Pages tagged softwareengineering:

Dr. Dobb's | Software Engineering ≠ Computer Science | June 4, 2009
Google I/O - The Myth of the Genius Programmer
Coding Horror: Software Engineering: Dead?

Very Interesting
Software Engineering: Dead?
Tom DeMarco, one of my heroes, is brave, and has adapted his earlier ideas
"I’m gradually coming to the conclusion that software engineering is an idea whose time has come and gone. I still believe it makes excellent sense to engineer software. But that isn’t exactly what software engineering has come to mean. "
Software Engineering...
DeMarco Reflects on 40 Years of Software Engineering Evolution
The Duct Tape Programmer - Joel on Software
Shipping is a feature. A really important feature. Your product must have it.
Jamie Zawinski is what I would call a duct-tape programmer. And I say that with a great deal of respect. He is the kind of programmer who is hard at work building the future, and making useful things so that people can do stuff. He is the guy you want on your team building go-carts, because he has two favorite tools: duct tape and WD-40. And he will wield them elegantly even as your go-cart is careening down the hill at a mile a minute.
Frequently Forgotten Fundamental Facts about Software Engineering
"We know these things to be true"... about software engineering
grumpy old men ...
Everyone involved in the production, design and specification of software should be required to read and understand every item on this list.