, Workflow, Publishing, Inspiration and Comments. Enjoy!
I’ve dug through the clutter and selected 36 posts that can help you become an original and all-round problogger.
Six ways to make Web 2.0 work
An article about "web 2.0"
Six ways to make Web 2.0 work. A Application Management Feature Article about Six ways Web 2.0 work by The McKinsey Quarterly. Free registration for most Business Technology Application Management articles. Web 2.0 tools opportunities, and how to use web 2.0. Web 2.0 tools present a vast array of opportunities—for companies that know how to use them.
Debunking Six Social Media Myths - BusinessWeek
Using social media to market your business is a good idea. Just don't plan on getting your whiz-kid nephew to do it for free
Business week tells us what to watch not to expect from social media.
For companies, resistance to social media is futile. Millions of people are creating content for the social Web. Your competitors are already there. Your customers have been there for a long time. If your business isn't putting itself out there, it ought to be. But before you take the plunge, bear in mind the many myths that surround social media.
31 Power Tools For Twitter Lovers To Make Lives Easier - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
31 Power Tools For Twitter Lovers To Make Lives Easier
The Top 21 Twitter Applications (According to Compete)
Twitter 21 useful apps
Top 21 Twitter Apps.
List of the twenty most popular Twitter application
Twitter Drives Traffic, Sales: A Case Study - O'Reilly Radar
"So what about the actual business numbers? Namecheap's site traffic increased more than 10 percent in December, driving a 20 percent increase in domain registrations. In addition, Michelle says, "The increase in Twitter followers allowed us to see a 30 percent increase in traffic when we ran a Super Bowl promo on Twitter [in February]."
Twitter Drives Traffic, Sales: A Case Study
Delicious Toolbox: 80+ Updated Tools and Resources
Tools and applications
Here are over 80 tools for everything from your mobile device to your blog, and more, that can help you view your bookmarks in new and unique ways, backup your bookmarks in a secure location, take your bookmarks with you on the go, blog about your most recent saves, and then some. Annotated link
Tynt - Tracer
How Facebook is taking over our lives - Feb. 17, 2009
Presidend Obama used it to get elected. Dell will recruit new hires with it. Microsoft's new operating system borrows from it. No question, Facebook has friends in high places. Can CEO Mark Zuckerberg make those connections pay off?
tweetCC | Publish & license tweets with Creative Commons
tweetCC | Publish & license tweets with Creative Commons
Publish & license tweets with Creative Commons
Publish & license tweets with Creative Commons Send a message to tweetcc via Twitter including the words "@tweetcc: I license my tweets under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication license" (via @jeanlucr)
Why Big Brands Struggle With Social Media
How to Reach Baby Boomers with Social Media - ReadWriteWeb
baby boomers and social media
Baby Boomers and Social Networking stats
apparently Baby Boomers aren't exactly the technology Luddites that people think they are.
We're not as active as the Millennials in creating content, especially blog writing, but neither are we Luddites.
Pluck On Demand | Website Content & Social Media for Any Site
Cool web content. Can generate revenue
Coding Horror: The Bad Apple: Group Poison
What they found, in short, is that the worst team member is the best predictor of how any team performs. It doesn't seem to matter how great the best member is, or what the average member of the group is like. It all comes down to what your worst team member is like. The teams with the worst person performed the poorest.
in some of the groups, the fourth member of their team isn't a student. He's an actor hired to play a bad apple, one of these personality types: The Depressive Pessimist will complain that the task that they're doing isn't enjoyable, and make statements doubting the group's ability to succeed. The Jerk will say that other people's ideas are not adequate, but will offer no alternatives himself. He'll say "you guys need to listen to the expert: me." The Slacker will say "whatever", and "I really don't care." The conventional wisdom in the research on this sort of thing is that none of this should have had much effect on the group at all. Groups are powerful. Group dynamics are powerful. And so groups dominate individuals, not the other way around. There's tons of research, going back decades, demonstrating that people conform to group values and norms. But Will found the opposite. the worst team member is the best predictor of how any team performs.
Groups that have a "bad apple" perform worse. A good leader, who asks questions, solicits opinions and makes sure everyone is heard can make a difference. See also
Could you define yourself with only 5 brands?
Life is tweet: How the Twitter family infiltrated our cultural world | Technology | The Observer
The hottest microblogging service, Twitter, is changing the way TV, literature and media operate.
Movable Type: Motion - Social Networking for Businesses, Publishers and Bloggers
* Create a private, custom action aggregator to track sentiment and glean intelligence from conversations around the web through action streams. * Provide a private microblog community for simple internal employee or team collaboration. * Publish a public microblog to nurture and grow your community while increasing your page views. * Create a public social network to connect to your community across the web instead of competing against other social networks.
Motion, a new free social application for Movable Type, has just launched in beta.
Micro Persuasion: Five Digital Trends to Watch for 2009
"Overload takes its toll. Gorging on media is out. Selective ignorance and friends as filters are in " thats what i need to say to myself more
This has also been cross-posted on the Edelman Digital blog. In my role as Director of Insights for Edelman Digital I am writing monthly white papers for clients on key trends. Sometimes we will release these broadly. For the first...
Micro Persuasion: Five Digital Trends to Watch for 2009
The Tao of Marketing from
18 of the Best Music Tumblelogs
7 Habits of Highly Effective Twitterers: Kris Colvin | Blog of Mr. Tweet
*Note: This is the first part of our series to highlight Twitterers who have achieved significant professional and personal success via Twitter. They share their unique approach towards building great networks here!
The Periodic Table of the Social Media Elements « eyecube
table of social networking
Note to check out all of the links
Social websites harm children's brains: Chilling warning to parents from to
Social networking websites are causing alarming changes in the brains of young users, an eminent scientist has warned.
uh oh
Ultimate How-To: Grow Your Social Media Network
We’ve put together a roundup of tools, resources and great advice to help you grow your network - in two groupings. The first group of links contain tools and advice on finding the people you want to connect with - colleagues and also those people who are the influentials in your areas. The second group serves up expert resources and advice to help you connect, build and nourish your network once you identify the right people.
In social media, who you know — or who knows you — can certainly make all the difference. That’s why figuring out who to connect with and taking the time to build relationships with these people is key to leveraging the power of social media.
Facebook et al risk 'infantilising' the human mind | Media |
Social network sites risk infantilising the mid-21st century mind, leaving it characterised by short attention spans, sensationalism, inability to empathise and a shaky sense of identity, according to a leading neuroscientist. The startling warning from Lady Greenfield, professor of synaptic pharmacology at Lincoln college, Oxford, & director of the Royal Institution, has led members of the government to admit their work on internet regulation has not extended to broader issues, such as the psychological impact on children.
Six ways to make Web 2.0 work - The McKinsey Quarterly - Six ways Web 2.0 work - Business Technology - Application Management
Found on Delicious with Ultimate How-To: Grow your social media network
i like it
make Web 2.0 work
reference about 2.0
Music + Twitter = Love : Dork Muffin
With the popularity of Twitter growing drastically every day, there are more and more sites that are making sharing music on Twitter easier.
As an avid music lover and prolific Twitter user, I love to share music on my timeline. With the popularity of Twitter growing drastically every day, there are more and more sites that are making sharing music on Twitter easier. I’ve compiled a list of some cool sites to check out.
OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | How to Get Retweeted
How to get Retweeted
Forget imitation as the sincerest form of flattery—it’s as twentieth century as ripping off interfaces, songs, photos, and books. Today, the sincerest form of flattery is retweeting—the process of forwarding someone else’s tweet to your followers on Twitter. (I assume that you know about Twitter. If you don’t, take a minute and read this description at
The reason that retweeting is so flattering is that every time people do it, they are putting their reputation on the line. If their followers don’t like the retweet, their reputation is reduced. So whenever someone retweets your tweet, they are expressing confidence that what you’ve tweeted is interesting and good. Thus, the best measure of someone’s quality as a Twitter user is not the number of followers but the amount of retweets.
Top 10 Social Sites for Finding a Job
How to Attract and Influence People on Twitter — The Ultimate Twitter Resource
How to Attract and Influence People on Twitter — The Ultimate Twitter Resource by Derek on February 24, 2009
There are hundreds of excellent Twitter resources all over the internet, but until now, they were hard to find and implement. This Twitter Resource Book introduces you to the best Twitter Tips and Twitter How tos… period. Each chapter contains several links to hand-picked blog posts that help you improve your Twitter skills and attract more Twitter followers today.
serious mega resource of anything & everything you could ever want to know about twitter - seo, business marketing, twitter's influence on blogging, etc
Fliggo - Create Your Own Video Site
Create Your Own Video Site
Fliggo lets you create your own customizable video sharing site in seconds. Build a video blog, the next YouTube or just a private place to share videos. No downloads, no installation, do it all securely within your browser.
YouTubeは便利だけど、もっとプライベートなコミュニティで使いたい、という場合に良さそうなのがFliggoだ。 このサイトでは自分でYouTubeのようなサイトを作れてしまう。 これがあれば「サッカー好きな人のための動画共有サイト」「○○大学同窓会の動画アーカイブ」なんてものがものの数分で作成可能だ。 もちろんブログを立ち上げてYouTubeにアップして貼り付けて、とすれば同じようなサイトが作れるが、Fliggoはもうちょっとコミュニティ寄りの管理が出来て便利だ。 どのユーザーに何を許可するだとか、コメントや関連ビデオの表示はどうするか、だとかの設定ができるのだ。もちろんデザインも好きに変えられる。 まだ始まったばかりではあるが、わりとメジャーなサイトになるのでは、と思ったり。今後に期待したい。
Fliggo lets you create your own customizable video sharing site in seconds. Build a video blog, the next YouTube or just a private place to share videos. No downloads, no installation, do it all securely within your browser. Excelente!!!!
Build a video blog, the next YouTube or just a private place to share videos.
A Completely Unscientific (Yet Accurate) Look at Social Sites
A review of Social Sites
Interested in joining a community based site but not sure which one is right for you? There are many different options out there that will cater to your specific interests and demographic. You can start by asking yourself a few questions. Is your interest in technology more Linux-based, or more camera-phone-to-take-picture-of-self-based? Would you like to make connections for business relationships or communicate to your legions of followers that you will be 'AFK' for the next 45 seconds while using the restroom? Yes, there is a little something for everyone here in cyberspace, and these demographic breakdowns of each social site will help you to choose the right community for you.
Top 50 most popular Twitter celebrities - Times Online
Stephen Fry tops our Twitter league, but which other famous faces are we following?
"You know Twitter has made it into the mainstream when celebrities rush to join the micro-blogging service. But who is the most popular Twitterer of them all? We present our list of 50 Twittering celebrities, ranked in order of who has the most “followers”, or people signed up to read their messages. In essence, the list represents a Twitter Popularity Index."
You know Twitter has made it into the mainstream when celebrities rush to join the micro-blogging service. But who is the most popular Twitterer of them all?
What I've Learned from Hacker News
The key to performance is elegance, not battalions of special cases
Probably the most important thing I've learned about dilution is that it's measured more in behavior than users. It's bad behavior you want to keep out more than bad people. User behavior turns out to be surprisingly malleable. If people are expected to behave well, they tend to; and vice versa.
Paul Graham on communities
addictiveness of games and social applications is still mostly unsolved || <is that w/ chiefdelphi? feels diluted to new members and forbidding?> to keep away bad people But this way gentler and probably more effective than overt barriers || Fluff Principle: on a user-voted news site, the links that are easiest to judge will take over unless you... || <again, transparency> it's important that a site that kills submissions provide a way for users to see what got killed || compare quality comments on community sites, average length good predictor. || <there's hope for me? 'cos I am always afraid my ideas are stupid> Prob stupidity more often ... having few ideas than wrong ones. || <so being able to make people laugh is not always admirable? hrm> put-downs are the easiest form of humor. || So the most important thing a community site can do is attract the kind of people it wants || <ouch> disaster to attract thousands of smart people to a site that caused them to waste lots of time.
Rands In Repose: A Twitter Decision
In starting a significant project, an engineer knows the first three big design decisions you make are vastly more important than the second three. The nature of these decisions varies from project to project. They may be choices about look and feel, rules about architecture, or trade offs regarding feature set. Whatever these decisions are, they set a tone that defines the success of the project. When I look at Twitter, I see three early essential decisions about how Twitter allows you to craft a community. I believe much of Twitter’s continued success is due to definition and execution of these decisions. Interestingly, some obvious candidates for the Top 3, like “Scales like crazy”, “Will generate money”, and “Needs to be searchable” weren’t initially there.
For me, a tweet is still a note I tie to a balloon, which I let go and think, “Who is going to read that one?” Sometimes I look and see where it ended up, sometimes I don’t.
For me, Twitter remains a place for casual information. For me, a tweet is still a note I tie to a balloon, which I let go and think, “Who is going to read that one?” Sometimes I look and see where it ended up, sometimes I don’t.
What makes Twitter great, why, and how.
The size of social networks | Primates on Facebook | The Economist
"What also struck Dr Marlow, however, was that the number of people on an individual’s friend list with whom he (or she) frequently interacts is remarkably small and stable. The more “active” or intimate the interaction, the smaller and more stable the group."
Here's The Economist article on FB. The best quote: ...people who are members of online social networks are not so much “networking” as they are "broadcasting their lives to an outer tier of acquaintances who aren’t necessarily inside the Dunbar circle,” says Lee Rainie, the director of the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
Facebook Developers | Facebook Developers News
Commenting with Facebook Connect
Permet de publier ses commentaires à la fois sur le site et sur son compte facebook
Facebook comments vient d'être lancé, permettant de relier les commentaires que l'on poste sur un site, avec son compte facebook. fort.
"(facebook comment system)"
Facebook’s “In-House Sociologist” Shares Stats on Users’ Social Behavior
How much do we colloborate or manage our weak and strong ties? This report suggests not as much as is often touted.
’s “In-House Sociologist” Shares Stats on Users’ Social Behavior
Facebook’s “In-House Sociologist” Shares Stats on Users’ Social Behavior
Facebook users comment on stuff from only about 5-7% of their Facebook friends. And as has been shown by many other studies, women communicate with more people in all cases than men. “People who are members of online social networks are not so much ‘networking’ as they are ‘broadcasting their lives to an outer tier of acquaintances who aren’t necessarily inside the Dunbar circle,’” Lee Rainie, the director of the Pew Internet & American Life Project, says. - Tac Anderson
"...Facebook users comment on stuff from only about 5-10% of their Facebook friends."
HOW TO: Connect With the FriendFeed Community
why should I care about making new friends, and why FriendFeed? There are more things to do than just find cool websites and pictures; people are forging important friendships and using their relationships to do things like find jobs. FriendFeed is more community-based than almost any other social media website, so if you’re looking for another tool to expand your network in a meaningful way, don’t ignore FriendFeed.
HOW TO: Attract and Engage Social Media Moms
24w7ed0.jpg (JPEG Image, 800x640 pixels)
TweetSum :: Digest your followers
TweetSum does one thing and does it well: we show you at a glance who’s following you, give you the tools you need to decide whether you should follow them back or not, and let you quickly add or dismiss your new followers.
Please note that we've just launched and DBIs may change. The DBI is a learning algorithm and will improve over time.
Get the DBI (Douche Bag Index) for yourself and your friends. lol
TweetSum helps you more efficiently decide whether you should follow someone back once they've followed you on Twitter.
DBI=Duchebag index
Friend Deck: An aggregator for friendfeed.
FriendDeck is a FriendFeed news and social media aggregator. FriendDeck can perform many functions including: * Track the topics you are interested in as they occur; * Aggregate social feeds of people you are interested in; * Participate in conversations on events as they occur.
Friendfeed aggregator app. Web and Desktop via AIR.
10 Traits of Highly Effective Twitter Users
/* */
A site for web developers to show which sites they've created.
See who built sites and claim your own. lets you claim the sites you build!
6 Tips for Using Your Twitter Profile to Get New Followers
Since Twitter’s focus is on saying a lot with very little, it makes sense that the Twitter profile space is very brief and the default settings leave little room to present yourself in detail.
a few tips to customize your profile so that potential followers will be convinced they can’t miss your Tweets
no til
Twitter = YouTube. - John Battelle's Searchblog
That means Google most likely really, really wants to buy Twitter. (So does Facebook, but we'll get to that in a second). The great twist: Evan and Biz, two of the key co founders of Twitter, have already sold a company to Google (Blogger) and most likely are not keen to do it again. Nor do they have to, given their recent funding and the money they made from pre-IPO Google options.
Battele funderar kring kombinationer av sociala media.
Check User Names - Social Networking Username Availability
Find out if your username is still available at dozens of popular Social Networking and Social Bookmarking websites. Promote your brand by selecting the right username.
Twitter: Top 20 tools - Telegraph
Twitter, the microblogging service used by everyone from Barack Obama to Stephen Fry, can be a hugely useful tool for both home and business use. But how do you make the best of it? How do you separate noise from genuinely interesting messages, and how do you know who you should be following? Here, we present our guide to the 20 best Twitter tools and applications to make life easier.
Twitter, the microblogging service used by everyone from Barack Obama to Stephen Fry, can be a hugely useful tool for both home and business use. But how do you make the best of it? How do you separate noise from genuinely interesting messages, and how do you know who you should be following? Here, we present our guide to the 20 best Twitter tools and applications to make life easier.
How do you make the best of Twittert? How do you separate noise from genuinely interesting messages, and how do you know who you should be following? 20 best Twitter tools and applications to make life easier.
Tweet O'Clock - Find out when it's best to tweet someone!
another mashup for Twitter
Find out when it's best to tweet someone Interweb the rainbow. Taste the Rainbow.
See more Popular bookmarks
Taste the Rainbow
Skittles goes full twitter
TwitterBot: twaddington: RT @johnbattelle Skittles has a really interesting homepage. Mashup of user-generated content (such as Twitter): (TwitterFox)
vellly intelllesting
Lancers - 個人の仕事売買マーケットプレイス
6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan
Recently, Britta Meyer of Eurekster, which makes an embeddable custom social search portal called a Swicki, posed a question on LinkedIn about how one
LearningXL | Top 100 Networks for People Who Want to Change the World
Links to some sites that may help us make the world better
100 social network per gente che vuole cambiare il mondo
Presentation: Barack Obama's Internet Strategy - ReadWriteWeb
| My Social Buttons
What Results Can I Expect From My Social Media Campaign?
Social media comes in a variety of flavors, each with a very different end result. Networking campaigns occur on social sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn where users or companies interact with others in the community. Social media news campaigns push content out onto larger social news networking sites like Digg and Reddit. While both of these are types of social media marketing, the results are anything but similar. The main concept behind social media networking is that users can connect and communicate with each other. Usually a successful social media networking campaign isn’t judged by the traffic sent, but by the relationships built.
What Results Can I Expect From My Social Media Campaign?
Social media comes in a variety of flavors, each with a very different end result. Networking campaigns occur on social sites like Twitter, Facebook and
Social Media Networking campaigns article.
5 Twitter Applications and Tools that Made Me a Better Twitter User in 2008
5 Twitter Applications and Tools that Made Me a Better Twitter User in 2008
Wichtige Twitter-Clients für Desktop und iPhone
twitter applications
Welcome to Kadoo
Kadoo is a new, better way to share online. Now, you can decide who sees what with greater sharing & privacy. You get 10 free gigabytes of storage to share your photos, videos, files and more with only your friends.
# Digital content storage service # Free registration with 10 GB storage space. # Personalized dashboard with RSS and email system. # Share photos and videos publicly and privately. # Easily send large files. # Free faxing option.
AUPEO! - We love music
AUPEO! IS NOT YET AVAILABLE IN YOUR COUNTRY. Please leave your email address and we'll email you as soon as it is.
WeSeed - The stock market for the rest of us
Fake stockmarket to learn how it works
virtual stocks
Xmarks | Bookmark-Powered Web Discovery
Bookmark-Powered Web Discovery
Dreamwidth Studios - In Development!
A journalling website, similar to LiveJournal but with better management and improved tech (they forked the LJ code and added some long-requested features and improvements)
"Our mission in life is to make it easy for you to share the things you make, and easy to find the people who are making the things you want to enjoy." In beta. Might become the next LJ?
in closed beta for now.
Like bandwidth, only sharing creativity. A blog-like setup similar to livejournal. Coming soon.
"an Open Source social networking, content management, and personal publishing platform." And LJ alternative.
Twitter-Yahoo Mashup Yields Better Breaking News Search | Epicenter from
nice screenshot of related tweets
Why Twitter sucks.
TweetNews takes Yahoo’s news results and compares them to emerging topics on Twitter, in effect using what’s most popular on Twitter as an index for determining the importance of news stories. In other words, TweetNews uses Twitter to rank stories that are so new they may not have enough inbound links for algorithm-based ranking systems to prioritize them. The result is a search engine mashup that tracks breaking news stories ranked by Twitter search results, offering faster updates, better relevance and more in-depth coverage than either source by itself.
10 Ways to Beat the “Can’t Get No Satisfaction” Syndrome | Zen Habits zen zenzen selfimprovement lifehacks lifestyle psychology inspiration Tips Life
th the world. 2. Banish ne
The 90-10 Rule for Successful Twitter Networking
This made me wonder if there really could be an overlying theme or practice which could sum up in one sentence the most important thing you need to know to be successful using Twitter to generate buzz.
by Jack Humphrey blogs from The Friday Traffic Report (follow him at @bendtheweb Have you noticed all the electronic and tree-based books that have come out
Learn how twitter functions as a gift economy. If you want to gain more influence - then spend 90% of your time giving back to the community, and 10% of your time taking.
Successful Twitter Networking
Interesting article on how to contribute to Twitter
Obama's Social Media Advantage - ReadWriteWeb
From this entry I get information about how much more Obama used the Social Networking cites online than McCain and how that helped him.
A Quick ‘n Dirty Guide to Setting up Social Media Monitoring | Social Media Explorer
This may be a 101 level post for some, but I think it still bears putting out there. One of the things that I hear most often from people who are contemplating getting into social media is that it seems really overwhelming. With so many different services, blogs, and sites out there, small business owners and other marketers who are usually already stretched thin often figure that monitoring and participating in social media will require a time commitment and technical savvy that they just don’t have. Not true. It’s better to participate at a level you can manage than to ignore social media altogether. So here is a quick and dirty guide to setting up basic social media monitoring, using free tools and only a half hour or less per day.
Social Media Explorer explores social media, public relations and marketing through commentary and analysis.
OBAMA SNA Strategic_1.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Obama experience, paso a paso
New research: B2B buyers have very high social participation
Winning In A World Transformed By Social Technologies
Social media usage for B2B
HOW TO: Organize a Successful Tweetup
about them in the comments.
From selecting a location to mingling with guests, here are a few quick tips for both the organization and managing of Tweetups.
7. Secure a venue with limited or no WiFi. At a minimum the CrackBerry/iPhone users should have good service. People like technology. But they won’t like YOU if they can’t use their tech at your event. (This is of course size/type of Tweetup dependent, if in a large conference room/venue: WiFi and cell phone reception should be working. However, if you are in smaller venue or bar Jeff Cutler of reports: “I have an iPhone, but anyone with mobile Web knows that when 200 people in one spot are on 3G/Edge it disintegrates.” This negates the need for an elaborate setup in smaller venues.
good stuff
Debunking Six Social Media Myths - BusinessWeek
great checklist of what is and isn't possible in social media
Using social media to market your business is a good idea. Just don't plan on getting your whiz-kid nephew to do it for free.
Social Media Marketing, non gratis non facile, non tanti esperti! L'articolo menziona BackType, un servizio molto interessante per tracciare i commenti
Calculating Twitter's ROI for Marketers - Advertising Age - Digital: Columns
What's the bigger idea: social media as marketing stimulus or social media as a way to innovate business processes? It's both.
Social Web Q&A with Google’s Kevin Marks
I call this the “social cloud,” meaning that “social” will be integrated with the web so that you don’t think about it anymore. Charlene Li calls this same idea “social networks become like air.” The web itself is like this — following links seems like second nature to us because we know a URL can take us anywhere. -- (on OpenSocial and other things)
In this Q&A-style post, Kevin delves into the standards that make up the emerging open social stack (OpenID, OAuth, Portable Contacts, and OpenSocial), looking at the infrastructure problems they address, and exploring some of the live implementations, including Plaxo and Google Friend Connect.
ferramenta de grupos para twitter
Createt Twitter Groups
40 Web Developers to Follow on Twitter | Think Vitamin
YouTube - Live's Channel
YouTube Live
DIGITAL CHARITY TOOLBOX: 50+ Ways to Get Your "Give" On
From charitable online games to gifts, and more, here are over 50 digitally-adept ways to give back this holiday season.
Craig Newmark's Keynote Unlocks the Secrets to Building a Community - ReadWriteWeb
Niche Social Networking Sites | Social Media Answers
all social networking sites review...
Royal Pingdom » Dawn of the Twitter Effect
Blog on Twitter shutting down a site.
Yesterday a Twitter post (a tweet) by Mashable’s Pete Cashmore became so popular that traffic from Twitter crashed a blog. This sounds very similar to a common social media phenomenon originally known as the Slashdot effect (and later also the Digg effect), where a post on a popular social media site pushes more traffic than the target site can handle.
Veritocracy - The best perspectives, on the topics that interest you.
Looks an interesting way to read news, but whats with the categories. No 'science' section, but a 'Ron Paul' one?
Personalized News Source
A web 2.0 based social aggregator
iBegin Share - Share + Spread your Content
Make it Easy to Share and Spread your Content
Somewhat limited version of addthisbutton. Only has wordpress plugin.
The ROI of being social at work | The AppGap
Decades of psycho-social research on team work suggests that effective teams have both strong task-based behaviour as well as good social cohesion.
Decades of psycho-social research on team work suggests that effective teams have both strong task-based behaviour as well as good social cohesion. “A high-performance team works together to achieve mutual goals, recognizes that each member is accountable and committed to achieving team goals, communicates effectively with each other, shares the joy of achievement and the pain of not meeting goals, shares information, helps each other, and recognizes that the success of the group is dependent upon each individual”
Social Marketing Bullshit Bingo »
"Are you gagging to monetize the wisdom of the crowd with your sticky strategy? I bet you are, you saucy minx. So next time you’re networking with your social media strategist pals or attending a hot Enterprise 2.0 conference, take along a Social Marketing Bullshit Bingo card. If you get a bingo, you know you’re among thought leaders who really know how to strategize in the attention economy."
How to Delete Accounts from Any Website - Features by PC Magazine,2817,2342599,00.asp
Features by PC Magazine
Oh sweet. Now I can finally get rid of my stupid myspace.
Deleting accounts you've created on Facebook, MySpace, AOL, and elsewhere on the Web isn't always easy. Here are the details on leaving 23 services behind.
100 Twitter Tools to Help You Achieve All Your Goals | Best Online Colleges
Top 10 Social Networks for Entrepreneurs
Here are the top 10 social networks for entrepreneurs. Each helps entrepreneurs succeed by providing them with the guidance and resources to setup their company.
resources for entrepreneurs
"Social Media is Here to Stay... Now What?"
Good piece on network effects and history of social network sites by Danah Boyd.
Social media is not new. Media has been leveraged for sociable purposes since the caveman's walls. Even in the realm of the Internet, some of the first applications were framed around communication and sharing. For decades, we've watched the development of new genres of social media - MUDs/MOOs, instant messaging, chatrooms, bulletin boards, etc.
Feb. 28, 2009 paper on Social Media to Microsoft.
Great overview (sampling plate) about 'social media'
HOW TO: Manage Multiple Social Media Profiles
Having trouble keeping up with all your soical profiles, etc. ?
Start counting the number of social media websites you have a profile with, right now. Out of fingers yet? FacebookFacebook reviews, TwitterTwitter reviews,
Tracking Twitter
tracking the popularity ranking of brands, celebrities, news organizations on Twitter
I want to a Track on Twitter
Good info
A List Apart: Articles: The Elements of Social Architecture
In an information space, a human’s needs are simple and his behavior straightforward. Find. Read. Save. But once you get a bunch of humans together, communicating and collaborating, you can observe both the madness and the wisdom of crowds.
site with thousands or millions of people, how do you make sure you can keep track of the people you care about? Resolution: Create ways for people to identify, connect, and organize the people they care about, as well as the information those people produce. The complexity of relationship classification depends on how your customers will use your website.
Artículo de ALA exponiendo algunos patrones de interacción social de redes
Searching twitter for tweets that have certain links in 'em.
Search for links on Twitter.
Search for real URLs behind the shortened ones on Twitter.
Search for links on twitter through url shortening services like tinyurl
Tired of shallow e-mails from Twitter when someone follows you? Want more information right in your inbox? Check out Twimailer
Twit mailings
If you do not want to get any more e-mail notifications when someone follows you on Twitter
Tired of shallow e-mails from Twitter when someone follows you? Want more information right in your inbox? Check out Twimailer.
Standard [x] is now following you on Twitter emails are replaced with a robust email containing profile information and the last 10 tweets by the user.
WeFollow: A User Powered Twitter Directory
Founded by Kevin Rose
A User Powered Twitter Directory
How To Develop A Facebook Page That Attracts Millions of Fans
Over the past few years Facebook has witnessed a dramatic rise in new user adoption and with that rise has come the opportunity for brands to interact directly with exis ...
There are numerous ways for brands to leverage Facebook but the overall branded experience is becoming increasingly integrated into a single offering as the new Pages product highlights. So what are the primary benefits and changes for the new branded pages?
Finding the Right "Brand Voice" on Twitter
contxts - mobile sms business cards
share business cards via sms
mobile sms business cards
The Ten Most Revealing Psych Experiments
Twitter Background Design How-To and Best Practices | Blog.SpoonGraphics
Nice article but why dont I see @cheth here?!
New Facebook Pages: A Guide for Social Media Marketers
Facebook's new pages have gone live. The following is a guide for social media marketers.
Discusses Implications of changes in new Facebook layout for business profiles.
Look at the bright side of the new facebook changes.
jaikuengine - Google Code
JaikuEngine is a social microblogging platform that runs on AppEngine. JaikuEngine powers
Run Jaiku locally or on GAE
The source for the Django app jaiku, which runs on the google appengine.
JaikuEngine is a social microblogging platform that runs on AppEngine.
How to Twitter -
When I first joined Twitter, I felt like I was in a noisy bar where everyone was shouting and nobody was listening.
The social rules and tips for gaining 'followers'; why opinionated people win
Blellow | Welcome to Blellow
6 Unique Twitter Visualizations
Twitter Visualizations
The ReTweetability Index
Classement des twitters
The ReTweetability Index measures and ranks Twitter users based on the infectious power of their tweets. This number accounts for number of followers and Tweets overall, so it is a true indicator of infectiousness.
ReTweetability busca la vuelta de tuerca a la hora de analizar la popularidad de un usuario, ya que no toma en cuenta sólo los seguidores que uno tenga sino que tiene una métrica mucho más elaborada. La misma consiste en dividir las respuestas de nuestros amigos por día sobre el logaritmo natural de tuiteos por día, y a eso a su vez dividirlo sobre el logarito natural del número de followers. Bien matemática la cosa. Via DotPod.Com El ranking de alguna manera busca la verdadera popularidad, que tiene más que ver con la interacción del usuario con sus contactos que un simple conjunto de tweets egocentristas o destinados a solamente una porción de los mismos. Lo malo es que no todos los usuarios están indexados, así que probablemente tendremos que esperar a que en algún momento sume nuestro twitter a la lista.
RT index! Awesome people on this list
Twitterユーザーの影響力を算出してくれるサイト その人の発言がどれだけ他の人に取り上げられているかをもとに計算されているよう
It’s Time To Start Thinking Of Twitter As A Search Engine
At a dinner tonight with a friend the conversation turned to Twitter. He just didn’t get it, and he’s certainly not the first person to tell me that. Specifically, my friend didn’t understand the massive valuation ($250 million or more) that Twitter won in its recent funding. I told him why I thought it was more than justified: Twitter is, more than anything, a search engine. I told him what I thought of Twitter as a micro-blogging service: it’s a collection of emotional grunts. But it’s wonderful nonetheless. And enough people are hooked on it that Twitter has reached critical mass. If something big is going on in the world, you can get information about it from Twitter.
I don't want to think of it that way, but this is one of the best explanations I've read.
5 People Who Broke the Rules of Social Media and Succeeded
When I was working as a stand-up comic, I was always warned about the rules of performing. In general, the advice was good (e.g. “Don’t be dirty.” “Talk about yourself.” “Play to the crowd.”), adhering to it made one look and sound like everybody else. It didn’t take long to quickly learn that for every guideline and rule of successful stand-up comedy, somebody has broken that rule and made a fortune off of it (e.g. Sam Kinison, Andy Kaufman). When I left stand-up, I learned that stand-up’s “rule breaking” successes transcended everything, even social media. And like in stand-up, I watched the masses collectively form “the rules,” which manifested itself as an endless stream of top tips, best practices, and expert advice. It all became mind numbing.
Why We All Benefit From Big Brands Being in Social Media
1. Social media drives complete transparency 2. Social media drives quality product 3. Social media can be a great customer service channel 4. Social Media creates products that we want 5. You control the relationship 7. Big brands have interesting stories to tell 8. Users drive the content and conversation
See My Starbucks Idea Community Manager respond in the blog comments
i've had this tab open for a week now. i WILL eventually read this.
TWEEEEET Design web page
Site setup to display influential designers' tweets. Neato.
Yes, CEOs Should Facebook And Twitter -
Social networking has clearly reached a tipping point. Sites like MySpace and Facebook boast hundreds of millions of members. Barack Obama's presidential victory demonstrated that platforms like YouTube and Twitter could transform electoral politics. Yet in corporations where such tools have been expected to bring profound transformations, there has been strong resistance to change.
SuperNews! Twouble with Twitters // Current
Current is a global television network that gives you the opportunity to create and influence what airs on TV
Une petite vidéo qui tourne Twitter en dérison :-))
8 Excellent Tools to Extract Insights from Twitter Streams
Twitter is now the third most popular social network, behind Facebook and MySpace (Compete, 2009). A year ago, it has over a million users and 200,000 active monthly users sending over 3 million updates per day (TechCrunch, 2008). Those figures have almost certainly increased since then. With the torrential streams of Twitter updates (or tweets), there’s an emerging demand to sieve signals from noises and harvest useful information. Enter Twitter Analytics, or simply just Analytwits (in the tradition of Twitter slang). These analytics tools are growing in numbers; even Twitter is developing them. Besides Twitter Search, the following 8 Analytwits are some of the more useful web applications to analyze Twitter streams. Each of these tools serve specific purpose. They crawl and sift through Twitter streams; also, aggregate, rank and slice-and-dice data to deliver some insights on Twitter activities and trends. There’s no single best analytic tool available but use in combination, they
I wonder if we missed the boat fighting it out over our similar ideas
social question answering, where you trade answering questions for answers to questions
good idear... then store that time-stamped content and make it searchable by anyone ... hate that term "crowdsourcing," must be a more elegant way to say this
A strange, but fascinating service. Kind of reminds me of the "Usenet Oracle":Wikipedia:The_Internet_Oracle, but over "IM":IM and without all the insane stories.
Top 237 Twitter Users Who Will Follow You Back | Social News Watch
Article du 14 mars 09
Top 100 Edu Tweeters | Online Degree World
SoulPancake | Chew On Life's Big Questions
Social Collider: ready to collide
The Social Collider reveals cross-connections between conversations on Twitter.
Social Collider
A graphing application created by Karsten Schmidt and Sasha Pohflepp that charts conversations on Twitter in a manner inspired by particles in an atomic collider.
30+ Twitter Icons für Websites
Ícones e imagens gratuitos do Twitter.
plein d'icones twitter dont une rétro du style que je veux pour mon site
Wer noch keinen Vogel hat, lädt sich halt einen runter. Neben unaufgeregten Standards, die ich weggelassen habe, hat man die Wahl zwischen Knöpfen, Icons und
How Two Coke Fans Brought the Brand to Facebook Fame - Advertising Age - Digital
coca cola ♥ ..
Il mistero del successo di una delle innumerevoli pagine spontanee della Coca-Cola
Soda Has Most Popular Page After President, in Collaboration Between Creators and Marketer
Top Twitter Friends
Cool Twitter visualization tool.
RT @TomChapman: Fantastic Twitter social graph tool from @PeteWarden aka Mailana
Cc: me on any email and I'll organize your message and its contents - photos, addresses, documents, links - and create a mailspace where everyone can track replies, view and add content.
Group email tool
sent from Alexis
Cc: me on any email and I'll organize your message and its contents - photos, addresses, documents, links - and create a mailspace where everyone can track replies, view and add content Features Threaded discussion view tracks and sorts every reply Photos are automatically gathered into an album with thumbnail and slideshow views Dates are turned into downloadable calendar events Maps are created for any addresses Linked or attached videos and music are playable right from the mailspace Documents and links are organized and easily viewable, downloadable
A mailspace is a web page created, and constantly updated, along-side your email conversation that makes it easier for everyone to view, follow, and discern all the messages and content in the conversation.
Despite Recession, More Than 50% of Marketers Increase Spending on Social Media - ReadWriteWeb
Important: worldwide scope.
Interesting take on social media marketing spend in downturn
Time Management in the Age of Social Media - BusinessWeek
David Allen talks about ways you can make Facebook and Twitter work for you on the job
Maintained Relationships on Facebook | overstated
info relationship on facebook
Size of friend networks maintained on Facebook
Yet another datapoint proving the Dunbar number?
Annotated link
Ten Facebook Tips For Power Users - PC World,161688/printable.html
How To Effectively Follow 15000+ People On Twitter Using These Tweetdeck Tricks
Twitter information
I often get the question “How do you follow so many people on Twitter”. Using Tweetdeck it’s actually quite easy. I made this video tutorial to show you exactly how I do it. If you have any questions please leave a comment and I’ll be happy to answer them.
Facebook’s Response To Twitter
Response To Twitter
Techcrunch article
Find and Follow Top Business Execs on Twitter
ExecTweets is a resource to help you find and follow the top business executives on Twitter.
The Future of Twitter: Social CRM
Twitter has multiple business models to choose from I get asked over and over: “How do you think Twitter will monetize? What’s their business model?” While it’s clear their already experimenting with ‘house’ ads, ads that promote features of their service, I’m not sure that’s going to be the right direction for them. We already know that click through rates on social networks are low, why? because people are there to communicate with each other –not search for information like Google or on a media site. It’s possible they could turn on ads in the search tool, as people are seeking information. Yet all of these tactics have been done on other social sites, I think that Twitter has a unique opportunity to tap into the lucrative CRM space. Manually tracking a large brand within Twitter isn’t scalable It’s important to first realize that managing a large brand on Twitter isn’t scalable, with hundreds –maybe thousands of tweets about a marketplace a day, individuals will have a very diffic
This is a great article about where Twitter is going. It says they have a lot of thing going for them right now (like customers) but are lacking many things too. If they find the right tools Twitter could be big.
Social Media Marketing Industry Report
Skimmer - We Are Fallon
this looks pretty bad ass
web 2.0 aggregator
A lifestreaming app that let's you see it all in one place.
Skimmer - The coolest and easiest was to view and share online content.
Digg Toolbox: 50 New Tools and Resources
Scobleizer: Technology, innovation, and geek enthusiasm » Blog Archive Why Facebook has never listened and why it definitely won’t start now «
Facebook's redesign, and why customer feedback shouldn't be the only driver of a product's development....
My former boss, Jim Fawcette, used to say that if you asked a group of Porsche owners what they wanted they’d tell you things like “smoother ride, more trunk space, more leg room, etc.” He’d then say “well, they just designed a Volvo.
Marketers Moving to Social Media - eMarketer
A Control Freak's Guide to Social Media Influence
"Losing control is a primary reason stated by brands who are unwilling to open themselves up to the conversation - and a major reason why most continue to use social media as little more than a brochure on the web. And yet the illusion of control is just that – an illusion." (Via @bentforkz)
Fin mikroguide til hvordan man skal agere som brand i sociale medier.
Dan Ariely on our buggy moral code | Video on
Behavioral economist Dan Ariely studies the bugs in our moral code: the hidden reasons we think it's OK to cheat or steal (sometimes). Clever studies help make his point that we're predictably irrational -- and can be influenced in ways we can't grasp.
TED Talks Behavioral economist Dan Ariely studies the bugs in our moral code: the hidden reasons we think it&#39;s OK to cheat or steal (sometimes). Clever studies help make his point that we&#39;re predictably irrational -- and can be influenced in ways we can&#39;t grasp.
Gary Hamel on Managing Generation Y - the Facebook Generation - Gary Hamel’s Management 2.0 - WSJ
Interested ideas on how web2.0 changed how people think.
Make Small Talk - Wired How-To Wiki
27 Twitter Applications Your Small Business Can Use Today | SMALL BUSINESS CEO
Twitter is growing in popularity by leaps and bounds lately. It seams like everyone is talking about Twitter. The neat thing is that everyone seems to use Twitter in their own unique way. Hundreds of Twitter applications can be found on numerous sites that offer cool tools to help you manage the way you use Twitter. If you use Twitter for marketing your small business, I sorted thru tons of apps to bring you the most helpful. Feel free to suggest other Twitter apps, for business owners, below in the comments.
4 Ways Companies Use Twitter for Business - ReadWriteWeb
Gartner released a report today that highlights the different ways that companies are adopting Twitter for business use. Although Twitter was originally intended for communication among individuals, a number of organizations have begun to actively participate on the platform. However, not all companies are using Twitter in the same way. Some are tweeting, some are just listening, and some really savvy companies are doing both.
Geography World
Winner of 47 educational awards, Geography World lists 86 categories of the top geographical sites on the Net!
Winner of 47 educational awards! 12 years online!
Micro Persuasion: Social Networking Demographics: Boomers Jump In, Gen Y Plateaus
According to the study, baby boomers... * Increased reading blogs and listening to podcasts by 67 percent year over year; nearly 80 times faster than Gen Y (1 percent) * Posted a 59 percent increase in using social networking sites—more than 30 times faster than Gen Y (2 percent) * Increased watching/posting videos on the Internet by 35 percent—while Gen Y usage decreased slightly (-2 percent) * Accelerated playing video games on the go via mobile devices by 52 percent— 20 times faster than Gen Y (2 percent) * Increased listening to music on an iPod or other portable music player by 49 percent—more than four times faster than Gen Y (12 percent)
A List Apart: Articles: Coaching a Community
this is a test.
A great article from ALA on how to cultivate an active membership base
A key to running successful "social networking sites" is to remember that they're just communities. All communities, online or off, have one thing in common: members want to belong—to feel like part of something larger than themselves. Communicating effectively, setting clear and specific expectations, mentoring contributors, playing with trends, offering rewards, and praising liberally (but not excessively) can harness your members' innate desires—and nurture great content in the process.
Social Media for Social Causes Study: The Results
Will help in analysing the use of social media in social causes.
Twitter’s Tweet Smell Of Success | Nielsen Wire
about grow twitter
about twitter
Twitter’s Tweet Smell Of Success
Popular Playlists -
Building Complementary Services: A Powerful Long-Term Social Media Marketing Strategy
Twitter SEO - How to Optimize Your Website For Twitter Search
Optimising for Twitter search
consigli seo per twitte
I think this article means "How to optimize your tweets for search results"
i suspect this'll be pretty big
From Angus
Hunch helps you make decisions and gets smarter the more you use it.
Over beslissingen en advies. Van een van de oprichters van Flickr. Nog niet kunnen uittesten, is nog in beta stadium, alleen op uitnodiging. Kan interessant zijn.
Twitter Now Growing at a Staggering 1,382 Percent
The latest numbers from Nielsen Online indicate that Twitter grew 1,382% year-over-year in February, registering a total of just more than 7 million unique visitors in the US for the month. Not only is that huge growth in one year, but in one month as well, as in January, clocked in with 4.5 million unique visitors in the US, meaning the service grew by more than 50 percent month-over-month
Maybe it’s Jimmy Fallon’s integration of it into his new TV show, Shaq’s use of it to interact in real-life with fans, or blog’s ability to write about it non-stop, but one way or another, Twitter’s growth just continues to explode.
Create a new social networking site in few hours using pinax platform (django). — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
An interesting talk on reusable apps and an article on installing Pinax
10 MORE Must Have Twitter Tools
Due to the extreme popularity of TwiTip's 10 Twitter Tools that Help You Work Smarter post, we're proud to present 10 MORE must have Twitter tools to help you
BBC NEWS | Technology | Social networks 'are new e-mail'
Social network usage has overtaken email. More and more people are using social networks to communicate with others rather than email. This trend is evolving and growing.
Accessibility HelpSkip to contentSkip to searchLow graphicsHelpAccess keys help Search term Explore the BBCBBC News Updated every minute of every day One-Minute World News News Front Page Africa Americas Asia-Pacific Europe Middle East South Asia UK Business Health Science & Environment Technology Entertainment Also in the news ----------------- Video and Audio ----------------- Have Your Say In Pictures Country Profiles Special Reports %
over Facebook die email vervangt
"'You used to e-mail content to people and you had to choose who you wanted to e-mail it to and you didn't know if your friends even wanted to see it. Now you can put something out there and let people engage with it.' The simplicity and ubiquity of some of these services is beginning to see activity feeds and status updates replace many of the uses to which e-mail was once put."
Status updates on sites such as Facebook, Yammer, Twitter and Friendfeed are a new form of communication, the South by SouthWest Festival has heard. "We are all in the process of creating e-mail 2.0," David Sacks, founder of business social network Yammer said.
Share My Playlists
nice list of spotify playlists, well set out.
Share your Spotify playlists with the world and discover new music!
Share My Playlists Share your Spotify playlists with the world and discover new music Spotify URL Playlist Title Your Name Description Add Playlist cover art – optimum 150 x 150 Genre * Alternative * Blues * Classical * Comedy * Country * Dance * Disco * Electronica * Folk * Heavy Metal * Hip-Hop/Rap * House * Jazz * Latin * Pop * Punk * R&B * Reggae * Rock * Soul * Soundtrack * Techno * World Submit your Playlist Feature Playlists
How To Monetize a Social Network: MySpace and Facebook Should Follow TenCent «
How To Monetize a Social Network: MySpace and Facebook Should Follow TenCent «
5 Elements of a Successful Facebook Fan Page
For many companies a Facebook (Facebook reviews) fan page is an integral part of their social media campaign. But, what elements help fan pages build up large followings and what can brands do to emulate the success of others? I’ve put together a list of specific elements that I believe have helped create fan pages with large, engaged, followings.
Relationship Symmetry in Social Networks: Why Facebook will go Fully Asymmetric - Bokardo
Why Facebook will go Fully Asymmetric
Tweleted: recover deleted Twitter messages for good or evil
Find the tweets you've lost
Tweleted allows you to recover Twitter messages — tweets — after they've been deleted. « Share your email in a safe way. Get less spam.
Convert your email address into a short, cute and safe link you can share on the web, in Twitter, forums, Craigslist, anywhere
A quick easy way to share your email address online without fear of spambots.
Protect your email address. Share your email in a safe way. Get less spam. Convert your email address into a short, cute and safe link you can share on the web, in Twitter, forums, Craigslist, anywhere (why?) Email: ← pick your URL Optional, either leave blank for a random one, or chose your own memorable URL!
Open Cloud
Outlines some themes of cloud computing, challenges to openness, and some principles for meeting them.
Service for talking to strangers ... bizarro world.
Omegle is a brand-new service for meeting new friends. When you use Omegle, we pick another user at random and let you have a one-on-one chat with each other. Chats are completely anonymous, although there is nothing to stop you from revealing personal details if you would like.
Media Database
Includes country, publication, title, beat.
Media Database powered by TrackVia that features media on Twitter.
MediaOnTwitter database
A US datebase of (US) media types in Twitter
How-To: Search the Social Web - Ultimate Toolkit
socialmedia search tools monitoring socialnetworking ; Social Search Engines That Search Across Multiple Social Media Sites ; Finding Information on Blogs ; Searching on Twitter, Microblogs and Lifestreaming Services ; Message Boards and Forum Search Tools ; Conversations and Comments Search Tools ; Finding Information on Social News, Bookmarking and Other Social Media Sites ; Brand Monitoring Tools and Techniques ; Managing Your Search Information: Advice on Aggregation & Filtering ; Finding People On the Social Web ;
Adobe Flash Platform & Facebook Platform | Adobe Developer Connection
The Adobe Flash Platform and Facebook Platform provide the ideal solution for building rich, social experiences on the web.
Flash & Facebook. They both begin with F.
from the Adobe Developer Connection website
The Adobe Flash Platform and Facebook Platform provide the ideal solution for building rich, social experiences on the web. Flash is available on more than 98% of Internet-connected PCs, so people can immediately access the applications, content, and video that enable social interactions.
Adobe Developer Connection. Flash>Facebook
Tinker (beta)
Event aggregator for Twitter
Tinker is a simple way to discover events people are chattering about on Twitter. Follow an event stream and Tinker will show you relevant real-time conversations from social media sources like Facebook and Twitter. Whether it's the Oscars or a new iPhone release, no event is too big or small to Tinker about.
Tinker is a simple way to discover events people are chattering about on Twitter. Follow an event stream and Tinker will show you relevant real-time conversations from social media sources like Facebook and Twitter. Whether it's the Oscars or a new iPhone release, no event is too big or small to Tinker about. Stay on top of the latest buzz. Check out the latest Events.
Check Username Availability at Multiple Social Networking Sites
Allow you to check the availability of your username across multiple sites
Check Username Availability
On-stop unified page. Great for brand building, where you can glue your twitter, facebook, blogs, and etc..
Cool Hub for keeping all social networking profiles together in one place
You Are Everywhere
Большое количество сайтов, которое просматривает интернет-пользователь, привело к появлению инструментов агрегации и интеграции контента вроде «Френдфида». А количество социальных профайлов, в свою очередь, привело к возникновению их агрегаторов. Новый сервис UnHub его авторы и обозреватели техноблога TechCrunch назвали одним из самых удобных в своем роде по ряду причин. Прежде всего, пользователь получает страницу по удобному короткому адресу видаимя, где могут быть собраны данные всех его профайлов. Это содержимое, размещенное на страницах социальных сетей Faecbook, LinkedIn, фотографии из Flickr или Picasa и видео из YouTube.
Your UnHub URL directs others to your profiles, photostreams, channels, etc. with a persistent bar at the top of the screen.
HOW TO: Build Your Personal Brand on Facebook
1. Know your audience -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Too many people are sharing information to the wrong audiences. Your manager doesn’t want to know if you just went to the bathroom and, although your parents would love to eavesdrop on your relationship with your girlfriend or boyfriend, you might not want to share those details. Since our lives are starting to converge more and more every day, you need to decide what audiences you want to connect with on Facebook. 2. Decide on your branding strategy 3. Set your privacy settings 4. Fill out your profile completely 5. Import contacts and grow your network 6. Update your status 7. Start a group or a page 8. Join or start an event in your area 9. Link out to your Facebook profile 10. Feed your social networks
Yes, We Plan: How Altruism and Advertising Could Change the World | Epicenter from
Small, good intentions can bring about great leaps.
Sort of quest/points/prestige based site for encouraging and coordinating social activism. Seems to have no ethos except facilitating action (and making a profit).
questions hunch
What is Hunch? Hunch is a decision-making tool that's customized for you. After asking you 10 questions or less, Hunch will provide a concrete result for decisions of every kind. Because Hunch is powered by user input, it gets smarter each time someone contributes to it.
Social Networking with BuddyPress - Nettuts+
BuddyPress adds Facebook social networking features to WordPress blogs.
Thanks for the Add. Now Help Me with My Homework - News Features & Releases
A Study showing potential learning benefits of social networking site like myspace and facebook
Article from Harvard about positives to teens using social networking today.
A new study by Harvard alum Christine Greenhow finds social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook have more educational potential than you might think.
I just co-wrote a proposal to the National Science Foundation about the use of new technologies in the classroom. We're only on the cusp of this, and we need to harness the energy and interest that kids currently have for these things.
Harvard Graduate School of Education article on social networking as an educational tool
5 Examples of Social Media Blunders and What to Learn From Them
Social Media ROI - Zygote @ Egg Co.
How can we measure success and returns from social media campaigns?
teen sex analogy
Solid presentation on how to approach social media marketing from a quantitative perspective. Most interesting are the examples of different types of social media campaigns to drive different business goals. There is no one-size-fits all social media marketing campaign.
15 Fascinating Ways to Track Twitter Trends
Top 100 Tools for the Twittering Teacher | Best Colleges Online
teachers have also found success on Twitter, using the tool to connect with students, share information with parents, and find useful resources. Here, we’ll take a look at 100 tools that can help twittering teachers make the most out of this helpful microblogging tool.
100 Best Blogs for Those Who Want to Change the World | Best Universities
10 Annoying Habits of a Geeky Spouse | Geekdad from
Everyone has annoying habits, and a sizable part of every successful marriage is learning to live with those things each other does that annoy you. I think it's safe to
Using "frak," or Klingon, or both, instead of regular swear words
TopFollowFriday - Who are the Top People being Recommended on twitter?
See who endorses you, and who endorses who!
7 Top Twitter Topic Trackers - ReadWriteWeb
to follow street art trends - or find people - etc -
services that look for a specific keyword, topic, or hashtag (all falling under the fuzzy category of meme or viral idea) and cluster related tweets together.
Whimsley: Online Monoculture and the End of the Niche
"While each customer on average experiences more unique products in Internet World, the recommender system generates a correlation among the customers. To use a geographical analogy, in Internet World the customers see further, but they are all looking out from the same tall hilltop. In Offline World individual customers are standing on different, lower, hilltops. They may not see as far individually, but more of the ground is visible to someone. In Internet World, a lot of the ground cannot be seen by anyone because they are all standing on the same big hilltop. ... Individual diversity and cultural homogeneity coexisting in what we might call monopoly populism. A "niche", remember, is a protected and hidden recess or cranny, not just another row in a big database." +
"A "niche", remember, is a protected and hidden recess or cranny, not just another row in a big database. Ecological niches need protection from the surrounding harsh environment if they are to thrive. Simply putting lots of music into a single online iTunes store is no recipe for a broad, niche-friendly culture."
<cite>Online merchants such as Amazon, iTunes and Netflix may stock more items than your local book, CD, or video store, but they are no friend to "niche culture". Internet sharing mechanisms such as YouTube and Google PageRank, which distil the clicks of millions of people into recommendations, may also be promoting an online monoculture. Even word of mouth recommendations such as blogging links may exert a homogenizing pressure and lead to an online culture that is less democratic and less equitable, than offline culture.</cite>
is online culture lest diverse
The Anatomy of a Facebook Meme
The Ultimate Small Business Twitter List | Small Business Trends
Explorar en Twitter
So I set out to create a list of the people and organizations to consider following on Twitter if you want to keep your finger on the pulse of small businesses. In other words, who are the people on Twitter who regularly provide information by, about and for small businesses?
Nanocrowd - The movie search engine
Now let us find you a movie!
Chinese Social Networks ‘Virtually’ Out-Earn Facebook And MySpace: A Market Analysis
gregorylent - April 5th, 2009 at 9:12 am PDT
Chinese Social Networks ‘Virtually’ Out-Earn Facebook And MySpace: A Market Analysis
Social networks are taking off in China. The following guest post by George Godula. David Li, and Richard Yu explores how Chinese social networks are pursuing different business models than their American counterparts, relying more on micropayments and the sale of virtual goods.
Editor’s Note: Social networks are taking off in China. The following guest post by George Godula. David Li, and Richard Yu explores how Chinese social networks are pursuing different business models than their American counterparts, relying more on micropayments and the sale of virtual goods. George Godula is the co-founder of Web2Asia, an East Asian incubator and also a consultancy for Western startups trying to enter markets in China, Japan and Korea. David Li is a developer of social networking applications such as Growing Gifts, and he also was the developer of OnChat, an early in-browser graphical avatar chat system. Richard Yu is a Seattle native living in China, where he consults for Shanghai-based web startups while writing his blog.
George Godula. David Li, and Richard Yu
European Social Media: 19 Web Startups to Watch
Mashable is exclusively announcing the 19 finalists in a European startup competition, selected by a panel including Amazon CTO Werner Vogels.
Silicon Valley isn't the only place that's a hotbed for social media and web entrepreneurship: Europe is filled with skilled entrepreneurs and successful
Mashable is exclusively announcing the 19 finalists in a European startup competition, selected by a panel including Amazon CTO Werner Vogels. It’s all part of the 2009 Next Web Conference in Amsterdam this month, which gathers together Europe’s tech community and brings it some well-deserved international attention.
Micro Persuasion: Bring Twitter Right Into Gmail with the Amazing TwitterGadget
I have tried TweetDeck a number of times but I keep uninstalling it because it puts a drain on my system and I find it distracting. Still, I want fast access to my Twitter account and to be able to...
Twitter gets you fired in 140 characters or less - Technotica-
HOW TO: Leverage Social Media for Career Success
B.L. Ochman's blog: Top 10 Reasons Your Company Should Not Tweet
1. every Tweet has to be approved by legal - CLASSIC 9. you plan to track Twitter with Google Analytics - OMFG ;)
Mainstream media is in an orgiastic frenzy of coverage about Twitter. Everyone's Tweeting, from celebrities to CEOs according to CNN, The View, Today, the NY Times, the Wall St Journal and just about everyone else. Each of them covers Twitter like it's an overnight phenomenon that came out of nowhere, although Twitter has been gaining traction for three years and now has 9 14 million members. Should your company be on Twitter? Not necessarily. Top 10 reasons not to join Twitter: 1. every Tweet has to be approved by legal. Twitter is a social network where conversation is fast and interconnected. If you have to wait a day, or even a few hours for your 140 character Tweet to gain legal approval, Twitter will be the wrong platform for you. 2. you plan to use Twitter like a giant RSS feed, broadcasting nothing but headlines, deals. People follow people they find interesting. If all your Tweets are a one-way street: Block! 3. you think using Twitter is a social media strategy
"It's a tactic, a tool, not a strategy. It works if you already have an online following who'll view your Tweets as a way to interact with your company on a human level."
Twitter Traffic Explodes...And Not Being Driven by the Usual Suspects! (comScore Voices)
Reuters reporter Alexei Oreskovic recently authored an interesting blog post about the demographics of Twitter users. What he discovered was that 18-24 year olds, the traditional social media early adopters, are actually 12 percent less likely than average to visit Twitter (Index of 88). It is the 25-54 year old crowd that is actually driving this trend. More specifically, 45-54 year olds are 36 percent more likely than average to visit Twitter, making them the highest indexing age group, followed by 25-34 year olds, who are 30 percent more likely.
Older than thought, but 25-54 is a MASSIVE audience.
With so many businesses using Twitter, along with the first generations of Internet users “growing up” and comfortable with technology, this is a sign that the traditional early adopter model might need to be revisited.
Seesmic Desktop is a desktop app, operated by Adobe Air. Seesmic Desktop allows you to view multiple accounts in one window.
Twitter App
You’re NOT a social media expert, you idiot •
You’re NOT a social media expert, you idiot
Do You Pass the Social Media Recruitment Test?
Do You Pass the Social Media Recruitment Test?
How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day
How to monitor your social media presence on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr and more in 10 minutes a day.
Social Media Presence
Building Sites Around Social Objects (Live from Web 2.0) - ReadWriteWeb
Building Sites Around Social Objects (Live from Web 2.0)
Some basic web marketing rules
Erklärt das Konzept des "Social Objects" sehr anschaulich - einem Design Paradigma für funktionierende soziale Anwendungen
"socialize your product online" — Dealing with impossible crises
In large corporations, almost everything new is impossible. Try to do anything new, and typically you are met with dozens of reasons why it can’t be done. As a consultant (which I was throughout my time in the corporate world), however, you’ve been hired to get something specific done, so you don’t get to echo the “it can’t be done” line back to your client. Your job is, effectively, to do the impossible.
widget for displaying images/photos on a web site with zoom feature
create zoomable images (uses flash)
Aplicativo italiando sobre zomm em imagem
Agencies Need to Think More Facebook, Twitter and Less TV - Advertising Age - Digital
Fred Wilson says Earned media is the future, not paid media. Let's see my PR brethren run with that one, and the ad people get all pouty
At the Ad Age Digital Conference, Union Square Ventures partner Fred Wilson has seen the future of marketing, and it's in earned, not paid media.
Venture Capitalist Fred Wilson Tells Marketers They Should Not Buy Media but 'Earn' It
The best social media marketing. | From The Head Of Zeus Jones
airly lengthy process of weeding through hundreds upon hundreds of examples of social media marketing done by companies to find the best for a client presentation. It was tedious beyond belief because there’s actually quite a lot of crap. I’m guessing there’s probably a similar search or two going on out there at the moment, so I thought I’d share our best of list, You may not agree but at least it might save you some time.
Interesting review of a range of sites which utilise social networking - often for marketing
People Who Sit In The Disability Seats When I’m Standing On My Crutches
Dot Com!
People can be such a-holes. This great site proves it.
Funny. This guy just takes pictures of people on the underground who are sitting in a seat for disabled people and are not clearly disabled.
Smart use of social media to rise awareness on the topic
10 Most Extraordinary Twitter Updates
View my * My Posts * Facebook * Twitter * Friendfeed * LinkedIn * Digg * 10 Most Extraordinary Twitter Updates
Here are 10 of the most extraordinary and creative uses of Twitter updates. From marriage proposals to breaking news, and much more.
Social Media at Work » Social Media Statistics
A collection of social media research facts and stats, organized by date in which they were published. If you have a better idea for how to organize this, let us know.
Twitter Statistics
A collection of social media research facts and stats, organized by date in which they were published.
Daring Fireball: How to Block the DiggBar
How to PLC ladder
"Digg sends a tremendous amount of traffic to sites that make it to the top of their front page, but it’s the worst kind of traffic: mindless, borderline illiterates. Good riddance, really."
news site
wordpress video - wordpress plugin for integrated video on video blogs, and video tools
tweenbots | kacie kinzer
Kacie Kinzer set out to discover how big city folk relate to their surroundings by releasing a number of cute, helpless robots onto the streets of New York with nothing but a sign asking passers-by to assist them in getting to their destination. Over the course of the following months the Tweenbots were successful in rolling from their start point to their far-away destination assisted only by strangers. Every time the robot got caught under a park bench, ground futilely against a curb, or became trapped in a pothole, some passerby would always rescue it and send it toward its goal. Never once was a Tweenbot lost or damaged. Often, people would ignore the instructions to aim the Tweenbot in the “right” direction, if that direction meant sending the robot into a perilous situation. One man turned the robot back in the direction from which it had just come, saying out loud to the Tweenbot, “You can’t go that way, it’s toward the road.”
heel leuk
Cardboard robots prove that crowdsourcing works and that people are nice.
The Reeves and Nass of the mini-robots. This is such a great result.
In New York City, we are very occupied with getting from one place to another. I wondered: could a human-like object traverse sidewalks and streets along with us, and in so doing, create a narrative about our relationship to space and our willingness to interact with what we find in it? More importantly, how could our actions be seen within a larger context of human connection that emerges from the complexity of the city itself? To answer these questions, I built robots. Tweenbots are human-dependent robots that navigate the city with the help of pedestrians they encounter. Rolling at a constant speed, in a straight line, Tweenbots have a destination displayed on a flag, and rely on people they meet to read this flag and to aim them in the right direction to reach their goal. Given their extreme vulnerability, the vastness of city space, the dangers posed by traffic, suspicion of terrorism, and the possibility that no one would be interested in helping a lost
100 Awesome Facebook Apps for Productivity and Learning | Select Courses
100 Awesome Facebook Apps for Productivity and Learning
When to NOT Use Social Media - ReadWriteWeb
Educators would be wise to examine if these are some of the reasons email, admin blogging and other forms of social media (twitter) are failing to work/catch on in the public school systems. Annotated link
7 deadly sins of networking, and how to avoid them - Manage Your Life on Shine - invitations for your events
The ROI for Social Media Is Zero - ClickZ
The ROI for Social Media is Zero
People's conversations are not media; they can't be purchased as such by advertisers. In other words, people don't talk whenever advertisers want them to and they won't say whatever advertisers tell them to -- so it isn't "media" like TV, print, and radio.
Five Phases of Social Media Marketing |
new and hot bookmarks
SEOmoz | 21 Tips to Earn Links and Tweets to Your Blog Post
It's been a long time since I've covered blogging strategies, and my recent panel with one of the world's foremost authorities got me thinking that given our success, both with the SEOmoz blog and with blogs for clients, it's time to share a bit more. Today, I'd like to cover how to make that single post you're composing more likely to earn the attention it deserves. Let's dive into the list:
blogging tips,good one
Från SeoMoz
How to Create a Lifestream of Your Online Activities
Renny Gleeson on antisocial phone tricks | Video on
A Brief History of the Status Message
More social media resources from Mashable:
Mashable article by Jennifer Van Grove.
Status update'ens historie og lidt om hvad fremtiden kan byde på
De-anonymizing Social Networks
De-anonymizing Social Networks
Micro Persuasion: How to Become a Super Tweeter in Just 15 Minutes a Day with iGoogle
How to Become a Super Tweeter in Just 15 Minutes a Day with iGoogle
Facebook Shares Tips and Case Studies for Brand Marketers
With its recent redesign and a slew of new features, Facebook has been moving to make Pages a focal point of the site. Personally, I recently described these changes as “the business model that moves [the company] from a successful social network to a highly profitable business.
With its recent redesign and a slew of new features, Facebook has been moving to make Pages a focal point of the site. Personally, I recently described these
Applications of usability principles on a social network | creative briefing
As a result of this, social networks should - I say should because not every social network does this - put greater emphasis on usability over, say, a corporate website. Don’t get me wrong, usability is important everywhere you go on the web, but the nature of a social network’s operation makes usability especially important. This perspective guided my thinking during the redesign of the Daily Challenge beta 2.0 website. Many forks in the road were put to rest at the hands of basic usability principles that dictated righter from wronger (sometimes there was no strictly right or wrong answer). These are the principles that I want to share with you in the following case study of how usability can be applied to a social network
tehdely: On Amazon Failure, Meta-Trolls, and Bantown
cool story about web community and instant media gone horribly wrong; see also griefers
"It's obvious Amazon has some sort of automatic mechanism that marks a book as "adult" after too many people have complained about it. It's also obvious that there aren't too many people using this feature, as indicated by the easy availability (& search ranking) of pornography & sex toys & other seemingly "objectionable" materials, otherwise almost all of those items would have been flagged by this point. So somebody is going around & very deliberately flagging only LGBT(QQI)/feminist/survivor content on Amazon until it is unranked & becomes much more difficult to find. To the outside world, this looks like deliberate censorship on the part of Amazon, since Amazon operates the web application in question. To me, this looks like one of two things: 1. Some "Family"-type organization astroturfing Amazon in an attempt to rid the world of EVIL PRO-HOMOSEXUAL FILTH!! 2. Bantown ... a tactic for inciting meta-lulz on multiple levels through the alignment of third-parties against each other"
Amazonfail theory about it being a "glitch." I call bullshit, though.
Bantown is a tactic for inciting meta-lulz on multiple levels through the alignment of third-parties against each other. Bantown is like the plot of most James Bond movies, wherein some nefarious evildoer brings the US and the Soviets close to war. Bantown is a trolling technique of the highest order, which usually pits communities against each other, or communities against companies, or organizations against companies, or companies against organizations
Study: CPG ROI May Be Measurable in Facebook, MySpace - Advertising Age - Digital
Great article from Advertising Age re: Social Media/Networking ROI, real $$ and campaign discussed
When Sensors and Social Networks Mix - ReadWriteWeb
Finding Your Social Media Purple Cow
Good Article!
What do you do if it's your job promote toilet paper or minivans on the web? Find a great social media gimmick. Here are ten gimmick-building rules of thumb.
Data Visualizations: 5 Beautiful Social Media Videos
Data visualizations are a wonderful way to display the interactions between large groups of people within a network. Virtual places like Twitter, Facebook, or Flickr can be easier understood when you see a visual representation of their inner workings. We’ve chosen five fresh videos that visualize various social media ecosystems.
Visualizing social media in very interesting ways
11 Useful Twitter Tools That Don’t Require Your Password
We Didn't Start the Flame War - CollegeHumor Video
It's hard not to love the CollegeHumor folks. They can make the same jokes over and over and it's still hilarious.
The Internet video that YOU helped to write.
Social Media and SEO: 5 Essential Steps to Success
Now more than ever, company marketers are charged with improving performance with fewer resources and shifting marketing budgets from traditional to digital tactics like SEO and social media. There are significant benefits from combining search engine optimization and social media marketing tactics ranging from increased social network discovery via search to the ability to attract links for improved SEO.
Conversation Agent: 50 Content Ideas that Create Buzz
Rather than give you a review of the book, which you can find on Amazon, I thought it would be useful to share some ideas and take aways that apply to content creation - the new business of marketing and communications.
Make a startpage with your favorite links and see right when they're updated.
Página de bookmarks útil para usar como startup page
Make a startpage with your favorite links and see right when they're updated
The Best Niche Social Media News Sites Right Now | 10e20 Blog
The following 35 sites are broken down into 8 different categories and each site has an active community and can help you get exposure. These sites aren’t going to send you 50,000 visitors but they will send you targeted traffic & links (if you’re content is good).
Chris Winfield - Niche sites that will send traffic with good content
Last week I gave a presentation at SES NY and included a list of 35 niche social media sites that we participate in regularly. Lots of people have asked me for
Last week I gave a presentation at SES NY and included a list of 35 niche social media sites that we participate in regularly. Lots of people have asked me for this list so I decided to put it here. The following 35 sites are broken down into 8 different categories and each site has an active community and can help you get exposure. These sites aren’t going to send you 50,000 visitors but they will send you targeted traffic & links (if you’re content is good).
The Future of Social Media Monitoring - ReadWriteWeb
The Future of Social Media Monitoring
Marshall Kirkpatrick's analysis of where the future of social media monitoring may lead. 4/15/09
7 marketing mistakes to avoid on Twitter -
10 Must-Try Social Media Sites for College Students
Today’s college students are no strangers to social media and all that it can do for our social interactions. 85% of students at 4-year universities have Facebook profiles. However, while populating most of the major sites, many students have not yet embraced the great amount of other social media tools available to them. There are a number of tools that cater specifically to students and new ones are constantly being developed. Here are ten must-try sites that will help you network, collaborate, communicate, and make your daily college tasks a bit easier. Better yet, they all offer free services.
Guide to social media sites
Here are ten must-try social media sites that will help you network, collaborate, communicate, and make your daily college tasks a bit easier.
A Whole Lotta Nothing: This is how Social Media really works
So maybe instead of getting your company on twitter, paying marketers to mention you are on twitter, and paying people to blog about your company, forget all that and just make awesome stuff that gets people excited about your products, hire people that represent the company well, and when your stuff is so awesome that friends share it with other friends, you may not even need "social media marketing" after all.
forget all that and just make awesome stuff that gets people excited about your products, hire people that represent the company well, and when your stuff is so awesome that friends share it with other friends, you may not even need "social media marketing" after all.”
The Rainbow company makes awesome stuff, has a great website (pretty damn slick all-CSS one at that), and helpful catalog materials (both online and off). They got on my radar when a friend dug up their details for a blog post, in a way no marketing budget could influence.
How to Weather a Twitterstorm - Advertising Age - Digital
Clever words. Web Crisis Management 101
Thanks to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, the voices of all sorts of critics are amplified online. So what's a marketer to do when an online firestorm erupts?
Six tips for future amazons and domino's
New, Free Twitter Follower and Value Building Tool
brad callen twitter follower giveaway service script
yes. Me like new Friendfeed. might entice me back. RT @Zee: New Friendfeed is up! [from]
"Ever wanted to see the entire conversation surrounding a post? Now you can! This simple bookmarklet will load comments from Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, Reddit, HackerNews and any blog mentioning the article and will load it in a handy sidebar."
Ever wanted to see the entire conversation surrounding a post? Now you can! This simple bookmarklet will load comments from Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, Reddit, HackerNews and any blog mentioning the article and will load it in a handy sidebar.
bookmarklet will load comments from Twitter, FriendFeed, Digg, Reddit, HackerNews and any blog mentioning the article and will load it in a handy sidebar.
Free Social Media Monitoring Tools | Take Me To Your Leader: Blog focusing on trend watching in marketing, consumer behaviors, technology, and social media.
Ask Jeremiah: The Comprehensive FAQ Guide to Twitter
Need a Twitter expert in your corner? I’m here to help! New, Advanced? Shy? Submit a Question I’ll take the most rudimentary basic question to the most advanced, don’t be shy. This is a living FAQ, if you have a question for me, Jeremiah, leave a comment and I’ll answer, if you’re really shy, you can email me, but I can’t promise I’ll see it (I get a lot of emails). I’ll be updating this over time, so please bookmark, and share with your network. Was this helpful? spread the word If you liked the post, please tweet it, by copying and pasting this into twitter: Got a question about Twitter? ask @jowyang Alright, let’s get to work, I’m here to help, this faq will grow over time. Ask Jeremiah: Comprehensive FAQ Guide to Twitter What are common terms and phrases I need to know? Do I Tweet or Twitter? Twitter, which evolved from simple status messages to now a global conversation, is referred to in a number of times. Asking folks: “Are you on Twitte
twitter jeremiah
Ask Jeremiah: « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Need a Twitter expert in your corner? I’m here to help! New, Advanced? Shy? Submit a Question I’ll take the most rudimentary basic question to the most advanced, don’t be shy. This is a living FAQ, if you have a question for me, Jeremiah, leave a comment and I’ll answer, if you’re really shy, you can email me, but I can’t promise I’ll see it (I get a lot of emails). I’ll be updating this over time, so please bookmark, and share with your network.
My Name is E
E * Tour * Mobile * Connector * About * Contact * Login * Signup Signup All your online identities, shared in real life. E enables you to collect your accounts - on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and every other network of your choice - in one spot, and share them in real life by using any mobile phone or Connector. You decide which profiles you share: E allows you to make an online ‘business card’ for every occasion. This way, you’ll be able to share business info with business contacts, and private info with private contacts. Learn more... Watch the Video Company * About * Investors * Press * Sales * Twitter Service * API * Get Satisfaction! Legal * Terms of use E for Everybody Copyright © 2007-2009. All rights reserved. E is a joint effort of Postmachina and madewithlove. Login Username Password Remember me * Cancel * Forgot password? * Login
Digital Marketing: Using Social Media to Listen to Consumers - Advertising Age - Digital
"at what point does the echo chamber of social media drown out the real opinions of the people who buy your brand?"
If the social-media sphere attacks your brand, do "real people" hear the screams? Not likely, according to surveys that indicate marketers shouldn't rush to quiet every micro-outrage that sweeps across the web.
Motrin offended twittering moms-so what?
Reading: Using Social Media to Listen to Consumers
Social Studies Essential Terms
Good to remember
HOW TO: Track Social Media Analytics
HOW TO: Track Social Media Analytics
600+ Free Design, Twitter and Social Media Icons: A Collection Motherload | The Design Cubicle
Whether it’s those little Twitter birds, social media or website icons, we all love and need them from time to time. Over the past several months many other blogs have compiled their list of website, social media, Twitter and other icons, so in case you missed them here is the motherload collection!
13 “Twits” Who Will Change Your Perspective on Reality
interesting twitters
OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | | How to Demo Twitter
Guy Kawasaki: One of the great challenges for anyone who loves Twitter is to show other people why they should love it too. Often it’s like explaining something you find funny: “You had to be there.” The contextual, ever-changing, and high-volume nature of Twitter makes explaining it difficult. Here are ten tips to help you demo Twitter to your friends, family, and colleagues.
ten tips to help you demo Twitter to your friends, family, and colleagues.
One of the great challenges for anyone who loves Twitter is to show other people why they should love it too.
One of the great challenges for anyone who loves Twitter is to show other people why they should love it too. Often it’s like explaining something you find funny: “You had to be there.” The contextual, ever-changing, and high-volume nature of Twitter makes explaining it difficult. Here are ten tips to help you demo Twitter to your friends, family, and colleagues.
