Microsoft SDKs
Links to many of Microsoft's SDKsEtherpad Shows Google Docs How It’s Done
app that creates screenshots in a predined size and saves them in a predefined folder
Simple screenshot application.51 Essential Programs For A Freeware Only PC | Freeware Mission
Tagging-System für Mac OSX. Kann neben Files auch direkt in Anwendungen Tags vergeben und auch danach suchen. Interface wie Quicksilver mit Spotlight-Integration.
$29 app some people are excited about...Layers | Screen forensics
Makes layered PSD screenshots
This application can be really useful.
screenshots direkt als psd mit fenstern als ebenen
Capture your displays as a Photoshop layered image.
A full fledged PSD file with one layer per window, including menu and desktop icons, dock and menubar. Cheers Marshall
web design
screendumps med layersHow To Make Skype a Portable App |
Portable Skype
Skype doesn’t offer an official portable USB version of their software (with the exception of the U3 smart drive version). This has led people to make an unofficial hack of a portable version for themselves:How to Pick a Language
Interesting article about how to pick a language
computer programming langugage69 Free or Open Source Tools For Students | Online College
links to all sorts of sourcesTop 50 Linux Alternatives to Popular Apps -
good list of rarely mentioned apps.Jolicloud
Jolicloud, the connected OS for netbooks. Coming to your netbook in 2009.
Jolicloud, the connected OS for netbooks. Coming to your netbook in 2009.
coming in 2009
jolicloud, coming in 2009Leopard プレビュー.appの底力 - ザリガニが見ていた...。
プレビュー 編集
command-shift-4 後、control-クリックでクリップボードに撮
プレビュー.app が凄い…
アプリケーションの名前こそ「プレビュー」だが、すでに機能は「レタッチ」レベルなのであった!EWD1036.PDF (application/pdf Object)
Talk notes from 1988: "The concept of radical novelties is of contemporary significance because, while we are ill-prepared to cope with them, science and technology have now shown themselves expert at inflicting them upon us. Earlier scientific examples are the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics; later technological examples are the atom bomb and the pill." The radical novelty of the automatic computer can be found in large numbers and digital (as opposed to analog) implementation: small changes, potentially big effects. Towards the final third this amazing talk becomes a bit uptight.
Edsger Dijkstra, the greatest computer scientist to never own a computer, hand wrote and distributed 'On the Cruelty of Really Teaching Computer Science'PhotoJoy – Amazing Photo Widgets, 3D Screensavers & Collages that display your personal photos!
Programma gratuito per Windows in grado di creare collage simpatici e divertenti con le foto, m anche sfondi, screensaver e piccole applicazioni di presentazionewwwsqldesigner - Google Code
This tool allows you to draw and create database schemas (E-R diagrams) directly in browser, without the need for any external programs (flash)The Linux Alternative Project -
Linux Good Stuff
list of linux softwareiPhoneと過ごした半年まとめ -
おお!すごいまとめPaul Buchheit: Communicating with code
"Or maybe it's because it's too easy to overlook the messy details, or to get caught up in details that seem very important, but aren't. I also get very bored by endless debate." Code (and demo) is better than some slides... I agree.
"Consider spending less time talking, and more time prototyping, especially if you're not very good at talking or powerpoint. Your code can be a very persuasive argument. The other point is that it's important to make prototyping new ideas, especially bad ideas, as fast and easy as possible. ... Fortunately for Gmail, they've recently found a rather clever solution that enables the thousands of Google engineers to add new ui features: Gmail Labs. This is also where Google's "20% time" comes in -- if you want innovation, it's critical that people are able to work on ideas that are unapproved and generally thought to be stupid. The real value of "20%" is not the time, but rather the "license" it gives to work on things that "aren't important""
On the importance of prototyping as quickly as possible, especially if you're idea is a bad one: it can be taken to the backyard and shot ASAP <i>' Some people can sell their ideas with a brilliant speech or a slick powerpoint presentation. I can't '</i> via <a href="">The Fishbowl - Charles Miller</a>
quick and dirty ってのは真の実力だよな・・・。
from haruki_zaemon (Simon Harris)
This is just an awesome post about the value of prototyping and has some great code
This is also where Google's "20% time" comes in -- if you want innovation, it's critical that people are able to work on ideas that are unapproved and generally thought to be stupid. The real value of "20%" is not the time, but rather the "license" it gives to work on things that "aren't important". (perhaps I should do a post on "20% time" at some point...)25 Free, Game Changing Open Source Resources | OStatic
Tools (Produktiv Programmieren)
Open++ is a shell context menu extension that allows you to quickly open the target file or folder with the predefined commands in Windows Explorer. It adds a submenu with customized menu items to the shell context menu when you right click a file or folder icon, or a folder background in Windows Explorer. Open++ submenu is similar to the standard "Send To" menu but is much more advanced, since it allows you to customize the Title, Program, Arguments, Working Directory, Icon, Associated File Types for all commands that are added to the shell context menu.
context menu customizer
Free utility Open++ adds a new submenu to your right-click context menu with advanced options for adding virtually any function you could want
Command Prompt, register/unregister, copy path, run with params....On Why I Don't Like Auto-Scaling in the Cloud - O'Reilly Broadcast
Dynamic scaling is better than auto scaling in the cloud - George Resse
Good rant about why auto-scaling is not dynamic scaling: two of the most widely cited advantages of the cloud. Not entirely convinced by the argument, though. I suspect governors can be used to manage scaling in a sensible way.
Sometimes traffic is truly unexpected. But not as often as you think. If you know you are getting coverage in some publication, marketing should have done an ROI projection on the campaign and be able to provide you with expected response rates. But you don't want it to auto-scale. Auto-scaling cannot differentiate between valid traffic and non-sense. You can. If your environment is experiencing a sudden, unexpected spike in activity, the appropriate approach is to have minimal auto-scaling with governors in place, receive a notification from your cloud infrastructure management tools, then determinate what the best way to respond is going forward. Here, the auto-scaling is simply a band-aid to enable a human to use dynamic scaling to define an appropriate, temporary capacity to support the unexpected change in demand. If you know you have a batch window from midnight to 3am, set your cloud infrastructure management tools to add capacity at 11:30 and throttle back at 3:30.
Makes good sense. I'd probably disagree on a few points if the cloud is owned/controlled by one's own organization.Wordpress便利なプラグイン30選 | DesignWalker
目新しいかんじのがあるブラウザ上でさくさくデータベースの設計ができる『WWW SQL Designer』がすごすぎる - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
これは次回使いたい。OperaTor - Opera + Tor. Surf anonymously | Arche Twist
OperaTor is a portable software bundle which allows you to browse the web anonymously. It combines the power of the Opera Browser, Tor and Polipo.
Opera + Tor. Surf anonymously | Arche TwistBohemian Coding
Keep your fonts together.
Fontcase is a font management application that provides an elegant and powerful workflow to help you organise the fonts you have installed on your system. Designed to be an iTunes for your fonts, Fontcase has a powerful tagging system, which is designed to let you control your fonts like you control your music.
Font management software
a font management application that provides an elegant and powerful workflow to help you organise the fonts you have installed on your system. Designed to be an iTunes for your fonts, Fontcase has a powerful tagging system, which is designed to let you control your fonts like you control your music
"Elegant font management for Mac OS X."Cover Your Tracks & Be Anonymous On The Net With JAP |
OS/230 Useful Open Source Apps for Web Designers - Six Revisions
In this article, you'll find 30 exceptionally handy open source applications for web designers.
In this article, you'll find 30 exceptionally handy open source applications for web designers.4 Tools You Need To Predict The Death Of Your Hard Drive |
If there is one piece of equipment in your computer that you would predict to fail first, what would it be? Some might pick the power supply, some might pickclicktoflash - Google Code
A webkit plugin to prevent the automatic loading of Flash movies in your browser.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
Safari plugin to prevent automatic loading of flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
To block flash from automatically loading
"WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content."
webkit / safari plug-in to block automatic loading of flash contentsaMap
Visualization of arguments
Cool widget that allows you to browse with cursor over brain mapsAdobe UI Gripes
Native UI widgets FTW!
Me moaning about shoddy UI inconsistencies and mistakes in Adobe products and how they get shitter with every release and especially since they took on Macromedia's idiotic philosophies.
Very funny list of gripes wth CS4
adobe製品のバグやUIの間違いをひたすら指摘。 ここまでやってくれるユーザーってなかなかいないのでは。The HAL Project - HAL 9000
interessante Infos, Ubuntu ist die beste OS
The PDF Edition of Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference is available entirely free of charge. It is practically identical to the Print Edition.50 Essential Strategies For Creating A Successful Web 2.0 Product [Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog]
Only load flash on when you want it. For Webkit.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content
This was mentioned on Daring Fireball today. Nice! Keeps flash from loading until you click on it.
Prevent loading of Adobe Flash content until you want it and speed up your browser in the process.DIY: How to write a book - Boing Boing
How to write a book notes by Steven JohnsonOfficial Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Offline Gmail
mail koji radi bez mreze, izdano od googla, vrlo pametno i korisno off line rjesenje! jos nije u upotrebi ali kad bude, tu ce se moci skinuti!
gmail offline!
Awesome. I hope they polish this one up ASAP.Open Source: The Model Is Broken - BusinessWeek
A free application for the Mac which saves your documents on regular intervals based on your preferences.
Save files before your Mac applications quit on you
Never miss again hours of hard work to an unexpected crash. EverSave brings automated, timed saving function to any application on your Mac.
Auto-save tool for all Mac applications!
Automatically saves your work at a specified interval. Works with the applications you use on a daily basis. Set the options in the menubar.Tales of the Rampant Coyote: The Black Triangle
In October of 1994, I’d just started as an honest-to-goodness videogame programmer at a small startup called SingleTrac – which later went on to fame and glory (but unfortunately not much in the way of fortune) with such titles as Warhawk, the Twisted Metal series, and the Jet Moto series. But at the time, the company was less than 20 employees in size and had only been officially in business for about a month. It was sometime in my first week – possibly my first or second day. In the main engineering room, there was a whoop and cry of success. Our company financial controller and acting HR lady, Jen, came in to see what incredible things the engineers and artists had come up with. Everyone was staring at a television set hooked up to a development box for the Sony Playstation. There, on the screen, against a single-color background, was a black triangle.
"We came to refer to certain types of accomplishments as 'black triangles.' These are important accomplishments that take a lot of effort to achieve, but upon completion you don’t have much to show for it."
Sometimes the big victories look pedestrian at first glance.
A great term for those things that take so much effort for seemingly little output.
Black Triangles. They're not just for programmers. (via merlin, via kottke)
sometimes I feel like I'm still trying to get that black triangle to show up...Coding Horror: Avoiding The Uncanny Valley of User Interface
zumo driveを詳しく。これはデータ利用についての概念が変わりそうだ。大容量を使わないのであれば、便利さを手軽に手に入れられそう。HDDほどめったに利用しない音楽や写真を置く必要はないし。
“すべてクラウド”も間近!? 「ZumoDrive」を使ってみた - @IT
DropBoxみたいなサービス の説明|データはweb上にあって、ローカルには置かない と
ネットワークの新活用法。端末の制限が消えていく。SpeedCrunch - fast and usable calculator
SpeedCrunch is a fast, high precision and powerful desktop calculator. Available for LinuxLinux, WindowsMicrosoft Windows, and Apple Mac OS XApple Mac OS X.Impressive
Un editor de presentaciones bastante coolAeroSnap BETA - Simple. Clever. Powerful.
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AeroSnap is a simple but powerful application that allows you to resize, arrange or maximize your desktop windows with just drag'n'drop.GTD Toolbox: 100+ Resources for Getting Things Done
Scratch for older kids?72 Programs For A Freeware Only PC | Freeware Mission
info world network management
Fortunately, there are a plethora of good tools, both commercial and open source that can shine much-needed light into your environment. Because good and free always beats good and costly, I've compiled a list of my favorite open source tools that prove their worth day in and day out in networks of any size. From network and server monitoring to trending, graphing, and even switch and router configuration backups, these utilities will see you through.LimeWire Creator Brings Open-Source Approach to Urban Planning | Epicenter from
Portland, Oregon has already used his open-source software to plan its bus routes. San Francisco, whose MUNI bus system is a frequent target of criticism, could be next to get the treatment. Gorton says he's in talks with the city to supply transit routing software for MUNI that will do a much better job of keeping track of where people are going and figuring out how best to get them there. San Francisco "overpaid greatly" for a badly-supported proprietary closed-source system that barely works, according to Gorton, putting the city under the thumb of a private company that provides sub-par support.
Entrepreneur Mark Gorton wants to do for people what he already helped do for files: move them from here to there in the most efficient way possible using open-source tools. Gorton, whose LimeWire file sharing software for the open-source gnutella network was at the forefront of the P2P revolution nearly a decade ago, is taking profits earned as a software mogul and spinning them into projects to make urban transportation safer, faster and more sustainable.
"Gorton, whose LimeWire file sharing software for the open-source gnutella network was at the forefront of the P2P revolution nearly a decade ago, is taking profits earned as a software mogul and spinning them into projects to make urban transportation safer, faster and more sustainable."
While public, that data was locked by private software used by public organizations and suffered from an overall lack of standards. Thus was born GeoServer, an open-source, Java-based software server that lets anyone view and edit geo-spatial data. Road information can now be painstakingly imported once from proprietary systems or entered from scratch, double-checked by other users, and rolled out to anyone who needs the data10 lightweight apps to make older PCs fly | News | TechRadar UK
With the right combination of theme and widgets, you can maintain Tumblr's minimalism and bring your readers more value. Here are 20 to enhance your Tumblr blog.
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self explanatory
20 Great Widgets to Enhance Your Tumblr Blog
20 Tumblr to integrate your social networks, skype, your music,...sccache - Google Code
The SHOP.COM Cache System is an object cache system - Descargas Directas
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15-01-2009 Juegos 360, Wii, PSP Foros
links para descargas, no realmente directas todas, pero rapidshare, megaupload, etc..AppStorm
This service enables you to combine multiple PDF documents into a single one, free of charge.Free Task Manager
An upgraded Windows Task Manager with ability to monitor disk activity and network port usage.
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The Extended Task Manager provides additional Windows process management features and information about disk activity and network port usage.
Administrador de tareas para Windows avanzado.Hack Attack: Burn almost any video file to a playable DVD
AppBeacon is your personal App discovery engine for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
iphone & ipod touch appsMain Page - Digital Foundations
Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Suite integrates the formal principles of the Bauhaus Basic Course into an introduction to digital media production with the Adobe Creative Suite.
Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Suite (see FLOSS manuals at )
bauhaus et software
Wiki as pedagogy
Introduction to Media Design: "Digital Foundations: Introduction to Media Design with the Adobe Creative Suite integrates the formal principles of the Bauhaus Basic Course into an introduction to digital media production with the Adobe Creative Suite. Textbooks and software manuals on today’s market do not include art and design history or visual principles. This book synthesizes historical examples and traditional studio foundation exercises into smart, well-paced software exercises. See it for yourself in Chapter 5, where we explore Illustrator's Color Picker through Joseph Albers’ color exercises. Digital media texts about Adobe Creative Suite, whether they are “Bibles”, “For Dummies” or “Classroom in a Books”, focus on tools and production tips. Digital Foundations is the only textbook that teaches visual skills through production tools."GNOME Do - Release
RapidZearch - File Search EngineTopAppOfTheWorld - GLOBAL TOP SELLER <2009-02-04> - 世界で人気のiPhoneアプリのランキング情報を毎日更新中!
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世界で人気のiPhoneアプリのランキング情報を毎日更新中!Screc Tech. Free Screen Recorder, Record Screen with highest compression ratio.
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Screen capture utility Screen2exe records video of your desktop and outputs an executable file that runs anywhere, free of codec requirements.
This screen recorder creates instant screen demos, tutorials and presentations with the highest compression ratio in theDownloads: bitRipper is a Dead Simple Solution for DVD Ripping
easy ripper. i haven;t tried it yetCintaNotes - A Free Personal Notes Manager
Reminds me of Tornado (Dos version) or InfoselectTop 10 Free Video Editors for Ubuntu Linux | TechCityInc
Top 10 Free Video Editors for Ubuntu LinuxFences™ - By Stardock - Clean up your desktop clutter
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organize your windows desktop
Fences is a one-of-a-kind program, allowing you to draw labeled shaded areas on your desktop, which become movable & resizable containers for your desktop icons. These groups can help bring organization and consistency to your computer's desktop, solving the "constant mess" problem that has plagued the desktop since its inception. Fences also helps you finally appreciate the wallpaper you have hiding behind all that clutter. In addition to its organizing features, Fences offers a novel quick-hide feature (in-patenting-process). Double click your desktop, and all your icons will fade out. Double click again, and they'll return.
Fences is a program that helps you organize your desktop, and can hide your icons when they're not in use. It's FREE for personal use, so try it out today, and change how you use your desktop forever!
Fences is a free for personal use application by Stardock that helps unclutter the desktop with minimal user interaction and some clever ideas. The basic idea behind Fences is to provide areas on the desktop that can be filled with all the program shortcuts and files on the computer desktop. While that alone would not be really spectacular Fences comes with one of the easiest ways to hide all or specific fences. Hiding and unhiding the fences can be done by a simple double-click on the desktop. This means that you can work with a icon free desktop for most of the day. If you need any shortcuts you simply double-click the desktop, the fences containing the icons appear and you can launch them normally. Fences does come with the possibility to exclude areas from being hidden by the double-click which is great if you need some shortcuts visible all the time.Readers Pick: 30+ Incredibly Useful Mac Apps for Web Design
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Get a Free Software PDF reader that respects your freedoms and your privacy"i like b-sides." MP3 Mix-Tape Generator. Find more songs!
Find the best new music possible, using your iTunes Library. Analyze usage patterns, star-ratings, and more!
Analyzes your itunes.xml file to find other songs you might like and songs in your current library that you might enjoy but be ignoring.Dockland Software - SpaceSuit
Free software that lets you change the wallpaper per space in Apple's Spaces.
SpaceSuit is Spaces'missing feature: 1 different background image for every Space. Now you can customize each Space with its own wallpaper and identify it quickly everytime you switch from one Space to another.Windowsが起動したままの状態でハードディスクをまるごとイメージ化できるフリーソフト「Macrium Reflect FREE Edition」 - GIGAZINE
timeedition is targeted at all users in a computer workplace who value detailed documentation of their working hours, whether they use it for customer billing or for monitoring the duration of individual projects
Time tracking software
Software para registrar el tiempo que se dedica a cada tareaIndex of /
Welcome Ginipic takes image search to a whole new level. Now you can search image search engines, photo sharing websites or your own local picture collections simultaneously. Find what you're looking for and use it instantly in your own creation - document, presentation, art work - you name it. Work alongside
Ginipic takes image search to a whole new level. Now you can search image search engines, photo sharing websites or your own local picture collections simultaneously. Find what you're looking for and use it instantly in your own creation - document, presentation, art work - you name it. Work alongside other applications with Ginipic in Dock mode. Did we mention it's completely FREE? Try it now!
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Great little intro to pythonLovely Charts | Free online diagramming application
Allows to create pretty charts for free.
Free online diagramming application
Lovely Charts is a drawing application that allows you to create professionnal looking diagrams of all kinds, such as flowcharts, sitemaps, organisation charts, wireframes, and many more… For free.
With Lovely Charts's extremely simple and intuitive drag'n drop drawing mechanism, you'll be able to focus on what really matters. You won't have to draw boxes and arrows, you won't have to worry about what symbol to use.
Lovely Charts is a drawing application that allows you to create professionnal looking diagrams of all kinds, such as flowcharts, sitemaps, organisation charts, wireframes.Best Firefox Extensions: 13 Money and Time Saving FireFox Add-ons! || Technology Nerd
some really useful looking ones like gmail manager for multiple gmail accounts
Image Source: Mouserunner Ten's and Hundreds of Firefox plugins are released by individual developers every day. I looked through and found ...
Technology NerdDownloads: Fences is a Seriously Awesome Desktop Icon Organizer
Windows: Desktop icon organizer Fences arranges your cluttered desktop icons into containers so you can clean up the mess into useful groups of shortcuts—or optionally hides them altogether.10 obscure Linux applications you need to try | 10 Things |
Synchronize the contacts and calendar on your phone with your Google account
Synchronize the contacts and calendar on your phone with your Google account. Cloud syncing
Nokia S6023 Useful System Applications for Linux | TechCityInc
It’s always great to have Linux Alternatives to popular applications so I’ve decided to write about some of the most useful System applications for Linux including Cd burners, Aniti Virus, FTP solutions and instant messengers that you can download today.
I’ve decided to write about some of the most useful System applications for Linux including Cd burners, Aniti Virus, FTP solutions and instant messengers that you can download today.Arcadia Software - PhotoPerfect Express
saveHow to become an iPhone developer in eight easy steps | Technology |
king on a new game ("My next project involves airborne sheep, but I'm afraid that's all I can share at the moment"). You could be next…. Useful links Stuart VarraSmarterware: Use your head (and great software)
blogs software
Gina Trapani's Blog
Gina Trapani's blog after lifehackerCooper Journal: One free interaction
Yes! I think a free interaction gives the user experience that special edge.
"One free interaction" is a prospective design pattern that gives software and hardware a more humane feel. It exists outside of task flows and the concept of users as task-doers. Instead it sits in the "in between" spaces, suiting users as fidgeters, communicators, and people who play with things.
Very nice post from Chris Noessel of Cooper Design on the more subtle but no less brilliant elements of iPhone design, as well as other simple, pleasing software highlights
I flip page control on the home screen back and forth, for no apparent reason.
"Since we want our designs to be humane and, presuming they fulfill their utilitarian purposes well, emotionally satisfying, I suggest that designers begin to include one free interaction in their designs to enable the channeling of energy and simple expression."Free Audio Editor - Completely free audio editor for Windows
This is an online tool you can use for editing some audios available only on Windows.
Completely free audio editor for Windows
Edit audio files visually; Record audio from a microphone or any other available input device; Apply various effects; Burn audio CDs from MP3, WMA, WAV, and OGG; All in one program, simple and intuitive - FAE (free audio editor). Completely free!
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complete Audio Recording/EditingOver 30 Must-Have Open Source Resources
Read about trends, technologies and best practices covered by experienced Giga Omni Media editors and writers. Participate in daily blog discusions and post your thoughts and opinions.DVDSmith Movie Backup: DVD Decrypter to copy DVD movie to computer hard disk, and remove all the CSS, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs and Sony ARccOS protections
DVD Decrypter to copy DVD movie to computer hard disk, and remove all the CSS, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs and Sony ARccOS protectionsDownloads: Pod to PC Transfers Music from Any iPod, iPhone Onto Your PC
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para copiar DVD's en la compu!Open Web Messenger
Open Web Messenger - for iPhone: Overview « MyFonts
WhatTheFont for iPhone connects directly to MyFonts’ acclaimed font identification service, which has been helping customers pinpoint mystery fonts for 10 years. It works via Wi-Fi or the mobile phone network, so you can get your font fix right there on the spot.
App identifies fonts from a picture taken on the iphone.The Big PHP IDE Test: Why Use One And Which To Choose | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
In this post, we’ll take a close look at the most popular PHP IDEs, exploring their functions, comparing them in a table and drawing some conclusions. Hopefully, you’ll get an idea of what each PHP IDE has to offer and which one best fits your needs.
"Both PDT and NetBeans are good. If you need a lot of plug-ins, Eclipse is the better choice. If editing tools and code completion are more important to you, then pick NetBeans. NetBeans is a bit more responsive, too."
In this post, we’ll take a close look at the most popular PHP IDEs, exploring their functions, comparing them in a table and drawing some conclusions.14 Tools of Highly Effective Twitter Users - Kenny Hyder
A collection of the most useful twitter tools for twitter power users!
A collection of the 14 best tools available to help you manage and maximize twitter in alphabetical order!
Mainly ways to get statistics and added value out of Twitter.12 Mac Apps for Running a Freelance Business « AppStorm
from Chris FooAntennapedia - Journal migration tool
Antennapedia - Journal migration tool
Instructions on migrating your LJ (with comments and icons) to an LJ analog like IJ.
I've written a command-line tool for migrating journal entries from any LJ-style server to any other LJ-style server. This tool needs testers. It should run on any system with a recent Python installed. That means OS X out of the box, most Linux distros, and any Windows system where the user has installed python.
another lj backup tool, this one will also transfer the backup to another lj-compatible server20 Must-Have Free Windows Tools for Software Developers | Switch on the Code
A collection of free Windows tools to help software developers be more productive, write faster code, and debug more efficiently.Read ePub ebooks online : Bookworm ePub reader
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!!!!SOLID Development Principles – In Motivational Pictures - new ThoughtStream("Derick Bailey"); -
Pythonベースのスタイリッシュなプレゼンテーションツールです。KeyNoteまではいかないですが、パワーポイント以上のプレゼンができそうですよ。使い方も簡単です。Free Disk Analyzer
How to Install Brushes, Filters, and and Plugins in GIMP To add brushes, filters, and plugins to GIMP, simply open the program folder and put the files into their appropriate folders--brushes into Brushes, filters into Filters, etc. In Mac, right click and open the app folder. In Linux, navigate to your Home Folder and press Ctrl+H. In Windows, it's in C:/Program Files/Gimp. Arrange the Layout GIMP has compromised and changed t
If you’re used to the Photoshop interface, the open source alternative GIMP can be somewhat confusing. You can, however, configure it to look and behave the same way.
Wie bastel ich mir gimp optisch wie photoshop?Professional Software Development » 100 Interview Questions to Ask Employers
Includes Troy's Outlook Attachment Reminder, a VBScript that checks messages for the word "attach" and its variations and then looks for a certain number of attachments. No attachments present? A little pop-up asks if you're sure you didn't forget something. Small, helpful, and great at keeping your e-name in good standing.Over 15 Top Open Source Tools for Web Developers
from mashable
Here are over 20 Firefox plugins that will let you save your favorite videos before they disappear, stop them from autoplaying when you come to a page, and :: Nix fixes dependency hell on all Linux distributions
NIx is a new way of managing dependencies of packages. It even goes beyond the gentoo portage idea. It's a clean approach to avoid dependency hell.Flowchart: Lovely Charts Creates Polished Diagrams
Comme gliffyComputer Repair Utility Kit @ Technibble
Technibble, the Australian site for aspiring computer techies, recently released the second version of its popular Computer Repair Utility Kit, a collection of 57 hand picked tools to help you diagnose and repair your Windows machine. While all of the utilities are freely available online, this all-in-one kit saves you the trouble of searching for and downloading them individually. Most of the applications don't require installation and the kit can be run directly from your thumb drive.A Computer Repair Utility Kit You Can Run From a Thumb Drive - ReadWriteWeb
Scribe is a server for aggregating log data streamed in real time from a large number of servers. It is designed to be scalable, extensible without client-side modification, and robust to failure of the network or any specific machine.
Facebookのログ収集ソフトウェアI Am Here: One Man's Experiment With the Location-Aware Lifestyle
This is crazy scary!
A great article on the incredible potential (and scary pitfalls) of broadcasting your location at all times. Including some really interesting discussion of the way our social contexts haven't really caught up (e.g. people thinking he was lonely or depressed and yearning for company).
This is scary stuff, I tell you what.Wallpaper Juggler - Home
Project Description A configurable app for Windows 7, Vista and XP to download wallpapers from or and change them periodically.Security: Properly Erase Your Physical Media
For class
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includes CD labels
Easily print out mailing labels or business cards.The Setup on waferbaby
Sort of a 'what tools work great for doing stuff' series
"What do people use to get the job done?".
Software I use do get my job done
waferbaby interviews cool people from various industries (from al3x to jonathancoulton) about their current and ideal computer set ups.
what people use in terms of hardware50 Tutorials To Get You Started With Gimp |
Editing PS4 Ad with Gimp Gimp has been famously known as the poor man's Photoshop, and perhaps rightfully so. That's a complement Gimp won't mind taking.File & Folder Unlocker (freeware): Unlock in use files
Finally! They read my mind!
File & Folder Unlocker is a powerful yet easy-to-use system utility that gives you complete control over the locked files and folders on your computer. Like our other free utilities, File & Folder Unlocker is free for both commercial and non-commercial use.
File & Folder Unlocker is a powerful yet easy-to-use system utility that gives you complete control over the locked files and folders on your computer. Like our other free utilities, File & Folder Unlocker is free for both commercial and non-commercial useOptimizing Code for Speed
This document will focus on optimizing code to run faster. However, as you will see later, doing this may involve having to optimize the code in a different aspect. Furthermore, often when programmers are trying to optimize one aspect of a program, they are doing so in order to increase speed.InfoQ: CouchDB and Me
In this talk from RubyFringe, Damien Katz explains what drove him to create CouchDB, why he chose Erlang and what made him decide to sell his house to work on Free Software.
Very inspiring.GIMPをパワーアップさせるプラグインいろいろ | DesignWalker
DesignWalkerPersonal time management software -
Quicker ways to find files, launch apps, and more.Non-Hierarchical Management (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)
Most guides on management are written for big bosses at big companies, not people starting something new who want their team to be as effective as possible. (Hi, startup founders!) So herewith, a guide to effective non-hierarchical management.
Vary responsibilities (not efficient, but unhappy = worse efficiency) * Delegate responsibility (develop the team... either manage or work, not both) * Competent people get things done anyway. Ineffective ones let the excuses pile up. * proactive as well. People tend to suffer quietly * Part of your job is helping people decide what to tackle first. * stop procrastination is to sit down with someone and come up with the next concrete step they have to take and then start doing it together. * people are much happier and more productive when they have control over the way they work. Never take that away. * And if people fight back, know when to step back and say “look, you’re the expert. I was just giving my two cents.” (Hint: It’s right after they start fighting back.) * not to dictate or micromanage, but to have a Socratic dialogue to help figure out what the best answer is. *
A better way to think of a manager is as a servant, like an editor or a personal assistant. Everyone wants to be effective; a manager’s job is to do everything they can to make that happen. The ideal manager is someone everyone would want to have.97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know - The Book [97 Things] : Near-Time
Try before choosing by Erik DoernenburgMicrosoft Startup Zone
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Can't guarantee the originality - but nice execution!
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Front Row plugin for streaming video
Understudy allows access to streaming video through the Front Row interface of Mac OS X. The user can subscribe to multiple feeds, and select a video to watch from them. Understudy currently supports Hulu and Netflix.
Description Understudy allows access to streaming video through the Front Row interface of Mac OS X. The user can subscribe to multiple feeds, and select a video to watch from them. Understudy currently supports Hulu and Netflix.Shape Collage - Free Automatic Photo Collage Maker
Shape Collage: either specify individual snaps or full picture folders that are to be used in a collage or poster. Then you select a shape for your collage - it could be a pile of scattered images, a rectangle or you could draw some shape with the mouse and Shape Collage will match the layout of pictures in the collage with that hand-drawn image.
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Open-Source Alternatives For DesignersHive Five: Five Best Movie Cataloging Tools
Lifehacker list of five tools for cataloging a personal collection of movies.Top 13 Funny Software Development Quotes « Paul Tiseo’s Livin’ La Vida CIO
Over the years, I’ve collected some of the smartest-yet-funny software development quotes I have read. Here’s the current short list in no particular order. Oddly enough, there are thirteen of them and they all address the woes of programming.
“Nine people can’t make a baby in a month.” - Fred Brooks
“Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.” - Rich CookThe 20 Best Free PC Games - Gaming by ExtremeTech
There are loads of free PC games out there, but many of them aren't worth your time. These will have you hooked for hours.MDK : Quicklook for markdown
A Quicklook plugin that adds support (and spotlight) for .markdown files.20 Best iPhone Photo & Video Apps - Sharing, Editing & Recording Applications
Have your pets accept troublesome EULAs on your behalf.
I didn't agree to the EULA; my kitty did.
via 530sThe 32 Totally Essential (and Free) Apps for Every New PC | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about The 32 Totally Essential (and Free) Apps for Every New PC.The 32 Totally Essential (and Free) Apps for Every New PC - Page 1 | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about The 32 Totally Essential (and Free) Apps for Every New PC.Home - j - GitHub
j keeps track of where you’ve been, and how much time you spend there. Source it into your .bashrc, and then you can say j foo to jump to the most used directory that has the substring (actually regex) foo in i
j is a "learning cd", a shell/awk script that captures your directory changes and remembers the most frequently visited directories, allowing you to hop to them with a simple 'j dirname', no matter where you are in the filesystem.
Tool to jump around directories
j is replacement for cd that learns the directories you use most ofteniPodME « Noda’s Dev Blog
iPodME is a dead simple and lightweight tool for bulk converting your video files.Google Book Downloader - Home
"small utility which allows you to save book as PDF from google to your local filesystem"
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Google Book Downloader is small utility which allows you to save book as PDF from google to your local filesystem.
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During the day, computer screens look good—they're designed to look like the sun. But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldn't be looking at the sun.
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ComputerHow To: Turn Your Linux Rig into a Streaming Media Center | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC How-Tos. Visit Maximum PC and read about How To: Turn Your Linux Rig into a Streaming Media » 10 Most Awesome Linux Applications
Whoo, more GNU/Linux articles!
I love this blog, it really encapsulates some pretty great software! 7 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do - Solutions by PC Magazine–an application suite, not just a Web site—has tricks even Office can't manage. Here are a few that may not be obvious, plus a few ways to make it less annoying out of the box.R Graph Gallery :: thumbnails gallery
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Looks hot. Hopefully less crash prone than MySQL Administrator. Will try.
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Includes video on newest release.
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* Statistical time prediction - BatteryBar monitors your battery and keeps a history of how long it takes for your battery to charge and discharges. That information is used to more accurately predict the life of your battery
Egy nagyon hasznos kis telepmérő laptopokhoz. Sokkal értelmesebb kijelzéssel, mint amit a Windows XP alapból nyújt.
BatteryBar is a simple, straight-forward, battery meter that monitors the status of your battery and displays your battery's status in the taskbar. BatteryBar constantly monitors the status of your battery as you use your laptop. As it monitors your battery, it keeps historical data on your battery and provide you with a very accurate estimate of how much time is remaining on your battery.
BatteryBar, the most accurate battery meter for WindowsCoding Horror: The Bad Apple: Group Poison
What they found, in short, is that the worst team member is the best predictor of how any team performs. It doesn't seem to matter how great the best member is, or what the average member of the group is like. It all comes down to what your worst team member is like. The teams with the worst person performed the poorest.
in some of the groups, the fourth member of their team isn't a student. He's an actor hired to play a bad apple, one of these personality types: The Depressive Pessimist will complain that the task that they're doing isn't enjoyable, and make statements doubting the group's ability to succeed. The Jerk will say that other people's ideas are not adequate, but will offer no alternatives himself. He'll say "you guys need to listen to the expert: me." The Slacker will say "whatever", and "I really don't care." The conventional wisdom in the research on this sort of thing is that none of this should have had much effect on the group at all. Groups are powerful. Group dynamics are powerful. And so groups dominate individuals, not the other way around. There's tons of research, going back decades, demonstrating that people conform to group values and norms. But Will found the opposite. the worst team member is the best predictor of how any team performs.
Groups that have a "bad apple" perform worse. A good leader, who asks questions, solicits opinions and makes sure everyone is heard can make a difference. See also仮想デスクトップツールまとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
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MaxTo is light-weight, and works on both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows XP and Windows Vista. The .NET framework version 2.0 or higher is required (preinstalled on Windows Vista).シゴタノ! - 2009年も使っていきたい5つのツール
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The gotcha is that it prints an ad on the coversheet
How To Share A Printer Over The Internet | MakeUseOf.comDownloads: Enigma Desktop 2.0 Released, Adds Installer, Widget Manager, and Templates
Article explaining how to install the Enigma desktop
Reader Kaelri, well-known for his killer Enigma desktop, has released a new version complete with an installer—making this amazing desktop customization easy enough for anybody to install. The latest update includes features geared at beginners—the new welcome dialog in the middle of the screenshot adds widgets to your desktop which can be easily dragged around the screen—making customizations easier than ever. The full list of new features includes:OneSwarm: Privacy preserving P2P
OneSwarm is a new P2P data sharing application we’re building to provide users with explicit control over their privacy by enabling fine-grained control over how data is shared
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The iTunes lyrics importer is a simple application written in C# to import lyrics for the songs in your iTunes, using the Lyricswiki's web services.Conversion: PDF-to-Word Converter Pulls Readable Text from Scanned Images
eb-based converter PDF-to-Word turns static PDF files into edit-friendly Word documents with surprising, reliable accuracy. It's in closed beta right now, but Lifehacker readers can get in - Accelerate your Prototyping
An ordinary deleting of files isn't enough! When you wish to delete any sensitive information, like industrial secrets or some unwanted content, you want to be sure that it will be deleted permanently. Sorry to say, there is a plenty of software recovery tools that can restore your deleted items. If you need to destroy any data and eliminate any possibility of its restoration you need a "shredder". This software destroys the data you choose before the deletion, using a complicated procedure of filling the actual content with random data.
Free document shredder (download)
Hard disk erasing utility (so deleted file cannot be recovered). Similar software: "Eraser", see歴2年の俺が Mac OSX Leopard に入れておくと便利なソフトをまとめてみた - riaf-ja blog
List of video converters. The suggested other applications from the posts are useful.Apps Status Dashboard
Pour suivre en temps réel l'état des services Google
Performance information for Google Apps services, including Gmail.
This page offers performance information for Google Apps services. Unless otherwise noted, this status information applies to consumer services as well as services for organizations using Google Apps. Check back here any time to view the current status of the services listed below. For all other information or to report a problem, please visit the Google Apps Help Centers.quadanimator
QuadAnimator is flash extention for iPhone app QuadCamera. Load an image that is taken with QuadCamera, and you can save it as an animated GIF! This is a quick and dirty experimental content. If iPhone support FlashPlayer or animated GIF for album, I may make iPhone version.
Animate photos taken using iPhone app Quadcamera
Animate pictures taken with quadcamera9 free antivirus programs for Windows - Download Squad
until they stop producing idiots some people
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10 Excellent Open Source and Free Alternatives to Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is a given in any designer’s wish list, and it comes with a host of features that allow for excellent and professional photo editing. The biggest obstacle to any designer who wants Photoshop is the price, which can be prohibitive. Fortunately there are a number of open source (and completely free) programs out there that do much of what Photoshop can, and sometimes more. In this collection, you will find 10 excellent examples of open source and free alternatives to Adobe Photoshop.
There are a number of open source (and completely free) programs out there that do much of what Photoshop can. In this collection, you will find 10 excellent examples of open source and free alternatives to Adobe Photoshop.Lunar Frog Software - Custom Software Development and Consulting
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Allows you to tag files and search for files in your computer with shortcuts similar to delicious
Free file and document tagging application for Windows
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TaggedFrog allows you to organize your files, documents and Web links. Just add objects to the library and tag them with any keywords. That’s it. You can forget the file name or where the file is located, but don't worry - the tags will find the file for you.DemoHelper info | Stefan's Tools
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Logiciel qui permet d'écrire "manuellement" sur son écran (lors d'une présentation par exemple).despotify - the open source Spotify client
Playing restricted music works only with Premium accounts.
While Spotify is totally awesome, it currently only runs on Windows and Mac OS X (and Linux, if you can live with WINE). We wanted to be able to use Spotify in more operating systems and in more products. Let's just agree on the fact that it would be awesome if your random open source media center solution could do Spotify too!
Works with premium accounts.
Ohjelma ohittaa maakohtaiset rajoitteet, mutta puhtaasti kohteliaisuudesta palvelua kohtaan toimii vain maksullisilla Premium-tunnuksilla.Firefox Tip: Prevent Firefox from Hogging Memory When Minimized
In our latest browser speed tests, I half-heartedly complained that Firefox eats up memory over long periods of use. Our lovely, helpful commenters pointed out that there is, indeed, a tweak to help with that. It's important to note that this about:config tweak doesn't actually change how Firefox uses (and hoards) memory over actual use. For the purposes of user speed, then, it's not much change. But while Windows can normally grab memory back from applications that are minimized, Firefox prevents that and keeps all the memory it acquired during your multi-tab wanderings—unless you enable this tweak, which some have claimed also makes Firefox scale down the big memory pile it had going upon re-focusing.13 Most Desirable Collection Of Free Resources For Every Designer - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Une bonne alternative à dir() en Python is an interactive-only replacement for dir()
pretty dir()
An alternative to Python's dir(). Easy to type; easy to read! For humans only.State of the Art - Google Geniuses at Work on Free Goodies -
Google goodies
February 25, 2009 NYT column By DAVID POGUE offers a professional tour guide to help you find the lesser-known features of various Google apps.#398861 by Caius Durling (caius) - Pastie
Hidden preference keys to make Safari 4's updated UI more like Safari 3.
Tweak safari 4 - eg tabs where they should be!
Safari 4 hidden preferencesHive Five: Best Home Server Software
市販のDVDは違法にコピーされないよう暗号化されており、そのままFinderでデスクトップなどにファイルをコピーしても、動画内にノイズが走り碌に見られないようになっています。 しかしFairMountを使えば暗号を解除した状態でマウントしてくれて、後は煮るなり焼くなり思うがままです。How To Automatically Install Required Software After A Reinstall |
Anyone who has been using Windows for any length of time knows reinstalling it is unavoidable. Some people call technical help and some do it themselves. If you reinstall on your own, you know it takes a little time but the most annoying part of reinstalling Windows is that you have to reinstall all your software one by one all over again. Software like Firefox, Winamp, VLC and other indispensable programs that don’t ship with Windows.
rt by adding the applications you need to be installed, post-Windows installation. You must download the applications and save the setup inside the “WPI\Install” folder which can be found under the location where you extracted the contents of the
Windows Post-Install Wizard allows you to take care of such situations and automatically install all the software that you would like to install on a fresh install with a minimum of input.
MakeUseOf.comGoogle Apps Reseller Program
a Lightweight but Powerful Renaming UtilityPimp my browser: how to turn Firefox into a blogging machine - Ars Technica
Some great Firefox add-ons can turn the browser into a powerful blogging tool, so we wanted to highlight a few of the best. Ars explores a handful of add-ons that bring everything from scrapbooking, sharing, and automated content discovery to our beloved open source browser.The IT Contract From Hell
I'm new to delicious and my new Android G1 so, this is the first thing I've bookmarked and haven't visited the site yet. I just wanted to try the bookmarking first.ブラウザで X86 のマシン語を動かす! Google 謹製 Native Client をさっそく試してみる - IT戦記
Googleが作ったオンブラウザでx86コードを動かすやつのデビュCoding Horror: Paying Down Your Technical Debt
Technical Debt is a wonderful metaphor developed by Ward Cunningham to help us think about this problem. In this metaphor, doing things the quick and dirty way sets us up with a technical debt, which is similar to a financial debt. Like a financial debt, the technical debt incurs interest payments, which come in the form of the extra effort that we have to do in future development because of the quick and dirty design choice. We can choose to continue paying the interest, or we can pay down the principal by refactoring the quick and dirty design into the better design. Although it costs to pay down the principal, we gain by reduced interest payments in the future.
Interesting!JPEG & PNG Stripper -
JPEG & PNG Stripper -
, Win98, WinME, WinNT4, Win2000, WinInfoQ: InfoQ Editors' Recommended Reading List
A journalling website, similar to LiveJournal but with better management and improved tech (they forked the LJ code and added some long-requested features and improvements)
"Our mission in life is to make it easy for you to share the things you make, and easy to find the people who are making the things you want to enjoy." In beta. Might become the next LJ?
in closed beta for now.
Like bandwidth, only sharing creativity. A blog-like setup similar to livejournal. Coming soon.
"an Open Source social networking, content management, and personal publishing platform." And LJ alternative.Screenshot Tour: GNOME Do's Smart Dock Takes App Launching to Another Level
quick-firing Linux keyboard launcher GNOME Do6 Ways To Turn Your iPhone Into An External Hard Disk |
If you own an iPod, you will know that other than storing music, you can also use it as an external hard disk. You simply connect your iPod to your computer and you can easily transfer files over via drag and drop. When it comes to the iPhone however, Apple sells you a larger hard disk, gives you more functionality, yet does not allow you to use it as an external hard disk. Come to think of it, the iPhone is the gadget that you are more likely to carry with you wherever you go and it is the more likely candidate to become a portable hard disk, yet you can’t do anything to it. If you are interested in knowing how you can use your iPhone/iPod Touch as an external hard drive, here are some ways that you can get it done.A Review of Two Things: One For the Mac and One For iPhone - Shawn Blanc A design and technology weblog by Shawn Blanc.
task management for mac and iphoneAbout XC | The eXtensible Catalog
Well, if someone else is going to do the work that I keep whining about trying to do here, it might as well be the clever folk at Rochester.Coding Horror: Dictionary Attacks 101
Some ways of making this more avoidable
I like the increasing delay ideaVMware ESXi - ハニーポッターの部屋
VMware ESXi のまとめ、かなり参考になるZen Bound from Secret Exit
a meditative exercise (in 3D)
Click here for YouTube video
"A calm and meditative game of wrapping rope around wooden sculptures."
iPhone game looks pretty sweet
Beautiful game meets meditative puzzle. Easily worth the $5.It's Data Privacy Day: Do You Know Where Your Data Is?
We've covered oodles of privacy apps and topics over the years at Lifehacker, but here are some of our personal favorites:
Encriptación, navegación anónima, gestión de passwords, borrado seguro de ficheros, encriptación de comunicaciones...
Today is Data Privacy Day, during which we're encouraged to reflect on the state of our data and bolster security where we can—so let's take a closer look at our favorite data privacy tips.
Data Privacy Day, during which we're encouraged to reflect on the state of our data and bolster security where we can—so let's take a closer look at our favorite data privacy tips
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **OSの再インストールをしたいけど、必要なドライバを探して入れるのが大変そう……。 :教えて君.net
Double DriverUbuntu: Ubuntu Pocket Guide Available as a Free Download
In the midst of the current financial crunch, the popular, free Linux distribution Ubuntu has never looked more attractive. If you've considered switching, a free copy of the Ubuntu Pocket Guide is the perfect place to start. Written by Keir Thomas, author of Ubuntu Kung Fu, Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference covers all the beginner-to-expert knowledge you'll need to make the move to Ubuntu. We've featured excerpts from Thomas' Ubuntu Kung Fu two times at Lifehacker, and the Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference offers the same level of Ubuntu expertise to anyone interested in or already living the Ubuntu life.Molecular Workbench
Software Run the Molecular Workbench to view activities or create your own. Curriculum Browse or search our database of curriculum materials for middle school through high school.
*********************Sunlight Labs: Blog - Content Management Systems just don't work.
The line between Content Management Systems and Application Frameworks is starting to blur and this is the core basis for this post. The comments are also great reading and provide a balanced argument for CMSs
Sunlight Labs Blog says that CMS's don't work because they contain too many 'opinions' that you won't agree with (to do with user interface and workflow) so you are better off using content frameworks.
Great observations on frameworks vs. CMSs.
good read
Kevin: Clay at Sunlight Labs talks about the issues he has with content management systems and argues that web frameworks like Django and Ruby on Rails are a better option. It's an interesting wrinkle on a common discussion in the industry, and it's worth the read.
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World of Wacraft In Game Browser» Top 50 Linux Alternatives To Popular M$ Apps JJMacey Dot Net / Blog: Run Lixux, Run Open Source - Run Free!
AnimationConvert Your Old PC To Network Attached Storage With FreeNas |
One of the biggest problems still plaguing the environment today are the mass amounts of electronics being tossed out on a daily basisTop of Tree - Tree, Outliner for Mac OS X. Expand Items on the Right Side.
Outliner software for the Mac
Mit Tree hilft dabei Informationen zu erfassen und zu strukturieren.
Outliner for Mac OS X. Expand Items on the Right Side.
Tree assists you in organizing the information, drawing up plans, and brainstorming new ideas. Tree allows you to be writing out segments of ideas and keywords, and rearranging and sorting out these, repeatedly.
Assists you in organizing the information, drawing up plans, and brainstorming new ideas.gpeerreview - Google Code
Peer Review für "Jedermann"
We intend for the peer-review web to do for scientific publishing what the world wide web has done for media publishing. As it becomes increasingly practical to evaluate researchers based on the reviews of their peers, the need for centralized big-name journals begins to diminish. The power is returned to those most qualified to give meaningful reviews: the peers.
GPeerReview attempts to makes it easy for authors to seek post-publication endorsements of their works. We provide the following tools: * A command-line tool to digitally sign endorsements (done and available). * A web-based version of the signing tool (about 70% done). * Client tools for analyzing endorsement graphs to establish credibility (in planning stages). * Additional tools to facilitate the running of endorsement organizations (in the brain-storming stages). * Tools for analyzing citation graphs (in the brain-storming stages).Dobbs Code Talk - 10 Papers Every Software Architect Should Read (At Least Twice)
10 articoli che ogni architetto software e/o sviluppatore DEVE leggere
Papers on Programming“PCで仕事”を速くする:第21回 TrueCryptで、Dropboxをもっと“セキュア”に使う - ITmedia Biz.ID
“PCで仕事”を速くする:第21回 - ITmedia Biz.ID
バイナリ差分とってたとは知らなかった。ファイルレベルだと思ってたよ。8 Sites for Free Presets
디지털 포토 스쿨.
Digital Photo School - 8 Free Photoshop Preset WebsitesMulti Theft Auto | Index
Multi Theft Auto (MTA) is an open-source software project that adds full on-line gaming support to Rockstar North's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC game, in which this functionality is not originally found. It is the first open-source modification that adds a highly customizable network play element to a commercial closed-source single-player PC game.
Multi Theft Auto (MTA) is an open-source software project that adds a full multiplayer network play functionality to Rockstar North's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA:SA), in which this network play element is not originally found. It is one of the very few modifications to incorporate an extendable open-source network play element into a closed-source single-player PC game.
Dvorak designed his layout in the 1930's without the aid of computers. It contains a couple annoying features that lead to common errors in my typing -- namely the placement of Y and B). Could a modern evolutionary algorithm and a huge input sample discover a better arrangement? I had to give it a try. The results surprised me!
Could a modern evolutionary algorithm and a huge input sample discover a better [keyboard layout]?
Using an experimental function & selection to discover a more efficient keyboard layout than Dvorak
Other layouts for a standard 3-row keyboard exist (as well as some interesting nonstandard arrangements). I have been using the Dvorak keyboard layout for about a year now. I like it a lot for my daily work, which involves a lot of typing. I used to feel a numbness of the backs of my hands after a long day with QWERTY, but I don't with Dvorak. And quantified measurements bear out its efficiency relative to QWERTY. (I acknowledge the argument that learning Dvorak also got me to type with the right fingers on the right keys, but I don't think that that's the whole story.) But Dvorak designed his layout in the 1930's without the aid of computers. It contains a couple annoying features that lead to common errors in my typing -- namely the placement of Y and B). Could a modern evolutionary algorithm and a huge input sample discover a better arrangement? I had to give it a try. The results surprised me!Blueman Project - News
Blueman is a GTK+ Bluetooth manager
Administrador de dispositivos Bluetooth basado en GTK
GTK+ Bluetooth ManagerMonty says: Oops, we did it again (MySQL 5.1 released as GA with crashing bugs)
Andrew is the original developer of MySQL & has recently left Sun.
The reason I am asking you to be very cautious about MySQL 5.1 is that there are still many known and unknown fatal bugs in the new features that are still not addressed.Seven Must-Have Offline Apps For Your iPhone/iPod Touch - ReadWriteWeb
Must-read Wired article about the new Chief Software Architect of Microsoft - Ray Ozzie. Bill Gates him one of the top 5 programmers in the universe. That's a compliment!
This makes me want to dig up that "Ozzie is trying to build that thing he's been trying to build for the last 25 years; nobody cares, still" article.
Get Wired's take on technology business news and the Silicon Valley scene including IT, media, mobility, broadband, video, design, security, software, networking and internet startups on
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as an indication of where I'm headed with my own projectハードディスクが死亡してデータが失われる前に気づくことを可能にするフリーソフト「Active@ Hard Disk Monitor」 - GIGAZINE
The DNS Dead Drop Storing Arbitrary Messages in Remote DNS Caches A few months ago, I read Dan Kaminsky's presentation slides, Attacking Distributed Systems: The DNS Case Study. In the presentation, Kaminsky documents a method of implementing single bit data transfer with nothing more than: * A recursive, caching name server * A wildcard zone After a particularly stressful week, I decided I needed to work on something fun -- an implementation of a DNS-based dead drop messaging system, utilizing Kaminsky's ideas.
DNS Dropzone Storing Arbitrary Messages in Remote DNS Caches A few months ago, I read Dan Kaminsky's presentation slides, Attacking Distributed Systems: The DNS Case Study. In the presentation, Kaminsky documents a method of implementing single bit data transfer with nothing more than:
DNS Dead Drop
The DNS Dead DropDownloads: ManicTime Tracks Your Work Day
Windows only: ManicTime is a detailed time-tracking application for keeping tabs on where your workday goes. Get a handle on how you spend your time with tags, graphs, and reports. If you were intrigued by previously reviewed RescueTime but were turned off by the idea of uploading all your data to the RescueTime servers, ManicTime offers a very similar set of tools but stores your data locally.
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The number one mistake most companies make is having the manager of the programmers writing the specs and designing the product. This is a mistake because the design does not get a fair trial, and is not born out of conflict and debate, so it’s not as good as it could be.PDFVue Beta : Edit, Annotate, and Share PDFs for Free
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"Mainstays of application architecture such as the relational database model, monolithic run-times, and even deterministic behavior are being challenged by non-relational systems, cloud computing, and new pull-based systems where consistency and even data integrity sometimes take a backseat to uptime and performance."ImpulseAdventure - JPEG snoop - JPEG Dump Decoding Utility
JPEGsnoop is a free Windows application that examines and decodes the inner details of JPEG and MotionJPEG AVI files. It can also be used to analyze the source of an image to test its authenticity.Feedweaver - Create your own personalized RSS feeds
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Recently, I bought a new USB flash drive and wanted to know whether the specs matched up to what it can actually do. Usually these days most USB flash drivesQuality Assurance Tools for PHP - Sebastian Bergmann
About these scripts Dec 23, 2007 by Teridon These scripts interface with iTunes (for Windows only) via the COM interface. Most of them are written in Perl, but I have provided EXE versions for those that don't want or have Perl installed. Just download the zip and run the EXE inside it. If you don't trust my EXE, you can download the Perl version and look at the source code before running it. I use ActiveState Perl, but they should work fine with any perl distribution for Windows. I have tested these with both iTunes 6 and 7 (up to 7.5). Most of them should work with iTunes 8 as well, but I have not tested them yet. Some scripts require iTunes 7 -- these are noted below. Also, if you try to run them against iTunes 6, they will refuse to run. All of these scripts are licensed under the GNU GPL v2 . In summary, that means they are free to download, use, and modify.
These scripts interface with iTunes (for Windows only) via the COM interface. Most of them are written in Perl, but I have provided EXE versions for those that don't want or have Perl installed. Just download the zip and run the EXE inside it. If you don't trust my EXE, you can download the Perl version and look at the source code before running it. I use ActiveState Perl, but they should work fine with any perl distribution for Windows. I have tested these with both iTunes 6 and 7 (up to 7.5). Most of them should work with iTunes 8 as well, but I have not tested them yet. Some scripts require iTunes 7 -- these are noted below. Also, if you try to run them against iTunes 6, they will refuse to run.How To: Stream Your Music Library to Any Computer | Maximum PC
Para crear hasta nueve escritorios en Windows (al estilo del cubo en 3D de Compiz Fusion). Se descomprime y se ejecuta el fichero .exe. Creará un icono junto al reloj del sistema. Con el botón derecho se podrá acceder a las opciones. Para activarlo, pulasr Ctrl+Shift+Z. Para cambiar de escritorio, pulsar las flecha izquierda o derecha respectivamente. Para seleccionar el escritorio, pulsar Enter o Esc.
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We're all familiar with text expander programs; though I would surmise that the percentage of us who use them when coding is quite low. To change things up a bit, today I'm going to you how to create custom text-expander scripts that will save you a great deal of time. If you're unfamiliar with such programs, you must watch this! After reviewing the screencast and tutorial, I'd love to hear how you save time when developing. PG Author: Jeffrey Way Hi, I'm Jeff. I'm the editor of NETTUTS, and the Site Manager of Theme Forest. I spend too much time in front of the computer and find myself telling my fiance', "We'll go in 5 minutes!" far too often. I just can't go out to dinner while I'm still producing FireBug errors...drives me crazy. I love jQuery, PHP, MYSQL, CSS, AJAX - pretty much anything. If it will keep you in the good graces of the church, follow me on Twitter.
A great vid/article on how web designers can use a text expander program to gtd.The Javascript Trap
You may be running non-free programs on your computer every day without realizing it—through your web browser. In the free software community, the idea that non-free programs mistreat their users is familiar. Some of us refuse entirely to install proprietary software, and many others consider non-freedom a strike against the program. Many users are aware that this issue applies to the plug-ins that browsers offer to install, since they can be free or non-free. But browsers run other non-free programs which they don't ask you about or even tell you about—programs that web pages contain or link to. These programs are most often written in Javascript, though other languages are also used. Javascript (officially called ECMAscript, but few use that name) was once used for minor frills in web pages, such as cute but inessential navigation and display features. It was acceptable to consider these as mere extensions of HTML markup, rather than as true software; they did not constitute a sig
The Javascript Trap
Richard Stallman, with his unsurprising take on JavaScript.101 Undiscovered Freebies: The List - PC World
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Whether you're putting together a resume, flyer, or web page, everyone needs to find and compare fonts some time. Here are some tools that can help you find the perfect font.25 (Most Wanted) Tips For iPhone 3G | How-To
Woot, even I learned something new about the iPhone with these great tipsRipdev: The iPhone Authority
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"InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application (soon — for Windows too) that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable."
InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application (soon — for Windows too) that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable.
InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application (soon — for Windows too) that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable. Download for Mac OS X.
"InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable."Slammer
Generate a grid. Drag the grid on top of your design tool. Push those pixels until they line up with the grid.
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Grid system25 free Mac Apps for freelancers | Design daily news
As a full-time freelancer and part-time geek, I like to play around and install applications on my Mac. In the following list I share some of the free Mac appsBeing the Change » Blog Archive » The Open Company - Running your business as if it were an Open Source Project.
It used to be hard to imagine that anything serious could be build without the creation of large hierarchical organizations. But if one thing has really been shown in these recent years, it is that self-organizing groups in many cases can outperform traditional organizations. There is a lot of talk in the community about the various freedoms that open source confers. But beneath all this there is a titillating promise of an even more fundamental freedom. This is “the real freedom zero”The four stages of programming competence « Devthought
Which one are you? I'm probably a 3Intro to Git for Web Designers | Webdesigner Depot
Unless you’re a one person web shop with no team to collaborate with, you’ve experienced the frustration that goes along with file sharing. No matter how hard you try, when multiple people are working on a single project without a version control system in place things get chaotic.Downloads: IKEA Planner Visualizes Your Dream Rooms in 3D
IKEA has released its own 3D room design tool to help you plan the modernist, clean-lined kitchen, bedroom, or workspace of your dreams.The Positive Legacy of C++ and Java
<blockquote>...the true accidental brilliance of Java is that it has created a very smooth path for its own replacements, even if Java itself has reached the point where it can no longer evolve.</blockquote>
In a recent discussion, there were assertions that C++ was a poorly-designed language. I was on the C++ Standards Committee for 8 years, and saw the decisions take place. I think it's helpful to understand the language choices for both C++ and Java in order to see the bigger perspective.Screenshot Tour: BackTrack is a Security-Focused Live CD Packed With System Tools
Receive credit card payments on the iPhone
You set it up by linking it to your PayPal or merchant account, and then you can just hand it to a customer to type in their credit card number and amounts. I can imagine this being super-useful for all sorts of in-home service situations. [via @dthompson]
Transactions makes credit card processing away from the home or office effortless. Using two of the most popular payment gateways in the world Transactions allows anyone to easily accept credit cards. Great for delivery services, in home contracting or consulting, flea markets, garage sales, trade shows, or anywhere payments are needed away from a computerA handful of Firefox tweaks that will double your browser speed
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各種メディアコーデック・フィルター・スプリッター、さらに各種ツールや再生用のプレイヤーとして「Media Player Classic - Homecinema」などをまとめて一気にインストールでき、ネットからダウンロードできるいろいろなムービー・音楽・Flashのほとんどがこれひとつで再生できるというすさまじいフリーソフトがこの「Windows Essentials Codec Pack」(公式の略称はそれぞれの頭文字を取って「WECP」)です。公式サイトによると、ネット中のファイルの99%が再生できるようになるそうです。
K-LiteとどうちがうのーHow To Successfully Compete With Open Source Software
Article about what OpenSource software generally lacks, and how to compete with them.
ever, users like know that there is someone who will be happy to help them out if they need it. That is the main purpose of offering customer support — decreasing the perceived risk of using your software by demonstrating that there is a safety net. (This is one reason you should write your support page with an eye to it being seen by someone who isn’t even using your software.)
2) Design OSS projects, particularly the 99% that are relevant to this discussion, routinely do not allocate resources to creating attractive designs. For whatever reason, opened source graphical work is still rather rare, most developers (myself included) have the artistic skill of inept mole rats, and the obvious pay-somebody-who-does-it-better solution runs into the problem that the typical OSS project has no budget and no patience to deal with “unfree” licenses, which are the only kind commercially available stock icons have.
" However, users like know that there is someone who will be happy to help them out if they need it. That is the main purpose of offering customer support — decreasing the perceived risk of using your software by demonstrating that there is a safety net."
Some good points, particularly on how OSS focuses on the software pitch too much (most folk don't think of their problem as a software issue)assertTrue( ): How to write fast code
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Reincarnation of VisualHub?
Free Video Encoding Application for Mac
Video Monkey is a free video encoding application exclusively for Mac. It was created after the demise of the great tool Visual Hub. Video Monkey borrows heavily from the Visual Hub video conversion tool, both conceptually and from the original code dump posted to SourceForge as TranscoderRedux.UBit Schweiz: UBitMenu (languages)
Put old office 2003 menus back in office 2007 ribbon
UBitMenu adds classic menu to Microsoft Office 2007
Provides 2003-style menus for Microsoft Office 2007.
UbitMenu has created an Office 2007 menu using the native developer tools available. This means it installs easily and should have little impact on performance. The downside is the lack of configuration options available for Office 2007 interface developers – you can’t change anything on the Menu ribbon and it’s fixed into the tab position decided by the developers.How To: Use BitTorrent Like a Pro
Even if you've been casually Torrenting for years, BitTorrent tools keep getting better. Here's our guide for getting the most out of what is, slowly but surely, changing forever how people acquire and consume entertainments
Even if you've been casually Torrenting for years, BitTorrent tools keep getting better. Here's our guide for getting the most out of what is, slowly but surely, changing forever how people acquire and consume entertainments.resume_comic.png (PNG Image, 1000x1853 pixels)
Ha ha ha, so true!Hive Five: Five Best Mind Mapping Applications
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Synergy+ lets you share a mouse and keyboard between several computers.
Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own display.無料で使える超絶便利な『キングソフト辞書』が最強な件! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
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これはすごい。今すぐダウンロードした方がよいですよ。まじで・・・。 キングソフトから出ている無料の辞書ソフトです。マウスオーバーで単語の意味が出るなんて当たり前で、ちゃんと発音もしてくれたり、英語だけじゃなくて、日本語も訳してくれたりします。辞書ツールはもうこれで決定じゃね?
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Outlines some themes of cloud computing, challenges to openness, and some principles for meeting them.IE1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8の確認が同時にできる -Internet Explorer Collection | コリス
IE1からって。How Michael Osinski Helped Build the Bomb That Blew Up Wall Street -- New York Magazine
"Oh, look. Here's the jerk who wrote the code that broke everything. A confession."weblogs/azul/principles-of-software
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Bad programming is easy. Idiots can learn it in 21 days, even if they are dummies.
great bookSitePoint » 16 Project Management Tools That Make Juggling Easy
Managing multiple projects can be cumbersome and chaotic if you don’t have some kind of system in place to keep track of everything. That challenge can be compounded when you add in multiple services, subcontractors or employees, and various team members on the client side. I have found that my business runs most efficiently when I have a system driving data collection, tracking tasks, and facilitating collaboration with all of the people that need to be in the know on a specific project. I’ve tried many project management applications in my search for the perfect system and came up with a short list of options that seemed to have the most potential for me. - » 16 Project Management Tools That Make Juggling EasyPod to Mac - Free iPod, iPhone Music Transfer Software
Is email a distraction? SelfControl is an OS X application which blocks access to incoming and/or outgoing mail servers and websites for a predetermined period of time. For example, you could block access to your email, facebook, and twitter for 90 minutes, but still have access to the rest of the web. Once started, it can not be undone by the application or by restarting the computer – you must wait for the timer to run :: home of smallblueprinter and garden planner
Design your house plan blueprints online with smallblueprinter, then take a 3D walkthrough your design, check out an isometric view and print out your plan. Design your dream garden online. An easy to use interactive online tool. drag - drop - print .... your new garden design.
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Sideline is an Adobe® AIR™ desktop application built with the Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI). It allows users to create and group custom queries by topics of interest. Sideline is an open source application released under the BSD license. The first beta release is out and the code is hosted on github. If you experience difficulties with the Flash "Install" badge on this site you can find the manual download here. Follow Sideline on Twitter.
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Sideline is an Adobe® AIR™ desktop application built with the Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI). It allows users to create and group custom queries by topics of interest. Sideline is an open source application released under the BSD license. The first beta release is out and the code is hosted on github. If you experience difficulties with the Flash "Install" badge on this site you can find the manual download here.Fog Creek Professional Ladder - Joel on Software
transparent salary system - by Joel Spolsky The Fog Creek Professional Ladder determines your base salary.
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skins/themes for your Firefox.Why I Never Let Employees Negotiate a Raise, Corporate Culture Article - Inc. Article
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GIMP is the favorite graphics editing program of many designers and graphic artists. It is free and compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux (the two big reasons for its popularity). It has a wide array
A few handy tips on making Gimp a bit more usable.
how to make GIMP behave like photoshop ... notes about plug ins, layers, etc.Typography Keyboard Layout: Download Now! | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
In January we commissioned Ilya Birman, a Russian designer with passion for typography, to adapt his typography keyboard layout (which has become a common typographer's tool in Russia) to create a version for English-speaking designers,
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Very Cool.
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This is a free Skype recording program which automatically recorders all your Skype conversations and conferences. It saves Skype conversations in compact and widely used format - mp3 files.
Please read Skype Call Recorder Terms of Use before installing and using this program. System requirements: * OS : Windows 2000, XP, Vista * .Net Framework 2.0 or later (will be installed automatically from * Skype (download Skype ) This is a free Skype recording program which automatically recorders all your Skype conversations and conferences. It saves Skype conversations in compact and widely used format - mp3 files. This tool records P2P Skype calls, SkypeOut calls, as well as calls to Skype Online number . This program seats in the system tray and monitors skype calls and start the recording automatically when you start conversation. It can record several simultaneous calls (eg. one active while others on hold) in separate files for easy and convenient access. Very simple interface requires virtually no tuning or setup. Just install it, allow access to the Skype client and that's it. Making call could cost nothing to you, but the information and conThe Last DVD and Blu-Ray Ripping Guide You'll Ever Need | Maximum PC
We’ve become so accustomed to the ease and convenience of iTunes and blink-and-you-miss-’em CD rips that we forget how in the mid-1990s, ripping a CD was a time-consuming process fraught with peril. Shoot, ripping a single disc to a 128Kbps MP3 could take eight hours on a 200MHz Pentium! Fast forward a decade and faster hardware and better software have made CD ripping so mainstream your mom does it. Now, ripping DVDs is our great challenge. Copying and transcoding the disc’s video into more efficient formats involves math an order of magnitude scarier than what’s required to rip audio CDs. A machine that will rip the latest Miley Cyrus CD in mere moments could take hours to extract and convert your copy of Alien vs. Predator to an iPod-friendly format. But with the right software, a quad-core-equipped PC, and a little know-how, you can cut your disc-rip time from hours to 30 minutes. Plenty of tricks and traps still await first-time rippers, but we’ll show you the basics and then wal
dvd ripper instructionsPortable Ubuntu for Windows
Kevin Purdy at Lifehacker, April 3, 2009.Streaming Colour Studios » Blog Archive » The Numbers Post (aka Brutal Honesty)
Generous sharing of revenue numbers of a $5 game. Got slashdotted. Some interesting comments if you can wade through all the bile.
Dapple has sold 131 copies worldwide in the 24 days since it launched. I realise that I’m dealing with a very limited amount of data here, so I’m not going to pretend like I can make any kind of long term projections about how sales will be in a month, six months, or a year. However, what you can see is how far from my goal of 9,150 I remain. So…
Indie sales figures on iPhone
However, I haven’t had reviews yet from any of the “Big 3″ iPhone review sites (Touch Arcade, 148Apps, and AppVee). Those are the ones that I think might really affect sales.Shutter - Featureful Screenshot Tool
Shutter Ubuntu / Linux app that allows you to take screenshots, edit them, apply various effects, upload them online and more.フォントに関する便利ツールを18種を一挙紹介 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
The book, Almost Perfect, was originally published by Prima Publishing in 1994. It is the story of the rise and fall of WordPerfect Corporation from my point of view.
The book, Almost Perfect, was originally published by Prima Publishing in 1994. It is the story of the rise and fall of WordPerfect Corporation from my point of view. The book sold a little less than 10,000 copies and is now out of print. The copy published here is almost identical to my original manuscript and does not contain Prima's edits. In this version, I have corrected two factual errors, fixed five typos, deleted a few pages at the end, and added a final paragraph. I welcome links to this site, however, I ask that you not reproduce this manuscript other than for your personal reading without written permission. If you prefer reading a PDF version, click here. I hope you enjoy the book. Thanks for stopping by.9 Free And Open Source Bug Tracking Softwares
A web application or a software development process always has bugs which is very normal in a hundreds of lines of code. The important part is tracking & fixing them. Whether you are a one-person-army or have teammates, it is a big time-saver to use a bug tracking software. Besides having the bugs listed in a comprehensive way, most bug/issue tracking applications let end-users to submit bug-feature requests that will end up in a better product. Here are 9 free & open source bug tracking softwares, both desktop & web-based, for a better development process:Portable Ubuntu for Windows
Ubuntu Portable para Windows!!Eyercize - relearn 2 read
New software for iPhone and iPod Touch presentedBoks - A Visual Grid Editor
Boks is an AIR application (so it works on Windows, Mac and Linux) that provides a User Interface for Blueprint CSS's framework. It's been designed for those who think the Grid System is good but never really took the time to give it love. It handles grid configuration, baseline rhythm pimpin', CSS (with or without compression) and grid.png export, HTML layout and much more goodie-goodie!
サイトのレイアウトをして、HTML/CSS吐き出し AIR applicationRadio Sure - Free Internet Radio Player
The Best Internet Radio Player Ever! ;)mintty - Google Code
MinTTY is a terminal emulator for Cygwin. It is based on code from PuTTY 0.60 by Simon Tatham and team.
An Xterm-compatible terminal emulator for Cygwin based on code from PuTTYソースコードを快適に読むための GNU GLOBAL 入門 (前編) - まちゅダイアリー(2009-03-07)
まぁcscopeのほうが便利だけどAlternatives to Windows, Mac, Linux and online applications |
Let’s get this out of the way first: I used to have a BlackBerry, I loved it, and have nothing against it. I also think the Palm Pre will change the direction of phone software forever. However, the massive shift towards the iPhone and its application store is such a powerful movement, we can’t deny the power of what this combination can bring to people who rely on being mobile while working. Personally, iPhone applications have changed the way I live each day - from fun to productivity. This is true for many of us that work on the web. So, look at this both as a list of possible tools for current iPhone users, as well as a reference for other phone users to consider if they aren’t happy with the phone - and more importantly, the productivity system - they already have. Ideas & notes Usually the first part of any process, the idea, is lost in a fleeting moment of getting sucked in by a Slap Chop commercial. I mean, seriously, who doesn’t want to stop having a boring life of chopping19 Amazing Free Graphic and Image Editors for Designers and Photographers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Media Server - OpenSource
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** Windows/Mac/Linux: Is having your entire media collection on tap, ready to stream wherever you may be, too much to ask? Not if you're using Subsonic. Subsonic can be installed on everything from a...Seesmic DESKTOP
Seesmic Desktop is a desktop app, operated by Adobe Air. Seesmic Desktop allows you to view multiple accounts in one window.
Twitter AppWeb de jEsuSdA 8) | Libros electrónicos gratis para descargar
Tutoriales gratuitos sobre GNU/Linux y software libreProgrammer Competency Matrix | IndianGeek
Basic sorting, searching and data structure traversal and retrieval algorithms
pretty coolLifehacker - Five Best Image Editing Tools - Image Editing
Long gone are the days where snapshots came back from the photo lab and disappeared into albums and shoe boxes. Now, digital photos are tweaked, adjusted, and remixed in ways their analog counterparts couldn't imagine.Free Utility: RichCopy, an Advanced Alternative to RoboCopy
I'm setting up some maintenance scripts for backing up my web-site development server on my Windows Home Server, as a first step in transitioning the web development to the WHS itself. I have an xcopy script that I've been using. Robocopy and Richcopy might work better for some tasks.
RichCopy15 Awesome Time Management Tools and Apps - Dumb Little Man
Classic mistakes in development and team leadership
#34: Overestimated savings from new tools or methods. Organizations seldom improve their productivity in giant leaps, no matter how good or how many new tools or methods they adopt. Be
Some ineffective development practices have been chosen so often, by so many people, with such predictable, bad results that they deserve to be called "classic mistakes." Most of the mistakes have a seductive appeal. Do you need to rescue a project that's behind schedule? Add more people! Do you want to reduce your schedule? Schedule more aggressively! Is one of your key contributors aggravating the rest of the team? Wait until the end of the project to fire him! Do you have a rush project to complete? Take whatever developers are available right now and get started as soon as possible!Lifehacker - AcidRip for Linux Rips DVDs with Two-Click Ease - dvd ripping
Linux only: Just over a year ago, we offered a semi-easy way to rip DVDs in Linux to video files. Had we been up on AcidRip, we could've saved ourselves about 900 words.
Linux only: Just over a year ago, we offered a semi-easy way to rip DVDs in Linux to video files. Had we been up on AcidRip, we could've saved ourselves about 900 words. Okay, that's a bit of overstatement, especially if you like to have a lot of fine-grain control over how your video files turn out. But AcidRip works as a two-click ripper if you want it to. Load a DVD in your drive, start AcidRip, hit the "Load" button in the upper-right corner, then hit "Start" at the bottom. After a good wait, the kind you're used to if you've done this before, an .AVI file of the longest track on your DVD arrives in your home directory, looking like the standard-quality, 700MB-ish video we hear is all over the file sharing networks these days.Ballpark: The better way to send invoices and estimates.
good UI for inline video
Nice and clean interface (of the gazillionst invoice app)
The easy way to send estimates.100 Awesome Facebook Apps for Productivity and Learning | Select Courses
100 Awesome Facebook Apps for Productivity and Learning25 Text Batch Processing Tools Reviewed | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Text Batch Processing Tools Reviewed ??? a??????Lifehacker - Top 10 Must-Have Firefox Extensions, 2009 Edition - Firefox Extensions
@ Lifehacker.comQimo 4 Kids | Software For Kids
Equipped with an easy file manager and a photo application, icloud lets Marcus organize photos and share slideshows with his friends and relatives. His favorite icloud application is Photos for organizing and sharing photos with his family and friends.
Online bilgisayar
Use icloud for storing files online Store once. Open from any computer. icloud keeps your files and photos safe, yet always right next to you.
storage space for pictures etc「ソフトウェアは工業製品ではない」、Rubyのまつもと氏が講演 − @IT
Windows PC向けに無償でダウンロード
物理シミューレータ使ってるのかな? こんなふうになると、デスクトップの使い方が変わるかな?もはやデスクトップ(机の上)ではないが。
Useful Windows NT applications, utilities and libraries to make your day a little easier.Lifehacker - Install iTunes Without the Extra Bloat - iTunes
Instalar iTunes sem QuickTimeBuild Your Own Openfire Chat Server on Debian Linux (Page 1) |
Setting up an Openfire chat server on Debian Linux 5 (page 1).XreaL
The highly advanced id Tech 3 engine and free indie game project
XreaL The highly advanced id Tech 3 engine and free indie game project XreaL will be a non-commercial multiplayer only first person shooter based on a heavily modified Quake 3 Arena engine (id Tech 3). The aim is to push the rendering technology until it can be compared with current commercial titles and then to produce a playable Total Conversion.MOONGIFT: » 開発者必見!WindowsでGitを便利に「Git Extensions」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
Linux上的TextmateLifehacker - ScreenCastle Records Your Screencast without Software - Screencasts
If you need to create a simple screencast but don't want the hassle of installing and configuring software, ScreenCastle gets the job done from any Java-enabled web browser.Lifehacker - Set Up a Computer for Kids with Qimo - Live CD
Light-weight linuxTonido - Privacy and Online Freedom from third-party servers | Personal Web Applications and Private P2P Network | Tonido
Tonido is a smart way to access your applications, data and share, sync, collaborate with friends and family without relying on public online services. Available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
* Tonido Webshare * Tonido Photos * Tonido Workspace * Tonido Jukebox Tonido is an open personal web application platform that safeguards your privacy and online freedomWhy is programming fun? An extract from Fred Brooks' (Frederick P. Brooks Jr.) book, The Mythical Man-Month
Why is programming fun? An extract from Fred Brooks' (Frederick P. Brooks Jr.) book, The Mythical Man-Month. Fred Brooks coined the term "no silver bullet" that is famous in the field of computers.Birdhouse — A notepad for Twitter
As advertised: great product demo video.
"Ever think of something for your Twitter that you don't want to post right away? Birdhouse is the perfect place to put it. Birdhouse won't replace your favorite iPhone Twitter client, it'll add to it. Put Birdhouse right next to your Twitter client and use them together." - Funny video to boot.Mike Swanson's Blog : SEAMonster: A .NET-Based Seam Carving Implementation
.Net seam carving appTutorial: Build Your Own Linux Distro | PC Plus
Find out about the latest issueGrape
TimeMachine for linux mofucka!
Back In Time is a simple backup system for Linux inspired from “flyback project” and “TimeVault”. The backup is done by taking snapshots of a specified set of directories. Currently there are two GUI available: Gnome and KDE 4 (>= 4.1).
Back In Time is a simple backup system for Linux
Simple Linux backup software.
OSX's "Time Machine" for LinuxElliott Kember dot Com
So, you work at a big corporate, huh? And you're not allowed to use Twitter... Wouldn't it be awesome if there were a Twitter tool that looked just like Excel?
Nice work Elliott..... very funny indeed :)AutoBrake
AutoBrake is a simple program designed to automate the transcoding of video from DVD discs using a freely available program, 'HandBrake'
Portable Ubuntu for Windows is an Ubuntu system running as a Windows application.The Future of Firefox: No Tabs, Built-In Ubiquity - ReadWriteWeb
Most information entered into your computer notepad is copied and pasted from somewhere. With QuotePad, you can do it with maximum efficiency: just select some text in any application, press Ctrl+Shift+Q and the selected text will be saved to QuotePad together with the URL of the webpage it was copied from. And if you may need to enter something else, you will be amazed by the usability of QuotePad and by how it can store your notes in a compact and comfortable way. You can download and use it absolutely free of charge.
Most information entered into your computer notepad is copied and pasted from somewhere. With QuotePad, you can do it with maximum efficiency: just select some text in any application, press Ctrl+Shift+Q and the selected text will be saved to QuotePad together with the URL of the webpage it was copied from. And if you may need to enter something else, you will be amazed by the usability of QuotePad and by how it can store your notes in a compact and comfortable way. You can download and use it absolutely free of charge.
QuotePad runs under Windows 2000/XP/Vista and has a multilingual interface.
Nice appDetermining the ROI of Enterprise 2.0 | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
ROI InterpriseHalf-open limit fix (patch) for Windows - Home
Mejora la conexion de los torrents aumentando los canales de comunicacion del sistema en windows, normalmente limitados para evitar el spam de los spyware, el aumento de dichos canales mejora las posibilidades de conexion de un torrent.Lifehacker - Back In Time Does Full Linux Backups in One Click - Backup
Linux only: Back In Time, a Linux backup app inspired by Macs' Time Machine and offering the same kind of no-worry, space-saving snapshot protection, is worth adding to your must-install list.Peacekeeper - The Browser Benchmark by Futuremark Corporation
<draco> interesting concept, but I think their testing methodology is slightly forced/false
Teste de desmpenho de navegadores
The Browser Benchmark by Futuremark Corporation
Find out which is the fastest browser on your system with Peacekeeper, the browser benchmark from Futuremark. Peacekeeper measures browser speed with a wide range of JavaScript tests and displays the results in an easy to understand format.このFirefoxアドオンがすごい! Best10 【09年度版】 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Download BlackBerry App World for free to load up your BlackBerry smartphone with games, social networking, shopping, productivity, organization and other fun BlackBerry apps.Hive Five: Five Best Linux Distributions
There are many, many Linux distributions, and a lot of unique reasons to like them. Read on to see which open-source operating systems inspired our readers to provide our biggest Hive Five response to | GO Contact Sync - synchronize your contacts between Microsoft Outlook and Google Mail
synchronize your contacts between Microsoft Outlook and Google MailEchodio : Seamless iTunes Sync
Synchroniser sa librairie iTunes sur le web. Makes it easy to keep iTunes music libraries in sync, securely backed up and streamable from anywhere
"Drag and drop iTunes sync! Just drop your tracks into the Echodio playlist to synchronize tracks, tags and ratings across all your iTunes libraries."Main Page - Eigen
Overview Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: vectors, matrices, and related algorithms. It is: * Versatile. (See modules and tutorial). Eigen handles, without code duplication, and in a completely integrated way: o both fixed-size and dynamic-size matrices and vectors. o both dense and sparse (the latter is still experimental) matrices and vectors. o both plain matrices/vectors and abstract expressions. o both column-major (the default) and row-major matrix storage. o both basic matrix/vector manipulation and many more advanced, specialized modules providing algorithms for linear algebra, geometry, quaternions, or advanced array manipulation. * Fast. (See benchmark). o Expression templates allow to intelligently remove temporaries and enable lazy evaluation, when that is appropriate -- Eigen takes care of this automatically and handles aliasing too in most cases. o Explicit vectorization is
Main Page - Eigen
Eigen 2 is a C++ template library for linear algebra: vectors, matrices, and related algorithms.Lifehacker - Five Best Screen Capture Tools - Screen Captures
Screen Capture tools
Lifehacker - Five Best Screen Capture Tools - Screen Captures -
Five Best Screen Capture ToolsPrtScr about
good windows screenshot utilityBitNami :: Tracks
BitNami Tracks Stack is an easy to use installer for Tracks, which is a Ruby on Rails web-based application to help you implement David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology. Tracks is Open Source and licensed under the GNU GPL
task management software
BitNami Tracks Stack is an easy to use installer for Tracks, which is a Ruby on Rails web-based application to help you implement David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology. Tracks is Open Source and licensed under the GNU GPL.The Omni Group - OmniGraphSketcher
Macintosh application for creating quantitive graphs of data.
Great looking graphing app from Omni - handy for all those 'management graphs' needed in presentations.
Graph Sketcher is now OmniGraphSketcher. A simple and easy to use graphing package.startuptools / FrontPage
Capo is a musician's best friend. It lets you slow down your favorite songs, so you can hear the notes and learn how they are played.
slowsdown pitch of audio so you can hear it better
Music editing program
nice app for slowing down songs, looping them, and/or changing
PackageFactory for U3 Now you too can convert applications to run on your new U3 USB Flash Drive. PackageFactory for U3 lets you convert any* application or EXE into a U3P Package File, for free! You can then install this U3P file onto any U3-compatible flash drive. PackageFactory for U3 works best for simple programs and applications with few support files (although you can add as many supporting DLLs and other EXEs as you need).
Now you too can convert applications to run on your new U3 USB Flash Drive. PackageFactory for U3 lets you convert any* application or EXE into a U3P Package File, for free! You can then install this U3P file onto any U3-compatible flash drive. PackageFactory for U3 works best for simple programs and applications with few support files (although you can add as many supporting DLLs and other EXEs as you need).FTP Automation Software for Windows - Download
directory spreadsheet
test bookmark
The ultimate replacement for spreadsheets, mind mappers, outliners, PIMs, text editors and small databases. Suitable for any kind of data organization, such as Todo lists, calendars, project management, brainstorming, organizing ideas, planning, requirements gathering, presentation of information, etc.
"Free Form Data Organization"
The ultimate replacement for spreadsheets, mind mappers, outliners, PIMs, text editors and small databases. Suitable for any kind of data organization, such as Todo lists, calendars, project management, brainstorming, organizing ideas, planning, requirements gathering, presentation of information, etc.Thanks for the memory
This article explains what native memory is, how the Java runtime uses it, what running out of it looks like, and how to debug a native OutOfMemoryError on Windows® and Linux® | Open Source World Map
A nice idea for the map section11 Essential iPhone Apps for a Road Trip
11 Essential iPhone Apps for a Road TripExpanDrive: Ridiculously simple SFTP and FTP drive access on your Mac
New version 2
Ridiculously simple SFTP and FTP drive access on your Mac
Always forget about this one!Lifehacker - Top 10 Ubuntu Downloads - Ubuntu
"วาด" ด้วยซอฟต์แวร์โอเพนซอร์สThe Tippopotamus: MediaMonkey scripts to make your mp3 tags consistent
I hate it when tags don't match up. For example, depending on where your tag data has come from you could end up with a host of different artist names: * Guns and Roses * Guns n Roses * Guns N Roses * Guns 'n' Roses * Guns 'n Roses * gunsnroses * GnR * GnFR There are a plethora of different things that can be wrong with tags - missing track numbers, no album art, volumes and disc numbers - the list goes on. These bother me, but may not irk you. If you are like me, correcting this sort of mess is something that would require a lot of manual tagging work, since finding the files is difficult and correcting them is a labourious process. Or so I thought. MediaMonkey comes with a few built-in functions and scripts that can help you to tame your mp3 collection. However, the real power comes in the scripts nice people have written to solve tagging problems. Here follows a synopsis of what I have found useful… 1. Built-in MediaMonkey Features Firstly, youLifehacker - Five Best Malware Removal Tools - Malware Removal
Lifehacker - Five Best Malware Removal Tools - Malware Removal
Five Best Malware Removal Tools - Malware Removal
The internet—unfortunately—isn't a never-ending buffet of secure open-source software and Bollywood-style musicals starring LOLCats. There are people and organizations that delight in stealing your personal data, hijacking your computer, and making a general nuisance of themselves through malicious software. This week we're highlighting the top five tools for removing software with ill-intentions from you PC.13 Free Mac OS X Apps That Can Make Your Lives Easier @ SmashingApps
This is the post where we are listing out few great free apps for Mac Operating System, this is an exclusive post for our those readers who are the Mac users. But our other readers will also enjoy this post. Don’t forget to bookmark this post for your future reference as it has few most useful and free application that will be helpful for you when you are on your Mac system. This is absolutely a great list of 13 Free Mac OS X Apps That Can Make Your Lives Hunch!
In addition to helping you climb the decision tree, Hunch asks you a bunch of questions about yourself to find out more about what you're like and what you like. Hunch creates a kind of "taste profile" of you and people like you, which combine with topic-specific questions to deliver a hunch just for you. Hunch!
A site that makes decisions for you.
Look. Decision-making is difficult, and decisions have to be made constantly. What should I be for Halloween? Do I need a Porsche? Does my hipster facial hair make me look stupid? Is Phoenix a good place to retire? Whom should I vote for? What toe ring should I buy?Ubuntuをインストールした後すぐにインストールするソフト(9.04 Jaunty Jackalope編)
Ubuntu5 Dead-Easy Ways to Create Your Own Panoramic Photos |
You want to create your own panorama, but do not want to bother with messy details like control points and blending options? Here are 5 ways to get you up and running with your own panorama without getting embroiled in advanced photographic terminology.
You want to create your own panorama, but do not want to bother with messy details like control points and blending options? Here are 5 ways to get you up and running with your own panorama without getting embroiled in advanced photographic terminology. Clevr Clevr is a website that allows you to upload your overlapped photos, sort them in order and automatically stitch them together. The site works with your choice of Adobe AIR or Java. Clevr allows you to zoom in, pan, save, and to share your panorama via email, or on Facebook and MySpace. You can also embed the panorama in your own website. You can read our in-depth look at Clevr here. MagToo Magtoo is another website that allows you to easily create slideshows and panoramas from photos on your computer or online photo-sharing sites like Flickr. The site allows you to stitch your photos automatically, and its viewer lets others ‘look around’ the panorama. Though you need to use Internet Explorer to create, viewers can use any browSpaceSniffer
Very cool util for Windows File
SpaceSniffer is a tool application that gives you an idea of how folders and files are structured on your disks. By using a Treemap visualization layout, you have immediate perception of where big folders and files are situated on your devices. Treemap concept was invented by Prof. Ben Shneiderman, who kindly permitted the use of his concept into this tool.Troys: One Twitter Script to Rule Them All - ReadWriteWeb
4 Over the past year, all the major tech blogs have done round-up articles of great Greasemonkey scripts to use with Twitter (including us). What this says about Twitter's ...
Un script Greasemonkey pour améliorer la page Twitter
One Twitter Script to Rule Them All
RT @cofiem: Troy's twitter script - replies! RT! settings galore! [from]Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition
facial recognition Star Trek
Navigate video by facial recognition, demo'd on the original Star Trek
face mining - nice
Now that's a good use of facial recognition! -- Conferences
Google jockeying on the back channel. is tool for involving audiences in presentations by letting them suggest questions and vote on each other's questions. is intended for conference or event organizers who want a new way to solicit questions from the audience and make better use of question and answer time. is a tool for involving audiences in presentations by letting them suggest questions and vote on each other's questions. is intended for conference or event organizers who want a new way to solicit questions from the audience and make better use of question and answer time.
Can ask questions and get feedback during your presentation13 iPhone Apps for Graphic Designers | Webdesigner Depot
Excellen list of cool iPhone apps for photographers and graphic designers
13 iPhone Apps for Graphic Designers | Webdesigner Depot - []
פאגין לפיינטנט המאפשר לפתוח קבצי פוטושופ
The Paintnet plugin doesn't replicate all of the numerous functions of the .PSD file, just the ones that relate to functionality within Paint.NET. You can work with layers, load masks, and open a variety of color modes and profiles. Because of the limited integration with the .PSD file, the plugin is best suited for pulling a .PSD file into Paint.Net and converting it to be used in your Paint.NET workflow.WriteMonkey - Home
Like darkroom, but with a few nice extra features
Zenware for full screen distraction free creative writing. No whistles and bells, just empty screen, you and your words. WriteMonkey is light, fast, and perfectly handy for those who enjoy the simplicity of a typewriter but live in modern times.Download the Smart Installer Pack - Welcome to the Frontpage
Download the Smart Installer Pack. Easily install the start-up free and usual software.
application that you select all the stuff you want on a fresh install and it finds it for you to install
para instalar packs cuando se instala un pc nuevoLifehacker - Smart Installer Pack Automatically Installs Your Favorite Software to a New PC - Installers
Hunting down application after application to fill a new computer with your favorite software can be a pain. Free application Smart Installer Pack makes it easy.
amily' PC is connected to the internet (in my home), all updates must be done manually.PocketSmith - Discover and define your financial future.
Money ManagerUbuntu brings advanced Screen features to the masses - Ars Technica
Transparent generering av konfigurationsfiler är rätt metod att överbygga svårigheter, inte att skriva dum-GUI:n som abstraherar bort allt under dem! Trappor, inte teleportrar!
Great intro to screen for those who have never really mastered its use.Home | Appetizer - The Open Source Dock
Nice app launcher
Launcher lanzador de aplicaciones portable menú This is a free application launcher, or dock, for Windows. It allows organizing your shortcuts and folders into a convenient dock. The app is open source, which means that it's free and will remain so. It is entirely customizable and is available in multiple languages
Nos permitirá llevarlo en un pendrive o disco duro USB a cualquier parte y así poder ejecutarlo con las aplicaciones que tengamos en nuestro disco USB en cualquier lugar sin tener que configurarlo más que una vez. Además la aplicación acepta plugins, skins y tiene unas cuantas opciones para poder dejarlo a nuestro gusto.
This is a free application launcher, or dock, for Windows. It allows organizing your shortcuts and folders into a convenient dock. The app is open source, which means that it's free and will remain so. It is entirely customizable and is available in multiple languages.Lifehacker - One Dozen Super-Useful (and Free!) Android Apps - Android
Panda Cloud Antivirus FREE - The first free cloud antivirus against viruses, spyware, rootkits and adwareCool Cat Teacher Blog: 122 For You: Cool Cat Teacher's Favorite Apps, Software, and Sites
122 For You: Cool Cat Teacher's Favorite Apps, Software, and Sites Sunday, April 26, 2009 These are my favorite apps, software, and sites for managing my life, home, classroom, and more. Hope you enjoy and hope you share yours in the comments.
WOW - Great resourceUpdate Notifier - All your software updates in one place! ... Easy, Fast & FREE
Update Notifier - All your software updates in one place! ... Easy, Fast & FREE
What is Update Notifier? The Update Notifier is a small utility that scans your computer for installed software and displays a list of updates. Also you can see the latest updates for applications from your Watch List. Download NowDownload Update Notifier (updatenotifier.exe 452 kb) Why do I need this software? Most of the time having the latest version of a software is a good thing. Usually software updates add new features, which makes the software more usefull. Also with every update a software becomes more secure and more stable by fixing bugs & vulnerabilities from previous versions. Features: * install/run option * scan selected stand-alone software * delay option on start-up * low memory consumption * direct download links * run in background * multiple filters * FREE Screenshot: Requirements - Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista - for Vista you need Administrator rights Download NowDownload Update Notifier (updatenotifier.exe 452 kb)PDF to Excel — 100% Free!
Use PDF to Excel to quickly and easily create highly-editable XLS files, making it a cinch to re-use tables and spreadsheets from PDF files in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice, Google Docs, and WordPerfect Office.テレビチューナーがなくてもMacでテレビが見られる『MacKeyHoleTV』 | Macの手書き説明書
ultrastardeluxe.orgMy Manhattan Project
Author of mortgage backed security software. manhanttan ManhattanProject
My Manhattan Project How I helped build the bomb that blew up Wall Street.
I have been called the devil by strangers and “the Facilitator” by friends. It’s not uncommon for people, when I tell them what I used to do, to ask if I feel guilty. I do, somewhat, and it nags at me. When I put it out of mind, it inevitably resurfaces, like a shipwreck at low tide. It’s been eight years since I compiled a program, but the last one lived on, becoming the industry standard that seeded itself into every investment bank in the world.Ask Lifehacker: How Do I Setup a One-Way File Sync Backup?
Mostly windows basedPrey: Y rastrea tu computador robado | bootlog
"Prey es una pequeña y muy, muy simple aplicación que recolecta un lote información de tu computador, y la envía a una casilla de correo que hayas definido previamente. La idea es que la instales en tu laptop para que cuando llegue el día — ojalá nunca — en que desaparezca el tarro, cuentes con más información para rastrearlo, ya sea usando el IP, el nombre de la red WiFi a la que esté conectado, o bien la foto del impostor."
Prey, un programa que te ayuda a rastrear un compu cuando te lo roban
Si me preguntan ahora, hubiera preferido que mi ex-ex-notebook muriera a causa de una gran, gran explosión. Mil veces éso a que desapareciera un dí…Irradiated Software - TwoUp
quickly position a window to fill exactly half the screen (splitscreen) via the status menu bar or configurable system-wide shortcuts (hotkeys). Similar to "tiled windows" functionality available on other operating systems.Lifehacker - Five Best Free Data Recovery Tools - Data Recovery
11 โปรแกรมฟรีมินิๆ แปะบนเมนูบาร์ของแมคSpyMe Tools - Monitor Registry & File System Changes
Mac用の各種代替ソフトWindows 7 Release Candidate Customer Preview Program
at ReadWriteWeb — all I can say is <i>thank frickin' goodness "Twitter" was not on the list</i>
It's time for the Web to get smarter, O'Reilly said. Having just become a grandfather, he drew a parallel between the evolution of the web and human development. The early days of search engines were like a child just putting things in its mouth, wondering what they are. Now the web is starting to use all of its senses together to do do something with the information it has access too. Here's where he's seeing that happen.Command line made easy: five simple recipes for grep - Ars Technica
Ars Technica: The Art of Technology * All * Apple * Business * Gadgets * Gaming * Hardware * Microsoft * Open Source * Science * Tech Policy * More o Media o Software o Security o Staff o Telecom o Web * News * Guides * Reviews * Customize o Choose site theme: White Black o Choose body font: Arial Helvetica * OpenForum * Login/Join Open Ended : Ars covers the world of open source100 Best iPhone Apps for Serious Self-Learners - Learn-gasm
Those who constantly strive to learn more from the world around them, who can’t pass up an opportunity to pour over a book or dictionary, or who take classes just to learn a bit more are a special breed. For those with an iPhone, the chances for learning just got a lot greater. No matter if you love literature, science, nature, arts, foreign languages and travel, medicine, or Christian studies, there are apps that will enhance your ability to expand your knowledge base.
iphone apps education tools learning【コラム】実践! iPhoneアプリ開発 (1) カメラアプリの作り方(1) - フォトピッカーのためのアクションシートを作る | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
カメラアプリ作るぞーStykz - The first multi-platform stick figure animation program
Multi-platform stick figure animation program
Stykz is the first multi-platform stick figure animation program in the world (as far as we know!), and it is COMPLETELY FREE! If you've ever used Pivot StickFigure Animator, you'll feel right at home and will appreciate the extra features that Stykz has to offer! And even if you haven’t used Pivot, you’ll find Stykz to be a powerful, easy to learn tool for creating great looking stick figure animations quickly and efficiently.The Ultimate Mac Setup for Web Designers (60 Apps) « AppStorm
There’s little doubt that OS X is a popular platform for web designers - it offers an enormous range of software for designing, managing, developing and publishing websites. Whether you prefer to use an all-in-one environment for designing websites or a range of different applications, there’s a tool to suit you perfectly.
Much of the software covered is fairly multi-purpose, suited to a variety of tasks.【2ch】ニュー速クオリティ:iPhoneの神アプリのみをあげるスレ
ほー。iPhoneが待ち遠しい(まだ買ってないけど)。早く新しいiPhoneが出ないかなぁ。すぐに買うのに。Lifehacker - Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, January through March 2009 - Best of
Our Hive Five asks readers to identify five of the best tools for any job, then vote for the absolute best. Here's a look back at the winners—the best of the best—from each week. Includes DVR applications, movie cataloging tool using barcode scanning, linux and mindmapping software.
Our Hive Five asks readers to identify five of the best tools for any job, then vote for the absolute best. Here's a look back at the winners—the best of the best—from each week. Every week we pose a question to you, the computer saavy readers of Lifehacker. Tirelessly we search for the next "Which is best?" question and through the hive mind we distill down your thousands of nominations into a list of the top five candidates. You vote on the best of the best and we return the next week to declare a champion. The following list showcases the winners in each of the categories we covered in the first quarter of 2009. If a particular category catches your eye and you'd like to see the other contenders, click on the name of the category to to jump to the original Hive Five post, clicking on the name of the winner will take you directly to the web site for the software. Best DVR Application: Windows Media Center For many, Windows Media Center is the product Microsoft got just right. It'sFacebook Developers | Facebook Developers News
Today we are excited to announce an important step toward greater openness through Facebook Platform. For the first time, we're opening the core Facebook product experience -- the stream -- with the new Facebook Open Stream API. The home page design centralizes the stream of information that tells you what's going on right now in the world around you. With the Facebook Open Stream API users will be able to use applications to read and interact with their stream, anywhere. As a Facebook developer you'll also be able to access the stories you've published into the stream and display them in your application, whether it's on a mobile device, Web site or desktop, for users however you choose. To enable developers to access the stream, we've built the Facebook Open Stream API in part using the emerging Activity Streams standard. Over the last several months, we've been collaborating with the community, hosting meetups at Facebook headquarters, and speaking at industry events about Activit
Facebook just opened up 200 million activity streams to developers: Kudos on activity stream standards support. [from]
RT @iCreate_JB: RT Announcing The Facebook Open Stream API (via @facebook) - OMG this sounds like awesomeness! [from]
Facebook Dev News: The Facebook Open Stream API: Today we are excited to announce an unpreced.. [from]
The Facebook Open Stream API
Open APII Love Mac Apps | Reviews of the latest Apple Mac OS X Applications for Leopard & Tiger
Mac applications blogLifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tiny & Awesome Windows Utilities
Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tiny & Awesome Windows Utilities11 Cool (& Sometimes Useless) Things You Can Do With Your Macbook |
Things You Can Do With Your Macbook
In the first part of “Utilize Your Mac SMS” series, we discussed a SMS-based application to prevent Macbook theft. Now we will discuss other cool applications utilizing the Sudden Motion Sensor feature of Mac laptops.
Apple SMS Apps8 Simple Free Photoshop Alternatives that are under 2 MB |
Simple Free Photoshop Alternatives that are under 2 MB
There are hundreds of free image editors out there for your computer, many of which are known as “bloatware” since they are bloated with unecessary features. Sometimes you just want a light, simple program that doesn’t take forever to load and will let you do a few simple tasks. Well, here is a list of 8 simple free Photoshop alternatives under 2MB that will save you time and headache.
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Remote control your PC or MAC with CrossLoop.Professional Tips for Improving Photoshop’s Performance - Psdtuts+
In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at the Photoshop Preferences to increase our Performance. With more and more features and important improvements,Free Programming Books
Hosted free online project management application, team collaboration and issue tracking software.
a project mgt thing like basecamp無料のスクリーンキャスト録画ツール『BB FlashBack Express』が最強な件! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
Via.IDEA * IDEA なにげなく試してみたBB FlashBackなるツールがかなり良かったのでご紹介(ひょっとして定番?)。いわゆるスクリーンキャストのための録画ツールです。画面上の動作をキャプチャーして動画つくったり、とかですね。It's Magit!
a really really great way to use git from emacs
It's Magit! A Emacs mode for Git.
Git mode for emacsPhotoshop: Learn a New Photoshop Trick with VunkySearch
10 Ways to Change the World Through Social Media
See 2 previous lists of 10 ways at bottom of article.
Our children will inherit a world profoundly changed by the combination of technology and humanity that is social media. They’ll take for granted that their voices can be heard and that a social movement can be launched from their laptop. And they’ll take for granted that they are connected and interconnected with hundreds of millions of people at any given moment. What’s most profound is that these represent parts of a greater whole. They represent a shift in power from centralized institutions and organizations to the people they represent. It is the evolution of democracy by way of technology, and we are all better for it. For most of us, social media has changed our lives in some meaningful way. Collectively it is changing the world for good. Given the pace of innovation and adoption, change has become a constant. Every so often we find the need to stop and reflect on its most recent and noteworthy developments, hence the following list. Please note this is not a top 10 list, no
Идеи за действия в социалните чрез мрежиLifehacker - Web-Based Tracks Keeps Your GTD System in Order - Getting Things Done
Something to look into, maybe
Windows/Mac/Linux: Tracks is a flexible, web-based Getting Things Done server app that installs easily on your system and keeps your work flow accessible anywhere. We've featured BitNami before, as they have a slew of handy installers for a variety of server applications. Now they've taken the fantastic Getting Things Done tool Tracks and rolled their own installation package, making it a breeze to install. If you've come across Tracks before and been put off by all the things you'd need to install and configure, the BitNami installer removes the hassle. Although the installation is entirely automated, it does take a chunk of time—on our test machine it took a good 20 minutes to fully unpack and install. Not a big deal if, but worth noting. Once installed, there is a brief setup where you create a user name and login and then you're on your way. The interface is easy to use and very polished. A significant amount of thought has been put into making entering and managing your tasks as
Tracks is a flexible, web-based Getting Things Done server app that installs easily on your system and keeps your work flow accessible anywhere.Lifehacker - Model Your Home, Plan Improvements in 3D with Google Sketchup - Google Sketchup
My wife and I just moved to an apartment with a great backyard, but neither of us think spatially. Using Google Sketchup, it's been easier than I'd imagined to plan our Ultimate Patio 4000.Welcome to the Phoenix Freeze — Phoenix Freeze
14 day trial then $10 to purchase. No Win7 or 64 bit support as of 5-13-09
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Mobile phone bluetooth enabled security which locks itself as you walk away with your Blackberry or iPhone and unlocks as you return.
Phoenix Freeze enables you to automatically lock and unlock your laptop with just your cell phone. Save battery life and protect your files just by walking away.
Supposedly has better proximity control features, but it replaces the winlogon GINA, supposedly has BIOS compatibility issues, continuously broadcasts so it exposes you, and can not work with a bluetooth mouse or keyboard...
Poner en HIbernacion tu ordenador cuando alejas una fuente Bluetooth, por ejemplo el movil
Often the best ideas are the simplest. A laptop which locks itself as you walk away with your Blackberry® or iPhone™ and unlocks as you returnHowTo Achieve "Ubuntu-Desktop-Minimal" - Ubuntu Forums
I've noticed on that there are a few people who would like to have an ubuntu-desktop-minimal edition instead of the default ubuntu-desktop which bundles software that not all of us use. I'm one of those users who likes to build his system from the ground up, so I wrote this simple post-install script which will give you a complete minimal desktop. After running this script your system will look the same as a fresh install of ubuntu just without all the added software. The first step to accomplish this is install a base system either using the Ubuntu Minimal CD (I use this along with my personal repository to create quick installs) or you can use the Ubuntu Server edition. Once the base installation completes, login and run the following script, then reboot.
ubuntuミニマルインストール法 サーバーエディションなどをインストールしたあとxとgnomeの基本的なパッケージを追加The 10 Best Windows Backup Software Programs
Great backup software for PC
Backups are the single most effective method of preventing data loss on computer systems. The following article will list the 10 best Windows backup software programs.
Backing up data regularly should be one of the most important tasks of every computer user; Yet only a minority is doing it thoroughly and regularly. The rest is flirting with disaster as there are numerous incidents that can delete data on computer systems. The most common ones are hardware failures, which can mean damaged hard drives but also (partially) unreadable CDs or DVDs, computer virus attacks but also human error. If you have ever met someone who partitioned the wrong hard drive you know that the latter can be cause for great frustration. Backups are the single most effective method of preventing data loss on computer systems. The following article will list the 10 best Windows backup software programs.
Backing up data regularly should be one of the most important tasks of every computer user; Yet only a minority is doing it thoroughly and regularly. The restSkype Call Recorder | Free Skype Call Recorder
via delicious homeOutertech - computer memory and cache optimization, tuneup and internet utility software
Batchrun is a graphical script creation tool that eliminates the need for knowledge of arcane scripting languages to execute batches of commands. With Batchrun .brs batch files you can launch any number of programs or dialup connections with just a simple click. You can control the starting process with many properties like priority or run mode and control their behavior a tad. Download. A portable edition (manual installation) of Batchrun is also available. You can even do more than starting programs with the built-in file management functions like Copy, Rename, Makedir, Delete, End Process, Kill Process and Text to Clipboard. Batchrun batch files can be launched from Explorer or placed in StartUp folder or on the Desktop.
Outertech Windows software: CachemanXP - computer speed enhancement and tuneup utility that optimizes your computer memory and cache. Linkman - an internet utility to add, manage and verify your links, StartEd - the Windows startup editor and Batchrun - batchfile and script creator!They Write the Right Stuff
Fast Company, Dec 2007
Writing code for the space shuttle.
Software engineering for the Space Shuttle
How NASA writes software: planned, persnickity, and perfect.10 Things Every Final Cut Pro User Should Know | Mac|Life
We've assembled ten features that will help you master FCP and create the next great movie.MacOS iPhone Project
olden days mac os for the iphone, looks sweet
classic case of "stuff white people like"
Welcome to the MacOS iPhone Project! We are Dedicated to putting MacOS on the iPhone.Free Video Cutter
Lamson’s goal is to put an end to the hell that is “e-mail application development”. Rather than stay suck in the 1970’s, Lamson adopts modern web application framework design and uses a proven scripting language (Python).
"Pipes and aliases are so 1970. -- Lamson’s goal is to put an end to the hell that is “e-mail application development”. Rather than stay suck in the 1970’s, Lamson adopts modern web application framework design and uses a proven scripting language (Python)."
Lamson The Python SMTP ServerGLADINET - Download Gladinet Cloud Desktop Beta
GLADINET delivers web applications, online storages and remote folders to your desktop.
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Gladinet Cloud Desktop 很强大,将 Windows Live Skydrive,Google Docs,Picasaweb 以及 Amazon S3 服务映射到本地硬盘,可以直接浏览或者编辑
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問題にはまるタイプのプログラマーの特徴 1. クラスやメソッドの命名が不適切、2. 「とりあえず」書いたコードが悪さを、 3. 「このままでは何かがおかしい」と感じながら作業を、4. ツールに振り回されている 5. 「よくあるつくり」に対する理解が乏しい、6. APIの存在を認知できていない (1) 適当に書いたコードは後でとても大きな被害をもたらす可能性が高い (2) たくさんのソフトウェアの「つくり」に触れ、APIを熟知しよう
たくさんソースコードを読んで審美眼的なものが鍛えられると、開発が始まってからのはまる時間も短くなるのかもしれない。148Apps » Recent Price Drops - iPhone and iPod Touch Application Reviews and News
AppstoreLifehacker - Six Best Exercise Planning and Tracking Tools - Exercise
Technology and exercise make an excellent pair; you can now track, plan, and graph your workouts more easily than ever. We're here to take a look at six of the most popular tools for the job. Photo by andronicusmax. Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite exercise tracking or planning tool. You responded and we rounded up the top six—six on account of a three-way tie. The following contenders represent the most popular tools among Lifehacker readers for tracking, measuring, and quantifying their exercise endeavors. When the item in question is a physical item, such as the Nike+ running system, the operating system listed corresponds to the supported operating system for the accompanying tracking software. Gyminee (Web Based, Basic Account: Free/Pro Account: $45 per year) Gyminee is web-based fitness tool with an enormous amount of features. Not only can you track your fitness goals like pounds lost, changes in resting heart rate, and all other manner of common fitnessLifehacker - Device Remover is an Absurdly Powerful Device Manager - Featured Windows Download
ffmWindowsのドライバを全部一気にバックアップできるフリーソフト「Driver Magician Lite」 - GIGAZINE
れる作業です。できれば事前に全部まとめてバックアップして万が一の事態に備えておきたいもの。 そこで使えるのがこのフリーソフト「Driver Magician Lite」です。Windows 98/SE/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista/x64で動作し、かなり簡単な作業でPCにインストールされているドライバをまとめてバックアップすることができます。
よさげ9 Amazing Software Mashups - Killer Free Apps that Work Better Together | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 9 Amazing Software Mashups - Killer Free Apps that Work Better Together.Rowmote
Rowmote: Remote Control for Mac and Apple TV. Works with iPhone/iPod Touch
Replace the Apple remote with your iPod Touch or iPhone over wifi.100 open source gems - part 1 | TuxRadar
50 on this page-- 50 on 2. wide variety of software from games to internet daemons.Autodesk Project Dragonfly
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3D room design tool from Autodesk. Experimental. Dev 101: Introduction - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
A well tagged MP3 collection makes everything from organization to playback easier.Your Fitness Music
Submit your preferred tracks and playlists and browse workout playlists other people have suggested.
August 29th 2007 - BeatScanner Version 1.42 released: Apparently, a wrong version was placed for Windows VistaEraser Portable | - Portable software for USB drives
Portable para borrar datosLifehacker - Turn Your Spare Thumb Drives Into Feature-Packed Giveaway Drives - Portable Applications
6 Ways To Sync Music To Your iPhone Without iTunes
By default, iTunes is the only media player that you can use to sync your iPhone and iPod Touch with your computer. However, iTunes is only supported in Mac
Some good alternatives here, looking to try out the Winamp solution.22 Neat Code Editors for Windows - Nettuts+
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Code editors for Windows are numerous, but it seems that only a few of them are really worth using. After all, it can take a while to really get into the groove10 Free Screen Recording Softwares For Creating Attractive Screencasts
10 gratis værktøjer til at optage, hvad der foregår på skærmen.とんでもない音楽系ウェブアプリが出た - Hobnox Audiotool | DIGITAL DJ
References for tools to allow a non-Apple machine to run unmodified Leopard installer.
Potential Mac Mini replacement for my Media Center.XPやVistaを極限まで軽くする! 19のチューニングテク :教えて君.net
かるくする!indispensibletools / FrontPage
The following list of ICT tools was crowd sourced from individual educationalists and not companies when the question 'What Indispensible ICT tools do you use in education' was asked and is not meant to be exhaustive in any way.VizualPV3D « Juxt Interactive Juxt Interactive * News * Work * About * Careers * RSS * Blog Close Tell a Friend Hey! You must enter an email address for yourself! Hey! You must enter an email address for your friend! Hooray. Thanks for spreading the love. We hope it's contagious. In a good way. Flickr Twitter Behance Vimeo YouTube MySpace Facebook * featured * all
Flash based Visualisation of Papervision3d. It's easy to create with this tool 3d scenes like in 3dsmax14 Applications to Make Your OSX Installation Better | CMD+SHIFT DESIGN BLOG: Design, Freelance & Internet Nerdiness (Freelance Tip)
Eucalyptus: The Library, to go – on your iPhone or iPod Touch.
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Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) data is stored within JPEG images. Almost all digital cameras record and store the cameras settings, scene information, date/time the photo was taken etc within this EXIF data. This information can be really useful when it comes to sorting and viewing your digital photos, providing you keep the date and time settings of your camera up to date. While traveling this rarely happens, making the date/time values useless.
# Adjust EXIF Date/Time properties (time taken) of all images within a folder or folders # Rename all the images to include the Date/Time taken # Ability to customize the output file name format. Eg. 'TRAVEL_20061029_Australia.jpg' instead of '2006-10-29 13-35-47 - Australia.jpg'Freedom - OS X Networking Freedom Software
Turns off your mac networking
Man if my job weren't ON the Internet, I would be *all over* this
Freedom is an application that disables networking on an Apple computer for up to eight hours at a time. Freedom will free you from the distractions of the internet, allowing you time to code, write, or create. At the end of your selected offline period, Freedom re-enables your network, restoring everything as normal.
Networking Freedom SoftwareRiverfold Software - Clipstart
Decent looking video management software for quick uploading to Vimeo and Youtube.
Appears to do for video what iPhoto should, but doesn't. Including Flickr and Vimeo upload
this looks sweet for the all you short movie makers. [from]Growl for Windows
I can't decide between Snarl and Growl for Windows
Put simply, Growl lets you know when things happen. Files finished downloading, friends came online, new email has arrived - Growl can let you know when any event occurs with a subtle notification. The rest of the time, Growl stays out of your way.Loginox, The Simple Way To Change Your Login Background Image. Use drag & drop on Mac OS X
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The Simple Way To Change Your Login Background Image. Use drag & drop on Mac OS XSeeWhy | Converting Clicks into Customers
Converting Clicks into Customers
SeeWhy Inc., an Andover, Mass.-based provider of real-time analystics on los ecommerce customers, has raised $4.5 million in second-round funding. Scottish Enterprise was joined by return backers Logispring, Pentech Ventures and Delta Partners
see why you are losing your prospects this analytics tool helps you to identify landing pages,shopping carts abandonmentTweetMyPC - Home
"TweetMyPC lets you shutdown/restart/LogOff your windows PC remotely."
nstallation and Usage: Download the setup file and Install. Go to and create a new Twitter account for your PC (This is optional as TweetMyPC only responds for updates). This account will be used by TweetMyPC to monitor for new tweets. Start TweetMyPC and then fill in the login details. Wait for some time for the application to verify your login details.Applications: One Day in the Life of a Web Designer
Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
List of interesting web apps that could make my life easier, a couple anyway.About Google Wave
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nice intro to Flashbake
Save snapshots of frequently-updated files over time with programmer-strength version control—but without the learning curve. Free software Flashbake captures working files and adds details like the weather and your Twitter status to each version automatically.The largest security tools list
Svchost Process Analyzer es una simple herramienta que se encarga de analizar el funcionamiento de este proceso y así revelar información detallada, como por ejemplo que servicio está haciendo uso del mismo. De esta forma sabrás que puedes terminar y que no sin causar ningún problema en el equipo
Svchost.exe is the most mysterious process in Windows XP/Vista. Svchost.exe is a generic host process name for services that run from dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). The authentic svchost.exe file is located in C:\Windows\System32, but numerous viruses and trojans use the same file and process name to hide their activities.
$0 program that shows all svchost instances and checks the services they contain.
Svchost Process Analyzer lists all svchost instances and checks the services they contain. This makes it easy to uncover Svchost worms like the infamous Conficker worm.Beak — An innovative Mac Twitter client
ur own server and there are no ongoing monthly costs.How SQLite Is Tested
Describes the testing of SQLite. Great overview of various testing techniques and how they've been applied to a significant software project.Lifehacker - Lifehacker Pack 2009: Our List of Essential Free Windows Downloads - Lifehacker Pack 2009
I can validate, it is a nice collection
Lifehacker Pack 2009: Our List of Essential Free Windows Downloads
We feature downloads of all kinds every day at Lifehacker. Today, however, we're bundling all the best free downloads for new computer owners, re-installers, would-be geeks, or anyone who wants to save time installing the best stuff out there. This is our 2009 Lifehacker Pack for Windows - EeeRotate
"A tiny program to rotate your screen and touchpad at the same time. Especially designed for EeePC but should work with all computers."
programa para rotar la pantalla y poder leer libros de modo "natural" en una netbook
Rota la pantalla y el trackpad del portátil
Para girar la pantalla del portátil y usarlo como un libro
A tiny program to rotate your screen and touchpad at the same time. Especially designed for EeePC but should work with all computers.TuxArena: 3 Ways to Record Your Linux Desktop
Top 10 Reasons Why Employees Leave in IT, must read for every manager!!
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Google Tech Talk April 24, 2009 ABSTRACT Presented by Joel Spolsky Until recently, searching for help on highly technical programming problems has been a mess. A lot of what the search engines found was old discussions in forums, where you have a lot of wrong answers and out-of-date answers that you have to sift through yourself. You also found a lot of answers at sites that were hidden behind a pay wall, which uncloaked themselves for Google and then demanded membership fees to see the answers. is a programmer's Q&A site that launched last September to address these problems. It incorporates more modern ideas about community such as voting and public editing, and even a few ideas from game design, to create a much more successful way to get help with programming problems. In a few short months, it has grown to 14 million page views a month and reaches 3 million unique programmers every month.iPhoneと過ごした300日まとめ -
"GitHub Firewall Install is a version of the GitHub web application that you install within your own corporate firewall. With your own internal GitHub you can combine the best aspects of social code management with the security of your private network."30 Must-Have Tweaks For Your Mac | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Digg, for CG (Computer Graphics) related information, vote on your favourite story or submit info you've found.
Digg, for CG (Computer Graphics) related information, vote on your favourite story or submit info you've - Remove the Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant (ClickOnce) Firefox Extension
Remove the Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant (ClickOnce) Firefox Extension
The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 update, pushed through the Windows Update service to all recent editions of Windows in February 2009, installs the Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant firefox extension without asking your permission.
do you know anything about this?
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 installs a massive security vulnerability in Firefox, without asking for permission. How to remove itDr. Dobb's | Software Engineering ≠ Computer Science | June 4, 2009
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There's no shortage of web-centric Linux tools -- the trick is figuring out which ones are best for your needs. This article offers a list of those that Jack Wallen thinks are the cream of the crop.The Simple Dollar » Amazon’s 25 Software Bestsellers - And Their Free Equivalents
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Great site with free software alternatives
A personal finance blog focusing on ordinary people dealing with unprecedented levels of debt.Moovida, the free media player - play all your files - AVI, mp3, MKV, DivX, MOV, MP4
Moovida is a free and open source media center that allows you to enjoy all of your music, video and pictures in an awsome interface. Moovida is an all-in-one media player that plays: AVI, mp3, MKV, DivX, MOV, MP4. It runs under windows and linux. Download for free!QtWeb - QtWeb Home
QtWeb Internet Browser.Fast,portable,secure & compact browser.Customizable GUI. Privacy features. Qt&WebKit based.
QtWeb is a lightweight, secure and portable browser having some unique UI and privacy features. QtWeb is an open source project based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (the same as being used in Apple Safari and Google Chrome).
A new WebKit-based browser for Windows.
Kostenloser, portabler Web Browser mit WebKit Engine.
QtWeb is compact, portable and secure web browser having some unique UI and privacy features. QtWeb is an open source project based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (the same as being used in Apple Safari and Google Chrome).
"QtWeb is compact, portable and secure web browser having some unique UI and privacy features. QtWeb is an open source project based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (the same as being used in Apple Safari and Google Chrome)."
embedded kiosk40 Mac Freewares and Open Source Software for Web Designers | Desizn Tech
Although popular Adobe Creative Suite software or paid software as such are essential tools for web designers, not everyone can afford them or nor they need to buy it. Some of the free applications are really powerful, time saving and gets the job done. In this article we have complied 40 best freeware and open source software for web designers.
Desizn Techシゴタノ! — 「書く」ためのツール、選んでいますか? Mac の文章作成支援ツールの魅力 jp 3
SubEthaEdit面白そう←同時にテキスト編集 まぁ、screenでも良いのだと思うけど、手軽だしIntroduction - NasBackup
is an open source backup solution. It is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up MS Windows desktop PCs, laptops and servers to network disks. NasBackup is a highly configurable solution and easy to install and maintain.Writing Software is Like ... Writing
But to the stakeholders -- managers, CEOs, customers, shareholders, etc. -- software development is a mystery. They don't want to know everything about it, but they want to know enough to be able to predict the behavior of software development, at least approximately.
Why do we need an analogy? We know what we do. We program computers, with all that entails. And we know what that means, because we do it. But to the stakeholders -- managers, CEOs, customers, shareholders, etc. -- software development is a mystery. They don't want to know everything about it, but they want to know enough to be able to predict the behavior of software development, at least approximately.
t replace a programmer with just any other programmer and get similar results. It also suggests that you should evaluate what kind of project you're creating when you decide who your team should be, and how it will run. The creation of mysteries and young adult fiction and so-called "bodice rippers" and the vast sea of nonfiction books all have their own particular structure and constraints (you'd be surprised at how rigid and controlling publishers are about these things, as if they are manufacturing some kind of basic commodity -- "the murder has to happen in the first 10 pages" etc.). None of these are the mass-market bestsellers ("killer apps") that are sold by the author's voice and style (few of which I find readable). The mass-market bestsellers usually don't coincide with the great writers, since most people don't have the patience to read these meta-craftsmen, just as most programmers don't read the source code for compilers.
Agreed. Interesting comments, too. I write one-liners, short stories and novels in Python. I have many unfinished novels.Mixero
Mixero -
iPhone Version Soon
The new generation Twitter client for people who value their time and are tired of information noise.Flashrom - coreboot
this bookmark brought from the home.
flashrom is a utility for identifying, reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash chips. It's often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images.
flabrom via linux
flashrom is a utility for reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash ROM chips. It's often used to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware images.
Does just what the title says- it can flash numerous BIOS ROMs- tons of manufacturers and supposedly some graphics cards as well.Peashoot — Start, Grow and Track your Campaigns
Are you posting links to your products on social media sites? Peashoot is a campaign manager made for people just like you :) Peashoot creates special short URLs, tracks your campaign progress and listens for people on the web talking about your campaign.
Peashoot is a tool for measuring the ROI of your online marketing campaigns. It helps you set goals, success metrics and generate reports.
Peashoot is the easy way to start your next social media campaign.
If you have a business that is involved with social media, then you need to check this service out.Why Web Developers Don't Need A Mac | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Web Developers Don't Need A MacNew cool list of Linux must-have programs
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100% mobility with portable software A rigorous selection among more than 1800 software Optimization of launching and installed size10 Apps for Web Designers Using a Mac
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Powerful, highly-interactive and unique online mind mapping tool
Seavus DropMind is online mind mapping tool with unique four sphere map layout. Create original mind maps and deliver superior and stylish presentations with the next-generation Microsoft Silverlight.Directory of Usability, Information Architecture, and User Experience Design Software continues to grow, with visits increasing 51%! Check-out our constantly expanding wireframing, prototyping, usability testing, and screen capture sections and leave a review of your favourite app!32 online tools that can help your tech freelancing career | View from the Cubicle |
Nice list of online toolsbitblinder
Whether you're a blogger, journalist, or writer, you know that the days of pen and paper alone are long gone.Free Anonymous BitTorrent Becomes Reality With BitBlinder | TorrentFreak
Not really a webdesign item, but a stunning design effort nonetheless.
Quartz Composer + OpenCLRands In Repose: A Deep Breath
"When you see an impending crisis, your body has a distinct natural reaction. In your consideration of the crisis, you take a long, deep breath. You often don’t notice this, but if I was sitting next to you, I would hear sigh. A sigh is associated with despair. We’re screwed. Sigh. My interpretation is different; this long, deep breath is one of preparation. Let’s break it down: Breathe in. Gathering your strength. Oh shit, how am I going to deal with this? Hold it. Hold it. Ok, breathe out. Ok, not sure what the plan is, but let’s roll. "
Management by crisis is exhilarating, but it values velocity over completeness; it sacrifices creativity for the illusion of progress.
Rands writes another brilliant article about how to manage humans. If you are managing a team, or part of a team, take 20 minutes and read this one from top to bottom.
A brief essay on how to get things back on track when they've gone off the rails. I find this sort of wisdom very attractive. Makes me want to do things.
"An obsessive meeting schedule is an investment in the boring, but by defining a specific place for the boring to exist, you’re allowing every other moment to have creative potential. You’re encouraging the random and random is how you’re going to win."
"I admit it. I love it when the sky is falling. There is no more delicious a state of being than the imminent threat of disaster. During these times, I’ve done great work. I’ve taken teams from “We’re fucked” to “We made it”. Yeah, we had to cancel Christmas that one time and there was that other time I didn’t leave the building for three days straight, but it was worth it because there’s no more exhilarating place to hang than the edge of chaos. We’re wired to escape danger."Lifehacker - LiberKey Installs 200+ Portable Applications - Portable Applications
If you read over our guide on turning spare thumb drives into feature packed giveaway drives and you wished there was a huge pack of portable software you could just download, this is it.ignore the code » Creating New Documents
slick way to create new documents quickly
Skript, dass das Erstellen neuer Dokumente über Drag & Drop im Finder bzw. über das Dock ermöglicht
create template docs put them in folder lock folder drag folder to dock drag out new template file when necessary -- it'll be copied, not moved.
Usability analysis of various methods of creating new documents on various OSes, culminating in a remarkably elegant way of improving this in Mac OS X using currently-available features of the OS!
"There is a very basic problem with this arrangement: How do you _create_ new files? On the one hand, since you use the Finder to manage your files, it would make sense to create new files in the Finder - right where you actually want them. On the other hand, since each individual application typically has at least one unique type of file, the Finder can't create new files - only individual applications can."Lifehacker - CometDocs Converts Between More than 50 File Types - PDF
this bookmark brought from the home.もっと評価されてしかるべき Twitter クライアント: TweetDeck |
ではなぜ TweetDeck が便利かというと、次の3つの機能が組み込まれていて、たとえ大勢の人を follow していたとしてもかかる手間が少なくてすむという理由があります。Lifehacker - Meta-iPod Cleans and Repairs Your iTunes Library - Featured Windows Download
Windows only: The bigger your iTunes library, the more difficult it is to locate and fix problems that arise, whether you're faced with ratings gone awry, missing or duplicate tracks, or missing album art. That's where diagnostic tool meta-iPod comes inBill Clementson's Blog: iPhone App Development Notes
some small tips for iphone devThe TTY demystified
user types at a terminal (a physical teletype). This terminal is connected through a pair of wires to a UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter) on the computer. The operating system contains a UART driver which manages the physical transmission of bytes, including parity checks and flow control. In a naïve syste
The TTY subsystem is central to the design of Linux, and UNIX in general. Unfortunately, its importance is often overlooked, and it is difficult to find good introductory articles about it. I believe that a basic understanding of TTYs in Linux is essential for the developer and the advanced user.PureSync Homepage - Synchronize folders and files, automatic backups, photo sync
PureSync Professional - Supports FTP - Execute backups and synchronization as different user - Copying of opened/locked files - For business use20 Free Useful Tools for Designers and Developers | Presidia Creative
There are a host of free tools available on the internet that can help designers and developers increase their productivity. Some tools are great, others just waste your time, so today, we’ve sorted through the free tools available to find 20 free and useful tools for designers and developers. Whether you’re looking to create invoices, contact your colleagues, find a color scheme, generate some code, or share files, you’ll find a free tool in this list to do the job.
Fantastic resources!あなたは知ってる?ダブルクリックだけでできるExcelの小技いろいろ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
エクセル小技集。 まとめ画像がおもしろひ。
全然知らなかった。Taking the Web into our own hands, one computer at a time
OperaUnite - Web browser and Webserver into one?
this seems to be a very nice feature:
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25 free must download design programs, the article features a range of different design programs including alternative programs for some of the most popular design programs such as Photoshop, flash and illustrator. A great collection of programs available for free which is perfect while currently suffering from a Help > Digital Products Help > Amazon Kindle Wireless Reading Device > Amazon Kindle Terms, Warranties, & Notices > Source Code Notice
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nder to search our entire database of nearly 1 million named colors and more than 300,00 user created color palettes.
