Pages tagged social_networking:

How to Friend Mom, Dad, and the Boss on Facebook...Safely - ReadWriteWeb

Oh no! Your mom just joined Facebook and what's even worse, she wants to be your friend. More and more people are finding themselves in this situation today and unsure of what to do. Friending mom and dad, the boss, or other work colleagues opens up the details of your private life for the whole world to see - and you might not be entirely comfortable with that. What's to be done?
Guide til friendlists
How to Friend Mom, Dad, and the Boss on Facebook...Safely -
If you're not ready to expose everything about you to anyone who asks to be your online friend, it's time you learned how to use Facebook's friend lists.
How to keep stuff you want open open and stuff you want secret secret. Includes discussion of Facebook's own advice about it.
This is interesting because social networking is not just about staying in touch. We now selectively chose who to communicate with as well as who can communicate with us and how much they can know about us.
How to Friend Mom, Dad, and the Boss on Facebook...Safely -
If you're not ready to expose everything about you to anyone who asks to be your online friend, it's time you learned how to use Facebook's friend lists.
How to keep stuff you want open open and stuff you want secret secret. Includes discussion of Facebook's own advice about it.
This is interesting because social networking is not just about staying in touch. We now selectively chose who to communicate with as well as who can communicate with us and how much they can know about us.
Thanks for the Add. Now Help Me with My Homework - News Features & Releases
A Study showing potential learning benefits of social networking site like myspace and facebook
Article from Harvard about positives to teens using social networking today.
A new study by Harvard alum Christine Greenhow finds social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook have more educational potential than you might think.
I just co-wrote a proposal to the National Science Foundation about the use of new technologies in the classroom. We're only on the cusp of this, and we need to harness the energy and interest that kids currently have for these things.
Harvard Graduate School of Education article on social networking as an educational tool
FACEBOOK FAIL: How to Use Facebook Privacy Settings and Avoid Disaster
Oooh. You need this handy guide from mashable!
How to Use Facebook: 5 Tips For Better Social Networking
Wie man aus Facebook mehr nutzen zieht und sich für andere Nutzer attraktiv macht.
5 Tips for using Facebook as a powerful social networking tool. As featured on the ReadWriteWeb blog.
Guidelines for Educators Using Social Networking Sites - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
draft of this revision
- Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
Tech Director Jen Hegna over in the Byron (MN) schools developed this set of guidelines for the staff in her district. (She was motivated, she said, partially by posts here and here on the Blue Skunk. Cool!) Anyway she's given permission for me to share her work here and says readers are welcome to use and adopt as well:
Guidelines for teachers when posting to social network sites such as Facebook.
Common Sense Internet Safety Survival Guide
The Internet runs right through the middle of our kids' lives. It opens a world of entertainment and communication, but it also allows direct access to people and Web sites that can expose kids to age-inappropriate content and risky social contacts. At Common Sense Media, we believe in media sanity, not censorship. And since we can't always cover our kids' eyes, we have to teach them how to see. The information here will help your kids stay Internet safe and smart. Click on the links below to find out what every parent should know about how our kids use the Internet.
he Internet runs right through the middle
guide on what to check on facebook along with other stuff good resource for parents moveis books too
Twitter for Research: Why and How to Do It, Including Case Studies
amazing twitter research capabilities.
Twitter for Research: Why and How to Do It, Including Case Studies
BBC NEWS | Business | Bosses 'should embrace Facebook'
Companies should not dismiss staff who use social networking sites such as Facebook and Bebo at work as merely time-wasters, a Demos study suggests. Attempts to control employees' use of such software could damage firms in the long run by limiting the way staff communicate, the think tank said.
Education Week's Digital Directions: Social Networking Goes to School
Education Week's Digital Directions: Educators are integrating Facebook, Ning, and other sites into K-12 life despite concerns about privacy and behavior
This article shows how a school in New Jersey is using Twitter, Ning, Facebook, etc. for educational purposes. It also features a school here in Jacksonville that is using Skype to interact with students around the world in their "Around the World with 80 Schools" project.
Great article with lots of ideas from schools using social networking in their classes.
RT @NMHS_Principal: Social Networking Goes to School
June 14, 2010
extensive article
"Social Networking Goes to School" (EdWeek via @yooEducation) – LJ Create (LJCreate)
Education Week's Digital Directions: Social Networking Goes to School
Education Week's Digital Directions: Educators are integrating Facebook, Ning, and other sites into K-12 life despite concerns about privacy and behavior
This article shows how a school in New Jersey is using Twitter, Ning, Facebook, etc. for educational purposes. It also features a school here in Jacksonville that is using Skype to interact with students around the world in their "Around the World with 80 Schools" project.
Great article with lots of ideas from schools using social networking in their classes.
RT @NMHS_Principal: Social Networking Goes to School
June 14, 2010
extensive article
"Social Networking Goes to School" (EdWeek via @yooEducation) – LJ Create (LJCreate)
EduDemic » Every Teacher’s Must-Have Guide To Facebook
RT @thnorfar: RT @kylepace: Every Teacher's Must Have Guide To Facebook: #edchat
You can’t swing a stick in social media without hitting something on Facebook. Same goes for education. You can’t talk about how technology is revolutionizing education without mentioning Facebook. It’s a simple service to figure out but what about once you become a regular user? If you’re a teacher, you would be well served by spending 3 minutes to read through this must-have guide. (We timed it out and it’s a bit under 3 minutes. It’s almost summertime, you can spare it for us!)
RT @pgsimoes: Every Teacher’s Must-Have Guide To Facebook (@edudemic)
Collection of resources about Facebook from an educators perspective and some cautions about using it.