Identify - Firefox entension | Madgex Lab
Identify - Firefox entension | Madgex Lab -
dentify is a Firefox extension that combines identities across various social network/media sites and provides you with a profile about an individual. Simply navigate to the profile page or a blog of an individual you are interested in and on Windows press Alt i or on the Mac press Ctrl i.
HOW TO: Retweet on Twitter
Twitter RT explanation
The 7 Ways to Approach Twitter
twtrfrnd, discover your common (shared) Twitter friends
allows you to find who common friends/followers you have with other users on twitter
a bit like the facebook function that let's you see friends-in-common.
A new follower? Should you follow back? Find out if you have common followings with them, and which people you follow that follow them...
HOW TO: Use Social Media for Travel Research
Whether you’re traveling to another city,.
CoTweet: The Twitter CRM Tool of Choice for BestBuy, JetBlue, and Ford
Another good article on Mashable for companies trying to figure out how to leverage twitter
Facebook in 2010: no longer a walled garden - O'Reilly Radar
A lot of what I've been working on the past two years has been built on the assumption that the model that social networks use today will fundamentally change. Social networks have largely been built on the premise of being walled gardens in such a way that users can't communicate or share content or friends across networks; put simply this is what keeps a Facebook user from being able to send a message to a MySpace user.
ZORIAH - A PHOTOJOURNALIST AND WAR PHOTOGRAPHER'S BLOG: Guest Photographer/Photojournalist: G.M.B. Akash — Child Labor
check back
Bilješka dajte stavite to ko viejst
Un superbe reportage sur les conditions de travail de près de 6,3 Millions d'enfants de moins de 14 ans au Bangladesh.
5 Ways to Get Your Questions Answered on Twitter
A use for twitter... twttrstrm is brilliant, using Squidoo to create sort of "answer pages"
What's Next - 10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now - TIME,28757,1884779,00.html
The global economy is being remade before our eyes. Here's what's on the horizon...
The global economy is being remade before our eyes. Here's what's on the horizon
Revista Time lista 10 idéias que estão mudando o mundo tipo agora.
Three Secrets to Make a Message Go Viral | Fast Company
How to make a story work for you
Why is the gang-initiation tale so irresistible to pass on? Notice a few things about the idea. It's emotional -- in fact, if you believe it, it's terrifying. The French psychologist Bernard Rimé has found that people almost compulsively share emotional experiences (both positive and negative), and the more intense the emotion, the more likely they are to talk about it. There's another emotional angle: When someone shares this legend with you, they feel like they're doing a public service. They might believe they're saving your life. And that's the second trait of viral ideas. It's often a small favor: "Hey, it's Free Breakfast Day at Denny's!" or "Dude, have you seen the video of that David kid who was drugged up after his dentist visit?" It feels good to save our friends money, or del
9 Twitter Search Apps : Better Than Twitter & Google
Twitter Search was a red hot topic last week, and will probably continue to heat up as Twitter usage grows ...
Twitter Search is kind of a boring example as the best way to tap into the Twitter Search API. Various 3rd party applications do a much better job of using Twitter Search to the best of its abilities and here are some of my favorites.
Better ways to search for real time information
Now You Can Change What Google Says About You - ReadWriteWeb
The program offers people control over their search appearance only in as much as they are willing to give Google more information about themselves. Google's Joe Kraus explained to us that up to four Google Profiles will appear at the bottom of a results page.
Ignore Twitter? Major brands learn they'd better respond -- and quick - Los Angeles Times,0,2701874.story
"Never read a bad book again"
10 Twitter Tips for the Workplace - Business Center - PC World
Business Center - PC World
Pioneers in Workplace Tweets suggest the most effective use of the microblogging technology.
Having trouble convincing your boss that Twitter isn't a waste of time? Then you might find it interesting to learn that social media evangelists across the U.S. federal government are blasting out Tweets several times a day to their constituents. Here are their suggestions for how to integrate new media tools such as Twitter, Facebook and Flickr into a large, old-fashioned bureaucracy:
PR 2.0: Twitter and Social Networks Usher in a New Era of Social CRM
Social Media has slowly evolved not only as a new content publishing, sharing, and discovery medium, but more importantly as a peer-to-peer looking glass into the real world conversations that affect the perception, engagement, and overall direction of the brands we represent. Socialized media didn't invent "conversations," it simply organized and amplified them.
Gitig: Blog site about social networks and such. He did that cool petal graphic of the social media landscape.
The Importance of Focus: A Guide for Social Media Brands
Twanalyst for your Twitter Account
Twitter personality test! LOL
This Twanalyst Page shows information about any Twitter account
In defense of Twitter
An interesting article justifying twittering as an activity
A great post concerning how there is nothing inherent to the banality of Twitter updates; this banality exists in "real" conversations as well. It's a good point and one that I've been trying to make recently with friends who "just don't get Twitter."
Heraclitus would have had a f***ing Twitter feed.
Mike Arauz | Blog: Spectrum of Online Friendship
"Online friendship is better described along a spectrum defined by the actions people take and how we feel about them."
Spectrum of Online Friendship
Get Great Gadgets. And Keep Them. - Last Year's Model
Get Great Gadgets. And Keep Them
Saving the planet through sheer laziness.
sweet design
texts from last night
Twitter Power Search - real time twitter search
interesting article bout twitter
TwitterPowerSearch arranged according to Twitter TwitPic Facebook Digg YouTube google
A Twitter Basics Primer » The Buzz Bin Hunch!
In addition to helping you climb the decision tree, Hunch asks you a bunch of questions about yourself to find out more about what you're like and what you like. Hunch creates a kind of "taste profile" of you and people like you, which combine with topic-specific questions to deliver a hunch just for you. Hunch!
A site that makes decisions for you.
Look. Decision-making is difficult, and decisions have to be made constantly. What should I be for Halloween? Do I need a Porsche? Does my hipster facial hair make me look stupid? Is Phoenix a good place to retire? Whom should I vote for? What toe ring should I buy?
10 Social Bookmarking Websites for Non-Stop Visual Inspiration | Inspired Magazine
Inspired Magazine
Right after the Delicious craze, there was a niche bookmarking system that hit the visual junkies: Ffffound - the heaven of visual goodies! Two years and a
10 เว็บไซต์สังคม เพื่อเอาไว้หาแรงบันดาลใจ
The Future of the Social Web: In Five Eras « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
25 Social Media Marketing Tips from Dell, Comcast, HP, Wells Fargo, Best Buy, General Mills, Ford, UPS, Home Depot, Cirque du Soleil | Online Marketing Blog
there are distinct competitive advantages for both individuals and businesses from a better understanding of the social web. This post provides specific advice from in-house social media marketers
The benefit from a firm grasp of social media for companies is impossible to ignore. Whether you work in marketing, advertising, public relations or interactive, there are distinct competitive advantages for both individuals and businesses from a better understanding of the social web.
Should Your Company Have a Social Media Policy? - Popular Online Videos
Why you have to engage in social media, even if you don't want to - Blog - Small Business Start Up - Ideas - Resources
Startups, small business, marketing, and useful geekery from someone who's been there: Jason Cohen, founder of Smart Bear Software
It's not just a passing thing, it's not just for kids, and it's not OK to sit idly by, even though we don't understand it yet.
Build a Social Network Using Joomla! - Nettuts+
Social network implementation has become a necessity for successful websites. Joomla!, the popular Open-Source CMS, has some great and affordable ways to bring
Apr 20th in Other by Rick Blalock Social network implementation has become a necessity for successful websites. Joomla!, the popular Open-Source CMS, has some great and affordable ways to bring your site to the social networking level. Let's review how.
Joomla! Social Network - build your own. FIVE-STARS!!!
Shows how a social networking application could be built with Joomla using extensions
Joomla Social Network
Facebook Statistics, Demographics, Reports, and News – CheckFacebook
Interesting facts about facebook tracks data reported from Facebook's advertising tool to help marketers and researchers understand how Facebook is spreading across the glob
12 Inspiring Stories of Successful Social Networkers
Growing your social network
What follows are ten successful network growing techniques and the 12 inspiring stories of the people who made them happen.
HOW TO: Plan and Promote Events With Social Media
HOW TO: Plan and Promote Events With Social Media
Twitter Tally - eMarketer
Celebrities, politicians, entrepreneurs, business leaders and everyday users are flocking to the service en masse, generating a frenzy of activity and attention. Everybody is talking about Twitter, but what do the numbers say? eMarketer estimates there were r
Professors experiment with Twitter as teaching tool - JSOnline
Ekachai and Menck see it as their responsibility to teach students about Twitter because social media knowledge is becoming essential to their future fields - communications, advertising, public relations and marketing.
Professors experiment with Twitter as teaching tool
Twitter Quitters Post Roadblock to Long-Term Growth | Nielsen Wire
10 Ways To Be Useful on Twitter
MakingOf - Home - Front Row. Behind the Scenes.
Behind the movies is a behind-the-scenes Web portal that provides an intimate, fresh look into the process of making a movie by the insiders themselves. MakingOf’s mission is to champion the art and craft of entertainment creation.
30 Essential Twitter Tutorials for Newbies and Experts | Post | Outlaw Design Blog
Twitter tips
Twitter Quitters Just Don't Get It - Business Center - PC World
News of Twitter's low user retention rate is hardly shocking, and those of us who've stuck with it aren't likely to miss those who don't.
"But eventually, for most of us anyway, it dawns on us that Twitter is a lot more than a worldwide stream of trivial, self-promotional text bombs. And when that happens, we begin to see the beauty in Twitter's simple, terse messaging system. Used in conjunction with a good client app like TweetDeck, Twitter becomes an active massively multi-user conversation to rival any other social medium. " Depends on the kind of conversation you want, I guess; I'm still mainly in the "don't get it" camp.
The point of Twitter? Or just another twit?
Pretty much on point.
5 Ways to Take Control of Your Personal Brand Today
About your personal brand.
Five easy and initial steps you can take to start building your brand today. These will help you control your online identity, protect your future, centralize your digital assets, safeguard your brand from threats and more.
With a bad economy, more pressure at work and overwhelming competition, investing in yourself and your future is crucial. There are a lot of new trends and tricks that you can take advantage of now. Below are five easy and initial steps you can take to start building your brand today. These will help you control your online identity, protect your future, centralize your digital assets, safeguard your brand from threats and more. Tell us how you’ve taken control of your personal brand in the comments below.
Descry - Lab - MIX Online
mix: ways to utilize visualizations
twiggit | twitter meets digg
An automated service that lets your friends on twitter know what articles you digg.
twiggit is an automated service that lets your friends on twitter know what articles you digg.
Lifehacker - How to Filter and Manage Your Online Social Life - Social Networks
You love your friends and enjoy your acquaintances, but their Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/MySpace activity is killing your productivity.
How to Filter and Manage Your Online Social Life
Positively Paula: 10 Tips for Social Media Marketers
There have been many chapters in the book of my life, some sad but most really happy. I’m now at the end of another chapter and it is bittersweet. I’m leaving H&R Block to become the General Manager of a new online shopping site that will be launching this fall. I’m excited to start this new chapter as it is fulfilling one of my dreams, but, sad to leave behind a great brand and wonderful colleagues.
Firms Seek Profit in Twitter's Chatter -
WSJ: Firms Seek Profit in Twitter's Chatter &lt;paying users for right to sell ads in their tweets,Magpie&Friends,GlamMedia [from]
Companies are trying to profit from Twitter's users by experimenting with business models that incorporate parts of the free messaging service.
Companies are trying to profit from Twitter's popularity by experimenting with business models that incorporate parts of the free messaging service. So far no companies on Twitter have reaped a windfall.
Twitter business models...
Companies are trying to profit from Twitter's popularity by experimenting with business models that incorporate parts of the free messaging service.
The Twitter Approval Matrix -- New York Magazine
RT @AudioJungle: The Twitter Approval Matrix
An infographic showing the best and worst Twitterers
Horifically unfunny, but the fact it includes Kurt Andersen makes it a black hole of irony (via @eliztesch)
"Our deliberately oversimplified guide to whose tweets are worth following."
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to whose tweets are worth following.
How To Monitor Online Conversations
Keeping up with online conversations can be a daunting task. As a freelance consultant, I not only need to keep up with what people are saying about me and my company, but I also need to monitor the latest industry trends to learn new skills and stay relevant. While wearing my blogging hat, I also have to keep up with conversations that would be interesting to web workers for this blog, or relevant for people building online communities for my own blog.
social media measurement, monitoring
Anthropology: The Art of Building a Successful Social Site - ReadWriteWeb
Spolsky on how to make a successful social site
Subscribe to ReadWriteWeb * Subscribe to RWW via RSS * Follow @rww on Twitter * Join the RWW FriendFeed Room *
Showcase | Picli - Photo Sharing
between flickr and digg - and a bit like wiki ( guidelines, license, photo stats info...)
Another one...
Home - BookArmy
Literary social networking
25 Free Social Media Marketing & SEO Ebooks, White Papers + Other Downloads | SEOptimise
seo, social networking, online marketing resources
Great set of resources on social media!
Poken Japan
2009/05/1 ビックカメラ主要22店舗で、5/3からポーケンの店頭販売を開始します!
ヨーロッパ発デジタル名刺ガジェット オンラインに対応したソーシャルコミュニティー
How Big is Facebook?
Facebook give the chance to make someone go-a broad
What started as a place for students to socialize is now a cross-generational, location-agnostic meeting place that at once keeps us in touch with our second grade buddies, distant relatives and closest friends. But just how prominent is Facebook in our culture? We’ve gathered together a number of metrics that illustrate the growth and cultural saturation Facebook currently enjoys.
numbers on how often Facebook is mentioned online and how fast it's membership is growing
camisetas con status
T-shirts with your Twitter favorites status quotes.
Camisetas a la medida, con tus propios tweets
7 Ways to Create Your Own Social Start Page
35 Incredibly Useful Facebook Applications for Better Connectivity | Noupe
35 Incredibly Useful Facebook Applications for Connectivity [from]
Facebook is a leading social networking site with over 120 million members. There are now many Facebook applications that allow it be used productively in
35 Incredibly Useful Facebook Applications for Better Connectivity // 페이스북 어플 모음
20 Facebook desktop apps to try | Webware - CNET
A lot is happening on Facebook. Not only are your friends telling the world what's going on in their lives, but the social network itself is changing. It's more open now than before, thanks to the Facebook Connect program, and there are several good products that let you see Facebook data in new ways. You don't have to use to use Facebook anymore. Here are some of the best desktop applications. The newbies: AIR apps Seesmic for Facebook An Adobe AIR app, Seesmic for Facebook (news) uses Facebook Connect to let you update your status and view friend status updates without surfing to the Facebook site. It's in beta testing, but it works as advertised: updating status is quick and easy, and whenever a friend updates their own status, it's there for me to see. It's a little buggy, but it was just released. TweetDeck TweetDeck is one of the most popular Twitter desktop clients, and now the app's developers are vying for Facebook dominance too. The upcoming version of TweetDe
A lot is happening on Facebook. Not only are your friends telling the world what's going on in their lives, but Facebook itself is changing. It's more open now than before, thanks to the Facebook Connect program, and there are several good products that let you see Facebook data in new ways. You don't have to use to use Facebook anymore. Here are some of the best apps.
Twitter PR Strategy on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
A strategic approach for organizations which are using Twitter to connect with their audiences, developed by Ogilvy's 360 Degree Digital Influence group.
16 Different Clones You Can Build with Drupal
Handycons 2 - another free hand drawn icon set
Four months after releasing Handycons icon set, I am happy to release Handycons 2 - icon set containing 20 more hand drawn icons. This time it is not limited just to socail media related icons. Package contains Facebook, Blinklist, Feedburner, Flickr, FriendFeed, Furl, Gmail, Google, Heart icon, Last FM, Linked IN, Magnolia, Newsvine, PayPal, Skype, Sphinn, Twitter, Vimeo, Yahoo and You Tube icons. All icons come in four sizes: 16x16, 32x32, 64x64 and 12x128px. And they are all free, of course :)
Cool hand drawn icons
6 Tips For Building Deeper Connections With Twitter
So, you’ve been on Twitter for awhile and realize it has some value beyond updating others on your every move. You may have followers and conversations, but most of your tweeps are on the surface. So, how do you build stronger connections? Here are 6 ways to take your connections deeper: 1. Add Value One big theme here is giving value on Twitter. People do not want to be sold, spammed or overwhelmed with tweets of little value. Think before you tweet. Ask, will this add value? Will this help someone? 2. Listen. Really? I thought Twitter is where I get to talk and tell people stuff. - Use the Favorites to save things you are listening to and might want to talk about later. - Try to read your tweet-stream in batches rather than watching your Tweetdeck all day. 3. Get engaged. Start conversations. - If someone in your stream asks a question? Reply. Share your knowledge. - If someone is looking for help? Offer your help or make an introduction to someone who can. - Like what s
RT @tweetmeme 6 Tips For Building Deeper Connections With Twitter [from]
guter artikel
RT @dustyedwards: 6 Tips For Building Deeper Connections With Twitter ... [from]
7 Ways to Use Social Media to Build Stunning Brands | Social Media Marketing | Social Media Consulting - Convince & Convert
Twitnest 0.1 (by @nattster)
Very cool
Visualizing connections and relations between users in twitter. Nice relations.
Ferramenta que agrupa seus contatos e as relacoes entre eles.
What Social Media Means for Search - Advertising Age - Digital
The three kinds of online connections. Marketers need to be aware of the different types of personal networks emerging through social media.
It's Not Just What's on a Page or Who Links to It; It's How It Relates to Users' Personal Networks
Firefox Could Be the Real Facebook Challenger - ReadWriteWeb
Could Firefox compete with Facebook in the social scene? Or could Facebook compete against Firefox in the browser arena?
Firefox doesn't keep track of the number of users it has but Asa Dotzler, Mozilla's director of community development, said today that the company estimates that there are ...
"It's only logical to extrapolate from that analysis that the line between browsers and social networks will become much less clear and the two types of software will very likely compete with each other."
FF Challenge Facebook?
Really liking "Firefox Could Be the Real Facebook Challenger - ReadWriteWeb" ( )
mixcss | Mixing the best designs on the web.
MixCSS is a beautiful, functional design gallery based on the Gallery Theme, a Thematic child theme for WordPress by Chris Wallace. This theme is a beautifully simple CSS gallery-style theme that makes use of custom fields within WordPress. Gallery is a beautiful, free, GPL-compatible gallery-style WordPress child theme built on the Thematic framework. It is extremely flexible and can be used as a starting point for many different types of websites: design gallery, book review site, e-commerce storefront (with the appropriate plugins), inspiration gallery, and so much more! Gallery is packed with loads of cool features like a jQuery slide effect on thumbnails, built-in twitter and delicious links and seamless integration with the WP-PostRatings, BuySellAds, and the Contact Form 7 plugins.
mixcss | Mixing the best designs on the web.
What is the Open Platform? | The Guardian Open Platform |
"The Open Platform is the suite of services that make it possible for our partners to build applications with the Guardian. We've opened up our platform so that everyone can benefit from our journalism, our brand, and the technologies that power"
The Open Platform is the suite of services that make it possible for our partners to build applications with the Guardian. We've opened up our platform so that everyone can benefit from our journalism, our brand, and the technologies that power The Open Platform currently includes two products, the Content API and the Data Store:
"The Open Platform is the suite of services that make it possible for our partners to build applications with the Guardian. We've opened up our platform so that everyone can benefit from our journalism, our brand, and the technologies that power The Open Platform currently includes two products, the Content API and the Data Store. "
The Open Platform is the suite of services that make it possible for our partners to build applications with the Guardian. We've opened up our platform so that everyone can benefit from our journalism, our brand, and the technologies that power
50 Useful Twitter Tools for Writers and Researchers | Online College Degree
Twitter is a wonderful social tool, but did you know that it's also a goldmine of information?
Twitter tools for getting local or topical information, setting up alerts for updates on particular topics, search, trends, distributing and organizing information. (BTW, I really like the design of this paricular site)
in Bb 2.0 - a collaborative music/spoken word project
a collaborative music/spoken word project. Which is brilliant.
"Trata-se de um projeto de música colaborativa online ("Bb" é o si bemol, em linguagem musical). É muito simples: o site exibe uma dezena de vídeos do YouTube. Você vai lá, clica na ordem que quiser e... surpresa!" (por @oprimo)
This is a really cool collabrative project
BBC NEWS | Technology | Social networks 'are new e-mail'
Heads up email marketers-the kiddies are abandoning inboxes for FB messages. Adapt strategy or die. RT @felfoldi [from]
A List Apart: Articles: The Wisdom of Community
It’s one of the most important concepts on the web today—perhaps the most important for social media—but it’s one of the least understood. When James Surowiecki wrote The Wisdom of Crowds in 2004, he explored the stock market and other classic social psychology examples, but “web 2.0” was still nascent. It’s time to connect his ideas to the social web, where they can reach their full potential. The Wisdom of Crowds (WOC) theory does not mean that people are smart in groups—they’re not. Anyone who’s seen an angry mob knows it. But crowds, presented with the right challenge and the right interface, can be wise. When it works, the crowd is wiser, in fact, than any single participant. The standard example is this: Imagine you have a jar of pennies. Ask a few hundred people how many there are inside. When you tally the results, chances are, all the guesses will be wrong. But if you average all the answers, the result will be almost perfect, almost all the time. The web, with its low barr
derek powazek
Best Practices for Designing a Social News Website | Webdesigner Depot
Practices for Designing a Social News Website
A look at the layouts of several SN sites
100 people to follow on Twitter
Ning’s Social Networks Get Their Own App Platform
Ning’s Social Networks Get Their Own App Platform
Ning, the social network for social networks, recently hit the 1 million networks milestone. But with such a huge user base comes huge user demand for
Today, Ning is about to deliver some of that functionality to their 700,000 social network creators with Ning Apps, giving them more than 90 new toys — think apps like Qik, Twitter, Ustream,, Tokbox, WordPress, Mailchimp, and PollDaddy — that they can use to enhance their individual networks.
new apps for ning
Twitter Search to dive deeper, rank results | Webware - CNET
Twitter search to mine embedded links. woot!
Twitter Search will become a lot more useful soon, the microblogging site's new vice president of operations said Wednesday night.
44 Web Designers to Follow on Twitter | Think Vitamin - Upload and share your documents and pictures on Twitter
Share your documents and pictures on Twitter
Page to upload documents to Twitter
Upload and share your documents and pictures on Twitter
(no description)
How and Why to Launch a Business Presence on Twitter - - Business Technology Leadership
various Twitter tip articles here -- see under RELATED on right side
CIO Magazine: How and Why to Launch a Business Presence on Twitter (quoted) (via Twitter) [from]
From an upstart airline to the cable company some people love to hate, organizations big and small have reaped success in improving customer service, receiving R&D tips, and marketing their products on Twitter. Here's expert advice on how and why your business should tap into Twitter.
daily RT | the most popular tweets on the web
the most popular tweets on the web
Toplisting of the most retweeted tweets in realtime
The Seven Deadly Sins of Social Media.: The Social Path
Envy: Don’t be dissuaded by other people “doing it better than you.” I don't actually think it is Envy, but more of a lack of self-worth / perfectionism, at least among the Indies that I know. But I guess that wouldn't fit into a 7 Deadly Sins list.
27 Twitter Tools To Help You Find And Manage Followers | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
This is my first Twitter related article, I am using Twitter a lot lately so it is really unforgivable not even have one article related to Twitter. Now I am starting to correct this mistake and here comes list with 27 Twitter tools, which will help You find more followers, manage them, find who doesn’t follow You back, who stops following, statistics and much, much more.
45 Pros You Should Be Following on Twitter
This is a list of big wigs on twitter
If you love the Twitter like I love the Twitter, you know that it is much more than just a work diversion or a way to practice your editing skills. Part non-stop news feed, part networking luncheon/happy hour, part social commentary; Twitter is where the pros are hanging out. And you can learn a lot simply by reading and observing their Tweets. Ready to fire up your TweetDeck or Whirl? Then consider following these Pros—they come from various industries and have different styles, but they all personally update their accounts on a regular basis, and provide both interesting information, humor, and personal insights in their individual fields. Techies, Entrepreneurs, and Biz Folk Name: Robert Scoble Handle: @Scobleizer Why Follow: Widely regarded as one of the biggest (and most social) geeks on the internet. Scoble is a prolific Twitterer! Name: Guy Kawasaki Handle: @GuyKawasaki Why Follow: Marketing guru who earned his chops at Apple in the 1980’s. He is now enjoying success as a ven
However, if you are planning to engage in Twittering (or even if you’ve already jumped in with both feet) there are a few rules of etiquette—or Twittiquette—that you want to remember if you’re going to use the application for your business:
twttrip :: a simple travel organizer twitter app.
Identify: Google People With Two Keystrokes - ReadWriteWeb
Article discussing the Google Social Graph API, a search engine for all the webpages that we identify as profiles online and it tracks the connections between pages linked together for a single person.
Six reasons why no one likes you online - The Viral Garden
25+ Celebrity Twitter Users - Mashable
25+ Celebrity Twitter Users
From Britney Spears to Dave Matthews, Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama, here are over 25 celebrities who use Twitter.
10 Ways To Put Your Content In Front Of More People | How-To | Smashing Magazine
10 maneras de poner el contenido de un web site o Blog frente a tu audiencia
Twitter / cwalken
If you need a single reason to be on twitter, this is it.
It is known I'm not a fan of Twitter due to its lack of... everything. However, this would be pretty entertaining regardless of presentation, and it's not like I need a comments section to reply to Christopher Walken.
Even if it's not him, it's still funny as hell
iMapWeather™ | Local, National and Global Weather Conditions, Forecasts, Animated Radar and Watches and Warnings
What is iMapWeather? Among other things, iMapWeather is the easiest, most user-friendly way to get weather forecasts and current conditions, view radar and satellite images, see real-time lightning strikes and get nautical information. Simply click 'Get iMapWeather,' above and add it to your blog, your website or your company's website. Sign Up to enjoy the atmosphere Share iMap the news about iMapWeather
iMapWeather provides local, national and global current conditions, weather forecasts, watches and warnings, animated radar and real-time lightning strikes within an interactive weather map.
damn, should have pulled this together
10 Ways to Change the World Through Social Media
10 Ways to Change the World Through Social Media
See 2 previous lists of 10 ways at bottom of article.
Our children will inherit a world profoundly changed by the combination of technology and humanity that is social media. They’ll take for granted that their voices can be heard and that a social movement can be launched from their laptop. And they’ll take for granted that they are connected and interconnected with hundreds of millions of people at any given moment. What’s most profound is that these represent parts of a greater whole. They represent a shift in power from centralized institutions and organizations to the people they represent. It is the evolution of democracy by way of technology, and we are all better for it. For most of us, social media has changed our lives in some meaningful way. Collectively it is changing the world for good. Given the pace of innovation and adoption, change has become a constant. Every so often we find the need to stop and reflect on its most recent and noteworthy developments, hence the following list. Please note this is not a top 10 list, no
Идеи за действия в социалните чрез мрежи - DIY Blog Networks and Communities
DIY Blog Networks and Communities Blognetzwerk auf WordPress-Basis Auf kann man ein WordPress-basiertes Blog-Netzwerk erstellen. basiert auf WordPress MU, in der angelegten Community kann man unbegrenzt WordPress-Blogs anlegen.
LinkedIn SuperGuide -Tutorials, Tips and Tools
linkedin tips
Goodreads vs Twitter: The Benefits of Asymmetric Follow - O'Reilly Radar
I am never more painfully reminded of the limits of symmetric “friend”-based social networks than I am when I post a book review on Goodreads. I love books, and I love spreading the word about ones I enjoy (as well as ones I expected to enjoy, but didn’t quite). Most of the time, my reviews go out quietly to a small group of friends, whose book recommendations I also follow. It’s a lovely social network. But every once in a while, I post a link to one of my reviews on Twitter, and am immediately deluged with friend requests. Some of them are from people I know, but whose taste in books I may not share (or even care about), and many are from complete strangers. If I say “yes” to any of them, I have to see every book they review as well. As you can imagine, it doesn’t scale. I don’t mind if anyone in the world reads my reviews, and they are in fact all public on the site, but for someone to “follow” my reviews (get notified when I write them), they have to be accepted as my friend, in
at O'Reilly Radar — funny... I said this over a year ago... ;-)
Asymmetric follow is why I use Twitter regularly and Facebook much less often. With Twitter’s model, I can find people I’m interested in, whether or not they know me, and learn about them and their lives and thoughts.
"I don’t mind if anyone in the world reads my reviews, and they are in fact all public on the site, but for someone to “follow” my reviews (get notified when I write them), they have to be accepted as my friend, in which case I see all their reviews as well." Asymmetric follow = RSS/Atom, basically. :) this is not a bad thing.
See Kathy Sierra comments @48
Where is Everyone? - Articles -
a little tour through the history of information - or more specifically where to focus efforts if you want get in touch with other people.
brilliant visualization of media habits
UPDATED: New 'WSJ' Conduct Rules Target Twitter, Facebook
It Begins: "Staffers at The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday were given a newly compiled list of rules for "professional conduct," which included a lengthy guide for use of online outlets, noting cautions for activities on social networking sites. In an e-mail to employees, Deputy Managing Editor Alix Freedman wrote, "We've pulled together into one document the policies that guide appropriate professional conduct for all of us in the News Departments of the Journal, Newswires and MarketWatch. Many of these will be familiar.""
* Business and pleasure should not be mixed on services like Twitter. Common sense should prevail, but if you are in doubt about the appropriateness of a Tweet or posting, discuss it with your editor before sending. FAIL
HOW TO: Simplify Your Social Media Routine
mashable with several good steps
Oh, was I happy when I saw this title today? Yes, very. Does it simplify my social media routine? Nope. But their advice is not bad: say less and make it meaningful, read less and scan more to get to those really juicy things you need and like, be friends with the people who like you and don't forget to manage your time. That's what my grandma is telling me since I was 8.
zuviel social media? 6 überschaubare tips
redesocial 3 SocialMediaRoutineSimplify 100 Excellent, Educational Twitter Feeds - Learn-gasm
The Rise Of Social Distribution Networks
Covers Twitter, FaceBook, etc. and relates to streaming . . . comparative
Mac Lounge Beta
the best desktop twitter client i've used
Twubs are hubs around metahashtags - bringing together Twitpics, RSS Feeds, videos, Photos...
Are you using Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter differently? | Blog of Mr. Tweet
*Updated post with great comments by Heather Rasley and Dean Kakridas, both of whom said much more in 3 paragraphs than I did in one whole blog post. How — How to make your application viral
Viral growth resolves at least part of the expensive and complicated headache of actually marketing your application, by getting the application to grow all by itself.
Everyone wants their application to “spread virally”. And why shouldn’t they? Viral growth resolves at least part of the expensive and complicated headache of actually marketing your application, by getting the application to grow all by itself. So, then, the question that forms on the lips of any entrepreneur is: “How can I make my application viral?”
10 Essential Twitter Tools for Business | Business Pundit
If you want to use Twitter, but aren’t sure how to use it well, these process by using these 10 essential Twitter tools for business may help smooth the learning curve:
apophenia: answers to questions from Twitter on teen practices
Incredibly insightful
danah's answers to Qs on teen uses of social media - May '09
What do teens do on Twitter (and the rest of the Internet)?
"To all who asked questions about Twitter: average teens don't use Twitter. They may in the future, but they do not now. Those who do are early adopters and not representative of any mainstream teen practice. Because of Oprah and celebs, some teens are starting to hear about it, but they don't understand it and they aren't using it."
50 Free Social Media Icon Sets for Your Blog | Social Media Directory for Designers
Dobra stranica dizajniranje bloga!!
Vanity Metrics vs. Actionable Metrics - Guest Post by Eric Ries
A reminder to use to the good old A/B split testing with a control group to not be fooled so easily by numbers and variation.
"The only metrics that entrepreneurs should invest energy in collecting are those that help them make decisions."
13 Essential Social-Media 'Listening Tools' : MarketingProfs Articles
"If you have customers, chances are they're talking about you to their friends, to their coworkers, and to anyone else who will listen. Here are some of the top tools for listening to and monitoring the online chatter about your brand:"
You're a marketer who's hip to the idea of social media: You have a blog for your company or client, you know Facebook inside and out, and you can Tweet with the best of them. So you've got the communicating part down pat.
definition of Twitter-tags, what do they mean?
Ever seen a hashtag on Twitter, and wondered what it is all about? Now you can look it up, and cast your vote on the definitions. And if you don't like the definitions, or none exists, you can create your own in seconds.
definition of Twitter-tags, what do they mean?
Useful for when you see a hashtag trending and have no idea what it means.
Us Now on Vimeo
Buy the DVD here For more information, extra clips and reviews please go to
Buy the DVD here For more information, extra clips and reviews please go to
Charlie Brooker: Nightclubs are hell | Comment is free | The Guardian
because I enjoy nightclubs less than I enjoy eating wool. But a glamorous friend of mine was there to "
Charlie Brooker: I'm convinced no one actually likes clubs. It's a conspiracy. We've been told they're cool and fun; that only 'saddoes' dislike them.
Brooker is god and right about everything.
"Clubs are such insufferable dungeons of misery, the inmates have to take mood-altering substances to make their ordeal seem halfway tolerable."
TwitVid - Share Videos on Twitter
The easiest way to share videos on Twitter
Twitter based video sharing. Twitter itself is used for feedback and video commenting and sharing. I'm trying to find out how they are hosting/delivering things.
The New York Times > Business > Image > The Road to 200 Million
Facebook's rise to 200 million users, showing network diagrams and site expansion and use
infographic on growth of Facebook
Nice diagram from NY Times showing map of the world and changing age distribution of Facebook members over time.
Great data visualization for how the age and worldwide distribution of Facebook members has cahnged since launch in 2004
100 Tips to Be a Smarter, Better Twitterer | Computer Colleges
"Twitter is a fun and useful tool, but there are a lot of quirks, rules, and standards that come along with it. To be effective on Twitter, you’ll need to learn the lingo, mechanics, and the ins and outs of interacting with followers. Here, we’ll take a look at 100 tips that can help you do just that."
A good categorized list that has tons of relevant links and short explanations that are enough to be helpful but not so much as to be overwhelming.
Most Corporate Social Media Efforts Will Fail - Search Engine Watch (SEW)
Last October, Gartner unveiled a study that stated that by 2010, 60 percent of the Fortune 1000 companies with a web site will be involved in some form of online community that is utilized for customer relationship purposes. What the research also goes on to state is that 50 percent of those that set out and establish or become involved in these communities will fail in their efforts. That's about 300 Fortune 1000 companies that will fail at social media: a striking number, especially in light of recent economic pitfalls.
a prediction -- focused on failure. based on a study released in October 2008, the prediction was that by 2010, 60 percent of the Fortune 1000 companies with a web site will be involved in some form of online community that is utilized for customer relationship purposes. What the research also goes on to state is that 50 percent of those that set out and establish or become involved in these communities will fail in their efforts.
ces, and companies listeni
25 Signs You’ve Got a Strong SM Consultant or Agency » The Buzz Bin
Advice to marketers on choosing social media consultants.
by Beth Harte (cross-posted on the Harte of Marketing) and Geoff Livingston Our original post Top 25 Ways to Tell ...
1) Believes in the generous web and practices cross-linking in their blog (example: Kami Huyse) 2) Highlights others’ work in their blog (example: Chris Brogan) 3) Integrates social media as part of larger marketing strategy(example: Razorfish) 4) Doesn’t pretend to be an expert in all things digital; instead simply focuses on what he/she/they do best (example: Common Craft) 5) Gives away best practices in an effort to educate, grow social media in general (example: Todd Defren/SHIFT Communications) 7) Will tell you that there is no magic bullet for determining social media ROI and that you need to go further to accurately monitor, measure and determine the effectiveness of social media. (example: K.D. Paine). 8) Understands that social media is an important part of the larger word of mouth marketing principles (example: Ogilvy’s John Bell) etc...
Geek Chart - Show Where You Share
some web aplication to get a geekiness graphic.
A Geek Chart is a badge to put on your website that shows where you share stuff online. Each slice of the Geek Chart is a link to your profile on sites like Flickr, Twitter, Youtube, Digg and more.
Social Media Marketing Budgets on the Rise
Mashable social media marketing budgets
sweet for a slide
this bookmark brought from the different place.
"According to a new study released by Aberdeen Group (published today by eMarketer), 63 percent of companies plan to increase their social media marketing budgets in 2009, despite the current weakness in the economy. Digging deeper into the numbers, 21 percent of those surveyed plan to increase social media spending by 25 percent or more, while a mere 3 percent plan to shrink their budgets (34 percent responded “no change”)."
Nice blog post about social media marketing budgets - ups and downs
social media marketing budgets rise
"According to a new study released by Aberdeen Group, 63 percent of companies plan to increase their social media marketing budgets in 2009,"
How To Trace a Mobile Phone Location with Google Latitude |
How To Trace a Mobile Phone Location with Google Latitude
The 6 Dangerous Fallacies of Social Media | Social Media Marketing | Digital Marketing Training - Convince & Convert
The is a balanced look at social marketing. Addressing positives and negatives
Inexpensive, fast, viral, unmeasurable, optional.
The Faces of Mechanical Turk -
The human face of "slave" labor? in any event an amazing idea. [from]
Actual users of Amazon's Mechanical Turk service revealed. Seems to contradict (though in a non-scientific way) the myth of the MT sweatshop. These are not third-world workers.
What Companies Should Know About Digital Natives « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
blog Jeremiah Owyang, digitální domorodci vs digitální imigranti strategist estrategia
The New Socialism: Global Collectivist Society Is Coming Online
Bill Gates once derided open source advocates with the worst epithet a capitalist can muster. These folks, he said, were a "new modern-day sort of communists," a malevolent force bent on destroying the monopolistic incentive that helps support the American dream. Gates was wrong: Open source zealots are more likely to be libertarians than commie pinkos. Yet there is some truth to his allegation. The frantic global rush to connect everyone to everyone, all the time, is quietly giving rise to a revised version of socialism.
Operating without state funding or control, connecting citizens directly to citizens, this mostly free marketplace achieves social good at an efficiency that would stagger any government or traditional corporation. Sure, it undermines the business model of newspapers, but at the same time it makes an indisputable case that the sharing model is a viable alternative to both profit-seeking corporations and tax-supported civic institutions.
mmunal aspects of digital culture run deep and wide. Wikipedia is just one remarkable example of an emerging collectivism—and not just Wikipedia but wikin
The New New Economy: More Startups, Fewer Giants, Infinite Opportunity
) is Wired's editor in chief.
Get in-depth tech news coverage from Wired and read about how it is shaping culture, education, entertainment, communications and technology.
Article de Wired sur l'économie du 21ème sicèle
Server Fault
stackoverflow, but for sysadmin
A system administration Q&A community created by the same guy as Stack Overflow (Jeff Atwood).
Social site for Sys Admins to ask questions
Server Fault is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for system administrators and IT professionals – regardless of platform. It's 100% free, no registration required.
The New Socialism: Global Collectivist Society Is Coming Online
The frantic global rush to connect everyone to everyone, all the time, is quietly giving rise to a revised version of socialism. Communal aspects of digital culture run deep and wide. Wikipedia is just one remarkable example of an emerging collectivism—and not just Wikipedia but wikiness at large.
The frantic global rush to connect everyone to everyone, all the time, is quietly giving rise to a revised version of socialism.
Map the Fallen
An incredible Google Earth map locating casualties of Iraq and Afghanistan War, by home of record and approx place of death. Powerful.
Tweeting Too Hard
Tweeting Too Hard - Tired of people posting nothing but pretentious tweets about themselves? Give them the recognition they deserve and give the rest of us a good laugh. Social Media: The Five-Year Forecast
Social Media: The Five-Year Forecast
The distinction between traditional and innovative marketing will become significantly more pronounced as the socially driven online communities continue to gain momentum, according to a Forrester Research report released today. "The Future of the Social Web," by Jeremiah Owyang, a Forrester senior analyst, examines the monumental changes that have shaped -- and will continue to impact -- how consumers engage with each other. That engagement, Owyang writes, will affect the way each company reaches its customers -- and more important, their influencers. "The community will take charge," Owyang tells CRM magazine in a one-on-one interview, "and that's going to happen whether or not marketers or brands participate." Social networking, he adds, will only continue to facilitate the power shift toward the consumer.
The Man Who Made Gmail Says Real-Time Conversation is What's Next - ReadWriteWeb
"The open, realtime discussions that occur on FriendFeed," he says, "are going to become a major new communication medium on the same level as email, IM and blogging." ... even more the *distributed* discussions via Twitter, me thinks.
"Paul Buchheit built the first version of Gmail in one day. Then, he built the first prototype of Google's contextual advertising service, Adsense, in one day as well."
The Man Who Made Gmail Says Real-Time Conversation is What's Next (The Future of FriendFeed) [from]
4 Lessons for Social Media Marketers 2.0
is the most comprehensive audio database for DJ and club culture on the internet. More than 12.000 DJ sets, live recordings and radio sessions can be streamed free of charge and on-demand.
Facebook Pages vs Facebook Groups: What's the Difference?
Not a lot of new info, just reiterates our stance: Pages for brands, groups for organzing on a personal or small issue basis
Google Wave Preview
Google Wave is a new online communication and collaboration tool.
Learn Google Wave can make you more productive even when you're having fun.
this looks like a giant step, but I don't know in which direction... ah, winer compares it to opendoc - Post your photos on Flickr and announce them on Twitter right away
"Ever wanted to post a photo on Flickr and announce it right away on Twitter?" is a web tool that allows to upload a photo to Flickr and announce it on Twitter
Post your photos on Flickr and announce them on Twitter right away
Post your photos on Flickr and announce them on Twitter.
Web service to post your photos on Flickr and announce them on Twitter right away.
Link tracking and analytics for social media | is an open sharing analytics platform for social media campaign tracking across sites like Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace.
Link tracking and analytics for social media
Official Google Blog: Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.
Finally, we're moving beyond the confines of the format of the channel, and the point of it: communication: 'A "wave" is equal parts conversation and document, where people can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.'
Google Wave Official Blog
long but the vid
'You create a wave and add people to it. Everyone on your wave can use richly formatted text, photos, gadgets, and even feeds from other sources on the web. They can insert a reply or edit the wave directly. It's concurrent rich-text editing, where you see on your screen nearly instantly what your fellow collaborators are typing in your wave.'
"Living and Learning with Social Media"
Interesante estudio
"Living and Learning with Social Media" danah boyd Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology Penn State: State College, PA 18 April 2009 [This is a rough unedited crib of the actual talk] Citation: boyd, danah. 2009. "Living and Learning with Social Media." Penn State Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology. State College, PA: April 18.
Unedited crib of talk from Penn State Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology. State College, PA: April 18.
danah boyd
5 Ways to Share Your Social Media Identity
This is a very good link. A must have for social networking geeks.
One of the great things about the current web landscape is that the barrier to entry for entrepreneurs to create great new social media sites is very low. Open source, falling hardware and bandwidth costs, and social media itself (which can be used as a viral marketing vehicle), mean that enterprising developers can more easily than ever create amazing new services. That’s great for consumers because it facilitates a lot of competition that leads to the best possible products.
We might use one site for sharing photos, another for sharing videos, and a couple more for sharing links. The content we create on those sites makes up our social media identity, and as we use more sites, it becomes increasingly difficult to share it all from one place. Yesterday, I received an email from a friend whose signature had links to no less than eight social media profiles. Thankfully, there are better ways to share your social media identity. Below are five sites that offer social media badges you can share and embed.
Some helpful links to different types of social media badges.
24 Free Exclusive Vector Icons: ‘Handy’ | Webdesigner Depot
'Handy' is a set of 24 free and exclusive vector icons that can be used on websites, logos and more. The icons have a unique hand drawn feeling and look great
des icones à main levé
‘Handy’ is a set of 24 free and exclusive vector icons that can be used on websites, logos and more. The icons have a unique hand drawn feeling and look great in color or black and white. The set also includes most social media websites, such as Delicious, Digg and many more. These icons are completely free for personal and commercial use and they’re being released exclusively to all our RSS subscribers.
The Ten Ways Twitter Will Permanently Change American Business – 24/7 Wall Street
Micro-blogging platform Twitter has 32 million users, which is an increase from about 2 million a year ago, according to research mentioned in The Wall Street Journal. Some Internet measurement services show that figure increasing 50% to 100% month-over-month.
full article
Twitter Marketing: Why You Don't Need to Mass Follow Twitter Users
Everyday great ideas come along and this is one of them
Many people think that to achieve all of the above, they need to build a large list of Twitter followers and broadcast links to get free traffic. It’s a simple strategy. The more followers you have, the more people listen to you, and the easier it is to spread your messages. But do you really need a large number of followers to promote yourself successfully on Twitter? The answer is no. Not at all. But many people still persist in mass following users. Let’s look at some of the reasons why you don’t need to use this marketing tactic.
Many people are mass following Twitter users as a marketing strategy. Let's look at the reasons why you don't need to use this Twitter marketing tactic.
RT @doshdosh: Why You Don't Need to Mass Follow Twitter Users (New Dosh Dosh post) - share if you like! [from]
RT @DanHaneveer: RT @JetSetCitizen: Why You Don’t Need to Mass Follow Users from @doshdosh [from]
Social Designer — Welcome!
we should send some stuff into this - most of it is a little rough
"Social designer curates and creates smart products that tune into the greater good. You can join the cause by submitting designs for our competitions, weighing in with your opinion, purchasing goods or just simply talking about them. After all, every good idea (and every good cause) starts with a conversation – the more, the merrier."
How Twitter is Dethroning the Old Guard
With Oprah showcasing Twitter recently to her millions of soccer moms, and other traditional media taking notice, I’m guessing that people who are not big users of technology, either your mom or relatives, have recently asked you like they have asked me, “What is the big deal about Twitter? Is it just a fad or is it really impacting how we interact and use the web? And if the latter, in what ways?” Below are the three areas where Twitter, in its rise as the next great social media site, is I think beginning to dethrone (or at least impact) several of the major players and technologies in the game.
twitter-dethroning-old-guard twitter 1
Don't you just love disruption? How Twitter is Dethroning the Old Guard: [from]
mentions of google, myspace and email
Onzalige twitter wijziging artikel rww [from]
Microsoft Vine – Request an invitation
En su version Beta, una especie de red social pero basado totalemnete en el aspecto geografico, aun no se muy bien como fuinciona, pero parece interesante, aunquecon el inconveniente de siempre, servicio solo para EU
he Microsoft Vine Beta connects you to the people and places you care about most, when it matters. Stay in touch with family and friends, be informed when someone needs help. Get involved to create great communities. Use alerts, reports and your personal dashboard to stay in touch, informed and involved.
50 Great Examples of Data Visualization | Webdesigner Depot
Kevin: As the post says: "50 of the best data visualizations and tools for creating your own visualizations out there, covering everything from Digg activity to network connectivity to what’s currently happening on Twitter."
Haven't gone through these yet. Found link via DIGG InfoVis
Data visualization
Amusing Ourselves to Death by Stuart McMillen - cartoon Recombinant Records
Orwell v. Huxley
Or both right or both wrong.
Le pire étant de se rendre compte qu'ils ont tous deux raison...
huxley 2 orwell 1
Learning, and Profiting, from Online Friendships - BusinessWeek
Companies are working fast to figure out how to make money from the wealth of data they're beginning to have about our online friendships
Practically every hand we shake and every business card we exchange can lead to an invitation, sometimes within minutes, for a "friendship" on LinkedIn or Facebook. What do these relationships say about us and the people in our networks? Companies armed with rich new data and powerful computers are beginning to explore these questions. They're finding that digital friendships speak volumes about us as consumers and workers, and decoding the data can lead to profitable insights. | Local Twitter trends
find out what the top topics on twitter in san diego are
No Ottawa, too bad. shows you what people are twittering about in your city.
Complete Brand Marketing on Facebook | Involver
Complete Brand Marketing on Facebook | Involver -
"Complete Brand Marketing on Facebook"
New Twitter Research: Men Follow Men and Nobody Tweets - Conversation Starter -
new Twitter research
Great stuff on Twitter stats. Raises a lot of questions and possible lines of research.
very different than other social networks... the top 10% of prolific Twitter users accounted for over 90% of tweets. an average man is almost twice more likely to follow another man than a woman.
quirky, inc.
rate products; be a focus group;get paid (not much)
5 Essential Steps to Make Your Site Search & Social Media Friendly
The popularity of the social web is growing rapidly and has already changed the way we discover, consume and share information online. Consumers and businesses alike will continue to publish digital media that can be searched on, giving marketers opportunities to make it easier for search engines and consumers to discover and interact with content. The challenge is to figure out where social media and SEO fit within an overall online marketing and content strategy and implementing a plan that aligns realistic tactics with business goals.
5 Essential Steps to Make Your Site Search & Social Media Friendly
The increasing demand for fresh, live web content as well as the expectation of consumers to interact with what they find in the search results requires that website owners and content publishers make their websites both search and social media friendly.
10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy
A few weeks ago, I wrote that your organization should have a social media policy, and one of the things I heard among all the great comments was: “Okay, but what should it say?” There are generally two approaches to social media policy making. Some organizations handle social media in an evolutionary way. Chad Houghton, the director of e-media and business development at the Society for Human Resource Management, told me that he thinks, “it might be beneficial not to create some arbitrary rules without first seeing where the opportunities and risks really are.” Other organizations, meanwhile, feel more comfortable establishing a clear policy from the outset. IBM, for example, has published their social media guidelines publicly for anyone to read. It’s a great policy, though rather long. Whether you’re writing your social media policy from the get-go, or letting it develop organically in reaction to situations as they arise, here are 10 things you should definitely consider. These
10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy - Following People at Real-World Events in Real-Time
Following People at Real-World Events in Real-Time
lidt lisom facebook:)
RT @mashable: Love this gorgeous image of all the Twitter tools: (We review most of em here: [from]
The Problem with Social Media in the Office - eMarketer
Great commentary on why social media is a double-edged sword for businesses.
Excellent survey information re: social media and business
Online conduct
How to Save the World
a look at intranets and social net tools within an organization
leaf trust your instincts
Great overall look at tools and how to use them
environment economics politics stories business innovation knowledge management entrepreneurship eco blog
el futuro de la web 2.0
Socrata | Making Data Social
"Opening government to new audiences and constituencies is the 21st century battle cry in societies everywhere. At the heart of this movement is open government data, readily accessible over the internet, in a form that maximizes comprehension, interactivity, participation, and sharing, delivered at a fraction of the cost of today's data download sites."
This used to be the site called blist.
AWESOME source of data sets, .csv
Poll: Business People Say Twitter More Important Than LinkedIn
ReadWriteWeb: Poll: Business People Say Twitter More Important Than LinkedIn. Poll conducted by LinkedIn. [from]
Qu'est-ce qui a de l'importance dans les médias sociaux?
A LinkedIn poll of more than 3,000 business people showed that Twitter was deemed "more important" than LinkedIn.
How-To: Build & Manage Your Brand Identity with Social Media
Trying to figure out the best way to brand yourself or establish your company’s brand identity on social media sites?
Speedtile - your bookmarks!
Introducing a new way to ease your browsing experience, take a couple of minutes to discover why you need Speedtile. currently tiling... Think about your favourite websites and all the backroads you use just to access them. Wouldn't it be an advantage if your homepage has them all categorized just the way you like it? Speedtile keeps track of your favourite websites. Save and organize your bookmarks in a clear and visual environment, always up to date with daily snapshots. And there is more too! Sort your personal tiles by most frequently used, recently visited or just drag and drop them as you see fit! Use tabs to categorize or tags to organize your bookmarks. Or take it just another step further by enabling sharing, so you can share your favourite websites with your friends. Speed up and revalue your everyday surfing experience with this easy to use tool. No matter where you are, what type of computer you are using… Speedtile redefines the 'home' in your homepage. By the way, di bookmarks yourbookmarks
Mozilla Re-Mix: オンラインでスピードダイヤルライクな機能を利用できるFirefoxアドオン「Speedtile」
25 Awesome Facebook Apps for Designers | Webdesigner Depot
merch app for facebook
AwesomeFacebookApps -- the hottest videos on the internet right now
The hottest videos on the internet right now
9 Crucial UI Features of Social Media and Networking Sites | How-To | Smashing Magazine
The main function of a good user interface is to provide users with an intuitive mapping between user’s intention and application’s function that manages to provide a solution to the given task. Basically, user interface describes the way people interact with a site and the way users can access its functions. In fact, usability is a biproduct of a good user interface and it determines how easily a user can perform all of the functions provided by the site. Usability is a crucial part of every design, especially on websites with a large amount of functions and users.
crucial features of the user interfaces of social media and social networking sites
Sosyal ağ sitelerinin 9 çok önemli kullanıcı taraflı uygulamaları. Normal sitelerin örnek alması gerekiyor.
Beyond #FollowFriday: 24 Daily Twitter Memes
RT @mashable More Than #FollowFriday: 24 Daily Memes to Connect on Twitter (via @tweetmeme) [from]
Beyond #FollowFriday: 24 Daily Twitter Memes [from]
24 Daily Twitter Memes
Dear American Airlines | Dustin Curtis
Fantastisk blog om brukervennlighet og brukersentrert design av nettsider
UI guy that redesigned
Dustin makes some really interesting points about user experience. I want to read more from him.
25 Media People You Should Follow on Twitter - Advertising Age - MediaWorks
Advertising Age
social media
Modeling The True Value Of Social Networks: 2009 Edition
A year ago we modeled out the true value of various social networks based on the idea that users in high-value online advertising markets like Japan, the UK and the U.S. were worth more (financially speaking) than those in lower value online advertising markets. Facebook had recently become the largest worldwide social network in terms of users, but based on our model MySpace was still by far the most valuable social network. We’ve now remodeled social network valuations based on current user numbers and Facebook’s most recent $10 billion valuation. The results are dramatically different.
Modeling The True Value Of Social Networks: 2009 Edition
The new model takes into account the dramatic rise of Facebook usage over the last year, the massive recent decline in MySpace usage, and less dramatic changes in the other social networks. We’ve also modeled out the various valuations with the old Bebo ($850 million) and LinkedIn ($1 billion) valuations as pivot points. We’ve also added Twitter to the list just for kicks.
social network model
recent data and modeling by TechCrunch - turns out MySpace still worth more than Facebook
Coupon Codes and Discounts from the Twitter Community /
Love coupons!
Coupon Codes and Discounts from the Twitter Community
Social Media Venn Diagram Tee
Ganz weit vorn!!! Endlich eine Grafik, die myspacefacebooktweettwitter logisch erklären kann!
According to this T-Shirt, ADHD+Narcissism+Stalking=Twitter [from]
camiseta com diagrama sobre mídias sociais
Social Media: Unlocking the Power of Behavioral Disorders
How to Work the Room
There is such a thing as “Social-Business Protocol.” Not all of us in the startup universe are born with it, we can all learn it. So, here are my 10 tips for founders en route to the power-party circuit.
So you’ve got your engineering degree, and your marquee MBA, and a business-plan. You’re on your way. But at some point you’re going to have to ‘grace’ your way through an important networking or social event. How you handle this matters—probably more than you care to admit.
How to Build a Strong Reputation With Comments | Social Media Rockstar
Read about using comments
How to Build a Strong Reputation With Comments
This is one of Dennis' long held ideas, having even done this for some time on usability and web dev blogs and articles, giving tips when possible (and not giving away too much IP) and always linking back to the IE site. Combine this with the social media cheatsheet idea and comments can be left on the most popular blogs and articles of any topic.
Social Media Policy Examples
Policy examples for companies planning to implement social media. social list web2.0 socialmedia media article business Corporate socialnetworking legal policy guidelines examples policies strategy casestudy modelodepalavras
The 100 most mentioned brands on Twitter - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic
A Brief History Of Social Media
Social media isn't really new. While it has only recently become part of mainstream culture and the business world, people have been using digital media for
Actually kicks some serious ass. Starts with phone phreaking.
Local Tweets: 9 Ways to Find Twitter Users in Your Town
Nice ways to find local media, local influencers
snackfeed - feeding you good web video
feeding you good web video
the best popular videos from around customized to your preferences
best videos and web shows from around the web updated daily
23 Essential Elements of Sharable Blog Posts |
Ficly - A better, shorter story
The art of creating stories and the craft of sharing them. Inspired by the written word and the authors that link words and phrases together to form tales.
Ficly is a place for playing with story-telling; a collaborative environment where anyone can pick up a narrative thread and weave a prequel or sequel.
Ficly is a place for playing with story-telling; a collaborative environment where anyone can pick up a narrative thread and weave a prequel or sequel. You can start a story or jump into someone else's tale. The possibilities are endless, and in some cases, so are the stories.
short story collaboration site, write prequels or sequels to the work of others.
The Future of Twitter - 10 Ways Twitter Will Change American Business - TIME,28804,1901188_1901207,00.html
While there may be commercial value for using Twitter to communicate with customers, the danger is that the Twitter community could turn against a marketer viewed as being too crass by being relentlessly self-promoting.
Social Music: 5 Essential Tools for Marketing Your Band
Social Networking Media ROI Calculator
Social Networking Media ROI Calculator
How Social Media is Radically Changing the Newsroom
How Social Media is Radically Changing the Newsroom
Good stuff
Social networking sites are some of the newest tools for reporters to use in news gathering, networking and promoting their work. But many newsrooms are fuzzy on the usage.
Twitter Twitpocalypse Status
El Y2K de Twitter, ¡muy divertido!
The Twitpocalypse is similar to the Y2K bug. Very soon the unique identifier associated to each tweet will exceed 2,147,483,6471
O fim do twitter está próximo...
Inbound Marketing & the Next Phase of Marketing on the Web
Inbound Marketing & the Next Phase of Marketing on the Web
From Hubspot Blog
blog article from May 2008 HubSpot materials
Facebook | Username
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
Mixero -
iPhone Version Soon
The new generation Twitter client for people who value their time and are tired of information noise.
The Optimist Conspectus » A compendium of contemporary optimism, one perspective at a time.
Web applications directory, reviews, and ratings | AppUseful
Social Directory for Useful Web Applications and Websites.
Peashoot — Start, Grow and Track your Campaigns
Are you posting links to your products on social media sites? Peashoot is a campaign manager made for people just like you :) Peashoot creates special short URLs, tracks your campaign progress and listens for people on the web talking about your campaign.
Peashoot is a tool for measuring the ROI of your online marketing campaigns. It helps you set goals, success metrics and generate reports.
Peashoot is the easy way to start your next social media campaign.
If you have a business that is involved with social media, then you need to check this service out.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Twitter hype punctured by study
"Micro-blogging service Twitter remains the preserve of a few, despite the hype surrounding it."
"Twitter is a broadcast medium rather than an intimate conversation with friends." - Bill Heil Just 10% of Twitter users generate more than 90% of the content, a Harvard study of 300,000 users found. "This implies that Twitter's resembles more of a one-way, one-to-many publishing service more than a two-way, peer-to-peer communication network..." Nielsen Online figures show that visitors to the site increased by 1,382%, from 475,000 to seven million, between February 2008 and February 2009. It is thought to have grown beyond 10 million in the past 4 months. By comparison, Facebook - one of the most popular social networking sites by number of visitors - has 200 million active users and grew by 228% during the same period. Nielsen firm found that more than 60% of US Twitter users failed to return the following month. Conclusions: - Twitter is an open micro-blogging platform - It's growing fast but not sticky - RTS does not revolve around Twitter
study claims twitter is really more of a broadcast medium
stats from the nielsen og harvard studies show median post per person 1 and less than 10% active users...
On a typical online social network, he said, the top 10% of users accounted for 30% of all production.
The History Teacher’s Attic
The interdisciplinary nature of TED (a direction I’d like to see education go in general) would allow many of these clips to cross several of my categories, so it may be useful for you to scan the lists of other disciplines. Enjoy!
Cool history website.
Great list of resources to teach history. Includes links to ted talks videos.
Twitter is Not a Conversational Platform - O'Reilly Radar
Perhaps the most common reason given for joining the microsharing site Twitter is
If microsharing tools resemble wikis more than conversational tools and social networks, this has huge implications for how people and organizations approach use of this emerging technology. Solis suggests, I think rightly, that "sometimes it's effective to...maintain a presence simply by reading, listening, and sharing relevant and timely information without having to directly respond to each and every tweet."
8 Ways to Create Paperless Business Cards
ocho maneras de creartarjetas de visita sin papel
8 Ways to Create Paperless Business Cards
What’s that, you’re still printing your business card on paper? That is so last year. These days, business cards are going all virtual and that’s a good thing. Not only are paperless business cards good for the environment, and easier to carry, they’re also unlimited — you’ll never run out when you’re networking at an event or conference. But there are a bunch of different ways to construct a virtual business card, which is right for you? Below are eight ways to build a virtual business card that you can use to send your information to contacts the next time you’re at a networking event. Please share any other services you use in the comments.
Twittas? - Twitter Playground
¿quieres saber cuanto tiempo pierdes en Twitter?¿saber todo tipo de detalles curiosos y predecir tendencias?
Lifehacker - The Google Wave Highlight Reel - Google Wave
These eight 30-60 second clips highlight the best parts of Google Wave.
"Don't have 80 minutes? These eight 30-60 second clips highlight the best parts of Google Wave."
Dual Perspectives Article
by forcing users to commit their thinking to the bite-size form of the public tweet, Twitter may be giving a powerfully productive new life to a hitherto underexploited quantum of thought: The random, fleeting observation.
perspectives on twitter
For those of you increasingly convinced that you're the last human alive who doesn't get the point of Twitter, I have comforting news: Nobody does. Not really.
Dual Perspectives article by Julian Dibbell: ... Sure, it's easy to dismiss Twitter because of the content — the endless stream of latte orders, flight delays, mood swings. Who cares? But that would be a mistake. Early critics of the television also wrote it off as a time waster with few redeeming social or cultural values: the boob tube. But TV became a powerful change agent regardless of, or even in spite of, the programming. The medium was the message. ...
Read in-depth coverage of current and future trends in technology, and how they are shaping business, entertainment, communications, science, politics, and culture at
Why Twitter from Wired Magazine
For those of you increasingly convinced that you're the last human alive who doesn't get the point of Twitter, I have comforting news: Nobody does. Not really. Sure, the twittering masses (17 million registered U.S. users, by latest count) have some idea what their habit is good for. For many, Twitter's steady stream of one-line updates — "microblogging," as the form is known — is a low-maintenance way to feel connected to family, friends, celebrities. For others, it's a marketing tool, a public diary, a communal news feed, or even, simply, a sort of brain game — a text-message Sudoku, where the daily challenge is to fit the maximum amount of cleverness into the minimal space of a 140-character limit. But knowing how people use Twitter isn't the same thing as knowing why they use it. And that turns out to be a puzzle even seasoned Twitter watchers have found difficult to crack.
5 Habits of Successful Executives on Twitter
Sosiaalisen median ohjeita johtajille
Twitter article
Executives that have mastered Twitter have pioneered a new way for people to connect with the companies that want their business. Here are 5 habits of successful execs on Twitter.
Junta42 blog: 42+ Social Media Marketing Tools
There's an art to writing on Facebook or Twitter -- really -
June 9, 2009:
Social Networking writing tips
There's an art to writing on Facebook or Twitter -- really - [from]
Top 5 Twitter Related Trends to Watch
Here are five important Twitter trends to keep your eye on right now
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
"The key force behind this is the next generation, the Millennials, who elected Obama in America and may oust Ahmadinejad in Iran. They want freedom; they are sick of lies; they enjoy life and know hope."
Is twitter the only network to survive in Iran?
The Revolution Will Be Twittered
It's increasingly clear that Ahmadinejad and the old guard mullahs were caught off-guard by this technology and how it helped galvanize the opposition movement in the last few weeks.
As the regime shut down other forms of communication, Twitter survived. With some remarkable results. Those rooftop chants that were becoming deafening in Tehran? A few hours ago, this concept of resistance was spread by a twitter message. Here's the Twitter from a Moussavi supporter: ALL internet & mobile networks are cut. We ask everyone in Tehran to go onto their rooftops and shout ALAHO AKBAR in protest #IranElection That a new information technology could be improvised for this purpose so swiftly is a sign of the times. It reveals in Iran what the Obama campaign revealed in the United States. You cannot stop people any longer. You cannot control them any longer. They can bypass your established media; they can broadcast to one another; they can organize as never before.
Novel search engine that depicts search results as blocks of text and images.
enter your search term ...get a page of quotes and photos and links...visually appealing
A new visual search engine is making the rounds...
When too cool becomes useless. Results are returned in the form of a collage. The cool factor gets in the way of trying to review the results.
Top 10 WordPress Plugins to Promote Your Social Media Profiles
A Simple Presence Framework |
In my case, [] is my home base. The goals of this base are fourfold:
Great blog post by Chris Brogan summing up a basic strategy for social media presence/engagement
15 Free Awesome Social Bookmark Icons Sets | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
Twitter For Business
Has good business areas Twitter can address
rules of twitpitching
Slideshare presentation
21 Adobe Air Apps For Designers And Social Media Addicts | Creative Nerds
nder to search our entire database of nearly 1 million named colors and more than 300,00 user created color palettes.
For Adobe Addicts
Adobe air apps are just simply great it enables any one with knowledge within ajax, Flash, JavaScript and HTML to be able to create a desktop widget, which
Lots of useful one there
Facebook Connect Live Sites - Facebook Developers Wiki
Here is a sample of sites that are live with Facebook Connect. Check out these examples as you think about how to integrate into your own site. When your site is live, feel free to edit this page and add a link to it here.
Facebook Developers Wiki.
Collecta monitors the update streams of news sites, popular blogs and social media, and Flickr, so we can show you results as they happen
The web is alive with real-time information. So why search a stale archive? Collecta monitors the update streams of popular realtime blogs and sites like Twitter, Wordpress, and Flickr, so we can show you results as they happen.
Collecta is not like other search engines. The web is alive with real-time information. So why search a stale archive? Collecta monitors the update streams of news sites, popular blogs and social media, and Flickr, so we can show you results as they happen. Give it a try.
Searching the Real-time Web
50 Social Sites That Every Business Needs a P | Marketing | article on social marketing strategy.
Introducing Yip: A Unified Notification System for the Web « abi's blog
Like growl for the MAC
Maps Fluid and Prism notification APIs into Firefox.
PR 2.0: The Conversation Prism v2.0
The Eloquence of the Conversation Prism and Social Science
updated version Mar 2009
great art
Twitter search engine with graphs.
A Real Time Social Search Engine tat produces quick results.
1. Results pages include a graph of tweet volume over time (limited to the last 72 hours, which the company says is the “most actionable and interesting” data), which allows searchers to see the recent history of certain trends. 2. CrowdEye also includes a list of related categories, hashtags, and common words from tweets about your search term (displayed as a tag cloud). Clicking on any related term or category adds it as a filter and further refines your search, which makes diving more in depth into that topic easier. 3. Popular links being tweeted about your search term are highlighted, making CrowdEye a competitor to link-centric real-time search engines like Tweetmeme. 4. Of course, CrowdEye also displays recent tweets about the topic.
25 Excellent Social Media Sites for Your Health
The Ultimate List of Twitter Tools | The Social Media Guide
twiiter tools
140 characters, Ads, Backgrounds and Buttons, Browser Plug-Ins, Business, Clouds, Dictionary, Directory etc.
Tror faktisk at listen lever op til navnet...
Sysomos | Business Intelligence for Social Media
Business Intelligence for Social Media
Could compete with Radian6?
CDC - Social Media Tools for Consumers and Partners - Peanut Product Recall related to Salmonella Infections
Social media on CDC site
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are working together to provide consumers and partners with social media tools that access information about the ongoing 2009 H1N1 Flu outbreak. Visit the 2009 H1N1 Flu and Web sites for information on 2009 H1N1 Flu.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are working together to provide consumers and partners with social media tools to access information about the ongoing 2009 H1N1 Flu outbreak.
Seth's Blog: What kind of open are you looking for?
Seth's Blog: What kind of open are you looking for? [from]
Facebook Grader | Score Your Profile
For business or personal Facebook pages
Facebook Grader : Measure the power of your Facebook profile
10 Things All Businesses Should Do to Market More Effectively on Facebook
Writing exercise for Writing for the Web
Tee blogi artikkeli!
1. Create a Facebook Page Your Facebook Page should be the “hub” of your Facebook marketing presence. With a Facebook Page, Facebook users can become a “fan” of your company or product; when that happens, your name and logo will appear on their profile page and your name will appear in their profile feed. fbmarketingpages1In turn, more users will be able to discover your Facebook Page through their friends’ profiles and Facebook searches, and your Page can grow “virally” without you even having to do much work. Finally, Pages rank very highly in Google search results, boosting your SEO rankings.
wahlgetwitter - Die politische Stimmung im Netz - live
Und so funktioniert's: Hier werden alle Beiträge auf ausgewertet, die eine Raute (Hashtag), den Namen einer Partei und ein Bewertungszeichen (+ oder -) enthalten. Beispiel: Steht #CDU- am Ende eines Twitterbeitrags, wird er als negativ gewertet. So ergibt sich ein politisches Stimmungsbild in Echtzeit. FAQ
Hier werden alle Beiträge auf ausgewertet, die eine Raute (Hashtag), den Namen einer Partei und ein Bewertungszeichen (+ oder -) enthalten. Beispiel: Steht #CDU- am Ende eines Twitterbeitrags, wird er als negativ gewertet. So ergibt sich ein politisches Stimmungsbild in Echtzeit.
Alice is a service that provides you a cost effective way to manage all of your household essentials online. You tell Alice what you buy—choosing from great deals on 1000’s of products—and we go to work. We organize all of your products, find coupons and deals for you, remind you when you might be running low, and help you order just the items you need so you can avoid the chore of household shopping. And all this convenience comes direct to your door with free shipping included.
As profiled in the Wisconsin State Journal on June 23, 2009
Parlamento, istituzioni, politica
openpolis presenta il nuovo sito interamente dedicato al monitoraggio parlamentare: Per i cittadini, possibilità di informarsi, di controllare l'attività del parlamento e di partecipare, intervenendo direttamente sugli atti presentati e discussi alla Camera e al Senato.
сравнение 2.0 сервисов
When learning professionals (and others) want to create a free social network, social learning space or collaborative group for their students or employees, they often ask which platform is recommended. It is usually a matter of "horses for courses" so here is a comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the three free main platforms: Facebook, Ning and Elgg.
When learning professionals (and others) want to create a free social network, social learning space or collaborative group for their students or employees, we are often asked which platform we recommend. It is usually a matter of "horses for courses" so we have drawn up this comparison of what we perceive to be the strengths and weaknesses of the three free main platforms: Facebook, Ning and Elgg
How to Be Generous: A Guide for Social Media Brands
Idées pour impliquer sa marque sur les réseaux sociaux
With social media, the cost of media has in effect been eliminated. This elimination of cost means that brands can now share much more of themselves, of their story, than ever before.
10 Twitter Best Practices for Brands
Here are 10 best practices for brands on Twitter.
BOXEE: the open, connected, social media center for windows, mac os x and linux
media center app
HOW TO: Build Your Thought Capital on Twitter
Twitter citation So how do you build thought capital from retweeting? As Ben Parr wrote, “retweeting is an integral part of the Twitter experience.” Retweets are a simple, yet powerful idea: you are citing someone else’s work. This is what it looks like: In this example, @ashley0206 found something @kwtodd linked to interesting. This simple retweet builds both @ashley0206’s and @kwtodd’s credibility. Why? Because now all of @ashley0206’s followers are now aware of @kwtodd. @kwtodd is now seen as someone who understands marketing, so people following @ashley0206 (like myself) will see if they want to follow @kwtodd. This retweet also allows @ashley0206’s followers see what she is into, thus adding to her credibility. Why retweets are important Dan Zarella’s brilliant quantitative analysis places retweets into four categories, and while impressive, still misses out on the qualitative, human aspect of social networks.
Good article on the value of Retweeting as a tool to build thought capital on Twitter.
Статья, сравнивающая построение социального капитала на Твиттере с помощью retweets с механизмом цитирования в науках.
Social Network Icon Pack · Komodo Media
360i Social Marketing Playbook | Twitter FollowFridays
Twitter FollowFridays
twitter aggregator about endorsements
Twitter search sites: The three best, and all the rest | Webware - CNET
When you want to know what's happening on the Web right now, Google won't cut it. These sites will.
Outils de recherhe sur Twitter
19 Twitter Desktop Apps Compared
Ready to move beyond Twitter's web-based interface? Here's a review of several desktop clients.
Finding Utility in the Jumble of Tweeted Thoughts -
But taken collectively, the stream of messages can turn Twitter into a surprisingly useful tool for solving problems and providing insights into the digital mood.
How Twitter as a Hive Mind and information sharing technology is useful for everyone. How Twitter is more than just narcissistic microblogging.
Collectively, Twitter’s messages are a surprisingly useful tool for solving problems and revealing public opinion.
Taken collectively, the stream of messages can turn Twitter into a surprisingly useful tool for solving problems and providing insights into the digital mood. By tapping into the world’s collective brain...
Number of US Facebook Users Over 35 Nearly Doubles in Last 60 Days
Don’t look now, but the number of Americans over 35, 45, and 55 on Facebook is growing fast. In the last 60 days alone, the number of people over 35 has nearly doubled.
Don’t look now, but the number of Americans over 35, 45, and 55 on Facebook is growing fast. In the last 60 days alone, the number of people over 35 has nearly doubled. Developers and marketers may want to think about how to serve this group of new users.
Looking at Facebook US audience growth over the last 180 days, it’s clear that Facebook is seeing massive increases in adoption amongst users 35-65. The fastest growing demographic on Facebook is still women over 55 - there are now nearly 1.5 million of them active on Facebook each month.
The Art of Branding | Small Business Marketing Guide - Brought to you by HP
The Art of Branding | Small Business Marketing Guide - Brought to you by HP
In this Web 2.0, user-generated, Open-Source, social-networking world, it’s so easy to forget that just
In this Web 2.0, user-generated, Open-Source, social-networking world, it’s so easy to forget that just because something can be done doesn’t mean it should be done. All branding, no matter whether it’s on a billboard, blog, website, or Twitter, should adhere to these simple principles. Here are nine keys to the art of branding
In this Web 2.0, user-generated, Open-Source, social-networking world, it’s so easy to forget that just because something can be done doesn’t mean it
HOW TO: Back Up Your Tweets
What would you do if all of the activity and data from your Twitter, Flickr, Delicious, or Wordpress accounts were to suddenly disappear? It’s not as far fetched as it sounds – social bookmarking service Ma.gnolia lost all user data permanently this year. And hackers, downtime, and errors happen all the time. The moral? Always have a backup. - before you follow...
Gibt einen Überblick zu einem beliebigen Twitter-Account
19 Presence Management Chores You COULD Do Every Day |
Creating Your Social Media Plan | Using Social Media for Business
HOW TO: Use Social Media for Enterprise Business
A Corporate Guide For Social Media -
for web 2.0
Debunking Social Media Myths - Conversation Starter -
"I was selling in the idea that social media is free, until the community manager headcount came in."
Social media involvement means having live people who actively participate in your initiatives. It requires people - therefore it's not free.
seeding, feeding, and weeding. » Calling bullshit on social media
Critique of the hype surrounding social media
so, so true
This is so true... We keep talking about "social media" like it's something different than people just talking and connecting. It's really very human and simple, despite technology.
Twitter Guide Book: Mashable Launches Hub for Twitter Resources
Social Media Directory for Designers
The Directory for Designers was created so that designers from all across the globe could share their various social media profiles allowing the community to easier connect. If you're looking for someone in particular just search for that person's name and find all of the directories they're members of. If you want to find other designers at a particular site, go to that site's directory and start adding friends. And don't forget to add your own information while you're there!
