Black socks - Buy socks in the definitely correct colour for men.
Firefoxからsshのダイナミック転送を使って非公開サーバへアクセスする - 射撃しつつ前転
Firefoxからsshのダイナミック転送を使って非公開サーバへアクセスする - 射撃しつつ前転 sshにはダイナミック転送という機能がある。この機能を使うと、sshはアプリケーション側にはSOCKSプロクシとして振る舞うが、そこからsshの接続先までは暗号化された状態で通信が行われる。 これだけだと通常のトンネリングとどう違うのかよくわからないかもしれないが、ダイナミック転送の場合は転送ポートを指定する必要がない。ここがダイナミックと表現される所以だろう。 例えば、オフィスAにある開発サーバ... はてなブックマーク - Firefoxからsshのダイナミック転送を使って非公開サーバへアクセスする - 射撃しつつ前転 はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann ssh, firefoxHome - socks - GitHub
Socks is an intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS. All you need is some JavaScript knowledge, which is quite easy to pick up.
shoes-inspired small web gui toolkit for javascript
Socks is an intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS. All you need is some JavaScript knowledge, which is quite easy to pick up. Socks is inspired by Shoes and you will notice many similarities. However, Socks is not, and wasn’t intended to be a port of Shoes to JavaScript, and thus there are many differences as well.
"An intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS."