40 of the Best Twitter Brands and the People Behind Them
"Smart brands use Twitter in meaningful ways, and most of them use their brand name as a way to make sure customers can find and recognize them. This piece, and the knowledge I learned from the incessant hours invested, demonstrate why brands do belong on Twitter. No other medium gets you inside a business or brand quiet like Twitter."
A good overview of what's effective on Twitter, and how some brands are managing to have authentic conversations with the community.
We all know brands are using Twitter — whether or not you want them around. Some of them don’t quite get the medium and just tweet self-serving links or marketing speak, but you won’t find any of those brands here. We’ve handpicked 40 of the best brands experimenting with the micro-blogging platform, and asked them a few short questions about how they’re using Twitter.
Some really good examplesKevin Rose: 10 Ways To Increase Your Twitter Followers
The social Web has given users great power: the ability to create and share content with people around the world - easily and quickly. The problem of course, ...
what you do on social media leaves traces and cannot be easily removed from the Web. Information can fairly easily be tracked back to you and what you say and do will be public for a long time. Whether you believe in monitoring yourself online or not, don't forget the point of the social WebSocial Network User Demographics - eMarketer
Social Network User Demographics JANUARY 27, 2009 Adults constitute the bulk of social networkers, but use still skews young. The share of adult Internet users who have a profile on an online social network site has more than quadrupled since 2005, from 8% to 35%, according to a November–December 2008 Pew Internet & American Life Project survey.10 Ways Social Media Will Change in 2009 - ReadWriteWeb
Social Media is Evolving Social media is morphing into a holistic experience that speaks to people's social needs in new ways. If you are a CEO of a startup who is focusing on the next generation of social media, here are 10 areas you'll need to take into consideration in the coming year:
"Social media" was the term du jour in 2008. Consumers, companies, and marketers were all talking about it. We have social media gurus, social media startups, social media books, and social media firms.MyFolio
place to save and share artworkThe Top 20 Social Networks of 2008
Now, we’ve finally got the final numbers from 2008, and with them, a look at the rankings and trends within the top 20 social networks, according to Nielsen Online. Here are the highlights: - Facebook nearly caught MySpace in traffic. MySpace had 58.4 million unique visitors in December, Facebook had 55.2 million. - Facebook passed MySpace in time per person: 2 hours, 7 minutes to 1 hour, 40 minutes. - The fastest growing sites were Twitter (664%), Tagged (421%), and Ning (303%) - Of the sites in the top 20, three saw traffic declines in 2008: Meetup (-7%), Flixster (-6%), and MySpace (-3%) - Time spent on social networks decreased for 14 of the 20 sites on the list.More Adults Than Ever on Social Networks - ReadWriteWeb
adults, like teens, are there to socialize with their friends and people they already know. Nearly nine in ten social network users (89%) say they use the networks to stay in touch with friends, and 57% say they use it to make plans with friends. Under half (49%) use the sites to make new friends.
35% of US adults (Pew) now have profiles on social media sites
An article discussing adult usage of social networks.
ReadWriteWeb story on LinkedIndiddit - Welcome - You are what you do!
Browse through more than 300,000 experiences in over 20 interest channels!
diddit is a fun and easy way to discover new stuff to do and meet people like you.Facebook Opens Status API, Say Goodbye to Twitter
Tonight Facebook has made a number of updates to the Facebook platform one of which is the opening of status updates. In order to get Facebook statuses, you no longer need to use a session ID to access statuses. This is a huge update and one that I think is going to take Facebook to the next level. There are additional updates listed in the Facebook blog post:
Tonight Facebook has made a number of updates to the Facebook platform one of which is the opening of status upd ...
newFacebook Now Nearly Twice The Size Of MySpace Worldwide
Facebook Now Nearly Twice The Size Of MySpace Worldwide -- DJ
In November 2008 Facebook drew 200 million unique worldwide visitors; more than 1 in 5 people who accessed the Internet that month visited ...
In November 2008 Facebook drew 200 million unique worldwide visitors; more than 1 in 5 people who accessed the Internet that month visited the site.The Periodic Table of the Social Media Elements « eyecube
table of social networking
Note to check out all of the linksRands In Repose: A Twitter Decision
In starting a significant project, an engineer knows the first three big design decisions you make are vastly more important than the second three. The nature of these decisions varies from project to project. They may be choices about look and feel, rules about architecture, or trade offs regarding feature set. Whatever these decisions are, they set a tone that defines the success of the project. When I look at Twitter, I see three early essential decisions about how Twitter allows you to craft a community. I believe much of Twitter’s continued success is due to definition and execution of these decisions. Interestingly, some obvious candidates for the Top 3, like “Scales like crazy”, “Will generate money”, and “Needs to be searchable” weren’t initially there.
For me, a tweet is still a note I tie to a balloon, which I let go and think, “Who is going to read that one?” Sometimes I look and see where it ended up, sometimes I don’t.
For me, Twitter remains a place for casual information. For me, a tweet is still a note I tie to a balloon, which I let go and think, “Who is going to read that one?” Sometimes I look and see where it ended up, sometimes I don’t.
What makes Twitter great, why, and how.LearningXL | Top 100 Networks for People Who Want to Change the World
Links to some sites that may help us make the world better
100 social network per gente che vuole cambiare il mondoObama's Social Media Advantage - ReadWriteWeb
From this entry I get information about how much more Obama used the Social Networking cites online than McCain and how that helped him.
deepNiche Social Networking Sites | Social Media Answers
all social networking sites review...6 Unique Twitter Visualizations
Twitter VisualizationsMaintained Relationships on Facebook | overstated
info relationship on facebook
Size of friend networks maintained on Facebook
Yet another datapoint proving the Dunbar number?