I like the background image
Diretório Social de Mídias para Designer's
directory for designers
Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing Strategy | Online Marketing Blog
Central to the notion of effective social media participation is the ability to create, publish and share content. The sheer volume of information on the topic
» Blog Archive » 100 Useful Twitter Tips & Tools for Web Designers
Jak používat twitter
we’ll look at 100 tips and tools that are great for web designers on Twitter.
kewls twitter tips and tools for web devs!
twittl | discover, rate and share tweets
discover, rate and share
Check out my Blog:
Introduction to Social Thinking
Teen thinking. Social Problems, workshop listings and gathering for Teachers
Social thinking is required before the development of social skills and successful social interaction.
Social Thinking -Michelle Garcia Winner
Learning Twitter? Don't Take Your Cue From These Ad Agencies - Agency News - Advertising Age
NEW YORK ( -- As Twitter moves into the business mainstream -- nearing some 35 million unique global visitors, according to ComScore -- it's increasingly clear that one community has yet to fully embrace the social-networking tool du jour: agencies. The irony is that the same people clients hire to erect communications and social-media strategies often appear uncomfortable using Twitter themselves. One stark example: A couple of months back, Volvo struck a landmark ad-placement deal with YouTube to promote the Twitter feed for its XC60 model (@VolvoXC60). But the agency that created the innovative rich-media ad for Volvo, Havas' Euro RSCG, has an account (@Euro_RSCG) that's never been used.
Agencies are struggling to get their heads around Twitter
The irony is that the same people clients hire to erect communications and social-media strategies often appear uncomfortable using Twitter themselves. SO TRUE
Learning Twitter? Don't Take Your Cue From These Ad Agencies - Agency News - Advertising Age
y's brand, but don't hit people over the head with a litany of press releases. Be human. Attach a personality -- a name, a photo -- to your Twitter feed and balance promoting your brand with some personal updates so followers can get a sense of your company culture. Remember, Twitter is public! A client probably won't appreciate your tweeting "Ouch, got a nasty hangover" when you're late to the meeting. Keep clients looped. Be sure to share your agency's Twitter strategy with your clients. Get permission if you want to mention one by name, and don't forget that a lot of your work is proprietary. Don't let a careless misstep to cost you the relationship. Listen. Know what people are saying about you on Twitter. Use or an application such as TweetDeck to monitor the chatter. Respond. The point of being on Twitter is to engage wi
Over-promotion is a big problem on Twitter. At the same time, an agency's Twitter feed should share relevant information -- not only press releases -- so the balance can be hard to find.
Pinboard - antisocial bookmarking
web bookmarks
To replace
like Delicious
Viralheat | Social media monitoring and analytics
the web, twitter, viral video measured by your topic, in realtime, at one amazing price
12 Excellent Social News Sites for Web Designers
are a great for finding useful resources, tutorials, and information on the web. These sites typically puts users in the driver’s seat by giving them the ability to submit links, vote on other people’s submissions, as well as vote down stories that they don’t like. Because of this, they’re able to create a user-driven site and connect people who have similar interests.
social news sites
Designers on Twitter -
Designers on Twitter
directory of designers on twitter
Looking for other designers to follow on twitter?
design twits. categories of art direction, design, illustration, type, ux, web. has twits, links, pics.
Designers on Twitter [from]
Human-Centered Design Toolkit - Case Studies - IDEO
Sitio con la metodología de IDEO !Increible¡
3 apps to check username availability across all sites at once – The Next Web
Social Media Icons — Paul Robert Lloyd
From Paul Robert Lloyd.
Social Media: Anderson Analytics Reveals Users' Habits - Advertising Age - Digital
Today 110 million Americans, or 60% of the online population, use social networks, and that number is fairly conservative, because instead of counting unique users or everyone who has an account, as many estimates do, the Anderson study counted only people who have used a social network at least once in the past month.
what does the social networking site you use say about you?
CoTweet™ - How business does Twitter
CoTweet is a platform that helps companies reach and engage customers using Twitter.
John Resig - Easy Retweet Button
Ever since I saw the JavaScript API I've been wanting to build a simple script for tracking the number of people visiting a blog post from Twitter. This past weekend I built a little script for doing just that - and in a completely unobtrusive manner. The script itself is completely standalone (no dependencies) and can be included in any page relatively painlessly. Additionally, since it's just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it's completely themeable and customizable to the style of your site.
10 Rules That Govern Groups « PsyBlog
Here are 10 insightful studies that give a flavour of what has been discovered about the dynamics of group psychology.
Good tools for learning groups/management techniques.
Fotoglif - One source, thousands of new photos a day, the worlds top photographers and agencies, free to view & free to use
Free and fully licensed for blogs and websites
thousands of new photos a day, the worlds top photographers and agencies, free to view & free to use
5 Steps for Successful Social Media Damage Control
List of Advertising Agencies on Twitter » Think » Mojave Interactive
The New Social Engagement: A Visit to Zappos
e-business becoming social, new trend in marketing, web 2.0 marketing
Most Mashable readers have probably heard of the online retail company, Zappos. You may have learned of them via TwitterTwitterTwitter and count yourself among the 400,000+ people that follow the CEO, Tony Hsieh (pronounced Shay but who people refer to as Tony), or from a friend after she had one of the best customer experiences in her life. No matter how you heard of them, we wager to guess that you did so through word-of-mouth. And word about Zappos has been spreading. . . . They did $3 million dollars in gross sales the day before our recent visit, and surpassed $1 billion last year. They are one of the companies forging a new era of business that emphasizes, in their words, “making personal and emotional connections.”
Worth checking out -- they TRAIN their employees in Twitter?
Social Media
Socialbrite is a learning hub & sharing community that brings together top experts in social media, social causes and online philanthropy. We're here to share insights about the tools and best practices that drive the social Web and advance the social good
HOW TO: Manage Social Media Goals and Expectations
You have insightful tweets, write amazing blog posts, and can make a viral video like it's nobody's business. So why don't you have 500,000 followers, 50,000
Savor Chat - A better group chat for Facebook and Twitter
A better group chat for Facebook and Twitter
Social Network Design: Examples and Best Practices | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Freaking awesome Examples and Best Practices - How To Social Network Design
...But what’s the best way to design a social network? What are the elements that make a social network more user-friendly and more attractive to users? Read on to find out. Mooie bundeling
Toolkit - Networking for the Shy Entrepreneur -
Among the tidbits offered, the article suggests networking in person. Though perhaps intuitive and inviting for the more gregarious worker, this is an especially important step for the shy employee who may prefer to limit the crux of his communications to emails and IM chats. While both are important to establishing and maintaining a relationship, meeting up in-person is vital. The NYT bluntly says to force yourself to do so. Making a bee line to the bar or buffet, if there is one, is a classic way to get the ball rolling. The article also claims that being an introvert can even help your networking efforts. Introverts are intuitive and analytical. Use that skill. After you have been networking for a while, ask, "What is working? What isn't? Where do you get the most bang for your buck?"
From, Paul B Brown. Networking tips
Understanding Luxury Brands and Social Media
great article on
Great article on luxury consumers and social media.
Attività sui media sociali con marchi di lusso
Facebook for Business SuperGuide
Facebook has certainly garnered a lot of attention these past weeks- first with it’s new vanity URL feature and then with it’s changed privacy features. Facebook’s vanity URL feature - particularly for Facebook pages - is of particular interest to businesses. As Facebook continues it’s explosive growth heading towards 250 million active users, more and more businesses are hoping to leverage Facebook for serious business purposes. Facebook’s new feature allows businesses to create a custom url for their business page - something that wasn’t possible until now. (If you haven’t gotten your custom name, read Facebook expert Mari Smith’s post: How To Secure Your Facebook Username (Vanity URL).) Want to sharpen your skills and learn how to really leverage Facebook to grow your business? Below I’ve put together a comprehensive collection of resources, tips and advice on how to use Facebook for business purposes including: 1. General Guides, Tutorials and Help 2. Facebook Pages an
Five Ways to Use Twitter to Improve Your Marketing - ClickZ
found on ClickZ via twitter (@rrabago)
20 Tips to Manage Your Online Social Life – Part 1
30+ More Ways to Create Twitter Groups
Tips on how to create Twitter Groups
Fluent: The Razorfish Social Influence Marketing Report Fluent: The Razorfish Social Influence Marketing Report
Social Influence Marketing is about employing social media and social influencers to achieve the marketing and business needs of an organization.
Top 10 Social Media Presentations | Digital Buzz Blog
There would be 100+ Social Media Presentations on SlideShare but this is just about the Top 10 Presentations you’d actually want to spend the time reading! Some of the social media presentations loose their punch with out the speaker actually talking you through it, but I’m sure you’ll all find every side valuable. Note: Some are a little basic while others are much more advanced so there is something for everyone here!
I’m addicted to slideshare and after reading a bunch of re-tweets about the Top 10 Social Media Presentations I thought it might be useful to post them on Digital Buzz! There would be 100+ Social Media Presentations on SlideShare but this is just about the Top 10 Presentations you’d actually want to spend the time reading!
Why Non-Profits Are So Good at Social Media - Conversation Starter -
for Writing for the Web discussion starter
Describes how several non-profits are successfully using social media. Author: Alexandra Samuel, HR Business Publishing, June 16, 2009.
5 Business Models for Social Media Startups
Before you launch your startup, you should be thinking about how you're going to make money. Here are 5 ways social media startups can bring in some cash.
real-time information about hot topics on Twitter by fusing Bing search results with the latest tweets.
Why I Hate Social Media - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
Far from being interesting (unless you enjoy following mutually referencing bloggers who blog about blogging), social media is just an excuse. It is... the old marketing industry's latest excuse to waste more money on bad ideas and lazy thinking.
Artigo de Matt Jones no Advertising Age
10 Ways Universities Share Information Using Social Media
Como usan algunas universidades al social media
Universities are constantly exploring new ways to use social media to fulfill their missions of engaging and sharing knowledge with their constituents. Below are just 10 highlights of how universities are using social media for public affairs. As always, please share other examples you have used or come across in the comments below.
10 things you should cover in your social networking policy | 10 Things |
Get the key facts on a wide range of technologies, techniques, strategies, and skills with the help of these concise, need-to-know lists.
72 Sets of Free Social Bookmarking Icons - Icons - Geek Sucks
Eye-catching social bookmarking icons are a big plus point for a website. If social bookmarking icons are attractive then probabilities of website visitors clicking on them get increases which help everybody to split, promote and bookmark your content. So, for my website visitors I have gathered a huge set of collection of social bookmarking icons. In the rest part of my article, you will see the collections of my social bookmarking icons that I found after spending lots of time and labor and I expect you will find your desire one from here to include in your blog. Extended Set of Social Iconst
Haven't seen a lot of these before.
Echo is the way to share your content, and watch the live reaction. Publishers can quickly embed Echo on any site and turn their static pages into a real-time stream of diggs, tweets, comments, ratings and more.
Comments: evolved
@Joylie Funny, I just tried out Echo at and then saw quick screen shot of Disqus somewhere and realized they're similar. [from]
Posting from the #Seesmic new web service . After desktop (which I love) here comes seesmic web. Clever @loic. [from]
Sécurisé par oAuth
BBC Memoryshare
Does Social Networking Breed Social Division? - Gadgetwise Blog -
Studies suggest that users of Facebook and MySpace are breaking down along class and racial lines.
"Is the social media revolution bringing us together? Or is it perpetuating divisions by race and class?" (NYT)
Alimentan las redes sociales las divisiones del mundo real? Articulo en el Nwe York Times, basado en la investigacion de Danah Boyd, investigadora del Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society
(2009, NYTimes) Article about recent research suggesting there is classism in the use of social media. The quality of the reporting is very weak - hard to say if I agree with the conclusions.
The Future of Search: Social Relevancy Rank
Real-time Web search (of streams of activities) is a hot topic right now. Everyone, including Google and Microsoft, recognizes the value of using trusted contacts as filters. What was once called social search is now called real-time search, but this time it will really happen. First, it will be applied to streams and then to the Web in general.
Here is an idea so obvious that it is surprising Twitter has not implemented it already: front-load search results with people you follow. When you search for, say, "Wilco" on Twitter today, the results are in the chronological order. That is not really relevant because you do not know who most of these people are. But if instead you could see people you follow, the search results would be much more useful.
6 Promising And Open Source Social Networking Softwares To Create Your Own
6 Promising And Open Source Social Networking Softwares To Create Your Own -
Resource for integrationg of website
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
CEOs Who Use Twitter: Tweets from the Chiefs - BusinessWeek
In August 2008 we reported on 18 chief executives who use the microblogging application Twitter to clue customers in on new services, help them with questions about their products, and generally get a little bit personal with customers, business associates, and the public. Not even a year later, we bring you nearly 50 CEOs who find tweeting a personal and professional delight. Twitter's growth has been astounding. As of August, for example, Digg founder Kevin Rose had only 61,000 "followers"— people who sign up to view a certain Twitter user's tweets—but now he has more than 600,000. So read on to learn how Virgin Group's Richard Branson,'s Tony Hsieh, and dozens more CEOs harness the simple powers of Twitter.
Dozens of CEOs who find Twitter to be a personal and professional delight. Here's how they use the service, and who they like to follow
In August 2008 we reported on 18 chief executives who use the microblogging application Twitter to clue customers in on new services, help them with questions about their products, and generally get a little bit personal with customers, business associates, and the public. Not even a year later, we bring you nearly 50 CEOs who find tweeting a personal and professional delight. Twitter's growth has been astounding. As of August, for example, Digg founder Kevin Rose had only 61,000 "followers"— people who sign up to view a certain Twitter user's tweets—but now he has more than 600,000.
33 Ways to Use LinkedIn for Business
Top 10 Great Social Sites for Movie Lovers
Global Advertising: Consumers Trust Real Friends and Virtual Strangers the Most | Nielsen Wire
The Nielsen Company, News, Press Releases, Nielsen Media Research, Nielsen Online, Nielsen Mobile
Online reviews -- here we come.
The complete online environment for everyone, built around your domain name.
ZooLoo Аггрегатор. Все в одном...
Bantam - Red social en tiempo real
CRM with Live Social elements added
Design Ignites Change
Design Ignites Change challenges students to use design thinking to explore and create solutions for pressing social problems.
Creativity holds enormous power for fostering positive social change. Instilling this ideal in the next generation of creative professionals is core to Design Ignites Change, a collaboration between Adobe Youth Voices and Worldstudio (click here for additional Partners ). Design Ignites Change promotes and encourages talented high school and college students across the country to use design thinking and innovation to create messages for, and solutions to, pressing social problems. Each year, participating colleges, universities and high schools engage with their students to create work that addresses powerful social topics ranging from issues of diversity, homelessness, hunger and gun violence to scarce water resources, sustainability and endangered species. The students are encouraged to develop actual projects that are visible in, and beneficial to, their local communities; projects that stimulate thought, dialog, action and ultimately change.
design social change pro bono difference non-profit green sustainable inspiration
What the F**K is Social Media: One Year Later
Twitter for Beginners: 5 Steps for Better Tweeting
Here are five steps for new users to take in order to make the Twitter experience more enjoyable from the beginning.
The Most Engaged Brands On The Web
What big brands do the best job with social media? A new study by analyst Charlene Li of the Altimeter Group and Wetpaint ...
What big brands do the best job with social media? A new study by analyst Charlene Li of the Altimeter Group and Wetpaint ranks the top 100 brands by social media engagement. You can find the report embedded below or on ENGAGEMENTdb, which was presumably created with Wetpaint’s site-creation software.
Ranks the top 100 brands by social media engagement - claims level is tied to revenue growth (correlation does not mean causation?)
A new study by analyst Charlene Li of the Altimeter Group and Wetpaint ranks the top 100 brands by social media engagement. Contains report
twitcam \ Stream Live on Twitter
Video twitter
Stream Live on Twitter
a dead simple tool that lets you live stream immediately using your Twitter credentials
12 Rules For Bringing 'Social' To Your Business |
Sharing on Facebook Now More Popular than Sharing by Email
"Facebook now dominates sharing, with 24 percent of shares from the widget consisting of users posting items to the social network. That handily beats out email (11.1 percent) and Twitter (Twitter) (10.8 percent), making the world’s most popular social network also the most popular service for sharing content."
How do you know which social sites are most popular? Aside from looking at the raw traffic numbers, a good indicator is data about which sites are seeing the
Facebook - 24% Email -11% Twitter - 11%
"According to AddToAny, Facebook now dominates sharing, with 24 percent of shares from the widget consisting of users posting items to the social network. That handily beats out email (11.1 percent) and Twitter (10.8 percent), making the world’s most popular social network also the most popular service for sharing content. This is undoubtedly welcome news at Facebook, as the site continues to emphasize sharing and readies its own real-time search engine."
krapet přehnané, ale stejnak krapet zajímací :) » Home
Make your "tiny" portfolio online in which you'll be able to integrate your networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), a little about you and how to contact you. Choose between many nice skins and features.
Social Media Brand Engagement Database - ENGAGEMENTdb
Want to know not just what companies are doing on the social web but how well they're doing it? We have brought you just the tool to measure and monitor brand engagement: for the first time ever, ENGAGEMENTdb ranks the world's most valuable brands based on how they leverage social media to interact with customers.
17 Ways to connect with local twitterers
Social Media Brand Engagement Report - ENGAGEMENTdb
World's first report ranking the top brands' use of and engagment with social media tools.
Social media database showing customer engagement by brand.
interesting chart might have more info
50 Social Service and Bookmarking Icon Sets for Bloggers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Social Service and Bookmarking Icon Sets
There are many elements of blogging that are essential, the most important is the ability to share your posts and information with a wider audience, and we accomplish this via the many social bookmarking services (digg, delicious, twitter…) that are available. Finding a bookmarking iconset that fits into your theme can be difficult or maybe you don’t want the boring or the bland, but you want an iconset that has been designed by a high quality designer and has something distinctive and original. Below you will find such iconsets.
The Simple Dollar » Ten Unusual Ways to Improve Your Appearance of Confidence That Really Work
ts containing links can automatically be encoded with, for users of that service.
New Study Finds Correlation Between Social Media and Financial Success
A new study released by enterprise wiki provider Wetpaint and the Altimeter Group shows that the brands most engaged in social media are also experiencing higher financial success rates than those of their non-engaged peers. To determine this relationship, the study focused on 100 companies from the 2008 BusinessWeek/Interbrand Best Global Brands survey and the various social media platforms they used like Facebook, Twitter, blogs, wikis, and forums. Although it's difficult to prove for certain that the companies' involvement in social media has led to their increased revenues, the implication behind the new data is that it has.
La première étude qui montre qu'il y a un lien entre l'utilisation des social medias et les résultats financiers des entreprises. A montrer aux marques pour les motiver à s'impliquer dans la plateforme
Essential Etiquette Advice and Information for Worldwide Travel at Travel Etiquette (UK)
Behaviour and customs vary greatly from country to country. We discuss the correct travel etiquette so that you won't be caught out.
10 Ways to Use Social Media to Pick a College
Here are 10 social media resources for high school students (and their parents) to use in order to find out more about what college life is really like at the school they plan to attend.
32 Ways to Use Facebook for Business
reading the Facebook rules regarding business accounts.
first bookmark
Stuff To Tweet » The Hippest Tweets on the Web
bunch of great stuff to waste time on
Yes, Your Social Media Strategy Needs Design - Conversation Starter -
harvard business - social strategy / harvard biznes
Twitter 101 for Business — A Special Guide
A mini site from Twitter explaining what Twitter is and why individuals and organizations may want to use it.
This is a great guide for twitters and business twitters!
Social Network Icon Pack · Komodo Media
CHART OF THE DAY: How People Share Content On The Web
According to AddToAny, a company that provides Web publishers tools to let their users share content, more people use Facebook to share links than any other service -- including, to our surprise, email.
via passitalong Quote: Report in the Silicon Alley Insider on why people share online. Shows how Facebook is a preferred method but twitter gaining on them quickly and with far fewer users.
Gráfico mostrando como as pessoas compartilham conteúdo na web. A fatia maior é do Facebook (24%)
Just a nice overview of what's out there and how popular they are.
10 Ways Universities Are Engaging Alumni Using Social Media - Start a Twitter Petition
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Musicians on Twitter: 100+ Artists That Tweet
Musicians on Twitter
Musician's that Tweet - from Mashable
As the industry changes, so have the methods by which music is promoted. Traditional marketing is being replaced by artists and bands using social media sites like Twitter (Twitter) to engage fans, promote their work, and connect with others. The modern web and the future of the music industry seem almost inextricably intertwined in terms of marketing, listening, communicating, and purchasing. Twitter is one of the many ways for people to instantly and quickly communicate, and artists are taking advantage of its vast potential. Is your favorite artist tweeting? Here are over 100 musicians who tweet to keep fans and friends informed. Tell us about additional musicians you’re following in the comments.
combination of Youtube and Facebook
Un servizio che permette a due o più internauti di guardare contenuti video (ma non solo) contemporaneamente, sincronizzati al frame. Di fatto si tratta di un browser che allo schermo affianca una chat video. Il tutto in un’unica finestra e in condivisione fra più utenze
Watch it too
edit your videos from YouTube
Video sharing software; allows synchronous viewing of YouTube content (individual videos or playlists) for multiple users.
Tonchidot Madness: The Video
augmented reality
"Social Augmented Reality Mobile Location-based Service: “Sekai Camera” (World Camera)."
Google could and probably will develop a website (a-la AdWords) where every business in the planet will be able to geo-tag their shop, service etc… for free. But the trick is that you could tag not only your business name, but also place ads. And of course Google will charge for this service… In Enkin’s video demonstration, we see an example with a hospital and a subway station geo-tagged and visible live through augmented reality. Now replace this with a restaurant or a shop. This shop pays Google to advertise so below their business name, the tag would also display for example a promotion for an article. Just imagine the potential! This concept has the potential of becoming something similar to what adwords is to Google: a drastic profit machine! On top of that, Google could license the service to TomTom or other GPS manufacturers, so in your car you will actually see in real-time the directions and tags through a live video, instead of the boring 3D-graphics we all know.
Mashable Mind Map: What is the Future of Blogging?
A little over five years ago, sites like Typepad (TypePad), Blogger (blogger) and WordPress (WordPress) dazzled by empowering anyone to instantaneously share his or her thoughts with the world
The Social Data Revolution(s) - Now, New, Next -
Successful interactions have become genuine communication with near-instantaneous feedback. For example, PayScale allows users to retrieve real-time salary reports based on their job title, location, education, and experience-but only after they have contributed their own data. As the expectations of users change, firms must spend more time developing incentive systems that will entice more users to participate. Consequently, the online world is beginning to be ruled by the expectations of the users. No longer is it sufficient for a search engine to cough up some hotels across the world when a weary traveler is looking for a good deal in Bangkok! As these consumer expectations shift, companies that want to stay relevant have no choice but to accept the ideas of the consumer revolution as swiftly as possible. For users, switching costs are cheap
Successful interactions have become genuine communication with near-instantaneous feedback. For example, PayScale allows users to retrieve real-time salary reports based on their job title, location, education, and experience-but only after they have contributed their own data. As the expectations of users change, firms must spend more time developing incentive systems that will entice more users to participate. Consequently, the online world is beginning to be ruled by the expectations of the users. No longer is it sufficient for a search engine to cough up some hotels across the world when a weary traveler is looking for a good deal in Bangkok! As these consumer expectations shift, companies that want to stay relevant have no choice but to accept the ideas of the consumer revolution as swiftly as possible. For users, switching costs are cheap
In 2009, more data will be generated by individuals than in the entire history of mankind through 2008. Information overload is more serious than ever. What are the implications for marketing?
People trust people not advertising in product choices
In 2009, more data will be generated by individuals than in the entire history of mankind through 2008.
Supposedly humans will create more data in 2009 than in all time up to 2008. Not sure where that data comes from
In the Future, the Cost of Education will be Zero
However, social media can drastically reduce much of the overhead involved with higher education — such as administrative costs and even the campus itself — and open source or reusable and adaptive learning materials can drive costs down even further.
the nature of information is such that it can be created once at cost and distributed and consumed over and over again for free.
MediaPost Publications Study: Social Media Pays 07/21/2009
5 Events That Have Used Social Media for a Good Cause
Best point is #5, which observes that giving a personal touch vastly increases the chances of raising significant amounts of money.
HOW TO: Start a Petition on Twitter
Petitions are one of the most valuable tools organizers have to gather support for a cause and demonstrate the strength behind it. Even if they’re not always ultimately successful in enacting their goal, petitions are an amazing way to bring people together around an issue, spread awareness, and show others how many people care about a cause.
Tips på bra naminsamlingstjänster för Twitter.
Who Uses Social Networks and What Are They Like? (Part 2)
In a recent study by Anderson Analytics, the demographics and psychographics of social networking users on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn were revealed. The ultimate goal was to provide marketers with information about users' interests and buying habits as related to their network of choice. The end result is a detailed look at the profiles and habits of social networking users on the web today. Here we'll delve into the details about the specific networks studied.
In a recent study by Anderson Analytics, the demographics and psychographics of social networking users on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn were revealed. The ultimate goal was to provide marketers with information about users' interests and buying habits as related to their network of choice. The end result is a detailed look at the profiles and habits of social networking users on the web today.
As we've heard before, Facebookers are older and better off. They are more likely to be married (40%), white (80%) and retired (6%) than users of the other social networks. They have the second-highest average income ($61,000) and an average of 121 connections. In general, there is no one area of interest for this group of social networkers. Out of 45 categories, national news, sports, exercise, travel, and home and garden skewed only slightly higher than the rest. This is likely because this network has the most users and contains a high number of users within each demographic. Facebookers are also extremely loyal: 75% say Facebook is their favorite site and 59% say they've increased their use in the past 6 months. - via Paula Sanchez
The Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter Part II | Webdesigner Depot
The Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter Part II
We published the Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter at just at the right time when everyone wanted to know about this Twitter thing, how to start using it, and how to sleeve it into their websites and blogs.
100 Years of Design Manifestos -- Social Design Notes
Foursquare: Why It May Be the Next Twitter
Foursquare is by no means the first location-based social network to help you connect with friends using GPS via your mobile device. In fact, Brightkite was one of the first companies to really make a splash, combining location sharing, friend connections, and Twitter-like streams to create a photo and status update feed for your check-in history, and placestreams for each location. [Next Twitter? or NBT ?]
Eine gute Erklärung von Foursquare, einem Local Social Networking Spiel (oder so). Eine tolle Idee zum location based gaming/ location based ecommerce.
Top 5 Funniest Fake Facebook Pages
List of five hilarious fake facebook pages
share designs
socialseek by sensidea
>socialseek by sensidea
outil veille en ligne. appli adobe air
All the real-time social goodness in your city or anywhere. Stay in the scene with socialseek!
Haven't tried yet but looks like it's a good social tool.
HOW TO: Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn
A comprehensive guide to help you build your personal brand on LinkedIn.
Dan Schwabel/mashable
Twitter is for old people, work experience whiz-kid tells bankers - Times Online
very cool story
Very relevant to sourcing and creating any type of media for YP. It gives me insight into what my (and other) children are on.
7 Secrets to Tweeting Your Corporate Culture
follow us @BGChamber - we will keep you updated with ribbon cuttings, ground breakings and news around the South Central Kentucky area.
LinkedIn Gives You a Better Way to Brand Your Business
Great site called Mashable - Social Media Guide with blogs and much more.
5 Easy Social Media Wins for Your Small Business
Social Media Best Practices - eMarketer
Social Media Best Practices - eMarketer
"In late 2008, MarketingSherpa surveyed social media marketers about the effectiveness of their practices. Large majorities rated social media marketing effective at influencing brand reputation, increasing awareness and improving search rankings and site traffic."
Advertising Will Change Forever - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
The “Must-Have” Tool Kit of Social Media Citizen
Social Media Today is a moderated business community for the web's best thinkers on Social Media and Web 2.0
Breakdown: The Five Ways Companies Let Employees Participate in the Social Web « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
"Consider this a supplement to my latest report on “How Companies Should Organize for Social Computing“. I continue to get questions from clients, and have spent time with more large brands are connecting with customers. Diving in further, I’ve noticed that there are five ways that companies allow employees to participate." - Your Twitter Retweet Source
Your Twitter Retweet Source
Is your social media expert really an expert? | The Home of Peter Shankman -
There’s a new phenomena of people declaring themselves social media experts. We’ve actually heard from firms who pushed someone to become their resident social media expert because the person was on Facebook. There is no endorsement or accreditation to set apart legitimate industry leaders from bandwagon opportunists. Social media is a hot topic. We get it. And we don’t want to see people getting scammed by self-touting experts ready to make a quick buck. There are very few people who could, or should in all honesty, be called social media experts. We’re sharing this list with our networks, including those not yet involved in the social media world to give them a helpful guide.
Funny list of what NOT to look for in a social media expert. My fav: "#11. Any use of the term “MySpace” unless you’re only targeting 14-year-old males, or independent bands."
Three Instantly Effective Social Media Strategies - Conversation Starter - social marketing socialmedia social-media socialmediastrategy Ideas business internet web2.0 web webdesign twitter network Networks strategy
I saved this because everything is about business. Do I sabotage myself over that, or practice my craft?
If you've got an experienced social media team, a solid budget and an appetite for innovation, you can create an original online presence that engages your customers or supporters in an entirely new kind of online experience. But many organizations lack the time, budget or experience to start from scratch. That doesn't limit your social media options to a generic corporate news blog or a standard-issue Facebook page. Here are three great options for robust social media presences that let you manage cost and risk by building on existing tools and established best practices.
How Community Arts Organizations Are Using Social Media comoascomunidadesdearteestausandoaredesocial social art arte
As more diverse organizations dive into web marketing, for-profit organizations can learn well from their indie counterparts about experimentation and innovation online. A few notable community and arts groups have been inventive in their use of social media and truly collaborative in their outreach in ways that even the most seasoned corporate marketer can appreciate. Among the arts and community organizations using social media thoughtfully and in big ways (which aren’t necessarily representative of their limited budgets) are independent artists and companies in photography, film, modern art, radio and craft. They’ve capitalized on the audiovisual nature of the Web to showcase the storytelling and community-building aspects of their work, and the results are worth a pass-along.
The White House - Blog Post - WhiteHouse 2.0
Tweetable Eats: What Street Vendors Can Teach Businesses About Twitter
Using Twitter for Business
Twitter may not be the sole driving source (no pun intended) behind the growth of street food vendors. But a growing number of street vendors have been leveraging Twitter in innovative and interesting ways.
A Brief and Informal Twitter Etiquette Guide
The idea to write a brief and informal twitter etiquette guide came from my new friend Zaven, who asked whether, in some cases, people might just be behaving in a social structure that makes sense to their culture, but not mine. He might be right. With that as a motivator, here are some guidelines for Twitter to consider.
Manual de buenas maneras en Twitter
HOW TO: Use the Web for Socially Responsible Shopping
9 sites that offer information for the conscious consumer about the companies and products we buy every day.
When Do You Use Twitter Versus Facebook?
also best buy not listening case #fail #customer experience
When to use Twitter versus vs Facebook
Twitter Vs Facebook - which is best?...
Soren Gordhamer is the author of Wisdom 2.0: Ancient Secrets for the Creative and Constantly Connected (HarperOne, 2009). His homepage is: You can follow him on Twitter.
How the Old, the Young and Everyone in Between Uses Social Networks - eMarketer
social networks
Social Networking on Intranets (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox - a good source for Social Networking on Intranets
Social software is not a trend that can be ignored. It's affecting fundamental change in how people expect to communicate, both with each other and the companies they do business with. And companies can't just draw a line in the sand and say it's okay for employees to use Web 2.0 to communicate with customers, but it's not okay to use it when communicating with each other; Philips case study...
uccessful social media initiatives at many companies emerged from underground, grassroots efforts
"Perhaps more than any other corporate intranet innovation, social software technologies are exposing the holes in corporate communication and collaboration — and at times filling them before the (usually slow-moving) enterprise can fully grasp (and control) the flow." Also as I've said main times "But in truth, social software isn't really about the tools. It's about what the tools let users do and the business problems the tools address."
10 Questions to Evaluate a Social Media 'Expert' | Internet Marketing Strategy: Conversation Marketing
do i pass?
Excerpt: "If you know more than 5 people, chances are you now know someone who declares themselves a social media expert. How can you tell if someone's claim of expertise is legit? Here's my quick quiz."
SocialSafe: Get Your Facebook Data Out of Facebook
SocialSafe is an effective, fun new application enabling Facebook users to manage their Facebook data offline on their home computer.
How to get your Facebook data out of Facebook.
What the F**k Is Social Media? Here’s an Answer
que es social media, un año despues... buenos consejos para posicionar tu producto.
Presentation on Social Media
A great primer on why social media is essential.s
The next time you need to explain the benefits of social media to someone, just send them this post and make sure they flip through the entire presentation.
What the F**k is social media? This presentation provides some answers.
62 Ways to Use Twitter for Business
Twitter - das dürfte sich herumgesprochen haben, ist nicht nur das, was man darin sehen will, sondern auch das, was man daraus macht. Was für die Gegner Beschäftigungstherapie für Loser, ist für geschickte Kommunikatoren eine echte Perspektive für Networking und Marketing. Eine Liste auf den Punkt, was Twitter alles ist. vom Web Worker Daily, Meryl Evans.
Some suggestions on how to use Twitter for business.
Most of you know that Twitter can be used for much more than just announcing what you ate for breakfast. ...
HOW TO: Build Your Company’s Profile on LinkedIn
LinkedIn can be an enormously valuable way to attract top talent to your company, especially if you use all of the options available to you.
HOW TO: Deal With Social Networking Overload
1. Ask Yourself Why 2. Consider Your Purpose 3. Create Boundaries 4. Communicate Your Plan
Report: Social Networks Growing while Other Social Media Sites Stagnate and Decline
After four surveys of active internet users, a group whose total estimated global audience is now 625 million (or one in thirteen of people worldwide!), UM found that the usage of social networks is on the rise.
Universal McCann has released a new report that looks at the state of social media today. Apparently, this trend is showing no sign of slowing down. In fact, it's still growing.
Annotated link
apophenia: Would the real social network please stand up?
looks like an interesting categorization
danah maps three models of social networks: 1. Sociological "personal" networks 2. Behavioral social networks 3. Publicly articulated social networks
Why Teens Don’t Tweet
Twitter’s different than Facebook (Facebook) or MySpace (MySpace) because Twitter is not about your friends. As I highlighted in my analysis of Twitter’s new homepage, Twitter is quickly becoming the epicenter of world events. Yes, you can update your status, but you can do that just as easily on Facebook. What you can’t do on other social media sites is learn about the #IranElection crisis in real-time. But does this really interest teenagers? Teenagers are notorious for being terrible at social engagement, voting, and keeping up with the news. While I don’t want to typecast an entire age demographic, I can say this with confidence: Teens, more than any other age group, care about their friends.
We struck a nerve with a lot of people this morning with our article Stats Confirm It: Teens Don't Tweet. In it, we explained how a recent Nielsen report shows
deographic breakdown
Twitter Bird ImageWe struck a nerve with a lot of people this morning with our article Stats Confirm It: Teens Don’t Tweet. In it, we explained how a recent Nielsen report shows that only 16 percent of Twitter (Twitter) users are under 25. The response was overwhelming – especially from teenagers who currently use Twitter.
15 More Fantastic Social Media Resources for Foodies
Social media en eten. Waarom niet? Als je van lekker eten houd, dan kun je je vingers aflikken bij al deze sites waar je ervaringen kunt delen, nieuwe recept ideeën kunt opdoen, en gewoon kunt babbelen met andere liefhebbers
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Last week, we brought you a list of the top 15 resources for foodies across the social web. But food lovers have really taken to t
a social network for tea?
Maybe it'll get better...seems a bit too "I'm 2.0!" From:
Steepster is a site that helps you keep an online log of the teas you drink. Using our super-simple interface, you can easily fill your tealog with tasting notes and tales of your tea drinking adventures. You can also follow other tea drinkers to see what's in their cup, discovering brand new teas from people you know and trust.
Twitter is Not Your Average Social Network
@maedelmaedel: "Twitter is more like Wikipedia than a social network - 10% of the user create 90% of the content" (from
Reading: "Twitter is Not Your Average Social Network" ( ) [from]
"Twitter is not so much about connecting with your friends, it’s about broadcasting information." [from]
"25% of Twitter users don’t tweet at all, while 50% of users tweet less than once every 74 hours... witter really is more like Wikipedia than, say, Facebook."
90% tweets from 10% of users
It's SO over: cool cyberkids abandon social networking sites | Media | The Guardian
5% drop in 18-24 using social networking sites like facebook
44 Porn Stars Who Twitter [With Galleries] : COED Magazine
Social Media Optimization: 16 Rules Revisited - Online Marketing Blog
16 Rules For Social Media Optimization Revisited: Good piece that stands out from the noise. [from]
"Guidelines for marketing with social media aren’t all that new. In 2006 five members of the digital marketing community collaborated on 16 rules for “social media optimization”. Fast forward to nearly 2010 and social media has begun to take a more significant role in the marketing mix."
16 Rules For Social Media Optimization Revisited
Twitter, Facebook attack targeted one user | InSecurity Complex - CNET News
Scary news story on SN outage all being about targetting one user
Why were Twitter and Facebook down for much of August 7, 2009? It looks like it was a denial of service attack... aimed at just a single person. Probably not a good strategy - taking out the network to silence an individual - because it mobilizes so many resources to fix the problem (people wouldn't care so much if just a single account was hacked). But still interesting.
InSecurity Complex - CNET News
105 Twitter Apps for PR
Twitter is no longer a little known platform for bloggers to communicate on. These days, even large corporations are realizing something many smaller businesses have known for a while . . . Twitter is a powerful PR tool.
Bulletin August/September 2009
social media antipatterns and fuckups
The Information Architecture of Social Experience Design: Five Principles, Five Anti-Patterns and 96 Patterns (in Three Buckets)
Designing and building a successful social website or application is no mean feat. Adding a social dimension to an existing experience is trickier still. Nevertheless, the skills to do so are well worth cultivating, as the ubiquitous, pervasive, massively interconnected world of the Internet and allied digital networks, such as mobile SMS (short message service) connections, have unlocked a growing panoply of opportunities for social relationships, remote presence, real-time interactions and the capacity for self-organized groups of people to coordinate their behavior and collaborate on changing the world.
Five Principles Of the myriad principles we've unearthed so far, five cut across the entire experience: Pave the Cowpaths Talk Like a Person Play Well with Others Learn from Games Respect the Ethical Dimension
Cody Brown - MySpace is to Facebook as Twitter is to ______
pretty brilliant prognosis on the future of social networking
The past few weeks have come with two major reveals for the weirdos who follow online social networks. The first was big news. Twitter’s internal documents leaked and the identity-crisis of earth’s most popular start-up is now public. The second was more under the radar but just as important. In a memo that went out to staff, the CEO of MySpace admitted that their users are caught between three competing notions of what MySpace is or should be.
Facebook was one of the first social networks to emphasize genuine identity insofar as they required full names, university email addresses, and deleted accounts that used aliases. The second was pragmatic. Facebook launched in a single target market. In this case, of course, it was Harvard. What this enabled was a less abstract more manageable mission. Instead of having to define what an ‘online social networking space’ was supposed to be for everyone, Zuckerburg just had to answer for Harvard.
Mia points out this idea could be used to pick up buzz around Museum content online e.g. online exhibitions & objects
Shownar tracks the online buzz around BBC shows.
BBC prototype tracking online buzz and discussions around BBC shows. Cool.
A new prototype from the BBC tracking the online buzz around telly and radio.
Shownar tracks the online buzz around BBC shows. It's an experimental prototype
twicco ついっこ
ツイッターを使ったコミュニティーサイト。やっぱりこういうのあるんだ。 - community powered learning
really nice open learning platform. needs paypal or credit card billing to really go anywhere though, methinks.
10 Harsh Truths About Corporate Blogging | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Tien vuistregels voor bloggende bedrijven. De voornaamste is: ga uit van een langetermijn verbintenis en wees eerlijk.
Learn How to Work a Crowd - Social Networking - Lifehacker
When you think of "working a crowd," you might think of entertainers at best, and shifty multi-level marketing salesman at worst. There are, however, non-jerky ways to meet people and benefit from casual networking.
Top design twitters | Designcollector
Top Design Twitters
Free Ebooks on Marketing, Social Media, Business, Blogging and More
Number of Social Networking Users Has Doubled Since 2007
With Facebook, Twitter (Twitter), LinkedIn (LinkedIn), and other social networking sites growing rapidly, it’s not too surprising that on the whole, the number of social networking users has doubled since 2007. Specifically, 55.6 million adults – or just less than 1/3rd of the population – in the US now visit social networks at least monthly, according to a new report from Forrester Research. That’s up from just 15 percent of adults in 2007, and around 18 percent last year.
With Facebook, TwitterTwitter, LinkedInLinkedIn, and other social networking sites growing rapidly, it’s not too surprising that on the whole, the number of social networking users has doubled since 2007.
55.6 million adults – or just less than 1/3rd of the population – in the US now visit social networks at least monthly, according to a new report from Forrester Research. That’s up from just 15 percent of adults in 2007, and around 18 percent last year.
10 Must-Follow Usability Experts on Twitter - Crowd Powered Shopping
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Full-screen I #justbought 46" longboard from in Dallas US
Ferramenta usando Google Maps para shopping local
a tiny thread
Simple forum that uses twitter. Small, simple, and kind of brilliant.
Twitter with threading.
finally here: threads for twitter
5 Tips For Getting More from Facebook | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
In continuing with my series of quick social media tips (check out 5 tips for LinkedIn) I’m covering some tips for business use of Facebook here. I’ve actually written about some of these tips in great detail before, but this can act as a quick primer for folks who like their info snack sized like this
In continuing with my series of quick social media tips (check out 5 tips for LinkedIn) I'm covering some tips for business use of Facebook here. I've actually
10 Creative Contests Powered by Social Media
5 Reasons Why URL Shorteners Are Useful
URL shorteners, such as and tinyurl, are services that help take longer URLs (which can be over a hundred characters long) and transform them into
predict that there will be a day when every domain has URL shortening capabilities,
RT @mashable: 5 Reasons Why URL Shorteners Are Useful (please RT!) - [from]
Designing for Social Traction (slide deck) - Bokardo
great presentation slides.. very valuable!
Presentation by Joshua Porter. "each part focusing on a specific problem in software. Each problem is a major hurdle in what I call the usage lifecycle, or the stages people go through as they use and adopt software over time."
Social Web Design by Joshua Porter
Facebook’s New Privacy Features: A Complete Guide
15 Free Online Collaboration Tools and Apps
Being in the same room to collaborate on a project is no longer necessary thanks to the many different applications that are available over the web. There are free tools for online conferencing, collaborative writing and editing, file sharing, private communication, and desktop sharing. Here are 15 free online collaboration tools and apps to try today:
Collaboration is central to learning on the social Web. This guest post from Karen Schweitzer highlights some great free tools for connecting and sharing with others.
ideasonideas - Eric Karjaluoto discusses design, brands and experience » Blog Archive » More mess; less B.S. (or: Nine simple suggestions for using social media)
Less B.S.
'Have someone cursing about your product? Talk to them and find out why they’re so frustrated. In the past we used to pay for focus groups, now we get real-world feedback for free. Quite a bargain, isn’t it?'
Master List (A Wiki of Social Media Monitoring Solutions)
A Wiki of Social Media Monitoring Solutions
Social media monitoring wiki. Good stuff for anyone trying to monitor online rep.
HOW TO: Use Facebook for Professional Networking
Ask anybody why they use Facebook, and most people will respond with reasons like staying in touch with friends, or being able to share pictures. Rarely does one’s professional life ever get mentioned when describing the social network. When it comes to business networking, LinkedIn (LinkedIn) tends to take all the thunder, and Facebook (facebook) is generally written off as a place just for fun. Yet, perhaps that’s a mistake.
Ask anybody why they use Facebook, and most people will respond with reasons like staying in touch with friends, or being able to share pictures. Rarely does one’s professional life ever get mentioned when describing the social network. When it comes to business networking, LinkedIn tends to take all the thunder, and Facebook is generally written off as a place just for fun. Yet, perhaps that’s a mistake. Facebook, after all, has 250 million active users compared to about 44 million for LinkedIn, and even though the atmosphere is clearly not as focused on business, there are still a ton of opportunities for professional networking that business users would be remiss to pass up. Once you look beyond the obvious social features like sharing pictures and poking friends, there are plenty of ways to tap into the professional community on the world’s largest social network.
Social Media Marketing Spend to Hit $3.1 Billion by 2014
Social Media is not going away anytime soon!
social media marketing to grow at an annual rate of 34 percent – faster than any other form of online marketing and double the average growth rate of 17 percent for all online mediums.
Forrester estimates that $716 million will be spent on social media marketing in 2009, growing to $3.1 billion in 2014.
foresight into advertising revenue for online venturess
Social Media Marketing Spend to Hit $3.1 Billion by 2014
Recordr | Video Communication
Recordr is a way you record yourself live just with a microphone and a web camera, and share it with your friends.
Recordr is a way you record yourself live just with a microphone and a web camera, and share it with your friends. By using our bookmarklet, you can also comment with video/audio to a web page you are viewing.
Recordr は、見たこと聞いたこと、日々の思いを動画や音声で記録し、みんなと共有するサービスです。 ブックマークレットを利用すると、閲覧中のウェブサイトに動画や音声でコメントすることもできます。 2009/07/20: Twitter や Tumblr に投稿できるようになりました。
Video Communication
The Evolution of Blogging
Dave Winer’s ability to peer into the future is uncanny. He was talking about a river of news long before the current activity streams became popular. He was evangelizing RSS long before there were blogs. I could go on and on about his prescient observations, but it’s his warnings that are especially prophetic. For as long as I can remember, he’s been warning that users of new social web technologies need to be in control of their own destiny. He sounded the alarm about Feedburner and how it was hijacking an open standard, RSS, and inserting itself between content creators and consumers. And he’s long cited the need for open social communication platforms, often voicing his displeasure with newer services such as Twitter. People have ignored Winer at their own peril, as two events over the last week have made clear. First was the shutdown drama around a little-known URL-shortening service called While it’s since been resurrected, the incident showed me [...]
Facebook privacy: a guide - Ars Technica
Guia de privacidade no Facebook do Ars Technica.
Best Software to Create a Social Networking Community with CMS Software : Web Design Resources Blog & Graphics Blog with Lists of Web Site Design Tools
Opensource SMS systems
Best Software to Create a Social Networking Community with CMS Software : Web Design Resources Blog & Graphics Blog with Lists of Web Site Design Tools
music something
music thing
create music background
like garage band upload individual tracks
Online music collaboration or podcast creation
Is a Perfect Storm Forming For Distributed Social Networking?
is the time right for distributed net as Dave Winer sugests? links to various tools that could be really useful
"Maybe it's better to host your own. That's the thinking coming from a growing number of early technology adopters as service after service goes down, sells out or otherwise frustrates the users who have published their content online only to see the tools they use become broken or less desirable." One word (camelCased): BuddyPress.
Everything You Never Knew About Facebook | PR2.0
While I’m currently in the midst of writing my next book, I stumbled across some very interesting and useful statistics that offer a glimpse into Facebook behavior and activity as well as the state of the Facebook platform. I believe that they reinforce many of our hunches and assumptions and also introduce facts that may alter the ingredients of your next Social Media initiative.
Shot at SXSW While I'm currently in the midst of writing my next book, I stumbled across some very interesting and useful statistics that offer a glimpse
Everything You Never Knew About Facebook
Quite an interesting list of facts. "30 million users update their statuses at least once each day" Some of these users say they would never Twitter.
12 Things Newspapers Should Do to Survive
Pretty sweet roundup of current thinking on how newspapers need to change their mindset to adapt to the web.
Gathering voices in the journalism industry and on the web to give some thought as to what newspapers should be considering in order to survive and evolve.
I'm not sure I fully agree with all the points, but the article is worth reading, poses some good questions and details challenges faces print newspapers industry in today's world.
Though there are countless articles and blog posts sprawled across the web about the dying newspaper industry, this will not be one of them...but those who think there is one silver bullet to fix the newspaper business are mistaken.
Yahoo! Know Your Mojo!
Concierge is my social mojo. What's yours? Find out at [from]
Always fun; characterize persons by their twitter behavior...
SocialSafe | Your Facebook photos, photos you are tagged in, profile and friends saved to your machine or device
Your Facebook photos, profile and friends saved to your machine or device - now with Time Capsule!
SocialSafe - Save. Store. Explore. The backup tool for Facebook
Epeus' epigone: How Twitter works in theory
Kevin Marks, 14 Aug 2009. Flow, faces, phatic, following, publics, mutual media, small-world networks. "The subtlety is that the publics are semi-overlapping ... we are the synapses in the global brain of the web of thought and conversation."
It is said that an economist is someone who sees something that works in practice and wonders whether it works in theory. Twitter clearly works in practice - and if you want practical advice, watch Laura Fitton's Tech talk at Google, or read her Twitter for Dummies. I've learned a lot from talking to her and others about this phenomenon, and I wanted to write about some theories that help me understand it.
It is said that an economist is someone who sees something that works in practice and wonders whether it works in theory. &quot;Twitter clearly works in practice - and if you want practical advice, watch Laura Fitton&#039;s Tech talk at Google, or read her Twitter for Dummies. I&#039;ve learned a lot from talking to her and others about this phenomenon, and I wanted to write about some theories that help me understand it.&quot;
At its heart Twitter is a flow - it doesn't present an unread count of messages, just a list of recent ones, so you don't have email's inbox problem - the implicit pressure to turn bold things plain and get that unread number down. Instead, you can dip in and out of it, when you have time, and what you see is notes from people you care about.
It is said that an economist is someone who sees something that works in practice and wonders whether it works in theory. "Twitter clearly works in practice - and if you want practical advice, watch Laura Fitton's Tech talk at Google, or read her Twitter for Dummies. I've learned a lot from talking to her and others about this phenomenon, and I wanted to write about some theories that help me understand it."
Twitter Launches a Twitter 101 Guide for Business
Curious as to exactly *why* they did. Excerpt: "Twitter released Twitter 101 for Business, a guide for getting started with using the Twitter service. It covers the basics of Twitter, how to get started, the lingo, and includes case studies. Here’s how Twitter describes its value to businesses on its new Twitter 101 website."
guide for business on twitter
YouTube - Social Media Revolution
Is social media a fad?Or is it the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution?Welcome to the World of Socialnomics
Is social media a fad? Or is it the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution? Welcome to the World of Socialnomics
Ein Video zum Umfang und den Auswirkungen von Social Media. 2009
5 Reasons Why Twitter's Growth Cannot Be Stopped
Twitter is the most active Web presence and generates most conversational volume on the Web, making it the number one social brand for July 2009, according to Social Radar. It was at number one in June too. Social Radar analyzes the Web to see what brands are mentioned most by unique sources. This includes blogs, other social networks, forums, etc. The analysis includes brands, not just social networks. FacebookFacebook is at number 4, with the iPhone and GoogleGoogle at number 3 and 4, respectively. Check out the full list for July here. The point is there is a lot of buzz out there about Twitter and people are continuing to talk about it, and it’s even becoming part of everyday language.
eeing it here at Buddy Media. Our brand clients pushed us to expand to include our newly launched Twitter Platform so they can leverage the power of Twitter for their business in conjunction with our Facebook Page Management Platform. Brands are realizing that Twitter isn't going anywhere, and consumers are leveraging Twitter to share stories, gain knowledge, get feedback, and vent. My gut? They're going to generate revenue via Search.
5 Reasons Why Twitter’s Growth Cannot Be Stopped
How To Kick Start A Community –an Ongoing List « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Statistics Show Social Media Is Bigger Than You Think « Socialnomics – Social Media Blog
see numbers below the video
Corporate Twitter Toolbox: Twitter Tools for the Enterprise
Posted from: Mashable
Summer of Social Good by Mashable
site de dons
Summer of Social Good is the first large scale online charitable campaign to raise funds through the power of Social Media and the Internet.
Site of social fundraising on twitter
Summer of Social Good is the first large scale online charitable campaign to raise funds strictly online through the power of Social Media and the Internet. The goal is to use the power of "Social Influence" via Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Blogs and other online media to raise an unprecedented amount for our fund benefiting The Humane Society, LIVESTRONG, Oxfam America and WWF from June 1st until August 28th, 2009. This is the first "Social Media for Social Good" initiative by Mashable, The Social Media Guide. Please stay tuned to for more information, updates, calendar and special announcements. 100% of funds raised will be donated to charity through the Summer of Social Good fund. All proceeds will be split equally between our four charities. Learn more by clicking on the logos below or clicking next.
Social Media Strategy Handbook ‎(wharman)‎
Handbook created by Red Cross to manage social media strategy.
Socialnomics – Social Media Blog
Everything related to Social Media Annotated link
Super User
Super User is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for computer enthusiasts – on any platform. It's 100% free, no registration required.
Super User is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for computer enthusiasts – on any platform. It's 100% free, no registration required
10 practical tips for Facebook fan pages -
Treat your fan page like an online ad and optimize
Why I Don’t Use Twitter
Answers to Social Media Questions You Should Know - Online Marketing Blog
Discussion of Costs and Benefits of Companies Having a Social Networking Presence
A few ways to discover where your customers are on the social web include: * Participation * Social Media Monitoring * Logging existing traffic and behaviors to your web site from social media web sites. * Surveys of your existing customers * Referencing demographic information supplied by social media sites that offer advertising. * Third party data sources
In the course of providing consulting services and conducting training programs for companies on social media marketing & PR or a combination of SEO and
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ccess, organize, edit and archive all of your precious family movies on Pixorial. Remix and share online. Easily create keepsakes, DVDs, downloads and more!
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Top 35 Plugins of Wordpress to Share Your Blog Post | Tools |
When ever you write something on your blog you always want to share it with others, even your blog readers want the same (if they like it off course) . To do
$40 for $75 Worth of Services at The Circle Salon | Groupon Chicago
Collective Buying Power - Daily Deals
The best way to listen to electronic music online | Mugasha
Social Advertising Best Practices
Social media is big and getting bigger, providing marketers with a combination of reach, relationships, and relevance:
Social Advertising Best Practices PDF from IAB [from]
Social media has overtaken email as the most popular consumer activity, according to a recent Nielsen study. Importantly, consumer growth is coming from an older demographic than social media's historical base; for example, Facebook's strongest growth is coming from 35-49 year-olds, adding twice as many 50-64-year-olds as opposed to those under 18.
by IAB
Social media is big and getting bigger, providing marketers with a combination of reach, relationships, and relevance: * Reach: Social media has overtaken email as the most popular consumer activity, according to a recent Nielsen study. Importantly, consumer growth is coming from an older demographic than social media's historical base; for example, Facebook's strongest growth is coming from 35-49 year-olds, adding twice as many 50-64-year-olds as opposed to those under 18. (Nielsen “Global Faces and Networked Places,” March 9, 2009; MediaPost Blogs Research Brief, “Social Networking Is No Respecter of Age,” March 18, 2009.) * Relationships: Social media's strength is in the personal connections it enables, the peer-to-peer contact, providing reasons for consumers to visit regularly and for extended periods of time. * Relevance: Consumers are extremely engaged with the content and connections that their friends are creating because of its personal relevance.
The 12 most annoying types of Facebookers -
I can think of someone for each of these..
Hurricane Bill leads to tropical storm warning for Bermuda
Viral Marketing Campaign Checklist | Dan Zarrella
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
How to Use Facebook: 5 Tips For Better Social Networking
Wie man aus Facebook mehr nutzen zieht und sich für andere Nutzer attraktiv macht.
5 Tips for using Facebook as a powerful social networking tool. As featured on the ReadWriteWeb blog.
6 Gorgeous Facebook Visualizations
create beautiful Facebook visualizations of your own with very little effort. Enjoy!
This Facebook add-on lets you easily create 3D graphical representations of the connections in your Facebook network. You can also view graphs for other users, fine tune the settings to create various graphs, zoom and pan your graph, and choose between a light and a dark theme. The results can be stunning, especially for users with a lot of Facebook friends.
Great Social Site with connections to all other social sites
Great Twitter Applications for Small Business.
Great Twitter Applications for Small Business [from]
Details the top ten Twitter applications for small business.
Okay, here’s a teaser for you. What kind of word can you come up with that incorporates some or all of the word “Twitter” to describe a useful business application, tool or service?
if your business is involved in affiliate marketing in any way, then you should check out Twist. See which trends are hot right now within a variety of searchable topics and niches. Reports: How Game Design Can Revolutionize Everyday Life
"It's exactly like a leaderboard in a game, where you want to have the bragging right of being on top, so you work harder at getting better," says Steffen Walz, a game theorist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Walz says governments worldwide are hiring designers to create games that encourage healthier behavior; he himself is creating one, where teenagers will run around their city with GPS-equipped mobile phones, unlocking prizes by visiting different locations.
using rewards & tracking to encourage everyday behaviours
"Games create drama and excitement," as Jane McGonigal, one of the leading thinkers in the field, told the crowd at this year's O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference. "We've done that for years with videogames, and now we can apply that thinking to the rest of life."
Every employee is given virtual tokens — say, 100 a week, — that they can attach to e-mail they write. If you really want someone to read a message now, you attach a lot of tokens, and the message pops up higher in your correspondent's Outlook inbox. Reeves figured this would encourage people to send less e-mail: Those who are parsimonious would wind up with lots of tokens, which means when they really have something to say, they can load it up with tokens and make sure it'll get through. Sure enough, that's what happened. When a work group at IBM tried out Attent, messages with 20 tokens attached were 52 percent more likely to be quickly opened than normal. E-mail overload ceased to be a problem.
Social Media Brasil - Cobertura oficial 2009
Site do maior evento de mídias sociais do Brasil.
Social Media ROI: Dell's $3m on Twitter and Four Better Examples
Dell revenues from Twitter surpass $3m Ebay found in 2006 that participants in online communities spend 54% more than non-community users.
Telling your reluctant boss that social media is worth using because Dell made $3 million on Twitter, however, runs the risk of encouraging e-commerce broadcast as the model for engagement in conversation. Other, more conversational, examples of ROI make important additions to conversations about Dell and social media. (They also concern a lot more money.)
GReader share: Social Media ROI: Dell's $3m on Twitter and Four Better Examples [from]
More on Dell's Twitter profitability
Twitter Talkback: What Makes a Quality Tweet?
40% of tweets are “pointless babble.” It begets the question, “What then makes a quality tweet?” Informative, humorous, personal, inspiring.
"The answer to this, in fact, may determine the long-term success of Twitter (Twitter). As a completely user-generated content website, the quality of its content is, well, up to us users. " kort kategorisering af tweets...
It begets the question, “What then makes a quality tweet?” The answer to this, in fact, may determine the long-term success of Twitter (Twitter). As a completely user-generated content website, the quality of its content is, well, up to us users. Sure, Twitter management can add or take away features and keep the site running, but whether a new user signs on to see pointless babble or quality content is solely and completely up to us! Below are my four categories in which most high quality tweets I read fall under. But we’re most interested in what you think makes for an interesting Tweet: let us know in the comments.
The best tweets are informative, funny, personal, or inspiring -- or maybe all four.
twitter everywhere.......
Twitter Tips Ultimate Guide | Using social media to guide and help you connect to social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, YouTube using social media
How to use social media to connect social networks. Blog with learning resources and tutorials on lots of tools like Twitter.
81 Pixel perfect Social Media Icons - Psdtuts+
81 Pixel perfect Social Media Icons
81 Pixel perfect Social Media Icons free for personal and commercial work. Each icon is hand crafted and available as a large share button, 32 pixel and 16 pixel icon.
30+ Impressive Social Media Stats Visualized [Video]
This a post on the Mashable: The Social Media Guide blog
Hueniverse: Introducing 'Sign-in with Twitter', OAuth-Style "Connect"
adding site sign-in using twitter
Interesting differentiations between OpenID and OAuth ... neither of which I have played with that much. But twitter has recently implemented an OAuth solution.
From Hueniverse
Play Free Multiplayer Games At OMGPOP
jogos on-line
OMGPOP is the #1 place to play free multiplayer games with your friends. Our multiplayer games have been played over 100 million times!
Woofer | Macroblogging
Algumas pessoas já devem ter se cansado dessa restrição de 140 caracteres imposta pelo Twitter. Para compensar, já está no ar o Woofer, que pode muito bem ser definido como a versão inversa do Twitter.
ao contrario do twitter, pede pra escrever no mínimo 1400 caracteres...sátira do twitter, é um macroblog
21 Great Plugins to Manage Multi-Author Blogs Efficiently
Thankfully WordPress allows us to manage a multi-author blog efficiently with the help of these amazing plugins that we will highlight in this post.
Multi-Author Blogs are a popular trend that is spreading rapidly in the blogging industry. It is getting hard to keep up with the fresh content for one man bloggers therefore more and more blogs are now seeking for guest authors, co-authors, and multi-authors. This is not only a great way to expand your blog’s content, but it is a great way to attract different type of audiences. While it is a great way to produce fresh content, Managing a Multi-Author blog is no easy task. You have to make sure that the authors post on time, they have the appropriate permissions and control, and so much more. Thankfully WordPress allows us to manage a multi-author blog efficiently with the help of these amazing plugins that we will highlight in this post.
21 Great Plugins to Manage Multi-Author Blogs Efficiently
video search engine, aggregating and correlating video search results from a variety of sources.
Real-Time Conversations Hasten Social CRM
reading Real-Time Conversations Hasten Social CRM - In the world of business, social media, led by Twitter, is forc... [from]
Social CRM is no longer an option. It necessitates brand involvement to proactively share answers, solve problems, establish authority, and build relationships and loyalty, one tweet, blog post, update, and “like,” at a time.
The 10 Commandments of Social Media | The Ten Commandments Of Social Media | Fast Company
los 10 mandamientos de medios sociales
Great article and subsequent comments, 10 commandments of social media.
social media religion lol, the 10 commmand ments of social media
add this to the social media matrix and you have a recipe for life
5 Social Media Lessons Learned from Whole Foods
For future classes as a case study on social media and twitter.
Sosiaalisen median koodit ks. linkit
Some basic insights into how big corporates can and are using social media...
This is an excellent article with a lot of resonance to our work.
Social technology growth marches on in 2009, led by social network sites
"In the US, social technology Creators and Collectors grew slowly, and Critics didn't grow at all. ... Why? Probably because much of this activity has been sucked into social network sites like Facebook. At the same time, Joiner activity exploded and Spectators became nearly universal."
Consumers' participation in social technologies
SCIENCE HOBBYIST: Traffic Waves, physics for bored commuters
Traffic jams are sometimes caused by drivers&#039; competitive behavior. In certain situations the actions of a single driver can lessen traffic congestion or even erase a traffic jam completely.
Traffic jams are sometimes caused by drivers' competitive behavior. In certain situations the actions of a single driver can lessen traffic congestion or even erase a traffic jam completely.
Best Buy Goes All Twitter Crazy With @Twelpforce
Once registered, tweeting Best Buy employees from across all operations can send messages from the @Twelpforce account, and if they add the hash-tag #twelpforce, their messages will automatically show up under the twelpforce handle with a credit to their proper Twitter account. This is similar to how we handle the auto-posting of TechCrunch posts on our Twitter account.
Best Buy employees can use their company and Twitter ID to register for the service here, after which tweets from the lot of them will be displayed in a single stream on the same page. Once registered, tweeting Best Buy employees from across all operations can send messages from the @Twelpforce account, and if they add the hash-tag #twelpforce, their messages will automatically show up under the twelpforce handle with a credit to their proper Twitter account. This is similar to how we handle the auto-posting of TechCrunch posts on our Twitter account.
Brilliant: Best Buy transforms army of employees into helpful customer service Twits w/ @twelpforce [from]
Top 100 Best Social Media Books, Ever « Mellow Billow
Calculated using 6 criteria including quantity sold and amazon rating
RT @geechee_girl: our @dummies is #23 on this list of best social media books [from]
The Longest Poem in the World
"The Longest Poem in the World" is composed by aggregating real-time public twitter updates and selecting those that rhyme.
I love simple creativity. This has it in spades.
legjobb, legjobb
Twenty-One Top Twitter Tips -
Forbes canvassed scads of businesses and pricey social-networking gurus looking for honest answers.
An excellent article that @brendanhughes could have written.
great business article on Twitter from Forbes.
Django-SocialAuth - Login via twitter, facebook, openid, yahoo, google using a single app. — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Here is an app to allow logging in via twitter, facebook, openid, yahoo, google, which should work transparently with Django authentication system.
TL;DR version: Here is an app to allow logging in via twitter, facebook, openid, yahoo, google, which should work transparently with Django authentication system. (@login_required, User and other infrastructure work as expected.) Demo and Code.Longer version follow:
5 Essential Tips for Promoting Your Charity Using Social Media
Good advice on non-profit behavior using social media
Here are five essential tips for charities to get the most out of social media when promoting their cause.
From Andrew
5 Fresh Ideas for Social Media Marketers
That social media marketing is big business isn't news, but how do you stand out in an increasingly crowded field? Here are five fresh ideas.
!!! 090828 Should you find yourself in a social media marketing lull, we think you can take inspiration from these five innovative and fresh ideas currently making their mark on both the online and offline worlds. The important thing to keep in mind is that whether you’re trying to engage a unique audience, tailor deals using location, advertise in new ways, go bold, or tackle your Twitter (Twitter) fear head on, you’re likely to find the most success if you can shake things up a bit.
Social media may be for narcissists, but it’s also proving to be a business utility. Retailers are shifting their marketing dollars such that social media budgets are swelling, and creative contests are popping up all over the web. In case you haven’t noticed, social media marketing is big business.
apophenia: Twitter: "pointless babble" or peripheral awareness + social grooming?
This pov (Twitter as social grooming) makes a lot of sense to me. But I would also dispute the term "pointless babble" itself: the two examples of "phatic" (non-information-conveying) expressions given here, "hi", and "thank you", actually can convey quite a lot of information, depending on context.
Spirited and spot on defence of the cod analysis of Twitter that some commentators engage in as a form of denial...
Now, turn all of your utterances over to an analytics firm so that they can code everything that you've said. I think that you'll be lucky if only 40% of what you say constitutes "pointless babble" to a third party ear.
Refreshing perspective on twitter. Makes me want to tweet. (Aside: this shines some light on things I've been trying to figure out about IM lately too. It might as well be re-titled "why IM should never be logged".)
Social Follow - All social networks in one button
Have Facebook, Myspace, YouTube and LinkedIn accounts and want to feature them all on your website? Social Follow has created one happy place for all your social profiles to hang out and get along. Social Following is the action of following someone through all of their social accounts. The Social Follow button gives people an easy way to Social Follow you through all your social accounts, either personally or for your business. Take the tour or create your free account by clicking the "Get it Now!" button. Then create and customize your button. It's a simple 3 step process.
crea un bottone dove sono linkati tutti gli account di social networking
Create a Follow Me Button | All social networks in one button
10 Fabulous Free Mac Social Apps
You've got a Mac, and you love social media. Now what? Check out our list of 10 fabulous free apps to make your Mac more social.
If you’re a Mac user and a social media addict, what’s better than social apps for the Mac? Free social apps for the Mac, of course! In this post we’ll take a look at 10 gratis programs for connecting to your social world via OS X. From file sharing to instant messaging, from Twitter to social television, there is very likely something on this list for you.
Pitchfork: Articles: The Social History of the MP3
Do You Know Who’s on Twitter? - eMarketer
Contains facts and numbers on Twitter users; demographics, followers, average number of tweets, and other interesting notes. However, I feel that this study if focused on asia, will have a different result.
Twitter has experienced explosive growth in 2009. According to “An In-Depth Look Inside the Twitter World,” from Sysomos, 72.5% of all Twitter users joined the service in the first five months of this year. Who are they? More than one-half of all Twitter users (53%) are women, and the majority are young. Among users who disclose their age, 66% are under 25, and another 15% are ages 25 to 29.
More women than men. A few loudmouths and a lot of wallflowers. And some very busy marketers
twiiter stats as of August 2009
How Facebook Can Ruin Your Friendships -
Although it's annoying when people tell you how you should act online, this article does have some good points. Esp. liked the "Facebook needs to have an eyeball roll function"
WSJ article.
Why Don’t Teens Tweet? We Asked Over 10,000 of Them.
Most teens don’t use Twitter because it doesn’t enable them to do anything they can’t already do elsewhere, which is the same reason most adults don’t use Twitter. It has nothing to do with any teen-specific concerns like texting plans or safety. It comes down to something more simple: delivering value beyond Facebook and MySpace...
Aug 30, 2009 article
Teen responses about why they don't use Twitter probably mirrors adult population views
If we break down those top reasons one by one, a clearer picture emerges of why Twitter is not more popular among teens. * Teens already update their status religiously on other sites like Facebook, MySpace, and myYearbook. * Teens use MySpace to keep up with musicians and celebrities, which MySpace differentiates on. * As a group, teens are not major consumers of news from any outlet, making “staying current” a poor driver of mainstream adoption — though of course there are exceptions. * Teens use both MySpace and Facebook to keep up with friends they know.
good data on teens and twitter. it skews more teen than facebook. but most teens think "it's lame" and a passing fab. they are so wrong
only 11% of Twitter is teen as evidence of Twitter’s unpopularity to that group.
100 Fabulous Social Networks and Communities for Lifelong Learners | Rated Colleges
More marketers use social networking to reach customers -
Marketers who closely follow social media can find some enticing statistics to justify their online strategies: Facebook More than 10,000 websites use Facebook Connect, a service that lets Facebook users log in to affiliated sites using their Facebook account and share information from those sites with their Facebook friends. About 30 million Facebook members access it through mobile devices. Twitter Twitter users spend 66% more dollars on the Internet than non-Twitter users, says market researcher ComScore. LinkedIn LinkedIn has more than 365,000 company profiles. More than 12 million small-business professionals are members of LinkedIn. MySpace More than 1 million small businesses and individuals promote their goods and services on MySpace.
"Social-networking services increasingly are indispensable business tools, says Forrester Research. According to its survey of 1,217 business decision makers worldwide late last year, 95% use social networks to some extent. And 53% of more than 300 marketers planned to increase social-media marketing spending this year, according to a Forrester presentation in April."
Continued growth in social media and social networking use by big companies - Ford, Lenovo, Starbucks, etc.
"Social-networking services increasingly are indispensable business tools, says Forrester Research. According to its survey of 1,217 business decision makers worldwide late last year, 95% use social networks to some extent."
More Truth About Twitter | Information Is Beautiful
Twitter statistics in graphical format, incl. "If the Twitter community were 100 people", "The Average 100 Tweets", and "Peak Days/Hours".
peaks in twitter acivity
Sweet charts that highlight Twitter users and uysage.
Eight Twitter Habits That May Get You Unfollowed or Semi-Followed
A great article that will make you reconsider your Twitter etiquette.
Good tips for twitter users to ensure they are staying relevant to their audiences and getting noticed.
nice round up of twitter misbehavior if you use it for business
Social Media Today is a moderated business community for the web's best thinkers on Social Media and Web 2.0
Some GREAT things to note when trying to Twitter successfully
TinyPetition - Create a petition today!
Create a petition today!
tool to start apetition on twitter.
Home - Kitchen Monki
We built Kitchen Monki to be a hard-core productivity tool. Use it to organize your own recipes. Use it to share recipes among your friends. Or our favorite, use it to automate grocery list preparation.
linkiblog | How to Build a Popularity Algorithm You can be Proud of
The Building Blocks of Social Media for Business
Chris Brogan tries (and succeeds) in offering a general primer on social media for business. A solid read
Recommendations from Chris Brogan on how businesses can and should engage in social media
review of a book
also contains info about the Thesis Theme for WordPress
Social Network Marketing Expands Sphere - eMarketer
Though social network advertising gets a lot of attention, it is only one of many ways marketers can reach customers on social networks. Social networks can be used for branding, improving customer lo
May 2009 survey—52% of social network users had become a fan or follower of a company or brand, while 46% had said something good about a brand or company on a social networking Website—double the percentage who had said something negative (23%).
Though social network advertising gets a lot of attention, it is only one of many ways marketers can reach customers on social networks. Social networks can be used for branding, improving customer loyalty, lead generation, direct marketing and e-commerce. 52% of social network users had become a fan or follower of a company or brand, while 46% had said something good about a brand or company on a social networking Website—double the percentage who had said something negative (23%).
Create a Digg-style post sharing tool with jQuery | Queness
I was surfing website and searching for inspirations and I stumbled upon I discovered a small utility on every single post, the share link. Yes, I want to implement that, it looks cool, practical and useful! So, this tute, we are going to make a digg-style post sharing toolbox. It's all pretty straight forward and need a little bit of planning. The way it works is different with digg's. If you view the html source code of Digg's, it has the sharebox html code in every single post. But, in this tutorial we have only one sharebox, and all the links are sharing the same template.
9 Things to Do To Make Sure Your Next Blog Post is Read by More than Your Mom
4. Pitch it to another Twitter User. This is similar to pitching another blogger but can have a great impact as well. In fact I recently had a link from a blogger who both posted on his blog and tweeted the link and the Tweet converted much better for me in terms of traffic.
I do most of these things, but still, I confess that my mom often comprises 100% of my readers :P
Algo que todos los blogueros deberíamos saber
With all that noise on the Web how’s a reader supposed to find your latest blog post? Luck? Serendipity? Jedi mind control? Forget it. ProBlogger has nine ways to ensure your mom isn’t your blog’s only reader.
Reading: 9 Things to Do To Make Sure Your Next Blog Post is Read by More than Your Mom [from]
Best Practices for Corporate Twittering
corporate social media policy
Nice suggestions for twitter use
good post- applies to us all
Educational Networking - List of Networks
from BScullin
some links to education sites
A listing of social networks used in educational environments or for educational purposes. Please add to this list (alphabetical by category and within categories).
Popular Groups ::
Bit Torrent search engine, with torrents, releases and ratings. The best P2P community online.
Share torrents and videos in public or private groups that you can easily create and moderate.
Sitios social de torren
(from the isoHunt people) Share torrents and videos in public or private groups that you can easily create and moderate.
20 Must Read Beginner Twitter Tips for Small Business Owners
Twitter is a tool that all small business owners should use as part of their overall efforts to build a distributed social media footprint.
A good description of how twitter is being used in business.
20 Must Read Beginner Twitter Tips for Small Business Owners
Use The Profiler to visualize what's behind your profile picture, and discover what goes on in your friends' heads.
Nice use of the papervision.
The Five Biggest Mistakes in Measuring Social Media - ClickZ
Basic advice on measuring social media
Big Mistake No. 1: Assuming Your Fans/Followers Will See a Post
Attention world: It is now time to take social media seriously.
fabulous-freebies-2009.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Personal Finance, banking-budgeting
Designing Tweets: How To Integrate Twitter Into Your Website
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
45% of Employers Now Screen Social Media Profiles
This article shines light on the possible downside of user generated content. The author of the article outlines how more and more employers are turning to the net in order to see how prospective employees represent themselves to the world. Many could argue that this indeed is an invasion of privacy but this seems to be the avenue that is readily available for use. This article links with history2.0 as it exposes how our media consumption habits are continually changing with certain forms of media now being phased out to make way for new advanced media with multiplatform databases. The website that the article is found in is a multi platform for user generated content and provides the links to further spread information to other users. This gives legitimacy to the facts brought forward in the article as the information would have come from within the website.
We all know that employers are getting savvy to social networking sites and the information we share online. But what you may not know is that a recently conducted survey shows that nearly 1 in 2 companies are doing their online due diligence for prospective job candidates. This according to research firm Harris Interactive, who was commissioned by and surveyed 2,667 HR professionals, finding that 45% of them use social networking sites to research job candidates, with an additional 11% planning to implement social media screening in the very near future.
This according to research firm Harris Interactive, who was commissioned by and surveyed 2,667 HR professionals, finding that 45% of them use social networking sites to research job candidates, with an additional 11% planning to implement social media screening in the very near future.
