Pages tagged social_media:

Presenting: 10 of the Smartest Big Brands in Social Media

As we battle a global recession, corporations are looking for new ways to sell their products and engage their consumers. Many have turned to the Internet, with Social Media in particular, to market their goods. Let’s take a look at 10 companies that have done a phenomenal job of taking advantage of social media platforms.
Stuntdubl Business Search Marketing Consulting » 9 Reasons You Need Social Media Marketing in 2009
You can have the most beautiful website in the world, and without traffic, it might as well be a billboard in the middle of a cornfield in Iowa.
Social marketing is the new search engine optimization. Reciprocal voting is the new reciprocal linking. It offers a fairly low barrier to entry, and the opportunity to drive a TON of traffic in a short period of time. Even more importantly, social media has become a cornerstone of the strategy for launching sites, or improving their link popularity.
Debunking Six Social Media Myths - BusinessWeek
Using social media to market your business is a good idea. Just don't plan on getting your whiz-kid nephew to do it for free
Business week tells us what to watch not to expect from social media.
For companies, resistance to social media is futile. Millions of people are creating content for the social Web. Your competitors are already there. Your customers have been there for a long time. If your business isn't putting itself out there, it ought to be. But before you take the plunge, bear in mind the many myths that surround social media.
6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan
Recently, Britta Meyer of Eurekster, which makes an embeddable custom social search portal called a Swicki, posed a question on LinkedIn about how one
What Results Can I Expect From My Social Media Campaign?
Social media comes in a variety of flavors, each with a very different end result. Networking campaigns occur on social sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn where users or companies interact with others in the community. Social media news campaigns push content out onto larger social news networking sites like Digg and Reddit. While both of these are types of social media marketing, the results are anything but similar. The main concept behind social media networking is that users can connect and communicate with each other. Usually a successful social media networking campaign isn’t judged by the traffic sent, but by the relationships built.
What Results Can I Expect From My Social Media Campaign?
Social media comes in a variety of flavors, each with a very different end result. Networking campaigns occur on social sites like Twitter, Facebook and
Social Media Networking campaigns article.
Calculating Twitter's ROI for Marketers - Advertising Age - Digital: Columns
What's the bigger idea: social media as marketing stimulus or social media as a way to innovate business processes? It's both.
Top 237 Twitter Users Who Will Follow You Back | Social News Watch
Article du 14 mars 09
Facebook’s Response To Twitter
Response To Twitter
Techcrunch article
5 Tips for Optimizing Your Brand’s Facebook Presence
5 Tips for Optimizing Your Brand’s Facebook Presence
ways to fine-tune your profile for maximum affect. So here are five tips to optimize your activities on Facebook, including the right way to create profile and thumbnail graphics, how to show different content to Fans and non-Fans, creating DIY vanity urls, and how managing what and when you post can lead to greater success.
How to optimise facebook
10 Corporate Twitter Accounts Worth Following - Reviews by PC Magazine,2817,2341886,00.asp
Twitter isn't just about finding out about plane crashes and what your best friend ate for lunch. Its uses are evolving, and big corporations are joining the fun. Some corporate accounts serve as a boring PR tool that spews press releases and follows everyone who tweets about their company. But others have found interesting, inventive ways to engage customers on Twitter. Some corporations, namely @Palm_Inc and @WholeFoods, have used the service to release news and answer questions. Others, such as @DellOutlet and @MotoDeals, have become a hot place to go to find great deals on merchandise. And not to be outdone, companies like @ComcastCares, and @HRBlock, have used Twitter as a new extension to customer service, allowing near real-time responses to difficult questions. We've compiled a list of 10 corporate Twitter accounts that can either help you in a jam or allow you to give instant product and service feedback to someone who will actually get the message. @Palm_Inc 1. @Palm_Inc –
conturi de companii
7 Ways to Create Your Own Social Start Page
7 Ways to Use Social Media to Build Stunning Brands | Social Media Marketing | Social Media Consulting - Convince & Convert
Firefox Could Be the Real Facebook Challenger - ReadWriteWeb
Could Firefox compete with Facebook in the social scene? Or could Facebook compete against Firefox in the browser arena?
Firefox doesn't keep track of the number of users it has but Asa Dotzler, Mozilla's director of community development, said today that the company estimates that there are ...