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Adobe air apps are just simply great it enables any one with knowledge within ajax, Flash, JavaScript and HTML to be able to create a desktop widget, which
Lots of useful one thereyWriter5 - Free novel writing software to help you write a book
Programmer turned novelist uses his skills to create custom writing software. Perhaps I should try it sometime to put down some of my wilder ideas?30+ Free Menubar Applications for Mac
Menubar applications are sometimes more favorable than normal applications because not only these menubar applications can run seamlessly on background but also they can save most of our valuable dock space.
usefulGlow Doodle
Paint with light... Paint with anything! Have you a got a webcam? You can try this out! It's like a long exposure photo, where you draw with streaks of light, but you see the results in real-time. Paint with your cellphone! Paint with your teeth! Paint your body with light! Press space to automagically upload pics right here. Now with top-secret time-travel face-melting mode (press t).32 Coda Tips and Tricks | Mac Tricks And Tips
32 Coda Tips and TricksiPhone 3.0 Software Walkthrough | The iPhone Blog
This looks interesting. Might be worth passing on to others depending on how well they keep this updated.Lee-Soft - ViGlance: Windows 7 SuperBar for XP
ViGlance groups windows relative to their process. Each open application reserves its own space on the bar. Windows relative to that application are then grouped as children of that application on the bar. This keeps the taskbar clean and better organised into a more logical grouping system.100+ 3.0 Hidden Features - Mac Forums
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Great website for showing GTT conceptsLifehacker - Windows 7's Best Underhyped Features - windows 7
Analyze music for cycling
MixMeister BPM Analyzer is a free program you can use to determine the exact BPM (beats per minute) of any song. BPM Analyzer allows you to: * Calculate extremely accurate BPM counts for any song * Drag and drop music files from Windows Explorer * Display and sort files by Title, Artist, or BPM * Update ID3 tags in your music files with exact BPM information * Easily print BPM reports for your entire music collection * Export BPM counts for use in other programs * Free to use and distribute for non-commercial purposesTurn Your Home Computer into a Web Server; Host Websites and Files for Free
Go to, download the Opera Unite software and install it. Congratulations, you are now running a web server on your machine and just need another minute to configure local file folders that you want to share with others over the internet.Slowloris HTTP DoS
perl -MCPAN -e 'install IO::Socket::INET'hawkscope - Google Code
Hawkscope ist eine kostenlose Software (Open Source) die unter den Betriebssystemen Windows, Linux und Mac OS X läuft. Nach der Installation könnt ihr mittels Hawkscope schneller auf eure Ordner / Dateien zugreifen: [caschy]
Hawkscope is a productivity tool that allows you to access your hard drive contents quickly via system tray / menubar icon with dynamic pop-up menu.CrashPlan – Automatic Online Backup
Automatic Online Backup
It's free to back up personal files to your own local and offsite destinationstpl home page
Tpl works with files, memory buffers and file descriptors so it's suitable for use as a file format, IPC message format or any scenario where you need to store and retrieve your data.
A data serialization library for
Alice is a service that provides you a cost effective way to manage all of your household essentials online. You tell Alice what you buy—choosing from great deals on 1000’s of products—and we go to work. We organize all of your products, find coupons and deals for you, remind you when you might be running low, and help you order just the items you need so you can avoid the chore of household shopping. And all this convenience comes direct to your door with free shipping included.
As profiled in the Wisconsin State Journal on June 23, 2009An Experiment in BlackBerry Development: Lessons Learned Writing PodTrapper
オンラインツール32選10 really useful menu bar extras for Mac OS X | News | TechRadar UK
So you've got your brand-new Mac with a shiny widescreen display; acres of space sits between the Help menu and Apple's handful of default menu extras, begging to be used to the full. Below, in no particular order, are ten of the very best tiny, indispensable (and mostly free) applications for making the most of your menu bar.
coolOutlook’s broken—Let’s fix it
Outlook’s broken—Let’s fix it
Campaign to convince Microsoft to make Outlook's next version not be a giant step backwards.
Gathering Twitter posts and user icons as a form of petition.
"Join [thousands of] others asking Microsoft to improve standards support and make sure you include in your tweet. We’ll pull together every tweet that includes the link here to give Microsoft a unified message from the community."Jake
opensource file sharing application, works without copying files to a central server, is cross platform and handle any file type
Collaboration software built on top of XMPP.
The Collaborative File Sharing Client JakeApp Keeping your files in sync - even with large groups - has never been easier.Sugar Labs—learning software for children
One Laptop Per Child OSSugar on a Stick - Sugar Labs
Sugar Labs offers ubiquitous access to Sugar in a USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash memory drive (stick). The Sugar on a Stick project gives children access to their Sugar on any computer in their environment with just a USB memory stick. Taking advantage of the Fedora LiveUSB, it's possible to store everything you need to run Sugar on a single USB memory stick (minimum size 1GB). This small USB device can boot into the Sugar learning platform on different computers at home, at school, or at an after-school program, bypassing the software on the those computers. In fact, Sugar on a Stick will work even if the computer does not have a hard-drive. With Sugar on a Stick, the learning experience is the same on any computer: at school, at home, at the library, or an after-school center.Colabolo - Issue Manager collaboration projectmanagement project task tasks todo tools web software iPhone business management Work productivity adobe apps5 Little Desktop Apps You Should Check If You Mutlitask
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With Boxee now available for Windows, nearly any computer can push streaming and downloaded content onto a TV. Here are five tips and tricks that add content and convenience to the social media center, for newcomers and veteran users alike.bDule
sobees integrates a large number of Internet services. sobees automatically pulls information from friends on different social networks together with news, photos, videos, and other data from the Web.
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Friendfeed is still down. And I'm trying this new Twitter client, bDule [from]
Nice looking Twitter/Facebook client. Windows only.How-To: Use Your iPhone as a Wireless Laptop Modem - PC World
'If Joomla! is Linux, then WordPress is Mac OS X. WordPress might offer only 90% of the features of Joomla!, but in most cases WordPress is both easier to use and faster to get up and running.' Over the course of the last few years, I've been in c
Web company WireLoad shares their experience and tips and tricks for the internet-age business world.Bestmodo 2008: The Best iPhone Apps of 2008
Bestmodo 2008: The Best iPhone Apps of 2008
[[Mobile]] The Best iPhone Apps of 2008 [from]22 Open Source PHP Frameworks To Shorten Your Development Time
PHP is definitely one of the best web programming language. Here, we will look into 22 open source PHP Frameworks that will shorten our development - Mobileconfigs für dein iPhone |
the easiest way to enable iPhone Tethering through installing Mobileconfigs directly on your iPhonejlongster - Writing apps for the iPhone in Scheme
Read about trends, technologies and best practices covered by experienced Giga Omni Media editors and writers. Participate in daily blog discusions and post your thoughts and opinions.
Occasionally, we at OStatic round up our ongoing collections of open source resources, tutorials, reviews and project tours. These educational resources are a big part of the learning mission we try to preserve at the site. We regularly collect the best Firefox extensions, free online books on open source topics, free tools for developers, resources for working with and enjoying online video and audio, Linux tutorials, and much more. In this post, you'll find an updated set of more than 40 collections and resources. Hopefully, you'll find something to learn from here, and the good news is that everything found in this post is free.Dropboxを超えた?オンラインストレージ「SugarSync」 - frnk*blog
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For the Canon 5D Mark II camera19 Twitter Desktop Apps Compared
Ready to move beyond Twitter's web-based interface? Here's a review of several desktop clients.
自分はNambuをつかってます。Featured Windows Download: Gizmo Drive Mounts ISO, BIN, and VHD Disk Images
links to several iso mounting tools
mounts images nicely in Windows 7, since daemon tools doesn't work (yet)Flexibits | Cameras
In den Einstellungen der Anwendung Image Capture (Digitale Bilder) lässt sich festlegen, was Mac OS X beim Anschluss einer Kamera tun bzw. welches Programm automatisch geöffnet werden soll. Dies funktioniert passabel, solange man nur eine Kamera nutzt oder mit jeder Kamera sowieso dieselbe Prozedur durchlaufen möchte. Wer sich allerdings beispielsweise wünscht, dass das iPhone und die eigene Digitalkamera stets iPhoto öffnen, eine Speicherkarte im Kartenleser dahingegen zu Aperture greift und der mit dem Mac frisch verbundene iPod touch überhaupt kein Foto-Programm hervorzwingt, der ist mit der Systemeinstellung Cameras bestens bedient. Nach der Installation wird Cameras zum Ansprechpartner für jede angestöpselte Kamera (oder eben auch Kartenlesegerät) und ermöglicht die detaillierte Feinabstimmung. Insofern sei diese Systemeinstellung für jeden Mac empfohlen, an den regelmäßig mehrere Foto-Gerätschaften angesteckt werden. Cameras setzt mindestens Mac OS X 10.4.11 voraus.
With familiar System Preference functionality, Cameras allows you to manage what happens when you connect your: * Digital camera * iPhone * Digital media reader * Any photo deviceLiberKey - All softwares
Free software list( - Official site of Nimi projetcs)
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Official website of Nimi projects - which develops such great software titles like Nimi Visuals: unique effects and customization engine for Windows platform and many more.Lifehacker - Five Best Free System Restore Tools - Disk image
Free software to clone/image your hard drive10 Great Apps to Convert Audio & Video Files in Linux
With the different audio and video formats available, there is often the need to inter convert amongst them - sometimes for quality and sometimes for compatibility. Here are some of the better software, that you can use to achieve the inter conversions on your Linux box.Forty-Three of The Best Free Windows Enhancements That You Should Know About |
Top 200 Blogs
Blog list for developers
In the meantime... please enjoy the 4th edition of the Top 200 Blogs for Developers.The Ultimate Mac Setup for Photographers (50 Apps) « AppStorm
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Watch Firefox 3.5 takeup in real time5 Alternatives to The Pirate Bay
The admins of The Pirate Bay have stressed that in order for the Bay to stay alive, they need to adapt the site to a legitimate one, selling the site for $7.815 Best iPhone Applications for Web Designers | Web Design Ledger
Can I replicate some of these for Windows Mobile?
When it comes to web design, there are apps for nearly everything, from helping create color schemes to managing your busy schedule. Here are 15 of the best!Firefox 3.5をインストールしたらまず行う設定 : blog
「ウィンドウを閉じてもCookieを残しておいてあげたいサイトは、「例外サイト」で許可してあげればOK。」50 Successful Open Source Projects That Are Changing Medicine
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Get anything anywhere via the doc.
FTP だったり、Flickr に写真をアップロードしたりその他諸々。Mac OS XのFinderがプチ便利になる8つのテク : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Mac OS XのFinderをカスタマイズするプラグイン集Situated Geekery » Blog Archive » How TDD and Pairing Increase Production
I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like some of these folks try too hard to soft-sell the excellent way presented by test-driven development (TDD) and pair programming (PP). A lot of alleged agilists make this argument: you see, by PP’ing and TDDing, you will greatly increase your quality, so even though your productivity goes down, you get the coolest glow by knowing in your heart of hearts that you are a good citizen of the coding world. I call bullshit. Not only is it not true that you can trade internal quality for more features, it’s actually the exact opposite case: the more productivity you seek, the higher you should raise your standard of internal quality. That’s right, that’s what GeePaw says. If you want more production, look first to raising your internal quality. So, how can such things be? 1. Because internal quality and external quality are not the same things. 2. Because the biggest single determinant in today’s production is the quality of yesterday’s product
Towards a Way of Excellence
Sometimes I feel like some of these folks try too hard to soft-sell the excellent way presented by test-driven development (TDD) and pair programming (PP). A lot of alleged agilists make this argument: you see, by PP’ing and TDDing, you will greatly increase your quality, so even though your productivity goes down, you get the coolest glow by knowing in your heart of hearts that you are a good citizen of the coding world. I call bullshit.Internet Explorer 8: Home page
Free spyware and malware removal tool.
ComboFix | freewareBirdfeed - A very nice Twitter client for your iPhone
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What do programmers feel about their software? Are they happy with they system? Disgusted? Saddened?
tool that extracts comments from source code and displays its interpretation of the programmers' emotional experience
Really cool visualisation of projects.Canary. The sexiest bird to twitter with.
Open-source Twitter client.10 things you should do to a new Linux PC before exposing it to the Internet - Program - Linux - Builder AU
When you are embarking on the Linux experience for your initial time, there's a few things you should know.
Linux Mantainance
10 things you should do to a new Linux PC before exposing it to the Internet複眼中心 : 使用中のiPhoneアプリ65本
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может показаться что это просто чей-то старт ап, но нет это ThePirateBayThe Setup
What do people use to get the job done?
The Setup is a bunch of nerdy interviews What do people use to get the job done?
The Setup is a bunch of nerdy interviews. What do people use to get the job done?JPC
JPC is the fast pure Java™ x86 PC emulator Use JPC to boot virtual computers right here in your browser....
JPC is the fast pure Java™ x86 PC emulator Use JPC to boot virtual computers right here in your browser....
"JPC is the fast pure Java™ x86 PC emulator"25 Free Mac Apps That Will Boost Your Productivity | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
If you’re a power blogger, or someone who blogs regularly, across multiple blogs, with detailed, in-depth posts, a desktop blog editor can make your life infinitely easier. - Some are browser-based, some are standalone. Some work across different platforms while others are only for Windows or Mac OSX. or Linux Some are paid while others are free.Students: Free Apps To Help You Excel at School [Mac only]
Has practice applicationProwl
Growl notifications for the iPhone
Prowl is a Growl client for the iPhone. Though the website mainly talks about tying it to Growl on a Mac, there's a web service, and a simple perl script available for non-Mac environments. Easy to convert to PHP or bash+curl, as it's just a basic-auth POST request.32 Useful Portable Apps For Web Designers and Developers
We like portable apps because those applications are lightweight and require no installation to run. As a web designer/developer, i used to work with different PCs. Rather than carrying my laptop everywhere, i prefer saving frequently used applications into my USB drive. I had collect a lot of useful portable applications and i would like to share those applications with my readers. Let’s look into these applications now:Backup2Mail — Send MySQL database backup to your mailbox
Backup2Mail is mini PHP application that creates regular backups of your MySQL database and sends it to configurable e-mail address. The whole process is scheduled with a help of Cron, a Unix program that runs programs at scheduled times.
Send MySQL database backup to your mailbox Website Builder - Moonfruit - Beautiful websites, simply
You can capture any webpage at all, from any browser, by simply putting in front of the URL!
Grab a copy of the entire scrollable content of a web page (via Garry Martin)
Creation on the fly / blog / Capture any webpage: Just add in front of the URL!
Looking to grab a copy of the entire scroll-able content of a web page? Aviary, makers of a previously mentioned online image editing tool and Firefox extension, make it really simple: just add the site's URL after The speed with which Aviary's Flash-based editor pops open depends on their server load and the content of the site you're trying to paste over. But the full-length capture works, allows you to save to the desktop (through the "Export" function) and make basic edits like cropping and text and shape addition. Aviary's URL appending service is free to use, requires a free account to save images online and access certain advanced features.
Aviary has just launched it's easiest feature yet! You can capture any webpage at all, from any browser, by simply putting in front of the URL! For example, say you want to capture Google's homepage: Just change to Dead. Simple. After capturing the page, you can edit it, add simple markup to it and save it to your desktop (or host it online with a single click). It should work on almost any public page on the Internet, with any browser. It can even capture Flash!Lifehacker - Free OCR Converts Your Scanned Documents to Text - Scanner
Please notice that we published the first part of the Google AdSense round-up a couple of months ago (100% Google AdSense); this post presents further useful resources that can help you maximize your ads revenue.
useful resources that can help you maximize your ads revenue10 Web Apps To Build The Next Big Thing Without Writing Any Code
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Para probar alg´un diabitquabit - The One in Which I Call Out Hacker News
No, you couldn't. Why programmers say this sort of thing, hilariously dissected.
Very interesting look at what`s really required to have a complete web app.
Good rant about how the little touches that make great things great are invisible to many engineers (and users). It's strange that he thinks that this blindness is peculiar to the open source community, though.
"Do you have five minutes? No. Why? Because I’m lying. It would take much longer than five minutes. That’s the eternal optimism of programmers."
Very good critique of the notion that a web app which at its core may just be an interface to a couple of database tables is a trivial thing that can be banged out in a few days. While it's possible to put up a basic front-end that quickly, all the extras that go on top of that to make a real, usable application take much, much longer. User interface matters.
why it's hard to clone a major s/w site (stackoverflow)
Nice article by Benjamin Pollack in the discussion about cloning Stack Overflow.Microsoft Hohm
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Hohm50+ Tools To Make You a More Efficient & Organized Designer | Design Reviver
For that matter, look at Linux. Correct me if I'm wrong -- and I'm sure you fucking freetards will find something to correct -- but I think Linus Tordalv started working on Linux back in 1991 when he was a high school student in his native Denmark. That's nearly twenty years ago, and the shit still doesn't run right.
Ich finde immer mehr lustige posts über Chrome OS. Hier ist der von Fake Steve Jobs. Moneyquote: "First of all, nobody seems to appreciate how goddamn hard it is to make an operating system. You don't just wake up one day and fall out of bed and make one. Not even the smarty pants kiddies at Google can do that. These things take years"MachineCodex :: Software : DateLine
for Mac, open source, provides a visible strip calendar on our mac desktop
DateLine is a small, simple app which displays a linear calendar on your desktop in a transparent window. It provides easy access to iCal by double clicking on a day.
Nice desktop day tracker. Count 'em down.
DateLine is a small, simple app which displays a linear calendar on your desktop in a transparent window. It provides easy access to iCal by double clicking on a day. The background and text colors are customizable with support for transparency.3Dsee - Home
3Dsee is designed to make 3D modeling easy. By uploading a set of images to our server we will automatically reconstruct a photo-realistic 3D model for you, returning it as a greyscale bump-map.
Website takes overlapping pictures of an object and returns a bump map.
Applicazione per realizzare modelli 3D
This is very cool. See if I can make the 3D gun this way.30 Free System Tools for a Better Mac
Mac help時代はGNU screenからtmuxへ - それ、Gentooだとどうなる?
GNU screenはもう古いので皆さんtmuxへ移行しましょう、という話。Gentooならemerge tmux。5 top non-technical mistakes made by programmers at Making good software
これは便利そうだ!時間をトラッキングできるフリーソフト。時間をもっと有効に使いたい現代人向けなソフト。しかし私窓ユーザー。いつかリンゴユーザーになったら使いたい。Ksplice - Ksplice Uptrack
Ksplice Uptrack is a new service that lets you effortlessly keep your systems up to date and secure, without rebooting. Once you’ve completed the easy installation process, your system will be set up to receive rebootless updates instead of traditional, disruptive updates. Learn more.
Ksplice Uptrack is a new service that lets you effortlessly keep your systems up to date and secure, without rebooting. Once you’ve completed the easy installation process, your system will be set up to receive rebootless updates instead of traditional, disruptive updates.
This software lets you update your linux system without the need for a reboot. Looks pretty promising, available for ubuntu now.ongoing · Test-Driven Heresy
article on test-driven development
As a profession, we do a lot more software maintenance than we do greenfield development. And it’s at the maintenance end where TDD really pays off. I’m starting to see lin which are found tricks of the trade concerning clojure authorship - Technomancy
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to do lists and biz apps - great listScreen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques | Tools
Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques
Screen Capture Tools: 40 Free Tools and Techniques
Screen capture, or print screen is perhaps the most efficient way to share whatever appears on your desktop. They help tech users like us to share and communicate better with friends and peers. Major operating systems today comes with basic screen capture and print screen function, but if these can’t fulfill what you need from a screen capture then you are probably looking for a screen capturing tool. Screen capturing tools do what the basic tool don’t. What these tools could do varies, including the ability to include sketches and text, instantly upload image online, audio capturing, dimension-specific capturing and more. Make your screen capture and sharing experience more interesting, here’s a showcase of 40+ Free Screen Capturing Tools and Related Techniques. Full list after jump.Google's Microsoft Moment - Anil Dash
Anil Dash has an excellent piece about Google, about the potential differences in how the company (or those with in the company) see themselves and how those outside see the company. This is not one of those "Google is really evil" posts, but more a thoughtful commentary about how a now huge company can avoid becoming like every other huge tech company.
RT @timoreilly RT @anildash:Google has reached its "Microsoft moment" and is the last to realize: Interesting stuff [from]40 Great Adobe AIR Applications for Designers and Developers | Webdesigner Depot
Air Applications for Designers and DevelopersFive Best Content Filtering Tools - content filtering - Lifehacker
Whether you want to keep your kids eyes away from inappropriate content or your employees from wasting time online, you'll find a variety of great tools available for filtering internet access in today's Hive Five. Photo by Zach Klein. Last week we asked you to share your favorite method of filtering internet content. While we originally intended to approach the topic from a software angle, it quickly became apparent that software didn't cut it for most people and that the majority of you are using either a combination of desktop software and a proxy server/firewall or just the latter by itself. The following solutions range, in difficultly of installation, from as simple as requiring five minutes to install to as complex as setting up a physical computer as a Linux-based content filter. DansGuardian (Cross Platform, Free) One way to measure whether or not Dansguardian is the right filtering tool for you is your willingness to install and tinker with an operaiPhone App Reviews by the Experts at Macworld | Macworld
. I want people to appreciate the work I’ve done and the value of what I’ve made. Not pass on by waving “sucker” as they drive their fancy cars
via robrohan via
However, I’d like to explain why I use the GPL after decades of writing open source software and after a couple of “successful” projects. These are my reasons for using it, and only apply to me and what I want to do with my software from now on. You are free to your own opinions and choices, and I hope you’ll respect mine.
"I love open source, but companies? Companies are going to have to pay from now on. That’s how economics works. If it’s good enough for you to use, why then it’s good enough for you to pay for it."iPhone 活躍アプリ一覧(全68個)
やすくて楽しい連絡帳。グループ分けして顔写真で連絡先を探せますFreeAppAlert - Paid iPhone Apps that just became Free
iPhoneアプリが、何かしらの理由で無料になった時に通知してくれるサイト。TwitterやRSSにも対応している。 キャンペーンを逃さないためには最適Twitter関連ツール・まとめ - かちびと.net
"今現在は165個のツールがありましたが、今後追加していく可能性もあります。 TwitterWikiに載ってるサービスは極力載せていないつもりですが、若干被ってるかも。"無料でFlashの制作環境が整えられる! FlashDevelopとFlex SDK 3のインストール方法(ビデオ付き) | ClockMaker Blog
japan site
Flex SDKとFlashDevelopでフリーの開発環境を作れるという話。Adobeの標準環境で一通り言語を覚えてから検討する。マスターしておきたい、Illustratorの基本的なエフェクト集 | コリス
Phone Ringtones & Other Mobile Downloadswkhtmltopdf - Google Code
"Simple shell utility to convert html to pdf using the webkit rendering engine, and qt. "How to get a night's sleep without shit happening (Software Engineering Tips)
be good!Software Updates: Courgette (Chromium Developer Documentation)
asm_new = disassemble(update) asm_new_adjusted = adjust(asm_new, asm_old) asm_diff = bsdiff(asm_old, asm_new_adjusted) transmit asm_diff client:
We want smaller updates because it narrows the window of vulnerability. If the update is a tenth of the size, we can push ten times as many per unit of bandwidth. We have enough users that this means more users will be protected earlier. A secondary benefit is that a smaller update will work better for users who don't have great connectivity.
Software Updates: Courgette
nice update tool for smaller patches
VERY TINY BINARY DIFFS released by Google and Open Sourced.
A new differential compression algorithm for making Google Chrome updates significantly smaller. Courgette transforms the program into the primitive assembly language and does the diffing at the assembly level
逆アセンブルの差分? server: asm_old = disassemble(original) asm_new = disassemble(update) asm_new_adjusted = adjust(asm_new, asm_old) asm_diff = bsdiff(asm_old, asm_new_adjusted) transmit asm_diff client: receive asm_diff asm_old = disassemble(original) asm_new_adjusted = bspatch(asm_old, asm_diff) update = assemble(asm_new_adjusted)Home - AlertFox Web Application Monitoring
Most website owners have been there: Your old-style monitoring system shows nothing but green lights, yet the website is not functioning the way it should: Traditional web monitoring services do not dig deep enough to detect glitches in the application code, and database or find that problems arise with bugs in Ajax, Flash or Silverlight front-end applets. The solution: AlertFox is a revolutionary new self-service website transaction monitoring service that is capable of keeping tabs on the functioning and performance of all websites, even sites that use AJAX, Flash and Silverlight.0 A.D. Open Source Release
Looks interesting - how can I hack it ?
open source game
.Google Chrome
Get Google Chrome dev preview for Mac (not just Chromium!): [from]Features | Open Atrium
Open Atrium is an intranet in a box that has group spaces to allow different teams to have their own conversations. It comes with six features - a blog, a wiki, a calendar, a to do list, a shoutbox, and a dashboard to manage it all.iDailyDiary, Free Personal Diary and Journal
iDailyDiary provides a simple interface that immediately gets you started taking daily notes, creating a journal, putting your thoughts into writing and much more. The iDailyDiary editor is "richtext" with the ability to insert graphics, URL's, Hypertext links and links to other diary pages. iDailyDiary is fully searchable so you can always track down those important dates and reminders.
Recommended by LifehackerDeveloper Color Picker
A custom color picker designed specifically for developers. Makes getting colors out of Photoshop/Acorn mock-ups quick and easy. Currently supports NSColor, UIColor, CGColorRef, CSS and HTML styles.
A custom color picker that will let you copy a NSColor/CGColorRef/etc. declaration initialized with the current color from the picker to the clipboard
Colour picker for mac
"A custom color picker designed specifically for developers. Makes getting colors out of Photoshop/Acorn mock-ups quick and easy."KeepNote: Note taking and organization
Note taking and organization
programma per prendere appunti6 Promising And Open Source Social Networking Softwares To Create Your Own
6 Promising And Open Source Social Networking Softwares To Create Your Own -
Resource for integrationg of website
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **Lifehacker - Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, March through June 2009 - Best of
Hive Five Winners, March through June 2009Backup and Restore Web Browser Settings
FavBrowser Backup - Windows-verktøy til å ta backup av innstillinger og feks utvidelser i div nettlesere: [from]
FavBackup is a simple solution for you to backup and restore web browser settings and other data on Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 systems. No installation required. (thanks LC COOL CLARK)
membackup dan memperbaiki kesalahan pada penyettingan web browser anda...
Portable backup utility FavBackup archives your settings, bookmarks, passwords, and more from any of the major browsers. Using the utility is simple—just launch the no-install-required executable and go run through the wizard to backup or restore your browser profiles. The software handles backing up Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and even Opera—there are still a few restore glitches with IE and Opera, but it's a useful utility worth a look for anybody looking to transfer settings from one machine to another. FavBackup is a free download for Windows only. For more, check out the five best Windows backup tools, the five best file syncing tools, or read about our first look at Windows 7's backup and restore center.
FavBackup permet de sauvegarder tous vos profils navigateurs en quelques clics. Plus besoin de passer par les systèmes d’import/export de vos profils sur chaque navigateur : vous choisissez les données à sauvegarder et FavBackup fait le reste.WordPress使いが覚えておくと便利な7つ道具 - かちびと.net
WordPressを使っていて「これが有ると無いとで全然違ってくる」と思う7つ道具(ソフトやツールなど)click2try. A community site where it's easy to try Open Source software for free.
Sajt där du kan göra en egen en-klicks-installation av olika open source-lösningar för att testa live.
A community site where it's easy to try Open Source software for free.
teste logiciel opensource sans installation10 OS X Pranks That'll Get You Beat Up--or Fired | Mac|Life
Disclaimer: Use the pranks below at your own risk. Mac|Life can not be held responsible if you break any hardware, or you are fired, or beat up, because of the pranks. Use common sense, and choose your victims wisely.
* iPhone * * Play * * Listen * * Tip of the Day * * Mac|Live Podcast * * Software Vault * * Win Click here to find out more! SCANNING RESOURCE CENTER Special Sponsored Section * 6 Essentials for a Well-Appointed Paperless Offce * Sending Paperless Documents to Fax * Master Image Quality with Your Scanned Graphics Click here to find out more! Click here to find out more! IN THIS MONTH'S ISSUE! July 2009 July Cover MacLife Review IntelliScanner mini Review Logitech Pure-Fi Express Plus Review Uniea Haptique SUBSCRIBE NOW & SAVE 72%! iDEALS Designed and built for a Mac. And nothing else. The Targus for Mac� line includes a Wireless Mouse, Bluetooth� Mouse, Bluetooth Presenter, USB Hub, Chill Mat�, File Share Cable and Privacy Screen.無料でPDFファイルが作成できる高機能なフリーソフト「PDF reDirect」 - GIGAZINE
クセロPDFが有料になってしまったからね。International Free and Open Source Software Law Review
The International Free and Open Source Software Law Review (IFOSS L. Rev.) is a collaborative legal publication aiming to increase knowledge and understanding among lawyers about Free and Open Source Software issues. Topics covered include copyright, licence implementation, licence interpretation, software patents, open standards, case law and statutory changes.
Open source law journalMake The Perfect Screencast With These 6 Great Tips
tips voor een perfecte screencast - je weet wel zo'n video van je computerscherm waarin je bijvoorbeeld een programma uitlegt.
Over the years screencasting, also known as video tutorials have became very popular on the internet. The reason that they have became so popular is because it lets a user record their screen and share it with others to show them how to do something on a computer.Google's Wave of the future is genius, but will it work? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Business
Wave is hugely ambitious. Which means that it’s bound to fail. But I’m betting that it’ll thrive. Wave is open and infinitely-extensible, and those are the two things it most needs to be.
Andy Ihnatko on Google Wave.
"A cursory viewing could leave you with the impression that Wave is a replacement for email and chat. [But ...] In truth, Wave is an ambitious, brand-new infrastructure for communication in general. [...] Wave is hugely ambitious. Which means that it’s bound to fail. But I’m betting that it’ll thrive. Wave is open and infinitely-extensible, and those are the two things it most needs to be. Google says that they’re open-sourcing 'the lion’s share' of the code that makes Wave services work, and they’re keeping no secrets about its standards. [...] Some of the real fire of the Google Wave demo video [...] comes at the end. A guy is sharing a Wave with someone and having a live text conversation. A robot is automatically translating all of the text so that the English speaker and the French-speaker are seeing their own native languages. And the translation is happening while they type."Coding Horror: Software Engineering: Dead?
Very Interesting
Software Engineering: Dead?How To Copy a DVD with VLC 1.0 :: the How-To Geek
Need a small section of a DVD to play in class? The new version of VLC, the open source media player now has this functionality. Go to view then advanced controls once installed.Time Warp
Free Alternatives to Photoshop With All the Bells, Whistles, Filters, & Layers
Free = awesomeVirtual AGC Home Page
The purpose of this project is to provide a computer simulation of the onboard guidance computers used in the Apollo Program's lunar missions, and to generally allow you to learn about these guidance computers.
Virtual AGC is a computer model of the AGC. It does not try to mimic the superficial behavioral characteristics of the AGC, but rather to model the AGC's inner workings. The result is a computer model of the AGC which is itself capable of executing the original Apollo software on (for example) a desktop PC. In computer terms, Virtual AGC is an emulator.Irradiated Software - SizeUp
hiVLC 1.0 Records Video from DVDs - DVD - Lifehacker
Program that makes email self destruct
ehind Vanish in detail. Briefly, as mentioned above, the user never knows the encryption key. This means that there is no risk of the user exposing that key at some point in the future, perhaps through coercion, court order, or compromise. So what do we do with the key? We could escrow it with a third party, but that raises serious trust issues (e.g., the case with Hushmail).
copies of Vanish encrypted data — even archived or cached copies — will become permanently unreadable at a specific time, without any action on the part of the user or any third party or centralized service.
Storing the decryption key across many p2p nodes means you can "lose" the key at a specified time. As long as one of the p2p nodes you have used destroys the key, we can no longer decrypt the message. The theory is certainly sound, lets hope the implementation is.
Vanish is a research system designed to give users control over the lifetime of personal data stored on the web or in the cloud. Specifically, all copies of Vanish encrypted data — even archived or cached copies — will become permanently unreadable at a specific time, without any action on the part of the user or any third party or centralized service.MyDefrag v4.0
MyDefrag is a disk defragmenter and optimizer (a maintenance utility to make your harddisk faster) for Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 2008, and for X64. It is freeware, no time limit, fully functional, no advertisements. Fast, low overhead, with many optimization strategies, can handle floppies, USB disks, memory sticks, and anything else that looks like a disk to Windows. Included are a set of easy to use scripts for endusers, a scripting engine for demanding users, a screensaver, and a combined Windows plus commandline version that can be scheduled by the Windows task scheduler or for use from administrator scripts.OSA - Open Source for America
The mission of OSA is to educate decision makers in the U.S. Federal government about the advantages of using free and open source software; to encourage the Federal agencies to give equal priority to procuring free and open source software in all of their procurement decisions; and generally provide an effective voice to the U.S. Federal government on behalf of the open source software community, private industry, academia, and other non-profits.IP Hider Accesses Hulu, Other US-Only Content from Outside the US - Web proxies - Lifehacker
Possible trojan. Windows only: Previously mentioned proxy application Hotspot Shield used to be the go-to option for accessing US-only content from outside the US, but now that popular sites like Hulu are wise to Hotspot Shield, give proxy application IP Hider a try. Like Hotspot Shield, IP Hider is an easy-to-use proxy application that makes it appear as though you're browsing from inside the United States. As a result, sites like Hulu, which block access to folks surfing outside US borders, are now accessible to your foreign eyes. To make things really easy on you, DIY video web site Tinkernut has provided a simple video tutorial for using IP Hider to access Hulu, which we've embedded above. The video also covers previously mentioned Hulu Video Downloader, the application that claims to do what it sounds like but that we had trouble getting to work ourselves. IP Hider is Windows only, comes in both free and premium flavors (As far as we can tell, the premium version features dedic
Windows only: Previously mentioned proxy application Hotspot Shield used to be the go-to option for accessing US-only content from outside the US, but now that popular sites like Hulu are wise to Hotspot Shield, give proxy application IP Hider a try. Like Hotspot Shield, IP Hider is an easy-to-use proxy application that makes it appear as though you're browsing from inside the United States. As a result, sites like Hulu, which block access to folks surfing outside US borders, are now accessible to your foreign eyes. To make things really easy on you, DIY video web site Tinkernut has provided a simple video tutorial for using IP Hider to access Hulu, which we've embedded above. The video also covers previously mentioned Hulu Video Downloader, the application that claims to do what it sounds like but that we had trouble getting to work ourselves. IP Hider is Windows only, comes in both fPrettyTime - Timestamp format for Java | OcpSoft
"PrettyTime is an OpenSource time formatting library. Completely customizable, PrettyTime creates human readable, relative timestamps like those seen on Digg, Twitter, and Facebook. "
PrettyTime is an OpenSource time formatting library. Completely customizable, PrettyTime creates human readable, relative timestamps like those seen on Digg, Twitter, and Facebook. It’s simple, get started “right now!”
Relative time output like "3 minutes ago"
DownloadUntitled Document
3D drawing software demonstration
so cool!
Wow, amazing!
dessin vectoriel avec courbe de bésier mais en 3D, réalisé par James Paterson, le logiciel s'appelle Rhonda et est développé par Amit Pitaru
James Paterson and Amit Pitaru
James Paterson is using "Rhonda", a 3D drawing tool developed by Amit Pitaru circa 2003.
beautiful little 2d drawing tool
Makes drawing fully realized forms seem relatively easy. ( via @jackcheng )
Get the key facts on a wide range of technologies, techniques, strategies, and skills with the help of these concise, need-to-know lists.
10 Linux backup utilities
A dependable backup tool is not a luxury - everyone needs to have one. But that doesn’t mean you need to spend a fortune to get the feature set that meets your needs. Jack Wallen introduces some great Linux backup solutions, including a few that are cross platform.Flash CMS - Manage Flash with Yooba Studio
Flash Content Management (CMS) for professional use, SMB, large business, enterprise and agencies with scalable pricing structure.50 Useful Google Apps for Writers - Learn-gasm
A Squeak fork
a fork from the Squeak open-source Smalltalk. We decided to start Pharo because as active Squeakers, and responsible for Squeak 3.9, we felt the need to reconsider choices made. We want to create a better Smalltalk and be free to enhance it without fear of backwards compatibility. Deciding to start Pharo was not easy because we invested a lot in Squeak (some of us wrote several books on Squeak and in particular Squeak By Example ) and we like the Squeak community, but this is really important for us to open a new space. We want Pharo to be an excellent Smalltalk concerned with software engineering practices. We also want Pharo to be agile and be able to evolve. We hope you will like it and help make it better.
Quelle: UML diagrams online in seconds, no special tools needed.
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; XXXXX like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/241 Safari/419.3Foto-Mosaik-Edda Creates Stunning Photo Mosaics - Pictures - Lifehacker
Foto-Mosaik-Edda Creates Stunning Photo MosaicsCoding Horror: Nobody Hates Software More Than Software Developers
We work at the sausage factory, so we know how this stuff is made. And it is not pretty. Most software is created by bad programmers like us (or worse!), which means that by definition, most software sucks.
"One of the (many) unfortunate side effects of choosing a career in software development is that, over time, you learn to hate software. I mean really hate it. With a passion. Take the angriest user you've ever met, multiply that by a thousand, and you still haven't come close to how we programmers feel about software. Nobody hates software more than software developers. Even now, writing about the stuff is making me physically angry. "The Best Free Software of 2009 - App Launchers - Features by PC Magazine
Fine writing from al3x on the role of feed readers, inexplicably intermixed with a review of Fever.
Feed readers need more intelligence, for certain. The "editorial" aspect, whether it be professional editors or your friends, still carries more weight than computers.
Is this ever exactly the post I needed to read right now as I survey my intimidatingly overstuffed Google Reader page. (I currently subscribe to around a hundred feeds, but some of them are very high volume.)
Today, at least in the web-tech echo chamber, feed reading is quickly falling out of fashion. Too many sites producing too many feeds of dubious quality means information overload, and a creeping sense of obligation to keep up with a torrent of questionably relevant content. Some have gone back to checking a handful of bookmarked sites, as we did in the early days of the web. Others rely on social aggregation sites like Reddit, Digg, and Hacker News to show them what’s worth reading. Both strategies are highly manual and, to me, distressingly unoptimized.
Today, at least in the web-tech echo chamber, feed reading is quickly falling out of fashion. Too many sites producing too many feeds of dubious quality means information overload, and a creeping sense of obligation to keep up with a torrent of questionably relevant content.The First 10 Free Apps to Install on a New Windows PC - Stepcase Lifehack
The First 10 Free Apps to Install on a New Windows PCBest Free Website Analytics Tools | Web Design Ledger
I’m showing you the best free analytics tools available.
Web designers are often website owners. If you fall into this category, you have probably already realized the importance of knowing and understanding who isDIVINE official website
DIVINE official website -
This is great... if it works
Crie templates para Wordpress a partir de uma imagem do Photoshop, AUTOMATICAMENTE.
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Create wordpress themes from Photoshop quickly and easily
este coso dice que le pone a uno en html o (css) lo que genere en Anatomy of a feature
Good description of thinking thru feature implementation. error handling, sync failures, user feedback, etc
Anatomy of a feature: Great step-by-step guide on how an idea gets turned into software. [from]
NetNewsWire's developer Brent Simmons describes all the UI decisions he had to go through before adding the Instapaper functionality to the feed reader's latest beta : "It’s not enough just to write the basic functionality and add a menu item that runs it. Even a feature as simple as this one requires some up-front thinking, some design."
A great post on just how much it really takes to "add this simple feature that does XXX" to software.Nero - Free Version
Download Hulu clips, episodes and videos ( ) to your PC, Ipod, Zune, PSP, Mobile Phone with one-click. You don't need any players to play flash video just play it on the default media player classic. No extra codecs or players needed.Shutdown or Lock your Computer via Internet, Email or SMS on Mobile Phone
Great talk about how to market your product.
Seth Godin on why marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department At last year's conference, Seth gave an inspiring talk on the title of "Why marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department". Make sure you watch it until the end, where he gives a preview of his (then upcoming) Tribes talk.Analysis from the Bottom Up | The Data Model That Nearly Killed Me
On February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law the economic stimulus package that appropriated about $20 billion for heath information technology ("Technology Gets a Piece of Stimulus", New York Times, January 25, 2009. The American Rec
Medical personnel at urgent care and the hospital who interacted with me all used a version of the same electronic health information system (the “system”). It became clear that everyone was fighting that system. Indeed, they wasted between 40% and 60% of their time making the system do something useful for them. The system kept everyone from fulfilling their duties – the health information system did not help medical professionals perform their duties.
scary story, not sure this can be blamed on the data model though; there are probably a dozen layers between people and the data model (including traiining/management acceptance) which have a much greater impact; points are well taken though
On February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law the economic stimulus package that appropriated about $20 billion for heath information technology (”Technology Gets a Piece of Stimulus“, New York Times, January 25, 2009. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Subtitle A—Promotion of Health Information Technology, details the epically massive government program to digitize and network health information.) The law makes a job for yet another bureaucrat to oversee the vast program - is this change we can believe in? It defines rules for health information standards by designating a new standards board - everyone desires more data standards and standards groups. The law also explains how to test systems built with federal money but it does not explain how to measure semantic validity of information - garbage in garbage out! Good luck with all of that Mr. President.GFI Backup Home Edition Features
Check out the features of GFI Backup Home Edition
Backup and Synchronization utility GFI Backup is an easy to use, full-featured package for keeping your collections of files safe and secure. Using the software is easy, with a wizard-based setup for new backup tasks and lots of options to choose from. GFI Backup can do AES encryption, incremental or differential backups, notifications, or file synchronization—and it can backup your data to local folders, FTP, network, or even removable flash drives, making it worth a look for anybody seeking a free but powerful backup solution.Web-based Project Management and Collaboration Tool Online | Zoho Projects
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Plan, track and collaborate on projects. Keep everyone in the loop. A centralized place where relevant project documents and contents are stored, updates are posted, everyone meets to exchange ideas and get work done.
Looking for Tasks and Milestones? We do that too. But above all, Zoho Projects is about helping teams get their projects done.A short history of btrfs []
In this article, we'll take a behind-the-scenes look at the design and development of btrfs on many levels - technical, political, personal - and trace it from its origins at a workshop to its current position as Linus's root file system. Knowing the background and motivation for each step will help you understand why btrfs was started, how it works, and where it's going in the future. By the end, you should be able to hand-wave your way through a description of btrfs's on-disk format.
btrfs is a b-tree based fs that is cow friendly (i.e. by removing sibling links you don't have to copy whole tree on block update). Support snapshots, checksums etc. Implementation comes out of Oracle, has some commonalities with zfs.古いバージョンのアプリケーションがダウンロードできるサイト5選 | コリス
いろいろなアプリケーションの古いバージョンがダウンロードできるサイト集9 Google Labs Projects You Must Try Out! | Maximum PC
d of an objective opinion on what kind of case mod you should attempt next, or you need a bit of advice on how to do something completely out of your sphere of knowledge, Google Moderator offers an open forum for users to pose questions, offer suggestions, and concoct ideas, as well as receive feedback from other anonymous Google users, disguised only by an optional alias. You can scour topics and vote on other people’s opinions, or contribute your own. is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 9 Google Labs Projects You Must Try Out!.
how to use google docs, found on delicious
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The Simplest Content Management System EVER. GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't REQUIREMENTS * Unix/Linux host with PHP 5.1.3+ * No MySQL Database * 6 minutes to spare FEATURE LIST * XML based data storage * Best-in-Class User Interface * 'Undo' protection & backups * Easy to theme * Great documentationPagehand: a new word processor for the Mac
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mussumgrapher.swf (objeto application/x-shockwave-flash)Create Digital Music » Linux Music Workflow: Switching from Mac OS X to Ubuntu with Kim Cascone
the combination of ALSA [a high-performance, kernel-level audio and MIDI system] and JACK [a system for creating low-latency audio, MIDI, and sync connections between applications and computers]. The battle-scarred among us have learned to ignore all the other audio cruft bolted on to Ubuntu and just use ALSA and JACK.The Matrix, but with money: the world of high-speed trading - Ars Technica
The Matrix, but with money
Supercomputers pitted against one another in a high-stakes battle of attack and counterattack over a global network where predatory algorithms trawl the information stream, competing every millisecond to gain an informational advantage over rivals. It sounds like Hollywood fiction, but it's just an average trading day on the stock market.85 Useful Free Mac Apps for Designers
Use apps for designer...or one in pratice at least.
A whole bunch of neat Mac designer apps.Daring Fireball: Ninjawords: iPhone Dictionary, Censored by Apple
wow, that's sad. "Every time I think I’ve seen the most outrageous App Store rejection, I’m soon proven wrong. I can’t imagine what it will take to top this one."
Really? Not only censoring the dictionary, but requiring a rating of 17+: Apple AppStore Fail!
"Apple censored an English dictionary. A dictionary. A reference book. For words contained in all reasonable dictionaries. For words contained in dictionaries that are used every day in elementary school libraries and classrooms. [...] The list of omitted words includes some which have utterly non-objectionable senses: ass, snatch, pussy, cock, and even screw. (Ass and cock appear throughout the King James Bible.) Every time I think I’ve seen the most outrageous App Store rejection, I’m soon proven wrong. I can’t imagine what it will take to top this one. Apple requires you to be 17 years or older to purchase a censored dictionary that omits half the words Steve Jobs uses every day." | You have got to be shitting me.
Stop doing this Apple!
Daring Fireball: Ninjawords: iPhone Dictionary, Censored by Apple
Almost makes me want to reconcider getting an iPhone. Almost. (@via samin)SmillaEnlarger | Get SmillaEnlarger at
SmillaEnlarger is a small graphical tool ( based on Qt ) to resize, especially magnify bitmaps in high quality. ( The used algorithm is an invention of my own )
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Image Resizing without artifacts
Get SmillaEnlarger at Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directorySmillaEnlarger Enlarges Your Images without Artifacts - Image Editing - Lifehacker
SmillaEnlarger is an open-source and portable application designed to help you intensively massage an image enlargement to keep it from looking jagged and filled with artifacts. You can select the level of zoom using the zoom slider and the location of the zoom via the selection box.The prospects of Microsoft Word in the wiki-based world - Ars Technica
Interesting article on the future of MS Word and similar apps in an ever increasing cloud world
What will the future look like for office productivity behemoth Microsoft Word in a post-pring, wiki-based world? Ars writer Jeremy Reimer editorializes on whether Microsoft Word will—or will not—adapt to a drastically changed landscape.How to Upgrade Windows XP to Windows 7
Wow. Como atualizar do XP para o 7! Útil!AutoPagerize
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Very interesting. Also gives some practice methods for improving your programming skills. Google cache: Is the Best Desktop Music Player We've Ever Used - spotify - Lifehacker
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Goes through Windows' crash logs and re-displays every BSOD to assist you in debugging later. Portable. Could be handy.15 Great And Free Photoshop Alternatives
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Rainmeter is a Windows customization application.
Rainmeter is a Windows customization application. Empower your desktop with an expandable library of useful tools – handy notes and application launchers, weather and feeds from the web, system status and more. Then, rearrange and modify them to suit your personal style. With Rainmeter, your desktop is finally yours.Top 24 Linux Apps -
If you are a new or intermediate Linux user, you are probably still looking for some app replacements. Here are 24 of the best Linux apps.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
These apps are high-quality, versatile, professional, reliable, and often available in many different packages (deb, rpm, etc). If you're new to the Linux game, or simply want a list of programs that have been re-verified as excellent by many hundreds of users, this article is for you. To download and install the apps, just go to your built-in package manager.Rainmeter 1.0 Brings the Enigma Desktop to Everyone - Desktop - Lifehacker
Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) is a cross-platform program that allows you to run a wide variety of different little programs. It has become best known for a slew of Twitter clients, the most popular being TweetDeck, but the environment is a lot more useful than just as a platform for the popular microblogging service.
Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) is a cross-platform program that allows you to run a wide variety of different little programs. It has become best known for a slew of Twitter clients, the most popular being TweetDeck, but the environment is a lot more useful than just as a platform for the popular microblogging service. Web designers can find a slew of handy programs that will ease their job. Some of the tools you can find include choosing a color scheme, measuring spaces in your design, editing vector images and a whole lot more. We’ve picked 18 of the best to help you get started.Twenty questions about the GPL
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can save files, play them back right in TubeMaster++ and convert them. What formats can you convert into? A better question would be what form50 expert tips to make your PC faster | News | TechRadar UK
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Checking out this site: [from]WhatsOpen
WhatsOpen is a MacOSX utility designed to aid you in determining what is holding your files open.
WhatsOpen is a MacOSX utility designed to aid you in determining what is holding your files open. There is a common OSX error when trying to eject removable media relating to files being in use. Often times your files are in use by Spotlight or some other internal system and you don’t even know what program to kill to free up the files and allow the media to eject
WhatsOpen is a MacOSX utility designed to aid you in determining what is holding your files open. There is a common OSX error when trying to eject removable media relating to files being in use. Often times your files are in use by Spotlight or some other internal system and you don’t even know what program to kill to free up the files and allow the media to eject. This utility makes that a snap. It also provides many other administrative features you may find useful.
lsof als GUI-VersionLearn Emacs in Ten Years — Edward O’Connor
Somebody emailed me the other day, asking about how to go about learning Emacs. This is my (edited and rearranged) reply. I know you’re something of an emacs wizard, so I thought I might as well ask you: how should I learn emacs? … I’ve used emacs for several years now but have not added very much emacs skill to my repertoire. Well, the short answer is, you should learn Emacs by using it for about a decade. That’s a pretty lame non-answer, so let me try to elaborate.Five Best Video Players - Media Player - Lifehacker
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Cloud computing means you can store your data in web applications and access it from any browser, anywhere—but that doesn't mean you don't need a backup plan. Safeguard your data when a storm's a-brewing in the cloud with these tools. Next time your favorite web site is down or you're locked out of an account, make sure you've got the crucial info you need where you can get to it: on your computer.
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Concentrate helps you work and study more productively by eliminating distractions.
Concentrate helps you work and study more productively by eliminating distractions. To start, create an activity (design, study, write, etc) and choose actions (shown below) to run every time you concentrate. When ready, just click “concentrate." All your distractions will disappear and a timer will appear to help you stay focused.
there is an app for everything. good that this one has a money-back guarantee. $29 for an app-hider with timer? wtfDownloader for Mac OS X - Free Internet download manager for Mac : Folx
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Folx (currently in beta stage) is a free downloader for Mac OS X. It helps you download files of any size via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP. Folx supports auto-resuming and guarantees maximum speed possible thanks to our multi-thread download tasks. With Folx you will be able to download not only separate files, but the whole folders with all the contents via FTP.
Download files quickly and easily Folx (currently in beta stage) is a free downloader for Mac OS X. It helps you download files of any size via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP. Folx supports auto-resuming and guarantees maximum speed possible thanks to our multi-thread download tasks. With Folx you will be able to download not only separate files, but the whole folders with all the contents via FTP. Folx allows you to download everything you need, but at the same time it doesn't prevent you from surfing the Internet. With our download manager you can simply limit the download speed and save your bandwidth for more important tasks. Folx is simple and fast, has zero learning curve and is free, still offering quite a number of advanced features!
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Why PowerPoint kills decision making
As a decision-making aid, PowerPoint is a poor tool
Sub-hed: "As a decision-making aid, PowerPoint is a poor tool"
"Unfortunately, by using PowerPoint inappropriately, we have created a thought process centered on bullets and complex charts. This has a number of impacts. First, it reduces clarity since a bullet is essentially an outline for a sentence and a series of bullets outline a paragraph. They fail to provide the details essential to understanding the ideas being expressed. While this helps immensely with compromise, since the readers can create their own narrative paragraphs from the bullets, it creates problems when people discover what they agreed to is not what they thought they had agreed to. Worse, it creates a belief that complex issues can, and should, be reduced to bullets. It has reached the point where some decision-makers actually refuse to read a two-page briefing paper and instead insist PowerPoint be used."
As a decision-making aid, PowerPoint is a poor tool By T. X. HammesLessons Learned: Embrace technical debt
Invest in technical debts that may never come due.
In a startup, we should take full advantage of our options, even if they feel dirty or riddled with technical debt. Those moralizing feelings are not always reliable. In particular, try these three things: Invest in technical debts that may never come due. The biggest source of waste in new product development is building something that nobody wants. This is a sad outcome which we should work very hard to avoid
bpettichord thoughtful discussion of the pros & cons of technical debt. #yam Software to Create a Social Networking Community with CMS Software : Web Design Resources Blog & Graphics Blog with Lists of Web Site Design Tools
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All of these freeware applications have been in some cases, modified and trimmed down in size to allow them to fit on to a portable device like a USB drive or a portable hard drive. Rather than carrying a bulky laptop, you can carry all your applications and programs, your bookmarks, local servers, emails, passwords, graphic editors and favorite browsers with you anywhere in your pocket. What a great idea!
All of these freeware applications have been in some cases, modified and trimmed down in size to allow them to fit on to a portable device like a USB drive or a portable hard drive. Rather than carrying a bulky laptop, you can carry all your applications and programs, your bookmarks, local servers, emails, passwords, graphic editors and favorite browsers with you anywhere in your pocket. What a great idea! Portable Web Browsers
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Quick Wireframe Prototype ForeUI can rapidly create wireframe prototype of your software or website by dragging predefined elements to the plot. You can also customize your own elements. More...
EaSynth ForeUI is an easy-to-use screen mockup tool, you can use it to create prototype of software or website.
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Your Facebook photos, profile and friends saved to your machine or device - now with Time Capsule!
SocialSafe - Save. Store. Explore. The backup tool for Facebook50 Free Windows Software Alternatives
Looking for free Windows software alternatives? Microsoft Windows bundles a number of software applications in order to provide a basic experience, such as Internet Explorer, Wordpad, and others. In this article, we wil be listing replacements for basic Windows software and utilities. If you have a suggestion, feel free to list it in the comments.11 Open source project management tools
This is the website of the Glendix project, an attempt at porting ideas from the Plan 9 operating system to Linux. Our ultimate goal is to create a minimalist Linux distribution that contains a Plan 9 userspace, instead of the GNU software that is usually provided by most distributions. We are currently restricting our work to the x86 platform only.
"Bringing the beauty of Plan 9 to Linux -- This is the website of the Glendix project, an attempt at porting ideas from the Plan 9 operating system to Linux. Our ultimate goal is to create a minimalist Linux distribution that contains a Plan 9 userspace, instead of the GNU software that is usually provided by most distributions. We are currently restricting our work to the x86 platform only."
An attempt at porting ideas from the Plan 9 operating system to Linux.
I switched back to Linux because I'm so addicted to some ALSA-apps. This might become the best of both worlds.Zinc: Unlimited Internet Video on Demand |
Zinc™ software delivers Internet and downloaded video in an easy to navigate graphical interface. Zinc is designed to be driven with a remote control and displayed on a TV so it is a pleasure to use from the couch. With Zinc you can: * Watch video from the virtually unlimited sources of Internet video content. * Keep track of your favorites and easily see what's new. * Watch video content stored locally on your computer. * Navigate easily with a remote control from the comfort of your couch.
Zinc™ organizes and delivers the best of internet video- we call it an Internet Video Browser. It’s easy to use, and offers fast access to prime time TV episodes, movies from streaming services like Netflix, and web-only content. Connect your computer to your HDTV, and unleash the full power of Zinc. * Top internet video sites are available on a single screen- find something to watch in moments. * There are tens of thousands of programs and movies, all just a click or two away. * Specially styled for display on the Big Screen; bring online video to the living room.
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Windows使い始めてMacより使い勝手いいなあと思ったのは、Aviutlだけかな。 MacのQuickLookとExposeが便利すぎてウィンドウズが使いにくくて仕方がないCoding Horror: All Programming is Web Programming
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Super User is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for computer enthusiasts – on any platform. It's 100% free, no registration requiredハードディスクを丸ごとイメージ化してバックアップ&リストア&クローン可能なフリーソフト「EASEUS Todo Backup」 - GIGAZINE
Windows上からディスクをパーティションごと全部バックアップ可能なのがこのフリーソフト「EASEUS Todo Backup」です。Windows 2000/XP/Vista、さらにはWindows Server 2000/2003/2008にも対応しており、ブータブルCDの作成も可能。FAT12/FAT16/FAT32/NTFSに対応し、IDE/SATA /SCSI/USB外付けHDD/Firewire外付けHDDもサポート、理論上は最大1.5TBまで認識できるようになってい バックアップはセクタ単位でのフルバックアップも選択可能となっており、Windowsが起動したままの状態でバックアップ可能です。さらには圧縮率やパスワード、指定サイズごとの分割、コメント入力による管理、MBRの復元、ディスクコピーによるクローン化、バックアップしたイメージファイルのチェック機能、イメージを仮想ドライブとしてマウントして中のファイルを個別に取り出すなど、フリーとは思えないほど豊富な機能がウリ
dell optiplex 755 でリカバリCDがboot出来るか試してみる。Ultimate Windows Tweaker v2, a Tweak UI for Windows 7 & Vista | The Windows Club
Ultimate Windows Tweaker v 2.0 is a freeware Tweak UI Utility for tweaking and optimizing Windows 7 & Windows Vista, 32-bit & 64-bit.
Ultimate Windows Tweaker v 2.0 is a freeware Tweak UI Utility for tweaking and optimizing Windows 7 & Windows Vista, 32-bit & 64-bit. It can simply be downloaded and used as a portable application to customize your Windows to meet your requirements. With judicious tweaking, it can make your system faster, more stable, and more secure with just a few mouse clicks.
Ultimate Windows Tweaker v 2.0 is a freeware Tweak UI Utility for tweaking and optimizing Windows 7 & Windows Vista, 32-bit & 64-bit. It can simply be downloaded and used as a portable application to customize your Windows to meet your requirements.Startup Tips for Enterprise Software Pricing
Phew! This article ended up being much longer than I expected (I banged it out in one sitting, as I do most articles). I’m still not sure I ans
ubstantial cost to you. This problem is made even more acute by the fact that in a fair numb
Excellent advice for startups for pricing their Enterprise Software!Gizmodo - Step by Step Guide to Jailbreak and Unlock iPhone 3.0 - jailbreak iPhone 3.0 guide
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I recently purchased (ooh, dynamically generated SVG). Because the domain itself is so short (compared to the verbose and in light of the current volatility exhibited by third-party url shorteners, I thought I would try my hand at rolling my own shortener. A few people have inquired about it so here we are.
Lessn is an extremely simple, personal url shortener written in PHP with MySQL and mod_rewrite.
Free and simple URL shortener software.BlackBerry App World - Home
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25 years of PowerPoint. But does it really help us create better presentations?
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An article from the BBC Web site magazine with useful tips on avoiding common problems with PowerPoint (written to celebrate 25 years of PowerPoint) Home Page
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拡張現実ドラムマシン リズムマシンExclusive: First Look at Blue Spruce, IBM's Next Generation Browser Platform - ReadWriteWeb
IBM's browser as platform project
He replied that customers have been consistently telling them for 1-1.5 years now that they don't want to do installs anymore. Their customers want the rich experience that desktop apps have traditionally provided, but they want to have it in the browser. Collaboration and sharing data is also a trend that IBM is tapping into with Blue Spruce.
Interesting piece about what IBM's Emerging Technology team is up to.
ReadWriteWeb was given an exclusive first look at Blue Spruce.Set Up Space-Saving, Permanent Gmail and Reader Tabs in Firefox - Firefox - Lifehacker
So here's the deal. I like having my Gmail always open. (Who doesn't, right?) It's literally the first thing I go to in Firefox. But I don't want it to be my homepage, and frankly, I don't like the fact I have to always leave a full sized tab open just to keep an eye on my inbox. I am a fan of minimal, yet functional and attractive interfaces.
So here's the deal. I like having my Gmail always open. (Who doesn't, right?) It's literally the first thing I go to in Firefox. But I don't want it to be my homepage, and frankly, I don't like the fact I have to always leave a full sized tab open just to keep an eye on my inbox. I am a fan of minimal, yet functional and attractive interfaces.
ynesketch follows the same train of thought. It is a software library (Java API) for sensing and creative visualization of textual emotions! Code is serving as a medium between words, emotions, and images; between poetry and painting. Gluing computers with our emotions and aesthetic experiences, it is both a software innovation and an interactive art experiment. Also, it is the first of that kind that is also a free open-source project – not just a closed academic research experiment – so that the whole community can benefit from it. The name ‘Synesketch’ is a portmanteau of ‘synesthesia’ and ‘sketch’ – where ‘sketch’ does not only refer to drawings, but also to the Processing artworks called ‘sketches’.Conversie van postcode naar straat + woonplaats
Door de data van bevat #6pp al meer dan 50% van het totaal aantal postcodes in Nederland. Dank aan JWvdV voor de import.Project 6PP ontsluit vrije geografische gegevens in Nederland. Plaatsen, postcodes, straten en geo-coördinaten zijn toegankelijk als wiki, webservice en downloads.
Project 6PP ontsluit vrije geografische gegevens in Nederland. Plaatsen, postcodes, straten en geo-coördinaten zijn toegankelijk als wiki, webservice en downloadsApple Is Growing Rotten To The Core: Official Google Voice App Blocked From App Store
Obvious Apple is Obvious: Google Voice rejected for App Store; follows Apple pulling voice-enabled Google apps. [from]
Earlier today we learned that Apple had begun to pull all Google Voice-enabled applications from the App Store, citing the fact that they “duplicate features that come with the iPhone”. Now comes even worse news: we’ve learned that Apple has blocked Google’s official Google Voice application itself from the App Store. In other words, Google Voice — one of the best things to happen to telephony services in a very long time — will have no presence at all on the App Store.
Earlier today we learned that Apple had begun to pull all Google Voice-enabled applications from the App Store, citing the fact that they ...So you've just been hired by an IT department... (Software Engineering Tips)
Notify provides a simple and elegant way of keeping track of what's in your Gmail inbox. With support for multiple accounts, and a beautiful tabbed user interface, you can't go wrong with Notify.
Notify provides a simple and elegant way of keeping track of what\'s in your Gmail inbox. With support for multiple accounts, and a beautiful tabbed user interface, you can\'t go wrong with Notify.
Notify – An awesome new Gmail Notifier for OS X – Vibealicious Like a menubar app, but better.Since Notify sits up in your menu bar, it stays out of the way until you need it. When you do need, it, you can easilyaccess all of your mail accounts in a manner that... はてなブックマーク - Notify – An awesome new Gmail Notifier for OS X – Vibealicious はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann macGamasutra - Features - Dirty Coding Tricks
[When the schedule is shot and a game needs to ship, programmers may employ some dirty coding tricks to get the game out the door. In an article originally published in Gamasutra sister publication Game Developer magazine earlier this year, here are nine real-life examples of just that.]
ith a rotated camera at level start -- the other two platforms we
More tricks described in the comments!How To Rip DVDs with VLC :: the How-To Geek
Computer Help from your Friendly How-To GeekMP3 Diags
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Folder filter
End-user documentation for MP3 Diags, an MP3 analysis tool that also includes correction and tag editing functionalityOpenShot Video Editor
OpenShot is just a Python program, so we just need 1 installer for that. Check. x264, Frie0r, FFmpeg, and MLT. That's 4 more. Check. Now, since these "dependency" packages are not Python, we need to be sure and build these 4 packages against the following versions of Ubuntu: * 32 Bit - Ubuntu 8.04
Easy to use, open-source, non-linear video editor for LinuxComplete Guide to Making Outlook Faster (Than Molasses) - Outlook - Lifehacker
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Removes restrictions on PDFs through an upload.Movement - Arranging your iPhone apps shouldn't take all day
アプリ管理。要Jailbreak。Make Photoshop Faster
Both useful and pretty. There are precisely 2 good Photoshop performance tips here, but the real draw is Dan Rubin's luscious CSS3-implemented design.Unify: update now
Edit website content right on the page …in a browser.
In-browser text editing, might suit the bookstore
small content editor for static sitesThe Ultimate Mac Setup for Bloggers (60 Apps) – Mac.AppStorm
a list of applications and their compatibilty status with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Below is a list of applications and their compatibilty status with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, the most recent operating system from Apple. Please collaborate by sharing your experiences using each application and by adding applications not already listed. Simply click EDIT at the bottom of the page to contribute.Making Sense of Revision-control Systems - ACM Queue
This Mac-based front end to your Google Reader account integrates with Twitter and other Google services. In beta, but looks promising.
Gruml allows you to view and manage your feed subscriptions of your Google Reader account on Mac OS X. Read your newsfeeds, manage them in folders, tag them, and much more – all in sync with your Google Reader account.How XML Threatens Big Data : Dataspora Blog
Back in 2000, I went to France to build a genomics platform. A biotech hired me to combine their in-house genome data with that of public repositories like Genbank. The problem was the repositories, all with millions of records, each had their own format. It sounded like a massive, nightmarish data interoperability project. And an ideal fit for a hot new technology : XML
Three Rules for XML Rebels 1. Stop Inventing New Formats 2. Obey the Fifteen Minute Rule 3. Embrace Lazy Data Modeling
Un point de vue intéressant sur le xml, à rebours des conceptions en sciences de l'info (en tout cas les miennes)
Excellent thoughtful article on data bureaucracy and the limitations of XML.Probably the best free security list in the world
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Demo of an incredible vector drawing application written by Ivan Sutherland in 1963.
can't be as good as everything
Developed in 1963, decades ahead of its time. Fascinating.
Ivan Sutherlandsuperf4 - Project Hosting on Google Code
There's a certain hierarchy to how you can close Windows apps, including the polite "File->Exit" menu option and the more thorough "End Process" in Windows' task manager. SuperF4, however, is like DDT for apps you want gone right away. What's the advantage over the reliable Task Manager method? For one, SuperF4, which resides in memory as a background application, is quicker to fire off, especially if your system is herky-jerky and getting to Task Manager is slow going. Secondly, it doesn't ask you to confirm that you really want to end this program or process—hit Ctrl+Alt+F4, and the currently focused program just gets terminated, no questions asked. Hit the Windows key and F4, and you get a familiar skull and crossbones icon to click on a specific app to kill out. Finally, the developer notes that his app actually pulls the plug on most apps, whereas Task Manager "only asks the program to quit, and lets it decide for itself what to do."10 Awesome Websites That Help You Discover the Best Web Apps | Inspired Magazine
WebApps, BestOf, Websites
// If you're watching the blogosphere close enough, you can observe a new trend coming along pretty quick - the application blog, whether is focused onWindows 7 Sins — The case against Microsoft and proprietary software
Free Software Foundation
FSF launches campaign against Windows 7 and proprietary software Windows 7 Sins: The case against Microsoft and proprietary software The new version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, Windows 7, has the same problem that Vista, XP, and all previous versions have had -- it's proprietary software. Users are not permitted to share or modify the Windows software, or examine how it works inside. The fact that Windows 7 is proprietary means that Microsoft asserts legal control over its users through a combination of copyrights, contracts, and patents. Microsoft uses this power to abuse computer users. At, the Free Software Foundation lists seven examples of abuse committed by Microsoft.
Important notice regarding impending lack of privacy, freedom and security from Microsoft Corporation.
El cuarto pecado es el que más me repele de Windows!インストールされているソフトのライセンスキーをぶっこ抜いてくれるフリーウェア『LicenseCrawler』 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
Tom DeMarco, one of my heroes, is brave, and has adapted his earlier ideas
"I’m gradually coming to the conclusion that software engineering is an idea whose time has come and gone. I still believe it makes excellent sense to engineer software. But that isn’t exactly what software engineering has come to mean. "
Software Engineering...
DeMarco Reflects on 40 Years of Software Engineering EvolutionMake a bootable USB installer for Windows XP, Vista, 7 with WinToFlash
(no description)
WinToFlash is a software for transfer your Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7 setup from CD or DVD to flash in some mouse clicks. This is about you can install your Windows from flash card, USB stick, HDD, etc to your computer or netbook. And this is not all it can do. WinToFlash can transfer your live CD/DVD to flash card, for example, BartPE. After all you can erase your Flash card and format it with you Windows for every day use.Picok
Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It's an open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own.
Opensource dashboard like igoogle integrating lotus notes
Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It's an open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own. Picok is written in PHP 5, uses the Yahoo User Interface Library and Zend Framework Components and supports MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Lotus Notes and is ready to be integrated into your corporate intranet, website or community platform as well.
Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It's an open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own. Picok is written in PHP 5, uses the Yahoo User Interface Library and Zend Framework Components and supports MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Lotus Notes and is ready to be integrated into your corporate intranet, website or community platform as well.
Personal Information Cockpit
"Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It's an open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own."10 Fabulous Free Mac Social Apps
You've got a Mac, and you love social media. Now what? Check out our list of 10 fabulous free apps to make your Mac more social.
If you’re a Mac user and a social media addict, what’s better than social apps for the Mac? Free social apps for the Mac, of course! In this post we’ll take a look at 10 gratis programs for connecting to your social world via OS X. From file sharing to instant messaging, from Twitter to social television, there is very likely something on this list for you.11 useful Windows apps that tie in to your GMail account
NasBackup is an easy to use interface for the powerful rsync backup utility. You can use NasBackup right out of the box and easily schedule backups from your machine to another machine on your network. Underneath the GUI is still all the power of rsync, if you're familiar with rsync commands you can edit the main.phase file in the NasBackup directory to including any rsync tweaks you like. Even if you never get under the hood and mess around however, NasBackup is quite capable. Once you select the data you want backed up, the destination on the remote computer, and tell NasBackup how frequently to back the data up, from there out it works in the background incrementally backing up your data to the remote disk. If you're interested in shopping around for a backup solution, make sure to check out our previous Hive Five on best backup tools. NasBackup is open source,Antibody Software - WizMouse makes your mouse wheel work on the window under the mouse
Scroll window under mouse instead of window currently in focus
I'f you're switching from OS X, you want this: 'WizMouse is a mouse enhancement utility that makes your mouse wheel work on the window currently under the mouse pointer, instead of the currently focused window. This means you no longer have to click on a window before being able to scroll it with the mouse wheel. This is a far more comfortable and practical way to make use of the mouse wheel. WizMouse can also optionally enable the mouse wheel in applications that don't support it. It does this by translating mouse wheel commands into scroll bar commands that all applications can understand and process.'
don't have to click on a window to scroll it, just move your mouse over it
Enables scroll for non-focused windows in Windows with the mouse wheel
PC users need to try WizMouse for power scrolling. You won't want to go back. Thanks @Tekzilla! [from]20 Creative Apps For Your iPhone
kul, but most of them ain't freeFever° Red hot. Well read.
Server based RSS feed engine.LicenseCrawler Retrieves License Keys for Backup - Software - Lifehacker
icenseCrawler is a portable and free tool for retrieving serial numbers and product keys from your computer. A simple scan with LicenseCrawler ensures you'll never be left trying to reinstall software without the proper key.Back to School: Top 10 iPhone Apps for Students
It's time to head back to school, so here's a list of 10 iPhone apps that will make your life much easier on campus this year.Home : Inform
The current Inform websitePhotoshop ブレンドモードを使いこなしてワンランク上の画像合成 | DesignWalker
Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard is designed to protect your Mac from certain incompatible software that can quit unexpectedly or cause other issues in Mac OS X v10.6. When you install Snow Leopard or migrate to Snow Leopard, known-incompatible software is moved to a folder named Incompatible Software on your hard drive. Snow Leopard also prevents known-incompatible software from opening. If you see an "Incompatible software" message, contact the software's vendor or visit their website for a later, compatible version.
"During installation, Snow Leopard moves known-incompatible software to a folder named Incompatible Software at the root level of the hard drive. If you see this folder on your Mac, use the table below to check with the software vendor to see if any Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard-compatible updates are available."Home (Peer Block)
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Some good tools.You're a little company, now act like one - Blog - Startups + Marketing + Geekery
Even before I had a single customer, I "knew" it was important to look professional. My website would need to look and feel like a "real company." I need culture-neutral language complimenting culturally-diverse clip-art photos of frighteningly chipper co-workers huddled around a laptop, awash with the thrill and delight of configuring a JDBC connection to SQL Server 2008.
Why small companies should look and act like small companies instead of fluffing their feathers
ade $800,000 in their first year of operations, so don't tell me "big companies" need to hear garbage PR/marketing language. Balsamiq got 100 product reviews during their first six weeks of operation, so don't tell me "a couple of guys in a studio" isn't a good public persona.
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If you've got a few minutes, stylish script, and a scanner, FontCapture can turn your handwriting into a font. That keeps all your mad-scientist notes on the computer, yet still gives them that..TweetMyMac
TweetMyMac lets you get screenshots, iSight snapshots, and your IP address from your Mac just by sending a direct message to your specially setup Mac controlling account. You can start torrents remotely, shutdown your Mac and more.
Use Twitter to control a Mac remotely
TweetMyMac lets you get screen shots, iSight snapshots, your IP address, and more from your Mac just by sending a direct message to a Twitter account you create specifically for this purpose.Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Scott Hanselman's 2009 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows
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Liste de logiciels de bases de données classés par modèle de gestion de l'information (relationnel, XML, RDF...)What Visualization Tool/Software Should You Use? – Getting Started | FlowingData
A wiki of software for educators by educators
place for software recommendations for educators.Coding Horror: Software Pricing: Are We Doing It Wrong?
"...the idea that software should be priced low enough to pass the average user's "why not" threshold is a powerful one."
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What I think isn't well understood here is that low prices can be a force multiplier all out of proportion to the absolute reduction in price. Valve software has been aggressively experimenting in this area; consider the example of the game Left 4 Dead: Valve co-founder Gabe Newell announced during a DICE keynote today that last weekend's half-price sale of Left 4 Dead resulted in a 3000% increase in sales of the game, posting overall sales (in dollar amount) that beat the title's original launch performance. It's sobering to think that cutting the price in half, months later, made more money for Valve in total than launching the game at its original $49.95 price point. (And, incidentally, that's the price I paid for it. No worries, I got my fifty bucks worth of gameplay out of this excellent game months ago.) The experiments didn't end there. Observe the utterly non-linear scale at work as the price of software is experimentally reduced even further on their Steam network: The mass
One of the side effects of using the iPhone App store so much is that it's started to fundamentally alter my perception of software pricing. So many excellent iPhone applications are either free, or no more than a few bucks at most. That's below the threshold of impulse purchase and squarely in no-brainer territory for anything decent that I happen to be interested in.Turn Google Voice into a Growl-Friendly Mac App - Google Voice - Lifehacker
Google Voice's web site is handy, but keeping it open in a browser tab is a pain. Mac users, however, can get Growl notifications, complete with transcript previews, and app badge updates with the handy Fluid app.Photoshopの動作を軽快にするための10のポイント | コリス
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"This pattern — “success” based on forecasted future success instead of current success — shows up all over the tech-business press. Instead of metrics like “they make more money than they spend” we see stuff like “user count growth” and “followers” and “impressions” and “friends” and “visits” qualify success. Whenever you see someone piling big numbers into made up metrics, it’s a diversion."
This pattern — “success” based on forecasted future success instead of current success — shows up all over the tech-business press. Instead of metrics like “they make more money than they spend” we see stuff like “user count growth” and “followers” and “impressions” and “friends” and “visits” qualify success. Whenever you see someone piling big numbers into made up metrics, it’s a diversion.
This pattern — “success” based on forecasted future success instead of current success — shows up all over the tech-business press. Instead of metrics like “they make more money than they spend” we see stuff like “user count growth” and “followers” and “impressions” and “friends” and “visits” qualify success.Fotobounce - Photo organizing with face recognition
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"Appolicious is designed with you in mind – a site where you can quickly find mobile apps you’ll love."Why I’m Done Making Desktop Applications: MicroISV on a Shoestring
Why this developer switched his bingo calculator from a desktop app to a web app and increased conversion; Why I’m Done Making Desktop ApplicationsIf Architects Had to Work Like Web Designers
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BatteryCare is a software created to optimize the usage and performance of the modern laptop's battery It monitors the battery's discharge cycles and helps increasing it's autonomy and improving its lifetime
BatteryCare is a software created to optimize the usage and performance of the modern laptop's battery
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How come you can recognise the tune of the number one song of 1968 as being Hey Jude by the Beatles, but not the number two song? Why has the iPod had the success that the Zune has been denied?...
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If you don't want to spend time micro-designing an icon and you've already got a source image, SimplyIcon makes creating your buttons and icons a drag-and-drop matter. Download the SimplyIcon package, extract the executable and DLL file to a folder, run the program, and you're presented with a simple dialogue box and the instructions to drag and drop an image onto it. Once you drag and drop the image, SimplyIcon creates a variety of icon files in various sizes—up to 128x128 if you source image is large enough. You won't find any image editing tools or tweaks on SimplyIcon, it accepts whatever image you drag into it and cranks out an icon file. If that's good enough for you, it's definitely a download you'll want to keep stashed in your home folder.Top 10 Tricks for Creatively Hiding Your Stuff - Security - Lifehacker
Every kid has a creative stash for secret stuff, but that useful enthusiasm doesn't have to die off just because we've traded treehouses for desks. See how you can hide money, files, workspaces, and more in today's Top 10.
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Apple questioned Apple, AT&T, and Google about the rejection of the Google Voice iPhone App. This is Apple's response, which also discusses the approval process for inclusion in the App Store.
Apple responds to the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau’s inquiry dated July 31, 2009, requesting information regarding Apple’s App Store and its application approval process. Includes response to why Google Voice was - Create a Groupsite for Work, Life, Anything
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ライフハッカーでは、何年もの間に、ありとあらゆるアプリを数えきれないほどご紹介してきました。数が多過ぎて、一体どの無料アプリが良いのか分かんないよ! という方も多いのではないでしょうか。今回は、そんなMacユーザーの皆さまに、ライフハッカー無料アプリパックfor Mac OS Xをご用意しました。
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Five Best Virtual-Desktop Managers - Virtual Desktops - Lifehacker -
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Long before multiple monitors were popular (or financially feasible), there were virtual desktops—applications that allow you to swap your entire workspace with another for easy compartmentalization of your work. Here's a look at five of the most popular virtual-desktop managers.
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ouse cursor off the edge of one display to have it on another adjacent display. It also creates a single virtual clipboard to allow the copy and pasting across the many displays. With Synergy comes a handy module for synchronizing your screensavers across multiple displays so that they run in tandem. If there is a password required after screensave
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potential iPhone native “Contacts” app replacement. With groups you can manage your contacts easily, organizing them using drag and drop. Your created groups will synchronize with iPhone’s Contact app. Email groups of people easily with this app, call or SMS anyone easily, all with a very sexy interface.LiLi USB Creator's Official Website ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.......................
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It also offers an exclusive option of automatic virtualization to launch directly this Linux in Windows without any configuration nor installation.
I'm a free and open source software for Windows that allows you to create a portable and bootable USB stick running Linux. I also offers an exclusive option of automatic virtualization to launch directly this Linux in Windows without any configuration nor installation.PicoPlay - small music player
This player was designed with one purpose in mind: don't distract or use resources that you need for more important things.
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As with rock music, video games, and other awesome pursuits, great web applications often don't get enough credit for what they do well. We're revisiting and updating our favorite underhyped webapps to give a new crop of contenders their due.
hat specializes in fully-featured Flash apps, and they're seemingly engaged in a dare to see how much users can ge14 Practical Ways to Use Evernote : The World : Idea Hub :: American Express OPEN Forum
I use a service called Evernote to fulfill my pack-rat and archiving needs. Evernote is a service “in the cloud” that you can dump notes
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If you believe that content has been posted without permission, or contains inappropriate or illegal elements, please notify us at We will review the content in question and take the appropriate steps necessary in accordance with our Privacy Guidelines and Terms of Use. Please include a picture of the photo or video that you would like us to remove.How To: Rip Your Music Like a Pro - How To - Gizmodo
For most people, dropping a CD into their disc drive and clicking
For most people, dropping a CD into their disc drive and clicking "Import" in iTunes is good enough. For music freaks, though, it's not—and with good reason. Here's how to digitize your tunes, the right way. First off, some reasons to take this road: iTunes is a decent audio encoder, and it'll get your music from point A—the CD—to points B, C and D—your computer, your MP3 player and your backup drive—without much trouble. But it'll do it with a less-than-great encoder, with occasionally inconsistent tagging, with album art that'll only work on Apple devices, and without support for the best lossless audio formats and MP3 encoding options, which you probably want, whether you know it or not. In short, the ripping process deserves a little more care than iTunes or Windows Media player can give it. You can pay people for this, which feels dumb and wasteful, or you can do it yourself. It's not difficult, at all. Here's what you do:
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20+ Mac Apps to Increase Your Productivity: Years ago, one of the criticisms lobbed at the Mac platform was that.. [from]Gmail・Flickr・Twitterなど、主なオンラインサービスをバックアップする方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
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最近は 「 ローカルにバックアップ 」 という概念がなくなってきつつある。Five Best Time-Tracking Applications - Time management - Lifehacker
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Thursday morning's GDC Austin keynote was met with a large crowd as Blizzard Entertainment's J. Allen Brack and Frank Pearce took the stage to offer a detailed look into the inner workings of the genre-dominating World of Warcraft.Welcome -
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Users hate change, so it's usually best to stay with a familiar design and evolve it gradually. In the long run, however, incrementalism eventually destroys cohesiveness, calling for a new UI architecture.
to redesign or not to redesign...that is the question.
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox
Jakob Nielse advocates for design that relies on what you have.Obie Fernandez: 10 Reasons Pair Programming Is Not For the Masses
erview week rotating on actual production code, pairing with the same people they'll be working with if they're hired. Everyone gets a say in whether to hire a new recruit, and hesitance from a developer that actually paired with them means they do not get hired.Papercut
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Shipping is a feature. A really important feature. Your product must have it.
Jamie Zawinski is what I would call a duct-tape programmer. And I say that with a great deal of respect. He is the kind of programmer who is hard at work building the future, and making useful things so that people can do stuff. He is the guy you want on your team building go-carts, because he has two favorite tools: duct tape and WD-40. And he will wield them elegantly even as your go-cart is careening down the hill at a mile a minute.12 Best Adobe AIR Applications for Web Designers | Web Design Ledger
If you’re unfamiliar with Adobe AIR, it’s a cross-operating system platform that allows developers to use HTML, Ajax, and Flash to build desktop applications. In the past couple of years AIR has gained a lot of popularity, and there’s been a lot of great applications created, including some that are very useful to web designers. Here are 12 of these AIR apps for web designers that really stand out in terms of functionality and
Our objective is to let users boot their machines with bare minimal requirements on their side, and we will handle most of the problem that you may face in booting. All that user needs is Internet connectivity and a small program (gpxe) to boot the machine. This gpxe program provides network booting facility. You can download these program from our site (available at Downloads section). Also, you can find a list of distributions and tools that can be booted with BKO here. Your small 56KB gpxe program can boot any of these options!WebsiteSpark - Home
った。でも、今のところターゲットはIEだけだ。 それは正当な行為だと思える。IEはGoogleの宿敵Microsoftの製品だが、ユーザ数ナンバーワンのWebブラウザであると同時に、Webの標準規格から外れたところの多い問題児だ。IE7からはやや良くなったが、まだほめられたものではない。標準性の問題だけでなくパフォーマンスも良くない。Chrome Frameは、ChromeのWebkitとJavaScriptエンジンの最SlickPlan - Free Flowcharts | Free Sitemap | Flowchart Design | Sitemap Design | Flowchart Design | Creating Flowcharts
SlickPlan is a web-based sitemap/flowchart generator that allows for the creation of free sitemap and flowchart design. SlickPlan was handcrafted with PHP/MySQL and jQuery by the Dayton website design team at Atomic Interactive.Monochrome Blog - If architects had to work like software developers
Dear Mr. Architect: Please design and build me a house. I am not quite sure of what I need, so you should use your discretion. My house should have somewhere between two and forty-five bedrooms. Just make sure the plans are such that the bedrooms can be easily added or deleted. When you bring the blueprints to me, I will make the final decision of what I want. Also, bring me the cost breakdown for each configuration so that I can arbitrarily pick one.
Spot on.PhotoLapse Makes Time-Lapse Movie Creation a Snap - Time Lapse - Lifehacker
stop animationBuilding a Conference Website and Giving It All Away: How It Was Done at DrupalCampLA 2009 | was built on Drupal 6 using core & contributed modules to handle event registration, sponsorship management, featured speakers, user bio's, and session proposals.
handling of sponsorship pages example.Matasano Security LLC - Chargen - Indie Software Security: A ~12 Step Program
Good presentation
1 hr talk (via DaringFireball) - Benutzer über Browserupdates informieren
Inform your visitors about browser-updates
Benutzer über Browserupdates informieren
This service is an opportunity to inform your visitors unobtrusively to switch to a newer browser. Many internet users are still using very old, out-dated browsers – most of them for no actual reason. Switching to an newer browser is better for them and for you as a webdesigner.Google Quick Search Box
a google app kinda like quicksilver
Google Quick Search Box
search bar combines desktop and internetInstalling Google Chrome OS | Google Chrome Browser
First things first you will need to download Google Chrome OS Beta and Virtual Box. Once you have downloaded the .ISO file and unzipped it you can create your virtual disk.Google Book Downloader Downloads Books to PDF - Google Books - Lifehacker
Windows: Thanks to Google's drive to add more and more books to the Google Books project, including thousands of public domain volumes, you'll find quite a nice selection to choose from. Google Book Downloader helps you download them to PDF.Google Maps Downloader Offline Maps
Ça peut être sympa pour faire une carte à partie de Google Maps.What Pair-Programing is Not
People often ask how can I justify two people when one will do. Will this not, just double my cost? To answer this question I think it is important to discuss what pair-programing is not.
At the simplest level pairing is helping people one-on-one, not through emails, let me show you behind a keyboard, instead of telling you in abstract. The amount of pairing and keeping each other on track depends on many things, but you will find that more you pair the more you will learn from each other and the better the code becomes.
Must show this to a few people.
I sacrificed my productivity to make Arthur productive in a single day. If I did not it would take Arthur weeks before he would figure out how to set everything up how things worked and enough courage to fix a bug. Yet that is exactly what most companies do. Think about the confidence Arthur had on day one working with us. He was up and ready and he fixed two bugs on day one.Best of the Best: Hive Five Winners, April through September 2009 - Best of - Lifehacker
Our Hive Five asks readers to identify five of the best tools for any job, then vote for the absolute best. Here's a look back at the winners—the best of the best—from each week. Every week we pose a question to you, the computer savvy readers of Lifehacker. Tirelessly we search for the next "Which is best?" question and through the hive mind we distill down your thousands of nominations into a list of the top five candidates. You vote on the best of the best and we return the next week to declare a champion. The following list showcases the winners in each of the categories we covered in the third quarter of 2009. If a particular category catches your eye and you'd like to see the other contenders, click on the name of the category to jump to the original Hive Five post, clicking on the name of the winner will take you directly to the winner's web site.40+ Desert Island Web Development Tools « Smashing Magazine
Includes: Notepad++, Blender, GIMP, Audacity, VLC, Winamp, FileZilla, XAMPP, RubyOnRails, OpenOffice, Foxit Reader, TrueCrypt, Pidgin and more!
Los de smashign siempre tan prácticos. Un listado de aplicaciones para llevarse a una isla desierta. Portables, y freeware. Realmente útil la lista...10 Excellent and Free Blog Editors for the Desktop
I already knew most of them
Great Blog / publishing solutions for the desktop or portable apps
In this article, we briefly review some top-notch free desktop blog editors for you to consider.Windows Service Manager!
Display the context menu and notice the new Copy Path menu.
hich implements the IContextMenu and IShellExtInit interfaces in .NET 2.0. I plan to cleanup the code and create a codeproject article but that task always falls to the bottom, so I'm providing the util without code in case anyone finds it useful.
Neat tool!
This Windows application injects a "Copy Path" menu that displays when you right-click a folder in Windows Explorer. Freeware.
created a File Link shell extension in C++ a while back that allows you to copy path-info (full path, location, filename, UNC) for one or more files to the clipboard .Pollux: Automatically Organize and Fix Your Music Library
Completely automatic and easy to use ✹ Tags name, artist, album, album art, genre, year, and lyrics ✹ Analyzes the track's unique fingerprint, so it can never be wrong ✹ No existing track information necessary ✹ Automatically corrects each track's information as it is added to iTunesThe best free open source Mac apps -- Reality Distortion: Macs, Mac OS X, and Apple stuff
The best free open source Mac apps -- Reality Distortion: Macs, Mac OS X, and Apple stuff - - iPhone - Apps for Everything
Get a closer look at iPhone games and applications you can download from iTunes.
Once you discover the App Store, you’ll see how applications can make your iPhone do just about anything. There are thousands of iPhone apps to choose from. Here are a few that will help you get the most out your iPhone, wherever you go.adaptive path » blog » Dan Harrelson » Rapid Prototyping Tools Revisited
Dazzboard - an ‘Open iTunes’ from Finland... let's see how it unfolds and whether the market is ready for another one of these betas..mxcl's homebrew at masterbrew - GitHub
a package manager for osx using ruby git
alternative to macports
Neat approach to package management for OS XTop 10 Web Collaboration Tools (That Aren't Google Wave) - Collaboration - Lifehacker
tools for discussion of business
Useful list of collaboration tools online (assuming you aren't on Google Wave yet!)
You've probably heard about a hard-to-get, hugely new service called Google Wave. Lest ye forget, there are plenty of web-based collaboration tools that don't require learning a new way of speaking. Here are a few of our (mostly free) favorites.How to Run Android Applications on Ubuntu - Step-by-step tutorial with screenshots - Softpedia
How to Run Android Applications on Ubuntu - Step-by-step tutorial with screenshotsQueued - SitePen, Inc.
Queued is first and foremost a technology demo created to show how you can use Adobe AIR and the Dojo Toolkit to create rich hybrid applications that connect to outside data while allowing users to work and modify the data offline.
the netflix appHow to Install WordPress on your Local Computer in 5 Minutes - WordPress on Windows
This tutorial describes how you can install WordPress on your local computer in 5 minutes using the free Web Installer from Microsoft. You don't have to be a geek and the process of installing WordPress is as simple as installing another Windows application.
ek t7 cool VLC features worth knowing | GHABUNTU
For most people, VLC is the favorite media player because it plays everything they throw at it without hiccups. No hunting for codec. But VLC can do a lot of other things as well. Find out how many of these listed below you knew, and how many you did not.Haskell Platform Download (Beta)
“The Haskell Platform is a blessed library and tool suite for Haskell distilled from Hackage, along with installers for a wide variety of machines. The contents of the platform is specified here: Haskell: Batteries Included.”
This is the the Haskell Platform, version 2009.2.0.2: a single, standard Haskell distribution for every system. The Haskell Platform is a blessed library and tool suite for Haskell distilled from Hackage, along with installers for a wide variety of machines. The contents of the platform is specified here: Haskell: Batteries Included.
This is the the Haskell Platform, version 2009.2.0.2: a single, standard Haskell distribution for every system.PhotoSketch
We present a system that composes a realistic picture from a simple freehand sketch annotated with text labels. The composed picture is generated by seamlessly stitching several photographs in agreement with the sketch and text labels; these are found by searching the Internet. Although online image search generates many inappropriate results, our system is able to automatically select suitable photographs to generate a high quality composition, using a filtering scheme to exclude undesirable images. We also provide a novel image blending algorithm to allow seamless image composition. Each blending result is given a numeric score, allowing us to find an optimal combination of discovered images. Experimental results show the method is very successful; we also evaluate our system using the results from two user studies.
follow up on this
We present a system that composes a realistic picture from a simple freehand sketch annotated with text labels.
PhotoSketch "tillverkar" bilder utifrån vad användaren vill ha med för objekt i fotot.
GeneratorThis Is a Photoshop and It Blew My Mind - Photosketch - Gizmodo
eine Software, die nur durch eine Textbeschreibung komplette Bilder malen kann. What. The. Fuck?
Cool toy: 'PhotoSketch is an internet-based program that can take the rough, labeled sketch on the left and automagically turn it into the naff montage on the right.'
Blends photos in an intelligent way from a sketch
According to authors, their software can take any rough sketch, with the shape of each element labeled with its name, find images corresponding to each drawn element, judge which are a better match to the shapes, and then seamlessly merge it all into one single image. PhotoSketch's blending algorithm analyzes each of these images, compares them with each other, and decides which are better for the blending process. It automatically traces and places them into a single photograph, matching the scene, and adding shadows. Of course, the results are less than perfect, but they are good enough:LiberKey - All softwares - La compilation portable de logiciels gratuits et libresPhotoFilmStrip - Home
PhotoFilmStrip creates movies out of your pictures in just 3 steps. First select your photos, customize the motion path and render the video. There are several output possibilities for VCD, SVCD, DVD up to FULL-HD.
Make a movie from still images ala Ken BurnsPhotoSketch: Internet Image Montage on Vimeo
We present a system that composes a realistic picture from a simple freehand sketch annotated with text labels. The composed picture is generated by seamlessly stitching several photographs in agreement with the sketch and text labels; these are found by searching the Internet. Although online image search generates many inappropriate results, our system is able to automatically select suitable photographs to generate a high quality composition, using a filtering scheme to exclude undesirable images. We also provide a novel image blending algorithm to allow seamless image composition. Each blending result is given a numeric score, allowing us to find an optimal combination of discovered images. Experimental results show the method is very successful; we also evaluate our system using the results from two user studies.
スケッチを描くとそれにあう画像を検索してくれるツール35 Mac Apps to Improve Your Web Browsing Experience – Mac.AppStorm
35 Mac Apps to Improve Your Web Browsing Experience [from]
Safari AddonsPhotoshop CS5なんて目じゃなくね?落書きからそれっぽい写真を合成する『Photosketch』がやばすぎる件・・・ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
おぉ・・・っ!50 Essential Web Apps for Freelancers – Web.AppStorm
When you make the decision to go out on your own, you are faced with many choices. Should you work from home or rent a space? Bill hourly or by the job? What
50 Essential Web Apps for Freelancers – Web.AppStorm -
We’ve broken down the apps into larger categories, highlighted the best or most interesting in each category, and included the best of the rest. Click away — each image will take you to the app listed. Enjoy!Christine: What's the Secret Success of The Real Numbers Behind Aaron Patzer's Growth Strategy
How much money to raise and what to do with it: using mint as a case study
In order to get that seed round, you'll need to understand your competition, and come up with projections. Everyone knows this will change...but you need to show your thinking around it anyway. As an example, MINT originally projected $30/user/year for lead-gen and CPA. (Aaron noted that the company is pretty close to this today. But this is the exception rather than the rule.) Know how the business model works. People do X behavior and it turns into $Y income, add up those $Ys and it's a $Z business. If you can walk people through these assumptions convincingly, you'll get that seed round.
The straight shot: Why should you raise money, and how much? * Step 1: When you're ready with an Idea: Raise $100K from friends and family, and use it to build a prototype. * Step 2: Once the prototype is done: Raise < $1M in seed capital, and get into market with an alpha launch. * Step 3: After that initial launch has traction: Raise $5-10M, and use it to prove/scale the model.Euroblog 2007 - Survey and Conference - Weblogs in Communication Management
Implications and Challenges for Communication Management and PR
Blog en inglés sobre asuntos sociales
informacion de blogs
manual de euroblog
Euroblog2007: Social Software-A Revolution for Communication
imlpications and Challenges for Communication Management
Informe anual de 2007 que habla de la sociedad de la informacion
Es un blog acerca de asuntos sociales
Esta pagina presenta a 400 expertos sobre la comunicacion
Implicaciones y cambios dentro de la comunicaciónFresh Web Development Goodies Bag « Noupe
More great tools to help your web dev effortsDisk2vhd
Tool by SysInternals to convert windows installation to Virtual PC VHD fileBeta version of NirLauncher package is available to download
lazycoder RT @crazeegeekchick: - NirLauncher - more than 100 thumb drive utilities:
Portable application NirLauncher bundles 100+ of the best NirSoft utilities into a single launcher window, and even allows you to add your own utilities to make a killer flash drive toolkit.
bundles 100+ of the best NirSoft utilities into a single launcher window, and even allows you to add your own utilities to make a killer flash drive toolkit.focus booster live - the pomodoro technique
Whether you need a timer to keep you on task or to remind you to occasionally get off task and emerge from your office, FocusBoosterLive can help ensure the hours don't slip awayPipeJump - Sales and Opportunity Management Software for Small Businesses
Sales and Opportunity Management Software for Small Businesses: Win more deals. Track your opportunities and deals in an effective and intuitive way so you can focus on winning more deals!NirLauncher is the Ultimate Flash Drive Toolkit - Portable - Lifehacker
Free Sysinternals application Disk2vhd takes a snapshot of your PC, and turns it into a Microsoft Virtual PC virtual hard drive—while your system is up and running. [I haven't tested this yet.]長期間使用されているiPhoneアプリをまとめてみました - もとまかのiPhone・iPod touch戯れ日記
長期間使われてるiPhoneアプリまとめGood-Bye, Microsoft Money! 16 Powerful Personal Finance Programs * Get Rich Slowly
I’m a multi-tasker. I’m not very good at it but I try very hard. If you’d suddenly spring up on me and took a look at my screen, it would often be very clustered with several applications running, work half done; not to mention having loads of screenshots and bookmarks on my desktop to remind myself of the tasks I have yet to complete. I try to organize myself by using to-do lists but planning only brings me one step closer to finishing my work. Persistence and determination are the key to getting things done. Unfortunately, I have very little of those. I was born that way, I’m afraid. While writing the first two paragraphs, I checked my mail several times, fired up Safari, updated my Twitter and browsed Facebook. See, I told you I was a multi-tasker. But deadlines are deadlines. If you have a project due Tuesday — then there’s no choice but to complete it by Tuesday. Sure, you can try to push the deadline but there’s still one! To help with the situation and motivate me to clear tA Free Open Source Alternative to Microsoft Visio
Do you diagram? Chart? Maybe you sketch room layouts or wiring schematics? How about flow charts? I was almost shocked to find such an awesome application for the low low price of FREE! Now let us check out DIA- it is a 16.5 MB download from Sourceforge over here. It is also available for Linux and can probably be run on a Mac as well.App Classics
o its name by not only allowing you to explore system processes, but which applications autorun on startup, system add-ons, drivers, services, and more. It doesn't have the most elegant interface we've seen so far, but it does pack in an enormous amount of information and funPlagiarism Checkers: 5 Free Websites To Catch The Copycats
Rausfinden, wo die Kopien sind.13 Excellent Open Source Tools for Web Designers | Web Design Ledger
本エントリではiPhoneアプリケーションのうち、特に実世界とのインタラクションを有するものについて紹介する。地図と連動して単純に現在位置から最寄りの施設やその施設のクーポン、イベント等を検索して提示するようなアプリ、単に音声を録音したり、音声コマンドを認識して動作するアプリは多く存在するが、本エントリでは扱わない。ここではiPhoneに搭載されているセンサを一工夫して実世界を認識し新たなサービスを提供するアプリに限って紹介したい(中には既存の携帯電話向けアプリに同様のアプリが存在するものもある)。通常のアプリとは一味違うアイデアがキラリと光る。カテゴリとしては、拡張現実(Augmented Reality)、コンテキスト・アウェアネス(Context Awareness)、位置依存サービス(Location Dependent Services)などが該当するだろう。
重畳14 Best CSS Editors for Web Designers & Developers
CSS Editors10/GUI
graphical user interface paradigm we today take for
10/GUI aims to bridge this gap by rethinking the desktop to leverage technology in an intuitive and powerful way.Version Download | Download any old version of software!
Remember when your computer just worked? We've got the old versions to make that possible once again.
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Download popular, old versions of your favorite software!Free Online OCR service - convert PDF documents to Word, JPG to Word
Nice! This is pretty cool.60 Resources for the Frugal Web Developer
60 Resources for the Frugal Web Developer -
Photo by s2photo With the economy reeling and VC’s spending less and less on startups, developers have had to adapt how they create sites. Because of the world’s economic state, we’ve had to change how we develop. Some may see this shift as a grim prospect. Change is hard, and change is essential to staying alive in these conditions. However, if you can cut expenses in your development process without cutting quality by using free methods and tools, then you may be able to develop without using any extra money.10/GUI on Vimeo
Here it is: my crazy summer project to reinvent desktop human-computer interaction. This video examines the benefits and limitations inherent in current mouse-based and window-oriented interfaces, the problems facing other potential solutions, and visualizes my proposal for a completely new way of interacting with desktop computers. There's more information at .
Desktop touch based application navigation. 8min video.
Here it is: my crazy summer project to reinvent desktop human-computer interaction. This video examines the benefits and limitations inherent in current mouse-based and window-oriented interfaces, the problems facing other potential solutions, and visualizes my proposal for a completely new way of interacting with desktop computers.
fooooooooooooooda! novo estilo de interface para programas, usando múltiplos pontos de contato
the future in desktop design - moving beyond the mouse
it's genius
odoo you will love this...Sublime Text: The text editor you'll fall in love with
Looks like a pretty clean interface.
A nice looking Windows text editor.
Wow, could be one of the best text editors I've seen on Windows for a while Mobile iPhone App - Photo editing, sharing, upload
Inventor ofHead-to-Head: Parallels Desktop for Mac vs. VMware Fusion
So which virtualization product do you choose? Which solution is faster? Should you run Windows XP or Vista? 32-bit or 64-bit? One virtual processor or more? In short, there are different answers for different people. It all depends on your needs.70 Free Useful Portable Applications You Should Know | Tools
Portable applications in general are software and programs you can run independently from a removable drives (like flash/pen drive) without going through the hassle of installing them. They are widely used and have been a favorite approach for professionals of different various industries.
海外のポータブルアプリ集5 cool things to sync with Dropbox on your Mac - Ars Technica
shows how to sync stuff using dropbox as a unified file system18 Wonderful IDEs for Windows, Mac, and Linux - Nettuts+
an50+ Free Iphone App
Pour consultation
There are a few great apps in here. (Saved for reference later.)Tarsnap public beta
"Tarsnap is an implementation of my idea of a perfect online backup service. After many months in private beta testing, tarsnap is now publicly available for BSD, Linux, and other UNIX-like operating systems."
Tarsnap is an implementation of my idea of a perfect online backup service.
Encrypted snapshotted remote backup. Good to see that competition is thriving in this/these space(s)How To: Virtualize Any OS For Free - Virtualization how to - Gizmodo
"Intimidating erminology aside, here's what desktop virtualization means today: You can run just about any OS, Mac OS X excluded, inside any other OS. Ubuntu in Mac OS? Sure. Windows 7 within Windows XP? Why not? Windows ME within Snow Leopard? Nobody's going to stop you, I guess! And these aren't patchy, half-assed experiments we're talking about here—these are fully-functioning installations that'll connect to USB peripherals, access the internet, share files with your host OS, and run almost any software, short of 3D games. You can set up as many of these things as you want, and delete them in a matter of seconds. It's pretty great, is what I'm trying to say. Best of all, virtualization is now something you can try—and stick with—for free, thanks to software like Sun's VirtualBox. It's a free download on any platform, and it does its job spectacularly. Here's how to get started."
erminologySharePoint 2010
About. SharePoint 2010 enables organizations to connect and empower people through an integrated set of rich features. Get a sneak peek of SharePoint 2010 product features today.Ten Rock Solid Free Platforms To Start Your Successful Website @ SmashingApps
Now a days, unlimited websites are coming live everyday to take part in the internet world. They can be classified in business sites, blogs, social networking sites, directories, forums, e-commerce sites and many more other creative ideas applied to do something that has never been done. Today, We are compiling a list of Ten Rock Solid Free Platforms To Start Your Successful Website. These free web applications can be use in diversified ways to get your customize results for your fresh and new websites. You can easily find their showcase of running websites to get inspiration and ideas.App of the Day - Find the best iPhone and iPod touch Apps and Games
There are too many iPhone apps to sift through, and neither iTunes nor the iPhone App Store interface make it easy to find the best stuff. App of the Day blogs and Twitters one member-voted app per day. It's a simple idea, but it's a good start at sifting through the more than 85,000 applications available to iPhone and iPod touch users. Registered users of App of the Day can nominate one application per day, and the most nominated applications are showcased plainly on the site's front page, with screenshots, short descriptions, a direct iTunes link, and comments from those nominating. The site supports Gravatars, so signing up shouldn't be that tough if you've already commented on WordPress or other Gravatar-supporting blogs.
Find the best iPhone and iPod touch apps including games, utilities, productivity, social media, and news.VistaSwitcher - Speed Up Windows Alt-Tab - NTWind Software
An elegant and powerful task management utility for Windows OS. Speed Up Windows Alt-Tab.
VistaSwitcher is an elegant and powerful task management utility for Windows OS. Once installed, it replaces the default Windows Alt-Tab dialog with a nice box that shows a list of all running tasks with their names and preview snapshots and enables the user to take actions on them using the mouse and keyboard shortcuts. With just one click, you can switch to a task, minimize, maximize, restore the main window or close the process.
NTWind Software
Using VistaSwitcher Start VistaSwitcher, press Alt+Tab to show the list of all open windows on the desktop, press Ctrl+Alt+Tab to show the list of windows of the foreground application.Five Best Software Update Tools - software updates - Lifehacker
As the title implies, it is written for those with experience in programming, ranging from those who've just taken a course to professionals in the field
A Quick, Painless Tutorial and Reference on the R Statistical PackageWaveboard
Waveboard is a client software for Google Wave for both Mac OS X 10.5+ and iPhone OS 3.0+.
Présentation en français ici : Design Review
Excelente lista con 69 aplicaciones esenciales gratuitas para Snow LeopardDelibar, Delicious Mac client
pukka のライバル。
Nova aplicação para organizar os nossos favoritos no delicious. Um pouco cara para o que faz e bastante eye-candy, mas parece trabalhar bem.The Power User's Guide to Google Chrome, 2009 Edition - Chrome - Lifehacker
According to Daring Fireball ffmpeg2theora is the one tool that simply just works for transcoding video to Ogg Theora.
"ffmpeg2theora is the one tool I found that simply just works for transcoding to Ogg Theora. The downside to ffmpeg2theora is that it’s only available as a command-line tool." [another conversion tool here:]
Useful and easy command line tool for converting M4VsRands In Repose: Keynote Kung-fu Two
Workflow for creating presentations
You’ve taken some hits. Being taken apart by the execs because they could smell you weren’t prepared. The slide deck you loved that the audience ignored. That guy… snoring. In the front row. However, you’ve also hit it out of the park. The unexpected standing ovation. That seven-slide deck that turned into an hour of ad-libbed brilliance. The moment you know you’ve deeply connected with your audience. Admit it, you’ve got some presentation-fu.51 Web Apps for Web Designers and Developers – Web.AppStorm
Great resources
Web design and development has significantly changed over the years, as have the tools and technologies involved. With these advancements come tools to make our lives easier, provide higher quality work and better services for our clients. Communication and collaboration over vast distances is no longer painfully frustrating (or impossible) and project or task management is now easier than ever.Ninite Easy PC Setup and Multiple App Installer - Great For Win7 Upgrades
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Ninite is the easiest way to install software. Pick the apps you want and Ninite takes care of downloading and running installers automatically--it's 100% hands-free.Plurk Open Source - Solace - The Comfort of the Collective
Solace is a fully open-sourced multilingual support and knowledge exchange platform written in Python.
open source version of FAQ oftware
The development of Solace is inspired and has been guided in support of our mission on creating a truly open and vibrant social service that users feel wholly responsible for shaping into what it is today. Plurk has been using this same spirit of user involvement since late 2007 with its Plurk Collaborative Translation Project and continues to build upon those roots today.
"Solace is a fully open-sourced multilingual support and knowledge exchange platform written in Python. "12 Websites for Discovering New Desktop and Web Apps | Web Design Ledger
Everyday web designers and developers rely heavily on applications to do their job – a job that is always changing and evolving. This means that there’s always a need for new applications, but with so many apps being released, finding what you need can be an overwhelming task. Thankfully there are websites and blogs out there that find the best apps to make your job easier. Here are 12 that you are guaranteed to find useful for finding new apps.
Everyday web designers and developers rely heavily on applications to do their job - a job that is always changing and evolving. This means that there's alwaysHow to run Windows 7 under Mac OS X 10.6 for free - Anil Dash
Below are a number of apps and resources that you can use to manage your files and resources. Some are Web-based, some desktop-based and some are analog (i.e. paper-and-pen-based). The one that’s right for you will depend largely on your workflow and what you need to keep organized.Fast Picture Viewer | WIC RAW Codec Pack for Windows 7, Vista and XP
Fast Picture Viewer | WIC RAW Codec Pack for Windows 7, Vista and XPHow to make a DVD of that student-only Windows 7 you bought for $29.99 adopts the excellent task management principles to guide you to get head cleared and rid of various pending ideas in mind , help you organize tasks and focus on important items , so as to closely tracking work and feel easy when facing up bulks of complicated projects. No pressure but efficient , enjoy your work and get unexpected success.10 Adobe AIR apps that make you more productive | Webware - CNET
If you're looking to be more productive, you might want to consider using Adobe AIR apps to help you achieve that goal. Here are some of the best tools.Winマシンが最近遅いなぁと感じたら、『Glary Utilities』 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
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Green Dam
We examined the Green Dam software and found that it contains serious security vulnerabilities due to programming errors. Once Green Dam is installed, any web site the user visits can exploit these problems to take control of the computer. This could allow malicious sites to steal private data, send spam, or enlist the computer in a botnet. In addition, we found vulnerabilities in the way Green Dam processes blacklist updates that could allow the software makers or others to install malicious code during the update process.Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows: Clean Install Windows 7 with Upgrade Media
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Clean install of widows 7 from upgrade mediaTop 10 Windows 7 Booster Apps - windows 7 - Lifehacker
これ以上ないというぐらいに詳しい動画の作り方マニュアルが、「酔拳の王 だんげの方」でまとめられていました。
<<買ったばかりのパソコンに最初から入っている余計なソフトをまとめてアンインストールできるフリーソフト「PC Decrapifier」 - GIGAZINE
そこで使えるのがこのフリーソフト「PC Decrapifier」、最初からインストールされていることが多い各種ソフトウェアを一発でアンインストールして削除でき、Windows XPとVistaに対応しています。このソフト自体はインストールしなくてもすぐに動く方式なので、余計な各種ソフトを削除後はこのソフトもそのままゴミ箱へポイすれば完了です。
新しいパソコンを買うと初心者向けに山のようにソフトがインストールされていることがありますが、特にやりたいことが決まっている場合、そのうちの大部分は必要ない場合が多く、はっきり言って邪魔です。 そこで使えるのがこのフリーソフト「PC Decrapifier」、最初からインストールされていることが多い各種ソフトウェアを一発でアンインストールして削除でき、Windows XPとVistaに対応しています。このソフト自体はインストールしなくてもすぐに動く方式なので、余計な各種ソフトを削除後はこのソフトもそのままゴミ箱へポイすれば完了です。Sniff Out That Smelly Code
functions are difficult to change, and difficult to understand.List of PDF Editing tools for Ubuntu | Ubuntu Geek
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pdftkHow-To: Install Windows 7 and live to tell about it
So you're thinking about going to Windows 7, eh? Chances are your head is swimming in a sea of TLAs and confusing charts -- enough to have the most adamant Microsoft defender reaching for a something with an Option key. Fear not, noble purchaser of legal software. Though XP users have been punished for skipping Vista by not being able to directly upgrade now, the process of backing up your data, formatting and installing Windows, and then restoring your goods again has never been easier -- even if you're on a netbook with less storage than your smartphone. Vista users have even less to worry about. We'll have our full impressions of the finally finalized OS later this week, but for now let's journey hand in hand down the gently sloped path of the upgrade process.
Will need to look this up in OctoberMobileMe を使わない同期環境 - soundscape out
Usually, a great Mac app has always an outstanding design. This happens beacuse the Mac platform is highly focused on providing a better user experience than other OSes and a good design is very important to acheive this. But, if you’re an app developer, you have to tell users that your app is great in the first place. And the first place is the application’s website. Here I’ve collected 60 awesome Mac apps websites for your inspiration.virtualagc - Project Hosting on Google Code
The purpose of this project is to provide an emulation of the on-board Apollo guidance computers, along with some ancillary items needed to make the emulation do something interesting. "AGC" stands for Apollo Guidance Computer. The AGC was the principal on-board computer for NASA's Apollo missions, including all of the lunar landings. Both the Command Module (CM) and the Lunar Module (LM) had AGCs, so two AGCs were used on most of the Apollo missions, but with differing software. The computer and its software were developed at MIT's Instrumentation Laboratory, also known as Draper Labs.
Apollo source codeMacFixIt - CNET Reviews
Today marks a big change at MacFixIt. All articles are now available free-of-charge, allowing anyone to access the most timely, comprehensive and unbiased library of Mac-related repair and troubleshooting advice available online. This is a milestone in the history of MacFixIt. This change is a direct result of our acquisition by CNET and allows us to provide a broader range of coverage, in addition to drawing on a new pool of knowledge and resources. We will continue to provide timely and relevant reporting of Mac-related hardware and software issues and will be adding new features we're sure you'll enjoy and appreciate.Five Best Portable Apps Suites - Portable Apps - Lifehacker
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FolderSize is intended to be a simple application to determine what folders takes up place on your machine and to present it to you graphically.Bits of Evidence
What we actually know about software development, and why we believe it’s true.
Several useful statistics on what drives programmer performance and causes software projects to fail.How Team of Geeks Cracked Spy Trade -
Palantir Technologies has designed what many intelligence analysts say is the most effective tool to date to investigate terrorist networks. The software's main advance is a user-friendly search tool that can scan multiple data sources at once, something previous search tools couldn't do.
Palantir Technologies has designed what many intelligence analysts say is the most effective tool to date to investigate terrorist networks.Four Free Photo Editors for OSX
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BEST Chrome addons !!Folder Menu
RIght-click menu for jumping to favourite folders, etc.
Folder Menu is a folder switching tool. You can quickly jump to your favorite folders in explorer, open/save dialog or command prompt...and more.47 Useful Adobe AIR Apps for Web and Graphic Designers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
All designers and developers love apps, tools and services that help to make there work flow easier. That is why Adobe AIR has proven, maybe not as mainstream popular as it would have liked, to be an indispensable framework for building small and useful applications. Who has not got a Twitter client that has not be been built with AIR? Not many. That is what AIR seems to be excelling in, Twitter clients and useful web design, developer and graphic designer apps. That is the focus of todays article. About six months we published a popular post called 28 Adobe AIR Apps for Designers and Developers, this post is an extension of that article. So, in total this article has 47 useful apps and widgets for designers.DuraSpace
Fedora Commons + DSpace Foundation
"Fedora Commons and the DSpace Foundation, two of the largest providers of open source software for managing and providing access to digital content, are joining their organizations to pursue a common mission. Jointly, they will provide leadership and innovation in open source technologies for global communities who manage, preserve, and provide access to digital content."
Merger of the DSpace Foundation and Fedora Commons. Will continue to support these two platforms but will also pursue new data solutions.
Fedora Commons and the DSpace Foundation, two of the largest providers of open source software for managing and providing access to digital content, are joining their organizations to pursue a common mission.
Fedora Commons and the DSpace Foundation, two of the largest providers of open source software for managing and providing access to digital content, are joining their organizations to pursue a common mission. Jointly, they will provide leadership and innovation in open source technologies for global communities who manage, preserve, and provide access to digital content.15 Free Online Tools for Web Designers on a Budget | Web Design Ledger
tips y paginas para diseñarHasta la Vista, baby: Ars reviews Windows 7 - Ars Technica
Windows: If you're upgrading to Windows 7 from XP, you'll spend a lot of time grabbing installers and Next-Next-Next-clicking through setup wizards. Unless you use Ninite to check off the best free software and install it all at once.Download Windows 7 System Recovery Discs — The NeoSmart Files
Windows 7 System Recovery Discs
Create Windows 7 recovery disks
NeoSmart Technologies is hosting a copy of the Windows 7 Recovery Disc for your convenience. It's a 143 MiB download (165 MiB for the 64-bit version), and in the standard ISO format, ready to burned directly to a CD or DVD. Don't wait until your PC crashes to download a copy! Download and burn your recovery disc today, so that when the time comes, you'll be ready!
The Windows 7 Recovery Disc can be used to access a system recovery menu, giving you options of using System Restore, Complete PC Backup, automated system repair, and a command-line prompt for manual advanced recovery.11 Most Popular Open Source Softwares Of All Time @ SmashingApps
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Today we are listing here 11 Most Popular Open Source Softwares Of All Time in which most of them are cross-platform. You might not be able to enjoy all the features as commercial software but it will really help you to perform your task in a better way when your pocket does not allow you to purchase paid software.
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Emergent, formerly PDP++
comprehensive simulation environment for creating complex, sophisticated models of the brain and cognitive processes using neural network models. These same networks can also be used for all kinds of other more pragmatic tasks, like predicting the stock market or analyzing data.
emergentTM (a major rewrite of PDP ) is a comprehensive simulation environment for creating complex, sophisticated models of the brain and cognitive processes using neural network models. These same networks can also be used for all kinds of other more pragmatic tasks, like predicting the stock market or analyzing data.
a comprehensive simulation environment for creating complex, sophisticated models of the brain and cognitive processes using neural network models
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Most of the time, especially in the Windows and Mac OS X world, end users don't have to compile software. The programmers of the software write the code and then compile it into a "binary executable" for you.30+ Very Useful Twitter Tools You Must Be Aware Of | SEOptimise
We see at least a dozen new Twiter tools every other day. So I selected just 30+ Twitter tools that are most useful right now. Some of these tools have been around for a few months some have sprung up just recently. They have one thing in common: You must be aware of these tools in case you’re serious about Twitter participation.
more twitter toolsOMG! UBUNTU!: 10 Useful Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala
"Many very talented developers have produced some amazing applications built to take the iPhone’s photographic capabilities to the next level by giving us tools to enhance our images. Some of the favorites are CameraBag, QuadCamera, Best Camera, Toy Camera, and TiltShift Generator. All of these apps are essentially post-processing tools that edit the photos hue, saturation, contrast, exposure (kind of), and maybe offer a couple of other specialized effects like vignetting and framing"
You know, for someday, when I have an iPhone, like the cool kids.memcache-top - Project Hosting on Google Code
I wanted a simple command-line tool to be able to grab real-time stats from memcache (memcached, I know, I know), and output it in a view something like top. I couldn't find anything like it, so I wrote one myself in perl. When writing it, I tried to keep it simple, portable, and lightweight. (No memcached perl modules required! I tried to keep it to modules I thought would be preinstalled on almost any modern system. It's also fairly polite - non-critical modules get checked, and if they aren't installed, the functionality is disabled without spewing errors or dying.) I realize it's not written well. But, hey, at least it exists, right? Until the day I released it, there wasn't any comparable tool like it for memcached. It gives you the basic stats, and not too much else. (You can specify thresholds, for instance, and it'll change color to red if you exceed the thresholds. You can also choose the refresh/ sleep time, and whether to show immediate (per second) stats, or lifetime stats.Minimalist Gmail by Matt Constantine
Free OCRThe Silent Number: Top things to do after installing Ubuntu Linux 9.10 Karmic Koala
This list of the top things to do immediately after installing your newly acquired copy of Ubuntu doubles as a general list of great software to try out and use, complete with links to any special instructions on how to set them up... Repositories can be added easily ... Feel free to pick and choose; enjoy! You generally don't need antivirus with Linux, but if you'd like to play it safe, you can install the ClamTK Virus Scanner, a graphical front-end to ClamAV. If you feel the need to have a firewall, Firewall configuration is a graphical front-end for Uncomplicated firewall (ufw). If you'd like to make sure all of your internet traffic is encrypted and anonymous, you can pass it through a proxy by using a Virtual Private Network service like IPREDator. We can't kill the music and movie industries if they can make money just by suing all of us! Mozilla Firefox 3.5 brings some major improvements like..., but we all hate how bloated it is. If you want something faster and more...Clean Install Windows 7 with Upgrade Media: The Answer - SuperSite Blog
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Google has just release a new tool called Google Sync, a service that syncs your Google Contacts and Calendar wirelessly to your iPhone, BlackBerry, Symbian, or Windows Mobile phone.Balsamiq Company Blog
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英単語学習ソフト P-Study System などを配布しています.例文表示やネイティブ音声対応など、英単語をスムーズに暗記するための様々な機能を搭載しています.英検や大学受験対策,TOEIC対策に便利な問題集も無料で配布しています.Process Blocker for Windows
The aim of this project is to create an ideal administration tool which can prevent running any application in Windows. The development process is divided into a series of stages, each of them being indicated in the roadmap section. The project is targeted at the corporate audience and, among other things, sets a goal to develop powerful features for remote administration of all domain computers at once. The project started on October 20, 2008.
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I’ve been using Coda on a more consistent basis lately, primarily due to the inclusion of third party plugins. As I work, I’ll find myself missing a few features from TextMate bundles. Since it’s terribly easy to write your own Coda plugin, I’m going to make a consistent effort to write and maintain a small library of plugins over the coming months.
"That tool uses CSSTidy to allow a simple transformation of your CSS formatting. It will retain any comments, and leaves all properties as written (instead of converting to shorthand, for example.) Basically, CSS Tools brings that functionality to Coda. You’re able to convert a style sheet from single line to multi line and vice versa. You’re also able to compress your CSS if you’d like."SkyDrive Explorer - Fast and Easy Access to Your Live SkyDrive storage from Windows Explorer
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development then? (Tony whispers) Oh, I see. He's not very good at magic either – his repertoire is extremely limited. Basically he's a one trick pony.
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SketchUp is surprisingly cool .. here's some tips to give you an idea of it's powerAllmyapps - Application Store for Windows XP, Vista and Seven to find and install the best applications
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I always thought that expanding my business at a steady pace was a smart move. Now I worry that it could potentially kill us
By Joel Spolsky
Interessante discussies in comments... But we do have to work closer to the limits of our abilities, we have to invest more of our profits in hiring more salespeople and software developers, and we have to focus relentlessly on winning more enterprise sales. We have to do that, because otherwise, we're going to end up being the company you've never heard of.Most Essential Free Softwares After Windows Installation | TutZone
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et TextMate alors ?
Jenny Cecil - 10 essential OS X apps for pro web developers The best tools for coding, testing, uploading and tracking costs : TechRadar UKMuseScore | Free music composition & notation software
MuseScore is a free cross platform WYSIWYG music notation program, licenced under GNU GPL.Ten gadgets to make Google Wave more productive - and fun!
[digg=] Open-source software has been on the rise at many businesses during the extended economic downturn, and one of the ...Richard Feynman, the Challenger Disaster, and Software Engineering : Gustavo Duarte
argues that the process of requirements elicitation as project definition are secondary to the process of creation,testing and learning about nature.
What I cannot create I do not understand. --- Learn how to solve every problem that have been solved. --------- 1) The Space Shuttle Main Engine... many different kinds of flaws and difficulties have turned up. Because, unfortunately, it was built in the top-down manner, they are difficult to find and fix. 2) avionics system, which was done by a different group at NASA: The software is checked very carefully in a bottom-up fashion. First, each new line of code is checked, then sections of code or modules with special functions are verified.Photoshopでの作業をより早くより簡単にする20のTips | コリス
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Interesting to see the problems that are present at Google regarding staying in sync with the latest kernel code.Leelu Soft: XP Quick Fix Plus
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How to turn an old PC into a media centre Play media on your TV with an old PC and XBMC : TechRadar UK7 Things To Do After Installing Windows 7
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Computer viruses are increasingly sophisticated and pervasive. If you can't afford to run your computer without some sort of antivirus software installed, check out these five popular options to protect your PC.18 Great Shopping Carts to Power Your Online Store
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Comodo EasyVPN allows businesses and home users to quickly group multiple computers into a secure, peer to peer, network over the Internet.
Windows only: Free application Creates a virtual private network between your computers for a hassle-free, secure private network. Simple to set up. Just install the application, register for an account, and then log in. Once you've got the app running on a couple of computers, you can easily (and securely) access one computer from the other as though you're on the same local network. As we mentioned in our guide to Hamachi, a VPN comes in handy when: * You're on the road with your laptop and want secure access to your PC's files. * Your office or dorm room computer is behind a restrictive firewall that doesn't let you reach it from the internet. * You want to add encryption to insecure network protocols like VNC. * You want to set up a shared folder of files for friends and family to access. Apart from the basics, EasyVPN also comes with a built-in, secure chat tool.Piriform - Speccy
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Speccy will give you detailed statistics on every piece of hardware in your computer. Including CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Graphics Cards, Hard Disks, Optical Drives, Audio support.
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e most irritating feature introduced in Windows Vista was those annoying UAC prompts, asking you for permission to do nearly anything on your computer—and the fact is, even if it makes you feel more secure, it's a false sense of security. Malware researchers at SophosLabs found that 8 of 10 malware samples can actually bypass UAC on a system with the defaPanda Cloud Antivirus, The first free cloud antivirus against viruses, spyware, rootkits and adware
Panda Cloud, the constantly updated, cloud-run antivirus app that promises almost real-time protection from burgeoning web threats, is out of beta and available for a free download's Go
TODO: find out why, and where
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Rainmeter is a desktop customization platform. Through Rainmeter, you can enhance your Windows computer at home or work with skins: handy, compact applets which float freely on your desktop, much like Windows Sidebar gagdgets, or dashboard widgets for the Mac. Rainmeter skins provide you with useful information at a glance. It's easy to keep an eye on your system resources, like memory and battery power, or your online data streams, including email, RSS feeds, and weather forecasts. Many skins are even functional: they can record your notes and to-do lists, launch your favorite applications, and send your tweets to Twitter - all in a clean, unobtrusive interface that you can rearrange and customize to your liking.
Rainmeter is a desktop customization platform. Through Rainmeter, you can enhance your Windows computer at home or work with skins: handy, compact applets which float freely on your desktop, much like Windows Sidebar gagdgets, or dashboard widgets for the Mac.
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desktop totalmente iradolericson/programming/ - Multitouch on Unibody MacBooks
Via Twitter @samin
Multitouch on Unibody MacBooks
Presumably Leopard only
A little known fact about the unibody touchpad is that it can distinguish between up to eleven touch points - i.e., fingers. Another little known fact is that the sensor knows about the contact surface area (in terms of ellipsoids). Another yet less known fact is that Johan Nordberg didn't sleep much last night, and wrote a neat OS X application which simply plots what the trackpad (or Magic Mouse!) is saying about touches.Free Online OCR - Convert JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF and PDF to Text
NewOCR is a free online OCR service that allows to convert scanned images and multi-page PDF documents to text, can process 29 languages and supports layout analysis
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Simple video monitoring software brings enterprise-grade functionality to anyone with a webcam or network camera.
Introducing Vitamin D Video. Our simple video monitoring software brings enterprise-grade functionality to anyone with a webcam or network camera.20 essential free apps for your new Windows 7 PC | News | TechRadar UK
20 essential free apps for your new Windows 7 PC Just got Win 7? Here are the programs you should download : TechRadar UK20 Free Mac Apps For Web Designer’s Toolkit - Noupe
Great list of free mac design resources
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The canvas driver for gnuplot was contributed by Bruce Lueckenhoff, and extended by Ethan Merritt (sfeam). To view the results you need a browser that supports the HTML 5 'canvas' element.
Gnuplot demo scripts run through the HTML canvas terminal See also the demo output for the PNG and SVG terminals. Your browser may not support the HTML 5 canvas element The canvas driver for gnuplot was contributed by Bruce Lueckenhoff, and extended by Ethan Merritt (sfeam). To view the results you need a browser that supports the HTML 5 'canvas' element. That currently means firefox, safari, opera, or konqueror (KDE 4.2).EyeWriter Initiative
The EyeWriter is an ongoing collaborative research effort to empower people, who are suffering from ALS, with creative technologies. It is a low-cost eye-tracking apparatus & custom software that allows graffiti writers and artists with paralysis resulting from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis to draw using only their eyes.
The EyeWriter project is an ongoing collaborative research effort to empower people, who are suffering from ALS, with creative technologies.
Tetraplégicos também podem participar da arte urbana grafitando com os olhos.10 Things You Need to Know About WordPress 2.9 —
By and large, this release is a plugin developers release with lots of new APIs and abstraction. However, there are significant additions for theme designers and users as well. As a result, unlike previous iterations of this article (I do one for every major WordPress release), I’m going to break this down into sections for each kind of feature.Kindle for PC
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10 New Wordpress Plugins To Boost Up Your Theme -
Nov 12 10 Wordpress Plugins To Boost Up Your Theme You Have Ever Known Categories: List, Resources, Themes & Layouts | 30 Comments Do you know what the most difference between the hard-working wordpress theme developer and the lazier one is? The hard-working always finds the ways to restrict plugin using for his theme, but the lazier one just needs a plugin that can use for his theme and save his time is fine. However, sometime, there are wordpress plugins that two kind of designer above must use.無料で使えるオンライン統合画像編集ツール『Aviary』がすごすぎない?! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
無料で使えるオンライン統合画像編集ツール『Aviary』がすごすぎない?! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~Turning the tide: a hands-on look at Google's Wave - Ars Technica
29sep09 ... Ryan Paul ... Ars takes you inside of Google's bold vision for the future of Internet messaging with this hands-on look at Wave. Learn more about the experimental service, its underlying technology, and the opportunities that it will provide for third-party developers. [good technical writeup, ref Google Wave as Email replacement]Pro GIMP — сайт рассказывающий о бесплатном растровом графическом редакторе Гимп
GIMP — мощный и совершенно бесплатный аналог Фотошопа. Работа с ним доставляет истинное удовольствие.
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DVD Knife is a simple tool for extracting DVD clips from your DVD'sPython Package Index : pdfminer 20090330
PDFMiner is a suite of programs that aims to help extracting or analyzing text data from PDF documents. Unlike other PDF-related tools, it allows to obtain the exact location of texts in a page, as well as other layout information such as font size or font name, which could be useful for analyzing the document. It can be also used as a basis for a full-fledged PDF interpreter.8 Useful Online Tools for Traveling Filmmakers
Herramientas utiles de videoWhy MIT switched from Scheme to Python | Wisdom and Wonder
* Why MIT switched from Scheme to PythonPrimitive File Size Chart - Simple software for finding the largest files and folders
looks good!
Hands-down one of the best puzzle games I have ever played.
Hopefully they do a Linux port soon.Free VPN Solutions for Securing Your Public Wi-Fi Sessions
Dropresize is a system tray application that watches a folder for new images and automatically resizes them into a web-friendly size. Currently it’s in a beta stage so don’t be surprised if there are still bugs. Only jpeg images are supported as of now. But other image formats will be supported in the future updates. No need to install, just unzip the file into your hard disk and run the .exe file.
Auto-resize image in folder.
"Dropresize is a system tray application that watches a folder for new images and automatically resizes them into a web-friendly size. Currently it’s in a beta stage so don’t be surprised if there are still bugs."Five Best Online Backup Tools - online backup - Lifehacker
The Best online backup toolsPet Peeves - Unicode
A list of the many challenges of internationalization. My favourite code-breaker is Russian pluralization: if you are saying "X new messages", then "messages" is spelled one way if X ends in 1, another if it ends if 2,3, or 4, and a third way if it ends in 5,6,7,8,9 or 0. I cannot imagine how annoying this must be to code.
It’s not always as simple as 'Just use Unicode'
'Let us start by looking at four main variables in the space : language, country, culture and technology. Language. Let us take that one first. How hard can that be? Well, what list of languages do you want to target? Please don't say "all of them". There is no such thing as a definitive list of languages and even if there was, the list of languages supported in Unicode changes across various incarnations of Unicode. Oh, and there are languages with unbounded sets of "characters" such as Chinese which literally cannot be fully described in Unicode.'
Some examples of why internationalization and localization are not as simple as "just use Unicode".
Nice explanation of the complexity of language support.Connected Flow - Viewfinder: Flickr search tool
Viewfinder is a Mac OS X application that dramatically simplifies the process of finding, downloading and using images from Flickr.
Viewfinder is a Mac OS X application that dramatically simplifies the process of finding, downloading and using images from Flickr. $30.Essential Mac OS X applications
SyncToy 2.1 is a free application that synchronizes files and folders between locations. Typical uses include sharing files, such as photos, with other computers and creating backup copies of files and — Your writing synced online
Your writing, notes, and to-do lists online. stores your text and keeps it synced between your work, home, and devices like the iPhone. Unlike manual syncing, merges your changes so you'll never lose data.You Don't Know Jack About Software Maintenance | November 2009 | Communications of the ACM
Article which seems nice. I should read.