Pubwich — Open-source online data aggregation PHP application
Good way to do the homepage mashup
The Influentials : Web Ecology Project
New Approaches for Analyzing Influence on Twitter
ents on the Web. Especially compared to other social networks, Twitter simplifies most of the e
Top 10 YouTube Videos for Social Good
Web video can be an especially effective way for charities to get the word out about their cause. Moving pictures are compelling because they represent a very visual and visceral way to both inform and entertain. Web video in particular can be a boon to non-profit organizations because it is both cost effective (uploading a video to YouTubeYouTubeYouTube is free), and potentially viral. Of course, standing out among the tens of thousands of videos on the web isn’t easy. In general, the most creative videos tend to be the most memorable and leave a more lasting impression. Below are our picks for the top 10 YouTube videos for social good and why they’re awesome. Please let us know your favorite social good videos in the comments.
Web video can be an especially effective way for charities to get the word out about their cause. Moving pictures are compelling because they represent a very visual and visceral way to both inform and entertain. Web video in particular can be a boon to non-profit organizations because it is both cost effective (uploading a video to YouTube (YouTube) is free), and potentially viral.
The Most Creative 10 Websites and Apps Built on Top of Twitter | Inspired Magazine
Twitting all day about design stuff is one of my favorite things lately, but Twitter is more – much more than that. A lot of creative folks have build whole new and amazing websites and services around Twitter and we’re showcasing the best 10. Please leave your thoughts suggestions in the comments area.
10 New Sites for Socially Responsible Shopping
Do you know the environmental or social policies of the places you shop? Do you know where your products come from? These 10 sites will help you find out.
views of one teenager on how he uses media. not statistically valid, but useful
Morgan Stanley Europe Resaerch on how teenagers consume media. There are several issues that immediately jump out from the piece. Teenagers are consuming more media, but in entirely different ways and are almost certainly not prepared to pay for it. They resent intrusive advertising on billboards, TV and the Internet. They are happy to chase content and music across platforms and devices (iPods, mobiles, streaming sites). Print media (newspapers, directories) are viewed as irrelevant but events (cinema, concerts etc.) remain popular and one of the few beneficiaries of payment. The convergence of gaming, TV, mobile and Internet is accelerating with huge implications for pay-TV.
Discover Music, Movies, Books, and More - SwingVine
Tracks popular trends online
Discover new music, movies, books, fashion, wine, food, drinks, and more. Browse related multimedia, contextual vines, and reviews.
TWITTER FEVER: 5 Red Hot Twitter Trends to Track
Twitter trends, hop on board!
Twitter apps tools
We’ll show you why your Twitter thermometer should be set to map geolocation, prepared for yet another Twitter app to shut its doors, unsurprised to find the demand for content analysis growing, poised for another shocking Twitter policy, and ready to see Twitter on the big screen.
But Twitter (Twitter), by its nature, can be very ephemeral. Just like styles that are in one minute and out the next, so too do Twitter trends evolve over time. That’s why we have a whole new batch of Twitter trends that are currently red hot.
Hi, I'm - your nametag on the internet
Hi, I'm is like your nametag on the internet
Featuring your latest content from your favorite networks, your Hi, I'm page tells everyone who you are and what you're about all on one page.
agrégateur de réseau sociaux
Agrégateur d'identité numérique
nametag on the internet
STATS: Young People Are Flocking to Twitter
According to new data from comScore, younger users – specifically those in the 12-17 and 18-24 year-old demographics – are Twitter’s fastest growing audience segment.
One of the most actively discussed topics in the Twitter universe over the past couple months has been the idea that teens don’t tweet – at least not as
In other words, unlike popular social sites before it – most notably Facebook() and MySpace() – Twitter is actually “aging in reverse,” first gaining popularity with older users and only later teens and young adults.
"most notable positive shifts are evident among the 12-17 and 18-24 year old segments"
Top 10 Web 2.0 Activities for Ecommerce | Get Elastic
이커머스를 위한 웹2.0 소셜 기능
by Linda Bustos. [August 17, 2009]
Some good ideas for utilising Web 2.0 tools with examples.
Retailers often wonder what Web 2.0 / social media activities to be involved with, so this post ranks what I believe are the top 10 Web 2.0 activities for ecommerce based on their business impact.
Facebook | Facebook Widgets
Facebook Page Badgets for Websites
Para que los fans puedan enlazar tu página de facebook desde tu web
Widget overview page, both for personal and business profiles.
Facebook | Home
I like the lean mean incarnation of Facebook lots. I don't really get into all the applications within FB anyway so this is much easier to pop in and check out what's going on and pop out.
Posted by Supybot
5 Ways Banks Are Using Social Media
Many banks have started using social websites to help them with everything from healing the financial industry to promoting their latest credit cards. By embracing the most popular tools available, the industry has also been embracing the best of what social media culture has to offer, and smaller, community banks seem to be leading the charge when it comes to social media innovation.
Tweetvite :: Find & Create Tweetups and other Events on Twitter
Find and Create Events on Twitter ! Tweetvite makes it easy to create invitations for events you're hosting or to find local Tweetups in your area. Click below to try it out for yourself!
Tweetvite :: Find & Create Tweetups and other Events on Twitter -
Create a Tweetup, organize events on Twitter, find local Tweetups, promote your Tweetup, and much more.
The Medium - Facebook Exodus -
Why some Facebook members are moving on.
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold. Facebook, the online social grid, could not command loyalty forever. If you ask around, as I did, you’ll find quitters. One person shut down her account because she disliked how nosy it made her. Another thought the scene had turned desperate. A third feared stalkers. A fourth believed his privacy was compromised. A fifth disappeared without a word.
please, go on
How Your Library May Not Be Using Twitter But Should | kellydallen
I've been doing some workshops recently on social networking (especially Twitter) for our library system and thought I would collect some of this information here because I usually can't cover everything I would like and it may also be useful inform
The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
Postling :: a simple social media tool for small businesses
a simple social media tool for small businesses
HOW TO: Update Facebook From Outside Facebook
tips on sending updates to facebook from IM, email, twitter, etc.
Top 10 Gadgets for Social Media Addicts
우리나라 사람은 우리나라가 IT분야 최고라고 생각하고 생각한다.
Make History | National September 11 Memorial & Museum
Make History is a collection of stories, videos, and photos submitted by people who experienced 9/11. will become a permanent digital archive and help build an interactive, mapped time line of events on the web. Each photo will be placed alongside current Google "Street View" photos of various locations. Users can click on locations, themes or time of day to view the footage or images from the locations they were actually taken.
A collective retelling of 9/11 through the eyes of those who experienced it.
TweetMixx - More Links, Less Clutter. Filter, preview, and share links you really care about!
Mixx is your link to the web content that really matters. There's a lot of information out there and, let's face it, you don't have all day to find the good stuff (if you do, we're totally jealous). And who knows better than you what informs you, what makes you think, what makes you laugh? So why should some faceless editor get to decide what's important? But now you're in charge. You find it; we'll Mixx it. Use YourMixx to tailor the content categories, tags, specific users and groups, and we'll deliver the top-rated content as chosen by you and people who share your passions. So go ahead and whip up your own version of the web. Just tell us how you like it Mixxed and we'll deliver the best the web has to offer—morning, noon and night.
More Links, Less Clutter. Filter, preview, and share links you really care about!
10 Solid Tips to Safeguard Your Facebook Privacy
10 People You Won’t See on Twitter Anymore
new twitter rules
Finally Twitter is cracking down - what you won't get away with anymore... [from]
Twitter new Terms of Service will ban these types - spammers etc
A nice round up of the annoying users on twitter that (if new rules are to be believed) we won't see anymore.
IMshopping - Human assisted shopping, questions and answers
Preguntás, usando Twitter, sobre algo que quieras comprar, como: ¿cuál es el GPS con mejor relación costo beneficio?. Te responden los expertos y/o la comunidad. No creo que sirva apra Arg aún :(
Shopping help is only a question away with IMshopping human assisted shopping. Ask questions, get unbiased answers and reviews from our shopping guides. - Create a Groupsite for Work, Life, Anything
Create an instant Groupsite to connect your association members online. Empower members to maximize their return on involvement by giving them a place to communicate, share and network
With Groupsites, people from a wide range of professional and social groups within companies, communities, non-profits, families and more are now able to instantly and easily communicate, share, network. Best of all, basic Groupsites are FREE to create and can be setup to be public is a self-serve platform for creating social collaboration communities called Groupsites.
Online Dating Advice: Exactly What To Say In A First Message « OkTrends
OkCupid study using the messages sent by its users.
Online Dating Advice: Exactly What To Say In A First Message
Mmmmm stats applied to online dating - fascinating looking at what words work best. I wonder if similar principles apply to blog posts.
We analyzed over 500,000 first contacts on our dating site, OkCupid. Our program looked at keywords and phrases, how they affected reply rates, and what trends were statistically significant. The result: a set of rules for what you should and shouldn’t say when introducing yourself online. This is the second post of our statistical investigation into the optimal online dating message
Seth's Blog: The problem with non
Yep. This is why change management is important to understand.
Non-profits failing to engage with social media at their cost
A great post by Seth Godin
Basically, be open to change.
Discussing non-profits resistance to change and embracing new technology
Some issues about management and marketing for the non-profit: how do non profits organizations face changes? How do they use new technologies for their marketing purposes? How do they evolve?
7 Ways to Make News Sites More Social
7 Ways to Make News Sites More Social
Journalism is supposed to be a conversation, but often news websites don’t provide the tools for that conversation to take place. Implementing social media tools and allowing readers to connect to the organization through Twitter, Facebook (Facebook) and other networks, can make it easier for users to engage with the news content and their community members. However, some fundamental tools that allow readers to share content through social media are not being utilized. A recent study that looked at almost 200 newspapers and TV stations with Twitter accounts found that only a third offered readers a way to share a story link using Twitter, while 80 percent provided a Facebook sharing button.
1. “Connect With Us” Links and Directories 2. Twitter Streams and Showcased Tweets 3. Live Blogging 4. Creating a Social News Network 5. Social Share Buttons 6. Enable Social Commenting 7. Utilize User-Generated Content
Newspapers and Web sites: information, entertainment, social networking advice
A Social Media Strategy Checklist - ClickZ
wonderfully written social media strategy checklist
Ten steps to building a social media strategy that delivers.
Outlines the basics of engaging with and getting the most of social media.
Run through this check list when I talk with Paul tomorrow
5 Easy Steps to Stay Safe (and Private!) on Facebook
People everywhere are mindlessly over-sharing on the world's largest social network, without a second thought as to who's reading their posts or what effect it could have on them further down the road.
5 Easy Steps to Stay Safe (and Private!) on Facebook
When the President of the United States warns schoolchildren to watch what they say and do on Facebook, you know that we've got a problem...and it's not one ...
hen the President of the United States warns schoolchildren to watch what they say and do on Facebook, you know that we've got a problem...and it's not one limited to the U.S.'s borders, either. People everywhere are mindlessly over-sharing on the world's largest social network, without a second thought as to who's reading their posts or what effect it could have on them further down the road. For example, did you know that 30% of today's employers are using Facebook to vet potential employees prior to hiring? In today's tough economy, the question of whether to post those embarrassing party pics could now cost you a paycheck in addition to a reputation. (Keep that in mind when tagging your friends' photos, too, won't you?) But what can be done? It's not like you can just quit Facebook, right? No - and you don't have to either. You just need to take a few precautions.
ng to enter here is "Only Friends." Anythin
RSS never blocks you or goes down: why social networks need to be decentralized - O'Reilly Radar
Recurring outages on major networking sites such as Twitter and LinkedIn, along with incidents where Twitter members were mysteriously dropped for days at a time, have led many people to challenge the centralized control exerted by companies running social networks
y this is a felt need that's spreading across the Net. Interestingly, they approach the questions from a list of what information needs to be shared and how it needs to be transmitted; I come from the angle of what people want from each other and how their needs can be met. The two approaches converge, though. See the comments for other interesting related blogs.
"4 Awkward Moments in Facebook "Likes"" by Brian Murphy on CollegeHumor
twitter公式ナビゲーター twinavi
話題のサービスtwitterの総合ナビゲーションサイト。初心者のための使い方ガイド、おすすめアカウント、twitterを活用したユニークなサービスなどを総合的に紹介。ここに来ればtwitterの全てがわかる。 - Welcome
Stribe is a plug and play service to instantly create a social network on any website
HOW TO: Do Good on LinkedIn
non per il contenuto ma per il "drag & share"
Campaign to cut 10% of emissions in 2010, individual people but also companies can sign up.
campaign to sign up people and organisations to sign up to reduce their carbon emissions by 10% in 2010
The official site of the 10:10 campaign
By committing to cut your emissions by 10% in 2010, you will join thousands of individuals, schools, hospitals, businesses and organisations all actively helping to combat climate change by making simple changes to their lifestyles, homes and workplaces. More importantly, your voice will help to put pressure on the politicians to cut Britain’s emissions as quickly as the science demands.
Matchmaker app for Facebook. Search profiles of friends and friends-of-friends.
Freunde von Facebook-Freunden finden
The best way to meet people is through friends. Thread makes it easy to see your entire social network and find common friends using Facebook Connect.
Your friends know awesome people. Browse their Facebook profiles and see if you connect. You can ask a friend for an intro, or play matchmaker with your own friends.
The Dirty Little Secret About the "Wisdom of the Crowds" - There is No Crowd
Small Groups, Big Impact Attempts to Address the Issue
A small crowd is still a crowd.
The findings showed that a small group of users accounted for a large number of ratings. In other words, as many have already begun to suspect, small but powerful groups can easily distort what the "crowd" really thinks, leading online reviews to often end up appearing extremely positive or extremely negative.
70 Do Follow Social Media Sites | Design And Marketing Blog
As social media has grown and evolved over the past few years, it has become a new avenue for marketers and webmasters to execute link building campaigns. This blog post is an attempt to list the social media sites that allow “do follow” links; which should have the potential to contribute to the search rank of the page being linked.
Великие слова — цитаты, афоризмы, высказывания
Цитаты, афоризмы, высказывания
Evolution of a Revolution: Visualizing Millions of Iran Tweets
Visualizing Millions of Iran Tweets - computational history of news using twitter
At its peak, a search for "Iran" on Twitter generated over 100,000 tweets per day and over 8,000 tweets per hour. The plot just below shows the growth in volume of information in the number of tweets per hour. How does an Internet junkie, news organization, or political operative monitor rapidly evolving real-time events, from the crucial details to the bigger picture? More importantly, how can a data stream be turned into real-time action, reaching the people who need it, when they need it, and in a form they can easily digest?
Article describes effort aimed at more sophistcicated analysis of twitter trends. Author is co-founder of Infoharmoni - startup building knowledge interfaces for real-time data sets.
How to algorithmically discover and deploy novel social structures is perhaps the billion, or trillion, dollar question. With Twitter, the data and API are in place. And if the history of computation is any guide, once programming a system becomes possible, progressing from a hack to an application to a platform is only a matter of time.
' can a data stream be turned into real-time action, reaching the people who need it, when they need it, and in a form they can easily digest? At the most abstract level, history and computation are the same thing: the evolution of systems over time. Twitter has several remarkable properties that allow us to finally leverage this correspondence in tangible ways. The simplicity of its data, the openness of its system, and its extreme time resolution make it possible for us to detect atoms of history, those moments when something is triggered and society is reconfigured ever so slightly. Simply tracking the volume of various phrases gives us a sense of what is happening on the street, literally and figuratively. But that signal is but a shadow of a far more complex and intricate reality, an interwoven web of individuals and actions. -- Disruptive events lead to information elites.'
Guidelines for Educators Using Social Networking Sites - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
draft of this revision
- Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
Tech Director Jen Hegna over in the Byron (MN) schools developed this set of guidelines for the staff in her district. (She was motivated, she said, partially by posts here and here on the Blue Skunk. Cool!) Anyway she's given permission for me to share her work here and says readers are welcome to use and adopt as well:
Guidelines for teachers when posting to social network sites such as Facebook.
Groups: The Secret Weapon of the Social Web - ReadWriteWeb
true. I have been very lazy about grouping on the various social services that I use.
Social interaction online is not very sophisticated. The news feed model of conversation has taken over the social web, from Facebook to Twitter to FriendFeed to MySpace, but by itself it doesn't serve us very well.
Groups: The Secret Weapon of the Social Web [from]
@vindugoel on folowing thousands of people but getting value from it: [from]
Various services have different ways for users to separate their "friends" into different groups, viewable by topic, category or type of connection. By better understanding the value that groups can deliver, we can better strategise our creation of groups.
20 Ways to Change the World in Only 15 Minutes a Day
Yes, all of the above may be true. But it doesn’t mean you can’t carve out just 15 minutes a day to be a better citizen of the planet — forego a couple of TV shows per week, set a timer to cut your Facebook (Facebook) and/or Twitter (Twitter) sessions by 15 minutes, or curtail that long hot shower habit. If you can find just a small amount of time per day, you can give back to your local or global community in a way that can reap benefits to your mood and psyche that far outweigh the time you’ve “given up” from another hobby or habit.
Good ideas!
Online Database of Social Media Policies
wmsn-06-09.png (PNG Image, 1024x537 pixels)
Social Media Policies from 80+ Organizations
Google Wave: You need to pay attention to this. - Jason Kolb re: the Future of the Internet
Google Wave encompasses and extends XMPP thus it accommodates many forms desirable client-server content - text, pictures, video, streaming, and so on. It also supports different types of conversations: presence, notifications, subscriptions, back-and-forth--these are all modeled by XMPP. And it supports a wide variety of communication TYPES as well: video, audio, text, and so on.
Project ‘Gaydar’: An MIT experiment raises new questions about online privacy - The Boston Globe
At MIT, an experiment that identifies which students are gay is raising new questions about online privacy. Using data from Facebook, two students in an MIT class on ethics and law on the electronic frontier made a striking discovery: just by looking at a person's online friends, they could predict whether the person was gay. The project, given the name 'Gaydar' by the students, is part of the fast-moving field of social network analysis, which examines what the connections between people can tell us, from predicting who might be a terrorist to the likelihood a person is happy, fat, liberal, or conservative." MIT professor Hal Abelson, who co-taught the course, is quoted: "That pulls the rug out from a whole policy and technology perspective that the point is to give you control over your information — because you don't have control over your information."
Using data from Facebook, they made a striking discovery: just by looking at a person’s online friends, they could predict whether the person was gay. They did this with a software program that looked at the gender and sexuality of a person’s friends and, using statistical analysis, made a prediction. People may be effectively “outing” themselves just by the virtual company they keep. If our friends reveal who we are, that challenges a conception of privacy built on the notion that there are things we tell, and things we don’t. Even if you don’t affirmatively post revealing information, simply publishing your friends’ list may reveal sensitive information about you, or it may lead people to make assumptions about you that are incorrect.
'guessing' whether someone is gay via FB
Deux étudiants du MIT ont imaginé un outil capable de repérer sur la toile les personnes homosexuelles. Leur outil parcours les sites sociaux à la recherche d'indices comme les goûts musicaux, les choix politiques, les types d'amis, les réactions à l'information... afin de déterminer si les personnes ont une forte proportion de chance ou pas d'être homosexuelles. Leur propos, montrer comment on peut détourner le traitement de l'information que les internautes déversent sur le net.
Article covering some projects analysing how revealing your Facebook friend list can be
Homepage | Socialwok
Socialwok adds the missing social layer to Google Apps. Create a secure private social network for your Google Apps Domain.
HOW TO: Set Up a Winning Facebook Fan Page
6 Facebook Hack Codes And Tips To Show Off Your Geeky Skills
#6 is actually good, rest shit
i guess these are neat.
4 Ways Social Media is Changing Business
A very good article on how to be a social-media-friendly business
Trends in social media and how savvy businesses are adapting to the new era - circa Sept 2009
Advertising Agencies & Social Media: A Culture Clash | Social Media Explorer
Read later
philosophically, advertising and social media are very different. Creatives, client services folks, account planners and the like are being asked to undertake a new method of communications that runs counter to everything they’ve ever been taught.
Also, some editing would help.
Free PSD Twitter Background Template | Fuel Your Creativity
Develop a Social Media Strategy in 7 Steps | Social Media Marketing | Social Media Consulting - Convince & Convert
Full Circle Associates » How I use social media
More goodness from Nancy White, who is probably one of the most adept users of social media out there. "When the door to connection is open, watch who walks through and follow them, not those who stand at the doorway and naysay! And I'm not just talking about social media early adopters. I'm talking about people passionate about getting something done." That shouldn't (I would say) be taken as an endorsement of a non-critical stance. But if someone naysays, they ought to at least have ventured into the technology (and its community) to have some grounds for their criticism. Nancy White, Full Circle Associates, August 5, 2009.
Annotated link
"My practices have been radically changed and shaped - yes, even transformed - by social software."
Erfahrungsbericht zum Einsatz von Social Media
How Nancy White uses social media
Free ‘Social Media Bookmark Icon +’ pack, the ever growing icon set | Nouveller
Free ‘Social Media Bookmark Icon +’ pack, the ever growing icon set [from]
(New) 27 Circular Social Media Icons in 3 Sizes | WordPress Blogging | Blog Perfume
(New) 27 Circular Social Media Icons in 3 Sizes | WordPress Blogging | Blog Perfume -
HOW TO: Plan a DIY Wedding Using Social Media
amazing article on using social media tools and applications to help plan your wedding web 2.0 style
Social Networking’s New Global Footprint | Nielsen Wire
The Nielsen report into Social Media growth between 2007 and 2008. Good stats about SM growth
Two-thirds of the world’s Internet population visit social networking or blogging sites, accounting for almost 10% of all internet time, according to a new Nielsen report “Global Faces and Networked Places.”
Social Media Outsourcing Can Be Risky (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Why it can be hard to incorporate material from social media sites on your web site.
Jakob discusses the best ways to organise multimedia content
Connosr - The Whisky Social Network (Beta) - Discover, Review and Share Single Malt Whisky
Discover, review and share Single Malt Whisky with Connosr - the Whisky Social Network
Your Guide to Music on the Web, Part II
"Today, in Part II we’ll take a tour of music search engines, Web players, ways to share music on Twitter, and music mixing apps."
The Carol syndrome
Plus Maths Magazine: Feature Article
The Carol syndrome
A mathematical explanation of how pretty girls scare boys away.
Mooie vrouwen worden zelden aangesproken. Wiskundige onderbouwing waarom
STUDY: Time Spent on Social Networks Has Tripled
Pesquisa feita em agosto/09, divulgada em setembro/09
According to a new report from The Nielsen Company, Americans spent 17% of all their Internet time using social networking sites. This was nearly triple the time spent a year ago.
51 Herramientas Social Media. |
Buena recopilación
Entonces aqui va este post de 51 herramientas que te ayudaran a trabajar en Social Media. Las dividire por entornos para que os sea mucho mas facil y de ayuda. Usarlas con cuidado, que os dara poder en cualquier presentacion o delante de cualquier cliente.
Free Icon Set - GraphicRiver
Download a free icon set from GraphicRiver, the marketplace for buying and selling graphics, icons, vectors and add-ons
HOW TO: Gather Feedback With Social Media
tracking comment
This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in
Why Ford is Winning on the Social Web
It’s no secret that American car companies are in trouble these days. With those troubles comes a huge spike in buzz for each respective company. Some would argue, despite the bad news, this increased public focus is an opportunity for auto brands to reposition in the market. Here is a quick look at how the bad news out of Detroit is playing out and who is making strides.
The New (Media) Workout Plan - Patrick Moberg
Unorthodox excercise regiment based around new media addiction.
Patrick Moberg
love it! (via @radiohead022)
3 New Facebook Strategies for Building Your Personal Brand
Here are three new strategies for building, promoting, and expanding your personal brand using Facebook.
Includes tips to make fan pages interesting
STUDY: 80% of Twitter Users Are All About Me
Mashable covers our research. Is nice!
Rutgers University Professors Mor Naaman and Jeffrey Boase set out to analyze the content and characteristics of social media activity. They dubbed communications systems like Facebook and Twitter, “social awareness streams,” and then took to examining user behavior.
80% of users are “meformers,” or “Me Now” status updaters. Meformers are “people who use the platform to post updates on their everyday activities, social lives, feelings, thoughts, and emotions.” The rest (20%) are informers who use the channels to share informational updates like links news articles. #Based on the categories and complex cluster analysis, the professors were able to lump Twitterers into one of two categories: meformers or informers. The former makes up 80% of the user base, while the latter a meager 20%. Interesting enough, though, the study also showed that the informers have significantly more friends and followers than their meformer counterparts. The median informer has 131 friends and 112 followers, while the median meformer has just 61 friends and 43 followers. # Informers have a higher proportion of mentions of other users in their messages (that is they @reply to more Twitterers) - 25% of messages come from mobile phones
Google Wave First Look - Google Wave - Lifehacker
Google Wave
If you're not one of the 100,000 lucky users who gets an invitation to Google Wave today, don't fret. You can check out Google Wave right here.
Google Wave First Look
5 Advanced Social Media Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
The Digital Business Card Wordpress Theme – Human3rror – I Break Stuff.
Add Facebook Connect Features to Your Site in Three Steps
Facebook connect
Add Facebook Connect Features to Your Site in Three Steps
The Facebook Connect Wizard is just what it sounds like – a way to incorporate Facebook Connect into your website in three steps. Just enter in your URL, upload a file to your server so that Facebook Connect can talk to your site, and then find the social markup and integration tools you want to add on the backend of your site.
Over the last ten months, Facebook Connect has flourished as a tool to not only minimize login and sign-up minutiae, but to allow developers and content
The Top Six Reasons Companies are Still Scared of Social Media
reasons why companies are scared of social media
Twitter Alerts
Get alerted when someone tweets about your company, your product or anything that interests you.
Get alerted when someone tweets about your company, your product or anything that interests you.
Sugar Grove Sugar Grove Library SG Library
With tweetalarm, you will get alerted when someone tweets about your company, your product or anything that interests you.
Embeddable Waves: The Google Wave WordPress Plugin
One of the more intriguing aspects of Google Wave – the much anticipated communication and collaboration platform that debuts later this month – is the fact that Waves can be embedded anywhere on the Web. Waves, in case you’re not familiar, are essentially individual threaded conversations that take place within Google Wave. So, when we’re talking about an embeddable Wave, it means a conversation that can be placed on other websites, with the same functionality as it would have within Wave itself. Since some developers already have access to Google Wave, we’re now able to show you what this functionality looks like – and how you may be seeing it in the future – via a WordPress plugin that has already been built for easily embedding Waves in blog posts.
HOW TO: Get Started with Google Wave
Google Wave has arrived. The real-time communication platform has been one of the hottest and most anticipated products in the tech and social media space for
Mashable proves yet again that they are a great source of information on all things to do with Social Networking, including Google Wave.
3 Great Social Media Policies to Steal From
this is for when you have to write your own policy
BBC to relaunch websites with focus on social media | Media |
Enlace encontrado en la cuenta twitter para el término de búsqueda <b> La web 2</b>
Radical redesign of news and other sites planned for March, according to sources. By Mercedes Bunz
First glimpse on the BBC's planned relaunch which is to include huge improvements concerning personalisation and online communication.
He explained that the BBC is not only working on a new homepage and the underlying hosting platform, but his team is currently researching "what the next generation in social media will be".
Maybe Digital Culture needs to become compulsory component of any E-learning Programme
Twitter’s Golden Ratio (That No One Likes To Talk About)
good description of classes of people on twitter.
Hate to take the linkbait but I disagree with @techcrunch on the golden ratio for Twitter. I want all types in my feed [from]
Comenta varias "máximas" de las relaciones entre cantidad de gente que sigue un usuario y cantidad de gente que lo sigue.
A Twitter aranyszabálya, ami alapján elég hatékonyan el lehet dönteni, hogy egy minket újonnan követő embert visszakövetünk-e. Lényege, hogy ha a follower-following arány negatív (több following-ja van a usernek, mint ahány follower), akkor ez nagy valószínűséggel azt mutatja, hogy nem érdemes őt követni, mert nem érdekes a tartalma vagy mert valamilyen spammer. Ha az arány pozitív , akkor valszeg érdemes követni. Minél nagyobb az arány + vagy - irányba, annál igazabb lesz ez a szabály egy bizonyos pontig. Egyes IRL sztároknak többmillió followerük van, akik nem tudják ennek a mennyiségnek a felét sem visszakövetni, de nem biztos hogy ilyen nagy mértékben van jó tartalmuk. A túl nagy + aránnyal rendelkezőkre sokszor mondják, hogy nem is igazi Twitter userek, mert csak nagyon kevés embert követnek. A szabályt sok felhasználó használja és úgy tűnik valóban működik, de ellentmond a Twitter egyik alapelvének, miszerint ha elkezdesz követni valakit akkor elvárod, hogy az vissza is kövessen. Kashiwa Mystery Cafe
A cafe where you get the food of the person who ordered before you. crazy.
this is a really interesting business model.
At this cafe, you get what the person before you ordered. The next person gets what you ordered.
Cabel stumbles upon what may be the coolest, most artistic idea ever for a business in Japan.
just like I did. So she got what she wanted. Ogori cafe synchronicity! Before we left, there was one last thing hat had to be done.
How To Measure The Value Of A Fan Or Follower In Social Media
It’s hard to justify the time spent on social media account management. But there are ways to measure the real value (monetary or otherwise) of fans on Facebook and followers on Twitter.
b1dmB.jpg (JPEG Image, 600x1583 pixels)
Forrester Predicts Huge Growth for Social Media Marketing
Forrester Research is holding its own conference down in Orlando and has just revealed its predictions for the growth of online advertising. The bottom line is that social media and mobile will be the hottest, but just about everything will see an upward trend.
Future forecast is pretty positive for social media
Graphs on marketing spending projections for social media
Forrester Research is holding its own conference down in Orlando and has just revealed its predictions for the growth of ...
Scribnia - A rating and discovery engine for bloggers and columnists
A rating and discovery engine for bloggers and columnists. Find better writers online
Scribnia is a blog directory that's all about writers. We aim to be the definitive source for people's opinions about bloggers, columnists, reporters, and other writers whose work is available online. Come on in and add your blog to our blog directory!
Bloggers add yourself to the site. Readers review them.
Women Rule the Social Web
When it comes to sites like Flickr (Flickr), Facebook (Facebook), Twitter (Twitter), FriendFeed (FriendFeed), MySpace (MySpace) and Bebo (Bebo), however, women outnumber men. In fact, there’s only one major holdout for men on the social web: social news site Digg (Digg), where 64% of users are male.
When it comes to sites like Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, FriendFeed, MySpace and Bebo, however, women outnumber men. In fact, there’s only one major holdout for men on the social web: social news site Digg, where 64% of users are male.
…at least according to an infographic by Information is Beautiful. The stats, compiled by Brian Solis from Google Ad Planner data, show that equal numbers of men and women use sites like LinkedIn, DeviantArt and YouTube. When it comes to sites like Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, FriendFeed, MySpace and Bebo, however, women outnumber men.
Social Network Statistics | Brian Solis - PR 2.0
Some great data on the demographics of who is using social media. 75% of Facebookers and 81% of Twitterers are 25 and older. These are not "youth" tools.
perfil dos usuários de cada rede social
Data from August 2009
How to Demo Twitter - Holy Kaw!
bun pt wks - demo prin exemple, similar pt cirip
This is the set of links that were used to demo Twitter to the Surfing Industry Manufacturers Association. The purpose was to show consumer brands like Reef, Sector 9, and Sanuk how they could use Twitter as a tool.
Penn Olson – 10 Successful Facebook Business Pages
Who’s Driving Twitter’s Popularity? Not Teenagers -
Despite their reputation as early adopters, young people are not flocking to Twitter. But their parents are.
The public nature of Twitter is particularly sensitive for the under-18 set, whether because they want to hide what they are doing from their parents or, more often, because their parents restrict their interaction with strangers on the Web... Many young people use the Web not to keep up with the issues of the day but to form and express their identities, said Andrea Forte, who studied how high school students use social media for her dissertation. (She will be an assistant professor at Drexel University in the spring.)
8 of the Best Social Media Extensions for Joomla
rs you value them and want them to return. It also shows your readers that your content is valuable
Social Media Extensions Recommendations
Joomla (Joomla)! is a CMS powerhouse, but the core does not include any social media integration other than RSS feeds. With a free download and easy installation, any Joomla! administrator can quickly integrate with popular social media applications. In addition to driving traffic to your site, integrating your Joomla! site with social media applications shows your readers you value them and want them to return. It also shows your readers that your content is valuable (or you think it is) and it’s worth sharing. Here are eight of the best social media extensions for Joomla!
Here are eight of the best social media extensions for Joomla!
The History and Evolution of Social Media | Webdesigner Depot
Contiene una información muy completa de redes sociales, videos, fotos... Genial
Artikel zur Geschichte der Social Media
In this article, we’ll review the history and evolution of social media from its humble beginnings to the present day.
The History and Evolution of Social Media | Webdesigner Depot -
HOW TO: Manage a Facebook Group
"acebook Pages may be taking the social network by storm, but they can take time and technical skill to set up. When you need to promote something quickly, or are looking to foster a stronger sense of community, the more traditional Facebook Group is often the way to go. While not as fancy as Pages, Groups offer many of the same features, with a slightly more streamlined look. This makes it easy for virtually anyone to create a Group, for any number of purposes, and get them live quickly—an important benefit in the time-sensitive social media sphere. However, the ease and speed with which a Group can be set up has created a lot of spammy or messy Groups that are slapped together in minutes and abandoned soon after. In order to break through the clutter and gain members, you need to take the time to set up a Group correctly. Here are a few tips:
Euroblog 2007 - Survey and Conference - Weblogs in Communication Management
Implications and Challenges for Communication Management and PR
Blog en inglés sobre asuntos sociales
informacion de blogs
manual de euroblog
Euroblog2007: Social Software-A Revolution for Communication
imlpications and Challenges for Communication Management
Informe anual de 2007 que habla de la sociedad de la informacion
Es un blog acerca de asuntos sociales
Esta pagina presenta a 400 expertos sobre la comunicacion
Implicaciones y cambios dentro de la comunicación : Beware What You Share
Beware What You Share
Facebook Is the Most Valuable Source of Traffic [Stats]
Between search engines and social media, there are a lot of different ways that people can get to your website. But which of these sources provides loyal users that come back to your site multiple times? That’s the subject of a new study by ad network Chitika, who analyzed the browsing habits of 33 million unique users over the course of September. According to their findings, FacebookFacebookFacebook provides the most loyal visitors, with 20% of those that originate from the social network in turn visiting the site they landed upon four or more times in a week. Among other social media sites, Digg traffic produced loyal users 16% of the time, while Twitter traffic was only good for 11% loyalty. In the realm of search engines, YahooYahoo!Yahoo! provides the most loyal visitors at 15%, followed by GoogleGoogleGoogle and BingBingBing with around 12% each.
bing, digg, facebook, Google, statistics, twitter, Yahoo
Facebook Is the Most Valuable Source of Traffic [Stats]: Between search engines and social media, there are a l.. [from]
25 Social Media Sites for Entrepreneurs | VentureBeat
If you’re an entrepreneur who has been seduced by social media tools such as Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook, you may ...
Useful information for business owners interested in using social media for their business
#10Ways to Support Charity Through Social Media
Here are 10 ways you can use social media to show your support for issues that are important to you.
Social media is about connecting people and providing the tools necessary to have a conversation. That global conversation is an extremely powerful platform for spreading information and awareness about social causes and issues. That’s one of the reasons charities can benefit so greatly from being active on social media channels. But you can also do a lot to help your favorite charity or causes you are passionate about through social media.
Methods members of the Christmas Bureau can help spread the word socially
The Ultimate List of Niche Social Networks « Internet Marketing Blog
As participation marketing continues to gain traction as the most effective way to market a website, niche social networks are emerging as a crucial part of that strategy. While Facebook and Twitter can play an integral part in social media campaigns, they don’t always have the best targeted users and groups. Whereas, niche social networks, like cork’d and Social Workout, provide highly targeted communities for marketers.
Five Reasons Companies Should be Integrating Social Media with Facebook Connect | Web Business by Ken Burbary
Quick explanation for those not familiar with Facebook Connect. It is a service developed by Facebook that lets Facebook users login into partner sites using
As of this writing, there are more than 15,000 registered implementations (websites, devices and applications) of Facebook Connect since its general availability in December 2008. According to Nick O’Neil from, the most recent statistics show that Facebook Connect is close to 1 million users. Impressive numbers given this initiative isn’t even a year old yet. Implementing this can be trivial, and offers immediate benefits to companies willing to experiment. Already we’re seeing these benefits on Connect enabled sites:
The case for integrating Facebook Connect into your site to improve communication and traffic.
Quick explanation for those not familiar with Facebook Connect. It is a service developed by Facebook that lets Facebook users login into partner sites using their Facebook account and share information with Facebook friends. Basically, a single sign
Graphs in the database: SQL meets social networks – techPortal
"Graphs are ubiquitous. Social or P2P networks, thesauri, route planning systems, recommendation systems, collaborative filtering, even the World Wide Web itself is ultimately a graph! Given their importance, it’s surely worth spending some time in studying some algorithms and models to represent and work with them effectively. In this short article, we’re going to see how we can store a graph in a DBMS. Given how much attention my talk about storing a tree data structure in the db received, it’s probably going to be interesting to many. Unfortunately, the Tree models/techniques do not apply to generic graphs, so let’s discover how we can deal with them."
Losing To The Social Web: Visualized | Digital Buzz Blog
Off-Site Content Distribution is rapidly growing, I’m talking RSS Feeds, Twitter, YouTube Channels, Facebook Fan pages and so on… All the best brands and websites now actively push their content (the same stuff you use to get from their website and still want to access) to as many various “off-site” sources and platforms as possible.So naturally this removes unique visitors from their main sites, channeling them into a maze of various networks, feeds and tweets…Oh, and ofcourse, widgets/apps – we’ve only just seen the start of these.
charts - are microsites dead
A brands website has been the single biggest "online" focus for 99% of businesses over the last 10 years apart from banner campaigns and microsites here and there, but with the evolution of social media growing at unheard of rates (Twitter is up
Brand specific sites losing traffic, social sites gaining.
I don’t think websites & microsites are dead yet. There are still years and years of usefulness ahead for them, we’ll just need to come up with better ways to connect them and their content into the social lives of customers online…
Liberty's Kids
There is a wonderful Liberty's Kids website that has a segment from the show called Now and Then which is great fun.
Welcome to the companion site for Liberty's Kids, an animated adventure television series for children ages 8-14, about three kids who, by working as reporters for Ben Franklin, bring to life the american revolution.
Activities and resources for the American Revolution
This is a site directed at kids about the american revolution.
Open-ended activities and interactive games that motivate students to explore American history. Explore the Revolutionary Archive of historical information and images that they can use
Link for biographies, Franklin, his inventions, government, etc.
Audience or Community |
The difference between an audience and a community is which direction the chairs are pointing
The difference between an audience and a community is which direction the chairs are pointing.
Brogan defines his views on audience and community
the baby book for modern parents - lil'grams
online baby book blogg
UGC platform (blog / foto / video ..) for new parent ... with some social network elements added ...
Top 10 Ways to Provoke a Geek Argument | GeekDad |
Geeks, as a general rule, are pretty easy-going. We like to think things through, so passionate confrontations aren't commonplace for us. When we get well and
“Mac, Windows, or Linux? Does it really make a difference?”
Geeks, as a general rule, are pretty easy-going. We like to think things through, so passionate confrontations aren't commonplace for us. When we get well and properly provoked, though, watch out! We won't stop talking until every last point that we can think of has been made at least twice. So, what do you say to provoke a geek? Glad you asked!
Top ten ways to provoke a geek argument: (via @JinniDotCom) [from]
not so productive argument.....
Que cocino hoy - Recetas de cocina
Para cuando no sabes que cocinar
Aplicació web en flash amb cercador de receptes per ingredients.
The fun theory
This site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or something entirely different, the only thing that matters is that it’s change for the better.
Lufthansa MySkyStatus™
Tweeting planes.
While you're in the air, MySkyStatus sends altitude, location, departure and arrival updates automatically to your Facebook and Twitter pages. It's travel made social and it's easy to set up. Let's get started.
Real-time Discovery Engine - YourVersion: Discover Your Version of the Web™
Interest Aggregator
YourVersion is a real-time discovery engine that discovers new, relevant content for you based on your interests and makes it easy to bookmark and share that content with friends.
How To Champion Social Media At Work | Social Media Explorer
Sosyal medyanın işlerimizde de kullanılması
Social Media Explorer explores social media, public relations and marketing through commentary and analysis.
ways to convince colleagues to sign up to social media stuff
to be used for social media focal points at Eurocontrol
What Does that Hashtag Mean? New Service Tells You - ReadWriteWeb
Tagalus is a social dictionary of tags used on Twitter. Users vote for the best definitions.
How to build a Facebook community | Socialbrite
"Like any social tool, Facebook needs to be worked in order to achieve specific marketing, event or fundraising goals." A practical primer on going about this
Author: Socialbrite website
Delicious Freshens Up With Twitter. Founder Hates It.
twit twit
search a great deal.
HOW TO: Use Social Media in Your PR Pitch Plan
Social Media Measurement Lags Adoption - eMarketer
Despite widespread adoption of social media, measurement still lags. Only 16% of those polled said they currently measured ROI for their social media programs. More than four in 10 respondents did not even know whether the social tools they were using had ROI measurement capabilities.
Measuring the success of social media marketing can be difficult, but using a variety of hard and soft ROI metrics is one solution. For example, distributing a coupon via a social network and monitoring its redemption can put a concrete number on social success. And marketers can also assign a dollar value to soft metrics, such as number of fans or followers, to measure ROI.
"Despite widespread adoption of social media, measurement still lags. Only 16% of those polled said they currently measured ROI for their social media programs. More than four in 10 respondents did not even know whether the social tools they were using had ROI measurement capabilities."
Cute as Hell Pet Community - Quite Possibly the Cutest Place on Earth
Cute as Hell is a community and shopping site made exclusively for pet people. Enter your pet in cute pet contests, build a detailed pet profile page with photos, Twitter status updates, pet commenting, and more!
Gary's Social Media Count | PERSONALIZE MEDIA
Running count of all social media activity
An intriguing social media "scoreboard" of sorts. You can embed it anywhere
Excellent 'live' social media counter/visualisation
"counter of social media uses"
Living statistics – Many of us who have been following social media since the early 90s are very sensitive to today’s exponential growth in usage of the sharing web. Inspired by other cool real time counters, my own Rise of SM presentations, Laurel Papworth and various videos I decided to put together this little Flash app (which is in constant development) showing how active & dynamic the Social Web is. More after the embed.
18 Essential Tools for Every Word-of-Mouth Marketer
Streams, Walls, and Feeds: Distributing Content Through Social Networks and RSS (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
AlertBox gives insight to how users interact with corporate streams. like Facebook, Twitter, and RSS.
According to a study of social networking postings, users like the simplicity of messages that pass into oblivion over time, but were frequently frustrated by unscannable writing, overly frequent postings, and their inability to locate companies on social networks.
Summary: Users like the simplicity of messages that pass into oblivion over time, but were frequently frustrated by unscannable writing, overly frequent postings, and their inability to locate companies on social networks.
Does your social class determine your online social network? -
This article questions whether social networks may maintain some of the same cultural divides as regular networks.
Does it have less to do with class and more to do with age or maturity?
20 Essential Resources for 4 of the Web's Hottest Social APIs
ressources pour programmer sur twitter, flicker, fb et google maps
8 Tips For Getting Your Fan Page Found In Facebook Search
8 consigli su come rendere visibile la tua pagina su facebook
Have a Facebook page or creating a new one? Do yourself a favor and be proactive in setting your page up, so users can find you when they are looking. Too
Whether you are setting up your first page, or tweaking an old one, the following tips can help you rise to the top of the search results.
Might be useful in helping Holly get known
A list of 8 tips for optimizing one's Facebook Fan Page for Facebook Search. As featured on Search Engine Land.
7 Free or Cheap Ways to Effectively Promote Your Business Online
STATS: Facebook and Twitter’s Growth Flattens
Throughout the entire 2008 and the better part of 2009, we’ve reported on Facebook and Twitter’s explosive growth. Month after month, we’ve seen tremendous numbers from both these services, while some giants of old, such as MySpace, dropped lower and lower. Somewhere in June, however, Twitter stopped growing, at least according to Compete. The same thing happened to Facebook (Facebook) at the exact same time; at first we’ve attributed the traffic numbers to the summer slumber, but now that Compete’s numbers for September are out, there’s no doubt that both Facebook and Twitter are no longer growing, at least in the eyes of the (admittedly US-centric) Compete.
Interesting stats from Mashable, including growth of Linked In
HOW TO: Organize an Event on Facebook
Some people wonder if all this social networking is really making us more social — we’re just sitting in front of our computers, after all. But Facebook, the web’s largest social network, plays host to 3 million event listings each month. And these are offline events, ranging in size from small, friendly get-togethers, to company picnics, to enormous political protests.
How Speakers Should Integrate Social Into Their Presentation « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Whether you're a professional speaker, company representative, or panelist at a conference, you must develop a social strategy during your speaking. The Audience Continues To Gain Power Over Speakers A few years ago, the first major eruption
via Corbin Ball
Present socially! 1. Prepare more; know your audience; monitor the backchannel (with help); interact with audience; use technology to converse mid-speaking
Similar concept to ffffound but for shopping/finding products.
Svpply is a new retail bookmarking and recommendation service, basically fffffound but for retail items. It’s only been up for a month and in order to control the growth and quality of the site, Svpply members are typically added by invitation only. — What problems does Google Wave solve?
Quote: "... People work on documents, presentations, etc. They have lengthy discussions over email. Pieces of work bounce back and forth across one or multiple organisations for weeks before they’re finalised. People are brought on to the conversation late in the day. Attachments get lost. Inboxes fill up and emails bounce. It’s a major pain."
It's corporate, geeks.
D&AD | Creative Search
Creative Search is a search engine that gives you sorted results. Results for: D&AD
Five reasons corporations are failing at social media
When you boil it down it’s about listening to your customers, being helpful by offering your knowledge and giving them interesting content to share and thereby advocate for you.
Social media isn’t complicated. When you boil it down it’s about listening to your customers, being helpful by offering your knowledge and giving them interesting content to share and thereby advocate for you. The IMS speakers shared several case studies (yes, too many of them mentioned Comcast and Zappos) on how organizations have embraced social media to connect with and built trust and affection among customers. None of the examples required hyper-specialized knowledge or technology for a company to connect with people.
Companies that can't talk about anything other than their products, or don't respond to their customers online are hurting their social-media efforts, Amy Mengel writes. Companies also need to make sure that their internal processes are in line with the technology and that the company culture is cut out for social media
“It’s not rocket surgery.” That malapropism became a bit of a mantra at last week’s Inbound Marketing Summit. Social media isn’t complicated. When you boil it down it’s about listening to your custo
20 Social Networking Sites for Business Professionals
20 Social Networking Sites for Business Professionals -
Many of us actively use sites like Twitter and Facebook to promote our businesses. And those of us looking to connect with more business-related contacts may turn to sites like LinkedIn to develop relationships with people we have worked with or may want to work with. With the growing use of social networking by business professionals, there is a growing number of social networking sites focused on business users and meeting their needs. Here is a list of 20 social networking sites for entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals that are worth a look.
Welcome to
US government launch the OpenInternet. Gov site It includes videos, statements and discussion on all Federal Communication Commission activities on the issue, including coverage of broadband. is a place to join the discussion about the important issues facing the future of the Internet. Through this site you can stay connected to all FCC activities on the issue, and share your thoughts and ideas on open Internet. is a place to join the discussion about the important issues facing the future of the Internet.
5 Ways Social Media is Changing Our Daily Lives
for presentation
Official Google Blog: Managing your reputation through search results
Below are some tips for "reputation management": influencing how you're perceived online, and what information is available relating to you
The first step in reputation management is preemptive: Think twice before putting your personal information online. Remember that although something might be appropriate for the context in which you're publishing it, search engines can make it very easy to find that information later, out of context, including by people who don't normally visit the site where you originally posted it. Translation: don't assume that just because your mom doesn't read your blog, she'll never see that post about the new tattoo you're hiding from her.
8 jQuery and Ajax based tag clouds for web developer
8 plugins baseados em jQuery e Ajax para criação de nuvem de tags
Smarter Healthcare: How Social Media is Revolutionizing Your Doctor Visits
Web-based and social media tools are making it easier to get health information, find doctors, make appointments, keep records, and get support.
"One of the most obvious ways that the web and social media are making our lives healthier, is in the proliferation of health information."
Drag to Share - Nettuts+
Tutorial para drag and drop
We’ve all seen the brilliant functionality on Mashable where news stories and interesting articles can be shared to social networking sites; the functionality is driven by the images accompanying the articles; you click and hold on an image and can then drag it into a toolbar to share it. It’s brilliant and intuitive, and in this article I’m going to show you how we can replicate this behavior with jQuery and jQuery UI.
Master List (A Wiki of Social Media Marketing Examples)
5 Must-Read Social Media Marketing Studies | Social Media Examiner
Showcase of Social Networking Websites | Vandelay Design Blog
RT @mayhemstudios @vandelaydesign Showcase of Social Networking Websites [from]
10 ways to use social media to get a new job | News | TechRadar UK
jobsearch social media
Haystack : Discover the right Web Designer for your next project.
Discover the right Web Designer for your next project.
Find a web designer for your next project.
5 Small Businesses Successfully Using Social Media
Social Media
Exclusive: U.S. Spies Buy Stake in Firm That Monitors Blogs, Tweets | Danger Room |
America’s spy agencies want to read your blog posts, keep track of your Twitter updates — even check out your book reviews on Amazon
America’s spy agencies want to read your blog posts, keep track of your Twitter updates — even check out your book reviews on Amazon. In-Q-Tel, the investment arm of the CIA and the wider intelligence community, is putting cash into Visible Technologies, a software firm that specializes in monitoring social media. It’s part of a larger movement within the spy services to get better at using ”open source intelligence” — information that’s publicly available, but often hidden in the flood of TV shows, newspaper articles, blog posts, online videos and radio reports generated every day. Visible crawls over half a million web 2.0 sites a day, scraping more than a million posts and conversations taking place on blogs, online forums, Flickr, YouTube, Twitter and Amazon. (It doesn’t touch closed social networks, like Facebook, at the moment.) Customers get customized, real-time feeds of what’s being said on these sites, based on a series of keywords.
50 Most Influential Bloggers of 2009 | Make Money Online
Around 3 years ago I started blogging and have seen my business come such a long way since. It’s crazy to think that some of these people started a blog from home, less than 3 years ago and now are earning millions of dollars a year! The opportunities with blogging are endless and I hope today’s post of the fifty most influential bloggers of 2009 will inspire you to follow in their footsteps. Let us know in the comments below who has inspired you the most to build a better blog!
remarkable man, which is
delicious blog » How SPEAR Identifies Domain Experts within Delicious
analyzing user behavior to find experts
SPEAR (Spamming-resistant Expertise Analysis and Ranking) is a new technique to measure the expertise of users by analyzing their public activities on platforms like Delicious.
"A major problem of the Internet today is that finding high quality information is not easy nor fast. The steady increase of spam and junk content on the Web further complicates this challenge. Another related issue is that finding knowledgeable and trustworthy users on social platforms like Delicious is much more difficult than it should be. Wouldn’t it be nice if Delicious recommended “good” users with similar interests? Or wouldn’t it be helpful if you could get a selection of great websites on jewelry or mortgage without being overwhelmed by spam? To tackle this problem, we created the SPEAR algorithm. SPEAR (Spamming-resistant Expertise Analysis and Ranking) is a new technique to measure the expertise of users by analyzing their public activities on platforms like Delicious. A great benefit of SPEAR is that it returns two very useful sets of results: first, a list of users ranked by their expertise; and second, a list of websites ranked by their quality."
good, but missing essential parts for recommendations for educational system.
SPEAR (Spamming-resistant Expertise Analysis and Ranking) is a new technique to measure the expertise of users by analyzing their public activities on platforms like Delicious
Social Media Marketing Applications - 10 Proven Ideas - Online Marketing Blog
How to Market an Offline Event Online
The Social Media & Web Guide to Going Green
How can consumers who want to reduce their impact on the planet find the best social media tools? The following sites are great shortcuts for weeding through the myriad online options.
How can consumers who want to reduce their impact on the planet find the best social media tools? Here is the social media and web guide to going green.
The social media and web guide to going green: [from]
Who Uses Social Networks? - eMarketer
Everyone knows that social networking sites are growing in popularity. Millions of individuals visit daily—or even more often. Annotated link
Quite a jump in the last year for the 55+ demographic
Everyone knows that social networking sites are growing in popularity. Millions of individuals visit daily&mdash;or even more often. According to the “Consumer Internet Barometer” report from TNS and
Everyone knows that social networking sites are growing in popularity. Millions of individuals visit daily—or even more often.
10 Small Business Social Media Marketing Tips, (Part 1 of 2) — crowdSPRING Blog
One of the biggest challenges for small businesses who want to market using social media is capacity. crowdSPRING is a small business - there are only 10 people on our team - so we understand this challenge well. You must decide whether social media makes sense for your small business. There is no universal answer. In this two part series (part 2 will be published in a few days), I’ll offer 10 small business social media marketing tips. For each tip, I’ll discuss the basic strategy - for those who simply want to get their toes wet, and also the advanced strategy - for those who want to spend a bit more time and go a bit deeper in their social media marketing efforts. Where possible, I’ll point you to other excellent resources to help you execute your strategy. The tips are all based on my own experience leveraging social media marketing for crowdSPRING. I recommend only tools I’ve personally used - and third party references I trust.
Best 5 Social Bookmarking Plugins For Wordpress | W3Mag
Best 5 Social Bookmarking Plugins For Wordpress
The best plugins for adding social bookmarking to Wordpress blog
The evolving face of networks | Technology | The Guardian
What we do know is that more measurements need to be made, spread out over the next two to five years. According to Lieberman, the only way to predict how a social network will evolve is to construct an artificial one and track the flow of ideas within it. What is the likelihood of people forwarding on items that they receive in a social network such as Facebook (news items, links, video clips)? What is the likelihood of people responding to messages, or re-tweeting other people's tweets on Twitter? "The idea we need to explore is this: what is the likelihood that a particular stimulus within a social network leads to a particular response?" says Lieberman. "In my opinion, as we get better at measuring what happens within social networks, I predict a lot more organised marketing efforts on social networks as well as systematic influence campaigns."
What we do know is that more measurements need to be made, spread out over the next two to five years. According to Lieberman, the only way to predict how a social network will evolve is to construct an artificial one and track the flow of ideas within it. What is the likelihood of people forwarding on items that they receive in a social network such as Facebook (news items, links, video clips)? What is the likelihood of people responding to messages, or re-tweeting other people's tweets on Twitter? "The idea we need to explore is this: what is the likelihood that a particular stimulus within a social network leads to a particular response?" says Lieberman. "In my opinion, as we get better at measuring what happens within social networks, I predict a lot more organised marketing efforts on social networks as well as systematic influence campaigns."
"Laura Parker: What can evolutionary graph theory teach us about the spread of ideas on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter?"
The evolving face of social networks Laura Parker: What can evolutionary graph theory teach us about the spread of ideas on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter?
from the site: Article about Harvard graduate student Erez Lieberman, whose evolutionary graph theory is encouraging people to think about social networks in a different way: as an evolving population.
network developing and graph theory
The Science of Retweets on Twitter | Brian Solis - PR 2.0
retweet science
Post shows the best subjects, words, punctuation, days and times to maximize retweets.
interesting take. About Dan Zarella's report.
3 Great Marketing Strategies for Bloggers With Limited Time : Performancing
COPY-WRITING: They average about 1200 words per post and they routinely go over the 1600 word mark. Each post has relevant pictures and they use formatting wisely with headings and paragraphs so the posts look organized and are attractive to the eye. Their posts are so meaty that they only show 2 posts on their front page.
Small Businesses Should Make Better Use of Social Media
10 of the Best Social Media Tools for Entrepreneurs
AWESOME SITE for Entrepreneurial Advancement!!!!
Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Social Search: I finally found my friend's New York blog!
Your friends and contacts are a key part of your life online. Most people on the web today make social connections and publish web content in many different ways, including blogs, status updates and tweets. This translates to a public social web of content that has special relevance to each person. Unfortunately, that information isn't always very easy to find in one simple place. That's why today we're rolling out a new experiment on Google Labs called Google Social Search that helps you find more relevant public content from your broader social circle. It should be available for everyone to try by the end of the day, so be sure to check back.
HOW TO: Measure Social Media ROI
With a great PPT embedded.
Measuring ROI on social media is difficult, and recent surveys have found that most people don't do it. Use our guide to learn how to measure ROI the right way.
TweetMeme Analytics Show You How Retweets Spread on Twitter
TweetMeme Analytics Show You How Retweets Spread on Twitter [from]
We’ve always thought it would be fascinating to get more insight into how retweets spread, in part to understand what works with Twitter (Twitter) users. While there are existing analytics tools and packages, TweetMeme (Tweetmeme) has launched their own service as a complementary tool to their existing offering for deep insight into Twitter retweets.
tools for tracking tweets
TweetMeme Analytics Show You How Retweets Spread on Twitter [from]
Follow that Tweet! Tweetmeme Analytics let you see right down to the domain.
Welcome to! ·
A site that provides a bookmarklet to save items on line. Put bookmarklets on all the browsers
Linklist lets you make lists of links with no registration required. You can decide on your topic, write a short description, and then develop an ordered or non-ordered list. After you’re done, you’re given an embed code and url address for it-- one click and all your resources are organized together! You can create linklists to share, and students can create their own linklists that are kept private. You do not need to register, but if you do register, you'll be able to update and edit your linklists. once you paste a url address into your list, the name of the link actually shows up as an active link Linklist would also really be great for teaching media literacy skills. Students could write additional descriptions next to each list item, then the list could be used more effectively for higher-order thinking skills like categorization or comparing information from different sources.
Social Games: How The Big Three Make Millions
annually on sales of virtual goods. Need a shotgun to do that next job on Mobsters? No problem. Pay with a credit card, paypal, or your mobile phone and it’s all yours. And people are obviously very willing to buy these virtual goods. Nothing new there.
5 Ways to Attract and Empower Your Crowd
Social media advertising
5 Ways to Attract and #Empower Your #Crowd [from]
10 Small Business Social Media Marketing Tips
Social media is a big place, and navigating the many networks and tools can be tough. Here are 10 great ways small businesses can make the most of social media.
30+ Very Useful Twitter Tools You Must Be Aware Of | SEOptimise
We see at least a dozen new Twiter tools every other day. So I selected just 30+ Twitter tools that are most useful right now. Some of these tools have been around for a few months some have sprung up just recently. They have one thing in common: You must be aware of these tools in case you’re serious about Twitter participation.
more twitter tools
Listorious: Discover the Best Twitter Lists
9 Useful Sites For Finding People To Follow On Twitter |
9 Useful Sites For Finding People To Follow On Twitter -
More tools to help you find followers on Twitter
twitter help find people to follow who to twitter_help
Social Bookmarking Link Codes for 33 of the Biggest | Pro Blog Design
Social Bookmarking Link Codes for 33 of the Biggest | Pro Blog Design -
Social bookmarking and link sharing is probably the largest source of traffic for most of us. Sites like Stumbleupon and Delicious send hundreds of thousands of visitors across the blogosphere. So how can we encourage more people to share our links? One of the easiest options is to include a set of links at the bottom of your posts which readers can click to automatically vote for your article. There are plugins which can do this of course, but that requires you to work with their settings, names icons in their banner and it means having yet another plugin installed on your site. If you would rather avoid that and have complete control for yourself, then you might prefer to code the links into your theme yourself.
10 situaciones que quieres evitar en Facebook y cómo hacerlo
Cómo mejorar tu privacidad en Facebook en 10 sencillos pasos y así evitar situaciones embarazosas.
Smipple - Social Code Snippets
this was built using gae and app engine patch
10 Twitter Lists You Should Follow
Anyone who's worked with OPML files before is likely to find Twitter lists frustrating so far. // Twitter Lists are exciting because curation of dynamic sources is exciting. This is a particularly accessible way to do what syndication geeks have been thrilled by for years. // We've said before that groups are the secret weapon of the social web and we're excited to see this feature go live. Hopefully it will become more awesome with time.
excellent info to be found among these lists for Writing for the Web
10 Twitter Lists You Should Follow
STATS: 84% of Social Media Programs Don’t Measure ROI
84% of respondents said they don’t currently measure the ROI (return on investment) of their social media programs. 106743 Even less encouraging, more than 40% of respondents said they didn’t even know whether they could track ROI from their social tools. This is worrisome because it indicates that industries and professionals are adopting technology without actually taking into account how it will impact their business and what value it will add.
It’s easy to say, “social media will improve customer retention” — and in fact that might be true for a number of businesses, but without proper ways to measure how these tools work, making them more effective and efficient becomes difficult. Moreover, without having an ROI strategy in place, businesses might be more willing to drop social technologies or treat them as a short-term fad. For social media and social technology to really work, businesses need to be able to measure its impact, positive and negative.
Part of the problem with new communciations is quantifying effectiveness. What is the cost of using new media and how do we measure return?
Web Ecology Project
Code Release: Language Detection and Translation
The Web Ecology Project is an interdisciplinary research group based in Boston, Massachusetts focusing on using large scale data mining to analyze the system-wide flows of culture and community online. In addition to the task of understanding culture on the web through quantitative research and rigorous experimentation, we are attempting to build a science around community management and social media. To that end, we are building tools and conducting research that enable planners to launch data-driven campaigns backed by network science. twitter archive.
Researching Quantized Social Interaction
How to Improve your Wordpress Theme with 9 Useful Plugins –
Recopilacion 9 plugins para wp
Want to Figure Out Your Social Media ROI? Consider a Plan. | Marketing Profs Daily Fix Blog
Good post from Beth Harte.
8 Hand Drawn Icon Sets For Bloggers - slodive
The hand drawn look as definitely taken over design since the predictions began last year. Makes you wonder if the design sites had not covered it so much, would it be so big now? Whatever the case it’s impossible to ignore. Below we present some great hand drawn icon sets that will be sure to give your blog a more creative / natural look.
Scamville: The Social Gaming Ecosystem Of Hell
Wie sich Farmville
via cpalow, alok
Major media can’t stop applauding the companies long enough to understand what’s really going on with these games. The real story isn’t the business success of these startups. It’s the completely unethical way that they are going about achieving that success.
facebook economy
How To Spam Facebook Like A Pro: An Insider’s Confession
facebook users, beware
Interesting article on the spamming economics of Facebook and social media, straight from the horses mouth
Last night we wrote about the lead generation scams within social gaming networks. This is a guest post by Dennis Yu, the CEO ...
How To Spam Facebook Like A Pro: An Insider’s Confession
How-To: Influence Influencers- Bloggers, Tweeters & Others
Want to get the right people talking about you and your business in a flattering light? Read more:
Perfect resource for WOM marketing, reaching influencers
How-To: Influence Influencers- Bloggers, Tweeters & Others
blogcuları etkleme ve kendin hakkında konuşturma sanatı
The Future of the Social Web | Brian Solis - PR 2.0
Six Social Media Trends for 2010 - Conversation Starter -
With approximately 70 percent of organizations banning social networks and, simultaneously, sales of smartphones on the rise, it's likely that employees will seek to feed their social media addictions on their mobile devices
uh media predictions for 2010 have started - a good article on Harvard Business
1. less social; 2. corporations scale up; 3. Social business gets competitive; 4. Everyone has a social media policy; 5. Mobile gets important for social media; 6. Sharing is now more than email
via @leebryant
By/Association | Welcome
If you're worthy of entry, they'll give you an intro to someone else they deem cool.
Introductory service for geeks
B.L. Ochman's blog: 10 Things Social Media Can't Do
B.L. Ochman's blog: 10 Things Social Media Can't Do
10 Things Social Media Can't Do
Waardevolle tips over wat je kan verwachten van Sociale Media en wat niet.
Monetizing Social Networks: The Four Dominant Business Models and How You Should Implement Them in 2010
pretty darn fascinating
Four Primary Business Models in the social networking space that I’ve experienced–they primarily are concerned with Facebook Applications.
Social networks and kids: How young is too young? -
How young is too young for kids to be on facebook - the minimum age is 13 - but they have no way to verify how old kids who sign up actually are
Important article to read about children of all ages creating profiles. I believe this supports our driving need to incorporate instruction and discussion on this topic in schools. Annotated link
Researchers say a growing number of children are flouting age requirements on sites such as Facebook and MySpace, or using social-networking sites designed just for them. Facebook and MySpace require users to be at least 13. But they have no practical way to verify ages, and many young users pretend to be older when signing up. Some scientists worry that pre-adolescent use of the sites, which some therapists have linked to Internet addiction among adults, could be damaging to children's relationships and brains.
Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - Facebook Seattle Engineering Road Show: Mike Shroepfer on Engineering at Scale at Facebook
Article summarizing presentation by Facebook on some of their scaling challenges and solutions.
Facebook Business Guide: How Companies Can Utilize Facebook Pages For Social Media Marketing - Part 1
Ideas for how businesses can capitalize on the various tabs in Facebook. Different from normal Facebook usage. With examples.
Foro de preguntas y respuestas para circuitos integrados
Chiphacker is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for electronics hackers – regardless of platform or language. It's 100% free, no registration required.
10 Ways You Can Use Twitter Lists
10 Ways You Can Use Twitter Lists
Savvy individuals are looking for ways to use lists to further their personal/professional agendas, and while we are all still learning how to harness the power of this new feature, here are a few ideas to get the creative juices flowing.
Choosing the Right Social Media Tools for Your Business [Video]
how to grow your business via socialnetworking
How To: Successfully Launch a Web Design Startup with Social Media and No Budget | Inspired Magazine
As Facebook Ages, Gen Y Turns to Twitter
Facebook is getting old. No, people aren't getting tired of it, it's actually getting old, as in its population is aging. In May of 2008, the median age for Facebook was 26. Today, it's 33, a good seven years older. That's an interesting turn of events for a site once built for the exclusive use of college students. So where are today's college students hanging out now? Well, to some extent, they're still on Facebook, despite having to share the space with moms, dads, grandparents, and bosses. Surprisingly though, they're also headed to another network you may have heard of: Twitter.
Young people and Twitter. SHOCK!
New average ages of social media users: Twitter 31, Facebook 33, LinkedIn 39, MySpace 26 According to a review of the newest Pew Internet report, average ages of the top social media sites are shifting and converging.
Demographics of social networks: Over the course of the year, there have been countless reports - some more substantial than others - but all with the same message: Generation Y is just not interested in Twitter. The reports generally cited members of this demographic as saying Twitter was "pointless" and "narcissistic." Apparently, that's beginning to change. Well, maybe not their perception of Twitter, but certainly their use of it. Today, Twitter is now the second-youngest of the top four social networking sites. Its median age is 31. MySpace's is 26, LinkedIn is 39, and, as noted above, Facebook is 33.
Social Isolation and New Technology | Pew Internet & American Life Project
This Pew Internet Personal Networks and Community survey finds that Americans are not as isolated as has been previously reported. People’s use of the mobile phone and the internet is associated with larger and more diverse discussion networks. And, when we examine people’s full personal network – their strong and weak ties – internet use in general and use of social networking services such as Facebook in particular are associated with more diverse social networks.
his report adds new insights to an ongoing debate about the extent of social isolation in America. A widely-reported 2006 study argued that since 1985 Americans have become more socially isolated, the size of their discussion networks has declined, and the diversity of those people with whom they discuss important matters has decreased. In particular, the study found that Americans have fewer close ties to those from their neighborhoods and from voluntary associations. Sociologists Miller McPherson, Lynn Smith-Lovin and Matthew Brashears suggest that new technologies, such as the internet and mobile phone, may play a role in advancing this trend. Specifically, they argue that the type of social ties supported by these technologies are relatively weak and geographically dispersed, not the strong, often
An interesting report on the changing landscape of social connections.
Can we get on Pew's press release list so we don't have to read about their studies in NY times?
Free Twitter Alerts within Lists -
Get notified whenever your brand / product / company / ... or any keyword appears in Twitter Lists of your choice
Twitter + Google Alerts
servizio gratuito che permette di monitorare le liste di Twitter.
Get notified whenever your brand / product / company / ... or any keyword appears in Twitter Lists of your choice
6 Must Read Posts about the ROI of Social Media
6 Must Read Posts about the ROI of Social Media
Bettween | The Ultimate Twitter Conversation Tracker
The Ultimate Twitter Conversation Tracker
این وب سایت به شما این امکان را می دهد که گفتگوها و توییتهای انجام شده بین دو کاربر در توییتر را رهگیری و مشاهده کنید!
How Races and Religions Match in Online Dating « OkTrends
Since he’s a Pisces and I’m a Virgo, Chris and I of course think the Zodiac is total bullshit, and it was very gratifying to have the data bear this out. Here are the grouped match percentages for a random pool of 500,000 users. Astrological sign has no effect whatsoever on how compatible two people are.
data mining of how people describe themselves on a dating sight
Schneier on Security: Self-Enforcing Protocols
Notes on methods to eliminate corruption in a system by making honesty the most advantageous course of action
"Here’s a self-enforcing protocol for determining property tax: the homeowner decides the value of the property and calculates the resultant tax, and the government can either accept the tax or buy the home for that price. Sounds unrealistic, but the Greek government implemented exactly that system for the taxation of antiquities. It was the easiest way to motivate people to accurately report the value of antiquities."
NSFW: After Fort Hood, another example of how ‘citizen journalists’ can’t handle the truth
a provocative argument against the stand-by-and-watch version of citizen journalism. I'd argue, though, that those who stand by and watch are in the minority among the Twitter population.
I’d probably feel slightly smug, if I didn’t feel so sick. Smug that after two weeks of me suggesting that social media might not be an unequivocally Good Thing in terms of privacy and human decency, the news has delivered the perfect example to support my view. Unfortunately it’s hard to feel smug – hard to feel anything but sadness and nausea – when thirteen innocent people are dead.
Social Media in Learning examples
muitos sites social
UK site
Specific examples of how web 2.0 tools can be used for learning - compiled from the comments of the contributors to 'Top Tools for Learning'
100+ ways to use social media for learning
7 Ways to Get More Out of LinkedIn
some of the things you should consider incorporating into your LinkedIn strategy
Facebook Game Scams Appear on Phone Bills - TIME,8599,1935698,00.html
10 Essential Social Media Blogs You Should Definitely Bookmark | Inspired Magazine
10 Essential Social Media Blogs You Should Definitely Bookmark
// The social blog scene is getting pretty crowded these days and we cannot just stand here without releasing a new list. So give it up for the coolest
The social blog scene is getting pretty crowded these days and we cannot just stand here without releasing a new list. So give it up for the coolest social media & social marketing blogs out there! Please leave some suggestions & feedback in the comments area.
20 + mind-blowing social media statistics | Blog | Econsultancy
Social media remains the hot topic of the digital world and I often get asked about the various statistics involved. This in itself is fairly difficult, as this particular online sphere is constantly shifting, evolving and growing at an astronomical rate. But I’ve pulled together some interesting (and hopefully useful) data for a couple of the bigger players in the market...
econsultancy - interesting social media stats
20 + mind-blowing social media statistics | Blog | Econsultancy
Social media remains the hot topic of the digital world and I often get asked about the various statistics involved. This in itself is fairly difficult, as this particular online sphere is constantly shifting, evolving and growing at an astronomical rate. But I’ve pulled together some interesting (and hopefully useful) data for a couple of the bigger players in the market...
Stereo8 - Music to the people
40% of People "Friend" Brands on Facebook
reaosns, news etc
Digital marketing company Razorfish has just launched its third annual FEED survey of 1,000 "connected consumers." The survey is focused on online consumer behavior. This year Facebook and ...
40% of People "Friend" Brands on Facebook
[Follow for the deals/discounts... instread of a love for them. Is that really so surprising?] This year Facebook and Twitter feature prominently. 40% of respondents "friended" brands on Facebook, while 25% reported following brands on Twitter. What's more, Razorfish found that consumers access brands on Twitter and Facebook mainly for deals and promotions.
How to build a Social Networking Website with Drupal –
Guide pour construire un réseau social avec Drupal
Nice introductory post on putting together a social site with Drupal
Charter for Compassion
by David Stewart
How Twitter is Changing the Face of Media
Interesante artículo de como twitter está cambiando los medios de comunicación.
Shuttercal - Welcome to ShutterCal
Free, calendar-based photography project where you can document your life and improve your photography skills at the same time
A neat way to document and review a 365 day project.
Make page-a-day calendars for people! (Maybe page-a-week.)
11 Ways to Influence People Online and Make Them Take Action
influence or manipulation?
Evolution: The Eight Stages Of Listening « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
As Social Customers Become More Empowered, Organizations Must Have A Listening Strategy As we approach 2010 planning companies need a strategy around listening. Sadly, most companies, and their agency partners don’t know why to listen or how. As a result, they must identify which stage of listening they are at, and then set a goal on which stage they see to aspire in 2010. I originally published this matrix for client workshops and a keynote presentation on developing listening and advocacy programs, and I’m going to continue to share more and blow-out each of my slides.
RT: @shakingtree: As Social Customers Become More Empowered, Organizations Must Have A Listening Strategy - by @jowyang [from]
10 Things You Need to Know About WordPress 2.9 —
By and large, this release is a plugin developers release with lots of new APIs and abstraction. However, there are significant additions for theme designers and users as well. As a result, unlike previous iterations of this article (I do one for every major WordPress release), I’m going to break this down into sections for each kind of feature.
50 Serious Games for Social Change
Official Google Blog: Search for "me" on Google
"Stop Googling Me!" --T-shirt seen in SoHo…
making a profile on google so when people search for me, they see that first.
Top 5 Must-Read Social Media Books
So you want to get up to speed fast on the latest social media thinking. Maybe give your colleague, boss or friend a dose of new social strategies. But where to start? Amazon nicely suggests 44,444 titles that they would be delighted to overnight direct to your bookshelf. Ummm, no thanks. Fortunately, you’ve got your own social media fairy right here. (Hi!) We’ve already done the hard part for you, and have narrowed down those 44,444 titles to 5 killer must-reads that can get you on the road to social media stardom. Abracadabra!
A mudança de Comunicação nas Empresas. Esta história é magicamente formatado para 2 tipos de pessoas: os leitores e espectadores. Olhe para cima para o vídeo, ou desloque-se para o texto. Magic. Você vai aprender porque confiança é a nova moeda, de Chris Brogan Smith e Julien, como a revolução da mídia social "tem transformado o megafone em torno" de Tara Hunt, os dois pilares do sucesso de mídia social de Mitch Joel, porque você precisa trabalhar o seu rosto largo de Gary Vaynerchuk e, por último, os detalhes de algumas das ferramentas mais eficazes para fora lá para crescer seu negócio e marca pessoal com Tamar Weinberg. Essas idéias são 5 (quase!) Tudo que você precisa para criar e executar um poderoso jogo de meios de comunicação social-plano. Let's go
read social book must
5 Impressive Real-Life Google Wave Use Cases
Blerp - post comments, photos, videos on any website, annotate the web with music, news, gossip, politics, share bookmarks, online forums, social bookmarking, discussion topics
Annotate or discuss a webpage.
Online post it program.
Annotate web pages and see what others have said about them as well.
Tool to let you annotate webpages
Site for annotating websites - collaboratively (alternative to diigo?)
How to Get More Followers on Twitter
problogger tips for getting more Twitter followers
How do I get more followers on Twitter? This is a question I get asked a lot - so I thought I'd put together a bit of a compilation of links to posts I've
Twitter Cluelessness : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum
As a small business person, you can’t afford to look clueless anywhere on the Internet, but this is especially true on Twitter. Read on if you want to avoid this fate.
by Guy Kawasaki
A funny thing often happens to me: People tell me that they&rsquo;re really into technology and ask what it was like to work for Steve Jobs. But they
Corporate Social Media Policy: Top 10 Guidelines « PR-Squared
Looking for examples of Corporate Social Media Policy? This template was vetted by top corporate lawyers. Save yourself a few hours’ worth of research and work!