"It's only logical to extrapolate from that analysis that the line between browsers and social networks will become much less clear and the two types of software will very likely compete with each other."
FF Challenge Facebook?
Really liking "Firefox Could Be the Real Facebook Challenger - ReadWriteWeb" ( )
Understanding the New Web Era: Web 3.0, Linked Data, Semantic Web - ReadWriteWeb
I've been following a fascinating 3-part series of posts this week by Greg Boutin, founder of Growthroute Ventures. The series aimed to tie together 3 big trends, all based around structured data: 1) the still nascent "Web 3.0" concept, 2) the relatively new kid on the structured Web block, Linked Data, and 3) the long-running saga that is the Semantic Web. Greg's series is probably the best explanation I've read all year about the way these trends are converging. In this post I'll highlight some of Greg's thoughts and add some of my own.
Interesting read about the ideas of linked data and how that relates to web3.0 and the semantic web . . .interesting take on it.
UPDATED: New 'WSJ' Conduct Rules Target Twitter, Facebook
It Begins: "Staffers at The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday were given a newly compiled list of rules for "professional conduct," which included a lengthy guide for use of online outlets, noting cautions for activities on social networking sites. In an e-mail to employees, Deputy Managing Editor Alix Freedman wrote, "We've pulled together into one document the policies that guide appropriate professional conduct for all of us in the News Departments of the Journal, Newswires and MarketWatch. Many of these will be familiar.""
* Business and pleasure should not be mixed on services like Twitter. Common sense should prevail, but if you are in doubt about the appropriateness of a Tweet or posting, discuss it with your editor before sending. FAIL
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: So you want a Facebook Fan Page for Your Nonprofit? Here's the Scoop!
This webinar will be a resource for non-profits and other organizations for social good. Expanding on the Non-Profits on Facebook page, we want to help you harness the power of Facebook and bring positive change to the world. Facebook empowers non-profits by enabling them to mobilize communities, organize events, increase fundraising, reduce costs with free online tools, and raise awareness through viral networks.
NTEN offered a fantastic Webinar today featuring Randi Zuckerberg, Director of Marketing at Facebook and Adam Conner from the DC Office on the emerging best practices for nonprofits who want to set up Facebook Fan Pages. Here's the description This...
"We want to encourage you to experiment. Let's be honest, takes an effort to build a community Just because Facebook is free doesn't mean it is easier to get a million fans. Don't start from scratch - look at the other groups that are already talking about your cause and experiment or piggy back or do cross promotion."
There Is No Social Media Kit | Altitude Branding | Brand Elevation through Social Media
The best answer I can give you about your social media endeavors is actually a series of questions. The social media strategy you build will be based on your answers to a pile of smart questions about your business and your tolerance for a new approach.
The dreaded “It Depends” answer is the bane of existence for a lot of corporate communicators trying to get involved in social media. We want shortcuts. We want a kit of parts, turn-key, that we can plug and play. (We did love the Chia Pet after all. Just add water.)
How to build a social media strategy
questions to ask your client before the "get a youtube account".
Is Social Media Making Corporate Websites Irrelevant?
There was a time when having a dotcom was key to your brand. The URL you pointed everyone to in all of your marketing. But with the emergence of the social web, and opportunities to engage with fans elsewhere, is that the right strategy?
VitaminWater Facebook campaign
social media making corp website irrelevant
Creating Your Social Media Plan | Using Social Media for Business
HOW TO: Get Retweeted on Twitter
This week viral marketing scientist Dan Zarrella dug into the data on retweets and published some interesting stats about retweet behavior. These help us understand why people retweet things, and might help you too.
Five Ways to Use Twitter to Improve Your Marketing - ClickZ
found on ClickZ via twitter (@rrabago)
The Social Data Revolution(s) - Now, New, Next -
Successful interactions have become genuine communication with near-instantaneous feedback. For example, PayScale allows users to retrieve real-time salary reports based on their job title, location, education, and experience-but only after they have contributed their own data. As the expectations of users change, firms must spend more time developing incentive systems that will entice more users to participate. Consequently, the online world is beginning to be ruled by the expectations of the users. No longer is it sufficient for a search engine to cough up some hotels across the world when a weary traveler is looking for a good deal in Bangkok! As these consumer expectations shift, companies that want to stay relevant have no choice but to accept the ideas of the consumer revolution as swiftly as possible. For users, switching costs are cheap
Successful interactions have become genuine communication with near-instantaneous feedback. For example, PayScale allows users to retrieve real-time salary reports based on their job title, location, education, and experience-but only after they have contributed their own data. As the expectations of users change, firms must spend more time developing incentive systems that will entice more users to participate. Consequently, the online world is beginning to be ruled by the expectations of the users. No longer is it sufficient for a search engine to cough up some hotels across the world when a weary traveler is looking for a good deal in Bangkok! As these consumer expectations shift, companies that want to stay relevant have no choice but to accept the ideas of the consumer revolution as swiftly as possible. For users, switching costs are cheap
In 2009, more data will be generated by individuals than in the entire history of mankind through 2008. Information overload is more serious than ever. What are the implications for marketing?
People trust people not advertising in product choices
In 2009, more data will be generated by individuals than in the entire history of mankind through 2008.
Supposedly humans will create more data in 2009 than in all time up to 2008. Not sure where that data comes from
When Do You Use Twitter Versus Facebook?
also best buy not listening case #fail #customer experience
When to use Twitter versus vs Facebook
Twitter Vs Facebook - which is best?...
Soren Gordhamer is the author of Wisdom 2.0: Ancient Secrets for the Creative and Constantly Connected (HarperOne, 2009). His homepage is: You can follow him on Twitter.
What the F**k Is Social Media? Here’s an Answer
que es social media, un año despues... buenos consejos para posicionar tu producto.
Presentation on Social Media
A great primer on why social media is essential.s
The next time you need to explain the benefits of social media to someone, just send them this post and make sure they flip through the entire presentation.
What the F**k is social media? This presentation provides some answers.
Yahoo! Know Your Mojo!
Concierge is my social mojo. What's yours? Find out at [from]
Always fun; characterize persons by their twitter behavior...
Eight Twitter Habits That May Get You Unfollowed or Semi-Followed
A great article that will make you reconsider your Twitter etiquette.
Good tips for twitter users to ensure they are staying relevant to their audiences and getting noticed.
nice round up of twitter misbehavior if you use it for business
Social Media Today is a moderated business community for the web's best thinkers on Social Media and Web 2.0
Some GREAT things to note when trying to Twitter successfully
Top 10 Gadgets for Social Media Addicts
우리나라 사람은 우리나라가 IT분야 최고라고 생각하고 생각한다.
70 Do Follow Social Media Sites | Design And Marketing Blog
As social media has grown and evolved over the past few years, it has become a new avenue for marketers and webmasters to execute link building campaigns. This blog post is an attempt to list the social media sites that allow “do follow” links; which should have the potential to contribute to the search rank of the page being linked.
3 Great Social Media Policies to Steal From
this is for when you have to write your own policy
Audience or Community |
The difference between an audience and a community is which direction the chairs are pointing
The difference between an audience and a community is which direction the chairs are pointing.
Brogan defines his views on audience and community
20 Social Networking Sites for Business Professionals
20 Social Networking Sites for Business Professionals -
Many of us actively use sites like Twitter and Facebook to promote our businesses. And those of us looking to connect with more business-related contacts may turn to sites like LinkedIn to develop relationships with people we have worked with or may want to work with. With the growing use of social networking by business professionals, there is a growing number of social networking sites focused on business users and meeting their needs. Here is a list of 20 social networking sites for entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals that are worth a look.
Twelve Tips and Tricks to Get the Most Out of Posterous : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum
3. Customize the look-and-feel of your site. Posterous now supports customization. Select one of the built-in themes, and customize the colors. Or create your own custom theme. You can even port Tumblr themes to Posterous.
Posterous is sort of blogging, but not. It allows you to "lifestream" more easily and upload photos, text, etc. very quickly to a central site.
5 Must-Read Social Media Marketing Studies | Social Media Examiner
B.L. Ochman's blog: 10 Things Social Media Can't Do
B.L. Ochman's blog: 10 Things Social Media Can't Do
10 Things Social Media Can't Do
Waardevolle tips over wat je kan verwachten van Sociale Media en wat niet.
6 Must Read Posts about the ROI of Social Media
6 Must Read Posts about the ROI of Social Media
25 Blogs To Help You Stay Current With Social Media | FreelanceFolder
Guy Kawasaki's list of 25 top social media blogs
85+ Resources: Educator Guide for Integrating Social Media « emergent by design
From the Emergent by Design blog an overview on using social media in education.
"This resource is by no means exhaustive, but it’s a good starting point for finding the information and people that will help you make the transition into a ’21st century learning environment’. I intend for this to be a wikipost (I will update resources as they are shared with me by others), so feel free to bookmark the page and check in periodically for new material."
"I hope this post will be a handy reference guide, especially for those teachers new to social media technologies and how to integrate them into the classroom. This resource is by no means exhaustive, but it’s a good starting point for finding the information and people that will help you make the transition into a ’21st century learning environment’. I intend for this to be a wikipost (I will update resources as they are shared with me by others), so feel free to bookmark the page and check in periodically for new material. Enjoy."
85+ Resources: Educator Guide for Integrating Social Media « emergent by design
From the Emergent by Design blog an overview on using social media in education.
"This resource is by no means exhaustive, but it’s a good starting point for finding the information and people that will help you make the transition into a ’21st century learning environment’. I intend for this to be a wikipost (I will update resources as they are shared with me by others), so feel free to bookmark the page and check in periodically for new material."
"I hope this post will be a handy reference guide, especially for those teachers new to social media technologies and how to integrate them into the classroom. This resource is by no means exhaustive, but it’s a good starting point for finding the information and people that will help you make the transition into a ’21st century learning environment’. I intend for this to be a wikipost (I will update resources as they are shared with me by others), so feel free to bookmark the page and check in periodically for new material. Enjoy."
Twitter Eats World: Global Visitors Shoot Up To 19 Million
Twitter Eats World: Global Visitors Shoot Up To 19 Million [from]
Twitter’s march towards world domination continues apace. This morning comScore released its global numbers for March, 2009. Worldwide visitors to increased 95 percent in the month of March from 9.8 million to 19.1 million, according to its estimates. This compares to 9.3 million visitors in the U.S. alone.
MediaPost Publications Social Media Fails To Manifest As Marketing Medium, Report Likens Twitter To TiVo: More Hype Than Reality 05/20/2009
marketing medium
Good stats on actual usuage of Twitter, drop off rates, etc.
16 social media guidelines used by real companies | Blog | Econsultancy
13 Essential Social-Media 'Listening Tools' : MarketingProfs Articles
You're a marketer who's hip to the idea of social media: You have a blog for your company or client, you know Facebook inside and out, and you can Tweet with the best of them. So you've got the communicating part down pat. But the big question is, Are you listening? If you have customers, chances are they're talking about you to their friends, to their coworkers, and to anyone else who will listen. Here are some of the top tools for listening to and monitoring the online chatter about your brand:
HOW TO: Implement a Social Media Business Strategy
Social Media Today | 10 Ways to Get Serious About Social Media
a must read
Facebook's Zuckerberg Says The Age of Privacy is Over
And yet another reason why I HATE Facebook
Facebook and Privacy
Prediction: 2010 will be the year Facebook is largely abandoned
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg told a live audience yesterday that if he were to create Facebook again today, user information would by default be public, not private as ...
This is a radical change from the way that Zuckerberg pounded on the importance of user privacy for years. That your information would only be visible to the people you accept as friends was fundamental to the DNA of the social network that hundreds of millions of people have joined over these past few years. Privacy control, he told me less than 2 years ago, is "the vector around which Facebook operates." I don't buy Zuckerberg's argument that Facebook is now only reflecting the changes that society is undergoing. I think Facebook itself is a major agent of social change and by acting otherwise Zuckerberg is being arrogant and condescending.
How Gen-Y Startups Use Social Media to Shatter the Status Quo
The use of social media as a business tool is a relatively new concept, but it is one that is allowing Gen-Y entrepreneurs to challenge established norms and leave their mark on the business world.
With 22.7% of 16-19 year olds unemployed and the financial and corporate landscape contracting right in front of them, the so-called Y Generation (Gen-Y) currently has the opportunity to take a strong hold on today’s business landscape. And it seems that they intend to. Half of all new college graduates now believe that self-employment is more secure than a full-time job and 70% of today’s high schoolers plan on starting their own companies.