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Foverstated.net%2F2009%2F03%2F09%2Fmaintained-relationships-on-facebookTen Facebook Tips For Power Users - PC World
Social network usage has overtaken email. More and more people are using social networks to communicate with others rather than email. This trend is evolving and growing.
Accessibility HelpSkip to contentSkip to bbc.co.uk searchLow graphicsHelpAccess keys help Search term Explore the BBCBBC News Updated every minute of every day One-Minute World News News Front Page Africa Americas Asia-Pacific Europe Middle East South Asia UK Business Health Science & Environment Technology Entertainment Also in the news ----------------- Video and Audio ----------------- Have Your Say In Pictures Country Profiles Special Reports %
over Facebook die email vervangt
"'You used to e-mail content to people and you had to choose who you wanted to e-mail it to and you didn't know if your friends even wanted to see it. Now you can put something out there and let people engage with it.' The simplicity and ubiquity of some of these services is beginning to see activity feeds and status updates replace many of the uses to which e-mail was once put."
Status updates on sites such as Facebook, Yammer, Twitter and Friendfeed are a new form of communication, the South by SouthWest Festival has heard. "We are all in the process of creating e-mail 2.0," David Sacks, founder of business social network Yammer said.The Twitter Followholic: An Epidemic
Some great apps to help you deal with Twitter and get most out of it
It’s an illness. It’s a disease that attacks the brain, affecting the response of your fingers on the keyboard and mouse. “Stop clicking,” you say to yourself as another follow button has turned into a green-checked following icon. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem: you’re a followholic and you can’t stay away from a Twitter user’s follow button. (Say it out loud: My name is ______, and I’m a followholic.)
ollow you back, but they never did. Manage incoming followers: First, turn off auto-follow in whatever program you’re using to do it. There is no possible wRelationship Symmetry in Social Networks: Why Facebook will go Fully Asymmetric - Bokardo
Why Facebook will go Fully AsymmetricCheck Username Availability at Multiple Social Networking Sites
Allow you to check the availability of your username across multiple sites
Check Username AvailabilityChinese Social Networks ‘Virtually’ Out-Earn Facebook And MySpace: A Market Analysis
gregorylent - April 5th, 2009 at 9:12 am PDT
Chinese Social Networks ‘Virtually’ Out-Earn Facebook And MySpace: A Market Analysis
Social networks are taking off in China. The following guest post by George Godula. David Li, and Richard Yu explores how Chinese social networks are pursuing different business models than their American counterparts, relying more on micropayments and the sale of virtual goods.
Editor’s Note: Social networks are taking off in China. The following guest post by George Godula. David Li, and Richard Yu explores how Chinese social networks are pursuing different business models than their American counterparts, relying more on micropayments and the sale of virtual goods. George Godula is the co-founder of Web2Asia, an East Asian incubator and also a consultancy for Western startups trying to enter markets in China, Japan and Korea. David Li is a developer of social networking applications such as Growing Gifts, and he also was the developer of OnChat, an early in-browser graphical avatar chat system. Richard Yu is a Seattle native living in China, where he consults for Shanghai-based web startups while writing his blog.
George Godula. David Li, and Richard YuApplications of usability principles on a social network | creative briefing
As a result of this, social networks should - I say should because not every social network does this - put greater emphasis on usability over, say, a corporate website. Don’t get me wrong, usability is important everywhere you go on the web, but the nature of a social network’s operation makes usability especially important. This perspective guided my thinking during the redesign of the Daily Challenge beta 2.0 website. Many forks in the road were put to rest at the hands of basic usability principles that dictated righter from wronger (sometimes there was no strictly right or wrong answer). These are the principles that I want to share with you in the following case study of how usability can be applied to a social networkFacebook in 2010: no longer a walled garden - O'Reilly Radar
A lot of what I've been working on the past two years has been built on the assumption that the model that social networks use today will fundamentally change. Social networks have largely been built on the premise of being walled gardens in such a way that users can't communicate or share content or friends across networks; put simply this is what keeps a Facebook user from being able to send a message to a MySpace user.60% of Twitter Users Quit Within the First Month
ok, I figured this out. And I can do it from inside Safari
maybe it's because they're "doing it wrong" and not creating a network that is worthwhile to them.
We’re hearing some pretty amazing statistics about Twitter these days: growth from February 2008 to February 2009 was reportedly 1382%, with the incline increasing yet further in recent months. But like many social networks, it seems many people lose steam with the service. Stat tracking firm Nielsen reports today that a full 60% of users who sign up fail to return the following month. As discussed in the comments, Nielsen is only able to measure return visits to Twitter.com: how many people set up a desktop application like TweetDeck and continue to Tweet, but never return to Twitter.com?
Stat tracking firm Nielsen reports today that a full 60% of users who sign up fail to return the following month. And in the 12 months pre-Oprah, retention rates were even lower: only 30% returned the next month. Thats good news, to some degree: retention rates have increased over time.