11 Must-Dos for the Serious Blogger | Social Media Marketing | Social Media Consulting - Convince & Convert
Designing Social Interfaces: Overview and Practical Techniques - Smashing Magazine
MediaPost Publications 100 Ways To Measure Social Media 11/17/2009
100 Ways To Measure Social Media - 11/17/2009
STUDY: Most Fortune 100 Companies Don't Get Twitter
the majority of them weren’t using Twitter effectively to engage their followers, weren’t tweeting often, and didn’t display any personality in their tweets, according to the study.
"Streams of Content, Limited Attention: The Flow of Information through Social Media"
Some in the room might immediately think, "Ah, but it's a meritocracy. People will give their attention to what is best!" This too is mistaken logic. What people give their attention to depends on a whole set of factors that have nothing to do with what's best. At the most simplistic level, consider the role of language. People will pay attention to content that is in their language, even if they can get access to content in any language. This means Chinese language content will soon get more attention than English content, let alone Dutch content or Hebrew content.
In his seminal pop-book, Csikszentmihalyi argued that people are happiest when they can reach a state of "flow." He talks about performers and athletes who are in the height of their profession, the experience they feel as time passes by and everything just clicks. People reach a state where attention appears focused and, simultaneously, not in need of focus at the same time. The world is aligned and it just feels right.
As we continue to move from a broadcast model of information to a networked one, we will continue to see reworkings of the information landscape. Some of what is unfolding is exciting, some is terrifying. The key is not be all utopian or dystopian about it, but to recognize what changes and what stays the same. The future of Web2.0 is about information flow and if you want to help people, help them reach that state. Y'all are setting the tone of the future of information.
Via Jon Stahl - very interesting stuff
6 Ways to Use Ning for Business
There is an almost overwhelming number of options on the social web for businesses to create and participate in communities. You hear a lot about Facebook Fan Pages, Twitter() communities, and even LinkedIn Groups; but businesses have another option when looking to build a community online that’s often overlooked despite having nearly 40 million users: Ning. Ning allows businesses to create their own off-site social network for their brand’s community, and participate in existing conversations with the communities they are looking to engage. Here are 6 ways businesses can put Ning to work.
Social Software: The Other 'Design for Social Impact,' by Gentry Underwood - Core77
top post exploring the implications of 'social-ness' on interaction design - must read for anyone designing sites for participation & collaboration
The 7 Harsh Realities of Social Media Marketing | Copyblogger
So in honor of Dan Kennedy, who sometimes styles himself as the “Professor of Harsh Reality,” I thought I’d talk today about some of the not-so-kumbaya aspects of social media marketing. Harsh Realities
So in honor of Dan Kennedy, who sometimes styles himself as the Professor of Harsh Reality, I thought Id talk today about some of the not-so-kumbaya aspects of social media marketing.
Good read for those considering using social media to market or those of us in the thick of it.
So in honor of Dan Kennedy, who sometimes styles himself as the “Professor of Harsh Reality,” I thought I’d talk today about some of the not-so-kumbaya aspects of social media marketing.
Downloads | Komodo Media
80+ ridiculously rad social networking icons
Finally, some social networking icons I would actually use.
5 Things Small Business Owners Should Do Today Online
I write quite often from the perspective of larger company social media and business communications. That’s because most of my clients are large companies. However, these social tools allow a small business owner a lot in the way of advantages, and I want to put together a little map of steps I might take if I were running a small business and wanted more sales.
Social Media Time Management | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
SimpleGeo: Ready-to-Use Location Infrastructure
Surgeons send 'tweets' from operating room -
For some reason, twittering during surgery does not make me feel comfortable: [from]
# For the second known time, surgeons "Twittered" last week during surgery # Doctors used social-networking site Twitter to give updates about the procedure # Following along online were other doctors, medical students and the merely curious # Surgeons hope twittering will help educate other doctors and the public
Henry Jenkins: In a Social Networking World, What's the Future of TV?
"As the news media focused on Jay Leno's relocation into a regular five night a week prime time spot, the veteran Tonight Show host expressed growing confusion about the state of his medium. He told The Los Angeles Times, "I don't know what TV is anymore." "
Great Henry Jenkins piece on post-TV
Some call this a "post-network" era and are suggesting that it constitutes a change as dramatic as the shift from broadcasting to cable. Yet, actually, television may be in the hands of a different kind of network -- Facebook or Twitter rather than ABC or Fox.
Is television the stuff we watch on our TVs? My local cable company allows me to watch grainy YouTube videos on my big screen television and allows me to download movies directly from Netflix or Amazon to watch on demand. And of course, I can play Wii games through my television set. But is any of that television?
Toekomst van televisie, interessante voorbeelden
HOW TO: Take Advantage of FriendFeed's Unique Features
A Dozen Social Media Applications
Social media gets lots of attention these days. The NFL banned players from using Twitter. Bing integrated Twitter results into its search engine results pages (SERPs). When Michael Jackson died the site handled an estimated 5,000 tweets per minute and, proving Twitter's global reach, a state department official asked Twitter to postpone scheduled maintenance due to the critical role the site played in the recent Iran elections.
UK Government Writes Twitter 20 Pages
An example of a twitter guide from the UK government
25 Facebook Tips and Tricks you should be aware of
Social Media ROI Examples & Video « Socialnomics – Social Media Blog
pagina widgets
Twinester - Create or join groups and communities for Twitter.
Twinester - Create or join groups and communities for Twitter.
Desenvolvido por piracicabanos, permite você criar comunidades no twitter
Create or join groups and communities for Twitter.
De carona no Twitter, brasileiros criam rede social com 'microcomunidades' Twinester reúne usuários do Twitter com base nos interesses em comum. Mensagens são limitadas a 140 caracteres, como acontece no microblog.
Twinester lets you create or join groups and communities for Twitter. These groups are called Nests.
HOW TO: Find and Add Facebook Apps
trovare e aggiungere applicazioni su facebook
With over 300 million
After social networks, what next? | Media |
Social Media Analytics: Twitter: Quantitative & Qualitative Metrics | Occam's Razor by Avinash Kaushik
Thought provoking article and some nice recommended LPI for measuring your Twitter influence
twitter analitics
How Social Networks Are Changing Everything - BusinessWeek
How social networks are changing everything (BusinessWeek) [from]
RT: @valdiskrebs: Old goal: organize the world's information.New goal: organize the world's people. [from]
Facebook and its ilk offer platforms to explore all the Web with one's relevant data in tow, and they're set to overtake the big portals
Business needs to take social netowrks into account
State of the Art - Twitter Is What You Make It -
Twitter, in other words, is precisely what you want it to be. It can be a business tool, a teenage time-killer, a research assistant, a news source — whatever. There are no rules, or at least none that apply equally well to everyone. In fact, Mr. Williams said that a huge chunk of Twitter lore, etiquette and even terminology has sprouted up from Twitter users without any input from the company. For example, the people came up with the term “tweets” (what everyone calls the messages). The crowd began referring to fellow Twitterers by name like this: @pogue. Soon, that notation became a standard shorthand that the Twitter software now recognizes. The masses also came up with conventions like “RT,” meaning re-tweet — you’re passing along what someone else said on Twitter.
Notes on how to find people and things on twitter
HOW TO: Make Social Media Work for Non-Consumer Brands
Non-consumer companies realize there are clear benefits to implementing a social media strategy, but what do they need to do to achieve success? The truth is, the social media strategy, processes, and principles, don’t really change much depending on your company type and size. Here are a few rules to live by when implementing your social media strategy.
360i Publishes Social Marketing Playbook | Digital Connections | 360i
the explicit
Jorge Luis Borges wrote that we each have three themes that guide our creative life. I don’t remember what his were exactly but I’m going to guess labyrinths, knife fights and memory. If you don’t know of him, I would start with Borges: Collected Fictions , which is certainly worthwhile..........To try and trick the self-consciousness away I framed this blog as “Notes and Advice to Someone Just Like Me.” I assumed that someone like me would be a more forgiving audience. 3) I was wrong. Ha!
Ze Frank on Scale.
Being a Director of Community | Altitude Branding | Brand Elevation through Social Media
Amber Naslund
Google Wave Cheat Sheet
A great list of commands to use in Google Wave, found via Church Tech Matters. Search Cheat Sheet This is a quick guide to the operators and restricts supported by wave search. Keywords about:[keyword] — finds waves which have [keyword] occur
Google Wave Cheat Sheet
20+ more mind-blowing social media statistics | Blog | Econsultancy
August 2009 stats for social media
Your Looks and Your Inbox « OkTrends
When it comes down to actually choosing targets, men choose the modelesque. Someone like roomtodance above gets nearly 5 times as many messages as a typical woman and 28 times as many messages as a woman at the low end of our curve. Site-wide, two-thirds of male messages go to the best-looking third of women. So basically, guys are fighting each other 2-for-1 for the absolute best-rated females, while plenty of potentially charming, even cute, girls go unwritten. ....the most salient of which is that the average-looking woman has convinced herself that the vast majority of males aren’t good enough for her, but she then goes right out and messages them anyway.
This week we will be confronting a fact that, by definition, haunts the average online dater: no matter how much time you spend polishing your profile, honing your IM banter, and perfecting your message introductions, it’s your picture that matters most.
Posted by angela
Inside the Marketers Studio - David Berkowitz's Marketing Blog: 100 Ways to Measure Social Media
a great list of ideas from David Berkowitz
At most of the events I've been to lately, measurement continues to be a hot topic. The first question that comes up is, "What can I measure?" That's where this cheat sheet can come in handy: a list of 100 thought-starters.
The Boom of Social Sites | Other |
The explosion of social networking sites over the past decade has facilitated a transformation in the way we communicate with each other. Here we look at some of these communities with over 1 million users, both active and defunct.
gráfico con número de usuarios de las redes sociales desde el comienzo
Infographic of various social sites, dates est and members
300 Case Studies of Social Media Marketing
Scrib doc
Ten Things Social Media Can't Do - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
"Social media is not a one-shot deal. It's a long-term commitment to openness, experimentation and change that requires time to bear fruit." This is just one of the 10 things social media can't do for your business.
strategy, buy-in, long term, measurement, outsource, reputation, budget, ROI, expertise, and most importantly: SM needs to complement PR, marketing etc.
10 things social media can't do: I'm not sure I agree with everything here, but it's a good list nonetheless. [from]
Social Media Time Management: 9 Guiding Principles | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
This is the last in our series on Social Media Time Management, but you’ll really find that these are less ideas about managing just social media and more ideas for managing online life in general. It’s a balancing act. And ultimately, you’re in the driver’s seat.
Good article on time management/social media focus.
25 Blogs To Help You Stay Current With Social Media | FreelanceFolder
Guy Kawasaki's list of 25 top social media blogs
How to Improve Your Twinfluence and Twitter Grade - Mashable
There has been a lot of talk over the last couple of weeks about two TwitterTwitter ranking tools, Twitter Grader and Twinfluence. Any tool that measures the effectiveness of a Social Media site for a user is important to serious and casual users alike. The fact that there are now two tools presenting a user’s “ranking” in different ways is an indication of the efforts of Social Media to be taken seriously. Tools that give an indication of the “influence” of a particular user are of use not only for users seeking authoritative users to follow, but for professional users seeking key “influencers” to work with. I decided to run an experiment with them both to see what actions affect your scores and what don’t and if affecting my scores actually did anything for me other than improve my own sense of self worth.
ViralHeat: Sophisticated Social Media Tracking on the Cheap
Mashable article
Do You Make These 10 Mistakes When You Blog?
There are other mistakes, too; I doubt this list is exhaustive. But I think I have covered the major ones. If you can avoid these, you will be well on your way to increasing your traffic and growing your audience.
Dat kan natuurlijk wel zijn....maar... doe 't maar 's...:-)
Mistake #7: You don’t create catchy headlines. According to Brian Clark, who runs the must-read site, CopyBlogger, “on average, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest.” This means your headlines are the most important thing you write. Fortunately, Brian has an entire series of posts called “How to Write Magnetic Headlines.” I suggest you read every post.
10 Social Media Campaigns that Rock! Learn How to do the Same! « Thoughtpick Blog
What defines an exemplary social media campaign? What are the elements necessary to capture consumers' attention and bring about interest and participation in any given social media campaign? What are the best recent social media campaigns online? How can we measure the success of a social media campaign?
Half of Social Media Users Connect With Brands
Marketers may be adopting social media in droves, but are consumers reciprocating by following or becoming a fan of companies and brands on social media sites?
A study published today by eMarketer, more than half of social networking users have become a fan or follower of a brand online. Moreover, users are far more likely to say something positive about a brand than something negative.
Un-Google Yourself - Wired How-To Wiki
Trend Tracker: Current and emerging Twitter trends presented to you by the forward-thinking Palm® Pre™.
excelente herramienta de trackeo de twitter
Aplicación simple e intuitiva que permite realizar un seguimiento en tiempo real de las tendencias en Twitter con dos particularidades: permite comparar el número de menciones de cada tag así como el origen geográfico de los mismos.
트위터를 이용한 이슈 트렌드
Permite ver la tendencia de uso de palabras en Twitter
82 Million User-Generated Content Creators and Counting
The Big Money Facebook 50 | The Big Money
A atuação de grandes empresas no Facebook. - Every situation needs a playlist
Every situation needs a playlist
Playlists Based on Activity
PlaylistNowFM is a crafty music discovery tool that creates playlists based on what you are doing right now. It essentially combines Twitter and other music services like and Instead of asking for your favorite artist or song, it asks you what you are doing and gives you an appropriate playlist for it. You can use PlaylistNowFm without registering, but once you sign up you can add and organize playlist, bookmark songs, and make your playlist visible to others. You can also discover the most searched playlists with the auto-suggest feature in the search bar.
How To Create the Perfect Facebook Fan Page » Techipedia | Tamar Weinberg
Study: Males vs. females in social networks | Royal Pingdom
Have you ever wondered how many of Twitter’s users are women? Or men? What about Facebook, MySpace, Digg, LinkedIn, and other sites in the social media sphere? We have tracked down this information for a number of social network sites (19 of them). All the major ones have been included, like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter and also some of the most popular social news sites; Digg, Reddit and Slashdot.
Kevin: The male-female ration on 19 social network sites including Facebook, MySpace and Twitter and social news sites like Digg, Reddit and Slashdot.
Full list of sites in this mini study: Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, Slashdot, Reddit, Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, FriendFeed,, Friendster, LiveJournal, Hi5, Imeem, Ning, Xanga,, Bebo. - Videos Worth Watching
Vidque allows users to grab videos from YouTube,, TED, and Vimeo to put into their own collections that they can share with others. Vidque uses the videos you grab to help you locate more videos.
MacHeist TweetBlast!
Customize your Voice: Bored of your voice? Take your pick from a choice of 17 new ones! With Voices, you can record a quick voice memo as various characters, then share the best ones through the app with your friends and family with just a couple taps.
app de iphone que muda sua voz
tweet blast iPhone app
Facebook | An Open Letter from Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg
Our little neighborhood is growing up. Kudos for the improved and simplified security.
An Open Letter from Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg
keep this for reference
It has been a great year for making the world more open and connected. Thanks to your help, more than 350 million people around the world are using Facebook to share their lives online.
"An exciting web app for exploring your Twitter network. Discover which people interact the most and what they're talking about. It's also a great way to find relevant people to follow."
Find people to follow on Twitter
see who mentions who in the twitterverse. No login reqd
STATS: Social Media Resistance Is Fading Fast
Recently, Mashable highlighted a study that showed two-thirds of marketers now use social media in some capacity. Today, more data confirming this trend, but also pointing to what looks poised to be nearly total saturation within a year. According to a report published today by eMarketer, 59% of brand marketers currently use social media. But within 12 months, that number will swell to 82%. And in the long-run, only 13% indicate having no plans to enter the medium.
6 Gadget Trends and Their Effects on Social Media
RT @microgeist: 6 Gadget Trends and Their Effects on Social Media ( ) [from]
Top Digital Trends For 2010
Where we once had pop-psychologists and pop-philosophers, we now appear to have pop-statisticians and pop-economists.
Mashable's Social Media Guide for Small Businesses
Build It With Me
List my project here and give it a try
How to Gather and Use Twitter Metrics (with pictures) - wikiHow
Practical tips for using metrics to measure results on Twitter
Betting on the Real-Time Web - BusinessWeek
No one knows how the microblogging site and similar online social networks will make money, but investors see a new Web revolution
The uncertainty is keeping some investors on the sidelines. Jeffrey M. Crowe, general partner at Norwest Venture Partners, says his firm has looked at several real-time companies but hasn't pulled the trigger on funding. "The jury is still out on how much value gets delivered beyond Twitter itself," he says.
But there's a method behind the mania. In just the past couple of years, several developments have come together to make the Web more of a real-time experience: ubiquitous high-speed Internet connections; a growing number of mobile devices such as the iPhone with full Web browsers; and new Web technologies that enable instant transmission of messages and data. That mix has made always-on, real-time communications easy and addictive. The iconic example, Twitter, attracted 44.5 million people to its Web site in June, plus perhaps an equivalent number who gain access to its services via other sites and software. Facebook's 250 million active users, whose instant status updates are a key part of its appeal, share more than 1 billion videos, photos, and other content each week. "Real-time" is actually a bit of a misnomer. Most of this activity doesn't truly occur in real time,
But there's a method behind the mania. In just the past couple of years, several developments have come together to make the Web more of a real-time experience: ubiquitous high-speed Internet connections; a growing number of mobile devices such as the iPhone with full Web browsers; and new Web technologies that enable instant transmission of messages and data. That mix has made always-on, real-time communications easy and addictive. The iconic example, Twitter, attracted 44.5 million people to its Web site in June, plus perhaps an equivalent number who gain access to its services via other sites and software. Facebook's 250 million active users, whose instant status updates are a key part of its appeal, share more than 1 billion videos, photos, and other content each week. "Real-time" is actually a bit of a misnomer. Most of this activity doesn't truly occur in real time,
20 Libros gratis sobre Social Media y Marketing en Internet | Nativo Digital
Compilación de ebooks gratuitos sobre social media y marketing
The 12 most annoying types of Facebookers -
5 Ways Social Media Will Change Recorded History
5 Ways Social Media Will Change Recorded History - Mashable
Society didn’t take away the privacy of individuals. We gave it away
pt viral
Geeks Guide to Promoting Yourself With Twitter - Calaméo – Publish and share documents
This is one hardcore piece of Twitter for Business 101. Great way to put a training guide online!
Twitter guide
O Livreiro: a comunidade para quem gosta de livro
a comunidade para quem gosta de livro
Rede social sobre livros , leitura e afins... muito interessante!
community based site about literature and books.
Ten Commandments of Social Media - Noupe
mainly 4 Twitter stuff
from Noupe
"There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to social media. People seem to think that every day standards and decency get tossed out the window because of the anonymity of the Internet. Unfortunately for those people, that’s not always the case. First off, the Internet is getting smaller, and by that, I mean that it’s getting easier to find out who people are. You know how the saying goes “It’s a small world.” That reigns true for the Internet, especially social media sites, as well. Everyone is connected one way or another. There’s a whole “Six Degrees of Separation” thing going on. There are Ten Commandments of Social Media that you should always try to follow. They will not only make you a better person but they will make your followers that much more appreciative of what you have to say."
Snap Bird - re-finding the ones that got away
Twitter search for what someone said.
Twitter Search To Become Real Search
Twitter search is evolving and may put a dent in Google's seemingly impenetrable armour. - [from]
Look out Google! "Twitter search will soon start crawling the links included in tweets."-Mashable [from]
RT @PierreTran: Twitter Search To Become Real Search | Mashable une belle pierre dans l'océan Google [from]
RT @munirlodin: Twitter Search To Become Real Search [from]
The fact that Twitter (Twitter reviews)’s search is now often faster and more relevant than any other search engine out there is not a secret anymore.
Top 50 Twitter Tracking and Analytics Tools
Good list of twitter analytics tools
Measuring Social Media Marketing
In working with our various clients at New Marketing Labs, we like to start with measurement as it aligns to goals. We’re always excited that people want to work with us, but we also want to make sure their time isn’t wasted by simply “doing social media.”
Chris Brogan outlines interesting ideas - could help with future clients
The 4 Types of Branded Facebook Campaigns
From AllFacebook.
Unternehmen und das Netz: 10 Schritte, um im Social Web zu glänzen »
Social Web’s Big Question: Federate or Aggregate? - GigaOM
was kommt nach dem web 2.0? #geekstuff [from]
A Power “communicator” will allow you to send information to all your friends across networks with the ease of sending an email. “This is just like Meebo,” Vachani insisted, where they log in to and constantly interact with the service. It doesn’t use any APIs, and all the magic happens using this technology developed by the company. Vachani called it “intelligent proxy.” I have asked for more details to understand how exactly it works.
The big question facing the social web depends on the direction it needs to take. A sharp increase in the number of web services and social networks has many of us yearning for a single sign-on, which has led to the idea of “federation.”
as well as other web services. It is not the first startup of its kind. Several others — MyLifeBrand
A sharp increase in the number of web services and social networks has many of us yearning for a single sign-on, which has led to the idea of “federation.” On the flip side, we also want one place to manage our diverse web services in one place — in other words, aggregation.
The Journalist's Guide to Maximizing Personal Social Media ROI
Cómo usan Twitter cinco periodistas
Twitter Promotion Done Right: #moonfruit
Mashable post praising the Moonfruit campaign
A few weeks ago, we wrote about a promotion from website builder SquarespaceSquareSpace, where the company offered up 30 iPhones in 30 days to be randomly
Web site builder Moonfruit made it to the top of the Twitter traffic when it gave away 10 Mac laptops as part of a 10-year anniversary campaign.
Twitter Blog: Soon to Launch: Lists
Twitter lists - interesting!
Will make it easier to follow tweets by category
Look out for Lists - coming soon on Twitter [from]
What Women Want from Social Sites - eMarketer
Women who are core social network users expect a lot, according to “The Power of Social Networking For Women Research Study” from female-oriented social networking site ShesConnected. Participants in
Social Media Today | Top Tools for Social Media Monitoring
Top Tools for monitoring social media by Marshall Spender. This was a follow up on Dave Chaffey's post on "Online brand reputation or listening software - a review of 26 tools". I did not go through the top tools, for a later time.
10 Ways Social Media Will Change In 2010
Really nice summary of where we're headed.
This time last year, I wrote about the 10 ways social media will change 2009, and while all predictions have materialized or are on their way, it has ...
december 2009
TV Shows, TV Trivia, TV Quotes, TV Episodes and more - TVLoop
The TVLoop™ online community is the largest online community of passionate TV fans with over 16 million registered members across and the top 5 social networking sites including Facebook and MySpace. The TVLoop community enables members to connect with other passionate fans, discuss their favorite shows, play social games, and watch their favorite episodes and clips. The TVLoop community is owned and operated by Watercooler, Inc.
yay tvloop!
MediaPost Publications Social Media Fails To Manifest As Marketing Medium, Report Likens Twitter To TiVo: More Hype Than Reality 05/20/2009
marketing medium
Good stats on actual usuage of Twitter, drop off rates, etc.
Google, Facebook, MySpace and More Meet to Talk Activity Streams - ReadWriteWeb
how to handle media files in activity feed streams
People from Google, MySpace, Facebook, Yahoo!, Nokia, Comcast" and startups met on January 8, 2009, to "discuss proposed standards for the future of 'activity streams'." Marshall Kirkpatrick analogizes standards to the railroads' standardization on gauge track.
New microsyntax for Twitter: three pointers and the slasher | FactoryCity
/via /cc /by
Neue Twitter-Konventionen: "slashtags"
"All of these are simple conventions for adding more standard metadata to a post in a specific, uniform way."
Since it’s apparently all the rage to design your own features for Twitter now, I figured I’d build on my success with the hashtag and crank out a few more. All of these are simple conventions for adding more standard metadata to a post in a specific, uniform way.
Slashers and pointers. /via, /cc, /by. Good ideas /via @ChrisMessina.
Social Media Today | Social Media Policies of 113 Organizations
Event Planning Online: 14 Essential Social Media Tools
Jason Keath's social software for event planning list
Possible feature/function benchmarks for the crowd-sourced event promotion idea
If You Are Doing An Event, Bring Twitter Into The Room
It is hard to moderate a conversation of 40 people and there are times when several people want to make a point but one gets the opportunity. I started to notice that the others would simply post their thought to twitter instead which allowed the rest of the room to see what they wanted to say in parallel with the point that was being made live.
If You Are Doing An Event, Bring Twitter Into The Room
I tend not to write too much about Twitter these days. God knows enough gets written about it elsewhere. But we had such a great experience with Twitter at Hacking Education on Friday that I feel compelled to share it with everyone.
Hacking Education was what we call a "Union Square Sessions" event. We've done a number of sessions events now and we use the same format for all of them. We find a nice venue here in NYC, we put together a big table where everyone faces each other, and we talk for five or six hours about a single topic. There are no presentations, no panels, just discussion that is lightly moderated by the Union Square Ventures team. We record, transcribe, and photograph the event so its easily bloggable. And there have been some terrific blog posts that have come out of these events in prior years. This year we added Twitter to the mix.
Social Skills Training Videos & DVD::Autism::Aspergers::Developmental Delays
videos - to buy - teaching social skills
9 Tips for Enriching Your Presentations With Social Media
Keynote Tweet
Social media offers some innovative ways to engage your audience during a presentation. Here are some tips on how to enrich the experience using these social tools.
Pioneer presenters are using social media to engage their audience and extend the reach of their ideas. Twitter (Twitter), Facebook (Facebook), and numerous custom online tools allow presenters to create a backchannel for their audience’s ideas and feedback. This two-way engagement can enrich the audience’s understanding as well as the presenter’s effectiveness. Here are 9 tips for improving your presentations with social media.
Welcome to Seppukoo / Assisting your virtual suicide
You are more than your virtual identity. Pass away and leave your virtual ID behind.
Facebook Suicide
via psflannery
10 New Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know
Last week Facebook rolled out a new version of their privacy settings to all users. Privacy settings are something that many Facebook users are regularly confused about. That’s why we published our original Facebook privacy guide back in February. After millions of people visited our privacy guide, we realized how important privacy is to Facebook users. With the new settings rolled out, we thought that now would be a great time to update the guide with the latest changes. In this guide we present a thorough overview of the most important privacy settings which includes previous settings that are still relevant as well as new privacy settings that have been added by Facebook. The majority of the old privacy settings are still relevant, however there’s a chance that you may now be sharing much more information with the whole world. Make it through our new Facebook privacy guide and you’re guaranteed to be safe.
HOW TO: Manage Successful Social Media Promotions
35 social media KPIs to help measure engagement | Blog | Econsultancy
Way of "measuring" impact?
A good laundry list of potential measurements for a social media program
A list of social interaction metrics / KPIs 1. Alerts (register and response rates / by channel / CTR / post click activity) 2. Bookmarks (onsite, offsite) 3. Comments 4. Downloads 5. Email subscriptions 6. Fans (become a fan of something / someone) 7. Favourites (add an item to favourites) 8. Feedback (via the site) 9. Followers (follow something / someone) 10. Forward to a friend 11. Groups (create / join / total number of groups / group activity) 12. Install widget 13. Invite / Refer 14. Key page activity 15. Love / Like this 16. Messaging 17. Personalisation 18. Posts 19. Profile 20. Print page 21. Ratings 22. Registered users 23. Report spam / abuse 24. Reviews 25. Settings 26. Social media sharing / participation 27. Tagging 28. Testimonials 29. Time spent on key pages 30. Time spent on site 31. Total contributors 32. Uploads 33. Views 34. Widgets 35. Wishlists
measure engagement
KPIs rather than looking for ROI of social media engagement
16 social media guidelines used by real companies | Blog | Econsultancy
10 Rules for Increasing Community Engagement
Here are 10 tips for increasing user engagement that work for news community web sites, but can apply to all types of online user-engagement communities.
4 Surprising Google Wave Uses
Google Wave has been touted as a game-changing collaboration tool. Some have struggled to grasp it, but other have put it to some fun uses. Here are 4 examples.
So now that Google Wave has opened up to one million users and there are countless unused invites floating around twitter, just about anyone who wants to take Google’s new collaboration tool for a ride can do so. Yeah, some people are disappointed with the platform, but if you’re among them you’ll have to admit that whether it’s going to catch on or not, it’s been used for some neat stuff.
Four uses in particular have stood out for their cleverness and high fun factor, and you probably didn’t see any of them coming. Each has gotten a lot of press, so if you’ve been following Wave closely you might have heard of them.
No. 1 is the Seattle Times use of Wave during the manhunt for the Lakewood police killer.
How a 40,000+ Employee Company Trains its Employees on Social Media
How a 40,000+ Employee Company Trains its Employees on Social Media
The 40,000 person company makes social media training mandatory for its employees and formalized a policy of “3Rs” – responsibility, respect and representation. Taking things a step further, today the company is trying something about as transparent as it gets – publishing their entire social media training guide online, so that anyone can check it out, learn and critique.
10 Twitter users that every journalism student should follow? | Online Journalism Blog
Online Journalism Blog
Eight cool social media infographics | Blog | Econsultancy
So, inspired by the newest of social media infographics, I thought it might be useful to collect some of the better examples in one place as a source of inspiration and information. Links to the actual graphics are in the headline titles.
Great for business!!! Cyentist & 430
Cool graphics explaining social media
Telstra's 3Rs of Social Media Engagement
The Australian telecom Telstra recently released to the web the social media guide they designed for their employees. It's an animated graphic novel! I think they score points for both attributes (using visuals effectively and releasing it publicly).
Telstra - Austrian telecom - published social media guide for their employees
Telstras multimediale Schiene ... sehr gute Lösung!
OPEN WEB AWARDS: People’s Choice Winners
OPEN WEB AWARDS: People’s Choice Winners
Mashable 2008
View my * My Posts * Facebook * Twitter * LinkedIn * OPEN WEB AWARDS: People’s Choice Winners December 16th, 2008 | by Pete CashmoreComments peoplechoiceaward1Today we’re pleased to announce the winners of The 2nd Annual Open Web Awards, a multilingual, international online voting competition that covers major innovations in web technology. Through an online nominating and voting process, the Open Web Awards recognizes and honors the top achievements of websites and services in 26 categories.
5 Awesome Tools To Track Trends On Twitter – What do YOU use? | Blog of Mr. Tweet
5 Awesome Tools To Track Trends On Twitter [from]
42 Million U.S. Women Use Social Media: Blogs Most Influential | Small Business Trends
An interesting study.
"The study found that 42 million women in the United States (roughly 53% of the 79 million adult women in the United States who use the Internet) participate in social media at least weekly. As they spend more time with social media, women are spending correspondingly less time with traditional media: 39% less on newspapers, 36% less time reading magazines, and 30% less time watching TV."
Women spending more time with social media sites, less with newspaper, magazines and TV
The study found that 42 million women in the United States (roughly 53% of the 79 million adult women in the United States who use the Internet) participate in social media at least weekly. As they spend more time with social media, women are spending correspondingly less time with traditional media: 39% less on newspapers, 36% less time reading magazines, and 30% less time watching TV.
The top seven social networking sites for kids - Times Online
The top seven social networking sites for kids [from]
From the UK: A new study has found that young people are turning their backs on sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Meanwhile, the number of 35 to 54-year-olds using such sites has rocketed by 25 per cent in the last year. So what can you do if you don’t want to be poked by your mum or added by your gran? Here’s a round up of the coolest sites and virtual worlds for children
50 Awesome Twitter Tips to become a Pro | Blog Godown
for anyone who needs to learn about Twitter
Mrs. Rodenbaugh
Web 2.0 Suicide Machine - Meet your Real Neighbours again! - Sign out forever!
Open, Smart and 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
What the world is watching now
Lo que la gente esta viendo en este momento
단축URL서비스로 가장 많이 퍼진 동영상을 보여주는 싸이트 지금, 어제, 이틀간
Ten top issues in adopting enterprise social computing | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
# Lack of social media literacy amongst workers. Anecdotally, the farther a business is from the technology industry, the less likely that line workers will be familiar with the latest software innovations.
social computing adoption curve dion hinchcliffe
Ten top issues in adopting enterprise social computing [from]
Ten top issues in adopting enterprise social computing | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
10 Must-Read eBooks for Social Media Lovers
The Comms Corner: My picks for the 99 most useful Social Media (and PR) Blog posts of 2009
I like this list.
How to use the new Facebook pages for business | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
help with setting up custom tabs on facebook
ultimate example of what’s possible for business using Pages, but it should get your started.
Social Networking Still the #1 Growth Area in Online Marketing
Some optimistic news today in a study dug up by eMarketer: lots of small businesses plan to increase their spending on social network marketing in 2009. In
Some optimistic news today in a study dug up by eMarketer: lots of small businesses plan to increase their spending on social network marketing in 2009. In fact, 25% of the small businesses surveyed by Ad-ology Research indicated that they would increase spending on the medium this year, a higher percentage than any other marketing format.
social marketing forcast for 2009
Results of eMarketer's study: Change in Online Marketing Usage/Spending in 2009 According to US Small Businesses by Tactic (% of respondents)
Article used as research towards a paper on social networking and business.
13 Essential Social-Media 'Listening Tools' : MarketingProfs Articles
You're a marketer who's hip to the idea of social media: You have a blog for your company or client, you know Facebook inside and out, and you can Tweet with the best of them. So you've got the communicating part down pat. But the big question is, Are you listening? If you have customers, chances are they're talking about you to their friends, to their coworkers, and to anyone else who will listen. Here are some of the top tools for listening to and monitoring the online chatter about your brand:
Dunkin Donuts’ Facebook Campaign Turns Your Profile Pic into Prizes
Motivate Facebook members to promote your products or events and engage with the campaign’s focus on tying social media with offline experiences is a great way to immediately make the organization's Facebook presence relevant.
Dunkin' Donuts: Profilbilder sollen neues Produkt bekannt machen
With the Keep It Coolatta sweepstakes, fans of the brand on Facebook (Facebook) (there’s over 800,000 of them) can post a photo of themselves with any Coolatta beverage to the Fan Page wall, add the caption #CoolattaGiveaway, and subsequently update their profile with the pic, and they’ll be entered to win a daily giveaway through June 24. Dunkin’ Donuts will randomly select winners, award the prizes, and update their official profile with the winning image.
Facebook is huge, Twitter is mainstream, and social media is everywhere. It’s now not unheard of for large and traditional brands to embrace the unknown for better or worse. Remember the Skittles ordeal?
4Vp9N.jpg (JPEG Image, 1280x356 pixels)
If websites were people (Image): #yam [from]
characterizations of websites as cartoon
5 Ways Twitter Can Save You Money
Pilsner economic indicator: Lowest beer sales in Germany since reunification. (via @bill_easterly) [from]
How to Get the Most Out of Social Networks and Not Annoy Users - Advertising Age - Digital
"The constant barrage of invites to sign up for this group or download that app are starting to wear on social-network users, presenting big challenges for the brands and marketers who are looking to use these sites to aggregate fans and cultivate relationships with customers."
The constant barrage of invites to sign up for this group or download that app are starting to wear on social-network users.
AKQA had success with a Marmite group on Facebook. The savory spread's advertising message is "Love it or hate it," so the group works well as a discussion topic for social networkers. Fans post recipes, discuss weird and wonderful ways to enjoy the sticky black spread, tell tales of conversion to the taste and share frustrations about not being able to purchase it outside the U.K. Too often, Mr. Beattie said, advertising on social networks is "still a traditional interruptive approach where brands are piggybacking on content that people value." The IAB research found that exclusive content, which appeals to 28% of social networkers, and a genuine interest in the message, which attracts 37%, are the keys to a positive response from consumers on social networks. And because only 5% say that they actively dislike messages from brands, there are big opportunities for marketers who can hit the right notes
Twitter’s 1,928 Percent Growth and Other Notable Social Media Stats
Earlier this month, we looked at some numbers from Web tracking firm Compete, showing the current growth (or lack thereof) at many of the companies we cover.
Skittles Site Receives an Extreme Social Makeover
March 2nd, 2009 | by Stan Schroeder
article about skittles site redesign
Many companies are starting to realize that whatever content they offer online still can’t match the various social media offerings out there, where the community contributes to the whole. Few, however, have taken it so far as candy maker Skittles, which replaced its entire homepage with its Twitter stream. The only thing that’s left is a widget-like navigation console in the upper left part of the screen, but lo and behold: instead of pointing you to some company PR nonsense, it sends you to the Skittles entry on other popular social destinations: WikipediaWikipedia reviewsWikipedia reviews, YouTube, Flickr.
Reading: Skittles Site Receives an Extreme Social Makeover [from]
Skittles replaced its entire homepage with its Twitter stream.
The Importance of Social Media Audits « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Types of audits, pricing
I Can Haz Community? | Think Vitamin
Fifteen ideas for how to make your online community awesome. A summary of a talk by Ben Huh (of I Can Has Cheezburger) at FOWA London 08.
Ben Huh from I Can Has Cheeseburger gives you 15 top tips on how to take your community to the next level, one user at a time.
15 top tips on how to take your community to the next level, one user at a time.
Facebook Connect vs Google Friend Connect: Fight!
The differences between Facebook Connect and Google Friend Connect
Tweeting the terror: How social media reacted to Mumbai -
Article on 926 tweeting from CNN.
Interesting! how social media sites can be helpful (as well as harmful?) during a crisis...
Article suggests 6M Twitter users ...
How People Share Online Video - eMarketer
Online video in the US is now as big as network TV.
"Digital WOM (...) Suddenly video was an open, consumer-driven platform, with virtually no cost of entry. As a result, online video moved from niche to mass market, and in the process became one of the fastest-growing media platforms in history. "
Social Media in 2009: Our Predictions and Desires - ReadWriteWeb
Over the past year, we've been inundated with social media. We've seen Twitter go mainstream, lifestreaming take over blogging, and we've tried what felt like a million different applications. We've joined then abandoned new services recklessly, leaving our accounts to wither away on platforms long forgotten. What more could we possibly do in 2009?
'For the entrepreneurs still looking to get our attention with the latest social media toys, their pitch may no longer be "come try this, it's new," but instead, "come try this, it helps." Because if there's anything we learned from 2008, it's that social media overload is not sustainable."
read again!
what do we think will happen? what would be useful (personally)? what could be applied to clients?
MediaPost Publications Ten Ways To Decide If Your Business Should Tweet 06/09/2009
How to decide if your business should tweet via @GuyKawasaki: [from]
via @koskim at LinkedIn
Ten factors to consider when deciding whether a business should tweet: 1. Domain squatting: Is there any value for you to register your business name or real name as a Twitter user name? 2. Brand mentions: Is anyone talking about your actual business already? 3. Topical mentions: Are people on Twitter discussing topics relevant to your business? 4. Location mentions: Are they in a proximity to become customers? 5. Target Audience: What is your target audience twittering about? 6. Competitiveness: How cutthroat is your business? Do you need to do anything and everything to stay ahead? Twitter could be a competitive advantage, or a necessary defensive strategy. 7. Sales cycle complexity: How involved is the purchase decision? The more complex the greater value Twitter contact can be. 8. Purchase frequency: How valuable is it to stay top of mind? 9. Acquisition vs. retention: do existing customers use Twitter or will potential customers? 10. Bandwidth and resources
Smarter Transportation: 10 Social Media Tools to Navigate Your City
This list of ten social media tools will help you hack your transportation habits to better navigate your city.
From figuring out the best route to get from point A to point B to helping people avoid speeding tickets, from simplifying public transportation to arranging carpools, social media tools are making it easier for people to get around the places they live.
Smarter Transportation: 10 Social Media Tools to Navigate Your City [from]
From Here to Tweeternity: A Practical Guide to Getting Started on Twitter - Stepcase Lifehack
Praktični vodič za twiteraše
HOW TO: Deal With Social Media Conflict
There are 3 things to remember when responding to differing points of view.
how to handle negative blog comments, with the whole world watching
Facebook Blows A Whopper Of An Opportunity
Burger King does Facebook marketing wrong
HOW TO: Implement a Social Media Business Strategy
Facebook Guide Book – How To, Tips and Instructions by Mashable
"Facebook is the world's leading social network, with over 300 million users and more than 900 employees. But how do you get the most out of it? To answer this question and more, Mashable has created The Facebook Guide Book, a complete collection of resources to help you master Facebook."
Comprehensive Facebook Guide Book.
50 Resources for Facebook Application Developers
HOW TO: Get the Most Out of StumbleUpon
StumbleUpon (StumbleUpon reviews) has been around since 2001, and their tag line boasts “Discover your web” and, truly, that’s what this service does. It provides the unique feature of showing you a random website, anytime, anywhere, and also learns and adapts to your interests, showing you websites specifically tailored to your preferences. Here’s a guide for users of all levels that will help you get the most out of StumbleUpon.
Toddles Lightworker is in here, hated the "mission" paradigm, looking a NZVS ( Virtual School -== distance learning ) but what ever taht means it is not the same as Virtual Environments or Virtual Reality
13 up
まとめ 人気
Is aviation security mostly for show? -
Dear US government and TSA. This is reality, not TV. Please act accordingly not stupidly.
A terrorist attack cannot possibly destroy a country's way of life; it's only our reaction to that attack that can do that kind of damage. The more we undermine our own laws, the more we convert our buildings into fortresses, the more we reduce the freedoms and liberties at the foundation of our societies, the more we're doing the terrorists' job for them.
“By not overreacting, by not responding to movie-plot threats, and by not becoming defensive, we demonstrate the resilience of our society, in our laws, our culture, our freedoms. There is a difference between indomitability and arrogant "bring 'em on" rhetoric. There's a difference between accepting the inherent risk that comes with a free and open society, and hyping the threats.”
Professor Schneier does it again. He puts into words what I've been thinking, much better than I could have done so.
Last week's attempted terror attack on an airplane heading from Amsterdam to Detroit has given rise to a bunch of familiar questions. How did the explosives get past security screening? What steps could be taken to avert similar attacks? Why wasn't there an air marshal on the flight? And, predictably, government officials have rushed to institute new safety measures to close holes in the system exposed by the incident. Reviewing what happened is important, but a lot of the discussion is off-base, a reflection of the fundamentally wrong conception most people have of terrorism and how to combat it.
Social Media Giving: Target’s Smart Facebook Campaign
Great ex of co (Target) using its Facebook Page to give $$ to charity while brand blding via @John_Bailey (thnx!) [from]
Retail chain Target already gives 5 percent of its income to charity. For the next couple weeks, they are going to be allocating those funds – which come out
Retail chain Target already gives 5 percent of its income to charity. For the next couple weeks, they are going to be allocating those funds – which come out to $3 million every week – to charities selected by Facebook users. The company has launched the “Bullseye Gives” campaign on Facebook, which is essentially a voting application connected to the brand’s existing Facebook page.
ToldYa! - Social Selling
The open, social web | FactoryCity
Open Social Web - Presentation
Chris Messina of OpenID, Citizen Agency, and Flock fame, presents on the open, social web.
delicious support forum - Categories
딜리셔스를 더 다양하게 알수있게 해주는 포럼
Data Sets | GroupLens Research
Community Building 101 for the Bootstrapped Startup - ReadWriteWeb
Despite a worsening economy, some bootstrapped startups are witnessing tremendous growth, both in user participation and back-end development. Case in point, Tip'd, a four month old financial news ...
Despite a worsening economy, some bootstrapped startups are witnessing tremendous growth, both in user participation and back-end development. Case in point, Tip'd, a four month old financial news site which has seen its monthly traffic double, submissions almost triple, and its user base increase by an average of 60 new members every day. But what is it about this niche vertical site that has in such a short period of time grown to become one of the leading financial news sites on the Web? According to Muhammad Saleem, Tip'd's community director, there is no secret ingredient to success. Instead, it's about maintaining focus on community and continuously delivering tools to help them sort through the noise that has become an unfortunate side effect of today's information age.
Community Building 101 for the Bootstrapped Startup - ReadWriteWeb
Do-It-Yourself : Twitter Backgrounds Gallery
Info links for making Twitter backgrounds
There are many ways to create the backdrop for your Twitter page. If you're even slightly comfortable with photo editing programs, the task is easy. If not, you
create twitter background DIY tips
Facebook Connect vs. Sign in with Twitter
Twitter has quietly given some developers access to a new feature, Sign in with Twitter, which uses Twitter's new OAuth technology to allow people to log into
which uses Twitter’s new OAuth technology to allow people to log into and ac
tter has quietly given some developers access to a new feature, Sign in with Twitter, which uses Twitter’s new OAuth technology to allow people to log into and access 3rd party websites using their Twitter accounts
Active Facebook Users By Country - O'Reilly Radar
Since I last posted numbers on Facebook's user base six week ago, the company has added close to 20 million active users. I've had a few requests for detailed numbers by country so I quickly assembled an update. Among countries with at least a million users, the fastest-growing are Indonesia and the Philippines.
Mashable's Social Media Guide for Journalists
Navigating the journalistic seas this past year has been a particularly challenging/exciting task. As many a publication foundered in the economic benthos, others rode the wave of new technology into previously uncharted waters. Mashable has been there through it all, stepping in to provide journalists with touchstones and compass directions to help them do everything from tell more compelling tales through alternative storytelling to make the most of their Twitter accounts.
Highly recommended.
December 30, 2009
Seed: The True 21st Century Begins
In cold fact, a financial crisis is one of the kindest and mildest sorts of crisis a civilization can have. Compared to typical Italian catastrophes like wars, epidemics, earthquakes, volcanoes, endemic political collapse — a financial crisis is a problem for schoolchildren.
Bruce Sterling text on design, futurism and stuff.
funny, brilliant man
We create and distribute original Science is Culture content that communicates science's fast-changing place in our culture to an international audience. Our mission is to help nurture a science-savvy global citizenry by increasing public interest in science and public understanding of science.
"Eight years late, the 20th century has finally departed us this year. It will never return." bruce sterling's optimistic piece on what we're collectively in for next.
Zinn Education Project
Download free teaching activities for middle- and high- school classrooms to bring a people's history to the classroom. Sponsored by Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change.
The Zinn Education Project is a website designed to help teachers use A People's History of the United States in their classrooms. The Zinn Education Project provides complete lesson plans for use in elementary school, middle school, and high school settings. In some cases the lesson plans include document excerpts and references to A People's History of the United States. You can search for lesson plans by time period, theme, or by student reading levels.
Lots of teaching resources identified by time period and theme. - not dependent on any text. The Zinn Education Project promotes and supports the use of Howard Zinn’s best-selling book A People’s History of the United States and other materials for teaching a people’s history in middle and high school classrooms across the country. The Zinn Education Project is coordinated by two non-profit organizations, Rethinking Schools and Teaching for Change.
Howard Zinn is known for telling US History from various perspectives. This would be a great tool for you if you ever talk about US History in your classroom.
What’s Working for Social Media Marketers? - eMarketer
What’s Working for Social Media Marketers?
A September 2009 MarketingProfs survey of business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) marketers found that the marketing tactics most often used on social sites are not necessarily the b
CubeTree Launches As A Facebook + FriendFeed + Twitter For Enterprise
CubeTree places a large emphasis on the micro-updates, just like Twitter. The rationale behind this is that there are often things people maybe want others to know, but don’t want to send out an email to everyone in the company, as Fubini notes. With status updates, employees can give passive updates to coworkers which show up in their stream throughout the day. But that’s not all that goes into the feed, like FriendFeed (and now Facebook), CubeTree can import elements from other social services such as Google Reader shared items, TripIt trips, Salesforce data and others. And just like FriendFeed (and again, now Facebook), anyone can now comment on these items in the feed.
CubeTree artikkeli
CubeTree’s new enterprise collaboration suite, which is opening to the public tomorrow, has a familiar look: It looks like a cross between Facebook and FriendFeed (more-so before they were both recently redesigned). And that familiarity is part of the idea to getting this to work on the enterprise level. As with other social networks, there are two main components to CubeTree: The Feed and the Profile. But on CubeTree’s feed, instead of seeing updates from everyone in your social graph, you see updates from coworkers. And on your profile page, rather than highlighting pictures or videos of yourself, there is an emphasis on information and documents.
Get A Yardstick | Altitude Branding | Brand Elevation through Social Media
Fostering human relationships between customers and businesses is immeasurable, but important!
Effective Analytics Measure Altitude Branding
Ah, measurement. How we love to have a gauge of whether what we’re doing is working or not. No more telling me that you can’t measure the impact of social media. Here’s a pile of metrics you can consider. Try benchmarking them before you start your online outreach or community efforts, and tracking them throughout and after.
How to say stupid things about social media | Cory Doctorow | Technology |
Cory Doctorow answers some standard objections against social media
Cory Doctorow erklärt uns im britischen Guardian, wieso Kritik an Social Media nicht immer den Kern der Sache trifft.
There are plenty of things to worry about when it comes to social media. They are Skinner boxes designed to condition us to undervalue our privacy and to disclose personal information. They have opaque governance structures. They are walled gardens that violate the innovative spirit of the internet. But to deride them for being social, experimental and personal is to sound like a total fool.
Go Cory! Go Cory! How to say stupid things about social media | Technology |
I don't call my parents in Canada and recount the latest additions to my daughter's vocabulary because they need to know that the kid can say "elephant" and "potty" now; I call them up to say, "all is well with your son and his family", and "you are in my heart", and "I love you". Criticizing the "banality" of Facebook conversation is as trite and ignorant as criticising people who talk about the weather. There's a reason we say "Did you sleep well?" at breakfast and "How was your weekend?" when we turn up to the office on Monday (and it's not that we care about the weekend or the rest).
9 Fantastic Facebook Pages for Fashion
fashion retail
About 5 months ago Alison Driscoll Comments 9 Fantastic Facebook Pages for Fashion 146Share email share facebook logoAlison Driscoll is an interactive copywriter and social media consultant who specializes in Facebook. She authors a blog at The Internet has revolutionized the fashion world, making trends more accessible and affordable for everyone, and expanding where and when we can shop. Social media has taken fashion a step further, encouraging discourse on designers and providing real-time feedback on the looks that work, and the ones that don’t. Facebook (Facebook)’s extensive list of features lets users comment on, post and share their favorite outfits and accessories with just a few clicks, anytime, from virtually anywhere. This social network has proved itself to be popular with savvy social shoppers for its fashion-forward Facebook Pages; here are 9 that use photos, apps and fan discussions for maximum impact. For Deals 1. Rue La La Rue La La is one
8 Things to Avoid When Building a Community
my christmas community, for aging crowds and holp live
Social Media Today | 10 Ways to Get Serious About Social Media
a must read
Why Twitter Will Endure -
Really liked this. There's a lot more going than most realize.
"Not that long ago, I was at a conference at Yale and looked at the sea of open laptops in the seats in front of me. So why wasn’t my laptop open? Because I follow people on Twitter who serve as my Web-crawling proxies, each of them tweeting links that I could examine and read on a Blackberry. Regardless of where I am, I surf far less than I used to."
Like many newbies on Twitter, I vastly overestimated the importance of broadcasting on Twitter and after a while, I realized that I was not Moses and neither Twitter nor its users were wondering what I thought. Nearly a year in, I’ve come to understand that the real value of the service is listening to a wired collective voice.
I can remember when I first thought seriously about Twitter. Last March, I was at the SXSW conference, a conclave in Austin, Tex., where technology, media and music are mashed up and re-imagined, and, not so coincidentally, where Twitter first rolled out in 2007. As someone who was oversubscribed on Facebook, overwhelmed by the computer-generated RSS feeds of news that came flying at me, and swamped by incoming e-mail messages, the last thing I wanted was one more Web-borne intrusion into my life.
article on twitter
So you’re drowning in a sea of information. Perhaps the answer is more information.
tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog: Eight Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter
tins ::: Rick Klau's weblog: Eight Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter
@geekygirldawn came across this article, 8 Lessons Learned as a Brand on Twitter, thought it'd be of interest 2 u [from]
Article describing how a brand has used Twitter for business.
Back in January, we set up the official Blogger account on Twitter. We had a general idea of what we hoped to accomplish - better interaction with passionate users, quick communication of known issues, bug fixes, etc. - but this was not a long planned deliberate move by us. If anything, it was a bit of an experiment.
akes monitoring Twitter much easier. This was a particularly acute problem for Blogger, since "blogger" is a pretty generic term. Setting up a persistent query for "blogger" yielded far too many hits per minute to be worthwhile... weeding through all of them to find the few that were specifically about big-B
The Best Way to Build a Twitter Account? Step by Step.
How Social Media Has Changed Us
Over the last 10 years, we’ve seen social media galvanize thousands over politics, create as many industries as it has destroyed, and offer an abundance of visual and audio entertainment. But has all this incredible change actually changed us, or just the world we live in? ...
Below are some areas in which social media has had lasting, and arguably permanent effects on the ways in which we live. The question is, are these changes all for the better?
Over the last 10 years, we’ve seen social media galvanize thousands over politics, create as many industries as it has destroyed, and offer an abundance of visual and audio entertainment. But has all this incredible change actually changed us, or just the world we live in? Below are some areas in which social media has had lasting, and arguably permanent effects on the ways in which we live. The question is, are these changes all for the better? Child Literacy
University of West Alabama
53 Promotional Websites To Gain Traffic Quick And Easy | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated Posts40 Promotional Sites Where To Submit Your Design Related Links10 Ways How To Track Site Traffic, Popularity, Statistics1st [...]
It started very long time ago (to be exact December 27, 2008), when I created my first promotional article with 40 promotional links in it.
25 Mind Blowing Social Media Infographics
UniLever CMO Clift Throws Down the Social-Media Gauntlet - Advertising Age - Digital
mportancia de la red, de as rrpp y de escuchar al consumidor interesante la evolucionde : cotillear en la carniceria a chatear a face book lo mismo pero mas sofisticado y. cn más alcance.... ejemplo de dove y contra ejemplo de greenpeace estrategia de corporate brand
Clift chides marketers for not recognizing their brands are not their own.
Dieser Beitrag betrifft nicht nur Marketing, sondern auch PR–bemerkenswert vor allem die "Five new rules of [PR]: "Listening to consumers is more important than talking at them."
BATAVIA, Ohio ( -- Brands aren't simply brands anymore. They are the center of a maelstrom of social and political dialogue made possible by digital media, said Unilever Chief Marketing Officer Simon Clift, who warned that marketers who do not recognize that -- and adapt their marketing -- are in grave peril. Unilever Chief Marketing Officer Simon Clift Unilever Chief Marketing Officer Simon Clift Photo Credit: Gary He "No matter how big your advertising spending, small groups of consumers on a tiny budget might hijack the conversation," he said. "So this internet thing is much bigger and more interesting than just finding successors to TV advertising." Mr. Clift was speaking to a packed house at Ad Age's Digital Conference last week, in an address that did much to define an internet-driven sea change that's put consumers in control and at times threatened to overwhelm marketers and their agencies, who -- despite frequent protestations to the contrary -- are still rather p
Collaborative Filtering with Ensembles -
um nova tecnica para recomendação: Aplicar tecnicas especificas e juntar os resultados
Facebook's Zuckerberg Says The Age of Privacy is Over
And yet another reason why I HATE Facebook
Facebook and Privacy
Prediction: 2010 will be the year Facebook is largely abandoned
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg told a live audience yesterday that if he were to create Facebook again today, user information would by default be public, not private as ...
This is a radical change from the way that Zuckerberg pounded on the importance of user privacy for years. That your information would only be visible to the people you accept as friends was fundamental to the DNA of the social network that hundreds of millions of people have joined over these past few years. Privacy control, he told me less than 2 years ago, is "the vector around which Facebook operates." I don't buy Zuckerberg's argument that Facebook is now only reflecting the changes that society is undergoing. I think Facebook itself is a major agent of social change and by acting otherwise Zuckerberg is being arrogant and condescending.
Land Rover Taps Twitter as Campaign Cornerstone - Advertising Age - Digital
Land Rover last week became the first national brand to execute a national Twitter campaign in a bid to promote its newest models' debuts at the New York Auto Show. While brands as diverse as Southwest Airlines and Smirnoff vodka have been tweeting and accumulating followers for months, Land Rover attempted to use the burgeoning social-media platform in a more ambitious way, seeding so-called hashtags (words used in tweets that make it easier to follow an ongoing conversation via online searches) on billboards, taxi TVs and other out-of-home venues; spreading word of the Twitter effort through auto-obsessed blogs and online publications eager for a peek at its latest bells and whistles; and paying a fledgling Twitter ad network to spread the word among its army of compensated, heavily followed Twitter users, all of whom wallpapered their Twitter profiles with Land Rover branding.
Land Rover utilizing Twitter in some interesting ways; [from]
"While brands as diverse as Southwest Airlines and Smirnoff vodka have been tweeting and accumulating followers for months, Land Rover attempted to use the burgeoning social-media platform in a more ambitious way, seeding so-called hashtags (words used in tweets that make it easier to follow an ongoing conversation via online searches) on billboards, taxi TVs and other out-of-home venues; spreading word of the Twitter effort through auto-obsessed blogs and online publications eager for a peek at its latest bells and whistles; and paying a fledgling Twitter ad network to spread the word among its army of compensated, heavily followed Twitter users, all of whom wallpapered their Twitter profiles with Land Rover branding. While it's too early to know what sort of return Land Rover will receive for its efforts, "it cost us virtually nothing," said Keith Rhodes, VP and account director at WPP-owned direct-marketing firm Wunderman, which orchestrated the effort."
Land Rover last week became the first national brand to execute a national Twitter campaign in a bid to promote its newest models' debuts at the New York Auto Show.
Land Rover last week became the first national brand to execute a national Twitter campaign in a bid to promote its newest models' debuts at the New York Auto Show
Success or failure?
Shocking News: Scientists Say Workplace Social Networking Increases Productivity! - ReadWriteWeb
Can you believe that using social networking sites at work can increase your workplace productivity? A new study just published by Australian scientists found that taking time to visit websites of personal interest, including news sites and YouTube, provided workers a mental break that ultimately increased their ability to concentrate and was correlated with a 9% increase in total productivity.
Reading: Scientists Say Workplace Social Networking Increases Productivity [from]
Shocking News: Scientists Say Workplace Social Networking Increases Productivity! [from]
Nielsen: Twitter's growing really, really, really, really fast | The Social - CNET News
New numbers about 'community destination' sites in the U.S. reveal that Twitter grew well over a thousand percent between February 2008 and February 2009. Read this blog post by Caroline McCarthy on The Social.
27 Cool Tools and Resources for the Twitter Addict : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
As the name says...
27 Cool Tools and Resources for the Twitter Addict
You must be the judge of how cool the tools are . . .
Followbase - Customer service & support via Twitter
Esto es para dar de alta tu negocio. Algo así como para que vayan tus clientes y te pregunten. Está badado en twitter, pero hay que mirarlo.
3 Ways Educators Are Embracing Social Technology
Skype, Phones, Twitter
See how Skype, Twitter and Mobile / Cell Phones are used for student learning.
wellicht interessant voor jouw werkveld?
Conversations About The Internet #5: Anonymous Facebook Employee - The
Hochinteressante Einblicke in Facebook.
Interview, mostly about privacy, with an anonymous Facebook employee: Worth reading. (via @johnbattelle on FB) – Tim O'Reilly (timoreilly)
Cyfweliad dienw gyda boi yn gweithio i Facebook. Son am HyperPHP
10 Tips for Becoming a Smarter, Social Business Person – GigaOM
The web is filled with social networks: We have Twitter for meeting new people, Facebook for old college buddies, and Bebo for those of us who don’t want to hang out with the mainstream. Those social networks are rarely viewed as corporate services — they’re relaxing at the end of a long workday, not playgrounds for more business activity. But I would argue that social networks provide value to a business person on several levels, whether it be for those furiously working each day in a cubicle or for others closing big deals on the golf course.
Seth's Blog: The pillars of social media site success
Who likes me? Is everything okay? How can I become more popular? What's new? I'm bored, let's make some noise
If you want to understand why Twitter is so hot, look at those five attributes. They deliver all five, instantly.
Why people choose to visit online social sites: Who likes me?, Is everything okay?, How can I become more popular?, What's new?, I'm bored, let's make some noise
The pillars of social media site success /Seth's Blog/ - Why people choose to visit online social ... [from]
5 things that drive social interaction/why people choose to visit online social sites: * Who likes me? * Is everything okay? * How can I become more popular? * What's new? * I'm bored, let's make some noise
The 10 Stages of Social Media Business Integration
Brian Solis mentions PR Newswires Social Media Metrics: Employ listening devices such as Google Alerts, Twitter Search, Radian6, and PR Newswire’s Social Media Metrics to track conversations and instances associated with key words.
WebMii - Search for people and get their online visibility score
Find all online public information about you (and other people)
"Find all online public information about you (and other people) and get your PeopleRank: your visibility score on the web."
Find all online public information about you (and other people) and get your PeopleRank: your visibility score on the web.
5 Tips for Creating a Successful Social Media Contest
Simple steps to ensure the initiative doesn't lose focus.
Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009: Social Media, SEO, PPC, Small Business, Web Design, and More » Techipedia | Tamar Weinberg
Without further ado, I now present to you the best internet marketing posts of 2009
Find incredibly valuable articles on the subject of Internet Marketing in social media, search engine optimization, PPC, web design, small business, and more.
Social Media, SEO, PPC, Small Business, Web Design, and More.
Best Internet Marketing Posts of 2009
10 Musts for Marketing to Women on Facebook
Blah..Blah..Blog..Rantings by Merle: "Are Your Ears Burning?- 20 Tools for Tracking Social Media Marketing"
20 Tools for Tracking Social Media Marketing"
Blah..Blah..Blog..Rantings by Merle: "Are Your Ears Burning?- 20 Tools for Tracking Social Media Marketing"
Some of the measuring and tracking tools at our disposal. "Online reputation management" tools, as they're often referred to, will help us to define keywords, or phraseswe you wish to track and then watches for any mention of our company name, products, or services.
how to measure traffic
A Closer Look at Facebook's New Privacy Options
ReadWriteWeb mener at det er en del positive endringer i Facebooks privacy-innstllinger (siden du nå lettere kan styre hvem som skal se hva) - men problemet er jo nettopp at det ikke ER så lett. Fortsatt alt for kronglete å forstå, og alt for mye arbeid å lage listene som skal til..
Chances are you wouldn't tell grandma about the wild party you went to last Saturday night. Likewise, you might have spent Sunday evening at home knittin' a mitten ...
This newest change in the privacy options for sharing content on Facebook represents a major change to the nature of communicating on the site. If it's implemented well it could make a dramatic difference in the way people use the site. Given the change underway and the company's move to lobby governments around the world in favor of its privacy philosophy, we think it would be a good idea to have a more thorough public conversation about what that philosophy is.
5 Digital Music Trends
5 Digital Music Trends resources list from mashable
File sharing, Mashups, Mobile music, Concert sales, Direct sales
How Gen-Y Startups Use Social Media to Shatter the Status Quo
The use of social media as a business tool is a relatively new concept, but it is one that is allowing Gen-Y entrepreneurs to challenge established norms and leave their mark on the business world.
With 22.7% of 16-19 year olds unemployed and the financial and corporate landscape contracting right in front of them, the so-called Y Generation (Gen-Y) currently has the opportunity to take a strong hold on today’s business landscape. And it seems that they intend to. Half of all new college graduates now believe that self-employment is more secure than a full-time job and 70% of today’s high schoolers plan on starting their own companies.
Nonprofits 2.0 - 10 Insights Gained from Spending 7,280 Hours on Social Media Websites
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ... Read more of this post, 10 Insights Gained from Spending 7,280 Hours on Social Media Websites, at
RT @rajdey: Nonprofits: 10 Insights Gained from Spending 7,280 Hours on Social Media Websites: (via @marthalanefox) [from]
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 ...
10 top things to do and not do with nfp social media
very good observations on skillful use of social media
3 Things You Need to Know About Social Media Strategy
Klinkt logisch maar drie vuistregels voor social media binnen een bedrijf zijn: 1 samenwerken 2 de bedrijfsleiding moet achter het idee staan 3 neem je tijd: de impact van social media ontstaat niet op 123
This is information I share with clients all the time - they are simple and seem like common sense when you read about them, but all too often overlooked by organisations when considering their social media policy.
"If the direction doesn’t come from the very top, managers, who have myriad reasons to fear change, will hang on to the status quo. Despite the best intentions of agencies and consultants, social media integration is bound to meet huge resistance until top management says it’s OK to spend time and money to integrate it into the company’s marketing and culture."
5 Ways Foursquare is Changing the World
Foursquare and 5 ways it's (and others) are changing the offline/online world.
How to set up a Facebook fan page that works
I’ve been talking to several people recently about setting up a Facebook fan page, how to get more fans, and how to use Facebook effectively. Full disclosure: Yes, I have a Facebook page, but it’s private. I use Twitter and LinkedIn for business, but I haven’t set up a page for my copywriting business. However, I DO run a Facebook page for the same nonprofit that I mentioned in a recent post on email marketing. It’s performing well, averaging 50 new fans a day.
7 Lessons for Better Networking with Social Media
Social media allows us to discover, connect, and engage with new people of interest.
Social Network improvement
Social media allows us to discover, connect, and engage with new people of interest. While most people are open to new connections and receiving messages from people they don’t know, there is a fine line between reaching out and “spamming.” The challenge is to make a connection clearly and effectively without wasting people’s time.
How to Know if You Should Fire Your Social Media Consultant - Mashable
If your company, no matter how big or small, has hired a social media consultant to augment (or God-forbid, replace) your PR team, there are some things you should probably be sniffing out and identifying as red flags
"If your company, no matter how big or small, has hired a social media consultant to augment (or God-forbid, replace) your PR team, there are some things you should probably be sniffing out and identifying as red flags:" ... good checks on the hype here.
The Starbucks Formula for Social Media Success
Various ways Starbucks uses social media to connect with their customers. Amazing!
5 Steps to Building Social Experiences - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Don't just 'add social' to your website. Design it with a purpose.
:: Jiggling the Web for Instant Search Engine Rankings
Internet marketing secrets for bloggers
Search as it works now. Michael Campbell is a true guru with longevity and offers good solid material to implement.
this is actually a very sound usefull technique for ranking well for a specific search term, well worth a read.
Pretty cool stuff!
WebMii - Search for people and get their online visibility score
The Altimeter by Charlene Li: Future Of Social Networks presentation from SXSW
I had the honor of presenting at the SXSW conference last Saturday, on the topic "The Future Of Social Networks". I've embedded the slides below, and you can also access them on SlideShare. Below the slides I've included a quick...
Here's why every corporation should be thinking about how they will integrate Social Media. This is a great tool to demonstrate to your management team the importance of mapping Social Media features into your strategic roadmap.
A futre if/when your identity, contacts and social activities are ubiquitous
Future of soc nets - soc nets will be like the air
Social Technographics: Conversationalists get onto the ladder
Forrester's updated social technographics ladder doesn't seem right. The Conversationalist involves less work or commitment than Critics, and seems too similar to Collectors & Joiners.
An update to the Groundswell Social Technographics ladder.
"1. Convince your boss this stuff is for real, and that if you haven't jumped on it, you're late. 2. Profile your customer base, and see what they're ready for, before planning a project to reach out to them. (After all, People is the first step in the POST process.) 3. Segment your audience; build different strategies for different segments. (Social is so prevalent now that a single approach for your company is probably too broad.)"
The 4 Big Myths of Profile Pictures « OkTrends
almost-scientific quantitative analysis of dating website
Important for meeting and engaging people online, may be important for professional profiles depending on career
How to make your profile picture to pop out.
How to: Build a Social Media Cheat Sheet for Any Topic
social media research work flow
apophenia: Facebook's move ain't about changes in privacy norms
"If we're building a public stage, we need to give people the ability to protect themselves, the ability to face the consequences honestly. We cannot hide behind rhetoric of how everyone is public just because everyone we know in our privileged circles is walking confidently into the public sphere and assuming no risk. And we can't justify our decisions as being simply about changing norms when the economic incentives are all around. I'm with Marshall on this one: Facebook's decision is an economic one, not a social norms one. And that scares the bejesus out of me. People care deeply about privacy, especially those who are most at risk of the consequences of losing it. Let us not forget about them. It kills me when the bottom line justifies social oppression. Is that really what the social media industry is about?"
When the default is private, you have to think about making something public. When the default is public, you become very aware of privacy. And thus, I would suspect, people are more conscious of privacy now than ever. Because not everyone wants to share everything to everyone else all the time.
Danah Boyd : “Privacy isn’t a technological binary that you turn off and on. Privacy is about having control of a situation. It’s about controlling what information flows where and adjusting measures of trust when things flow in unexpected ways. It’s about creating certainty so that we can act appropriately. People still care about privacy because they care about control."
There isn't some radical shift in norms taking place. What's changing is the opportunity to be public and the potential gain from doing so. Reality TV anyone? People are willing to put themselves out there when they can gain from it. But this doesn't mean that everyone suddenly wants to be always in public. And it doesn't mean that folks who live their lives in public don't value privacy. The best way to maintain privacy as a public figure is to give folks the impression that everything about you is in public.
Digg Founder Launches WeFollow, A User-Generated Twitter Directory
Digg Founder Kevin Rose has launched WeFollow, a User-Powered Twitter Directory that categorizes Twitter users by interests and industry.
A new user-generated Twitter directory by Kevin Rose
HOW TO: Get Rid of Annoying Facebook Notifications
HOW TO: Get Rid of Annoying Facebook Notifications [from]
RT @mashable: HOW TO: Get Rid of Annoying Facebook Notifications - [from]
Pretty cool website called mashable. Can't wait to rid myself of annoying unnecessary notifications.
Do you constantly have 99 new notifications, marked with the little red button at the bottom right in your FacebookFacebook account? Would you like to only
Reading: How To Get Rid of Annoying Facebook Notifications: [from]
HOW TO: Get Rid of Annoying Facebook Notifications
Werbung: Das Komplexitätsproblem von Social-Media-Marketing »
Werbung auf Social Networks will weiterhin nicht so recht abheben. Sind daran die ignoranten Werbeauftraggeber schuld? Die phantasielosen Website-Betreiber? Oder liegt der Grund vielleicht doch ganz woanders? Ist Social Media vielleicht viel komplexer und neuartiger, als wir alle denken? Kein Zweifel: Social Media ist das Medienphänomen unserer Dekade. Viele Millionen von Internetusern verbringen erstaunliche Mengen von Zeit auf Facebook, Youtube, unzähligen Blogs und Diskussionsforen.
Grundlagenartikel, der die Unterschiede zwischen 1:n und n:n-Kommunikation erläutert
Werbung auf Social Networks will weiterhin nicht so recht abheben. Sind daran die ignoranten Werbeauftraggeber schuld? Die phantasielosen Website-Betreiber? Oder liegt der Grund vielleicht doch ganz woanders? Ist Social Media vielleicht viel komplexer und neuartiger, als wir alle denken? Kein Zweifel: Social Media ist das Medienphänomen unserer Dekade. Viele Millionen von Internetusern verbringen erstaunliche Mengen von Zeit auf Facebook, Youtube, unzähligen Blogs und Diskussionsforen.
Why Do You Tweet?
eMarketer reports that, according to the "Consumer Internet Barometer," the majority of Twitter users (42%) use the service to communicate with their friends. About 29% use Twitter to update their status, 26% to find news, and 21% for work-related reasons.
eMarketer reports that, according to the "Consumer Internet Barometer," the majority of Twitter users (42%) use the service to communicate with their friends. About 29% use Twitter to update their status, 26% to find news, and 21% for work-related reasons. Oddly, only 0.3% said that they use Twitter for fun
11% use the service to interact with brands eMarketer reports that, according to the "Consumer Internet Barometer," the majority of Twitter users (42%) use the service to communicate with their friends. About 29% use Twitter to update their status, 26% to find news, and 21% for work-related reasons. Oddly, only 0.3% said that they use Twitter for fun Almost 30% of all respondents also use the service to interact with celebrities - which is clearly a driving force in the mainstream adoption of the service
Which Social Media Channels Should You Be Using?
I've categorized and compared 7 social media channels that are currently being used by both B2B and B2C brands. I've suggested which type of brand works best in each channel.
wondering if makes sense to look at social sites in terms of G2C (government to citizen) or G2B (government to business) lens?
socialnetworks-oct08.png (PNG Image, 1425x625 pixels)
map of social networks 2008
Map of Social Networks by popularity in various countries
Oxyweb. Stats from Alexa
Twitter Zombies: 24% of Tweets Created by Bots
24% of Tweets are created by automated bots, not humans, according to a recent study. Meanwhile, it was found that 5% of Twitter accounts generate 75% of
Top Tools For Tracking Topics on the Web
Tracking topics on the Web can be a painful process, due to the amount of noise and difficulty of filtering it. So to help you out, we've selected and categorized the leading topic-tracking tools. This is based on the discussion that arose from our earlier post about topic feeds, which are RSS feeds for keywords or phrases. During the process of analyzing these topic tracking tools, we discovered - to our surprise - that not many of these services output results as RSS. Some of the leading apps in this field require users to visit their service. With that in mind, here is our full list and analysis.
Tracking topics on the Web can be a painful process, due to the amount of noise and difficulty of filtering it. So to help you out, we've selected and categorized the leading topic-tracking tools. This is based on the discussion that arose from our earlier post about topic feeds, which are RSS feeds for keywords or phrases. During the process of analyzing these topic tracking tools, we discovered - to our surprise - that not many of these services output results as RSS. Some of the leading apps in this field require users to visit their service. With that in mind, here is our full list and analysis.
Top Tools For Tracking Topics on the Web
What Social Followers Want - eMarketer
Brand marketers want consumers to follow them to build buzz and engagement, but social media users often desire something in return. What they’ve come to expect is a good deal, but many consumers&mdas
17 Ways to Use Twitter for Business and Some Not | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
More and more small business folks are giving in to what seems like an insurmountable mountain of hype and jumping on the twitter bandwagon. Lke all social media and marketing tactics, before you can determine if something makes sense you need to analyze your objectives. So, instead of asking why you would use it, ask how it might help you achieve some other already stated objectives.
The social behavior incentive (how your app can be as addictive as Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare)
In my journey through these systems, I’ve been seeing how each gives incentives to their users. For instance, on Foursquare every time I check in it gives me points. If I check in a new place that it didn’t know about, it gives me a ton of points. It is rewarding my behavior. This “reward” turns very addictive. Twitter, on the other hand, has its own incentive system. It puts all sorts of things in your face, like how many Tweets you’ve done, how many people you’re following, how many followers you have, and how many lists you are on. Things that are measured become games and increase addiction. But Twitter has other games going on as well. Anytime someone uses your @name in a Tweet you see it. Remember that Dale Carnegie said in his book about how to win friends and influence people that your name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
I’m an addict. You already knew that, didn’t you? After all, I’m just about to pass my 30,000th Tweet and on Facebook I have more than 10,000 friends and on Foursquare I follow more than 3,000 people (about 1% of their user base as just reported). I’m not the only addict, though. On Google there are 402,000 results for “social media addiction.” Someone even made a rap video about social media addiction. In my journey through these systems, I’ve been seeing how each gives incentives to their users. For instance, on Foursquare every time I check in it gives me points. If I check in a new place that it didn’t know about, it gives me a ton of points. It is rewarding my behavior. This “reward” turns very addictive. Twitter, on the other hand, has its own incentive system. It puts all sorts of things in your face, like how many Tweets you’ve done, how many people you’re following, how many followers you have, and how many lists you are on. Things that are measured become games and incre
Twitter, on the other hand, has its own incentive system. It puts all sorts of things in your face, like how many Tweets you’ve done, how many people you’re following, how many followers you have, and how many lists you are on.
OK, hvis nogen ved disse ting så er det nok Scoble
How To Create Measurable Objectives | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
lots of people forget the planning phase in social media programs
Altitude Branding / 21.12.09
Great post from Amber Naslund on creating measurable objectives.
Top 10 Best Social Media Presentations –
How to Better Engage Facebook Fan Page ‘Fans’ | Social Media Examiner
5 Lessons Celebrities Can Teach Us About Facebook Pages
Mashable explains that authenticity, content, control and promotion are the keys to success on Facebook.