Top 10 Best Social Media Presentations –
10 ways library schools should be teaching social media • Blog Archive • socialibrarian
A few days ago I came across a wonderful article on Mashable entitled "10 Ways Journalism Schools are teaching social media." The thought struck me about 30 seconds in: all these concepts should apply to library school, but why aren't they being pushed and taught in the same way? I thought since I wasn't being explicitly instructed on how social media can increase the quality and relevance of the library school curriculum, that I would break them down for us and attempt to explain the urgency with which librarians (and our schools' faculty) need to be catching up in this area.
Daniel Hooker appropriates the traits of a networked journalist to a social librarian. According to Hooker, the key to offseting the signal-to-noise ratio is leveraging social media for quality information retrieval. Just as in proprietary database research, an online community of valuable information sharers can improve findability. Opportunities for additional research include privacy issues.
Discusses the Web 2.0 tools that library schools need to teach to prepare 21st century librarians
ways education schools should be teaching social media
10 ways library schools should be teaching social media • Blog Archive • socialibrarian
A few days ago I came across a wonderful article on Mashable entitled "10 Ways Journalism Schools are teaching social media." The thought struck me about 30 seconds in: all these concepts should apply to library school, but why aren't they being pushed and taught in the same way? I thought since I wasn't being explicitly instructed on how social media can increase the quality and relevance of the library school curriculum, that I would break them down for us and attempt to explain the urgency with which librarians (and our schools' faculty) need to be catching up in this area.
Daniel Hooker appropriates the traits of a networked journalist to a social librarian. According to Hooker, the key to offseting the signal-to-noise ratio is leveraging social media for quality information retrieval. Just as in proprietary database research, an online community of valuable information sharers can improve findability. Opportunities for additional research include privacy issues.
Discusses the Web 2.0 tools that library schools need to teach to prepare 21st century librarians
ways education schools should be teaching social media
10 ways library schools should be teaching social media • Blog Archive • socialibrarian
A few days ago I came across a wonderful article on Mashable entitled "10 Ways Journalism Schools are teaching social media." The thought struck me about 30 seconds in: all these concepts should apply to library school, but why aren't they being pushed and taught in the same way? I thought since I wasn't being explicitly instructed on how social media can increase the quality and relevance of the library school curriculum, that I would break them down for us and attempt to explain the urgency with which librarians (and our schools' faculty) need to be catching up in this area.
Daniel Hooker appropriates the traits of a networked journalist to a social librarian. According to Hooker, the key to offseting the signal-to-noise ratio is leveraging social media for quality information retrieval. Just as in proprietary database research, an online community of valuable information sharers can improve findability. Opportunities for additional research include privacy issues.
Discusses the Web 2.0 tools that library schools need to teach to prepare 21st century librarians
ways education schools should be teaching social media
The New Adventures of Mr Stephen Fry
great post on why business should stay the hell off twitter
Fry's top twitter tips
A month or so old now, I just came to re-read this rather nice piece on the subject and usage of Twitter by @stephenfry.
Most of all. Welcome to my twitterworld, I am delighted to have you as a follower. Let’s enjoy ourselves and to hell with those who don’t get it.
Mr Fry's ruminations on twitter. Or rather suggested guidelines for how to use it.
"I love how Twitter confirms my all too often assaulted belief that most humans are kind, curious, knowledgeable, tolerant and funny. The absurd constraints of the 140 character tweet seem oddly to bring out the best in wit, insight and observation." Stephen Fry (he has now 80.000+ followers !!!!!!11!!11one!!!!eleven)
Stephen Fry's Blog.
Social Media Today | The 39 Social Media Tools I’ll Use Today
Thanks to Krysti Wetherell for this link
One social media pro weighs in on favorite social media tools to use daily
PolicyTool for Social Media
PolicyTool is a policy generator that simplifies the process of creating guidelines that respect the rights of your employees while protecting your brand online
PolicyTool is a policy generator that has you answer a brief questionnaire and provides you with a complete Social Media Policy customized to your company.
The Five P's of Social Media--Where Do You Start? | The Ten Commandments Of Social Media | Fast Company
Everyone asks me, "Now that I'm getting a better idea of what social media is, How do I actually apply it? Where do I start?" Start with these, The Five P's of Social Media. The Five P's are
Everyone asks me, "Now that I'm getting a better idea of what social media is, How do I actually apply it? Where do I start?" Start with these, The Five P's of Social Media. The Five P's are; Profiles, Propagate, Produce, Participate, and Progress.
