Pages tagged socialcrm:

The Future of Twitter: Social CRM

Twitter has multiple business models to choose from I get asked over and over: “How do you think Twitter will monetize? What’s their business model?” While it’s clear their already experimenting with ‘house’ ads, ads that promote features of their service, I’m not sure that’s going to be the right direction for them. We already know that click through rates on social networks are low, why? because people are there to communicate with each other –not search for information like Google or on a media site. It’s possible they could turn on ads in the search tool, as people are seeking information. Yet all of these tactics have been done on other social sites, I think that Twitter has a unique opportunity to tap into the lucrative CRM space. Manually tracking a large brand within Twitter isn’t scalable It’s important to first realize that managing a large brand on Twitter isn’t scalable, with hundreds –maybe thousands of tweets about a marketplace a day, individuals will have a very diffic
This is a great article about where Twitter is going. It says they have a lot of thing going for them right now (like customers) but are lacking many things too. If they find the right tools Twitter could be big.
Real-Time Conversations Hasten Social CRM
reading Real-Time Conversations Hasten Social CRM - In the world of business, social media, led by Twitter, is forc... [from]
Social CRM is no longer an option. It necessitates brand involvement to proactively share answers, solve problems, establish authority, and build relationships and loyalty, one tweet, blog post, update, and “like,” at a time.
Why Your Company Needs to Embrace Social CRM