No direct references are allowed to anything if they can be avoided. Every data structure is designed for expansion and self-identifying as to version. Every code segment is made self-identifying by the compiler or other construction procedure. Code and data are changeable on a per-command/process/system basis, and as few as possible copies of anything are kept, so single copies could be dynamically updated as necessary.Yojimbo, and The Case for Anything Buckets – Shawn Blanc
deep into yojimbo
Do I need an Anything Bucket? Probably. But I can't quite convince myself I have time to even think about rethinking my pitiful filing system right now.PhotoSketch: better than sliced bread, Photoshop | The Web Life |
RT @jamesladd: Oh My Gosh - Awesome [from]
This link is a blog post on Ziff about an upcoming software program that it takes a rough, hand-drawn sketch, scours the web for photos that match, and runs them through an algorithm, stitching it all together. There's a 3 minute 43 second video embedded on the blog post that illustrates the capability of this program developed by Chinese students. It's pretty amazing.
it takes a rough, hand-drawn sketch, scours the web for photos that match, and runs them through an algorithm, stitching it all together.
2009-10-13 17:50:55 <eve> Essential Tips Every Ubuntu User Should Know | Maximum PC
check out some of theseBest Open Source Reporting Tools | Open Source Applications
Un elenco con i migliori sistemi di reportistica e dataminingxkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
top post exploring the implications of 'social-ness' on interaction design - must read for anyone designing sites for participation & collaborationMicrosoft Office 2010 Beta Professional Plus - Free Download
"With Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010, your people get a wide range of powerful new ways to do their best work from more places – whether they’re using a PC, smartphone or web browser."Home | Default Programs Editor
It is a context menu editor, an autoplay editor, and default programs association editor; essentially, the settings in the "Default Programs" Control Panel page. It's a replacement for the "File Types" dialog in Windows XP, and brings some key features of TweakUI to Windows Vista/7.
default programs association editor
Default Programs Editor is a powerful but simple file association utility for Windows. It is a context menu editor, an autoplay editor, and default programs association editor; essentially, the settings in the "Default Programs" Control Panel page. It's a replacement for the "File Types" dialog in Windows XP, and brings some key features of TweakUI to Windows Vista/7.
editing context menus for a file type or to set default programs or managing Autoplay handlers. Default Programs Editor works in a wizard-like mode making it super easy to make such changes.editing context menus for a file type or to set default programs or managing Autoplay handlers. Default Programs Editor works in a wizard-like mode making it super easy to make such changes.14 Free Mac Apps for Web Designers on a Budget | Web Design Ledger
Programmer 101Chromium OS (The Chromium Projects)
Chromium OS
L'OS de Google !
GoogleのOS。Apple's Mistake
Good article on how Apple has got it all wrong re: the app store and more generally comments on software development versus hardware.
I don't think Apple realizes how badly the App Store approval process is broken. Or rather, I don't think they realize how much it matters that it's broken.
"I don't think Apple realizes how badly the App Store approval process is broken. Or rather, I don't think they realize how much it matters that it's broken. The way Apple runs the App Store has harmed their reputation with programmers more than anything else they've ever done. Their reputation with programmers used to be great. It used to be the most common complaint you heard about Apple was that their fans admired them too uncritically. The App Store has changed that. Now a lot of programmers have started to see Apple as evil…"
"Programmers don't use launch-fast-and-iterate out of laziness. They use it because it yields the best results. By obstructing that process, Apple is making them do bad work, and programmers hate that as much as Apple would."
Paul Graham explains why Apple's hostility towards iPhone developers is harming them in the long run.
And everybody else's mistake is to think that Apple is in software publishing.UxStyle - no more patching.
Allow custom themes in Vista. Use for Vista to look like Win7
yay! Auto-patches uxtheme.dll (?) so you can use ANY theme/style with WinXP
uxtheme.dll patcherEvernoteとDropboxを使い分けるための3つのポイント|MOBILE POWER ~読書とかiPhoneとか~ - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
evernoteとdropboxWant To Try Out Google Chrome OS For Yourself? Here’s How.
instalar chrome os en virtualbox
Google Chrome OS For
The public debut of Google Chrome OS today has the press abuzz over the potential of the new web-based operating system. And now ...
very complicated ;(Official Google Blog: Automatic captions in YouTube
This blog entry shows you how to create automatic captions for you YouTube videos.
"In addition to automatic captions, we’re also launching automatic caption timing, or auto-timing, to make it significantly easier to create captions manually. With auto-timing, you no longer need to have special expertise to create your own captions in YouTube. [...]"
"To help address this challenge, we've combined Google's automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology with the YouTube caption system to offer automatic captions, or auto-caps for short. Auto-caps use the same voice recognition algorithms in Google Voice to automatically generate captions for video. The captions will not always be perfect (check out the video below for an amusing example), but even when they're off, they can still be helpful—and the technology will continue to improve with time."
YouTube now does automatic captioning in some cases and automatic timing in all cases. Automatic timing lets you upload a transcript with a video and YouTube will do speech to text and figure out when the various parts of the transcript need to be V2 Beta - GetDeb - Welcome
GetDeb is an unofficial project with the mission to provide the latest open source and freeware applications for the current Ubuntu Linux release, in an easy to install manner.
Software you want
Software for Ubuntu LinuxShape Collage Online - Free Automatic Photo Collage Maker
"Enter urls of webpages with photos or urls of photos (one per line)"
Web application Shape Collage quickly turns your online photos into embeddable photo collages with nothing more than a few clicks. It's a interesting way to showcase your pictures online without a lot of work.
Online version
Free Automatic Photo Collage MakerWhat is Pivot?
Here at Live Labs we’re all about experiments, and Pivot is our most ambitious to date. Pivot makes it easier to interact with massive amounts of data in ways that are powerful, informative, and fun. We tried to step back and design an interaction model that accommodates the complexity and scale of information rather than the traditional structure of the Web.2009年度ベストiPhoneアプリのまとめ72個!
iPhpne買ったら読むWinStep: Desktop Themes and Customizing Windows!
ges read
ch as page splitting, deskewing, adding/removing borders, and others. You give it raw scans, and you get pages re
Scan Tailor is an interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages. It performs operations such as page splitting, deskewing, adding/removing borders, and others. You give it raw scans, and you get pages ready to be printed or assembled into a PDF or DJVU file. Scanning, optical character recognition, and assembling multi-page documents are out of scope of this project. [09wk47]
Windows/Linux: Tired of fiddling with scanned pages to remove borders, correct alignment, and otherwise prettify them before storing or emailing them? Then Scan Tailor could be right up your alley. This free app splits two-page scans into single documents, converts text to black and white without disturbing images, and cleans stray specks off pages. Scan Tailor even gets rid of that pesky shadow down the center of a two-page scan that occurs when you lay an open book face down on a scanner.
Post-processing of scansOver 50 Free, Must-Have Open Source Resources
Read about trends, technologies and best practices covered by experienced Giga Omni Media editors and writers. Participate in daily blog discusions and post your thoughts and opinions.50+ Free iPhone Apps to Make You Richer
Microsoft doesn't think 2010 Word users want a collaboration option in Web version. [from]
Review of @microsoft (client) Office 2010 | (via @techcrunch) **good one [from]Automatic text software - faster typing and fewer errors with Typinator
Typinator is an automatic text software that boosts your productivity and eliminates errors by automating the process of inserting frequently used text and graphics and auto-correcting typing errors.
Typinator is an automatic text software that boosts your productivity and eliminates errors by automating the process of inserting frequently used text and graphics and auto-correcting typing errorsDownload Google Chrome OS and Run it from a USB Drive
구글 크롬 사용하는법 !QuirksBlog: Apple is not evil. iPhone developers are stupid.
tion, and maybe Apple is working on other device APIs. That would solve all problems for the second category. Complex games will remain vemxcl's homebrew at master - GitHub
Alternative zu MacPorts und Fink (greift im Gegensatz zu diesen auf System-Libs zurück und installiert nicht alle Dependencies parallel neu) Verwendet Git und Ruby
Homebrew is a package management system for OS X. In other words it is a tool that helps you manage the installation of other open source software on your Mac.
Great MacPorts alternative (seems to be a lot more powerful).
macports alternativeFishbowl
opensource клиент для Facebook с богатым функционалом.
Fishbowl -
Desktop app that runs facebook in a cleaner sleeker setup
Fishbowl brings Facebook to your desktop. Experience your Facebook content in new ways with a trial desktop client application that lets you personalize how you read your newsfeed, update status, comment, like, browse and upload photos.
Windows only: Fishbowl, the Facebook client demoed at Microsoft's introduction to Silverlight 4, is now available for download—and it adds quite a few new desktop features to the Facebook experience, including badges, a mini news feed, and more.Allmyapps - Application Store for Windows XP, Vista and Seven to find and install the best applications
Allmyapps - Application Store for Windows XP, Vista and Seven to find and install the best applications
like audacity, only web-based
Podcasting Tools
online audio editorFree Driver Update Software - Device Doctor
Freeware Driver Update Download Device Doctor Updates Windows XP, Vista, & Windows 7 Drivers Automatically.Roundup: 15 Free Must-Install Programs for Your New PC
Useful Software ProgramsCambridge University Engineering Department - Qi Pan
"(a) Object rotated by hand in front of camera. (b) Point cloud obtained from on-line structure from motion estimation followed by bundle adjustment. (c) Delaunay Tetrahedralisation of point cloud, partitioning the convex hull into tetrahedra. (d) Carved mesh obtained from recursive probabilisitic tetrahedron carving. (e) Texture-mapped surface mesh." COOL BUT THE CARVING MISSES SOME EDGESWelcome - Ommwriter
瞑想 テキストエディタWelcome - Ommwriter
A wise man once said "We are all at the mercy of our wild monkey minds. Incessantly swinging from branch to branch." With multiple windows and applications all vying for our attention, we have sadly adapted our working habits to that of the computer and not the other way around. Ommwriter is a humble attempt to recapture what technology has snatched away from us today: our capacity to concentrate. Ommwriter is a simple text processor that firmly believes in making writing a pleasure once again, reinvindicating the close relationship between writer and paper. The more intimate the relation, the smoother the flow of inspiration. If you are a scriptwriter, blogger, journalist, copywriter, poet or just someone who enjoys writing, welcome back to concentrating.
Ommwriter is a simple text processor that firmly believes in making writing a pleasure once again, reinvindicating the close relationship between writer and paper. The more intimate the relation, the smoother the flow of inspiration.
なるほど、きれいなエディタ。 マックはトランスペアレントおおいな。Welcome to Elefant — Elefant
Efficient Learning, Large-scale Inference, and Optimisation Toolkit
Elefant (Efficient Learning, Large-scale Inference, and Optimisation Toolkit) is an open source library for machine learning licensed under the Mozilla Public License
Elefant (Efficient Learning, Large-scale Inference, and Optimisation Toolkit) is an open source library for machine learning licensed under the Mozilla Public License (MPL).Chromium OS Builds by Hexxeh
Commands In Demand is een geweldige tool voor al wie overbodig klikken haat. Het programma verzamelt een heleboel snelkoppelingen naar nuttige acties in Windows. (
Commands in Demand provides non-technical users with easy access to more than 70 Windows commands and features that can be hard to find or time consuming to get to.
A collection of commands that may be needed instantly for a purpose. • Commands in Demand provides non-technical users with easy access to more than 70 Windows commands and features that can be hard to find or time consuming to get to. The program includes shortcuts to terminate non-responsive applications, restart Windows Explorer, view/clear the clipboard, open a command prompt in a selected folder, access system folders, view TCP/IP configuration settings, etc. • It has a selections menu (sections) according to were its commands are related. If a command is related with more than one section and in order to be less confused, you may find the same command buttons more than one times.
A collection of commands that may be needed instantly for a purpose.61 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For - Thanksgiving - Lifehacker
As we prepare to stuff our faces with a bountiful Thanksgiving feast, we turn our Thanksgiving spirit to the gobs of free software we love to say thank you to the developers, and to give our computers a feast of their own.Lifehacker - Remember the Milk for Launchy Adds Tasks in a Flash - Ubergeek
This appears to be the best way to integrate Remember the Milk and Launchy. Works even better with new Smart Add features.Top 10 Content Management Systems scored by functionality | CMS Match
すげえ。なにが凄いって未読メール105件って表示されてるのがすげえ。61 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For - Thanksgiving - Lifehacker
As we prepare to stuff our faces with a bountiful Thanksgiving feast, we turn our Thanksgiving spirit to the gobs of free software we love to say thank you to the developers, and to give our computers a feast of their own.
As we prepare to stuff our faces with a bountiful Thanksgiving feast, we turn our Thanksgiving spirit to the gobs of free software we love to say thank you to the developers, and to give our computers a feast of their own. Earlier this week we asked you to share the free apps you're most thankful for, and after rounding up thousands of your suggestions, considering our own favorites, and performing a little spreadsheet magic, we've cooked up our own cornucopia of excellent free software and webapps we're extremely thankful for. So whether you're an American celebrating the season or not, the selection of apps below is like gravy-drenched turkey and mashed potatoes for your computer. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!Featured Download: Darik's Boot and Nuke is the Nuclear Option of Secure Data Shredding
Got an interest in Google Wave but have absolutely no idea where to get started? Try out The Complete Guide to Google Wave, a new (free) book written and edited by my pal and Lifehacker cohort Gina Trapani and yours truly.Flickrに関するメモ・ツールやソフトなど - かちびと.net
Annoyed when you are typing a document and accidentally the palm of your hand brushes the touchpad, changing the position of the cursor in your document or accidentally clicking on an option. TouchFreeze is simple utility for Windows NT/2000/XP that solves this problem. It automatically disables touchpad while you are typing text. Like syndaemon on x-windows.
Utility for Windows that disables touchpad automatically while you are typing text
Freezes your touch pad when you begin to type, unfreezes when you stop.
Desactiva el touchpad cuando empiezas a teclear y lo reactiva en cuanto dejas de hacerlo!Pollux Automatically Cleans and Tags Your iTunes Library - iTunes - Lifehacker
better? free-er! than tuneup...
Pollux Automatically Cleans and Tags Your iTunes LibraryComodo EasyVPN Creates a Virtual Private Network in a Few Clicks - Vpn - Lifehacker
Windows only: Free application Comodo EasyVPN creates a virtual private network between your computers for a hassle-free, secure private network. That means you can access, for example, anything on your home computer from work as though you're on the same local network.
"Once you've got the app running on a couple of computers, you can easily (and securely) access one computer from the other as though you're on the same local network."SearchMyFiles - Alternative to 'Search For Files And Folders' module of Windows
Serch utility
SearchMyFiles is an alternative to the standard "Search For Files And Folders" module of Windows. It allows you to easily search files in your system by wildcard, by last modified/created/last accessed time, by file attributes, by file content (text or binary search), and by the file size. SearchMyFiles allows you to make a very accurate search that cannot be done with Windows search.IDEO Labs » Keynote Tweet: Participate in the backchannel of your own presentation
Tweets from keynote for public presentation
"Enter Keynote Tweet, a simple open-source script that provides the capacity to participate in the backchannel by combining Twitter with Apple Keynote. All you have to do is add text wrapped in [twitter] and [/twitter] tags in the presenter notes section of a slide. When that slide comes up in the presentation the script grabs that text and sends it to Twitter on your behalf."1週間で本当に体調が良くなったiPhoneアプリ - 好奇心は世界を変える - 時仲ハジメのBlog
ベッドにiPhoneを置いておいて寝ると、 振動センサから寝返りや動きを察知 睡眠が浅く起きやすいタイミングでアラームを鳴らしてくれる。
試してみっかな。Erik Hinterbichler » Herald
Herald is a notification plugin for, Apple's Mac OS X email client. Inspired by the excellent Mail.appetizer plugin, Herald shows you popup notifications whenever you receive new Mail. It also allows you to perform common actions directly from within the notification window, including deleting messages, initiating replies, viewing messages in Mail, or marking messages as read.Yubin Kim » Blog Archive » Vim tips: stuff I wish I knew when I first started - Her likes, dislikes and things she is indifferent to
considers any number preceded by 0 to be octal (unless it contains an 8 or 9). Similarly, any number prefixed by 0x is considered hexadecimal. If you wish to change this behaviou
set nrformats=hexASCIIpOrtal | Cymons Games
See high res text graphics. Master physics bending puzzles. Escape the test chambers. Play ASCIIpOrtal ! This game is awesome and runs on all OSes.61 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For - Thanksgiving - Lifehacker
As we prepare to stuff our faces with a bountiful Thanksgiving feast, we turn our Thanksgiving spirit to the gobs of free software we love to say thank you to the developers, and to give our computers a feast of their own.Five Best Screencasting Tools - Screencast - Lifehacker
Thanks to broadband and some excellent screencasting applications, you don't need to limit yourself to mere static images when you're trying to show someone how to do something on your computer. Record video, audio, and do even more with these screencasting tools.A Reading Guide To Becoming A Better Developer | The Inquisitive Coder – Davy Brion's Blog
Lista de libros sobre programación que merece la pena tenerパーティションのリサイズ・作成・コピー・変換・完全消去などが簡単にできるフリーソフト「Partition Wizard Home Edition」 - GIGAZINE
パーティションのリサイズ・作成・コピー・変換・完全消去などが簡単にできるフリーソフト「Partition Wizard Home Edition」 Windows2000/XP/Vista/Windows7の32ビット版と64ビット版で動作し、パーティションの作成・削除・フォーマット・コピーなどが可能なのがこのフリーソフト「Partition Wizard Home Edition」です。 RAIDもサポートしており、2TB以上のパーティションサイズを認識可能、パーティションの復元もでき、さらにはFATをNTFSに変換、隠しパーティションの作成、不可視になっている隠しパーティションを見えるように変更するといったことも可能です。ほかにも、各種復元ソフトでデータを元に戻されないようにするため、全セクタを0や1といったパターンで埋め尽くして特定パーティション内のデータを容易に復元できないようにしたり、さらには米国国防総省規格(DoD:Department Of Defense)によって完膚無きまでに完全消去して絶対に復元できないようにするといった処理すら可能です。 というわけで、ダウンロードとインストール、実際の使用方法は以下から。 Partition Wizard is a Windows based FREE Partition Manager. It works as partition magic and supports Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 server and Windows 7. FREE for Home and Business user. ◆ダウンロードとインストール、そして起動まで 上記サイトの「Download」をクリックします 「Local Download」か「Download from」をクリックしてインストーラをダウンロードします インストーラをクリックして実行 「Next」をクリック 上にチェックを入れてから「Next」をクリック 「Next」をクリック 「Next」をクリック 「Next」をクリック 「Next」をクリック 「Install」をクリックBALMUDA design - NumberKey - English
"Turns your iPhone/iPod touch into a numeric keypad for your notebook. Wouldn't it be useful if your notebook computer had a numeric keypad? The NumberKey does just that! The NumberKey turns your iPhone/iPod touch into a portable numeric keypad so you can use it at your home, office, and even when you're on-the-go."
"Turns your iPhone/iPod touch into a numeric keypad for your notebook."
turn iphone into a number pad when in use with laptopAndroid Developer Challenge
Google's Android Developer Challenge: providing awards for great mobile apps built on the Android platformLinuxLive USB Creator | Get LinuxLive USB Creator at
LiLi USB Creator is a free software for Windows that allows you to create a bootable USB key with a linux on it, with integrated virtualization.Inbox2 - One stream for all your accounts
Streams e-mail, RSS, and social networking feeds together in one account
Global inbox for all messaging and social networking accounts.MacHeist TweetBlast!
Customize your Voice: Bored of your voice? Take your pick from a choice of 17 new ones! With Voices, you can record a quick voice memo as various characters, then share the best ones through the app with your friends and family with just a couple taps.
app de iphone que muda sua voz
tweet blast iPhone appLess is Better | UX Magazine
Whenever we have to put in or feel that we have to put in a preference in our software, we pretty much consider that a defeat. We were not good enough. We were not good enough at coming up with a reasonable choice that most people would like most of the time.
For me a good user interface is a simple user interface. It's a user interface that doesn't try to expose or reveal too many features or preferences.Google 日本語入力 - ダウンロード
Google IME
Google 日本語入力はシンプルで高速な Windows と Mac OS X 用の日本語入力ソフトウェアです。インターネットに最適化された、豊富な語彙数と入力サジェストによる快適な日本語入力を提供します。altdrag - Google Code
AltDrag allows you to drag windows with the mouse when pressing the alt key. You can use the middle or right mouse button to resize windows. If you press the shift key while you drag or resize, the window will stick to other windows. You can double-click a window to maximize it. You can double-click with the middle mouse button to roll-up windows. Fullscreen windows, such as games, will not be dragged or resized.Google Japan Blog: 思いどおりの日本語入力 - Google 日本語入力
(Win)ホワイトの伊豆 → (GooG)ホワイトノイズさよならFirefox 気づいたらGoogleChromeがデフォルトブラウザだった件|MOBILE POWER ~読書とかiPhoneとか~ - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
firebugとvimperatorが対応すれば移行できそうです19 Best Utility Apps For Your iPhone - iSmashPhone iPhone Blog
"We know these things to be true"... about software engineering
grumpy old men ...
Everyone involved in the production, design and specification of software should be required to read and understand every item on this list.窓の杜 - 【REVIEW】肥大化した「Firefox」の内部データベースをボタン一発で最適化「Vacuum Places」
Great iPhone apps for Designers and Devs!File Transfer: JetBytes Transfers Files Directly via the Web
JetBytes is a web based file-transfer service that skips the whole remote storage model and shares files directly between users.ImageOptim – PNG/JPEG/GIF optimizer for Mac OS X
ImageOptim will optimize your images — so they take up less disk space and load faster — by finding best compression parameters and by removing unnecessary comments and color profiles. It handles PNG, JPEG and GIF animations.Eureqa | Cornell Computational Synthesis Laboratory
Eureqa is a software tool for detecting equations and hidden mathematical relationships in your data. Its primary goal is to identify the simplest mathematical formulas which could describe the underlying mechanisms that produced the data. Eureqa is free to download and use. Below you will find the program download, video tutorial, user forum, and other and reference materials.
"Eureqa is a software tool for detecting equations and hidden mathematical relationships in your data."
Eureqa is a software tool for detecting equations and hidden mathematical relationships in your data. Its primary goal is to identify the simplest mathematical formulas which could describe the underlying mechanisms that produced the data. Eureqa is free to download and use.
It's just what I've always wanted! Thank you!
Uses GA to discover the most likely equation behind your pile of data. Very pretty.Symbol Caddy
The Symbol Caddy Dashboard widget keeps a bunch of common special characters at your fingertips.
The Symbol Caddy Dashboard widget keeps a bunch of common special characters at your fingertips. Keyboard mode copies the special character and HTML mode copies the HTML entity code. For example:
a widget to keeps a bunch of common special characters at your fingertips
The Symbol Caddy Dashboard widget keeps a bunch of common special characters at your fingertips. Keyboard mode copies the special character and HTML mode copies the HTML entity code.
Character Map for OS X10 things you should know about moving from Windows XP to Windows 7 | 10 Things |
verbose scheduling via natural language expressions
Andy Kim of Potion Factory walks through his design decisions for a UI to specify recurring events in a to-do-list/calendar app.
Better design through less interface. Designing a recurring schedule without the garbage UI.
task repeat repetitionnamebench - Project Hosting on Google Code
Namebench hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. namebench runs a fair and thorough benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation.
Are you a power-user with 5 minutes to spare? Do you want a faster internet experience? Try out namebench. It hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. namebench runs a fair and thorough benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation. namebench is completely free and does not modify your system in any way. This project began as a 20% project at Google. namebench runs on Mac OS X, Windows, and UNIX, and is available with a graphical user interface as well as a command-line interface.WindowsでSubversionを使う:TortoiseSVNでバージョン管理 - SourceForge.JP Magazine
TortoiseSVNの使い方あれこれLearning Tools
Exhaustive directory of all kinds of tools that can be used in teaching/learning contexts - from authoring to microblogging
web based learning tools (similar to 21 things) - great resource!
Directory of Learning Tools Here's a list of nearly 3,000 tools that range from "traditional" course authoring tools to Web 2.0 collaboration and sharing tools. Over 3/4 of the tools are FREE. 50 different tool pages under 25 tool categories
Here's a list of nearly 3,000 tools that range from "traditional" course authoring tools to Web 2.0 collaboration and sharing tools. Over 3/4 of the tools are FREE. 50 different tool pages under 25 tool categories
Excellent technology in ed siteTop 10 Downloads for a Road Warrior Laptop - Laptop - Lifehacker
If you take your laptop to destinations beyond your couch, you expose it to intermittent connectivity, greater risk of theft, always-depleting batteries, and many other variables. Prepare your laptop for productivity on the go with these apps and utilities.とりあえず今すぐ使えるChromeエクステンション、11種類ご紹介
chrome extensionPanda Cloud Antivirus FREE - The first free cloud antivirus against viruses, spyware, rootkits and adware
Panda Cloud Antivirus is a really light, install-and-forget antivirus client that protects faster against the latest viruses. Download free antivirus and anti-spyware protection.Linux用の優れたバックアップツール10選 - builder by ZDNet Japan
Muitas maneiras de apresentar as fotos do Flickr, Muito Bom
写真共有サイト「Flickr」。ご存じの方も多いかと。 Flickr関連のウェブアプリケーションやツールを集めました。 これらを使うとFlickrがもっと楽しくなるかも! Flickrの閲覧を見やすくするものやダウンロードを支援するサイトなどがあります。 以下に目的別にまとめましたのでどうぞ。Dear Aunt TUAW: How do I get started programming for the iPhone? - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
Sobre desenvolvver para o iPhone
I've been thinking about trying my hand at development for the iPhone (I've got some good app ideas already), and I was wondering where a good place to start might be. Should I mess around with learning some Objective-C first, or just spend the $99 and dive in with the dev kit? I know some PHP, Javascript, and a smattering of C++, but have never tried developing in Objective-C or Cocoa.Pon a punto Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope 9.04 (I)
¿Ya has probado el último lanzamiento de Ubuntu? Cierto, Jaunty Jackalope no tiene novedades muy vistosas, pero gracias a sus mejoras internas es m�...Specifying Performance - Unweary
Great essay describing the perception of software performance and the various time ranges that matter. Good content and great source of references to other source material on the topic.
Designing and Engineering Time
When you need to choose which part of your application to focus on speeding up, understanding where and why users will perceive performance problems is key. You can't and shouldn't optimize everything. Remember, perception is reality. No mater what your metrics say, if the user thinks your application is slow, it is.
"Failing to specify reasonable performance requirements makes it very difficult to verify that your software is actually meeting your users' performance expectations." … with a good overview of Seow's timings.
very useful thoughts on setting performance expectations.Nexty
a terrific little tool for arranging your to-do lists by project and easily cross-referencing them by context. You can check all your tasks, figure out your Next Action, set reminders, and see due dates all in a few clicks. Nexty comes with pretty much all the bells and whistles you'd expect to see in a GTD webapp
"Nexty is an easy to use To Do list manager created using GTD principles. Why choose Nexty? * Easy to Use * FREE! * Open Source"Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool
The Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool allows you to create a copy of your Windows 7 ISO file on a USB flash drive or a DVD. To create a bootable DVD or USB flash drive, download the ISO file and then run the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool. Once this is done, you can install Windows 7 directly from the USB flash drive or DVD. AwesomeWelcome to The M.H.A.
App that locks your Mac when your iPhone goes out of range
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Lock your computer when you (actually, your iPhone) are out of range.Featured Rainmeter Config: Configure Your Own Rainmeter 10-Foot HUD
ThumbView enables image thumbnails and tooltips in MS-Windows Explorer for filetypes that are not natively supported. It started with PCX, TGA, DDS and PNG images, but now ThumbView supports an amazing 19 image types - directly inside any Explorer window! See the features page for illustrations. This image software is completely free (open source) so go directly to the download area and enjoy windows as an image gallery! Supported filetypes: .cut, .dcx, .dds, .mdl, .mng, .pcd, .pcx, .pic, .pix, .png, .pnm/.pbm/.pgm/.ppm, .psd/.pdd, .psp, .pxr, .sgi/.rgb, .tga/.vda/.icb/.vst, .tif/.tiff, .wal, .xpm.
Allows you to see thumbnails for all picture formats in Windows
You may have noticed that windows only supports thumbnail icon previews for a handful of image formats. Free utility Thumbview adds in over a dozen more to make sure you can preview all your images. It's annoying to look at a directory of image thumbnails and have some be proper thumbnails, while others are just icons of whatever program they are associated with. Thumbview adds support for 19 image formats, including PNG, PSD, TFF, and more. According to the documentation on the Thumbview site, it's light on system resources and only springs into action when rendering a new batch of thumbnails. On our test machine it was quick and seemed no slower or faster than Windows typically is when re-filling thumbnails. For an alternative application, check out previously mentioned Xentient Thumbnails.Most Popular Top 10s of 2009 - Lifehacker Top 10 - Lifehacker
Every weekend, we comb our memories and archives to compile 10 useful items addressing a specific topic you may have forgotten about, or just happen to be excellent. Here are the 20 list(icle) posts that proved the most popular in 2009.
WINDOWS - APPS - MOZILLA - ITS ALL HERE! LIFEHACKERTop 10 Ubuntu Downloads - Ubuntu - Lifehacker
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VisiPics uses an algorithm to examine each picture and compare it to the rest, seeking out similarities based on the actual image not just the parameters of the file.
Cool apps that find duplicate photos on your computerEssential Android Apps - - Gizmodo
ちょっといいかも?Ten must-have Google Chrome extensions
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Dear Lifehacker I have Firefox installed on three separate computers and I find it difficult to keep the same Add無料でPDFファイルをWordやExcelファイルに変換するネットサービス「PDF to Word」&「PDF to Excel」 - GIGAZINE
無料でPDFファイルをWordやExcelファイルに変換するネットサービス「PDF to Word」&「PDF to Excel」 - GIGAZINE 無料でPDFファイルをWordやExcelファイルに変換するネットサービス「PDF to Word」&「PDF to Excel」 - GIGAZINE 無料のPDF変換ソフトPrimoPDFで有名なNitro PDF, Inc.が提供する、PDFファイルをWord、あるいはExcelファイルに変換してくれるネットサービスです。 融通の利かないPDFファイルを、WordやExcelで編集できる形式に変換してくれます。なおかつ日本語の変換にも対応しているので、多くの場面で使うことができるものとなっています。 詳しい使い方は以下から。■PDFファ... はてなブックマーク - 無料でPDFファイルをWordやExcelファイルに変換するネットサービス「PDF to Word」&「PDF to Excel」 - GIGAZINE はてなブックマークに追加 gin-oi2 gin-oi2 webサービス, pdf, excel, word, **お役立ち
無料のPDF変換ソフトPrimoPDFで有名なNitro PDF, Inc.が提供する、PDFファイルをWord、あるいはExcelファイルに変換してくれるネットサービスです。 融通の利かないPDFファイルを、WordやExcelで編集できる形式に変換してくれます。なおかつ日本語の変換にも対応しているので、多くの場面で使うことができるものとなっています。ソフトではなくネットサービスなので、WindowsやMac OSなどのOSに左右されず利用できるのも大きな利点です。 様々なファイルを試してみたところ、編集にパスワードが必要なPDFファイルも変換することができたので、さらに活用の場面は広がるのではないかと思います。詳しい使い方は以下から。Sriram Krishnan Stuff I've learned at Microsoft
Coming up on five years (and many teams) at Microsoft, there are a few things I’ve picked up along the way that I definitely didn’t know about when I left college. Call them core values, things I’ve learned, lessons learned, things I scream at my friends to do more of, whatever - they’ve served me well. Some of these are Microsoft-specific but most will apply to any team/corporate environment. Some of these are tricky - they can get you fired (or worse) if you don’t know what you’re doing.start [Bkrpr Wiki]
Easy DIY book scanner.
An open source book scanner project.
"BookLiberator is a set of free software and hardware to digitize books: it lets you photograph all the pages in a book without harming the book. The resulting images can be processed with free, open source software to make user-friendly files in a variety of formats." Imagine a plexilglass box, two cameras, and a stand.
BookLiberator is a set of free software and hardware that helps you digitize books.
This is the home page and the documentation wiki of BookLiberator. BookLiberator is a set of free software and hardware that helps you digitize books. Some of our hardware designs make it easy to photograph all the pages in a book without harming the book. Other designs allow you to remove the binding so the pages can be dropped into a sheet-fed scanner. Whichever method you use, the resulting images can be processed with our software to make user-friendly files in a variety of formats.
BookLiberator is a set of free software and hardware that helps you digitize books
Free your text, DIY-style!
book liberator -- diy book scanning device using two digital cameras
far simpler book scan design.Mac Gems of the Year (2009) Review | Software | Mac Gems | Macworld
Might wind up forking out for a few of these.100+ Sites to Download Everything Online | Super Geek Land
Beta Beat: Droplr adds to the quick-share repertoire
Looks neat but requires Snow Leopard. Boo!argparse - Google Code
The argparse module provides an easy, declarative interface for creating command line tools, which knows how to: * parse the arguments and flags from sys.argv * convert arg strings into objects for your program * format and print informative help messages * and much more... The argparse module improves on the standard library optparse module in a number of ways including: * handling positional arguments * supporting sub-commands * allowing alternative option prefixes like + and / * handling zero-or-more and one-or-more style arguments * producing more informative usage messages * providing a much simpler interface for custom types and actions
Enhanced command line parsing in Python.Downloads: Make Windows XP Look Like Windows 7 (No Hacking Required)
Downloads: Make Windows XP Look Like Windows 7 (No Hacking Required)Repair Tool of the Week Presents: The Computer Repair Utility Kit | Technibble
Resource for Computer TechniciansMost Popular Free Windows Downloads of 2009 - Best of 2009 - Lifehacker
We've featured hundreds of free Windows applications over the course of 2009 that we hoped might bolster your productivity, workflow, or your PC usefulness in one form or another. Here's a look back at the most popular Windows downloads of the year.
As with 2008's most popular free Windows downloads, keep in mind that the apps featured here are chosen by the popularity of the associated post we published in 2009. Many were new, some were improvements to already loved apps, and others were simply new-to-us. Here's a quick look back at the 19 or so most popular Windows downloads of 2009Christmas Giveaway Day 15: Delibar – Mac.AppStorm
Get Delibar for free, wonderful app that connects Delicious with your desktop.
If you're a Delicious user and haven't tried Delibar, you're really missing out. Delibar is a full featured Delicious Mac client, focusing upon giving OS XTwitterの公式RT、非公式RT、QTの違いを分かりやすく図で描いてみた - 聴く耳を持たない(片方しか)
わかりやすい気がする。長いけど・・・・裏アカウントでつぶやき充を1カ月続けているけど、そろそろ疲れてきた。コミュニケーションって大変・・・Top 50 free software for Windows
Top 50 free software for Windows
Just another Globalthoughtz | Right to Information weblog
Elenco di software gratuiti da avere sul proprio pcSemantic Versioning
How to version your API correctly so other developers don't get into dependency hell.
"Under this scheme, version numbers and the way they change convey meaning about the underlying code and what has been modified from one version to the next."
Ce document spécifie une manière de numéroter les versions qui je trouve intelligente.Free and Easy Screencasting to Build Your Website Demo
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Totally Web-based free screencasting tool, ScreenToaster.Most Popular Free Mac Downloads of 2009 - Best of 2009 - Lifehacker
Nothing beats finding just the right application to fill a common need, fix a problem, or boost your productivity. Give yourself an early present this holiday season with 15 of the most popular Mac downloads of 2009.Android Versus iPhone 3.0: The Showdown
Vergelijking tussen Android en iPhone 3.0. Op het einde is er ook nog een kleine poll om de populariteit van Android en iPhone 3.0 te testen en iPhone 3.0 haalt hier een duidelijke meerderheid.
As a former iPhone user who switched to Android, I can say: iPhone 3.0 hasn't made me regret my decision. Yet. Right now, Android's killer Gmail client, proper MMS support (available now), background processes (even though they kill the battery), window shade, and general Google product integration makes me a happy camper. In fact, on the chart above, the top five items are the features most important to me, and Android—right now, not this summer—hits on almost all of them.
Good breakdown of the various features of iPhone 3.0 and AndroidDownloads: Process Blocker is a Brick Wall for Unwanted Windows Processes
As noted in the instructions, Process Blocker runs as a system service, watching for certain processes and killing them off if it finds them running. The app won't provide you a list of background services or apps for selection, though—this is a text affair. If you look in your Task Manager (Control-Shift-Escape), or your super-charged Process ExplorerGifts for User Experience Geeks 2009 | Blog | Nick Finck | UX/IA Pro, Speaker, and Community Cultivator.
gifts for UX geeks like Information Architects, Usability Specialists, Interaction Designers, and even Web Designers. - I want the Konigi Wireframe Sketch Book!
UX product picks for 2009Daring Fireball: Untitled Document Syndrome
hat same simple example also w
A long, thoughtful post about why everything should auto-save all the time, because when you're trying to work, you don't want to be diverting your attention into meta-work at the same time.
by John Gruber - 20 February 2009 - Daring Fireball
A great article of file saving conventions and usability.辞書・翻訳/キングソフト辞書
単語にマウスポインターを合わせるだけで、瞬時に訳語が表示されるソフトウェア5 Great Instant Messenger Aggregators Across Multiple Platforms
5 Great Instant Messenger Aggregators Across Multiple Platforms -
Since the proliferation of the Internet, instant messaging (IMing from here on in) has become a very popular means of communicating on the Web. Even with the rapid growth of Twitter, many people still communicate using IM. Now, there is no shortage of IM protocols out there; these include ICQ, AIM, GTalkGtalkGtalk, Yahoo, and FacebookFacebookFacebook, to name a few. IM aggregators aim to solve the mess of having all these programs open at once. Here is where it gets complicated. Depending on whether you’re on the web, Windows, Mac, or a mobile device, there are a number of aggregators from which to choose. To help you figure things out, here are five great instant messenger aggregators for multiple platforms.
Just what the title says. Mashable does it again.Git Client - SmartGit
SmartGit is a graphical front-end for the distributed version control system Git and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Though it is unfortunately a (free as in free beer) proprietary software, SmartGit is the best GUI client I found for GIT (so far)How to add Twitter and Facebook IM support to Pidgin for Windows - Download Squad
Pidgin is a great multi-protocol IM client. Out of the box it provides support for 15 different protocols, including most of the important ones: MSN, Yahoo, Gtalk, ICQ, and XMPP to name a few. Two glaring omissions include Facebook IM and Twitter - both of which are built-in to Digsby by default.iPhone / iPod Touch App Promo Code Giveaway web site
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Southern Regional Education BoardCompile source code - and solve problems | TuxRadar
Building software from source - that's a bit old-school, isn't it? Who wants to wrestle with the command line, hunting down dependencies and coaxing the GCC compiler into running properly? Well, it does sound like a strange thing to do in this world of binary packages and online repositories.
compile source but also explains how to deal with issues that come upIPhone: Roll Your Own Nike+ iPhone for Free
As an iPhone owner who runs for exercise, my biggest disappointment at Apple's recent iPod event was the lack of Nike+ support for the GPS-sporting 3G iPhone. Instead, the second generation iPod touch has Nike+ built-in, and the iPhone still has nothing. I would be disappointed, but the power of the iPhone App Store pulls out a big win on this front, as several free Nike+ alternatives are already leveraging your 3G iPhone's GPS capabilities to provide you with much of the same functionality as you can already get from Nike+ and then some. Keep reading for a look at some of the best free Nike+ alternatives.Simple Flash Mp3 Player | Flabell
Official page on 2.6 on Lots of Python 3 compatibility features/
tLifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Things to Look Forward to in Windows 7
Top 10 Things to Look Forward to in Windows 7PiratePad
A free online text editor that supports collaborative writing through exchange of a hyperlink
Ether Pad reborn as the PiratePad.
Powered by EtherPad - Etherpad was purchased by Google and it's programmers assigned to the Google Wave project.
an Open Source implementation of Etherpad
= etherpad
This pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents! Hosted by PiratpartietMatt Kenefick: The Only Blog Ever
create fractals with this adobe air application
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Fractal Image creator Air App
Here is the first public release of Fractal4D. It is still beta, but there is a built-in auto updater that will make sure you have all the necessary updates without having to check for announcements. The auto-updater does not affect any files or directories outside of its own application directory. This is an AIR app, so you will need Adobe AIR to use it. Please leave feedback, comments, and suggestions.
AdobeAIR Applikation für schicke Linieneffekte. Inkl. Exportfunktion.Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Paving my machine for a fresh 2009 - First-Pass Must-Haves
Tools for developersHandy Tweaks To Make GIMP Replace Photoshop
A unique, comprehensive, accurate & free Windows (and Linux/Wine) utility to determine the exact performance of local and remote DNS nameservers . . .
A unique, comprehensive, accurate & free Windows (and Linux/Wine) utility to determine the exact performance of local and remote DNS nameserversMac Endeavor | Gity
Weiteres UI für Git. Siehe GitXInsurgents Hack U.S. Drones -
Militants in Iraq have used $26 off-the-shelf software to intercept live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones, potentially providing them with information they need to evade or monitor U.S. military operations. Senior defense and intelligence officials said Iranian-backed insurgents intercepted the video feeds by taking advantage of an unprotected communications link in some of the remotely flown planes' systems. Shiite fighters in Iraq used software programs such as SkyGrabber -- available for as little as $25.95 on the Internet -- to regularly capture drone video feeds, according to a person familiar with reports on the matter. some officials to conclude that militant groups trained and funded by Iran were regularly intercepting feeds. A Reaper costs between $10 million and $12 million each and is faster and better armed than the Predator
Shiite fighters in Iraq used software programs such as SkyGrabber -- available for as little as $25.95 on the Internet -- to regularly capture drone video feeds, according to a person familiar with reports on the matter.
Militants in Iraq have used inexpensive, off-the-shelf software to intercept video feeds from Predator drones.
US Aircrafts hacked by Insurgents from IraqFree Tools for the SQL Server DBA Part 2 - SQL Server Central
As Google product managers, you are building something that will outlast all of us, and none of us can imagine all the ways Google will grow and touch people's lives. In that way, we are like our colleague Vint Cerf, who didn't know exactly how many networks would want to be part of this "Internet" so he set the default to open. Vint certainly got it right. I believe we will too.
Google ManifestoClueMapper – Trac
ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc.
ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc. The website for ClueMapper is at
"ClueMapper is a web-based application for managing software and software-based consulting projects. Currently it uses Trac to handle individual projects but adds the ability to create new trac instances, svn configurations, etc."Lifehacker - Half-Open Patcher Speeds up BitTorrent Downloads - Featured Windows Download
Windows only: Did you realize Windows only allows 10 outbound connection attempts at a time? A simple patching utility can fix the problem and speed up your BitTorrent downloads.
Увеличиваем к-во исходящих соединений в винде.
Did you realize Windows only allows 10 outbound connection attempts at a time? A simple patching utility can fix the problem and speed up your BitTorrent downloads.The Atari 7800 Pro System - The Atari Museum
Atari Source Code
source code to many classic Atari games (Digdug, Joust, Ms Pacman)
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Simple, effective and free. We take the best from screenshot tools to make the greatest. SCREENPRESSO gives professional look to your screenshots for FREE!
Capture windows and region Capture Region Simply capture part of the screen or a specific window with the same shortcut. SimpleMySQL Showdown: Querious vs. Sequel Pro - TheAppleBlog
Backup Maker 5.5 Windows - freeware - 5,5 MB Met dit progje kan je back-ups maken. En ja, we weten het , dat is geen leuke bezigheid, maar het is wel levensnoodzakelijk! Het progje bevat een wizard die je begeleid bij het instellen van regelmatige backups.(Bron: Review:
Internetseiten der ASCOMP Software GmbH, dem Hersteller der Produkte BackUp Maker, ByteReducer, CD StartUp, DevAdmin, LinkDesktop, Secure Eraser u.v.m.
менеджер резервного копирования данныхRay Ozzie Wants to Push Microsoft Back Into Startup Mode
"Microsoft, Ozzie wrote, had to think and operate more like an Internet company and, as much as possible, like a Web startup. Consider ad-supported or subscription business models, he advised, viral distribution, and experiences that "just work." Instead of the clunkiness that Microsoft products so often displayed, focus on being "seamless." Bottom line: Change big-time, or else."
the back story on Azure and the good 'ol days
Previously, a big part of any development team at Microsoft was making sure its new product worked in lockstep with everything else the company produced. While that approach avoided annoying conflicts, it also tended to smother innovation. "This philosophy of independent something Ray pushed very strongly," Ozzie's approach was to encourage people to rush ahead and build things. Then he'd have a team of what he calls the spacklers fill in the gaps and get things ready for release. He spent a lot of time on the physical workspace for his team. He had workers rip down the labyrinthine corridors on one floor and called in architects to create a more open design. Now, walking into the Windows Live Core group is like leaving Microsoft and visiting a Futurama set. Office windows open onto hallways so that quick eye contact can trigger spontaneous discussions. Whiteboards are everywhere. Pool tables, mini-lounges, and snack zones draw people toward the center of the space.
Enigma or not, Ozzie is the one who must lead—or drag, if need be—a software giant with 90,000 employees, $60 billion in revenue, and an untold number of blue screens of death across a chasm. Can he do it? Ozzie's big advantage is that he knows what's on the other side. In fact, he caught a glimpse of it 35 years ago and has been heading there ever since.MetatOGGer Automatically Identifies, Tags Your MP3s and More - MP3 Tagging - Lifehacker
سیستم کنترلی پهپاد
Paparazzi is a free and open-source hardware and software project intended to create an exceptionally powerful and versatile autopilot system by allowing and encouraging input from the community. The project includes not only the airborne hardware and software, from voltage regulators and GPS receivers to Kalman filtering code, but also a powerful and ever-expanding array of ground hardware and software including modems, antennas, and a highly evolved user-friendly ground control software interface.
Another amateur UAV site. This thing has already happened.Slammer - Designer's Geometry Box
Slammer gives you any grid you want, anywhere you want: Typographic Grids, Golden Sections, Fibonacci series or Rule of Thirds. Thats not all, Slammer also has Rulers, Crosshairs, Magnifier, Measurements & Screenshots. Slammer is a must have for any designer.
Slammer gives you any grid you want, anywhere you wantLifehacker - Panda Cloud Antivirus is a Lightweight, Always-Updated Virus Killer - Featured Windows Download
Panda Cloud Antivirus is a free download for 32-bit Windows only
Panda Cloud Antivirus uses the power of cloud computing to scan and eliminate viruses from your PC that can identify new malware in almost real time. A free download for 32-bit Windows only, and according to CNET will stay free for personal use even after it is released from beta. Read comments for details.Armed and Dangerous » Blog Archive » Why GPSes suck, and what to do about it
Why the NMEA standard is so much trouble
Away back in the dark and backward abysm of time when GPS technology was first being made generally available (e.g., 1993), only military-grade receivers were sensitive enough to use it where there were things like buildings and trees partly blocking the sky view. The first civilian customers to actually find a use for it were people messing about in boats. Thus it came to pass that the manufacturers of marine navigation systems were the first civilians to grapple with the question of how a GPS receiver should report TPV information over a wire to a navigational computer.Ken's Program Space
- Unicode support - Convert of code page - ID3v1 ID3v2 support to Let Go: How Success Killed Duke Nukem | Magazine
Broussard and Miller assembled a seven-person team to build the product. The pair had a knack for discov
On the last day, they gathered for a group photo. They were videogame programmers, artists, level builders, artificial-intelligence experts. Their team was — finally — giving up, declaring defeat, and disbanding. So they headed down to the lobby of their building in Garland, Texas, to smile for the camera. They arranged themselves on top of their logo: a 10-foot-wide nuclear-radiation sign, inlaid in the marble floor.
absolutelyVideoLAN Movie Creator - Overview - VideoLAN Movie Creator
動画編集ソフツ。気になる。Top 10 Internet Startup Scalability Killers – GigaOM
Compare the recent sale of Friendster for a reported $26.4 million with Facebook’s projected 2010 revenues, of $1 billion, and we have a stark reminder of how the inability to scale can kill a startup. “All they had to do was keep the damned servers up and running,” Matt Cohler, a former Facebook executive and general partner at Benchmark Capital, says in Adam L. Peneberg’s book “Viral Loop,” but Friendster failed to scale and the cost was enormous.
Top 10 Internet Startup Scalability Killers – GigaOMMy talk at the Business of Software conference (September 2008) - (37signals)
Why break them because you want momentum – it is the fuel. In order to not let it down chunk the project into smaller and smaller bits.(less roadmap and spec) optimize for now.
how 37signals runsFeatured Windows Download: DriverBackup2 Copies Your System Drivers
Quickly and easily convert multiple images at the same time
MariusSoft LLC - MariusSoft was created with one simple yet profound concept in mind: create quality software that can help business integrate data, security, and ease of use in one package.
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Bulk Image Resizer allows you to quickly and easily convert multiple images at the same time. The resizing engine supports the most popular formats and features high quality image resizing. The resizer will make any photo email friendly so you can email, upload, view, and move your images faster then ever. MariusSoft Bulk Image Resizer can convert JPEG, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TIFF, PNG formats with no image size limitations.Zviewer™ - Internet Video Browser for the Big Screen | ZeeVee, Inc.
Zviewer™ is the first video browser that puts a simple point and click user interface for video that lives anywhere on the web on on your PC. In addition to simplifying how you find content, Zviewer lets you personalize your experience. Once you choose the shows that you like, Zviewer automatically keeps them updated as new content is published.Irradiated Software - Cinch
habilidad de ampliar una ventana a un lado de la pantalla con solo arrastrarla hacia los bordes. Funciona exactamente igual: arrástralo hacia la izquierda para rellenar la parte izquierda; lo mismo con la derecha; y finalmente si lo arrastras hacia arriba se maximizará. Y si vuelves a arrastrarla hacia otro lado, la ventana volverá a tener el mismo tamaño de antes. Este pequeño programita funciona con la mayoría de ventanas y visualmente es agradable, mostrando una animación de qué espacio rellenará la ventana. La única pega es que es de pago: 7 dólares. Mientras tanto podemos probarlo de manera gratuita, pero de vez en cuando aparecerá una ventana pidiendo que paguemos.
Cinch gives you simple, mouse-driven window management by defining the left, right, and top edges of your screen as 'hot zones'. Drag a window until the mouse cursor enters one of these zones then drop the window to have it cinch into place. Cinching to the left or right edges of the screen will resize the window to fill exactly half the screen, allowing you to easily compare two windows side-by-side (splitscreen). Cinching to the top edge of the screen will resize the window to fill the entire screen (fullscreen). Dragging a window away from its cinched position will restore the window to its original size.
Replicate Windows 7 Snap to the Mac. Automatically resize application windows.
Window managementGTD and Evernote |
My 2nd Notebook is NEXT ACTIONS. As I process my INBOX I will tag the notes with the appropriate @CONTEXT. Currently I have settled on the following tags:The 15 Most Popular Text Editors for Developers
For many developers, a trusty text editor is all you need for even the most complex web applications. Whether you’re creating a site from scratch, editing a CSS file, or messing around with configuration files on the server – a good, solid text editor will do the trick just fine. Last week, over 600 people voted for the text editor that they felt was the best from the large set of options out in the market. In this article, you’ll find fifteen of the most ubiquitous text editors for development as voted by you.
Linux, Mac OS X und Windows-basierte EditorenCheck out 18 Wonderful Underground CMS's Lurking in the Shadow of WP
Choosing an appropriate content management system, or CMS, is usually an important decision that needs to be made when launching a new website or blog. A popular choice these days seems to be the blogging platform known as WordPress, and for good reasons. WordPress is a wonderful CMS that can suit many bloggers and end users quite well. However, in the shadow of WordPress's success, lurk some very wonderful CMS that do not get all the attention they deserve. Today, we will have a look at 18 unappreciated CMS's in the WordPress shadow.Most Popular Free iPhone Apps (and Posts) of 2009 - Best of 2009 - Lifehacker
The iPhone is the most popular cellphone in the country, and with good reason. Despite occasionally awful choices by Apple, it still has the most—and best—applications around. Here are the most popular free iPhone apps (and posts) of 2009. As with our most popular Windows downloads and Mac downloads of 2009, this collection of applications is based solely on the popularity of the associated post here on Lifehacker. We always prefer free applications that offer a little productivity boosting, so this is by no means a complete look at the most popular apps of the 80 billion in the App Store.Notebooks: Where to Go When Google Notebook Goes Down
Google's Notebook webapp was tightly integrated with other Google apps, had a killer Firefox extension, and was great at getting things done. "Was," though, because Google is ending support. Here's where heartsick users should turn.Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 * Keyboard shortcuts
Adobe Air based news reader from the New York Times.
Welcome to the future. Your newspaper is here.
Lector online de The New York Times para Adobe Aircmockery - Google Code
There are a variety of C unit testing frameworks available however many of them are fairly complex and require the latest compiler technology. Some development requires the use of old compilers which makes it difficult to use some unit testing frameworks. In addition many unit testing frameworks assume the code being tested is an application or module that is targeted to the same platform that will ultimately execute the test. Because of this assumption many frameworks require the inclusion of standard C library headers in the code module being tested which may collide with the custom or incomplete implementation of the C library utilized by the code under test.
A lightweight library to simplify and generalize the process of writing unit tests for C applications.
A nice unit testing framework for C.
"A lightweight library to simplify and generalize the process of writing unit tests for C applications." Seems simple and uncomplicated.
There are a variety of C unit testing frameworks available however many of them are fairly complex and require the latest compiler technology. Some development requires the use of old compilers which makes it difficult to use some unit testing frameworks. In addition many unit testing frameworks assume the code being tested is an application or module that is targeted to the same platform that will ultimately execute the test. Because of this assumption many frameworks require the inclusion of standard C library headers in the code module being tested which may collide with the custom or incomplete implementation of the C library utilized by the code under test. Cmockery only requires a test application is linked with the standard C library which minimizes conflicts with standard C library headers. Also, Cmockery tries to avoid the use of some of the newer features of C compilers.Apple - Safari - 150 Features - Learn about the features available in the world’s fastest and most innovative web browser.
Web Insp
Como usar o safari...da Apple10 Greatest Open Source Software Of 2009
10 Greatest Open Source Software Of 2009Windows Vista 搭載パソコンを買ってきてやったことまとめ - IT戦記
タスクマネージャで「イメージのパス名」を選択すると、プロセスのファイルパスが見られる50 websites you'll wonder how you lived without | News | TechRadar UK
Software and tools,Storage and files,Graphics,Research and e-learning,Mobile workers,Miscellaneous
When it comes to the Internet, we're creatures of habit – Google for search, Hotmail for email, Twitter to stay in touch and maybe the BBC's website for news. This means that we use only a handful of favourite sites, leaving the rest of the Internet unvisited. Let's put that right. By the time you've finished reading, we promise that your list of bookmarked sites will have ballooned and you'll be getting more from your surfing.13 Things You Must Do First with Your New PC | Maximum PC
A new computer is like a blank state--there's a lot of potential there, but without some work on your part, it's useless. It's not hard to get started, but there are some essential first steps that everyone should follow when breaking in their new PC. In this guide, we've compiled a step-by-step list of essential tips, tricks and advice from many of our other features, to provide you with just the information you need to get off to a great start with any new PC. So if you got a new rig under the PC under the tree this year, or even if you're just thinking about getting one in the future, read on to find out moreThey Write the Right Stuff | Fast Company
How they write the software for the Space Shuttle
NASA space shuttle software development
As the 120-ton space shuttle sits surrounded by almost 4 million pounds of rocket fuel, exhaling noxious fumes, visibly impatient to defy gravity, its on-board computers take command.Free Video Download, Free Download Video FLV from YouTube, Google Video and more
For Firefox, plugin allowing downloading of video's etc.
Sothink Web Video Downloader for Firefox is a simple, clean and free Firefox extension for you to quickly capture video, download video and save video from YouTube, Google, MSN and almost all popular video sites.
Free Download Video FLV from YouTube, Google Video and more
Sothink Free Web Video Downloader for Firefox can download video, download FLV and Flash SWF from YouTube, Google Video and more sites. Easily capture video, download video, download FLV and save to hard disk.
*Return Boolean True: Eye Fi Standalone Server
by Bjarne Stroustrup
What Should We Teach New Software Developers? Why? | January 2010 | Communications of the ACM
Annotated link
Minitube is a native YouTube client. With it you can watch YouTube videos in a new way: you type a keyword, Minitube gives you an endless video stream. Minitube does not require the Flash Player.
A youtube category search utility that plays videos in that category continuously. Not yet for Windows. Bookmarked to check back occasionally to see if it is Windows ready.
Youtube video watching client.Performous - Announcements
opensource guitarhero-style game
Juego musical para PC que junta Singstar, Guitar Hero y DDR
Performous is a free cross-platform band game game.Pastebot | Tapbots
Pastebot is a powerful clipboard manager that stores text & images copied from your iPhone/iPod Touch.
Convertbot Overview Pastebot is a powerful clipboard manager that stores text & images copied from your iPhone/iPod Touch. Organize, apply filters to, and copy clippings to be pasted or sent to other apps.
"A powerful clipboard manager that stores text & images copied from your iPhone/iPod Touch. Organize, apply filters to, and copy clippings to be pasted or sent to other apps".50 Mac Apps With Well Designed & Sexy Interfaces « SUBERAPPS
Firefox is a great browser and we all love it but you might have at some point however tried different browsers. I bet you had a feature or two that you reallyMOONGIFT: »用ガントチャートテンプレート「Gantt Chart for OpenOffice Calc」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
使えるかな?一度、簡易スケジュール用ツールでも作ってみようかな。いまあるツール類は帯に短したすきに長しなんだよね。Featured Windows Download: WinWget Makes Automated Downloads a Breeze
Cool Apps to do quick things on the Internet
"This is Thanksgiving, so I’d like to show some gratitude for ten tiny apps that I use almost every day. If you’re a writer, blogger, speaker, or entrepreneur who uses a Macintosh, please give them a look because they will make you more productive."Main Page - Synesketch Wiki
OpenSourceWatershed is a project aimed at understanding the relationship between distributions (downstream) and the individual software components (upstream). It is the basis for a larger study of distributions and their evolution. It is distrology
OpenSourceWatershed is a project aimed at understanding the relationship between distributions (downstream) and the individual software components (upstream). It is the basis for a larger study of distributions and their evolution. It is distrology. In the future, more distro oriented statistics will be available. More details are below. For now search in the top right for your favorite package to see how up to date the different distributions. Or look at the right to see what new releases happened in the last 24 hours.
Open Source Watershed
Compare freshness of Linux distros - Gentoo stable is 90% obsolete (!) with a 16 week average lag, compared to 23 weeks for Ubuntu, 17 weeks for Slackware and 1 week for Arch. Gentoo unstable has 5 week lag.
OpenSourceWatershed is a project aimed at understanding the relationship between distributions (downstream) and the individual software components (upstream). It is the basis for a larger study of distributions and their evolution. It is distrology. In the future, more distro oriented statistics will be available. More details are below. For now search in the top right for your favorite package to see how up to date the different distributions. Or look at the right to see what new releases happened in the last 24 hours. The aggregate analysis is done over twenty packages including firefox, gcc and openssh. The full package list is in the OSCON slides. In the future, users will be able to set custom groups. The three forms of analysis are percent obsolete, the average number of newer releases per package and the time since the oldest new release. In other words the lag is the amount of time a distro had to move to a newer package.3 Free Ways to Geolocate By IP
查IP 的api
An article describing how to geo-localize IP.Bestmodo 2008: The 10 Best Android Apps of 2008
iPhoneアプリ紹介サイト再起動なしでFirefoxの内部データベースをさくっと最適化する小技 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
Firefox ファイヤSecureFiles
SecureFiles, protect your documents easily.
SecureFiles is a simple app which allows you to create encrypted Disk Images to store your sensitive documents.第97回 これだけは押さえておきたいエクセルの知識 前編 - bingo_nakanishiの他言語出身者のためのPerl入門
Excelで覚えておきたい知識といえば、条件付き書式とCOUNTIF, SUMIF, VLOOKUP関数たちかな。
Excel初心者に見せるのによい記事。一通りの使い方がわかる。Bluetooth Proximity Lock
Bluetooth Proximity Detection
It locks your computer when you go away from it. How is it done. It locks on one of your Bluetooth devices which are paired to the the machine. When you walk away from the computer the device is disconnected and the computer is locked after timeout.
It locks on one of your Bluetooth devices which are paired to the the machine. When you walk away from the computer the device is disconnected and the computer is locked after timeout.大事なデータを取り戻してくれる5つのツール : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
500 Internal Server ErrorLifehacker - BPM Analyzer Calculates the BPM of Your Music, Adds Tags - BPM Analyzer
Windows/Mac OS X: Free application BPM Analyzer determines the beats per minute (BPM) of any MP3 on your computer, then automatically updates the ID3 tags with the BPM info—perfect for finding workout music to hit the 120-140 BPM sweet spot. Just drag and drop tracks into the BPM Analyzer's interface and let it automatically calculate the BPM and update the ID3 tags—meaning all the work you have to do is the dragging and dropping. You can drag whole folders (say, for example, your iTunes library folder) into the app, so it's a breeze to get those BPMs added without much effort. The app did hiccup on me a couple of times with a few tracks, but for the most part it worked exactly as advertised. The MixMeister BPM Analyzer is a free download, works on Windows and Mac OS X. For an alternative BPM app and playlist builder for Windows, check out previously mentioned BeatScanner. Thanks Eric!
Windows/Mac OS X: Free application BPM Analyzer determines the beats per minute (BPM) of any MP3 on your computer, then automatically updates the ID3 tags with the BPM info—perfect for finding workout music to hit the 120-140 BPM sweet spot.Rejected By Apple, iPhone Developers Go Underground | Gadget Lab |
Cydia is a company that makes apps. that cannot be used by i-phones unless you do some thing called jail breaking. Cydia is rebelling against apple because they took off useful apps. Cydia is making apps. to replace the ones removed and also adding new ones to.SapphireSteel :: Ruby In Steel - New Free Edition includes Visual Studio
Ruby In Steel
Ruby In Steel Personal Edition (PE) 2008 provides all the tools needed to develop and maintain Ruby or Rails projects including syntax sensitive customizable code coloring and code folding, numerous coding tools such as auto-indenting, code reformatting, bracket and keyword matching and integrated consoles to allow users to interact with the Ruby interpreter in docked or floating windows. Ruby In Steel PE 2008 even includes a free copy of Visual Studio 2008 for Ruby! Ruby In Steel PE 2008 is available for personal or commercial development. It does not require registration and it does not time out. It comes with an ‘All-in-One’ installer to allow users to install all the software required including: Visual Studio 2008 (‘Shell edition’), Ruby, Rails, MySQL and Ruby In Steel. Alternatively, users who already own a commercial edition of Visual Studio 2008 may install Ruby In Steel into that.2010: My Fifth Annual List Of The Tech Products I Love And Use Every Day
read thisビジネスパーソン必携! 定番“無料”iPhoneアプリを30本厳選【改訂版】 - デジタル - 日経トレンディネット
実際のところHTML5でどのくらいのアプリが実装できるのか実験Trouble in the (99-cent) App Store - Apple 2.0
Pie chart of the app distrubution and price range distribution.
With 10,000 applications and 300 million downloads in less than four months, Apple's iPhone may be the most successful software platform since the IBM personal computer. But that doesn't mean all is well in the App Store. In fact, the business model that nurtured its success now threatens to choke off the ...
With 10,000 applications and 300 million downloads in less than four months, Apple’s iPhone may be the most successful software platform since the IBM personal computer. But that doesn’t mean all is well in the App Store.DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: Tools and Technologies for Effective Classrooms
"Teachers have always spent their own money on classroom supplies. With costs rising each year how can teachers add technology and software to the classroom without going broke? One answer is Freeware and/or Open Source software."
Teachers have always spent their own money on classroom supplies. With costs rising each year how can teachers add technology and software to the classroom without going broke? One answer is Freeware and/or Open Source software. This short article provides descriptions and links to some of the best Freeware and Open Source programs for the K-12 Educator.
supposedly free software
Variety of free tools for all levels.Most Popular Hive Five Topics of 2009 - Best of 2009 - Lifehacker
tools, software, utilities, tips, useful
Every week we pose a simple, focused question to the Lifehacker readership about a specific topic: Which is best? From netbooks and malware removal to home servers and wallpaper, here's a look back at the most popular Hive Five topics of 2009.Lifehacker - Best Free System Restore Tool: Clonezilla - Hive Five
When it comes to creating a perfect copy of a system disk for future restoration, Lifehacker readers love the open source and versatile Clonezilla. It can't do real-time mirroring like the second and third-place winners DriveImageXML and Macrium Reflect Free, but it's powerful, versatile, and can easily grow with you as your disk imaging and backup needs expand.
Best Free System Restore Tool: Clonezilla - Hive Five- Home
home attribute changer
Awesome utility to change the dates on your files.
Ajusta atributos de archivos (como fecha/hora).Lifehacker - Prey Phones Home to Help You Recover Your Stolen Laptop - Security
check on this around October 09 to see if any progress has been made
Your laptop is missing. You're completely out of luck, right? Not if your laptop can phone home. Prey is a cross-platform security application that sends home pictures and location data when your laptop goes missing. When your laptop goes missing Prey scans for open WiFi connections. When it can connect, either via WiFi or a hard line it will send you a report including the status of the computer, which programs are running, the active connections, a run down of the network location, a screenshot of the desktop, and if your laptop has an integrated webcam you'll even get a picture of theShrink Pic - Free photo resizer for email, IM, blogging and web galleries
Shrink Pic automatically resizes photos sent via email or uploaded to the web by creating temporary resized copies sent instead of the originals.