We’re hearing some pretty amazing statistics about Twitter (Twitter reviews) these days: growth from February 2008 to February 2009 was reportedly 1382%, with the incline increasing yet further in recent months. But like many social networks, it seems many people lose steam with the service. Stat tracking firm Nielsen reports today that a full 60% of users who sign up fail to return the following month. And in the 12 months “pre-Oprah”, retention rates were even lower: only 30% returned the next month. That’s good news, to some degree: retention rates have increased over time.twiggit | twitter meets digg
An automated service that lets your friends on twitter know what articles you digg.
twiggit is an automated service that lets your friends on twitter know what articles you digg.Anthropology: The Art of Building a Successful Social Site - ReadWriteWeb
Spolsky on how to make a successful social site
Subscribe to ReadWriteWeb * Subscribe to RWW via RSS * Follow @rww on Twitter * Join the RWW FriendFeed Room *Ning’s Social Networks Get Their Own App Platform
Ning’s Social Networks Get Their Own App Platform
Ning, the social network for social networks, recently hit the 1 million networks milestone. But with such a huge user base comes huge user demand for
Today, Ning is about to deliver some of that functionality to their 700,000 social network creators with Ning Apps, giving them more than 90 new toys — think apps like Qik, Twitter, Ustream, Box.net, Tokbox, WordPress, Mailchimp, and PollDaddy — that they can use to enhance their individual networks.
new apps for ning50 Awesome Online Lectures for Social Media Masters | MatchACollege.com
50 Awesome Online Lectures for Social Media Masters | MatchACollege.comLinkedIn SuperGuide -Tutorials, Tips and Tools
linkedin tipsThe Rise Of Social Distribution Networks
Covers Twitter, FaceBook, etc. and relates to streaming . . . comparativeJump Into The Stream
Once again, the Internet is shifting before our eyes. Information is increasingly being distributed and presented in real-time streams instead of dedicated Web pages. The shift is palpable, even if it is only in its early stages. Web companies large and small are embracing this stream. It is not just Twitter. It is Facebook and Friendfeed and AOL and Digg and Tweetdeck and Seesmic Desktop and Techmeme and Tweetmeme and Ustream and Qik and Kyte and blogs and Google Reader. The stream is winding its way throughout the Web and organizing it by nowness.
Once again, the Internet is shifting before our eyes. Information is increasingly being distributed and presented in real-time streams instead of dedicated Web pages.
jump into the stream and let it carry you away
I really want to blog about my feelings about this perspective of dipping into information streams instead of reading new posts. For now, I'll just bookmark it.Online Reputation Management: 16 Free Tools
Facebook's rise to 200 million users, showing network diagrams and site expansion and use
infographic on growth of Facebook
Nice diagram from NY Times showing map of the world and changing age distribution of Facebook members over time.
Great data visualization for how the age and worldwide distribution of Facebook members has cahnged since launch in 2004The 6 Dangerous Fallacies of Social Media | Social Media Marketing | Digital Marketing Training - Convince & Convert
The is a balanced look at social marketing. Addressing positives and negatives
Inexpensive, fast, viral, unmeasurable, optional.Food2 - Recipes, Cooking, Food Discussions, Video Challenges & Cocktail Drink Recipes
Food Network's 'younger' food siteWelcome to CubeTree
With CubeTree, employees can: share ideas across their organization get feedback from people with whom they wouldn't normally interact find thought leaders form ad hoc groups that cut across organizational boundaries
Email Address
Ilmainen facebook yrityksille"Living and Learning with Social Media"
Interesante estudio
"Living and Learning with Social Media" danah boyd Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology Penn State: State College, PA 18 April 2009 [This is a rough unedited crib of the actual talk] Citation: boyd, danah. 2009. "Living and Learning with Social Media." Penn State Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology. State College, PA: April 18.
Unedited crib of talk from Penn State Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology. State College, PA: April 18.
danah boydOn the Street and On Facebook: The Homeless Stay Wired - WSJ.com
Mr. Pitts's experience shows how deeply computers and the Internet have permeated society. A few years ago, some people were worrying that a "digital divide" would separate technology haves and have-nots. The poorest lack the means to buy computers and Web access. Still, in America today, even people without street addresses feel compelled to have Internet addresses.
huge huge resource here
Mr. Pitts's experience shows how deeply computers and the Internet have permeated society. A few years ago, some people were worrying that a "digital divide" would separate technology haves and have-nots. The poorest lack the means to buy computers and Web access. Still, in America today, even people without street addresses feel compelled to have Internet addresses
Mr. Pitts Lacks a Mailing Address But He's Got a Computer and a Web Forum
Add Pentium processors, external storage drives and 17" screens to the gear list of the newly homeless. The Wall Street Journal reports.Twitter's Ten Rules For Radical Innovators - Umair Haque - HarvardBusiness.org
Good list.A Brief History Of Social Media
Social media isn't really new. While it has only recently become part of mainstream culture and the business world, people have been using digital media for
Actually kicks some serious ass. Starts with phone phreaking.A Roundup of Twitter Tracking Tools
I want to share with you a roundup of Twitter tracking tools that I have put together. It’s the result of the market research I did before launching our own prototype of a Twitter measurement tool a few weeks back. The list below summarizes tools that analyze influencers or popularity, evaluate sentiment or number of mentions, identify the location of the person tweeting, offer trend analysis or focus on time frames. I marked an “X” in the category that I perceive is the tool’s primary utility. That is not to say that each tool doesn’t do other things. Also as an aside, I personally don’t like the idea of sharing my Twitter password with a third party. You will need to decide whether you want to share yours with tools like Twitstat and Twitterank.http://www.c4lpt.co.uk/socialmedia/comparison.html
сравнение 2.0 сервисов
When learning professionals (and others) want to create a free social network, social learning space or collaborative group for their students or employees, they often ask which platform is recommended. It is usually a matter of "horses for courses" so here is a comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the three free main platforms: Facebook, Ning and Elgg.