The Five P's of Social Media--Where Do You Start? | The Ten Commandments Of Social Media | Fast Company
Everyone asks me, "Now that I'm getting a better idea of what social media is, How do I actually apply it? Where do I start?" Start with these, The Five P's of Social Media. The Five P's are
Everyone asks me, "Now that I'm getting a better idea of what social media is, How do I actually apply it? Where do I start?" Start with these, The Five P's of Social Media. The Five P's are; Profiles, Propagate, Produce, Participate, and Progress.
INPROMO Social Media Planner
Just What is Social Media, Exactly?
Mashable site used for uni: Social media are platforms for interaction and relationships, not content and ads
maybe I should know this, but I wanted a touch up- and even though it's bias because it's not "formally" written, I think it's helpful.
"What is social media, and is social media actually media in the traditional sense of the word?"
40 of the Most Useful Social Media and PR Blog Posts of Q1, 2010 (Jan - Mar)
Compiled by Adam Vincenzini  Late last year, I published my picks for the 99 most useful social media posts of 2009, a collection which was received really well. This year, I've been publishing 1
compilation of blog posts about social media.
The 6 Levels of Engagement in Online Conversations | Lateral Action
When you are engaging with your network (online or offline) who you are AND the nature and level of conversations you have will influence your level of your engagement with the other person.
Activity is not productivity - we all know that. But why do we keep engaging in activities that are not productive? One answer: Simply because it is easy to engage in activities that are not productive. This is true especially when it comes to activities that are geared towards building engagement with the other person. Sometimes, it is easy to think you are engaged when you are not even on the other person's radar. Here is the basic rule: When you are engaging with your network (online or offline) who you are AND the nature and level of conversations you have will influence your level of your engagement with the other person. The diagram above shows ONE framework that explains this relationship. As you can see, the need for creativity goes up significantly when you need higher levels of engagement Here are the levels: A. Mindless Chatter: This is basically saying whatever comes to your mind and sometimes you might get a reply (the other person may also be bored, right?) and you might
Facebook, Twitter, other social media help drive business for small firms --,0,7593202.story
Facebook, Twitter, other social media help drive business for ... - Chicago Tribune [from]
While most digital media cost little to use, they do require an investment of time, something many small-business owners are short on. That's why small businesses are turning to experts for help keeping up with blog entries, Facebook announcements and Twitter tweets. "Go where your customers already are. Social media is not about being the first one into some new technology." Businesses should avoid using the hard sell, because participating in social media is like participating in a casual conversation. "Nobody wants a salesman in the middle of their conversation." One simple technique for building relationships involves responding to positive mentions by saying "thank you" and following up on negative mentions with an apology and a solution to the problem. "If someone is unhappy and you say, 'I'm sorry. I'd like to fix it,' those things add up pretty fast."
6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan
"6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Roadmap & Plan"
not only great high level tips but also great comments on where to start, prioritize and effect a social media marketing plan
Social Media and Public Relations Consulting � PR Squared
10 Tips for Social Media Marketers ...
10 Tips for Social Media Marketers 1. Every brand can be and should be “social” 2. Just get started 3. Integrated marketing vs. social media 4. Find your brand’s own path 5. Media $ versus human capital 6. Agencies play a great role, but the voice needs to be the company’s 7. Your agency needs to walk the walk 8. Get legal involved early 9. Have a crisis management plan 10. Selling the C-Suite or ROI – One of the most popular questions
To Follow or Not to Follow; that is the Question
explication of social dynamics/etiquette, good links
establish a following policy
Unless you are a Twitter user who immediately follows everyone who follows you, we have all experienced losing Followers because, for whatever reason, we did not follow them in return. To be sure, deciding when to follow or not follow is not only a personal decision, but one which is driving a growing debate in the Blogosphere. How this debate plays out may have a profound impact on how people use Twitter and how the service will grow in the future.
The Social Media Monitoring Funnel - Social Monitoring Flowchart
Social Media Monitoring Funnel
A Social Media Glossary » The Buzz Bin
Social media glossary from the Buzz Bin.
The Internet is a melting pot for new tools and trends, i.e. Social Media. For every new tool, new words or phrases are created. As more and more organizations struggle to embrace social media, we ended up cobbling together a quick glossary of terms for them. This is just a starter’s list based on things we’ve been asked. Please feel free to add to the list! (img from Additional resources for social media terms include Mike Sansone’s Glossary of Blogging and Social Media Terms and Social media’s A-Z of social media.