The Maturation of Social Media ROI
The debate over measuring social media investment inspired many brands to cannonball into popular social networks and join the proverbial conversation without a plan or strategic objectives defined. At the same time, the lack of ROI standards unnerved many executives, preventing any form of experimentation until their questions and concerns were addressed. In 2010, we’re entering a new era of social media marketing — one based on information, rationalization, and resolve. Business leaders simply need clarity in a time of abundant options and scarcity of experience. As many of us can attest, we report to executives who have no desire to measure intangible credos rooted in transparency and authenticity. In the end, they simply want to calculate the return on investment and associate social media programs with real-world business performance metrics. Over the years, our exploration and experience has redefined the traditional metrics and created hybrid models that will prove critical t
The debate over measuring social media investment inspired many brands to cannonball into popular social networks and join the proverbial conversation without a plan or strategic objectives defined. At the same time, the lack of ROI standards unnerved many executives, preventing any form of experimentation until their questions and concerns were addressed.
- 15% optimistically hope for 5-10% In 2009, those companies that aligned social media investments with revenue estimates: - 5% or less revenue tied to social in 2009 foresee an increase of an additional 5% in 2010 - 6-10% of revenue stemming from social media is expected to increase more than 10% - Those with greater revenues resulting from social engagement expect an escalation of revenue derived from social at 20%
Planlæg dine tweets/fb updates
Application qui permet de publier des tweets ou statut FB en différé
Send Twitter or Facebook status updates later.
schedule tweets and facebook status for later
30 Tips for Using Social Media in Your Business
Inc. Magazine
Philip Guo - Geek behaviors present during conversations
This is pretty funny, and true.
"This article presents some common behaviors I've observed from my past few years of interactions with geeks, nerds, and other highly-smart technical people. For brevity, I will simply use the term "geek" throughout this article as a catch-all term for such people. I don't mean to pass any value judgments on people who exhibit such behaviors; these are simply my observations and personal theories for why these behaviors occur."
The Book of Body Language
15 Ways to Use Social Media for #FindingTheGood
By allowing people from all around the world to come together and share info, stories, and knowledge, social media has become a wonderful catalyst for social change. Over the past few of weeks, we have all witnessed how important and powerful social media can be as a vehicle for spreading information and calling people to action by watching how it is being put to use in Iran.
By allowing people from all over the world to join together and share info, experiences, and knowledge, social media has become a wonderful catalyst for social change. Over the past few of weeks, we have all witnessed how important and powerful social media can be as a vehicle for spreading information and calling people to action by watching how it is being put to use in Iran.
By allowing people from all around the world to join together and share information, experiences, and knowledge, social media has become an amazing catalyst for social change. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve all witnessed how important and powerful social media can be as a vehicle for spreading info and calling people to action by watching how it is being put to use in Iran.
By allowing people from all over the universe to come together and share information, experiences, and knowledge, social media has become an amazing catalyst for social change. Over the past couple of weeks, we have all witnessed how important and powerful social media can be as a vehicle for spreading information and calling people to action by watching how it is being put to use in Iran.
By allowing people from all over the world to come together and share information, experiences, and knowledge, social media has become a wonderful catalyst for social change. Over the past couple of weeks, we have all witnessed how important and powerful social media can be as a vehicle for spreading info and calling people to action by watching how it is being put to use in Iran.
By allowing people from all over the universe to join together and share info, stories, and knowledge, social media has become an amazing catalyst for social change. Over the past few of weeks, we have all witnessed how important and powerful social media can be as a vehicle for spreading information and calling people to action by watching how it is being put to use in Iran.
By allowing people from all over the universe to come together and share info, stories, and knowledge, social media has become a wonderful catalyst for social change. Over the past few of weeks, we have all witnessed how important and powerful social media can be as a vehicle for spreading info and calling people to action by watching how it is being put to use in Iran.
By allowing people from all around the world to join together and share information, experiences, and knowledge, social media has become an amazing catalyst for social change. Over the past couple of weeks, we have all witnessed how important and powerful social media can be as a vehicle for spreading info and calling people to action by watching how it is being put to use in Iran.
By allowing people from all over the universe to come together and share info, experiences, and knowledge, social media has become a wonderful catalyst for social change. Over the past few of weeks, we have all witnessed how important and powerful social media can be as a vehicle for spreading info and calling people to action by watching how it is being put to use in Iran.
By allowing people from all over the universe to join together and share information, experiences, and knowledge, social media has become an amazing catalyst for social change. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve all witnessed how important and powerful social media can be as a vehicle for spreading information and calling people to action by watching how it is being put to use in Iran.
By allowing people from all around the world to come together and share information, experiences, and knowledge, social media has become a wonderful catalyst for social change. Over the past couple of weeks, we have all witnessed how important and powerful social media can be as a vehicle for spreading info and calling people to action by watching how it is being put to use in Iran. 10 Top New Web Services of 2008 and Their 2009 Forecast
2008 has been both an exciting year and a very trying year for the world of Web innovation. When the year kicked off, we were still in the middle of Web 2.0 fever. We were just two months removed from Microsoft having invested $240 million in Facebook at a stratospheric $15 billion. In the first week of January, Yahoo! CEO Jerry Yang made his first appearance at CES and promised the company was "ready and excited". By mid-month, Pownce launched to the public to offer an alternative to Twitter. And by the end of January, Twitter crashed hard - for the first time.
You'll note two major themes regarding hot services in 2008: RSS and friends. Finding out what your friends were reading and sharing were key facets of most of the new products that gained my attention this year. Toluu, developed by Caleb Elston, offers a site where you can upload the OPML file of feeds you read, mark your favorites, and see how compatible you are with other users of the site, helping find new feeds, and new people. Over time, the service enabled me to see new blogs my friends were subscribing to, and you could even notify Twitter if you had added a new blog to your reading list.
Conversation Agent: You're on Twitter, Now What?
Having a Twitter account may be all the rage, however there is something to be said for the power of focus.
Where To Find Social Media Power Users
Where To Find Social Media Power Users -
technical tools
While having great content and an appropriate message are crucial for success on social media news sites, having a quality user help with promotion is essential to build momentum
Social Media Marketing: How Pepsi Got It Right
Social media marketing campaigns are proving to be goldmines rich with customer engagement and insight that companies wouldn’t likely have otherwise. Companies like PepsiCo are going to extensive lengths to foster this type of collaboration with fans, and the payoff has been big.
PR 2.0: The State of PR, Marketing, and Communications: You are the Future
Reading The State of PR, Marketing, and Communications: You are the Future: This post is long. If you pre.. [from]
While some are already predicting the death of PR, I fundamentally believe that it's simply the death of PR as we know it. As long as communications professionals want to learn and improve their craft, then we are positioned for evolution. No matter how much we think we know, we're now equalized as an industry in order to reset, learn, and define and earn an invaluable role within the business cycle – again.
Brian Solis on where PR is headed.
The State of PR, Marketing, and Communications: You are the Future
SEOmoz | A Bad Day for Search Engines: How News of Michael Jackson's Death Traveled Across the Web
A timeline of who got the Jacko story when, from X17 to TMZ to CNN tweeting it to MSNBC officially reporting it to Google crashing.
Social Media Lists
Social Media Lists
HOW TO: Take Advantage of Social Media in Your E-mail Marketing
use social media share buttons in e-zines & eDMs
Vector Social Media Icons
20+ mind-blowing social media statistics revisited | Blog | Econsultancy
I really tried to put alot of information as I could into Econsultancy’s Social Media Statistics, which is part of our Stats Compendium (a truly wonderful resource) but I find it is always neat to go back and review the old against the new.
20+ mind-blowing social media statistics revisited.
Remarkable stats about number of users, items uploaded, pages viewed, frequency etc on Flickr, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.
Led by Facebook, Twitter, Global Time Spent on Social Media Sites up 82% Year over Year | Nielsen Wire
According to The Nielsen Company, global* consumers spent more than five and half hours on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter in December 2009, an 82% increase from the same time last year when users were spending just over three hours on social networking sites. In addition, the overall traffic to social networking sites has grown over the last three years. Globally, social networks and blogs are the most popular online category when ranked by average time spent in December, followed by online games and instant messaging. With 206.9 million unique visitors, Facebook was the No. 1 global social networking destination in December 2009 and 67% of global social media users visited the site during the month. Time on site for Facebook has also been on the rise, with global users spending nearly six hours per month on the site.
According to The Nielsen Company, global* consumers spent more than five and half hours on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter in December 2009, an 82% increase from the same time last year when users were spending just over three hours on social networking sites. In addition, the overall traffic to social networking sites has grown over the last three years.
According to The Nielsen Company, global* consumers spent more than five and half hours on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter in December 2009, an 82% increase from the same time last year when users were spending just over three hours on social networking sites. In addition, the overall traffic to social networking sites has grown over the last three years. Globally, social networks and blogs are the most popular online category when ranked by average time spent in December, followed by online games and instant messaging. With 206.9 million unique visitors, Facebook was the No. 1 global social networking destination in December 2009 and 67% of global social media users visited the site during the month. Time on site for Facebook has also been on the rise, with global users spending nearly six hours per month on the site. [...] Australia led in average time per person spent, with the average Australian spending nearly 7 hours on social media sites in December."
Nielsen, Jan. 22, 2010.
Ongoing List of Social Media Marketing Efforts and Social Networks and Communities for Women
I've done a lot of other lists, for a variety of industries, verticals, age groups, but need to spend some time on women. Agencies and brands get to showcase their work (I've got great SEO in front of a social media audience) and it's easy for women
How women are quickly becoming a dominating demographic in social media.
A special report on social networking: A world of connections | The Economist
Revista The Economista dedica seu dossiê às redes sociais.
Economist weighs in on web2.0
Online social networks are changing the way people communicate, work and play, and mostly for the better, says Martin Giles (interviewed here)
Drupal Gardens | Get a Free Drupal 7 Site Here
Hosted Drupal
Launch a product, promote an event, engage a community - You can create socially smart websites and microsites that accelerate your business with Drupal Gardens.
Very Interesting Social Media Statistics: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Linkedin and more… | buzzing, social Media
Social Media Statistics * Facebook claims that 50% of active users log into the site each day. This would mean at least 175m users every 24 hours. * Twitter now has 75m user accounts, but only around 15m are active users on a regular basis. * LinkedIn has over 50m members worldwide.. / UK / Business - Social networks threaten advertising growth, January 15 2009. Two-thirds of advertising agencies are not prepared for the industry changes prompted by social networks and new forms of digital media, a report has found. The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, which will publish the “Social Media Futures” report compiled by Future Foundation next week, has warned that advertising agencies face growth of just 1.2 per cent a year by 2016 if the industry fails to tackle the changes to the media created by sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Social networks enable consumers to pass on information about products and services, and recommendations from friends are more influential than traditional forms of advertising.
cost for agencies if they do not adapt to social networking as an advertising medium
As long as advertising don't relationship building, dialogue, honesty and authencity they can forget about playing a part in new media.
How To Make Sponsored Conversations Work
Although Controversial, Sponsored Conversations are Here to Stay Sponsored conversations, although controversial, aren't going away. In fact during recession, they will likely increase. Update: See this growing list of bloggers and brands that have
Billets sponsorisés
The Sponsored Conversation phenomenon
20 Different and Beautiful Icon Sets | Freebies
Web Design Ledger
We are accustomed to seeing icons as bright and glossy bundles of pixel perfection, but this typical style of icon doesn’t always work for all styles of web design. For instance, grungey designs need icons to be a little dirty. While icons on a hand drawn style site should have line marks or brush strokes. In this article, we’ve rounded up 20 icon sets that break the mould of the typical icon. Here you will see icons that make use of painted brush strokes, sketchy line work, and grungy textures.
Delete Your Account
Information on how to delete your account from all of the major social networking, blogging, shopping, etc. sites and services across the web.
300+ helpful tips on using social media | Blog | Econsultancy
300+ helpful tips on using social media : [from]
How IBM Uses Social Media to Spur Employee Innovation | Social Media Examiner
It’s tough enough for a small business. What if you’re #2 on Business Week’s best global brands list, with nearly 400,000 employees across 170 countries? At IBM, it’s about losing control.
Good post on LOSING CONTROL in #socmedia "How IBM Uses Social Media to Spur Employee Innovation | Social Media Examiner"
A case study on IBM's decentralized social media program which relies on crowd-sourcing and is driving unprecedented collaboration and innovation.
3 New Ways to Measure the Social Web
Tim Trefren is one of the founders of Mixpanel, Inc. a real-time analytics service that helps companies understand how users behave with web applications
The State of the Internet
Focus, Feb. 2, 2010.
The State of the Internet
visualization of stats rec by Kathy Schrock
Using data from the Pew Research Center, Technorati, and other organizations, Focus has produced an infographic about Internet use and Internet access in 2009.
8 Simple Steps to Growing a Quality Twitter Following | Social Media Examiner
Tweet plans help businesses to brand their Twitter presence with keywords for stronger social media marketing.
Are you using Twitter and trying to figure out whether it’s doing anything for your biz?
Are you currently using Twitter and trying to figure out whether it’s doing anything at all for your biz?
tweet must be unique content because Twitter does not allow duplicate tweets. This next step of writing a series of unique tweets is simple if, for each tweet, you: * Keep your preferred audience in mind * Use one of your keywords
Do you have a strategy planned out? Or are you finding yourself haphazardly tweeting at random hrs. of the day about everything from what you had for breakfast to news in your industry?
7 Twitter Tools That Are Not Essential But Would Be Useful @ SmashingApps
As we all know Twitter is a rapidly growing micro-blogging service in these days. No doubt, It’s a great fun to share information or talk with your friends and the powerful way to spread the word as much as possible. For this reason, there are too many free twitter tools available that are offering you hassle free and simple way to tweet. In this post, we are listing down 7 Twitter Apps That Are Not Essential But Would Be Useful. Whether you are designer, developer, office worker, manager, supervisor, student, home user, etc. We have tried to add something interesting for everyone. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. Just take a look at them and share your thought here. If you like this post so please spread the word as much possible via twitter.
7 Twitter Tools That Are Not Essential But Would Be Useful
Social Bookmarking Menu - Revisited | Eight7Teen
icone interessant (et plugin WordPress) pour le futur theme
A good looking XHTML-CSS social bookmarking menu that can be used for promoting the content. The menu (created from an unordered list) simply hides a portion of the social bookmaring icons & displays them when hovered.
List of Corporate Social Media Strategists, Corporate Community Managers in 2010 « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Enterprise Social Media Useage Policies and Guidelines |
Nice blog on policies and guidelines for Enterprise Social Media
Política de uso de Social Media empresariales y directrices
corporate social media guidelines
50 Terrific Twitter Tips for Job Seekers | MBA Jobs
Y algunos otros consejos para el diseño de página personal de Twitter
use ful data for new user in twitter
Great tips for being professional on Twitter and also some good tweet tools for jobseekers
Get Ready As Corporate Sites and Social Networks Start To Connect « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
To Increase Engagement, Brands to Allow Users To Login With Facebook, MySpace, Twitter In a recent report titled the "Future of the Social Web" we found that we are entering the era of social colonization, every webpage and experience will be social
Jeremiah Owyang
A continued thought... the other part of Jeremiah's "Pollination" post. In that case, corps are putting their content out there... beyond their walls to make sure they are part of the unstructured/controlled conversation. In this case, corps are aggregating the other information onto their own site to bring the conversation closer to their home. Push/Pull at it's finest when taken together.
Survey Of Insular Social Media Elite Says: Twitter Is Better Than Facebook For Businesses
If you were to ask over 200 social media leaders which social media site they would pay for if they had to, as ...
RT @mikefilsaime "Twitter Is Better Than Facebook For Businesses" , says Survey Of Social Media Elite: [from]
If you were to ask “over 200 social media leaders” which social media site they would pay for if they had to, as Abrams Research recently did, Facebook would come out on top, with 32.2 percent saying they would pay for it. (Yeah, right). LinkedIn was second, Twitter was third, and MySpace and Digg tied for last place (with only 1.5 percent of respondents saying they’d pay for those services). But if you ask, which one would they recommend for businesses to pay for (if they had to), Twitter beats Facebook by more than two to one (39.6 percent vs. 15.3 percent). LinkedIn again comes in second. Why did Twitter come out on top. It is seen as an efficient way for companies to get their marketing messages out there. One typical response:
Twitter vs. Facebook for businesses
Open Mobile Consortium
The Open Mobile Consortium aims to: * Implement joint mobile solutions in the field. * Maximize interoperability and data-sharing capabilities between our technologies. * Streamline development, deployment, and use of open source mobile technologies.
odk and dimagi
open source applications for social change
8 Questions to Ask Your "Social Media Expert" |
“…we have a glut of people selling their expertise on how you should handle “the Twitter community” who have zero experience using the service the way most people do. They hopped on board the Consultancy Express, went straight to the head of the line, and now want to tell you how to talk to people at all of the stops they skipped.”
How Twitter and Facebook Now Compete with Google « blog maverick
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Last year I wrote a blog post entitled "If the news is important it will find me". The point was that we all live in so many socia
Things change. We are seeing a change in our referral logs right now. That could translate into systemic change in user behavior and business opportunity
our referral behavior is changing. hearing people from twitter, and researching there, rather than google.
RT @mashable: Reading: "How Twitter and Facebook Now Compete with Google" - [from]
Franke James » Blog Archive » Dinner with a Stranger
An interesting story about how two people approached a "stranger" they admired to have dinner, and give money to charity for the privilege. I bet it would be pretty easy to set up a marketplace for this kind of thing.
A very cool story, illustrated wonderfully. Also an interesting idea in terms of charity donations.
Your Agency Should Take Advantage of Web 2.0 - Small Agency Diary - Advertising Age
If anything, it has made us work a little harder to keep company with some of the great agencies that we admire.
The big question is how should agencies respond to Twitter as a disruptive technology? Do you give up short-term revenue from traditional marketing services that may be obsolete in several years, so that you can reinvent your business model? Do you hang on to your current business model as long as possible and run the risk of falling behind? I bet that most of us believe that we can create a hybrid model where we continue to practice traditional marketing and introduce select social-media components to our programs.
How Social Media Tools Can Complement What You Do
why agencies should use more social media / twitter
Bundle: The No. 1 Source for How People Spend and Save Money -- Personal Finance Data, Money Advice, Trends, News and Community
The Roles of Facebook and Twitter in Social Media Marketing | Brian Solis
Social Media marketing is rapidly earning a role in the integrated marketing mix of small and enterprise businesses and as such, it’s transforming every
Social Media marketing is rapidly earning a role in the integrated marketing mix of small and enterprise businesses and as such, it’s transforming every division from the inside out. What starts with one champion in any given division, be it customer service, marketing, public relations, advertising, interactive, et al, eventually inspires an entire organization to socialize. What starts with one, a domino effect usually ensues toppling each department, gaining momentum, and triggering a sense of urgency through its path. And, it also marks the beginning of our journey through the ten stages of social media integration.
Social Media marketing is rapidly earning a role in the integrated marketing mix of small and enterprise businesses and as such, it’s transforming every division from the inside out. What starts with one champion in any given division, be it customer service, marketing, public relations, advertising, interactive, et al, eventually inspires an entire organization to socialize. What starts with one, a domino effect usually ensues toppling each department, gaining momentum, and triggering a sense of urgency through its path. And, it also marks the beginning of our journey through the ten stages of social media integration. ...
Social Strategy for Exciting (and Boring) Brands
Winning In A World Transformed By Social Technologies
The key with boring brands is to get people talking about their problems, since they won’t talk about your brand
Good background for both ends of the spectrum.
PeteSearch: How to split up the US
Data visualization of Facebook profiles: "Looking at the network of US cities, it's been remarkable to see how groups of them form clusters, with strong connections locally but few contacts outside the cluster. For example Columbus, OH and Charleston WV are nearby as the crow flies, but share few connections, with Columbus clearly part of the North, and Charleston tied to the South. "Some of these clusters are intuitive, like the old south, but there's some surprises too, like Missouri, Louisiana and Arkansas having closer ties to Texas than Georgia. To make sense of the patterns I'm seeing, I've marked and labeled the clusters, and added some notes about the properties they have in common..."
Fun stuff, lots of entertaining demographic data.
According to Facebook
Google Buzz
"Go beyond status messages. Share updates, photos, videos, and more. Start conversations about the things you find interesting."
Start conversations about the things you find interesting. Share updates, photos, videos and more with your friends.
Getting Intimate (with Customers) on Twitter
Businesses should lose their inhibitions over using the microblogging tool to get closer to their customers
Twitter como canal de comunicación con los usuarios
It offered followers special discounts on rebuilt PCs. Twitter let Guerrero get to customers quicker and at lower cost than by direct mail. It let anyone interested in a deal follow him for announcements. It reduced his need to jockey for prominent space on the company's massive Web site, where refurbished products were often relegated to the online equivalent of Siberia.
090906 part of a special section on microblogging
How Social Gaming is Improving Education
RT @thomasjhardy: How Social Gaming is Improving Education - [from]
How Social Gaming is Improving Education
Enter social video games as a solution — immersive environments that simulate real-world problems. Today, technologically eager schools are replacing textbook learning with social video games, and improving learning outcomes in the process. Here’s how they’re doing it.
mmo game from the founders of Flickr
5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media
dodlisj: [추천동영상] “끌리고 쏠리고 들끓다”의 저자 클레이 서키, “트위터”의 공동 창업자 에반 윌리암스, “보라빛 소가 온다”의 저자 세스고딘 등의 강연 동영상입니다.
5 Insightful TED Talks on Social Media
TPUTH -- Socially Generated Newspaper for Geeks, Designers and Venture Capitalists
We're TPUTH. Tech and design news. Socially curated. Machine processed. Hand polished. No bullshit.
Kinda offputting -- check this later to decide whether or not to ditch.
WARNING: Google Buzz Has A Huge Privacy Flaw
"It gets to a deeper problem with Google Buzz: It's built on email, which is a very different Internet application than a social network." - I couldn't agree more; this new Google feature should NOT be based on your Gmail contacts, which are typically more private than, say, your friends on Twitter or Facebook.
Free Vector Social Media Set
Social Media: Consumers Trust Their Friends Less - Advertising Age - News
It's a finding that strikes at the foundation of many a social-media marketing philosophy: Tapping into peer-to-peer networks is a way for marketers to tell authentic, credible stories to consumers whose confidence in corporate CEOs, news outlets, government officials and industry analysts has taken a beating. But according to Edelman's latest Trust Barometer, the number of people who view their friends and peers as credible sources of information about a company dropped by almost half, from 45% to 25%, since 2008.
Software house for iphone development
great lighting, texture, really smooth firm site
The Man Who Looked Into Facebook's Soul
Mega Collection of The Best Free Social Media Icons for Designers
social micropayments system
Social subscription/payment system
We aim to revolutionize how people pay and get paid for content on the internet. Come, join and show the world that good content is worth some coins out of your pocket.
New micropayment website, founded by the PirateBay guys
"We aim to revolutionize how people pay and get paid for content on the internet. Come, join and show the world that good content is worth some coins out of your pocket."
SXSW09: The Future Of Social Networks
Charlene Li presentation at SXSW09
SXSW presentation
reddit all -- customizable front page of the internet and epic waster of time
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Funny videos
Social Radar Top 50 Social Brands (March 2009) | Buzz Study
Weber Clients include Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft XBox, General Motors,
Keeping up with online conversations can be a daunting task. As a freelance consultant, I not only need to keep up with what people are saying about me and my company, but I also need to monitor the latest industry trends to learn new skills and stay relevant. While wearing my blogging hat, I also have to keep up with conversations that would be interesting to web workers for this blog, or relevant for people building online communities for my own blog.
The Social Radar Top 50 measures the most social brands by the number of unique topics of conversation.
Twitter tops the list
How to Sync Facebook Events with Google Calendar
For those out there who use Google and Facebook to manage events and calendaring, here’s another how-to that might not only make your busy lives a little less complicated, but will relieve you of the pain of having to keep up between multiple calendars.
facebook tech tip
mySociety » Blog Archive » Top 5 Internet Priorities for the Next Government (any next Government)
Top 5 priorities - a year ago and still valid
The most scary thing about the Internet for your government is not pedophiles, terrorists or viruses, whatever you may have read in the papers. It is the danger of your administration being silently obsoleted by the lightening pace at which the Internet changes expectations.
RT @timoreilly: MySociety's top 5 Internet priorities for government is, as expected, right on. [from]
Google Buzz Has Completely Changed the Game: Here’s How
In a few months, few will remember these privacy snafus. Just as people have forgotten about the Facebook News Feed fiasco and other Facebook disasters, people will forgive and forget about Buzz’s initial privacy concerns.
Web Strategy Matrix: Google Buzz vs Facebook vs MySpace vs Twitter (Feb 2010) « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
great comparative look at the current competing technologies.
Lack Of Signal In A Sea of Noise There’s an incredible amount of media and blogger noise about social networks, yet most focus on “killer app” hype without an objective point of view. My career mission? To cut out the hype and help companies make sense of what to do. For those fraught with information overload, this definitive matrix distills what matters. Situation: New Contender Shakes Up Industry Google has entered the social networking play with “Buzz”, and by the look of it, this time it’s for real. There’s a lot of market confusion on how they could stack up, so here’s my take. Let’s cut the noise and get to the heart of it with a comparison matrix based upon my insights talking to these companies in formal briefings, observations, as a user, my former research and dealing with the brands trying to reach them. Executive Summary: Brands Must Stay Focused On Where Customers Already Are Google’s entrance causes media havoc but web strategists should stay focused. Find out
Social Media and Social Networking
Analytikern Jeremiah Owyang ställer upp Buzz, Facebook, Twitter och MySpace i en matris där styrkor och svagheter rankas.
Is ChatRoulette the Future of the Internet or Its Distant Past? -- New York Magazine
The first time I entered ChatRoulette—a new website that brings you face-to-face, via webcam, with an endless stream of random strangers all over the world—I was primed for a full-on Walt Whitman experience: an ecstatic surrender to the miraculous variety and abundance of humankind. The site was only a few months old, but its population was beginning to explode in a way that suggested serious viral potential: 300 users in December had grown to 10,000 by the beginning of February. Although big media outlets had yet to cover it, smallish blogs were full of huzzahs. The blog Asylum called ChatRoulette its favorite site since YouTube; another, The Frisky, called it “the Holy Grail of all Internet fun.” Everyone seemed to agree that it was intensely addictive—one of those gloriously simple ideas that manages to harness the crazy power of the Internet in a potentially revolutionary way.
I found myself fantasizing about a curated version of ChatRoulette—powered maybe by Google’s massive server farms—that would allow users to set all kinds of filters: age, interest, language, location. One afternoon I might choose to be thrown randomly into a pool of English-speaking thirtysomething non-masturbators who like to read poetry. Another night I might want to talk to Jets fans. Another night I might want to just strip away all the filters and see what happens. The site could even keep stats, like YouTube, so you could see the most popular chatters in any given demographic. I could get very happily addicted to a site like that. Read more: Is ChatRoulette the Future of the Internet or Its Distant Past? -- New York Magazine
"Eventually, I realized that clicking “next” was not so much a rejection as it was pure curiosity, like riding a train past an apartment building at night, looking briefly into as many lit windows as possible."
Why Brands are Becoming Media
Programing the social web around a brand requires a consistent flow of engaging social objects. Here's why smart social content should be a major priority.
BBC tells news staff to embrace social media | Media |
if its important enough forJournalists to use....perhaps communications folks should follow along :-)
BBC news journalists have been told to use social media as a primary source of information by Peter Horrocks, the new director of BBC Global News who took over last week. He said it was important for editorial staff to make better use of social media and become more collaborative in producing stories.
BBC news journalists have been told to use social media as a primary source of information by Peter Horrocks, the new director of BBC Global News who took over last week BBC tells news staff to embrace social media |&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;Media |&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;
BBC news journalists have been told to use social media as a primary source of information by Peter Horrocks, the new director of BBC Global News who took over last week
"BBC news journalists have been told to use social media as a primary source of information by Peter Horrocks, the new director of BBC Global News who took over last week. He said it was important for editorial staff to make better use of social media and become more collaborative in producing stories."
BBC tells news staff to embrace social media
BBC NEWS | Magazine | What's the ideal number of friends?
The average number is about 150, says leading anthropologist Robin Dunbar.
You can have friends because of what you do together or enjoy something together like football or shopping, but they're not as profound friends as those who you love for themselves because of something in their character.
Having more friends leads to earning more.
They usually consist of an inner circle of five "core" people and an additional layer of 10, he says. That makes 15 people - some will probably be family members - who are your central group and then outside that, there's another 35 in the next circle and another 100 on the outside. And that's one person's social world.
Attention Facebook users with 500+ friends: You are lying.
What's the ideal number of friends?
Facebook Sending More Traffic Than Google to Some Sites - Advertising Age - Digital
Om vad som driver trafik.
Marketers spend billions to attract search traffic from Google, but late last year Facebook started becoming a bigger source of traffic for some large websites, according to analytics firm Hitwise.
人の流れがsearchからじゃなく、social mediaからに変わる傾向か。
Facebook directs more online users than Google
According to Web measurement firm Compete Inc., Facebook has passed search-engine giant Google to become the top source for traffic to major portals like Yahoo and MSN, and is among the leaders for other types of sites.
Is social media becoming more important than search engine ?
Study: Ages of social network users | Royal Pingdom
Hmm ... what should one think when your age is well above the averages?
Age of people using various social networks
Some interesting demographics on social network users
Study: Ages of social network users
Please Rob Me
RT @hdmoore: Hilarious: ( sharing your location isn't always smart )
je kon er op wachten he.
The internet has everything!
The danger is publicly telling people where you are. This is because it leaves one place you're definitely not... home. So here we are; on one end we're leaving lights on when we're going on a holiday, and on the other we're telling everybody on the internet we're not home. It gets even worse if you have "friends" who want to colonize your house. That means they have to enter your address, to tell everyone where they are. Your address.. on the internet.. Now you know what to do when people reach for their phone as soon as they enter your home. That's right, slap them across the face.
The Buzz Starts Here: Finding the First Mouth for Word-of-Mouth Marketing - Knowledge@Wharton
Call it viral, buzz or word-of-mouth advertising: Getting customers to spread the word about a new product through their social or professional networks is a hot strategy in the marketing world. Its proponents insist that the technique -- whether online or face-to-face -- is sure to boost a company's return on investment (ROI).
research papers or on conference speaker lists. "Physician 184 was self-effacing. He did not want to stand on a soap box," said Van den Bulte. "He was respected, but not in a flashy fashion. He was the opposite of a rock star."
The Buzz Starts Here: Finding the First Mouth for Word-of-Mouth Marketing
Knowledge@Wharton Marketing Research ArticleView Article on Knowledge@Wharton Mobile
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | What's the ideal number of friends?
The more friends you have, the more you earn, says a study. But modern life can allow little time to maintain meaningful relationships, so what's the optimum number of friends?
The 39 Social Media Tools I'll Use Today | Blogging and Content Creation | Social Media Consulting - Convince & Convert
I don’t feel the need to experiment with every new piece of software that emerges from its chrysalis, but I do feel a responsibility to you and my clients to have some idea of what’s out there and what’s worthwhile. Also, at my social media speaking engagements hither and yon I’m often asked what tools I use. So, I took a personal inventory and created this overview of the 39 social media tools I use daily
The 39 Social Media Tools I'll Use Today | Blogging and Content Creation | Social Media Consulting - Convince & Convert -
social media tools
7 Superb Social Plugins for WordPress
7 Superb Social Plugins for WordPress
How to Build a Facebook Landing Page for Your Business : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum
The Rush to Social Networks - eMarketer
The Rush to Social Networks
The Rush to Social Networks FEBRUARY 9, 2009 Plenty of users, but marketers can’t yet take them to the bank. The social networking audience is growing rapidly. eMarketer estimates that in 2008 nearly 80 million people, 41% of the US Internet user population, visited social network sites at least once a month, an 11% increase from 2007. By 2013, an estimated 52% of Internet users will be regular social network visitors. “The steady stream of social network updates and news is now a weekly—or even daily—habit for many online users,” says Debra Aho Williamson, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report, Social Networks: Five Consumer Trends for 2009. “That stickiness is good news for social networks.” Good news because social networks have yet to develop viable revenue models. But there is still time. “Social network usage is not tapering off—it is growing,” Ms. Williamson says. “Not only are more consumers joining social networks, but their level of involvement is deepe
Plenty of users, but marketers can’t yet take them to the bank. The social networking audience is growing rapidly. eMarketer estimates that in 2008 nearly 80 million people, 41% of the US Internet user population, visited social network sites at least once a month, an 11% increase from 2007
in 2008 nearly 80 million people, 41% of the US Internet user population, visited social network sites at least once a month, an 11% increase from 2007.By 2013, an estimated 52% of Internet users will be regular social network visitors.
79.7 million people, 40% of US Internet users, will create content on social networks at least once a month in 2009, either by updating a profile or communicating publicly.
PR 2.0: The Ties that Bind Us - Visualizing Relationships on Twitter and Social Networks
New Facebook Friend Lists filters in the design update will be interesting; [from]
nueva pagina de inicio de facebook [from]
In the new Facebook design, there are highlights and filters, and people will be 'thinking' instead of 'doing' things: [from]
Here's an example of the new Facebook homepage. [from]
Google Buzz Tips
MediaPost Publications Study: Brands Must Do Better in Social Media 07/13/2009
brands have to participate directly in these online discussions or face growing irrelevance, says Razorfish. But they have to bring credible voices that "need to be more engaging, personal, humble, authentic and participatory than traditional advertising images," advises the report.
great summary of the interesting new research from razorfish
Social media sites aren't where most people go to get recommendations on products and services. Even so, marketers must still try to reach consumers through social media since that's where conversations about brands are increasingly taking place. That's one of the key conclusions of a new study on social influence marketing by interactive agency Razorfish. The report released today also includes a new index developed by the firm which scores brands based on how they're being discussed online.
Evolution of the Household -
Evolution of the Household - by decade from the 1950s thru 2000
Pesquisa sobre potencial de consumo da mulher
dados sobre hábitos familiares ao longo do tempo
Social Media Today | The 39 Social Media Tools I’ll Use Today
Thanks to Krysti Wetherell for this link
One social media pro weighs in on favorite social media tools to use daily
In the World of Facebook - The New York Review of Books
Great article on facebook past, present and future.
Great overview of Facebook and MySpace. Interesting how the US military bans MySpace (where enlisted men hang out) but is OK with Facebook (officer country online)
50 Social Sites That Every Business Needs a P | Marketing |
If your business limits its online presence to advertising banners and blogging, it's missing out. The Internet provides powerful networking opportunities that allow users to effectively target their audience by logging on to social sites like LinkedIn, Digg and more.
Activity-Centered Design - Bokardo
HOW TO: Deal With Negative Feedback in Social Media
Answers the questions that causes the most hesitation when organizations think about adopting social media!
However, when you open the conversation up to anyone, you can also potentially invite negative criticism that you need to be prepared to deal with. Here’s a quick guide to dealing with negative feedback on social media.
social media
5 Fantastic Facebook Fan Page Ideas to Learn From : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum
So your biz is on Facebook, and brand engagement is up thanks to some savvy social media strategy. You might even be interested in further distinguishing your brand by building a custom landing page for your business account.
So your business is on Facebook, and brand engagement is up thanks to some savvy social media strategy. You might even be interested in further distinguishing your brand by building a custom landing page for your account.
5 Tips for Creating, Promoting and Managing a LinkedIn Group
5 Tips for Creating, Promoting and Managing a LinkedIn Group
Zentact - Network Better
as browse send links to friends
related to BIL
Zentact will help you network better and build relationships.
Four Ways of Looking at Twitter - Research - Harvard Business Review
I'm very much a visual learner, so I'm a sucker for data visualization tools. Here's a cool take on the subject in relation to Twitter activity. Before you roll your eyes and groan, check it out first.
Nice visualizations
Twitter visualization tools and tips
15 Way Cool Social Networking Sites You Never Heard Of
MySpace is so 2003 while Twitter remains a mystery for most college students. As for Facebook, have you tired of a site where people you barely know send you stuffed animals and flowers yet? There are hundreds of social networking sites where you
some of this are really cool sites to visit, like Geni, create a geneological tree for free, only family views it.
15 Way Cool Social Networking Sites You Never Heard Of: There are hundreds of social networking site... [from]
20 Fresh Sets of Free Icons for Web Designers | Freebies
The Science of Building Trust With Social Media
Como establecer la verdad cuando nuestra identidad online esta poco mas que un avatar y pocas lineas de texto?
Few, if any, educational institutes teach the art of proper digital communication. Most of us have simply made up an impromptu strategy and crossed our fingers in the hopes that disaster doesn’t strike. With a bit of help from our friends in the fields of psychology and information technology, we can apply the age-old intuitions of face-to-face conversation to whatever advances in technology come our way.
Alright, so we keep talking about how government agencies need to gain the trust of our communities so they'll follow our recommendations. In the same breath, we declare that social media will be that silver bullet that will make everyone believe what we say and will allow our response/outreach/efforts to succeed beyond our wildest dreams. Turns out there's some research into how that actually happens. Take note and maybe your next response will be met with open ears and not wary eyes.
소셜미디어의 핵심은 진정성, 동영상으로 사례 설명한 부분이 인상적
The top 100 most mentioned brands on Twitter - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic
Revolution teamed up with i-level's social media agency Jam to reveal the 100 most mentioned brands on Twitter and how they are aiming to capitalise on the buzz. Brand Mentions Followers Twitter 1 Starbucks 3.37m 120,868 @Starbucks 2 Google 1.01m 307,342 @Google 3 BBC 703,000 15.777 @bbcnews 4 Apple 512,110 None 5 AIG 455,000 None 6 Amazon 245,760 1007 @amazon 7 Microsoft 221,000 None 8 Guardian 211,000 14,913 @guardiannews 9 Dell 185,000 287,575 10 Coca-Cola 135,600 None 11 Ford 130,000 2,256 @ford 12 Sony PlayStation 117,550 20,651 @SonyPlayStation 13 eBay 107,000 1329 @ebayUK 14 Sony 107,000 None 15 Disney 106,000 7,354 @wdwnews 16 Yahoo! 94,500 9,541 @yahoo 17 Sky 74,370 10,248 @SkyNews 18 IKEA 72,300 None 19 IBM 70,400 1,180 @ibmevents 20 Nokia 68,100 None 21 Ford Scott Monty 62,600 16,562 @scottmonty 22 Guinness 59,700 None 23 HP 56,720 1,682 @hpnews 24 ComCast 50,400 14,688 @comcastcares 25 Skittles 48,600 None 26 Canon 48,200 605 @canon 27 McDonald's 45,340 234 @MON
Las 100 marcas más mencionadas en Twitter
ManageTwitter - Fast & Easy Unfollowing
Good follow management tool for Twitter
Twitter Account Management
13 Ways to Move Your Facebook Fans to Action | Social Media Examiner
average article but adding it for completeness
5 Fantastic Facebook Fan Page Ideas to Learn From
Here are five fantastic Facebook Fan Page ideas your small business can learn from.
[object Object]
A Collection of Social Network Stats for 2010 « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
For the third year running (see 2008, 2009) I'm going to aggregate stats in the social networking space on a single blog post, and update it through the year.  Data fiends should bookmark this post for future reference. Stats are important –but
Social network stats collection from Owyang - updated throughout the year
BetterMe - Send private, anonymous feedback to coworkers, classmates, and friends.
"Give private, anonymous feedback. Go ahead... say what you really think. " Send private, anonymous feedback to coworkers, classmates, and friends.
Send private, anonymous feedback to coworkers, classmates, and friends.
16 Free Must-Read eBooks About Social Media | pamorama
16 social media ebooks van Pamorama, blog
Llibres recomanats sobre social media
Social Media Today | The 10 Social Media Metrics Your Company Should Monitor
The 10 Social Media Metrics Your Company Should Monitor
10 reasons to avoid talking on the phone - The Oatmeal
via kottke
Demolistic | Create, rank, and discuss lists
List-building community. Ever come across a "Top 20 X" or "Worst 10 Y" list that you totally disagreed with? What if you could edit the list right on the spot and make your opinion heard? Demolistic allows you to do just that, and much more.
Sito realizzato con CakePHP
Personal Data Mining | Creativity Online
Nice piece on the growing trend of data design or data visualization.
Marketers Embrace Twitter over Facebook - eMarketer
"Marketers Embrace #Twitter over Facebook - eMarketer"
Only 54% of Fortune 100 on Twitter
Some recent study info on social media: A recent study which looked at corporate blogs, Twitter accounts and Facebook profiles, about one-fifth of Fortune 100 firms only used one of the three channels. Those companies were overwhelmingly likely to choose Twitter (76%) over Facebook (14%) or blogging (10%).
Web 3.0 Might Be Really Stupid
@marshallk: "talking about an old classic post with MySpace on phone: Web 3.0 Might Be Really Stupid" (from
What are you doing? How about now? Has anything changed since you started reading this blog post? Every story has a who, what, where, when, and why - ...
The first version of the web was a navigable network of interconnected pages. The next version was based on easy self-publishing through blogs, video, commenting and the like. Still another big shift is believed to be underway; web applications are enabling and taking advantage of all that content to find patterns. Linked data, semantic analysis, analytics and data mining all form a layer on top of the content-web that could serve as the foundation for the next series of applications and other added value.
poste mais de 140 caracteres no twitter
Getting Social Media Approved By Your Boss » The Buzz Bin
Our final Georgetown U. Social Media for Social Good class post on the Groundswell deals specifically with Chapter 11, which discusses strategies on how to get social media improved inside the organization. Before I begin, a very special thanks to Charlene Li, who guest lectured last night via Skype (full photo set here).
good to do list when you are advocating social media
new media social web2.0 boss job approved obstacles
Social Media Today | The 10 Social Media Metrics Your Company Should Monitor
How to measure ROI from social media campaign
ROI: How to Measure Return on Investment in Social Media
Great insights on Social media & ROI [from]
ROI: How to Measure Return on Investment in Social Media
Return on engagement – the duration of time spent either in conversation or interacting with social objects, and in turn, what transpired that’s worthy of measurement. Return on participation – the metric tied to measuring and valuing the time spent participating in social media through conversations or the creation of, social objects. Return on involvement – similar to participation, marketers explored touchpoints for documenting states of interaction and tying metrics and potential return of each. Return on attention – In the attention economy, we assess the means to seize attention, hold it and as such measure the responses activities that we engender. Return on trust – A variant on measuring customer loyalty and the likelihood for referrals, a trust barometer establishes the state of trust earned in social media engagement and the prospect of generating advocacy and how it impacts future business.
Top 5 Ways to Market Your Business With LinkedIn | Social Media Examiner
The Ultimate Twitter Toolkit - Reviews by PC Magazine,2817,2347185,00.asp
The Twitter Tool Kit
Want to be a Twitter ninja? Hordes of new users are joining and dreaming up new uses for it. As they do so, Twitter is maturing into a viable alternative not just to blog platforms but to RSS readers, news aggregators, media-sharing services, and communication tools. All you have to do to unleash the full power of Twitter is follow the right users and have the right tools handy. A whole ecosystem of companies and apps has sprung up around the Twitter API, and while some of them are utterly stupid, others are incredibly useful and help you get more out of the microblogging service. These tools include desktop and mobile clients, analytics providers, and services that let you share photos and music.
Roadmap: Make Your Corporate Websites Relevant by Integrating Facebook, Google, MySpace, LinkedIn, or Twitter « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Companies must integrate customers behavior on social networks to their corporate website to increase relevancy, word of mouth, and trust. Social networks, which have your customers and prospects, have taken note, and have launched a variety of products that allows their thriving communities of buyers and prospects to connect with static corporate sites. The challenge? There are so many features available, it’s confusing to figure out what to do. Use this data as a roadmap and guide.
Finally, your corporate website can be relevant again Over the past few weeks, I’ve been conducting research to measure how different social networks allow for integration with corporate websites and their assets. Over 3 years ago, I wrote a piece on how corporate websites are becoming irrelevant, due to trusted decisions between prospects and customers taking place off the corporate site. This piece, which still gets traffic has been translated into over a dozen languages –the market recognizes that corporate sites can no longer operate as silos when customers have left.
Finally, your corporate website can be relevant again - Over the past few weeks, I've been conducting research to measure how different social networks allow for integration with corporate websites and their assets. Over 3 years ago, I wrote a piece...
Finally, your corporate website can be relevant again Over the past few weeks, I've been conducting research to measure how different social networks allow for integration with corporate websites and their assets. Over 3 years ago, I wrote a piece
Breakdown: 3 Ways Brands Are Earning –and Buying– Followers on Twitter « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Companies who don’t have iconic brands with millions of adoring fans, often have to resort to other ways to get the attention of the market. This isn’t evil, nor is it uncommon, it’s just business, and was here before the web, and will be afterwards. Don’t get mad or emotional about it, let’s break it down to understand how it’s going to work, if you’re a concerned user, use this post to figure out how to beat it. If you’re a marketer, figure out what works –and throw away what doesn’t.
35 Great Social Media Infographics | pamorama
You may have seen some of these before, but there are some new ones here.
What do you suggest?
Using data from Google to make suggetions on where you might like to go next, What Do You Suggest is an experimental and interactive environment designed to explore how we use language and search on the internet.
Ten emerging Enterprise 2.0 technologies to watch | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Some interesting BPM aspects to this: #5 is "enterprise platforms gaining a social layer", which is what I've been seeing (and presenting on) happening in BPMS for a couple of years. Also, #8, "enterprise social media workflow" is an opportunity for current BPMS vendors to get into the social space, or social media vendors to get into the BPM space.
4 Elements of a Successful Business Web Presence
To improve your business or personal profile, you must increase you web presence.
Rapportive | Making Excellent Service Scale
social CRM built into gMail
Replace ads in Gmail with the sender's contact info.
simple social CRM built into gmail
an Excellent Add-on
Cambridge UK startup Rapportive has released a Firefox and Chrome extension that will replace the ads in your Gmail with photos, biographic data and social media links, including a live display of recent Tweets, for whoever you’re corresponding with by email. It’s fantastic and takes about 2 minutes to set up.
7 Insanely Useful Ways to Search Twitter for Marketing : Marketing :: American Express OPEN Forum
As a marketing tool Twitter gets much more interesting and useful when you can filter out 99% of the junk that doesn&rsquo;t apply to your objectives = Twitter + Delicious
I'm using to automatically bookmark the URLs I tweet. Check it out! - awesomeness. Let's you automatically add links you tweet into Delicious. Only wish: add my previously tweeted links.
I'm using to automatically bookmark the URLs I tweet on Check it out!
Links in my tweets should now be automagically bookmarked in Delicious courtesy of (testing, testing, 1, 2, 3)
just enabled on my twitter feed #rememberall
Social Networking Now More Popular Than Email, Report Finds - ReadWriteWeb
Nielsen Online, an analytics firm that tracks time spent online at various websites, has issued a report finding that throughout 2008 social networking sites and blogs saw more time spent by users than personal email. While not shocking, the finding does mark an important point in the history of the web.
Social Networking Now More Popular Than Email, Report Finds (corrected link) [from]
Nielsen Online has issued a report finding that throughout 2008 social networking sites and blogs saw more time spent by users than personal email.
Facebooks growth in audience numbers - stats
Getting the Most Out of Twitter, No Posting Necessary -
"The truth is, you don’t have to post a message to get the most out of Twitter. At its best, the social medium is a perpetual, personalized news service about topics of your choosing — whether health care reform, tech news or the latest episode of “Gossip Girl” — filtered and served to you by people who care a lot about what you care a lot about. Even the most prolific users say Twitter has become more useful as a way to tap in to the discussions of the day than to broadcast their own thoughts. And once you get pulled in, you might just find you have something to say after all. Biz Stone, Twitter’s co-founder, suggests that naysayers simply log on to Twitter’s home page and search for a topic they are interested in, whether it’s their favorite sports team, the name of their company or a topic in the news. Within a minute, they understand the appeal, he said." [continues with more suggestions]
Annotated link
50 Most Powerful and Influential Men in Social Media
50 Most Powerful and Influential Men in Social Media - Ron Hudson
Top 50 guys in social media - companion list to the top 50 women in social media
These are the men I should be listening to
Projeto 10 elevado a 100
Projeto google para o recebimento de idéias em 2007
O Projeto 10100 é a convocação de ideias para mudar o mundo ajudando o maior número de pessoas possível. Vocês enviaram mais de 150.000 ideias. Escolhemos algumas finalistas. Quais delas devem se tornar realidade? Você decide.
O Projeto 10100 é a convocação de ideias para mudar o mundo ajudando o maior número de pessoas possível.
Projeto do Google em que você deve enviar uma idéia que ajude o maior número de pessoas possível.
O Projeto 10100 é a convocação de idéias para mudar o mundo ajudando o maior número de de pessoas possível.
P&G Gives Its Marketers a Crash Course in Social Media - Advertising Age - Digital
RT @TomL Fancy Social Media experiment by Procter & Gamble - [from]
now what?
social media PPT
BATAVIA, Ohio ( -- ­Procter & Gamble Co. paired 40 digital media and agency executives with 100 of its North American marketing directors in a contest to sell Tide T-shirts for charity last night as its much-awaited "Digital Hack Night" became a four-hour reality show aired largely in social media.
The Social Media Cheat Sheet
Buzzzy - A Search Engine for Buzz.
Buzzzy is a search engine for Google Buzz. We believe Google Buzz a is great source of real-time information and with Buzzzy, you no longer need to be a gmail user to find out what's really buzzin'. We've added our own take on search relevancy with some added filters which we hope you'll find useful.
moteur de recherche Google Buzz
Study: Social Media Transforming Our Influences on What to Buy - Mashable
The most recent report interviewed 17,000 people in 29 countries and is called “When did we start trusting strangers.” It conclusively proves that as we thought, social media is now directly impacting the way we buy products and services. The publishing of billions of thoughts, opinions and experiences online in the form of blog posts, videos, ratings, reviews and photos is fundamentally changing the way everybody online sources opinions on products, brands and services when they buy something.
Tom Smith, Head of Consumer Futures at Universal McCann, discusses how social media is transforming our influences on what to buy.
Mashable article on Universal McCann study tracking social media use among 17,000 Internet users, September 2008.
10 Killer Resources for Social Media Entrepreneurs | Copyblogger
Bloggers Bible
Naomi of IttyBiz is in the middle of a great series about how her blog made $176,000 so far this year through six different types of income streams. Start with the post at the bottom of the page and move to the top… great stuff.
At least half of these resources would definitely be stuff that you guys might be interested in. Whether you’re deep into social media or just getting started, there’s a resource for you in Brian’s post.
10 Gorgeous Social Media Infographics | Penn Olson
A great series of social media representations
10 Gorgeous Social Media Infographics
"Infographics make information easy to consume. Mundane Charts vs Info graphics: Although they are essentially driven by the same set of information, our eyes are more attached to the ones that give aesthetic pleasure. Below are 10 that might suit your social media taste buds."
Infographics make information easy to consume. Mundane Charts vs Info graphics: Although they are essentially driven by the same set of information, our eyes are more attached to the ones that give aesthetic pleasure. Below are 10 that might suit your social media taste buds. -
Don’t Believe these 10 Social Media Myths | Design And Marketing Blog
Social Media Marketing is Easy-
The importance of establishing a strong social media presence has been discussed to exhaustion. You know that you need to be an active user on these sites because social media can produce numerous benefits for you and your brand. Of course, as the bandwagon for social media has filled up, many myths have been spread.
PolicyTool for Social Media
PolicyTool is a policy generator that simplifies the process of creating guidelines that respect the rights of your employees while protecting your brand online
PolicyTool is a policy generator that has you answer a brief questionnaire and provides you with a complete Social Media Policy customized to your company.
Think like a statistician – without the math | FlowingData
#beinghuman #maths #math #toread How to think like a statistician without the math
Why Social Networks Are Good for the Kids
I’m not a psychologist, nor am I a parent, so let me start by saying she might be right that these sites are harmful in some cognitive way. But I think she’s wrong to assume social networking is devoid of a “cohesive narrative and long-term significance.” I can see where she’s coming from, but like a lot of people who don’t actually use these sites, she’s missing a fundamental shift from Web 1.0 chat room days to Web 2.0 social networks: Real identity.
Interesting discussion of social networking
Why social networking is good for kids
stickybits - tag your world™
attached media to any bar code
A fun and social way to attach digital content to real world objects.
Фотомоушен2 — Сообщество творческих людей.
Что-то там таккое ............... )
Why Executives Don’t “Get” Social Media | Minnov8: Minnesota Innovation in Internet and Web Technology
Your boss, executive client or any other leader with whom you’re dealing (or perhaps even you, yourself) may not intuitively understand social media. This is not because of a lack of understanding or the technical acumen to use some internet connected device and hosted software, but more likely because they don’t feel the need to put forth the effort or energy to embrace it (or why anyone else would goof with social media, for that matter). As social media continues to accelerate as a method of connecting people to one another as well as to news, information and other snippets of value, I keep thinking about people who aren’t all that social, are not inherently “connectors,” or are folks who are simply not all that interested in connecting with other people in some virtual way. Years ago I always thought not being social was, well, being antisocial. Being one of the weirdos who smell bad and can’t be trusted around small animals or children. The guys you see leaving Blockbuster on a
Good to use when talking to the c-level about SM
Your boss, executive client or any other leader with whom you're dealing (or perhaps even you, yourself) may not intuitively understand social media. This is
Your boss, executive client or any other leader with whom you’re dealing (or perhaps even you, yourself) may not intuitively understand social media. This is not because of a lack of understanding or the technical acumen to use some internet connected device and hosted software, but more likely because you don’t feel the need to put forth the effort or energy to embrace it (or why anyone else would for that matter).
The Ultimate (Fresh) Collection Of High-Quality Free Social Media Icon Sets @ SmashingApps
The Ultimate (Fresh) Collection Of High-Quality Free Social Media Icon Sets
social media icons
Social Media Today | The top ten Twitter statistics and analytics tools
not checked yet but popular topic
The Internationalization of Social Media | Brian Solis
UK: Social Network Profiles: Access = 42.6% | Users = 15.9m Photos: Access = 38.2% | Users = 15.7m Videos: Access = 11.5% | Users = 2.4m Blogging: Access = 8.4% | Users = 5.5m Micro Blogging: Access = 5.3% | Users = 4.6m
The State of Social Media Around the World 2010
Science gleans 60TB of behavior data from Everquest 2 logs - Ars Technica
WEEK 8 -- 03/10/2010
In February 2009 Dmitri Williams
4 years, 400k players ~=60TB -- about 475k/s, slightly > 1k /user/sec.
Thanks to a partnership with Sony, a team of academic researchers have obtained the largest set of data on social interactions they've ever gotten their hands on: the complete server logs of Everquest 2, which track every action performed in the game.
m psychologists to epidemiologists have wondered for some time whether online, multiplayer games might provide some ways to test concepts that are otherwise difficult to track in the real world. A Saturday morning session at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of
Food for data miners
The Rise Of The Social Nervous System -
...communication is the foundation of society, business and government. When you scale up communications, you change the world....As ever more people get connected, we see an acceleration in the way the Internet is used to coordinate action and render services from human input. We are witnessing the rise of a social nervous system.
"the Internet is, at bottom, a communications network, and communication is the foundation of society, business and government. When you scale up communications, you change the world."
Another outcome of the social nervous system is that we see the shift away from privacy as an inalienable right to an individual responsibility. In a social nervous system there will be increasing pressure to be connected 24/7 to the hive mind that is Facebook, Twitter and so on. Those who do not connect, share and collaborate will have a hard time in business and in social life. Older generations expect that digital natives will one day wish to erase all their indiscreet photos online. But I don't believe this nonstop exposure will go away as the digital natives mature. Our lives are increasingly being logged on the Internet. It is part of the trade. Given the complexity and precarious position of the modern world, getting people to genuinely reach out and touch their neighbors is a good thing but it will come at the price of reshaping our identities as part of a larger, interconnected whole.
Older generations expect that digital natives will one day wish to erase all their indiscreet photos online. But I don't believe this nonstop exposure will go away as the digital natives mature. Our lives are increasingly being logged on the Internet. It is part of the trade. Given the complexity and precarious position of the modern world, getting people to genuinely reach out and touch their neighbors is a good thing but it will come at the price of reshaping our identities as part of a larger, interconnected whole.
Create your own aMap | aMap
Great for critical thinking.
Página que permite crear mapas conceptuales colaborativos, iniciando una argumentación que otros visitantes pueden ir completando. Proporciona el código "embed" para insertar en tu blog y que otros usuarios lo vayan completando en el mismo espacio
Tarpipe: Simplify Your Social Media Workflow - ReadWriteWeb
Keeping all your social media sites updated can feel like a lot of work sometimes. Services like Pixelpipe or allow you to quickly post messages or media files to various services from one central location, but sometimes you need a more flexible and granular approach. This is where Tarpipe, a Portuguese startup, comes in. Tarpipe allows you to develop complex workflows for publishing content to multiple social media sites through an intuitive, Yahoo Pipes-like interface.
Tarpipe allows you to develop complex workflows for publishing content to multiple social media sites through an intuitive, Yahoo Pipes-like interface.
Keeping all your social media sites updated can feel like a lot of work sometimes. Services like Pixelpipe or allow you to quickly post messages or media ...
Central Alberta Regional Consortium
Lesson ideas for grades one to eight
CARC - Gives examples of how to use technology in a SS classroom
Resources: Infusion of Technology into Social Studies
Critical Challenges for grades 1-6
websites for Hotlist
Critical Challenges and technology links for the classroom.
Infusion of Technology into Social Studies
Integrating technology into the Social Studies classroom
a list of critical challenges for each grade
Critical challenge ideas
Proyecto 10 al 100
Ya se puede votar por las mejores ideas del Proyecto 10100 [from]
Proyecto de Google para celebrar los 10 años. 10 millones de dolares en premios.
Google presenta un proyecto para las mejores 100 ideas para cambiar el mundo. La votación empieza el 17 de marzo del 2009
Facebook Growth Regions and Gender Split - O'Reilly Radar
Facebook demographics as of December 2008.
See also: ,
stats on facebook
Since we began tracking Facebook demographics in late May, weekly growth has held steady, usually in the low single-digits on a percentage basis. More importantly, it's fair to say that the company has successfully expanded overseas. With close to 128M users, the share of U.S. users is down to around 30% from 35% in late May: - via Judy Decicco
Since we began tracking Facebook demographics in late May, weekly growth has held steady, usually in the low single-digits on a percentage basis. More importantly, it's fair to say that the company has successfully expanded overseas. With close to 128M users, the share of U.S. users is down to around 30% from 35% in late May:
Forget Facebook: 50 Social Sites for the Serious Student and Job Seeker - Career Overview
Forget Facebook: 50 Social Sites for the Serious Student and Job Seeker
The Five P's of Social Media--Where Do You Start? | The Ten Commandments Of Social Media | Fast Company
Everyone asks me, "Now that I'm getting a better idea of what social media is, How do I actually apply it? Where do I start?" Start with these, The Five P's of Social Media. The Five P's are
Everyone asks me, "Now that I'm getting a better idea of what social media is, How do I actually apply it? Where do I start?" Start with these, The Five P's of Social Media. The Five P's are; Profiles, Propagate, Produce, Participate, and Progress.
Facebook's Thiel Explains Failed Twitter Takeover - BusinessWeek
Failed Twitter Takeover [from]
The social network intends to grow during the downturn, but Facebook's imprecise and illiquid stock valuation limited its appeal to Twitter.
The social network intends to grow during the downturn, but Facebook's imprecise and illiquid stock valuation limited its appeal to Twitter
Business Cards: Distinguish Yourself With A Social Calling Card
Facebook, YouTube at work make better employees: study;_ylt=Ajv93cQKOzgitgxsVSCbHBsDW7oF
MELBOURNE (Reuters Life!) – Caught Twittering or on Facebook at work? It'll make you a better employee, according to an Australian study that shows surfing the Internet for fun during office hours increases productivity. The University of Melbourne study showed that people who use the Internet for personal reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive that those who do not.
Makes sense to me: "Facebook, YouTube at work make better employees: study" ( ) [from]
Social Media Leads the Future of Technology — HBS Working Knowledge
Without a doubt we are in the middle of a game change....finding simplicity in the massive complex, finding personal utility in the aggregation of information.
A dashboard concept is very important as the key to innovation, said Decker. "Increasingly, companies will find ways to leverage whatever social networks you're in, find ways to service those in ways easy for you to access, and try to go for more simplicity," she said. "Simplicity is the single thing people really want. It's going to get faster in terms of technology. There's going to be more opportunities and interconnections. "But fundamentally, removing the complexity and adding simplicity so you can easily access in an open way everything you want, and leverage a lot of social connections rather than going to multiple ones, is how the user experience will evolve.
Internet-connected televisions, social media, and the power of simplicity were all cited as launch pads for future innovation in technology
"Increasingly, companies will find ways to leverage whatever social networks you're in, find ways to service those in ways easy for you to access, and try to go for more simplicity," she said. "Simplicity is the single thing people really want. It's going to get faster in terms of technology. There's going to be more opportunities and interconnections. But fundamentally, removing the complexity and adding simplicity so you can easily access in an open way everything you want, and leverage a lot of social connections rather than going to multiple ones, is how the user experience will evolve."
tweetwrappr | gift wrap your tweets
tweetwrappr | gift wrap your tweets
@myen #Bookmarks tweetwrappr | gift wrap your tweets [from]
Você pode embrulhar seus tweets e mandar pra quem quiser!
Rapportive | Making Excellent Service Scale
Plugin per Gmail che introduce una sidebar con informazioni di chi scrive e un CRM
shows photo and social networking info in Gmail
Simple social CRM built into Gmail
Extensão que substitui anuncios do Gmail por informação do contato.
Firefox extension that replaces the ads in Gmail with profile information based on the email address of your respondent. "Where does Rapportive get its data from? We combine information from several sources; at the moment, these are Rapleaf, Gravatar and Twitter. In the future we will offer integration with many more data sources, both public (e.g. social networking sites) and private (CRM). We make a clear distinction between: * Public data, which is information that users have chosen to make public on the internet, and which anyone could find on one of the major search engines. We aggregate public data, take into account corrections and feedback, and show this information to everyone who uses Rapportive. * Private data, which is privileged information to which only you have access. In order to provide the Rapportive service, we may need to process this data behind the scenes; however, private data will never be shown or disclosed to any other Rapportive user or any third party"
"Making Sense of Privacy and Publicity"
dannah boyd keynote notes from sxsw2010 via monstro
INPROMO Social Media Planner
9 Killer Tips for Location-Based Marketing
Importante Local
Social networking has finally become something valuable for brick-and-mortar businesses. Smartphones and location-based social networks allow users to interact, share, meet up, and recommend places based on their physical coordinates. This real-world connection to social media can mean more foot traffic and profits for business owners.
5 Emerging Social Media Sites to Watch in 2010 | Social Media Examiner
Sosiaalisen median uusia sovelluksia, opas sosiaalisen median viidakossa
5 Emerging Social Media Sites to Watch in 2010 | Social Media Examiner -
Just as entrepreneurs increasingly becoming a new handle upon Myspace, Twitter, along with Facebook, the latest group of social networking sites are set to generate the sprinkle really.
6 Powerful LinkedIn Marketing Tips for Small Businesses | Social Media Examiner
how can we use linked in to help us connect to people in our industry
16 Facebook Applications to Boost Popularity of Facebook Fan Page | Social @ Blogging Tracker
16 Facebook Applications to Boost Popularity of Facebook Fan Page #facebook
Do you know there are over 20 million people join as fans of Facebook Fan Pages daily? Forget about restricting Facebook as a private network. If you can get 5% of those people to land and join your fan page, the impact will be significant. Time to boost popularity of your fan page with the right Facebook applications. I setup a fan page for Social @ Blogging Tracker 5 months ago. Since then I witnessed the wonders it did to my blog traffic, proven it’s one heck of a networking site to promote our blogs and online presence. If a Ms. Nobody like me can gain some from it, you definitely can too!
Foursquare Introduces New Tools for Businesses - Bits Blog -
Foursquare, a location-based facebook and myspace, intends to disperse a free of charge analytics application and dash panel inside the forthcoming days that will allow business people entry to an array of information and also figures regarding guests thus to their organizations.
Foursquare, a location-based myspace and facebook, intends to disperse a free stats instrument along with dash in the forthcoming weeks that could give companies usage of an array of info along with statistics about site visitors thus to their shops.
Foursquare, a location-based facebook and myspace, plans to deliver a free analytics tool and also dash panel in the arriving months that will give business owners access to an array of info as well as data regarding guests for their institutions.
Foursquare, a location-based social network, intends to deliver a free analytics device and also dash within the forthcoming days that could offer companies access to a range of information and statistics regarding site visitors recommended to their establishments.
Foursquare, a location-based myspace or facebook, plans to disperse a totally free statistics application and also instrument cluster in the forthcoming several weeks which will provide business people access to a variety of data as well as data about website visitors thus to their shops.
Foursquare, a location-based social network, intends to distribute a free stats tool and also dash inside the forthcoming several weeks that may offer business people entry to a range of information and data concerning site visitors thus to their institutions.
Foursquare, a location-based myspace or facebook, plans to send out a no cost stats device and dashboard inside arriving days which will offer business owners use of a variety of details along with statistics concerning site visitors to their establishments.
8 Easy Twitter Monitoring Ideas | Social Media Examiner
Social Media Examiner / 08.03.10
Gigantische selectie aan internationale case studies.
GAME ON: Top 5 Social Networks for Gamers
rede-social social-network gammers
GAME ON: Top 5 Social Networks for Gamers
As per Mashable. Social networks that appeal to gamers.
Five great social networking destinations for gamers to hang out online.
Building Community Sites with WordPress: 15 Plugins to Get Started - Noupe
The good news is that there are plenty of great plugins out there that can help you get your visitors more involved in your blog. Some are simple: they let your users submit content they think is useful, or make it easier to have a real discussion in comments. Others are more complex, on par with full-featured social networks like Facebook. All of them can help you create a community surrounding your blog and your content.
What Social Media Users Want [STATS]
Twitterers mostly consume news, MySpace users want games and entertainment, Facebookers are into both news and community and Digg's audience has a mixed bag of interests.
What Social Media Users Want [STATS]
How PR Pros Are Using Social Media for Real Results
Co jeszcze zrobić w Polsce
PR professionals use social media every single day to get the word out about clients, to communicate with customers and to respond to questions or problems. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social sites have quickly become important tools in a PR professional’s overall toolkit.
dooid - who are you?
En dooid podrás poner todos una breve descripcion de tu persona, tu profesion, todos tus datos de contacto, tu ubicación y enlaces a tus cuentas de twitter, facebook, blog y otros sitios donde tengas cuenta. Ademas podrás indicar ciertos datos como privados para que unicamente personas que tengan la contraseña que elijas puedan ver esa información, lo que de cierta forma protege nuestra información para que datos como teléfono celular, direccion y otros puedan ser privados hasta que la persona que los desee te los solicite. Dooid igual te genera una imagen como firma para que adjuntes a tus correos electrónicos de manera que puedas compartir tu tarjeta de presentacion virtual más facil. Cuando nos registramos Dooid nos genera una liga con tu usuario (ej: que podemos compartir con nuestros amigos e incluso anexarlo a nuestras tarjetas impresas. Ademas tambien nos proporciona el código para incluir nuestra tarjeta virtual en nuestro blog o sitio web.
who are you?
A beautiful online contact card
Why Twitter is underhyped and is probably worth five to 10 billion dollars - scobleizer's posterous
Chris Brogan's Trust Agents or Shel Israel's Twitterville.
...saying that Twitter is winning. Is winning big. Bigger than any of the tech blogs have admitted to yet. My new price for Twitter? $5 billion.
Trust Agents
Robert Scoble/Scobleizer, Aug. 30, 2009.
this might be the most important blog post on the internet right now.
How to use Twitter for Social Learning - Social Media In Learning
How to use Twitter for Social Learning
I had a number of requests to separate out my Guide to 140 Learning into how to use the different tools (Twitter, Facebook and Google Buzz), so my How to use Twitter for Social Learning is now available HERE at the C4LPT website. . However, I have reproduced the contents list below. About this Guide GETTING STARTED Getting started with Twitter Accessing and using Twitter THE BASICS Building Community Communicating with others Sharing links and resources Keeping up to date Problem solving Serendipitous learning Presentations, Events, Classes & Training Using the backchannel at an event Incorporating the backchannel in a...
Jibros — поиск людей в интернете
Поиск людей в интернете
CMO Council: Marketers Should Be in Charge of Social Media - Advertising Age - CMO Strategy
From Jenna A: Below is a great article about how the marketing departments and CMOs should own the word of mouth marketing and social media space within their company, through a survey to some of the world's top companies (i.e. J&J, P&G, etc.). The article also discusses that many of these same companies both do not understand how either of these tactics (WOM and social media) affect their brands nor the best way to track what's being said about them. Through this article, we learn that we need to help our clients better understand what we do everyday with WOM and social media and how it can and will help them. Also, we can see that our clients will be monitoring these tactics much more closely as they continue to grow, allowing us to develop better metrics, tracking methods and impressions calculations to provide the best possible programs for their needs.
One problem for marketing executives is that they're not clearly in charge now of managing the customer experience, customer loyalty or social media today, given that public-relations, sales, consumer-affairs and research-and-development departments all have a stake in those areas now.
Who in corporate America owns the consumer relationship, the customer experience, word-of-mouth or social media? The answer appears to be nobody.
"The survey of 400 executives found that 56% said their companies have no programs to track or propagate positive word-of-mouth."
Survey by the CMO Council of 400 executives. "Survey said that 56% of respondents said that their companies have no programs to track or propagate positive word-of-mouth; 59% don't compensate any employees based on improvements in customer loyalty or satisfaction; and only 30% rated their companies highly in their ability to handle or resolve customer complaints. " "Despite all the hype about social media, only 16% of respondents said their companies have any routine system in place for monitoring what people are saying about them or their brands online."
Looks at what P&G is doing to track WOM
5 Essential Apps for Your Business’s Facebook Fan Page : Technology :: American Express OPEN Forum
11 Essential Resources You May Have Missed
Catch up on the resources of the past week with these 11 post you may have missed. Topics include how-tos, app lists, and business guides.
10 Essential Social Media Tips for B2B Marketers
10 Essential Social Media Tips for B2B Marketers
Facebook and Twitter Making a Major Impact on Purchase Decisions [STATS]
Of course, those findings might be a bit overstated — many people actively seek out the brands they’re already fans of and follow or fan them on Twitter and Facebook
Social Fans More Likely to Buy - eMarketer
Statistics in early 2010
Great article with stats on why Internet users become Fans/Followers & what that relationship results in in terms of sales.
Social media marketers looking for an indication that their efforts are helping the bottom line will be encouraged by findings from Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate that social friends and followe
Social media marketers looking for an indication that their efforts are helping the bottom line will be encouraged by findings from Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate that social friends and followers feel more inclined to purchase from the brands they are fans of.
Bookmarking Site From treuemax
login to the new bookmark website to post new stories
How Twitter and Facebook Make Us More Productive | Magazine
Brendan Koerner argues that research shows that social media breaks actually boost the creativity and productivity of innovation-focused workers. He writes: "Twitter and Facebook give knowledge workers the chance to turn downtime into a game where creativity and insight are rewarded, if only with digital pats on the back."
RT @tcar Here's a great article to give your boss when they catch you slacking off on Twitter:
Contrary to recent research about social networks and efficiency, taking a break from work to read that tweet about Lady Gaga's lingerie might actually stoke creativity and enhance problem-solving skills.
Article discussing the value of "down time" in creativity, and extending the idea to Twitter, Facebook, etc.
10 Essential Design Tools for Social Media Pros
cooll suite! join all asd ad asd : deliver your content to the social web.
sync rss to publish twitter, facebook and more.
Use for blog to social network aggregation
Outil de (re)publication automatique de flux RSS sur Twitter, Facebook et LinkedIn
Service that takes an RSS feed URL and delivers updates to social media aggregators such as FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
The 7 Deadly Sins of Social Media
iPhone Zensify Keeps track of your aggregated social networks
View all your social networks in one timeline Update Facebook and Twitter simultaneously Perform custom searches within your own social graph Keep track of developing topics across your social networks Discover trends in your own social graph
ZenNews is the first of a new breed of intelligent news analysis programs - with ZenNews, you can see visualized story trends from the world’s leading news sources!/ / Highlights stories that are actively being forwarded by Twitter / Discover what's hot across all news sources / Swipe across multiple tag clouds to change news source / Compare news coverage from different sources / Browse all news in one handy timeline
11 Ways to Use Twitter to Help Your Site Go Viral
Social networking and blogs now more popular than email, says Nielsen | Technology |
RT @JesseNewhart: Social networking and blogs now more popular than email, says Nielsen: [from]
The Social Media Bubble - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review
What are the wages of relationship inflation? Three cancers eating away at the vitality of today's web. First, attention isn't allocated efficiently; people discover less what they value than what everyone else likes, right this second. Second, people invest in low-quality content. Farmville ain't exactly Casablanca. Third, and most damaging, is the ongoing weakening of the Internet as a force for good. Not only is Farmville not Casablanca, it's not Kiva either. One of the seminal examples of the promise of social media, Kiva allocates micro-credit more meaningfully. By contrast, Farmville is largely socially useless. It doesn't make kids tangibly better off; it just makes advertisers better off.
The Social Media Bubble
D u s t y T u n e s | Let your music collection see the light....
"Keep record of your entire music collection online"
Ning Exposed - Tech Company Ning Scams its Clients | Charting Stocks
Clients of Ning are outraged [Link disabled by Ning] over a decision that Ning made public last week. The software maker sent out an email to all of its clients, those who have created a social network on Ning, stating that they would email all members of all websites who use the Ning software to promote the newly designed
My 50 Most Linked To Posts |
I was just looking at something on Yahoo! Site Explorer and realized that I could pluck from it the 50 most linked to posts on my site without a lot of heavy
Chris Brogan's best blog posts...really good and helpful articles
6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Brand Yourself as a Social Media Expert | Personal Branding Blog - Dan Schawbel
If youre currently branding yourself as a social media expert, this post is mandatory reading for you. I, for one, am branded as a social media expert at EMC corporation, but thats not exactly how I want the world to see me. Whenever someone has a question about social media or requests some strategic guidance, my name comes into their minds first because its my job title, but not my personal brand. Were living in a world where everyone is starting to learn best practices in social media, whether youre in school or youre in the workforce. In the US, social networking is up 83% from a year ago.
If you’re currently branding yourself as a “social media expert,” this post is mandatory reading for you. I, for one, am branded as a “social media expert” at EMC corporation, but that’s not exactly how I want the world to see me. Whenever someone has a question about social media or requests some strategic guidance, my name comes into their minds first because it’s my job title, but not my personal brand. We’re living in a world where everyone is starting to learn best practices in social media, whether you’re in school or you’re in the workforce. In the US, social networking is up 83% from a year ago.
τι πρεπει να προσεξεις ασχολουμενος επαγγελματικα με τα social media ***
If you’re currently branding yourself as a “social media expert,” this post is mandatory reading for you. I, for one, am branded as a “social media expert” at EMC corporation, but that’s not exactly how I want the world to see me.
myJambi | Marketplace
Helps you find work.
Don’t Let Your Baby Die - How to use Social Capital to Market Your Web App | Think Vitamin
Conversation and Empowerment, No one cares about your company. They’re into their journey. .....the most powerful way to do marketing in this day and age is to build ’social capital’. It’s a lot like Karma: do good and help others and it will come back to you.
Get Smart Twitter Tools | The Get Smart Blog
directories, account mgt, blog resources, research and WordPress tools for twitter
THINK / Musings» Blog Archive » Distribution … now
"Over the past year there has been a rapid shift in social distribution online. I believe this evolution represents an important change in how people find and use things online. At betaworks I am seeing some of our companies get 15-20% of daily traffic via social distribution — and the percentage is growing. This post outlines some of the aspects of this shift that I think are most interesting. The post itself is somewhat of a collage of media and thinking."