Software that shrinks down photo attachments that are being sent via email or to sites like Facebook.
Shrink Pic allows you to send dozens of photos as email attachments - quickly and with no effort at all! All you need to do is install Shrink Pic. It automatically detects when you're sending large photo files and compresses them in the background.無料で使えるシンプルなプロジェクト管理ツール『Gantter』がやたら高機能な件 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
オンライン上に保存できないようなので、共有などができないのが残念ですね。Google Docsっぽい見た目です。
無料で使えるシンプルなプロジェクト管理ツール『Gantter』がやたら高機能な件5 tools to create tutorials | HARD GEEK
5 Amazing Tools To Create Tutorials Geeklist — By editorial board on September 17, 2009 at 8:16 pm * Share this on * Digg this! * Share this on Reddit * Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUpon * Share this on Facebook * Tweet This! * Submit this story to Propeller Here are few tools which can be used to create tutorials. These screen casting tools are free alternative to some of the higher priced utilities. This list covers both PC and Mac utilities.Essential Windows Tricks - PC World
Whether you run Windows 7, Vista, or XP, these 25 tricks will make your PC faster, safer, and even more fun to work with.Atlassian Stimulus Package
Can get 10 user licenses of JIRA, Confluence or Bamboo for $10 each.
Our best tools are just $10 per product. Perfect for startups and small teams.
Jira - bug tracking Greenhopper - jira agile plugin confluence- wiki fisheye- version tracker
Start-up priced software from Atlassian - $10.卜部昌平のあまりreblogしないtumblr - 俺の .screenrc が火を吹くぜ
■ これは凄い!!
凄まじき.screenrcAlgorithm Library Design: Lecture Notes
Library design is language design. [Stroustrup] Course Goal To learn how to implement software libraries, such as STL, CGAL, LEDA, ..., that have a focus on algorithms and data structures. To learn advanced programming techniques in C++, such as templates, generic programming, object-oriented design, design patterns, and large-scale C++ software design.Web Apps: HTML to PDF Converter Turns Web Sites into PDF Files
If you'd like to save a web site for posterity without the mess of saving the page and all its files, the web-based HTML to PDF Converter can crank out a PDF.
Online serviceongoing · Doing It Wrong
I'm on the fence about this. There's a lot of comparison of stuff that can't figure out how to make money (Facebook, Twitter) to stuff that needs to make money/simplify stuff/track money (CRM, accounting, etc.).
Tim Bray rant on the difference in user experience between Web consumer sites and Enterprise IT. "Obviously, the technology matters. This isn’t the place for details, but apparently the winning mix includes dynamic languages and Web frameworks and TDD and REST and Open Source and NoSQL [...] More important is the culture: iterative development, continuous refactoring, ubiquitous unit testing, starting small, gathering user experience before it seems reasonable. All of which, to be fair, I suppose had its roots in last decade’s Extreme and Agile movements. " His conclusion is: "Plan A: Don’t Build Systems [ defended by ] Nicholas Carr: everything would be better if we could do IT the way we do electricity Plan B: Do it better: [but you cannot do it without adopting the agile ways of the web startup] that kind of thing simply cannot be built if you start with large formal specifications and fixed-price contracts and change-control procedures and so on."
The community of developers whose work you see on the Web, who probably don’t know what ADO or UML or JPA even stand for, deploy better systems at less cost in less time at lower risk than we see in the Enterprise.
pretty good about going with the web dev model. But then he says buy Oracle or SAP which I don't understand.
Study on REST and Enterprise DevelopmentWineBottler - Run Windows Programs directly on OS X
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RT @delicious50: How to Sharpen Photos: An Introduction Windows 7's 'GodMode' | Beyond Binary - CNET News
MS Windows Vista and 7 expanded control - Flash Cookie Removal Tool For OS X | MacHacks.TV
RT @tweetlicius: - #Flash #Cookie Removal Tool For #OSX | #Mac Hacks.TV -
UPDATE: 7TH SEP 2009: FLUSH 0.3.1 released Flush has been updated. Hopefully all of the issues raised up till now will be addressed. Flush 0.3.1 is nowFull ZX-81 Chess in 1K
Impressive.Google SketchUp
Children with autism express their creativity in 3D. Follow Project Spectrum by Google. [from]
Project Spectrum was created to give people with autism the opportunity to express their creativity and develop a life skill using Google SketchUp 3D modeling software.DotNetSurfers Blog - My Dot Net Developer’s tools list, and more…
Apple's Leopard gets an upgrade with Snow Leopard. Although this is not an all-changing thing, there are tons of new, little upgrades. These include some app changes, a few new and upgraded features, and even a slight performance boost.
Apple's new Snow Leopard user friendly, easy to upload, and does not require much attention. The new snow leopard is on the prowl with amazing features that make it better than windows 7. Find out in the review why the Snow Leopard is so good.
features of new Snow Leopard for the Mac
This is a review about the new Mac software
Snow Leopard. Even the name seems to underpromise -- it's the first "big cat" OS X codename to reference the previous version of the OS, and the list of big-ticket new features is seemingly pretty short for a version-number jump. Maybe that's why Apple's priced the 10.6 upgrade disc at just $29 -- appearances and expectations matter, and there's simply not enough glitz on this kitty to warrant the usual $129.
Engadget SL reviewBlio eReader
The FREE Blio eReader software is the new touchstone for the presentation of electronic books & magazines. Stunning, full-color pages come alive in brilliant 3D. Even image-rich books are now at your digital fingertips — because Blio preserves a book’s original layout, fonts, and graphics.
Books, the way they were intended. Highlighting, underlining, and annotating help emphasize information in your mind. insert text, drawing, voice, image or video notes directly into your content. read-aloud featureEnna
is a Media Center application. Featuring a simple user interface, Enna is based on the powerful Enlightenment Foundations Libraries (EFL) as for its graphical user interface and GeeXboX libraries as for multimedia playback and information quick and easy MapReduce for Python quick and easy MapReduce for Python
showcases an example of using the mapreduce system octo.pyThe Agile Disease « Luke Halliwell’s Weblog
The games industry is rushing headlong to Agile development methodologies just now; it’s a great source of excitement for some, with conference sessions and magazine articles left, right and centre, and “evangelists” spreading the word. I’m sick of it. I can’t wait for the day when everyone realises how much of a fad-diet, religious-cult-inspired, money-making exercise it is for a group of consultants.
Agile doesn't mean no planning or allowing to reject any kind of "older" approarches, which are actually necessary to do the things.
All methodologies imply a prescribed approach, a single-minded, fixed set of processes that removes flexibility and rationality.RockMelt
Promises to basically be the Next Generation's web browser for social networking.. In particular, Facebook is getting a fair share of mention in the early hypes right now.. Backed by Netscape founder Marc Andreessen, will be fun to watch this something new as it evolves.. :)Perfect PDF Reader - freeware for reading, displaying and printing PDF documents
tiene una interfaz similar a la de Office 2007 (como les comentamos anteriormente) y aunque no es la opción más popular, sigue siendo una buena alternativa para los que solo necesite un lector de PDF.
Sustituto para Acrobat ReaderCoder's Half-Million-Dollar Baby Proves iPhone Gold Rush Is Still On | Gadget Lab from
. But one independent developer still managed to rake in $600,000 in a single month with a single iPhone game.重要度別におすすめするGoogle Chromeのエクステンション:945分の50選 | リアルタイムウェブ.jp
#chrome #browser #addon10 cool tools in Windows 7 | 10 Things |
The changes to the Windows 7 interface have gotten a lot of play, but some of the new built-in tools are just as compelling. Deb Shinder runs through some of the most impressive enhancements, from the ISO burner to the Biometric Framework to PowerShell v2. Windows 7 has received plenty of attention from the tech press, but much of the focus has been on interface changes, such as the redesigned taskbar, and new file management features, such as libraries. Some improvements are less obvious — like the new or enhanced tools that are included with the OS. Here we discuss 10 of these cool tools that make the computing experience easier. Note: This article is also available as a PDF download and as a photo gallery.Is Your PC Part of a Botnet? - ReadWriteWeb
Being part of a botnet is no fun. Your computer becomes your worst enemy, watching everything you do, collecting all of your secrets, and then delivering all that data to the bot-herder; the person who originated the network. But what does it really mean to be part of a botnet, and is there anything that can you do about it?
good information about determining if your pc is infected with malwareMake Windows fonts look as smooth as Mac OS X fonts | digital parsimony
Simpler front-end for gdi++, improves Windows font rendering by disabling hinting
Ever wonder why everything just looks a little bit better on a Mac? That’s because Apple OS X uses a different font rendering technology than Windows. That can easily be changed though, and there’s a little program that can do it with ease.Five Best DVD-Ripping Tools - dvd ripping - Lifehacker
You pay good money for your DVDs, but they're hardly the only format you need these days. These five ripping tools ensure you can back them up, keep them on your media server, and load them on your favorite portable player.10 Web Browsers You Probably Haven’t Heard Of
Article on alternate web browsers.
Six Revisions is a blog that shares useful information about web development and design, dedicated to people who build websites."
Jag kände igen alla utom två, vad om dig?
There are more than a dozen excellent alternative browsers out there if you're looking for something distinctive. Here are ten such web browsers, along with why you might want to consider using them.
Alternative browsers - may be handy for testing!YouTubeをiPod用に一発変換してくれる『PODTUBE』が便利だった件 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
変換がありがたい10 Completely Free Wireframe and Mockup Applications : Speckyboy Design Magazine
10 Completely Free Wireframe and Mockup ApplicationsBeyond HandBrake's defaults | Entertainment & HDTV | Playlist | Macworld
Suppose you want to go beyond the defaults—tweak HandBrake to produce videos that take up less room on your iPod, dispense with a movie’s closing credits, or bear subtitles? It’s all possible with HandBrake, but it takes some tweaking. And tweaking HandBrake is what this article is all about.
how to use handbrake
How to make the most of Handbrake as a video ripper on OSXBuilding Your Own Local Wordpress Blog |
Life easier
Reader Painkilla05's stylish desktop was inspired from a Microsoft research video showing what computer interfaces might look like in the year 2019.Try Android 2.1 on Windows
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Android is the most talked and popular platform these days. A lot of phones and netbooks featuring Andriod are coming...Inklet Trackpad Tablet
Inklet allows your trackpad to emulate a pen tablet. When you're using a Pogo Sketch, the trackpad even becomes pressure sensitive.
Trackpad tablet for MacBook
Draw on your MacBook Pro trackpadTotalFinder brings tabs to your native Finder and more!
brings tabs to your native Finder and more!Why you should use OpenGL and not DirectX - Wolfire Games Blog
Why you should use OpenGL and not DirectXWho-T: On commit messages
About composing commits and writing commit log messages.
An opinion piece on what comprises a good commit message.
Any software project is a collaborative project. It has at least two developers, the original developer and the original developer a few weeks or months later when the train of thought has long left the station. This later self needs to reestablish the context of a particular piece of code each time a new bug occurs or a new feature needs to be implemented.
"In the last few weeks, I've had a surprising number of discussions about commit messages. Many of them were with developers new to a project, trying to get them started. So here's a list of things you should do when committing, and why you should do it."
An excellent list of best-practices for commit messages when using your favourite version control system.
good reasoning on howto, and hwo not to write commit messagesOpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
OpenSCAD is a software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. It is free software and available for Linux/UNIX, MS Windows and Apples OS X. Unlike most free software for creating 3D models (such as the famous application Blender) it does not focus on the artistic aspects of 3D modelling but instead on the CAD aspects. Thus it might be the application you are looking for when you are planning to create 3D models of machine parts but pretty sure is not what you are looking for when you are more interested in creating computer-animated movies. OpenSCAD is not an interactive modeller. Instead it is something like a 3D-compiler that reads in a script file that describes the object and renders the 3D model from this script file (see examples below). This gives you (the designer) full control over the modelling process and enables you to easily change any step in the modelling process or make designes that are defined by configurable parameters. OpenSCAD provides two main modelling techniques:
OpenSCAD is a software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. It is free software and available for Linux/UNIX, MS Windows and Apples OS X. Unlike most free software for creating 3D models (such as the famous application Blender) it does not focus on the artistic aspects of 3D modelling but instead on the CAD aspects. Thus it might be the application you are looking for when you are planning to create 3D models of machine parts but pretty sure is not what you are looking for when you are more interested in creating computer-animated movies. OpenSCAD is not an interactive modeller. Instead it is something like a 3D-compiler that reads in a script file that describes the object and renders the 3D model from this script file (see examples below). This gives you (the designer) full control over the modelling process and enables you to easily change any step in the modelling process or make designes that are defined by configurable parameters.
The Programmers Solid 3D CAD ModellerPHProxy | Get PHProxy at
PHProxy is a web HTTP proxy programmed in PHP meant to bypass firewalls and access otherwise inaccessible resources (i.e. blocked websites). If the server this script is run on can access a resource, so can you!
php based web proxy to get round firewalls blocking sites
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Very funky looking PHP web application to get around browsing restrictions. Like it, should really put this on dmesg.indiemapper
indiemapper - Elegant Thematic Digital Cartography (coming soon) #maps #gis [from]KODU Game Lab
Kodu is a visual programming language made specifically for creating games. It is designed to be accessible for children and enjoyable for anyone.
Programming as a Creative Medium The core of the Kodu project is the programming user interface. The language is simple and entirely icon-based. Programs are composed of pages, which are broken down into rules, which are further divided into conditions and actions. Conditions are evaluated simultaneously. The Kodu language is designed specifically for game development and provides specialized primitives derived from gaming scenarios. Programs are expressed in physical terms, using concepts like vision, hearing, and time to control character behavior. While not as general-purpose as classical programming languages, Kodu can express advanced game design concepts in a simple, direct, and intuitive manner.IEEE Spectrum: The Million Dollar Programming Prize
year-old Netflix Prize competition, offers a grand prize of US $1 million for an algorithm that’s 10 percent more accurate than the one Netflix uses to predict customers’ movie preferences.
Netflix's bounty for improving its movie-recommendation software is almost in the bag. Here is one team's account
Bell Labs explains their strategy for solving Netflix's collaborative filtering problem.Stevey's Blog Rants: Have you ever legalized marijuana?
Shit is NOT
SoonrはDropboxのようにWindowsやMac OSX向けの専用クライアントが用意されている。そして指定したフォルダ内にあるファイルを自動的にSoonrへアップロードし、別なコンピュータに同期してくれる。そしてiPhone/iPod Touch向けのソフトウェアも用意されている。
オープンソース・フリーウェアを毎日紹介するブログ。日々の業務の効率化、新しいサービスのネタ探しにどうぞ。SNS、SBS、CMS、オフィス、画像編集、ユーティリティ、Firefoxアドオン、テキストエディタ、ゲーム…ジャンルは様々。Top 10 Enterprise Web Products of 2008 - ReadWriteWeb
Enterprise adoption of cloud computing, SaaS, and social media (whatever you want to call it) is accelerating. This is a healthy market, in which vendors are doing well in a tough economy. As we near the end of a year that will go down in history with the words "meltdown," "panic," "crisis," and "depression" attached, it is time to celebrate the winners in this market, enterprise-focused web products that are already doing well and poised for even greater success in 2009. And if these products excite you, we invite you to subscribe to the ReadWriteWeb Enterprise
Entrepreneurship Επιχειρηματικότητα
top 10 best for enterprise web product
Nice to see that AWS and LinkedIn both made this list...
enterprise-focused web products that are already doing well and poised for even greater success in 2009.ネットに繋いでいればテレビが見れるフリーソフト『KeyHoleTV』 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Windows/Mac/Linux:『KeyHoleTV』はテレビチューナーがなくても、ネットにさえ接続できていればテレビが見られるフリーソフトです。どうしてテレビが見られるかというと、誰かが配信しているテレビ番組を、P2Pネットワークでデータを受信しているから。 受信できる番組は、ラジオから民放、海外のものまで幅広く揃っています。しかも設定不要。ソフトを起動したら、番組名をダブルクリックすればすぐに無料でアナログのテレビを視聴できます。Project Management: Add a Gantt Chart to Your Google Spreadsheet
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Ed. note: On Tuesday, Google responded to cyber attacks aimed at Chinese human-rights activists by ending search-result censorship in China. An anonymous reader with experience living where privacy isn't respected writes in with tips for keeping your data safe in these situations.Gliffy - Create a Website Wireframe with this Free Wireframe Tool. Gliffy Free Web Wireframe Software!
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Batchrun is a graphical script creation tool that eliminates the need for knowledge of arcane scripting languages to execute batches of commands.Make the Most of Chrome with These 13 Excellent Extensions - Chrome Extensions - Lifehacker
Shortly after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we rounded up 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've dug up more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
Right after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has been around for a bit, we have found more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you really should consider adding to your collection.
Right after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've found more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
Shortly after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found eighteen worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've found more productive, annoyance-fixing, awesome feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.Error Level Analyser - Tiny Appz
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A list of nifty emacs tricks.IDEA*PAD開発で使ったツールいろいろ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
開発に勢いをつけるためにも、最近の開発環境などをまとめてみます。「もっとこういう便利ツールがあるよー」なんて方は是非ご教授くださいませ。 では早速。あまりまとめずにだだだっといきます。 * 秀丸 & Vi エディタは定番の秀丸を。Eclipseなんかもよさそうですが、ちょっと重そう。あと気になるのは赤松さんが使っているさくらエディタ。関数の一覧が出る、というのが便利らしい。 なお、秀丸ではマクロとか特に使っていないですね・・・。Grepや、「Grepして置換」はよく使うけど。すっごく便利です。 » 秀丸の「grepして置換」がすごい便利になっていた件 – IDEA*IDEA またサーバー側のエディターはもっぱらVi。標準でついているので覚えておくと便利だし。でもそろそろEmacs・・・かな。 * VMware Server & CentOS 5 フリーで使えるものばかりでサーバーをWindows内に立ち上げています。VMware ServerはVersion 2がはげしく使いにくいのでいまだに1.08で。古いバージョンのダウンロードページが奥すぎるのでがんばって探してください。 s_centos ↑ 便利ですよねー。 CentOSは標準的な構成で(Apache+MySQL+PHP)。入れているのはPHP高速化のためのAPCぐらいかな・・・。 » PHP(というかWordPress)高速化のためにAPC(Alternatice PHP Cache)入れた – IDEA*IDEA あとSambaでWindows XPからファイルにアクセスできるようにもしています。こちらも便利ですよね。 しかしそろそろXenに挑戦したいところ。この前id:naoyaに会ったときに強く勧められたし。なお、サーバーまわりをやりたいならこれを読め、とのこと。特に第4章だそうです。「とにかく第4章」「第4章を読めばわかる」「まずは第4章」と連呼しまくりでした。 [24時間365日] サーバ/インフラを支える技術 ~スケーラビリティ、ハイパフォーマンス、省力運用 (WEB+DB PRESS plusシリーズ) (MediaCore | Video, Audio, and Podcast Publication Platform
MediaCore is a free open source video, audio, and podcast publishing platform. It is built for organizations who wish to distribute media in a variety of formats on their website while maintaining the ability to control the user experience. The purpose behind MediaCore was to make a central media library that could pull media from any source, track statistics, enable commenting, and provide a high degree of control over the presentation and administration.
MediaCore is a free open source video, audio, and podcast publishing platform. It is built for organizations who wish to distribute media in a variety of formats on their website while maintaining the ability to control the user experience. The purpose behind MediaCore was to make a central media library that could pull media from any source, track statistics, enable commenting, and provide a high degree of control over the presentation and administration.
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20 Beautiful Mac Apps | Design Reviver -
Mac OS X is known for housing an amazing graphical user interface. Not only is the operating system beautiful in every way, but a large portion of the applications developed for Macs have great usability along with a stunning “face”. Below you will find 20 Mac Apps With Beautiful User Interface Designs for your inspiration. This is also a great reference for those that are looking to develop their own applications.iSites – Create your app right now. Revise on the fly.
iSites enables you to create and self-manage apps for multiple smart phones (iPhone, Android) from one place.BumpTop Mac: Reinventing your Mac desktop.
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The letter I wish I could write to my former self, and have beamed at light-speed through some kind of vacuum tube and delivered at the precise moment when I finally decided to learn to program.
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ZScreen is an open-source screen capture program for Microsoft Windows. It can upload screenshots, pictures, text & files and put the URL in your clipboard in a single keystroke.
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Logiciel d'automatisation de tâches dans un OS avec une approche visuelle/graphique.
"Sikuli is a visual technology to search and automate graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots). The first release of Sikuli contains Sikuli Script, a visual scripting API for Jython, and Sikuli IDE, an integrated development environment for writing visual scripts with screenshots easily. Sikuli Script automates anything you see on the screen without internal API's support. You can programmatically control a web page, a desktop application running on Windows/Linux/Mac OS X, or even an iphone application running in an emulator."
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SelfControl, a simple open source program for Mac OS X that prevents you from resorting to well-worn procrastination techniques by blocking access to websites and e-mail servers.
A colleague once defined work as that which you accomplish while not distracted by the internet, and he was onto something. Anyone who works on a computer understands how easily
A colleague once defined "work" as "that which you accomplish while not distracted by the internet," and he was onto something. Anyone who works on a computer understands how easily personal communication (e-mail, instant messaging, social networks) can distract from the task at hand.
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Windows only: Make Everything, the already lightning-fast NTFS search tool, even faster by integrating it with support for search parameters into Launchy, the equally as snappy application launcher.
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いくつかの無料で利用できるツールが提供されているので、筆者はそれらを利用していましたが、最近「ERMaster」と呼ばれるEclipseプラグインの存在を知りました。 ERMasterは、ほかのツールに比べ、直感的で分かりやすいUI(ユーザーインターフェイス)に、カスタマイズ可能な、Excelで出力できるテーブル定義書、辞書機能など痒いところに手が届くERモデリングのツールです。本稿では、このERMasterについてご紹介します。48 best free apps from Microsoft | News | TechRadar UK
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Microsoft's Research Labs, technical blogs and Download Centre also proved fertile, revealing everything from simple utilities to an app that used to sell for £360 but can now be yours for nothing. Sounds like a good deal to us. 1. RichCopyA Little Less Conversation
It's a particularly insidious problem for fast-growing start-ups. When you're really small and you're just starting out, you don't have that many people, so keeping everyone in the loop on everything doesn't really take that much time. But as you get bigger, the number of people who might potentially get involved in any particular discussion increases, and the amount of stuff you're doing as a company increases, and the amount of time you can waste overcommunicating becomes a serious problem.
"Have you ever invited employees to a meeting just so they wouldn't feel left out? If so, you may be an overcommunicator."Project Tracking Software - Less Projects
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We want to shine a light on the places where the open source way is multiplying ideas and effort, even beyond technology. We believe that will be a gathering place for many of the open source stories we'd like to share--through articles, audio, web presentations, video, or open discussion.13 Easy And Powerful Website Building Tools To Create Your Free Site @ SmashingApps
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Most of the Linux users should be familiar with Gnome and KDE since both of them are the most commonly used desktop managers in the various Linux distros. Now,Cool Tools: YourFonts
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Free tool for making fonts from your handwriting or any other handwriting. There's also a paid version that allows further control, but the free version also seems to work well.14 Useful CSS Editors for Web Developers and Designers
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5 good quick tips on having a productive coding dayUse Excel as an Architectural Design Tool - Solutions by PC Magazine July 10(Fri), 2009 ところ変われば品変わる - Excel 方眼紙CommentsAdd Star 21:04 Lifehacker 経由で知った PC Magazine の記事。Excel の列幅を 1、行の高さを 9 にすることによって方眼紙を作成するという Tips。 方眼紙といっても日本の「Excel 方眼紙」の目的で使うわけじゃない。この記事で取り上げられているのは、「この方眼紙を使ってフロアの模様替えの構想を練ったりするのはどうよ」というお話。「橋やショッピングモール」を造ったりするのでなければ…つまり、犬小屋の設計をする程度なら、この方眼紙で十分らしい。 「Excel grid paper」でググってみると、この手の「本当に方眼紙的に利用する」話はそこそこヒットする。意外と需要があるんだね。15 Must-Have Web Apps for Students - The 2.0 Life
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@phonescooper Link to the blog post here [from]
In order to get more feedback from developers, we have early developer channel versions of Google Chrome for Mac OS X and Linux, but whatever you do, please DON'T DOWNLOAD THEM!Alex Payne — On the iPad
28 Jan 2010. "The iPad is an attractive, thoughtfully designed, deeply cynical thing. It is a digital consumption machine."
The thing that bothers me most about the iPad is this: if I had an iPad rather than a real computer as a kid, I’d never be a programmer today. I’d never have had the ability to run whatever stupid, potentially harmful, hugely educational programs I could download or write.
For years, me and thousands of other techies have been wondering what comes after the Personal Computer as we’ve known it. Yesterday, in Apple’s iPad, we caught a glimpse. If I had to pick one predominant emotion in reaction, it would be “disturbed”. The iPad is an attractive, thoughtfully designed, deeply cynical thing. It is a digital consumption machine. As Tim Bray and Peter Kirn have pointed out, it’s a device that does little to enable creativity. As just one component of several in a person’s digital life, perhaps that’s acceptable. It seems clear, though, that the ambitions for the iPad are far greater than being a full-color Kindle. The tragedy of the iPad is that it truly seems to offer a better model of computing for many people – perhaps the majority of people. Gone are the confusing concepts and metaphors of the last thirty years of computing. Gone is the ability to endlessly tweak and twiddle towards no particular gain. The iPad is simple, straightforward, maintenance-f9 Widely-Used And Free Forum Softwares
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We feature downloads of all kinds every day at Lifehacker. Today, however, we're bundling all the best free downloads for new computer owners, re-installers, would-be geeks, or anyone who wants to save time installing the best stuff out there. This is our 2009 Lifehacker Pack for Windows computers.Nine Things Developers Want More Than Money | Software by Rob
The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field. A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject.Well Designed Mac App Websites
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You will find 30 alluring Mac app websites here that will hopefully cook up some inspiration and get some of those creative juices flowing.Outlook: How Microsoft Adapts Getting Things Done for Outlook
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When DVD Jon was arrested after breaking the CSS encryption algorithm, he was charged with “unauthorized computer trespassing.” That led his lawyers to ask the obvious question, “On whose computer did he trespass?” The prosecutor’s answer: “his own.”
Ongoing analysis of the iPad and how it relates to programming and hacking.
Once upon a time, Apple made the machines that made me who I am. I became who I am by tinkering. Now it seems they’re doing everything in their power to stop my kids from finding that sense of wonder. Apple has declared war on the tinkerers of the world. With every software update, the previous generation of “jailbreaks” stop working, and people have to find new ways to break into their own computers. There won’t ever be a MacsBug for the iPad. There won’t be a ResEdit, or a Copy ][+ sector editor, or an iPad Peeks & Pokes Chart. And that’s a real loss. Maybe not to you, but to somebody who doesn’t even know it yet.
Another treatise on the effect that corporate content owners are having on our society. Does freedom have a chance, or will we live in a 100% copy-protected world?
"I still remember what it felt like when I realized that you — that I — could get this computer to do anything by typing the right words in the right order and telling it to RUN and it would motherfucking run. That computer was an Apple ][e." Mark Pilgrim's take on the iPad as a locus of Apple's control.Useful formulas and resources for becoming a spreadsheets master
I started using this with version 2.0. Some things never change.Rich-Text Editors for 2010 and Beyond
Rich-Text Editors, inline content editors, WYSIWYG editors – or whatever you want to call them – are web applications that enable users to enter, edit and manipulate alphanumeric characters while visiting your website.How To Sell Agile To Fixed Bid Contract Clients
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Fallout, King's Quest, Bonk, and more. Download the best titles that companies gave away50 Apps For New Droid Owners | Android Phone Fans
With Verizon’s first two Android Phone’s launching today – the Motorola Droid and the HTC Droid Eris – there will be PLENTY of Android newbs trying to soak up all the Android Application goodness they can. But with so many applications on the market now… where do they look?
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With Verizon's first two Android Phone's launching today - the Motorola Droid and the HTC Droid Eris - there will be PLENTY of Android newbs trying to soak upFeatured Windows Download: PortableTor Protects Your Privacy from Your Thumb Drive
PortableTor is a thumb drive friendly version of the popular anonymous browsing software, Tor.Augmented Reality Software
Capture your Google Maps offline and store them as images on your hard drive and print out maps of entire cities at zoom levels that would take hours to put together with the current Google facility.
"Capture your Google Maps offline and store them as images on your hard drive Print out maps of entire cities at zoom levels that would take hours to put together with the current Google facility"
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Similar to VLC. Might play .mov files better.
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Movie Player for Mac OS X based on QuickTime & FFmpeg.
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Clever stylesheet that blanks out comments on many popular websites.
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PhotoSketch, transforms basic stick-figure drawings in to a photograph. The software can take any rough sketch showing the shape of each object, labelled with a name, and find images that correspondent to each element. It can also judge between images to decide which is the best match for the picture, and then stitch all of the elements together in a single image, adding shadows to give a naturalistic look and feel.
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The Games Factory provides everything you need to manufacture Arcade games, Platform games, Adventures, Screen Savers, and much, much, more. You simply click on an object, drag it to the play field, and click on the action it should perform. We supply all the heroes, monsters, powerups, and other objects you need, plus the sound and music for your games. Of course, you can easily add your own, custom items if you choose.
A great programming software program for kidsOp-Ed Contributor - Microsoft’s Creative Destruction -
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"Some people take joy in Microsoft’s struggles, as the popular view in recent years paints the company as an unrepentant intentional monopolist. Good riddance if it fails. But those of us who worked there know it differently. At worst, you can say it’s a highly repentant, largely accidental monopolist. It employs thousands of the smartest, most capable engineers in the world. More than any other firm, it made using computers both ubiquitous and affordable. Microsoft’s Windows operating system and Office applications suite still utterly rule their markets."
AS they marvel at Apple’s new iPad tablet computer, the technorati seem to be focusing on where this leaves Amazon’s popular e-book business. But the much more important question is why Microsoft, America’s most famous and prosperous technology company, no longer brings us the future, whether it’s tablet computers like the iPad, e-books like Amazon’s Kindle, smartphones like the BlackBerry and iPhone, search engines like Google, digital music systems like iPod and iTunes or popular Web services like Facebook and Twitter.
Microsoft never developed a true system for innovation.
Microsoft no longer brings us the future.
By DICK BRASS Published: February 4, 2010 Why Microsoft, America’s most famous and prosperous technology company, has failed to bring us the future.格安で「Time Capsule」を自作する方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
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Knowledge Forum is an electronic group workspace designed to support the process of knowledge building. With Knowledge Forum, any number of individuals and groups can share information, launch collaborative investigations, and build networks of new ideas…together.
Knowledge Forum is a collaborate space to work and build on ideas and information. It is based on over 15 years of research at the University of Toronto Cognitive Science Department.Open Mobile Consortium
The Open Mobile Consortium aims to: * Implement joint mobile solutions in the field. * Maximize interoperability and data-sharing capabilities between our technologies. * Streamline development, deployment, and use of open source mobile technologies.
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Stuckin customs HDR Hardware and Software as well as an aswesome hdr tutorial to go along with it.
A list of the equipment that Trey Ratcliff of Stuck in Customs uses and recommends for use in HDR Photography.
Software, hardware, lenses, bodies, tripods, etc.Red Laser - The First Accurate iPhone Barcode Scanner - Hits The App Store : iSmashPhone
There already are a few barcode related applications in the app store, but they all have one thing in common - they don't really work. Red Laser, which has just hit the iTunes App Store, is the ultimate iPhone barcode scanner, which works just like one of those red-laser scanners at the checkout (hence the name.)
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How can C Programs be so Reliable?Official Google Notebook Blog: Stopping development on Google Notebook
16 Oct 09. Vidya suggested using Google Notebook. But it has been stopped. However, they have suggested alternatives. Try to bring them into use.
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Zotero is, at its heart, a citation manager. It was designed to facilitate research and to make organizing and including that research in essays and publications pain free. As such, it's an excellent tool for any scholar, researcher, or student to have in their toolbox. Its utility extends well beyond preparing to write a paper, however, as it allows you to grab nearly anything off the web and insert it into the Zotero system.
If you're looking for a way to organize all the information you find and research you do online, and you've had enough with bookmarking, copying and pasting, and cobbled-together techniques not cutting it, Zotero is a comprehensive information manager for Firefox.オープンソースをライセンス的に正しくつかうための11のチェックポイント - builder by ZDNet Japan
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Pinta is a drawing/editing program modeled after Paint.NET. It's goal is to provide a simplified alternative to GIMP for casual users. It is currently early in development.
Simple Painting for Gtk
Pinta is a drawing/editing program modeled after Paint.NET. It's goal is to provide a simplified alternative to GIMP for casual users.
免費的影像編輯軟體GD Software - Products
GD Software - Freeware & Shareware. (Creator of Easy Poster Printer, Shield Defender and Universal JukeBox
Easy Poster Printer enables you easily to print posters of any size (max 20x20 meters). Just drag n drop your picture into the application and click print. Easy Poster Printer also allows you to do basic image manipulations such as rotate, flip and stretch for better fit. When you are done creating an awesome poster simply save it!
What is Easy Poster Printer? Easy Poster Printer enables you easily to print posters of any size (max 20x20 meters). Just drag n drop your picture into the application and click print. Easy Poster Printer also allows you to do basic image manipulations such as rotate, flip and stretch for better fit. When you are done creating an awesome poster simply save it!20 Great Project Management Tools
A list of SaaS Project Management toolsInfoQ: Are You a Software Architect?
"The line between software development and software architecture is a tricky one. Some people will tell you that it doesn't exist and that architecture is simply an extension of the design process undertaken by developers. Others will make out it's a massive gaping chasm that can only be crossed by lofty developers who believe you must always abstract your abstractions and not get bogged down by those pesky implementation details. As always, there's a pragmatic balance somewhere in the middle, but it does raise the interesting question of how you move from one to the other." -- Simon BrownSnippets — Stop Reinventing the Code
Snippets is an application for Mac OS X that stores the most valuable pieces of your code you can re-use in different projects many times. The main idea is to make the process of re-using as easy as possible to avoid wasting your valuable time to write the same code again.BashFlash - A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard
A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard.
A different kind of Flash blocker for Snow Leopard. Safari only
That's where BashFlash comes into play. BashFlash lets you stop the Flash plug-in dead in its tracks, letting your new-fangled Mac cool down, use less power, and give you more time to do whatever it is you do. Probably blog or tweet or something.
Kill Safari external Flash process when it uses too much CPU.
BashFlash lets you stop the Flash plug-in dead in its tracks, letting your new-fangled Mac cool down, use less power, and give you more time to do whatever it is you do.
On 64-bit Macs running Snow Leopard, Safari pushes the Flash plug-in off into its own process. BashFlash lives as a tiny menu app, monitoring this process and warns you (by turning red) if Flash is using a relatively significant amount of processor cycles. You can then use its menu to kill the Flash plug-in. That's hot. Any running Flash content is replaced with the broken plugin icon. Want to get Flash working again? Simply reload the page, or go to a new one. The next time Flash is needed, it'll come back to life.Five Best Online Diagramming Tools @ SmashingApps
เว็บเจ๋งไว้ทำไดอะแกรมออนไลน์In a Time of Less, Do More with Open Source: Top 25 Open Source Projects That Will Help Trim Development Budgets | Palamida
nice list of stuff100 Free and Useful Portable Apps for College Students
free tips on how to get free and useful appsEurisko, The Computer With A Mind Of Its Own
In 1981, Eurisko, a computer program that arguably displays the rudiments of such skills, easily won the Traveller tournament, becoming the top-ranked player in the United States and an honorary Admiral in the Traveller navy. Eurisko had designed its fleet according to principles it discovered itself–with some help from its inventor, Douglas B. Lenat, an assistant professor in Stanford University’s artificial-intelligence program.
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Trillion Credit Squadron playing 'bot in 1984. Cool.
"During one run, Lenat noticed that the number in the Worth slot of one newly discovered heuristic kept rising, indicating that Eurisko had made a particularly valuable find. As it turned out the heuristic performed no useful function. It simply examined the pool of new concepts, located those with the highest Worth values, and inserted its name in their My Creator slots. It was a heuristic that, in effect, had learned how to cheat." :via the new yorker, 2009.05.11 :via
"In 1981, Eurisko, a computer program that arguably displays the rudiments of such skills, easily won the Traveller tournament, becoming the top-ranked player in the United States and an honorary Admiral in the Traveller navy. Eurisko had designed its fleet according to principles it discovered itself–with some help from its inventor, Douglas B. Lenat, an assistant professor in Stanford University’s artificial-intelligence program."アポロ11号のソースコード - Radium Software
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Regular note-taking is one of the most productive habits a person can practice. The ability to take notes online and access them anytime, from any ...デスクトップにアイコンを散らかしている人にFencesを :教えて君.net
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New to Ubuntu 8.10 is a nifty seamless encryption feature. It's always been possible to encrypt individual files/folders in Ubuntu but it involved creating a key pair and then individually encrypting files. To view or edit the file, it was necessary to decrypt it and then re-encrypt it again if changes were made. Messy. The new feature creates an encrypted filestore, mounted in the Private folder in your /home directory. This is automatically locked and unlocked as you log in and out, so accessing it is seamless and transparent. Other users won't be able to access it, and it isn't possible to see its contents by booting into rescue mode. To activate the feature, just type the following two commands: sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils ecryptfs-setup-private Follow the prompts shown and then log out and back in again. Once the desktop reappears, you'll see a new Private directory in your /home folder, where you can save data, as with any other directory.
A review, with interesting tips
The new feature creates an encrypted filestore, mounted in the Private folder in your /home directory. This is automatically locked and unlocked as you log in and out, so accessing it is seamless and transparent. Other users won't be able to access it, and it isn't possible to see its contents by booting into rescue mode. To activate the feature, just type the following two commands: sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils - Move an iTunes library to just about anywhere
Little Registry Cleaner is an open source program designed for Microsoft's Windows Registry. Its purpose is to remove obsolete or unwanted items that build up in the registry over time in order to improve the stability and performance of your computer.ブルースクリーンで強制終了した原因を解析して教えてくれるフリーソフト「BlueScreenView」 - GIGAZINE
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ブルースクリーン発生時に生成されるダンプファイルを見つけ出して解析して表示することによってエラーの原因を教えてくれるので、使い方によってはかなり便利です。Windows XP・Windows Server 2003・Windows Server 2008・Windows Vista・Windows 7の32ビット版に対応しており、将来的には64ビット版にも対応予定があるとのこと 100 Free and Useful Portable Apps for College Students | Online College Degree 100 Free and Useful Portable Apps for College Students | Online College Degree -
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The following portable apps cover everything from documents to note-taking to organization to security to helpful tools and more, are all small enough to go anywhere, and cost absolutely nothing.A Few Billion Lines of Code Later: Using Static Analysis to Find Bugs in the Real World | February 2010 | Communications of the ACM
How Coverity built a bug-finding tool, and a business, around the unlimited supply of bugs in software systems.
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Liste d'outils gratuits pour la gestion d'une bibliothèque "LibrarianInBlack" propose une liste de 147 outils gratuits utiles pour la gestion d'une bibliothèque : "13 Ways (and 147 Tools) to Help Your Library Save Money on Technology".
Below you will see my 13 Ways (and 147 Tools) to Help Your Library Save Money on Technology. These are my favorite options for libraries to use as alternatives to the expensive paid services and software that we use now, usually because our pare
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Video Streaming Air Video can stream videos in almost any format to your iPhone and iPod touch. You don't need to copy your videos to the device just to watch them. Live Conversion If the videos in your collection are not in format supported by iPhone, Air Video will convert them on fly*. You don't need to wait until the entire video is converted. You can start watching it almost immediately! * Live Conversion requires iPhone or iPod touch with firmware 3.0 and a sufficiently powerful computer (Intel Core 2 duo or equivalent processor is recommended).
Air Video can stream videos in almost any format to your iPhone and iPod touch. You don't need to copy your videos to the device just to watch them.
"Air Video can stream videos in almost any format to your iPhone and iPod touch. You don't need to copy your videos to the device just to watch them. … If the videos in your collection are not in format supported by iPhone, Air Video will convert them on fly*. You don't need to wait until the entire video is converted. You can start watching it almost immediately"Oxelon Media Converter - Free
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Twitter is built on open-source software—here are the projects we have released or contribute to. Also see our engineering blog for more details. Want to work on stuff like this? Check out our jobs.
This is what #Twitter is built on! #Opensource
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Twitter is built on open-source software—here are the projects we have released or contribute to. Also see our engineering blog for more details.Run XP Mode on Windows 7 Machines Without Hardware Virtualization - the How-To Geek
Computer Help from your Friendly How-To Geek
One of the neatest new features in Windows 7 Professional and above is XP Mode, but not all machines are capable of running it. Today we show you how to use VMware to run XP Mode on machines without Hardware Virtualization. How does this work? Even if your computer doesn’t have hardware virtualization, you can still install XP Mode but just cannot run it as you can’t run Virtual PC. Enter VMware Player. This free program lets you create and run virtual machines, whether or not you have hardware virtualization. And, it can directly import XP Mode so you can use that copy of XP for free. A couple features are different, but it’s still a great replacement since you otherwise couldn’t use it at all. Note: XP Mode does not work on Home Versions of Windows 7 and you’ll need VMware Player 3.0 Getting Started First, download and install XP Mode (link below). There is no need to download Virtual PC if your computer cannot run it, so just download the XP Mode from the link on the left.
virtualizar programas con vmware en el escritorio del anfitrionHow I finally understood the Y Combinator (and blew my damn mind) « noeit
Hot Corners nos permite acceder a programas o funciones de Windows con sólo llevar el cursor del ratón a la esquina de la pantalla, como se puede ver en la captura de pantalla anterior. La verdad es un software muy útil, sobre todo por la rapidez en que se hace todo. Funciones como mostrar el escritorio, abrir el panel de control, abrir carpetas como mis documentos, abrir el diálogo de ejecutar, bloquear el sistema, así como también abrir el navegador para buscar directamente en Google. Hot Corners es un poderoso, sí que sí. Por cierto, como era de esperarse, con Hot Corners podemos ejecutar los programas que nosotros elijamos, así que ésto es más útil aún. Son cuatro opciones que tenemos: arriba a la derecha e izquierda, y abajo a la derecha e izquierda. ¿Qué esperas para probarlo?
Launch programs by moving your mouse to the screen corners!
Hot Corners is an easy to use, handy program launching tool for windows. It now features the Mouse Move activation feature, totally unheard of before. The Mouse Move feature allows you four more ways to launch programs or features. Hold down the Windows key and the "X" key and move the mouse up, left, right, or down to use Mouse Move. Depending on the direction you move your mouse, a program/feature of your choice is launched
Hot Corners is an easy to use, handy program launching tool for windows. It now features the Mouse Move activation feature, totally unheard of before. The Mouse Move feature allows you four more ways to launch programs or features. Hold down the Windows key and the "X" key and move the mouse up, left, right, or down to use Mouse Move. Depending on the direction you move your mouse, a program/feature of your choice is launched. Some features of Hot Corners include: Open the control panel Lock/Switch User Open "My Documents" Run any application or open any folder Start your Screensaver Search Google Show your desktop Put your computer into standby mode Disable/Enable your Screensaver Close the current window30 Useful (and Unknown) Web Apps You Need to Bookmark | Maximum PC
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Software application from Inspiration that provides a webbing tool with reading capabilities.フォトレポート:フリーウェアで有料アプリを代替--節約上手なソフト選び:ニュース - CNET Japan
Download.netの特集から描かれた翻訳記事。ほとんどこっちを読めば済む。CS3の件だけDownload.netの記事(の方が詳しい。FotoSketcher Turns Your Photos into Paintings - Featured Windows Download - Lifehacker
Freeware Windows program to change photos into pencil or paint art.Great Google iPhone Apps Not Made by Google
Aplicaciones dirigidas para herramientas Google en el iPhone / iTouchDavid Alison's Blog: 10 little known Mac utilities
When I blog about applications that I've found I generally wrap up my posts with an open invitation to readers: Got any you like? Many folks have been generous and shared links and applications that I've used to expand my virtual toolbox and make my Mac experience more fun and productive.Nullsoft Beep
Nullsoft Beep is an application that makes your computer sound like computers sound in the movies.
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Up-to-DatePanic Blog » ShrinkIt 1.0
Panic software for shrinking images of various formats.
… a simple, small, Panic-internal tool (for Mac OS X Snow Leopard) that will automate the process of stripping needless metadata from PDFs by re-saving them using Apple’s PDF processor.
Is your application larger than necessary because of needless data stored in image resources? What is making your PDFs four times the size they ought to be? More on this shocking discovery at 11! (It’s 11.) Being a responsible and forward-thinking developer, you’re probably good and ready for the day Mac OS X supports resolution independence – lol – so you use multilayer TIFFs and PDFs instead of flat bitmap images whenever possible. Try this: get the file size of one of those Adobe Illustrator®-produced PDFs. Now open it in Preview and resave it. Notice anything? Once a PDF has gone though Apple’s PDF processing, it’s way, way smaller.Downloads: JPEG & PNG Stripper Removes the Metadata from Your Images
JPEG & PNG Stripper an extremely small portable application that strips the metadata out of JPEG and PNG image files.
Windows only: JPEG & PNG Stripper an extremely small portable application that strips the metadata out of JPEG and PNG image files.プログラマーのオススメフリーソフト - スチーム速報 VIP
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"Photographs that have been scaled with these software have been degradated. The degradation is often faint but probably most pictures contain at least an array where the degradation is clearly visible. I suppose this happens since the first versions of these software, maybe 20 years ago."
found via reddit. Should consider this the next time I edit a bunch of photosLifehacker - Install a Minimal Ubuntu Desktop - Ubuntu
If you like the looks and features of Ubuntu 9.04, but want a lighter, swifter version of it, try this minimalist installation that can knock memory usage down by up to 75 percent. Ubuntu Forums user TheShiv likes to build his system from the ground up, and doesn't like a lot of software and services he'll never use. So he installs a core, bare-bones system from either the Ubuntu Server Edition CD or a Minimal CD, then, when he gets access to a command prompt and he's wired to the internet (presumably through a LAN cable, though perhaps wireless works as well), he uses two or three commands to install enough features to get a working desktop, but very little that won't be used day to day. TheShiv frames his installation as a script you can copy, save, and run, but users could also just copy the sudo apt-get -y install commands he has listed at the link below. It's been linked to by a few approving Ubuntu heads, and seems like a pretty good way to get a lower-memory, but still GNOME-bLifehacker Faceoff: Battle of the Hardware-Boosting Hacks
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Nmap has finally gotten a major update after many years. Every network administrator should be familiar with this tool.
Insecure.Org is pleased to announce the immediate, free availability of the Nmap Security Scanner version 5.00 from, Python
I'd like a ORLY dialect. kthxbye.
Like, Python was created by Jonathan Howard in February 2010 while drinking and reviewing code for an upcoming project with a coworker. At a certain point, higher-level explanations devolved into just flat-out reading Python code like they were actually speaking the language normally - complete with like's, um's, whatever's, etc - making it completely impractical/awesome for work. It was then that Jonathan realized he should perhaps stop for the night. And START creating Like, Python. e.g. ok so like name = raw_input("yo! what's your name?" ) right if name.strip() is actually like "": toootally just exit() else: um yeah print like "Hi %s, nice to meet you." % name
"It's about time programming languages understood what the kids are typing these days. So let's start with a baby step in that direction: Like, Python."Triumph of the Cyborg Composer | Smart Journalism. Real Solutions. | Miller-McCune Online Magazine
Calibrize holds your hand through a simple three-step monitor calibration to ensure on-screen colors look the same from computer to computer. Once you've run the application and adjusted the color profile to its specifications, Calibrize saves the profile and automatically installs it on your system so the right color profile always loads up. It's quick and simpleDownload ComparePSD - compare Photoshop PSD files layer-by-layer - PixelNovel
find differences in PSD files by comparing Photoshop PSD files layer-by-layer
ComparePSD is a free Windows software that helps finding the differences between 2 PSD files in such situations to save you time. The software enables you to select the files to be compared from Windows Explorer. When it is started, the files are compared layer-by-layer including layers styles (effects), styles attributes, layers visibility flags and highlights the differences.
ComparePSD compares two Adobe Photoshop PSD files for you and highlights the differences. Layer by layer. Effect by effect. Simple. And did we mention that ComparePSD is absolutely free?
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"Hana is a dream about flowers for computers. The idea is that no aspect of creating the flowers is hidden from the computers, everything is created in code and no bitmaps are used that the computer has not seen to the creation of itself, letting the computer "think" through every step."So... you want to be a web developer? - Download Squad
I had the most interesting conversation with one of my friends the other day. Adam: "Whew... finally finished with my latest web project!" Friend (in awe): "Whoa! That's awesome! How did you make that?" Now, of course, this project of mine was a full-fledged ASP.NET web application; a simple question like "how did you make that" could easily end up with me not only explaining what I did, but how I did it, and which tools and technologies I used. That way, instead of wondering about the magic that makes all those fancy programs out there on the internet work, my friend could understand exactly what goes on to make that happen. Well, that couldn't hurt, right? Adam: "Do you really want to know? I'm warning you... this could get messy." Now, at this point, my friend gives me one of those funny looks like I'm completely crazy. But being a web developer, I'm already used to that. Friend: "Well, sure..." And so it begins. Step 1: Tools of the Trade Adam: "Well, the first thing weBjarne Stroustrup on Educating Software Developers
other essential aspect was the range oLast Freeware version: All Programs (listed alphabetically)
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"Java は思想的に近いだろうけど、さらに泥臭いことができるという。あと、 Java とか Flash だと、中間に VM というレイヤがあるのですが、 Native Client ではそこをすっとばしていきなりネイティブをさわりにいく"
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RT @MuscleNerd: 3.0 JB for mac owners is now out -- youtube issues fixed too! << Awesome [from]IOGraphica — MousePath's new home
Tracks your mouse path throughout the day.MOONGIFT: » いつでもどこでもDropbox!「DropboxPortable」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
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"万一USBメモリを紛失したとしてもファイルは取り出せる" ことは大きなポイントですね。MagicPrefs
MagicMouse multitouch tweak. Includes MagicMenu, a 4-way multitouch popup menu.
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Adds middle-click to the Magic Mouse plus other great swipe functions.
MagicPrefs is a free menubar and preference pane application for OSX which aims to improve the functionality and configuration options of the Apple Magic Mouse. It features the ability to bind a variable number of finger clicks, taps, swipes, pinch and other gestures to functions like Middle Click , Hold Down Both Mouse Buttons , Spaces , Expose, Dashboard etc.Downloads: TimeEdition is a Simple and Stylish Time Tracker
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Time tracking application TimeEdition tracks your time in a dead-simple and attractive interface that saves your progress to Google Calendar for accessible-from-anywhere results.15 Quality Web-Based Applications to Create Mock-Ups and Wireframes | Spyre Studios
and it's on track to become the open source world's canonical answer to the question of text search. MySQL and Solr, the two popular solutions, are showing their age. MySQL introduced full-text search in late 2000 as a way to more intelligently search blobs of text stored in databases. You can work a full-text clause into a query, and MySQL will rank the result rows by how relevant it thinks they are to the query. MySQL uses textbook search algorithms and doesn't allow for a lot of relevance tuning. It's like a drawing from a five year old: The heart is in the right place, but everybody knows that kids suck at drawing. Implementation details aside, MySQL still suffers from scalability problems. Having ignored the trend of chip manufacturers to build multiple cores into CPUs, hoping that this unpleasant trend that required them to actually think about multi-threading would just blow over sooner or later, MySQL's ability to handle parallelism is, well, see the five year old's drawing.
Sphinx can index 10 megabytes of data per second and can search up to 100 gigabytes of text on a single processor. It also supports multi-machine distributed searching, as in the case of Craigslist.Disk Space Fan - Manage disk space with art
A powerful disk space analysis tool for Windows.
Disk Space Fan is a freeware and it is a nice disk space analysis tool for Windows.
Need this to see where space goes on a NetbookHow To Read Scratched CDs Or DVDs In Windows
Open source is a concept of free sharing of technical information that has been around for much longer than most of us would imagine. When we think of open source today, we usually think of software. As wonderful and widely used as open source software is, according to Linus Torvalds, "the future is open source everything." From foods and beverages to scientific and health research studies and advanced technological innovations, the world has turned to open source.
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Full screen text editor distraction free writing enviroment. CreaWriter increase you creativity in writing.
Windows program designed to increase your productivity and creativity. Its minimalist interface full screen and distraction free, envolves you in a relax and calm atmosphere which stimulate your concentration and creativity in writing.ignore the code: Removing Features
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If you leave features in your application just because half a dozen people actually use them, you’ll end up with Microsoft Word.
Keeping a clean and unclogged interface is a concept that I think it's familiar and shared by most of the people here. I like how this blog put them together. It's a lot about usability in the end.
Removendo caracteristicas.When using open source makes you an enemy of the state | Technology |
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The US copyright lobby has long argued against open source software - now Indonesia's in the firing line for encouraging the idea in government departments「あのサイトではどんなツールが使われている?」が一発でわかる『Sitonomy』 | 100SHIKI.COM
I wrote a charming little utility for linux called getkey, that captures the keystrokes and displays them on the screen using OSD. Its called gekey and t has a couple of .c files and a hand crafted Makefile to go along with it. But I wanted to use the auto-tools (autoconf and automake) to create a configure script and a Makefile so that my utility could by installed like any other GNU tool using the famous:
lib日本を拒否するムカつく海外サイトは「Hotspot Shield」で突破 :教えて君.net
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Hotspot ShieldLifehacker - Tweak GIMP to be More Like Photoshop - GIMP
We've shown you how to make GIMP's interface look like Photoshop's, but these tips will actually add many of the functions and capabilities of Adobe's flagship photo editor to its open-source counterpart.
Tweak GIMP to be More Like PhotoshopTop 10 Android Apps - Android - Lifehacker
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal.
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal. Photo by lwallenstein. We're going to skip right over the apps that are just so common, universal, and well replicated on the iPhone or other mobile platforms that a user with a need will probably hunt them down—Facebook, Yelp, Evernote, Remember the Milk, and endless Twitter clients, widgets, and apps. We've also skipped over Google's own neat apps, like Google Voice, Navigation, and Goggles, that are (or will be) included standard on new Android phones. Instead, we're aiming to shine a little light on apps that quietly offer excellent functionality for those who download them. Update: I moved TasKiller Free up to a lower ranking, and modified its entry description a bit, after some further research, spurred by some Andro-savvy comments and emails.
Android's been around for more than a year, and in that time developers have whipped up some great apps. Whether you're a new Android owner or a pro looking for new tools, these 10 great and free apps belong in your arsenal. Photo by lwallenstein. We're going to skip right over the apps that are just so common, universal, and well replicated on the iPhone or other mobile platforms that a user with a need will probably hunt them down—Facebook, Yelp, Evernote, Remember the Milk, and endless Twitter clients, widgets, and apps. We've also skipped over Google's own neat apps, like Google Voice, Navigation, and Goggles, that are (or will be) included standard on new Android phones. Instead, we're aiming to shine a little light on apps that quietly offer excellent functionality for those who download them. Update: I moved TasKiller Free up to a lower ranking, and modified its entry description a bit, after some further research, spurred by some Andro-savvy comments and emails.Best Of 2008: Most Popular Linux Downloads of 2008
Along with Windows and Mac downloads, this year was chock-full of free software for Linux users. Read on to see what our readers were eager to grab and install on their free desktops.Norwegian Websites Declare War on IE 6 | Epicenter from
Die IE6, die! Browsercide evangelism FTW!
Several large websites in Norway have launched an advocacy campaign urging Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 users to upgrade their outdated web browsers.Lessons Learned: Why Continuous Deployment?
The goal of continuous deployment is to help development teams drive waste out of their process by simultaneously reducing the batch size and increasing the tempo of their work.
the more he says it, the more it makes senseFive Best VPN Tools - Vpn - Lifehacker
In this presentation I give some examples of heavy weight methods and their implications on your project. Then I give a quick overview of Agile methods, the rationale behind it, its origin, its values and principles. I move on to
This is supposed to be an introductory presentation on Agile. In this presentation I give some examples of heavy weight methods and their implications on your project. Then I give a quick overview of Agile methods, the rationale behind it, its origin, its values and principles. I move on to describe that what I see happening today in the industry is really waterfall in the name of Agile. I give some reasons why this is happening and then I give some pointers to move away from this flawed thinking. Bottom line, Agile is not a Silver Bullet and don’t fall pray to marketing gimmicks. Question dogmatic claims. Adapt Agile to your needs and take baby steps.Panic Blog
great photo pop-outs, great post borders, great code-snippets15 Best Free Online Tools for Web Design & Development | Web Resources | WebAppers
Today is a fairly momentous day in the history of Ruby web frameworks. You will probably find the news I’m about to share with you fairly shocking, but I will attempt to explain the situation. Before talking tech, and even going into the details
Rails and Merb Will Merge. The end result? Rails 3. See too
Katz Got Your Tongue?
RailsとMerbの統合に関して無料かつ容量無制限!柔軟な設定ができて使いやすいオンラインストレージの決定版『LiveDrive』 | 100SHIKI.COM
サインアップできないよー| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | 0円でWebデザイナーになれる、オープンソースウェブ制作アプリ集30個
オープンソースウェブ制作アプリ集InfoQ: Presentation: 10 Ways to Improve Your Code
Neben dem Film mein Favorit: Top 10 Code-Gerüche in Unternehmen
An infoq presentation on 10 Ways to Improve Your Code...Sugar on a Stick - Sugar Labs
OLPC OS for your USB drive.
Sugar Labs offers ubiquitous access to Sugar in a USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash memory drive (stick). The Sugar on a Stick project (still in Beta) gives children access to their Sugar on any computer in their environment with just a USB memory stick. Taking advantage of the Fedora LiveUSB, it's possible to store everything you need to run Sugar on a single USB memory stick (minimum size 1GB). This small USB device can boot into the Sugar learning platform on different computers at home, at school, or at an after-school program, bypassing the software on the those computers. In fact, Sugar on a Stick will work even if the computer does not have a hard-drive. With Sugar on a Stick, the learning experience is the same on any computer: at school, at home, at the library, or an after-school center.re2 - Project Hosting on Google Code
"an efficient, principled regular expression library"
RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ - Home
Programa para windows Vista que rastreia e mostra o endereço dos access point's a sua volta. Ele ainda tem GPS suport, você pode exportar a localização dos endereços dos access point's para o Google Earth.
A WireLess Network Scanner for Vista
Wi-Fi network scanner.20 Most Popular Open Source Software Ever | tripwire magazine
We take a close look at the cream of the crop: 20 invaluable and indispensable open source applications that you really should be using, if you’re not already. The vast majority of them are cross-platform and absolutely 100% free!
20 Most Popular Open Source Software Ever These days, you can quite easily buy a brand-spanking-new computer and install all the software you need for free, using applications offered under the Open Software License. You can get a free image editor, a free sound editor, a free word processor, media player, file archiver, PDF creator… the list goes on and on and on. While some of these free apps do not offer quite the same level of polished functionality as their commercial rivals, others far exceed the capabilities of everything else on the market. Below, we take a close look at the cream of the crop: 20 invaluable and indispensable open source applications that you really should be using, if you’re not already. The vast majority of them are cross-platform and absolutely 100% free! You’re bound to find several that are perfectly suited to your needs. 1. WordPress 1-wordpress WordPress is the world’s most popular blogging platform, used by a staggering 202 million websites. As simple
Good list of applications. Free, Open-Source applicationsCVS/Subversionを使ったバージョン管理(前編:バージョン管理の基礎) - SourceForge.JP Magazine
Good advice.Schneier on Security: Software Problems with a Breath Alcohol Detector
Draeger, the manufacturer maintained that the system was perfect, and that revealing the source code would be damaging to its business. They were right about the second part, of course, because it turned out that the code was terrible.
A small note on how important it is to have access to the software we use in the the judicial system
"Draeger, the manufacturer maintained that the system was perfect, and that revealing the source code would be damaging to its business. They were right about the second part, of course, because it turned out that the code was terrible."
People surely are going to sue for thisAre Commercial Databases Worth It? - Coding the Wheel
I've worked with expensive SQL Server and Oracle setups for most of my career. I've defended them viciously against all comers and contrarians. I've participated in late-night guerilla flame wars and drunken bar brawls. And I've sought out with relentless tunnel vision those pieces of propaganda which support my foregone conclusion: that SQL Server and/or Oracle are (or were) the best choices for the organization. I used to be a commercial database advocate. These databases have put food on my table for a dozen years, you see. I am (or was) what you might call an entrenched practicioner, not necessarily an expert, but a practicioner. And in the manner of entrenched practicioners around the world, I've treated you heretics with the sadistic undercutting and poisonous rancor you've deserved! "MySQL?" I would sneer. "PostgreSQL? Thanks, but this a serious project. We need a database we can depend on." Ahem.
googled "why pay for commercial database" and found this among other articles
Are Commercial Databases Worth It? (via @newsycombinator) [from]
Se cuestiona la idoneidad de escoger una BD comercial com Oracle o SQL Server frente a sus alternativas Open Source.Free Applications for the iPhone and the iPod Touch - Chronometer, Stopwatches, Worldclocks, RPN Calculator, Money Management, Voice Recorder, Puzzles
Learn from real world examples of commercial software for the iPhone!Code Simplicity » The Secret of Success: Suck Less
all you have to do to succeed as a software project is to suck less with every release. It doesn’t matter how much competition you have, or how many buzzword-friendly features you can cram into your interface. Just suck less, and you’ll succeed.
Every once and awhile a piece comes along and states a simple truth so elegantly, so matter-of-factly, that its hard not to share.
"add new features that don’t fix the sucking?...the patience of the individual user is going to run out"
All you have to do to succeed in software is to consistently suck less with every release. Nobody would say that Bugzilla 2.18 was awesome, but everybody would say that it sucked less than Bugzilla 2.16 did. Bugzilla 2.20 wasn’t perfect, but without a doubt, it sucked less than Bugzilla 2.18. And then Bugzilla 3.0 fixed a whole lot of sucking in Bugzilla, and it got a whole lot more downloads.
As long as you update regularly and keep fixing problems, your software will grow in popularity.Firefoxのもっさりの原因である肥大化したプロファイルを再構成してきびきびした動作に戻してくれる『FireUpFox』 | Macの手書き説明書
SQLiteのvacuumコマンドで再構成する方法がありますが、それをAppleScriptで代わりにやってくれるソフト Mac
使用と共に徐々にもっさりしていってしまうFirefoxをきびきびとした動作に蘇えらせるTipsとして、ブックマークや履歴など様々なユーザ設定を保存しているプロファイルをターミナルからSQLiteのvacuumコマンドで再構成する方法がありますが、それをAppleScriptで代わりにやってくれるソフトです。Google Apps Marketplace
fiddler2 ngrepFeatured Windows Download: LastSharp Downloads Music from
to the download squad article. Something does not add up here som
Windows only: LastSharp is .NET based application that helps you download music from The Download Squad blog reports:
Review of software for ripping mp3s from
I love serviceThe Ultimate Excel Cheatsheet
extensive help for excel user
Should really mark this one private
Keyboard Shortcuts, Function cheatsheets, Formula cheatsheets, Tips and VBA sample codeThe Secret Origin of Windows
A quarter century ago, Windows wasn't everywhere. In fact, some were doubtful it would ever ship at all. And Tandy Trower was there.Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal « What I Couldn't Say…
The former CEO of Sun Microsystems writes about S/W patent trolling. This blog, entitled "What I couldn't say..." has appeared since the Sun/Oracle merger and is shaping up to be quite interestingMyTextTools™ Online Text Manipulation Tools
Fairly useful tool for basic text manipulation and editing
Welcome to MyTextTools™ a collection of free, browser-based, text manipulation tools.All Your Apps Are Belong to Apple: The iPhone Developer Program License Agreement | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Apple's draconian developer licence.
Kill You App Any Time, Ban on Public Statements, I can see way.
Remember when Apple was a friendly company and shared a lot of information with the development community? Not any more.
The EFF gets its hands on, and reviews the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.Alfred App
Alfred is a quicklaunch application for Mac OS X, which aims to save you time in searching your local computer and the web. Whether it's maps, Amazon, eBay, Wikipedia, you can feed your web addiction quicker than ever before.Whatever happened to programming? « The Reinvigorated Programmer
quotes Mike Taylor: "I want to make things, not just glue things together."
In a recent interview, Don Knuth wrote: 'The way a lot of programming goes today isn't any fun because it's just plugging in magic incantations — combine somebody else's software and start it up.' The Reinvigorated Programmer laments how much of our 'programming' time is spent pasting not-quite-compatible libraries together and patching around the edges.What is Secondbar? » SecondBar & BetterTouchTool Blog
SecondBar is a Tool which allows you to have more than one menubar in Mac OS X.
