Pages tagged sony:

Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Fucking Work | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Our Tech Trends reporter looks at the new gizmo Sony promises will revolutionize the way consumers become infuriated by goddamn blinking TV box things.
This is brilliant. I feel this way about the NAS I bought a while back. It works how you want, but only if you have a fucking PHD in small network attached devices.
This satirical video/bookmark that I came across on Delicious is absolutely hilarious and is an incredibly ingenius paradoy regarding these new gadgets that are released by these large corporations of high tech stuff just to make a buck!
So funny.
The Making Of: PlayStation | Edge Online
Cam with me(カム ウィズ ミー)|デジタルビデオカメラ Handycam “ハンディカム” | ソニー
“ハンディカム” | ソニー
Sony Pictures Imageworks - Open Source
PlayStation.Blog.Europe : Your daily fix of PlayStation news from across the SCEE region
This is the Offical Playstation Blog For Europe Inc UK
Terminator Salvation Poster
bonne idée de "poster enrichi"
só pra lembrar como é bacana esse "living poster"
Not sure how the movie will be, but this poster is awesome.