When learning professionals (and others) want to create a free social network, social learning space or collaborative group for their students or employees, we are often asked which platform we recommend. It is usually a matter of "horses for courses" so we have drawn up this comparison of what we perceive to be the strengths and weaknesses of the three free main platforms: Facebook, Ning and ElggFundamentals of Social Media Marketing Strategy | Online Marketing Blog
Central to the notion of effective social media participation is the ability to create, publish and share content. The sheer volume of information on the topicCHART OF THE DAY: How People Share Content On The Web
According to AddToAny, a company that provides Web publishers tools to let their users share content, more people use Facebook to share links than any other service -- including, to our surprise, email.
via passitalong Quote: Report in the Silicon Alley Insider on why people share online. Shows how Facebook is a preferred method but twitter gaining on them quickly and with far fewer users.
Gráfico mostrando como as pessoas compartilham conteúdo na web. A fatia maior é do Facebook (24%)
Just a nice overview of what's out there and how popular they are.Social Networking on Intranets (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox - a good source for Social Networking on Intranets
Social software is not a trend that can be ignored. It's affecting fundamental change in how people expect to communicate, both with each other and the companies they do business with. And companies can't just draw a line in the sand and say it's okay for employees to use Web 2.0 to communicate with customers, but it's not okay to use it when communicating with each other; Philips case study...
uccessful social media initiatives at many companies emerged from underground, grassroots efforts
"Perhaps more than any other corporate intranet innovation, social software technologies are exposing the holes in corporate communication and collaboration — and at times filling them before the (usually slow-moving) enterprise can fully grasp (and control) the flow." Also as I've said main times "But in truth, social software isn't really about the tools. It's about what the tools let users do and the business problems the tools address."The Journalist's Guide to Facebook
Sourcing information on Facebook
Facebook as a reporting tool for journalists.
Celebrities like Martha Stewart and Bill Gates might find Facebook (Facebook) high maintenance, but the world’s largest social networking site can be invaluable to journalists. Facebook gives reporters a means to connect with communities involved with stories, find sources, and generate leads. For media companies, Facebook is a way to build community and reach a larger audience.
useful for digc and jourapophenia: Would the real social network please stand up?
looks like an interesting categorization
danah maps three models of social networks: 1. Sociological "personal" networks 2. Behavioral social networks 3. Publicly articulated social networksSocialSafe | Your Facebook photos, photos you are tagged in, profile and friends saved to your machine or device
Your Facebook photos, profile and friends saved to your machine or device - now with Time Capsule!
SocialSafe - Save. Store. Explore. The backup tool for FacebookHow to Track Your Twitter ROI : Technology : Idea Hub :: American Express OPEN Forum
If you're using Twitter for business, there will come a point when you, or those you report to, will want proof that your Twitter efforts have a tangible return on investment (ROI).
Quelques outils pour monitorer son activité sur Twitter. Je ne les ai pas encore essayés, mais ça à l'air pas mal.
A wealth of resources for business owners — videos, articles, blogs, and expert advice to boost your business, sponsored by American Express OPEN.
Lots Twitter measurement ideas here!wmsn-06-09.png (PNG Image, 1024x537 pixels)
More goodness from Nancy White, who is probably one of the most adept users of social media out there. "When the door to connection is open, watch who walks through and follow them, not those who stand at the doorway and naysay! And I'm not just talking about social media early adopters. I'm talking about people passionate about getting something done." That shouldn't (I would say) be taken as an endorsement of a non-critical stance. But if someone naysays, they ought to at least have ventured into the technology (and its community) to have some grounds for their criticism. Nancy White, Full Circle Associates, August 5, 2009.
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fullcirc.com%2Fwp%2F2009%2F08%2F04%2Fhow-i-use-social-media
"My practices have been radically changed and shaped - yes, even transformed - by social software."
Erfahrungsbericht zum Einsatz von Social Media
How Nancy White uses social mediaThe Ultimate List of Niche Social Networks « Internet Marketing Blog
As participation marketing continues to gain traction as the most effective way to market a website, niche social networks are emerging as a crucial part of that strategy. While Facebook and Twitter can play an integral part in social media campaigns, they don’t always have the best targeted users and groups. Whereas, niche social networks, like cork’d and Social Workout, provide highly targeted communities for marketers.Cute as Hell Pet Community - Quite Possibly the Cutest Place on Earth
Cute as Hell is a community and shopping site made exclusively for pet people. Enter your pet in cute pet contests, build a detailed pet profile page with photos, Twitter status updates, pet commenting, and more!The Twitter Times
The Twitter Times is a real-time personalized newspaper generated from your Twitter account.
"The Twitter Times is a real-time personalized newspaper generated from your Twitter account." Amusant !Who Uses Social Networks? - eMarketer
Everyone knows that social networking sites are growing in popularity. Millions of individuals visit daily—or even more often. Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.emarketer.com%2FArticle.aspx%3FR%3D1007210
Quite a jump in the last year for the 55+ demographic
Everyone knows that social networking sites are growing in popularity. Millions of individuals visit daily—or even more often. According to the “Consumer Internet Barometer” report from TNS and
Everyone knows that social networking sites are growing in popularity. Millions of individuals visit daily—or even more often.apophenia: Some thoughts on Twitter vs. Facebook Status Updates
danah boyd discusses the differences in Twitter and Facebook status updates in relation to the social graph.Official Google Blog: Introducing Google Social Search: I finally found my friend's New York blog!