Utilidad para ver la barra del Finder en un segundo monitor.
adds menu bar on second monitor - very coolAnti Patterns Catalog
Using RentACoderWelcome | Ibis Reader ™
First ebook app modified for iPad. Uses HTML5Developers, Programmers, and Tech Companies on Twitter -
Offene Entwickler- und Community-Plattform der Telekom Hier können externe Entwickler über von der Telekom geöffnete Schnittstellen auf deren Kerndienste zugreifen und sie zur Entwicklung eigener Anwendungen wie zum Beispiel Mash-ups oder Add-ons nutzen.Lifehacker - GFI Backup is an Easy to Use, Free Backup Solution - Featured Windows Download
Joel @Spolsky likes Mercurial so much he wrote a tutorial: and – Guido van Rossum (gvanrossum)
"If you come at Mercurial with a Subversion mindset, things will almost work, but when they don’t, you’ll be confused, unhappy, and unsuccessful, and you’ll hate Mercurial. Whereas if you free your mind and reimagine version control, and grok the zen of the difference between thinking about managing the versions vs. thinking about managing the changes, you’ll become enlightened and happy and realize that this is the way version control was meant to work."
on how to think distributed....The Apache Cassandra Project
une base données massivement parallèle et avec l'esprit "bigtable", provient de facebook
The Apache Cassandra Project develops a highly scalable second-generation distributed database, bringing together Dynamo's fully distributed design and Bigtable's ColumnFamily-based data model.IEEE Spectrum: Bots Get Smart
Computer games driving developments in AI (bots getting smarter)
By Jonathan Schaeffer, Vadim Bulitko, and Michael Buro First Published December 2008 Can video games breathe new life into AI research?
This project has so far produced a formal system for analyzing and classifying a team’s opening moves. That may not sound like much, but this task proved immensely challenging, because positions and actions are not nearly as constrained as they are in a game like chess. Researchers in our group have used this formalism to analyze computer logs of more than 50 hours of tournament-level play between seasoned Counter-Strike teams. Soon, we expect, computer bots programmed to learn tactics from such logs will play reasonably well—doing things a person might do. It’ll be a long time before these bots will be able to beat expert human players, though. But that’s not the objective, after all—they just need to make for entertaining adversaries.
The game is called F.E.A.R. , short for First Encounter Assault Recon, and its use of AI, along with its impressive graphics, are its prime attractions. The developer, Monolith Productions of Kirkland, Wash., released it in 2005 to rave reviews, including the GameSpot Web site’s Best Artificial Intelligence award. Such recognition means a lot to the game’s creators, who face stiff competition in what has become a multibillion-dollar industry.
Can video games breathe new life into AI research?How I Became (Mostly) Google-free in About a Day | Zen Habits
Post written by Leo Babauta. Are we too reliant on Google’s services? As long-time readers know, I love Google’s products and use them daily, as they’re absolutely the best I’ve tried in their categories: Google search, Gmail, Google Chrome browser, Google Reader, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Picasa, mostly. However, last week, I decided to try an experiment: could I go (mostly) Google-free? How hard would it be? How much would I like the alternatives?It took me one day. Here’s how I did it, and how it’s turned out so far.
Case you missed it: Darth Google and De-Googling #diversify #empire #google
However, last week, I decided to try an experiment: could I go (mostly) Google-free? How hard would it be? How much would I like the alternatives? It took me one day. Here’s how I did it, and how it’s turned out so far.
"However, last week, I decided to try an experiment: could I go (mostly) Google-free? How hard would it be? How much would I like the alternatives? It took me one day."
Alternativas para as ferramentas do Google.15+ Amazing Project Management and Collaboration Tools | Graphic and Web Design Blog
15+ Amazing Project Management and Collaboration Tools [from]
Everyone knows about what is project management. It’s nothing but planning, organizing and managing the resources.But how to do? What is the right way to do it. Are there any tools available for project management and collaboration. How these tools can be useful and what are the features. These are the things we are going to analyze in this article. We will see best project collaboration tools available on web to manage projects easily.skipfish - Project Hosting on Google Code
A fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool. Key features: * High speed: pure C code, highly optimized HTTP handling, minimal CPU footprint - easily achieving 2000 requests per second with responsive targets. * Ease of use: heuristics to support a variety of quirky web frameworks and mixed-technology sites, with automatic learning capabilities, on-the-fly wordlist creation, and form autocompletion. * Cutting-edge security logic: high quality, low false positive, differential security checks, capable of spotting a range of subtle flaws, including blind injection vectors.
@z0nbi What does the #security community think of this announcement: ~ A Google web app security scanner.Download Fast Duplicate File Finder And Check Your Computer For Duplicate Files
Fast Duplicate File Finder will clean up your computer and save valuable space by removing duplicate content. Fast Duplicate File Finder uses fast binary search and guarantees that the found results are 100% identicle.Download Dozens of Commercial PC Games Free - PC World
Where do computer games go when they die? Nowhere, if you know where to look.Top 10 Google Apps Marketplace Apps - google apps marketplace - Lifehacker
A list of 10 apps from Google by Lifehacker
Google's Apps suite for domain owners and businesses has finally received some star treatment with the launch of the Apps Marketplace. Which Google-friendly apps are free, worth the cost, and entirely useful? These 10 are definitely worth a look.Get Mac-Like Scrolling and Gestures on a Windows Laptop - multitouch - Lifehacker Fireball: An Ode to DiskWarrior, SuperDuper, and Dropbox
I have learned this the hard way (via 43 folders).
"However, I find terrific value in SuperDuper’s model. SuperDuper creates a bootable clone of your startup drive. With Time Machine, if your startup drive goes kaput, you’ve got to go through a lengthy restore process (and, in the case of hardware failure on the kaput drive, you need an extra bootable volume to restore to). With SuperDuper, you just plug in the clone, reboot, and you’re back up."
Outstanding comprehensive how-to from John Gruber.
Great advice
Hard drives are fragile. Read as much as you can bear to about how they work, how incredibly precisely they must operate in order to cram so many bits onto such small disks. It’s a miracle to me that they work at all. Every hard drive in the world will eventually fail.使わなくなったPCをマイホームサーバにできるソフト『Amahi』 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
: ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
『Amahi』は、 Fedora Linux systemにインストールすると、データ保管庫にもなるのですが、自分だけのホームデータサーバのような使い方もできるのです。自分のネットワークからアクセスできるWEBインターフェースを使えば、映画や音楽を聞いたり(iTunes や他のプレイヤーでストリーミング再生も可能)、写真を見たり、カレンダーやOutlookにもアクセスできます 自分のネットワークのVPN設定をすることもできるので、VPNの設定なんてしたこと無い、という人でも、サーバのデータにリモートアクセスすることもできます。 『Amahi』は、『Fedora 10』が入っていて、CPUが1.0 GHz以上、RAMが256MB以上のパソコンであれば、十分動作
良いんだけど、別に簡単にしてもらわなくても作れるしw。fedoraで良いよ。っていうか、CentOS。Firefox3の個人的おすすめアドオン10選 | MOON CHRONICLE
I get a lot of questions from young, aspiring Indie developers, and the most common query is: How many copies of a game does Spiderweb Software sell? It's a really reasonable question. After all, making a game is a long and punishing process. It's entirely fair to want to know what the parameters of success are. Alas, this information is generally kept secret. I've never given this question a straight answer, with real numbers.
Geneforge guy talks openly about his sales. Very cool.Top 10 Remote Control and Streaming Tools - Remote Control - Lifehacker
Top 10 Remote Control and Streaming Tools - Remote Control - Lifehacker Pixels
The app is able to browse and download video clips from video hosting websites of HTTP, RTMP, RTMPT, RTMPE, RTMPTE protocol, and these cover overwhelming majority of websites such as Hulu, Veoh, Boxee, Joost, YouTube, Yahoo Video, CBS, etc.Inspiration - Color Theme Generator - TextMate/Emacs/Vim
Inspiration - Color Theme Generator (via @rob_rix) – Joe Ricioppo (joericioppo) SEO Copywriting Made Simple
"SEO Copywriting Made Simple"20 Firefox Add-ons for Hackers and Power Users -
super interesante el que simula inyecciones sql
firefox plugins100 Most Educational iPhone Apps |
I think I'll have to promote this to the kids - so many of them have iPhones or iPod touches.Prezi Is The Coolest Online Presentation Tool I’ve Ever Seen
Robin Wauters writing on TechCrunch and raving about the presentation software tool Prezi.
Prezi allows you to create amazing presentations on the Web. If you think you’ve heard that too many times, don’t stop reading just yet, because this one is just plain awesome. It’s an entirely Flash-based app that lets you break away from the slide-by-slide approach of most presentations. Instead, it allows you to create non-linear presentations where you can zoom in and out of a visual map containing words, links, images, videos, etc. This is similar to pptPlex, a Microsoft Office Labs project that aims to bring that type of functionality to PowerPoint.
May want to look into this if we need an online presentation tool - sounds pretty good.Lifehacker - EncodeHD Offers One Click Conversion for Popular Portable Devices - Digital Video
convertingA Short Guide To Open-Source And Similar Licenses - Smashing Magazine
beat scannerGephi, graph exploration and manipulation software
for report server
Application Monitor is a program that constantly checks the processes previously chosen by the user, and when it detects that one of those processes has stopped working it will start it again. With Application Monitor you will always be sure that your important processes are running. AppMonitor has been developed keeping in mind all those admin and power users who use programs that must always been running (such as webserver, database, mailserver, p2p) and that don't have a built-in restart function.
monitor application and restart if it crashes20 Portable Applications Web Designers Should Have On Their USB Sticks | Design Reviver
If you’re an on-the-go freelance web designer, then these useful and popular applications that you can always take with you will be useful! Below we’ve taken the time to compile 20 portable applications that we feel should benefit designers one way or another.ZeuAPP | Zeusoft
Pick software that you want, start download and install it. One click download the application you want to install, ZeuAPP in its list contains 82 applications.All applications are free and open source, and you are free to download them. ZeuAPP has 12 categories: Archivers, Audio, Video, Chat-IM, Internet, CD Burners, P2P-File sharing, Games, Graphic, Office, Security, Utility.
Pick software that you want, start download and install it. One click download the application you want to install, ZeuAPP in its list contains 82Lifehacker - Synchronize Nearly Any Storage Device with iTunes - iTunes
this site can be dangerous in a fun time wasting kind of way. ideal for long boring meetings.Downloads: Calibre Manages Your E-Book Collection
Calibre is a feature rich e-book manager, complete with Cover Flow-like looks and network sharing.There’s No App for That « Riverturn Blog and Talk Back
Seems like developing software for iPhone is risky, if you want to earn money. Application can be just dropped out from the appstore without proper explanation.AVG Antivirus and Security Software - AVG Rescue CD
A powerful toolset for rescue & repair of infected machines.
The AVG Rescue CD is a powerful must-have toolkit for the rescue and repair of infected machines. It provides essential utilities for system administrators and other IT professionals and includes the following features: * Comprehensive administration toolkit * System recovery from virus and spyware infections * Suitable for recovering MS Windows and Linux operating systems (FAT32 and NTFS file systems) * Ability to perform a clean boot from CD or USB stick * Free support and service for paid license holders of any AVG product * FAQ and Free Forum self-help support for AVG Free usersiPhone 3G S review
This review is about the Iphone 3gs which is the predecessor of the 3g. It is basically an upgraded iphone 3g with more memory and more capabilities that make it a good by.
Read about the newest phones made by Apple, the 3gs. Read about the changes from the original iPhone, and the changes from the 3g.
This bookmark is about the recent release of the iPhone 3GS. It talks about the differences between the new phone and the old iPhone, and why it's better.
This new i phone is the best phone ATNT has and one of Apples greatest portable devices. This review tells why this is the world's best phone and why it is better than the other i phonesこれからemacsを使い始めたい人へ送るチュートリアル 第1回 - Unix的なアレ
emacs5 Freeware Photoshop Alternatives and Web-based Photo editing | Act of Rage! .com
Because my own PC got screwed and died on me a couple of months ago, I’ve been using my girlfriend’s Vista Home Basic laptop ever since. It is this laptop that’s seen every beginning stage of this very blog and because of using it, I never really came to desiging it myself. Everything you see on here is part of what other people have made through Wordpress themes, plugins and some random buttons. This morning I thought I’d try and spice this blog up a little by making my own logo and then I realised why I never did it before: this laptop is godd*mn slow! This is why I never got to installing Photoshop, the program I’ve been using for years to create my own stuff. So here, quest was created: to find a good, free, application as an alternative to Photoshop and able to run on low-end systems. And here’s a list of what I’ve come across so far!
This morning I thought I'd try and spice this blog up a little by making my own logo and then I realised why I never did it before: this laptop is godd*mn slow! This is why I never got to installing Photoshop, the program I've been using for years to create my own stuff. So here, quest was created: to find a good, free, application as an alternative to Photoshop and able to run on low-end systems. And here's a list of what I've come across so far!
Because my own PC got screwed and died on me a couple of months ago, I've been using my girlfriend's Vista Home Basic laptop ever since. It is this laptop
Gimp, (layers, download for windows), Artweaver, Photoshop express (web-based, no layers), Aviary (web based, vector based ), Picknik (web based), Sumo Paint (web based, creation based, layers included, amazing really!)The A-Z of Programming Languages: Bourne shell, or sh - a-z of programming languages - Computerworld
An in-depth interview with Steve Bourne, creator of the Bourne shell, or
create tracks, remix arrangements
incredibly well-done.
Das sollen sehr coole Audio-Tools sein die crazy Flash-Coding benötigt haben sollen...
Flash based Audiotool 1.0 launched by Hobnox - NAT to NAT client-server communication
pwnat, pronounced "poe-nat", is a tool that allows any number of clients behind NATs to communicate with a server behind a separate NAT with *no* port forwarding and *no* DMZ setup on any routers in order to directly communicate with each other.
pwnat, pronounced "poe-nat", is a tool that allows any number of clients behind NATs to communicate with a server behind a separate NAT with *no* port forwarding and *no* DMZ setup on any routers in order to directly communicate with each other. The server does not need to know anything about the clients trying to connect. Simply put, this is a proxy server that works behind a NAT, even when the client is behind a NAT, without any 3rd party. There is no middle man, no proxy, no 3rd party, no UPnP/STUN/ICE required, no spoofing, and no DNS tricks. More importantly, the client can then connect to any host or port on any remote host or to a fixed host and port decided by the server.
pwnat - Serverless NAT to NAT (UDP hole punching for everybody, yay)Complete list of 2009 Webware 100 winners | Webware100 - CNET
Complete list of 2009 Webware 100 winners - [from]
All the Webware 100 winners in one place. Read this blog post by Rafe Needleman on Webware100.Featured Download: AlwaysVPN Takes U.S.-Only Sites International
Featured Download: AlwaysVPN Takes U.S.-Only Sites International for HULU, etc from US10 Promising Opensource PHP E-Commerce Application | INSIC 2.0 Web Development & Design Blog
any video to MP4, Ogg Theora, or a specific phone or iPod.
Miro Video Converter - Free! Convert any video to MP4, OGG Theora, iPhone, Android, iPod, and more, based on FFMPEG. -
Miro 退出 Video Converter 了。
for MP4 conversion to phone/iPod or similar format
Convert any video to MP4, OGG Theora, iPhone, Android, iPod, and more, based on FFMPEG. Btw it's free and opensourceEverything You Need To Know And More About iPhone Video
This article will cover absolutely everything there is to know about video on the iPhone...where to get it, formats, converting, video apps, video hacks, video accessories, and more.
Everything You Need To Know And More About iPhone Video [from]
A bit techy, but lots of good info including links to video conversion tools
Thanks to Original Vlate for the heads up on this next one. And this next one is titled Everything you need to know and more about iPhone Video over on and well the article covers what the title says. So if you are someone looking to learn more about iPhone video from Formats and codec to Video Converting Tools to even where to get video plus more - this is a really nice article Kudos to the guys at iSmashphone.Appulous : The iPhone and iPod Touch Application Index
RT @tweetlicius: Zero Intelligence Agents » UPDATED: Must-Have Python Packages for Social Scientists -
#smjgc1 Talk about zero intellegence nice way to analyse data social networks #wiki35carib – leroyh (leroyh)
If you are a new researcher looking to get started, or experienced and willing to walk away from your lifestyle in Matlab—and licensing and training fees—then equip yourself with these 10 packages and get to it!The Best Free Software of 2010 - Reviews by PC Magazine
Cool list of free software classified by categories
The Best Free Software of 2010 03.30.10 Get what you DON'T pay for: Here are 196 programs that cost nothing but will make your computing life richer—all while keeping your wallet fat.JWB's blog: Joel on Software - a summary
누구 블로그What to Backup?
You’ve backed up all files in your harddisk, thanks to Mozy, DropBox, SugarSync, or Carbonite. But there are some things that you’re yet to backup. What are they, you ask? Let’s check them out one by one: #1: Your Blog You started a blog some time ago and now it’s grown into a big community of sorts. Your life without your blog would be a nightmare. It’s always good to have a backup of your blog so that in the worst case scenario, you can safely restore the contents of the blog and start writing again as if nothing happened! If you’re on WordPress, WP DB Backup is the only plugin you’ll ever need to do a regular backup of your blog. You can install the plugin and tell it to send automatic backups of your blog to your email inbox. Install. Configure. Forget. Just as easy as that. Pro Blog Design has a complete guide on how you can go about doing it.
What to Backup?
Software, Websites, Hacks You can UseLifehacker - Tonido Keeps Cloud Computing Local - Home server
Windows/Mac/Linux: If you're interested in the idea of cloud computing and remote access to your files but a bit paranoid about putting your data on some third party server, Tonido is a great compromise. Tonido brings cloud computing home by using your computer as the storage server and host for the applications. Once you've installed Tonido, the only function the Tonido servers themselves perform is keeping track of your IP to make remote logins easier for you. Tonido has a juke box for remote media streaming, a photo organizer, a blog-like personal journal that has support for web clippings and Twitter integration, easy file sharing with Webshare folder management, and a workspace with calendar, notes, and task lists.あなたの書いた文字をTrueTypeフォント化する「YourFonts」 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
AfterEffectは文字のエフェクトが充実してるから、これで気軽に絵をフォント化して使える。Featured Windows Download: Toucan Syncs and Backs Up Your Files
Sincronizzazione dati fra due device10 Stunning Mac software websites
"With limited influence, unlimited hands in the pie, a low barrier to critique, and the perception of triviality, frontend engineers are the janitors of software development. Rather than cleaning up trash, the boulder they toil beneath is skew: the distance between team member's conceptions of a project."使い易いユーザーインタフェースとは何かを勉強しています。 そこで、質問です。 - 使い易いユーザーインタフェースを持ったウェブサイトやソフトウェアを教えてください -.. - 人力検索はてな
A personal site by Derek Punsalan sharing personal interests with technology, WordPress, design, and general geekery.
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Mac 便利なソフト集How Software Companies Die
By O.S. Card
Funny but so close to the real.
Here's the secret that every successful software company is based on: You can domesticate programmers the way beekeepers tame bees. You can't exactly communicate with them, but you can get them to swarm in one place and when they're not looking, you can carry off the honey.
Concise and spot on. Splendid
Here's the problem that ends up killing company after company. All successful software companies had, as their dominant personality, a leader who nurtured programmers. But no company can keep such a leader forever. Either he cashes out or he brings in management types who end up driving him out or else he changes and becomes a management type himself. One way or another, marketers get control.
How Software Companies Die - Orson Scott CardCloudApp
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2D and 3D Design and Engineering Software for Architecture...TidBITS Safe Computing: What I Learned from Having My Laptop Stolen
anti theft, etc
Someday, somewhere, somehow your computer will be gone. It will be stolen, or the hard drive will self-destruct, or it will be hit by a meteor. While the latter would at least provide you with an excellent story, assuming you weren't using it at the time, having your laptop stolen, as mine was recently, just plain sucks. However, I did manage to learn a few things in the wake of disaster, and wanted to take the opportunity to share them with you here.
Three things are lost with a computer's theft: hardware, data, and privacy. I'll let others deal with the emotional aspects of loss, and instead focus on the practical ones.
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なんでデータコピーごときに,こんなに気を使わなければならないのだ.本来はOSの仕事だろうにね.Top 13 Screen Recorders to Record Your Screen Activities
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45 Mobile Resources Every Freelancer Needs to Have
Here are 45 resources that will let you do your work wherever you are, as long as there’s a cell phone signal. No Laptop or Broadband required!
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Lifehack(ライフハック)のブログ。ここで言う<Lifehack(ライフハック)>は「人生をよりよく生きるためのコツ」と広義に捉えたLifehackです。紹介するコツが読んでもらえる人の少しでも役に立つことができればうれしいです。特集:Google ChromeをIEやFirefox並に使いこなす16のTips :教えて君.net
流星の如くあらわれたGoogle製ブラウザ「Google Chrome」。重厚路線を突き進むFirefox、IEなどのブラウザを尻目に軽快なフットワークでウェブサービスを取り込み、急速に勢力を拡大しつつある。もはやおまけのブラウザではない「Chrome」の特徴をしっかり把握して、適材適所で使いこなせるようになろう!【特集】iPhoneアプリケーション開発入門 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
iPhoneアプリ開発初Macと1週間過ごしたよメモ。 -
Mac欲しくなる記事。Best Of 2008: Best New and Improved Software of 2008
"Which new or improved app impressed you the most in 2008? Firefox 3 Google Chrome iPhone 2.0 iPhone 2.0 Jailbreak Google Android Digsby XBMC and forks Ubuntu Linux (Intrepid Ibex and Hardy Heron) Gmail Labs, Gadgets, and Themes Rockbox / iPod Linux"Dribbble - What are you working on?
What are you working on?
デザイナーのスクリーンショット集。Coding Horror: The iPhone Software Revolution
"I truly feel that the iPhone is a key inflection point in software development. We will look back on this as the time when "software" stopped being something that geeks buy (or worse, bootleg), and started being something that everyone buys, every day. You'd have to be a jaded developer indeed not to find something magical and transformative in this formula, and although others will clearly follow, the iPhone is leading the way."
There's always been a weird tension in Apple's computer designs, because they attempt to control every nuance of the entire experience from end to end. For the best Appletm experience, you run custom Appletm applications on artfully designed Appletm hardware dongles. That's fundamentally at odds with the classic hacker mentality that birthed the general purpose computer. You can see it in the wild west, anything goes Linux ecosystem. You can even see it in the Wintel axis of evil, where a million motley mixtures of hardware, software, and operating system variants are allowed to bloom, like little beige stickered flowers, for a price. But a cell phone? It's a closed ecosystem, by definition, running on a proprietary network. By a status quo of incompetent megacorporations who wouldn't know user friendliness or good design if it ran up behind them and bit them in the rear end of their expensive, tailored suits. All those things that bugged me about Apple's computers are utter non-issue
para la nota del "ifone" :PNews :: winPenPack - The Portable Software Collection
Lista de aplicaciones portables
The Portable Software CollectionTop 10 Open-Source Platforms to Build Your Own Social Network | Dzine Blog
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Partition Wizard is a Magic Server Partition Manager Software for Windows Server 2000/2003/2008 and Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7.Five Best Windows 7 Tweaking Applications - Tweaks - Lifehacker
Check out these five applications that tweak Windows 7 and customize it to your heart's content.The Best Design Tools for Improving Your Home - Planning - Lifehacker
COMPUTER SOFTWARE TO REDESIGN YOUR HOME OR APARTMENTThe benefits of a monthly recurring revenue model in tough economic times - (37signals)
Very nice
Upside of software as serviceHow Can I Convert PDFs and Other Ebooks to the ePub Format? - Ebooks - Lifehacker
Describes a tool called Calibre to convert files to ePub and other formats.窓の杜 - 【NEWS】フリーの統合セキュリティソフト「COMODO Internet Security」が日本語化
米Comodo Security Solutions, Inc.は13日(現地時間)、フリーの統合セキュリティソフト「COMODO Internet Security」v3.9.95478.509を公開した。本バージョンでは、有志らによるメニューなどの翻訳が行われ、新たに日本語をはじめとする19カ国語に対応した。編集部にて試用したところ、メイン画面の一部の説明文やヘルプファイルが英語表記であるほかは、ほぼすべての項目が日本語化されており、利用の際の敷居が非常に低くなっている。
Vista 64 bit 対応のフリーの統合セキュリティソフト。
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Music Manager and Player
MusicBee - super musikkspiller og organisator MusicBee er i såfall noe å se nærmere på. Dette programmet kan faktisk kjøre som en såkalt portable app, direkte fra MP3-spilleren din, ekstern harddisk eller minneplugg, uten behov for installasjon.15 Linux Music Players - Download your Favorite
Themen-Special im heise Software-Verzeichnis
Themen-Special: Thunderbird und Lightning synchronisieren Termine und AufgabenCoding Horror: The World's Largest MMORPG: You're Playing it Right Now
Recasting the experience as a game means it can be simultaneously complex and easily learnable. That's something we couldn't accomplish through traditional applications, which are designed to be usable but not necessarily fun. They've failed to design for fun. And in an era of ubiquitious web community , that's a big mistake.
Diseñar aplicaciones como si se tratara de juegos. Plantear el aprendizaje de nuevas aplicaciones a través de ir aprendiendo a utilizar las herramientas que se le ofrece. Ejemplo: stackoverflow.
do to improve the signal to noise ratio. Perhaps that was actually the point I was really trying to make: that using these game elements is an excellent way to improve the quality of interactions. I'm still convinced there is a way to have a civilized discussion online with complete strangers, but we haven't gotten there yet. The only really viable way I can see is heavy-handed moderation. When I say heavy-handed, I mean don't allow users to post "me too!" replies. Don't allow straying wildly off-topic. Don't post threads just to chat in specialized forums. And for heaven's sake, don't ever let people talk about other forum peop
Thesis: the internet is like a giant MMORPG.
game mechanics in everyday lifeLifehacker - WakeupOnStandBy Pulls Your Computer Out of Standby on Schedule - Scheduled Tasks
Having your computer wake up with you or wake up in the middle of the night to do routine tasks is a handy trick. WakeupOnStandby makes it easy to schedule that wake up call.プログラマのためのテキストエディタ18選 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
Tim Bray's Mac-centric apps & usage patterns; 2008-Nov-16.
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The tool is called depant ((DE)fault (PA)ssword (N)etwork (T)ool). Depant works by downloading a default password list, and then mapping out the local network to see what open services are available. Once it has a list of services, it will test each service for default passwords. Once it’s gone through each of the services, depant will determine the fastest service (as recorded in phase one) and use it to perform an optional second phase of tests with a larger (user-supplied) set of default users/passwords.
depantDeviceGuru » 16 interviews with Linux Kernel hackers
The Linux Foundation has published a series of video interviews from the annual Linux Kernel Summit held Sept. 15-16 in Portland, Oregon. In the videos, 16 developers -- including Linux creator Linus Torvalds (shown at left) -- discuss their developm
A Linux Foundation publicou uma série de videos com entrevistas do "Linux Kernel Summit". Nesses videos, 16 desenvolvedores, incluindo Linus Torvalds dicutem sobre o desenvolvimento do kernel do Linux10 Great Time-Saving Mac Utilities For Graphic Artists | GoMediaZine
Need more time in your design day? Put that Mac you bought to good use and let it do the work for you. This post covers some time-saving productivity/utility software gems for graphic designers, illustrators and any other creatives using Mac OS X, including some great plugins and utilities for Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator.Jollat - AWS made easy
Jollat is a cross-platform graphical client for Amazon Web Services (AWS). It let's you manage Simple Storage Service (S3) and Elastic Compute Clouds (EC2) on the Mac, Windows or Linux. The services are integrated into an easy-to-use GUI, enabling you to do complicated tasks with the simple click of a button. All this for less than the monthly fee of a small instance!Chapter 0: Introduction
Source Control HOWTO
Our universities often don't teach people how to do source control. We graduate with Computer Science degrees. We know more than we'll ever need to know about discrete math, artificial intelligence and the design of virtual memory systems. But many of us enter the workforce with no knowledge of how to use any of the basic tools of software development, including bug-tracking, unit testing, code coverage, source control, or even IDEs.4 Really Light Alternatives to Adobe Reader
Here are some light alternatives to the hefty Adobe ReaderFirefox高速化の切り札「FasterFox」でブラウザ魔改造 :教えて君.net
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Converts any Windows Program to Run on a U3 Drive - Lifehacker
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להפוך כל תוכנת חלונות לתוכנה ניידת - נראה מגניבヤバげなファイルは「Sandboxie」の仮想領域で実行せよ :教えて君.net
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Deep piece by dude that writes upload plugin
[Presumes mirroring of photosets, metadata--makes fine-tuning difficult or impossible.]TwitteReader
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TwitteReader lets you see latest tweets as feed items a la Google Reader, clicking expands full text.
Mark Twitter messages as read and unread Keep track of what you have already read from who you processpriority » home
Get at Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory. provides free hosting for Open Source software development projects. This is the project used to support the site and services. Source code formerly found here may now be found in the alexandria-dev project.
Free task managing application Process Manager for Windows adds options to the global context menu for all applications—adding quick access to control running tasks. We've mentioned this application before, but it has since updated with more features including minimizing applications to the system tray, setting windows always on top, and assigning per-window transparency. Readers using Windows XP will also get extra features—the ability to completely hide a single window, or hide all windows except the current one behind the PMW tray icon—making this low-resource, portable application worth a look for anybody interested in better control over running processes. Process Manager for Windows is free and open source, available for Windows only.
Windowsのみ : Windows用フリータスク管理アプリ『Process Manager』のオプションにすべてのアプリケーション向けのグローバルコンテキストメニューが追加され、起動しているタスクを制御するクイックアクセスが追加されました。 前にも米lifehackerで紹介しているのですが、それ以降にも更新されており、アプリを最小化しシステムトレイに格納する機能、常にウィンドウを表示させる機能、ウィンドウごとの透明度の割り当てなどが追加されてます。 特にWindow XPを使っている読者の方なら、ウィンドウをひとつだけ隠す設定、現在使用しているPMWトレイアイコンの裏にあるウィンドウ意外をすべて隠す機能、などが使え、低リソースで使えるポータブルアプリながらも、現在起動しているプロセスを制御することに関心のあるユーザ必見の便利ツールとなっていますよ。 『Process Manager』はWindows向けのオープンソースフリーソフト。Flashbake: Free version-control for writers using git - Boing Boing
Leonard uses Tiddlywiki for worldcreation; I'd be curious whether any authors are now using Flashbake
Even Cory Doctorow's using Git .)The Freelancer's iPhone: Productivity solutions for independent professionals
"Free Alternatives to 10 Popular Commercial Mac Applications (Part2)"
Due to the popularity of my first article regarding free alternatives to commercial Mac applications, I've decided to roll out a second part, shining theDownloads: Presto Loads a Streamlined Desktop in 15 Seconds
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Une mini-distribution Linux commerciale qui boot en 15 secondes.Stack Overflow Launches - Joel on Software
Monday, September 15, 2008 You know what drives me crazy? Programmer Q&A websites. You know what I’m talking about. You type a very specific programming question into Google and you get back: A bunch of links to discussion forums where very unknowledgeable people are struggling with the same problem and getting nowhere, A link to a Q&A site that purports to have the answer, but when you get there, the answer is all encrypted, and you’re being asked to sign up for a paid subscription plan, An old Usenet post with the exact right answer—for Windows 3.1—but it just doesn’t work anymore, And something in Japanese.
You know what drives me crazy? Programmer Q&A websites. (…) You type a very specific programming question into Google and you get back: A bunch of links to discussion forums where very unknowledgeable people are struggling with the same problem and getting nowhere, A link to a Q&A site that purports to have the answer, but when you get there, the answer is all encrypted, and you’re being asked to sign up for a paid subscription plan, An old Usenet post with the exact right answer—for Windows 3.1—but it just doesn’t work anymore, And something in Japanese. The hardest thing about making a new Q&A site is not the programming—it’s the community. You need a large audience of great developers so you have the critical mass it takes to get started. Without critical mass, questions go unanswered and the site becomes a ghost town. I thought the combination of my audience and Jeff’s would bring enough great developers into the site to reach critical mass on day 1
>You know what drives me crazy? Programmer Q&A websites. You know what I’m talking about. You type a very specific programming question into Google and you get back: …
design of the discussion system on Stack Overflow (programming Q&A)Adobe CS5 Launch
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popped up after downloading the latest version of Advanced System Care (for windows)Daring Fireball: Why Apple Changed Section 3.3.1
hat’s how Microsoft became Microsoft. At a certain point developers wrote apps for Windows because so many users were on Windows and users bought Windows PCs because all the software was being written for Windows. That’s the sort of situation that creates a license to print money.
John Gruber’s interpretation of the iPhone SDK developer agreement change, which Steve Jobs endorsed when asked about the change: “I’m not arguing that it’s anything other than ruthless competitiveness. […] I’m just arguing that it makes sense from Apple’s perspective — and it was Apple’s decision to make.”QSynergy --
QSynergy is a comprehensive and easy to use graphical front end for Synergy. Synergy lets a user control more than one computer with a single mouse and keyboard (and has lots and lots of extra features on top of that). Synergy itself only comes with a GUI for MS Windows. QSynergy was written to fill the gap for users on Mac and Unix platforms. Of course, it runs on MS Windows as well.
GUI for managing a synergy share.How to Analyze, Clean Out, and Free Space on Your Hard Drive - Disk Space - Lifehacker Blog of Maxim Porges -
3 photos side by sideBoston Review — Richard M. Stallman: Not Free at Any Price
Why Stallman started, and then stopped, using the OLPC
Teaching children to use Windows is like teaching them to smoke tobacco—in a world where only one company sells tobacco. Like any addictive drug, it inculcates a harmful dependency. (Bill Gates made this comparison in a 1998 issue of Fortune Magazine.) No wonder Microsoft offers the first dose to children at a low price. Microsoft aims to teach poor children this dependency so they can smoke Windows for their whole lives. I don’t think governments or schools should support that aim.
noviembre/diciembre 2008 puteada de stallman sobre la OLPC que soportará windows
Teaching children to use Windows is like teaching them to smoke tobacco—in a world where only one company sells tobacco.サイト制作に便利なOmniGraffleステンシル : could
GraffletopiaHow to Back Up and Play Your Wii Games from an External Hard Drive - Wii - Lifehacker
This Mac OS 10.5 widget takes natural language expressions describing calendar events and tasks, and creates them for you - instantly - without you needing to have iCal open!
Create iCal events or todos with a brilliant text input mode.Autodesk Homestyler - Free Online Home Design Software
For example, a playlist where the genre is blues and also rock, plus bit rate is greater than 128. And, best of all, if you check Live updating, the Smart Playlist will watch the library and automatically add any new files that meet the criteria you have set up.Turn your iPod touch into a free phone | News | TechRadar UK
ion of microphoVMware: Team Fusion: Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope" on VMware Fusion 2
linked via
vmware fusionにubuntu9を入れた際のtips。sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse
Manual steps req'd to get jaunty working with VMware tools on Ubuntu 9.04. The code change to vmhgfs does not seem to be necessary with VMware Fusion 2.0.5.
Ubuntu 9.04, otherwise known as "Jaunty Jackalope", was released last week, and the geek in me was eager to try it out. So I grabbed the Ubuntu 9.04 ISO image and created a new virtual machine with it in VMware Fusion 2.0.4. And I am happy to report that with a couple of tweaks, things work pretty well today.Installing Windows 7 RC1 on your Mac... for free
Sometimes you have to use Windows. Supporting clients in multiple-OS environments makes this a necessity for some Mac users, while others want to run applications that are available in Windows only. You can get a preview of the latest flavor of Windows, Windows 7, by running Release Candidate 1 of the new OS either in a virtual environment such as VMWare Fusion, Parallels, or VirtualBox, or in Apple's own Boot Camp.
In case you wanted to try the same. Also works on your PC.
Installing Windows 7 RC1 on your Mac... for free [from]
by Steven Sande: Sometimes you have to use Windows. Supporting clients in multiple-OS environments makes this a necessity for some Mac users, while others want to run applications that are available in Windows only. You can get a preview of the latest flavor of Windows, Windows 7, by running Release Candidate 1 of the new OS either in a virtual environment such as VMWare Fusion, Parallels, or VirtualBox, or in Apple's own Boot Camp. Christina did a thorough rundown of the options for running Win 7 on Mac back in January.
Sometimes you have to use Windows. Supporting clients in multiple-OS environments makes this a necessity for some Mac users, while others want to run applications that are available in Windows only. You can get a preview of the latest flavor of Windows, Windows 7, by running Release Candidate 1 of the new OS either in a virtual environment such as VMWare Fusion, Parallels, or VirtualBox, or in Apple's own Boot Camp. Christina did a thorough rundown of the options for running Win 7 on Mac back in January.bitquabit - Zombie Operating Systems and ASP.NET MVC
That is M$ backwards compatibility for you! LOL.
Funny, and sad... "And that is why, in 2009, when developing in Microsoft .NET 3.5 for ASP.NET MVC 1.0 on a Windows 7 system, you cannot include /com\d(\..*)?, /lpt\d(\..*)?, /con(\..*)?, /aux(\..*)?, /prn(\..*)?, or /nul(\..*)? in any of your routes."
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This resource has one sole function - to make your RapidWeaving life just a little bit easier by collating as much information as you might possibly need under one central roof. Inspiration Station Looking for ideas? Need stimuli? Well, now you can find everything you need to spark your creative plugs and fuel your artistic flow in this one function junction. The Tool Shed A whole shedload of links to the most essential 3rd Party RW Tools and Utilities.How To: Create a Live-Booting XP CD or DVD
The creators of the previously mentioned, versatile CD/DVD burning tool CDBurnerXP have posted a guide in their forums to using the program to create a live-booting Windows XP (or 2000/2003) disc.
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I started writing this post on my iPhone, using the WordPress app; all the pictures were taken and uploaded from my iPhone. Since I've been using the iPhone (had a 1st generation and now 3G), I have been thrilled with the development of applications
From Kenley Neufeld, Library Director, Santa Barbara City CollegeRepeat after me: Unicode is not UTF-\d{1,2} « Enjoy, you’re doing it wrong!
Unicode is a standard, UTF-8/16/32 are encodings.Lifehacker - GDocBackup Makes an Offline Backup of Google Docs - Featured Windows Download
Google Docs backup applicationLifehacker - PatchMateXP Creates a Windows Update CD - Windows
Windows only: Updating your Windows install over a slow connection, or as part of multiple installations, can be a time-consuming pain. PatchMateXP bundles all current updates onto an easy to use deployment disk.10+ Free Web Application Security Testing Tools
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We are pleased to release a first-of-its-kind application for Windows 7 & Vista: FixWin. FixWin is a 529 KB freeware portable application to repair & fix common Windows annoyances & issues. FixWin detects whether you have Windows 7 or Windows Vista installed and accordingly offers you the relevant fixes only.
FixWin is a freeware portable application to repair & fix common Windows annoyances & issues. Solutions to repair and fix 50 common Windows annoyances, issues & problems have been included.
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Hmmmgmapcatcher - Project Hosting on Google Code
GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer. It downloads tiles automatically from many providers such as: CloudMade, OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, Google Map. It displays them using a custom GUI. User can view the maps while offline. GMapCatcher doesn't depend on google-map's java scripts so it should work even if google changes them. It also provides a downloading tool. GMapCatcher is written in Python 2.6, can run on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.
GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer. It downloads tiles automatically from many providers such as: CloudMade, OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, Google Map. It displays them using a custom GUI. User can view the maps while offline. GMapCatcher doesn't depend on google-map's java scripts so it should work even if google changes them. It also provides a downloading tool. GMapCatcher is written in Python 2.6, can run on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.
GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer - Project Hosting on Google Code #DS
convert maps on line - off line
Offline Google maps viewerInstalling ubuntu-system-panel (USP) On Ubuntu 8.10 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
Installing ubuntu-system-panel (USP) On Ubuntu 8.10 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
ubuntu-system-panel is a simple launcher for the GNOME desktop, providing easy access to Places, Applications and common configuration items for your computer. This guide shows how to install and configure it on an Ubuntu 8.10 desktop. [included in eeebuntu 2.0
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Windows only: Pazera Free Audio Extractor extracts audio from virtually any video file and outputs it to MP3, AAC, AC3, WMA, or WAV formats. Just plug in your video file (it supports AVI, FLV, MP4, MPG, and more) into the program, choose your output type, and let it rip. Pazera takes care of the conversion using previously mentioned command-line tool ffmpeg, and you can set several preference adjustments to get the exact output you want. As an added bonus, Pazera also works as a basic audio-to-audio converter. Pazero Free Audio Extractor is a free download, Windows only. If you're looking to rip DVD straight to an MP3, check out peviously mentioned Free DVD MP3 Ripper.
Free Audio Extractor Rips Audio from Any VideoLifehacker - StandaloneStack is an Awesome File Browsing Widget - Featured Windows Download
Windows only: We've already shown you how you can browse through files from the Stacks widget in the upcoming Snow Leopard release—but you can get that feature right now on your Windows PC.15 Free Tools to Turn Your BlackBerry into a Communications Powerhouse
The BlackBerry isn't just about business. Here are 15 free tools to turn your BlackBerry into a communications powerhouse.The Beginner's Guide to Linux, Part 1: Finding the Right Distribution | Maximum PC
If you're looking for a big suite of portable apps (for the USB stick).. here are 4 to choose from (plus some more in the comment section). i like and the JISC eduApps are really great (comments).Autodesk Homestyler - Free Online Floor Plan and Interior Design Software
Create and furnish your floor plan design online with Homestyler free interior design software. Experiment with room design and decorating ideas and share home remodeling plans online with Homestyler (formerly Project Dragonfly).
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Dragoman batch converts image, photo, music, sound and archive files.
Aplicación free MAC drag and drop para convertir audio, video, texto e imagenes. En el website se pueden bajar más aplicaciones interesantesまとめ:USBメモリを120%活用できるフリーソフト19選 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
is the easiest and most flexible way to install the UNIX tools Apple didn't include with OS X.Deciphering Glyph: The Emacs Test
"Do you think you can write an editor which can replace Emacs for me? Here are a few features, taken both from my years of customizing Emacs to meet my needs and some basic features in Emacs itself that non-natives never seem to understand."
The Emacs Test I use Emacs. However, unlike some Emacs users, I don't treat it as a religion. In fact, I'd rather be using a more "modern" IDE; one that understands my code on a deeper level and provides things like refactoring tools, integrated debugging, and "view method implementation" that work reliably and
What makes Emacs hard to replace.Patent Absurdity — How software patents broke the system
The tumblelog of Garrett Murray.
"This kind of thing continually reinforces something I’ve thought about a lot since the App store was released, which sounds horrible to say but it might be true: Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps… it just feels hostile to me. While I have plenty of great customers who have been raving about the app, all it takes is one little issue and it all comes crashing down."
Bad reviews in appstore and no way to respond
A piece on how the approval process stops developers from being responsive to users, by delaying necessary fixes and cutting the lines of communication.
when Apple ties my hands behind my back and lets users punch me publicly in the face without allowing me to at least respond back, it’s hard to get excited about building an app
Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps
This kind of thing continually reinforces something I’ve thought about a lot since the App store was released, which sounds horrible to say but it might be true: Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps… it just feels hostile to me. While I have plenty of great customers who have been raving about the app, all it takes is one little issue and it all comes crashing down.
"Apple is creating an ecosystem of the kind of customers I don’t want. With the ridiculous approval process leaving bugfixes to take over a week to show up, with prices being driven down to nothing by farting apps… it just feels hostile to me. While I have plenty of great customers who have been raving about the app, all it takes is one little issue and it all comes crashing down." Sad, really.MindNode » MindNode
MindNode is based on the same codebase as the commercial version. While it is still a very powerful application, it misses some of the features added to MindNode Pro that help improve your productivity.
Mind-mapping software with free and $17 versions
Easy Mac OS X mind map software, with a free version. The bad news, for Marianne at least, is that it requires Leopard, which I can't install on her machine. But it will run on Jonathan's machine.Recover Data Like a Forensics Expert Using an Ubuntu Live CD - Hard Drives - Lifehacker
drop boxHandbrake 0.9.3 - DVD Ripping on Ubuntu « Spare Clock Cycles
a Wikiwhere people write together + a Databasewhere people organize information + a Content Management Systemwhere people build cool websites = a Wagn.where people organize cool websites togetherGeeking with Greg: Jeff Dean keynote at WSDM 2009
Google Fellow Jeff Dean gave an excellent keynote talk at the recent WSDM 2009 conference that had tidbits on Google I had not heard before. Particularly impressive is Google's attention to detail on performance and their agility in deployment over the last decade.Featured Windows Download: Axence NetTools Is Advanced Network Monitoring Tool
Axence NetTools Is Advanced Network Monitoring Tool - Windows - Lifehacker
Windows only: Free application Axence NetTools is a comprehensive suite of networking tools for your PC, including a network scanner, inbound/outbound connection monitor (NetStat), port scanner, and other network and bandwidth measuring tools. NetTools is very similar in ways to previously mentioned network monitors like Look@Lan, but if you want to get elbow deep in your network, it's another great option to add to your toolbox. Axence NetTools is a free download, Windows only.リアルタイムで共同編集できるテキストエディタ『EtherPad』 | 100SHIKI.COM
世界のユニークなドットコムサイトを日替わりで紹介していくブログです。10 things to do after installing Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid | OMG! Ubuntu!
Great list of Ubuntu tweaksFeatured Windows Download: Small Basic Teaches Programming Fundamentals
Small Basic Teaches Programming FundamentalsSubtitles: Add Subtitles to Any Movie or Television Show
More people need to use this! :)Google Opens Up Internal Speed Tool To Developers
Why is the Enterprise 2.0 market not taking off more strongly? The reason has to do partly with ill-conceived pricing structures: volume-discount (VD) schemes. Fix them, and you fix one of the obstacles preventing the market from expanding rapidly. And by fixing them is meant reversing them, in particular by using volume-increasing schemes.
by Julien le Nestour: Why is the Enterprise 2.0 market not taking off more strongly? The reason has to do partly with ill-conceived pricing structures: volume-discount (VD) schemes. Fix them, and you fix one of the obstacles preventing the market from expanding rapidly. And by fixing them is meant reversing them, in particular by using volume-increasing schemes.
Volume-discount pricing structures are simple, tried, and true. So, why aren't they efficient? The reason is because of where returns on investment (ROIs) are located. Enterprise social computing offerings provide increasing marginal productivity as they scale, at both the individual and organizational level.Lifehacker - First Look at Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope - Ubuntu 9.04
Review of the April 2009 Ubuntu release.
open source operating systemThe Silent Number: Ubuntu 10.04 Post-Install Guide: What to do and try after installing Lucid Lynx!
Sorry to tease, but Solang is not packaged for Ubuntu anywhere yet! Will update when available. In the meantime, try gThumb and Shotwell.4 Tools For Creating Screenshots and Screencasts |
RT @draenews: Del 4 Tools For Creating Screenshots and Screencasts |
if you want simpler applications that can do the same thing without the heavy toll on your computer’s memory or your wallet, try these easy-to-use web-based solutions. Since all of the following offer the recordings for download, you can edit the screencasts to your liking in your preferred video editor, or start over with ease.
Whenever you read a blog post on MakeUseOf or just about anywhere about a piece of software or a website, you normally see screenshots or if that doesn't getSpirit
Open source web services such as blogs, photo galleries, or mixtape services. How to install them and which services that RWW run on our own domains.CodeProject: Task Manager Extension 2.0. Free source code and programming help
Task Manager Extension. This is a Windows Task Manager (NT/2000/XP/2003) plug-in. It adds lots of useful features to the standard Task Manager. It can show process modules, memory map, used handles, open files, file properties and a lot of other info!
The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerEx) is a plug-in for Windows' built-in Task Manager. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Task Manager Extension can show process modules, process memory map, used kernel handles, opened files, file properties, and lots of other info! It is very useful in many situations.
The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerEx) is a plug-in for Windows' built-in Task Manager. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Task Manager Extension can show process modules, process memory map, used kernel handles, opened files, file properties, and lots of other info
The Task Manager Extension (TaskManagerEx) is a plug-in for Windows' built-in Task Manager. It expands the basic functionality and gives a powerful control over running processes. Task Manager Extension can show process modules, process memory map, used kernel handles, opened files, file properties, and lots of other info! :: Manage your music with ID3 tag editors
Firestarter is a friendly graphical interface that allows you to configure a software firewall in Linux using the built-in IPtables/IPchains utilities. It is an open source GUI firewall program. The software aims to combine ease of use with powerful features, therefore serving both Linux desktop users and system administrators.
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The iPad App Store is open! Here are the best of the apps so far—the ones you'll actually want when you finally get your iPad.今年、私の必須アプリに加わったMac用アプリたち - sta la sta
Macアプリ沢山。使ってみようと思えるものもチラホラと。From Podcast 38 - Joel on Software
On Excessive Unit Testing and excessive design
From Podcast 38 - Joel on Software Wanted: Business Analyst (Agile) at redbox (Oakbrook Terrace, IL). See this and other great job listings on the jobs page. Here’s a brief conversation between Jeff and I which I transcribed from... はてなブックマーク - From Podcast 38 - Joel on Software はてなブックマークに追加 dann dann testing, good
Joel Spolsky blogBBC NEWS | Technology | UK government backs open source
Licences for the use of open source software are generally free of charge and embrace open standards, and the code that powers the programs can be modified without fear of trampling on intellectual property or copyright.
The UK government says it will accelerate the use of open source software in public services.
The UK government has said it will accelerate the use of open source software in public services. The shift from proprietary standards could save the government £600m a year.The Humble Indie Bundle (pay what you want for five awesome indie games)
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all Mac/linux compatible games; contributions to EFFHow to Write Google Android Apps
How to android apps. Writing!How To: Embed YouTube Clips in PowerPoint
@VivienBarousse Chirp ! [from]
A twitter app for WindowsFeatured Download: Synkron Syncs Files and Folders Across Platforms
Windows/Mac/Linux: Free, open-source application Synkron is a powerful file-syncing utility that syncs files across platforms. The apps's marquee features include support for syncing multiple folders, automatic scheduled syncs, and restore capabilities for files that may have been accidentally overwritten during a sync. Apps like previously mentioned Dropbox boasting instantaneous sync between your PCs and the web are all the rage right now, but Synkron has its own appeal—namely that it's a local sync tool, so your files never pass through any third-party server. It also supports filtering by extension and file and folder blacklists. So while Synkron may not be up to the instant syncing standards you can expect from the likes of Dropbox, it does support complex backup schemes and is a great alternative. Synkron is free, works on all platforms.| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | ハードディスク代わりに使える!無料オンラインストレージ集28個
ハードディスク代わりに使える!無料オンラインストレージ集28個MOONGIFT: » これは便利!オンラインストレージをローカルドライブ化「Gladinet」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
オープンソース・フリーウェアを毎日紹介するブログ。日々の業務の効率化、新しいサービスのネタ探しにどうぞ。SNS、SBS、CMS、オフィス、画像編集、ユーティリティ、Firefoxアドオン、テキストエディタ、ゲーム…ジャンルは様々。 :: Automatically process new files with fsniper
fsniper lets you monitor specified directories and execute scripts on any new files that are created in them. Because fsniper uses inotify to monitor its directories, the actions you define are executed as soon as filesystem changes happen. This makes fsniper both more immediate than an hourly cron job and more efficient.
fsniper lets you monitor specified directories and execute scripts on any new files that are created in them. Because fsniper uses inotify to monitor its directories, the actions you define are executed as soon as filesystem changes happen.Bulletproof of Mind Mapping: Overview, Benefits, Tips and Tools | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
Consider storing many of your ideas in XML form and exporting them as mindmapsWatch Tv Online on Your Computer With SatelliteDirect AND GET 3,500 HD Channels
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iconos del escritorio en forma de lista.Google Chrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"..The name is derived from the graphical user interface frame, or "chrome", of web browsers. As of April 2010, Chrome was the third most widely used browser, with 6.73% of worldwide usage share of web browsers, according to Net Applications. In September 2008, Google released a large portion of Chrome's source code, including its V8 JavaScript engine, as an open source project entitled Chromium. This move enabled third-party developers to study the underlying source code and help port the browser to Mac OS X and Linux.. The Google-authored portion of Chromium is released under the permissive BSD license, which allows portions to be incorporated into both open source and closed-source software programs. Other portions of the source code are subject to a variety of open-source licenses. Chromium implements the same feature set as Chrome, but lacks built in automatic updates and Google branding, most notably it has a blue-colored logo in place of the multicolored Google logo.." :-)
Google Chrome is a web browser released by Google which uses the WebKit layout engine and application framework. It was first released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows on 2 September 2008, and the public stable release was on 11 December 2008. The name is derived from the graphical user interface frame, or "chrome", of web browsers. In September 2009, Chrome was the fourth most widely used browser, with 2.84% of worldwide usage share of web browsers.[1] Development versions of Chrome for Linux and Mac OS X were released in June 2009. Google released the entire source code of Chrome, including its bespoke V8 JavaScript engine as an open source project entitled Chromium, in 2008.[2][3] This move enabled third-party developers to port the browser to the Linux and Mac OS X platforms, apart from being able to study the underlying source code. A Google spokesperson also expressed hope that other browsers will adopt V8 to help web applications.[4] (...)The New Hotness: FourTrack Audio Recorder for iPhone, iPod Touch | Listening Post from
Audio geeks and songwriters have another tool at their disposal: FourTrack, a well-designed app for the iPhone or iPod Touch that records, mixes and plays up to four tracks like
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FourTrack iPhone recorder
Each track gets stored as a separate, mono, 44.1 kHz WAV file that can be easily transferred to any computer on your WiFi networkMacbuzzer - mac software bundles gone insane...
@Jannemans Die Mac Bundle waar ik het gisteren over had:
Just got Cockpit for Mac OS X completely free. Nothing paid! Awesome! There is also a bundle! Limited time only: http://www.macbuzzer.comLifehacker - Backup Maker Offers Dead Simple Backup Creation - Backup
Backup for online or disc. Freeware. Lifehacker.Featured Desktop: Windows Vista with a Live Thumbnail Sidebar
Reader MERSC tricked out a Windows desktop with ObjectDock's full-sized taskbar thumbnails, which previews open documents (including live video) on the dock. Above the left-docked taskbar, MERSC has an embedded to-do list pinned to the desktop, always in view, along with system monitoring tools and the current time using Samurize. When MERSC maximizes a window, the Emerge Shell Replacement keeps the dock and to-do list visible at all times. Here's the rundown of what's on this desktop, and a look at it with a maximized window.
Reader MERSC tricked out a Windows desktop with ObjectDock's full-sized taskbar thumbnails which previews open documents including live video on自由自在にMACアドレスを変更できるフリーソフト「AnalogX AnonyMAC」 - GIGAZINE
自由自在にMACアドレスを変更Downloads: DisplayFusion 3.0 Manages Everything Across Multi-Monitor Setups
Projeto de rede social aberta. Futuro? A se pensar...
A possible alternative to FacebookLifehacker - Fling Automates Remote Backup and Network Transfers - File Transfer
local and remote backups, sync folders, or update remote files or websites
Windows only: If you need to automate local and remote backups, sync folders, or update remote files or websites automatically, Fling is a free and effective solution for those tasks and more. Fling is an FTP designed to make remote backup and folder synchronization painless. Not only can you use Fling to monitor a local directory and sync it to a remote FTP site or remote folder on your network you can also manage and sync local files on hard drives and removable media. Fling integrates with Windows, you can easily send files to remote and local locations using the right click menu. You can set up Fling automatically update and sync files or restrict it to certain times or only when the transfer is manually started. Fling supports secure FTP via SSL and can be run as a service to ensure it's running even when you're not logged in.DreamMount » Mount your DreamHost users/domains as a filesystem
DreamMount is a Mac OS X application that allows you to mount DreamHost domains or users to a networked filesystem, allowing you to access it using any application.
Mount your DreamHost users/domains as a filesystemGeekTool: Put Current Weather Conditions on Your Desktop with GeekTool
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photoshop-actions100 Incredibly Useful & Free Mac Apps | Mac.AppStorm
We’ve compiled an enormous list of 100 amazing free Mac applications that you can download and start using today. These apps span multiple categories and offer an incredibly diverse pool of functionality so there’s definitely something here for everyone.Home
Qubes is an open source operating system designed to provide strong security for desktop computing. Qubes is based on Xen, X Window System, and Linux, and can run most Linux applications and utilize most of the Linux drivers. In the future it might also run Windows apps.
crazy, run each app on the desktop in it's own VM, isolate the networking stack in a VM, etc.
An entirely different approach to security: isolate. A lot. Not sure if this will completely work against common exploits
Die technische Basis dafür liefern bestehende Open-Source-Projekte wie Xen, Linux und das X Window System, die Joanna Rutkowska und ihr Kollege Rafal Wojtczuk unter anderem mit einer sicheren, grafischen Oberfläche versehen haben. Sie soll auch Copy und Paste zwischen den VMs ermöglichen.Portal is FREE!
Portal is free on the Mac and on the PC. Until May 24th.
Portal is apparently free (as in percuma/gratis) until May 24th /via @harisbinali
Portal is apparently free (as in percuma/gratis) until May 24th
Portal is one of the coolest video games around, and is free for a couple weeks!
portal is free?!? want!Subsonic » Free Music Streamer
* Listen to your music wherever you are. Share your collection with family and friends. * Browse and manage your music collection with the user-friendly web interface, or use the AIR desktop app. * Stream music to iPhone or Android. * Convert and stream lossless music on the fly. * Manage 100,000+ files in your music collection without hassle. * Download and listen to Podcasts. * Get cover art, lyrics, reviews and other album info from Discogs, Chartlyrics, allmusic, Wikipedia and Google Music. * Plus much more...
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"LaTeX Lab is an open source implementation of a web based LaTeX editor for Google Docs."
RT @t_hayashi: というか Google によるオンライン版 LaTeX がプレヴューリリースされてた! control with Subversion on Mac OS X | 456 Berea Street
Roger Johansson on GUI-based version control using Subversion on OS X. He mentions Coda, BBEdit, Cornerstone, Versions and TextMate.How-To: Install Ubuntu and Linux Apps on Your PlayStation 3 | Maximum PC
If you're only using your $500 PlayStation 3 for console gaming, you're missing out on half of its hidden versatility: the ability to upgrade into a fully functional PC! Inside that shiny plastic shell resides some decent computing silicon, just waiting to be released from its undeserved console shackles. And while Windows Vista and OSX are no-goes due to legal issues, there's no reason at all not to dual boot into a perfectly serviceable Linux platform when the need arises.
If you're only using your $500 PlayStation 3 for console gaming, you're missing out on half of its hidden versatility: the ability to upgrade into a fully functional PC! Inside that shiny plastic shell resides some decent computing silicon, just waiting to be released from its undeserved console shackles. And while Windows Vista and OSX are no-goes due to legal issues, there's no reason at all not to dual boot into a perfectly serviceable Linux platform when the need arises. The installation process is fairly straightforward, and the hard drive is easily upgradeable if you don't mind spending a little extra cash on the side. And while Ubuntu for PlayStation has a few functional limitations, you can find myriad excellent applications for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own living room, including VLC for encoded video playback, Amarok to blast your7 Desktop Applications for FriendFeed - Mashable
After having done two FriendFeed (FriendFeed) lists – the top 10 Web applications for FriendFeed and 7 essential GreaseMonkey scripts for FriendFeed – we thought we’d do one more to round out the collection. Here are 7 popular desktop applications for FriendFeed that will let you comment or like an item without leaving your application window, update to FriendFeed and Twitter (Twitter), and much more. Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.
Here are 7 popular desktop applications for FriendFeed that will let you comment or like an item without leaving your application window, update to FriendFeed and Twitter (Twitter reviews), and much more.
7 Desktop Applications for FriendFeed, [from]Why Stallman is wrong when he calls cloud computing stupid
ust as bad as using a proprietary program. Do your own computing on your own computer with your copy of a freedom-respecting program. If you use a proprietary program or somebody else's web server, you're defenseless. You're putty in the hands of whoever developed that software." The negative characteristics of cloud computing that Stallman id
"The negative characteristics of cloud computing that Stallman identifies are very real, but the solution that he prescribes seems grossly myopic and counterintuitive. ... Stallman correctly recognizes those problems, but his belief that the problems are intractable is simply wrong. The open source software movement has found productive ways to address the same kind of problems on the desktop, and I'm confident that reasonable solutions can be found to bring the same level of freedom to the cloud. The challenges posed by new computing paradigms will require the open source software community to evolve and adapt, not collectively stick its head in the sand. "
Great article on the benefits and drawbacks of cloud computing.Demo: FireFox 3.5 Treats Videos Like Web Pages. Why Can’t Flash Do That?
#swear #superlative.
Mais uma notícia sobre HTML 5....
Very cool demo of new HTML-5 video.
This has amazing implications for product placement in the future – the product can be customized to the individual.Erwin Waterlander, WCD Wherever Change Directory
changes directory from a large tree, allowing instant jumps ( pretty handy, all shells shoudl have this, especially if you take the time to make a meaningful directory structure : just enough for some things like: program/bc audio/ipt au*/w*edit
Wcd is a program to change directory fast. It saves time typing at the keyboard. One needs to type only a part of a directory name and wcd will jump to it. By default wcd searches for a directory with a name that begins with what has been typed, but the use of wildcards is also fully supported.Free online speed reading software |
Free online speed reading - interesting
Speed reading online, paste text, lets you read very quicklyTotally Free Burner, 100% Free CD DVD Burning Software
Quemador de CD y DVD gratis.
Totally Free Burner is a CD/DVD burner with a nice, minimalistic interface and an excellent range of features which will cover most people's CD/DVD burning needs.How Hard Could It Be?: My Style of Servant Leadership-joel spolsky-leadership
Don't bother me, because I'm in the middle of my most important task as CEO -- hanging window blinds.
Our company was built on the idea of hiring smart and productive people and then clearing the decks.15 Great Mindmapping Tools and Apps | Spyre Studios
15 Great Mindmapping Tools and Apps #mindmap
15 Great Mindmapping Tools and Apps | Spyre Studios – Liza Sperling (lizasperling) FREE iPhone Apps to Help Navigate Your World
15+ FREE iPhone Apps to Navigate Your World resources list from mashable free apps to navigate the worldLifehacker - GO Contact Sync Keeps Google and Outlook Contacts Matched - Outlook
Interesting Tool for sync outlook with Google Contacts
GO Contact Sync Keeps Google and Outlook Contacts Matched By Kevin Purdy, 5:30 AM on Wed Apr 1 2009, 29,963 views (Edit, to draft, Slurp) Copy this whole post to another siteSlurp cancel select site advertising consumerist deadspin defamer fleshbot gay fleshbot gawker gizmodo idolator io9 jalopnik jezebel kotaku lifehacker valleywag artists gawkershop sploid Windows only: GO Contact Sync is a handy little synchronizer that keeps your Google (G) and Outlook (O) contacts in line. You run it once or schedule it, and customize how it handles your data. If all you want is a little tray app that does two-way syncing every time you run it, or auto-starts and syncs every X minutes, GO Contact Sync has you covered. But the tiny tray app also allows you to create different "sync profiles," where you can customize whether the sync goes just Google to Outlook, only Outlook to Google, and how it handles possible merges between your names and addresses. There's also a toggle box to recognize
Sync Outlook & Google ContactsDownload ToYcon 0.5 - ToYcon is a software that converts png towards ico files. Support for Vista icon(embedded png compression) - Softpedia
ToYcon is a software that converts png towards ico files. Support for Vista icon(embedded png compression). ToYcon is a light and easy-to-use software that will help you convert png towards ico files. Only a simple drag and drop of one (or several) images is necessary for conversion. The produced icon is in the same folder that the source image (it is possible via an option to choose the destination folder).
『ToYcon』は、イメージをドラッグ&ドロップするだけで、簡単にそのイメージが分かるアイコンを作れるソフトです。Compare Online College Degrees : 60+ Free Programming Tools
Windows/Mac/Linux: Java-based DirSync Pro provides cross-platform file synchronization with an easy to use interface, incremental backup, and a profile system.Lifehacker - Hive Five Winner for Best MP3 Tagging Tool: Mp3Tag - Hive Five
investigate when you get home.Meraki WiFi Stumbler
Meraki, Inc.Projekktor Zwei - Free HTML5 video player - home
Trailer (Ogg/Theora + MP4/VP6 fallback) 2/4 00:52 | 01:26
pure javascript driven HTML5 video experience. FlAsH is used only whenever there´s no native H.264 support available. In such cases a minimalistic SWF which mimics an HTML5 video element as simple as possible
Sweet, free, open source HTML5 video kit!A Visit to id Software on Vimeo
Dan Linton, owner of a hugely successful BBS called Software Creations, visited Texas and made his way to id Software. This is the footage he recorded one night in November 1993.
In 1993, Dan Linton, owner of a hugely successful BBS called Software Creations, visited Texas and made his way to id Software. This is the footage he recorded one night in November 1993. Shown are several of id's employees at the time: Jay Wilbur, Shawn Green, John Romero, Dave Taylor, Sandy Petersen and Adrian Carmack. Bobby Prince was visiting to finish the music and create the sound effects. This video has 21 minutes of DOOM before the sound effects were put in as well as some early deathmatching with Shawn Green.
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network findings in an easy-to-grasp manner, and can be expanded to show you more than just names and addresses. Weighing in at less than 1MB, it makes a great addition to any thumb drive, especially for anyone often called upon to figure out what's up with the router. Check out some of SoftPerfect's deeper options and offerings below. After grabbing and installing the stand-alone executable, you'll see that SoftPerfect can do some pretty basic system-finding and exploration. Head to "Options" and choose "Auto Detect Local IP Range" to save yourself the typing. On most home networks, if you're prompted for an interface choice, pick the one that starts with 192.168. Hit "Start scanning," and you're off. If SoftPerfect finds a shared folder, you can right-click it to open Windows' native explorer view or map it to a virtual letter drive. Right-clicking a computer icon offers you wake-on-LAN sleep/wake-up options, along with HTTP, FTP, and Telnet connection. Where are the MAC addresses,無いから作った人たち:ITpro
"memcachedの特徴は、データをキャッシュするメモリーとして、通常のPCサーバーの物理メモリーを利用すること。大容量データを複数のPCサーバーのメモリーに分散しておくために、「キー・バリュー型データストア」と呼ぶ方法を採用している。データをいったん非正規化し、「キー」とそれに対応する「値(バリュー)」にしてから保存する。データをキーと値の組み合わせにすることで、複数のサーバーに分散しておける。"35 Inspirational Software and Application Websites | Spoonfed Design
Software and Application Websites
Spoonfed Design is a blog for designers and developers to get inspired, learn new techniques, and pick up new ideas or resources.