A Social Media Glossary » The Buzz Bin [from]
Good reference tool
a good glossary of sm terms
A Social Media Glossary » The Buzz Bin
Social media glossary from the Buzz Bin.
The Internet is a melting pot for new tools and trends, i.e. Social Media. For every new tool, new words or phrases are created. As more and more organizations struggle to embrace social media, we ended up cobbling together a quick glossary of terms for them. This is just a starter’s list based on things we’ve been asked. Please feel free to add to the list! (img from Additional resources for social media terms include Mike Sansone’s Glossary of Blogging and Social Media Terms and Social media’s A-Z of social media.
A Social Media Glossary » The Buzz Bin [from]
Good reference tool
a good glossary of sm terms
100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom | Online Universities
Social media may have started out as a fun way to connect with friends, but it has evolved to become a powerful tool for education and business. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter and tools such as Skype are connecting students to learning opportunities in new and exciting ways. Whether you teach an elementary class, a traditional college class, or at an online university, you will find inspirational ways to incorporate social media in your classroom with this list.
Long list of inspiring ways to use social media in the classroom - much insight into informal learning.
@kynanr @willie42 100 ways to use social media in the classroom
100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom | Online Universities
Social media may have started out as a fun way to connect with friends, but it has evolved to become a powerful tool for education and business. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter and tools such as Skype are connecting students to learning opportunities in new and exciting ways. Whether you teach an elementary class, a traditional college class, or at an online university, you will find inspirational ways to incorporate social media in your classroom with this list.
Long list of inspiring ways to use social media in the classroom - much insight into informal learning.
@kynanr @willie42 100 ways to use social media in the classroom
The Ultimate List: 300+ Social Media Statistics
estatísticas das redes sociais
Sky News appoints Twitter correspondent... | Media |
I'm in two minds about the creation of a Twitter correspondent by Sky News. By Jemima Kiss
[no comment] RT @simeonkerr Sky News appoints Twitter correspondent! [from]
RT @tomsmiled: @skynews appoints a Twitter correspondent to scour for interesting news [from]
Media - Guardian - Twitter
Annotated link
Social Media in Africa, Part 1 - ReadWriteWeb
Africa is undergoing a connectivity revolution unlike anything it has ever seen. Mobile phones in particular are propagating at an incredible rate, with penetration ranging from 30% to 100%. The average is 30.4% and there are 280 million subscribers in total, making Africa the fastest growing mobile market in the world. This series is to highlight African contributions to social media and, in turn, reveal how social media is changing Africa.
Drei Teile. Sehr gute Artikel. 1. Web 2.0 in Africa. Mit Links zu Afrigator, Zoopy, Ushahidi. 2. Handytechnolgie. Bezahldienste wie MPESA, Wizzit. Oder mpedigree, questionbox. 3. Einfluss auf Demokratie/Cencorship
2008/10 ReadWriteWeb - The point of this series is to highlight African contributions to social media and, in turn, reveal how social media is changing Africa.
Study: Influencers are Alive and Well on Social Media Sites - ReadWriteWeb
Who are your brand leaders?
User Generated content stats - the arguement
Highlights of the Rubicon Consulting study:
How To Develop a Social Media Strategy: A Roadmap for Integration — Very Official Blog
How To Develop a Social Media Strategy: A Roadmap for Integration
35 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
35 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
35 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed: Saved from instachrome extension
22 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
12 Best Open-Source Social Networking Software
Introduction to social media
RT @cristobalzamora: RT @ictlogist: Introduction to Social Media (via many people! ;)
From Nancy White
Introduction to social media
RT @cristobalzamora: RT @ictlogist: Introduction to Social Media (via many people! ;)
From Nancy White
Top 10 Social Bookmarking Plugins for Wordpress - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Muy insteresante
Corporate Social Media Policies: The Good, the Mediocre, and the Ugly | Fast Company
Includes links to or text from CNN, Intel, Best Buy, Walmart, Ford, Time Warner Cable The BBC and Easter Seals.
Good summary piece
Corporate Social Media Policies: The Good, the Mediocre, and the Ugly 'Corporate Social Media Policies: The Good, the Mediocre & the Ugly' - good discussion starter for #inf506