Your friends and contacts are a key part of your life online. Most people on the web today make social connections and publish web content in many different ways, including blogs, status updates and tweets. This translates to a public social web of content that has special relevance to each person. Unfortunately, that information isn't always very easy to find in one simple place. That's why today we're rolling out a new experiment on Google Labs called Google Social Search that helps you find more relevant public content from your broader social circle. It should be available for everyone to try by the end of the day, so be sure to check back.Monetizing Social Networks: The Four Dominant Business Models and How You Should Implement Them in 2010
pretty darn fascinating
Four Primary Business Models in the social networking space that I’ve experienced–they primarily are concerned with Facebook Applications.Dynamic spread of happiness in a large social network: longitudinal analysis over 20 years in the Framingham Heart Study -- Fowler and Christakis 337: a2338 -- BMJ
"Clusters of happy and unhappy people are visible in the network, and the relationship between people’s happiness extends up to three degrees of separation (for example, to the friends of one’s friends’ friends). People who are surrounded by many happy people and those who are central in the network are more likely to become happy in the future. Longitudinal statistical models suggest that clusters of happiness result from the spread of happiness and not just a tendency for people to associate with similar individuals. A friend who lives within a mile (about 1.6 km) and who becomes happy increases the probability that a person is happy by 25% (95% confidence interval 1% to 57%). Similar effects are seen in coresident spouses (8%, 0.2% to 16%), siblings who live within a mile (14%, 1% to 28%), and next door neighbours (34%, 7% to 70%). Effects are not seen between coworkers. The effect decays with time and with geographical separation."Facebook | An Open Letter from Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg
Our little neighborhood is growing up. Kudos for the improved and simplified security.
An Open Letter from Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg
keep this for reference
It has been a great year for making the world more open and connected. Thanks to your help, more than 350 million people around the world are using Facebook to share their lives online.Facebook's New Privacy Changes: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly | Electronic Frontier Foundation
publicly available information"
In conclusion, we at EFF are worried that today's changes will lead to Facebook users publishing to the world much more information about themselves than they ever intended.
The new changes are intended to simplify Facebook's notoriously complex privacy settings and, in the words of today's privacy announcement to all Facebook users, "give you more control of your information." But do all of the changes really give Facebook users more control over their information? EFF took a close look at the changes to figure out which ones are for the better — and which ones are for the worse.The top seven social networking sites for kids - Times Online
The top seven social networking sites for kids http://bit.ly/7fMPU [from http://twitter.com/kureng/statuses/3249788249]
From the UK: A new study has found that young people are turning their backs on sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Meanwhile, the number of 35 to 54-year-olds using such sites has rocketed by 25 per cent in the last year. So what can you do if you don’t want to be poked by your mum or added by your gran? Here’s a round up of the coolest sites and virtual worlds for children
ClubPenguin.com Poptropica.com Habbo.co.uk Neopets.com Stardoll.com MoshiMonsters.com FreeRealms.comSocial Media in 2009: Our Predictions and Desires - ReadWriteWeb
Over the past year, we've been inundated with social media. We've seen Twitter go mainstream, lifestreaming take over blogging, and we've tried what felt like a million different applications. We've joined then abandoned new services recklessly, leaving our accounts to wither away on platforms long forgotten. What more could we possibly do in 2009?
'For the entrepreneurs still looking to get our attention with the latest social media toys, their pitch may no longer be "come try this, it's new," but instead, "come try this, it helps." Because if there's anything we learned from 2008, it's that social media overload is not sustainable."
read again!
what do we think will happen? what would be useful (personally)? what could be applied to clients?Top Twitter Lists
I had the honor of presenting at the SXSW conference last Saturday, on the topic "The Future Of Social Networks". I've embedded the slides below, and you can also access them on SlideShare. Below the slides I've included a quick...
Here's why every corporation should be thinking about how they will integrate Social Media. This is a great tool to demonstrate to your management team the importance of mapping Social Media features into your strategic roadmap.
A futre if/when your identity, contacts and social activities are ubiquitous
Future of soc nets - soc nets will be like the airsocialnetworks-oct08.png (PNG Image, 1425x625 pixels)
map of social networks 2008
Map of Social Networks by popularity in various countries
Oxyweb. Stats from Alexa17 Ways to Use Twitter for Business and Some Not | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
More and more small business folks are giving in to what seems like an insurmountable mountain of hype and jumping on the twitter bandwagon. Lke all social media and marketing tactics, before you can determine if something makes sense you need to analyze your objectives. So, instead of asking why you would use it, ask how it might help you achieve some other already stated objectives.FT.com / UK / Business - Social networks threaten advertising growth
FT.com, January 15 2009. Two-thirds of advertising agencies are not prepared for the industry changes prompted by social networks and new forms of digital media, a report has found. The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, which will publish the “Social Media Futures” report compiled by Future Foundation next week, has warned that advertising agencies face growth of just 1.2 per cent a year by 2016 if the industry fails to tackle the changes to the media created by sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Social networks enable consumers to pass on information about products and services, and recommendations from friends are more influential than traditional forms of advertising.
cost for agencies if they do not adapt to social networking as an advertising medium
As long as advertising don't relationship building, dialogue, honesty and authencity they can forget about playing a part in new media.12 Great Tales of De-Friending
Data visualization of Facebook profiles: "Looking at the network of US cities, it's been remarkable to see how groups of them form clusters, with strong connections locally but few contacts outside the cluster. For example Columbus, OH and Charleston WV are nearby as the crow flies, but share few connections, with Columbus clearly part of the North, and Charleston tied to the South. "Some of these clusters are intuitive, like the old south, but there's some surprises too, like Missouri, Louisiana and Arkansas having closer ties to Texas than Georgia. To make sense of the patterns I'm seeing, I've marked and labeled the clusters, and added some notes about the properties they have in common..."
Fun stuff, lots of entertaining demographic data.
According to FacebookPR 2.0: The Ties that Bind Us - Visualizing Relationships on Twitter and Social Networks
New Facebook Friend Lists filters in the design update will be interesting; http://bit.ly/PmWBc [from http://twitter.com/jcookaz/statuses/1281351685]
nueva pagina de inicio de facebook http://tinyurl.com/aqgl2n [from http://twitter.com/dmunozdiaz/statuses/1281346214]
In the new Facebook design, there are highlights and filters, and people will be 'thinking' instead of 'doing' things: http://bit.ly/PmWBc [from http://twitter.com/sandroalberti/statuses/1280436954]
Here's an example of the new Facebook homepage. http://tinyurl.com/aqgl2n [from http://twitter.com/koka_sexton/statuses/1283553578]15 Way Cool Social Networking Sites You Never Heard Of
MySpace is so 2003 while Twitter remains a mystery for most college students. As for Facebook, have you tired of a site where people you barely know send you stuffed animals and flowers yet? There are hundreds of social networking sites where you
some of this are really cool sites to visit, like Geni, create a geneological tree for free, only family views it.
15 Way Cool Social Networking Sites You Never Heard Of: There are hundreds of social networking site... http://bit.ly/bbgJ8c [from http://twitter.com/charanjit/statuses/9530046964]Tarpipe: Simplify Your Social Media Workflow - ReadWriteWeb
Keeping all your social media sites updated can feel like a lot of work sometimes. Services like Pixelpipe or Ping.fm allow you to quickly post messages or media files to various services from one central location, but sometimes you need a more flexible and granular approach. This is where Tarpipe, a Portuguese startup, comes in. Tarpipe allows you to develop complex workflows for publishing content to multiple social media sites through an intuitive, Yahoo Pipes-like interface.
Tarpipe allows you to develop complex workflows for publishing content to multiple social media sites through an intuitive, Yahoo Pipes-like interface.
Keeping all your social media sites updated can feel like a lot of work sometimes. Services like Pixelpipe or Ping.fm allow you to quickly post messages or media ...The 7 Deadly Sins of Social Media
I was just looking at something on Yahoo! Site Explorer and realized that I could pluck from it the 50 most linked to posts on my site without a lot of heavy
Chris Brogan's best blog posts...really good and helpful articles6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Brand Yourself as a Social Media Expert | Personal Branding Blog - Dan Schawbel
If youre currently branding yourself as a social media expert, this post is mandatory reading for you. I, for one, am branded as a social media expert at EMC corporation, but thats not exactly how I want the world to see me. Whenever someone has a question about social media or requests some strategic guidance, my name comes into their minds first because its my job title, but not my personal brand. Were living in a world where everyone is starting to learn best practices in social media, whether youre in school or youre in the workforce. In the US, social networking is up 83% from a year ago.
If you’re currently branding yourself as a “social media expert,” this post is mandatory reading for you. I, for one, am branded as a “social media expert” at EMC corporation, but that’s not exactly how I want the world to see me. Whenever someone has a question about social media or requests some strategic guidance, my name comes into their minds first because it’s my job title, but not my personal brand. We’re living in a world where everyone is starting to learn best practices in social media, whether you’re in school or you’re in the workforce. In the US, social networking is up 83% from a year ago.
τι πρεπει να προσεξεις ασχολουμενος επαγγελματικα με τα social media ***
If you’re currently branding yourself as a “social media expert,” this post is mandatory reading for you. I, for one, am branded as a “social media expert” at EMC corporation, but that’s not exactly how I want the world to see me.How to Use Friendfeed as a Collaborative Business Tool | chrisbrogan.com
Çıktı alınacak
The social media aggregation software, Friendfeed has much more value than one might originally think. The tool lets you add several disparate parts of your social web use into one spot (it collects your blog, your Flickr account, your upcoming.org event list, your bookmarks, etc).
The social media aggregation software, Friendfeed has much more value than one might originally think. The tool lets you add several disparate parts of your social web use into one spot (it collects your blog, your Flickr account, your upcoming.org event list, your bookmarks, etc). Most people use this as a way to share a more enriched experience with friends and colleagues. But I think there’s a business opportunity in using the tool for collaborative business. Remember, Friendfeed can collect your status information, your presence, media from several sources, your bookmarks. There are many ways to use that. Here’s one set of use cases to consider for that purpose.
The social media aggregation software, Friendfeed has much more value than one might originally think. The tool lets you add several disparate parts of yourBBQ Chain Smokey Bones Turns Staff Into Social Media Hosts - Advertising Age - Digital
RT @Avinio: How to Make Your Employees the Voice of Your Brand Online http://bit.ly/hXHHV [from http://twitter.com/lekahe/statuses/2468109740]
BBQ chain created a site where employees ares hostess - facebook and myspace
Big Business should take a page from this highly effective integrated social web program playbook - great stats!
Smokey Bones, a BBQ restaurant chain, has given some of its employees second jobs -- as its social marketers.Interview With Andrew Keen At The Next Web 2009: “Web 2.0 Is F*Cked”
The funny irony here is that Keen keeps pushing to see technology as fragmentation and individualism against notions such as McLuhan's "global village." He does suggest that twitter represents an age of radical inegalitarianism, and this is interesting, but tends to ignore the social collaborative projects dynamic technologies make possible.
bat shit crazy but interesting pov
Interview With Andrew Keen At The Next Web 2009: “Web 2.0 Is F*Cked” 157 Comments by Robin Wauters on April 16, 2009 TechCrunch Europe’s Mike Butcher and I just finished conducting a short video interview with entrepreneur and author Andrew Keen about the end of Web 2.0 and the dawn of a new age of individualism, driven primarily by Twitter.
TechCrunch Europe's Mike Butcher and I just finished conducting a short video interview with entrepreneur and author Andrew Keen about the end of ...
Next Web in Amsterdam
food for thoughtHey Businesses! Social Media Users Want Your Attention - ReadWriteWeb
Out of the 85% of users who want companies to have a presence in social media, 34% want companies to actively interact with them and 51% want companies to interact with them as needed or by request. 8% think companies should only be passively involved on social media and 7% think companies should not be involved at all.
85% of Americans using social media think companies should have an active presence in the social media environment. What's even more interesting is that those users actually want the companies to interact with them while there.Social Networks and 40-Something Women - eMarketer
Twitterfeed grows readerships.
A post about not just using RSS feeds on your social network site. Making it personal and sharing links and information from other places.
Many newsrooms are doing this through “live Tweeting” everything from ball games to trials. Tweeting while watching is certainty a popular use of Twitter, so this is promising.Facebook Growth Explodes, Site Reaches 140 Million Active Users - ReadWriteWeb
Traffic and engagement statistics from Facebook in December 2008.
If there's any doubt that Facebook is rapidly becoming the next big thing in social networks, you only need look at their recent statistics. According to new reports, ...
Avec quelques 140 millions d'utilisateurs actifs, Facebook est le succès de 2008. Retour en chiffre sur le succès de l'année !My Best Advice About Social Networking | chrisbrogan.com
Maybe it is all the TV news mentions, but Twitter is seeing the growth in U.S visitors to its site accelerating. In February, 4 million people in the U.S. visited the site, up from 2.6 million the month before, according to the latest data from comScore. That represents a 55 percent month-over-month growth rate, compared to 33 percent growth in each of the two months prior. (ComScore has yet to release February figures for worldwide visitors, but for January that number is 6 million).Time Spent on Facebook up 700%, but MySpace Still Tops for Video | Nielsen Wire
As theories circulate about the actual dollar value of sites like Facebook and Myspace-analysts recently placed Facebook’s worth at $10 billion-there is no question that people continue to gravitate in droves towards social networking and blog sites. In the U.S. alone, total minutes spent on social networking sites has increased 83 percent year-over-year. In fact, total minutes spent on Facebook increased nearly 700 percent year-over-year, growing from 1.7 billion minutes in April 2008 to 13.9 billion in April 2009, making it the No. 1 social networking site when ranked by total minutes for the month.
afternoon Facebook posted about how the site is growing beyond regional networks and how networks will no longer be part of the privacy settings. The rationale is that the company has grown beyond it's previous boundaries … Jun 4, 2009, 11:55 AM - In con
Top 10 Social Networking and Blog Sites Ranked by Total Minutes for April 2009 and Their Year-over-Year Percent Growth (U.S., Home and Work)
LiveJournalNing’s Bubble Bursts: No More Free Networks, Cuts 40% Of Staff
Ning cuts it's free service.
Ning refocusing business plan, phasing out free networks. Will there be a NPO discount??
"As a result of today’s news I suspect we’ll see quite a few active networks jump to whatever the cheapest premium option is; I don’t expect Ning to make it especially easy to port their data to a different service. There will also certainly be a backlash from Ning’s vocal community of Network Creators, many of whom have invested quite of bit of time building out their niche networks."Peter Schwartz: Facebook's Face Plant: The Poverty of Social Networks and the Death of Web 2.0
Article arguing that generic social networking such as Facebook will not last. Don't have enough information to decide whether he is right or not but worth reading
Facebook's Face Plant: The Poverty of Social Networks and the Death of Web 2.0 - The Huffington Post
Peter Schwartz has worked for Microsoft, lectured in political philosophy and is the Founder and President of an online legal publishing and database. This article is an interesting discussion of the pros and cons of Facebook and the interconnectivity these online applications allow.
Peter Schwartz explores the 'death' of Web 2.0 and how social networking is replacing the basis for business models. Schwartz also examines the decline of banner ads and the increase of advertising on Facebook and the revenue it generates. Ultimately the main focus of the article is on Facebook rather than online advertising.
The Huffington Post's Peter Schwartz claims that Web 2.0 is dead. Looking at Facebook, he asks if its business model is in trouble, and considers the risk that users will grow tired of the site.
Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffingtonpost.com%2Fpeter-schwartz%2Ffacebooks-face-plant-the_b_149497.html
Reflexiones sobre Web 2.0Government 2.0: A Theory of Social Government
"Given that governments are inherently reactive, rather than proactive (I need give no examples), how can this be compatible with the rapidly evolving world of social software?"
Dr. Mark Drapeau about government 2.0.