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Update to PuttyTop Five Twitter Analytical Tools
List of five great Twitter analyzer toolsMarxio Timer - powerfull computer timer, countdown clock, reminder, alarm clock, stopwatch, freeware
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A Swiss Army knife-like portable multifunction timerOpera Unite reinvents the Web
From Opera's Site Opera Unite reinvents the Web Cloud computing and Web-based applications will never be the same June 16, 2009 — Oslo, Norway Opera today unveiled Opera Unite, a new technology that shakes up the old client-server computing model of the Web. Opera Unite turns any computer into both a client and a server, allowing it to interact with and serve content to other computers directly across the Web, without the need for third-party servers. Opera Unite makes serving data as simple and easy as browsing the Web. For consumers, Opera Unite services give greater control of private data and make it easy to share data with any device equipped with a modern Web browser. For Web developers, Opera Unite services are based on the same open Web standards as Web sites today. This dramatically simplifies the complexity of authoring cutting-edge Web services. With Opera Unite, creating a full Web service is now as easy as coding a Web page.
Cloud computing and Web-based applications will never be the same June 16, 2009 — Oslo, Norway Opera today unveiled Opera Unite, a new technology that shakes up the old client-server computing model of the Web. Opera Unite turns any computer into both a client and a server, allowing it to interact with and serve content to other computers directly across the Web, without the need for third-party servers. Opera Unite makes serving data as simple and easy as browsing the Web. For consumers, Opera Unite services give greater control of private data and make it easy to share data with any device equipped with a modern Web browser.
jm: bridging your desktop to the cloud (UPDATE) Annotated link Tips to Become an INSTANT iPhone OS 3.0 Power-User | Mac|Life
Windows only: We took a strong liking to controlling multiple computers with a single keyboard and mouse nearly two years ago, and the concept's still cool, but the software hasn't updated. Synergy-Plus keeps the multi-control party going.
Synergy plus (windows)
software fernsteuerung remote keyboard 02/ - gcontactsync: index
gContactSync is an extension that synchronizes contacts from a Google (Gmail) account with an Address Book in Thunderbird 2 or 3 written for my Google Summer of Code project in 2008. Version 0.1 is out, and please report any errors you find, or suggest enhancements. See the installation page for more details.Structure Synth - 文脈自由文法3Dアート - Radium Software
Structure Synth は,文脈自由文法を使って 3D CG を作成するソフトウェア。つまるところ, Context Free の 3D 版だ。単純なプログラムから複雑な CG を生成することができる。 GI レンダラー SunFlow 用のシーンファイル出力にも対応しており,これらを組み合わせることによって,とてもお手軽かつ高品質な幾何 CG アート環境が完成する。 以下,とりあえず作ってみた習作。仕組みはほとんど Context Free と同じなので,Context Free に慣れていればすぐにコードを書けるようになる。 set maxdepth 50 12 * { rx 30 } RC BG rule RC { {} CROSS { rx 10 z 0.7 s 0.98 } RC } rule RC { {} CROSS { ry 10 z 0.7 s 0.98 } RC } rule RC { {} CROSS { rz 10 z 0.7 s 0.98 } RC } rule CROSS { { rx 90 s 2 0.3 0.3 } box { rz 90 s 2 0.3 0.3 } box { s 2 0.3 0.3 } box } rule BG { { s 0.1 100 100 x -10 } box }
Structure Synth Structure Synth は,文脈自由文法を使って 3D CG を作成するソフトウェア。つまるところ, Context Free の 3D 版
あとで使ってみよう3 Things They Should Have Taught In My Computer Science Degree | Software, Technology and More
3 Things They Should Have Taught In My Computer Science Degree
ZA VSE FRIJEVCE <--kako bi to scodeal v btw?Windows プログラマなら読んでおきたい「Windowsデバッグの極意」 - てっく煮ブログ
.NET な人には、.NET&Windowsプログラマのためのデバッグテクニック徹底解説 が MS 公認だしおすすめ。Visual Studio を使った高度なデバッグテクニックが紹介されている。Featured Windows Download: Transfer Files Lightning Fast With FastCopy
Windows only: Free application FastCopy is a portable replacement for the standard Windows Explorer file copying mechanism. FastCopy's interface is rather cluttered but the file transfer speeds are fantastic. Copying ISO files, thousands of pictures, and other test files was extremely fast. You can opt to not overwrite, overwrite by newest or biggest file, and sync when transferring files with FastCopy. We've covered another popular file copier replacement here before, TeraCopy, and you might be wondering how FastCopy stacks up against it.
Lifehacker. File copyingMoo0 - 14 freeware and 1 shareware
Moo0 RightClicker is a set of enhancements on the context menu (right click menu) of Windows Explorer. It adds many useful functionalities like duplicating current explorer window, open/move to/copy to bookmarked folders, hiding default context menus, and so forth.「ソフトウェア工学」は矛盾語法か?
「ソフトウェア工学」は矛盾語法か?Featured Download: GTD Free Puts Getting Things Done on the Desktop
Windows/Mac/Linux (all platforms with Java): GTD Free, a Java-based desktop app, is one of the most straight-forward implementations of the Getting Things Done organizational system you'll see, but it also serves as a great introduction for the GTD-curious. Five tabs put your tasks in a sequential flow, and using them helps reinforce GTD's basic tenets in your brain. Bang out action blurbs in Collect, detail them in Process, file them in already-labeled folders like Actions, Someday/Maybe, and Projects, and mark them off in Execute. It's definitely not a lightweight, paper-like system, but it's a fairly clean implementation if you want to try Getting Things Done as it was really intended. GTD Free is a free download, works wherever the Java platform does.GTD-Free [via]
ThisFeatured Download: GTD Free Puts Getting Things Done on the xVideoServiceThief
xVideoServiceThief is a tool for downloading your favourite video clips from a lot of video websites. xVideoServiceThief also provide you the ability to convert each video in most popular formats: AVI, MPEG1, MPEG2, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MP3 file formats.
A tool for downloading your favourite video clips from a lot of video websites. xVideoServiceThief also provide you the ability to convert each video in most popular formats: AVI, MPEG1, MPEG2, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MP3 file formats.Lifehacker - The LCARS for Mac Desktop - Desktops
check at home
turn your desktop into a star trek computer monitor
Reader momoses' desktop is the answer to an often-requested customization—turning his Mac desktop into a lookalike for the computer display in Star Trek: The Next Generation.10 Twitter Clients For Linux |
This post is not about persuading you to use twitter (maybe a little bit), but if you already do use twitter and only use it via web you should be glad to know that there are a number of desktop clients available for us Linux users which makes using twitter a lot easier.Create a GUID
5FD93B33-E5B1-495A-A9F6-D9DA5AE8B84BManiacal Rage
The tumblelog of Garrett Murray.
A ton of funny Photoshop CS4 crash reports.
It started dying so often that he got REALLY creative with his crash descriptions.
""At one point, around noon, I started hallucinating. I suddenly found myself in an alterate [sp] was insane. The oceans were purple, we used Converse sneakers as currency, and Photoshop never crashed. Then I snapped back and saw this dialogue.""Opera Software
Opera Software: Freedom
The Web is your browser. Discover how fast and fun the Web can be.
On June 16th at 9:00 a.m (CEDT), Opera will {supposedly] reinvent the Web. [from]
On June 16th at 9:00 a.m (CEDT), we will reinvent the Web.
Reinventing the web Opera se met au buzz, rdv demain pour voir... [from]20 cool things to do with your iPhone | News | TechRadar UK
サーバインストール型のスケジュール管理ツールDigital Photos: Block Posters Makes a Large Poster from Any Image
rasterization, which—if true—would mean Rasterbator's images may appear more pixelated or dotted.
Block Posters converts any image into a large, printable wall poster.AirStrip Technologies > Home
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# Secure and enhance performance to your Terminal Server and workstations by preventing execution of chosen applications. # Prevent access to any application by executable filename. # Freeware!
Hay algunos programas que, por más que queramos, no podemos desinstalar (¿alguien dijo Internet Explorer en el fondo?). Sin embargo, podemos hacer todo lo posible por ignorar su existencia. Una de estas medidas es bloquear su ejecución, así no se nos abren accidentalmente, ni por asociación con un tipo de archivo en especial. Para hacerlo de forma fácil, contamos con programas como Application Locker, una aplicación gratuita para Windows. El programa cuenta con una lista pre-determinada de programas a bloquear (por eso tal vez vean algunos que no tienen instalados), pero también pueden agregar sus propios programas. Además de evitar que corran los que no quieren, pueden usar esta herramienta para, por ejemplo, evitar que los niños les usen Firefox o el MSN, o mantenerlos fuera del alcance durante las horas de trabajo (un poco de ayuda a la auto disciplina).PHP+Ajaxの日本語も対応した超高機能ファイルマネージャ*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
一考。なかなか便利。Featured Download: GDataCopier Syncs Google Docs to Your Desktop
Sincroniza google docs com o desktopChris Harrison - Pseudo-3D Video Conferencing with a Generic Webcam
Conferenze 3d con webcamなめらかな高速描画とファイル転送が可能なフリーのリモートコントロールソフト「UltraVNC」 - GIGAZINE
Three tools for performing basic actions on image files. These can be useful in building your Inkubook by helping to determine the size of files (300 dpi is recommended).Open Websites in Google Chrome from Firefox
IE View Lite のChrome版。これが欲しかったんだよー!Chrome→Firefoxなやつも早く欲しいんだけど・・・Houdini 2.1 - MacUpdate
Create, access, or delete hidden folders. Download Houdini for the Mac from
Get Twitter with a Google Reader feel. PHP Install.
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Mark Twitter messages as read and unread. Keep track of what you have already read from who you follow with this Twitter Reader
install twitter reader on localhost or any server; looks like google readerReport: Enterprise 2.0 Apps Will Dramatically Fall in Price - ReadWriteWeb
Commoditization of the technology opens the door for adding value through better implementation strategies.
A new report by Forrester Research states that the market for collaboration and productivity web apps in the enterprise (a.k.a. enterprise 2.0) is set for a shake-up...
A new report by Forrester Research states that the market for collaboration and productivity web apps in the enterprise (a.k.a. enterprise 2.0) is set for a shake-up, with prices to fall in some cases by over half. Price drops will be especially sharp in blog, wikis, social networking and widgets. The only exception is mashups, which will increase in price over the next 5 years.Deep inside the Windows 7 Public Beta: an in-depth tour: Page 1
Let's just cut to the chase here: Windows 7 is built on top of Windows Vista. It doesn't roll back the major changes that Vista made; it doesn't reduce system requirements
Interesting article on thevarious major changes in the Windows 7 UI. I have to agree that most of it is for the better.How do we write test automation for ASP.NET? - Asp.Net QA Team
Test automation for ASP.NETDownloads: Blueman 1.0 Brings Better Bluetooth to Linux
8!!! different malware/virus apps in one go!!! useful for when the shit hits the fan...
Free application Hitman Pro scans your system for malware using not one, not two, but eight different anti-malware applications. Essentially, Hitman Pro is a helper utility that runs up to eight different cleaning tools when you tell it to.
Windows only: Free application Hitman Pro scans your system for malware using not one, not two, but eight different anti-malware applications. Essentially, Hitman Pro is a helper utility that runs up to eight different cleaning tools when you tell it to. Some are favorites we all know and love, like Ad-Aware and Spybot S&D, while others are a bit more obscure. The idea behind Hitman Pro is that you've got a one-stop shop for killing off any malware that hits your system—regardless of whether it's spyware, adware, or some nasty virus. As the MakeUseOf post points out, scanning your system with each app can be a time-consuming process, so it's best to use when your computer is idle. If Hitman Pro seems like overkill, check out our five best antivirus applications and five best Windows maintenance tools for some great alternatives.iWatchSyncer - iTunes auto music importing - Home
A way to sync new music in your itunes with folder updatesYes, No, Maybe? Conduct Opinion Polls Over Email using Gmail
In some situations, a poll conducted over email may be more practical than running a web based poll because readers can vote through their email clients without requiring a browser. It’s as simple as replying to any other email and can be done even from mobile phones. Turn Gmail into a Poll Software Let’s see how you can quickly setup an opinion poll over email using only your existing Gmail account.
a. Will you buy a Macbook Tablet ? (Yes | No | Maybe). b. Which is your favorite search engine? (Google | Yahoo | Ask | Cuil | Other).
nifty trick, could be used for registering people as well15 online photo editors compared | Webware - CNET
Flauntr, Fotoflexer, Lunapic, Phixr, Phoenix,, Picnik, Picture2Life, Pixenate,, Pixlr, Snipshot, Snipshot Pro and Splashup.
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Tools that let you edit photos in the Web browser have come a long way in the last few years. We wanted to take a moment to do a feature comparison with a grouping of editors--big and small, to see what each one is capable of.mendelson_div_conq
there is talk about the media world, as well as the open source world. And how businesses should "defeat" the masses. Timing, product features, and the skillful use of network effects across market segments [benefits of a business]. This is a very "odd" study
How can a business compete with a free product? It’s not easy, and it’s more than just a theoretical question. U.S. newspapers are finding it difficult to compete with free news and the commentary of bloggers and other internet sources. And in the software world, the rise of open source products, which are available for free on the internet, is reshaping the technology industry.
Ultimately, from the point of view of the buyer, free products provide an important benefit. “Even if consumers do not end up adopting the free product, it can act as a credible threat to the commercial firm, forcing it to both lower prices and invest more in product innovation,”
Businesses Can Win the Competition Against Open-Source 我们的乐园~ - Powered by Discuz!
ieD2k - ☆享你所想☆ 网络资源共享交流社区 - Discuz! BoardThink Firefox 3 is fast? Try Firefox Minefield | The Open Road - The Business and Politics of Open Source by Matt Asay - CNET News
Firefox is outdoing itself with Minefield, which sets new speed records. Read this blog post by Matt Asay on The Open Road.
How fast? Some claim that it has the fastest javascript engine on the planet, which means it leaves Google's Chrome browser in the dust. In my own unscientific tests, I'd say that this assertion is correct. Ars Technica pegs Minefield as 10 percent faster than Chrome.
2528 diggsFeatured Firefox Extension: UrlbarExt Adds Super Powers to the Awesome Bar
cool features added to the Awesome Bar, which might make it actually awesome.Alibre Design Xpress 3D Solid Modeler
3d modeler for creating mechanical parts and assemblies; for more advanced| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | Windowsの潜在能力を飛躍的に向上するシステムツール集
Lifehacker * Display o All o Top o Windows o Mac OS X o Linux o Downloads o DIY * Condensed o Condensed o Expanded * Most recent o Most recent o Most popular o Most discussed * Hybrid * * Profile * Logout * Login Click Here Username: Password: logging in Login Please enter a username. Please enter your password. new user? | forgot password? Connect Lifehacker * Downloads HeatMapper Helps You Create a Detailed Signal Strength MapMicrosoft Office Comes to the Browser (Finally) - ReadWriteWeb
Annotated link
Microsoft announced this morning at its PDC conference that the next release of Microsoft Office will include browser-based versions of some of its main office software products - Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. These will be "lightweight versions", but Microsoft told us yesterday that they'll still have rich functionality and will be comparable to Google's suite of online office applications. The apps will enable users to create, edit and collaborate on Microsoft Office documents through the browser.
Microsoft announced this morning at its PDC conference that the next release of Microsoft Office will include browser-based versions of some of its main office software products - Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. Annotated link
Microsoft announced this morning at its PDC conference that the next release of Microsoft Office will include browser-based versions of some of its main office software products - Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. These will be "lightweight versions", but Microsoft told us yesterday that they'll still have rich functionality and will be comparable to Google's suite of online office applications. The apps will enable users to create, edit and collaborate on Microsoft Office documents through the browser. The apps will work in IE, Firefox and Safari browsers (no word on whether Google Chrome will be supported).HandBrake
HandBrake is no longer limited to DVDs: it will now accept practically any type of video as a source. This massive enhancement was achieved by tapping into the power of libavcodec and libavformat from the FFmpeg project. Linux GUI There is now an official GTK graphical interface for Linux, available as a binary for Ubuntu. This is the real deal, interacting directly with HandBrake's core library instead of just putting a pretty face on a command line interface. It has full feature parity with the Mac interface. Video quality The x264 project has really come into its own this year, and HandBrake 0.9.3 integrates the latest improvements to the H.264 encoding library. Picture quality has enhanced dramatically through the use of psychovisual rate distortion and adaptive quantization, and there have been significant speed optimizations.
HandBrake 0.9.3: Released! "The trick is to combine your waking rational abilities with the infinite possibilities of your dreams. Because, if you can do that, you can do anything." Download it now. Sorry it's been so long, but we think you'll all agree this release of HandBrake was worth the wait. Where to begin? Universal input HandBrake is no longer limited to DVDs: it will now accept practically any type of video as a source. This massive enhancement was achieved by tapping into the power of libavcodec and libavformat from the FFmpeg project.
An open-source, GPL-licensed, multi-platform, multithreaded, DVD to MPEG-4 converter, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows.The Form Letter Machine - Mouser - Software -
for letter applications
SHARED USING: http://www.tagle.itテキストからUML図を生成してくれる『yUML』が良く出来ている - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
テキストで記述できるってのがいいLifehacker - AlternativeTo Suggests Software Alternatives - Search engines
AlternativeTo Suggests Software AlternativesMoo0 - 14 freeware and 1 shareware
Rails Rumble 2008 AppsToDo管理・スケジュール・仕事の進捗をガントチャート表示できるソフト「xfy Planner[ベータ版]」 - GIGAZINE
ほかにも、年単位でタスクを表示できる比較年表、作成したメモをカテゴリ別にエクスプローラ風に分類して表示するメモファインダー、Googleカレンダー上に公開するGoogleカレンダー連携機能などが追加予定となっています。 願わくば、あとはGoogleカレンダーなどへの入力フロントエンドみたいにして動いてくれれば言うこと無し。Googleカレンダーをデータ共有用にしてしまうとか、WebDAVで共有とか、そういう少人数集団でデータ共有できる仕組みが欲しいかも。 現時点でもかなり完成度は高いように感じるので、あとはレスポンスさえ上昇すればかなりいい線まで行けそうです。よくできてます。iPhone: Which iPhone 3.0 software features does my iPhone support?
Which iPhone 3.0 software features does my iPhone support? (Chart from Apple) [from]
Feature matrix for various hardware models.
Handy list to have when deciding what to buy.Downloads: Kill Tools Terminates Windows Processes With Ease
Kill Tools Terminates Windows Processes With Ease
Exclusive Lifehacker download for Windows only: Kill Tools terminates running processes from the keyboard with a set of hotkey-triggered kill functions that can kill windows by name, title, or more.
Exclusive Lifehacker download for Windows only: Kill Tools terminates running processes from the keyboard with a set of hotkey-triggered kill functions that can kill windows by name, title, or more. Once launched, Kill Tools can be triggered by using one of the built-in shortcut keys—you can kill the current window, everything but the current window, close other windows similar to the current window (useful for closing everything but the active Explorer window), or invoke a pop up dialog that will let you kill windows by name or title—plenty of control for controlling running processes. Right now, you can kill windows with your little finger combined with these keys: Included: Win+K: Immediately kill the current process. Win+Ctrl+K: Show kill process by Name dialog. Win+Alt+K: Show kill process by process by Window Title dialog. Ctrl+Alt+F4: Closes all windows but the active one. Ctrl+Alt+F3: Closes all other windows of the same type as the active window.
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XBMC is an award winning media center for Mac OS X, Linux, Windows, Apple TV and Xbox. The ultimate hub for all your media.
XBMC is award winning media center for Mac OS X, Linux, Windows, Apple TV and Xbox. The ultimate hub for all your media.Larry Augustin's Weblog: Commercial Open Source in Europe Verses the US
Commercial Open Source in Europe Versus the US
We just finished the first Europe Open Source Think Tank (OSTT). Andrew Aitken of Olliance and Alexandre Zapolsky of Linagora hosted a fantastic event. I highly recommend it to anyone who can attend. During the course of the two days...Chrome antics: did Google reverse-engineer Windows?: Page 1
Chrome process model
pending sect. 2 & 3【ハウツー】Webブラウジング新時代到来!? 新アドオン「Ubiquity」を"しっかり"試す (1) Firefox上で簡単に呼び出せるコマンドライン | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
5 Reasons to Install Google Desktop Today
Are you using Google Desktop? This handy download combines the power of enhanced web and desktop search with the utility of Google Gadgets.
This download combines the power of enhanced web and desktop search with the utility of Google GadgetsGoogle Chrome - Download a new browser
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. Search from the address bar, Thumbnails of your top sites (Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab), Private browsing (Incognito window when you don't want to save your browsing history)...
Get a fast, free web browser Google Chrome runs web pages and applications with lightning
Q:Holy Crap, Microsoft Is Tripping on Acid! A:Yes
Windows 7 has been sounding very promising.Hive Five Winner for Best Mind Mapping Software: FreeMind
iTunes のライブラリを外付HDに移動する時の注意。Technology Review: $100 Laptop Becomes a $5 PC
The open-source education software developed for the "$100 laptop" can now be loaded onto a $5 USB stick to run aging PCs and Macs with a new interface and custom educational software.
"What we are doing is taking a bunch of old machines that barely run Windows 2000, and turning them into something interesting and useful for essentially zero cost," says Walter Bender, former president of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project. "It becomes a whole new computer running off the USB key; we can breathe new life into millions of decrepit old machines."
$100 Laptop Becomes a $5 PC
The open-source education software developed for the "$100 laptop" can now be loaded onto a $5 USB stick to run aging PCs and Macs with a new interface and custom educational software. "What we are doing is taking a bunch of old machines that barely run Windows 2000, and turning them into something interesting and useful for essentially zero cost," says Walter Bender, former president of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) project. "It becomes a whole new computer running off the USB key; we can breathe new life into millions of decrepit old machines."100+ Sites to Download All Sorts of Things | I Can Has Happy
100+ Sites to Download All Sorts of Things窓の杜 - 【REVIEW】“svchost.exe”とそれが管理するサービスを一覧「Svchost Process Analyzer」
Wiredin artikkeli Stanzan iPhone -versiosta
StanzaPower Meter Plus « Endpoint
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* ly disappear/fade as the charge increases * The meter appears either on the bottom left or bottom right of the screen; it moves to the opposite corner if you move your mouse over it Screenshot Power Meter Plus Screenshot IPhone Download: VLC Remote Adds iPhone Control to Our Favorite Media App
iPhone/iPod touch only: VLC Remote Free lets you play, pause, and skip tracks on the mighty VLC Media Player on any computer from your iPhone or iPod touch.
VLC Remote Free lets you play, pause, and skip tracks on the mighty VLC Media Player on any computer from your iPhone or iPod touch.Mac money-savers: fill up your Mac for free | News | TechRadar UK
Mac money-savers: fill up your Mac for free Fantastic free programs, online services, and more : TechRadar UKDownloads: PhotoPerfect Tweaks Your Pictures with Presets
PhotoPerfect Express is a free, powerful image optimization tool that covers a wide range of photo enhancement scenarios, and can provide casual photographers with great results.John Gruber on waferbaby
Interesting to see what other people use, and how they use it...
Una entrevista a John Gruber donde cuenta las apps que usa.
JOhn Gruber's setupSecond Life Architecture - The Grid | High Scalability
CSS、XHTML、JavaScript、RSS、PHPなどWebサイト作りにまつわるほとんどすべてのテキスト編集ができます。 補完機能が並外れて強力かつ使いやすいのが特徴です。PHPスクリプトの遅い部分を簡単に見つける方法 : アシアルブログ
XdebugとWinCacheGrindというソフトを使えばPHPスクリプトのボトルネックを簡単に発見することができますA Beginner’s Guide to Quicksilver « AppStorm
Network latency and bandwidth are the two metrics most likely to be of interest when you benchmark a network. Even though most service and product advertising focuses on bandwidth, at times the latency can be a more important metric. Here's a look at three projects that include tools to test your network performance: nepim "network pipemeter," LMbench, and nuttcp.Featured Download: FilePhile Transfers Any Size File Between Any Two Systems
After registering at FilePhile's site with an email address and password, you grab and install a copy of the Java-based app, launch it, and add email addresses to your buddy list. Sending a file is a simple right-click on someone's name, but you can limit the bandwidth eaten up by FilePhile in its preferences. The transfers themselves are encrypted, and, as the site boasts, can be any size. That's about it, but that's probably all you need.
FilePhile is a peer-to-peer, multi-platform app for getting files of unlimited size between yourself and anyone else willing to give it a try.Multimedia overview - Administrator's Plus PDA Module
A site about PDAs from EDUC-W 200
pre-lecture activity #4, administrators can have access to PDA's
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Information about PDA systems avaliable for schoolsOnline Bookkeeping for Freelancers that Won’t Cost an Arm & Leg - FreelanceSwitch - The Freelance Blog
Article: finance advice for freelancerBoxee is updated for Apple TV 2.3 - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
# # Download the latest version of USB Creator (available for Intel and PPC Macs and there is now an interrum solutio
How to install Boxee on Apple TV
ple TV and wait forウェブ制作に役立つ、Adobe AIRのアプリケーション集 | コリス
ウェブ制作に役立つ、Adobe AIRのアプリケーション集 » Blog Archive » The cost of (not) testing software
"Essentially, it is in your best interest, as a developer, as a team, to encourage lots and lots of tests lower in the stacks shown here. It starts with comprehensive, checked in unit tests. It continues with having a strong, repeatable testing discipline (for which I recommend test automation)."
As a long-time automation-engineer/test-focused guy I've pondered the great existential question of "how much testing" is enough for awhile. More recently, I've started focusing on the cost of not testing a product.staple / unstaple
A tool that forces people to commit a crime if they want to prove an archive contains stolen content. Turning the DMCA against those who try to use it. Cute in a contrarian activist sort of way.
staple is a program that inseparably binds together the data in a file using a cryptographic mechanism known as an All-or-nothing transform. In its most basic form (when executed as staple 0), the transformation is keyless; that is, no key is required to reverse it, however all the data is required. Thus, running unstaple on the output .staple file yields the original file, but running it on any subset of the .staple file yields nothing.
[...]It has been suggested that this scenario occurs if Alice is a content producer/owner, Bob is a content piracy group, and Charlie is a user unconcerned about copyright infringement. Taking their last example: Alice could pretend to have brute-forced the key k rather than recovered from B and r, no? And is all-or-nothing so hard to do? what about making c=k xor H(Ek(m)) | Ek(m) ? You need the full data to compute the hash on the encrypted message to recover the key and decrypt the message. And you can throw away part of the key also in this scheme UPDATE: hum actually it appears that it's precisely what he's doing :-)
all or nothing cryptographic transform
"staple is a program that inseparably binds together the data in a file using a cryptographic mechanism known as an All-or-nothing transform. In its most basic form (when executed as staple 0), the transformation is keyless; that is, no key is required to reverse it, however all the data is required. Thus, running unstaple on the output .staple file yields the original file, but running it on any subset of the .staple file yields nothing. staple can also be asked to do something slightly strange: in the process of executing the All-or-nothing transform, a random key is used for encryption of the data - staple can be instructed to throw away part of that key. (The only argument staple takes is the number of key bytes to throw away; only 0, 2, and 4 are accepted currently.)"10 cutting-edge apps you've never heard of | News | TechRadar UK
10 cutting-edge apps you've never heard of Must-have new apps on show at DEMO 09 day two : TechRadar UK
Some very cool apps hereFeatured Windows Download: JPEGCrops Makes Bulk Cropping Images a Breeze
allows you to cut a pile of image files in exactly the same way-- without losing data since it does not repack the fileWebapps: Tarpipe Publishes Updates, Content to Social Sites via Email
Web site Tarpipe streamlines your updates to various social web sites creating simple or complex workflows to update several buckets
Web site Tarpipe streamlines your updates to various social web sites, creating simple or complex workflows to update several buckets in one fell swoop.Windows in 1983
DeskAngel 是一款 Windows 桌面增强工具,简单、便携且完全免费。DeskAngel 有很多有趣、实用的功能,如直接滚动文档、自动滚动文档、卷起窗口等
DeskAngel is a desktop enhancement tool for windows operation system. In order to arrange my daily work and make the windows more fashion, I started to develop it on year 2002, under windows 2000 pro. It went through windows 2000, windows xp and now arrived at windows vista. Some features are dropped in the journey, but more are added.
DeskAngel is a desktop enhancement tool for windows operation system. In order to arrange my daily work and make the windows more fashion, I started to develop it on year 2002, under windows 2000 pro. It went through windows 2000, windows xp and now arrived at windows vista. Some features are dropped in the journey, but more are added.Singer's Creations » Install-It
Eine kleine Software, die es erlaubt mehrere Programme automatisch von einer CD installieren zu lassen.
cd auto start program
When burned to the root of a CD, Install-It will automatically launch when the CD is inserted and display a list of program setup files which have been burned onto the CD.
crea liste di installazione
Free app Install-It puts a small auto-starting application on any removable drive that makes installing applications a double-click affair.
crea una lista di applicazioni da installare tramite CDDownloads: JPEGSnoop Sniffs Out Signs of Editing
JPEGSnoop is a small and portable application that sleuths through images determine if the image has been altered or edited.
Is that jpeg the original photo, or has it been edited/retouched? This tool answers the question and provides lots of other details, too.Kaleidoscope — File comparison for Mac
Kaleidscope — File comparison for Mac.
RT @draenews: Del Kaleidoscope — File comparison for Mac:
images & texts file - the online room planning platform - GET THE IDEA!
fore house planSoluto – Anti-Frustration Software
Analyses ways to make your Windows startup faster
Does your Windows machine take a long time to boot up? (Insert snarky “switch to Linux” joke here). Well a company has developed a remedy to improve Windows boot time, and it is called Soluto. The way the application works is simple. It installs, then it asks you to reboot and then it watches your boot time and tells you what is taking up the majority of that time. It allows you to pause the item (does not start up again until un-paused) or you can delay its startup. It will wait until the initial set of applications is loaded before attempting to start your delayed applications. This program works well for techies and entry level computer users alike. If you are an expert user you can take action on all your items and have a great list to work from on speeding up your boot up. A novice would be able to pause the items that they know they do not use or have already uninstalled. -makeuseofSafari Extensions
RT:@joffrey Plein de nouvelles extensions pour Safari 5 :
@antonsten du hittar fler här: – Linus Lundahl (linuslundahl)
RT @wpSEO: Sehr aktuelle Liste der Safari 5 Erweiterungen #safari
Safari 5 extensions. A ver que talHow to Install Mac OS X on a PC (Without Using a Mac)
Is a Hackintosh in your furture? If you're comfortable with building your own PC, installing Mac OS X on it may be much easier than you'd think.
There are many great tutorials on the web for using a Mac to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard on a PC. Unfortunately, you may be unable to follow such tutorials ifLifehacker Pack 2010: Our List of Essential Windows Downloads
We feature hundreds of different downloads every year at Lifehacker. If all you want is the best of the best, look no further than our annual Lifehacker Pack: One download that installs only our favorite, must-have Windows applications in a few clicks.
All in one superior!!Top 25 Open Source Project Management Apps
Top 25 Open Source Project Management Apps
Jemand hatte mich doch letztens danach gefragt: Top 25 Open Source Project Management Apps #project #management #apps – Ramón (websenat)
"If you are a project manager or if you plan to become one — or even if you cannot manage your personal day-to-day tasks — you might require some help from a software system designed to simplify and streamline any project or multiple projects. "
Jemand hatte mich doch letztens danach gefragt: Top 25 Open Source Project Management Apps #project #management #apps100 Incredibly Useful & Free iPhone Apps | iPhone.AppStorm
The best part of the iTunes App Store is that you don't need to spend a single cent to fill your iPhone with amazing applications. There are tons of developersNitro PDF Reader — The PDF Reader, Reimagined
pdf software freeware windows free ;Create PDF files, comment and review, save PDF forms, extract text and images, type text directly onto the page, and more.Start working with PDF files the way you always wanted. - "Windows: Want to create PDF files from plain documents, annotate and fill in existing PDFs, extract images, and leave notes for any PDF reader? Nitro PDF Reader does all that, and it's a free download. Offered by the same team that brought us the very cool, previously featured PDF-to-Word Converter web tool, Nitro PDF Reader does a good job of displaying and paging through PDF documents, even a few very large documents (200+ pages) I tried it out on. The real appeal over standard viewers, though, are the annotation and conversion tools. Nitro's tools handle Word-to-PDF and other document conversions very smoothly, in a way that doesn't leave many noticeable artifacts. Not all the features of the paid Nitro Pro are included, of course, but this release is a nice alternative offering for frequent PDF users looking to try something new. Nitro PDF Reader is a free download for Windows systems only."
Get the only free PDF reader to create, annotate, save forms, and sign PDF files!101 Apps for Your Web App Startup Toolbox | Web.AppStorm
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With the multitude of web applications available today, it can be difficult choosing, let alone finding, an application that fits your needs and wants. There are so many fantastic apps available, many of which are bound to be beneficial for you and/or your business. From mind mapping, design and development to collaboration, project tracking and accounting; this roundup of 101 fantastic web apps for startups and businesses are sure to reduce operating costs and increase both productivity and efficiency.
From mind mapping, design and development to collaboration, project tracking and accounting; this roundup of 101 fantastic web apps for startups and businesses are sure to reduce operating costs and increase both productivity and efficiency.
With the multitude of web applications available today, it can be difficult choosing, let alone finding, an application that fits your needs and wants. ThereFive Best Computer Diagnostic Tools
Computers are easier to use and more dependable with each new generation of hardware and operating system update, but that doesn't mean they're problem-free. Here's a look at the five most popular tools for troubleshooting your computer problems. Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite diagnostic tool. Below, we've rounded up the top five answers, and now we're back to highlight the most popular computer diagnostic tools among Lifehacker readers.
from LifehackerGitbox — Git GUI for Mac OS X
Gitbox is a Mac OS X graphical interface for Git version control system. In a single window you see branches, history and working directory status. Everyday operations are easy: stage and unstage changes with a checkbox. Commit, pull, merge and push with a single click. Double-click a change to show a diff with Offline Maps for iPod Touch and iPhone
OffMaps lets you take your maps offline. It is the ideal companion for any iPhone and iPod Touch user, who wants to access maps when travelling abroad (and avoid data roaming charges) and who wants to have fast access to maps at all times. This app (and the icon) just has to be on the right hand side of Apple's built-in maps app.
OffMaps allows you to take your maps offline and search them on your iPod Touch and iPhone without an active internet connection
This would have been handy when we were traveling Italy last year.60+ Awesome Android Apps
ah yes, for those lucky people with an android phone.. the big list of apps to download..How to Make Gmail Play Nicely With Your Desktop Email Client
Dropbox open source alternative
Open Source Dropbox clone. Allows you to set up your own server. has version control.
Sharing work made easyLessons learned from 13 failed software products « Successful Software
Lessons learned from 13 failed software products
Software entrepreneur culture is full of stories of the products that succeeded. But what about the products that failed? We rarely hear much about them.
Lessons learned from 13 failed software products - (via Instapaper) Incredibly Useful & Free Mac Apps | Mac.AppStorm
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osCommerceからの派生品らしい。ExtJS採用らしいCamera+ ...the ultimate photo app
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Win an amazing $10,000 Canon 5D Mark II camera setup to celebrate the release of Camera+ for iPhone at WWDC
Win the ultimate $10,000 Canon 5D Mk2 camera setup to celebrate the release of Camera+ for iPhone at WWDC
Camera+ ...the ultimate photo app #iPhoneography
Grid, stabilizer, 5× zoom, lightbox, sharing, Fx effects, several scene modes, digital flash, cropping, border designs.
Good lp design
win an amazing $10,000 canon 5d mark ii camera rig to celebrate the launch of camera+ for iphone at wwdc Open Source UML Tools
Nice overview, some candidates missing
オープンソースのUMLツールandroidappsdirectory - Gizmodo
Great Spot for all the Android Apps.
Muy groso RT @ezenastasi: @Grizzluza @damianemanuel1 For you #android users/lovers. The Android App List. (jibapps)
program uninstaller for the Mac
drop an application on TrashMe and it will find related files for you, so as to delete everything.Lifehacker Pack for Mac: Our List of the Best Free Mac Downloads
Soluto Is an Awesome Tool to Speed Up Your System Boot & Fix System Slowdowns
Looks interesting, but comments reveal many problems.
Windows only: Soluto bills itself as an "Anti-Frustration Software", and it's not hard to see why—it tracks all the applications in your system boot process, and tells you exactly which ones are slowing you down.It's OK Not to Write Unit Tests - cashto's blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
a great pragmatic look at the value of unit tests in context of total time allocated to project, risk management, acceptance and functional testing. some common issues with unit testing illuminated. a great read.How to Seamlessly Run That One Windows App You Need on a Mac - WIndows on a Mac - Lifehacker
Grub2. Configuración del gestor de arranque Grub2.10 Best And Free Online Video Editing Software
YouTube Remixer, PhotoBucket, Kaltura, Editor One, MotionBox, JayCut, One True Media, Movie Masher, Stash Space, VideoEgg15 Awesome Dropbox Tips and Tricks with $100 Credit Giveaway | Web.AppStorm
15 Awesome Dropbox Tips and Tricks - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag) Android Apps that I love
Some of the best portable apps for web designers that are a must-have.20 Best Photo Editing Software For Free Download
This blog is about the business aspects of running Bingo Card Creator, a small software company. A brief summary of the last few years is available here. If you like what you see, I encourage you to sign up for the RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Set Up a Foolproof and Fireproof Automatic Backup Plan
from dana huff
Some interesting apps for Mac all with a wide variety of purposes – Skype recording, application slimming, etc.Exploring the software behind Facebook, the world’s largest site | Royal Pingdom
536Share Exploring the software behind Facebook, the world’s largest site Posted in Main on June 18th, 2010 by Pingdom FacebookAt the scale that Facebook operates, a lot of traditional approaches to serving web content break down or simply aren’t practical. The challenge for Facebook’s engineers has been to keep the site up and running smoothly in spite of handling close to half a billion active users. This article takes a look at some of the software and techniques they use to accomplish that.
Software Behind FacebookWhat’s the Difference Between Viruses, Trojans, Worms, and Other Malware?
Kennt ihr den Unterschied zwischen Malware, Viren, Trojanern, Würmer? Die Aufklärung: – Sergej Müller (wpSEO) Trust a Programmer « Digital Interaction
Trust your programmers. They are not only engineers and craftsmen, but businessmen as well. They will know from experience what happens to client relationships when someone makes promises no one can keep.
Programming is a bit of mystery to people. It breeds a lot of distrust in an organization.
Actually the conclusion is 'Trust your programmers' just in case you were wondering
Code is invisible to everyone but the programmer. It’s like the magic that takes place behind the curtain. Any team has to just trust a programmer about what is and what isn’t doable. The best course of action, estimates, and progress updates are all subject to the programmer’s opinion. There’s plenty of Type A personalities that have trouble with this, but it goes deeper.Best Web Design Tools For Creating a Complete Website
Excellent list of web design, web dev and project management toolsDual Monitor Tools - Home page
RT @draenews: Del Dual Monitor Tools - Home page:
Dual Monitor Tools, rather than an application, is more like a package containing four opensource tools to manage the multi-monitor setup. As users having dual-monitor setup are upgrading more to Windows 7, due to the fact that it provide awesome build-in options to sport and manage multiple monitors. Dual Monitor Tools package comes in handy as it complements the build-in features of Windows 7 effectively and uses the resource quite efficiently.
Dual Monitor Tools is a software package for Windows users with dual or multiple monitor setups. All the tools are open source and free, and each tools is independent so you only need to install or run what you want.
Dual Monitor Tools isn't a single application but a suite of individual apps. Load only the ones you need and conserve memory in the process. The suite currently includes four applications Swap Screen, Dual Wallpaper, DisMon, and Dual Swap. Swap Screen enables hotkey management of windows across your multiple monitors like moving, minimizing, and rotating the contents of monitors from one to the other. You can also restrict the mouse movement to a single monitor. Dual Wallpaper is a simple wallpaper manager that offers different wallpaper on each screen or spanning wallpaper. DisMon allows for selective disabling of monitors—handy for gaming and particularly picky applications that don't play nice with multiple monitors. Dual Snap is a screen capture application designed for capturing images from the secondary monitors. As noted above each application stands alone so if you see at tool that interests you, you can pluck it from the suite and use it without the others.Ten recent programming books that will make you a better developer
Interesting book on programming / development.VexFlow TabDiv Demo
Html5 Guitar Tab EditorOpenVBX: the Web-based, Open Source Phone System for Business
OpenVBX allows developers to build voice and SMS applications for business, such as toll free phone numbers, call forwarding, voicemail, visual voicemail, voicemail transcriptions, and auto-attendants. It's like Google Voice, but open source and for business.
: the Web-based, Open Source Phone System for BusinessYour App’s Website Sucks » Matt Legend Gemmell
Tipps für App-Advertising Websites
If you have an app available, you probably have an accompanying website for it. As someone who tries and buys a lot of software, I see many such websites during the average week. Some are great, but most make the same few mistakes again and again. I want to share some tips for making software product websites that don’t turn customers away.10 Free Android Apps to Boost Your Productivity
RT @deliciouspb: 10 Free Android Apps to Boost Your Productivity : Powerful Lightweight Editor for Mac
Fraise : Powerful Lightweight Editor for Mac
Fraise is a free text editor for Mac OS X Leopard 10.6 which is both easy to use and powerful. It is designed to neither confuse newcomers nor disappoint advanced users. It should work perfectly for a whole variety of needs – like web programming, script editing, making a to do list and so on.. Fraise has all open documents in a list with beautiful Quick Look icons to your left just like e.g. iTunes so you can easily switch between many documents – you can also choose to display them as tabs if you prefer it that way.
Smultron's successor
Simple, awesome text editor for mac
smultron textwranglerGranola - Guilt free computing
Download Granola and help save the world. Granola is free software that can reduce the energy consumption of your PC or laptop up to 35%. With one click, make your computer environmentally friendly.
Granola is software that improves the energy efficiency of your PC or laptop.
Awesome power management that makes your computer run more efficient and eco friendlyQué hacer después de instalar Ubuntu 10.04 LTS paso a paso « Slice of Linux
molt interessant per fer realment operatiu Ubuntu
Que Hacer despues de intalar ubuntu 10.04
Artículo instalación Ubuntu 10.4unknowndevices - Project Hosting on Google Code
UnknownDevices is a small utility that was written to provide computer technicians with a simple way to identify those "Unknown Device" devices that show up in Microsoft Windows after a fresh install.
provide computer technicians with a simple way to identify those "Unknown Device" devices that show up in Microsoft Windows after a fresh install. This utility is licensed to the general public under the GNU GPL2 license and is free to use for any purpose so long as the license terms are met. Please report any possible violations of the GPL2 license with regard to this project to the lead developer, NOT the FSF or GNU. NOTE: A custom updater utility is included in the binary release of UnknownDevices but is not considered to be part of the project itself. The source code for the update utility does not fall under the GNU GPL2 license.
Helps identify unknown devices in Microsoft Windows.
"Windows: When Windows' Device Manager just can't seem to give you information about a piece of hardware, free, open-source utility UnknownDevices will point you in the right direction, allowing you to find the necessary drivers to get it up and running."Universal USB Installer – Easy as 1 2 3 | USB Pen Drive Linux
PenDrive11 Top CSS Editors Reviewed | Tools
Design weblog for designers, bloggers and tech users. Covering useful tools, tutorials, tips and inspirational photos.
RT @LaFermeDuWeb: RT @ouark: Le top des éditeurs CSS - find and remove similar, duplicate MP3,WMA,OGG,FLAC,APE,WV files by content or ID3 tags, Organize your music collection
Duplicate Music Files Scanner Similarity If you are like me you probably have a big music collection on your PC. Mine was created by ripping music CDs, recording streaming Internet radio and downloading music from the Internet, all perfectly legal of course. It is likely that duplicate music files exist in large music collections that have been build from different sources. A duplicate file scanner like Similarity can aid in the detection of duplicates to free up disk space and make the music collection more accessible.5 Free and Open-Source Software Alternatives for Small Businesses
What many business owners and managers don't realize is that they can get all the software they need to run a business, 100% free of charge.Home - Pencil Project
a very good diagramming tool inside the browser
Personal Collection
The Pencil Project's unique mission is to build a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use.JavaScript Blacklist
JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from a configurable list of domains. If a common "utility" script used by sites that you visit is annoying you, this will let you opt out quickly and easily. Examples of idiotic stuff you might want to block: - modifies copy-pasted text - green links with double-underlines - link previews
JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from a configurable list of domains. If a common "utility" script used by sites that you visit is annoying you, this will let you opt out quickly and easily.
"JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from a configurable list of domains. If a common "utility" script used by sites that you visit is annoying you, this will let you opt out quickly and easily." Better version of the tynt-blocker extension I linked to before.
JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from a configurable list of domains. If a common "utility" script used by sites that you visit is annoying you, this will let you opt out quickly and easily. Here are some examples of common annoying scripts. JavaScript Blacklist comes pre-configured to block these by default. * - modifies copy-pasted text * - green links with double-underlines * - link previews
Allows you to turn off annoying scripts.
Safari JavaScript Blacklist - JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from ... – Javascript News (del_javascript) Video Editing Software For Professional and Non-Professional Users
handbrake settings for iphone 4 / ipadBackup and Restore to Bare Metal with Easy Open Source GPL Redo Backup Solution
Un BootCD pour faire ses backup. OpenSource !
Free bootable CD with easy menus to backup and restore an entire computer, including all programs, documents and settings. Simple disaster recovery from bare metal with point and click GUI. GPL open source.
GPLv3 license. full system backup/restore. (not storage)What is DVD-Ranger? | DVD Copy software
ISOBuddy is an especially user friendly ISO image file processing tool that converts almost any image file format to ISO. ISOBuddy with its power to convert GI, NRG, CDI, MDF, IMG, B5I, B6I, DMG, PDI, BIN and CCD to ISO image, erase CD/DVD and burn ISO image files to CD/DVD places DVD-Ranger ( on the top of all DVD Copy Software.
ISOBuddy is a very user friendly ISO image file processing tool that can convert almost any image file format to ISO. ISOBuddy with its power to convert GI, NRG, CDI, MDF, IMG, B5I, B6I, DMG, PDI, BIN and CCD to ISO image, erase CD/DVD and burn ISO image files to CD/DVD places DVD-Ranger ( on the top of all DVD Copy Software.
ISOBuddy is there for you. It burns or converts nearly any image file—even the Mac-specific DMG. ISOBuddy is as simple to use as it is wide-ranging in its compatibility. Point it at the file you're sure is a disc, but your system isn't sure how to handle, and tell it where you want the output file to go, or hit Burn to load it onto a disc. It covers all the super-specific formats put out by specialty burning software, and as stated above, can convert and burn Mac DMG files. Once you've got an ISO out of ISOBuddy, you can usually burn it from any burning program you prefer, or use a compress/decompress tool like 7-Zip to view and extract its contents.45+ Adobe AIR Applications for Designers and Developers
Guacamole provides access to your VNC server through a proxy written in Java. The server-side half of Guacamole thus requres a servlet container like Apache Tomcat, while the client-side requires nothing more than a web browser supporting HTML5 and AJAX.
Guacamole is an HTML5 + JavaScript (AJAX) viewer for VNC, which makes use of a server-side proxy written in Java. The current version is almost as responsive as native VNC and should work in any browser supporting the HTML5 canvas tag. Guacamole provides access to your VNC server through a proxy written in Java. The server-side half of Guacamole thus requres a servlet container like Apache Tomcat, while the client-side requires nothing more than a web browser supporting HTML5 and AJAX. The main project page is here: Features * Near-native performance * Pure JavaScript/HTML5 client-side viewer * CopyRect encoding (if supported by VNC server) * Client-side cursor (if supported by VNC server) * Java servlet server-side proxy (requires a servlet container like Apache Tomcat) * Mouse scroll wheel support * Clipboard support * International keyboard support
Um VNC client que usa HTML5 como cliente e Java Web Application (Tomcat, Jetty, etc...) como servidor.
HTML5 vnc viewerOneWay — Contextual FTP, SFTP uploader for Mac OS X
Upload files directly from Finder. Save frequently used locations in your Context Menu for quick access. Simply Select the Files or Folders you want to upload and then ctrl+click to send them anywhere.
Contextual FTP, SFTP uploader for Mac OS X
A contextual FTP, SFTP uploader for Mac OS X. コンテクストメニューからアップロードWhisper Systems
Encrypted VOIP and SMS for Android phones.
crypto apps for the Android phone: voip and secure text
RedPhone provides end-to-end encryption for your calls, securing your conversations so that nobody can listen in. It's easy to use, and functions just like the normal dialer you're accustomed to. RedPhone uses your normal mobile number for addressing, so there's no need to have yet another identifier or account name; if you know someone's mobile number you know how to call them using RedPhone. And when you receive a RedPhone call your phone will ring just like normal, even if it is asleep.xkcd: Infrastructures
amazing xkcd on social media / ownership
Very funny ! RT @jobsworth: Recovering from after effects of pharmacological warfare. Thank God for Randall Munroe... [from]Top 10 Free Microsoft Products Worth Checking Out
Our List of the Best Free Mac Downloads6 Apps for Collecting Digital Inspiration | Design Shack
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RT @MikeGrace: MaximumPC lists Kynetx Sweeter as 1 of 32 incredible bookmarklets Get it: @ #edtechClutterpad :: Manage Your Clutter! Project Management, Collaboration, Todo lists, Calendars and Events, Chat, Messages, Files, Contacts and more
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A project management & collaboration tool that defines productivity. Get organized, work together and enjoy the satisfaction of getting things done. Watch the Videos.12 Best Open-Source Social Networking Software
The TyphoonAE project aims at providing a full-featured and productive serving environment to run Google App Engine (Python) applications. It delivers the parts for building your own scalable App Engine while staying compatible with Google's API.
Howto run GAE without the cloud.How to Downgrade Your iPhone 3G[S] from iOS 4 to iOS 3.1.3
lot of iPhone 3G owners—myself included—have discovered that upgrading to iOS 4 has slowed their devices to a crawl. If you decide the new features and shortcuts just aren't worth the glacial performance, here's how to downgrade your iDevice.freebase-gridworks - Project Hosting on Google Code
"an open data cleansing tool"
Freebase Gridworks is a power tool that allows you to load data, understand it, clean it up, reconcile it internally, augment it with data coming from Freebase, and optionally contribute your data to Freebase for others to use. All in the comfort and privacy of your own computer.Coolest List of Best iPad Apps For Free Download
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The only weapons we have are simplicity and convention. Tattoo that on your forehead in reverse so that you always see it reflected in the screen.
"Cleverness cannot win. The only weapons we have are simplicity and convention" -- Jonathan Edwards – Kent Beck (KentBeck)
"cleverness cannot win": — крайне труднодоносимая до ярких крутых кодеров истина. – Иван Сагалаев (isagalaev) - Mac OS X Web Browser Automation and Webapp Testing Made Simple.
Realizar testes de navegaçãoMonitor: Stay on target | The Economist
Computing: Software that disables bits of your computer to make you more productive sounds daft, but may help keep distractions at bay
Stay on target: Software that disables bits of your computer to make you more productive.
Column - block web access to increase productivity
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Plancake is a smart online task and list manager software.
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WebMatrix: Brandnew free All-In-One Web Development Kit #Microsoft, | Make Life Make Sense
Poyozo is an automatic, personal diary system to help reclaim and consolidate your ever-expanding digital life with simple visualizations that you can use every day.cells. A massively multi-agent Python programming game. « Phonons
Make Life Make Sensecells. A massively multi-agent Python programming game. « Phonons
Make Life Make Sensecells. A massively multi-agent Python programming game. « Phonons
Poyozo é automático, sistema de diário pessoal para ajudar a recuperar e consolidar a sua extensa vida digital com visualizações simples que você pode usar todos os dias.
Extension para llevar control de tu vida social en tu ordenador...
毎日の行動をトラッキングして視覚化出来るFirefoxアドオン。Phone Disk - Mount iPad, iTouch, iPhone to Disk Mode in Finder
Mount an iPad, iTouch or iPhone to USB disk mode on a Mac. Phone Disk is a tiny program which runs in the system tray of your Mac. When it finds an iPod Touch or iPhone it seamlessly mounts it to your file system so you can directly access files on it using Finder or any other program.
把 iPhone、iPad 當成隨身碟般透過 Finder 存取
Download it until it's free - Disk Explorer for iPhone - A massively multi-agent Python programming game. « Phonons
Poyozo is an automatic, personal diary system to help reclaim and consolidate your ever-expanding digital life with simple visualizations that you can use every day
Poyozo é automático, sistema de diário pessoal para ajudar a recuperar e consolidar a sua extensa vida digital com visualizações simples que você pode usar todos os dias.Top 10 MySQL GUI Tools —
RT @TheLiB: “50 Open Source Tools That Replace Popular Education Apps” - – ALA_TechSource (ALA_TechSource)制作に役立つ、何度お勧めしても足りないくらい素敵なツール10選 - かちびと.net
使えるツール10選 Web制作時、個人的にかなり助かっ ているWebアプリやソフトウェアなど をご紹介。何度お勧めしても足りない 位、助けられています。低スキルな 自分にとっては無いと困る。そんな ツールをシェアしたいと思います。50 Open Source Tools That Replace Popular Education Apps —
Googleコマンドラインなるツールが出たようですね。これ、Googleの各種アプリケーションにコマンドラインから直接命令を打てる、という優れものツールです。Web制作に役立つ、何度お勧めしても足りないくらい素敵なツール10選 - かちびと.net
10 maravilhosas ferramentas
使えるツール10選 Web制作時、個人的にかなり助かっ ているWebアプリやソフトウェアなど をご紹介。何度お勧めしても足りない 位、助けられています。低スキルな 自分にとっては無いと困る。そんな ツールをシェアしたいと思います。50 Open Source Tools That Replace Popular Education Apps —
What can you do with a few gigabytes and a USB port? Quite a lot, with the right software. Learn how to encrypt your work, run whole systems, rescue Windows, and customize your thumb drive with these USB-geared tricks.Top 10 USB Thumb Drive Tricks
In simple terms, it's sculpting software. It's free, and it's accessibleSculptris is insanely cool, free 3D modeling software
By default, a line crosses the sphereGodBlock - Protect your children
GodBlock is a web filter that blocks religious content. It is targeted at parents and schools who wish to protect their kids from the often violent, sexual, and psychologically harmful material in many holy texts, and from being indoctrinated into any religion before they are of the age to make such decisions. When installed properly, GodBlock will test each page that your child visits before it is loaded, looking for passages from holy texts, names of religious figures, and other signs of religious propaganda. If none are found, then your child is allowed to browse freely.
Sad that its come to this.Smoking Hot Mac Interface Design: 30 Stunning Apps | Mac.AppStorm
Mac applications are known for their superb design, and in the past few years UI designers have really embraced this trend by creating some really remarkableHow to Test Drive Android on Your PC Without Buying a Phone
Interested in test driving the latest version of Google's Android OS without buying a new mobile device? Here's how to run Android on your PC for free with the Android SDK Emulator.
RT @deliciouspb: How to Test Drive Android on Your PC Without Buying a Phone【永久保存版】 iPadを買ったらまずダウンロードして欲しい特選アプリまとめ 【随時追加!】
RT @draenews: Del Use A Ram Disk To Reduce Writes On Solid State Drives:
para mejorar la cache de la RAM
The write speed of Solid State Drives is usually lower than the read speed. Many write operations on SSDs can slow down the system performance and reduce the longevity of the drive. Specialized programs such as SSD Drive Tweaker or Flash Fire aid the user in optimizing the system for Solid State Drives.Ars reviews iOS 4: what's new, notable, and what needs work
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes) Google Blog: Use Chrome like a pro
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes) Google Blog: Use Chrome like a pro
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes) Open Source Cloud Computing Software
The goal of OpenStack is to allow any organization to create and offer cloud computing capabilities using open source software running on standard hardware. OpenStack Compute is software for automatically creating and managing large groups of virtual private servers. OpenStack Storage is software for creating redundant, scalable object storage using clusters of commodity servers to store terabytes or even petabytes of data.
via: What the software does: The goal of OpenStack is to allow any organization to create and offer cloud computing capabilities using open source software running on standard hardware. OpenStack Compute is software for automatically creating and managing large groups of virtual private servers. OpenStack Storage is software for creating redundant, scalable object storage using clusters of commodity servers to store terabytes or even petabytes of data.
The OpenStack Open Source Cloud Mission: to produce the ubiquitous Open Source Cloud Computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable.14 Light and Easy to Use Open-Source Content Management Systems :Speckyboy Design Magazine
The goal of OpenStack is to allow any organization to create and offer cloud computing capabilities using open source software running on standard hardware. OpenStack Compute is software for automatically creating and managing large groups of virtual private servers. OpenStack Storage is software for creating redundant, scalable object storage using clusters of commodity servers to store terabytes or even petabytes of data.
Open source hosting and storage software. database ?
PortablesTools and Utilities for the .NET Developer
Great tools and utilities more suited to .NET development
List of software and online tools for developers. Not necessarily .NET, but something for any developer.Best Chrome Addons For Power Blogging
Best Chrome AddonsComputer History Museum | MacPaint and QuickDraw source code
“we are pleased, with the permission of Apple Inc., to make available the original program source code of MacPaint and the underlying QuickDraw graphics library.”
How do you measure programmer productivity? When the Lisa team was pushing to finalize their software in 1982, project managers started requiring programmers to submit weekly forms reporting on the number of lines of code they had written. Bill Atkinson thought that was silly. For the week in which he had rewritten QuickDraw’s region calculation routines to be six times faster and 2000 lines shorter, he put "-2000" on the form. After a few more weeks the managers stopped asking him to fill out the form, and he gladly complied.
Mac Paint Source Code FYI. My favorite all time program! Wz making Mac Paint gradients bfr my current Photoshop Gradients
For those who want to see how it worked "under the hood", we are pleased, with the permission of Apple Inc., to make available the original program source code of MacPaint and the underlying QuickDraw graphics library.
"For those who want to see how it worked "under the hood", we are pleased, with the permission of Apple Inc., to make available the original program source code of MacPaint and the underlying QuickDraw graphics library."Computer History Museum | MacPaint and QuickDraw source code
Computer History Museum receives MacPaint source code. Great, clean Pascal code. – Alexander O'Neill (alxp)
MacPaint のソースコードがコンピュータ歴史博物館に寄贈されて、非商用目的ならば閲覧できるようになりました。MacPaint については Knuth が過去に書かれた最高のプログラムと評したそうです。身近で興味のある人はいたら輪読もいいかも。
Bill Atkinson's MacPaint and QuickDraw source code, in Pascal and assembler.
at the Computer History MuseumTop 10 Photo Editing Software For Free Download
Best photo editing software which will help you to reveal the true and full beauty of your simple photograph.
Photographs are memories that are always kept forever to cherish our favorite vacation or the best time which we spent with our families or friends. Many of us believe in enhancing our digital pictures and edit them to make them more beautiful or to add some effects. There are number of software available freely on the Internet to download and you can edit, re-size, adjust the color brightness, adding special effects by using this software.
Photographs are memories that are always kept forever to cherish our favorite vacation or the best time which we spent with our families or friends. Many of us believe in enhancing our digital pictures and edit them to make them more beautiful or to add some effects. There are number of software available freely on the Internet to download and you can edit, re-size, adjust the color brightness, adding special effects by using thissoftware. In this article, I am gathering best photo editing software which will help you to reveal the true and full beauty of your simple photograph. Pick the best software for your need and you don’t ever need to spend a penny for buying photo editing software.
RT @iliketocollect Top 10 Photo Editing Software For Free Download – Jaspal Singh (iliketocollect) History Museum | MacPaint and QuickDraw source code
Wow - MacPaint was < 80k of code.
For those who want to see how it worked "under the hood", we are pleased, with the permission of Apple Inc., to make available the original program source code of MacPaint and the underlying QuickDraw graphics library.
Computer History Museum receives MacPaint source code. Great, clean Pascal code. – Alexander O'Neill (alxp)
MacPaint のソースコードがコンピュータ歴史博物館に寄贈されて、非商用目的ならば閲覧できるようになりました。MacPaint については Knuth が過去に書かれた最高のプログラムと評したそうです。身近で興味のある人はいたら輪読もいいかも。Send To Dropbox - Email files to your Dropbox!
send to dropbox is making the already-extremely useful tool so much more versatile
Mail files to dropbox.
Ever wish you could email files to your Dropbox? Yeah, me too. So I wrote an application to do just that! It's free, fast, secure and super simple too. All you have to do is connect with Dropbox, get your unique email address, and start sending files! After a few minutes they will automatically appear in your "Attachments" folder. We have some great features too, like automatic archive unzipping, folder organization, and plain text and html message copying, with more on the way! So what are you waiting for?TeamLab – Create Your Enterprise Portal in the Cloud for Free
Send To Dropbox - Email files to your Dropbox
Email files to your Dropbox!
Ever wish you could email files to your Dropbox? Yeah, me too. So I wrote an application to do just that! It's free, fast, secure and super simple too. All you have to do is connect with Dropbox, get your unique email address, and start sending files! After a few minutes they will automatically appear in your "Attachments" folder. We have some great features too, like automatic archive unzipping, folder organization, and plain text and html message copying, with more on the way! So what are you waiting for?
Email dropboxphpvirtualbox - Project Hosting on Google Code
web-interface für virtualbox
A virtualbox web admin interface written in PHP
An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP.
An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP. As a modern web interface, it allows you to access and control remote VirtualBox instances. Much of its verbage and some of its code is based on the (inactive) vboxweb project. phpVirtualBox was created for people (like me) who prefer not to have to log in to their headless VirtualBox host to administer their virtual machines.WatchOCR
. Based on Knoppix, WatchOCR uses
WatchOCR is an open source OCR server that creates searchable pdfs from images in a watched folder.
Free OCR server for PDFsphpvirtualbox - Project Hosting on Google Code
virtualbox berbasis php
web-interface für virtualbox
A virtualbox web admin interface written in PHPHow-to: Install Flash on your jailbroken iPad (for real) -- Engadget
We just saw Flash 10.1 ported to the iPad demonstrated in video form by Comex, and now you can get in on the action too, as long as your iPad is jailbroken. It's called Frash, and while the plugin is still pretty early and doesn't do video playback yet, you can definitely play games and other animations right now, and we're told video support is forthcoming.30 Useful iPad Apps for Business & Presentation
ipad suggestions. Look good for presentation, visuals and meetings
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30 Useful iPad Apps for Business & Presentation Read more: 30 Useful iPad Apps for Business & Presentation30 Useful iPad Apps for Business & Presentation
Hab zwar kein iPad, aber 30 Useful iPad Apps for Business & Presentation sehen gut aus #app #ipad
ipad suggestions. Look good for presentation, visuals and meetingsQuick & Easy PC Setup for Windows XP - Allmyapps
Pagina para instalar programas
Our Quick & Easy PC Setup service allows you to setup your brand new Windows 7 PC or system effortlessly. We preselected for you the 100 most popular applications, you only have to choose the applications you want to install, click install and that's it: you're done!100 best ever free PC system tools | News | TechRadar UK
A real web design application:
A Real Web Design Application
The web and its related disciplines have grown organically. I think it’s safe to say the web is not the domain of just the geeks anymore—we all live here. And those of us who work here should have sophisticated, native tools to do our jobs.
I'm no pro. The most ambitious design I did was @clusterflock, using firebug and hand coding, but this feels right:
A different way of working.ToneCheck: Don't send the wrong message.
Windows: Having a full Linux operating system on a USB thumb drive is pretty neat. Having that OS customized, with your own favorite apps and all your settings intact, is far more helpful. This Windows tool makes that possible. Universal USB Installer is a stand-alone application that automates the process of downloading, formatting, and installing a Linux OS to a USB drive, as well as implementing a variable amount of "persistence." "Persistence" means that when you swap out Firefox for Chrome, change keyboard shortcuts, store files in your home directory, or make other changes to your portable Linux, they stick from boot-up to boot-up—which isn't the case with most portable Linux distributions. If you've already downloaded a Linux installation ISO and run Universal USB Installer from the same directory the ISO is in, the app will find it and use it for the installation, rather than download another copy. Most useful of all, your USB drive can still be read by Windows when you're do100 best ever free PC system tools | News | TechRadar UK
There's a tool for just about anything you can think of in Windows. And if you look hard enough, you'll find a freebie is more than capable of doing the job you want – in some cases, free tools outclass their shareware or commercial rivals. The trick is knowing what's out there and where to find it, which is where we come in. We've done the hard work for you, trawling the web for hundreds of free Windows tools and selecting the finest 100 to include in this feature. Read more: Jobs, all fields of Engineering
NovaBench got their nod: – The First & Fastest Font Editor for iPad
Create your own handwriting font in 5 minutes on the iPad with iFontMaker: – Jason Fried (jasonfried)
RT @milrayas: Gran descubrimiento del día!! iFontMaker para iPad. Crea tus propias tipografias de forma sencilla. #milrayas
Looks awesome. I've always wanted my own font -- looks like now I actually can have it!
iFontMaker™ is the first font editor exclusive for iPad™. With iPad touch interface, your 100% original hand typeface can be done in 5 minutes¹.
Create your handwriting font in 5 min with iPad50+ Useful Google Chrome Extensions