Over the past year there has been a rapid shift in social distribution online. I believe this evolution represents an important change in how people find and use things online. At betaworks I am seeing some of our companies get 15-20% of daily traffic via social distribution — and the percentage is growing. This post outlines some of the aspects of this shift that I think are most interesting. The post itself is somewhat of a collage of media and thinking.
"A stream. A real time, flowing, dynamic stream of information — that we as users and participants can dip in and out of and whether we participate in them or simply observe we are are a part of this flow." / "Overload isnt a problem anymore since we have no choice but to acknowledge that we cant wade through all this information. This isnt an inbox we have to empty, or a page we have to get to the bottom of — its a flow of data that we can dip into at will but we cant attempt to gain an all encompassing view of it. "
information to be conceptualized as flow
Report Says Twitter Would Take 36 Years to Catch Facebook - If Facebook Stopped Growing Today - ReadWriteWeb
Marketing firm HubSpot will publish a report tomorrow on the state of Twitter at the end of 2008, based on user data the company harvested from its controversial ...
from HubSpot. / / 페이스북은 트위더보다 30배크고, 30배 빠르게 성장하고 있다. 하루 가입자만 최대 1만명. 굉장하다.
Just What is Social Media, Exactly?
Mashable site used for uni: Social media are platforms for interaction and relationships, not content and ads
maybe I should know this, but I wanted a touch up- and even though it's bias because it's not "formally" written, I think it's helpful.
"What is social media, and is social media actually media in the traditional sense of the word?"
5 Essential Apps for Your Business's Facebook Fan Page
to use and apply to fb giunti os
Coworking 101: A Brief History
Coworking 101: A Brief History
What Is The Deal With This Stupid Lighter iPhone App?
Unlike its competitors, it’s effectively leveraging location awareness and social networking/human team building instincts to create a bit of a phenomenon. The result is a viral spread.
Smule uses location and visualization on a map to make their game viral.
You can optionally share your location information with the application, and when you light it you show up on a virtual earth-like globe. France and Japan are going absolutely crazy with users, which you can see quite clearly from the virtual globe and the screenshot to the right. The longer a person keeps the lighter going (I have mine sitting here burning while I write this), the more”KiloJoules” you burn. So why is this working? I told you loyal readers back in August. Unlike its competitors, it’s effectively leveraging location awareness and social networking/human team building instincts to create a bit of a phenomenon. The result is a viral spread.
Bizarre example of a social app leading to huge viral growth
Everyone keeps talking about Smule’s virtual lighter iPhone application called Sonic Lighter.
Smule has built in social and viral features that are helping this spread like mad, and they also give this ridiculous but effective incentive to use the app all the time. France and Japan are going absolutely crazy with users, which you can see quite clearly from the virtual globe and the screenshot to the right. With 69,000 downloads * .99 cents = US$68310 US$68310 - 30% Apple takes = $47,817
15 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
We've rounded up the week's essential social media reading into a one-stop-shop for the guides, lists, interviews, and how-tos you may have missed.
We have likely found a few of the week’s essential sources, nevertheless there’s usually which possibility you have missed something which can alter the advertising and marketing or perhaps company strategy.
Twitter, As We Knew It, Is Dead
I think it’s time that we again ask ourselves the question we’ve always been asking, what is Twitter? Or more, what has Twitter become? Just like the web, twitter has undergone a profound transition.
10 Essential Rules for Brands in Social Media - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
Our process was to query data from hundreds of our brand clients to see what testable truths emerged -- and here's what we found: 10 rules that hold up across category and time.
social media great reference for measuring success
* Haven't read yet...
10 rules that hold up across category and time.
* Tip #1: Learn how to monitor your brand * Tip #2: Learn from your brand community * Tip #3: Have a game plan * Tip #4: Promote, promote, promote * Tip #5: Allow open, yet governed access for your employees
40 of the Most Useful Social Media and PR Blog Posts of Q1, 2010 (Jan - Mar)
Compiled by Adam Vincenzini  Late last year, I published my picks for the 99 most useful social media posts of 2009, a collection which was received really well. This year, I've been publishing 1
compilation of blog posts about social media.
How To Create Your Own Community Website For Free @ SmashingApps
BoonEx Community Software Experts provides free, open-source and downloadable community-building software for websites. BoonEx delivers quality software, which enables you to build any kind of website: COMMUNITY, DATING, or SOCIAL NETWORKING. BoonEx has been working on software development for more than 5 years and endeavors to develop high quality software implementing the latest internet technologies.
How To Create Your Own Community Website For Free (open-source software) [from]
How To Create Your Own Community Website For Free @ SmashingApps
10 Social Media Monitoring / Analytics tools for Measuring Social Media
Social Media ROI ? That's a weird term to many of us, right ? Many think that there is no ROI to Social Media, and while this topic is up for debate, I'm saying
social media analytics tools
TweepMe - Get Twitter Followers. - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from]
TweepMe - - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from] #FAIL [from] - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from] - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from]
RT @BertDecker RT @mashable TweepMe seems to totally misunderstand the point of Twitter. Not recommended. [from]
Gimmick or good idea? I want to find out.
This seems like an unbelievably sad effort to rapidly boost follower numbers
Zero Intelligence Agents » UPDATED: Must-Have Python Packages for Social Scientists
RT @tweetlicius: Zero Intelligence Agents » UPDATED: Must-Have Python Packages for Social Scientists -
#smjgc1 Talk about zero intellegence nice way to analyse data social networks #wiki35carib – leroyh (leroyh)
If you are a new researcher looking to get started, or experienced and willing to walk away from your lifestyle in Matlab—and licensing and training fees—then equip yourself with these 10 packages and get to it!
Matrix: Evolution of Social Media Integration and Corporate Websites « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Many Brands That Adopt Social Are 'Throwing Away' Hard Earned Traffic Many brands are jumping on the social media bandwagon, without giving proper thought about the impacts to their marketing effort.  In particular, many brands are putting 'social
Brands that arbitrarily adopt social tools may be unknowingly undermining their own efforts. Instead, first understand the full ramifications as you integrate social with your corporate website
al login systems that allow users to stay on site
Many brands are jumping on the social media bandwagon, without giving proper thought about the impacts to their marketing effort. In particular, many brands are putting ’social chicklets’ on their homepage to “Follow us on Twitter” or “Friend us on Facebook” without considering the ramifications.
Stop Throwing Traffic Away! *Matrix* Evolution of Social Media Integration and Corporate Websites – Jeremiah Owyang (jowyang)
The 6 Levels of Engagement in Online Conversations | Lateral Action
When you are engaging with your network (online or offline) who you are AND the nature and level of conversations you have will influence your level of your engagement with the other person.
Activity is not productivity - we all know that. But why do we keep engaging in activities that are not productive? One answer: Simply because it is easy to engage in activities that are not productive. This is true especially when it comes to activities that are geared towards building engagement with the other person. Sometimes, it is easy to think you are engaged when you are not even on the other person's radar. Here is the basic rule: When you are engaging with your network (online or offline) who you are AND the nature and level of conversations you have will influence your level of your engagement with the other person. The diagram above shows ONE framework that explains this relationship. As you can see, the need for creativity goes up significantly when you need higher levels of engagement Here are the levels: A. Mindless Chatter: This is basically saying whatever comes to your mind and sometimes you might get a reply (the other person may also be bored, right?) and you might
Delete 10 Facebook friends, get a free Whopper | The Social - CNET News
In a unique marketing campaign to target the Internet era, BK is asking "What would you do for a free whopper?" In this case, delete 10 Facebook friends and receive a coupon. Your future ex-friends receive notification that you sacrificed them for a Whopper.
Burger King's innovative strategy to leverage Facebook for Social Media Marketing. A Facebook App that generates a coupon for free Burger King Whopper, when someone with FB profile deletes 10 friends from their profile...
Domino's: How One YouTube Video Can Ruin a Brand - ReadWriteWeb
In terms of its social media presence, Domino's Pizza gets a lot of things right. It has a YouTube Channel, a Twitter account, and both a Facebook and MySpace profile. What Domino's could not plan for, however, was that two of its employees at a North Carolina franchise would use YouTube to broadcast a rather disgusting video that would severely damage the company's brand. Since the video first appeared, Domino's has quickly stepped up its social media presence in order to regain some positive momentum.
Domino's: How One YouTube Video Can Ruin a Brand [from]
Twittelicious - The most delicious Twitter pages out there!
tipo um delicious para twitter
tipo um delicious do twitter
A digg-style system for storing and ranking tweets.
All the content here is user selected and voted. <br><br> Have you found an interesting Twitter page or post? Share it with us!<br><br><b>Follow us on twitter</b><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a>
Facebook, Twitter, other social media help drive business for small firms --,0,7593202.story
Facebook, Twitter, other social media help drive business for ... - Chicago Tribune [from]
While most digital media cost little to use, they do require an investment of time, something many small-business owners are short on. That's why small businesses are turning to experts for help keeping up with blog entries, Facebook announcements and Twitter tweets. "Go where your customers already are. Social media is not about being the first one into some new technology." Businesses should avoid using the hard sell, because participating in social media is like participating in a casual conversation. "Nobody wants a salesman in the middle of their conversation." One simple technique for building relationships involves responding to positive mentions by saying "thank you" and following up on negative mentions with an apology and a solution to the problem. "If someone is unhappy and you say, 'I'm sorry. I'd like to fix it,' those things add up pretty fast."
Seth's Blog: Intentionally building communities (More hallway!)
Intentionally building communities (More hallway!) /Seth's Blog/ - If you think about the tribes you belong ... [from]
The challenge is to look at the rituals and events in your organization (freshman orientation or weekly status meetings or online forums) and figure out how amplify the real reason they exist even if it means abandoning some of the time-honored tasks you've embraced. Going around in a circle saying everyone's name doesn't build a tribe. But neither does sitting through a boring powerpoint. Working side by side doing something that matters under adverse conditions... that's what we need.
Working side by side doing something that matters under adverse conditions... that's what we need.
Measuring What Really Works on Twitter: Post Timing and Headlines
Great article
RT @zaibatsu: Measuring What Really Works on Twitter: Post Timing and Headlines PLZ RT [from]
I like data and enhancing performance through following the numbers. I use half a dozen tools to track metrics on this blog, and I have similarly used to track click-through on Twitter links, demographic and geographic splits, etc.. I find retweets interesting, but only to the extent that they attract meaningful attention (not just impressions), which can be approximated with clicks on embedded links. In the last two weeks, I’ve found to be more reliable and robust than
blog on twittering
How to Use Friendfeed as a Collaborative Business Tool |
Çıktı alınacak
The social media aggregation software, Friendfeed has much more value than one might originally think. The tool lets you add several disparate parts of your social web use into one spot (it collects your blog, your Flickr account, your event list, your bookmarks, etc).
The social media aggregation software, Friendfeed has much more value than one might originally think. The tool lets you add several disparate parts of your social web use into one spot (it collects your blog, your Flickr account, your event list, your bookmarks, etc). Most people use this as a way to share a more enriched experience with friends and colleagues. But I think there’s a business opportunity in using the tool for collaborative business. Remember, Friendfeed can collect your status information, your presence, media from several sources, your bookmarks. There are many ways to use that. Here’s one set of use cases to consider for that purpose.
The social media aggregation software, Friendfeed has much more value than one might originally think. The tool lets you add several disparate parts of your
Small Businesses Get Social - eMarketer
According to a study by Sage Software and AMI-Partners, more than 260,000 small businesses in the US and Canada employ social networking tactics.
BBQ Chain Smokey Bones Turns Staff Into Social Media Hosts - Advertising Age - Digital
RT @Avinio: How to Make Your Employees the Voice of Your Brand Online [from]
BBQ chain created a site where employees ares hostess - facebook and myspace
Big Business should take a page from this highly effective integrated social web program playbook - great stats!
Smokey Bones, a BBQ restaurant chain, has given some of its employees second jobs -- as its social marketers.
Interview With Andrew Keen At The Next Web 2009: “Web 2.0 Is F*Cked”
The funny irony here is that Keen keeps pushing to see technology as fragmentation and individualism against notions such as McLuhan's "global village." He does suggest that twitter represents an age of radical inegalitarianism, and this is interesting, but tends to ignore the social collaborative projects dynamic technologies make possible.
bat shit crazy but interesting pov
Interview With Andrew Keen At The Next Web 2009: “Web 2.0 Is F*Cked” 157 Comments by Robin Wauters on April 16, 2009 TechCrunch Europe’s Mike Butcher and I just finished conducting a short video interview with entrepreneur and author Andrew Keen about the end of Web 2.0 and the dawn of a new age of individualism, driven primarily by Twitter.
TechCrunch Europe's Mike Butcher and I just finished conducting a short video interview with entrepreneur and author Andrew Keen about the end of ...
Next Web in Amsterdam
food for thought
10 Outstanding Social Media Infographics | @NowSourcing.Com
RT @Inma_Eiroa: RT @MarAbad: 10 infografías de redes sociales
Social media infographics
Facebook platform developers could see $500M in revenue this year » VentureBeat
A growing number of game makers on Facebook are making money from virtual goods — from poker chips to virtual clothes that users can buy or earn while playing gaming applications with their friends on Facebook. The combined ecosystem of these game developers and other companies supplying services to them could generate half a billion dollars in revenue in 2009.
Dribbble - What are you working on?
What are you working on?
HOW TO: Use Twitter on the Go
We’ve written about some very specific applications for different mobile devices, and now we want to tell you how to be a power Twitter user on any mobile device with a browser, and how to post your tweets safely and hands free while on the go.
We’ve written about some very specific applications for different mobile devices, and now we want to tell you how to be a power Twitter user on any mobile device with a browser, and how to post your tweets safely and hands free while on the go. Matt Singley is a business process advisor that focuses on social media and UGC sociology. He authors a blog at Singley’s Blog Thoughts.
Top 10 Open-Source Platforms to Build Your Own Social Network | Dzine Blog
Gute Übersicht!
Hey Businesses! Social Media Users Want Your Attention - ReadWriteWeb
Out of the 85% of users who want companies to have a presence in social media, 34% want companies to actively interact with them and 51% want companies to interact with them as needed or by request. 8% think companies should only be passively involved on social media and 7% think companies should not be involved at all.
85% of Americans using social media think companies should have an active presence in the social media environment. What's even more interesting is that those users actually want the companies to interact with them while there. Change the Game is the premiere online destination for men's fashion, sports, autos, gear, entertainment and more
A news outlet for technology, sports, and entertainment.
Conversation Agent: Obama's Social Media Campaign
The slide deck .. is by the talented Rahaf Harfoush - I share her passion for learning, developing, testing, and executing ideas, thinking in terms of possibility, and surrounding myself with interested people. Are these some of the essential qualities of a marketer 2.0? Plus Edelman Digital and Blue State Digital.
The rise and rise of Twitter | Technology |
The Guardian has a huge number of Twitter review articles - most of which are excellent.
Could Twitter really become 'the consciousness of the planet', or is it merely 'this year's Facebook'?
Why Every Company is a Media Company
Why Every Company is a Media Company
Some good examples of non-media companies producing great content - author manages *not* to quote Clay Shirky
Smart businesses like 37 Signals, Whole Foods and, to a lesser extent, Craigie on Main, are beginning to produce content that’s less about their product and more about topics that their customers gravitate to.
Smart businesses like 37 Signals and Whole Foods are producing content that's less about their product and more about topics that their customers gravitate to.
12 Social Media Secrets From World’s Top Superstars | Social Media Examiner
12 Social Media Secrets From World’s Top Superstars #socialmedia
12 Social Media Secrets From World’s Top Superstars #socialmedia #yam
How to be a Twitter all-star -
twitter media
On Twitter, what really matters is how you play the game. It's still early in the first inning, and if you haven't already, now is the time to get off the bench. Here's how.
The FWA - 50 Millionth Site Visit Celebration
facebook connect, thefwa, social media facebook connects to the fwa
Personal fitness that revolves around you - FitOrbit
HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Digg
Since its launch in 2004, Digg (Digg reviews) has attracted more than 30 million unique visitors and 327 million page views per month. Its social bookmarking features allow users to submit their favorite pictures, videos, and articles to be voted on by their peers. The most popular and relevant of which, based on Digg’s algorithm, are promoted to the front page for all visitors to see.
HOW TO: Get the Most Out of Digg
Keith Starky Explains Twitter
Sparsely kept up, but a funny blog by a good writer at a University in Indiana.
Keith Starky, »leading researcher in the field of Advanced Sparse-Tree Social Networking Systems from Washington Polytechnical Institute in Indianapolis, Indiana« (wer da noch nicht grinst, ist selber schuld) spießt im unnachahmlichen pseudo-wissenschaftlichen Duktus die Absurditäten aus der Tweet-Masse. Sehr, sehr (sagte ich schon: sehr?) lesenswert.
"This 'weblog' is part of his ongoing research in humor propagation and fluid reputation dynamics."
Social Networks and 40-Something Women - eMarketer
Schneier on Security: The Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective Terrorists
Most counterterrorism policies fail, not because of tactical problems, but because of a fundamental misunderstanding of what motivates terrorists in the first place. If we're ever going to defeat terrorism, we need to understand what drives people to become terrorists in the first place.
"Conventional wisdom holds that terrorism is inherently political, and that people become terrorists for political reasons...Max Abrahms, a predoctoral fellow at Stanford, argues that this model is wrong, and discusses seven habits observed in terrorist groups that contradict the theory that terrorists are political maximizers...Abrahms has an alternative model to explain all this: People turn to terrorism for social solidarity."
Abrahms has an alternative model to explain all this: People turn to terrorism for social solidarity. He theorizes that people join terrorist organizations worldwide in order to be part of a community, much like the reason inner-city youths join gangs in the United States. The evidence supports this. [[Some of the comments are very intriguing as well. —Ed.]]
Most counterterrorism policies fail, not because of tactical problems, but because of a fundamental misunderstanding of what motivates terrorists in the first place—by Bruce Schneier
Tools and Metrics You Need to Measure and Monitor Social Media Success
If you want to be able to track the success of a social media campaign (and for that matter any online marketing campaign) you have to benchmark and measure
Keep in mind that there plenty of other things to measure that don’t have a specific quantifiable number, however the focus of this post is just on quantifiable metrics and the tools to measure those metrics.
Habitat Chronicles: Smart people can rationalize anything
Smart people are good if you need to do a lot of really hard things, and we did a lot of really hard things. But it's not all upside. For one thing, smart people tend to systematically overestimate the value of being smart. In fact, it is really valuable, but they still tend to weight it too heavily compared to other virtues you might also value, such as consistency, focus, attentiveness to the emotional needs of your customers, and so on. One of the problems with really smart people is that they can talk themselves into anything. And often they can talk you into it with them. And if you're smart yourself, you can talk them into stuff. The tendency to drift and lack of focus can be really extreme unless you have a few slower people in the group to act as a kind of intellectual ballast.
interesting insight into people and psychology
Definitive Guide to Word of Mouth Marketing - Left The Box
Mooi overzichtelijk artikel over Womma
What is Word of Mouth Marketing Why Word of Mouth Marketing is Important - Pitfalls of Advertising - During Product Creation Elements of Word of Mouth
East Bay Express | News | Yelp and the Business of Extortion 2.0
Yelp - is it extortion?
I guess this was the first in the series of articles detailing Yelp's shiesty biddness practices...
part 1 of 2, this is the one that got picked up by the WSJ et al. The phone calls came almost daily. It started to get creepy. "Hi, this is Mike from Yelp," the voice would say. "You've had three hundred visitors to your site this month. You've had a really good response. But you have a few bad ones at the top. I could do something about those."
Local business owners say Yelp offers to hide negative customer reviews
Adiós, clase media, adiós · ELPAÍ
HOW TO: Use Social Media for Sharing Music
Social media gives people the opportunity to find, discovery, share, and reinvent music in new and interesting ways. The following is a step-by-step guide on how to share the audio experience with friends using web-based tools.
April 2009
Seth's Blog: Brands, social, clutter and the sundae
From Seth Godin's blog. Discusses the phenomenon of "social clutter" and why traditional ad campaigns fail online.
"Traditional advertising is inherently selfish. It interrupts in order to generate money (part of which pays for more interruptions). That approach doesn't work at a cocktail party, or at a funeral or in a social network." Very interesting take.
Seth Godin blog post on brands needing to provide value with social media
Corporate Tweets and the SEC: Sometimes It’s Better To Keep Your Mouth Shut
Disclosure and the web.
Good article on corporate disclosure and social media
10% Of Twitter Users Account For 90% Of Twitter Activity
10% Of Twitter Users Account For 90% Of Twitter Activity
10% of twitter users = 90% of traffic. [from]
Digital Marketing for Advertising Agencies and PR Firms - Convince and Convert
RT @jaybaer: "Brands Must be Social Media Selfish" What are you doing to protect your social media brand? [from]
Jason Baer
Here are my 22 tips for dominating Linkedin. I put this presentation together for my good friends at Off Madison Ave in Arizona. Slides are available below via SlideShar
6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan
"6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan"
not only great high level tips but also great comments on where to start, prioritize and effect a social media marketing plan
Twitter Media
Knowledge and tools to help you use Twitter to transform media, entertainment, and journalism.
blog official
Tech Crunch says: "Twitter has just launched a new site called Twitter Media, where it’s offering media organizations and journalists some case studies and guidelines to better connect with their Twitter fans... Twitter has also launched an official Twitter Media account. The site has the description, “Knowledge and tools to help you use Twitter to transform media, entertainment, and journalism.” at the top, then gets right down to business with a series of blog posts. The first details how the Oxygen network used Twitter and other networks to hold a “social viewing party” as an episode was broadcast, which helped boost ratings 92%. (As a control the network only did this on the East Coast; the West Coast, which didn’t hold a “viewing party”, only saw a 14% increase in ratings over the previous season of the show). The site allows users to browse by media platform (tv or web); type (case studies or howto); and topics, which include API, design, legal issues, and news."
Recursos para uso de Twitter en periodismo
10 Essential Social Media Tools for B2B Marketers
Pak vás možná zaujmou tipy na vhodné nástroje pro sociální média
Follow Finder by Google
- this is a neat little idea
Find people to follow. By Google.
Twitter google
Welcome to @Anywhere |
Add follow buttons, hovercards, linkify @usernames, and build deeper integrations with "Connect to Twitter." @Anywhere promotes a more engaged user base for your site.
Integrate Twitter services in your website or web app with ease
Twitter API developer resources.
24 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
media resources
Another week down, and another chance to gather all the social media wisdom from the experts and put it to good use for your personal brand, your business, or
10 Things to Do Immediately After a Networking Event
facebook twitter linkedin combine straitgy
The true color of networking is often revealed after the event itself.
Excellent post for people to whom social networking doesn't come naturally or comfortably - would be especially good for teachers or students who are new to social media.
50+ Free Open Courseware Classes for Social Media Mavens | Best Online Colleges
50+ Free Open Courseware Classes for Social Media Mavens
Social Media and Public Relations Consulting � PR Squared
10 Tips for Social Media Marketers ...
10 Tips for Social Media Marketers 1. Every brand can be and should be “social” 2. Just get started 3. Integrated marketing vs. social media 4. Find your brand’s own path 5. Media $ versus human capital 6. Agencies play a great role, but the voice needs to be the company’s 7. Your agency needs to walk the walk 8. Get legal involved early 9. Have a crisis management plan 10. Selling the C-Suite or ROI – One of the most popular questions
Pirate Moves- Promoting Without Being That Guy |
Find causes and nonprofit experiences to help out. Showing that you’re not just a capitalist pig goes a long way.
Yahoo Conn Fishburn on social media marketing: “Bring wine to the picnic”...
Really, really nice piece. Wish I'd written it.
Logic+Emotion: Social Engagement Spectrum
Doing a bit of thinking of how to frame up some of the differences between traditional, digital and social initiatives—each has it's own set of properties, there is some overlap and there are also distinct characteristics. Thought it might help...
How Many People Actually Use Twitter?
As you no doubt have heard, Twitter’s traffic is growing at an incredible rate – the most recent numbers we’ve seen show that the microblogging service
6 Virtual Galleries for Artists
There are several virtual galleries that have become well established and recognized online and off for their professionalism, style, and incredible opportunities.
Women Who Blog - eMarketer
good stats on mom's online usage.
US stats on women and blogs
Cultivated Play: Farmville | MediaCommons
"The secret to Farmville’s popularity is neither gameplay nor aesthetics. Farmville is popular because in entangles users in a web of social obligations. When users log into Facebook, they are reminded that their neighbors have sent them gifts, posted bonuses on their walls, and helped with each others’ farms. In turn, they are obligated to return the courtesies. As the French sociologist Marcel Mauss tells us, gifts are never free: they bind the giver and receiver in a loop of reciprocity. It is rude to refuse a gift, and ruder still to not return the kindness.[11] We play Farmville, then, because we are trying to be good to one another. We play Farmville because we are polite, cultivated people."
Interesting read on social gaming, e.g. FarmVille: – Jacob Bøtter (boetter)
Cultivated Play: Farmville liszkiewicz's picture
5 Ways to Reduce Social Media Distractions and Be More Productive
RT @mashable 5 Ways to Reduce Social Media Distractions and Be More Prod..
5 Ways to Reduce Social Media Distractions and Be More Productive
Some good points about how to keep focused
PR Squared: ROI for Social Media Marketing: It's Complicated
Facebook Growth Explodes, Site Reaches 140 Million Active Users - ReadWriteWeb
Traffic and engagement statistics from Facebook in December 2008.
If there's any doubt that Facebook is rapidly becoming the next big thing in social networks, you only need look at their recent statistics. According to new reports, ...
Avec quelques 140 millions d'utilisateurs actifs, Facebook est le succès de 2008. Retour en chiffre sur le succès de l'année !
Using Psychology To Save You From Yourself : NPR
A story done on behavior economics and it's acceptance in the Obama administration.
RT @GuyKawasaki: Great piece on behavorial economics and social psychology. Must read! [from]
Human beings don't always behave rationally. Now, policymakers are using research about human decision-making to design policies to protect humans from their own poor judgment &mdash; including everything from unwanted pregnancies to failing to save for retirement.
Economic models and how unpredictable human beings mess with them.
Bobbie Johnson: Why I'm finished with 'social media' | Technology |
RT @TwURLedNewsSM Bobbie Johnson: Why I'm finished with 'social media' | Technology | - [from]
Mark Robinson Mark Robinson Postet: 24.02.2009 Fast the Guardian har tröttnat... eller i alla fall Bobbie Johnson "Nobody talks about people down the pub laughing about Bale's expletive-laden bullying as a 'social drinking sensation'. They don't call people giggling about it on the phone as a 'social telecommunications sensation'. They call it joking, or they call it gossip, because that's what people do. Whether they do it online or offline, down the pub or on Facebook doesn't matter. 'Social media' is mainstream - we don't need to claim any more victories for it. [...] Social media is people. People talk about stuff. The end."
Social media is people. People talk about stuff. Good point :)
"Social media" is mainstream - we don't need to claim any more victories for it. So, that's it. I'm sick of "social media experts". (If I know you and you are one, then obviously I'm not talking about you). I'm sick of "social media sensations". And I'm sick of social media. Social media is people. People talk about stuff. The end.
Social media is people. People talk about stuff. The end.
Nobody talks about people down the pub laughing about Bale's expletive-laden bullying as a "social drinking sensation". They don't call people giggling about it on the phone as a "social telecommunications sensation". They call it joking, or they call it gossip, because that's what people do. Whether they do it online or offline, down the pub or on Facebook doesn't matter. "Social media" is mainstream - we don't need to claim any more victories for it.
Via, perhaps (but probably not) ironically,
Bobbie Johnson has a righteous rant concluding with "Social media is people. People talk about stuff. The end." I agree wholeheartedly. But I also think there's plenty of work to be done in this area. The issue, I think, is that most studies of "social media" miss the point and do so annoyingly loudly. This is also why I'm currently looking for a term to describe what I do that isn't "social media"...
It's time to realise that we don't need to measure every event in terms of what people are doing on Facebook, YouTube or Twitter
個人の狂気を見い出すフィルタリングシステム:佐々木俊尚 ジャーナリストの視点 - CNET Japan
Introducing the Collaboration Curve - The Big Shift -
Business bloggers at Harvard Business Review discuss a variety of business topics including managing people, innovation, leadership, and more.
April 8, 2009.
Collaboration (conversation) as a mechanism for accelerating growth along the 'experience curve'
Network effects = the value of a node in a network rises exponentially as more nodes are added to it. These are called network effects
rapid leaps in performance improvement arise as participants get better faster by working with others. These leaps in performance describe the shape and power of the collaboration curve, a new force in our professional and personal lives that turns the experience curve on its side, and explains why the whole of us, working, playing, and, learning together, can often be greater than the sum of our parts.
Collaboration curves. And WoW.
Collaboration curves hold the potential to mobilize larger and more diverse groups of participants to innovate and create new value. In so doing they may also reverse the diminishing returns dynamics of the experience curve and deliver increasing returns to performance instead. The evidence for the collaboration curve is, as yet, mostly anecdotal.
Tout savoir sur Twitter et le Microblogging |
All about Twitter
Article riche sur le microblogging
Usages, services, applications... Une revue complété du phénomène de microblogging et de son outil phare Twitter
Tout savoir sur Twitter et le Microblogging
Tout savoir sur twitter [WRITTEN IN FRENCH]
The Evolution of the Social Media API
s part of Mashable’s Social Media series for developers, highlighting handy tips and resources for software developers. This series is supported by Forum Nokia’s Calling All Innovators competition.
Dit artikel beschrijft de begindagen van de APIs van sociale media, de groei van sociale netwerkplatforms en enkele van de innovatieve zaken die momenteel gebouwd worden m.b.v. deze sociale API's. Een bredere kijk dus op het concept 'API', de ontstaansgeschiedenis ervan, en een blik op wat verwacht wordt.
here did these social APIs originate, how have they evolved, and what are people going to be building in the future? This article explores some of the early days of the social media API, the growth of social networking platforms, and a few of the great innovations being
To Follow or Not to Follow; that is the Question
explication of social dynamics/etiquette, good links
establish a following policy
Unless you are a Twitter user who immediately follows everyone who follows you, we have all experienced losing Followers because, for whatever reason, we did not follow them in return. To be sure, deciding when to follow or not follow is not only a personal decision, but one which is driving a growing debate in the Blogosphere. How this debate plays out may have a profound impact on how people use Twitter and how the service will grow in the future.
My Best Advice About Social Networking |
Web Analytics for Social Media - ClickZ
Everything you learned about Web analytics three years ago is now wrong. What to measure in social media.
Web analytics, like much of the marketing world, has tended to focus on the short term, measuring marketing to do better marketing. But social media is different than transaction, and it calls for a different approach to measurement
"It's great to monitor online activity, better to develop reporting around online activity, and better yet to engage customers in their native online habitats."
via jay goulart
Facebook Developers
Social plugins enable you to provide engaging social experiences to your users with just a line of HTML. Because they are hosted by Facebook, the plugins are personalized for all users who are logged into Facebook — even if the users haven't yet signed up for your site.
Facebook Social plugins : The easiest way to add #FB to your site | La façon la + simple d'ajouter FB à votre site
HOW TO: Boost Your SEO with a YouTube Channel
VIDEO tags how to make your videos seen
HOW TO: Boost Your SEO with a YouTube Channel Come incrementare la propria SEO con un canale YouTube
5 Unique Ways to Use Twitter for Business
twitter material
The Formula for Effective Facebook Ads [REPORT]
The Formula for Effective Facebook Ads [REPORT]
Like Button - Facebook Developers
The Like button enables users to make connections to your pages and share content back to their friends on Facebook with one click. Since the content is hosted by Facebook, the button can display personalized content whether or not the user has logged into your site. For logged-in Facebook users, the button is personalized to highlight friends who have also liked the page. The basic Like button is available via a simple iframe you can drop into your page easily. A fuller-featured Like button is available via the <fb:like> XFBML tag and requires you use the JavaScript SDK. The XFBML version allows users to add a comment to their like as it is posted back to Facebook.
Code to embed 'like' button on websites
Didn't realize creating facebook like buttons is easy! Libs use them?. privacy concerns ?
Come aggiungere il bottone "like" su qualsiasi sito.
20 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
Now Trending on Mashable: "20 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed" - – Pete Cashmore (mashable)
social media tools
"Big changes in the social media landscape this week mean there’s a lot to discuss. These posts highlight all the latest and greatest tools, tips, trends, and strategies for navigating the ever-changing social waters."
How to Create a Facebook Fan Page Editorial Guide | Social Media Examiner
Artículo que explica cómo crear una página de facebook. Muy interesante
OpenLike is a protocol for sharing the things you like on the web.
RT @RobCottingham: Damned if I can figure out how to feed it an argument. But grooving on the idea behind OpenLike
RT @kanter: checking out open like code
Twollars: An Innovative Approach to Fundraising on Twitter
Twollars: An Innovative Approach to Fundraising on Twitter [from]
. When you put all this together, what do you get? A very powerful virtual-currency-meets-micropayments economy that could be a great way for charities to raise funds, individuals to (directly or indirectly) support a good cause, and businesses to raise awareness of their brand by supporting a good cause. On the other hand, since Twollars are basically free, I see certain potential for misuse; for example, a group of people can create thousands of Twitter accounts for the pure purpose of influencing the Twollar economy.
Twollars: An Innovative Approach to Fundraising on Twitter [from]
Very interesting concept. Part fundraising, part awareness campaigning...
Socialthing for Websites
# Enable everyone coming to your site to broadcast their activity to their social graph # Socialthing for Websites doesn’t require clients or plugins to be installed by the user # Deeper engagement through synchronous communication (IM and Chat)
SocialThing é da TimeWarner
Socialthing for Websites is an advanced suite of social networking services that enable site owners to keep users engaged wherever they are.
Time Spent on Facebook up 700%, but MySpace Still Tops for Video | Nielsen Wire
As theories circulate about the actual dollar value of sites like Facebook and Myspace-analysts recently placed Facebook’s worth at $10 billion-there is no question that people continue to gravitate in droves towards social networking and blog sites. In the U.S. alone, total minutes spent on social networking sites has increased 83 percent year-over-year. In fact, total minutes spent on Facebook increased nearly 700 percent year-over-year, growing from 1.7 billion minutes in April 2008 to 13.9 billion in April 2009, making it the No. 1 social networking site when ranked by total minutes for the month.
afternoon Facebook posted about how the site is growing beyond regional networks and how networks will no longer be part of the privacy settings. The rationale is that the company has grown beyond it's previous boundaries … Jun 4, 2009, 11:55 AM - In con
Top 10 Social Networking and Blog Sites Ranked by Total Minutes for April 2009 and Their Year-over-Year Percent Growth (U.S., Home and Work)
Like Button
What people you know like on the internet right now in
the aggregate of what everyone 'likes' on the internet, your friends included. just... wow. /via @samijae
interesting way to see what your friends are up to/like
The Open Graph Protocol
The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to enable any web page to have the same functionality as a Facebook Page. While many different technologies and schemas exist and could be combined together, there isn't a single technology which provides enough information to richly represent any web page within the social graph. The Open Graph protocol builds on these existing technologies and gives developers one thing to implement. Developer simplicity is a key goal of the Open Graph protocol which has informed many of the technical design decisions.
Open Graph protocol - Facebook Developers
The Open Graph protocol enables you to integrate your web pages into the social graph. It is currently designed for web pages representing profiles of real-world things — things like movies, sports teams, celebrities, and restaurants. Once your pages become objects in the graph, users can establish connections to your pages as they do with Facebook Pages. Based on the structured data you provide via the Open Graph protocol, your pages show up richly across Facebook: in user profiles, within search results and in News Feed.
ゲームメーター - あなたのゲームを管理・共有
10 Fresh Tips for Community Managers
10 Fresh Tips for Community Managers – Christophe AMALRIC (TiKris)
10 Fresh Tips for Community Managers
Nielsen: Facebook's Ads Work Pretty Well - Advertising Age - Digital
Yep, la vinculación de amigos+publicidad está funcionando.
Gives examples of how ads on Facebook actually work and you can use them to promote events through Willow
It pays to have fans on Facebook if you want your ads to work there too, according to the first public study to come out of the collaboration of Nielsen Co. and Facebook.
Частично - нюансы продвижения в фейсбуке. Что интересно.
Facebook's Ads Work Pretty Well
Social Media Demographics: Who’s Using Which Sites? / Flowtown (@flowtown)
Social media demographics whos using which sites
[illustration] Social Media Demographics / segmentation drastique de qui utilisent quoi -
21 Creative Ways To Increase Your Facebook Fanbase | Social Media Examiner
Really great list to make tweaks to a Facebook fan page from @marismith
10 Dos and Don'ts for Brands on Twitter
RT @KOttavio: 10 Dos and Don’ts for Brands on Twitter from @mashable:
This could apply to libraries & other organizations too.
In short: be professional, use grammar, be content oriented, don't get too personal, engage users who say positive things about your brand, make it a conversation
corporate Twitter how-to
From Social Media to Social Strategy - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review
Today, the meaning is the message. The "message" of the Internet's social revolution is more meaningful work, economics, politics, society, and organization.
More useful (albeit heavily sprinkled with marketing buzz words and phrases) on the best way of using social media as part of an organisation.
Ning: Failures, Lessons and Six Alternatives
We’re not sure how pricing will change over the next few weeks, but what we do know is that the dotcom-era free-for-all of apps, services and content for end users is not-so-gradually coming to a halt. In the light of economic reality, nothing is free. Someone — be it an advertiser, an administrator, an investor or an entrepreneur — is footing the bill for every one and zero that’s electronically transmitted across this great Internet of ours. And at some point, most of those folks expect to see a return on their investment.
ideas to replace NING
Alternatives to Ning
Ning, the particular community regarding support systems which boasted twenty million website visitors per month, is actually producing massive personnel cutbacks and contains declared a complete end for you to free providers for its users. People that spend on quality expert services are going to be enquired to pay for more, along with those who are having their particular myspace free of charge is going to be asked for you to fork above as well as stage journey Ning podium.
33 Blogs To Make You Social Media And Marketing Guru | Graphic and Web Design Blog
33 Blogs To Make You Social Media And Marketing Guru
Junta42 blog: 42+ Social Media and Content Marketing Predictions for 2009
Junta42 Content Marketing blog: 42+ Social Media and Content Marketing Predictions for 2009
Some people hate them, but I'm a sucker for prediction articles. The switch over to the next calendar year always provides the perfect scenario to decide what the fate of marketing will be. We reached out to the Junta42 community,...
Official Google Blog: @Twitter: Welcome to Google Friend Connect
How to Google's friend connect works with Twitter
We're trialling Friend Connect on Dogear Nation's website, will be interesting to see what the take-up is like. Predict World Events, Share Opinions, Meet Like Minded People
A social web application based around the collective prediction of future events. It is based on the concept that ‘many heads are better than one’ (also known as collective intelligence, collective reasoning, group wisdom, etc)
Predict World Events, Share Opinions, Meet Like Minded People
If you have an opinion on news or world events or if you think you can predict the future, then Nostradamical will help you publish your predictions. is a prediction market, blog and game that is run by you, the people. Anyone can sign up and publish predictions. Got an opinion on world affairs? Think you can predict the future? At Nostradamical people are sharing opinions and trying to guess what will happen next - from technology ideas, to celebrity gossip to politics and world events. It's easy, fun and a great way to publish your opinions!
Essentially Nostradamical is a fun approach to a serious topic: The ability of ‘the crowd’ to predict events with better overall success than ‘the individual’.
Johnny Holland - It’s all about interaction » Blog Archive » A Social Interaction Primer
Article discussing the frame work on social interaction design and how a 2.0 expereince needs a different way of thinking focusing on the users expectations and assumptions instead of the creators intended purpose.
The Social Media Monitoring Funnel - Social Monitoring Flowchart
Social Media Monitoring Funnel
PR Squared: Blogger Relations (and Social Media Release!) Case Study
Annotated link
We created unique angles and pitches for each and every blogger, helping them to see how and why their specific reader community would use slydial. RESULTS: In one month of blogger relations outreach, MobileSphere’s slydial service was covered in 381 blog posts. These results were the direct result of SHIFT’s blogger relations outreach, combined with the viral effect of the initial, high-profile posts.
Peter Schwartz: Facebook's Face Plant: The Poverty of Social Networks and the Death of Web 2.0
Article arguing that generic social networking such as Facebook will not last. Don't have enough information to decide whether he is right or not but worth reading
Facebook's Face Plant: The Poverty of Social Networks and the Death of Web 2.0 - The Huffington Post
Peter Schwartz has worked for Microsoft, lectured in political philosophy and is the Founder and President of an online legal publishing and database. This article is an interesting discussion of the pros and cons of Facebook and the interconnectivity these online applications allow.
Peter Schwartz explores the 'death' of Web 2.0 and how social networking is replacing the basis for business models. Schwartz also examines the decline of banner ads and the increase of advertising on Facebook and the revenue it generates. Ultimately the main focus of the article is on Facebook rather than online advertising.
The Huffington Post's Peter Schwartz claims that Web 2.0 is dead. Looking at Facebook, he asks if its business model is in trouble, and considers the risk that users will grow tired of the site.
Annotated link
Reflexiones sobre Web 2.0
How the Mind Reveals Itself in Everyday Activities
supertitious, crowd, asking for help, familiarity breeds contempt, Mondays, pets, right ear
Many fascinating insights into the human mind are hidden in the most routine activities.
Aggregation of pop-psychology articles
Good insightful articles on practical psychology
psychology blog article
MySpace shrinks as Facebook, Twitter and Bebo grab its users | Technology | The Observer
the notoriously fickle internet, where today's cultural icon is tomorrow's passing fad.
Bebo is big in the UK undermining MySpace's dominance. FB and Twitter are contributing as well.
MySpace is struggling to keep up with its burgeoning rival, Facebook. It is now only half the size of Facebook and shrank by 2% in February while Facebook increased its user base by over 16%.
The "Place for Friends" is starting to feel lonely. MySpace, the Rupert Murdoch-owned website once synonymous with social networking, is losing popularity and key staff in its biggest troubles since launching five years ago. Latest figures show that Murdoch is being beaten in the fight for social networks. MySpace suffered a drop in visitor traffic last month and is now less than half the size of its younger rival, Facebook.
The "Place for Friends" is starting to feel lonely. MySpace, the Rupert Murdoch-owned website once synonymous with social networking, is losing popularity and key staff in its biggest troubles since launching five years ago.
Staff quit social networking's former darling, now half the size of Facebook. The "Place for Friends" is starting to feel lonely. MySpace, the Rupert Murdoch-owned website once synonymous with social networking, is losing popularity and key staff in its biggest troubles since launching five years ago. Latest figures show that Murdoch is being beaten in the fight for social networks. MySpace suffered a drop in visitor traffic last month and is now less than half the size of its younger rival, Facebook. Three executives recently quit the one-time darling of the internet and there is speculation its co-founders will follow. MySpace's loss of status as the cool place to be is an object lesson in the notoriously fickle internet, where today's cultural icon is tomorrow's passing fad. From humble origins in 2003, the site led the so-called "Web 2.0" revolution in which users could create their own profile pages and share content with friends. Murdoch's purchase of MySpace for $580m was seen
Facebook's Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Since its incorporation just over five years ago, Facebook has undergone a remarkable transformation. When it started, it was a private space for communication with a group of your choice. Soon, it transformed into a platform where much of your information is public by default.
Article showing comparison of Facebook's privacy policy over the years
History of Facebook privacy erosion.
Facebook's Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline
Since its incorporation just over five years ago, Facebook has undergone a remarkable transformation. When it started, it was a private space for communication with a group of your choice. Soon, it transformed into a platform where much of your information is public by default. Today, it has become a platform where you have no choice but to make certain information public, and this public information may be shared by Facebook with its partner websites and used to target ads.
10 Twitteriffic tools -
circa March 2009
tips for twitter
Tim Ferriss: 7 Great Principles for Dealing with Haters
Dealing with negativity online can be tough, which was why we were all ears when Tim Ferriss, author of The Four Hour Work Week, took the stage at The Next Web ‘10 event in Amsterdam to discuss how to learn to love haters. While Mashable recently offered you advice on how to deal with negative feedback specifically in the social media realm, Ferriss takes the concept a step further with advice on how to contend with — and benefit from — criticism across all platforms. We caught up with Ferriss backstage at the event to find out more about his seven principles for dealing with haters. Read on for some interesting ideas and let us know which work for you — as well as your own strategies — in the comments below.
Tim Ferriss' "7 Tips for Dealing with Haters" is brilliant. I'd just add "listen well enough to know when you're wrong" – Chris Anderson (chr1sa)
BBC NEWS | Business | Bosses 'should embrace Facebook'
Companies should not dismiss staff who use social networking sites such as Facebook and Bebo at work as merely time-wasters, a Demos study suggests. Attempts to control employees' use of such software could damage firms in the long run by limiting the way staff communicate, the think tank said.
All in the Facebook family: older generations join social networks -
There are now about 1.5 million female users older than 55 on the site, the group says -- roughly a 550 percent increase over six months ago. By comparison, membership among people younger than 25 grew by less than 20 percent over the same period, Inside Facebook says.
While online social networks like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace are known hang-outs for younger adults and teenagers, older generations in recent months have been taking to the medium at a faster rate than any other age group, according to industry reports.
Facebook and elderly
See for sources of stats about Facebook, and for ifo about Facebook adoption/usage.
Women older than 55 make up the fastest-growing age group on Facebook. Expert says the site has hit a "tipping point," causing older people to join. Some older family members use the site to get in touch with younger generations. One mother says Facebook has become her family's "living room."
Online communities, etc.,731489
Trent Reznor is still cool even though he's not single man [from]
good comment below
Trent Reznor versus anonymous douchebags. "The reason no record label knows how to market anything to new media is they don't live there. They don't get it because they don't use it. What you've seen happen with the marketing and presentation of NIN over the last years is a direct result of living next to you, listening to you, consuming with you and interacting with you. Directly. There's no handlers or PR people here, it's me and my guys - that's it. There's no real plan, even - it's just trying to do the right thing that respects you the fan, the music, and me the artist. That's the goal - a mutual and shared respect. "
Trent Reznor talks about his recent social networks use, what he found difficult like trolls, ...
Faced with leaving the infrastructure of traditional record labels and figuring out what the right thing to do is in this new world - I found myself realizing that for me to have any concept of how to interact with the community and know what they might want / what they find appropriate, I need to immerse myself in that world and live it for a while.
Die Band Nine Inch Nails hat letztes Jahr den Webby für ihre innovative Webnutzung bekommen. Jetzt ist Frontsänger Trent Reznor total genervt von den Social Communies.
Nine Inch Nail's Trent Reznor explains (in a bit of a rambling rant) why he's quitting Twitter and why 'idiots rule'. Interesting take on social networking from the perspective of a celebrity.
I will be tuning out of the social networking sites because at the end of the day it's now doing more harm than good in the bigger picture and the experiment seems to have yielded a result. Idiots rule. ... With all of that said, I have business in the real world to attend to including wrapping up the live version of NIN, DOING some cool new shit and spending as much time as possible with the most amazing woman in the world. Nine Inch NailsのTrent Reznorの「残念なUSのWeb」発言である。 日本ではこうこう、それに対してアメリカではなんて、議論は成り立たないことの好例だ。リテラシーが欠如している人間は本当にどうしようもないんだ。 そして、Reznorが言っているように、なによりリアルなビジネスや生活が一番なんだ。ソーシャルwebにウツツを抜かすことよりもっと大切なモノがあるだろということだ。
A nice rant from Trent Reznor :)
Have you read this? Trent speaks out about social media sites and how they're not worth the trouble.
21 Tips for Using Twitter and Facebook for Business
Ein Excerpt von Brian Solis' neuem Buch. Damit die 381 Social Media Berater in Deutschland endlich mal wieder eine neue Präsentation machen können und Klaus Eck und Konsorten wieder viele neue "eigene" Ideen auszubreiten haben.
RT @JamieCrager 21 Tips for Using Twitter and Facebook for Business - #Engage (RT @briansolis - in case you missed it) – Javan Ng (javanng)
WordPress Leaps Into Social Networking With BuddyPress 1.0
à lire.
Automattic, the company behind WordPress (WordPress), is moving into social networking, with the 1.0 launch of BuddyPress, an installable, open source software platform that runs on your own website. The software is freely available, and can be downloaded from
How-To Permanently Delete Your Facebook Account
this seems a lot harder than it should be.
10 Essential PHP Code Snippets You Might be Looking For | DevSnippets
10 Reasons To Delete Your Facebook Account
(Jokinen Juuso, ryhmä 23) Dan Yoder kertoo 10 syytä miksi kannattaa poistaa poistaa oma Facebook -tili. Syyt ovat aikalaila samoja, kuin mitä lehdistö on Suomessakin aika-ajoin väläytellyt. Yksityisyydensuoja, Mark Zuckerberg:n historia salasanojen varastelijana ynnä muita. Valitsin tämän aiheen koska se on ajankohtainen. Facebookista on aika-ajoin haukkuja lähes joka mediassa. Jopa siinä itsessään. En itse pelkää yksityisyydensuojaani muulla tavoin, muutenkuin niin että joku toinen julkaisee kuvan jossa en ole otoisimmillani. Se etten olisi Facebookissa ei estä ketään tekemästä niin. Kun olen Facebookissa voin tarkkailla siellä minusta näkyvää sisältöä. Tekstissä arvostellaan myös, että facebook myy tietojani mainostoimistoille. Toisaalta mainostoimistot käyttävät tietojani saadakseen parhaat mahdolliset mainokset minulle. Mieluummin katson FB-sivujeni reunalla minulle mielenkiintoisia mainoksia, kuin esimerkiksi vanhojen naisten alusasujen mainoksia.
I'm really close...
I'm rocking #facebook but if you are unsure, read this -> and then to delete your account go here ->
Conversation Agent: 63 Twitter Tools and One Word of Advice
63 twitter tips on using twitter better
"Conversation Agent: 63 Twitter Tools and One Word of Advice"
There are countless tools for Twitter. Looking for a big roundup? This post provides an excellent overview of some of the most popular.
Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook - Facebook - Gizmodo
The State of Online Word of Mouth Marketing [STATS]
In a session yesterday at Forrester’s Marketing Forum, Forrester analysts Josh Bernoff and Augie Ray presented research findings on peer influence and word of mouth marketing. Some of the statistics were surprising, and the presentation was rife with practical tips for marketers we thought worth sharing.
Masable word of mouth marketing
Designing for Social Interaction - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Designing for Social Interaction Strong, Weak, and Temporary Ties By Paul Adams Senior User Experience Researcher at Google. I'm the research lead for sociability, and I work with teams building products and features for the social web. I've previously worked as a User Experience consultant at Flow (working with the BBC, The Guardian, Vodafone, London Underground, and others), and as an Industrial Designer at Dyson.
RT @timkastelle: Terrific post! Can't find who mentioned it first - Designing for Social Interaction
A Social Media Glossary » The Buzz Bin
Social media glossary from the Buzz Bin.
The Internet is a melting pot for new tools and trends, i.e. Social Media. For every new tool, new words or phrases are created. As more and more organizations struggle to embrace social media, we ended up cobbling together a quick glossary of terms for them. This is just a starter’s list based on things we’ve been asked. Please feel free to add to the list! (img from Additional resources for social media terms include Mike Sansone’s Glossary of Blogging and Social Media Terms and Social media’s A-Z of social media.
A Social Media Glossary » The Buzz Bin [from]
Good reference tool
a good glossary of sm terms
iKnow Is A Social Learning Platform That Can Really Make You Smarter. Opens API.
eLearning Poetential
Although the world market for e-learning is estimated to top $52 billion in 2010 (in 2007, revenues exceeded the $17-billion mark in the ...
Article about iKnow! an intelligent social learning platform. The platform is built upon a learning engine that is supposed to free users from sorting study materials, devising study plans, measuring learning progress and self-managing knowledge on a long-term basis. Users can set personal learning goals and let the system do the heavy lifting.
5 Tips for Making Your Business Presentations More Social
1. Create Anticipation, 2. Create a Social-Friendly Presentation, 3. Use Interactive Polling, 4. Use the Backchannel, but Wisely, 5. Keep the Conversation Going After You’ve Left the Podium
Great for press conferences, speaking opps, power points, etc
Use social tools to build buzz ahead of time, stage interactive text-message polls or get your audience talking by moderating a back-channel Twitter discussion, suggests Chuck Dietrich. "These methods allow you to connect with your audience before, during, and after you deliver your message," he adds.
Plodding through a dull PowerPoint presentation is no way to impress your audience. Seal the deal with social engagement using these 5 strategies.
nice hints for #fsln10 seminar on making presentations more social:
C-Tweet: Points to Consider for Twitter-Friendly CEOs and CMOs - Advertising Age - CMO Strategy
Talks about the increases of CEOs using twitter and other SoMe.
advice for ceo's who twitter
Convo Monitor: Where To Track Things on Twitter - Track Brands on Twitter - Track Ideas on Twitter - Track People on Twitter
Convo Monitor: Where To Track Things on Twitter - Track Brands on Twitter - Track Ideas on Twitter - Track People on Twitter
Convo Monitor is a dashboard view that allows you to track Twitter conversations about any brand, topic, word, phrase, idea, or person.
RT @steverubel Want Twitter stacks in your browser without an app? Check out this site [from]
NYTimes Appoints First Social Media Editor
The New York Times hires Jennifer Preston as its first social media editor.
RT @davewiner: NYTimes Appoints First Social Media Editor. [from]
NY Times appoints 1ST Social Media Editor (YET NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT HER) VIA @jakrose [from]
RT @mattsingley: NYTimes has hired a Social Media Editor. That's a big move for SMO [from]
RT @lebrun @jowyang: Mainstream Media Gets More Social: NYT appoints social media editor [from]
"Jennifer Preston has been appointed the first Social Media Editor of the New York Times. ... Little is known about Preston's personal use of social media, she's either using aliases or is remarkably quiet around the web, and details are still forthcoming about the new position she'll fill."
Become a Fan of Facebook Pages With a Text Message
Use SMS to become a Fan on Facebook.
Också en bra funktion – att man kan sms-a för att bli ett fan av en FB-sida. Sånt som vi kan ha nytta av när vi försöker branda våra tidningar – i själva tidningen. Men också som en del av våra försök att ge annonsörer bättre erbjudanden – vi kanske ska skapa dessa FB-sidor som en del av ett stort annonspaket och sköta om deras sidor. — Draw something and share it!
Draw something and share it!
Draw anything you like and share it instantly via email, instant messaging, Twitter, Facebook and more!
Easy way to draw and embed.
Facebook’s Gone Rogue; It’s Time for an Open Alternative | Epicenter |
Your privacy and Facebook RT @flashlight: Good read on Wired about the need for an open Facebook alternative.
Facebook is redefining what "privacy" means.
it's one thing to try to ignore big brother, but we're just giving him our keys and credit cards
RT @ryanwynia: RT @ScottMonty: RT @Dfrom82: Facebook’s Gone Rogue; It’s Time for an Open Alternative
RT @fmeichel: #diaspora RT @rosselin "Zuckerberg rêve de dominer le monde, il est temps de trouver une alternative" @daveWiner http://bi ...
Wired Magazine: Facebook's gone rogue.
facebook =/= privacy.
Thinking about quiting ole Facebook soon. Just getting tired of it. But can I do it? Is the question. Started thinking – Jabiz Raisdana (intrepidteacher)
46% of the Digg Front Page is Controlled by 50 Websites | Soshable | Social Media Blog
46% of the Digg Front Page is Controlled by 50 Websites
Recent changes and restrictions made by to encourage diversity in the range of users whose submissions reach the front page have had 2 profound results. Newer and less active users have seen their stories reach the front page, but the sources that are able to hit the front page have tightened.
"Despite tens of thousands of submissions every week, the last seven days have shown that 46.6% of the Digg front page comes from 50 websites, according to data accumulated on"
"Despite tens of thousands of submissions every week, the last seven days have shown that 46.6% of the Digg front page comes from 50 websites". A strong UK showing here - Telegraph at #1, with the Daily Mail at #9 and The Guardian at #10 [via Martin Stabe]
"Despite tens of thousands of submissions every week, the last seven days have shown that 46.6% of the Digg front page comes from 50 websites, according to data accumulated on" -- and guess who's top: the Telegraph.
Recent changes and restrictions made by to encourage diversity in the range of users whose submissions reach the front page have had 2 profound results. Newer and less active users have seen their stories reach the front page, but the sources that are able to hit the front page have tightened. Despite tens of thousands of submissions every week, the last seven days have shown that 46.6% of the Digg front page comes from 50 websites, according to data accumulated on
Twitter Support
twitter helps
The Official Twitter Commands
Submitted Nov 06, 2008 by crystal The Official Twitter Commands Did you know: you can perform certain actions, like following or marking a friend's update as a favorite, by using the designated Twitter commands? Use the commands listed below from your phone, the web update box, or your favorite third party application.
Facebook and CNN: The Power of the Social Web Revealed - ReadWriteWeb
commentary on case study cnn and facebook
A look at the use of Facebook Connect for CNN and the Obama inauguration
social-media-map.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)
join diaspora
Projeto de rede social aberta. Futuro? A se pensar...
A possible alternative to Facebook
26 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
The week gone by was loaded with essential reading, especially in the tech department. We know you’re busy, and digging through that RSS reader for all the good stuff you missed is a chore. That’s why we’ve once again gathered the Crème de la Crème in our weekly super-post. Take a weekend stroll through this garden of resources that includes a few environmentally friendly gadget guides, some killer small business advice, and an inbox master cleanse, which may be a weekend project itself.
How Small Businesses Are Using Social Media for Real Results
Social networking could be a frightening prospect for smaller businesses; not like standard marketing methods, the idea places a part of the actual information in the hands of the buyers.
Advertising and marketing is usually a scary possibility regarding small business owners; not like classic marketing methods, this places section of the actual concept within reach of the actual consumers.
Advertising and marketing can be a scary probability for small businesses; not like traditional marketing techniques, it applies a part of your concept within reach of the customers.
Social media could be a alarming possibility pertaining to smaller businesses; in contrast to standard advertising models, the idea puts portion of the actual message within reach of your customers.
Social networking could be a scary prospect pertaining to smaller businesses; not like traditional marketing methods, this puts section of the particular principles within reach of the particular buyers.
Advertising and marketing can be quite a terrifying prospect regarding small businesses; unlike conventional marketing methods, the idea applies part of the actual principles within reach of the clients.
Social media is usually a terrifying prospective client for small business owners; in contrast to standard marketing techniques, the idea sets a part of the actual concept at the disposal of the particular customers.
HOW TO: Target Social Media Influencers to Boost Traffic and Sales
excellent stuff
As this data shows, successful social media marketing isn’t simply about amassing thousands of followers, but instead precisely identifying the most influential members of your audience and recognizing them for their value. By directly engaging one influencer with exclusive opportunities, special offers, and unique content, you are indirectly engaging thousands of other people who are part of this influencer’s social sphere. Sounds pretty enticing, right? But the challenge in crafting a successful marketing program that activates influencers is two-fold. First, you have to use the right data and traffic analysis tools to find out who your most influential followers are. Second, you have to connect with these people in an authentic, “non-salesy” way, and truly build a relationship with them –- because if you overly “sell” to your influencers, you’ll burn a bridge and potentially turn your biggest fans into your worst detractors.
21 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
Indeed, it is the period again — time to dive back in the week’s worth associated with social media marketing health benefits and get up to date upon any experience it's likely you have overlooked.
Yes, it’s that time again — time to delve back into a week’s worth of social media goodness and catch up on any insights you might have overlooked. This round-up features a host of analysis and resources for social non-profits, great mobile app reviews, and some paper saving tips for your small business.
21 Essential Social Media Resources
When Skittles Met Twitter - BusinessWeek
A bold social media marketing experiment on the Mars brand's home page prompted a lively debate at the fourth annual Social Media Conference
But just two days after its launch, Skittles was forced to rethink its social media strategy after users deluged the site with inane and often profane "tweets," the messages sent by Twitter users. The Twitter feed, once prominently displayed as the home page, is now harder to find—just a small link in the corner of the screen.
Skittles decided on March 2nd that it would transfer its original homepage into it's Twitter page. This huge change shows how powerful social media has become in today's world of marketing. It is not only Skittles that is putting much of their marketing efforts into social, but thousands of other powerhouse companies are doing the same.
New comic book delivery system
5 Things That Don’t Work on Facebook Pages (and 5 That Do)
Before integrating Facebook Pages (sometimes called “Facebook Fan Pages”) into your social media marketing mix, you need to think strategically. Georgina provided a basic overview of the need for strategy in “Businesses and the Social Media Trap,” and I ranted about the problem of not understanding strategy in the first place in “It’s the Social Media Strategy Struggle.” This week, I want to discuss why people become fans of Facebook Pages in the first place. I’ll follow that with some thoughts on what doesn’t really work on Pages. After that, I’ll list some things that I believe do work, based on personal and professional experience, industry news and anecdotal information.
9 Social Media Topics that Need To Die | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
I’m agitated. This kind of publish is probably crabby. Certainly not the usual ticket. By pass it
Twitter to Launch Twitter Business Center [SCREENSHOTS]
RT @ragythomas: Twitter to Launch Twitter Business Center -
Twitter starts testing new feature called "Twitter Business Center" A business needs to activate its account (not sure if this is free/paid) It allows multiple contributors so you can have several employees operating one account Also allows you to accept DMs from everyone, even people you are not following
Facebook for Web Sites - Facebook Developers
Social Page Evaluator
7 Ways to Use Psychological Influence With Social Media Content | Social Media Examiner
One of the hallmarks of social media is content: creating it, sharing it and engaging with it. The best content in social media inspires, informs, educates or entertains (and if you’re really lucky, it does all four!). But how do you create content that goes viral? What follows are seven strategies you can employ to help your content succeed.
Among the hallmarks associated with social media will be articles: creating the idea, sharing it along with getting from it. What follows are more effective strategies it is possible to use to help your articles do well.
7 Ways to Use Psychological Influence With Social Media Content
Social media marketing with content created on the convergence of neuroscience, human psychology and group dynamics.
The Big Game, Zuckerberg and Overplaying your Hand « The Jason Calacanis Weblog
"Zuckerberg was an amoral, Asperger’s-like entrepreneur... Zuckerberg represents the best and worst aspects of entrepreneurship. His drive, skill and fearlessness are only matched by his long record–recorded in lawsuit after lawsuit–of backstabbing, stealing and cheating."
Calcanis destroys Zuckerberg
Jason Calacanis' analysis of Zuckerberg as a throat-slitting sleazeball
Last year, when I realized that Zuckerberg was an amoral, Asperger’s-like entrepreneur, I told Zynga CEO Mark Pincus that Zuckerberg would try and slit his throat. I knew this because I watched Zuckerberg screw over his users again and again in terms of privacy, and I heard about the stories of him screwing over his former employers at ConnectU and his early partners at Facebook. The money quote from Business Insider’s scoop comes from Zuckerberg himself: “they made a mistake haha. They asked me to make it for them. So I’m like delaying it so it won’t be ready until after the facebook thing comes out.” He stalled and sandbagged ConnectU–then Zuckerpunched them! Of course, the person he said this to was his partner–Eduardo Saverin–who he reportedly screwed as well.
50 Social Bookmarking Icon Sets for Bloggers – Part 2 - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Ikony dla społecznościowych serwisów
Welcome to Brandkarma
By helping each other we can make more informed buying decisions, influence business behavior and, with enough of us involved, make the world a better place - one brand at a time. Social media with a motive and it makes every1 an activist with a small "a". We believe in action – we're what we do
Sito dove le persone possono dare un rating al "karma" dei brand in ambito: planet, customers, employees, suppliers, investors
Brandkarma’s mission – ‘to help everyone make better brand choices and influence brand behavior for good’. Make the world better, one brand at a time.
let the collective speak out and make a difference. stand up and speak out!
50+ Ways to Search Twitter
Very very good ! 50+ Ways to Search #Twitter - #sm #socialmedia
zoeken op Twitter
Establish and Maintain Your Online Identity - identity management - Lifehacker
Building an online identity in clear steps
What message? The message that you're old news, you don't keep up on what's going on, and there has to be someone out there more interesting and relevant than you. If the only thing online that points to you are old blog posts from 2005 and a stale social networking profile, you might as well be walking around with a cassette player and some floodwaters on, exclaiming "We put a probe on Mars? Who's this Obama guy?"
13 Essential Social Media Lessons for B2B Marketers from the Masters
A B2B target audience is usually narrower in scope than a B2C audience. So your use of social media needs to be narrower and more focused. People buy expertise. If I had to choose a core difference between how most B2B business operate versus B2C companies, this would be it. While you might buy a box of cookies or even a digital camera because of features or taste, most B2B sales are based on demonstrating some type of expertise either in a type of service or in the category of a product that you are providing. Once you realize this fact, the lesson for using social media effectively is clear: if you can demonstrate your expertise through social media, you can have a measurable impact on your sales efforts.
Why Your Brand Needs to Be on Facebook Now
With 450 million users globally (and millions more being added each week) Facebook is dominating the web in unparalleled ways. Yet, even as the social network has steadily grown over its short but remarkable history, many brands have remained on the sidelines of the social media revolution. Facebook was the most visited site on the web for the week ending on March 13, 2010, surpassing even Google in week-long stats for the first time in history, according to Hitwise. The shift in user habits and audience targeting is palpable and it provides marketers, brand managers, issue advocates, and political campaigns today with an age old choice: Adapt and change or face irrelevance and extinction.
"Change happens. To survive it, you must anticipate it; and to be successful, you must embrace it." - – Lars Neumann (lupmac)
SeaWorld’s Whale of a Social Media Campaign
possible campaigns
This is clearly the direction where social media campaigns are headed – going beyond simply having a presence on key social sites and also doing something creative that engages customers with your brand.
7 Desktop Applications for FriendFeed - Mashable
After having done two FriendFeed (FriendFeed) lists – the top 10 Web applications for FriendFeed and 7 essential GreaseMonkey scripts for FriendFeed – we thought we’d do one more to round out the collection. Here are 7 popular desktop applications for FriendFeed that will let you comment or like an item without leaving your application window, update to FriendFeed and Twitter (Twitter), and much more. Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.
Here are 7 popular desktop applications for FriendFeed that will let you comment or like an item without leaving your application window, update to FriendFeed and Twitter (Twitter reviews), and much more.
7 Desktop Applications for FriendFeed, [from]
Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - Facebook’s Open Graph Protocol from a Web Developer’s Perspective
A great breakdown of Open Graph's potential impact on the Web and the possibilities available for developers
Really great take on why the Facebook Graph API is exciting and different than anything before it.
good overview
Four items as the key benefits to the web as a whole from the F8 announcements 1. No 24-hour caching limit 2. An API that is realtime and isn’t just about content 3. The Open Graph protocol 4. OAuth 2.0
Open Graph Protocol primer by @Carnage4Life. RDFa, social objects, semantic web & social graph all come together.
Why Facebook's Open Graph protocol is good news for the open web...
Tropicana Fresh-Squeezed Tweets!
Produced in just under 76 hours by the JESS3 team, this site was built with the Twitter community in mind during the 2008 Elections. Launching on Election Day 2008, I worked with the NMS team to get some amazing coverage for it... not to mention tweets, too :)
interesting data visualisation
Twitter + Information Visualisation + Advertising
How to Come up With Good Conversation Topics - wikiHow
Even if you know how to start a conversation and make it a good one, there's still the issue of choosing what you're going to talk about. Some topics are inappropriate in some situations, and some are just plain boring. Here are some topics to keep the conversation alive while keeping your foot out of your mouth.
OPEN Forum by American Express OPEN | | How to Use Social Media: An Interview with Lee Aase of Mayo Clinic
Lee Aase is the manager for syndication and social media for Mayo Clinic. This means he’s in charge of making in-depth health and medical news content available directly to patients and interested consumers in order to encourage feedback, dialog, and sharing of information. He is also the chancellor of Social Media University, Global (SMUG), an institution that provides training in social media. In this interview he explains how the Mayo Clinic uses social media as a marketing and communications tool.
How to Use Social Media: An Interview with Lee Aase of Mayo Clinic
33 Free Trend Tracking Tools | Traffikd
RSSmeme RSSmeme shows popular blog posts that have been shared.
tracking trends on social media - a wide variety of tools to help you out
Trend Tools!!
Report: Social Media Marketing Up During Recession
A User's Guide to Twittering -
I found this Wall Street Journal introduction really helpful. As good a starting point as any.
ARTCILE WSJ offers a nice Twitter 101 guide
Twitter overview fron Walt Mossberg
Zoofs - the video conversation right now
Zoofs - Twitter Best Videos
Zoofs The most talked about YouTube videos on Twitter in
site que mede a quantidade de vídeos vistos no youtube e tweets postados no twitter. Muito bom!
the video conversation right now
What Social Media Ad Types Work Best? [STATS]
What Social Media Ad Types Work Best? [STATS]
From Mashable
* Regardless of format, the most effective advertisements were those that were related to the content on the publisher’s website (i.e. a soup advertisement on a cooking website). * Of the seven advertising types, banner ads and newsletter links were the most successful at encouraging purchase intent. Surprisingly, the study suggests that banner ads may be the best choice for advertisers that want to push a product. However, for campaigns that want to build engagement, corporate profiles or sponsored content is the better option. | Facebook Privacy Scanner
Privacy scanner for FB
This website provides an independent and open tool for scanning your Facebook privacy settings.
Facebook Privacy Scanner Facebook privacy scanner online ! Controleer je facebookinstellingen ! – Samir Allioui (SamirAllioui)
Logic+Emotion: The Micro-Sociology of Networks
introducing the WHUFFY :-)
Finding Utility in the Jumble of Tweeted Thoughts -
Facebook Now Growing by Over 600,000 Users a Day - And New Engagement Stats
Facebook stats
Facebook se vendendo para marketing viral
Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh) « Socialnomics – Social Media Blog
21 Rules for Social Media Engagement
Most organizations already have social media guidelines and policies but do they have rules for engagement with customers ?
Tweets From the Chiefs - BusinessWeek
How CEOs are using Twitter
RT @petergold99: CEO's on Twitter. Interesting news post. [from]
Social Web Blog: A social bar for your site
Add a social bar to your web site
social web
Life is Short. Synopit.
Create - Create summaries for the lengthy articles you read by installing the bookmarklet. Simply drag the icon to the right onto your bookmarks toolbar. When you find an article, click the bookmarklet and a the submission form will pop up for you. | Revise - Improve existing Synops by adding revisions that fix grammatical errors, add important points or remove irrelevant ones, and eliminate any bias injected by the previous Synopper. | Request - By simply clicking your bookmarklet when you visit an article you are contributing. An official request for an article to be synopped is made so that others can concentrate on the most popular articles.
Click the bookmarklet to see if a summary has been created for the article
Life is Short. Synopit. みんなで記事を要約しまくろう、と呼びかけるコミュニティ。
Ce service de bookmarking social aide l'utilisateur à créer un résumé de la page qu'il enregistre.
Check in to location services Foursquare, Gowalla, Brightkite, Whrrl, and others with one service.
Qui veut tester ? #code #beta - one checkin to rule them all Endlich eine App für den Checkin bei #4sq, #gowalla, #brightkite #iphone #android #ipad #fb
Spread Your Wings- Get More Retweet Action Today |
Good Article on ReTweets.
Tweet unto others as you would like to be tweeted.
May 20, 2009
Top Five Twitter Analytical Tools
List of five great Twitter analyzer tools
Seth's Blog: Warning: The internet is almost full
Warning: The internet is almost full Due to the extraordinary explosion in video, blogs, news feeds and social network postings, the internet is dangerously close to running out of room. Nothing can grow forever, and exponent
Seth Godin's point about information overload seems well made: Ten years ago, you had a shot of at least being aware of everything that mattered. Five years ago, you had to be really selective about what you took in, but at least it was possible to know what you didn't know. Today, it's impossible. Today, you can't even read every article on a thin slice of a thin topic. You can't keep up with the status of your friends on the social networks. No way. You can't read every important blog... you can't even read all the blogs that tell you what the important blogs are saying. Used to be, you could finish reading your email, hit "check email" and nothing new would show up. Now, of course, the new mail is probably a longer list than the mail you just finished processing. The internet isn't full, but we are.
Of course, the decentralized nature of the net means that it will never be physically full. As long as we can keep making hard drives, we won't run out of space to store those inane videos of your Aunt Sally. What is full is our attention.
Great insight on the digital/internet age
BBC NEWS | Technology | Online time 'is good for teens'
News article Nov 2008. Surfing the internet, playing games and hanging out on social networks are important for teen development, a large study of online use has revealed.
Surfing the internet, playing games and hanging out on social networks are important for teen development, a large study of online use has revealed.
Surfing the internet, playing games and hanging out on social networks are important for teen development, a large study of online use has revealed. The report counters the stereotypical view held by many parents and teachers that such activity is a waste of time.
New Social Networking Site Changing The Way Oh, Christ, Forget It | The Onion - America's Finest News Source,17465/
Let Someone Else Report On This Bullshit
RT @davidianm: via @TheOnion - New Social Networking Site Changing The Way Oh, Christ, Forget It
"Through its competitive elements like badges and points, Foursquare helps generate brand loyalty," said the Ph.D.-holding individual, whose decades in higher education were basically shit upon by our inane questions about various bits of Foursquare ephemera. "It's a unique and transformative social networking tool." "Can I go now?" he added.
Whee! New numbers on social network usage | The Social - CNET News
social network usage
Pro Tools for Social Media Monitoring and Analysis: Sysomos Launches MAP and Heartbeat
Very good offering of social media analytics
Both MAP and Heartbeat are surfing the current wave of enthusiasm for the real-time web, and MAP's crawlers index an enormous number of blog posts, forum posts, news reports, and tweets every hour.
MAP is a powerful and flexible analysis tool. It gives its users the ability to research any topic on blogs, social media sites, and in traditional news media reports.
Top 15 things you should never do on Facebook | News | TechRadar UK
Beware Social Media Marketing Myths - BusinessWeek
MySpace, Twitter, and Facebook are all the rage, but for most business owners there are better ways to stay close to customers.
MySpace, Twitter, and Facebook are all the rage, but for most business owners there are better ways to stay close to customers
When Does a Social Media Policy Go Too Far? Ask the Associated Press
As the social web has exploded in growth, so has the need for companies to respond and set guidelines. For large companies especially, these rules can be key
Social media policy overkill
5 Incredibly Simple, Yet Useful Web Sites
it really doesn’t get any simpler than this.
5 sites simples e úteis
Google Latitude
See where your friends are right now. Enjoy Google Latitude on your phone, computer, or both
to track the friend by google latitude
Lets you see your friends on a map. Latitude is a feature of Google Maps for mobile.
zien waar jij en je vrienden zich begeven
Locate your friends!
SOMEWHAT FRANK : Web/Tech, Social Media & Marketing Conferences
Study: Young adults haven't warmed up to Twitter | The Social - CNET News
Crashing Motrin-gate: a Social-Media Case Study - Advertising Age - News
Chronologie und Hintergründe zum "Motrin Moms" brouhaha
Did Motrin pull the ad too quickly?
AdAge article from 11/24/08 that highlights the Motrin crisis case study.
A social media case study - Motrin of J&J
The Twitter Platform: 3 Years Old and Ready to Change the World - ReadWriteWeb
Twitter marked its 3rd birthday this weekend and the site that Nielsen called the fastest growing social network last month shows no signs of slowing down. While active ...
This article really centres on the energy and creative flow that is coming from micro blogs, a platform to reach people faster and more reliably then ever but also seen as a business i.e. Brand monitoring. "Microblogging" in general has world-changing potential as long as the content is publicly and programmatically available. The flow of microblogging and user generators are helping marketers and academics within the media are aiding in finding resourceful people and follow creative trends and happenings.
"Twitter marked its 3rd birthday this weekend and the site that Nielsen called the fastest growing social network last month shows no signs of slowing down. While active participation by users is a great show of strength, the use of Twitter as a platform for developers and aggregate data analysis is the most exciting thing about the company."
Overview of the ways in which Twitter is fast developing into (and allowing others to develop it into) a means for journalists and others to discern leads- using data mining, and other tools...