"Ironically, however, many government agencies block such sites for use at work. For example, I cannot access MySpace or YouTube from the computer in my office at the Department of Defense, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) blocks most social networking sites besides LinkedIn. At least one part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) blocks Google Chat. Not only do these policies make little sense (there are legitimate research uses for all of these sites, while email, iTunes, and non-blocked websites are ‘abused’ daily), the policies are inconsistent. Despite this, there are overt sprinklings of Web 2.0 influence all over the federal government. For example, in mid-2007, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) sponsored a public blog about pandemic influenza, which I contributed to due to my work on global health security. This was a great early example of a government agency engaging with an interested, and in many cases, expert audience. "
Mark Drapeau blog on social governmentYou’re Leaving a Digital Trail. What About Privacy? - NYTimes.com
An emerging field called collective intelligence could create an Orwellian future on a level Big Brother could only dream of.
The success of Google, along with the rapid spread of the wireless Internet and sensors — like location trackers in cellphones and GPS units in cars — has touched off a race to cash in on collective intelligence technologies.
collective intelligence
“The new information tools symbolized by the Internet are radically changing the possibility of how we can organize large-scale human efforts,” said Thomas W. Malone, director of the M.I.T. Center for Collective Intelligence. “For most of human history, people have lived in small tribes where everything they did was known by everyone they knew,” Dr. Malone said. “In some sense we’re becoming a global village. Privacy may turn out to have become an anomaly.”Whee! New numbers on social network usage | The Social - CNET News
social network usageCould your social networks spill your secrets? - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist
The Google team's paper (Under)mining privacy in social networks (pdf) will be presented at the Web 2.0 Security and Privacy 2009 meeting in May. Tom Simonite, online technology editorUniversity offers social media degree about Facebook, Twitter and Bebo - Telegraph
University offers social media degree about Facebook, Twitter and Bebo
Masters in Social Media
Reading: "University offers social media degree about Facebook, Twitter and Bebo - Telegraph" ( http://tinyurl.com/dbda3c ) [from http://twitter.com/markivey/statuses/1418394247]
ז'רום בורדון, שים לב. אוניברסיטת בירמינגהם פותחת מסלול ללימודי תואר שני ב... מדיה חברתית. פייסבוק, טוויטר, בלוגים ופורומים הם רק חלק מהסילבוס של המסלול הייחודי, הראשון מסוגו בעולם. הטלגרף הבריטי מדווח ששכר הלימוד יעמוד על כארבעת-אלפים וארבע-מאות פאונד. להרשמה: http://www.bcu.ac.uk/courses/media/socialmediaFacebook's New Public Profiles: Good for Businesses, Bad for People - ReadWriteWeb
e brings new functionality to what was once just the status update box. Before, that box prompted you to finish the sentence that began with your name and ended with
Mooie kans voor bedrijven op Facebook, maar ReadWriteWeb denkt daar iets anders over.
Well written review and research on FaceBook business pages versus personal pages.
For public figures on Facebook, the biggest change was the revamp of Facebook Pages. Now called "Public Profiles," these pages are supposed to act more like personal profiles - they can even update the News Feed. However, that alone stands as the only major change of note to these company-centric locales on Facebook. In almost all other ways, pages remain static, broken, and difficult.Is Obama Ready To Be A Two-Way President?
Tech-related aspects of Obama campaign.
Brian Solis asks if the same social media tools that Obama deployed to communicate “to” constituents could/would also be used to listen and interact with supporters as well as those who don’t currently endorse the President-elect?
This isn’t just about broadcasting content through new channels or merely soliciting feedback, participating in popular networks or actively listening. It’s the ability to identify and internalize themes to precipitate change and earn support through action—not just words. For the first time, the U.S. President can cultivate grassroots communities directly where people create, discover, and share information online. He is already thinking in this direction, as evidenced by his intention to record the weekly Presidential address on Youtube, in addition to broadcasting it over the radio. The videos will be hosted on Change.gov, with the first one already recorded. Other opportunities to engage with citizens online include:Gen Y Says: "I Want My Social TV!" - ReadWriteWeb
RWR on social tv
Research showing Gen Y/digital natives are interested in social TV features, often tied to games.PR 2.0: Humanizing Social Networks: Revealing the People Powering Social Media
# cialmedia # statistics # socialnetworking # stats # socialnetworks
Social Networks are among the most powerful examples of socialized media. They create a dynamic ecosystem that incubates and nurtures relationships between people and the content they create and share. Gives some growth stats
Demographics behind social mediaNicholas Christakis: The hidden influence of social networks | Video on TED.com
Christakis: "Creo que formamos redes sociales porque los beneficios de una vida conectada son superiores a los costos. Si siempre soy violento contigo o te doy información errónea o te pongo triste o te infecto con gérmenes mortales tú cortarías los lazos conmigo y la red se desintegraría."Measuring Measures - blog - Learning about Network Theory
In this post, Drew Conway (a PhD Candidate at New York University, studying networks) and I will walk you through a guide that we hope may be of use to others trying to find their way through network theorThe Real Life Social Network v2
@jcstearns The Real Life Social Network v2 - http://goo.gl/2fDa <-in slideshare . A must read.
This is fascinating! — The Real Life Social Network v2 http://spncr.me/br
awesome!Why Your Grandpa Is on Facebook [STATS]
Why Your Grandpa Is On Facebook (Mashable) http://bit.ly/czpzIp #SocialMedia #Stats rt @Flipbooks @xanpearson @paul_steele
facebook stats for older demographic