Could your social networks spill your secrets? - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist
The Google team's paper (Under)mining privacy in social networks (pdf) will be presented at the Web 2.0 Security and Privacy 2009 meeting in May. Tom Simonite, online technology editor
University offers social media degree about Facebook, Twitter and Bebo - Telegraph
University offers social media degree about Facebook, Twitter and Bebo
Masters in Social Media
Reading: "University offers social media degree about Facebook, Twitter and Bebo - Telegraph" ( ) [from]
ז'רום בורדון, שים לב. אוניברסיטת בירמינגהם פותחת מסלול ללימודי תואר שני ב... מדיה חברתית. פייסבוק, טוויטר, בלוגים ופורומים הם רק חלק מהסילבוס של המסלול הייחודי, הראשון מסוגו בעולם. הטלגרף הבריטי מדווח ששכר הלימוד יעמוד על כארבעת-אלפים וארבע-מאות פאונד. להרשמה:
Cacti Search - Get Search Results from all the Major Search Engines.
Mega-search Engine
Metasearch engine
Meta-searchengine - cool!
Facebook's New Public Profiles: Good for Businesses, Bad for People - ReadWriteWeb
e brings new functionality to what was once just the status update box. Before, that box prompted you to finish the sentence that began with your name and ended with
Mooie kans voor bedrijven op Facebook, maar ReadWriteWeb denkt daar iets anders over.
Well written review and research on FaceBook business pages versus personal pages.
For public figures on Facebook, the biggest change was the revamp of Facebook Pages. Now called "Public Profiles," these pages are supposed to act more like personal profiles - they can even update the News Feed. However, that alone stands as the only major change of note to these company-centric locales on Facebook. In almost all other ways, pages remain static, broken, and difficult.
Rubicon Consulting - Insight - WinMarkets - Michael Mace's Blog
Online Communities and Their Impact on Business: Ignore at Your Peril
From Rubicon Consulting: Review of research done by the firm that provides data supporting the value of online community to businesses. A PDF of the report is available for download.
Report: Enterprise 2.0 Apps Will Dramatically Fall in Price - ReadWriteWeb
Commoditization of the technology opens the door for adding value through better implementation strategies.
A new report by Forrester Research states that the market for collaboration and productivity web apps in the enterprise (a.k.a. enterprise 2.0) is set for a shake-up...
A new report by Forrester Research states that the market for collaboration and productivity web apps in the enterprise (a.k.a. enterprise 2.0) is set for a shake-up, with prices to fall in some cases by over half. Price drops will be especially sharp in blog, wikis, social networking and widgets. The only exception is mashups, which will increase in price over the next 5 years.
Twittersexuality / Violet Blue: A Twitter Sex Guide
I am so glad to exist in a time where someone thought that the world needed a Twitter Sex Guide. And then wrote it. ...
Some links NSFW
sacar ideas para articulos
How the NBA is Using Social Media
best practices
Brier Dudley's blog | Microsoft debuts Vine in Seattle: Twitter+Facebook on steroids | Seattle Times Newspaper
Thanks to my very good friend @ikepigott, I heard about this Microsoft Vine project. It looks like a social networking aggregrator service that pulls information from tens of thousands of traditional media sources, as well as new media (your facebook and twitter friends for example) and presents it in a dashboard fashion. The new part is that it allows you to send alerts to groups of people you've identified in your social network (online and offline). They're pushing it out to the emergency management field now as beta testers. I just installed my copy tonight and will start playing around with it. If it looks useful, I'll be sure to post on it.
"Vine is a hyperlocal, personalized message and alert system. It's intended to be a dashboard that people can use to keep tabs of their family, friends, activities and major events in their community."
Twitter+Facebook on steroids?
Vine is a hyperlocal, personalized message and alert system. It's intended to be a dashboard that people can use to keep tabs of their family, friends, activities and major events in their community. The dashboard -- which appears as a widget on a PC screen -- displays a map of the user's community and the status of their contacts.
It’s the most secure distribution version of Windows XP ever produced by Microsoft: More than 600 settings are locked down tight, and critical security patches can be installed in an average of 72 hours instead of 57 days. The only problem is, you have to join the Air Force to get it. The Air Force persuaded Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer to provide it with a secure Windows configuration that saved the service about $100 million in contract costs and countless hours of maintenance. At a congressional hearing this week on cybersecurity, Alan Paller, research director of the Sans Institute, shared the story as a template for how the government could use its massive purchasing power to get companies to produce more secure products. And those could eventually be available to the rest of us.
Could be pretty cool.
officials are already trying to glean information from services such as Twitter and Facebook, but it's challenging because they're basically sending limited streams of text. Vine "provides an avenue to consolidate some of that information and analyze it in a more comprehensive way." "The underlying technology, where it provides a more structured data form, will long-term be a very valuable asset, whether it's generated from Microsoft or others,'' he said. Seattle is the first place Vine will be publicly available. During a testing period that begins today, people can sign up at to be among more than 10,000 testers the company hopes to enlist. Similar tests will begin shortly in a rural community in the Midwest and an isolated island community, the locations of which haven't been disclosed yet.
Social Media in Africa, Part 1 - ReadWriteWeb
Africa is undergoing a connectivity revolution unlike anything it has ever seen. Mobile phones in particular are propagating at an incredible rate, with penetration ranging from 30% to 100%. The average is 30.4% and there are 280 million subscribers in total, making Africa the fastest growing mobile market in the world. This series is to highlight African contributions to social media and, in turn, reveal how social media is changing Africa.
Drei Teile. Sehr gute Artikel. 1. Web 2.0 in Africa. Mit Links zu Afrigator, Zoopy, Ushahidi. 2. Handytechnolgie. Bezahldienste wie MPESA, Wizzit. Oder mpedigree, questionbox. 3. Einfluss auf Demokratie/Cencorship
2008/10 ReadWriteWeb - The point of this series is to highlight African contributions to social media and, in turn, reveal how social media is changing Africa.
Researcher Claims “Attention Spirals” Hold Key To Predicting Success Of YouTube Videos
Riley Crane claims every time a YouTube video turns into a hit, the development takes the form of an “attention spiral”, a geometric pattern that partly follows physical laws. He discovered that a decrease of popularity with certain videos, for example, can be explained through methods usually utilized in modeling the aftershocks of earthquakes. He believes social systems on the web follow the rules of physics and can therefore be analyzed mathematically.
Interesting perspective on the spread of information online. Curious how this fits with current social network research
Riley Crane, an American post doctoral fellow currently researching at the Chair of Entrepreneurial Risks at ETH university in Zurich/Switzerland, says he has the answer: According to him, the success of online videos can be explained with physics.
25 Most Shocking Crimes in Social Media History | Masters in Criminal Justice
The popularity and near necessity of social media sites has grown tremendously in the last few years, helping small businesses make connections, giving freelancers and students the chance to network with people they’d never be able to meet otherwise, and allow a place for all kinds of interest groups to chat and make friends online–from gardeners to book lovers to sports junkies. There is a dangerous and corrupt side to social media creators and users; however, and the ability to create fake profiles and violate privacy and copyright rules is still more than possible. Read below for 25 of the most shocking crimes in social media history.
los mas famosos ccrimenes de la historia
Twitter highjacking
From fake profiles to privacy violation and copyright rules
Seth's Blog: The sad truth about marketing shortcuts
«This is why I don't have a podcast, a video channel, any activity to speak of on Facebook. It's why I don't use Twitter or travel the country visiting bookstores. There are many places to be, and it's tempting to act like those non-profits and race after the next one. But it doesn't work.»
Critical mass is what happens when you have enough and do enough that you connect to a tribe, one that matters. Critical mass is the pay off from focused, consistent effort. Critical mass is what you don't get if you are constantly working the angles and looking for a shortcut.
Why rushing from one quick win to another won't get you anywhere in social media.
blog post 10/08
Godin's concept of tribes is similar to Gadwell's talk about the 150 rule in the Tipping point
Do one thing really well.
New Statesman - "Occupy, resist, produce"
Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis report on how Argentina's worker-run factories have nurtured a powerful social movement, while seamstress Matilda Adorno explains how a dispute over pay became a political struggle ... There were many popular responses to the crisis, from neighbourhood assemblies and barter clubs to resurgent left-wing parties and mass movements of the unemployed, but we spent most of our year in Argentina with workers in "recovered companies". Almost entirely under the media radar, workers in Argentina have been responding to rampant unemployment and capital flight by taking over businesses that have gone bankrupt and reopening them under democratic worker management. ... "We formed the co-operative with the criteria of equal wages and making basic decisions by assembly; we are against the separation of manual and intellectual work; we want a rotation of positions and, above all, the ability to recall our elected leaders."
Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis report on how Argentina's worker-run factories have nurtured a powerful social movement, while seamstress Matilda Adorno explains how a dispute over pay became a political struggle
In South Africa, we saw a protester's T-shirt with an even more succinct summary of this new impatience: "Stop Asking, Start Taking".
Occupy, resist, produce
"Capitalism produces and distributes not just goods and services, but identities. When the capital and its carpetbaggers had flown from Argentina, what was left was not only companies that had been emptied, but a whole hollowed-out country filled with people whose identities - as workers - had been stripped away as well. As one of the organisers in the movement wrote to us: "It is a huge amount of work to recover a company. But the real work is to recover a worker and that is the task that we have just begun.""
Everything You Need To Know About Twitter - PC World
How (and Why) to Get Started on Twitter, Twitter Tips, Search Tips and Twitter Add-Ons for Better Organization, Twitter for Marketing Pros, Twitter Alternatives, Twitter on Your Mobile Device
Social Media Marketing FAQ | Traffikd
As more and more bloggers and website owners turn to social media as one of their major promotional methods, the need to understand Social Media Marketing becomes even more important. I put this post together in effort to help those who are new to social media, or those who simply want to get better results. If you have suggestions for questions that should be included, please leave a comment. What is Social Media Marketing (SMM)? SMM involves promoting content in various ways to social media users, in attempt to increase traffic and exposure. SMM can involve developing content that targets social media users, building a network of other users, requesting votes from others, and anything else that involves getting votes and traffic from social media websites.
Wrench10 Tools for the Social Media
preguntas y respuestas a social media
Study: Influencers are Alive and Well on Social Media Sites - ReadWriteWeb
Who are your brand leaders?
User Generated content stats - the arguement
Highlights of the Rubicon Consulting study:
How To Unfollow On Twitter With Class
How To Unfollow On Twitter With Class
Great article on Twitter Follow/Unfollow
Scott Rafer: The Facebook Platform is Dead
Is Facebook Connect the way forward?
well hopefully NOT but still interesting read and a really nice ppt viewing application there too
The real test of Facebook Connect will be the opportunity for viral growth. So far there have been few implementations of Facebook Connect and it is difficult to test the success of each of these applications.
Facebook News, Facebook Games and analysis of Facebook.
Interesting video discussing Facebook Platform and Facebook Connect.
Doomed: why Wikipedia will fail - Ars Technica
Seth's Blog: The first law of mass media
"One by one, the mass marketers have insisted on robocalling, spamming, jingling and lying their way into our lives. " / "The public works tirelessly to flee to actual interactions between real people, and our organizations work even more diligently (and with more leverage) to corporatize and anonymize the interactions. The irony, of course, is that an organization with guts can go in the opposite direction and win."
Organizations will work tirelessly to de-personalize every communication medium they encounter. The public works tirelessly to flee to actual interactions between real people, and our organizations work even more diligently (and with more leverage) to corporatize and anonymize the interactions. The irony, of course, is that an organization with guts can go in the opposite direction and win.
"The irony, of course, is that an organization with guts can go in the opposite direction and win." - think about this
Learn more about your body. Create and analyse your fertility charts - go28days
28days - learn about your fertility,.discover the natural rhythm of your body
Dedicated Social-Media Silos? That's the Last Thing We Need - Advertising Age - Jonah Bloom
social media's place in the marketing mix
Annotated link
Social media isn't a box to be ticked or a department to be manned or even a campaign to be launched. It's about thinking differently about marketing, customer service, the entire company.
How To Filter Out Facebook "Friends" Without Them Knowing
Neue Studie: Communitys krempeln Netz-Nutzung um - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt,1518,612124,00.html
Nielsen-Zahlen zur Internet-Nutzung.
Social Networks wie Facebook, MySpace oder Wer-kennt-wen? gehören zu den populärsten Anwendungen des Web. Jetzt aber explodiert ihre Nutzung geradezu, sagen die Marktforscher von Nielsen. Zugleich wird ihre Nutzerschaft älter - was den Medien- und Werbemarkt erschüttern könnte. People Search Engine So Good, It Will Scare Your Pants Off People Search Engine So Good, It Will Scare Your Pants Off /by @roicarthy on @TechCrunch
Pipl is ok, but I don't feel it's that detailed. Sure you get results from all the profile-sites on one page, but other than that. I just feel pipl should come up with some results that it doesn't.
The Wallet : Some New Tools for Investing Nerds
People are starting to think more about saving–and investing–than spending, which is perhaps the sole upside to the market turmoil. Being an investing geek has become much more socially acceptable, and companies are taking notice. In the last few weeks, several start-ups and familiar names have added, changed or completely revamped their online investing offerings. There are so many nest-egg incubators out there that we haven’t even had a chance to dive fully into them all. Here’s what’s new: - Investment research firm Morningstar has relaunched its home page with more analytic content upfront. Fund fanatics will relish the new reports (still in beta) that allow you to research past fund performance and what their stakes are. It’s charts all over the place, but much more engaging than a prospectus. Besides monitoring your own investments, you can also share your portfolio with other users and get a star rating.
social-networking sites for investing
Just in time for the recession, some new tools for monitoring your portfolio online. Here's a quick guide.
People are starting to think more about savingand investingthan spending, which is perhaps the sole upside to the market turmoil. Being an investing geek has become much more socially acceptable, and companies are taking notice.
What’s in it for Your Followers? How to be a Useful on Twitter
(Aleksi Pulkkinen) Blogi postaus aiheesta, miten käyttäjä voi antaa enemmän seuraajilleen ja saada näin enemmän seuraajia, Twitterissä.
Twitter-point of program
イランとメディア - Vox
・イランでは情報統制が従来から非常に厳しかった。それをかいくぐってきた人たちだからこそ  今回のように情報統制が行われてもネットで情報を出せているのではないか。 ・メディアでは「イランから起きたTwitter Revolution」的な取り上げられ方も多い中、  実際はTwitterユーザはイラン国内には少なく、メディアリテラシーが高い人ばかりではない。  イラン国内でデモを組織する等の情報交換は、あくまでSMSや電話、口コミといった従来型のツールが使われているらしい。 ・Twitterは情報を世界中に伝播するツールとしては極めてパワフル。  イランからの少数の情報の元、アメリカでTwitterを使って情報がどんどん増幅されているというのが実態であるもよう。 ・ただし、Twitterにはデマや誤情報も多く、伝播してしまう場合もあるので要注意。 ・現在、既存メディアも多くの情報をTwitterから得ている。 ・イランではTwitterよりFriendfeedの方が使われていたのだが、真っ先にアクセスブロックされてしまった。  現在proxyを経由して使えている人たちは、Friendfeedをプライベートモードで使っており、  我々には不可視なコミュニケーションが粛々と行われているらしい。 ・Facebookはお知らせをするには最適で、Mousavi氏もFacebookを使っている。 ・現在なぜか情報統制がゆるんでいるのでこんなに情報が出されているのではないだろうかという専門家も。  政府は現在の抗議活動の情報を記録して、落ち着いた後に逮捕していくのではないかとの懸念が囁かれている。
本当に良記事です。この記事を見ていたら身震いしてきた。ReTweet や各種 twitter 関連サービスによるネットワーク外部性により,もはや完全な検閲は不可能というところか。twitter などのミニブログからジャーナリズム革命を感じる。「本当の大変化はこれから始まる」 by umedamochio "しかし、Twitterの情報の広がるスピードはあまりに速く、間違いもそのまま広がっていってしまう可能性が高い。スピードと会話をとるか、事実確認をとるか。" "Twitterはツールであり、twitter.comのサイトが全てでない点においてFacebook等のSNSと比べて検閲しにくい"
さらに続編、すごいまとめです For Social Networking Power Users
Chances are you use at least two major social networks - 49 million people, for example, visited both MySpace and Facebook in October 2008 (Comscore, worldwide). Nearly 7 million people in the UK use both Bebo and Facebook. A lot of people maintain very different friend lists on LinkedIn than MySpace or Facebook. Etc. And when you add in niche social sites like YouTube, Flickr, etc., there’s even more overlap among users.
Chances are you use at least two major social networks - 49 million people, for example, visited both MySpace and Facebook in October ...
The Future Of Social Networks - SlideShare
From Charlene Li, via Alex Iskold on Twitter
An important slide which should be followed.
Not particularly groundbreaking, but sets down in words the way things have been moving.
An interesting video that what seems to be a student did about social networking and how it is the future
Tweet Street: 7 Extraordinary Twitter Uses in the Home
I wish the plant thingies came ready made, I would definitely use those
das internet der dinge.. internet of things
Gen Y Says: "I Want My Social TV!" - ReadWriteWeb
RWR on social tv
Research showing Gen Y/digital natives are interested in social TV features, often tied to games.
BBC NEWS | UK | Online networking 'harms health'
Give me strength the BBC, just keep on getting worse - why report such nonsense? [from]
Danger danger!! Facebook will damage your health. Too much screen time means much less physical connection with other people. i agree, we all need balance in our lives, but saying that Faceboo keeps people apart is a bit strange. "People's health could be harmed by social networking sites because they reduce levels of face-to-face contact, an expert claims. Dr Aric Sigman says websites such as Facebook set out to enrich social lives, but end up keeping people apart."
People's health could be harmed by social networking sites because they reduce levels of face-to-face contact, an expert claims. Dr Aric Sigman says websites such as Facebook set out to enrich social lives, but end up keeping people apart. Dr Sigman makes his warning in Biologist, the journal of the Institute of Biology. A lack of "real" social networking, involving personal interaction, may have biological effects, he suggests. He also says that evidence suggests that a lack of face-to-face networking could alter the way genes work, upset immune responses, hormone levels, the function of arteries, and influence mental performance. This, he claims, could increase the risk of health problems as serious as cancer, strokes, heart disease, and dementia. 'Evolutionary mechanism' Dr Sigman maintains that social networking sites have played a significant role in making people become more isolated. "Social networking is the internet's biggest growth area, particular among young childre
This article focuses on health concerns that may arise due to lack of actual or "real" social networking that involves personal interaction. Author Dr Aric Sigman says that evidence suggests that a lack of face-to-face networking could alter the way genes work, upset immune responses, hormone levels, the function of arteries, and influence mental performance. This, he claims, could increase the risk of health problems as serious as cancer, strokes, heart disease, and dementia. I wondered if this evidence was substantiated by any research. There are many mixed comments from readers suggesting the positive and negative effects of social networking sites for them. My opinion is that this article is valuable as it highlights health concerns, however, it must be recognised that most people to not solely rely upon online forms of communication and still participate in 'actual' socialing with people.
This one's an article from the BBC News, about the disadvantages of social-networking websites on health. It discusses how these sites could be altering the way our genes work, increasing problems like cancer, heart disease, dementia, and it also mentions the issue of decreasing 'face to face' contact. The article demontrates the other side of the story regarding social media and its convergences, and is of particular interest as it relates it all to the health of individuals involved. The article seems pretty legitimate as it is from a reputable news source, and also (conveniently) provides other readers comments and opinions to the topic beneath, whether they be for or against.
How to be a Brilliant Conversationalist - Stepcase Lifehack
Well I can't get any worse at making conversation
You probably shy away from some people on social occasions. Their conversations are tedious. You groan inwardly when they approach for you know that they
Social Media and Car Insurance: A Match Made in Heaven?
great case study to follow for primelink/relland
Case history for UK financial comparison company
Top 12 Facebook Marketing Hacks
Over the past week there has been a bunch of buzz about what essentially are Facebook marketing hacks; quick “guerilla” tactics that help boost exposure to your profile or brand. Whether you are a small business or a big business, there are some quick “tricks” that can instantly gain you more exposure. These Facebook marketing hacks are not encouraged by Facebook and ultimately, I would assume that Facebook will develop filters for people gaming the system.
10 cutting-edge apps you've never heard of | News | TechRadar UK
10 cutting-edge apps you've never heard of Must-have new apps on show at DEMO 09 day two : TechRadar UK
Some very cool apps here
Who Will Monetize Social Media?
In 2000, a company in Mountain View, California launched a program for keyword-targeted advertising with 350 clients known as AdWords. That company, Google, is
In 2000, a company in Mountain View, California launched a program for keyword-targeted advertising with 350 clients known as AdWords. That company,
Most-Popular Lists Breed More Popularity - | Top-Ten Lists Abound Online, but Following the Herd Can Make You Wonder About the Wisdom of Crowds
Look at This Article. It's One of Our Most Popular Top-Ten Lists Abound Online, but Following the Herd Can Make You Wonder About the Wisdom of Crowds
another piece about "stupidity of crowds"
Popularity is, unfortunately, still all the rage.
These online rankings are public, creating a positive-feedback loop. The more popular something becomes, even if just from a random burst of interest, the more likely it is to grow ever more popular. And that has troubling implications about the effects of all sorts of popularity rankings, from bestseller charts to election polls. Frequently, popularity rankings speak less to the merits of what's being observed and more to the fact that crowds are observing it. In other words, peer pressure.
This used to be called the "lowest common denominator." Now it is called "the wisdom of crowds" or "the democratization of X." Anyway upshot: "Frequently, popularity rankings speak less to the merits of what's being observed and more to the fact that crowds are observing it."
"Top-Ten Lists Abound Online, but Following the Herd Can Make You Wonder About the Wisdom of Crowds"
"...the study showed that popularity is both unstable and malleable ... Deducing merit from popularity 'can lead to self-reinforcing snowballs of popularity, which can become decoupled from the underlying reality," says [the] study co-author."
Alice and Kev « Alice and Kev
Sims 3
Cult story drawn from an experiment in homelessness in SIMS 3.
Webapps: Tarpipe Publishes Updates, Content to Social Sites via Email
Web site Tarpipe streamlines your updates to various social web sites creating simple or complex workflows to update several buckets
Web site Tarpipe streamlines your updates to various social web sites, creating simple or complex workflows to update several buckets in one fell swoop.
PopTech: What Facebook and Steroid Use Have in Common | Gadget Lab from
Social networking is a phenomenon both online and offline. "Steroid use (in baseball) spread because of the wicked combination of a closed network, or cluster, and positive reinforcement..."
Krebs believes everything is quantifiable as a social network, from steroid use to linked websites to a strand of HIV working its way through the porn industry. He is at the cutting edge of the growing discipline of social network analysis, and creator of InFlow, one of the most advanced social networking software tools. The field has exploded recently as social networks, the complex sets of relationships between members of groups, have formed the backbone of popular Web systems like Facebook and Google's search crawler. Social network analysts use software, like Keyhubs and NetMiner, to uncover how the structure of peoples' connections affect their thoughts and actions.
In the eyes of Valdis Krebs, the bulging bodies of baseball's steroid era reveal a problem exacerbated by a powerful social network.
The field has exploded recently as social networks, the complex sets of relationships between members of groups, have formed the backbone of popular Web systems like Facebook and Google's search crawler. Social network analysts use software, like Keyhubs and NetMiner, to uncover how the structure of peoples' connections affect their thoughts and actions.
Social Web Blog: Take your Google Contacts with you
use of Portable contacts api for google
In case you missed the announcement a while back, Google Contacts now available through Portable Contacts standard
New FriendFeed: Simpler, Faster, Better (Maybe Too Fast)
ble to see a demo
PR 2.0: Humanizing Social Networks: Revealing the People Powering Social Media
# cialmedia # statistics # socialnetworking # stats # socialnetworks
Social Networks are among the most powerful examples of socialized media. They create a dynamic ecosystem that incubates and nurtures relationships between people and the content they create and share. Gives some growth stats
Demographics behind social media
90+ Essential Social Media Resources
Check out our extensive list of social media, business, mobile and tech resources. No matter what you're into, you're sure to find it here!
22 Educational Social Media Diagrams
22 diagrams
Everyone learns differently. Social media marketing has a lot of moving parts and processes which make it hard to get up to speed. This challenge is only compounded by the ever-changing nature of the market, in which new applications and opportunities arise daily.
RT @trupheme: 22 Educational Social Media Diagrams
13 Truths About Social Media Measurement | Brand Elevation Through Social Media and Social Business | Altitude Branding
Annotated link
Rating can be a control, as well as it has to be business-wide. If you are planning to ask around the particular Return on your investment, price, or perhaps impact associated with social media marketing and ways in which to be able to evaluate the idea, I am going to consult how maybe you are proceeding about figuring out those things with regard to additional regions of your company, and ask one to convert or even modify some of those routines up to sociable projects.
5 Surprising Social Media Business Success Stories
Businesses that successfully used social media - not your typical retail businesses
5 Surprising Social Media Business Success Stories [from]
12 Applications to Make Your Facebook Page More Engaging
APPS para fanas
12 Applications to Make Your Facebook Page More Engaging
Currently, there are more than three million active Facebook Pages on the top ranked site, with the typical Page boasting an average of less than 1,000 fans – oops, I mean ‘likes‘ (seriously, that just doesn’t roll off your tongue quite the same way). Standing out from the static requires you to dress up your Page and make it more interesting and fun for your ‘likers’. That’s where Facebook applications come in. They’re basically like plugins for your Page and there are tens of thousands of them available. Deciding what apps you’d like to incorporate depends on how you’d like to engage with your peeps (that’s an even better word than ‘likers’).
5 Easy Steps to a Winning Social Media Plan | Social Media Examiner
Check this out for your new grant
Nicholas Christakis: The hidden influence of social networks | Video on
Christakis: "Creo que formamos redes sociales porque los beneficios de una vida conectada son superiores a los costos. Si siempre soy violento contigo o te doy información errónea o te pongo triste o te infecto con gérmenes mortales tú cortarías los lazos conmigo y la red se desintegraría."
on Facebook
Herramienta para conocer el nivel de privacidad de tu cuenta en Facebook
Servizio per valutare la privacy delle proprie informazioni su Facebook
Check your Facebook privacy
Four Ways to Find Out if Your Customers Are Active With Social Media | Social Media Examiner
OExchange is an open protocol for sharing any URL with any service on the web.
Protocollo sharing
OExchange is an open protocol for sharing any URL with any service on the web.
An open protocol for sharing any URL with any service on the web.
Facebook Further Reduces Your Control Over Personal Information | Electronic Frontier Foundation
The issue with Facebook's latest change is not that they force you to link your interests without permission, but rather that they remove an option to express yourself on the profile without links. As we noted, Facebook users now face a Hobson's choice between the new Connections and no listed interests at all. As Facebook explains, "If you didn't connect to any of the suggestions, the sections of your profile to which those suggestions corresponded will now be empty." (The transition tool also allows you to delay the choice by saying 'Ask Me Later'). Previously, you could list interests in your profile without linking; after the transition, you cannot. You do have options to adjust visibility on the profile page, for which we commend Facebook, but nevertheless, this is not a true opt-out because the all the "Facebook Pages you connect to are public."
An ordinary human is not going to look through the list of Facebook's millions of cooking fans. It's far too large. Only data miners and targeted advertisers have the time and inclination to delve that deeply.
"Once upon a time, Facebook could be used simply to share your interests and information with a select small community of your own choosing. As Facebook's privacy policy once promised, "No personal information that you submit to Facebook will be available to any user of the Web Site who does not belong to at least one of the groups specified by you in your privacy settings.""
13 Essential Tips for Landing a Job on LinkedIn
Tips para encontrar trabajo en LinkedIN
21 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
21 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed – Social Media News (SocialNetDaily)
AP Stylebook Adds 42 New Guidelines for Social Media
The AP Stylebook has released its new social media guidelines, including the official change from “Web site” to “website” (a move first reported back in April) and 41 other definitions, use cases and rules that journalists should follow.
The AP Stylebook has released its new social media guidelines, including the official change from “Web site” to “website” (a move first reported back in April) and 41 other definitions, use cases and rules that journalists should follow. Among the more interesting changes –- at least from a grammar and style standpoint –- are separating out “smart phone” as two words, hyphenating “e-reader,” and allowing fan, friend and follow to be used both as nouns and verbs. Beyond that, the AP has also defined a number of acronyms that are commonly used in texting and instant messaging. While most of them should be fairly well-known to regular web and mobile phone users (ROFL, BRB and G2G are among the definitions) one actually was new to me: POS.
Technology Review: Blogs: Guest Blog: Why Twitter Is the Future of News
From MIT. Information on Emerging Technologies & impact on business & society
On Kwak et al 2010
"...No matter how many followers a user has, the tweet is likely to reach [an audience of a certain size] once the user's tweet starts spreading via retweets," says Kwak et al. "That is, the mechanism of retweet has given every user the power to spread information broadly [...] Individual users have the power to dictate which information is important and should spread by the form of retweet [...] In a way we are witnessing the emergence of collective intelligence." [...] "Half of retweeting occurs within an hour, and 75% under a day." And it's those initial re-tweets that make all the difference: "What is interesting is from the second hop and on is that the retweets two hops or more away from the source are much more responsive and basically occur back to back up to 5 hops away." 67.6% of users are not followed by any of their followings in Twitter," they report. "We conjecture that for these users Twitter is rather a source of information than a social networking site."
Christopher Mims/Technology Review, April 30, 2010.
Social media demographics
INFOGRAPHIC - #SocialMedia Demographics: Who's Using Which Sites?
How to Measure Social Media Marketing Performance | Social Media Examiner
How to Measure Social Media Marketing Performance #measure – KISSmetrics Tweets (KISSmetrics)
t’s clear that social media is here to stay, and accountable programs must be created to deliver performance and ROI. Here are 3 steps to help you get started
Early efforts in social media marketing have created a tremendous amount of buzz and interest, but surprisingly few case studies focus on monetization.
Social Media Examiner / 19.05.10
Reputation Management and Social Media | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
"More than half (57%) of adult internet users say they have used a search engine to look up their name and see what information was available about them online, up from 47% who did so in 2006. Young adults, far from being indifferent about their digital footprints, are the most active online reputation managers in several dimensions. For example, more than two-thirds (71%) of social networking users ages 18-29 have changed the privacy settings on their profile to limit what they share with others online. Reputation management has now become a defining feature of online life for many internet users, especially the young. … When compared with older users, young adults are more likely to restrict what they share and whom they share it with. “Contrary to the popular perception that younger users embrace a laissez-faire attitude about their online reputations, young adults are often more vigilant than older adults when it comes to managing their online identities,” said Madden."
"Young adults, far from being indifferent about their digital footprints, are the most active online reputation managers in several dimensions. For example, more than two-thirds (71%) of social networking users ages 18-29 have changed the privacy settings on their profile to limit what they share with others online."
More than half (57%) of adult internet users say they have used a search engine to look up their name and see what information was available about them online, up from 47% who did so in 2006. Young adults, far from being indifferent about their digital footprints, are the most active online reputation managers in several dimensions. For example, more than two-thirds (71%) of social networking users ages 18-29 have changed the privacy settings on their profile to limit what they share with others online.
50 Power Twitter Tips
A while back, I wrote 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business. It still gets plenty of attention, as it’s listed as an official resource on the Twitter business resources page (thanks, @ed!). But you know, I can’t leave
50 dicas para utilizar melhor o Twitter
A while back, I wrote 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business. It still gets plenty of attention, as it&#8217;s listed as an official resource on the Twitter business resources page (thanks, @ed!). But you know, I can&#8217;t leave
Great tips for businesses. Thanks to Chris bogan for sharing these.
12 Applications to Make Your Facebook Page More Engaging
Currently, there are more than three million active Facebook Pages on the top ranked site, with the typical Page boasting an average of less than 1,000 fans – oops, I mean ‘likes‘ (seriously, that just doesn’t roll off your tongue quite the same way). Standing out from the static requires you to dress up your Page and make it more interesting and fun for your ‘likers’. That’s where Facebook applications come in. They’re basically like plugins for your Page and there are tens of thousands of them available. Deciding what apps you’d like to incorporate depends on how you’d like to engage with your peeps (that’s an even better word than ‘likers’).
52 Questions To Ask When Hiring A Social Media Company
If you need some help getting started, here are 52 questions to ask when hiring a social media company. This isn’t meant to be a full list, just something to get the conversation started.
52 Questions To Ask When Hiring A Social Media Company #socialmedia #brand #reputation #questions
Great list of things to consider when hiring a social media company like the Social Method or any other.
This isn’t meant to be a full list, just something to get the conversation started.
Exhaustive list of questions to ask of your company as you're getting ready to participate in social media.
15 more awesome social media infographics | Econsultancy
About six months ago, I threw together a blog post based on a bunch of social media infographics. At the time, they were surprisingly difficult to root out, but it seems that more are emerging, given the continued development and understanding of the channel.
2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report | Social Media Examiner
10 Things You Need To Know About Today’s Facebook Privacy Changes
On facebook privacy, from May 26, 2010.
Facebook changes 05/10
4 Tips for Integrating Social Media Into the Classroom
RT @jswiatek: 4 Tips for Integrating Social Media Into the Classroom - – Steven W. Anderson (web20classroom)
RT @bdescary: Intéressera peut être @jyaire 4 astuces en vue d'intégrer les médias sociaux en classe
RT @nbenyounes: RT @bdescary: Intéressera peut être @jyaire 4 astuces en vue d'intégrer les médias sociaux en classe
4 astuces en vue d'intégrer les médias sociaux en classe
RT @web20classroom: More Tips On Integrating Social Media Into The Classroom:
16 Tips for Successful Online Video Marketing | Social Media Examiner
16 Tips for Successful Online Video Marketing שיווק וידאו
Interesting blog on the use of video marketing.
Social Media Examiner / 29.04.10
Video marketing tutorial to connect with your audience and get better search engine results with videos.
Online video marketing tips.
4 Ways to Measure Social Media and Its Impact on Your Brand | Social Media Examiner
good stuff
social media management/measurement
A starting place for those that are looking for how to measure social media
looks relatively understandable
5 Free Services for Pre-Scheduling Your Twitter Updates
Twitter’s very real-time functionality is obviously the main attraction of the service. But it can also be a downside — if you want to send a tweet at a specific time, you usually have to be poised over a keyboard or phone. But there are some great solutions. The ability to post-date a tweet is useful for event promotion (where you may be busy at said event), to reach an audience in a different time zone, to space out your messages, or to keep your account nice and lively while you are away. While some popular Twitter clients offer scheduling options built-in, others don’t. For those in need, here are five great, free online services you can use to queue up tweets for future broadcasting. To narrow down the vast number of services out there, criteria for this list includes: 1) That it’s free; 2) That it offers OAuth “sign in with Twitter” access, or OpenID sign-in; and 3) That it does what it says on the proverbial packaging. These five hand-picked options are our favorites, but as
YourNextRead: Book Recommendations (USA)
RT @draenews: Del YourNextRead: Book Recommendations (USA):
YourNextRead recommends your next book. YourNextRead provides a book recommendation system showing aggregated book reviews, updated by real peoples opinions, in a simple visual map, helping you to decide 'What Should I Read Next?'. Perfect for both bookworms and casual readers!
Good Noows
the best alternative to Google Reader. The sleek online RSS reader offers a lot of the features you can find in Google Reader, and adds a few extra interesting gems that we haven’t seen elsewhere. Good Noows is a Google Reader alternative that gives you more control over the layout, with enough choices that everyone is bound to find something that appeals to them. It enables the sharing of links and stories easily on major social media sites, and it’s all presented in a sleek and streamlined manner. With the overwhelming amount of information that is thrown at us online everyday, from every possible source, Good Noows give its users a pleasant way to keep up with the latest stories from their favourite websites.
Change the way you read the news.
Good Noows Is a Newspaper-Styled and Socially-Oriented Feed ReaderIf you'd like your feed reader to have a little more style and flash to it than you've found elsewhere, Good Noows is a polished feed reader with an emphasis on presentation and social networking.
Education Week's Digital Directions: Social Networking Goes to School
Education Week's Digital Directions: Educators are integrating Facebook, Ning, and other sites into K-12 life despite concerns about privacy and behavior
This article shows how a school in New Jersey is using Twitter, Ning, Facebook, etc. for educational purposes. It also features a school here in Jacksonville that is using Skype to interact with students around the world in their "Around the World with 80 Schools" project.
Great article with lots of ideas from schools using social networking in their classes.
RT @NMHS_Principal: Social Networking Goes to School
June 14, 2010
extensive article
"Social Networking Goes to School" (EdWeek via @yooEducation) – LJ Create (LJCreate)
How the World Is Spending Its Time Online [STATS]
Cómo se gasta el tiempo online.....
RT @mashable: Now trending on Mashable: "How the World Is Spending Its Time Online [STATS]" -
Become Social Networking Guru With 45 Handy Twitter Tools
RT @courosa: 45 Twitter tools (although stupid article title - if u think this will make you a 'guru', you're missi ...
Master Twitter - find more targeted followers, track visitors - who is following, not following, deadbeat users, clean your account and even more, check it now!
Twitter has progressed so much in past few years and now it has been used almost by everybody – let it be freelancer designer, programmer, social media company, printing company, everybody evaluates Twitter power and actually try to make their brand more powerful with it.
List of useful Twitter tools
Ideal para sacarle provecho a las redes sociales
Yummly - Think outside the recipe box.
Over 350,000 of the best recipes on the web. Search by ingredient, diet, allergy, nutrition, price, cuisine, time. Feed yummly your tastes and find delicious recipes.
Yummly: you can also break down recipes by diet, allergy, nutrition, price, cuisine, time, taste, and sources
Pay with a Tweet - A social payment system
Geniale Idee! Social Payment System Downloads mit einem Tweet bezahlen. (via @wpSEO)
this is great way to promote digital artefacts through twitter
te testen
Helping people connect through recommendations and endorsements.
Have an overflow of job requests and looking to pass on the work to your network? Or are you looking to find a reputable contact who is an expert at a specific skill? Connecting with Endorse allows you to do all that and more...
5 Terrific Tools for Keeping Tabs on Twitter Trends
RT @draenews: Del 5 Terrific Tools for Keeping Tabs on Twitter Trends:
Whether you’re tracking your brand, optimizing your content, or just plain curious about the way information is virally shared, you’ll want to check out these five web-based tools for keeping tabs on Twitter trends.
5 Teen Social Media Trends that Can Be Applied to Small Business
According to Rick Burnes, who leads the content production team at HubSpot, a marketing software firm that produces the Inbound Marketing Blog and Inbound ...See all stories on this topic (via Google Alerts and AlertRank)
Adults must read -> 5 Teen Social Media Trends that Can Be Applied to Small Business – Flowtown (Flowtown)
How To Develop a Social Media Strategy: A Roadmap for Integration — Very Official Blog
How To Develop a Social Media Strategy: A Roadmap for Integration
55 Examples of Beautifully Integrated Social Media Links in Web Design | Inspiration
Des exemples d'intégration des icônes des médias sociaux
About New York - Creating a Network Like Facebook, Only Private -
A few months back, four geeky college students, living on pizza in a computer lab downtown on Mercer Street, decided to build a social *opensource* network that wouldn’t force people to surrender their privacy to a big business.
Five Steps for Consumer Brands to Earn Social Currency | Fast Company
Five Steps for Consumer Brands to Earn Social Currency
36 Awesome Social Media Blogs Everyone Should Read
Unboxed - Yes, People Still Read, but Now It’s Social -
the speed with which we can follow the trail of an idea, or discover new perspectives on a problem, has increased by several orders of magnitude. We are marginally less focused, and exponentially more connected.
“THE point of books is to combat loneliness,” David Foster Wallace observes near the beginning of “Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself,” David Lipsky’s recently published, book-length interview with him.
is it good or bad?
It’s no accident that most of the great scientific and technological innovation over the last millennium has taken place in crowded, distracting urban centers. The printed page itself encouraged those manifold connections, by allowing ideas to be stored and shared and circulated more efficiently. One can make the case that the Enlightenment depended more on the exchange of ideas than it did on solitary, deep-focus reading. Quiet contemplation has led to its fair share of important thoughts. But it cannot be denied that good ideas also emerge in networks.
many great ideas that have advanced culture over the past centuries have emerged from a more connective space, in the collision of different worldviews and sensibilities, different metaphors and fields of expertise. (Gutenberg himself borrowed his printing press from the screw presses of Rhineland vintners, as Mr. Carr notes.)
If you happen to be reading the book on the Kindle from Amazon, Mr. Wallace’s observation has an extra emphasis: a dotted underline running below the phrase. Not because Mr. Wallace or Mr. Lipsky felt that the point was worth stressing, but because a dozen or so other readers have highlighted the passage on their Kindles, making it one of the more “popular” passages in the book.
Zonkk | Create your own Social Network
Anyone replacing their Ning with Zonkk
Create your own social network for your family, business, club, sports team or anything you like. It is quick, simple and, best of all, free to get started and you can be up and running in minutes.
Facebook: Facts You Probably Didn't Know [INFOGRAPHIC]
Infographic with interesting information about Facebook
If you actually want to win over anyone with the information about Fb miscellanea, below will be the best cheat published as a really significant infographic. Take pleasure in!
Help me help my friend in DC. | Ask MetaFilter
A Russian friend of mine may be in a dangerous situation in Washington, DC. My friend and former student K arrived in DC yesterday, along with a friend. She came over on some kind of travel exchange program put together by a Russian travel agency called 'XXXXX'. They paid about 3K for this program. The program promised a job offer in advance, but didn't deliver. They said they would send one via email, but failed there, too. Her contact in the USA barely speaks English, doesn't answer her calls but does answer mine. He has asked her and her friend to meet in NYC tonight around midnight, with promises of hostess work in a lounge. Yes, I know how horrific that sounds- that's why I am working all possible angles here. She is not going to NYC but I need some help handling and understanding how to handle this- I have a friend helping them with a cheap hotel for the night, but that's all at the moment. I am presently driving to LA and could fly her and her friend to meet me there on Satu
This is so amazing - shows that the Internet is really wonderful sometimes.
The most amazing Ask Metafilter thread ever?
Una fiaba dei tempi di internet. Vera. Molto meglio della storia del cellulare perso raccontata da Shirky in "Here Comes Everybody" (ma del resto è accaduta dopo l'uscita del libro).
The most awesome thing I've ever seen.
this is why i'm in love with the internet.. [from]
Use of Metafilter to prevent likely human trafficking. Like Kottke said, this is what the internet is for.
3 New Ways to Use Twitter at Live Events | Social Media Examiner
Twapper Keeper
3 usos de Twitter para cubrir eventos #medios #periodismo #periodistas #redessociales – Gerardo Albarrán (saladeprensa)
3 New Ways to Use Twitter at Live Events (via @smexaminer) #AmmanTT – Mohamad Khawaja (mkhawaja)
3 cool tools to help create socially mediated events
7 Ways Journalists Can Use Foursquare
How to Use Social Media for Crisis Management | Social Media Examiner
When most people think about the advantages of using social media for business, they immediately think of the marketing benefits. However, many businesses are starting to use social media as a tool for listening and providing customer service. When a crisis or emergency erupts, the power of social media can be an amazing tool for businesses. A crisis can include anything from a simple website outage to negative publicity. This article will reveal how to use social media during a crisis and provide many examples you can model.
RT @pattyschinzing: How to Use Social Media for Crisis Management. #smallbusiness
How to Use #SocialMedia for #Crisis #Management -
Social media can be used for more than just marketing- what about crisis management? – Big Fuel (bigfuel)
"Privacy and Publicity in the Context of Big Data"
presentation script by danah boyd
Big data, the currency that users pay Facebook and other social media companies for the right to use 'free' services
Facebook's Culture Problem May Be Fatal - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review
"They just assumed Facebook would evolve as their lives shifted from adolescent to adult and their needs changed. Facebook's failure to recognize this culture change deeply threatens its future profits."
"Facebook's imbroglio over privacy reveals what may be a fatal business model..."
Privacy. Seemingly altruistic companies screwing over their users for monetization and business models
What lessons can we draw from the Facebook flameup? Lifecycle changes can trump generational change and cultural values perceived as crucial at the age of 13 can be very different at 20. A business founded on the values of a generation, such as Facebook, has to keep up with, and respect, evolving lives and needs.
HOW TO: Make the Most of Your Twitter Profile Page
24 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
Content Is No Longer King: Curation Is King
As someone said to me a few weeks back: "Andy Warhol was wrong. We're not going to be famous for 15 minutes. We're each going to be famous for 15 People." Indeed. Advertising: We're standing at the end of an era. "Mass Media", the ability to reach large segments of the population with a single message is essentially over. For advertisers, the need to find content in context, and to have that context be appropriate for their message and their brand is critical. So, Curation replaces Creation as the coin of the realm for advertiser-safe environments. No longer can advertisers simply default to big destination sites. The audience is too diffuse and the need to filter and organize quality crowd-created content is too critical.
How To Manage Your Social Media Marketing In 10 Minutes Daily | Social Media Examiner
How To Manage Your Social Media Marketing In 10 Minutes Daily | Social Media Examiner
5 Ways Facebook Will Impact E-commerce
"Using Facebook’s API, a website can take your interests and use them to personalize your browsing experience. ... Considering anyone can pull your Open Graph via Facebook’s API, this information can be used to personalize an online store based on your past purchases, likes, and preferences quite easily. ... According to Nielsen, 90% of people trust recommendations from people they know, and Facebook’s 'like' button is the perfect way to recommend a product to a friend."
RT @RonaldYau: 5 Ways Facebook’s Open Graph Will Impact E-commerce
Exclusive matchmaking site for Apple lovers.
Introducing Cupidtino - die Partner-Börse für Apple Fanboys und Fangirls #muahaha #lol
Please ignore this bookmark. ;)
Bizarra red social para encontrar tu pareja maquera.
Well I WAS looking forward to our 10th wedding anniversary. Now it seems I may be able to do better:
How Consumers Interact with Brands on Social Networks - eMarketer
Coupons remain a leading driver of brand interactions in social networks
“Those who still think that social network users are too busy engaging with friends to notice marketers must change their viewpoint,” said Debra Aho Williamson, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report “Brand Interactions on Social Networks.” “Brand interactions are real, valuable and growing. “ According to a February 2010 survey by Chadwick Martin Bailey, a market research firm, 33% of Facebook users have become fans of brands on the network.
EduDemic » The Ultimate Teacher’s Guide To Social Media
a flipbook that briefly describes a variety of social media 'outlets' (no mention of Delicious)
Describes a book as well as listing some other ideas.
RT @edudemic: From Twitter to Diigo to Glogster and beyond...The Ultimate Teacher's Guide To Social Media helps everyone! ...
Why Your Company Needs to Embrace Social CRM
Why We Check In: The Reasons People Use Location-Based Social Networks
[RRW] Case studies, usage examples on location-based social networking
As good as a description I've read RT @marshallk: Why We Check In: Reasons People Use Location-Based Social Networks
How Non-Profits are Using Social Media for Real Results
10 Beautiful Social Media Infographics
Digital love from Mashable. Gorgeous graphics for your viewing pleasure.
Grace Smith, writing on, introduces 10 infographics that make sense of social media's impact on our lives, and are beautiful to look at, too!
Engage: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web,
Why Small Businesses Shouldn't Take Social Media for Granted
When done right, social media can be a valuable source for customer acquisition, retention and satisfaction. Here a few reasons to help drive the value home.
5 Ways to Build a Loyal Audience on YouTube
5 Ways to Build a Loyal Audience on YouTube #socialmedia #PR #Journalismus
Awareness, Inc. | Social Marketing Software
35 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
35 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
35 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed: Saved from instachrome extension
8 Ways FarmVille Designs for Engagement | Making sense of good and bad content
Interssante #socialgaming insights uit #Farmville “@ProximityWW: Insights on social gaming provided by Zynga”
Every web experience designer can learn from the tactics deployed in FarmVille to engage members over the long term. Here are 8 tactics you should include...
Designing compelling user experiences
RT @philmichaelson 8 Ways FarmVille Designs for Engagement | Making sense of good and bad content
195 Social Media Measurement Tools & Technologies
RT @ToddLebo: RT @tjmccue 195 Social Media Measurement Tools & Technologies – MarketingSherpa (MarketingSherpa)
195 Social Media Measurement Tools & Technologies and growing
10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard | Social Media Examiner
10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard – (weknowmore)
10 Ways to Cut Through the Social Media Noise and Be Heard by @chrisgarrett – Calvin Lee (mayhemstudios)
How CEOs are Using Social Media for Real Results
How CEOs are Using Social Media for Real Results - [from]
How CEOs are Using Social Media for Real Results #yam – Samuel Driessen (driessen)
5 Small Business Social Media Success Stories
@CeeFor Try giving your boss case studies & will measure ROI
Emerson Salon
Best practices from assorted small businesses.
danah boyd | apophenia » “for the lolz”: 4chan is hacking the attention economy
They are showing that Top 100 lists can be gamed and that entertaining content can reach mass popularity without having any commercial intentions (regardless of whether or not someone decided to commercialize it on the other side). Their antics force people to think about status and power and they encourage folks to laugh at anything that takes itself too seriously. The mindset is deeply familiar to me and it doesn’t surprise me when I learn that old hacker types get a warm fuzzy feeling thinking about 4chan even if trolls and griefers annoy the hell out of them. In a mediated environment where marketers are taking over, there’s something subversively entertaining about betting on the anarchist subculture. Cuz, really, at the end of the day, many old skool hackers weren’t entirely thrilled to realize that mainstreamification of net culture meant that mainstream culture would dominate net culture.
How to Make Twitter More Useful for Your Business | Social Media Examiner
Twiter tips for business
Twitter Launches “Places” Feature with Foursquare Integration
I'll be keeping an eye on this as we build out our geolocation ideas at TBD. Twitter has a much bigger base than Foursquare, so if they do this right, every service can benefit from the user boost.
After months of rumors and hinting, Twitter has unveiled its major new foray into the world of geolocation, Twitter Places.
HOW TO: Evaluate Your Social Media Plan
it takes time, effort, and resources before this new media will have an impact on you brand
Making Your Mark On The Web Is Easier Than You Think - Smashing Magazine
We who work on the Web live in wonderful times. In the past, we did of lot of trial-and-error learning, and the biggest hurdle was getting people to understand what we were on about. Over time, companies like Google, Yahoo, Skype, Facebook and Twitter managed to get the geeky Web into the living rooms of regular people and into the headlines of the mainstream press.
Making Your Mark On The Web Is Easier Than You Think
We who work on the Web live in wonderful times. In the past, we did of lot of trial-and-error learning, and the biggest hurdle was getting people to understand what
4 simple steps to meeting someone
Social Media Strategy from A to Z » Techipedia | Tamar Weinberg
Social Media Strategy from A to Z
Study: Twitter Is Not a Very Social Network
RT @rww Study: Twitter Is Not a Very Social Network
After analyzing over 41 million user profiles and 1.47 billion follower/following relationships, the researchers concluded that only 22% of all connections on Twitter are reciprocal. On Flickr, this number is closer to 68% and on Yahoo 360 it's 84%. The large majority (78%) of connections between users on Twitter are one-way relationships.
More a broadcast network than a social network: 68% of Twitter users aren't followed by anyone they are following – Michael Zimbalist (zimbalist)
52 Cool Facts About Social Media - Danny Brown
Great social media stats - July 2010
22 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
12 Best Open-Source Social Networking Software
HOW TO: Use Social Media for Lead Generation
most important emerging channels for lead generation. Being that social media is a great place to attract new customers, we put together a quick guide on how to use social media for lead generation.
The Real Life Social Network v2
@jcstearns The Real Life Social Network v2 - <-in slideshare . A must read.
This is fascinating! — The Real Life Social Network v2
Design a Facebook page for Free!
Pagemodo, design a tab, design a welcome page, facebook
Facebook - to help set up Facebook pages.
Design a Welcome page for Facebook so people see this page before they see your wall, etc.
7 Great Completely Free eBooks on Social Media You Have to Read
"Do you love books? Love getting free stuff? Yeah, me too. That’s why I’ve decided to share with you all a selection of excellent books on social media that are all available to read for free."
a selection of completely free ebooks which come highly recommended by social media professionals.
4 Tips for B2B Marketing on Facebook
Facebook presents a unique opportunity to connect with and educate your target market in a way that your website and even your blog can’t match. The trick is coming up with meaningful content that people will want to share, and that brings them back again and again. Become an industry resource Expand beyond your wall Lighten up Engage the community
RT @Mike_Stelzner: 4 Tips for B2B Marketing on Facebook via @Mashable – B2B Online Marketing (B2BOnlineMktg)
Social networking sites: 10 mistakes organizations make
Millions of people log onto social media Web sites daily, prompting such varied organizations as Gaithersburg-based MedImmune, the American Red Cross and the Department of Housing and Urban Development to follow. But simply creating an account on Facebook or Twitter rarely equates to being plugged in. Area consultants said many organizations spend ample time and resources on social media without seeing much return. Here are 10 common mistakes that they see businesses, nonprofits and government agencies make.
Good set of points for those of you interested in using Social Media to promote your organization.
9 Usability And UX Pitfalls, And How To Avoid Them
RT @draenews: Del 9 Usability And UX Pitfalls, And How To Avoid Them:
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking | Social Media Examiner
From Social Media Examiner
How to use blog to increase your SEO
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking - via @smexaminer – Ben Cotton (BenCotton)
The Fastest Way to Increase Your Google Ranking - via @smexaminer
5 Social Media Trends to Watch Right Now
via 7/7/2010 Leaguer post
5 Social Media Trends to Watch Right Now - – Pete Cashmore (mashable)
Increase Your User Activity with Points, Badges and Status
7 Social Media Truths You Can Ignore and Still be Successful | Social Media Examiner
There are tons associated with social networking professionals out there there—including those who maintain it’s my feeling this kind of point as being a “social mass media expert”—and they’re sharing with us precisely how advertising and marketing operates, the way it does not work, and the way most of us must act in the social media industry.
One Rule Worth Following Provide value. That’s it. In social media it’s all too easy to unfollow, unfriend or unsubscribe from someone who’s not providing value. Every tweet, status update, blog post, video, or check-in should provide value to your audience. Value means different things to different people. Your value may be in creating thought leadership blog posts. It might be in always posting links to great resources. Or it might be creating irreverent, sarcastic or even off-color commentary on what’s going on in your audience’s lives. The key is to just keep providing that value to your audience.
There are a lot associated with advertising and marketing experts out there—including those who maintain there’s no these thing being a “social media expert”—and clearly showing us all precisely how advertising and marketing works, the way it won't operate, and the way most of us should behave in the social networking world.
Increase Your User Activity with Points, Badges and Status
Increase Your User Activity with Points, Badges and Status
7 Social Media Truths You Can Ignore and Still be Successful | Social Media Examiner
There are tons associated with social networking professionals out there there—including those who maintain it’s my feeling this kind of point as being a “social mass media expert”—and they’re sharing with us precisely how advertising and marketing operates, the way it does not work, and the way most of us must act in the social media industry.
One Rule Worth Following Provide value. That’s it. In social media it’s all too easy to unfollow, unfriend or unsubscribe from someone who’s not providing value. Every tweet, status update, blog post, video, or check-in should provide value to your audience. Value means different things to different people. Your value may be in creating thought leadership blog posts. It might be in always posting links to great resources. Or it might be creating irreverent, sarcastic or even off-color commentary on what’s going on in your audience’s lives. The key is to just keep providing that value to your audience.
Top 6 Social Media Mistakes And How to Fix Them | Social Media Examiner
here are six reasons social media might not be working for you—along with ways to overcome these problems.
Top 6 Social Media Mistakes And How to Fix Them (#SocialMedia Examiner) -
"Top 6 Social Media Mistakes And How to Fix Them | Social Media Examiner"
While there are many success stories of people using social media for personal and business reasons, there are also plenty of people who may feel their efforts are not paying off. Whether you use social media to market your business, increase sales, promote your blog, or raise awareness for a non-profit organization, here are six reasons social media might not be working for you—along with ways to overcome these problems.
Top 6 social media mistakes and how to fix them
5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management
Facebook, MySpace Confront Privacy Loophole -
Emily Steel and Jessica E. Vascellaro/The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2010.
5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management
Facebook, MySpace Confront Privacy Loophole -
Emily Steel and Jessica E. Vascellaro/The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2010.
5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management
Facebook, MySpace Confront Privacy Loophole -
Because big sites (Facebook) pass along my clickstreams.
Emily Steel and Jessica E. Vascellaro/The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2010.
5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management
Facebook, MySpace Confront Privacy Loophole -
Because big sites (Facebook) pass along my clickstreams.
Emily Steel and Jessica E. Vascellaro/The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2010.
5 Ways to Clean Up Your Social Media Identity
Social Media Identity Management
Introduction to social media
RT @cristobalzamora: RT @ictlogist: Introduction to Social Media (via many people! ;)
From Nancy White
8 Tips for a Successful Social Media Cause Campaign
10 Cool Facebook Status Tips and Tricks
5 Rules for Professional Social Networking Success
Dan Klamm
5 Rules for Professional Social Networking Success
5 Rules for Professional Social Networking Success
Dan Klamm
5 Rules for Professional Social Networking Success
What Makes Up a Social Marketing Strategy? - eMarketer
What Makes Up a Social Marketing Strategy?
It’s quickly becoming common wisdom among marketers that a strategy is needed to use social media effectively. Of course, that doesn’t mean a majority of those involved in the space have gotten on boa
52% of social marketers are operating “without a game plan”
NameChecklist - Find your name the easy way!
Use namechecklist to check if your brandname, username, domain and vanity url are still available on the worldwide web.
namechecklist: check if your branding, username, domain or URL are still available - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
Find your name the easy way! Use namechecklist to check if your brandname, username, domain and vanity url are still available on the worldwide web.
Facebook Unleashes Open Graph Search Engine, Declares War On Google
Facebook’s search strategy, the company has confirmed with us that “all Open Graph-enabled web pages will show up in search when a user likes them”. Earlier this week we published about the new Facebook SEO that’s possible via the Open Graph, but now it’s clear that this is the beginning of Facebook’s internet search strategy. The race is now on for publishers to optimize their sites for Facebook’s search engine.
Facebook Unleashes Open Graph Search Engine, Declares War On Google [from]
While there was a lot of speculation about Facebook’s search strategy, the company has confirmed with us that “all Open Graph-enabled web pages will show up in search when a user likes them”. Earlier this week we published about the new Facebook SEO that’s possible via the Open Graph, but now it’s clear that this is the beginning of Facebook’s internet search strategy. The race is now on for publishers to optimize their sites for Facebook’s search engine.
While there was a lot of speculation about Facebook's search strategy, the company has confirmed with ...
Is Social a Source for B2B Leads? - eMarketer
While many business-to-business (B2B) companies have gotten turned on to the value of social media marketing and find it helpful for tasks like prospecting and lead generation, inbound social marketin
Annotated link
LinkedIn and Wikipedia users were more likely to browse around company Websites before leaving. LinkedIn users, however, tended to be interested in “careers” pages, suggesting the business-oriented social network refers many job seekers. It was visitors from Wikipedia who were most likely to be carrying out product research.
Facebook Unleashes Open Graph Search Engine, Declares War On Google
Facebook’s search strategy, the company has confirmed with us that “all Open Graph-enabled web pages will show up in search when a user likes them”. Earlier this week we published about the new Facebook SEO that’s possible via the Open Graph, but now it’s clear that this is the beginning of Facebook’s internet search strategy. The race is now on for publishers to optimize their sites for Facebook’s search engine.
Facebook Unleashes Open Graph Search Engine, Declares War On Google [from]
While there was a lot of speculation about Facebook’s search strategy, the company has confirmed with us that “all Open Graph-enabled web pages will show up in search when a user likes them”. Earlier this week we published about the new Facebook SEO that’s possible via the Open Graph, but now it’s clear that this is the beginning of Facebook’s internet search strategy. The race is now on for publishers to optimize their sites for Facebook’s search engine.
While there was a lot of speculation about Facebook's search strategy, the company has confirmed with ...
Google's Long History of Social Media Attempts [INFOGRAPHIC]
Mashable hat eine wunderbare Infografik ausgegraben, die die Anfänge von Social Media im Februar 2003 bis heute nachzeichnen:
Why Many Teens Are Moving on from Facebook - eMarketer
There’s no question of Facebook’s position at the top of the social networking space, and one thing that makes the site so powerful is that when it comes to social networking, a user’s friends must be users too. But among some teens, Facebook may be losing its stickiness.
There’s no question of Facebook’s position at the top of the social networking space, and one thing that makes the site so powerful is that when it comes to social networking, a user’s friends must be users too. But among some teens, Facebook may be losing its stickiness. According to a study from OTX and virtual fashion site Roiworld, nearly one in five teens with a Facebook profile had decreased or discontinued their use of the site as of April 2010. What’s more, the decreases seemed to speed up in recent months, with two-thirds of the lapsed users having turned away from the site in the past six months.
decrease apparently not related to privacy or influx of older users: it's just boring!
JULY 12, 2010, eMarketer
Red social para compartir citas, ordenadas por categorías
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"All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure" -Qwoted from Mark Twain, mcdavis /Qwotebook" ( )
Quote-sharing Site for famous and everyday quotes. Youtube for quotes.
#WEB2.0 - #QWOTEBOOK - - Quote y/ friends, attribute quotes to them and even provide context and #feeds . Cool!
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Google Secretly Invested $100+ Million In Zynga, Preparing To Launch Google Games
oh sweet Jesus, Google invested in Zynga? so much for "don't be evil." – Jeff Atwood (codinghorror)
Google has quietly (secretly, one might say) invested somewhere between $100 million and $200 million in social gaming behemoth Zynga, we’ve confirmed from multiple sources. (via TechCrunch)
"Google Secretly Invested $100+ Million In Zynga, Preparing To Launch Google Games"
Google starts the gaming service, actually the social network based games. At the end, Zynga is the winner who takes all the attentions from many companies interested in social games including facebook, yahoo, google and etc. That is, there is always a niche business.
Google aism to make Zynga (creators of Farmville) the cornerstone of Goolge games; expected to go live late Dec 2010 - posted circa July 2010
Google Games Part ... Duex?
How to Get the Social-Media Generation Behind Your Cause - Advertising Age - Digital
"Once social activism meant protest marches, civil obedience and sit-ins. But for today's 20-somethings ... supporting or denouncing a cause is as simple as hitting the "like" button on Facebook or posting a hashtag to Twitter. And that's often where it ends.... But that can also be where it begins...."
How to Get the Social-Media Generation Behind Your Cause
Adults born between 1982 and 1992 came of age during a decade that promised an "embarrassment of riches," said Eliza Esquivel, TBWA's planning director and author of the study. "They were told that the future was theirs to win, and they've been very empowered, very educated, and as a result this is a very optimistic group." At the same time, they are a group that witnessed spectacular failures of institutions and corporations, having witnessed the scandal at Enron and now being bombarded with news of misdoings by Goldman Sachs and BP. Thus along with their optimism, this is a group equally prone to cynicism about corporate efforts.
GlastoTag - One huge photo. A whole load of tags. | Glastonbury Music Festival | Orange UK
Sensationelle Facebook Foto Tagging Aktion mit einem hochauflösenden Festival Foto
Usuários podem se tagear com o Facebook
Matrix: Challenges of the Social Technology Industry, July 2010 Edition « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
While the opportunities for social technologies to change the world, business, and our individual lives continue to unveil, it's also key to focus in on the challenges that impact the industry.  For many folks who have decided to invest in social te
Great Matrix: Challenges of the Social Technology Industry (via @jowyang) – Sean McBride (mcbrizzle4)
While the opportunities for social technologies to change the world, business, and our individual lives continue to unveil, it’s also key to focus in on the challenges that impact the industry. For many folks who have decided to invest in social technologies to improve their careers and business, it’s even more important to pay attention to these challenges. First of all, have the right mindset. The savvy person will realize this isn’t a list of gripes, but instead an opportunity list. Leaders at vendors, agencies, or brands will see these list of challenges of problems to fix and monetize. If you’re in this space, you’ll want to send this list to your product teams, or strategy teams so they can think about how to solve many of these issues –or at a minimum, be prepared for it.
The social web is like a vuvuzela, everyone has one, blows it, resulting in a pure buzzing sound.
Social Media is the 3rd Era of the Web
Social Media is the 3rd Era of the Web #socialmedia
I've done this search dozens of times since December and have shared it in slides many times since. It's a search that compares the world wide search volume on
great comparisons in stats on "social media"
What’s also interesting is that the decline of Web 2.0 and the rise of social media are connected. Since Facebook has hit the scene, the original social media tools have peaked in usage: blogs, wikis, forums and RSS.
RT @BBHLabs: Excellent charts. Good long-term context - RT @steverubel: Social Media is 3rd Era of Web -
Guía de Community Managers en Facebook
Social Media is the 3rd Era of the Web
An interesting series of graphs about the rise and rise of social media, especially Facebook
Social Media is the 3rd Era of the Web #socialmedia
10 Reasons to Stop Apologizing for Your Online Life - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review
Via Ida: "everything_is_in_real_life" :P
"IRL: In Real Life. It's used as shorthand all over the Internet, to distinguish what happens online from what happens offline. And it's a lie. If we still refer to the offline world as 'real life,' it's only a sign of deep denial — or unwarranted shame — about what reality looks like in the 21st century."
Why are we ashamed of our online lives? It is part of our lives. – baldy7 (baldy7)
Why are we ashamed of our online lives? It is part of our lives.
"It's time to start living in 21st century reality: a reality that is both on- and offline. Acknowledge online life as real, and the Internet's transformative potential opens up..."
There's no denying the differences between life online and off. In our online lives we shake off the limitations of our physical selves, perhaps even our names and consciences, too. What remains are the fundamentals: human beings, human conversations, human communities. To say that "reality" includes only offline beings, offline conversations and offline communities is to say that face-to-face matters more than human-to-human.
What if we stopped all the hand wringing and really honored our online lives? #wrbm #life_online
RT @MichaelSurtees: RT @Malbonnington: 2 sides to a story: The bliss found in switching off:; & the joys of being onl ...
Guía de Community Managers en Facebook
10 Reasons to Stop Apologizing for Your Online Life - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review
via jared / ida
Business bloggers at Harvard Business Review discuss a variety of business topics including managing people, innovation, leadership, and more.
Via Ida: "everything_is_in_real_life" :P
"IRL: In Real Life. It's used as shorthand all over the Internet, to distinguish what happens online from what happens offline. And it's a lie. If we still refer to the offline world as 'real life,' it's only a sign of deep denial — or unwarranted shame — about what reality looks like in the 21st century."
Guía de Community Managers en Facebook
Social Media is the 3rd Era of the Web
I’ve done this search dozens of times since December and have shared it in slides many times since. It’s a search that compares the world wide search volume on Google for new media, web 2.0, and social media. What the above graph shows is that we’re at an inflection point in the language we use to describe the macro trends of innovation on the web. I believe it’s the indicator that we’re in the 3rd Era of the Web and it’s The Era of Social Media.
An interesting series of graphs about the rise and rise of social media, especially Facebook
Social Media is the 3rd Era of the Web #socialmedia
Activos Intangibles: Bibliografía sobre social media y comunicación on line: 35 ebooks en castellano
Alguna vez ya había preparado una breve bibliografía sobre Web 2.0 pero en esos tiempos no disponíamos de la gran cantidad de recursos on line con los que contamos hoy. La mayoría de ellos están para descargar en formato PDF, por lo que pueden ser disfrutados en vuestras pantallas de tablets, móviles, iPads o la amplia gama de lectores de ebooks disponibles en el mercado.
Bibliografía sobre social media y comunicación on line: 35 ebooks en castellano
The Best Icon Sets for Portfolio Sites - Web Design Blog
Top 10 Social Bookmarking Plugins for Wordpress - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Muy insteresante
Corporate Social Media Policies: The Good, the Mediocre, and the Ugly | Fast Company
Includes links to or text from CNN, Intel, Best Buy, Walmart, Ford, Time Warner Cable The BBC and Easter Seals.
Good summary piece
Corporate Social Media Policies: The Good, the Mediocre, and the Ugly 'Corporate Social Media Policies: The Good, the Mediocre & the Ugly' - good discussion starter for #inf506
宮崎駿監督iPadについて「ぼくには、鉛筆と紙があればいい」と語る:平凡でもフルーツでもなく、、、:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ
RT @toshiro: 宮崎駿監督iPadについて「ぼくには、鉛筆と紙があればいい」と語る
宮崎駿ファンとして取り上げることはしないで考えてみる。「新しいものに対して否定的な老人」という安易な見方もできるんだけど、考えさせられるポイントはいくつかある。 自分の世代としては"新しい"ことに心躍らされることが楽しくてしょうがないわけだけども、"人間が持つ普遍的な欲"を満たすために手を変え品を変え"新しいもの"が出てきているという視点に切り替えてみると、何のために僕らは…という気持ちになる。 新しいものに心躍らされる気持ちもまた普遍的なものだ。 新しくて優れたもの と 古くからある優れたもの なら、まず後者のほうが見つけやすい。 作らなくても生きていけるものを作り続ける意義はどこにあるのか。 それでも World Wide Web のおかげで、だだっ広い世界のすみっこで今こうしてキーを叩いている僕の姿を、いくぶんかのリアリティを上乗せして想像することができる。まだ僕の知らない優れた人やモノや考え方の存在を想像することで、自分の小ささを知ることができる。 単純に新しいものを否定することも、新しいものばかりやたらともてはやすことも、大差はない。 Webなんてない時代の人々が同じ視点の遙か先を歩いていたとしても。
How to Create a Social Media Strategy for Your Business | Social Media Examiner
Block your ex
Get People to "Like" Your Facebook Page | Social Media Examiner
How to build your Facebook community by getting people to like your business page.
#1: Be Prepared With Quality Wall Posts and Consistent Engagement #2: Reward Your Loyal Supporters #3: Leverage Your Existing Social Networks #4: Integrate Facebook Social Plugins to Your Website #5: Remind Your Fans to Like and Share #6: Utilize Forum Signatures and Membership Sites #7: Take the Initiative: Request Help From Friends #8: Use Tagging and Acknowledgments #9: Participate Outside Your Page #10: Collaborate With Other Page Admins for a Social Event
How To Write A Social Media Press Release | Social Media Today
If you’re used to traditional press release formats its evolution to social media press release (SMPR) won’t be too much of a challenge. Knowing what to include and how to format your SMPR will be a big help in securing media and blogger coverage for your brand’s news and happenings.
See also the 2006 version, which is still relevant:
A Creative Brief To Guide Social Media Efforts - PSFK
A Creative Brief To Guide Social Media Efforts #socialmedia
How To Write A Social Media Press Release | Social Media Today
Back in the day, press releases were the primary means of communication between business enterprises and the media. However, the advancement of the internet has made the traditional format of a press release less effective as journalists, press members and readers crave small chunks of succinct details that incorporate social media, linking and multimedia to make it more digestible and relevant. If you’re used to traditional press release formats its evolution to social media press release (SMPR) won’t be too much of a challenge. Knowing what to include and how to format your SMPR will be a big help in securing media and blogger coverage for your brand’s news and happenings. The basic SMPR parts are: 1. headline 2. secondary headline 3. overview 4. body 5. facts 6. about 7. multimedia links 8. relevant links 9. tags
How To Write A Social Media Press Release #socialmedia
21 Infographics Every Computer Nerd Must See
@yuifu my wallet cried when i bought this, but i'm happy :) – nick abel (516eltonXB7Z6Q)
The future of social relations | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
The future of social relations | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project #gwws
Pew research
Overview The social benefits of internet use will far outweigh the negatives over the next decade, according to experts who responded to a survey about the future of the internet. They say this is because email, social networks, and other online tools offer ‘low-friction’ opportunities to create, enhance, and rediscover social ties that make a difference in people’s lives. The internet lowers traditional communications constraints of cost, geography, and time; and it supports the type of open information sharing that brings people together.
"Report: Future of the Internet, Social Networking, Communities The future of social relations " -- Pew
2010 research report on the ways in which social media are expected to enhance relationships. Positives outweigh negatives.
6 New Terms to Use When Measuring Social Marketing Efforts
attractions, participations, interactions, actions, transformations, transactions
Sysomos | Judging a Twitter User by Their Followers
The ROI of Social Media Marketing: More than Dollars and Cents | Forrester Blogs
Brands are making plenty of money in social media: Dell Outlet’s Twitter account has generated millions for Dell, the Intel Channel Voice community has decreased costs by eliminating the need for expensive in-person events, and P&G used media mix modeling to demonstrate that the community is several times more effective at driving sales than the brands' television ads.
Kukunu Trip Planner | Create Your Travel Itinerary with 300000+ Hotels, Restaurants and Activities Worldwide
Plan your next trip with Kukunu: build your itinerary, share with your friends, add hotels, restaurants and activities. Get the best price and book.
to plan your next trip. A free and friendly tool to create your itinerary, save hotels or activities you don't want to miss.
planificacion de viajes
Create Your Travel Itinerary with 300000+ Hotels, Restaurants and Activities Worldwide
How to Display Facebook Fan Count in Text | How-To
api fancount
Design weblog for designers, bloggers and tech users. Covering useful tools, tutorials, tips and inspirational photos.
20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español) | Clases de Periodismo
RT @porkambin: 20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español)
Kukunu Trip Planner | Create Your Travel Itinerary with 300000+ Hotels, Restaurants and Activities Worldwide
planifica viajes con calenario etc
Create Your Travel Itinerary with 300000+ Hotels, Restaurants and Activities Worldwide
Plan your next trip with Kukunu: build your itinerary, share with your friends, add hotels, restaurants and activities. Get the best price and book.
to plan your next trip. A free and friendly tool to create your itinerary, save hotels or activities you don't want to miss.
How to Display Facebook Fan Count in Text | How-To
api fancount
Design weblog for designers, bloggers and tech users. Covering useful tools, tutorials, tips and inspirational photos.
20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español) | Clases de Periodismo
20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español)
Interesante lista de libros a leer sobre social media web2.0 y todas esas cosas extrañas
RT @porkambin: 20 libros de Social Media y Comunicación (gratis y en español)
Ian Bogost - Cow Clicker
The making of cow clicker, and a look at the trend of social games
In which he describes the hows and whys.
Une excellente crique et analyse sur les "jeux" sociaux.
Compulsion explains the feeling of struggling to return to something in spite of ourselves. Its flipside involves the disrespect of time that we might otherwise spend doing more valuable things—or even just pondering the thoughtful and unexpected ideas that an asynchronous game might raise. Social games so covet our time that they abuse us while we are away from them, through obligation, worry, and dread over missed opportunities.
"You get a cow. You can click on it. In six hours, you can click it again. Clicking earns you clicks. You can buy custom "premium" cows through micropayments (the Cow Clicker currency is called "mooney"), and you can buy your way out of the time delay by spending it. You can publish feed stories about clicking your cow, and you can click friends' cow clicks in their feed stories. Cow Clicker is Facebook games distilled to their essence." -- Reminds me of the game where you do the dishes.
The dialectic between theory and practice often collapses into a call and response panegyric. This in mind, I thought it might be productive to make an example that would act as its own theory.
Top 5 Social Media Myths Debunked | Social Media Examiner
ime I heard this one….  Seriously, this myth keeps more businesspeople from interact
Mitos da social media desmitificados.
Don't fall into these social media myths and engage in social media interaction with your customers.
"Top 5 Social Media Myths Debunked | Social Media Examiner"
Myth #1: My Customers Aren’t on Social Media Myth #2: I Can’t Measure the Impact of Social Media on My Business Myth #3: I Don’t Have Time to Manage Social Media Myth #4: If I Engage on Social Media Sites, I’ll Get Loads of Negative Comments Myth #5: Social Media Is Hard Work
Top 5 Social Media Myths Debunked | Social Media Examiner
ime I heard this one….  Seriously, this myth keeps more businesspeople from interact
Mitos da social media desmitificados.
Don't fall into these social media myths and engage in social media interaction with your customers.
BBC GEL Social Media Icons – the set //